Prom the American Atrkraltarlai.) .,' CIllfSKK IMAft CANK. ". bint crow sYrr-iio, itc. , bar Dot Mock too add to Uit month' wggattloo. Man peraon bar applied to a to tbani simple, low-prtcad mill fcr nraaiioc out tho jaica on small seal, ,V bar apeot coniidarall time with v ra! mechanic, trying to coRtrivomimpl .apparatus, which cpulii be tola rorvri 1013, ad yet uffic to Mtract.tha Juica from Taw thousand canea. lo tbia effort wa bar that far hssn nnoecesful. A mill With iron roll ra JU India in diameter was tried, but wbeo thei wv broaght together Dear enough to nreai out an considerable proportion of tb I . A C I - - Amm. ! I juice, they wouiu nur. iru iu crane freely, and if tbey did thii, it wa next to fmpoetibl to tarn th eratik wben cane- joint paiaaa in, even nm to increaie tbe power. . A. aomewbat larger mill, made at the Speedwell Iron Work, Morriatown, N. J., which wa louna on n i . st. aiku , iu tbii oity, wee tried with nnripe canea from oar field. Tbia ha roller 8 inclfea in diame ter, with cog working into"ech other at one end, and a large cog-wneei, pinion ana cran at the otber, all let in a strong iron frame. Thi-nriMra!oot:tbe juice finely, but it re. quire mora force than man-power to work it. If attached to a bore-)power, by a large band, wbeol, a tbey ar ndw being made, this is th best mill wejuav soen at so low a pne as 75. For our .own nse, wo have calculated that, in the endSit will be cheapest to pur !. a tve-nlar suear-can mill 'of large site, which can! be nsed the present year, and if not wanted afterwards, lie sold to some one roing into th business largely, at the South if not North. We expert before closing this number to receive a description of a rude mill being erected in Ohio ir this arrive it Will I ip clVHll at tinge 237. It will not be difficult to pet up an extern- pore wooden hand-press, win-re oiuy a lew ditteiu or hundreds of cuiifs are to be tried, r,.r the curiosity of tbe thing. We "t'gwt the following : Take a round, sniooth, hard wood log, 10 or !2 inchvs in diameter, and raw off two rollers 10 inches long, set these between two planks supported or kept apart at each end by beavv block cut 10 Indies long, to alio an eighth of an inch play Tor the roilur. Hoop the rollers at each end with strong iron bands, put on like wugon tires, by the blacksmith, for axles, take an iron rod 16 inches long and at least 1 J luches iu diameter, and drive it firmly through the ceulr of one of tho rollers previously bored with an auger, letting the ends extend through the planks to form gudgeons. Tut a similar rod thrmigh the othur iolr. but let it extend 5 or 6 feet above the frame, and bond it over at right angles for a lever to orn with. The rollers being put m place, spike the plunks firmly upon the 10 inch blocks at each end. To prevent the crank rod from turning in the roller, wedge ft tightly, and Uo put a cross key or pin through it, at th points where it leaves the end of the n.l .Irire these into the wood. Make, a little duet in the lower plank to conduct the juice to one side, and into a vessel underneath To prevent the axles wearing iuto the wood, uail two or three piece ol flat irou around them upon the upper and lower sides of the i.lntik framo. Any one, with a little assist ttnee from a blacksmith, can construct a simple apparatus like this ia a simile day, and the whole cost need uot exceed five dollurs. Wa recently conversed with Mr. A. htou teliborough. of Dulla Co., Alabama., wha lias beoa making syrap successfully tjii year, uud we give hi experience, writing from memory. He planted several acre- of Chi nese Sugar Cane, iu drills, putting one serd in a place. Kach seed produced one large eeotral stalk with a number or suckers. The suckers not being so .forward as the main elalks. he commenced cutting out arid grind iut tbe latter toward the close of August, or a soou a the seed began to ripen. The suckers are ta be pressed as tbey mature. He c instructed two upright wooden rollers, 4 large sire, putting n iron band around tb ends Ur them, airtl fitting with wooden cogs to make them turn together. They were set iuto strong frame, one or tbem projecting up for the attachment of a lever for driving by horse horse. With this mill ke pressed out about "TO gallons of juice in the fore part or the pay, which was put iuto a 120 gallon cauldron, or irou kettle, and boiled tlown just as Ac would sop for maple sugar. Tbe scum rising from time to time was skim bI off, and when it had become clear be added to it U or 15 tea-spooaruls or alaked lime, fiist stirring it in water to tbe consist ence or milk. The bulling was contiuned, skiinuiiiig when needed, and with a slower heat towards the cfose of the process. The result was. 12 to 14 eallons of thick syrup ol very superior quality from each 74 galluus of juice. This experiment, on rough scale, by on without previous experience in sugar-making, will be suecestiue to others in like ctrcum- stances. Iu boiling down tbe juice, it is 1111 nortant to heal it soon after it is expressed. The heat should bo kept just below boiling aiutil most of the scum rise wneu it may be ken off tho lime added as previously de- cribed, and tbe boiling be continued us long mt desired, removing from time "D time all Mim that accumulate. Tbe syrup vill be improved by letting it coo) after boiling down, aay one-hall ; tueu siraiu 11 turuugu numcu iloth : atir iu some white of eggs ; beat it Again gradually and skim, and then complete tie boiling. THE MOltrotll WUHU. Speculation ha been rife within th lust wveek in reference to tha suspension aud prob aittle future of the Moutour Iron Works. 11 luring the same time the Managers have ieen busy in tnakinj arraiigmenttoettlo up with tb workineu aud divue a plan for future action. The caus of the suspension ia nminly attributable to tbe large importations of Had road Iron which ia now offered to Hailroud Jompanies at a low price and very slow notts giving much longer time than the manufac turer iu this country can give and consequent ly Ihuy cannot raise money 00 UailToad boud to pay UuiVperatives and current expense. This excessive importations of foreign iron unJer the oou-proteetiva rales of duty to jTBther with the geueral stricture iu the money market has not compelled only tho Moutour M'..rk hut many other all over tbe country to suspend operation for lb preseut. Uti wo are authorized to say that au artangemeut 1,.. l.enn eoacludud bv which lb fires will ere longer be kindled io the Hulling Mill and we shall again be ohuured with the music of ita'ma i.ii,.re. The works have beeu leased lor five years to Messrs. II. M. Fuller, J. 1. Urove, J. Urove and Thomas Chambers. The claims of the workmen ogaiust tbe Co. will be paid imiuodialoly, aod th Mill started as soon thereafter a the oeccessary arraugemeut cau n'lo i much indebted to these Work for her developemeut and our citi n will be irlad to learn that ther are iu tL hands yt these gentiemoq 10 wnoso .-...r.. .nd nerservauce. w will in great measure, as a community, owour future prosperity.--Th workmen hay been very calm, quielljf ...tin the result, thu oXbibllltig their confideuc iu thief employer. Hotter times 1 trust, will SBedlly realize lueir rpn- tions.- ni. -WoMlour American, of Hit Z'JiA ept, A Naw Method or TbKatino lrK, air idg it the aoacilr of Vulluui, ha beeu di,, covered by an Knirliih chemist. He bas found that by a momentary immersion-of Eayer IU eirviig auiuuriu aciu, uuuwy wnw afr it bulk of water, aod. allowed to ool, and tbeo washing it freely, first In water, and at eoadly -ir. weak asamooia, it becomes imbued sjriUl acb extraordiuary teoacity, that whereas . a band of the original paper, about an iuch a width, break under a wvght of seveB r ighl pouuds. io ill modified ennditioa it will topport nearly a hundred weight. ' . ' Ok Ooob Rwi.t o tin Prisknt Stms amir ra Mons'r M a ar. People are uiacorenng mat - ooaine matter IB this 000 try will proceed from bad to worse, until w establish torn mean to prevent excessive imports. U w had no foreign balance to lira, w should m lo nealtby and prosper ous condition. . The condition of wliol country, in this respect, ia In do sens differ ent from that or an individual. 1 r tba balaac of trad were Dot against a, we could bar currency moot: ourselves,' of Void or silver, paper or shells, or anything whatever to rep- reaens article or commerce. Jn word when we took om Dains to nrotect our selves, foreigner were often obliged to send us gold, to pay Tor oar cotton and breadstuff. Instead of getting into debt, w were then laying op money. Fact are bard hut to crack but tb kernel wben reached i iweet. An laroKTART FuRciianic. W learn of contract made yesterday in this city for 2000 nnrreis or Hour, at giroo, to be delivered in tins month of October. The purchase itself ie cor. a mailer 01 mucn consequence, out l lie connection or the purchaser are such aa lead to in supposition- that It is for foreign ac count 1 aod it indicate the beginning of oreign aemanu, anc conmienc man advance of price. Id.) Journal. Ilia Bavkd and thk Lost. Tbe exact number of the saved and lost or tb steamer Central America will probably never be known in this world. It is cenerallv agreed that she had onboard, on leaving 'Havana. nearly tlx hundred souls; and the lists of the saved vary from 166 to 183. In all of those lists, repetitious or other inaccuracies are apparent, rrobably 1 .0 is Dot far from the truth. Whkat Dkci.imno im Illinois. A fata Iiloomiiieton. Illinois. Turner snvs Wheat declined to fifty cents per bushel in this uinsket, Thursday. The main cause of tho rapid decline is, that in the present unsettled state of nffuirs east, Hie Chicago banker re fuso to iiTsconnt the drafts of produce dealers, (or ol anybody else, in fact.l many of whom ur therefore uuable to continue bnying. At present rates, we presume farmers wijl gene rally withhold their grain from market." New Advertisements. SHERIFF SALES. By virtue of a certain writ of Ten. Ex. Rent to me directed," will be exposed to public sale at the Court House, in Sunbury, on S ATI! R UAV, tho 17th or October, at 10 o'clock, A.M., the following property to wit : A certain lot of erouud situate in the town of rihuiuokin, in Coal townships Northumber land county, and marked in the general plan of said town No. 827. Fronting on Hun bury and Commerce streets, ami bounded by Dew. art street oh the West ; and lot of John II. lloadarmel on the east. Jteing 200 feet deep and stxteen feet iu width, whereon is erected a two atory frame bouse, including the tens inwiits, 16 by 24, with a brick kitchen 15 by 20 feet. Suited, taken into execution, and to be sold as tbe property or William C. Keueday. ALSO : At tha same time and nlace. h wi-t... r . certain writ or Lev. Fa. to me directed, will he to wit '""I'C ,U'e ,b" tMoio8 propeity All tbatcertuin messuara or lr? r l.n. situate, lying and being in the township of Uelaware. county or Xurtlmn,kuri..j --.i State or I Vnnsylvani,, bbunded and described by the Mlowiug courses, and dtstonces begin aing at a chestnut oak. runmiws- V K r degrees Kast 68 perches to a nost . thenck .North 63 degrees West 66 perches to a chesuut ; thence South 5 dec rues WW 1 perches to chesnut oak to the nlaca of be. ginning, cootaining 13 acre., 152 percbe.and allowanco. Seized, taken iuto execntinn mA i 1.. ..1.1 as tbe property of ieter Uto. Sheriff Office. 1 8anbury, tiept. 19, 1857. ( MTJ6I0 1 Mnarn 1 TR.O. KIMBALL, late of Elmira, h.vir berome a resident of Sunbury, lespectfully informs the citizens and others, that he intends inform a Minging Clasa. both secular and sacn-d and will impart inslruulion lo all who may desire to place themselves under bis charge. N. B .Mrs. O. Kimball is prepared to give instructions to a few more pupils on the liaiio Forte. Sunbury, September 19, 1857. tf ' I V. FRILINO. having obtained the agency for PRKEAS GIFT BOOK EoterpriM ia now prepared to furnish any book published as retail price with a gift worth from 25 cauta lo ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS. Godfreys Nan vtive of the Kane Expedition bound in cloth, price $1. 00 (with Gift.) Beuad in paper (itheut gifi) 60 cent. Dr. Livingstone's 18 yeara' Explorations and Adventures in the Wilds of Africa, 50, 8 vo., pages. One hundred splendid Engraving, bound in cloth with gold, price $1.00 (with gift.) Paper edition 50 cent (without gift). Sept 19, 1857. 6t. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. I pursuance of an order of tbe Orphan' Court of Northumberland countv. will ha to public sale on SATURDAY the 10th day of ocii, en iiia uremisra. iha r.Ji...,. described real estate to wit : A certain Tract of LAND, situate In Augusta township, adioinina- l.n.l. Dt Junk Gas and other. Containine 40 Arr n,nr. .r tea, aooui acre of the said land i meadow. 1 ne improvement are a weatherboard Dweltisg House, a log Barn, an Orchard of good fruit and mere i also a good Spring at tbe house. Tbe premises are in good repair and the land in a good tat of cultivation. Late the estate of H.,. lianaoscn, dec d. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M., of said day wben ihe term of ale will u maue mown by - lucii v 1 ourt, 1 t. O.C. I 19. 1657. 1 JOEL WOLF, Ad't. ajv wrurr 111 me cjurt. V. u. i-urrei, cik ttaubury, Sept. XOTICii. rV"TICE is hereby giveu that appliLation ha - Kjn M..l. ,A 1 1., f ' ....... ni f fiorthumberlind county, by tbe member of the (israoan helormed and bvangeliral Lutheran Church in Upper Mahouoy township, for Charter of Incorporation umlsr the name and title of the Trustaea and Church Council el 8u Juhu'a United German Reformed and Evangcli sal Lutheran Chureh, in Unpar Mahonoy and that tbe am will be presented to Court for a hearing, the first Monday of November next. JAMES UEAKU, frelk'y Prolhonotary'a Office. Saabury, Sept. 19, 1867, (U FANCY FUK8 FOlt LADIES. JOHN FARKIR A a CO- (New No.) 818. No Market at. atiovs KiKhl, flulaurlphia. Iiunorlers, Muialacluicis aud dealers la Luica, Oeulleiaeli aud Caiklreus Fauev Furs. WlHileaak- aud Retail, J. F. Co., would rail the alteirtliie i Imumus and ih Fault aeuerallv to their iiaiueus feVwk of Faauf Kara for Ladle Urallenea and Ci ildreu tueir asairtuieut eiab ace every article and kind Fancy Kuie, thai will be vnira duinig tins aeaana h a KitU Caiiee. Hull Cuee Ouarter Canra. Talniaa. VH-tmiiwi Bojs, MurTe 4 MuSiitee, fiotn ihe iueat Ra inn alile Iu tbe '! price U.mieetie Kan. For Oeuileniea tlieUriceai aaeiJiineut ia! Fur Collars, fllovr Usailiaiis ., nenig tea direct ImportweoT aUiiui Furs and Maiiuladurere irf Ihem under vur nwa aupervi- a we feel satiaaed we raa -ftvr belter inducements to dealers aud tke puuie gmnriiiy au any oiher bouse, savins aa uenrtmeat to select from aud at the alaaalactar sis ariee. W oaly ask a eaiH r JOHM PARKIHA CO. Ntl Mlk SHreet above Eujboj, Fkiaufa. nUsirtHa, Sept. IS, I&J7. wm. PORTER'S Spirit of tba Tims fir saU by r H.Y.f RILING. August , 18S7. r To the Elector of Northumberland County. County Treasurer. - rpHE subscriber in obedience to the wishes of A a Urge number of bit fellow tititena has con' aented to be a candidate for Treasurer of North umberland county... If elected he promises lo discharge his duties faithfully, and in order to' Uo so, will take up bis residence in Hunuury. DMEL 11EIM. , Upper Mahsnoy, Sept. 10, I HAT. To the Elector of Northumberland County. TH E subscriber hereby offers himself as a candidate for ,, PHOTHONOTART. Having always been a steadfast Democrat, and considering himself eomiwteiit to perform the duties of tbe office, he would respectfully ask of ine vemocraiic party 01 tne county a nomina tion' at the primary election. Among other quauncations, a thorough knowledge f I he Unglisb and Oerman languaacs would enable him to attend satisfactorily to all having business in tne oinre. ... . SAMEL BECkLT. Tretorton, June SO, 1R67. Candidate for Prothonotary. To th Voters of Xorthumberland County. T tbe solicitslion of many friends from dif- ferent parts of the county, the undersiirned has consented to become an Independent Csnui. date for the oflice of PKOTHONOTAKY at the ensuing election. Should he be successful, no effort shall be spared upon his part to perforin the duties of the office with fidelity, promptness and impartiality. JAMES UEAKU. Sunbury, August 8, 1857. te. Candidate for Slier I IT. To the Voters nf Korthumberlatul County. A T the solicitation of many friends from dif fcrenl parts of the county, the undersigned has consented to become an Independent (Jamli- data for the office of SHEIilr'F at the ensuing election. Should he b successful, no effort shall e spared upon his part to perform the du ties of -the olhce with uueliiy, promptness aad impartiality. j.t.Mr.a VA.uitvt,. Northumberland, June 87, 1 857. STATU AGRICULTURAL KX111UI- '1)1 K i'eiinsjlvnnia Slate Agricultural So- ciety will hold it SEVENTH ANN UAL LXH1D1T10X,. At Philadelphia, (I'owelton grouiulc.) On thu 29th and ilUlh orSeptembr and lt ml 2d days of October next. The usual reduction on passenger fare und free pussiige Tor stock, will be furnished by the Kuilroud Companies. The books of entry will be open at Phila delphia, on and after the 11 or .September DA V III TACitJAUT, Presideut. Koiikkt C. Wai.xkr, Secretary. Sept. 19, Uto;. 2t PBNKSYLVAKIA WIRE WORKS. A'o. 246 Arch St. btt. Second Third, (Oppuiit llrr.d Strcst, riillsTtdelphla. SEIVE.1, ftiJdles, Screens, Woven Wire of all meshes and width. wih all kind of plain and fancy wire work. Ktavy Twilled Wire for Mpark Cajteheis ; Coal. Hand and Ura vel Hcreens; Paper Maker's Wire ; C'yletder and Dandy Rolls, cojrerrd iu the best manner ; Wire and Wire Fencing. A very superior S'ticle of 7ravy Feunders' Stives. 11 kinds of Iron. Ore Wire Seive. UitYI.ISS. IURBY & LYNN, rhiladelphia, Sept. 19, 1857. c3m. Wi It of rnrlltluii. Aleiauder Jordan! ' 1 In tbe Court ol vs I Common Plea of William Davi and Georce I the County of K. Lee, Ki'r. of Thomas I Northumberland. Davis of Philsiliiliiliia.,lArM. and alsoTrl'sler of the widow f November Term, aud heirs of said dee'd , aud f J857. Joeph Warner df Philadel phia and William McCarty ol Sunbury. Wbit or FiBTiTina. 1'he Plcfendant will Uke notice, that by virtue of said writ, an inqui lien to make partition in valuation of the I ro perty therein mentioned,' will be held on the premise on the 9th day of October next, at 10 o'clock, A. M. HENRY WEISE, Sheriff. . Sheriff' Office, ) I Sunbury, Kept. 10, I8S7. J EARLE'S UALI.KUIES OF PAINTINGS, Aro. 81G Chesnut Street, opposite the Giraird House, PHILADELPHIA. LOOKING'Glas Warerrtomsjand Reposilo-' of Art. Engraving. Painlinxs, Portrait ud Picture r raine. in every variety, of the late original and European Patient. Pier Table. Uonsoia, Bracket and Lornices. 1 he most ex tensive and elegant assortment of Looking til- , of subalautial workmanship, and at Aucttdn price. Gold Medal awarded by the Maryland Insti tute, 18.ri8. Highest Premium awarded by tbe Frankkn Institute 1855. JAM KS 8. EitRLE. September 19, 1850 c3in3 FEVER AND AGUE! QUININK 8UB8TITLTK OK NKIiVK TONIC This well known remedr Tliscovered bv my bite nart. ncr loctr U. J. lcds, is s sure cine for the nlsivedisor- der, tuck-Headache, and all other Neivous arfectiona. It eontalns lio Cjuiuiiie, Arsenic, or other mjurloiie ingieni. enu. It strengthens the system, gives tone to Ihe slain. acli, and is invaluable to Dyspeptics and th.ise effected with weakness ia auv palt of the evetein. It is especially recommended to fenwics troubled with Kallms of the Womb. One bottle is sumeicnt in most esses, where tlievl vireciiwiseie on weu. vellincsis cau be furnished frwra all pans of the I mon. ekld by the uruegisls aenerslty sud lir J. If. Ilsxard, Wholesale Drusgist, and SMe, Proprietor l.t Msiduu ijane, 3iv vors. New York, Kept. IS, 1M7, V3m. Benjamin Chandler ndler 1 , et al. J Ie. 40, August Term, vs. 1857, August tth, 1857 Bucher, Ay res. On motion of imam At. KockefePer, Esii., attorney lor plainltll a rule on Ine aoeve defend' cuts to appear and plead by lbs first day of neit terra to the above action ol ejectment for all that certain tract or piece of land, situate in HhainoVui (now partly in Coal and partly in Zerbe town ships,) in the county of Northumberland, con taming two hundred and seventy-three acre. more or lea, adjoining lands in the name of Win Wilson, Peter Mowrer, Michael Kroll, Frederick Kramer and other, surveyed on a warrant granted lo Mathia Zimmerman. P. cur. Extracted from record and certified eepteruber 3d, 1837. JOHN S. HEAKU, Deputy Prolh ry. Prothonotary' Office t Sunbury, BepL 4, 187. j SUN BUB Y STEAM FL0UEIKQ MILL rTHE subirtlier reapectfufly lo tbe public, that (heir uew steam r louring Mill in tbia place, ha leen completed, and will go into operation on Monday tne a 1st day oi a a. uu, inst. Havtni engaged a com p tent and .eareiul Miller, they trust thev will h anTe.with all Uie modern improvement adopted in their mill, to give entire satisfaction to au vv b may lavor mem with their ca. atom. KNYDER, RINEHART & HARRISON Bunbury, August 29, 1857. 1 lIL.AIVIk.8l HL.4KKSI nl.ANK Deeds, Mortgagee, Bonds, Warrant J A itachmenta, Comruitmsnta, Hun moos, bu pallia, Execution, iuslices" aud Canaa' Fee Bill, Ac, A-c , esn be bad by applying at thi olhce. AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITION. The Executive Committee,. appointed by tb President of th Agricultural Society of ivor.uumoenana .county, mei agnreaoiy to notice and appointed the following m . - v . - - COMMITTB Of AaaAXOJtMKKT. . Ir. Wis, McCleery, Frederick Wilbolm, J. II. M't!nrmirk- P. Nasi. . J. II: Eckbert, U. M. Krick. II. A. Moodie, ' ; J. M. liufl, A. II. Ulir; Tho. 8wnk,;; K. W, Cbatiia,'' ' Henry Kohler, l.U.l)avi. fJ. U. Heed. ChaaHtout, 4 J. V. Uoodlunder, Cyrus Drown, yeorge W. ti trine, ohn Housh,' Jame Montgomery, It was resolved to hold th' Kxhibition on th l&lh and 16th day of Ortober nejvt. LIST OV PUKMIVMS. B0RSK8. ' Host stallion over 4 yean eld, ti 00 3 00 2d ad ei 2d uo 00 " todet 4 year.of5i lio mar and cojt, .4 00 2 00 4 on 2 00 pair or match horses'. M single bone, Amos K. Kapp, Jess C. Ilorton, Joho It Eck, I). C. Watson, William Haioen, Win. M'Cleery and John Nicely, Judge. GATTI.R. Best bull over 2 years ld, $4 00 2d " " nuder 2 years. cow, heifer, yoke of oxen, fat ox or cow, 2d calf nnsler 1 year. Wilson Hutchison, Simon Cameron. Ro bert M'Cormick, Kilian Ilunkcl, Jacob: Hun- sicker, Joseph Nicely, John M..f agucr aud Ueo. ireuericK-, judges. IWI.NB. Rest boar, $s 00 2 00 2 00 1 ( 2 00 1 SO 2. 00 2 00 2d " sow, 2d 14 2d pair of shoals, litter of pies uudur J mbnlhs. " fut hog, E. Crorwford. Dauiel V. Vm. Win. Tavlor Duvid F.ngle. Krunklin Fouk, 1. 11. Lreis- bach ud Win. Fullmer,-J ailjs.. suHue. Dest Mm, .. 00 " ewe, 3 0U M lamb, '1 U0 " ilock of 6 or inv 2 UO Samuel John, 1). I.. Irwl.xid, D. B. Mont gomery, Nathaniel lirittaiu, James Oakes, Judge. AOB1CLI.TUBTA1. mOIUCTS. Host 3 acres of wheat, 8 3 3 9 4 rye 8 " cot., " 3 " oats, The certificate of two respectable tueu as to measurement and pryduut ruquirud. Best bushel of wheat, . . 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 rye, 1 corni . 1 oats, 1 potatoes, ' . 1 sweet potatoes, 1 i John McCormick, Joseph Net-bit, Deuuis VV'olVurtrin, Andrew Arnitlroag, I'avid Marr Joseph li. Priestly, Frankliu Davis, J udges. rotiCTtr. : Uest iuir of turkeys, St 00 " geese, ; 1 00 - " chickens. , ' 1 00 " eolredioo of 10 cbicksns, 2 56 2d " " U 00 William Fulkason, JlSaies Covert, Charles Fox.W'F. Forsythe, J. Augstadt,- Henry Kohler, Judge.. VSOKTADI.KS. Best beets, not V' than tea, $1 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 on 00 carrots " turuips, -" salsify or oyster plant, Ouious, not less lbiilu, : cabbage, ' (uasb, M : ? , tlire, pumpkins, " . tomutoes, " egg plant, .ttrt-lv), cellery, 12 stalks, ussortment of garden vegptubles 00" 2 00 Samuel Shanuon, F. V. l,llnrk, lieiijauiiu Bimington, Havid Marf, 1'uui Mattellr, Jus. Uearu, John Iwced, Judges. - - . rauT. Best i bushel or apples, $3 00 ..... i ..e. i - quiucei, a uu " pear, .. 1 00 4 - prunes. ' 1 00 rialf price for seooud best, each Win. I. Oreer.oiieh, II. Frymire, II. B. Musser, Job 1'. Board, Henry Header, James Heed, John U. Pucker, ltobert 11. McCoraiicIc, Judges. IMI-UKMaNTS . Best threshing niacbine, $4 00 3 00 reaper. seed drills ' winnowing mill, " com sbeller. " plow, cultivator. J uo 2 00 2 00 2 3 " roller, 2 corn plow. . 2 " straw cutter, -2 " furm wagon, 2 " sett of harness, 2 " horse rakfl 1 grain rake, 1 I'hilin Fullmer. James (luiucron, Si'lnen Lantz. Jehn Moiitiromery. I'uter SchatTer. Jalin lluug, E. W. ChpM, Thomas Merviue Judi;ei . . 1IJARV. kic. . Best butter, not less thhut lbs.. 1 bunf, " M loaf bread, not less thai i lbs., " ham -cured by exhibitor, " bayd soap, ' . C Hi., appla butter, 2 quarts, " preserves, John Rnuth, J. Woods Brown, 1. A. Fo John U. Browb. A. II. liluir, Martiu Billiny r. Ueo. II. llertr., Judges. tlUMKKTII! MAMfACTlBK. 1 ' Best 15 yard woolen carpets, 2 00 2d 1 1 " rag eaqioi. 3d " quilt, -( hearth rag, " pair blu'leels, " clutb (home-mtde) 10 yards, " flanuel, " glove or mitteDS, Abram Straub, Thomas Swenk. Samuel T. Urowu, Win, F. Naglo, Johu S. Lawson, Hagh Martin, Judge. rLovnxq aUTco.: Charles Riddle, Samuel ' Blain, Juhn B. Heller, Kilian Lluukel, Isaao Marsh, Hubert Russel. Non but members of the-8ocicty will be permitted to compete for prize. l'oratoo from any county, JSat or country em become member oa rpynient of fifty cent to the Treasurer, or a townsafip com- limHtee-wan. fario bringing artistes Tor exhibition will b required lo euler tba (am on th 1st day of th xbibitien with tb proper oftlcer. ComputitioD it earnestly, lovited fiom all parts of lb county, and from Neighboring-! bounties. . J udg will commenc their duties at 10 o'eloek. "... Addresses will be deliver after lh report of committees, awarding premium, on lb econd day. ... .... .: w.C.LAWSON.rre.'. Milton,, 1837. The 910 and tl Single and BonMe Threaded Empire Family Sewing1 -Machines. AN AGENCY for the of tbe Sewing Machine can be cecured on liberal terms for the County of Northumberland. No one need apply without capital sufficient to, conduct the bueinrss properly and who cannut bring refer ence as to reliability and capacity. A personal applicatiun will be necessary. The peculiar adaptation of these Machine for all purpose of r amily Sewing, will, where ever they are oflere1 for sal command a ready and unlimited demand. JOHNSON 4 (IOODM.L, 8. E. Corner offith and Arch 8u, Philadel'a. August 1 5,, 1 867. At PLATFORM SCALES. fV every description, suitable for railroad, " C for weighing Hay, Coal, Ore, and Merchandise generally. Purchaser run no risk every scale is guaranteed correct, and if after trial, not found satisfactory can be returned with out charge. Factory at the Old Stand, established for more than twenty years corner of Ninth and Melon Ktreela, J'hiladnlphia. ABBOTT & CO. Suereeaors to F.llirolt tt Abbott. Philadelphia, Sept. , 1857. 6m. 8TIIAY IIOK8C.-" flAMK to th premises of the subscriber on Monday, the 7th of- September, ins(., a OKAY HOUSE, about U or 14 years old. Tbe owner is requested to come forward, prove pro perty, pay chargss, and take him away, otherwise be will be disposed of according to law. ISAAC 8AVIDGE. Rue), bp., Sept. It, 1857. 3m I VALUER HYDE'S Ei position of Mormow 1 MlA ism.. Price, $ I -23. for sale by Kept. 19, 1857 SL H- Y. FRILINO. PROCLAMATION. 1L'RSL'A.T to a)i act of the General Aurmblj of the Commonwealth of Peimeylvaiiia, entitled "An act relaliug to the election of this L'ominonwealth," approved the senunil day ol July, Anno llomino, one thouaond eit-ht hundred and thirty-nine, I, IIKNUY WKISK, Huh bhentTof the ct ty of Nortliuiulicrlaud, Pennsyl vania, dj hereby make known and give iKUice to the dec tors ol tbe county aforesaid, that a general election will I held in said county of Nrlhunilierlaiid mi the SIXU.N1) Tl WUIAV lath ,t OCTOHKR, lb47 at which lime Stale and County Officers, as follows, are In be ekjetnl ! One person as Oovcraoi ol the Commonwealth ul Penn sylvania. Two pei soul as Judges of th Supieme Court of Pcuu syluauia One peraun as Canal Coinmiuiuiier of tba Coinmoa Wesllll. t Inn person as member of the rVnate of the General Assembly of Peunaylvsnla in eonjuucUtHl with the coun ties of Snyder, Mntour slid olumliia. Une person as flier iff fur the county Nortbumberbind. One peraon as Meniberof the lltnise of Keoreaentativea te lepreseat the county of Northuinlierlatiri. One peraii as Comniiesiieier -tor Ihe county of NorUi- uinneiiaiia 101 a u-rin oi yeere. One persun as Prolhonotary for tbe county of Northum berland. One persoa ss Treasurer for tbe county of Northum Iwrlend. One peison as Auditor for the county of Nurtbumber IsikI. J also hereby make known and give notice that t)is places of h'lMing the aforesaid general elecUnu iu tke eev eral boroughs and townships wyhiu tbe county of Nor thumberland are as follows t Ths Sunbnrv District, composed f the borourh f stunbury, and Upper Augusta, at the County Court House. I The' Augusta District, composed of the townehip ol Utwcr Augusta, at tli huuse ol Peter Dunkelbkrger, in a i - HjwiiBJiip. The Norlhumlierland District, eomnneed of the bomneh borongh i, of the oi .'Nnrtnumtjeiiana, at me Bouse ot i;. s. uruwu, borough of Northutnberlsna. The Point District, si the house of Heiuv Ilaas. iu tba borough of Northumberland. The Milton District, at the house of Frederick Slicker, in said boroitirh. The Turbut District, at th house occupied bv Abraliam Kissinger. i n, xieiawars uistriei. at ins oinninr annua School House. The Chtlisquaqua District at tba h .uae of Beniaaiin Fordsman. Th Lewis District, at tke hoas oeuuuied bv Michael Reader. The Shamoklu Distact, at Ihe house of Charles LeUen- ring. The Upper Mahoiiojr District, at the sous of lisuicl isenbart. The Little Maboaoy District, st the house of widow F. ltsker. The Lower Mahunoy District, al Ihe houss of , ArhagMt. l ue sun uisirici, ai ine iioerty rote acU'iul tloase. The Jucksuu fJistrict, at die bouse occupied by Oalen Smith. Tbe Coal District, st the bouse of William M. Weaver. iu the town of tttuiiuokiu. The Kerb District at the house of Juhn saver ta Trevorton. The Cameron District, at the house of Gideon Derk. The Jordan District si the house of Benjamin lcilzel. The Mouut Canucl District al the imbim house ta Fe ll lrch. Tit Washiugtna Districts! the house of (jodirey B. Re- buck. AMENDMENTS TO I II r. ClIBJ TITLTIUN. I alsii hereby make knewu thut at Ihe same lime ard place the following proposed Anicndulriits to the Consti tution will be voted upon, in accoidauc with an Act ot' Assembly, approved the laib day of May, l?&7, as follows: Waaaa, A joint reaolutits, proposing certain amend ments to tbe Coualitulioil of the Commonwealth has been agreed to by a maj-irity of the members to each House of Uie ljegislsture, nt two successive sessions uf the sa.ue, llie Vet aeseioM commencing mi Ihe first Tuesday of Janu ary, in lh year of out- Lord one Ibousrnd eight huislied asl fifiy-sia, and the second session OHiimciiciug on the first 1 ues ay of January, in the year ot' our Lord on thousaud eight hundred sud fil'ty-sevclt. . And VVhcteas, li is provided iu Uie tenth article of tlis Constitution, that any auieiidmeul so agreed upon shall be subuutleu to the people in such a manner nd al such lime at least three mouths altei being so agreed to by the two houses, as lbs Leeisuiiure spun priscriu : ARB aaaa- as, sly au Act of Ihs legislature of this Comiuoiiweeltli, entitled "An Ad prcscribuig tbe lime and luannel of sub lailting to tit people fta their ralim-aliou or lejectaai tlie proposed Amendments lo the Constitution,11 spproved Msy Iwelljh, Anno Dteuiiii one tbousauk eight bundled sihI Diiy-seve it is swung timer iniugs, proviacu aa ioi. LlWI. Ul Wit ! hac. 1. That for Uia purpose of aacertaiuing tbe sense of the citisens of uiis cistunonweaiiu in leeiiru tuiiie aaop. tital or rejection said aiuciHlnieiits, or cither of llieai the Governor ia Ihis Comimaiweuiib shall ihus a writ of Kleetisu direcled to the rAhertff of each and every eouu tv uf ibis CiHumouweslie. eonimaiMling them lo give no tice Iu th usuul manner, in not less than two newspapers iu eneb c.'uuty. provided thai so many are puisuiied inere iu, that pan elccliou will be held in each of tbe townships, , wards, and disli icts therein, mi the sccimd Tuesdsy iu Oc tober, iu th yeai of our Ijirdoiie tboussud eight hun dred and fifty seven, for die pmpose of deciding upon tbe adiiptlon or releclHiU Ol uie siiu aineuoiuenu, iv ally ol tbtao - which said sliall be held al the places and opened aud doted at th time at and within which the geueral elections of this Commonwealth are held oprueil and closed : and it aliull be the dutv ol lb ludce luspec tois and clerks ol each and said townshiis, wsrds and dis tricts to receive at the an id election tickets either wrilteu ... .l ... u.ilu ...rion ami narllv lirinlml I'm.n Mill sens dulyliiulibed to Soto Ita-meintjeis of th Ueiierul Assembly, sna'tiueKieii mem iu s ww ui oojice wi ue na that uuiuose nrovided bv Uie uropet othcees : which tick- eu slmir be respectrvely le belled on the outside, '-fust amendment. 44secouU smeiMlinetil, '-third amendment,' and fourth smeudnwul," and those who s re lavoisble to esul aiueodmeuis. or anv ol litem ruav eapress llieir ilesirs by voting each as aisuy sepunite wriiieu or piii.tnl hull. or tickels, conlaiuiug on the inside thereof the words, " tba smeiMlmeut," end llioss who al opposed to such amendineiiis, orsujr of them, may express their opiaisiiKsi by voting caches nuiny sepeiat written or printed tickets eonuiiiiiig on the inside thereof ths words, sgainst the amendments. fisc . Thsl tha eleetion on the en id prnKed amend ments shsll ia all respects be conducted as the general eli-c-tiiHUl of this Conunofi wealth are aow oouduct,d ; and it sliall be dsty of Ihe return iixlges of lbs respective eouu liea and district thereof, first having oaiefullr ascertsined III number of Vole give foe or against sack of said the laMnuer sforesnul. to make nut dunli. eate returnslberef, espirssed la words st leiielh end a la ngures only, one ia which returns so mane stum ne loa. fed iu the prolhonoury 'e ollice of the eiairt m emnraoa it Urns of tfte nrourr cosnty, and lb nth r sealed and direc ted to the Secretary of the Csminenweallh and by one of said lunges deposited lurltwUB la ui uust couveuient rol oibc. Th deetina lo open between the hour of S and 10 o'clock iu Ihe rorenooii, ami 'smiiietmKiniie wiinoui inter ruption or sdjourniiieut until T o'clock in tb evening -.wneu the polls shall be closed. Ths several Inspectors aud Jadgel elected on th 3d Fridsy nf March, IKSd, in pursuance 4 the 3d Pecliou of be set of Uie1 of July. IKSJ, will .4d the election oa Tuesday it IJtk dsjr ol Oetober ueat. And Hi Sid Act Ajaemuly, sntitlen""aa art relating to the clectisNS of this Ctenmonweslth," passed July Ui s..d. ikci. lurlber urovwlea as IisIsavs. lo wit i '-That the liispectoie and Jutlgee chosen ss sforcsstd, shall meet at the respective places for austina the electmu In th disurict to which they respedluUy Moug befora sine o'ckk iu ths muriiinc of Die ecoud Tuesday of Oc tober In each and everv vesr. aiwl each ol suid insnecliMS shall appoint on clerk, who sliall be qualified volar of such a strict. Hsctios i That any fraud coniraittrd bv any person vntin in tlis manner above preanined, shall be puiusltcd ns suuuar fiauils ar diieeted to be pusuuicd by las ujst. iug laws ol line Coaueoa wealth. 'In caaa th peesna who shall have ressivad tb aeemai bigbest uuiaber "f volssor Inspectors shall a, auend oa the day uf auy elect ni, tbea th pejvei who sliall Save rsewvsd Ik seeuwa bigkest aussher of roles for Jmlge Ih ' seal prscediuf alselioa, stta act as an inapsctoi in hai ptejoe, asd in ease, the person steeled Jarige shall not Bend Iks lasosrt-w who received tk kigKeai aunbet ef mss, abeH appoint a Judra hi hie peace ami if any vaeamy shall eieitiuue In the boerd Hir the epaea nf halt an boar al tar the time Sled by law for Ihe opening of Ihe electkm, sKequelifted volets ia the township, ward or no district, for wbieb sarb officers shall nave Iwen eleeted, preeent al she pawa of elections, snail en of their aumber Iu ill uch "It ahett he tba dutv of aaid assessors nsneellenlv In aL. tend at. Mm place of JtoMtng every general, eierielt or township eleetion, dariug the whole. Iline said rtcetioa is kept ofneii for the. puronee of giving inforneitbe to 1b Inepeetin ami Jatlte, wben celled on, In fetation to Ih light of any persisi saeesscd by theia to v4e si such elec tion, or such other matters In lelatlon to the ssstseinent or voters, a the saM inspector or Judge or either of them shall from time lo lime require. ' "No nerstni atiatl be permitted to vote at any eleotlon aa aforesaid, other thau a white free man ot tweiity-ie or more, who shall have resided iu the sure at lea t ink year, and in tbe election district where he offers to vote Bt least ten days Immrdrately preeeeduit the decteei, and within two yeara paid state ol countytnl. which shall have been assessed st least ten dare before the election, Hut a citiaen of the United Stales who had previously been a qnelifinl Voter of this Slate, and removed Iheeefnen mrthmI. ami elrall hsve resided ia Ihe election district, and paid tax aa afiiraiBi. shall be entitled to vise slier miiline In I hie shall be entitled to viae alter rennline In I hie stat sis msiilhs, Provided, That the whit freemen, eili sens of the L ulled tStatea, hetweeu the age of twentyisia and twentv-two years, and in the election district ten davs ss aforenid, slisll be entitled lo a vote, although they sliall aot have paid tnie. No peraon shall be permitted to vote whoe nsme is not eisMined in the list ot Usable inhabitsntsfuriiished by the aufomiasioners ss, unless, First i Ha, produces a receipt for the payment, within two years, of a stele or amy ux assessed agreeably to tbe e.iMKntinn, and gave satisfactory evidence either on his own isilh or artii mo tion, or on I lie oath or amrtmlbm of anotlier, tint he has paid such las, nr on failure lo produce a receipt, sliall msk an oslh to lh payment thereof or senond, if he claim right to vote by being an elector bet ween t lie ages of twenty-one sort twenty-two yenis, be sliall depiew on oath or atnrmation, tint he hue resided in the State nt least one year next before his application, and make such proof of residence in the district as is required by this act j and thsl he does verily believ from the accHint given him dost he ia of the age aforesaid, and give such othfer evi Unices as is required by this act, whereupon the name of the erson so admitted to vote, slinil be inserted in alpha betical list by the insiectore, and a note made opposite thereto by writing the word '-Ux," if he iliall he peimit 'ed bi vote by reason of having uid tax, or the word t'sge," if he sliall be permitted lo vole on account ef his age, end in either case the I ens in of such vote shall be called out to tke clerk, who sliall mo We notes in the list uf vsters kept by tbem. In all cases where Ihe name of the person claiming lo vote is not found on the list furnished by the Commisrno r and Assessor, or his right to voto whether found Ihcro on or not, is objected to by any qualified citizen, Ihe In spector shall examine such person on oath s lo his qualifi cations, Jitd if he claims to have resided in the sute one yenf or more, his oath shall be s proof thereof, but he shall prove by st least one competent witness, who shall be a qualified ejector, that he lesided within the distiict st least ten day next immediately preccoini the election, and shai also himself swesr that his bona fide resilience, in pursu snc of lawful culling is within the district, nnd that h did not remove into said district for th purpose uf voting therein. 11 Every pesnn qualified as aforesaid, and who shall meke proof, if required, uf resident sud payment of taxes, aa aforesaid, shall be admitted to vote in Ilia township, ward or district in which he sbull reside. If sny person not qualified to vote inthisCommonwealth agreeably to law, (except Ihe sous of qualified citizens) ahull appear at any place of election for the purpose of is suing tickets, or influencing citizens qualified to vote, be shall, on cimviotion, forfeit and pay any sum not exceed ing one hundred dollars for every une such ofl'ence, and be imprisoned for any term not exceeding three months. It shall lie the duty of every mayor, sheriff, alderman justice of the peace, and eaunahle or deputy constable, of ever- city, county, township or district within this com nsmwalth, whenever called upon bv any officer of an election, or by any three qualified electors thereof, to clear any window or avenue to any window, to the place f geneial election, which shall be olertruclcd in such a way as to prevent voters from approaching the same, snd oa neglect or refusal to do so on such requieion, seid officer shall be deemed ('tilted of misdemeanor in office and oa conviction shsll he lined in any sum not less thau one hun dred nor more than one thousand dollars ; snd it "hull be the duly of the respective comttable of each wnrcl, district or township, of this coininonwenlh to he present in person or by deputy, at the place of holding such elections in each waid, district or township, for Ihe purpose of preserving the peace as afuresuid. It shall bs the duty of every peace officer, as aforcsnid, wl o shall be present at any such distnrlxinccs st an alec tiou as ia dcacrlbrd in 4his act, to report the same to Ihe next court of qnarU-r and also th names of the witnesses who mil prove the same. TheJndges aretomske their returns for Iheeounlyof Northumlierlaiel, st the Court House, in Sunbury, ou Fri dsy, th ISth day of October, A. D. 16S7. Given under mvhand, at !unlHiry, this 1st day of tep tember A. D. 1857, and ia thetcliid year of ths independ ence of the L ulled Stale. I1ERNY WEipi;, BheruT. Sheriff"1 Office, Sunbury, I eepi. in loo 41 ) i-TlLr, ""toe v.e-ukW. ae a, a r-r.u r,m suu. It miri w.t, SoM. " . , .b loalaMI. n b awe mW JV" . '"toll" ssttlr, e fcinaw' -w u. a. inr.llibl, siaipU, Iut aad Bl ,. U..M1..I a..u.;. ' ' ruuM aitaw t.ik.M'.rf tar.rier Cm av trr M Wt'-U SW iuili b.l .fl '" s1 vUsl aa she aave uamiaaj a isr to ia wildcat a It la wts.UA bin -n .t.w K-t a. ta ii..Uo. Trr h. mmi la all who, f.U.c u U. '..a ef UM I'm lh. moo. will bt r.f.n,lA im r-- a r.- tm,ioi pom. sjf.T.atrmihevfr.o,i..oo.n--abTout.r.. , Tb. s.llnB to m o.w pM. tb. Owuirti lar p.riMll- sail. mmI ruiri Mrlur-or iimnmL a., For. UUM r., w-olA d. o. any oui.r C.n- Th. .ea.Ul. to krM Ln . ixil . MllmA Tw).li. Th.r. U m L.d nb-al 11 to SoUrlorst. lb. uM.M.toi I, tomod. oT Tta. T.u sna.ipi. .r Sutioe bu M-ol tb. IM hi TkroU r.r, mm J UM. Win h.v. LTlad Uu 4 I J, 1357. HOVER'S LIQUID HAIR DYE. TH E following, from (hat e'miiient Physician of Philadelphia, Dr. Brinctle, added to the testimony of Professor Booth, only confirm what i evidenced by thousands who have used Hover a Dye. "fJiaian Kuw, CiiKSTxrr Stwvet, Philadelphia, December J2.I, 153. ( "In regard lo Hovaa'a ai Dvi, I can state unhesitatingly, that it contain no delrteriou in gredients, and may be used with entiie afety. and with the utmost confidence and luccess." VV. D. BRINCKI.E, M. D. Hov'er'i .Writing & Indelible Inks, Are u well and widely known, aa to require no eulogy of their merit, it i only necosaary to sny, that the steady and increasing demand, give the heat evidence that they maintain their character for luperiority, which distinguished them when nrt lutreduretl, year ago. Order addressed to the Manufactory, No. 418 RACE street, above Fourth, (old IS'o. 144.) Philadelphia, will receive prompt aienlion, by JOSEPH E. HOVEK, Manufacturer. Sep. 12, 1857. ilpril25, 57,ch. EXCELSOIR SPEING BED. (CuulTs Patent, September 2d 1856.) FOR which a diploma wa awarded at the Eighth Exhibition of the Mas. Charitable Mechanic' Association. This is an entirely nevr application of spiral spring to bed, malting a more comfortaole, neat er, and cheaper apring id than ha been offered to the public, applicable to old a well a new InslslcaJ. The peculiar position ef the spring elevate the head slightly, caving Ih trouble of building up Ihe head with extra bolster. 'ite conduction ia o liinple, and every part so exposed, that bug nave no hiding place, and the moat iaexperirnced ran take out each fur washing, aa they are oaly fastened bv a button. Th Muring used ara mad expressly for these bed on Patent 8, lira I Spring Machine. The nublic need only ace thi bed lo appreciate it. 'J'li lubscriber bss purchased the right of manufacturing, and selling, in Northumberland county, and will furnish tbe article al reasonable rates. Springs put In old bedstead fur jjireedol lar ISAAC M. WtLKEKSP.N. Sunbury, Sept. 1J, 1837. If HtrTSZ AND LOT FOE SALE. ffvjiE uucriber olfer at private sale the house L and Lot uovr occupied by uimarir, situated on Ihe corner of Kiver and cUlerberry alreeta, Sun bury The improvement ara a two story FHAMK DWELL1M0, nearly new, a Wsh-hou and Wood house and a good table. Also an excellent Well of Wa ter. There ia also on the lot a choice variety bf good fruit. Terma easy, for further parti culai apply to CHARLES COBIN. . Sunbury Sept. 11, 1837 tf HYDROLEUM PAINTS. Three pain la a re mixed with water, thereby caving lb cost of ml, for le by . March U, '07. A. V. fiSHEIV A a a.'' mow wa. s.v. uiad umi win si. . B.ui.rr.oa. 'fya. A A LISKkAU DISCOUNT TOTlia TS4DE. M SjX LUDLOW CAW Ca ORPHAN'S COURT SALE. VOTICE h hereby given that Joaeph W4tsr. ton, Executor of lh Will of !aae Wt hv ton, dee'd, ia pursuance of an order of the Of phana' Court, of Northumberland county, grantrsl at Augyst Term, 1837, will expo to nle by public outcry; on ' TUE8DAY, THE 17th DAT1 nr OlTCEER next, at 10 o'clock, A. M-, at th dwelling hnus on the premlsos, all that certain FARM OK TRACT OP LAND, siluste in Rush township. Northumberland .county,, adjoining land of Abraham Hoftman, Kimnti Interline, John Yea ger, Samuel Oillinger, Jacob Weavrr and a lot of th widow 'olverton, (cut off from the farm.) containing 1 66 acres, on which are erected a good FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, a Darn and Outbuildings, and on which are an Apple Orchard, a good Spring House, and about I UU acre of wi ll cultivated land, It ia about .four mile from Danviile. TERMS OF BALE. Tris per rent, down, one half the balance on Ihe lit of April, IM, the other half on the 1st of April, 159, with interest from 11 April, 18.18, to be eecureit by Dond and Mortgage on the premise. . JOSEPH WOLYEKTUN, E'r. vu I By order of tfce Court C. 11. Pursel, Clk. O. C. SunbuYy, Augusts, 1837 ' joM.y sct.n.iuen.Hjjs; ESPECTPULt.Y Inform hi friends, and Jhe public generally, that he has just receiv ed a New Stock of GOODS, at hi new store, at David Miller' Mill, in Lower Augusta Town ship, and that he i prepared to sell good aj th lowest price. H i Stock consists in part of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, Groceries, Queensware, Hardware, &c. and every variety usually kept in country Store. Treverlon price paid for all kind of produce. Lower Augusta twp, Aug. 8, 167. tf WHO HA8 BEEN CURED or GREAT NERVOU8 DEBILITY, after msnv year of misery, desire to make known to all fellow-sulTerers the sure mean of relief. Address enclosing tamp to pay return postage, Mr. MARY E. DEW ITT, Boston, Mas., and the prescription will be ent free, by next post. August , 185T. 3m Pt VALUABLE COAL LAND FOR SALE. rXIHE subscrilie.1 will offer for sale, at the Court House in Sunbury, Northumberland rountv on WEDNESDAY the 7th day of OCTOBER next, at 1 1 o'clock, A. M-, the one "Undivided ONE THIRD part of a valuable Tract or Coal Land. situate in Coal township, in the countv of Nor thumberland, surveyed on a warrant in the naaie of LUKE F1DLER, containing in the whole. Five Hundred and Fifty Acrea, oi thereabouts, bounded 'y land (urveyed in the name uf JoHu Brady, Samuel Claik, William Lambert and other. The improvement on the ajd tract of land, are 3 wo-tory frame Dwelling, one log dwelling house, two shanty, and. a btackamith shop. Connected with the aid 'tract of land, i a large COAL BREAKKR. The term and conditio) of al, will be m,d known on the day of snle. A. JORDAN, Trustee. August 29, 1857. ta What an enormous Variety of Toys and Fancy Goods he has! Wholt)ur Friend JOHN DOLL, At Xo. 144 Xorth 2nd St., abore Arch, Phila... HK ha just received direct from Europe a very large assortment of Toy of all kinds, fancy .Basket, Pipes, Canec, Segar Csea, To bacco Boxes and an endlessvariety of fancv ar ticles. Call upon hitai before purctjasig else where. Philadelphia. AuguA 29. 1857 3rnJw Dissolution of Partnership. NOTICE ia hercJuv given that the fir of Bird. Douty rV John, of Big Mountain il'.icry, wa thi day (luly 1st, 1857,) mutually dissol ved by the withdrawal of J. J. John. JOSEPH UIHP, JOHN B. DOLTY. J. JOHN. The business oi Mining and Shipping Coal from the above named Colliery will hereafter be carried on in Ihe name of Bird it Douty, who will adjust all the unsettled accounts of the lata firm. JOSEPH BIRD. JOHN B. DOUTY. Shamotrtt, July 18, 1857. tf SUPREME COURT NORTHERN SIS, TKICT. TVOTICE ia hereby given that the Supreme Ccurt for the Northern District of Pennsyl vania, will hold it session on October Term for aaid District, in Wtlliamiport, Lycoming county agreeably to the following order of aaid Court, aa certified by the Prothonotary of the Eastern District- CHARLES PLEASANTS, Prothonotary, S. C. N. D. Prothonotary' efiic, June 27, 1857. In the Supreme Court Peiiiisylviiiiia : NORTHERN DISTRICT. AND now, June S3, 1857, It ia ordered that a Special Term of the Supreme Couit be held under the Act of 26th April, 1855, a William port, Lyccming county, to commenc on the firtrt Tuesday of October next, for tbe purpose of hear ing argument on writ of error, appeal, cVc, from the countie of Lycoming, Northumberland and Montour, and auch other cause from any of the countiea composing the Northern Distriot as may be by mutual consent argued at the aaid time and place. The aaid special terra to con tinue a long a may be necessary. Certificate Jrotn the llecord. In testimony whereof I have hereunto et my hand and the seal of the aid Supreme Court at Philadelphia, this twenty-fifth day of June, A.D. 18fi7. J. F. BELSTERING, Pro Prolh. July 4, 1857 tc 1- TobaCCO alid Segars 20,000 Imported Spgara of various brands. Uglorado, Fig Cavondish and fine cut tobacco at A. W. FISHER'S. KunburyMareh 14, 1857, j oil s. hi: Ait i, ATTORNEY AX laAViT, Office in Mai-let St., opposite the Court House, EUNBTjaY, J? A. Collections mad and Professional Dusiuesa generally attended te Promptly and Carefully. Pan.ifitf.rei Rtrtacxc Bullitt Fairthorne, Diehl Wert. Duvia & Birney, F. Tylei ot Co. Sunbury, June 20, lf7. picrrnu gallery. P1 EO. V. WEISE ba again commenced ami wjll continue to 1ak AMBROTYPEN. &e.. jt hiilfooin above lh Pott Office. Pwui wishing loliave good likenesses lukan, win picas call and see u. W will take picture at rJjivf price and take trade in payment for lb sans. All kind of picture copied. mm.. ..1 . ..OS Ifia-V It )Kr.u...u.7. l alale of Tellx LercU, di-l. fJOTICE i hereby, giaen. that fetter of .1. il mniatratioa on. the esiate of Felix Ler late of Mount I'uutet township. Norinumbrloa county, deceaaed, hav been granted to the ut criber. AU "" indebted will plea mk iiiimedi.t. nay mint, and tht U,n, prenttheni duly authenticate for et"''!! A.MOS VASTINE, Admt. Shamokia twp.. August, lS38l ar-s.jrKl.ES of vaiioua iijida, I.olttf, S" diuea. cVc. 4a, just received and for saU. J allh. Dfitg f A. W. rWiLR. 1 tuul'Uty, Aujjusl I, lsai.