Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, September 12, 1857, Image 4

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- . .
T who would lave your fealnres florM
lwilha liinhi, bright ryes, tuiootb forehead,
From age'i devastation horrid,
i Adopt this plan
'Twiil mak, in climatea cold or torrid,
A hale old man t
Aroid in youth, Inxnrinns diet;
Restrain tbe passion's lawless riot ;
Devoted to domestic quiet,
He wisely gay (
Bo ahn.ll ye, spile of age's Est,
liesist decoy.
Seek not, not In Mammon' worship, pleasure,
Bot 6nd your richest, dearest treasure
In books, friends, music, polished leisure ;
The mind, not sense, '
Make the sole acalo by which ye measure
Your opulence. ,
This is the solace, this the science,
Lire's pnreBt, sweetest, boat appliauce,
That disappoiuts not man's ruiiuuce,
W'httto'cr his slate;
But challenges, with calm defiance,
Time, fortune, fate.
A Ckusuino Exfosurb. A sneechmakor,
in tbe western part or the State of V irginia,
during a Presidential canvuss, has given us
tbe following anecdote. Lie was holding furtu
upon the merits of General Harrison, and
especially npon his courage, tact and success
s a millitary cominauder. While ia the
midst of bis discourse, a tall, guuut mau
who was probably a schoolmaster in those
parts arose from the crowd, and said in
voice which peuetrated the whole assembly,
Mister, Mister 1 I want to ax you a ques
tion." To this the orator BBseutud and tbe
man went ou as follows: "We are told, feU
low-citizens tht Oiuorul Harrison is a mighty
great ginoral ; but I say he's one of the
very meanest sort ofginorals. We ore told
here to-night that he defendod himself brave
ly at Fort Meigs ; but I toll you that, on that
occasion be was guilty of tho "Small Tail
Movement, and I challenge the orator here
present to deny it 1" The speaker declaring
his ulter ignorance of what tbe intruder meant
by "Smnli Toil Movomont." I'll tell 700."
laid the man 1 "I've got it here in b'ack and
white. Here is Urimsbuw's History of the
United State?," holdiojnp the book, "and I'll
read what it says : "At this critical moment
Gen. Harrison executed a novel movement!'
Does the gentleman deny that!" "No go
on. "Well Le executed a novel movement.
Now, here's Johnson's Dictionary," taking
the book out of his pocket oud holding it up,
here it snys: 'Novel a small tale'l And
this was the kind of movement Gen. Harrison
was guilty or. Now, I'm no soger, and don't
know much of railentary ticktuvks but this
1 do sar a tnnn who in ttie tace 01 an enemy
is guilty of a Small Tail Movement, is not lit
to be Prosiduut or the United States, and he
shan't get my vote 1" The relator of tho
anecdote says it was quite impossible, for him
to ovorcome the effect of this speech, and we
are left to conclude that tho vote ot that vi
cinity was given to VaB linren. Hecollee.
Hons of a Lifetime. By S. G. Goodrich Pe
ter i'arley.)
A Dead Neoro.
at its worst in New
who had weathered
When the cholera was
Orleans, an old negro,
the yellow fever many
times, at length tie got Ireigntenod at t!te
havoc which the new disease was making
among all classes- His master one night
heard him proving to the "angel of de Lord,
by the light of tallow candle, "to spare him
dii time to luf him lira a little longer and
den take him to glory." But he concluded
bis prayer by proteasing petf-xt snhmainn
to the will or the "angel or de Lord," even
should he be called for to go immediately on
his journey. Sambo's master determined to
test the sincerity of this last profession. He
knocked, load and distinct, at his door,
vvtio aari says sain 00. " 1 ho angel o
I Lie Ijord," was answerod. "What you
want?" "I have called for Sambo I" The
master heard the cundlb suddenly extinguish
ed to u-kouf, uud Sambo energetically an
swered, "lie not here I dut nigger is been dead
three weeks."
now TDK Dkvil Lost. The following is
too good to be lost. Wo clip it from an ex
chaugo paper, and respectfully call the aiten
tiou to it of certain person who feel disposed
to spreaa in tne newspaper line :
A young man who ardently desired wealth,
was visited by his Satanic miijuety, who
tempted him to promise his soul fur otoinity
if he could be supplied on this earth with all
the meney ho could use. The bargain was
concluded : the devil ivas to supply the mon
ey, and was at last to have the soul, unless
tho younj man could spend moro money than
the devil could furnish. Years passed away ;
the man married, was extravagant in his liv
ing, built palaces, speculated widely ; lost and
gave away fortunes, and yet his coffers were
clways full. He turned politician, and bribed
1) is way to power and fame, without reducing
bis "pile" of gold. He became a 'Cllibuster,"
end luted out ships and armies, but bis banker
honored all his drafts. He went to St. Paul
t live aud paid the usual rates of interest Tor
all the money he could borrow ; but though
the devil made wry fuces when be came to
pay the bills, yet ihoy were nil paid. Ono
expediment afier another failed ; tho devil
counted tho time only two years, that he
must wait for the soul, and mocked the efforts
01 me aespainog man. una more trial was
resolved upon the man started a newspaper 1
The devil growled at the bill at the end
of the first quarter, was savage in six months
melancholy in nine, and broke "dead broke"
at the end of the year. So tbe news
paper wont down, but the soul was saved.
The Florence correspondent of the Loudon
Morning Pout tells this good Btory : There
is a story of an Imperial Highness waltzing
thrice in the same evening with an English
lady at tho Court of lieilin. She naturally
felt and frankly expressed bensetr highly Bat
tered by the compliment. ! did not luteud
it as a compliment,' was the auswer. 'Then,'
taid the lady, somewhat rebuflml, 'your High
ness must be very Tend of dancing.' 'I detest
dancing,' wus the still unsatisfactory respond. bur ill success, our fair cuutry
woman still prosecuted her inquiries. 'What
then, may 1 ask, can be your imperial High
ness' motive for dancing T' 'Madam," was
the exalted personage's reply, '1 douse to
perspire 1' "
Ix a Marrviko Mood. The Petersburg
Express notices a leter from Norfolk, in allu
sion is made to a colored female servant,
named Hessy Kellutn. who had irrown vurv
BU'liucholy on accouut of the refusal of her
waster to permit her to marry. Tbe cause
assigned for this refusal was that aha had
already led to tbe altar, eleven husbands, all of
wuuui tma naa seen 10 ttie grave! This un
recedeoted propensity for the matrimonii!
tate, would seem almost incredible. But
tbe case is unquestionably a true ana. and
deserves perpetuatiou amid the arcbivca of
A fast young man in Detroit took a buxom
seamstress out riding the other evening, and
enjoying himself so well he proposed to tret
married. She consented and the magistrate
tied ibe knot. Now he has repented aud says
be wou't support her, declaring that she got
Lim drunk, uud then "undone" hiui. He has
wealth ; she bas none.
The season ia Eog!Qhai been ooatually
wt from rain.
Proposing Amendments to the Constitution of
ihi Commonwealth. -. , -.
Rssnlvmiv Tns Pkhati and House o ftsmasi.
ATi'vKiot Tne Commonwealth or PenrrsTLVAtiia in
XNtaAb Assbmilt mst, That the fiilkiwiiie:anieiihnniits
re proposed to the constitution irf the coinimMtwwllr,in
ocoraonce wilk the provisions of the tenth article thereof.
shall be an additional article Ki said eonstitutloa
to be designated mi article eleven, followa : .
AKTICI.K XI. ' . '
Section I. The Male may cnurm debts, to supply
eawnl deficits or In'lures li, leveiioee, or In meet expenses
not otherwise provided for but the aintrefrate amount of
men debts direct and ewntiiiri-iit, whether contracted by
vmueul one r more armor the general nssembly,or at
dillerent periods of time, shall never exceed seven bendrod
and Ally thousand dolarre, and the money ariallia; from the
erentioii of anch debt, almll tie applied to the purpose for
which It wis olitnined.or to repay the debts to contracted,
ml to no other pnrjMwe whntever.
Section 4. In addition tw the nbive limited power the
tate may contract debts to repel Invasion, suppress insar
reel ion, defend the elate in wnr, of to redee i. the present
o.ihuiikIhh irid-Wuilnoeiof Hie lute ; but the money aria
inH from the contracting of iuch debu almll be applied to
noo'.he-r purpose whatever.
Section 3. Except the dobti above tpeeiBed, In ectiona
one Bin! two of tine article, no debt whatever (ball be
ereritcd by, or on behalf of die ttate.
Section 4. T provide for tbe payment of i prnaenl
debt, and any additional debt contracted ne nforeanid, tbe
kruhluro almll, at in firnt euion, alter the adoption of
Ihiinineiidincni, create a linking fund, which ahull be
ulAcicnt to pay the acciuemg iulercet on iuch debt, and
aanuully t reduce thereof by a lain not tes
than two hundred and hi iv tliouMiid dollari; which aluka
iiiK fund thnll coimiiit ol the net aiuiual income of tbe
public worka, from time to time owned by the ante, or
the proceeda of the aale of tho same, or any port thereof
and of the income 01 proceeds of aale of stocks owned by
the slnte, t igther with other funds, or resources, tliat
may be designated by law. The said sinking fund may
he increased, from time tu time, by onsignuig to it any
part of the taxes, or other revenues of the slate, not re
quired for the ordinary and current expenses of govern
ment, nuu unless in case "l war, in nuu,i w.iou,
no 11 it of the said sinking fund shrill be used or applied
otherwise than in extinguishment of the public debt, un
til theain unit of mirh debt is reduced below lb sum ol
itve millions of dollars.
Section 5. Tbe credit of tbe commonwealth shall not
in any manner, or event, lie pledged, or loaned lo, uny in
dividual, cornpnnv, corporation, or association ; nor shall
the coininmwcnlih herenftce becmne a joint owner, or
stockholder in any company, association, or corporalior.
factum S. The commonwealth shall not nssnme the
debt, or any part thereof, of any county, oity, borough, or
township ; or 01 any corporation, or awn-nation , .mm
such debt shall have beeu contracted to enable tbe state to
renrl invasion, snnnless dorrestio limine' lion, defend It
self in timeOf war, 01 to assist the state in the discharge
of any portion of its present indebtedness.
Bccrion r. 1 ric rrptsiaiaio aoii mo "uui'm iw oj
ty, ohv, Iwrough, township, or incorporated district, by
virtue of a vole of its citizens, or otherwise, to become a
stockholder in any company, association, or corporation i
or to obtain money fir, or loan its credit te, any corpora
tion, association, institution, or party.
There strait be aa'additional article to said constitution,
to be designated as article XII, as louows :
No ennntr slmlLbe divided bra line cutting off over ono
tenth of its population, (either to form a new county or
otherwise.) without tbe express assent of such county, by
a vote of the electors thereof j uor shall any new eounly
be established, containing- less man lour nuuarea equals
Frnm aeetion IWO ol the Itrst article or inc consiiiniiun,
strike out tbe words, "of the city of Philadelphia, and of
each eoaiity reepeetively " from section 6ve, snme article
strike out the worda, "of Philadelphia and of the several
ounue;" Irom section seven, same anrcre atriAeoui me
wr.ia. "neitlier the citv ol l'liiladelnbia nor anv.n and
,,.,.ri In lien thereof the words, "and no;" and strikeout
section four, nauie article, and in lieu thereof insert His
following: .
"Section 4. Intheycnr ono thirtrand eight hundred
nn,l .i.iv. four, nud in everv seventh vear tberenfter, ren-
reseutativea to the number of one hundred, shall be appor
tioned and distributed equally, throughout the stnte, by
districts, in nronortiou to the nambei oftaxnble inhabi
tants in tho several parts Hiereof ; exceH that any county
enntaiuing at least three thousand five hundred taiubles,
may be allowed a separate representation j but no more
than three coanties shall be brined, tmd no county shall In
divided, ill the formation ofa district. Any city contain
ing a sufficient number of tnxnbles to entitle it to at least
two reniMeutulives. shall have a separate representation
atiiiigned it, and shall be divided into convenient districts
of eoiiticuoua territory, of equal table population as near
as may be, each of winch districts snail elect one represen
tative." At the end of section seven, same rtrticle' insert these
words, ' the cilv of Philadelphia shall be divided into sin
gle senatorial districts, of cotitignous territory as nrly
equal in taxable population as possible j but no ward shall
be divided in tbe fonnatiou thereof
The Icrtislntnre. at its first session, after the adoption of
this amendment, shall divide the eity of Philudclphin into
senatorial and representative districts, in the manner above
provided; audi disli ids to romuin unchanged until the
appporti onrrieut ill the year one thousand eight-hundred
and sixty-four.
There flii;ill be nn additional section to tbe first article
of soiil constitution, which shull be numbered uud read us
follows 1
Pectios SO.
The lecislatnre shall have the power to alter, revoke, or
annul, any charter of incorporation hereafter conferred by
or under, any special, or general law, whenever in iheir
opinion it may be injurious to the citizens of tii eommou
wenlth . in such manner, however that uo injustice shall
bo done to the corporators.
lit Sxnatx, March 37, 1?57.
Resolved, That this resolution pass. On the first
amendment, yeas 21, nays 7. On the second amendment,
yeaatfl, nays' B. On the third amendment, yeas 84, nays
4. On the louitll aineuitment, yeas -a. nayss.
Li u act from the Journal.
0i:O. W. IIAMER9LY, Clerk.
Ik tbi IIousi or Reprssintativu, (
April SO, 1W7.
Resolved, That this resolution pass. On the first amend
ment, yens 7b. tiaya 13. Ou the second amendment, yens
o", nays 34. On the third amenoment, yeua T4, uaya !,
and oii fourth amend. nont, yeas 63, nays 7.
Extruct from the Journul.
SscanTAUv's Ot-ficb, )
A. 0 Cl'RTlN.
l-'ikd.Uay 3, loft?
Secretary of the Commonwealth
SErusTAttv's (lrrtcs, J
Ilarrisburg, June STJ, 1S57. J
PemisyiVflrHia, ts :
! do eertifv that the above and foregoing le trne and eor-
ret eoov of the original "Kesohition relative In an amend
ment of the ijuiuuiuiioi!" as tue amuie remains on Die in
this osice. ....
In testimony whereof 1 have hereunto
set mv hiiinl and cuuat-d to be affiled tbe
seal of the Secretary's OSes, the day and
year auov written.
Secretary of the Commonwealth
I Ss.matb, Apiil 77, 1857.
Resolution proposing amendments ts the Constitution
Ol tne lomtnonwealtli, being under Couaiuvretiou.
tin the question,
AVill the reitlti agree to the first amendment ?
Tne yeas and nays were taken agreeably lo the prori
sinus ul the Constitution, and were as lollow, vis:
Yeas Messrs. Hrewer, Browne, Cotliry, Kly. F.vaus,
Fetter, Fieuiiikeu, Frazer, Ingram, Jordan, Killiuger,
Unox, Liiloich, lwia, Mver, bcobeld, isellets, hhuu'um,
Steele, tlrB', Welsh, Wilkius, Wiiglil aud Tusgurl,
.ays Mtsars. Crabb, Cresswell, Finney, Gregg, liar.
is, ruroer ami wiiuiner
ro the questi n was determined ui the affirmative.
(la Ibe qiieatiim,
Will tlw iSrnate gre to the second amendment ?
Tho yeas nsya were taken agreeably to the provl
si'ins of the Constitution and were as follow, vis :
Ybas Messrs. Hiewer, Urown, Cresswell. Kly,Kvaua
Fetter, riuney, h lenuikeii, liuiraiu, Jordan, Kllog. I Mil
buuch, I .'wis, Myer, Hellers, h nvni, Mouther, Steele.
ftruub, elsh, Wiikius, Wright and TaKaxt, Speaker
NATS Messrs. Coffiv. Crabb. Fluui. Oreer. Harris
miungrr, rrinoae sou m'oBcia m.
So the nueai ion wus determined ut the sffli rimlive.
flu tbe qnt-atioii,
Will tbe bteiuUe ogieato the third ammendment f
The yen und nays were taken agreeably to Ibe Cuuiti
tut on, and were as follow, vis:
ens Messrs. Miewer. Hrowil. Crabb. Cresswell.
r.vucs, rienuisen, r rarer, iiutrnin, jornau, Hlllinger
Kiiob, lurMch, Jwis, Mver, KeohcM. iseller . fethunian.
Boulher, fleets. ttr lull, Welsh, Wllklns end Wright 1
rsiivs rHeosra i;i'Sey, uri-gg, uniria oud I'eurose
So ttie qustiou was datermiucd ui Lbs ur&rmuiive.
On the i4uesliou,
Will the Seitile scree to the focith Bmetidinetit t
Tlie ye:ie and uaye were ukelionreeably to lbs Constitu-
liuion, aim were as follow. VIS :
ms Messrs. Hrewer. Ilruwne. CorTev. Cresswell. Flv
Kvans, Fleiiinken, Fraser, IngrNia, Klliuiger Knos, lii'
Inch, Lewis, Mver, UeoStrM. Bklbres, Minmau. sioulher
Steele, St nub, Welsh. WilkinsaiuJ Wuxlu .
iaya Mcsia. Crut,b, r nuiey, Jordan and Penrose 4
do ins questiou was Octerauiueil iu the starirttAUvs.
Ia m Uocu oi RsraassNtATivss,
Apiil ffl, 17.
Tbs resobitins rrnnoanrc amendmnifa In Ik v....o...
uii " vim oeiug uuoer oousideialloe,
Will the Uoira ngree to the Irst snsndment
The jress ami nave were taken aarewblv lo lhe nrovi.
sinus of tli CoiwiitMiiai, aud os Ike irst siosvierdaiiieud.
aseut, were aa follow, sis : r
a '"V' '. rJoekhoBse, Hall, Heck
ver, Crawford, IHrkey, Km, Kyatee, Faueold, Foster
hi'"' fs,t mr M "
J..hi.. Kaua-.uau, kierr, Kuht, Lfiseinma, li,ker
U.vtt. Umm, Itt.ugte, W-Cr-'ml, M '1I..7.'. Jh"d'
liT .?U!lrr; ". rWak, P.rcIL
xv 2 7:-"MI, sVMMf Tr?.
ti ike quest ion was determined iu Ihsamrmativs.
On the queetiun,
Will the Uimso agree to the second amendments
tns yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provl.
BlOOSof the Contiliiti,ui aori .u. n. r..n. :.7T ur
-- - . . u u. .t'.n'vr, vis ;
1 cos Messrs. Ajideraon. Ruckhouu, R.11 uu... d
sr, Cslhoun. Caombell. Carlv. Kin. K.n.LI i.
OOdes, Hamel, Harper, Hems, Hiesland, lliliexas, Hoff'
sun, (Berks) Itoasekeeper, Imbi ie, limes, Jenkins, luhno.
eksssa, Kntffroaa, Ks'ste, LofssBrtsc. Lotoakor, Ijmii
XTaneur, Maiagk, M'flvaln, Moorehoad, MuaOelaina, KI-
chols, Nicholson, Nunemncher, Pearson, Peters, Petrlkin
Ptiwiwll, Puroell, Ramsey, tPbihiiichlla, Kamaay,
Vurk) Haamer. Koberle, Knpp, bthawf Blow, I'olaK,
'ail. Voeahlev. Walter. Westbtook. Wharton, iromer.
man and Uet, tfpeaker 57. -' ' .
Naya-Meaara. Aurthar, Augustine, Bnckal, nenonsy,
llishop. Jtrown, Chase, CHsver, Crawford, Eyster, Uib
bony, Hamilton, Hancock, Hili, Mine, Hoffman, (lbu-
wii,j paeons, nni, i.eno, uninnnu, niuu.iiw., ..rr..,
Smith, ICamhrm, Smith Centre, ftevenaon, Utrothere,
Thorn, Vnnvoorhis, Vickeio, WngouKllcr, Woioer, Wiu-
trorio. Wltherow and Wright 34.
do tne quesrion was aetermineu in tire amrmatrTe.
On the qaettinn,
Will tli House agree to the third amendment ,
The yeas rind mne were taken nareesblv to the nroi-
ions of the OoaMitution.oud were as follow, vix;
Yens Messrs. Anlern, Backhouse, Hail, riecx, iren
on, Hower. Drown. Calhoun, Campbell, Chase, Cli-aver,
t;rawlorl, unsey, But, Kyster, rausoki, roarer, uinmx
ley, llnmel, Harper, Hems, Iicialand, Hill, Hlllegns, Hoff
man (uerasi uonrnan i uennnon,; nouseitccpcr, iiiionv,
limes, Jucobs, Johns, Johnson, RaufTrnan, Kerr, Ibo,
Unutakcr, lovet! , Mnnear, M socle, M'Cabnont, Moor-
head, Muinma, Muemdmnn, Nichols, Nicbolmn, Nutie
macher, Pearson, Peters, Petrikin, Pownall, Pnrcell,
Ramsey. (York,) Reamer. Reed, Riina. 8hnw, Sloan,
Smith. (Cambria,) Smith, (Cetitje.) HQeiaoB, Tolan,
Vail, Varivoothia, Vlekera, Voeghley, WTffiinseller, West
brook. Willistou, Wilherow, Wright, Ziminermau and
Cetf, Spenker 7i.
Nays Menus. Arthur, Aurrnstinc, BacVus, Bishop,
Carly, Dock, Oildea, Hamilton, Hiia-ck, lline. Jenkins,
Knight, Letsenring, M'llvniu, Ramsey, (Philadelphia,)
Itolierta, Sirulliais.Thoin, Waller, Warner, Wharton and
Wintrode M.
So the question was determined in the affirmative.
On the question,
Willthe Honso ngree to the fourth amendment
The yens and nnvs were tnken agreeably to the provl-
ainna of the Constitution, and were as follow, viz t
Yeas Mcssra. Anderson, Arthur rlackhouse, meaus,
Ball. Heck. Uenson. Oishnn. Hower. tlaiwil. Calhoun.
Campbell, Carty, ( base, Cleaver, Crawford, Incxey, r.nt.
f.vstcr. l- ausokl. roster, uiunoncv. tjiioen. tianici, liar-
Per, items, Hicstiunl, Hill, lllllcgas, llollinnn, (iiems;
lorTinan. rlitlNinonl llousekeeoer. Imbrue. Innea, Jncoba,
Jenkins, Johns, Jolmson, Kiiuffinaii, Kerr. Ibo. Iieisen-
riiig, lnigaker, lrvett, Alunenr, nimiKie, ol 't-oimoni,
M'ilvniri, Muinma, Musaelmnu, Nichols, Nicholson. Nnne
nraclier. Pearson. Peters. Petrikin. Pownnll. Pnrcell.
Ramsey, Philadelphia Ritmsey. (York ) Reamer, Reed,
Kolmrts, Kupp, Pilaw, rlrmn, rinnn (uamnnn,; i-mun
Lentle.l l.tevetrsnn, i-oinu, vnu, vonvoornis. vieaera,
oeablev. Wnronseller. Valner. Weethrook. Whnrton,
Wiilistoh, Witherow, Zimmerman and Cetz Speaker. S3
Navs Messrs Dock. Hamilton. lla;.cock, btruthera.
Thorn, wintrode and Wright. 7.
Bo tue question was determined in tns uinrmattve.
Pchtaiit's Orric, )
Ilarrisburg, June Si, lf57. J
Pennsylvania, ts.
I do hereby certify that tbe nhnre and foregoing Is a
true and crnrect copy of the ' Yens' and "Xnys" taken
on the Resolution proposing amendments to the Constitu
lion ol ttie commonwealth, aa too same appears on the
Journnla of the two Houses of the Generai Assembly of
this Commonwealth for the session of I8o7.
) Witness my hand and seal of rnd office, this
L.S. S twenty-second riny of June, one thousand eight
v ) hundred and fifty-seven.
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
July 4, 1837.
' AK
The largest assortment in the United States.
Warranted to be equal to any now made, and
will be sold on as Good S'erms, ss can be obtain
ed from any other house in tbe Country , at
SS South 4th Street, Philadelphia.
a ,
Truth is Mighty, and Mast Prevail.
Report of the Committee appointed to superin
tend the Burning of the Iron Safes, at Read
ing, February 27, 1857.
Readixo, March 4
lhe undersigned, members of the committee.
do respectfully report, that we sow the two Safes
originally agreed upon by r arrets & Herring and
bvans c W atson, placed side by side in a fur'
race, viz: The Safe inuse by the Paymaster o
tho Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Compa
ny, in his ottice at Keading, maiiulacturcd by
arrels & Herring, and the tafe in use by li
A. I. ants, in his store, manufactured by hvan
& Watson, and put in books and papers precisely
The'fire was stsrted at 8) o'clock, A. M.,snd
kept up until four cords of green hickory, two
cords dry oak and halfchesnut top wood were
entirely consumed, the whole under the aupenn
tenuence of the subscribers, members of the Com
mittee. The fcafos were then cooled oil' with
water, after which they were opened, and the
books and papers taken out by the Committee
and sent to il. A. Lniitz s store for public exam
ned aud marked by the l-ommittce. J he book
and pnpers taken from tho fSule manufactured
by Farrels 4- Herring were in our iudgnien
amnged fully fifteen per cent, more than thopo
taken from Lvans & W nlson s Safe.
We believe the above to have been a fair an
impartial trial of the rcfpeclha qualities of both
Having been absent during the burning, we
fully coincide with the above statement of the
condition of the papers and books taken out of
the respective bales.
li. A. lUCCLI.S,
March 11, 1857
J'resh Arrival of
riHE undersigned fiaving taken the store for
J. nierly kept by William A. Itruuer, is now
ready to till orders and prescriptions at a mo
ments notice. Ho lias a largo and well selected
stock of fresh and pure
Dye-stuffs, Oil, Paints, Glass, Putty, and all
kinds of Potent Medicines.
Tobacco and Imported Scgars of the choicest
brands. Fancy Notions' toilet articles, and Per
fumery of all kinds. Tooth and Hair Brushes
of every variety.
Camphine and rivid alicays on hand.
Customers will find his slock complete, com
prising many articles it is impossible here to enu
merate, and all sold at moderate prices.
Kemeinbcr the place, next door to E. Y.
Bright' Mammoth Store.
Sunbury, Msrch 14, I8A7.
(CONNECTS the Heading Railroad at Au-
burn, on the Schuylkill. (10 miles below
Pottsville,) witli the Northern Central Ruilroad,
at Dauphin, on the Suniiui-lmina, and wtt.i the
Ptunsylvanis Kutlroad at llockvillc, (5 miles
above Harrishurg,) and runs em passenger
train in winter, and two passenger trains 111
summer through between Auburn aud Harris-
burg, esch way, daily, (Sundays excepted.) on
times arranged lit connect properly wilb these
roads; with the Cumberland Valley and Harris
burg and Lancaster Itailroads, at Ilarrisburg,
and with the Cattawnwa lUilroad, and its north'
ern connections at Port Clinton.
ELLW OOl) MORRIS, Eng. eV Supt.
March 7, IS57 Cm.pd.
Flour, Feed and Provision "tore,
Brtadway Mow Blackberry Street.
IJESl'ECTI-LI.LY inform the citizens of
Sunbury and vicinity that he bas removed
to the store lately occupied by C. Gehriuirer in
Broadway near the Roil Koad, and is receiving
a cnoice supply 01
Fulfill."? GPsCCEPeISS,
consisting in part of Hams, Hlioulders, Mackerel
Herring, White fih, Cod Fish. Halt Preseived
Fruit, Pickles, Crackers, Cheess, Molasses, Kice,
Sugar, Coifce, (green, roasted and ground,) Im
perial. Young Hyson, Gunpowder and Ulsck
Teas, Cedar-ware, Stone-ware, Soaps, brushes
plow and wash lines, boots and shoes, tobacco,
aegars, dec, together with every article usually
found in a first class Grocery Store, all of which
will bo sold at the lowe.t prices, eitber for cash or
country produce. He has also prepared tu sup
ply the citizene with fresh bread, twist, rolls, pies,
pretzels and cakes of every kind.
N. B. The highest cash prices will be paid for
outiar end egga, corn, oats, rye and wheat.
Sunbury, April II, 1857
J)0itT and MADERIA WINES, Schiedam
Schnapps. Wild Cherry brandy. Blaekberrv
and Lavender brandies for medicinal purposes at
Marcn n, t. A. V. rlBHEK.
Vlr'a T.olomeit---:
HAS just reretvrd a largo supply of Fait and
"Winter OotMlB.
Ho will continue to sell try Goods and Cro
cerira CHEAPER than cvet, his goods an
bought cheap they will i sold cheap. '
tie lee It confident with mo cxporienc ana
killty, tliat ho can compcu with the
World at large and Sonbory in particular.
He would anumeraU articles u time and space
would permit
It is cnoimh to say that ho has everything in
ilia line of '
Dry Goods, Groceries,
A large Stock of Retdy-Made
BOOTS AND SHOES, ?., j-e.,
that is kept In any other store in town, and
- His banner la on the breezo.
And long may it wave ' '
O'er land of the free,
And the home of the brave
While her Stars and her Stripes
Shine out like the Sun,
Telling all nations
' That Freedom's begua.
This is a free country s wss proved by the
election of Buchanan over the Wooly Horse,
therefore it is free for all to do their trailing where
they can UUY ho CHEAPEST. All are invi
ted to call and are.
as well i the town are respectfully invited, snd
every person, rich or poor, hign or low, bond or
free are invited to call at No. 1 Msrkket Squsre,
opposite the Court House.
P. 8. He is not to be undersold by any mn
or combination of men. No charge for showing
All kinds of produce taken in exchange for
Sunbury, Dee. SO, 1658.
Saddle and Harness Maker.
Successor to A. J. Stroh,
RESPECTFULLY informs the
Cr citizens of Sunburv and the pub
lic generally, that he has taken
the establishment lately occupied
A. J Stroh and is prepared to turn cut work in
is line of business equal to any made in this,
aection of the country, Orders promptly execu
ted and all kinds of produce taken in ticnsngo
Sunbury, May 9, lfio7. ly
lishinK Tackle. Red Cork, Grass, Col
JL ton and Linen Lines, Out Lines, 8ea Grass
by the yard, Snoods, Dies, Kirby, I.imsrick and
Carlisle Hooks, Rods, cVc, for sale by
March 4I.V,7. A. W. FISHER.
A NNOUNCESto the citizens of Sunbury and
vicinty, that he has opened an olucein Sun
bury, above H. J. VVulvcrton's oflico opposite C.
Weaver's Hotel, wiere he is prepared to attend
to all kinds of work belonging to the profession,
in the lutest and most improved style. All work
well done and warranted.
December 1 3, 1 856.
No. 141 Chestnut St., adoys Fovxtb,
Keep conitantW on haivl a fj!cr did aCbrtment
Ready-made Clothing.
Goods viaci to Order and Wasrantsu
to FIT.
Nov. 29, 1556. y
Citrate of Magnesia
THIS preparation is recommended ss an ex
cellent laxnlive and purgative. It operatt-i
mildly, is entirely free from any unpleasant taste
reeembling Icmoiuide in Uavor, prepareu aim sola
by A. vv . r 1SI1E.K,
Sunbury, March 14, 1856.
Importer and Wholesale Dealer in SALT.
38 South Wharves, Philadelphia.
ASH TON Fine, Liverpool Ground
Turks Island and Dairy butt, con
Lgstantly on hand and for tale in lots
to suit the trade.
April 4, 1857 Cm
This liuir dye ueetU only a trial tu satitTy all uf it ner
frcluui ub aa a Dye, uM lhe follow. ok lottimoiiiul from
that eminent Analytic C lie mint, J'lnreuor liM0i, ot the
j. p. Mint, win only co.iiuin wiit Uiuuujiat have pre
viuuily tMirne testimony lo
St. teplivir 1'lure,
rillLADEl-riilA, l'i!nuary ! Tib, If-07.
"Ueinf well ncquaiiited wilh the jltGi.tiifea itiufsing
IIouvKit't Liquid Hair Dvk, I qui iilifil tUut ty fnt)v-
HioT the simple dtrerturtis given for its up, it will not
injure the IJnir or kin, but will give a natural and dura
ble color tu the Hair.
JA.M I'S 0. BOOTH. Analytic Cfapmist.
HOOYKU'S WHIT1KU INKS, inuUi.lui lloovtr
Fluid, and li'ioyer's lndt'llible Inks, melon vll known
and intioaJurtxl to require any addition.! testimony of
their chaiacter. The sulfa liuve been iiicrtaoiihg autre
their firat intriKtuctioti, pivniff evidence that the urtu-lca
truly poftseHi tlmt intriusi ; ntuiit churned at firat fur them
by he Maiiulm-tiirer.
Oiders. addieRkHil lo'rhe Munnfartorr. No. 416 RATE
street above TOUKTIl, (old Ho. IU,) i'hilsidelpliia, will
receive prompt attfiitioti liy
JOISKIMI HOOVER. Maituiacturer
rhiladclphia, Aprils, lfc57. ly
HAS just rereived s new and eicellent assort,
ment of goods at his Coiifertiunary and
Fruit Store in MARKET STREET, Sunburv,
where he manufactures and keeps on hand, at
all times, the most choice Confectionary, Sic.,
Wholesale and Retail, at Philadelphia prices.
Among his stock of C'oiilcctiouaries, way be
found :
French Secrets,
Burned Almonds,
Cream White,
' Ieinon
Common becieta.
Gum Props, sll kinds of scent,
ljove Droits,
Mint I)r"is, red sad white,
Jelly Cokrs,
Flint Drops,
(-nek l'uiultoa,o(aa sceuts
Kock Cundy,
Almond Candy,
Re nana s,
lutes, ,
Currunta dried,
Almonds, Rulsnus,
I iga,
Nuts ot sll kinds
of a superior quality, by the single or dozen. A
euperior quality of Scgars and Tobacco, and a
variety of Coufectinnaries, fruit, Ac, all of which
is offered cheap at wholesale or rctuil.
He has alse opened an fee Cream Saloon, and
will at all times be ready to serve his customers
with Ice Cream.
Kunbury, May SI, 1856. Iy
Kew Drugs', Paints, &c.
NEW supply of Drugs, Paints, Oils,
Fluid, &c, just received and for sale by
A. W. J IMifcK.
Sunbury, Msy t, 1857.
aj r." s ?ii
8. RAE'S Premium Patent Enamel Furniture
Polish. This polish is highly valuable for reslor,
ing the polish on all kinds of Furniture, Glass,
Carriage Bodies, Hair Cloth, Ac. Also, for re
moving spots, hiding scratches, 4c, dec. War
ranted to dry immediately and retain its gloss.
Price 60 eta. tier bottle. Sold by
Merck U, I85T.
: AYE ITS " .
Cathartic Pills,
;. sua AH COATED,)
mil . ;.. tsa sua to
InTstllds, Vetthera, Wot are, PtiyslalaaiB,
Phllsinthraplsts, reed their Rflecto,
and Jtsdsje f their Virtues.
Headache. Sick Headnr hn,Fonl fllomaea.
Da. J.O.Arsa. Mr; I bare boen ropoatwllv euri of ,
tbs worst hsai1ftr4is any bndv ran have tr a anee sr two
rs jrour IMIIs. It snsms to srlso farm a tool stomarti, which '
Umj elsanas at onos. if Ihoy will ours otliers ss thsj do
me, tlis fact ts wHih knowlttf.
Yours with great respect, FT. W. PBFnt.l,
Clerk Sawr t'lorttsl.
Bllioat Disorders and Liver Complaints.
TlZPtllTMIKT Ot TrfS iKTMUtm, 1
M siimons, D. C., t Feb., 1S64. (
Pf! t hsvs nssd yotir fills in my (snsral ami hospital
pmcves ever siuce vou mak them, anil csonot hesitate te
say tbey are tbe l"t rattiaruc ws employ. Their rtrn
IsUrajc actinti eu tiro ttrrr IsqiiU-k and iWcided, conssqosns.
Iv they are an adtnlralile remedy fur demnsvaipntaor that
errtan. indeed. I have seldom round a cane of (ii'Iioim die
eruc so ohstlnate that It did But readily yield to them.
Fraternally yours, AL0N7.0 BALL, M. T.,
lytMan q(A Matins IbtpiUL
Dysentery, Relax, and Worms.
Post Optics, IUsti.akd, I.iv. Co., Mica, Nov. Id, 1s&.
rm. Artas Your Tills are the iwrfeiMlon of medicine.
They lisve done my wlfc more rood tlirui 1 can tell you.
Biis had been siek and piuing away for months. Went
crT to be doctored at great czpeaso, but sot no better. Hhe
then rommenrcd taking- yonr Tills, which soon enred her,
by expelling Isrge qnaiitittee of worms (dead) fnmi her
body. They efterwunte cured her and our two children
of bloody dyserrtcrv. One of onr neighbors had it bad. and
my wire cured him wlUi two ikwi of your Tills, while
others around us psld from firs to twenty dollars doctors'
bills, and lost mnch time, without being cured entirely
even then. Fneli e nie Hcine as yours, which Is actually
good and houest, will bo prlr.ed here.
OBO. J. GRIFFIN, JWmerfer.
IndiRestinn and Impurity of the Blood.
Prom Km. J. V. Ilimrt, Futtrtr p Xeeni Church, ItottoH.
THt. Avca: I have used vonr Tills with extraonlinanr
Success in my fsnrily and among those 1 am called to vinit
In distress. To regolsre rtic organs of digestion and par ify
tlie blood they ar-e the very treat renretly I have ever
known, and I' cau confidently recouimend them to mv
ft lends. Yours, J. V. IIlMkS.
Wissaw, Wtomito Co.. V. T.. Oct. 24, Ur.6.
Dkas ttra : 1 sai using vour Catlmrtlc Pills in my prac
tice, and And them an excellent purgative to cleanse the
system and purify the fountains of the liiood.
fimii u., ax. v.
Eryaipolna, Scrofula, Klna's Evil, Tetter,
1 umors, Rliu nun iinruin,
Frnrn o trwoniing Mtrchani of Si. Lauit, VO. 4, 18SS.
t. Aria: Your Tills sro tlie parsgon of sll that Is
rreat In meillrine. They have cured my little, daughter
of ulcerous sores upon her hands and feet that had proved
rmurauie Fr yeTM. nn niuiiii'i mm wvii iuii, ki,i7.mi
ly afllicted with blotches snd pimples on hor skin and lo
Oer nair. Arrer our rillio was cuieo. sue niw men
Tills, and they have cured her. ASA MOKdHI IXJU.
Rhcuraatism. Senraltin, and Clout.
r an till Kcv. lr. Jawka. otVic Miilwdilt Fpil. fJiwrcA.
1'uni-KI Itots, Ol., .inn. . 1F50.
Jlotroaan Sia : I should be niicratctul for the relief ymir
skill has brought ine If I did not reirt my cnee to yon.
A cold settled ill my linn anl brouflil on excmruiiing
seuralgic jlns, nth ended in chronic rheninatiMn.
Notwithstanding I had the Imst ofplosirlans, the diwase
erew wtiree anil wor st., until, hv the adviee of your excel
lent agent in Itsltlmnrs. IT. Mnrkeliile, 1 tried yonr Tills.
Their enacts wei-e slow, loit sur a. T.y peresreiiug in the
is of them 1 am now entirely well.
8IKATI CHAsmra. Btos Itot'os. t.A., t Dec., 1 5S.
r A w.b . 1 l.a.n hmin ntlrelv cured bv vmir Pills of
Rheumatic Oout apaiuful disruse Ihst hail afllicted mo
Ibr years. V1NCKNT SMDKLL.
For Dropsy, Plethora, or kindird I oirt-
Elalnta, reuuiu( an active purge, they ais an excel
nt renietly.
For Costiveness or ronslipntion, nnd aa
at Dinner Pill, they are agreile aud ellecmal.
Fits, Suppression, l'arnlysis, luflninmn
tlon, and eveu Deefiiess, and Prtrtlal Bllnd
neee, have been cured by ths sllsratire action of these
Moat of the pills In market contain Mercury, which, al
though a vnlnal le remedy in skilful hands, la dangerous
In a public pill, from the dreadful cmiicqiunces that fre
quently follow Its incautinu use. TIiom contain no msr
eury or mineral subsumes whatever.
and for ths rrllef uf coiiucipUva iUouta In adraneei
stMKes of the diaeaae.
We need not Hk to the pnblle of Its Yirtnrs.
Tliivnghutit svoi-y luwn, ami atnitt every liamtrt of the
Anieiiiiii HtHtoa'ita woridi-rful cures of jmlinonarj ctun
plaints have mrnle It airily kuunn. Nay, few are tho
taiiiilic-a in any civilized country on thin crntinont without
soine peiwnal rxpt'iit'nrit of lis t'flecfp; and frwrr yt tho
conmiunitifa anv wImto wlilch havn mt Hmrwifc them
some litiiiR trliy of it virtm-y over tlie fii-'tle and dan
gerous diBiaws of th throat and Inn ft". V hilr in ttie
nmt powiM-iul aiitiltt yet knuwu to man fur tho fornil
da bit- and dntiKtfi'ouft dlsfrutt-H id the I'ulnionury oiynns. it
t also tlie pieman tost and aisft-Bt wn,ely tat cnu I t-ni-
f. loved for inruuta and yt unjr pemtns. rnrMits should
lava H in s'or ajuint" the ftiiiidioui enemy that stmla
uin Iht'in iniprrjuHvd. Me hnrv ahuntlant gruitnds to
Ih'IiVvo the Ciif.RRT I'KCTomi. saves i nor! livtta I iy the con
sumptions it prevents thnti tiVwe It rurtH. Ketp it by
you, and cure your colds while thny are curald. nor nx
Wet thfin niiti'l uo human skill ran nisUJttT the inexoral Ut
canker that, fuateurd on the vituis. euta your uh away.
All know the dreadful fatality of lung dirdtrs. and aa
they ktww too the vlrluoa of this rouifdy, we nei not do
more than to iwur them it in otill mnda the iet it cao
be. Wo spare no ctt, no care, no til to produce it ths
most perfect pnesiMa. and thus afford tlmae who rely on
it the best scnt wlih hour skill an furnudi for thiir cure.
Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Mass.
A. W. Fulicr, Punbury ; Bird Jt John, Bsataokin
V Wicraei, Northumlirrland ; J. K. Cuslow, Milton;
Hnys k McCorniick, McEwinsville snd by sll Druggists
throughout the county.
August Id, K-69 ly
BEunixu & ia"ux7si7iNu uusiness
Cabinet Maker's Findings,
Hie stilisA-ribcrs rpspectfully inform their frieniis
anil the public (roni'ntlly, that thry have ronncc
kd with their lieddinrr & Furnishing business a
largo and well assorted stock of Cabinet Maker's
Findings, at their old stand
Ab. 83 South Second Street, Iclou: Chestnut,
TTicy have associated with them W. S. Zrown
who has born fur many years engaged in tho
principal establishment of the kind in this city.
The stock of Goods now on hand comprises
every description of materials used by Cabinet
Makers, consisting in part of the following, viz;
Hartlwure department. Locks, Hinges, Screws
Cantors, I?ed Screws, Chair and Sofa Springs,
Collin H smiles, &c.
Cabinet Maker's Materials, Hair Seating,
Curled Huir, Looking Glass l'lutes and Frames,
Glue, Varnish, Sand Paper, Zlnrliips, Utach and
Fancy Bilk and Worsted Gimp, Sofa and Chair
Webbing, Twine, Sacking II ononis, yVosewood,
Mahogany, Walnut ,and Maple Knobs, Glass
Screws, &c.
Dedding Department, Hair, Husk, Moss, Wool
and Cotton .Mattresses. Ftather Acds, Holsters
aud Pillows; Plush, Damask aud Moreen Cush
ions , Comfortables, Counterpanes, Linen and
Cotton Sheets, Pillow Cases, Linen ansl Cotton
Towels, Table Cloths, Table Linen, Table Cov.
ers, Moreen, Demask and Plush by tho piece,
Moss and Husk by the bale or pound.
The Hair Seating and Curled Hair is from the
Phila. Manufactory of D. & J. Noblit.
N. 13. Hotels, Steam Uoats and Ships fur
nished at the shortest notice.
oil Siiuit '2nd St., below Chestnut.
(Xesrly opposite Bank of Pennsylvania.)
Philadelphia, August 9, 1856. ly.
Grocery, Wine and Liquor Store,
& E. cor. Walnut and Water Streets,
DEALERS and families will be promptly
supplied at the lowest prices.
October 4, 1856. if
No. 13"), N. 'id Street,
INVITE ths attentiou of country merchants
and others, to Iheir stock of
which they will dispose of on the most resson
able terms.
Nor. 9, 185C- Iy
FOR S-A.T-.I3.
THE snbscriber oners at private sale, SIX
GOOD MULES, and a good BHA VNE
BOAT, with fixtures. The above will be sold
cheap, and on reasonable terms.
Sunbury, March 38, 1857. tf
LANS WARRANT8. The highest price
will be given for Land Warranto by the sub
crrbM. H. B MASSER,
rTIHE auowriber respectfully irorms the till.
JL tens of Sunbury snd the public generally, I
that he has commenced the manufacture of all I
kinds of
at his manufactory In Whortleberrr Street, on
square east of the River. He has engaged the
services oi Mr. nmr, and you can therefore
depend on having a good article. The public
are respectfully invited to coll. 1
All orders from a distance will be promptly
attended le.
' Sunbury, Feb. 9, 1858. tf
Nos. 1 and 4 Chestnut Street, (south side, below Water,)
(Tas Olsxst Wood-wars Hodss in ths Citv.)
MANUF ACTURKRS and Wholemie dealers in Potent
.i. i-: . , no ne wist . . i r.. ..I..-
Waro, wnrreuted nut to shrink, Wood and Willow-Ware
Cords, Brashes, Ac , of all descriptions. Please call end
esnmine our stock.
l'cbruaty 28, 1807. Iy w
of.the estate of
aOrivato sale
fllHE subscribers, Execntore
JL Henry Masser, doe'd., offer
the following property viz t A large two story
frame dwelling house, together with about
Pitunte In Lower Augusta township adjoining
lands of Daniel Kaufman and others now in the
occupancy of John R. Kaufman as a store and
dwelling. The house is new and tbe location a
good one for business.
in said township on the river about n miles be
low Sunbu.y, adjoining lands of J. T. M'Phcrson
and others, containing, about 90 acres. The
soil is productivs and contains limestone and
other minerals.
Also a tract of Land, containing about 39 I
acres on the hill, about two miles below Sunbury, I
adjoining lands of tho hciis of the lata John
Conrad and others. 1 here is, on this tract, a
small orchard of choice fruit.
For farther particulars apply ts the subscribers,
rr xr s i." t x
P.'b.'mASSEh! (Executors.
r itAniyio u tri.rt.
Sunbury, January 19, 1856. tf
Northumberland County, Pennsylvania.
I1IIS largo and commodious Hotel is situa
ted nearly half way between Sunbury and
Pottsville. The scenery the salubrity of the
atmosphere and the cool mountain breezes, make
it tnn it 1 1 . a mini .1 .. I i I. f .. 1 .um m ci r ,.,...1. i
the country. The Hotel, is a new structure, four
stories high, fitted up with all tho modern con-
vcniences. I he pure mountain water is tntro
duced into every chamber. The plare is easy
or access, being but one and a hall hours ride
I from Sunbury, over the Philadelphia and Sun
bury Rail Road. From Pottsville, it is 17 miles.
Every attendance will be paid by the proprie
tor to make guests comfortable. Charges mode
rate. JhSSE KICE.
ML Carmel, May 24, IS5G. If
Leaking masses, picture Frames, Engravings
and Paintings,
No. UB Arch Street, above Sixth,
(Late of 2 18 North Second St.)
Gallxbiss orxn usiir to tisitoss.
Merchants and others visiting the City who
msy want anything in our line will do well to
give us a call.
February 23,1857. 8m
No 72 North Second Street, (opfosilt th
irlount Vernon House.)
rOLD Lever Watches, full jeweled, 18 K, ca-
ees, $38; Silver Lever do,, do., I2; Sil
ver Lepine, do., $9 : Quartier. $5 to $7 : Gold
Spectacles, $4 50 to 10 ; Silver do., $ 1 50 ;
Silver Table Spoons per sett, $14 to $18
Silver Desert do., do., !fiJ to $1 1 ; Silver Tea do.,
do., 4 75 to 7 50 ; Gold Pens and Gold Ca
ses, 3 25 to 5 ; Gold Pens and Silver do.. 1;
together with a variety of fine Gold Jewelry,
Cold Curb , Guard and Fob Chains. All goods
warranted to be as represented. Watches and
Jewelry, repaired in tbe best manner. Also, Ma
sonic Marks, Pins, &c, made to order.
N. U. All orders sent by mail er otherwise
will bo punctually attended to.
l'bila., Oct. 4, 1856. lyw.
PETER 8lltS,
Ijteof the firm of Stevens,
Late of the Union Hotel.
Atoiiingsiieau .v. uo.
(late WIIITI SWaR",
Race Street, above Third,
fOlIE above WiMl-known Establishment, have
L ing been entirely remodeliil, Introducing all
the modern improvements, and also, newly fur
nished throughout, will ba opened for the recep
tion of Guests on the
The proprietors, from their determination to
devote their attention to the comfort of thcirgtiests
flatter themselves with the conviction that they
will be able to give satisfaction to their patrons.
Carriages will always be in readiness to con
vey passengers to and from Steamboat Landings
and Railroad Depots.
Race Street, above '1 h.rj.
Philadelphia, August 30, 1S!6. ly
40 Soidh Fourth S.t, above Chesnnt, Phifa.
POOTS, Shoes, Gaiters, ic., promptly made
Q to order iu the very best style, aud of the
uest material.
Philadelphia, May 9, 1857
Leather I Leather ! Leather I
IMPOF.TKR nf French Call" Skins nnd trrnernl Leather
driller, N'o.O Snath Third street, I'hiladclphia.
A general ussortincnt of all kinds of Leather alorusos,
4e , An.
Kel and Onk Bole Leather.
February 4, 1H53. ly w
Produce aud Fruit Store,
No. 15 North Wharves, Philadelphia.
Shipping and Country Oorders promptly filled
on responsible orders.
Farmers and Dealers' Produce Sold on Com.
Apples, Bananas,. Pine A pples, Dried Fruit,
Onions, Oranges, Shell Barks, Roiains,
Beans, Lemons, White & Sweet Pigs,
Turnips, Cranberries, Potatoes, Poultry,
'caches, Ground Kuuts, Chesuuts, Eggs, dec.
Forcigu aud Domestic Produce and Fruit gen
February 28, 1857. ly
3"I!E subscriber offers for sale his SHANTY,
JL Cook-Stove, dec, on tho Rail-Road below
Trevorton Bridge. Apply soon to
8unbury, April 2. 1857.
A Good second-baud Buggy. Apply at this
npHE Store Room in Market streol, occupied
X by P. W. Gray and the dwelling bouse ad
joining. Apply to the executors of H. Masser,
Jsnuary, 17, 1857.
bar bottles lot aaia by
il O MAC9EK.
Sunbury, Jury It, 15.
Bham,ll White Ash Anthracite Coal.
m "" "W tn "pCollxery.
successors to Kaee, Reed V Co., will coo-
titius mining, shipping and telling coal from the
above well known Colliery, under the firm of
Zimmerman I'tirsel. 1 he point of shipment
is at ths lower wharf in Sunbury, Northombef
land county, Pa., where all orders fbr the rarioiM
kinds of coal, i i Lump, Broken, Egg, 8 tore,
and Chestnut Coal, will bo thankfully reeeivoe)
nd promptly attended to.'
Bunbury, July 14, 185S,
' BrjwncaT, Jolt , lgjfr,
Tho firm of Kane. Reed d- Co. havl.a- ant
their lease in the Gap Colliery and interest in tbe
wharf at Bunbury, to Messrs. Zimmerman At
Pursel, would taks great pleasure in recommend'
ing our customers and others tn the new firm, sa
tney win be able to sell them prepared coJt-of
tho best quality,
TJEALERS in Watches and Jewelry, will
flcopnti"V,1 ,h bu,ine o '
Jme" D' ? .lJlcr'
No. 12 South Second Street,
Where they solicit an examination of their larg
and vaiifd stock, feeling assured that ths expo-
rieuco uoiu oi mem nave nau in tho business,
and the facilities they possess for procuring
goods on the most advantageous terms, will ena
ble tnem to compete lavorably with any other
cstahtiahment in the city. They have now en
band a tine assortment of
Silver, Plated and Brittania Ware. Catlerr.
Fancy Goods, &c, dec.
N. B. HcpairniK of Watches and sll kin.1. f
Jewelry attended to with promptness and tl,
greatest care.
Phila., April 7, 1855. tf.
ALEX- I .f liY & OIt,
maoFACTCBr.rts or
146 Chesnut Street, front of Jones' Hotel,
HAS on hand the cheana.t. ..1
I best assortment of
Solo Leather, Kolid Riveted, Iron Frsme, Iroa
Bound TravellidR Trunks ; Pocking do, Valises
Ladies Bonnet Cases ; Carpet Bags, Satchele.
"l,',"J "e quantity or single article, lower than
, 7 " any otner place la the city
'pHE subscriber respectfully announces te bis
old friends and the public, thaths has tskea
that old and well known establishment, tho
White Horse Hotel.
At tho corner of Centre and Mahantogo eta., In
tho Borough of Pottsville. Tho houve has re
cently been very much enlarged and otherwies
improved, rendering it quite aa comfortable as
any other Hotel in Schuylkill county while
the stables are large, in good condition, and at
tend by careful, attentive, prudent hostlers.
To travellers and others who may stop at kle
house, he promises every attention calculated to
render them comfortable and satisfied.
April 8, 135r- tf
Oice opposite ths Court House,
Sunbury, Northumberland County Ta.
Prempt attention to business in adjoining
WILLI 131 II. HAY. Proprietor.
C. A. Sthiki, Assistant.
N. B. An Omnibus will rnn to and froai tho
Drpot and Packet Landings, to this Hotel, fro
of charge.
September 13, 1856. uf
Market Street, Danville, Pa,
riUS is ono of the largest and moot coraao
JL dious hotele in the interior of Pennsylvania
it has been recently fitted tip, in excellent etyle,
wilh oil tho modern conveniences.
Danvilisd, Sept. 32, 1855
Cheap Watches Jewelry
1VH0LE8ALE and Retail, at the "Philadcl
T phia Watch and Jewelry Store," Ho. 99
North Second Street, comer of Quarry,
Geld Lever 'Wutchcs, full jeweled, Ileum! eases, SJ.OO
Gold lupine Isk. 4 .no; Kins Silver Sjjectacles. LSD
Silver Lep. full jewllnl, efl.lOold Bracelets, 3.00
Silver Lever, full jewl'd 1'2 ladies' Gold Pencils, 1.00
Supi'iior Qun.tirrs, 7 lilver Tea spoons, set, (,U0
Gold Spectacles, T.P0
Gold Pens, with Pencil and Silver Holder, 1,00
Gold Finger Rings, 37i cents to $80 ; Watch
Glasses, plain, 12 J cents; Patent, 18; Lunet,
25 ; other articles in proportion. All goods war
ranted to he what they are sold for.
On hand, some U'old and Silver Levers and
Lepines, still lower than lhe sbsJVS prices.
Oct. 4, 185fi. ly.
sive and Isgal envelopes, for sale by
11. B. M AiiiitS.
Sunburv, lan 10. 1850.
Ml. Carmel, Northumberland County, fa.
May 10, 1856.
TJLANK Parchment Paper Deeds and blank
Mortgages, Bonds, Executions, Summons
AVc, for saleb II. B. MASSEK.
Sunbury ,Anri 26, 1856
TOR SALE an excellent second-hand Cook)
- ing Stove, also several Cylinder Coal
Stoves. Enquire at this office.
OLD PENS with and without cases, of a
very superior quality, lust received.
Also a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, for ealt
by H. U. MASSER.
Sunbury, Dee. 27. 1856-
GOSHEN CHEESE. Jyst received snd fo
April 11, 1857.
C'l'VER WATCHES. A few double casT
English Silver Watches, for sale at very low
prices by H. B MASSER.
Hun bury, April 13, IRMI.
Tmekican hWseT
J. II. KKLTO.V, 1'roprletor.
Jas. T. Hai l. Ass't.
Sept. 13, 1366. tf
1JLHE OLIVE OIL for table Use,-two six.
- at 87J and C2J cents just received by
March 14, '57.
4itaUonery. A large supply 0f f8Ilc. Not,
- 1 apcr and Envelopes, Mourning, Letter
and Csp Paper, Pens, Ink, Sand, dec., at '
U.....K IX AT . ... ... .
March 14, '67
pORTMONAIES, Tooth ,d H,ir hnA
all, and. any ouanii y, for aale by
A. M , rHER.
Karvb 11, 'r,