Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, October 24, 1857, Image 2

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    foreign Ifetos
Russia Man nf. War Sank, Fourteen Hun
dred Lives Lost Resignation nf the S on.
ih Ministry Large Speculutiu Inquiry in
Cotton, and advance in Prices Breaditxtff
Declined Monty Market More S ringent.
Rivta to IOt p, Oct. 19.
The North Atlimlio Steam Navigation
Company'! Steamer North America, front
Liverpool for Quebec, bat passed thil poiut.
Iter advicel are to the ?lh inat., fenr days
later than thote furuisbed by the Vauderbilt
at New York.
The Royal Mail Steamship Baltic arrived
on the 6tb inst.
The paperi received by the North Ameri
ca, announce that the Parliament
will not be assembled before the umal tiini.
Tbe Bank of Etiglatid has louned to the
East Indie Company, Jtl.000,000
India bonds being given aa security.
Tbe U. S. frigate Plymouth left Southamp
too on tbe 6th iost.
Tbe U. S. (team frigate Sotquehanna bad
left fur Spezzia.
Tbe diicharging of tbe Atlantic cable from
tbe steam frigato Niugara was expected to
occupy about six week.
The Earl of Fitzwilliara was dead.
Tbe Seleet Committee of the House of
Commons are reported to be in favor or ced
ing a portion uf tbe lludsou Bay Territory to
More troops are heU in readiness for India
and 10,600 additional militia have been embo
died. A Russian man of war had been sunk in
tbe Culf of Finland, and fourteen hundred
livrs were lost.
Tbe Spanish Ministry had resigned. .
The Indian advices received at Paris are
more gloomy than the English letters. They
assm that the rebels ore under European
generalsuip; that operations nave been com
menced t preveut tue union ol too ormsn
forees ; that five years hard tighliug iu India
mar be anticipated, and tbat the Indian na
tive troops are not trustworthy aoy where, and
Stiould nut be depended open.
The French Government are adopting mea"
ores to promote tbe production of cotton in
their West Indian possessions.
The Corps Legislatif will tooa be conven
The difficulty between France and Denmark
in relation to to toe bound uuci Dai oven
amicably arranged.
Nothing authentic has transpired concern
ing the interviews of the Emperors at Stut-
gardt and Weimar. The latter meeting is
aid to have been very friendly.
Tbe Russian eighty-four gun ship Laporte
bad capsized between Revel and Cronstadt,
wben fourteen hundred person were lost, in
eluding three Admiruls and tbe wives and
children of the crew. Uf the camber on
board only sis escaped.
Oon. Narvaez bad left Cadiz for Paris.
Lessande kas been appointed President of
tbe Council in the new Provisional Cabinet
Prince Marillo had quilted Paris for Ma
The Prince Reyal of Sweden has been pro
Claimed Uegeot during tue King Illness.
Tbe Congress for tbe definite organization
of tbe Principalities, is to meet at Paris in
Breadstuffs bad a declining tendency, all
qualities being sligully anected.
Tbe Provisiuu market was dull.
Liverpool, Oct. 6. JJreadstufle Flotir it
dull, and all qualities have slightly declined
Wheat is dull at a decline uf Id a 2d. Corn
also exhibits . declining tendency; white
corn is Is lower.
A school teacher who has been engaged a
lone time in bis profession, and witnessed the
influence of a newspaper upon the minds of
a family of children, writes to the editor of
tbe Ogdeusborg Sentinel us follows:
"1 have found it to be a universal fuct with
out exception, that those tcholurs of bolb
sexes and oi u II uges, who have bad access to
newspapers at borne, when compared with
those who have not, are
1. Better reuders, excelling in pronuncia
tion and emphasis, and consequently read
mora understanding.
2. Tbey are butter spellers and defius
word with greater ease and accuracy.
3. They obtain a practical knowledge of
geography, in almost naif tbe time it requires
Others, as the newspaper has made them fu
milliar with the location of the important
places, nations, their Governments and do
ings on the globe.
4. They are belter grammarinns, for having
become so familiar with every style, in tbe
newspaper, from the comon place advert ise
tneut to tlio finished aud classic oration of the
statesmau, they more readily comprehend tbe
meauing of tbe text, and consequently aual
jze its construction with accuracy.
5. They wtite better compositions, using
better language, containing more thoughts,
ore clearly and connectedly expressed.
6. Those young men who have for years
been readers of tbe newspapers, are ulways
taking the lead in tbe debuting society, exhi
biting a more extensive knowledge upon a
greater variety of subjects, and expressing
their views with greater fluency clearness aud
correctness in their use of language.
Everybody will remember the "money pan
c" tbey bad at San Francisco some years
since and the stcry "John Pbccnix" used to
leu oi its etlects individually illustrated.
Before the fright, a frugal old Dutchmau, by
dint of bard labor, bad accumulated soma
$500, which he cautiously deposited iu one of
iu. uauaiug uouses lor sale keeping. Uuuior
oon came to bis ears that they were not
eery sale some said that ibey had ' broke."
Next moruiug, be tremblingly drew his bal
auce aud put tbe shining gold iu bis pocket.
He breathed decidedly freer, but here was a
dilemma. What should be do with it? lie
did not dare to keep it in bis shauty aud as
for carrying it about him, 'twas too precious
heavy. So, after a sleepless night or two
in constant apprehuusion of burglars be de
posited it in another "banking otlice." Ano
ther day tbe panic increased there wus a
run ou bis bank he pushed iu drew bis
gold aud felt easier once more. Another
anxious duy aud night for his "uionish," and
gain it wus deposited in a safe bauk. Tbis
time be frll safer than ever before, and went
quietly to bis work. But tbe panic reached
that bank, and anxious depositors besieged
tbe door Myuheer beard the news, and
put post-haste, book in hand, for the scene of
action jammed in wilh the crowd drew his
gold, new aud bright put it safe in his cor
duroys aud was happy once more but here
was tbe dilemma agaiu where to put it. He
Lad goue pretty much the rouuds or the
banks, and having had such narrow escapes,
couldu't trust them any more. He sat down
on a curb-stone, and soliloquized thus : "1
put mine rueuisU iu von bauk. van ha nreak :
1 put ban in d oder bank, ven be preak too;
I draw him out; 1 can no keep him to bone;
I put Dim iuto dis bauk, now dis on preak ;
vat ie my vii snail i uor 1 tax bim borne
and tow biui up in my frow's petticoat, and if
she praties I pukes her head '."
n. B. MASSER, Editor and Proprietor,
To ADnr-r-,m . -The circulation of Ih Sanburj
American among the different town An th Suiqnehaana
nt exceed' if (qui! ky any paper pibliaked ia Ninth
ern Peiinavlrania.
HT Lout. A lady's breast pin of large
size and filigree work, wilh design oT fruit
wag lost in this pluce, on Thursday evening.
Tl.e finder will be rewarded by leaving it at
tbis office.
5" Yhakksoivino Dt. Governor Pol.
lock recommends tbe 26th day of November
next to be observed as a day of thanksgiving'
and praise In this State.
C-T Ciianok op Timr. The afternoon train
on tbe bnnbury &. Kne road now leaves
Williamsport at 3 P M., and arrives here at
P. M., and remaias here until about 7
P. M., or until the arr.val of the cars from
Ml. uarniel and sbamokin, so es to make a
connection. 1 be tram arrives ut Noitbutn
berland shortly after the arrival of the packet
and reaches Willismsport about 9 o'clock,
P. M.
We are pleased to record the fact that the
work on the aufini&bed portion of this road,
between this place and Trevorton bridge, it
progressing at rapidly as ever, notwithstand
ing the financial troubles which bavestop cd
almost every other improvement of the kind.
The whole line, excepting one light lection
it in tbe bands of responsible cotitractors, who
will push forward the grading of the road
much of which it heavy work, as fast as the
nature of the work will permit. It it the
inteution of tbe Company to complete the
road if possible by the first of July next.
CjTThb New Governor. The majority
for Gen. Packer, the Governor elect, in tbis
county, is 1847 over Wilinot, and 1464 ovt""
both his competitors. This it the largest
majority ever polled for Governor in this
county. The majority for President Buchan
an lust year was, overall, 1156 viz: For
Buchanan, 3,059 ; Fillmore, union, 1,096;
Fremont, onion, 563 ; Fillmore, straight out,
244. Gen. Packer's majority in the State is
about 40,000.
sjy The new Sheriff, Mr. James Vandyke,
entered into bonds on Wednesday last, and
will take possession of bis office on Wednes
day next. His security is ample, and it
composed of the following individuals :
Joseph Wallis, Esq., Joseph Vankirk, Peter
Hanselmun, and J. Vandyke, of Northumber
land ; Henry S. Ncaefaud Philip Dry mire of
In regard to Sheriff Weise, who retires
from office, it is but just to say that he has
been a popular officer, at least with tbe
people, and if any fault he bad, it was leaning
too strongly in favor of the unfortunate.
Daniel Beckley, Esq., the new Prothono
tary, assumes tbe dutiet of his office on the
1st of December, tbe day fixed by law.
Samuel Ent, the new commissioner, can
assume tbe duties of his office at any time.
63" Close James Vandyke, the
independent candidate for Sheriff iu this
county, was elected by a majority of thirty
votes over II. J. Reader, the regularly nomi
oated Democratic caudidule. Mr. Jltim, the
volunteer candidate for Treasurer, also made
a bold push, and cume within 170 of his
election quite a creditable effort in a count v
that gave an average Democratic majority of
1,400. In the Senatorial district of Dauphin
and Lebanon Dr. Rutherford, the Republican
candidate, was elected over Mr. llaldeuiun
by a majority of only 12 votes. In Lancaster
county Mr. Carpeuter, the Democratic caudi
date for Prothonotary, was elected by i
majority of 10 votes.
The editor of the Philadelphia North Am.
rican, ander the above title, writet it follows
on the better time coming. A crash or
crisis of tome kind was leng tiuce expected.
.Nothing; else would bring people to tbelr
tenses. Speculation and extravagance bad
run riot. After a general clearing up things
will move on mora orderly iv
Any man who has just views of financial
affaire, and who will calmly consider the
ventt of tbe present crisis the condition of
the banks, or tbe people and or the country
at large with respect to what all these were
in 1837, can bardly fail to see that gloomy
views of the future are not justified by any
tacit oi wuicn we nave a knowledge. All
thit hat before end repeatedly been nrged,
whilst the public mind wus agitated by the
threatened suspension of . specie payments ;
and perhaps now, that the worst ia known, It
may be pressed with grtater effect. ire
more than ever confident that circumstances
have not justified tbe wild panic that has pre
vailed and bat sent ordinarily reasonable men
on a stampede, like a picket of freightened
norset let loose, or liko tue headlong tramp
of a herd of hunted buffaloes. And we are
equally confident that any une who will im
purtially review the occurrences of the last
two mouths will be ol the same opinion. It
is generally conceded that it wot nothing but
tbe removal of the conbdence tbat bad uitn
erto propped np the extensive transactions
of the Country that precipitated the crash at
tbe precise time when it took place. Every
one taw that reverses of tome kind roust
come, and come suddenly, aud be severe, un
less greut judgment nnd caution were used in
the curtailment of business, and of enterprises
too extensive in character for our means.
And it was also foreseen that, let inch cur
tailment be at judiciout as it might, still there
was many a bubble that from its very nature
mutt explode, bringing disaster to tome.
But no one could by any possibility have fore
known that the pressure would be to sudden
and to heavy as to bring rum, and especlall
to bring it iu tbe fuce of the beat crops th
country has ever produced, and in pretence of
mo weuiio mat exists aniongBl us. in truth
pauic did it all punic which could not have
beeu foreseen or foretold, because it has no
reasonable or logical ground of existence, but
it me mere creature of impulse.
lial ronli: it bo but panic and a enure
lest alarm, that have rendered wholly una
vailabie the most valuable and undoubted
assets, compelling houses with abundant
means to suspend payment in order to realize
ou tbeir property? There was no drain ol
specie abroad to alarm people, and set them
10 runuing ou the banks ; there wus nothing
to call for a contraction of loans in three
weeks that required three or six months to
oe euected without distress to borrowers
yet the alarm came; the run on the banks
came ; the contraction came ; and at a matter
of course the distress followed. Bat we be.
lieve that with the suspension of the bauks
lue worst is over. Already so great a eon
traction of business has taken place that it
cannot remain in its low stale, even during
the present winter. An evidence of the
great fulling off in business is evinced by the
small transactions at the New Yoik clearing
bouse. But it does not seem probable that
this can exist much longer. So soon as tbe
crops begin to move there must be more
activity in trade. The arrival of a little gold
from England, it is tot unlikely would be the
signal, and give tue impetus to a renewed
business. Old scores would, to a considerable
extent, be wiped out, and buyers agaiu be
lounu lor ury pood?, groceries, and ull the
necessaries of lire. It is only doubtful enter
piises. or enterprises of great magnitude,
railroad construction and so on, that are
likely to remain suspended for some time to
come. In view of the wealth existing in tbe
country, and of the bunyanry and spirit of
our people, who are not discouraged by mis
fortunes and reverses, we feel sure that ordi
nary bnsiness transactions will be resumed
shortly. Those who know themselves solvent
had better make arrangements fur this, and
keep themselves prepared for it. In such
times as we have fulleu on, if money is easily
lost it is also easily earned, aud is the prize
of the sound judgment and the strong nerve.
The suspended banks will, doubtless, now
extend to their customers that assistance
which it was impossible for them to grant
whilst a steady drain was being made on
their vaults ; and the market cannot fail to
be relieved by tbe withdrawal from it and
suspension of many lnrge concerns, who were
constant borrowers, abstracting from the
regular trades. Of course, wo must yet look
lor some failures ol importance. We cannot
expect, either, to get over the crisis without
some of those exposures of fraud or misman
agement which always follow monetary revul
sions. But there is every iudication that the
worst is over, and the storm has spent its
greatest violence.
iStlTtl"oVVHSVEVrilT t WBr -
IttT O .Ull.HO- IU Ml'H
A few data sinre we stated that two natives
of Western Pennsylvania the Rev. Albert
Johnson and wife had lalien oeiorn ma
lavage and - remorseless follower of isena'
nahib. Since then we have been piacea id
possession of some facts In relation 10 the ua
fortunate Uissiooariet, which, fof the Informa
tion or enr readert, we publish to lot eoiuuiut
of the Chronicle. ' . .
The Rev. O. Johnson, was a native oi
Washington fount v. Pennsylvania. In 185'J
ha graduated at Jefferson College with the
highest honom, and in the fall of the same
year entered the Theological Seminary of tho
Presbytetian Church, in Allegheny cuy. in
May, 18S5 he entered tipon the dutiet of the
ministry and at an able earnest devoted cler
gyman, soon obtained a high position among
his nrnfeMionol brethern.
Sonn after being licensed to rironch he wai
married to Miss Amanda J. Gill, daughter of
the late Re. Jonathan Gill a distinguished
ministea of tbe Convennter Church and one
of the Professors at the old Western Univer
sity, at toe time Dr. 11 nice bad chnrce or that
institution. About the brginuing ol the year
eighteen hundred and fiTty-tis. Mr. nnd Mrs.
Johnson bcleiving that duty called them to
labor in a foreign land, sailed for Jaunt and
on their arrival immediately commenced the
work of humanity and love. Highly educated
youthful, etrnest, nnd ardent their efforts
promised gratifying success, when alas ; the
insurrection oecnrred, and the meek and
humble missionaries fell beneath the bandt of
At the time of Lis death Mr. Johnson was
in his 23d year. He was highly talented,
profoundly versed in theology and entirely,
devoted to the great ennxe he had espoused.
Hud he been spared his life would have been
one of usefulness and honor and he won!. I
have pone down to posterity side by aide with ;
the illustrious men who have borne the cross
and preached the go? pel beneath the scotch
ing sun of India. v ,
They were stationed at Futlngherat which
placo they resided when the mutiny ocenrrvd
on the 24th of Juno. They weie furnished
with boats by the natives of that pluce and
ordered to leave, which they did hut before
they reached their destination B'uitnor. near
C.iwnpoor were fired npon by order of Nona
Sahip. The discharge of arms was most de
structive ; many in the vessel were instantly
killed, nnd among the rett the subjects of
this notice.
M rs Johnson was born in Allegheny county.
Under the instructions of her learned and ex
cellent father she acquired n finished educa
tion and early in life displayed those admira
ble characteristics which mnrkrd btr whole
career. When quite youni; she visited Europe
where she spent two years and teturned with
a mind richly stored with the fruit of travel
and observation. Mrs. Johnson wai an in
defatigable student, an accomplished Lilly aud
a Christian in the true svne of the word.
Pittsburgh Chronisle.
"' Scii'titDBD RAtijiOAP. Whbio th last
thirty days, the following railroad companies
asw redorted to having either gone 10 prrnesi
oa their floating debt, suspended, or made aa
assignment of their proper J I f.
N asset. , v. Total Liabilities.
New Yorli an! Erie, ; ',
jmnoii ueotral, : :
Philadelphia and Reading,
Michigan Central, , .
Michigan Southern,
Cleveland and Toledo,
Milwaukie and Mississippi,
La Cross and Milwaukiu,
Cleveland and Pittsburg.
Uelaware, Lackawanna A: Western, 10, OUU.UUU
Chicago, St. Paul & Fond du Lag 6,000.000
North Pennsylvania, . . 6,000,000
Cumberland Coal Company, 6.000,000
Huntingdon tod Broad Top, 1.200,000
Steubeuvillt and Iadiana, 5,000.0u0
I 20.00,900
. 7,500,000
Total, $181,700,000
I'bohabi.r Scspinsiok or mr. Bakk or
Knoi.and. Every one is looking with anxiety
for the echo from England ef the newt of the
American money panic. So intimate are the
relations of the two conntriet that England
Cannot Tail to be very seriously affected by
the disasters in America. It will be about
three week before we can hear how the
newt of the New York bank suspension is
received by the English ; but we have every
reason to believe that it will be followed by
the suspension of the Bank of England, which
will naturally be succeeded by the suspension
of the Bank of France and all the continental
banks. Philadelphia Evening Bulletin.
PnorosKD Amkkdmpnt. It is proposed in
Illinois to amend the law of marriage, so us
to rebnire that tbe prospective husband and
wife, on any given day, enter in the office of
any officer legally empowered to do such du
ty, a written declaration of intention to be
co mo man and wife. Prom that day, for one
year let them associate as lovers, or breakthe
engagement if they choose ; then, nt the end
of tli year, if they express their deterniitu
tion to become husband and wife, let the con
tiait be r-eah-d. -
Tuk Rahtiiqi-akk. The earlhqtnke shock
recently felt at St. Louis seems to h.ive ex
tended over most of Illinois, Indiana and
Missouri. The local paper of several towns
chronicle it. At Belleville it sheuk down an
old chimney and Tattled the plastering from
lue ceiling. At springueld it sliooK tu
windows and people thought burglers were
breaking In. -. At II illsboro', it rocked the
beds like cradles. At new Albany, it set
houses vibrating from North to South. At
Greenville, it shook some folks out (if bed.
At Hannibal, it rumbled like distant thunder
in a cavern. The earthquake did not visit
the district of New Madrid.
sBT Military. The Woodward Guards, of
illiumsport, and Montour Ritles, of Dun
ville, accompanied by the Williauisport Band,
who had been attending tbe Military Eu
cumpniuiit at Sulinsgrove, visited this pluce
ou Thursday ufleruuon. They were escorted
iuto town by Gen. Clement and Chief Bur.
gess Samuel J. Young, having Judge Wood,
ward, of Williutntport, In their tentre.
While here they were tbe guetts of Geo,
Clemeut, who entertained them with a colla
tion at bis residence. After a brief addres
by the General, and a short response by the
Cuptain, Ibey took the cars iu the 7 o'clock
train lor Williamsport.
. sHTGodev'b Last's Book. Godej Is un.
tiring in his exertions to give variety, inter
est and value to bis Book. The November
uuaiber ha for its principal illustration, a
charming thing, eutitled, 'The Governess
while the fashion and pattern plates are as
usual numerous and useful. Every depart
ment of the Lady't Book is complete, aud the
talent and cure bestowed upon it, renders it
very justly, one of the most popular publica
tions in tue country.
nr Bakx or Suamoxin. Kennedy's Pitts
burg Bauk Note Reporter, locates the Bank
of bhamokiu, at Sbamokin Hum, and quotes
tbe notes at par. The Bank at Sbaiuokiu
hat not yet been organized. The only Bank
we know of at Sbamokin Dam, it the river
bank. It is a bauk of deposite for the traly
tribe, and the currency of talmon, perch, cat.
fish aud eels are always at par.
The Amendment! to the Constitution
have been carried by a large majority This
result will quiet many schemes for tew coun
ties, end divisions of old ones.
t$" Iilegrapii Orrira. The Telegraph
office bat been removed from the store of Ira
T. Clement, to the Drug ttere of Mr. Albert
W . Fisber. Tbt office) it central and conve
nient, and will be well attended by Mr, Fitber
A Fallen Gesils. The Nashville Whig
alluding to the laet that the Hon. W. T,
Haskell wus recently taken to a Lunatic Asy.
lum at Lexington says :
1 he career of this gifted but unfortunate
son of geniui is a peculiar one and should be
universally known for the iu.pressive lessons
which it teaches. From his earliest boyhood
he hat shown himself possessed ol tbe highest
order of talents. While at College in thit
city he distinguished himself us a poet and
orator. His graduating speech is spoken of
to this day by llii .t who heard it as worthy
of the imm..rlal Prentiss in his palmiest days
and probably not snrpussd by any subsequent
effort of Ins own. He has served his country
on the battletitld and in the halls of Congress.
It was bis rnsidence at Washington that con
firmed npon him those unfortunate habits
from which have finally blasted, his exulted
intellect. True be at oue time broke the fiery
serpent from bis hands and dashed it the
earth. To make his own reformation com
plete and aid in lifting np others who bud
fallen like hiinvelf he went through the State
lecturing on intemperance The tour was
emineiit y successful and brilliant one hit
lecture! being fully equal to those of Gough,
whose unearthly eloquence lias electrified
thousands in this country ami in England.
But bis old habits gained the mastery of bim
again, and hi subsequent life has been but a
struggle between his appetites and bis ambi
tion a struggle in which it must be corifrs.
sed, his appetites have generally triumphed.
So great, indeed was his craving for artificial
stimulants, that even while delivering his
temperance lecture be madw use of drues.
sufficient in quantity and potency to burn out
iue vnaia oi an ordinary man.
A New Barometer has been contrived by
Mr. V. T. Dillon, of Galveston, 1 lie active
power is an ordinary violin string, oue end of
which is attached to the roof inside of a small
toy bouse, easily made of cigar boxes; the
other end being fixed iu the centre of a bit
of board, npon either end of which is a toy
tigure, to the Uncy or the maker. The house
has two doors, ao cut that each of the figures
will stand before a door. Thus prepared,
one of the figures will move outside its door
whn the damp atmorphore relaxes the
tiring, and rice versa when dry weather
causes tbe string to twist tightly. Thos, one
fjguie outside tbe door indicates rain, tbe
other uo rain, aud most accurately to.
f Mr. 1. O. Reinhart bat become the
purcbater of the Tamaqua Gazette.
ST Last week a man named Flyoo wat
robbed of a mm of money oa the Centre turn
pike between Ashland aad Pottsvilla.
A reward of three hundred dollar it offer
ed by. Rogers, Siunicksoa Co.. for the ar
rtst of tbe iuceudiarv that he will ba ferrate..!
I out aid punished. Mineri' Journal.
(Correspna.lrace of the Cincinnati Times.) -
Caibo, Illinois, Oct. 8. Mr. I.jsle I.od-
wick, of the firm of Lodwick & Allen, import
ers of pnper-banginps, arrived bete this eve
ning Irom 1 uuucuu, kv, where his presence
created qnite a popular comiiibtinb.
Mr. Lodwick visited t'uilucah lor the pur
pose of drawing out of thn Commercial Bank
nf Kentucky, there located, ?12,000iu golJ,
in exchange tor bills ol that oank. lie is no
broker, and his object was mertly to save
himself from loss, through the high rates of
exchnnge. He was obliged to have conside
rable ol that, and by drawing tue specie, with
the notes in his possession, would save hi in a
loss of seme $4110 an object worth contend
ing for uow-a days, most ussuredly.
On arriving at Paducuh, he left his pack
age of notes at the Bank, iuti iulitig to call
again for his gold. .Going to his hotel, ho
was approached by some citizens, who in
quired the object of his visit to Paducuh. He
frankly told them. I hey told him lu would
not be allowed to take one cent of specie out
of the Bunk, and that he had better leave
town on the first boat. Mr. L. c.x postulated
wilh them for' half an hour, but nil to un pur
pose. He then returned to thu Hank, follow
ed by a crowd, which accumulated at every
step, and which became very clamorous.
Arriving ut the Bank, thu Cashier informed
Mr. Lodwick that liis specie was ready, aud
that the Bank was happy to accommodate
him. The crowd, however, told him he
should not touch a farthing of it. He was
entirely surrounded l.y a cljmorous crowd,
evidently disposed to commit personal vio
lence, though the merchant is a .nan filly fie
years of uge. and infirm at that. Indeed he
would have been struck down by a cane, but
for the prompt interference of Mr. Bowman,
one of the editor of that city. M r. Lodwick
endeavored to reason with the crowd; told
tbem he was no broker, that his business was
perfectly legitimate, Ac, but it was of no
use. He then made his way to the house of
Watts, Given & Co., and held a private in
terview wilh one of the firm. He asked hi
advice, and received in reply, "Take the first
boat if you want to escape a ducking."
Mr. Lodwick asked if the respectable peo
ple of Puducah upheld the movement, and
was told that they did. He inquired for city
officers, with whom he miiil.t consult, but
could tlml none. The crowd finally took pos
session of him, conducted him buck to the
Commercial Bank, and niadu him withdraw
the paper money ho hud deposited. The
Cashier of the Bank was present and rebuked
tbe crowd. He told them the Bank was well
prepared to meet every demned, and did not
want uny interference with it business. He
offered Mr. Lodwick the specie, and entreat
ed him to take it. but he dare not do it, so
bold weie the threats of those present. He
then offered to take a draft ou Cincinnati,
but the mob for such it was refused to al
low even tbut. They kept strict guard over
him until he withdrew thu money he had de
posited, aud theu ordered bim to leave on the
hist bout, lie did so glud to leave the
place with whole bones. Before be left the
Bunk, however, the Cashier told him to go to
Louisville, aud arraiigemeuts would be uiude
tor the redemption of the notes in bis pes
session As 1 before remarked, he arrived
here this evening, hiuhly incetistd at the
treatment be received.
Later. Since the above was written other
persons have arrived from Paducah. They
state tliat a reaction hnt taken place, aud
mat t no ireaimeul or L.odwicK is now con-
demned, and he will be invited to return and
transact bis busiaess without hindrance. 11 j
has lakeu his departure, however, for Louis,
The Berks County Murder.
Up to this hour no clae bis been obtained
of tbe murderer or murderer of Mis Adalu.e
Kavnr, whose body was fouod under the Irish
Creek Railroad Bridge, near Muhrsville,
wilh ber throat cut and otherwise mutilated
lu this cnnneciiou we may add that on
Sunday last tbe body of the murdered girl wt
taken up for a secoud post mortem examine
tiou. It wa ascertained that she was not
enciente, ami tbe motive far tbe crime is still
as great a mystery as tbe murder itself. A
vast crowd bad collected to witness the dis
iutermeot, iu the Churcb-yard. aud tbe ex
animation wis committed into tbe baud of
Dr. Lutber, of Reading, and Dr. Spatz, of
l.eespori. Jitatiing t re, uci.
The. California Wages Bead.
Washington, Oct. 2 Letters from Call
foruia induce the belief tbat the Pacifio
Section of tbe Wagon Road i, by thit time,
completed. Tbe country between Honey
Lake aud Hoinbold River it not to favorable
aa waa anticipated, it beiBg poorly supplied
wo grass ami water.
Pktpkr. Pepper is an almost universal
oonditneiit Ulack pepper irritates an in
flames the coatings of the stemnch ; red pep
per does not irritate; consequently it should
lie used instead of black pepper. It was
known to thu Romans, and has been in use
iu the Laft Indies from time immemorial, as
it corrects the flatulence which attends the
flatulence which attends the large use uf ve
getable food. Persons in health do not need
any pepper in their food. But to those of
weuk and languid stomachs, it is manifold
more healthful to use Cayenne pepper at
meuls than nny form of wine, brandy or beer,
that can lie named, because it stimulates
w ithout thn reaction of sleepiness or debility.
Hall's Juui nal of Ifetilih.
These remarks are applicable to gennino
Cayenne, and not to u mixture of Mahogany
shavings and red lead, unusually sold as Cuy
eunu pepper.
Sai.r ok Factory SnirK. The :r"2 shares
of Stock in Lancaster Cotluu Mill, No. 2,
owned by David Lnnuenecker, were Sold by
Sheriff Martin on Monday last ul one cent
per share the par value being 50. They
were purchased by iuruutii A: Co., of Phila
delphia, heavy judgment creditors of Lou e-
necuer. I here, is a mortgage loan of SUM),
DUO ou the mill, so that Longf tieckcrs riukt,
title and iuterest brought only uti,72.
I u Lancaster luaintKer. in noticing tins
sale, remurks "that but a fuw mouths since,
it is su:d, Lungeiu cker boasted that he owned
one of the handsomest country seats in Penn
sylvania and the finest uoltoti mill iu the
Lmon, now the ono has passed into the
haads of an hum st "butcher" of our city, and
the other into the possession of a party who
lose heuvilv by the failure of the great finan
cier of the deluuct Lancaster Bank.
Mo.vTofR Iron Works. During the past
week the company have paid off the workmen
in Tull and advised them to seek employment
wherever they chose ; us there is no probab:!
ity of starling tl.e works in the present stale
of inonetaty ati'air?. Under tl.e circu instances
now existing, the woiks must lie idlej ut
least until next spring and perhaps longer;
but they will start at uny time, that a favor
able change enable them to do ao. The
Compauy have made a persevering and
earnest effort to realize the means, but the
continued failure and suspensions in every
direction huve thus far disappointed their
hopes. Montour American.
Thk Cask of M aih.i.k.isk Smith. Startling
Disclosure. The public may be prepared to
hear an astounding disclosure iu a few days,
in connection with the case of Miss .Made
leine Smith. We have beeu informed, by a
most reliable authority, that one of the ser
vants in the bouse at Blythwood Sqtire. iu
March last, has just died, rather suddenly,
and that, ou her death bed, seized with re
morse, bbo made a confession of thn impor
tant fuel that arsenic was mixed with the cof
fee given to I'Anpelier on the night of bis
last visit to Miss Smith. On the trial it fail
ed to be proved that I'Augelier was at the
house of his betrothed on the night in ques
tion ut all, ul though the servant who has now
made this disclosure was examined for the
prosecution at the trial. litlj'mt Mercuey.
A Fast Yocko Mam. One day there came
to Spurr's stable a yuang man to get a horse
and carriage to attend a funeral. 'Certain
ly," tuid Spurr, ''but,' he added, forgetting
the tolemu purpose for wbicb tbe youug muu
wanted the horse, 'don't drive fast I" "Why
just look here old fellow," exclaimed the
somewhat excited young man, "1 want you to
understand that 1 shall keep up wilb the pro
cessiou, if it kills the borse 1"
Good Advice tor thk Timh. Pay your
debts, to the very utmost of your ability.
Do not make the general collapso an excuse
for neediest unfaithfulness to your creditors,
tinea that it to protract the agony and
increase ita desolation. If every one who
owct a debt which he cuu pay, where to pay
it at once, a general feeluir of relief would
instantly diffuse itsblf, which might inaugu
rate the desired actiou. Thn general pressure
is but an aggregation of individual selveociei.
If the iutertor would only psy half iti debt
to the teaboard within a mootb, the black
cloud which envelopes us would disappear.
A Tiirivino City Tbe population of
Milwaukee. Wisconsin, according to a census
just completed, number 44.542. In 1850
sho bad ouly 20,061 inhabitants, aud the
present census exhibits aa increase iu 7 yean
of 24,481.
-Wariiixgton. October 20. The New Or
leaut Picayune correspondent tiyt that forty
passengers, who left Aspinwall by tbe steam
er Ceutral America were oow residing in Cuba
being prevented from leaving by that steamer
io consequence of tbe rigid quarautiuie
Retprriro. Tbe Bangor (Me.) Whig says
that 17 persons who emigrated from Newport
ia tbat Slate to locate in Virginia are about
to retura to Miitt for a life tittlement.
Amrrtoa Board ot Mission!. The total
receipt! of tbe A merican Board at U iltioDt,
for the year ending Jaly lilt, 1857, were
$417,458. Of thit turn, E3G.190 were contri
beted by iadividoala who were privately toll
cited, and who added thit mm to tbeir regn
lar anneal donations, in order te cancel the
debt incurred in previews years, and $28,575
were given to build a vessel. ' v
No ORR"St.ow CoAcrtus." The Mayor of
Mew York has served notices to the proprio
tors of tbt omnibut lines of that city, renuir
ing all "omnibnsset to be driven at a speed
not leu tbao lis inilei an hour." Few of the
oairdboi line la Philadelphia will avenge
nan man speed.
Hops. It it said that Lop are to plenty
in Oneida and Madiion coantiet N. Y.) that
in some case growers are unable to harvest
their entire cropt.
Thr Rot. i.ixo Mtt.t.ot Palo Alto. Schuylkill
county, was stopped on Monday last, and all
the hands discharged. 1 he proprietors hive
contract! for work to a large emoant yet
unfinished, but the paper due npon them was
left go to protest.
Railroad Damaoki. The widow of Mr.
Secnrd, who win one of thn killed at the
terrible railroad accident at the Desjardines
Bridge, Canada West, last Spring, has recov
ered damages to the amount of $12 000,
against the Great Western Railroad Compa
ny $2400 to tbe widow, and $3200 each, to
three children.
At a concert lately given it a fashionable
watering place tbeie was nreseut 140 ladies.
the nnited circumference Of whose dresse
amounted to 17C0 yards.
A courtly or gro recently tent a reply to a
invitation, in which he regretted "that cir.
enmstanrea repugnant to the acquiesce would
prevent bis acceptance to the invite.
Lieutenant M. F. Manry announces from
the National Observatory, Washington, Oc
tober 5th, that a new Asteroid was discovered
on the evening of the 4th, by Mr. Ferguson.
Tim London Economist thinks that tbe ex
ports from Grent Britain in 1857. will exceed
gnno.flOO.OOO. The amount in 1856 was $573,
130,000, agaiust $473,440,000 in 1855.
Several or the manufacturing establish
ments in Newark and vicinity design recom
mencing operations next week, and will em
ploy a large portion of their old bands. This
is I'uconrogmg.
Frank Fleck, one of the night watchmen
of Toledo, drank forty-three glasses of lager
beer iu Grtecn miuutes, last Sunday, on a
wager of six dollars that ho could drink
thirty nine glasses iu one hour.
It is stated that the owner of thr- celebra
ted racing stallion "Ethan Allen'' refused
f '.'5.000 for him al the great horse fair al
Kliuira, New York. The borse hits uelted
the ow ner over 510.000 the present year, and
has niudu bis mile In 2 minutes, 21 seconds.
The population of California is estimated
to be 400.000, or whom 100.000 nre Chiuese,
and 190.000 native Califori.ians nt:d Europeau
immigrants, leaving 20,000 Americans.
Thtiru are 200 Protestant clersymi n of ull
denominations, or one minister to every 1000
of the American population.
A practised aparian recommends that bees
should be covered np in the winter, giving a
small vent for the uir. They live on one-third
less food by so doing.
la Upper Angnsta township, on Tiesdny,
the 20th inst.. Mrs. HANNAH JONES,
wife of Davit Jonet, aged about 55 years
tiZS, 00 th" Ulh '""t MARGA
RET BOYER, daughter of J oho and Juliiu
Boyer, aged 18 yeaas.
Philadelphia Market.
Oct. 21,1857.
Grain. The recelpti of Wheat ceiitinn
qnite large, though thn market is inactive
Good red it held at $1 20 a $1 23, and $1 30
a $1 33 for grod white. Sale or choice
Keutncky at $1 50. end very superior Roan
oke at $2 25. Rye steady at 75 rents.
Corn is dull, and light sales are niakirir at
76 a 78c. Out are in demand at from 32 a
33 ceuts per bushel
Cloversecd bulet or prime at 15
C4lbs. '
Whiskey Sules at lllc bh'e
in hbds., it 21 cents.
stjKbtjry peice cuhhent.
Wheat, $ fiOal
Oats, -
Potatoes, .
SO Mutter, $ to
75 Eggs, . 12
SO Tullow, . . i
40 Lard, . . 15
62 Pork, . . . H
60 Dccsna., 2.'
Sft Biied Apple. i 2.1
1-- .1 ' 1
New Advertisements.
Dissolution of Partnership.
J8 lirrehT given that lh parlneieliip heretofore
exiling, between the umleiaignrJ, 111 the
Kloui and r'eed Uu-iueea, in the tuwn cf Tie
vuiton, has 1'teu dissolved.
JOHN SECill.r.K.
Trevorton, Oct. 17, 1857. oct 24 lit
In the bommon Picas of j;oi: tLum
berland County.
Jcieph Kreslcr.
. V'.. fSubpa-na in Therce.
Elizabeth Keller. J
fpHE undersigned oppciuted by then.i,! C nut
Conimia.inner to lake, deposition jr, ,
al.oe ca-e, will utterd lor the pu-pi t i i-.
ulnce m Sunbury, on Saturday the 3Ut of Oct...
ber, inst., between the hour ol 10 o'clock M.
and 4 o'clock 1. M.
fciuilury, Oct. 24, IS.-. 7.
"Times are improving and men are gettieg
on their leg Agaiu," said a gentleman to his
friend. "How sot" "Why those who used
to ride iu thuir carriage uow nu'W. '
lh,llnu:ay's Pills. Itepretsiod of spirits and
a disposition to look on the gloomiest side of
every subject are menial affections Worn of
bodily ailments. The condition of the stom
ach has in'irh to do with the action of tbe
brnin, and hence dyspepsia not uiifreq'tenlly
'.. ads to cotiP.rmed melancholy madness ami
(sonitimeK) suicide. If II. lioway' Pills were
universally administered for d.seases or the
digestive organs, these sad consequences
would never ensue. Thul they ure prevented
in thousands of instances by thn use of that
incomparable restorative is beyond all ques
tion und it is strange thai wilh this fuct be
fore the world, and supported as it is by Vol
umes of testimony and dyspeptic who can
read should risk a danger so easily obviated.
A Sure Cure J'tr a Cough Wistar's Bal
sam or Vild CJieiry is pleasant to the taste,
atid seldolil Tails to effect a speedy cure of
every species of throat and Lung diseases.
It is a scientific preparation skillfully com
pounded. IIWUEVtllll Ml Trill.
A sure cure lor DYSPEPSIA.
The history or this remarkable medicine,
and its astonishing success in obstinate cases
places it among the tnort wonderful discover
eries in medical science and has given it a
reputation far beyond any remedy known for
iliese coinpluiiitl, ill an itieir vauous
The Oxygenated Kilter contain nothing
which can intoxicate ; and the medicine has
no similarly whatever to the various alcuholic
mixtures d'isguised a "Bitters." being purely
a medical compound iu which are combined
Ihu most valuable reinediul agents, and n pe.
culiar oxygenated property hitherto unknown
but highly eftieatioiis in all complaint urising
from weakness and derangement or prostra
tion nfibe stomach and system generally. It
is a mild and agreaUe tonic, removing all di
vraealila sviontoms. nnd a-sist ing nature in
her effort to restore the inipairded powers of
the system.
Knn W. Foyvi.k & Co.. 133 Washington
Street. Boston. Pronretors. Sold by tbeir
agents every where.
SvccKsonii th
J o. tMrB.i, & co, nn 1. r. u i .,
(Foimeily No. I5.'rtli Wh-jrv,-.)
DR. - LRU IN I'liOlirci:. KKUr AM) vi:.
Uli'l AIll.KS. No. 4 Nortli V. ha.i. Cih door
Market ktreet, l'biladelpliia.
Or.insee, Apples, Dried Fruit Boll, r,
I.rm-uis, Onions, Mercer l.tat. (-., ( Ii.-.-.,.
Itai.-ini, .ei, Kweet Potatoes, Uemix,
Pea NuIh. Teai lies, Cranheriiee En-f-, A e.
(liberator thinning tiutun with cave ili-
I patch.
Oi)DS sold en commiM,ion for Tanners"
and Dealers.
Ocluoer 24. 1S57.
j Xcw IMiHadelplila Iry SjUucN!
tTK ToH'ilhF.NU SilmrLt A
AVE removed in iheir new store,;,"
cornir ol t llcMiut aud Ktli M.,,.j
have npenrd their ummI full assortment of
1 11--.... ,... ........ . . . .
,.iiii u,iu 1 uner in, 1 liwuuiv v , . . ii
oiler al very low nricc. Their nt.n l; ii.. li..l.
Shawl. ,'lBck and Fancy .Sill.s, .Merino' a:,. I
olbrr Dress timid, Mei.'n hoJ
ear, Ulankroi, Housekeeping
UooiIm, and (loai! f t
"Friends V tr."
Oct. 21, IK57 Gur.c
1 iiu 11111:1:1:0 iiiMttr,
Mil! isa large I Jiii.i. volume. Price it Oil.
With a line mezzotint euuravma. uud i .11, ,1
ol the inot thrilling laie enr wiiiti i, u in
aullwr. It allow how u nun may n,ciii lii ll.u
world all ibal i ij.iod and noble, and el l eu iv
lanl in liU lamily. und fiuully send his w.le to a
We publish all Mr. Arthur's new books, ols.i
wotkol'lliiory, Jimgraphy, A c.lor which wa
want Agent in ail part ol llie I'mied Male l i
wli.un the largri.1 cunilli.-i.n will b. iuiJ, uIbl-.
auextia in the wav ol Kills.
J. V. lilt DI.KY.
48 North Fourth St., Philadelphia, I'.
N B. Specimen copic sent y n,m, ice U
receipt of the firice of hook.
O'Jol'er V-i. ;i7. Ill c
We are not in the habil of pulling Tatent
Medicine but when uch an article as DU
V ALL'S O A LV A N I C O I L. which sustains
fully what it claims is presented to the public
we feel no hesitancy io speaking the truth
free of charge. The above mentioned medi
cine has obtained for itselfa worldwide name
never to go down with the common articles
of the day. It i one or Ihe very best reme
die, Tor all lciod of pain, that can bo prodii
ced. It of give relier in 6 uiinutei. Troy
As-Ti o De Vn.'e GftLVAgie Oa Frilinf A,
branl.A. W. Kieher, W. Welmcr, C. W auk, it P.
Msise, Ueruetrreeer Hall.
rrt)l,OOOHKVAKI will l.niil for any Meil.cme
thai will iirI I'llA I I A':- MAI.IC nil,
for the f.'IS.wiiie diactiwe: -lOu-uiimtirii,, earulgia,
fVitud Affection, C.aitiueled Ji.lnla, C'ji. -lie Paina, Tioue
in Ihe Bute 01 liuck. Heedabue, T.tollidche, ripiame, sni
Tliruui, Can, tiiuir s, Hume, and ull dnwaare . I tl.e akin
llaaelea and llie UUiutla. Nuiie at-iiuine without tlie aia
lialure of fa.TI A Hi icnaa atlaehed tu rueli ljlwl
Hrineiuul I'lfuo, taje Wualnngt.ui alreet, llrooklrn. New
Vurk. (...l b
Aleert W. r'uhei, Diaeinl, Market street, Sualxiry,
This is to certify, that I have made
but one application of the Magic Oil on ni"
fingers, which have been drawn from contrac
tion of the cord, brought ou by rheumatism.
It was or seventeen uiontha standing, and I
now entirely cured. I cheerfully recoiuoiead
it to all afUicted likewise.
Harrisburg, 11 Locust ktreet.
July J5, 1857. ly.
Al t Cur Dank Notk Takcn at Pai.
All City Bank Note taken at Par.
All City Bank Notes taken at Par.
All City Bank Notes lakeu at Par.
All City Bank Note- taken at Par.
All City Bauk Notes lakeu at Par.
For Clothing at the Brown rStone Clothing
Halt of Kockbill t Wilson No. 003 and 605
Chcinot street., abut truth Philadelphia.
'1'HE STtiCKHOLDEKS are berhy noiiiie.l
10 meet at the Uanki.i house on ', (
the 5lh iv el Noveml er next, at one o'. ljck,
P. M., lor th purpose ol ileildu.g on i!, ,
diency of irteptiiiu; or rejecting the lair leiii
iimj sjspeiision of pci- payment. pKaud ihe
Ul.i d iy el October, Itj- 7.
U orJcr of the Hoard of Director.
J. II. PKIEsTLY.fu-hier,
ffortliuml erland, Oct. 24th, 1&S7.
No. 459 Cheanut fclrcet, PhilauY-Ipl ia.
rTMIl. following u.efal and Ui-auiiUl Uuok
-- aro lor aale al thia Ureal L' atilisliment.
Watson' Camp Fire of ihe American f.'i vo
lution, with Fifty tJiiginal Illustration by
Crooc. etvo. Fn., Jji'j 00.
Proctor' Illustrated History of the t'rua.le,
containing uvor 150 lllustialious. 1 ui. 8vu.
Price ft U0.
Stork' illustrated Life of Mailiu Lulbrr, Ig 1.
lustration, ltoyul Kth. Price, !.
Mia May "a American Female Porta wilii Ui.i
graphical and Crilical noiicea and eruclioo
fioiu their wilting. Octavo ediii..n, nine atecl
plate. Price. -! 00.
Dr. Bethune' liritiah Female Port with llii.
graphual and critical notice and stlrction
Irom iheir writing, octavo edition, im.e atetl
Plate. Pi ice, 2 00.
Walaou'a New Dictionary of Poetical Quota
ti in, consisting ol rlegjnt extracts, on every
uhject. compiled Irom vaii .ua author, a. d
arraiiged under appropriate heads. Ocl.rar
edition. Nine 81. el Plate. Price. J 00.
Weld' faired Poetical Quotation, or Ncri( lure
Theme and Xhoughu pura, based l u,0
Poet. Nine a. eel pialea
Price, $4 U0.
Tbe VV uineii ol the Scriptures, eight illi-atrati.m
011 aleel. otlsv.'. full cloth, gilt hack. J'.ue
$1 60.
The Christian's Daily Delight, wilh eight iihis-
trations on atcel, octavo, cloth gilt hacke.
Price'. SO.
Sceneain th Live of th Apostles, with eight
illuairationa ou ateel. Octavo. Cluih, gilt jj, :.
Price 1 90.
Scene ia the Live of the Patriarch and Pro-
pbel. Illustrated by right lcl ploe. lcl..
o, Cloth, gilt back. Price, ft 00.
The oiMt liberal iuduceroeut are
Any permn, by forwarding an order fir Book
(to ba mm by i rt , with ihe Money enclosed
will receive an Extra Dollar'. wotit, u, jloiklt
and one of ibe Uift. with every 'IVn Dollm'
worth oi Book ordered and am t. ..... .
Duecl EVAN & CD'S tint Book Klore
f9 Cheanut Street.,.
otleied Ij