ARRIVAL OF iTHE 'ARABIA. DiTIIRKK.UAVa LATER FROM BUROPC DeMi flof yef 7'oin Reported Retirement of the English Troops The Atlantic Cable to . be Stored lilrNext t ear Money ramc or Paris and Vienna. The steamer Arabia arrired st New York Jestfrday with Liverpool dates to tbo 19th tit. Sha briujrs 140 passengers. ' Tha City of Washington arrited out on the 16th. and lie North Star on the 18th ult. The Indian aeronnta atale that Delhi wi cot taken on the 29th of July. More mulio. ies had occurred, including one regimeut in the Bombay l'residcncy. Several victonca are reported over the mutineers. It is rumored that the British troops hove ..;..,! frnm Oelhi on nccouni Ol wcun, . Another report says that large reinforce n.nt havo arrived, and assault wui looked for in a Tew dayi. The Atlantic telegraph cable ia to be landed and stored at tho Plymouth Navy Yard until tho next year. The U. S. sloop of war Plymouth bad arrived at Southampton. The cholera now extends over nearly all the whole of tha northern continent of Europe At Oluckatodd four rer cent, of the popula tion have died. At Upsal the University has teen closed until the 12tb ef October, on account of the epidemic. A. monetary panic has occurred on the Talis Bourse, and the shares or the Credit Mobilierhave larpely declined. I he panic lias extended to Vienna. William Summershill, the silk manufacturer of Manchester, hag fttiled. Various speculations are afloat about the pproichinp imperial interview at Slultgardt. "It is said that Napoleon desires that the C'tar and Queen Victoria should meet ut 1 The Spanish Ministers have tendered their resignation, but it was oot accepted. It is aid that Uunorol Concha will continue as Governor General of Cuba. The Evangelical Allimice was in session at Berlin. Ambassador W right, bishop Simpson and Br. Baird figured iu the pr ce d " Partial law lias been proclaimed in Belfast J all arms auJ umniunilioo are to be giveu "i'here is nothing new from China. The Empress of Russia. ho is with her family at Darmstadt, is sufleritig from, it is id, Elites de couches. Her physicians ri-..iji-.... ilm most connlt rrpose. UI r.mrse. therefore, her going to Slultgardt r tl. n-icBtion It is unite ccitaiu Hi is t!i it the Empress of the French will not accomjia. r.v her husband on his trip to Germany. "The London Times is discussing A inenciin monetary affairs. It says :--Tho two Ut nuils have brought news of on average fal.or 30 per cent in the most prominent American securities, and, assuming ihe total held on (hi side to be about HBO.OOO.OOJ sterlmg. which is probably much below tho tru.i amount, our nominal loss has already, in tha "ourseoften days, reaped X21.000.000- sum which slill inadequately represents the real mischief, since, when the pivaeut panx x-ommenced, tha market was already snHering from a yenr or two or almost uninterrupted depression. 1 n such a state of things further T'oleut Victual inns must be expected, aud a recovery of 10 or 15 per cent , or a lurther f.ll to that extent, may therefore be cousld mv.1 probible;' It attributes this depression t lb.) efforts of an organized party pledged t.) brine about a hopeless convulsion 1 hut organized p.irty is au abuse of credit mid nothing more. .... i . Belfast in consequence of its late riots, lias Wen proclaimed ;" in other words, tho mili tary has superseded the civil law; and two li.irriM.-rs W been s. lit tYi.nJ Dublin to in puire into and report upou tha causes w tilth have led to the lute outrages. . The Paris Bourse was ihe scene or a panic on the Ulh. All securities fell, and those of 'the Credit Mebilier, from HOiif. to 167f. 5GV. The commercial of Hungary are t xcit ng artme attention in Vienna, for tha failures iu some of th 1 idiug.cities have fceeu numer ous and senuua, LATER BY THkTxOLO SAXON. European News Unimportant Nothing Later from litttxtt. QcKUKC, October 5. The steamer Anglo Saxon, from Liverpool on the 23J ult.. has tirriied ut this port, bringing advices four iti later. The European news furnished is of an un importunt character. Tfiere are no later advices from India, but intHresting detail are furnished. Genera! Havelock had resumed his march tin Lncknow. Small detachment of troops were heing sent from Great Britaiu to ludia by the overland mail route. The choli-ra was raging in the North or Europe. INDIA. Gen Iteid died before Delhi. Lord Elgin's mission to Calcutta was understood to reliile lo a trailer of Indian troops to China. Another mutiny ut Bombay had been re pressed. The merchants of Calcutta had pe litioned the Queen to take control of India. General Banks, who commanded in tho en- parem-nt at Lucknow, had beea killed. I'im K ist India Company had accepted the proffer o the European and American Steam- nip Compauies, for teiuer to couvcy troop by the oyetland route. GREAT BRITAIN'. Tha street preaching in Belfast has been stopped. On Sunday, there was considerable .,l.;,.nl lint nnlv a silent disturbance. Knoland refuses to eive up the island of rnam to Turkey. Tha Moldavian elections largely favor tho union. The tJovernment evinces increased activity io sending reinforcements to ludia. FRANCE. It is believed that Franc i and Russia both tide with Denmark in the question of the fjjohies. It had been formally dented that France Was seeking a closer alliance with Russia. Liverpool Breadstuff Market. bread, stuff have a declining tendency. Flour U reported steady, although some circulars notice a decliue' of 6d. Wheat is dull, and 3d lower. ' A KkQ FOUND CONTAINING SlXTKUN IIlN- tjrro French Coins! An extraordinory atory reaches us which we give as we received i Tha ranort is that two men named Ward and Hall were at work diwn the lake shore some mile from this city getting oat hoop .tnrT ashen they discovered a small keg buried in the sand. This they dug out ana opening it found it contaiued 160D silver piece. The coins w. re (Tan uncut Frei cH ca t and of the denominatiru of seveu franc piei e.i valued at 81 09 each. The two men with their treas ure have left for l'hiladelphia, where they in tend to exchange their coin at the mint. It is probable that the money was secreted in tha nlaca where it was discovered by some French officer during the old French war, n afterwards the officer may have been killed leaving no trace where the tr'asure was concealed. Thos it has fallen at last into the handa of a couple of Yeukces. Oswego Daily Times of Monday. Forty-four acres of land in Fequea town thin Lancaster county belonging to the estate of Christie Mvlio diseased, were sold few days ago at $180 SO per acre, This doe not look UlU bar tUvi niig the New Advertisements. BAMVL'L. II. OnWlU, ATTORNEY AT X.A.W. Offlc on South Second, near Market Street, LE WlSDt'RO, PA. Practices in th Counties 'it Unior, Northum Deris nd and Montour. All I'aorassroiui Bests sss entrusts! to no ear wiil receive prompt and faithful alien lion. October 9, 1857. If Mia A. Iff. TOtlEII, Successor to Mrs. M. Hill, Fashionable Straw and Fancy Milliner IN a. 463 (old No. 8X1) North Second Street, be low Noble, opposite Red I.ion Hotel, Philad'a. C7 Pattern Donneti made to ordsr. Milli nerv In all its various Iran.hci. A rail respect fully solicited, October 3, ' 857 3wr3m FISH EMI EX'S MEETING. Fublic Meeting of Ihe Fishermen of the Susquehanna Hirer and all others friendly to the came will be held at the public house of George Keen, Hlmmokin Dam, Snvder county, on Saturday (he 3d day of October, 18A7, to take into consideration the best mesne of eecur ing an open passage for the fish which to annually visit our river, lint hav been closed out by the improvements of th State. Distinguished speakers will be present to ad dress the people. Iiy order ol th Fishermen Committee. Georg l.yon, Suubury. (J. Fisher. Shamokiu D Sem'l Mantz, ' Wm. Keller, " I,. K. Hummel, Sclinxgr'e Uan'l Gaucler. " William Gaugler, " September 26, 18h7. 5t By virtue of a certain writ of Lev. Fa. io me directed, will be exposed to public sale at the Court House, In Sunbury, on SATURDAY, the 21th of October, at 10 o'clock, A. M, the following property to wit : All that certain four story, with basement Cvo stories, brick building, intended for a hotel, messuage and tenement, situate in the towti of Slmmokin, county of Northumber land, Peiissylvnnio, 52 feet In front nod 52 feet in depth : bounded on the North by the street or space on the bank of the Shamokin creek ; on the South by Arch street; on the East by Market street on block No. 37, as designated and muiked upnn the general plan of said town of Shamokin, and occupying parts of lots Nos. 1, 2, and 3 upen said block No. 37, and tho lots or pieces of ground and curtilage appertcnar.t to said building. Seized, taken into execution, and to be sold as the property of Thos. Bumgurdner, Joseph Long and David Longntckvr, and Joseph Loriir, owners or reputed owners, and Henry Philippe, ceutrm tor. HENRY WELSH, Sl.eriJ. Sheriff's Office, Suubury, Sept. 20. 1857. f "AUDITOR'S NOTICE. George Baldwin, " In the ('ouM of Common vs. Ploas of Northumber- Ammrrinan, Zuern Sc land county, Wciirel. J No. 47, Aug. T. IS37. Ex. Due.) The undersigned Auditor appointed by tha said C'oiyl to report the fa. is, and make distri bution of the fund arising from the sale of per sonal properly of the above named Amuerman & Wcilzel. defendants lo and among tho par tics entitled to the same, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his (.Hire in Nimbury on Tuesday the SlOth day of Octubcr, 1S37, at 9 o'clock in Ihe forenoon. H. J. WOi.VErtTO.Y, Auditor. Suubury, 8ri!cmler 20, IIS57. It 53ROOKEK & MAE SET, tutiont'crN k.V COMMISSION iir.FlCUANM, 261. Sorth Thira Street, 1 door below Piiii.ADi;t.rniA. QAI.F.Snf Rj.iti nuH Slion, llrr, Gum, k ware, W atches, I'micy UwJi, S.e , KVlillv' Viite, tnr-tVK- IsT C ran'.ry Stmilc-'neri suilnthrri will aliav Riul at r,nr l-eniME P.ilrs a la'cr ami dmralli. Mssnrtuicut ul tl.s above '.ilii, to lie "ld in lots 10 sail Kiy.ii. -ijiHJ porkfU en lite preniikes for Cosntry Trad. fw.l.a Ifsr C 3m jcawdhetiis.' !2f AGEICULTUEAL WAREHOUSE, iVo.. 21 and 2.1 Sixth Slrett. near tit Stute House, Philadelphia. Tm Honrs of 1111 npiifiiim l.uilJiiip, rrcrtrd exrrtly f ir t!ir rro.riflori' iru:le, are itorl with Serds and uu lile:iteirtl of uniril ti I'urniefiiiiKl (iimlenrrs SIXTi' YKAHM KKl ABUSliKI). The subscrilirrt Urtiie to call ilia utlfiition at rvery one iiiteintrd ill e'ariniim uu (.arilenina. lo thnr well rleal- l il k i4 A?ri.'Mliuinl Iinriixniriils ami .Murhiueiy. llical variety ibiriiculluMl, wnrrsntrd Garden niul rinwei Seeds, Ur.M and Fieid Serds i;f Hit ra. si re fcuHe quuhly The Aurrfuliuinl Implements soM I.t us ire mns ls ninii'ifKcliaedst oar rjleain Wnrks., a. Having fined up lint establishment wilhnut reesid to expense, with the in .st cjniplete luarlnnery, f.ii lli nwii fiicrer o? Vari..u kinds of Auriculluial liri;ileineiils. ws sro ii.iw nr. iwreu l.i suppry all artlelel In llns ins 0,11. l ml, if nffi superior, lu any thing of the kind ever before ulU-red lo the p'ltilic. 1 ANUKKTHS' WARRANTED GARDKN PF.rDS. Iltive linen tiefors the pul-lic for upwards nl sixry yenrs ; their wule-spirad pnpulunly, and Hie constantly liirreas. nig deinmid from year to year, is the best evidence of their superiority over all others. VT Cuntry merchants ran be supplied wilh seeds iu or bulk, on 0,t most liberal terms. flloomsdnle, near Bristol. Pa., our Garden Ree,l (rrounHs contains three hundred and seventy acres, and is ths lar gest establishment of lis kind m Ihe world I). l.ANHtKTH t SON. Nos. 91 Slid 93 Smith 81MI1 Htresi, rkPadeh his. September !, IKJ7 pr3m. I V- FlJll.l.VG. having obtained the agency for r.lKKKKS (ilFT BOOK Enterprie is now prepared to furnish sny Book published as retail price wiih a gift worth from 85 cents to Oi fc HU.NDKEU hUU.AHS. Godfreys Nanvtive of the Kane Expedition bound in doth, price f 1.00 (with Uift.) Hound in psper (aitheut gifi) 50 cents. Ur. Livingstone a IS years' Explorations and Adventures in tho Wilds of Ifriia, 250, 8 vo., pui;es. Olio hundred splendid Eneravinira. bound in cloth with golJ, price $ 1.00 (with gifl.j I'aoer edition 60 cents (without gift). ee.t. iu, IH07. tit. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. f N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, will he exposed to public sale on A 1 LKUAV ths 10th day of uciuocr next, on llie premises, the following described real estale to wit ' A certain Tract ol LAND, situate in Lower Augusta township, adjoining lands of Joseph (iaas and other. Containing 40 Acres more or less, about 8 acres of Ihe said land is meadow, The improvements are a weatherboard Dwelling House, a log Uarn, an Orchard of good fruit and here is also a good Spring at Ihe house. The premises are in good repair and the land in a good stats of cultivation. I. ale the eslatu of Henry Hanabach.dec'd. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M.. of said day when lb terms of sale will be made known by JOEL WOLF. AJsi'r. uy oruer ni me cnurl. r of the ciurt, "l rsol.Clk. O.C. I y. Sept. 19,1857. I U. 11. t'ursul Sunbury, NOTICE. VTICE is hereby giveu that application ha x' been made to the Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland county, by the members of the lieruian helormed and Evangelical Lutheran Churches in I per Mahouoy township, for a Charier of Incorporation under Ihe name and title of the Trustees and Church Council al St. John's United Uerman Reformed and Evaageli cal Lutheran Church, in Upper Mahonoy and that the same will be presented to Court for a bearing, the first Monday pf November next. JAMES UEAUD, Preih'y. Prothonotary 'a Office. ) 6uabury, Sept. 19, 1867, ( te E LPEB HVDE'd Expoeitie of Mormoav- 1. Price, 91 S. for aale by 18, iS57.-y. H. T. r RILING. C'pt. SHERIFF SALES. By virtue of a certain writ of Ten. Ex. Real to me directed, will oe exponea io puono inie at the Court House, in Sunbury, on SATUR DAY, the 17th or October, at 10 o'clock, A. M.. the follnwlns property to wit t A certain lot of ground situate la the town Of Shamokin. io Coal towoshin, Norlhomber- land connty, and marked in the general plan of said town No. 327. Fronting on Sunbury and Commerce streets, and bounded by Llew rt street on the West i and lot of John II Roadnrmel on the east. Being 200 feet deep and sixteen feet in width, whereon ia erected two story frame house, including the tene ments, 18 by 24, with a brick kitchen 13 by 20 feet. Seized, taken Into execution, and to be sold as the property of William C. Keneday. - ALSO t At the sam time and place, by virtu of certain writ of Lev. Fa. to me directed, will bo exposed to public sale the following propetty to wit I All that certain messuage or tract of land. situate, lying and being in th township of Delaware, county of Northumberland, and Stale of Pennsylvania, bounded and described by the following courses, and distances begin ning at a chestnut oak, running North 62 degrees Kast f3 perches to a post; thence North 53 degrees West 66 perches lo a chesunt ; thence South 5 degrees West 74 perches lo a tbesnut oalf to the place of be ginning, containing 12 acres, 152 perches and allowance. Seized, taken into execution, and to be sold as the property of I'eter Orow. 11. wis. ink, hDeriff. Sheriff's Office. ) Sunbury, Sept. 19, 1857. J MTJSIO 1 MUSIOI in. O. KIMBALL, Inte of Elmira, having A become s resident of Sunbury, ispectfully informs th citizens and others, that he iuteiida to form a Singing Class, both secular and s.icrtd and will impart instruction to all who may desire to place themselves miller bis charge. IN. U Mrs. O. Kimball la prepared to give instructions to a few more pupils on Ihe Piano r orte. Sunhurr, September 19, 1857 tf To the Electors of Northumberland" County. County Treasurer. 1"HB subscriler in obedience to Ihe wishes of a large number of his trllow citizens has con sented to be a candidate for Treasurer of Norlh umbeiland county. If elected he to discharge his duties laiihfully, and in order to do so, will take up lm residence in otinoury. Upper Mshanoy, Sept. 19, I8S7. To tfce Elector3 of Northumberland CouDty. TH E subfcrilr hrrtky offer himself as a candidate for PBOTIIONOTAnY, Having nlwavs been a steadfast Democrat, and considering himself competent to perforin the duties ol the office, ho would respectfully ask of the Democratic party of the coui.ty a nomina tion at tho primary election. Among other qualilieatiuns, n thorough knowledge of the bnclish and btrnmii languages would enable him to attend satisfactorily to all having business in the office. DANIEL 13ECKLY. Trevorton, Jure SC, 1K57. Candidate for Prothonotary. 7b the Voters of Northumberland County. T the solicitation of many friends from dif ferent parts of the county, the undersigned has consented to become an Independent Candi dates for the oiliee of l'KOTHO.OTAKY nt the ensuinjj election, should he be siucefsful, no effort ahull be spared upon Ins port to perform the duties of the uliice w ith fideliiy, promptness and impartiality. JAMES UhAKU. Sunbury, August 8, 18.7. lo. CaiKlldate fur Kn liT. To the Voters of Northumberland County. T the soliritation of many friends from dif fcrcnl parts of ihe county, the undersigned has contented to become an Iinlei endent t'nndi date for the office of SH CHIFP at the ensuing election, should he be aurcessful, no ell'orl shall 1 e sjisred upon his part to perform ihe du ties of the otlice with nVclily, proniptuess and ill. partiality. JA.Mt.S t A. Ui Kb. Northumberland, June 87, 18S7. FANCY FURS FOli LADIES. JOHN I'AURIRA CO., (New No.) 8H, No Morket St. alKive Kight, Hhiludelphiu. Importers. Mieiiifuetutcrs and dealers in Isidies, Gentlemen mid Chiidreus l-'unry Kilrs. holesiiie and Kelnil, J. e . A Co., would etill the attention of Deolers and the fuhlir generaliy W then itnuifiise S.oek of t'au.-y Furs for ladies Geiulemeii uikI lldren; llieir assortment enib at'es every article and kind r.f Knney Tars, that will he worn during tins seuson such as Full Cupea. Half Caies Cfunrtcr C'aiies, Talnuis, Victorinef, .Mtins X .Mull itecs, Horn Hie liucst itus- in 11 Sjutile lo (lie hiweet pnee l)ormtic Tius. For Gentlemen ihe largest nssortiiicut nf r ur Collars, Gloves Gaaultvis lc, iig ihe direct lmpnrteis of all. ui ura and Miiuufiietiirers of them under our own supervi sion we feel siilisried we can .iter better iiwliireinenls lo deal. rs and the public eenenilly thin nuv other house, havinff au assortment lo seleet from and nt the .Mauuluclur ets prices. We uuly ask a eaill JWIl . I'Alir.llkA K v.u, 811 MMkrt Street almve F.ighih, I'bilad'a. Philadelphia, Sept. It), Ibi7. v4m. PENNSYLVANIA WIRE "WORKS No. 24(5 Arch St. bit. Second t- Third, (Opposite lirrud Street, rii.lailel.iUla. EIVES, Riddles, Screens, Woven Wire of iT" all mesbes and widths, with all kinds ol plain and fancy wire work, ifeavy Twilled V ire for Hpark Catchers Coal. Maud and Ura vel Ucrerns; I'apcr Maker's Wire ( Cyleider and Dandy Rolls, covered in the bast manner ire and W ire Fencing. A very superior a 'tide of Iff try rounder Selves. .411 kinds of Iron Ore Wire Mnves. IMYLIMS, IMHHY A. LYNN Philadelphia, Kept. 19, 1657. c3m. Wi lt of l'arllllon. Alexandor Jordan 1 Iu the Court ot Common Pleas of the County of Northumberland. vs William Davis and (ieorg F. Lee, Kx'rs. of Thomas Davis of Philadelphia, dee'd. and also Trustee ol the widow and heirs of said dee'd , and Joseph Warner of Philadel phia and William McCany of Sunbury. November Term, 18J7. Wsit or PiSTiTios. 'i he defendant will take notica, that by virtue of said writ, an inrpji tiou to make partition in valuation of Ihe 1 ro perty therein mentioned, will be held on the premises on the 9th dsy of October next, st 10 o'clock, A. M. HENRY WEISE, Sheriff. Sheriff's Oflico, ) Sunbury, Sept. 10, 1867.$ SUNBURY STEAM FLOURING MILL- ri'MIE subscribers respectfully auiiuunre to tha A public, that Iheir new Steam Homing Mill in this place, has been completed, and will go into operation 011 MonJay the 3lst day of Au gust, inst. Having engaged a competent and .careful Miller, they trust they will be able, with all the modern improvements adopted in their mill, lo give entire satisfaction lo all who may favor them with their custom. SNYDEK. KINEHART it HARRISON. Sunbury, August 29, 1857 U BLANK Deeds, Mortgages, Bonds, Warrant A ttacbmenls, Commitments, Sumtnou. Su posnas, Executions, Justices' and Constables' Pee llill, eke., tVe.,can be bad by aniilying al this office. PORTER'S Spirit of the Times for sale by II. V. FRIL1NO. Angm-t I, 157. EXHIBITION. The Executive Committee appointed by the President of the Agricultural Society of rxor:nomberland county, met agreeaoiy to notice and appointed the following Commit tees 1 COMMITTIS Or ARRANOICMF.KTS Pr. Wm. McCleery, Frederick Wilhelm, J. II. M'Cormick, J. B. Reed, Chas Stout, J. Y OoodluoiUr, Cyrus Brown, Ueorige W Slrine. Wm. F. Nagle. J. II. KekberU R. M. Frick, II. A, Moodic, J. M. HoD, A. II. Blair, Thos. Swenk, K. W. Chopin, Henry Koliler, Johu Roush, James Montgomery, I. 15. Davis. It was resolved lo hold the Exhibition on the 15th and lGih days of October Best, LIST OF PREMIUMS. HORSE. Best stall on over 4 years lil, (4 00 i 00 2d no 110 " undor 4 year old, 1 3d M 2d tnare and colt, pair of match horses, " single horse, Amos E. Kapp, Jesse C. Morton, John R Lck, ). C. Watson, W illiani lleinen, Win. M'Clcery aud John Nicely, Judge. AQRICULTURAL- OATTLR. Best bull over 2 years eld, 84 00 2d ' " 2" 00 " " under 2 years, 2 00 2d " 1 00 " cow, 00 2d " 2 00 " heifer, 2 00 2d " 1 50 " yoke of cxnii, 4 00 " fat ox or cow, S 00 d " " I 50 " calf under I ynaK 1 00 Wilson Hutchison, Simon Cameron, Ro bert M'Cormick, Kilian lionkel, Jacob Hon- sicker, Jotepii Nicely, John M. Wagner and Ueo. r rederick, Judges. SWI.NS. Best boar, $3 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 2d " sow, 2d II 2J pair of shouts, litter of pigs under 3 mouths, " Tut hog, K. Crawford, Daniel P. Caul, Wm. Taylor Puvid Engle, Fraiikliu. Funk, D. II. Diets- bach aud Wm. Fullmer, Jadjc. eiiKsr. Bust ram, $3 00 ewe, 2 00 " lamb. 2 00 fli ck of 6 or more, 2 00 Samuel John, I). 1.. Ireland, I). B. Mont- 5 ornery, Natliuiiivl lirituiu, James Uukes, udges. AORICl'l.Tl'RTAt. rilODl'CT. Best 3 acres of wheat,, $4 00 3 " rye 3 Oil " ' corn, 3 00 3 " oats, 2 00 The certificate of two respectable men as to measurement and product required. Best bushel or wheat, $1 00 rye, 1 00 " " corn, 1 (JO " " oats, 1 IHJ " " potatoes, 1 00 " " sweet potatoes, 1 00 Johu McCormick, Joseph Neshit, Dermis Wolvetton, Andrew Armstrong, David Murr Joseph 11. 1'rietlly, Frank liu Davis, Judges. : l'Ofl.TRT. liest pair of tuikoys, 81 00 geese, 1 UU ' " chickens. 1 (III collection of 10 chickens, 2 AO 2d " " 'I 00 William Fulkason, James Covert, Chnilis Fox, W. l Porsylhe, J. Angsladt, lleury K ohler, Judges. VKCBTAtlLES. Hest beets, not less than ten , $1 On M carrots " I 00 " turoips, " 1 00 salsify or oyster plant, 1 00 ' Ouions, not less than ten, 1 Of) " cabbage, " six, 1 00 " squash, M three, 1 00 " pumpkins, ' " 1 00 '! totnutoes, " twelve, 1 0" M "gK pi""'. 1 uu " cellery, 12 stalks, 1 00 " ossortmeut or gurden vegetables '1 00 Samuel Shannon, I. W. Pollock, Bei.jainiu Bitninglon, David Murr, Paul Masleltr, Jas. board, Johu Tweed, Judges. ntfir. Best J bushel of apples, $2 H) 1 ' (pjinces, 1 00 " " peurs, 1 00 ' i grapes, 1 00 Half price for second bttbt, each. Wm. I. Greer.ouL'h. Win. H. Frvmire. II. IJ. Masser, John P. Heard, Heurj Ueuder, James P.ecd, Johu U. Packer, Koberl il McCoruiick, Judges. IMi'LVMbNTS Best threshing machiuc, " reaper, " seed drill, " winnowing mill, " corn abulivr, " plow, cultivator, " roller, " corn ploaj, " straw culter, " farm wagon, " sett or harness. tl 00 3 09 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 " horse ruke, " grain rake, Philip Follmer, James Cameron, Simon Lautz. Johu Motitifoinery, 1 eter aubaUvr, John Haag, E. W. Chapiu, Thomus Merviuo J udges. DAIRY, KTC, UcbI butter, uot less than 5 lbs., " honey, ' " " loaf bread, not less that 4 lbs, " ham cured by exhibitor. " hurd soap, " 0 tbs., applo butter, 2 nsiai ts, ' preserves, l Julio Houth. J. Wr.ods Brown, P. A. Fo John 11. Drown. A. II. Klair, Marliu liilliny er, Ueo. 11. Hertz, Judges. POMKKTIO VlAM'r ACU tllv. Best 13 yards woulon curpets, 2d " rug carpet, S2 00 1 00 1 50 '5 1 00 I 00 1 00 1 00 1 110 75 2d tiuilt, " hearth rug, " pair blankets, cloth (home-made) 10 yards, " tlaiinel, " gloves or mittens, Abram Straob, Thomas Swenk, Samoel T. Drown, Wm. Nagle, John 8. Lawson, Hugh Martin, Judges. TLOW1NO MATCH. Charles Riddles, Samoel lllaio, John II. Heller, Kiliuu Duukul. Isaac Marab, Hubert KuS8ei. Nona but members of the Society will be permitted to compete for Persons from any coooty, State or country cao beeume members ou payment of fifty cents to the Treasurer, or a towoship com- tuittee-iuao. Person bringing articles for exhibition will bo required to enter the some ou the Ut day nf tha exhibition with the proper officers. Compctitien is earnestly iuvited from all ' parti of tb eoanty, tod .from Neighboring couotiss. Judges will commence their duties at 10 o'elnek. Addresses will be tlelived after the report of committees, awarding premiums, on the Second day, W. O. LAWSON, pres'l 1 Milton, 8ept. 11. 1857. The $10 nd $15 Single and rouble Threaded Empire Family Sewing Machines. AN AGENCY for the aale of these Sewing Machines can Isj secured on liberal terms for the County of Northumberland. No one need apply without capital sufficient to conduct the business properly and who cannot bring refer ences as lo reliability and capacity. A personal application will be iiercseary. The peculiar adaptation of these Machines for all purposes of Family Sewing, will, where ever they are oflercd for sale command a roady and unlimited demand. JOHNSON 4 OOOD. LI., 8. E. Corner of 6th aud Arch His., 1'hiladel'a. . August 16, 1807. If . . Benjamin Chandler i No. 40, August Term, vs. S 185T, August rth. 1857. Uurher, A) res, et al. 1 On motion of William M. Itocke f. l'er, Esq., attorney for plninlifT's rule on the above defend- cuts to sppearard plead by the first day of nest term to tlie above setion ol rjectmrnt Fir all that certain tract or piece of land, silostc in Shamokin (now partly in Coal and partly in Zerbe town ships,) in the county of Northumberland, con taining two hundred and seventy. three acres, moro or less, ad joining lands in the name of Wm. Wilson, I'eter Mowrcr, Miiv.arl Kroll, Frederick Kramer and others. Purveyed on a warrant granted to Malhias Zimmerman. P. cur. Extracted from record and certified September 3d, 1837. JOHN 8. HEARD, Deputy Proth'ry. Prothonotary 'a Office f Sunbury, Kept. 4, 1K."7. J EARLE'5 GALLERIES OF PAINTINGS, iVo. bl6 Chesnut Street, opposite the Girard House, PHILADELPHIA. OOK INO'lilas Warerooms'and Reposilo of Art. Engravings, I'uintinei, Portrait and l'icturu f'rmnrs. iu every variety, of the lata oriimls and Kurnpeau 1'attcriis. i'icr Tablrs. Consols, lirackels and Cornices. The most ex lensivo and cleg in t assortment of Looking Clas ses, of substantial workmanship, and at Auction prices. Hold .Medal awarded by the Marjlnnd Insti tute, 18r0. Highest I'rt'inium awarded by Ihe Pr-mUiii lnstituto 1H.5. JAML'i S. ERLE. September 19, 1836 c3ni3 FEVER AND AGUE! tiUINlNK BflWTITUTE OR NERVE TOXIC This wH knowa romtdjr rlisrnverrd by my late paH ner Doctor ti J. Leeds, is a sure ouic Tor the iiImivc ilimr- der, tickHmtlucli, anH ull nllirr Ncivous stoictioti. It cniiiiiius no (iiiniiip, Arsfnie. nr other injarious inrrrsMti- eiiTs. 11 nreiiirtiiiis trie sM'ein, trivcs tnnr lo the stom nrli, nu.l is iuvrulualln to inspect ie and those nirertr.l with weiiknrss in nuv pull of Ihp .stein It is erpef inllr rrcoimaeii lrd to Irnnk's troulilnl with Kallnie of tlio Wonih. One b 'ttle is sutriririu in most discs, wh?r tli IJirri'tlottsnle foil iwed. Crl lllic-tllo can lie furnished fioin all parts of the L'ni. ii. rolrl ly the Urnrftitts generally surl by J. H. Ilsztril, Wholcrale tlruiraist, anil S,.lc, l'mpnelor lil .Maidisi Liw, New York. New York, Sept. 10, 1SS7, v3m. tiit. It rriTir no Wx,lAMr na pm! Uim try otlta-r Ca vf Ml r .'Isv-rr. tb wM u, !Mff,iLble, MpiijI., ti.jsutJ Ram ( .rrM nf H.-titen! r'llM i-tt'trt In th in'.rtf.r C.n may try .trsr4U-oUl.rl!e' by f.U imIiui.u ( bmt mtl I it h witoi f-,lt. sea auo irajcttCssI asO s.0 hsis sias.i.:uia,,l If .u.. ; Il it trwt-ri to fcop .ii urtkV put vfMtiis toltrotnei Try li.mtH. ir i rasi bert n fniUn- l -ss a vi n x. mots- T I'J DO ro!uU.fs J . Tbo rtakot in 1'tro T,w:. Gttm, diffor nt tromilio offftitiv eto nMd bj othcra. i Tno 'W.hf v ntiaq r.oir p'mn. tho Gullet si rorasfi.T tui. onJ ronnut ti-riuiror 1 rfu-iu, aa For 'siim eektt w .uld .t .n ny wjior t n- r"- HieroU n ah ut it 1i tiaLariuiala Iu 1 n u jrttln la Ufaa anniifh ta . fssll.U. 1 an vni or feohD'hiMat o i is losjl fut Tkros! m bo o V4 1 sort. i. 1 tli M hu ha Utoii the in will ua M'SM'ar. t.iir.IML DISi'OU.Tr TO TIIU TN4DC. Jfl 4VVV Sa l:iue M. Hej.l. IS, Hit ' -HOVER'S LIQUID HAIR DYE. 'IIIE fellowing, from that eminent Physician of Philadelphia, Dr. llrinckle, adJeJ to tho lei-limony of Professor Uooth, only confirms what ia evidenced by thousand who hare used Hover's Dye. "UiasHi) RuW, Ciii.stnct Stbsit, ) Philadelphia, December 22d, la&3. 'In regard lo Hovkk's Aia Dvii, I can state unhesitatingly, that it contains no deleterious in giedienls, and may be I'Scd Willi entile safety, and with the utmost c mfiJcnro and success." W. D. MUN'CKLE.M. D. Hover's Writing & Indelible Inks, Are so well and widely known, as to require no eulogy of their merits, il is only necassury to say, that the steady and increasing demand, gives ths best evidence thai they maintain their character for superiority, which distinguished them when first iutrajuved, years ago. I Orders addressed to the Manufactory, No. iUi RACE sired, above Fourih. (old No. 144.) Philadelphia, will receive prompt a tentioii, by j JOSEPH E. HOVER, Manufacturer. I Sep. 13, 1857 .rlpril 85, '37, ch. j EXCELS OIIl I SPUING BED. (Gould's Vafeut, September 2d 18i6.) I.O n which a diploma was awarded at the Eighth exhibition of the Mass. Charitable Mechanic's Association. This is an cntin'ly new application of spiral springs lo beds, making a more comfortaole, neat er, and cheaper spring tied than ha been offered to the public, applicable to old as well as new bedsteads. J'hc peculiar position ef the springs elevate the head slightly, saving the trouble of building up the head with extra bolsters. The construction is so simple, aud every pa t so exposed, that bugs have no Iodine places, and Ihe 1110.1 inexperienced can lake out each for washing, as they are inly fastened bv a button. The Springs used are made expressly for these beds on a Patent S .iral Spring .Machine. 71ie nublic need only see lliis bed to appreciate it. The subscrilwr has pnrchattd the light of manufacturing, and selling, in Northumberland county, and will furnish the article al reasonable rates. IU?" Springs put in old bedsteads for three dol- ISAAC M. WILKERSCN. Sunbury, Kept. 19, 1857. If PLATFORM SCALES. OF every description, suitable for railroad, Ac, for weighing II sy. Coal, Ore, and Merchandb generally. Purchaser run no risk every scale ia guaranteed correct, aud if after trial, not found atisfarlory can be lelurucd with out charge, Factory at the Old Stand, established for more than twenty year corner of Ninth and Melon Street, Philadelphia. ABBQTT & CO. Successors to Kllicott St Abbott. Philadelphia, Sept. 6, 1857. o3m. " STRAY HOUSE. CAME to the premises of ihe subscriber on Monday, Ihe 7th of September, ins(., a ORAY HOUSE, about 1 or 14 years old. The owner is requested to come forward, prove pro perly, pay chargea, end lake him sway, otherwise he will lie disposed of according to law. IHAAO RAYIDnC Ruth tp., Hepl, I. Ii5'. m . . PROCLAMATION,.. 1)l'fc8LrANT toii tt th General Aiwpmbl of th of Pwinrylvsnia, tmtltM "An art relating Iu the elrrtiun of tlii Commonwealth, improved lha aooijod dijr of July, Anno Uomtim, one tntiuannd eifht hunrfrpd and Ibirty-niof), I, HKNRY WKIHK, Hiprh Hiiertfl uf tha omintjr of Nonliomln-rlmKl, rnniayl vanin. Ao hcrehy mnk known ttJ fit mi(H:a lo tha rit lra of tha eoanty aforeanid, that a tiwrnl ehvlt'in wtll I hH(t in aaid runty of Nnrthnmtwrlnird on the HKCON l TUIOAV 1:ttU OCTOBKR, ' 1hi7 at whtch tinia Hute and Covmty OflicRra, aa follow a, are to be elwtl I One oeramt aa Govern;! of tha Common wenhh of Penn irlmnifi. Two paiaont aa Judgea pf ibe Sapiema Court of renn y tun nia n peratm aa Canal Cornrntoioner of th Common pealih. Onm pwaon aa memher nf Senate of tli Omeral Aaaemhly of I'ennaylvama in conjunction with Uiv couo tiea of Snyt)er, lontoiir ami Culnniliia. On pftraon aa SliriiiT fr the comity Northmntserrnnd. On perarm ai Memhrr of IH Hi how of Heviriw-iUlivr to r renew t the vouiily of Northmnlsrrinitd. One perifni at ComiiiiMioiir fur the couitty of North umherlaiid for a term ol 3 year. On per on aa froUionoturj for lh county of Norliiiun berlmid. One perriH aa Trrontrer dx Uic rtmnty of Northuin herltonl. One peiaon aa Auditor for the county of Nnrthuinlter loml. I atno lietetiy make Vmwn and Rive itot.r Unit t)ie plurt of h '.fl ina: the nlonmiid ffmeriil rlf rtioti in th m erul h rouf;he and towtiahtpa w ithm tbecoQiily i( Nor thitnilwrlitud are ok fallow i The Sit ub n rv Dittrirt, coinpoaed f th lrmigh of Piinbury, and t'pper AuauiH, aL tlie C.uuty Cuurt Houwj. The Autraala Distrft t, compoaH of Ihe toeroehtp of t(iwrr Anguam, at lit bouse ol Heter Dunkulbkrgar, iu Hid towii'lnp. ' The NortrHitnbrland )ilrirt, cnmptssONl of th Ixirongh of Nortlinuitmtntrd, nt the bouse of C. t. Unnvn, of the btJf)Mi)fh of ortlmiiil)',tlnnd. Tin: Point Dixtrirt, at the bouaa of Unity ITnua, hi th borough 01' Ni.'riiunibcrlioid. Ttin Mill mi I) lit rat, ut the houae of Krvdcnr k flicker, io mid UirotiLfi. The Turbut U.ttiict, at tlte h ue occupied by Abruliam Kilning. Tliu Ueluwar Dintrict, ot ti.e linking Sj tiug School H'.nn. The Ctiilis'junqite Diatrict al th h -use tf fJfiijfimin Fordninnn. Tho I,evia District, at lic houe occupfed by M.chue) R'ft'ler. The hlmmokin Pittiictt nt the hou of CJiurlrt Leiden rin,;. The t'pprr Mulionny IinUict, at th Umiaa cf Daniel KinrnhHrt. Tlie Little Mahonoy Dieiiirt, at the h.mae nf widow F. nV:tr. The Isoww Mnh nry District, Lt tha of . .rlHjr;i!it, Tlie Ktuili Iilats-irt, at the til'orty Ti le Rrh.-nl flt e-t. The JuclaAon UinUirt. at (he h'-uso occupied by Calcn Smith. The Coul Diti it. at the houa of W.'.Iiam M. Wcairer, in the t n of rhiiiioikiii. The orb lhalrict at the house of Jwl-n V raver In Trevornn. Ttiu (.'aineron Distrii't, nt Ihe hnune nf Oich-nn lerk. The si:rduu 1: at rir t Ht W e hour ol fJciitiiiun Lfttzcl. The M mnt Cutmcl limlikt ut V.w public Ujuo I (-C- ix I-cn-li. The Washington sOlatncLnlthu Iioukc vl Godfrey II. lie bock. AM KND.MKMTS TO TI1K CONSTITUTION. I nli'i lirreljy mtike known tltnl nt the inne tiittf ntd phice the lollovving piopuacd Atnt-ntlnitnts tj the Cnnati tntion will be vottd up'n. in tKntJiil inra with uu Act of A mxmb'y, approved tin? ViU dny ol" .May, 157, Ttllowi; Whebkai, A joint rt-aolmim proponing ct-riain amend menlt to the Constitution of the Cpiiunoinvwilih hu bet-ti Hirrevd to by a majority of the membera to eut-h House of the lafgislBi ire, ui two aiict'euive acafiojia ol Ihe au ue. the tJl ecMion cotiiimiiftiip ( ii (he first I ut-sdny of Juru ary, in the ytur of om I : tt one thmsniU eight liundted i x! fitiynij(, n lid the aecoiid aeMi-'ii cotnmi-iiciiig ou Ihe rout I ut uy of J uiuury, in the ytir ol our lord one lhoumii'1 :ij()it hundred nnd fill y-at-vni. And Wheiraa. It ia providnt in tht: tPiith nrliole of the Cohftitulion, that any umeii'Jmenl w ngrred upon ahull be atibinitteu t't ihe Hple iu a-.n-h u muntier mid ut fucIi time at leas, three iwmha uttti being mmprrcd to hy ihe two liouMcs, n the legislature ahull prtacrihe : And Wiilkx ai, Uy un Art ol the Leihl-ilure of thin Commonwealth, entitled "An Act nrcwrjUina; the time uitd iiHinnci of tub- nuttiug to the people for tlieir rutthcmion or r'-jectionth propottrd AmondiiKiita to the Consinuiion," uiipruvvd ,M;ty twelfth, Auuu Dcniini one tliouNiuk eiclit huudicd niut firty-hrven, it ia umong oilier tiiiufl, provided ui foi. 1 , to wu: Sec. I. i hut lor ine pprpoee ot iiHferiammc the at'iiae nf the citizens of tins Coiiiinonweulih in rrurd t the nd-ip-tii-n or n jevtiou of kikI Hir.endnientH, or either of them the Gvarnorof I hi Comtnouwe-dth mull irsuc a writ ol t'.leetiwn directed to the Mivrid'of cacli and every coun ty of llna Coinm nw,ulte( e iniiiandmg thetn t ;tive n tice lit Hid usuui iimnncr in not h-a thxu twonewciaptra in eui-h cjurt'.y, irovided that many nre publuhed Ibeie in, that ini election will he lu lil iu rwh ol the towiikhipa, wartil. ami untiiicoi iiierein, un inc icenu 4 uwiiiv in uc tolwjr, iu tlie ytii ot our Lord one th'utniid right hun dred and fu'ty-acven. tor the purpose ol d-ciiliug npuu the adoption or ' reject I' u of the fund 'umeiTdmrnlii, or uuy of them ; xv loch sunt f !ctim hIihII l held ut Ihe plncev, mid opened aud clotetl nt the time nt and within which the gfiieiul election ,f this Coimn iivcu!tli are held Opened HUU VIOISCU , Il I Hi ll iimii uc iii'J iu:: i 01c jhii(:h iiiju-c tola and clerk a of euth nnd Kuid towushipa. wnitla and dis tricts to receive ut ihe wild election ticket either wriurn or printed, or partly written uud purily printed, from citi zena duly qurtlilk'd to vote for iiicuiIh-is id' the Ocuernl AHsmlily, uiul todep'wtt them iu u Uix or b;xtB to he tor ihtit putpoBe provided hy the proper uince.- ; which tick eti ahull U- respectively hibclled on the outside, (nut amenthiR-nt.'1 tecoud Hinenilnieut," 'tlunt unicniluieiit." itnd fourth otnimduietit,'' nnd those who are f:ivoiub!e lo snid atnenJmeiils, or any of them rmty cxprent tiiir denire by volnift eueh hb majiy r; urjlt wniteu or phi. ted Iwillot r tirkeia, containing on t';e inaide thereof the words, "for the itmendmeiit.'1 nnd those who aie opjMtaed to audi ameudmcuie, r any 01 them, tuny expreMtheii oppoBitum bv voting eiic.i 01 muny sepeime written or printed ticacta cont.iiitiiii( on the mu le llicrtui the words, ugamtt the umeodmeiilh. Skc 4 That the election m the antl proptpj nmend tnenta ahall in ail rcapecta be conducted aa the general elec tions ot" thia Commmwealih arc nw con Jut ted ; and it ahull be duty of the return jut'pcB of the rspectivr cnun tiea aud districts thereof, firBt huVUig carefullv iifcerluinetl the iinmtHT nf vote iriven for or utTinnst eucb ol auid aineudincnta in the niumier utoreBiiid, to make out dupli cate return thereof, cxprrased in wrd ul length uud u t iu figures only, one ot which tcturi.s ao made ahull be lod ged iu the prothonittury'e orT.c of the court of cu,miut plrtta ot tlie proper count), onu i"o ' nun ni ree led t i the lSccretur of the Connu-t. wealth muj by one of anid Judges dr'biuJ iVrrU.w il'.t in the uk'bL conveuivut rout oi!ice. The elfti-in to open between t!u houra of t? and IU o VI.K-k in the fureno n, and li:ill continue without inter ruption or utlj uriuiient until 7 o'clock iu the evening When the polls huil be ch st l. The acwrul Inapeclora aud Jndca elected fm Ihe M Friday of Man-b, Ir.-jii, 111 purHuun' ! the :kl r-et-iii-n tf he ucl of the Cd of July, I Sin, will Ii -id the election on Tuewluy tlie i:ith dH 01 OcioIkt uvxt. And the sunt Act ol Aaaeniuiv, "an avi rrinnujr a the elect in.a t.f this C iiuiionweailth," pnwied July the 9;al. It-rW, further providea att IoIIowh. to wit ; 'Tiiat Ihe Inspectors and .lii.lgt cU 11 ua fiforeaatd, ball tiicetut the regjHfttve plaei fur h i.Ung the ion 111 the tlistricl to w men iiiey n-specnuiiy ih:i"iik oei.-ro nine oVlock iu the moruiunr the uec mil Tuiay of Oc tolier iu each oud every e;r, und each of su'd inapeciora a!iail uppouit one cleik, whu aiiall Le a qualified voter of such (I'tiinct. Hixtiox 0. That nny' fraud C"mmitteil bv any person voling iu the manner alove nruacribeil, shall he punished mb similar fiands rv diiectt d to be punibhed by the exist ing htws ol this Coinitioii wealth. 'Iu rase tho pera-m who shall hare red ired the arcmul highest iiu'iihur of vtts on lnectors shail not attend on Ihe duy ol'any eteciton, thin lb person who shall have received the second higheM iiunder of v-tea lor Jmbe the next preccibng election, ahull net us an iusectH in hia plnCe, aud in enae the pers.ui ejected Judsre ahHll not a I tend the Inspector Hio received Uie higheat nnmbar if vote, shall npiouil a iudce tn bta place; and it any vacancy su ill oMiliuue iu the b-mrd lor the apace ol twJl mi hmir ut ter the lime tUud by tuw for llie opening m" ihe elctiov she quali tied votoia of the b'Wnship, Ward or no district, rtf which sti.Th officers nrtl have Ih-cii elecied, prs.iit al sl.e placa of cleci"it: auall one of tbcit mouU'r to hlJ such vac;i nry. It sha!! be the of id aw ara notivcy to al ien;, nt the place ol h .Ming every b'vnrral, miHl, or townshu. election, dining the wln-Ic lane auid election ia kvpt open, for the puipose of pivmg iuf-TUiatiou to the li.spcctora aud .Tultv, whutt call-rd oil, in n Inii 'ii to tti iiL'ht of any person uBacascd by liieiu to vote ut rn b rler ti.ui, 01 auch utlier luallcrs iu lolutioii bt the om sstuut ot voters, hs Ihe said inspect r or judge tiC of Uem shall trotn ttnie to tunc rviutn. No per a ui anull bv per united tti vote M nny ns aforusunl, i-lher than a while fieenuiuoi uventyone tr nnre. who shall have resided iu the aiaf al lea tone year, und 111 the election diitrut where he oil era to vote ut lem leu iluva iiiniiediately prcceetbn,! liie ebi-tnui. and within two years paid stai ol u n- winch shn'l have been at.seiMdat lust tmduVki t t-ime the election, IhH hcihzhu of Ihe 1'niTed rtatcs win h id pieviounly Imicii a ipjaiibctl voter of this suae, aid und r.-Mirurd, and vhull Inve rennb-d iu ihf el. i'ti o dmnet. aud paid tax aaaf.froMM. alwll le entitled I" vte ntur rcLidrnv in mis stutesix monti.1, Totvided. 'lUui Ihe whit; hcm-u, c.n ens i.f the I'mtetl States, U tv.eru Ibe aj.e tit tweuty-T. und twentv-two euin. and mi Ihe tWtM diMrn t ten tfeva us aioresuid. anaU be tnlilU Ui Ult, u!lh -uj;h U ty <u n 4 h.ivc- piJ taxi s. No rn rsm shall lw pariuilMd to vou Sse innie 11 n )l CHitaiucd 111 lUe bat lakable tubal itmu funuUiaU by lh coininissioneihasHi 'tei.ual, iiuUm, rsl : He pnlucea u receipt for the pavnwnl. wulnu two euia. cf a s'muor C ui'ity lux afetl nun rably lo ihe e 'ii-nit ll, uud pav a.tial'aetory evubuce either on hit own 01 ulhiuut-lin-i r oil the ath aihruvtU -u 'f another, th,d h bus mod' such t'x, 01 ou failure to .r.'duc n recen t, shall mak 1,11 ontii l the puviitvul thereof j or toe Mid, il he cluun a rutin w 'ta "" ,lw'"r Leiwe. 11 tbeagisol Uveniy i uc and twenty-two '" he ahull depose ou olIU ur a'lnmulioiu that he has result! in the Stale ut U,at one venr uet U-iore h.a iipplifiliou. and 111:1k ut U pr-.T ..f resideiM'e iu tae thuliums is replied by Ih.s net; auJ bat bed.CB verii) Ulicve tr ag the x..unt g.veu hiu d-al he is l Ihe nlon wod, and gio s.uh other evi lhnca as ia icu,'"14 la ',lB wiieiru. u the luiioe ot tbv peistm a. aibuiltid to v.ile. ahull U- lUKerled iu alpha belieal lisl b tii iiMperlArs, and n ! mad oiipoKiia thereto hy writing the iua.M il he iball J-e ptiiiut- j,, voiv l.y of bavuig paid tna, 01 tti wold ptiae," if he sluill be penuuit d to vote on at ouiU f in age, uud in either casu ihe tens ni t.f such vute sbull b culled out to the rlcrtt, who slwill uiuke aotva iu the bst oi" viera kept by them. . . I u all cases w here th nntu of th pera-m cluuuoig to vole ia not found i the list lunushed by tho Coiiuntssi.Mi eia and Aaaraanr, it hia right to Vtle w heilw-r found there on or iu, ia Unrctod to by uuy quuhlied ciiil Ibe In snccuu ahall cxuiuiue audi peia-u on iuIIi ra m bis ,usua culbaia, .md if he cluiina to huv resub d 111 the slate our vear or moie, hia taith ahull I a prist I hereof, but he sh.M movebyat b-ast ouo coinpi'leut witueaa, who ahal! bo a Quub6ed elector, he inaidcU wilhm Hie .h.U.ct nt Uasi ten dnya next iminedialeU ,WtHbna ibe .'e. Lo,aml sluU sis . himself awear that U tma tww wmIi-iii, in purau. anea if iuwfuU-ulhng ia viibiu lae tb-n.ui, and that h did n -H remove into aaid d.atruH ut th purp, ol rotmg 'h?vtv ixa ai qualiHed aa afireanid, auU who a!.a!l mak proltf.a foIured, of nidn,t and paimriU of taavm a Jrttiw. alllalbaluliU townsa.,., ward ordiitnei in wlw'h he snan wiur. If any pai a- v.H iitU .Mma.witli ft TraHty lo law, (nrcnpt Ihe anna nf qnaliftrd eitlitert) ill dlnppear at any pater of electhm for the purpoae of ia sniiif hrfcef, or Wrienrmg cHtvetra-ejui4iliil to ots b 'i, on convlntloii, anal pay atiy stun not eaeoed I g one hundred dollara for every on auch oftence, and b ivnpriaonnd f. any term not excdlng throe months. ll ahall be the duty of every mayor, aherhT, akWrmua ' justice of th peace, aud eontabl or iVpiity roiiBtall4. sd every city, counly, township or diatrict within this cort n mwaahh,'wlHsiM'ver OHlKtl uprui Iry any orficor of an election, r hy any three qualified electora thereof, tn rlear any window or avenue lo any window, to tit place 4T aneial election, which ahall be obstructed In auch a way oa to prevent voters from approeching the iwtne, and oh iiegbTt ur ritfuaul lo do an on aurh n-iiuisnm, snrd officer sliti II ho deemed sruilted of iniadeiiienuor in oflicf and on conviction shall be fined in uny Bum not lesa lliau one haa drcd iHr moro than mnj thotisHnil dolbira ( and it ahall b the duty of tire rrsrocttv constaNe of each ward, divtrini or tttwiifhip, of this comtnonweulh to 1 preaeut In perafsn or by fbrity, at the ptnee of holding auch eleHimi in eats ward, dittrirt nr townahip, for th purpose of preaervinf the ie aa uforeauid. It shall he the duly of every p-re n(fic rr, na aforesaid, who shall Ire present al any such disturhtince at an ! turn as ia deaeribcd m this act, l report the aime to th next court ol quarter aentmsta. and alao Ui name of th witiiessca who tsin prove the mine. Tlie Judge are to mnk their returns for the county of Northumberland, at the Court IIuse, iu frunuurv, 011 rri day, tha Ath day of October, A. 1). IH.P7. Oiven under my hand, at Sunbury, this 1st dny nf Rep temlier A !. IH.'i?, oud lulhet'stud year of tha iudejend euce if the I'uited States . JIEHNY WKISK, theiiO". Bherift'sCtTice. Smd.urv, ) rVpt. 13 1837 U ' HOUSE AND LOT F0E8ALE. au user ibe r o fieri at private ne ibe house .L and Lot now occupied by hi mat If, ntuated on the corner of River and .Lldttrberry atreut Kua bury The improvement are a two atory FRAME DWELL! MO, ticarly new, a NVaaU-houae and Wood houpe and a go-ad stable. Alio an excellent Well of Wa ter, jflicro ia alao on the lot a choice variety of good fruit. 2 Vr ma caey. For further parti culasa apply to r:HAUTLS GOUIN. Sunl.yry Sept 12, 1 857 tf ORPHAN'S COURT PALE. jVOTICE is hereby given lliat Joseph WoUfr tmi, Eiecutor of llie Willoflsssc Wihcr ton, dtcM., in pursuance nf an order of the Or pilaris1 Court, of Northumlirrlsntl count;, grsr.tnl at August Term, IB57, willtunosc to sale hy pulilic outcrr, on TUESDAY, THE 27tl-. DAY r.FCtTCIER next, At 10 o'lluck, A.M., at llie uVrilinghotisa on the irrmisos, oil t!int ri-rlain FAKM OK TUACT OF I.AM), situate in Hush town.ship, rVortliumbrrlaiid counly, otljoiuing lands of Abraham Huffman, Simon Interline, John Yea ger, 8ainuil i 1 1 linger, Jacob Weaver and a lot of the widow Wolvcrton, (cut oil' from the farm,') containing ICG acres, on which arc erected agood FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, a Barn and Outluiloiugs, and on which arc an Apple Orchard, a good spring House, and about 100 acres of will culihatid land, U is about four miles from Danville. TKh'MS OF HALE Trx per cent, down, one half the liulancc on the 1st of April, 185x, the other half on the 1st of' April, 18t9, with interest from 1st April, I8.r8, to bo secured by Doiid and Mortgages un the premises. JOSEI'H WOLVEllTUN. Ex'r. By nn'.er of tie Court J . B. Pursel, Clk. O. C. S inliury, August 8, 1807 ) ts CM Sinli JOU.V ZI.U.flEH.JS.I.V, T ESPECTFUI.LY informs his friends, and the public generally, that he has just reced ed a Kew Stock of GOODS, at his new store, at David Miller's Mill, in Lower Augusta Town ship, and that ho is prepared to sell goods at the lowest prices. His Stock consists iu part of SPRING A SUMMER GOODS, Groceries, Qucensware, Hardware, &c. and every variety usually kept in a country Store. Trevorton prices paid for all kinds of produce. Lower Augusta twp, Aug. 8, 1857. tf ViniOllAS BEEN CURED OF GREAT T 'NERVOUS DEBILITY, after manv years of misery , desires to make known to all fcllow-sutVcrers the sure means of relief. Address enclosing stamp to pay return postage, Mrs. MARY E. DEWITT, Boston, Mas., and the prescription will be sent free, by next post. August 9, 1857. 3m Pt VALUABLE COAL LAND FOR SALE. 'lriE aubscrilicj will tfl'er (or sale, at the Court House in Sunbury, Northumberland counts' en WEDNESDAY the 7th day of OCTOBER next, at 11 o'clock, A. M , tho one undivided ONE THIRD purtul a valuahlu Trnit'vjl Coal Lands situate in Coal township, in the count of Nor thumberland, surveyed on a warrant in the nans of LUKE FIDLER, containing in the wliolo. Five Hundred and Fifty Acres, oi thereabouts, bounded 'y lands surveyed in the name of John Brady, Samuel Clark, William Lamlwrt anil others. Tho improvements on tho said tract of land, are 'A two-story frame Dwellings, one log dwelling house, two shantys, nod a blacksmith shop. Connected with the said tract of laud, is large COAL BREAKKK. The terms and conditions of sale, will be made known ou the day of sale. A. JORDAN, Trustee. August SO, 1817. U What an enormous Variety of Toys and - . S..l Sk A - fancy Uoods h na! Wftoi uur rnena JOHN DOLL, At No. Hi North 2nd St., above Arch, Phila., HE has just received direct from Europe a very large assortment of Toys of all kinds, fancy yokels, Pipes, Canes, Segar Cases, To baeco Boxes and an endless variety of lancv ar ticles. Call upon biiu before purchasing else where. Philadelphia, August SO. 1857. 3in2Jw TobaCOO and SegarB. SO.OOO Imported Segars of various brands. Eldurado, Fig, Cavendish and tine cut tobacco at A. W. FISHER'S. Wunbury. March 14. 1857. .io,i . in n i, ATTORNEY A.T LAW, Ojjict in Maclet St., opposite the Court House, EUNBUKY, P-Si Collections made and Professional Business generally attended te Promptly and Carefully. PuiiiiiELriiix RsrcaExci ; Bullitt lr Fairihornc, DichI 4- Vert Davis V Birney, F. Tyjtu &. Co. Suubury, June 50, 1F57. .IMtTt nU UlLLtKV. EO. Y. Llf-E has agaiu commenred am) wll continue to take AMUKOTY'PES, 4c, at his Room above the Post OfTi e. Persons wishing to lave pood likenesses taken, will please call and sen us. V will take picu.i- si rrduced pri es auJ tuko trade iu payment for the same. All kinds of pic tures copied. Sunbury, ugust 2V, IK.V7.- tf ' Dissolution of Partnership. NOT I IE is hereby giveu that the firm of Bird. Douty cV John, of Big Mountain Colliery, was this dy (luly 1st, 1K57,) mutuslly diasuis ved by Ihe withdrawal vf J. J. John. ' JOSEPH III It n, JOHN B. DOUTY. J. J. JOHN. The busltirsa of Mining and Shipping Coal (rom Ihe above named CVIiery will hereafter be carried on in the name f Bird et Douty, whu will adjust ull tire unsettled accounts of thsli's ftrtu. JOSEPH BIRD. JOHN B. DOUTY, hhatnokin, July 18. 1857 If PICKLES of vaiious Stinds, Lobsters, Him dines, at, io., just recoived and for sale al the Drug More of A. W, FltiHEK Sunbury, August 1, 185T. HV DKOLKI'M PAINTS. These paints are mixed with waiff, thereby saving the cos nf oil, U.I sW tv . ..,... .MwHILX A.WnHPR,