Cclcgrajijjic flfos. Traaly Wile Ik Pawaua laulUsia. Preparations for. Defence by the Mormon -"Further Depredations by the Cheyenne. St. Louts Ocl. 2 Geo. Denver Comtnis ioaer or Indian Affaire, who hat just arrived her from Nebraska, report having made a futl and satisfactory treaty with the Fawoet Iodiaoi, at Sable Creek on the 24th nit. The Lexington (Mo.) Express announces the arrival of Captain llussael from Salt Lake, who states that the Mormons had for tified Fort Bridges, with the declared Inten tion of defending it against the United Stutns troops. C'apt. Russel also reports that the depreda tions of the Cheyenne Indians had not abated. They wcje daily growing more during, and comtoitiug offences of an aggravatec cli.Ai after. THE AMERICAN. SUNBURY. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1857. II. B. MASSER, Editor and Proprietor, To A nviKTUum . -The circulation of Ih Sunbury American among the dinVrent towns on the Sutquehanna not exceeded ifequolled or any rIr published in Nocth rn Pennsylvania. 3T Tui Cocktt Fait. Tb Farmer's Journal of the 3d lost., says, lb committee appointed to tnakt necessary preparations for the Fair Ground, of the Northumberland County Agricultural Society, are! going ahead rigorously, and Lav already completed tha trottin course for trvinir the speed or m - horses. XV m learn that tha course is now open aod ready for all those who wish to train their 2.40 nags for tba Fair, frte gratis.' There will bo tome lively sport on the coarse in the morning and evening from this op to the 15th of this month. We have also been Informed that oae or two celebrated trotting horses from Chester connty, IV, and Eltnira N. Y., will be liero. ntibc lifted Affairs lit llarrltUf. II a tints in? ito, Oct. 5. The town begiaa to assume a lively appearance, from the number of legislators thai have assembled in antici pation of tbo special session, to commence to morrow. Mr. Feuuey, the Speaker of the Senate, has urrivedj and -Mr. Getz, the Speaker of the Ilouaa, will reach here this evening. The House will not be full, as theie are several members detained nt home from aickness and other causes. All the mcmbt-r of the Senate will probably be in attendance. There is no excitement among the members present, and the citizens are culm, though there is a great variety of speculations as to what is to bi, or ought to bo douo to relieve the general distress. The Governor's Message h awaited with great anxiety, bnt it is thought lhat it will merely state tha coudilion of the Hanks, and the financial embarrassments of the business community, but make no rocommendatious, 'leaving the Legislature to devise tbo remedies fer present evils themselves. liolh Houses will meet at 11 o'clock, when the Governor's Message will be presented. it is thought doubtful whether anything can be effected for the relief of the bunks, us shiuII minority may embarrass the majority to such an extent as to defeat any measure calculated to legalize the suspension. Under these circuinstunces no predictions can be made, with certainty, as to the ressult of the svjiiou. From Washington. WistuxoTO.v. Oct. 6. Attorney General Black, in a recent decision, says that a porson who claims land in California under a grant from Mexico, is entitled'to have a patent Tor it, issued out of the General Land Office, whenever he shows his claim has been finallv confirmed by the Commissioner of the Dis trict Court, or by the Supreme Court, if he at the same time accompanies that proof mm a, survey, ceruneu anil approved by the Surveyor General of California. The Attor ney General has certain supervisory control over the investigatbn of these California laud claims, while the contest upon them is bo tween the United States and Mexican grantees. But beyond this, persons claiming titles adverse to the patentees must resort 10 me proper courts ol tbe Slate. Duriug the week ending Saturday, inclu ive, the fostmasler General baa aiirned draft for the pay of mail contractors to the amouut ol at least a million of dollars, which has already bean drawn from the Treoanrv. In tbe Treasury transactions, the aggregate drafts for the same Period are about three million of dollars, of which nearly two aud a iuira minions are in .New xork. Large amounts of United Stales stocks continue to come m for redemption. Fifty thousand dollars worth were received this morning. From Kansas Nearly One Thousand Mlsseuri- aui Entering Kaasaa. St. Lous, .Oct. 5. The Quindara Chin doicaa of the first instant says thut nearly a mouaanu Aitssoununs nave crossed mlo Kan as, between Qmndaro and Weston, fur the ostensible purpose of entering lands. But well-informed parties in Missouri declare their immigration is for political purposes. Evidence of concerted action along Ibo whole Doruer is Deconiing more apparent, but no lence is not apprehended. Democratic) State Nominations. For Governor Gen. WILLIAM F. PACKER, OF LVCOMINQ COUNTY. Judges of the Supreme Court, Hon. WILLIAM ITRO0,nt Berks CoanlT. Hon. JAM aCS THOMPSON, of Erie County. For Canal Commissioner, MMROD ITRICKLAMD, OF CHESTER COUNTY. DuMoctAftc County Ko' SENATOR : CHARLES R. Blif KALFW, of Calumbla Canalr ASSKMBLY : JO. C. RHODES, Tarbal. sHr.niFr t MEMIY J. READER, Lewie. PROTHONOTARY I DANIEL BECK. LEY, Zerke COMMISSIONER I SAMl'LL EXT, thaniskla. TREASLRHR : JCtSK M. SIMPSON, Saaburjr. AUDITOR : O. r. PATTO, Rush. New York. Oct. The bills cf tbo Le" Bank, Massachusetts, Charter Ouk, and Ex- cbage Bunks at Hartford Couuecicut, and Ibe Bank of atertown, . Y., have been thrown out. Hartford, Oct. C Tbe Charter Oak, Mercantile aod Exchange Banks have sus pended specie payments. The other banks of this place have resolved not to suspend. Boston, Oct. 6. At the instance of the Bank Commissioners a temporary iujuncliou has been grunted on the Western bank of Springfield Mass. Boston, Oct. o The monotary panic baa entirely disappeared. There were no failures to-day. New Orleans, October 5. Business is still restricted by the impossibility of selliug exchange. Small sales of bills on New York have been made at 1$ a Ho sales of ster ling have been reported. St. Lot-is, October 6. A meeting of the raercbunts of this city was held at the Ex change yesterday to cbusider tbe currency - question. Mr Henry the Bank commissioner of Illi nois made a statement of the condition of the Banks in that State wuicb was generally re garded as satisfactory. A committee was appointed to report on the subject. This commitUe convened in the afternoon, butadjouroed without comiug to any diBniet conclusion. Tbe vote on re ceiving currency at par stood ti. Previous to tbe adjournment a resolution, was passed to petition the Legislature to issue no more bonds at present and to create a sinking fund for tb payment of the iuteretit on those al ready issued. At the other meetioc at tbe Exchange held to-day, tha announcement of oi tne suspension or Lucas 4 Co. created no excitement. 1 he assets of tho firm are ten times greater than their liabilities. At the meeting of mediants to-day a reso lution to receive and pay out the bank curren cy of the Sute at par was adopted by no overwhelming vote. A run on the Bank of M isiourri, and on the Boatmvu's and Germau Saving lustitution bas been made but thuio is no evidence of their suspending yet. The. regular banks continue in a strong condition. Dktroit, Oct. C. The 1'urmers and Me chanic's Bank, of this city have beeu placed under an injunction by the Attorney Gen eral. FxTERsnuRo, Oct. C. The Express says it ia rumored here this evening, that the Banks of Wilmington and Cape Fear, North C.troli na, refused to redeem their notes yester'av Tbe Commercial Bank and Bunk of the Slut redeemed everything. They are sli said o be perfectly solvent. LETTER FHOM THE EDITOR, DATRD Philadelphia, Oct. 5, 1857. It is not more than a month since, when the money panic commenced in New York, at which time oar Philadelphia co temporaries were exulting that their merchants and their Bunks were firm, and could not be shaken How differently tbe result bas proved, tbo events of the past week bas fully shown. Philadelphia was the first to suspend in 1837 and 18 again the Brit to suspend in 1857. But tbe preseut is not a parallel case with the former suspension. Then gold coin was not in circulation among the people us s cur rency, now it forms a great portion of the daily circulation. Then our resources wero limited, and our indebtedness great, Such is not now the case, and hod those who con trolled tbe Banks and tbe finances, in Phila dulpbia, managed matters with more judg, tnent and unauimity, there would have beeu no suspension in tbo city, and consequently none in the country. What the Legislature will do it is bard to conjecture. I have beard various romeilies suggested, one of which was to compel the Banks to resume in 30 days on their notes, and give them one year on their deposits. Bnt this would only give the Philadelphia Banks privileges over tbo country Bunks, whose liabilities are mostly in circulation. Ibe State Agricultural Exhibition was not what it should have been, and what its friends expected. Tbe display was meagre as compared with some previous exhibitions, Tbe time for State Fairs, in my opinion, bas passed, and more attention will, here after, be paid to County Exhibitions. We do not know that tbe furmers or others will lose by this change. To-day (Monday.) was a great day in Phil eJelpbiu. Tbo fi.-emens' parade absorbed everything. It was certainly a grand display, but in my opinion a foolish one, especially at this time, when consternation and expected rnin is staring every one in tbe face. srjr Oin Candidate ron Siikrikk. There appears to' be great dinatifaction among the Democratic party relative to tbe nomination of Henry J.' Reader for Sheriff. In fact some of the leading Democrats In the connty are using every exertion to defeat him. Some oppose him on tho ground that be was not fuirly nominated, others that he is not com petent. While great number accuso bim of being avaricious and are fearful that in these bard times be will make too bard Sheriff on the poor what the result will te time will determine. HEW COUNTERFEITS). Tbe following now counterfeits have made their appearance. A s there is large amoant of tbe money of the Banks we enumerate in circulation it would be well for our citizens to examine all notes offered tbcin before re ceiving them : Onk Col ttmbia Hank, Columbia Pa. Turke Columbia JJanl; Pa, Bauk bas no 3. Five lerit County Bank; Venn. is man and horse plowing Frankliu's bead oi riirbt Ctrl on left end. rive lor- to. Jiauk; I'a., vig. two men horses and plow; Franklin on right; boy girl and dog on lrt. r tTR Columbia Bank; I'a., altered ig, three females inclining portrait ofWashing, ton on the ritrht coddess or liberty on lelt. Ten Uarruburq Hank, l a. m. asli ineton and IMtenhouse canal boat on one end, and male and remuie on toe other uu like genunine. . PENNSYLVANIA LEOISLATCRC. Habmsbuho, October 6, 1857. Senate. Tbe Seoato was called to order at noon, bv the Sneaker. Mr. Finney. ' The roll was called, and all the members answered to their names except Mr. craoo. ibe nroclamation of tus Uovernor was read. A committee of two were appointed to In- form the 1 loin that the Senuie were ready to oroceed to business, and committee of three to inform the Uovernor mat tne legis- laturs was orMnizcd and ready to receive any communication he may have to mnko. Tbe luttcr committed bavins; performed its dutv. the Secretary of the Commonwealth - . r ...... . was introduced, and presented tne uovernor s message. It was read, as follows THE GOVERNOR'S MESSAGE. July 99. Prpt. 89. Pet-tin, 6.40 83,15 gl U 6 7S 6,80 1,43 0.40 5,15 l,fi MO 6.?4 S,75 . P.-J5 8,70 1,55 B75 t.0 3,K 11,50 7,10 4,10 Mr. Wrioht read a bill rrohibltg tbe banks from issuing notes of a les denomioa ion than twenty dollars. Ordered to be printed, and referred to the Committee on Banks. r v' " Mr. Lewis nresented a bill relative to the Banks or lbs Commonwealth, which legalizes Ibe suspension of specie payments, and fixes a time for resumption. Referred to a select committpn nt five. Mr. Straub presentee a bill to extend relief to the people, by suspending the collection of debts due tba banks Trom the people, ueau atiU relurred to tbe Uommttlee ol x1 inance. Tbe Speaker presented the memorial of tne Committee of Bank Presidents of Philadel phia, which war read and referred to the tnccial committee or seven. Mr. Gazisam presented tne proceedings oi (lie meeting of Ibe Board or I rade and cm lens of Pittsburg. Mr. Taggart presented a bill concerning the banks, which was rend and referred to the sprciul committee of scvon. la t. soatuer submitted resolution, caning on the State 1 reasurer to inform tbe Seuale Many easel of Dysentery. In Hi most severe form, have been cured by the ad ministration 0. . ... .... oi wo v all s uai.vahio l)n unoiera mor bus and all diseases of the bowels are relieved in it short time, by a few drops of Galvanic V". . ; , ' AaauTt vol D Vu,'i 0iaio Oit Frilinr A Oram, A. W. FUhcr, W. WMintr, C. Wmk, H 1. Main, UerMreaMt A Hull. t-2T Bright k Soo bnve just received ano ther supply of new goods, and now offer to elnaa out their summer stock at ercatly re duced prices. Judging from the quantity of roods luov are constantly receivme, tueir knsineaa limit be inrreasins iu a rapid ratio But "small profits and quick soles win uraw tho patronage of tbe public. EXRCtTlVB Cfl AMPER, IlAr.msBi'RO, October 6, 1847. J To tht Srnate anil limn of Hemesentalives of what amount of money belonging to the - I ... . . 7 , - j I -. m . ... j...-..: ?.- state is ueposueu in tue nanas, ana wiiei TawGrargia Elrctlaa. Acocsta, Oct. 6. It is admitted that at the recent eleetion Judge Brown (Democrat) nas oeen eiectea uoveruor by from 8000 to 1U.U0O waroruy, ibe returns indicate the lectioQ of Trippe in the third congressional districts saa josnua tun, iu ma seveutb die, trut. B'llb of these are Americans. Craw. ford, Gurtrelle, A. 11, Stephens and Wm Wright, Democrats are elected in the serood fourth and fifth district. From the first and sixth diitrics there bas been but little besr. IIarttod. Coon.. October . Three well- known banks of this city the Exchange, tbo C carter uk and Uercbantils iuspeak4 vecis ps' tutbti this noiclng. Metropolitan Hotki, ) Xexc York; October 6, 1K57. Business in this great city like that of Philadelphia has been almost prostrated. There is but little doing among tbo merchants and traders, the Hotels perhaps are doing belter than any other class. Confidence bus been so completely shattered thut country merchants care but little about buying, and tbe city merchants less about selling. Sat urday last was said to be tbe most trying day for New York, and tbey think they are now over the worst. In Philadelphia it was the opinion as well ub the desire, that tbe New York Bunks would suspend specie payments, as that would compel tbo Boston Bunks, and most probably all the Bauks in the Union to suspend, thus placing all on an equality. But this hope is fallacious. Tbe Banks in this city cannot suspend without going iuto liqui dai ion. No act of tbe Legislature can re lieve tbem. Besides New York is the great centre of commerce as well ss of finance, snd it is her policy to sustain her credit, and attract both. Should tbe Philadelphia Bauks cootiuue in a state of suspension the result will be most disastrous to her trade and com merce. With ber money at a discount, vary, ing from five to ten per ceut., produce will naturally seek olher markets, where the cur rency is not depreciated. But this revulsion will not be without its good effects. It will teach those who will only learn in the school of bitter experience that extravagance and recklessness muvt even tually end in ruin and disaster. It will teach the followers of Robert J. Walker, that nations, like individuals, cannot long Sourish when their outgoes are lurger than their incomes, or when out imports are larger than our exports. A proper tariff on rail road iron alone, would have saved one hundred millions lhat have been sent abroad for iron that could have beon made at home. fJTluc Llkction tukes place on next Tuesday, but there is very little excitement concerning it. In fact the opposite party admit lhat Geo. Packer, our candidate fur Governor, aud tbe whole State ticket will be elected by a large majority. Our Slat ticket is certaiu of success, aod the men composing it are worthy of our support. For our part we have never seen a more quiet election campaign, but suppose tbe severe panic in money matters tends to lead our thoughts in different direction. 0- Counterfeit half dollars are in circula tio.n. Tbe die from which they are made is food they are well executed, aod might rea dily be taken by lbs nosus picious. They can ba detected by their light weicht. LorV out j-for them. A Faithful OrncER. Mr. Jacob Eierly of Columbia county, 1 was appointed I re thouotary in 18 JO by Gov leorge Wolf, and since the Ritner administration we understand be bas been reappointed and elected for each successive torm up to this time, aud is now tbe democratic nominee for re-election, thos showing that a man who bas had experience in public affairs, renders greater satisfaction tuan ono wbose experience bas been limited and consequently is more competent to die cuarge tue duties o! bis ollice. Tub Fall in the Price op Wheat. A cargo of wheat arrived at Buffulo last week says the Republic, consigned to a house with iuttrurtiotik to sell at ?1 15. ben it am ved all that was offered was 1 10 : the con aiguee telegraphed to the owner to com down and sell it himself. On the day of hi arrival it bad gone down to $1 05; Ledffered at tlint figure, aud was ottered SI, but b thought ho would look about before selling at tbat price, aud wben ha wont to make th trade it bad fullen to 95 cents ; be waited till the next day, wben he was offered 90 cents for it, and took it. Decline in Flour. The following tab) unions tne decline in flour in tbe .Ne Yotk market, and of course in all the olhe markets hers within the last two months Superfine Slate, per barrel, Film Hmtr, Weitern gunerfme, Kxtra VYrMeiii, Cau-uhatl extra, Bill., Alrx'a, Genrge'n, Southern anil fmiry extra. Philadelphia l.edyer. Bank rr Danville. Al a meeting of tie Board of Directors on Tuesday last it was, Resolved, That in consequence of tbe sus pension of the Philadelphia Banks and the Banks throughout the interior of the State, this Bank suspend Specie payments for tbo present. 1 his bank nas paid out upwards of 20,000 in specie before they suspended. No holder of Danville Bunk bills should make a sacrifice of them, as the bank is entirely responsible, and able to pay all their liabilities iu full. Vanuillt Intelligencer. Montour Works. We r gret to say there is no certainty about these Works going into operatinu this winter. Tbe managers have been unremitting in their endeavors to raise funds to pay off tbe workmen up to tbe present time, but have not yet succeeded, although tbey have over $150,000 worth of Rails in market, with other and ample means: the state of the money market being such at pres ent tbat it is almost impossible to raise funds on tbe best security. e are assured, how. ever, that the Company will persevere iu the eflort nntil it is accomplished. Ibe months pay now duo to tbe workmen amounts to about $35,000, a sum not easily raised undi r present circumstances. Montour Amencan Don't Hoard the Coin ! There is an abundance of gold and silver coin in the conn try for all the ordinary transactions of daily life, if it is only kept in circulation. A mull specie currency is the life-blood of bosinesa, and if il be wanting to any considerable extent, business will languish, stagnate or decay in proportion as its life-blood is want' ing. Tbe propensity to hoard gold and silver money is one of the lowest and meanest vices of the human mind. It is the very essence of selnsnness. I bis propensity is naturally heightened in limes of punic like the present, and oiicn seizes upon good men who in ordi nary seasons would be entirely frc6 from it. Let all wbo have a spark of kindly and libers) feeling "resitl the temptation and it will fie irom mem. There is atill sufficient gold and ailver in the country to keep tbe wheels of business in motion, and thereby enable honest industry by daily lubor to earn its daily bread. Whatever of want and Buffering may prevail ibis winter among those who would labor but can find no employment, will be largely owing to ine boarding of coin, those who cause this want to full upon the poor, will roceive their pay in due season, if it be true tbat "with the measure ye mete withal, tbe same shall be measured to you again. Financial Trouble i Paris. The Paris correspondent of tbe Boston Traveler, under dute of September. 17, writes as follows, in regard to tne financial revulsion in that city: "We are in the midst of sort of panic. Kverytbingon 'Change is goiag down rapidly. Ibe Credit Mobilier is said to be seriously menaced. On of tba most prominent direc tors, M. Ernest Andre, not only resigned, but npon the refusal of bis bretbern to accept bis resignation, be forced it npon tbem by a notary. It is said ha bas since withdrawn it, and ia again at 4be Board. Bnt all agree that the golden days of tba Credit Mobilier have gone by. I he stock bas fallen to 7 .Of. tbe 1st of last April it was liOOfl Tbe Caiaaa Mires is 370f. tbe 1st of last April it was 650f. M. Mires predicts very bard times coining. A great deal of fear is enter tained that we are about savior heavily for tbe fever of speculation sbicb bas been raging thtis uts years past.' ro Assembly met: Genti.kmkn i By virtue of the power con furred upon me by the Constitution, 1 have deemed it my imperative duty to convene tba General Assembly nt this time. An extraordinary occasion for so doing, as con templated by tho Constitution, bas arisen, and accordingly you have been called together to take into consideration and auopi sucu measure of relief, as the present exigencies may seem, in your wisdom, to demand. A sodden aud severe finaucial revulsion has occurred, inducing a suspension of specie payments by the Bunks of Ibis Common- weulth and in some of our sister States. This was unavoidable, having become, from tbe operation of causes unnecessary now to be enumerated, a stem necessity. Thuscircnm stanced, the communily are suffering from the want of a currencv, tbe destruction of confidence, and the numerous svils consequent on financial embarrassment. Every depart men t of industry has felt and been -disastrously affected by tho abock ; trado and commerce have been paralyzed : the merchact, the manufacturer, tbe mrcbauic, have seen tbeil bright prof pects suddenly blasted, and many have been involved in a ruin which no ordi nary sagacity or foresight could overt si "iny oi our turnuces, rolling mills anu factories bnve been closed, extensive and valuable coal operations have been suspended or abundoned, and thousands of workmen are out of employment oppressed with doubt and anxiety, and alarmed with gloomy appro hent ions of the future. It is not my iutenlion to discuss in this communication tbo cause of the present financial difficulties and comtner ciul omburrarsmeut. 1 he evil is upon us, troubles surround us ; and to relieve the community, restore confidence, and bring back tbe prosperity lately enjoyed, and which, it is faop'cd, is but temporarily interrupted, prompt, utid harmonious action, wise and gen erous legislation will be required, 1 be pre sent exigency requires, and every considcra tion of nrerUMit ond fularo interest te the Commonwealth and the people would seem to demand, that the bunks should be released from the penalties and forfeitures incurred, and a suspension should .be authorized for such reasonable period as will enable them safely to resume the payment of their liabili ties in Kpecie. To force the brinks into a loo early linnida- lloji would compel them to require immediate payment from their debtors, end would entail upon the community the miseries of wide spread bankruptcy and ruin; while, on the olher hand, su unreasonable extension of the unnatural state of suspension, would greatly iuoreueo tho evils of an irredeemable paper currency. Tbe resumptiou of specie pay ments should not be postponed longer thau il t'lenrly necessary aud the bet inti-retli of the community may roquire. Tbe general ombarrussment ond depression of trade aud commerce, and the consenuetit depreciation of the value of real and personal proporty. if permitted to continue, will serj ou!y tiled the revenue of the Commonwealth, tbo credit of the State, now so well sustained and so honorable to her character, may le endangered, nol by nny inability to pay, but from the difficulty if not the impossibility of procuring a tuctiiuin iu which puyuiectcuu be made. The faith of the State must be preserved intact. 1 therefore recommend that the Banks which may be relieved from the penal- ties upon such suspension bv existing laws. shall be required to make a satisfactory ar rangement wait the State Treasurer, by which it wm oe enabled to convert tbe current Tund in the Treosury aud balances standing to his credit in any of the solvent Banks of the Com monwealth into specie, as soon as tie tume shall become necessary for the payment tf the interest on the funded debt. And as a further relief to the community, and as a condition of tbe release of the penal ties and forfeitures incurred, il is respectfully recommended tbat the solvent Bunks of tho Commonweulth, which paid specie for all their liabilities, immediately prior to their lute general suspension, shall be required (under such limitations and restrictions as may be deemed expedient) to receive the notes of each other, continuing solvent, at par, in payment of all debts due, or to become due to tbem respectively during their suspen sion; the bau.k or -banks resuming specie pay ments to be relieved from this condition. For the relief of the debtors provision should be made for an extension of the time in which executions on judgments may issue and the period now provided by law, for tbe star of executions. The issue of relief or bauk notes of t less denomination than five dollars should not now be authorized, nor should tbe Bauks, during their suspension be permitted to declare div idends exceeding six per cent, per annum. The moneyed institutions of tbe Common wealth, it is believed, ure generally in t sound aad solvent condition, and if the measures suggested be adopted, the batiks will be ena bled to meet all their liabilities, supply t cur tei cy adequate to the demands of legitimate trade and Ibe ordinary busiuess of life, regain public confidence, aid and revive every branch ofiudustry, and save their creditors snd tbo community from tbe bankruptcy and ruin, inevitably consequent on tbe intense pressure of the present fiuuncial crisis. The questions submitted for yoor determi nation are important end numerous. Tbey rise fur above all partiaan or politicul consid erations or calculations. A suffering commu nity, in tbe hour of tbeir anxiety and peril, expect at your banda prompt and patriotic action for their relief. Influenced by no other consideration than the public good, prompted by no other than bon.-st and honorable convictions of a public and private duty, may be tbe result of your deliberations meet the expectations, relieve the wants, and harmonize with tbe true inter ests of the people. JAMES POLLOCK. amounts in bank notes, and on what Banks, are in tht Treasury. Laid over fur the present. Air. Browne gave noitco that lie would to morrow oiler a resolution, cauinir on me Banks for a statement of tbuir present condi tion. M r. Rcofield read a resolution to adjourn sine die on Monday next, Mr. laggart moved to amend, by changing the duy of adiournmenl to 1 uesday. 1 ending a discussion which ensued, mo Senate adjourned till 10 o'clock to-morrow morning. nr-at .ooo n ICWAB l will l paid f"T any Madiaiiie thai will excel I'D ATT tTCIIfcll 8 MAUIC.OIL fur the IVIIiiwint din-awe Rheomotinn, Neuralgia, fcpintil Affection, Contracted Joltita, Cholie 1'aiiia, I'm m in tne pine Ol uacK, uemutunc, iiRmui-ii, rpipiin-, ,7iiw Throat, Cuia, Uiuni-a, Uurna, and all diauwa of the ki Muaclea anu the kiuiiui. minr grnaiiic wiinnu, m Big nature of PatTT HuTOtaa attached to each IjiIicI Principal office, 800 Waahiiigton atreet, Brookljrn, New York. Said bv Albert W. Fiehe-, Dtuggiat, Market atreet, Snnharr, This is to certify, that I Lave made but one application of ibe Magic Oil on my fingers, which have been drawn from contrac tion of the cords, brought on by rboumaliem. It was of seventeen months standing, and I now entirely cured. I cheerfully recommend it to all afflicted likewiso. J. M. F1NBR00K, llarrisburg, IX Locust street. July 25, 1857. ly. MARRIAGE S . (Correspondence. for the Aaiibury American llt-KwKNSvii.i.E, Oct. Ctb, 1857. Mk. Kditor : On Tuesday evening last, tbe 'J'Jth olt., the hotel known as "Hause's Tavern," (ttow kept by .Mr, Thomas Barr.) was destroyed by fire. Tbe building was entiiely consumed, as well as most or tho furniture and contents of the bouse. Tbat the building or furniture was insured we are uot aware. Our merchants are receiving and opening out a new supply of goods, which are quite respectable, notwithstanding the stringency ia the money market. 1 he prussure oi tne present crisis, however, is very sensibly felt throughout this, as well as olher neighbor hoods. We hope that tho present stale T unairs will leach as that economy is mo o,'st policy, and to live within our means, and not to engage in business beyond our capital. Were we a more frugal people we would be still more iirosMrrons. Politics ia a secondary matter here thu financial panic being the all-absorbing topic But an occaaionul thought is bestowed uputi our country s welfure, and it is generally sup posed thai at least soma of the Democratic ticket will come out minus a great uatnbornf votus tu tba second Tuesday of October, and of this nnmbi r we have set down our ueigbbor, Henry J. lteader, who, we may safely say, will run much short of a party vol.. MiQ. a 1 - Al (omimtnicateij In Philadelphia, on Tuesday, the 2'Jlli ult., by the Uev. C. D. Cooper. D. D . at the residence of tho bride's futher, S. Hiciiaro Peai.k. Km., of Lock Haven, to Miss Har riet F., daughter of Sulomou Alter,, of Philadelphia. In Shamokin, on Wedncsdny, the 30th ult , by tho Uev. P. Bird, Mr. Harmk Snyder to Mus Mart s. Younu, an oi snamomn. Iu Sbumokin, on Saturday, the 3d inet., by the same, Mr. Gkoegk Fakmeli) to Miss Ann STORp.r.r, all of Shamokin. On the 24lU ult.; by Prof. T. F. Curtis, Mr. Henry B. Johnson, and Miss Mart I'.. Amkrman, both of Lewisburg. On the 27th ult., by Uev. J. Dashiell, Charles Jonk, of Northumberland, and M Us Uor.ETTA G. Bkitmkykr, of Lewisburg. On the 21st ult., by Uev. J. W. Yeoman?, Mr. Isaac M. Si-ropi, of Illiuoi, and Miss SorniA M. Brady, dattRhler of S. A. Brady, F,sq,. of the "Montour House," Daovile. m I .' " I.... 'II '.. tXbc pirfufs. Philadelphia Market. Oct. 7, 1857. Grain. The receipts of Wheat centinu quite largo, though the market is inactiva Good red is held nl 81 22 a 61 24, and $1 23 a $1 2& for geod while. Sales of choice Kentucky at 81 50. and very superior Boan oko nt $2 25. Bye is steady ut 75 cents. Corn is dull, and light sales are making al 76 a 7cV. Outs are in demand nt from 26 a 27 cents per bushel Cloveisecd Sales of prime at $7 per f4 lbs. Whikey Sules at 26 cts. in bbls. and in hhde., at 27 cents. STJNBTJllY PRICE CURRENT. 4 Daniel Yosl, Coal, 5 George Baslian, Sr. Sunbnry, (I Daniel Kaufman, Lower Augusta, - 7 George Emerich, Lower Mahauoy, . 8 Andrew Bucker Washington, a 9 George Apsley, Shamokin. 10 Macbael Lahr, Lower Mahanoy, 11 John Cornell, Lower ngusta. 12 Isaac Lilly, Delaware, 13 George Henn, Sntiborr, 14 Samuel Malick, Washington, 15 Samuel 8 Follmer. Turbut, 16 Christian Kister, Delaware, 17 George Seiler, Lower -dugosts, 18 John Iteply Shamokin, 19 John W Mnllick, Lower ugnsU, 20 Caleb Barrett, Lower Augusts, 21 Wm F Mendick, Chilisquaque, 22 Peter Weaver, Lewis, 23 Jesse Hensyl. Shamokin. 24 Philip Mercer, Lower Mahanoy, 25 Wm Smith Jr., Delaware, 26 Henry ltabn, Lower Augusta, 27 Charles Hnlfenetrin, Coal, 28 Johu Baillelt, Delaware. 29 Joseph Shipc, Upper Augusta, 30 Daniel Brown, Milton, 31 Wm Bartholomew, Lower .Ingosls, 32 James Reed, Chilisquaque, 33 George Lahr, Jacksou. 34 Joseph M. liar, Northninberlnnd, 35 Wm Blair, Chilisquflque, 36 James Thomas, Mt Caiuiel, 37 Thomas J;Neshit, Point, 39 Peter Klock, Lower Mahanoy, 39 John Solken, llnsh, 40 Peter Ferster Jr. Washington, 41 Daniel Foltmer, Tnrbut, 42 Samuel II Wnlliscr, Lewie, 43 Jacob M. Follmer, Turbut, 41 Wm Caul. Point, 45 11. M Frick Milton. 46 Jncob Slitzel, Delaware, 47 Christian Fugely. Upper .tugnatn, 48 Daniel Hollenbuch, Lower .4ugurta, TETIT JURORS. 1 Joseph Frederick, Ztrby, 2 Wm Strinr, Millon, 3 Kphruim Zimmerman, Shamokin, 4 George Harrison, Sunbury, 5 Daniel Irnold, Upper lugueta, C A Kercher, Lewis, 7 Joseph Holla, Northumberland, 8 Hubert Smith. Lower .liigusta, 9 Israel Witmcr, Lower Mahanoy, 10 Peter Klock, Washington, 11 .thrahiim Howaiter, Upper Mahanoy, 12 lilins Iminvrich. Lower .-luguMi, 13 John M Smith, Deluwai-, 14 Soloman Druckemiller )r. Dvlnwnie, 15 )ian8 U SlmB'er, 'lii!iqiiriqiie, 16 S.itimol Ki-ktnan, Turbut, 17 Benjamin Boyer, Lower Maba,poy, 18 Joseph llnyes Jr. Delaware, t'.l Henry Wolf. Jordan, 20 SebobVan Haupt Sunbury, 21 Peter Uorrrst, Chilikftiiiii, 22 Samuel Shive, Lower .lnguetfl, 23 Ja;ob Blount, " 2t Nicolas Feifer. Lower M tlaii' y, 2. ) J.tmt'f Smith, Point, 26 John Buhner Shainokin, 27 Jacob Seibett, Delaware, 2$ Suli.tiiois Dirfff ndcrfi-r, Milton, 29 J'Uiies fttrean, Chiliaqn.iqiip, 30 Thomas Siierner, Milton, 31 Got re Huoy, Lower .liig'iMa, 32 Gideon Beam, Lewis, 3:1 tSamuvl Bender. Upper Mrhftiiry, 34 Sitmiicl Hoffa, Turbut, 3. " Frederick Fox, Lewis, 36 John Hoffa, Turbut. IFaMae Suntmrr Amerieca M R. Editok : Can Henry J. Itruiltr's de mocracy be genuine, or is it what might be termed office Tever democracy T For certainly one who has opposed the ticket so repeatedly cannot be ix coiibisteut democrat. Wm. Ful mer was nutuiiiuteil some year's tgo for As sembly yit, 1 am told Mr. Header opposed him and when my old friend J amen Covert, l'.sq., received tho nomination Tor tlierill lie opposed him, and thuo I might enumerate ! others who were nominated by our party but opposed by M r. Header. But now he asks us to elect him Sheriff and culls on every de mocrat to support him, but he cannot recivu my voto, for 1 do not consider bim u good de mocrat, and 1 do not think he was fuiily nom inated, certainly thcro wero other candidates who had greater claims for our support, but by coLsiderubtc twisting and managing among some of your Sunbury men, Header wut, nom inated, or at least they "cnunted up" tho greatest nambtr of votes for him. A Democrat cr Miltox. Mr. Luitiir : 1 observe in the papers the names of a nnmber of persons as candidates for tha oOice of Prothonotary. I have nothing to sr.y aguiuit either, aud some of them, 1 have no doubt, would iu time make good oiaccrs. My purpose is to recommend James Heard, the present incumbent, whom wo all know bus given universal satisfaction during the past six years he has been in office. Mr. Beard ha all tbo necessary experience, speuks Knglihli and German, and is always obliging and attentive, and will, therefore, receive the support of many, without distinc tion of party AUGUSTA. Sinbirt, Sept. 15, 1857. Mr. Editor. : For various reasons I have deemed it proper to decline being a candidate for Couuty 1'reusurer, leaving tbe contest for the office entirely between Major lleim and JeFte M. Simpson To those who know Major Iloiin, we need not say that from his well kaown character and business hubils, there can be no doubt as to his making an excellent Treasurer, and that there will bo no difficulty in the settlement of his accounts at the end of his term, PliTLU 11 1 I.EM AN. Wheat, - - $3 00 Butter, $ SO live, .... DO Kgsa, - li Corn, ... 87 Tallow, ... IS Oats, .... Ml Lard, ... 14 Uurkwheat, - 75 I'ork, .... 8 J'otatosN, 1 00 Drrawat, KIhihccJ. ... '1 !. I Due J Applaa, I 'ib On motion, the message wai ore'ered to bo printed.. Mr. Jordan read a bill in place concerning the banks, which was read and ordered to be printed. On motion, it was referred to a special committee of seven. Mr. Brown read three bills, ona a lupple meut to the tst of April 16th, 1850, regula ting tbe banks ; another, entitled an tct re lating to tht Boating debt of railroads, aod concerning navigation companies. Il also read t seriet of joint resolutions instructing the State Senators and Members of Congress, in relation to tbe control and restraint by Congress of paper money. A motion to prin 1000 copies each of these mils was oiscossta. Tht motion to print was fioally adopted nnaoimtualy, tnd referred to srtcial com mune of five. New Advertisements. NEW STOBE. L LIAS EMERICH, I'.SPBCTrTM.Y informs the citiitha of of Lower Augusta tonnnhip aad the pub lie gci.rr.illy. that he haa purchased the lately kept by Ic-ae Marlx, in Lower Auguula town.iiip near Dmcrith's Tavern, and haa just oifuc J a aplcndid stock of I nliautl Winter GOODS. His stork of Cloths, Cassimeres, Cubs' j uettaof all kiinla, linen, cotton and Worated. .tiau, ivancure, uinguaiiis, i.awiis, .iiuubsciiiiv Be l.ainea and all kimU of l.adiee Drraa Gooda. (UiOCEIiiKS, Hardware, Ijuecnaware of va rioua ttylt-auinl Bittern. A lo, an assortment of KeailyMade Clulhing of all dencriiitinna, Ujuta and Miok, 7ita and Cain. SALT FISH. &c, and a variety of other articles audi aa arc suitable to (lie trade, all of wliich will be ao'd at the lower,! prices. Country produce laketi in exchange al the hihcl market pticea. Lower Augusta twp., October 10, 1657 tf. For the Sunbjry American. Mr. Editor: I observe iu the papers tbe names or number of persons as candidates for the office of County Treasure. Permit me to recommend Daniki, Hkim, of Upper Muhouoy, to Ibe voters of Northumberland county as a suitable person for that office. Major lieim is a man in every respect quali fied for that office and would undoubtedly givt general satisfaction if elected. JACKSON. All Citv Bki Notes Takks at Par. All City Bank Notes taken at Par. All City Bunk Notes taken at Par. All City Bank Notes tuken at Par. All City Bank Note; taken at Par. All City Bauk Notes taken at Pur. For Clothing at tho Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Kockhill & Wilfon Nos. C03 and 005 Cbesnnt street., above Sixth Philadelphia. WltTAK't BALSAM OK WILD I'HKRR V. 'J he great remedy fur COXXCMl'TIOX and all other diseases oth I'almory Orgaus The greater tbe value of any discovery tbe higher it is held in tbe esteem of tbe public, and so much in proportion is tbat publio liable to be imposed npon by spurious imita tions of ignorant designing aud dishonest men. Now tbat this prearatioo is well kaown to be a more certain cure for incipient CON'. SUMPTION, ASTHMA, LIVKIl COM. PLAINT, COUGHS. BRONCHITIS, and all similar affections, than auy other remedy known, there trt lound so villainously wicked to concoct a spurious tnd berbsps a poi sonous mixture, tnd try to palm it oil as tbt gtnanint Balsam., This is to caution dealers and the public gen erally, against purchasing auy other than haling tht written signature of I. BUTTS on tht outside vropper. Prepared ouly by Seth W. Fowle k Co., Boston. Mass., to whom til orders should be j addressed, and for tale by their agents. LIST OF CAUSES. VjOll trial in the Court of Common I'lraa of - Mortliumlierlaiid Cotintv, to be held at rtun li'jry, mi the firl .Moinl iy of November : PLAlNTirrn. IiRfKNDAKTil. i. I.c iaciiring (i. .Morris I,. Mai haii vi Begins cV Duiiftel. J. D.i'.ilh'a m'rs. is came, r-umo s aatnei runifl s sainr. Ahott fir Justice x S It Wuml W in Heiiimaii, Jacob lIiU,ii-h, Ab aham Uoiur e Jcl.n liurlh-ilomcw, It. I) Saltan vs Jjhn riintoli Wm K Marl. va J U Maurr Kckt-I Kaiguel A Co va II Master's 1'v'ri. .Iiilin Itunerrt al vsS J Met 'urintck ri,ilit I'aunt M M dolicr same l!.ii;iicl A Co -J uli n Hca V, llclfciislein C Yarger Ira '1'. Clement K. Krver and wife va I' Sarah Swcncv, Adm'r., va Jo.0ili liugendobier va !' M ulcliltr vs D Stewart and wila va Catharine Pollock. H It .M asscr vs Jacob tius va Wm tSliraflcr, vs Henry Vancarkin Mulsback ft al i !amue 'l eas PROCLAMATION- TV OT1CE is hereby given that tho several a- ' Courta of Common 1'U-ax, lirm ral Quarter Sessions of the peace, and Oprhiina' Court. Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, iu and fur the countv of ortliumnrrluiid. te commence at the Court Hi use, in the borough ot tSunbnrv, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the 2.1 day' of NOVUMUEK next, aud will continue TWO M EKKS. The coroner, Justin's of tin Peace and consta bles in and fur the county of Northumberland, are requested to be then and there in their proper per sons, with their rulli, records, inquisitions and other rcmcmlirunccs, to do those things to their several oflicea apHrtainiiig lo he done. And nl witnessra prosecuting in behalf of tho Commonl wealth against any prisoner are also requested and commanded to be then and there attending in their proper pcrsutia to prosecute agiiust him, aa shall be just and not to depart w ithout leave at their peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their attendance, at the time appointed agrccaUe to their noticea. (iiven under my hand at Sunbury, the 1st ilav of October iu the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven and the InJo prudence of the United States ef America tha 82d. m Cod save the Commonwealth. IIE.NKY WEISE, Sheriff. fcberiff s Office, Sunbury, rpt. 10, 1857. LIST OF XURORS. For NorthumberlundCouutr, for tht No vember Term, A. I) 1857. GRAND Jlt01tS. 1 Geo Baker, Milton, 2 Samuel Bader, Chilifquaque, 3 Daniel Bastion. Lower Augusta, 4 John Fckman, Upper Augusta, 5 Silas S. Funow, Shamokin, 6 Samuel Klar, Jordan, 7 Jacob Evert, Upper Augusts, S Henry K. MurU, Shamokin, 9 Henry Kline, Upper Augusta, 10 John Wyur, Lower Augusta, 11 Isaac Reiser, Zerbo, 12 Daniel Keitz, Washiugnon, 13 Wesley Clark, Low jr Augusta, 14 Samuel Zittler, Northamberland, 15 Peter Bulgier, Turbut, 16 Geo. Hensyl, Lower Mahanoy, 17 John Arnold, Sunbury, 18 Hubert Am merman, Coal, 19 Benjamin Trorel, Chilisquaque, 20 Samuel Bachner, Lower Mahanoy, 21 Samuel Folk, Upper Mahanoy, 22 David Shaffer, Delaware, 23 Jacob Khioiel, Mt. Carmel, 21 Thomas Gearinger, Milton. TRAVERSE JURORS. 1 Wm 8 Long, Mt. Carmel, . 2 John T Mcl arson, Lower Angusts, 3 John tmick, Lower Augaita. John Kr vs CoiiimisMoncra of Morlhumb'd Cel., J hihp Mnrvis va same (jco. tsliull .v. Co vs C. Smith Henry l.nli-ha vs M. Kluck (Jcorgc Harncr va Mary Ilarnrr. A. Kisi-itigcra, Lx'r, va John V Mamma Ira T. Clement va A C Noyea, HelfetiKtcin for Prothono- ,, liriirj vt nti s Catharine Ilrocinua vs Bun'jury Canal 4' Ce. vs John Smith ta llrll, Lewis dc Co. va Thos. Uaumgurdiirr, va Northern Central it. It. Co. va r ry mire and klout. va John Y. I calc, va Chss Stroll, vs Henry Loin va John Weaver vs P. Montague's adm'r va famuel Juhn, B. Gibson ami wife, tary .Nicholas Uiocious l.cib fur fammcr Samuel Savidge Muwrey Peter, Henry, Jos. Tragi), Mr Derr Jsliu Young Catharine Mruh, Aim M Sritz Jacob Ililbi.h Henry Giant Kriejjhsum iiliuin Hamnel Ji lin va Franklin Potts Prothnnotary'e Office, Kunlury, Oct. 10, vs Hoyil, Kns.rr cV to. JAMES UEARD.Proth'v. ,i8S7. ST.ll FFEK & Ililtl-KY. HKAl WATVHIS AM) jr.WUl.KV. YtriliLA!.K AND RKTAII, altlie ''PliilJel,.l,i WMctirs and Jewell y More" .-o. I4S (OM Nu. Mj North Second Street, Coiner uf Quarry, PhilaUclriliia. Cld Ixver Watehes full Jewelled, 18 caiet caaca, fp On 11. .Id l.rpine, H i-:iru, '.'I 0r Silver Lever, full jcu viled, 19 t-0 Silver I,Piine, jetvi-lf, ! i Haperi'-ir (juartiers, 7 00 tiolil Sei tuc ki, 7 b" Kiiin Stiver do , 1 Hold llmwkn, 3 l.wly's iiolil I'encilj, 1 K' riilv.r Ten gpoors, set, S tiolil Pmc, will) Pencil andSitvrr rioMrr, I !j0 Ooirl Fuiter ItlngiXj cis to 8tD; Watch Clusea. plum 121 eta , putent lt, l.u let li t oil, el armlii in proporlvn All fHxls wanantcd to be whnt tliev are sold for. bTAl t'r"KH A HARI.FY. '" On ti.-vu m Oiild and kilver Levcra aial Lei'tnas atill lower tbiii the aaove prices I'liiUid.lj.lua, Ocloher 10, IsSS lj-8W Volunteer Candidate for Assembly. To the Voters of Xorthumberland County. VT tha aolicitation of many friends from dif ferent parts if the County, the undersignej haa conaeated to beiome an Independent Can didate for ASS EM LILY at the ensuing; election. Should he be elected, no eflort shall be spared upon hia part to perform the duties of the office with fidelity, promptness and impartiality. 1). C. WATSOX. Ortolr 3,'.B5T. NOTICE. In the Matter cftht Settlement of the Estate of l'tlix .arc, of Mt. CirmtL aTOTICK is hereby given that Catharine " Lerch, widow of Felii Ltreb deceased bas made her selection of tbt personal prop, erty of said deceases!, according to tht Act of Assembly of I4tb of April, 1857, which will be preseuted to tbe Orphans Court for so. nroval on Thursday, tht (lb day of Jfovem ber next. AMOS VASTINE, Admr's. October 3, 18)7 FLOUR! fLOUKI UY , M. C GEA.RHART. ftutihury, S.l 2., Ua7,