HARVEST HYMN TOR 1857. bi martin r. TtrrR. m O, Father, merciful und good, O Giver ever kind, Who foedest u with daily food For Bodr, Soul and Mind 1 IV e worship Thee, ro bless Thee, We praise Thee cvprmore ; And heartily confess Tbeo The Uud whom we adore 1 How thick with corn between the hill, The laughing valleys stand ! How plenteonsly thy Morcy fills The garners of the land I And therefore will we raise Thee Our humble anthem thus. And, sinful children, praise Thee For all thy love for us 1 A year by year in ceaseless love Thy bounty never fails, but ft ill the blessing from abo-ve O'et flows our hills and dules j So truly we adore Thee, Thon giver of all good, And offer now before Thee Thy people's gratitude 1 if. ini. it' ! lnmfmrnf. From the Germanluwn Telegraph The Grape Culture. Mr. Editor. : A paragraph in your paper tntM that, anions other matters, the "State f Ohio was the first to introduce, or rather rrente. the culture of erones in Americo." This is a eliglit mtstuKe. ji opritig ami, ui ten mitts from your dotnicil, there was ptevi ous to the yeiir 1800, an extensive gr.ipery and nome pood wine was made. Ohio wns then 8 wilderness. M.tjor John Adlum had n considerable vine, yard, and mode some, very fine wine at the tieights of Georgetown, a early as 1810. Some of his wine was of so superior a grade, that bottle Tor bottle of the best wine in our city was offered for it. This was made from the Souppernonir grape, then extensively cul tivuted in North Carolina. Major Adlnm petitioned Congress to grunt him a lease for 2.) years, porhnps. of a few acres of ground, lying between the President's honso and the l'otomuc, for tho purpose of raising grape vines, and from tint point members of Con press could have sent them all over the Union. JIj offered to leave tho ground a complete vinevard. Tltt grant was refused. . ' .... ... . r. ,1:11 . In 1814 I drank very good wine at Harmo nic, in Hutler county, Pu., niado Borne years previously. Grnpes were quite extensively cultivated there. About this time ut Vevay, Indiana, grapes were cultivated ond wiue made. Messrs. Loneworth and Buchanan and a few more enterprising citizens of Cincinnati, deserve much credit for their persevering and already successful efforts in the manntuclure of wines of various kinds, and do doubt they will be encouraced. The time will cotne when owners of large farms will make their own wine, as was once done in regard lo cider ; instend of drinking whiskey, or so-culled rreneb bramty. it Cleansing Graneries Defence against Weevils. Before storing away your wheat, yon should cleanse your grunaries, for the mode we re fer to our reinurks last month. Hut as we consider tba rleunsing of granaries worthy of attention, we will premise that however etlec. tive the mode of destroying the weevil recoin. mended by M. Caillat, we thiuk that previous to relying upon it the graucry should be tho roughly cleansed. In the lirst place, the floors, walU and ceilings should be carefully went, the dirt, cobwebs and insects gathered end burnt not swept out of (loots. Then the entire interior of the granary should be scoured with hot loy, made strong, and when dry the whole room, from lluor to ceiling should be white-washed. Such a cleansing would probably destroy the weevil that proves so destructive to stored gruin. We have sceu it stated that by spriukling lime through tbe gruin, it would preserve it from the ravages ol the weevil. The following plan is the one pursued by the late lion. m. Luriiiiubael, a lormer re sident of Queen Ann's county, Maryland. AVe published it in 1848, and since ; but as it is one of those things that will bear repeat ing, we republish it for the benefit of our rea ders, and especially of our new subscribers ; and we do so with the Biore pleasure, as it proceeded from a gentleman of great agricul tural experience, close observation, a lover of truth and hence to be implicitly relied upou In his letter to us, he guys : "I list suminur saw some publications in Jour puper in relation to the weevil lly aud lack Weevil. The weevil-fly deposits its egg in the grain iu its green and tender state. If the wheat is threshed soon after harvest, and thrown into bulk, it undergoes a beat which destroys the egg, and it sustains no injury; the weevil hutches and mukes its way out of tho grain to its great injury, both in weight and ipiulity. Ouu degree to the North of us, this pernicious insect is but lit tle known. Mure 1 have sometimes marked its absence for several years ; but, after a mild winter, tbey generally appeur. Ia the more southern States 1 believe they are nev er absent." "The black weevil haunts our 'granaries, where they are generated. Some years ego 1 suffered much injury from them, but have Dow an ellocluul uelence. N hen my grana ries are clear of trrnio, I place powdered brimstone in an earthen pan, which for safety I put on tho floor in a bud of sand, closing doors and windows, and fire it, the smoke either destroys or drives them off.' The Nkw Kochki.i.e Hi-ackukkkv is getting to ue preny extensively cultivated all over the country. The Ohio Furmer tells ub of one man, iu the vicinity of Cleveland, having a field of live acres, and that he obtuiued 2.i cents per quart in the market fur them. We have hud, ourself. but indifferent Kiicress in cultivating this fruit j but thus fur the fault 'is our own; the ground in which they are planted, is by no means as suitable as it should be. Our friend John S. Haines, of oermantown, nus ueen very successful in obtaining mi obundunce of lino large berries The flavor, however, from the protracted cool wet summer, was not as tine us iu other sea sens. Oermautown telegraph. Curb; fob Cnot.ic in ITorsks. A gentle nan in Baltimore publishes the following re enpi ior me cnouc in norfes, which, in hi own case, ellected a speedy euro : 3 ounces spirits of turpentine i 1 ounce tincture of onium. He adds, "Jf relief IS not obtained -In etna hour, repeat the dose with one ounce of best owuereit aloes well dissolved togrtlher." Of course these ingredient must be admin isiereu properly diluted. KrttriNo Dkikd Apim.ks I will tell e,.n plan 1 adopted some years ago, to keep dried applet two years. Ai sooo as may be aHer tbey are dried, I put theai iu flour bunvlu half a bushel at a time, snriiiklinir each lavur with whiskey at tbe rate of a piut and a half to a barrel, ana beau them up tight, they come out the second year es bright and as nice as the day they were put in. withnut anv smell or taste of "hell troth" about ttcai. . to Ohio Cultivator. ED. ST. BRIGHT &. SON, HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE SUPPLY OF Dry Good. Ready itinde Clothing;. Hoots and Shoes, Hard wnrr, Wroceriesii lass lueciisware( Vo. Among our present Stock may he found French Lawns, Poplins, Fancy Silks, riaid Docal, Tissues, Bercges, Debegea, Chilli, Black Silks, Atpacca, Ginghams, Swiss Mull, Tsrlton, Csmbiia. Nain sook, Brilliants, Dimity, Rook Muslin, Bckinett Collars,' Swiss Flouncing, Inserting, Laces, Hib bona, Hosiery, and a general assortment of FANCY GOODS. t SHAVLG.-SHAV,La,-5HAWLS,- Embracing the most beautiful stjles, all qualities and prices. Domestic Goods, Windsor Shades, Oil Cloths and Carpets. Rummer Goods fur gents wear of exert variety. Hardware embracing all kinds of building material, Carpenters Tools of lion, fe'ullory, Shoe I Imlinga, Lasts, sc. Former cllorts atirpnssod In Quantity and quality. lo addition to our former Store Room, we have fitted up the second stury of our establishment which you will find well stocked with Heady Made Clothing, Uaots and Shoes combining beauty durability and cheapness. We shall continue to assortment at all tunes complete, another Inducement to all who wish to purchase. NKWUOODS AT LOW PIUUES We return our thanks to the public fur their liberal patronage, and respectfully invite aa inspec tion of our Goods, aa ws deem it a pleasure to wait on all who may favor us with a cell. COUNTRY PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. ' q q q q q q-" q Bar Iron, Steel. Nails, Picks, Grub Roes, Mason Hammers, Mill Saws, Window Sash Grindstones, Glass, Faints, Oils, Fish, Salt, Cheese, Meat, &o always on hand. 8uubury, May 3", 1857. tf E. Y. BRIGHT & 80X. New Goods for the People ! 15KN.T A 31 1 N 1IKFFN Kll RESPECTFULLY iuforme the puMicin gen eral that he hn just received md opened i splendid stork of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS at his New Store, in Lower Augusta township. II is stock consists in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO: Calicoes, fiitiKlianiN, l.avu, niotiNsellne lie lvalues and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. Groceries, Also an assortment of Hardware, IrOM and Steel, Nails, &e. Also an excellent assortment of QTJEEIMSWAHE, of various styles and patterns. Also an assortment of HOOTS & SHOES. HATS & CATS, a good selection. Salt, Fish, c. And a (treat variety of other article such as are suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. lir" Country produce taken In exchange a the highest prices. Lower Augusta, June 6, 1857. Wall Paper & Window Bhudci. A. ISAACS, No. 1G3 North Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. TFAVIN'O completed their large assortment of the above Goods for Spring and Summer Trade; would respectfully invite the attention of Purchasers to the same. Their stock for beauty, cheapness and variety cannot be surpas sed. Thev have constantly on hand every descrip tion of Gold and Painted Shades, Buff Hollands, and Shade Fixtures. Wall Papers, Cuttains, Fire Board Prints, Borders. ic , all of which they oiler at lower rates than can be hal at any other establishment. Call and examine. A. ISAACS. lf.3 North Second Street. March 7, 1857 Cm w lOOO lbs of Carpet Hag: WANTED at the store of K. Y. Bright & Son, who are constantly receiving a fresh supply of Goods, thus offering to the publia the largest aud most desirable assortment. July II. 1357. ISAAC M. WILKKItSON, 3!-IjfVN"DF-A.OXXTIlE OP FURNITURE AND CHA1H& Of the most Fashionable Style. Snf'aH, IlvaiM and l,omiM Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, liUKAK FAST AM) DIM.G TABLES and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal lo Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price CUPBOAliDS, WOKK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILKT TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article iu this line of his business. rPHE subscriber respectfully calls the attention of the public to his large and sploudid as sortment of every quality and price of t:itii:T-vsci: which cannot 1. '.to rei.onimcnd itself toevcrj enr who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best tock to be bad in the city. No elfort is pared in the manufacture of bis waro, and the subscriber is determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being marie. Ue alsa manufacture all kinds and qualities I CIIATIJS. ncluding varieties never before ta be had h Suubury, such as Mauooani, Black Walnut ami CuiiLtu Maple Cnu;u as : and Wisnsm CHAIKS, and rAMCT Pi A io Stools, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manutactured in the Cities or elsewhere, 1 he subscriber is determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can be entertained bout the quality and hiiisu of his ware and Chairs. Thrso articles will be disposed of on as goad terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Cun try rroduce taken in payment lor work. I If LNDKKTAKING Having provided a handsome Utilise, he is now prepared for Lyiidvrtaking, and attending funerals, in this vi ciuity, or at any convenient distance from thii place. V tT I he Ware Room is in Fawn Street, be ew V eater s Hotel. I.-MAC M. WILKERSON. Sunbury. April 18, 1867 tf. BROADWAY FAMILY GROCERY ! Flour, Feod and Provision toro Prtadicai ietow lilncklerry Street. LEVI SEASHOLTZ, nF.SPECTFUU.Y inform the citizens of B-'aV HuilborV anil vieinilu Itiul hu hnj rA.,-,...,..l to the store lately oc cupied by C. Uehringer in Broadway near the Rail Rjad, uud is receiving a choice supply of FA1.CILT GPkOdS?wIES, consisting in part of Hams, Shouljers, Mackerel, Horring, White Fish, Cod Fish, Salt Preseived Fruit, Pickles, Crackers, Cheese, Molasses, Rice, Sugar, Collee, (green, roasted end ground,; Im perial, loung Jiyson, uunpowJer and Bluck iras, ucuar-ware, Htoue-ware, Soaps, hrusliea plow and wash lines, boota ana shoes, tobacco. aegara, ic, together with every article usually found in a first case Grocery Store, all of which will be sold at the.lowest prices, either for cash or country produce. He hue also prepured to aup. r; 1 niacin wiiu iresn bread, twist, rolls, time, pretzels and cakes of every kind. N. B. The highest cash prices will be paid for butter and eggs, corn, oats, rye and wheat. Kuubury, April 11, 1857 IJORTand MADEIilA WINES, Schiedam Schnappa, Wild Cherry brandy, Blackberry and Lavender brandies for medicinal purposes at March U, 'iT. A. V. KISHKK. lishing Tackle. Red Cork, Grass, Cot- ton and l.iuen Liees, Out Lines, Sea Grass by the yard, Snoods, Flies, Kirby, Limerick aud Cerhsle Hooka. Rods, 4.C., for sale by Marc ri 1 1 , "5 7. A. W, FIS'HER. the bast manufacture, Filts of every descnp receive Goods Semi-Monthly, thus rendering our q q SALAMANDER FIRE THIEF-PROOF SAFES. The largest assortment in the United States. Warranted to be equal to any now made, and w ill be sold on as Good Terms, aaran be obtain ed from any other house in the Country, at EVANS tc WATSON'S 16 South 4th Street, Philadelphia. Truth i3 Mighty, and Must Prevail, lieport of the Cvmmitttt appointed to tujicriii tend the Burning of the Iron Safet, at Rend- tng, rebruary It, 1837. Ksadisg, March 4. The undersigned, membtrs of the committee, do rcspectlully report, that we saw the two Safe originally agreed upon by Farrcls & Herring and Lvans ii Watson, placed side by sule in a fur pace, viz: The Safe inuse by the Paymaster of the J hilHUclplua and Heading ltailrnad L-ompa ny, in his ollice at Heading, manufactured by i- arrels x Herrniz, and the Safe in use by II A. Lantz, in his store, manufactured by Evans & W atson, and put in books and papers precisely alike. The'fire wss started at 8 o'clock, A. M.,aud kept up until four cords of green hickory, twe cords dry oak and lmlfchesnut lop wood were entirely consumed, the whole under the supcrin lendence of ihe subscribers, members of the Com mittee. The Safes were then cooled off with water, after which they were opened, and the books and papers taken out by the Committor) and sent to II. A. l.anlz s store for public exam ined and marked by the Committee. J he book and papers taken from the Sal's manufactured oy r arrels iV Herrius were in our ludzment, damaged fully fifteen per cent, moro than those taken from Evans & Watson's Safe. We believe the above to have been a fair aud impartial triui of the respective qualities of both Safes. JACOB II. DYSHETf, DANIEL S. 11 L'NTEIt. Having been absent during the burning, we fully coincide with the above statement of th condition of the papers and books taken out of the respective Sales. r A. MCCM.H, H. H. MCHLENBEKfJ, JAMES MILHOLLAND. March XI, 1857. FURNITURE ! FURNITURE!! THE LARGEST STOCK EVEK OFFERED IN SL'NBtTKY. FnIiion:iIte, Cheap niiil rcful FrMI F. subscriber, long established as a Cabinet -"- and Chair Manufacturer in Suubury, thank ful for past favors, solicits a continuance of the public, patronage. His stock of Cabinet-Waro, Chairs, oC, embraces KVt'.itY VARIETY, ISEFLL AND OIl.XA- itiKMTAL. in housekeeping. It is unnecessary to enume rate, as anything that may be required in his line can be had at moderate piices. Cheap for Cash, or Country Producetaken in exchange. bstahlmhmeiit South East Corner of yfartet Square. V'" Tliene knowing themselves indebted to the subscriber would oblige him by making pay ment. SF.BA8TIAN HAUPT. Sunhurv, April 4, 1S57 tf N K W A K R I V A L O V FALL AND WINTER GOODS! Ira T. Clement NO. I, COll N Ell OF MAllKE'J SQL'AJIE, AS just received a large supply of Fall ami Winter Goods. He will continue to sell Dry Goods and Gro cerica CH EAPER than ever, as his goods are bought cheap they will be sold cheap. He feels confident with his experience and ability, that he can compete with tho , World at large and Sunbury in particular. He would enumerate articles if time and space would permit. It is enough to say thai he has everything in Hie line ol Dry Goods, Groceries, A large Mtock of lieady-Made OLOTHINQ, ROOTS ANJJ SHOES, 4 , J that is kept iu any other store in town, and II is banner is on the breeze. A nd long may ii wave O'er land of the free, A ud Ihu Home of the hrs ve While her Fttarssnd ber Stupes Shine out like the Sun, Telling all nations Thnt Freedom's begun. This is a free country aa wsa proved by the election of Buchanan over the Wooly Horse, therefore it is free for nil to do their trading where they can BUY ha CHEAPEST. All are invi ted to cull and see. THE COUNTRY, as will at the town aro respectfully invited, and every person, rich or poor, high or low, bond or free are invited to call at No. 1 Markket Square, opposite the Court House. P. S Ho is not to be undersold by any man or combination of men. No eharge for showing gooda. All kinds of produce taken ill exchange for goods. Sunbury, Dec. 50, 18.18. f. ut. no! (annuo!! fiuutio ! ! I ALL KINDS. I.KIN'Ar'SSlTKR l'lUlSl'Il ATK OK LIMB. 7000 TONS. , rr t'ARMKRDI For yosr wheel crops, use I.FINAU'S Super Phosphite ol l.ime, nl ti,,cte.,a lb-or HO a Ton: or Use l.Kl N AU'M AMKHICAN FEKTiLIZEIl, 111 a bbl. or a ton. One banal of either is sufficient for au Acra THESE ARE PERM ANENT MANt'RF.8, made of reliable Chemical Klemenia. ami hnv. 1.. successful uss ini the past Six Y ears, improving the sod aud increasing Ihe value of the land Four Uiploinua from the Suite Agricultural Society of 1 rr) itpiii,, 1 i.cw.nwt, ueiHwaie aim tee ciysuu Palace Association of the City of New York, have been received fot these Valuable Fertilisers Pamphlets in the K.uibah and Utinnau Languaje oaa be uau oy eppiicuuoii ai trie umce. A llbeilll dlSCOUIII to Wholeaule Tlenlara. The alaiva Fertiliaers, delivered Fit EE of CarUigs to any wharf iu the nki City Proper. Orders scut by Med aecnrajauiied with Cash or Drafts, w. w y.yiy di,,hiiii m any pilTl O, (lie VOriO. OEOKGF. A. Lf lNAL', Proprietor No It eouih Fr int f-tieel. Philadelphia Citv, July 51. Iir7.-tra w renruc U.ais RESOLUTION Propoting Amendments to th Constitution of tht Commonwealth. . . Rmolvsd at vita tAT aho Hoots or Rpms- AtlVMof Till t'OMMOSWatLTII or PtSKATLVAXIA IS xssral Aiushltsit, Thnt following omemlmeiils re proposed lo tho constitution of the colllin nv uHh, ill ovordancs with the pt ovisioimof the tenia, srticls thereof. FIRST AMENDMENT. Thsre shall b an additional article to so id eonstltatioa to be dvsigHated as article eleven, as follows i . ARTIOl.K XI. ' OF rUULIU UKBTS. Beetiim I. Thr stats may contract dclils, to supply ra..t ,iii...t n, rn?inr. ii. revenues, or to meet tennises not otherwise provided for I but the ngartfate nniiantl of sncn nuns oirect siKl cammem,, wuwmic, i-.i,Ui.w vnlneol' one or mure sctsof the eeneral assembly, or m itiSrrant nnriorla of time, shall never exceed seven hundred and fiity thousand dollnrs, niut ths money arlains; from Ihe creation of such dchls, shall tie applied to the purpose for Which It was obtained, or to rep"T meucuts eonuutmvieu, mid i,i .... ..,i.ur m,fii ivhntever. CeCllOII . llinUUIllon 10 Uin tiunivu . slntc may contract debts to repel inrusion, suppress insur rection, defend ihe suite in war, or lo rcdee i the present mutniutiim i,,,ll,tediiessol Ihestntcl hut the money aris ing l mm the ooniraciing 01 aucu ucuib auun u ,'i" Seetien U. K Jccpt Ihe debts nlmve speciBcil, In scclimis one and two of this nrllclc, no debt wtiutevel shall be etratrd by, or en behnir of the siuie. debt, and H7 oildirtnnul debt eout'aited as aloresind, the legislature shall, nt its first session, alter Ihe adoption of mhh iiiii i i a nrneuif hit ini nnrmcni 01 inn vmv' this amendment, create a eiiiKiiur luuu, wnu-n sutficient to pny the aectuenut iuliueet on such debt, and ututnllv l rnlxrn the nrinelnn thereof liv a sum not Irs- man two nuntireuaiui nny iihuiwuio w wi; luua shall constat 01 ine net amiuio nic , the imiceols of Ihe sule of the same, or ouy part thereof nil i a U'nrvt. irnm I uib hi line iiw in, ,i,c .nm, '. and ul Ihe Income in proceeds of sule olsMtke owned Ly ine stale, i.ip:eiiier won ouicr ,u,,b, w. ..., may lie desianoted hy law. The said sinking fond may be increased, Horn time 10 nine, uy uaaigniMg 10 ,i j part of Ihe uixea, or oilier revenues ol the suite, not re quired for the nrilinnrv and current expenses of Kovern nient, and unlets in fuse of S'nr, invasion 01 Hneurreelion, no unit of the said sinkinc fund shall lie used or applied ., ' .1 . . . : I.., ..r Ik. ..nl.ltn iluli, tin. oinerwise iiiat i ii, eilinuuishiueiit of Ihe uulillc debl, uu til thenuu'Uiit toutit of sindi debl is rei'.uced below ths sum of Hum MillU.ma ..f .l.tllnrB HecliouS. The credit of Ihe commonwealth sliull not 'n any manner, or event, be pleileed, or kinued lo, any in dividual, coinpsnv. corporution, or associulion ; nor shall Ihe commonwealth hcieiiltee become a joint owner, or stockholder in any coinponv. associulion, or corporuiinr. Section . The comtnouwealtll shall not astnime the debt, or any pan thereof, of nny county, city, borough, or township; orofany enrp inituin, or nnocati m unless such debt shall have been contracted to enable the stale to repel invasion, suppiess dorceslia insurre tion, defend it self in time of war, ol to assist Ihe stule in the discharge of nny pmlion of ils present indebtedness. Section 7. The legislatme shall not nuthnriis any conn ty, ciiy, bornuKh, township, or incorporated dutnet, by virtue of a vole of ils einaeiia, or olheiwise, to become a sl'jrkholder in anv company, usmwiation ,or corpoialion ; or to obtain money fir, or loan ils credit t, any eirpwiu tl:in, uBSocialion, institution, or party. BKCONP AMf.NDMKNT. There shsil he an'a Iditional urtiele to said eoiiMilalioM, to be designatsd as article XII, as follows! ARTlcr.K XII. OF K K W COUNTIES. No county shall be divided hya line cutting r,ff over cs tenth of its populalmn, (rtthei to form a new county ur otherwise.) wilbout the exptcss ossenl of such county, by a vote of Ihe cleetois thereof ; nor shall any new euuuly be established, containing lees than foar bundled anuaie utiles. TIIirtD AMKNDMKNT Klom seeli.in two of the tirsl article of the cnsliiuli-n, strike oul the words, "ol" the city of Philadelphia, uud uf each county respectively ;' from section five, saniesrticle strike out Ihe words, -'of Philadelphia and of the several couulies;" from section seven, same srtiele strikeout Ihe w-rds, "neilher Ihe ciiyol Philadelphia nor any." and nsrl in lieu thereof the' words, "und no j" and sirikenut seet ion feur, same article, and in lien tUeieof insert Ihe following: . "Section 4. In the year une thousand ei-ht hundred and sistv-four, and in every seventh year thereafter, rep resentatives to Ihe number of one hundred, ahull be appor tioned ami disliibute.l equally, lliioiighoul Ihe state, by districts, in prop jrlii n to the number of taxable inhabi tants in Ihe several purls hereof; except that uny county containing at least three thviuKiud five hundred disables, may be allowed a sepnrnte represciilntioni but no nunc than three cosn'iee shall be joined, uud n county shall he divided, in the formation of a disttiet. Any city contain ing a sufficient number of tnxables lo entitle it to at bast two repieseiilatives. shall have a sepaiale representation aseig 1 it, and shall be divided into cuuveuient districts of contiguous territory, of equul table population as near asmnv be, euch of wliich dislncis shs'.l elect one represen tative." . , . , At the end ef seetim seven, samearliele' inwrt these words, "the eitv of Philadelphia shall he divided inlo in el aei.ntoriHl diflrirts. of coutisnous lerriwrv as neatly equal in Uxable population us posstnle J bjl no ward shall be divined til the lorniu'ion inereta The legislature, ut ils first seksion, ui:er ine anoptinu 01 this nmeuitment, shall divide the city of Philadelphia Inlo senatorial and representative districts, in Ihe manner above provided; such nisti icis vt remain unvirnijti-u u,,.,, sppnoriionmeiit in the j eer one thousand eigni-nunuioii and sixty-lour. rot'iiTtt AVKxmiKM, Tiirre shall he an addilbnial aeelion to Ihe Sil article f said eoinlltlltl Jll, wliich shull be numbered and read ns follaws : "scrios ss. The legislature shall have Ihe power tn alter, revoke, or nnul. fliiv charter of ine nporution hereafter conferred ty or undel, nny special, or general law. whenever in iheir opinion it may be inutioue to ihe eiliens ol ihe e-immon- weultli . la sucu manner, nun,,,, ihi,himwi,.mii, be done to the corpui slurs. Is fUNA TS, Mares 47, t37. rtesdved. Thai this resolution ps. On the first amendment, yeas St. i'0s 7. On the second amendment. yeas navs (J. tlnineinnu amcnuiueui, eaa i. imji 4. tin the fourth amendment, yeas W. nayst. Exl luct from the Juutnnl. Ot'.t). V. HAMKilSI.Y, Clerk. 1.1 111 IIODSI or RKFEKsKXTaTlVSe, I Apiil UO, le.K. J Resolyed. Thai Ihls resolution puss. On tliefirsl amend menl.yeuf 78, uas l'i. tin Ihe second ameiidineul, eys A7. nais 54. On the ttiii'd amendment, yeas i, uavs 4.', and on' foutth amendment, yees tJ, nays 7. Kxtracl lioiu lbs Journal. JACOU KlKOt.KIt, Clerk. SirRSTim's Ovrtcn. Filed MuyS, IB17 ' J A. 0 Cl'RTIV, rtccretbry of the Common ffcailh SjCCBSlARY's OrPICK, ) IlaTiibb'ir. June -J'J, lc37. ) Pennsylvania, es : I 'incerlify thai the above and foregntng is true and enr. ret copy of 'the original "liesnliitinu rcLtuve to an an,eu,l nient of the L'oiutitutioii" as the same remains on file in llus office. In testimony whereof I have hereunto VjJjaVV. 1 mv ",ul csused to be alfixed lbs HjrMa seal of the Secretary 'a Uffiee, the day and veur above written. 5l?'K - A.fl.CCKTlX, Scrrtaiy n( the Cxiimoinrltb. IxSkat. Ajuilir, IF37. R"i iluliun pft.p ttiiiy nmnidmcntB in ttm Cumtitution of Utc CutuiBouvvcHltb, being uuiitrr conndeiatuij. Oh tlio tjurtiitiii, Will ilic Sciiuic agree t lh first. Rmruttmcut ? Ttic eat Hint it 1 were tnkrii ortLilH t t!n prori sictii iu' the CmmiitMLiun, uiul wrc u Inltuw. vi; Venn MrgiK. JiifWtT, llrnwiii'. CHey, Jlly, I'voi'.i, Fetter, Klt-ntiikfn, Frnzr, Ingram, J.irdju. Kiiinicr, Khlx, IjuiIwu'Ii, J.i'win, Mt?r, v-irhl, Sc.lcife. Stiunmn, hteete, fritmub, Weld., W.lkn.s. WtiLl anU 'lkjurt, av .Messm. Crnlth, Crenswe!!, Finni'v. Ortgg, Har ris, l'mmse and Sti iither ? Si.) the quetti u wui Jtfriiinicd in the H.Tinnative. U11 the qiu-SMiui, Will ihu J-tiwte ypie to the ifrnuel HniPmlmri.t f The ytn nnya witj taken agrerahly to the jrn. i- I'tiiii of the loii.n.i.uiii uiul were tii i.'.f.'W, va ; 1 ii .Mcanrii. Hi ewer, lirowit, CTrMwull. rly, l.vana Tetter, fr'iihiey, Kit-miikt m, hizr:tiit. J-trdmi, kma. Iiu liauirh, I.KWH, Mvw, Seltern, till iiium, Stutltr, SLfrlc, fciiraiiU. Wo.ali, VilkiUfty Wright uiul I'usgurt, Speaker 31 Nati Messrs. Cnft'.;y.. Crahb, Fiuzel, Gregg, JLinin, Kiliiiiger, I'eintJie uiul tx-nfieM C U Hie ijuestitui was detenniuCil lit tlia aflli mutiva. Oil ihu (jnt'btioii, Will Hit. Semite iiffieetn the third animuntlment The yeas unit iiays vveia lukuii ugieeubfy to the Coiitti tut 011 1 und were im follow, viz: YriiM Mtisars. Brewer, Urown, Crahb, Cresswell, Ely, Kvai, Flmuikeii, Fr.izer, Iticmn), Jordan, Kiklihgtr. Knox, leuuljutfl, lecwn, Myor, SotifieW, Seller , Hliuiimii, bouiher, tftoele.Siruiih, Welsh, Wilkini uud Wright iM, Nuys MeBBfS Cofley, (i recur, H .iris und Penrust; t. b . ilm UfMiiuii wiLs (leteriuiiied in the airiintative. On Ihe tiittHii. Will the rScuaie agree to the fotith omendment ? The yoasand nays were taken agreeably tuth Coiiftita tuthiii, and were hs follow, viz ; Veos Mt'Msra. Hiewer,Uiovvne, Coffey, Creiuwell, l.ly. Kvana, Kleimikn, Kntzer, Iiiihiii, Kilhnger Knox. Inu luieli, Jewia, Mver, 8c'ifield, Seller a, hhiiinuii, eViulhcr, bteele, itrauh, Welah, Wilkiiisand Wi iglil JX Nays Mefcsis. Cmbh, Finney, Jordan and Penrose 4. fio the queatiun was determined in the Lilirniative. IX THI IIOCSB OV It aFKESKN TATIVB8, Apiil an, t&57. The loeohmon propnaing emendtnents to the Cnnsiitu linn ul the Coinmuaweultii being under eoiisiderutiun, On the iUi'Htiont Will the Iouae agrue tn the firnt amendment ? The yeaaund nays were Utken agruetihly to the prnvi aioiiHol the Conai 1 tut inn, und uu lite lirut piupoaed amend ment, vere aa tiillow, vi : Yeaa Meaara. Audeiifui, Arthur, Tlucklmuae, Dull, Heck Biahop, Uower, LIrovvu.Culhouii, Cuinphell, Cluine, Clea ver, CruwfoM, Diekoy, Knl, Kyeter. Funaold, Fouler, Gihtkiney, GiULu, llainel, flaier, Hems, llieataud, Hill, llillegui, i.otimuu, Herka liuhrie, linns, Jauobe, Jenkins, Johiiaoti, Kuuirmaii, Kerr, Knight, Leiaenring, lmgaker, Io veil, Manear, Maugle, M'Cahuout, M 'II vain, Motirheud, Munnua. Museulinau, Nichols, Nichota iu, fNuuemucher, I'.-aiKMi. Teters, Fetriken, Fuw.iall, Purcell. Ramsey, (lMnludelphid,) Kamaey, (York,) Reainei, Reed, Uoberta, Hupp, 8huw, Woan, Hmillu (Cumhrie.) 81111th, (Centre) Hieve.taou, T 'lini, Vail, Yeuvourhia, Viekera, Voeghley, Wu ler, Weatbrook, Whaitou, Willintun, Witherow, Wiight, Ximmennun and (ietx, Speuker 78. N'aya Meaara. Uaekus, Beiwtm, iock. Hum it ton, Han eock, Iliue.llotTiiutu, (Lelmaoiij) Lebo, Stiulhera, i'lioru, Warner uiul Wititrixle 1)1. Ho the qiieetioii was detei mined iu the affirmative. On tbe queatiim, . Will tbe ilouau agree to the second amendment? Theyeuaaud nays were U ken agreeeUy to the provi aiona of Uie Constituliou, ami wereae follow, vu : Y'eae Mesare. Anderson, Uackbouee, Ball, Becks Bow er Calhoun. Campbell, Certy, Ent, Fuuaokl, Foater, G'.ldee. Hamrl, Harper, Heme, Hieatand, Hi ticca, n,.ff. bjaih, Berk KuaekeepRr, Im te, (nya, Jenkins, Tohua, Jnhnienj KauRman, Kaigkt; Iitcaila;, Lpnjukirr, Lev eh ehosnea, Mangle, M'llrsln. Moorrtiead, Musselman, Nl- aois, IMChnteon. WUImaelier, l-enrwni, rnw'i iiwnull. Purcell. Hnuisev, I'hllnitelphln,) Ramsey, rVnrk.l H.m H,,1-..ia. Ruim. rhnw, Bloen, lolan, Vork.j Kenmer, Robeits, Rupp. rhaw, Bloan, Tolan, all, Voeehley, Wnlter, Waatbruuli, Waarton, Zimmsr. mn and IJels, Spenker ST. . i, Nava MHra Arll.nr Anaiietltie. BnCKnS. HeilSnn, Bisliop, Drown, Chase, Cleaver, frswford, Kyslef, Oib ltt,v U.,.nii,.... nu. u.u run. Iline. Hoffman. Leba non.! Jai-,,1,.. K-rr I -I., M 'f .nlinonU. Mumoln, Reed. fmith, Cambria, Smith, (Centre,) Stevenson, Strnthers, Thorn, VnnvoiMhis, Viekeis, Wagiaisellsr, Warner, Whl- troila. Wlthrniw aori lYriv iUOl. wi inefiueBiion wus ueivrmiuru in hib ,..... On the cuestion, Wl.l the Ilonee aree to the tbiid amendment t The yens ami nays weie taken agreetibly to the provt- Sious f the Constitulloii, aud were as lollnws. vis . Yens Messrs Anderson, Hsckhouse, Ball, BeeK, uen snn, Bower. Brown, CsIIhiuii, Campbell, Clmae, Cleaver, crawlorn, lliekey, l-int, Kyster, i-ausoni. naiei, ney, Unmel, Harper, lleina. lleislnnd. Hill, Hillegas, Hoff man, IMelKS.j llollumn, l.eisnltm,j lioueeecriari, .,...-, times, jaeolis, Johns, Jonnson, ivBuninan, irr, ijcu.., Ijuigiiker, lawett, Manenr, Mnugle, M'Cslmont, Misir- head, niummn, aiusselman, biennis, Nicholson. Nunc' limcher. Penrson, Peters, Petrlkill. Pownnll, Purcell, rtuuiscv. fYork.l Henmer. Heed, Hupp, Miuw, Sltsin, Centre, Stevenson, Tolnn, Smilh. l'iitnhrin.1 Smith, Ci Vail, Vaiivom-liis, Yiekers, Voeuhley. W nconseller. VN est bnv.k, Williirlon, tViiheiow, Wright, Zimmerman and llels, Speaker 7a , Nays Messrs. Arthur, Augustine, Backus, rtishop, Carle, Dock, Cildea, Hamilton, Hnncock, Hine, Jenkins, Kniltlit, Leiseiiting, M'llvnin, Kamey, Philadelphia. Itohcrls. Struihers, Thoiii, Vnlier, Warner, Whorton and wiut rune in. So tho question was determined In llieafnrmntive. (In the question, Willihe House agree tn the fourth, amendment? The yens and nave were taken agreeably to the provi sions of the Constitution, and were as follow, viz i Yeas Messrs. Anderson, Arthur Backhouse, linckue, Hull, Heck, Benson, Uishop, ltower, Brown, enlhoun, Cumpliell. Carlv. Chase, Cleaver, Crawford, Dickey, Hut, Kyster, Fuusold, Poster, tiiblioney, Olldea. tlamel, Har per. Ileim. II Iceland, Hill, Hilleens, HioTinan, (Berks) llotTmnn. (t.ibonnn) lbsjeekeeper, lnibric, tunes, Jacobs, Jenkins. Johns. Johnson, Knuumnn, Kerr. l,eli, l.eison ring, lAutnker, livett, Manenr, Mauale, M'Calmont, M'llvain, Mummn.Musselmnli. Nichols, Nicholson, Nutie macner, Pitira, n. Peleis, Petrikiu. Pownnll, Purcell, Itutnsev, I Philadelphia Rimisev. (York ) Reamer, Heed, Huberts, Hupp, Wiaw, Phmn, Smith (Cnnibrin,) Kniilll iCenlte Steveuanii. Tolan. Vail. VailVoorhis. Vickurs, Voephlev, Wngonsi ller, Wat iter, Westbronk, Wharton. Willistoii. Witherow, Zimmerman and tietz Speaker. 8S Navs Messia Dock. Ilumilion, 1!a..euvk, Slrulhera, Thorii, Wintrodeand Wright. 7. Du las liaestlim wus cuerjnuier in ua iou h, w. PecsKTAav's Civics. I Hsrrieburg, June S'l, IB07. 5 Penn'jheihid, .. I do beiehy certify that the above and foregoing Is a trueanS eorrcelcopy of the "Yeas" and "Nays" taken on the HasoHilion proposing ameudtnents U tha Constitu lion of the Comtnonwenlih, as tho same sppears on the Jcuinslsuf the two Iloui.ee of the General Assembly of this Cmninopwenith for Ihe session f lh.,7. inn fini IS,! Witness my hand an seal or sua ntnee, true Iweuty-sccond day of June, one thousand e:rhl bandred and any-seven. . A. 0. Cl'RTIV, Stcrelary of the Commomciulth. July 4, IH07. Baddlo;and; Harness Maker. HENRY H-A.TJI'T, JR. Successor to A. J. Slroh, RESPECTFULLY informs the frv ciliv.ciis of Sunbury and the pub- 5Sv.l-Wir Kenernlly, that he has taken ibc establishment lately occupied Stroll aid is irei otfd to turn cut woik in is line of business i-qual to any made 111 this, section of the country. Orders promptly exe.u ted and all kinds of produce taken in Exchange Sunbury. May 9, 157. ly XiBi. TISTRY-" (iKOUGE UENX, NNOTNCK8 to the ciliT-eiis of Sunbury and 1 vicinty, that he has opened an office in Hun bury, above II. J. Wulveilou'a ofii-e opposite C. Weaver's Hotel, where he is prepared to attend to ull kinds of work belonging to the profession, in the latest and most improved style. All work well don and warranted, ttecamber IS. IRS6. Ii7 13ecou & co Clothiers, No. tTt Ciimtnct Sr., ABOVP Fot'a rvt, I'mLACfLrnu, rCep cen!iitrv on har-rl a fplendi.l nirorrrncnt of Rc&dj-madc Clothing. (Jooih madi 10 Op.rea an VTahiuktmi to nr. Ncv.lD, 156. y Citrate of Marjnesia on TASTELESS S A L T S . rriHIS prpar'ttin is recommended as au ev A cellent laxative and purgativo. It oerates mildly, is entirely free from m unpleasant tnste resembling lemonade in flavor, prepared aud sold Uy A. W. KISIIEU. 1 Si.nburr, llarcli H, IH.'iO. AL;XIME liKltU Imptirtir and Wholesale Dealer in SALT. 3$ South Wharves, Philadelphia. ASH I ON Fine, Liverpool Uround, J''t Turks Island and Hairy Salt, con Jjs'etnutly on hand and for tale iu lots to snii he trade. April 4, 1S5V. Cm ISTEW CONFECTIDWARY. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. C. GEARIIAUT, OAS just received s new and excellent assort men I of gnnila at hia IJniifertiunary and Fruit Store in iMAlilCHT 8TKUKT, Sunhurv, where he manufactures and keeps on ham!, at all limes, the mst choice Confectionary, Ac, Whole-ale and Urlail, at I'liiiudeljihia prices. Among his stock of L'outectionarirs, may hs found : f reueh Reeruls, Vurned Altnonds, Creum White, " Letnoa rtu,r, ' Vnnilia. Cernma Seel els. Liijuni Ire, Hansaas, Datei. Osiu Drops, all kinds uf seeitt, l.,ive Ii"i'S, Mint Drop,, reJ sad white, Jelly Cakes, Fiutt llrnj-'S, SHirk rsmites, nt sit seeuls Rock Candy, Almond Canny, FEUIT. Prunes, Figa, Curona, Curranls dilwl, Aiuieuds, Reissns, INutN f alJ kinds LKMON SYKUl of a superior quulity, hy tho sinjtle or doien. A superior quality of iSegars and 'J'ohacro, and a variety of ('onfcctinnariea, fruit, Ac, all of wliich is oll'eroj cheap at wholesale or retail. ICE CREAM. II has aU opened an 'co Cream Saloon, and will at all times ha ready to serve his customers with Ice ( 'ream. Sunhury.May 81, 1857 ly JVcw Drugs), iu!ut, 4tc. NEW supply of Druirs, Paints. Oils. Fluid, Ac, just received an.d for sale hy A. W. f IMIUli. Runhury.May 8, 1857. rUBNITURE T0LISH. 8. RAK'S Priinium Patent Enamel Furniture Polish. This polish is highly valuable for restor, ing the polish on all kinds of Furniture, Class, Carriage llodii s. Hair Cloth, Ac. Also, for re moving apots, hiding scratches, Ac., Ae. War ranted to dry immediately and retain ita gloss. Price SO cts. per bottle. Sold bv A. W. FISHER. March 14, I8ft7. BOAT AND MULES FOB S-A-T-iTJ. THE snhscriber oners at private sale, SIX GOOD ML'LKS, and a good SHAWNEi BOAT, with fixtures. Tbe above will be sold cheap, and on reasonable terms. JACOB SEASHOLTZ, agent . for JOHN BLACK. Sunbury, March 88, 1857. tf LAND WARRANTS The highest price will be given for Lend Warrants by the, eub crrhei. H. 11 MAriSP.R. PATENT BRITTANIA STOPPERS fu bar bottles for sale by H. B MAUSER.' Suubury, July 19, 1858. j EAUTHBHWAIIB- THE subscriber respectfully In'orme the dll sena of Sunbury and the publie generally. that-tie has commenced the manntaciure vi an kindi ef , . . HARTHENWARR,. ' at his manufactory in Whor.lleberry Street, one aquare east of the River. II J h" engaged ths services of Mr. Hasp, and you cm therefore depend on haviag a. good article. The putnie are respectfully Invited to tall. All orders from a distaneo will be promptly attended to. - T. M. 5H1.MJL.1.. Buiihury, Feb. S, 1856. tf JOII II. AlsLUIV At CO. Nos. t and 4 Chestnut Street, (south side, belew Water,) (Tie Oldbst Woob-wsrs Hocsa is ins City.) MANL'FACTi:RKR9nnd Wholesole dealers in Patent Machine mails ItROtJ.M, Patent Orooved Csibtr Wurc, wurrcnted not to slit ink, Wojd and Willow-Ware Cords, Brushes, Ac ,of all deeoriplieus. I'lease onll and examine our stock. Kcbruury 4S, 1M7. ly w VALUABLE PROPERTY TOR SALE. riMIE subscribers, Execntors of the estate of JL Henry Masser, dee'd., offer at private sale the following property viit A large two story frame dwelling house, together will) about BO ACRES OF LAND, Situate in Lower Augusta township adjoining lands uf Daniel Kaufman and others now in the occupancy of John It. Kaufman as a store and dwelling. The house is new und the location a Eood one for business. Also a TRACT OF I.IMESTONf? LAND, la said township on the river about 6 milca be low Sunhu.y, enjoining lands of J. I. M 1 hereon and others, containing, about 90 acres. The soil is productive and contains limestone sr.d other minerals. Also a tract ef I. ami, containing abeut M acres on the hill, about two miles below Sunbury. adjoining lands of the hei of the late John Conrad and others. There is, on this tract, a small orchard of choice fruit. For further particulars apply to the subscribers. II. U. MASSER, ) P. B. MASSER, F.xceutors. FRANCIS U I'CHER. ) Panhery, January 19, 18.)6 If NEW ARRANGEMENT 1 J'resh Arrival of DRUGS, TAINTS, OILS, ic. rilHE uudersigHrd having taken the store for L merlv kept by illinm A. Ilruncr, ia now rsauy 10 .11 orders anu pres. rtpimn. a n,o- mcnta notice. Ho has a largo and well selected stock of fresh and purs DB.UCS, CHEMICALS. DvcHturrs. Oil, PuintN. Tumt. auJ all liinJn uf Patent .V dJiciuei. FKLIT AM) CONrECTIOKART TolmtTo and IuiortfJ Segnrs of the tholcfht brn cia. Kanry No.iuns toilet artit'len. and Pnr fumcrjr of nit kinds. Too.b anJ Hair lirunbt'i of very Tirity. Camphin and t'tuid aticttyn wi hand, Caslomrrs wilt And hif stork romplute, com prisint? tnanv article it U impaAnibie he 10 to rwu uu1 rule, and all ao!d at niodvratu pr'trcn. ftcmrmler the place, next duor to IS. V. UrigUl'. Matumoth !;o;e. A. w. FISHER. aSuubuty, Marh U, 1S7. MOUNT CATtMEL HOUSE, I KOttMT CARMEL, i j Nitrthumbnliind Cuunly, Fenntylcunift. J i rB'SIIIH largo and eominodioua Hotel is situs H. ted nearlv half way be'.wi en Sunbury and i "otlsvilln. The sccnerj tho saluhrity of the I j atmosphere and tho con) mountain hreezes, make , iit one of the most delightful summer retreats ir, i the country. The Hotel, is a new structure, four stories h'gh, fitted up with all the modern em,. veniences The pure mountain water is iutro- ducrd into every rliamtier. The plai e ia eas j of access, being but one ard a hall hours riJe j Irotn Sunbury, over the 1'hiladrlphi.t anil Sun bury Rail (load, from Poitsvillr, it is 1 7 mi!a. Kvrry attendance will he paid hy the proprie tor to make guests comfortable. Cha'pes mode rate. JKSSK KICK. Ml. Carmrl, May 2. ISSClf E7NEwf,AND & CO. I.eoklug l.lusars. Picture Krarues, tnMrJTtnta atitl I'nlniins, No, 120 Arch Street, nhote Sivlh, (.Lata ofSIS North Sec.nd 81.) riUI.ADKLPHIA. QiLSBKiRS orss ntitr in Tisiroas. Merchants and others visiting the City who may want anything in our line will do well U g'ne us a call. i KeUruary 2S, 1857 "m CIIKAI' WAIl II AND JKWEl.RV STORE i So Ti Sorlh Second Street, oppotile th iVjK.W Vernon House ) Philadelphia. i GOI,l) I. ever Watcr.ua, full jeweled, 18 K. cs- j ' aes, $-:H; Silver J.ever do,, do., I2; Ml- j ver I.rpinp, do., ."iiO: Quartier. $5 lo $7: Gold Spectacles. $150 to 10 ; Silver do., $ I SO ; , Silver Table Spoons per sett, $14 to $16 j Silver Desert do., Jo., if 9 to SI 1 ; Silver Tes do., ! do., 1 75 to 7 r.O ; Cold Tens aud Cold Ca- j bi s, $1) 35 to $5 ; Cold Pens and Silver do. , $ I; i together with a variety of fine Gold Jewell v, j Ciold Curb , Cuardand Koh Chaiua. All goods i warranted to te ss represented. Watches and i Jewelrv, repaired in Ihe best manner. Also, Ma sonic .Murks, Pins, Ac, made to order. N. Ii. All orders sent by mail or otherwise, wilt be punctually attended to. l'hi'.a., Oct. 4, I8ib. lyw. F"j?eD"r. WHOl. LS AMI UKTAII. Grocery, Wino and Liquor Store, S. E. cor. Walnut aitd Wuler Strtets, PHILADKLrillA, DEALERS and families wll be promptly supplied at Ihe lowest priere. October 4, 1856. tf EK0DHEAD Sc EOBEETS, No. 135, .V. 2d Street, PHILADELPHIA, INVITE the attention of country merchants and others, to their stock of BOOTS Sc SHOES, which they will dispose of on (he most reason able terms. Nov. 9, 1856.- ly C 7E2E 1TS3 'RT 3 WllflLCSaLK AMD Kr.TllL BOOT STORE, 40 South Fourth S.t, above Chesnnt, l'hii'a. OO 1'S, Shoes, Gaiters, tie., promptly made to ordor in the very best style, and of the best material. Philadelphia, May 9, 1857. Leather ! Leather ! Leather 1 IIICMRY W. OVLItMAK, IMI'ORTI'.tl of French Cull' Skins and ,eneral I.euj aj deuler, No. C S.utll I'll ml street. I'liiladelpltin. A sencral assoiinient of all kiuds of Leather Alorneos, Ae.,e. Ked und Oak Pole Leather. Ftlirw.i) l.',7 ly w L. C. IVES' Produce and Fruit Store, A'o. 15 North Wharres, Philadelphia. Shipping and Ceuntry Oordera promptly filled on responsible orders. Farmers and Dealers' Produce Sold on Cum. missiou. Apples, Bananas, Pine A pples. Dried Fruit, Onions, Orangea, Shell uarka, Hatsius, Beana, Lemons, White & Sweet Figs, Turnips, Cranberries, Potatoes, Poultry, J'caches, Ground Nunta, Chssnutr, Eggs, die. Foreign end Domestic Prsducs and Ftuil gen erally, Fsbruary 88, 185T. If Chtmokln Whife Ath Anthracite Ccal. . om ths uOld Vsin" in ths GapCullicrg. T H. ZIMMERMAN & JKQ. T. PIRSEL ' successors to Kase,. Heed & t'O-i will don- tfuue mining, shipping and SelTing roal from the ' above well known Colliery, tinder the Arm of Zimmerman- dt Purset. .1 he point of shipment is at tha lower wharf in Sunbury, iNorlhurohef. land county, Pa, where all orders fur the variptte kinds of coal, via 1 Lump, Brokeii, Egg, tiove, and Chestnut Coal, will be thankfully received and promptly attended to. Sunbury, Jaly 14, 185S, Pcsninf , Jutt , 1S5R, The firm of Kase, Keed d Co. having mM their lease in the Gap Colliery and Interest in tho wharf at Sunbury, lo Messrs. Zirtnneiman & Purael, would take great pleasure In recommend ing our customers and others to the new f rm, as they will be able to sell them prepared eoal tit' the best quality, kase.;kf.ed a co. HAYL0CK & FIDDLER, T)EALETiS in AYatches and Jewelry, will continue the business at the eld stand of James D. Fidler, No. 12 South Senmd Street, I'UILAUKLPHIA, Where ihey solicit an examination of their large and varied stork, feeling assured that the expV rienre both of them have had in the business, and tho facilities they possess for procuring goods on the most advantageous terms, will mif ble them to compete favorably with any other establishment in the city. They have now esi nunu a line assortment er WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWKLRY, Silver, Plated and Briltauia Ware, Ctlvy4 Fancy Goods, fVc, At. H. D Kepairiug of Wutchas and all slue's of Jewelry attended te with proinj Ineee anj the greatest care. Phila., April 7, 1SC3. if. wi'irf inioRSETi m'ii?' rOTTSYILLE, PA. T'HB sulnjcribor respfclfullv annonneaa Ia Ui A eld friends and the public, that he haa lake thai old and well known etabliahraent, tha "White ;iIorB3 Ilotol. At Ihe comer of Centre aud Malinnbjgo eta., in t'.ia liorough of Pottsville. The houta has re cently been very much enlarged and otherwise improed, renderir.fr it quito as ciu,fot table aa any othir Hottd in .''chuv Ikill counlv whiio I the stables are large, in k od cor dilion, and si- tnJ , nnM .,; , L To iraell,a .,,.1 ,i,.J 1 i o travellers ami olhers who ruav stcn at L,. houe, he promisra evcrj attention raltuleted t. render them comfortable auJ satisfied. JOS. M. flifiSR. April A, 1 8 T r . if 1TE2.EY EOHKEL, ATTOI1N23Y AT LAW. Cfice opposite the Court If vise, Sunbury, Ncrtliuniberland County Ta. Tiompt uttenticu lo bnsiooes in adjoining .ouiilies. ' eaglb'hotel", tirmsiTK wr.yr pranch bank, WILLIAMSPORT, A., II.I.I:1 EI. Mil. t'toprlofci. (. A. STair, Assistant. Pi. B Aa Omnibus will rttt to aire fntn r)ui lleput fid Packet I.anduigs, to 'this Untel, r efehttrgo. rtej.ieml.er IS. I Ktiti. tf LASVILLE EOTEL. JOIIIT DEBIT, MtHlct Strtet, iJtwril!, fa, rtVUH is one of the largest and must crvsam.i. . dinus iiolela in the interior of Pennst Ivst.ia it hes lueu reeet.lly fiiusl up, in enWleal iile, will all llio in o, If in on ve nieticea. Dauvilled, Sept. ii, 1855. ('luaji Wiilclit'S Jewclp lHOI.KSAl.t: and Helnil. at the PhuTsatcl- ! phia Mulch and Jewelry Storn," ,o. UU I North (Second Street, enrner of Quarry, I PHIIiAMtPKIJ . .ever t etches, full isweled. in ceial evea ySS.t'O li.'UI .en ne 18k. u .im. Fine fi!vti Piiadim t'.$t ; il ver l.eM. rtili jenileri. ?H. (li.ld lliseelils, to ' iivei Li ver, full jcwl'il W ! adiei" fi.,ld P.i.eils. I.o I Sn:,e,ir qaarniis, 7. Silver Tea ses, ant. S ee I Uaid Kierlarles. 7.BT,', j .ilj I'ei.a. wild Feeeil nn,i n.lrrr H diler, I, an ! Gold Fiiiier Kings, 3J eenla to $80 ; Wateb j Glasses, plain, UJcer.ts; Patent. 1 S j ; l.uuW, j Jft; other arlicles in proportion. All goods war ran'.od to tie what thev are sold (nr. STATFTEK & H AKI.ET. On hand, some Gold ond Silver I.cvors and l.r'ir.eH. sliil lower than the above pricce. tel. 4. I Cfi. - l y. R.N 1)1. lt'S WRITING Fi.l ll) and A.IU sive and legal envelopes, for sJe by H. U. ,MAHi;n. Suiil.iirv. Ian 10. IR.Vi. GEOUGE SC1I ALL & CO. .11AM FACTt lltlt ur 33r.jfVOTlS3-0 POWDEK, .). (.'hi met, Sortltumbtt land Caunty, May ID, I85t; OLANK Perchmeiu Paper Deeds and blank Mortscra, Conds, Executions, Summoes &.C., for salt I. I. B. MASSKh. Stinluiry Ai.ri St. .B STOVES."" TOR SALE an excellent second hand Cook! - ing Siove, also several Cylinder Coal StniMs. Enquire at ll'.ia uftica. flfJI.U PENH wilh and without caaoe, of a US very superior (juality, jost rereivvl. Also a Ircab supply of VVritinu; Fluid, for aeld hy H. U. M Astiillt. Sunhurv. Dec. 37. Ifirfi- COSIJEN CHEESE. Jest received and for leby LEVI StASHOLTZ April II, I8.-.7. """ ILVER WATCH ES A few double caeo English biler Watches, for snle at very vv prices by H. U MAS.SEK. Kiinluirv. April 12. 18' ft. AM KliiCAN IIOUSK, WJl.l.lAMSPOni', TA., J. ii. ui;ltox, I'ropi ictor. J AS. T. II AM.. Ass t. Sept. 13, lr.0u'. tr IJCKE OLIVE OIL for tuhle uc. two ake 1 at U7i and CiJ cents just received by A. W. FISHER. March U, "57. , stationery. A large supply of fancy Nolo Paper mid Envelopes, Mourning, Lollot, aud Cup Paper, Pens, Ink, tvtnd, ec, at March 14, "o7. A. W. FISHER'S. )or,T MONAIEf, 'I'oolh and Hair Drnahe all qualities, and any 411111111 y, for sale by A. W. FHHER. March 14. '.17. A S1I1TV I OR SILK. rj'MIE auWcriber oO'era for sale his SHAN'T V, i Cook-stove, Ac, on the Rail-Road below Trevorton Bridge. Apply soon to ' II. II. MASKER. Sunbury, April S3, 1857. FOU SALE. A Good eecoad-kaHd Buggy. otfii'S. Apply at this FOR RENT. fllf K Store Room in Market street, occupied 1 by P. W. Gray aud the dwelling house ad- jominn. A pply to the executors or H. Vaeier, j deceased. Jahiiirv, 17, IS.V.