THE OID GRENADIER'S STORY, of.o ! A ssnch ortiD rim if uw. TtM ttie day nciil ln PjramM, 11 aeoms rnl an honr irr, Thai Klber fool Hood Arm In o,vtari, Reluming blow Tor blow. , , , Th Momaluttel wer tossing Their standard to the sky, Vheo I heard A child Toiee saj, "My wen, Teach mo th way to dm r, 'Twnt a lit tl drornmer, Willi hi Ride, Turn terribly with shot 5 ' Bat still he feebly lent his drnm, At though the wound wore not. And when the Mameluke's wild hone Burst with ft scream nnd fry, lie taid, "Oh. men of the Fcttr-tuii J, Tench me the way to die !" "My mother ha got other ions- With stouter hearts than mine. But none more ready blond for France, To pour out free i( wine. Yet still life' sweet," the bmve led moaned, "Fair are this eurih and sky Thi'n, comrades of the Forty-third, Teach me the way to dio 1" - I nw Salanche of the granite heart Wiping his burning ryes It was indeed more pitiful Than mere loud sobs and cries. One bit his catritlge till his lips Grew black as wintry sky. Bnt fat ill the boy moaned. "Forty-tliird, Teach me the way to die 1" Then never saw 1 sight like that, Th sergeant flung down the Uag,t Even the tifer bound his brow With a wet and bloody rag. They looked at lock and fixed tbeir Steel, But never made a reply, Until ho sob bod out mice again, Tench mo the way to die l" Then with a shout thnt flew to God, They t trode into the fray ; I saw their red plumes join and wave, But slowly HMjIt away. The lust who went a wounded man Bnde the poor boy, pood by. And said, "We men of the Forty-third Teach yea the wbj to dio I" I never taw so sad a look, As the poor youngster cast, When the hut smoke of cannon, In cloud ui:d whirlwind pass 'd. Earth shook nnd heaven answered ; I watched his eaglo eye, As he luintly moaned, " The Fortj-third Teucu me the way to die t" Then with a mnsket for a crutch He limped into the fight j I, with a bullet in my hip, II id neither strength nor might. Bat proudly beating ou his drum, A fever in his eye, I heard him moan, "The Forty-third Taught me the way o die !" They found him on the morrow, Stretched on the heup of dead ; Ilia hands was in the grenadier's Who at his bidding bled. They hung a medul round his neclt, And closed his dauutless eye ; On the stone they cut, "The Forty-third Tuught him the way to die 1" Tis forty years from then till now The grave gapes ot my feet Yet when I think of such a boy, I feel my old heart beat. And from my slepp sometimes wake, Hearing a feebln cry. And a vo ca that s.iys, "Tire Forty-third Teach mo the way to die I" Uscomon Mbtrk. A gentleHion who re. cently put at a log tavern was awakened by a young mun, who couiQieuced a tscreuailo thus : "Oh, Sully Rice, I've cnllud you twico, And yet you lie and snore, I pray jou wake, And sou your Jake, And ope to him the door or window, don't care mach which for I I mikes but littlo diacrenco, To cither you or I Big pig, tiulo p'g. Hoot uog or uie ; Tr. Johnson, at a Lord committed the scnndaluus Mavor'a dinner iinnronriety of; talking wit nnd wisdom to an auiermun oj ma ( sidu who desired to concentrate hi whole. enemies on the turtln. 'fair, said uo nuier mnnrinatono and with a look of uwful rebuke, In attempting to lUlen to your long stolen, res and give von a short answer. 1 hnvu swal. lowed two pu ces of green fut without tailing thefl ivor. 1 beg you to let rae enjoy my jjreseut happiness in peace." A Few days since n boy was passing throngh the cars ou t'.iu Cleveland and Y.ria Mud handing out advertUetneiit of "Nothing to Wear illustrated. A ludy remiuked to a pentleinun. "That take off the ladies, I sup pose." No." said her friend, "it only takes till' their dresies." Then." replied the ludy, "it is proper that a sfrijlmg should sell it." A German and a Frenchman were attracted by a pig whose crioa resembled the word out. UW.i," euid the Uetmun, "the pig is a countrjm.iu of yours j ho speaks French." The Frenchman teplied, "Ah woncAer. but lie speak with a villaiuous Geruiuu accent." XT.inii V nnnn boins asked whether e was not seriously injured when the est. Leonards sleatnei's boiler exploded replied that he was so ued to being blown up by his wife thuta nieri steauier had uo cO'ect upon him. Tim riiiLOsortiKR's Stose. There is an eld saw which sujs that content is the true fihilosopher' stone. 15row:i says, "it's very ikely, lor nobody has found either the oue or the oiher." . An Old Gentleman being asked what ho wished for dinner replied, "An eppttiu, pond company, something to eat and a clean napkiu." What is stronger in d.ath than in li'c? An old yellow.'.egiied hen. If you dou t be lieve it try to dissect oue ufier roosting. A Young Lndy, fond of dancing, traverses in the conrse of u single season about four hundred miles. Yet no ludy wou'd thiuk if walking thut diotaiice in six months. Of the Spanish Book says Montesquieu, the only one good fdr anything is that which was written to show thut all the rest were good for notbiug. , " Nuomi, denghtcr ofEuoch, was five liun dred and eighty years of uge, wbeu she mar - ried. Courage ladies. . . A Jilted Chemist finds lov to be coeiposed ef fifteen parts of gold, three of fame, and two of eflVctiou. Should Trowsers procured on credit be considered "bieeches of trust!" Mr. Greenmao, a lawyer in Canton Brad ford Co., relumed from the Llruir horseract iutoxicat"d and having uiauipotu he cut bi throat. Kir. Spaldmg Uudlotd seeing the htstily epectacle fell and died on the epet. ED. Y. SXIXGIXT.& SON, BXJNBTJIIT, NORTHtTMBERLANp COUNTY, HAVE JUST KKUBiVKU A i.AKUrs OUITLK Ut r Dry Good, Itciuly mnde Clolhin?. Hoot nml shots, tJrtrd WariYUrorerlcM. lilass, QiKi'iisuarr, Ac, Among our present 8loe may be fonnd French Lawns, Poplins, Fancy Silks, 1'hiid Due al.Tiseuca, DeregiM, Uebeges, Cballi, Black Silks,, Ginghams, bwis Mull, Tarllon, Cambria. Nain sook, Brillianta, Dimity, Hook M uslin, Bibinctt Collars, Fwise Flouncing, Inserting, Lacce, liib bons, Hosiery, and a general assortment of FANCY GOODS. -. " SSAVLS.-SHAWLa.-SSAV'LS.-"' Embracing the moat beautiful stales, all qualities Oil Cloths and Carpets. Hummer Gooda for gent all kind of builiiing material, Carpenters Tools af tion, C utlery, Shoe I lndings, I.ssts,ac. Former efforts stirptmcd In addition lo our former Store Room, we have fitted up the second MrY of our establishment which yon will find well atocked with Heady Made Clotliine, Hnnii an.l Blioea combining; beauty J urn t II it y and cheapness. V a shall continue to assortment at all times complete, another inducement to all w ho uh to purchase, NEW" GOODS AT LOW PRICES We return onr thanks t. the public for tln-ir liheral patronage, and respectfully :vite aa lurpeo- tion ol our l)nmt, as we deem it a pleasure to wait on all who msy favor us with a c,l. Cor.NTKV PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. H ?' 3 ' S S 3 9 9 9 1 - 9 S S Ear Iron, Eteel. Nails, Picks. Grab Hoes, Grindstones, Glass, faints, Oils, fish, Sunl.ury, May 3n, 1857. If New Goods for the People ! DEN J A 31 LN IIEFFN ER ESrECTFl'I t.Y informs the public In gen cral that he has just received and oiwned a plcrdid stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS at his New Store, in Lower Augusta township. His atock consists in part of Clotbs, Casbimers, Cassinets. of all kinds, of linen, cniiuii and worsted. ALSO 1 rallrof., Gliigrtinnin, I.nwtis, 91uii!8ellic tie lvalues and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. Groceries, Also an sssortinctit of tffti-!ivnre. Iron and Steel, Nails, &c. AUo an excellent assortment of QUEENSWARE, of various ij le and pailerns. Also sn assortment of HOOT. & SHOES. HATS & CA rs, a good selection. Salt, Fish, is'e. And a great variety of other articles such as are suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold at the lowest price. 17 Country produce taken in exchange a the highet price. Lwcr Augusta, June 6, 1857. flail Paper & Window Shade. , Jl. ISAACS, Xo. 1G3 AorfA Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. J RAVING completed their Urga assortment of the above Goods for Spring and Summer Trade; would respectfully invite the utteution of Purchasers to the same. Their stock for beauty, cheapness snd variety cannot be surpas sed. Thev hare eonstnnMy on hand every decrip. lion of Gold and Painted Shadca, Buff llrdlnudi, and hade Fixtures. Wall Papers, Cintain. Fire Hoard Prints, Borders. &e , all of which they offer at lower rates than can be hat at any other establishment. Call and examine. ! A. ISAACS. Ifi3 North Second Street. March 7, 1857. Om w IOOO lbs ol arivt Itags WANTED at the store of E. V. Bright & fun, who are constantly receiving a fresh supply of Goods, thus offering to the public the largest and most desirable assortment. July II. 1857. ISAAC M. WILKERSOX, MANUFACTURE OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. 8aH, OlvaitM and B.otnigi t Bi'jeav.n, Secretaries, Sideboards, : SOFA, EILEAKFA&T AMI DIXiNU TABLES atid also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In hort, every article in this line of his buciness. Hp HE aubscribcr respectfully calls the attentiaii - of the public to his targe and splendid as sortment of every quality and price of CARIA'ET-WAKG which cannot fail to retommend itbelf toevery ene who will examine it, on account of ii durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the beat stoik tube had in the city. No ellort i spared in the manufacture of his ware, and the suhacriher ia determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being made. lie also manufacture all kinds and qualities CIIAIIIS, ncluding varieties never before ta be had ii Sunhury, such as Mauogint, Black Walnut AX II Cl'HLEII MiTLI (ini.Cllll AN U WlSIISnH CHAIKS, iso lANtr Piavo Stools, which are uf the latest styles, uud warranted lo be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. J he subscriber is determined that there shall be no excuae for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, aseveiy confidence can be entertained about the. quality and fiuuh of his ware and Chairs. These articles will be disposed of on ss good terms as they can 1'0 purchased eUcwhero. Gaun try Produce taken in pnvmcnt for work. LTT UNDERTAKING. Having provided a hanJboms Heaiisr, he is now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funerals, in this vi- cinity, or at any convenient distance from this plucr. IjT The Ware Room ia in Fawn ow Weaver's Hotel. H.l AC M. WILKEKSON. 8unbury, April 18, 18S7. tf. EROADWAY FAMILY GROCERY! Flour, Feed and Provision tore. Ure-aJicuy Ithw blackberry Street. LEY I SEASIIOLTZ, !ESPr.CTlTU.Y inform the citizens of s1- Siuuhury and vicinity thai ha bus removed to the store lately occupied by (J. (Jchrjuger in Uioudway mar the Rail Rjud, uud is receiving a choice supply ,.f FAICIL? GPeOCEPJES, consisting in purl of Hants, Shoulders, Murkercl, Hoping. While Tish, Cod Fish, Salt Prcscived Fruit, Tallica, CracUers, Cheese, Molnsies, Rice, Sugar. Com e, (trreeu, roaaU-d and ground,) Im perial. Young Hyson. Cunpowdur and Black Teas, Cedar-ware, Stonc-wure, 8oapa, brushes plow and wash lines, hoote ami shoes, tobacco, segars, Ac., together with every article usually lonnd in a first class Grin-cry Store, all of 'which will be sold at the lowest prices, either for cush or countjy produce, lie hua aUo prepared to sup ply the citizens wilit fresh bread, twist, rolls, piea, pretzelaand cakes of every kind. N. b. The highest cash pricea will be paid for butU;r and eggs, corn, oats, rve and wheat. Kunhurv, Apiil ll, 1857. IJORTanJ MADEIilA WINES. Schnapps, Wild Cherry brandy, Blackberry and Lavender brandies for medicinal tiuruiwi at narcn it, 07. a V. FISHER. 7i3hing Taokle. Red Cork, - ton and l.i ueu Likes, Out Lini Grass. Cot. Lines. Ka f'.ta oy me yard, 01:00,1a, Mies, Jvirhy, Limerick and Car isle Hooks, Rods, Ac, for eale by March 41, 67. A. W. FISHER, PA. and prices. Domestic Goads, Windsor Shades, wear of every variety. Hardware embracing the bast manufacture, Filra of every descrip . in quantity nnd Qnsllly, receive Goods fSctnl-Monthly, thus rendering our Mason Hammers, Mill Saws. Window East, Salt, Cheue, Meat, arc, always on liana. . . E. V, BKIUIIT Jt 6O.Y. SALAMANDER FIRE thief-prBof safes. The Ictcrst esscrimrnl in the ITuitrd Rtates, Warranted lo le eipial to any now mnde, and w ill le sold on as uood .Terms, sscan lie obtain ed from any other limine 111 the Country, at EVANS iV WATSON '8 SO South -1 : h Ulrctt, Philadelphia. Truth is Mighty, and Must FrevaiL Report of the Cummittee ajyointed to suptrin tend the Burning (if the Iron Safes, at Head' ng, l tbruary 27, 1857. IUadimo, Maruh i. The undt'mi);ned, members of tho committee, do ropcctlully report, that we saw the two Snfes oritsinnlly airrced ujmiii bv Parrels & Hcrrin; anj r.vaus 61 atiiiin, placed side by side 111 a fur race, viz : The Safe iuuse by the Paymaster of tho rhiluilelphia snd Heading lUiIroad Compa ny, in his oluce at lie ulinir, maimlacturud by rarrelsfic llcrrini;, and the Sofa in uee bv II A. Lanu, in his store, manufactured hr Evns & Watsjn, and put in books and papers precisely alike. ThrYire was started at F!. o'clock, A. M., and kept up until four cords of grcan hickory, two cords dry oak and half chesnut top wood were entirely consumed, the whole under the suj'eriii- lendence ol the subscribers, members of the Com mittce. The Safes were then cooled off wilh wnter, after which they were opened, and the books and papers taken out by the Committee and enl to 11. A. l.anu s store for public exam ined and marked by the Commillee. The books and papers taken from '.he Kale manufactured nv 1 arrils iV Hcrnnn were In our judgment. U.inmiM lolly lilteeu per cent, more than Ihoac taken from Kvana & Watcon's Kafe. We believe the above to have been a fair aud impartial triul of the rca)icctive qualities of both Sales. JACOB ILDYSIIJJc, DANIEL S. HUNTER. Havinsbcen absent during the buruiner. we fully coincide with the aboo statement of the condition ol the papers and books Ukcn out of the respective Salts. G. A. NlOCLT.a, II. H. MUMLENBEtlf, JAMES Mil. HOLLAND. March 21, I S57 FURNITURE! FURNITURE ! ! THE LARGEST STOCK EVEIt OFFERED IN SUNIU'RV. msliluiial'tc, Cheap nnd I'scful THE subscriber, long established as a Cabinet and Chair Manufacturer in Sunhury, thank ful for past favors, solicits a continuance of the public patronage. His stock of Cabiuct-Ware. Chaira, flc, embraces ISVf.RY VARIETY, ' ITSEFLL AND ORSA ItilMAl, in housekeeping. It is unnecessary to enume rate, as anything that may he required in hi line can he had nt moderate prices. Cheap f r Cash, or Country l'roduce .taken in eichauge. Estahli-hmeiit 5ouli Etint Corner of Marlet Square. tjST TheKe knowing tl.enisrlvn iudebteil to the subscriber would oblige him by making pay ment. eEHASTIVN HALTT. f unburv, April 4, lS.r7. tf N E W A R li I V A L OP FALL AND WINTER G00B3 ! Ira T. Clement NO. 1, COHSIUiOFMAUKEl SQUARE, AS just received a large supply of Fall and Winter Goods. He will continue to sell Pry Goods and Cro- cerica CM EAI'EK tlmn rver, as his goods are bought cheap they will be aold cheap. He fccla confident with bis experience and ability, that he can compete with the World at large and SuaLury ia particular. He would enumerate arlicha if lime and apace would permit. Ii U enough to S3y that ho bae everything in tne tine 01 Dry Goods, Groceries, A large Mock of Ready. Made OLOTIIINO, BOOTS A.XD SHOE, v., n that is kept in any other atore in town, ;J Hit banner is ou the broc-s. Aiicllona; nv-iy it wave O'er land of ihe froe, A nd ItiM uo,n of iho brave While liar Hlnrssud her Suipas Shins out like the Sun, Telling- all tin! ions Tunl f ret-dom1 hegua. This is a free country aa was proved by t election of Buchanan over the Woolv llor therefore il ia free for all to do their trading where they can BUY bo CHEAPEST. All are invl- ted to call and sie. TIIK COUNTRY, ss well si Ihe totvn are respectfully invited, and every person, rich or poor, hish or low. bond or free are invited to cull al i"o. 1 Murkket square, opposite me lyouri iiou.e. I. B lie ia not to be umlorso'd by any man or combination of men. ft o charge for showing goons. All kinds of produce tuken In exchango for goods. Sudbury. lcc. SO, I8S6. Ciu:iiii! Gtiano!! iiaito!!l Al.I. KIXUS. LEINAf'S I'llDSPIIATIi OK LIMB. 7000 T0KS. W F A R M K K a) I jtf T"r yonr wheat crops, use l.KlNAf'SSupsr Plmsph.tta of I.ime, nl i) I Is ,a lb. or Villa Ton ; or t'sa NAL'S AMI-.lUC.t V I KIITII.IZBlt. ut 8I,. a bbl. or U5 a ton One banal ia either ia sufficient for an Acta U . 11. Till. TilKSR AKK PF.RM AXKNTMANCnKl?, mine nrreli ihlo Chemiea. Klrmniit, nnl J.nve Itreu in ucftMtful in. f.r (he ut Si Vmrj, impruvijig llio o mI Hitd iiicrtimitjf the Viilue uf ilia Uud F'Hii Uiilmnus fnim DieHitiitt Agriculture, I fWi-ty of reiiiiavlvuiiin ; NevvJtreMiy; DtlnuMti- nnd Um Criiul fiimctv KStH-lMlhtn "l 1 tie i ity i Vork, UiVt bci rect'ivwt I'ai tliftw Vtilunl.le l-'t'rtiliaf I'atnplileu in (litt Kiu lull n n (Jttriuuu Lftnguajv cttt be HUM IM dl'pili-tSllfHI mi 1 IIC 1 'IHtT. A liberal HuH-oiint ft Wli il-il Dnlsri. Tlien)Mtve KrliluTt, tie live ml Fit Eli f Cartug to nr m liuri inih iki Cly I'r wr. .nltr cmi hy Mail anwiinpuiiMH) with Cnvh or Draft, will ba pniniil- Srtirl in any tan rftU VVitrld. bKUKGK A. LKINAU,lrpritv. Nrt. lAfioath Frotit-Hirvn, Philmdclptua City, July ,1ft57 lim w rOAWoi.La. .RESOLUTION Froputing Amtndmenti to lt Conilitution of the Commonwealth, ItasoLvtaav ml 6vtt aso Ilocsa of rtarstpss- STIVKSUf TIIS l'uOSWIALTU OT r SanSYLVAJOA IS BNSKAL AliiatLI IUI. 1 tl:ll HMK,WIII SIDOIKIIIirillS rnpr,,nit.i Miiie c .mttilutiou ol the cuiiiii iitve,ilili,lil VtlurUuncs Willi tilt pf UVIIIOHS Ol wir isilin uiiivi tnvirui. I FIH8T AMKNDMKNT. Tlierasl.nH h. ,IJliloiinl silicic to sold tontlltall.m lo bs UcsiuMkcU s wliuis rkvcn, at fellows ; . AUTIl l.K XI. OP PUBLIC DEBTS. RctltMi I. Thptuie rrrar eontruet drlas, lo sannlv eaM.lili.-iiui(sorlHorM in revenues, or to nwt ext-iirs not ollierwiso proviileil for but ins sgnrejuie mn.mmi i such rictus Uircel sod cuiitiiienit, wlitthcr eoutiaetnl l,jr virtus uf one or mors nets ol Hie general nttenilily, or nt tide rnt psriuds "f tlms. sliull novsr exuenl siivmi liundrwl ami tiiiy ihoutniul J ilUtra, mid the mmiry arisinf I "nil Ilia crrailn n sucn flcuts. Rutin oe siipnru m uic iui'. n i Which it wna ubviiiml, or to rcpsy thedrbls soconimettd, ami lo no other mrpots wlintevsr. neruoii v liiaouinin ruins iipb w . slste mar contract debts tti repel invasion, suppress intur immi. iWrml the state in wnr, or to rriUs the nreciil u'nti,ii.!,trt,'f itic state! bat the money aris- inxir.irn mo contr.irtina; 01 sut.-:i utui s;iini w ni',.ic.i soother purposj whatever. ' . Skation 3. Kiwpt Uis debu abjve sptcifiml, hi seetMiai om anil tv of this nrttclc, no dabt wliatcvui sliuU lie CrentrU by, or on brlull' of the tat,-. , :! hi 4. To pwviilo for the piiymei.l of rte presnit debt, ami snv sd litKiiial iltljt rontiscted at aforraunl, the Irfillnt'jrs shall, at its Erst session, alter ins no i,ii,,n i this sraembncnl. crsits a tii.kinr finul, winch flmll bs suiTteicnt to psy Hie nn-inee-a interest on sued debt, mi l AHiiuatly t reibics the principal llirreof by n s.nn not le tlisn twi hnnilreil nml div ibrmciinl itollars; which sinks inn fuiiJ shall c insist ol the n't ammnl tnw nia 01 ine pnblio W'lkp, from time to limn owned by the suite, or the proceeds of Ilia sulnofthe stone, or any part thereMf and of the ioeorao 01 proceeds of sale of abicka owned by ins SL.116, togtlUII'.r Wlin oilier miwis, ur rr,ir, eB, in--. iny bs dcslginiied bv taw. The mid s'ukinj fund nwy be nicrnoipd, fiom t!mo lo time, by si!-iiii;jt 'oil any part of ihs euss. or otlisr revenues of i),u suic, iit re quired for the ordinary and eurrnt eapenses of (overn nient, and unless in case of sar, bivusinn oi insiorrelion, no it f tlis said sniliiiie foul sh.dl bo used ,,r npploil otherwise tleui In extiifrnishiuent of the ;:h!ic debt, ins til the sin .uut of sueh debt is redact d below th tarn of live millions of dollars. aVuli'in S. The credit of the conimonweulili stmll ml ;n snv milliner, or even', lie pledjrsd, or lonned to, any in dividual, e itnpany, eorporntion, or ruisooiiition ; nor shnll the c nniviiuvcnlili licrenfteo be"tn a joint owner, or st'K'kh.ililer in snv compuny, nn,ciution, or c-irporarr, r. Section t. The connnomvcalrii ahull not otnune ti e debt, or any rnrt thereof, of any o lunty, city, lurnnch. or tiwiiship; orofunv corp ipition, or rtssoeiati m j mile's aueh iIlIiI shall hive been contract ed to enable the "late to renel invasi in. ij ,mevs dorce'tio liisurra ti'-u, deiVud it self in time of wir, or to astiit the s'uie in the disclaims. of anv nnrti.m of its nrenent inileMedners. Beetion 1. 'l'hn leTimmre shall not niiijiorijn anv e-nm- ty, ciiy, horoujth, township, or iucirpoaiteil district, by VirtlO! of a vou of its uillZtnS, or otherwise, to bldine n sloukhol ler in any company, asici:ili m.or eor'luti, n ; or lo oiiiriiu monty f r, or l,ian its to, any c irpon ttan, 8socintMii, iiistiMiti',ii. or onriy. 8F.COND AMENDMENT. Th'rs shail lis 'r4,l,litl m d article to snl c lwli!nlioii, to be UciijiinlcU as article XII, at billows : ARTICt.R Xlt. OF NEW COUNTIES. No c-enty stall bo divided by a line cutt'oiR 1T over one temh of its popalali'm, (cither to form a new county or otherwise.) wilboul the expiess as ut of sach county, by a vote of the electors thereol j nor rli.ill nuy new cmniy lie established, containing lens than fom hutircii sipiure miles. TillltD AMKXDMKXT From sect! n twJ of the first article of the e, istimti ,n. strike out the wonts, ",.f tho coy oi I'lui clelj.lna. u.ul each county respeclivelv i" t'r-'in seen -n five, rouienrlicle strike out the w ails, "of Pliitadrtplna and of the several e unities;" f r-sectl ai sr-ven, tune oniric Ktiiiu-ul the W-rils, "livelier tlie ci yol I'noiul. li.lim nor liny." and iis.Tl 111 lieu llicreof tl'V word... ",,iid n ,;'' iin.t n 0:c out secti'in t'our, article, mid in iieu thereof laieit the loir-wing: 'Seen ai 4. In tbc year ene th-uvaad eijht han'rf.1 and sixn-f.nir, ond in every seventh yeir ir,eie;:f:er. re;i reneumtives to the. number ot one Inni'lred. rOin!! la; n;ie r lioneil and dilll ilillteil emro'V. Ih.ouclr'.ll, .y districts, in proportl- ll to the number of taxable htini'.- taatt in I bo several parts 'hereof ; except that any c""uty j eiMitninhifr nt leant three thousand live Inoi Ircd t irah!"?, may bu uilowcd a re;iarale reprcseiilati u ; bat n itnore ! Ilian tlirce eoiaitics siiall be j 'ined. nnd n , e alaty kh ill be divided, in the finiinllon oi' a dutiict. Any ci'y c ailain- . lap It t jlTi.-icnt number of taxulilrs to rntille it to at b ast two re;iienco!ntivrs. shall have a sepainle representation nnsipmal il, and ab.all Ihs divided mio ei,,ivcui ul dtslricis I ol coiilmuniis territ-irv, in rnilai rnoie popioaieiii as as may l,e, eucli ol eisincts siiuiieteci one rerescii talivc.' At the end of section seven, samenrncle' inneri inese words, ' the city of rhihi'lebdou sliall I e diviiteo into tou sle senal aial districts, of comttjrn ais territ rv as in ar.y c ;aal in tax abe popara'.i' n as p -iisiMle j but no ward idl-lll beoivntc'l in me loriija'ion uiere-u The legislature, nt its first sessi n. nfo-r tl-.e adoption r.f this amendment, thai) divide the city of Philadelphia into senatorial and representative ihstnels in il-e mieiuer nhove provided; sneh dit-liicts to remain uiicl.r:'i:ed until the nppivirti innieot in the year one thousand cigM hundred and aixiy-f.nir. FOritTH AVKNDMKNT. There shall I e an ad'liti iii'll section to the first n-tie'e of said coiDtitutijii, which sliall be uuuibcrid and read as follows : MTCTMN VO. Tlie legislature sl.nll have the power to alter, revoke, ir annilt. an) chnrter ot inc rp tr.itloii hereattt-r eonlerred t.y or nniler, any spi-cial, or general l;-w. wheaevr ia their opini 'li it iniiv be iottnions to tlie cmaeos of tt.e c -rem n- wrsiltii . in S'lci, mcuuer, nowevcr inai u. oijiif.iec siaa bs duue lo lbs corpoialura. Im ftXAtit, March n, lf.-,7. res'ilved. That this resolution pass. Ou the art amendment, yens CI. ttnys 7. On the second aoten luier.t, vent til. i.avs a On the third nmefrlaienl, leas Kl, nays 4. On the f aiitr. niricudtnt i.t, yeus '.a. nays I. Exttail Iroui the Jjuniat. OKU. W. H.VMr.RSl.Y, Clerk. Jx tux IIous or RErRt'TTivel I April tea". L rtssnlved. That this resolution pnss. On the first amend ment, yeat 7a, usya 1'2. Ou the second amendment, yeas 57, nsys ill. On the third amendment, yeas ?i, nays':!.!, and on foiulh aineudnient, yeas !?J, nays 7. Kxtract fiutu lbs Journal. JACOB ZinGI.F.R, Clerk. 9scsrrt's Orrtca, I A.O rlT.TlN'. Secretary oflhe Coinaionweal'.h llanisbar. June lr'57. $ FillMuy, lo;: Fenrisyhaniti, a : I 'In certify tint the ave an! fyrww.s in trur nm'ccr rit cpy of ihe nriir-inl "Itcanhiit u rdutiveio nn utiirml mrnt of the CuiutUblion" s ihe .line muuim nu ft!d in tliiv t'llicc. f In tritimony wr.-rc -f ! hnvit iirrennt i -t my h;t:t 1 nml eani;'tt t( be nlTtxril i l-e e'1'" lI,e 'cretiry'a', the ilay auJ 3ljrCi 4 .vr year ultove written. JiSlVW A.O. CfRTIN. In Senate, Apiil 27, IH57. Ilea ibllon prorvming airendinriitB to the C niaiitutum of tlie Oiimn niWDttltti, ttriiig uiuir c.fiiitiJeiaii-ii. O.i the r(tc-i mi, AVII ilie Smte ngrtr t tHr firt ninpiirtiniit 'lUa yftii niiil niya were lukcn u;r.-cjlily tithe rnvi inf nl tiie CMistiiition, and were hh fil v, Vena IeMra. Jirvwer. UrtvMi.). d!r:-y, :iy. I -vmius, Feil-r, Fiftmikt'ii, rrnntr, lnzm n, J irtlmi Ki t;.i-;i'i , Knox, IsJtiL'ich, l.ewii, Mi-t, N.-i.tifut, Selleia, rnun in, Stefif, Sirnu'i. Wciah., Weight a.iJ 'i'uKVu,t .N'uys .MfiisrF. Crnhb, CresiweM, Finney, Grefp, tlur ria, fnintatf and Pttuihtr 7 t ttie 'I'teMi n wui itutvrniiiied in the tt.TinnaLve, On the c;t'stioiit Wilt lim Seiiiite apra t Ihe acind nfrrnHment The yens isiys were Liken ogr.'cal.iy t ih; fr- vi llous tho Cttcstit.Hl in unil were: nl I" ll'iu. vi : V.w Mcara. Uieuvr, Urowu, Crciwwrlt. fly, Kvitia Feiwr, l'iit:.-y, b Icinnkej, litf J tni iii. Kn x. I.'in kititrh, My it, Se:!ern, ?jli, S 'Ulh.-r, StuH ftiruub, Wvlaii, .ikuis, Wright ami Turrgurt, 2?pf aker Jij Nav Mecmt. CMTev, Cmhlj, Fruzer, Gres, ilitrria, Killinper, rvni(iie unit ISfofU'ti. f. 8 the quDatiou Wtia delcnnuicd in tho ufflrmnlive. On the iU''fUiii, Will th Senate ugtee t't the thiid ntnmeiulment ? The yena mill nuya t,ytro tukeit ugieeuUy to the Cainli tut on, and vveit ns fnlltiw, viz: Yeua Measio. Hicwer, Urowu, Crahl. CreaBWi!!, Kly, Fviu-a, Fltriiinkeiif Fruzer, lii?r:iiii, J inttni, Kiliinurr. Knoj, IaulKicli, IsCWiB, lyef. Sc'titUI, frtlltr , tSiiiiuiaii, souther, ttrelo. Slr.iuh, WV'bli, Wilkina unt Wni.t nuya nu-aiiB L-nfluy, ureT.r. li nri mtt i-n - -I . h'ltlia quejiUi'U wm UtterimiK-tl in llie u.finuatuv, Oiithequrfciion, Will the Heiinte aree tn the foi'ith nmei1iniit f The yen and n ia were titken uijreuitily tn the Comtilu tulitn, ami wvre ct ft lit. w. via : V ein Mr-Mfi. Urrwtrr, Urovviif. C't(Try. Crwwetl. Rl. F.vaiiaj, KU-iiuikii, KruZiT, Irfffrnii, Kilhncfr Kii". Ipiu lanch, IVwib, Mvtr, Jc-fi I I. tff!Ur K.niim't, udilur, 6ie :r, SLrM'ih, WSh. Wr'ii. a nml Wi w ht ja M-Mie. Cr!'h, Kinnev. Jnl it nnl Pnr 'Se 4. Hj the (4iit.iioii w.ia dett'iniined in (he i.iririnolii e. In tuk II "it or HirRFaKxrArivKa, Apiil SO, 1S37. The lenluitnn pmjoaiiig anlrudmrnta tc tiie rimtlitu ti.i t oi the Cumin -nweaitti betaj under c 'inhJviatr-M, On (tie iurn n, Wat the If 'Uc ajfeo t'i the first amtMul'iirnt ? The yenis an.i nua wtro tJirn Krintily ti the 'rnvi atoiiMui Use ikinHitnti m, unUt-u tho luat r ipjoJ uuiemU ment, wer aa follow, v.z : Vtrii Menva. Anueris m, Arthur, Iln-kli tune, n.i.I, Brck Bull-in, Utnver, lir.iwn.Citliinun, ('uiiitihtil, Ciuisw, t;ic:i. ver, Cruwl Ttl, Dikrv, Knt, KjMtT, Kuiiuld, 1'..ii,t, Gilibnncy, (ill jtai, U iinW. Iluipor, lleina. IJu-.un.l, llu', llilU-nan. iri)in;iiK f UtirL. Iinuriit. Iiiiim. J:ut ,1.- Ii.l.. Jihnaiu, KriuTiiiiin, Knrr, Knight, Ist-tas-iiriiij. Itngikfr, -. rn. .iMIIWir, .U:iUgl , .I stlisieilli, .H IIVUIU. .t 1 s, TlieiMl, Muiqii.u, M-iKsoJui ni, Nieliil', Nuli ia t., tin. m.u lN-r, Vaaon. I'olen, I'etrikrn, Powimll, 'urfsv!t Itunihev' jl'hiladflhi,) ltiuuiy,(Vnrk.) Its- imei. Ue.-d, Kltri! Hupp, Hhnw, HliHiii, Hirt'ih. (C:itnlria.) Siuiili, (CVniic) Nevciia.m, 'I'-'Uiil, Vail, VanvuHhia. Vukci,,u,v Water, Wr!,, Wlmit-m, Williei -n, W'iUkiuw' Wiijflit. 'imtiicriiiMn und-Gt)t. Spmkir T8. 1 NiiyaMrasia. bttckna, Bona lMck. Hmmltini, Ifmi rrk, llnie, II fluiHii, (1-eHmyuu,) Lebo, gliuihcra. i'itoni. timer mikI Wiiitrnd W. ' : rii Uiequeaiisiu wua deUTaiinod im IheQUarmative. On the qiifi'iu. Will tho il tut.) aaree tn the aecnd ainendmeiit ? ' ' The yaiianiid niiya were U km frre?nlily tit the prori ainna uf tiia O iiatitutioii. mi id were ua lolksw, via : Yea Met. Aiuteraei, Bickh -iom, H.iH, licck. Row er Calli tim. CMinpUeil, Cnrty, F.nt, PnuiM, Foaier. Giirina. Humrl, Harper, Hatna, Hieatand, HiHefraa, IJ -fl: Sm,(Barka lf.maekce.prr, Imbi la, Innea, Jenkiua, Jorma. 4uann, KaAiftnan, imv'!g, Umkm, Umi choanei, M iunlc, M'llv.vln, M mrehend, Muelman, Nl chols. Meh , s n. Numinailier, I'eorre.n, I'eters, relnkol, Htiwnall, I'oreeK ItmnMV, (t'liildelihia. Itinnao, fV'k,J lleam -r. Iloheiie. Ktipp, Miaw, ei sio. I ohm, Vail, V a-shlev. Waller, WeslbrooS, Whnrtoii, Itonmsr. man and Oiiis, tlMwkrj 67 v Nave Arihur, Auansloie, Itackna, Itens'i'i, Bishop, Hrown, Chase, chsiTc'r. rnwforrl. Kvster, Oitt bom, lliouiiton, lluuoHk, tldl, lime, 11 (Tirroi, Lelia ll 'il,) .laeotii,, Kerr, l.ibo. M Tn'oiOnt, Mllinina, Keci). ttinllh. Cambria. r5inllli, (Centre, tte.ent o, ftruthers, Thorn. Vi.iivi,ils, Victims, Vn)(. aisatler, Worner, Wm- triMln. V ulierow aiHMVrirlit o4. ' S-i the qnesli n was dvterinitinl ill the affirmative. On the question, Win the House nree to the third amendment ? The veas and imva irern t.kea asreenlily Ui the rmvi sions of the Constitution, and were ns follows, vist Yeas Messts Anderson, linckhonsc. Ha I. Hwk, Ben son, Howet. Drown, CallnnMi, Cnmiitwlt, Cl"tse, Cleaver, Crawford, llickev. Kut, F.vsler. FimsoVI. Foster, !ibl- lev, llumel. Ilioper, Helm. Ileistund Hill, llillegns, I loll mnn, II, Iks, II llnian. Jllmiion.l Housekeeper, lmtie, luucs. Jnc ihs, John. JhiiFou. KaulTmnii, Kerr, llio, l.onpi!rr, liveit, Msnenr. Wousle, MMTalmmit, Mian, head, Mtimms, Mnsaelrmin, Nichols, Nicholson, Nune nincher, IVairaon, Terers, relnkin, Fownall, rcreell, Itmnsey, (York. Rcamet, Reed, ftnpp, nw, Pln, Pmilh. (Cambria ) Hmith, JCenlte.J rlevensmi, Totnn, Vail, Vi nv'virhis, Viekcrs, Voejihley. Wnconsaller. West. bnsik, wiihMoii, vvulitrow, wrignt, itrmiHermaii ana Ueta, fpeakcr 71 Navs Messrs. Arthur, Auaatsline, Tlackus, Bishop, l-Hrtv, lior k, uilden. Hamilton, iiuucock, inue, j'-iiimu, Kniuht, l.eifeoiine. M'ilvain, Ram.ey. I'liiiadelphla.l R lierrs. rtnitliera, Thoin, Wulter, Warner, Wharton and Wintrode tl . Si the question was determined inlhenlutmntive. On Ihe qocrtion, VVilllhe Honse nsreft to the fourth nmeiidmeid ? The yens iomI nnvs were taken tte,feen!ly to ttia provi-si-ais of the Const ilnliou, and were us follow, viz : Yeas Messrs. Andciaon, Arthur Ihc kho ise. lbuklis, Itall, Heck, lleosial. Itis'a.p. Hovver. Ilnovn. Cathouu, ra'uplh-ll. Cnrlv. Chase. Cleaver, Cinwford, llickev. Hat, Kvster. Fansold. Forter. nibb iuv, (ir.lea. Hnnicl, Har per Ileitis. HieslaiiH, Hill, lllllcsas, lb ITinau, (Hcrks) II. fl"'rian. (I.r lianon) llourckeet er, Iml-r.e, I lines, Jacolis, Jenkins .1 .lies. J liut n. KaolTinan. Kerr. Irfbo. Lciseii rb,. lesnenker, le-vett. Mnnent. Mnusle. M'Calmout, M'ilvain, Miiuunu. Mniwbiiuii. Nichols. Meholson. Nune luaener, Pirs--n. iviei. retilkin. I'owuall, l'll-cell, lla,n-ev, t'idlailelphia Itatusev. (York ) Reamer. Reed, Roberts, Hupp, fl,nw. SUiail, rlinoh (Coobrin.) (initll (Ceiitte.) ttievensmi. Tolan. Vail, Vioivo irhis. Viciturs, Vo,cl,l.v. Wneoioeller. Wa in r. Weet'.rook, Wharb-u. Willtsloji. Wii'ieroiv, im aermau mid (lei?. Fptfiker. f-3 Nn. Mcpfis IM. Hamilton, lla..e ck, Mrutiicrs, Tliorn. Wietr ,,'e and "citl .7. So the question wat determined in ti e atrmnutive. fmimiii'i Of r ee, 1 llaru.l'u.n, June -i-i, itij. ( Fcnnfyh'twttt, ... I do h-ieby certify that the nleive and f r"ln(j ts a trn and eoirer-t copy of It e "Vm" and u.ays" taken on the Itasoiiiti n pVopofinpHmenibneiut to th-Cotistitn tion ol tl.e ('oniniouwealtb, na ihe wnne appears on the .touiii ilsof the two tbaics i f ihe (ieaerM Asr.emhly of this Coinin aocenilh for the sesyi-ti "f ll-.'7. Wiuiens tnr Icmd no t sent o mid oT,er. ttos Iwentv-sia-Mid r?av of June, one thouruue nal hundred nnd hi!) -seven. A n ci .iTi-t, Srcrctrsry of the CanimanwtuUh. Julv t, t;7. fcaadtUo aX llarness Hakcr. henry x-rxrr"r, jr. SticcetH'ir t" .1. J. Strnh, evAv P.IIS'lCTI'I'I.I. V informs tt:e citi.en ol Striburv art! the pub f'J '' f e-.J-'iVt1 j b,: generally, that he lias tahcit HjS;1- ihe estabiikbineul lately occu icd A. J Ftrc.h aid is rinid to loin cut v-oik in is line ol biisinesa tijual to any made in this, arclimi of the counlrv. (N-oera jir r TtiJ 'lv xctn ted nml all kinds f produce tukcii in Lxchar.gc gimburv. May !), n57. ly IDIEl-Ls. tistrt. NNfH'Nl'Kl to lliecitirena nffunbury and virility, that he hasni.f nfd an Oiiice in tiin bury, nbove II. .1. Wulvrrtcm'a oli'ue opposite (.'. Wrnvei's I lolel, w'-iere he ia prr pared lo attend to nil kinds of work U longing to the profession, ill the latest Biol most improved style. Ail work well doi.e nil;! warranted. Ucccmher I 'i. I.'oi. R. DECOU & CO. Clothiers, N'.i i .) i ChisrNfT St A.nt i'ul'PTH, I ni!.ADi:.r i itA, :cp ton.1iir.tlj- 0:1 h.-r,.) f-lentiiiJ .-iTwrsacnt ol" Rcci'Jv-r.iacl O ;.(.! .;.A'. TO V.'i N,-.v.C9, il.,6. y Citrate of Magnesia 11 it 'J' A S T I', I. K US SALTS. 1 ri'i'iir ilion U reeoiiimended ns an ex- eelinil laxative an.l 'iiri; Hive, tt oiieratee milillv. is entirely free from atw titi.'eii ilit tas'e r.-scmboiij! letnona tie ill lljvor. preiiareil nml so!j l,y A. W. KISll Kit. Snntiorv. March M. 1SS6. Juiporttr r.nd li7o.',-,tne DiuUr in SALT. IIS South W'barves, !'lii!n,le!hia. -e-;l. A S 1 1 I ON Tioe, Liverpool firouui!, M.y Turks Islatul nnd Uniiy .Suit, eon- .CV-rJ.-C"--!'""'!- liaiol uud lor tale in lots Zx.T .VJ- to soil 1 lie trade. April 4, .')7. Gn NEW CONFECTIONARY. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. C. C.E.MUIAItT, HAS juit reitivril a new and exn llent assort ment of co.ula at Ins I 'oi,l,-i li,,nary and Fruit Store in MA I!K1C I' STUl'KT, Sunloirv, wliere he ni.iiiul'uctiiri's ai:d keeps oil I111111I, al ail times, the 111, -,t clioite Conlei'tioiniiy, O.C., VViiolesule 11 11 J lo t ul, al I'iiil idvlpiiia puces. A lining hia alcrk of t'onleetioiuriet, may lie foiinil : Fre.ieli Serre's, fttirio-it Moioiuls, Cr, 011 Vlne, l'ii. a Koae, " a:,ill.i. Coiitinoi, ti,'el;ls. Liquor ii-r, ninuiins, Piles. Gin, 1 Props. s!!ki.iU,,r enl, l.ove lOM B. Moo tir ,.s, red aiul vvtiite, Jelly t'nties, 11 nil llrops, M'ek fioi.ltes, el all so tuts !toek ChiiOv, Aim inl I'umir, FRiiwr. fVnnea. Pis. Ciiiti-a. ClOllllltS Jliisl, A lnsi,.(li, Riii'Mit.. Sot Mi kinds l.K.MON SYUU1 of a superior iiniliiy, ly tlie simile or dozen. A superior iiiiltly ol Secara and Tolmecn, and a vurirty ol t'oiiMvlioinirieii, fruit, .tie, all of nil uli is olli-ied clieup at lioliMuln nr retail. ICE C irv 13 lie has alta openeil an 'ee (renin Saloon, and will at all i:ws lie ready to eerve his customers tv it Ii lie (renin. 8unliury,.lay 21, 1S.S7 ly rciv Urtipr. I'alut. Kr. A M-:V supply of "rite;, A.A Pllilil. A-e.. IiimI reeelve.! ttlu raints. OiN, Fluid, Ac, just received and for sole hy A. W. FISHEK. Pnnlinry, May 5, I8S7. rTJKKITUP.E POLISH. S. II AITS rreini-jtii I'aunt Unain.l Furniture I'uliah. Tliia ia highly v iluiilde for restor, ing 1 lie polish on all kind of Furniture, Glass, Currine llodiis. Iluir I'loili. c. Also, for re moving spots, liidino st:iaie!ii s. Sic, Ac. War run ted to dry imtm cliiiti !y and ictuiu lis gloss. I'rii e 60 els. per botlle. fc'o'.d ly A. V. FISHER. March 14, J8.1T.' BOAT AND MULES FOR t3JTL,11. f!l-' sril'M-rilier effers at piitate sale, HX (iODU Ml'l.r.f-.aiol h 8ood SllAWNE'T UOA'I'. wilh i lores. Tho above will be sold cheap, aud 011 reiiKoiiulile terms. JACtllt SKAxIIOLTZ.ascnt for JOHN Ul.ACK. Sunliurv, Manli 88, IHo7 If I AMJ V A II HANTS. The bigheat price "will lie given lor Land Warrant's by Ihe suh- rilas' ' ,t !,,; ; - . M. U A AbhtK. JATENT BniTTAKU bTOITEKS ft, bar Hollies lor aale by . 1 11. II MASSES. ' S-utilniry, Jnly l, I8li EAHTflEW WARE. rpHE esjbacrlbei naspeetfull In'arma the eltU 1. sens of Bunbura and tlx publie fenerally. that lie bae (ammenced the) ananufaelore sat all kiuds f - . ;,- , ,a n ,. ilfiARTlIKNWAUK, . t tile manufactory in Whertleberry Btreel, one equsre east of the River. Hj has engaged the service of Mr. Haar. and srau can therefore depend en having s-eod article The re reapcctfully invited to rail. All orders from a distance) will be promptly attended le. P. M.SHLNDEL. t?ui.bury. Feb. 9, 1856. If . JOIIi If. Al.Li;. A: CO. Kot. t and 4 Chestnut Street, (sou lb aide, bclew Watet,) (Tat Oldest Wooa-wsaa House in tdi CiTT ) MANDr ACTURF.RS and Wholcssis dealers In Pstsirt Machine made UllOOMS. Patent Urnoved Cedar- Ware, wnrreiitcd not Ui shiink. Wood airfl Viltow-Wrare Cools, Brashes, iVe ,of all datcrietKuia. I'leaae call and exnrniirs our sun-It. February lij7 ly w VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE, fHE subscribers, F, seen tors of the estate of l Henry Mssser, dee'd., offer nt private) aale the following proper! viz: A lsrc live story frame dwelling bouse, together with about 60 ACRE9 0F LAND. Rituate in Lower Augusta township adjoining landa of Daniel Kaufman and others now in the occupancy of John Ii. Kaufman aa a store and dwelling. The bouse ie new and the location good one for business. - Also nTHACT OF LIMESTONE" LAND, in said township on the river about ft miles be low Sunbu.y, adjoining lands of J. T. M'i'heraon and others, cuiitaitiin e about VI) acres, 'i he soil ia productive and contains limestone and other minerals. Also a tract of Land, containing shout y!V icrea on the bill, about two miles below .Siiotoiry, adjoining lands of the hciis of the lute Jolin (Jon rail and others. There is, on this tract, a small orchard of choice fruit. For further particulars apply to the subscribers. ll.D. MAS8KH, ) P. D. MAS8LH, Kveenlors. FKANClf UiXHER. ) Sunhury, January 13, IS.'jo. if NEW ARRANQEMEWI I l'ri:slt Arrieut uf DRUGS, TAINTS, OILS, kc. rMiiU undersi-:iied laving Inken the atore fir & nieily kept iy William A. Hruuer. ia now ready to till orders and iirercriptiona at a mo- menu notice. He lias a Urge and well slei:Uu4 aioi-k of rrcuhaiol pine DRUGS, CriESIICALS, Ilye-sturfs, Oil, I'siiits, Glusa, I'ulty, and al: kinds of Patent Medicines. riU IT AM) C0M r.CTIO.Afir Tebaec and Imported Fepars of the choicest frauds. Fancy Notions' toilet articles, and Per fumery cf ail kinds. Tobiii and Hair Urushes of every xirioty. Cwnf.hiite cn.1 Fluid ulutrjt on hand. r:tomera will find his stock enmplele, eotn- priiin( mail articles it is impoeilile here to enu merale, and all sold at moderate pricea. Keniemncr the place, iiett door t c. V Urihl's Mammoth Store. A. W. FISHES. Sunhury, March 14, I8.V7. MOUNT CAR. MEL HOUSE, LI0UNT CARKEL. Northumberland County, Fenntytrania. rnUIS larce and commodious Hotel is siluv tj ted nearlv hall way hetwren Sunhury and io'.tavilln. The seenety ihe saluhrity of the atmoaphere and the ern manntain brrezea, make il one of the most di-lirrhiful summer retreats tr the country. Th Hotel, is n new elmrture, four stories high, fitted up with all l!.e modern cot,. ref.icnce. TIib pure mountain water is intro duced itilit every chamber. The place Is east of accrue, being hut one and a halt hours tide from Suuluirr, over the Philadelphia and Sun hury Rail Koad. From I'ottvil!e, it is 17 miles. Every attendance will he paiil by the proprie tor to make guest comfortable. Charges mode rate. JKSSE KICK. Mt. Carmel, May II, lSof.if E. U33WLAND St CO. LoeklDS Classes, Pletura t'tnmvi, IliiiraelDscs and Pntmings, Nn. I2fi Arch Street, ahote Sixth, (Late of:iS Nonh Second Kt.) I'HII.ADELFIIIA. GarLsaiKa orrx osiit to visitoss. Merchants and others vieilinij the City who may want anything iu our line wii! do well to give ua a call. February 28, 18.17 8m CHEAl' WATCH AND JKWKLKY STOEE So 72 Sorih Second Street, (opposite Ik jlount Veruon llouu ) Philadelphia. C-JOL!) Lever Watches, full jeweled, IS K, ca- sea, !y28; Silver Lever do,, do., $12; Sil vcr Lepiue, do., 9: Quarlier. 5-5 to $7: CJoId Speetaclea. $4 50 to 10 ; Silver do., $ I .10 ; silver Table Sponna per sett, $14 to $13 Silver Desert do.. do.,D to SI 1 ; bilver Tea do., d.., ! 7 A to $7 .10 ; Ootd Fer.a and Gold fa ses, $: 'i! to $5; Gold Pens and Silver do. . $1; together with a vjrirty of Tine Gold Jewelry. t'iold Curb , Guard and Fob Chains. All goods warranted to be as represented. Watches and Jewelry, repaired in the beat manner. Also, Ma sonic Marks, Pins, &c, made to order. N. U. All nrdera sent by mail or otherwise. will be punctually attended to. Plnla.. Oct. 4, 1SS6. lyw. PHILIP H. PTTPsDT. WHOLKSSLS a Mt MSTatl Grocery, Wine and Liquor Store, S. E. cor. Walnut and li'iifer Streets, PHILADKLTJIIA, DEALERS and families will be promptly eupplieil at the lowest prices. October 4. I PS6. tf jrodheId& "roberts! Nu. 13. N. 2d Street, PHILADELPHIA, INVITE the attention of country merchants did others, to their atock of BOOTS Sc SHOES, which they will dispose of on the most reason, able terma. Nov. 9, 18.16 ty C. SElTKEPi.T'a waomui mil Hctiii BOOT STORE, South Fourth S.t, above CAesnnt, Fhil'a 10 OO'J'K, fchoes, Gaitere, Ac., promptly made to order iu the very beat style, and ef the best material. Philadelphia, May 9, 1637 Leather I Leather 1 Leather I 1 1 r: N R Y V. O V EK M w, IMPOHTF.rt of French Cat-sntints,i4 cwieenl Iataat d.-aler, No. S 5sulli 'I'lorU street, I'liikiee'ohlii. A scleral assoitniciil of all kinds ef l.tsuicr Moroeot, e., a Ked and Osk Pole Leather. February SB, le-17 I) w L. C IVES' Produce and Fruit Store, No. 15 North Wharves, Fhiladelphia. Shiiinf and Country Oorderc promptly filled a retpontihla orders. Farmers and Dealeia' Product Sold en Coat. mission. Apples, Danaoaa, Piue A pples. Dried Fruit. Onions, Oranjea. Hhell Uarka, Kaisina, -Ueana, , Jojinans, Vhite ct Kwvi t Figs, ' Turnip, Crai. berries, Polatoea, 1 Poultry, J'eaches, Ground Nunts, Chevnutr, F.gj, eVci Foreign aud Domestic Produce and fruit erallv,,.; . I retniry tVlirr, If lhamoliln Whitt Ash Anthracite) C;al from tin "Old VtW fa the GapCoMerj. T H. ZIMMERMAN &JNO. P. rUR3EL " successors to Kase, ReeJ & Co., will coo tiuas) mining, shipping and selling real Trcm the sbovt welt known l olllery, ttndet the firm Ot ' Zimmerman ek Pursel. The) roitil of shirmeitl . is st the lower wharf In Sunhury, Northunibcf land county, I'a., where til orders for the various kinds of coal, via i Lump, Drokcn, Egg, stove.. ami tneetnu i-oat, win be thankfully received end promptly attended to, Bunbury, July 14, 1835, r" Sraarnv, Jcit 8, l6. ' The firm of Kaee, Heed s Co. having eoliti their lease in the Cap Colliery and interest in the wharf at Bunbury, to Messrs. Zimmerman A Pursel, would lake great pleasure In recommend ing our customers and others t the new firm, m they will be able to sell them prepared coal of the beat quality, KASE. HELD" A CO. HAYDOC'K & PIDDLES,' TkEALERS in Watches and Jewelry, will' continue the business at the old aland oV Jamas il. Fidler, No; 12 Sfuth Serond Street, ruiLAUFU'IlIt, Where ibey solicit an esamination of their large and vatied atock, feeling assured that the expe rience both of them have- had j , bitaines and the laeilitics they possess for procuring gooda on the most advantageous terms, will ena ble them to compete favorably villi ,11 oli,,r establishment in the cily. They have now o hand a tr.s asacrtmcnt ef WATCIIIS, t.OCKS, JEWELRY. Silver. PlateJ ti,l llrittania Ware, Cntlwr Fancy (laods, Ac, Ar. IS. II Repairing of Wntclies and all Linda ,.r Jewelry attanded te with promutnesa and tj.e greatest care. Piiila., April 7, 18.15 if. WHITE HORSE HO'JKL. rorrsvii.i.E, ta. HE suhsriiher rerrfctfi..y anr.onnces to hi. '' frinds M.,,l tl,e public, 1, ,. ,.Ull nia ,, well known eMai.ilm.i1 the WLito :ilcrce Hotel. At the cmrer of fentr anj M.hai,,go the Jorougr, of I'otuvii!,. Tll. Uuee ha. re. cently t-en very much enlarged ami e,.herT.i.. unproved, reu.Vrinj i, co.ite a. coit.fortable a. ny olh.r WI , fi-tiivij ,ki:, olilllJ.wli;), lis . able, are arf.s. j,, S(,.)lt cordoion, anj . ter-,.1 by careful, atteniiie. prtidem hostlers. Jot:arei:eranJ miiersho may ,p house, l,e premise, every .iu.,l.n enliul.t U renew litem crioiforu".; and aiii.f;el J;3. m. fgbj:. April 5, 533 r.o:::,vLL. AW LAW. Ojjice nppnite the Cu:;t Ujwe, StuiVary, It"or'.Iiuail;erkr..i County pa. P",r'P' ailenliuu to br.; u.,a in a.rioini..-. ounlirg. ' " EAGLE HOTEL OITOWTK V. f.jT KltANril IIA.NK, " V7ILLIAMSPOKT VA. Ytll.MOjr.l. MAY. Pirleior. C. A. r-1-nivt. -tsuis'tnt. jN. H A- Umi.ibna wi!l ir.n to ana fre.m the Depot an.? Packet Lainlings. u thia Uotd. nee of char?. He 1 temper M, lKMt tf i a ii miElS"fii. TOHN DEEW, JR., Mcrket Street, DanrUle, Fa, rM:rl U one of the larjesl ai.d most eoaamo i. "nut hoi. ls in the iniciior of IVnns lali Vr1.'"" 'r' fu,' fittrd tip, in etc,:.,.'i t,, with ill the nioo'ern rniirrnirtires. Danville-!, e"rpt. 22, IHSS. Clieup 'atcltes .Icwvlr iyilOLK8AJ.n and Het.til'.i iha Philn.!,. piua Wak-h and Jewelry fctore," ,. tn) Norllt Second Street, comer of Quarry, Pnil.ADEI.PIII') . O.M Ueer AVsteliet. f-tll jewelea. la eari.1 cases, na rq 0'.el.eiiie lk. fu.00 Fiie ,h w t.,,-cltsi. I..W Si v. r I.ep. full jew'ieH,,old Iliaeeleta. SO hilvei l.erer, fjll jewlV IS l J,,.i r.oM Pncils, t.t 'i''t-r ((uarueia, '.(Sum Tea s:ra, sat, ,(e foi.rt hpeclaeles. 1,61 j 111 SJ.iUl Pont, with reiei! and Silver fl ,'ier, t,aa Gold Fir.rjer KinRS, 37J en.ts to $Srt ; Watrk Glasses, plain, 12J cet.ta; Patent, ); Lunet, JS; other articles iu proportion. All gooda war ranted to he whsl thoy re sold for. KTALKFEK AUAKLEV, On hand, some Gold an. Silver Lcveta 4IJ Lupines, still lower than the above pricea. rl. 4. IH.'iR y. ,T RAOl.let WRITIM; HMD and Adhe sive atid Iejl entelopoa, for ssie ! y H. II- M Asm Kit. Hunbnry. Inn lit. Itt.sri. GEORGE SCHALL & CO. I'lCTtMKK 11 r BLASTINQ POWDEH, Mt. Curmel, NorthumlerlunJ County, May 10, I806 I)LA.K rarchmen. Paper Deeds utid blank - MortjraKe, UotoU, Kneeutiona, Homtiioas Ac, for sale b H. U. MAM4KK. Kunbury Anri !!. IH.'ifl STOVES- TJTOR PAI.K an excellent aerond hand Cook' - ing blove, also aeveral Cylinder (;oa Siovrs Hiiipiire t this ofLcsi. G' twi.u i r..ii3 witn ana witnout rases. II llVl, .!.L 1 ... oi a very superior quality, just received. Also a fresh tut ply of Writina Fluid, for .! y II. U. MAadKlt. Sunhury, Dec. 27. letffi- GOSHEN received and for salehy LEVI KKASHOLTZ April II. I8S7. SILVER WATCHES A few double case Engliah bilver Watclua, for sale at very love P'icee by H. II MAhL'K, H.mbiinf. April 12. (R.sfl. AMK1HCAN HOUSE. WILLI AMsrOUT, PA., J. II. KIS'I.l'OX, I'ropi icfor. Jas. T. Hai.i.. Ass't. Sept. 13, 1858. tr ni'IvE OLIVE OIL for tal.le use,-two sue at 37J and C2J cents jusi received hy t . . A. W. FISHEH, March 14, S7. stationery. A large aupply of fancy Not Paper and Envelopes, Mourning, Letter, and Cap Paper, I'eua. Ink, Sand, Ac, at March 14, '57. A. W. FISHER'S. POUT MONAIES, Tcoth and Hair BruaJie All nillitiaaa smiiil aiif Himnli C t 1 iaMivi 101 am oy A. W. KWIIER. March 14. 'S7. A SIIAVl'V FOU 8.1 LB. ri'lHE aubrcriber olTers for sale hia SH 4XTT i Cook-Stove, Ac, 011 the Kail-Roaj U-low Trevorton IJridge. Apply sooq to IU. MASTER. Sunhury, April ts, 1857. FOB 8AIE. A Good second-hand Uupgy, Apply et this FOR T".y pw rw ,M.'r, nW M. y r. V. Gray and th ,liii t. r . Joinln.. Apply Ih. r aWoeasetl. ; , . " -vr, January. ,7, js, ; i . ;