Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, September 12, 1857, Image 3

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    i ... . .. 7 . -T7.T
Ax Accockt mo . EvR-vmNase.
The community wai Marted on Saturday
night by tbo varied rumors of a fuarful colli
eion on this road. Tho fullowiuff account
wai obtained bj our roportor from ono of tbe
jiisseogors, sou we consider it reliable :
'l b regular afternoon eipresi train started
t a quarter after 4 o'clock from Cooper's
l'oiot, and was ronuing at a Tery rapid rate
tjf speed, and had reached a point about six
miles below Iladonfiold, and twelve miles be
low this city, when the passengers were alarm
ed by a violent concussion and surging to and
fro of ths cars. Our informant was. sented
with several friends on ihe very last seats of
the last car. The fores was so great that he
says, their seats were rocked violently and
wrusj crashed under them. Tho middle car
escaped without Injury. As wo jumped from
the enrs a sight was presented, oppuling tho
stoutest hearts. Two lurge locomotives, sev
eral freight or wood cars, the first passenger
cars, Under and boggngo car were piled, lit
erally one on top of the other, to a height of
thirty or forty feet. Soma of the inmates of
the first car crept out from the ruins, and
others were dragged ont, covered with their
own. blood or that of others who had been in
jured near them. Many or those uninjured
worked mnufully in relief of tho poor suffer
ers who were speedily carried among tho
bashes growing along the truck. The sight
was a very paiuful one. On either side the
poor fellows were lying, surrounded by per
sons endeuvoring to reoojinizo or assist them.
It was socu discovered thut the loss of life
was not so grent as we feared.
Incidents. The firf-t person we saw was
tho fireinnii, who30 body lay among the bush
cs, with the head almost severed by a long
ond deep gneh, from his shoulders. Tho en
gineer of the down truin, seeing that a colli
sion was inevitable, gave an alarm and jump,
ed cleur of the fulliug mass uronnd him, but
his Ureinan was caught amid them, and no
doubt was struck by a piece of irou from the
locomotive and thus killed Instantly. The
engineer picked him up and carried him to
the car which was epeed;!) lilted up for the
Dounelly, the conductor of the express
train, wjs most terribly mangled ; his legs,
below his knees, were actually torn and mash,
ed into ribbons of flesh and muscles, lie
bore his agony with great fortitude, and
seemed mure anxious to kuow '"Who wan
blamed J" A scene occurred here thut brought
tears to every eye. The poor fellow hud his
wife uud children on tho truin Tor a trip to
the ocean. The poor woman was iu the third
car with her children, and, as she came near
the spot where her husband lay bleeding and
dying, unknown to her, she suddenly recog
nized him and threw her arms around his bo
dy, uud frantically entreated "My dear Wil
liam" to speak to her. Dr. I'itney, of Abse
com, whottf activity and kinduets to sullerers
entitle him to the warmest pruise, dressed his
wounds, and used till possible skill iu his ef
forts to savu him, but iu vaio, as he died be
fore we reached Camden.
The down way-train coming about an hour
bebiud ns, took all of us on board, the dead,
wounded and unharmed, and after several te
dious deljys, prudently made to avoid meet
ing the excursion to start down at 7 o'clock,
we reached Camden about hull-past eight o'
':1jcU. ...
The persons who were mostly seriously in
jured were ull in the front car, and fortuuato
iy all the ladies escaped.
Tie Caw. TLe decided opinion of ull at
the wreck w that it was entirely the fault
of the Conductor and Kugineer of tho up
train or wood train j indeed uo one there or
ut U.uldoulield seemed to think otherwise.
There is no doubt tho up traiu was behind
time afcording to the road time table, at
least twenty minutes, mid according to rule,
should have waited at tho last turn out below;
hut instead of doing this, camo on, when an
txpriss train was known to be coming dowu
t ie road ut a rapid rate. The Kngmeer of
tliii exmi ts train came on them iust ns we
pasted a curve, and even before the brakes
vere put down. The Conductor of the np
train dir.ggeured tinuiediutely utter the colli
so i, astlieio was a disposition among tho
irmie violent to Ijucu biui. 'h'.Ui'la. Ltd-
Tiir. Oi KA.v-Cr.ossiNO Tki.kuiui'ii. During
the unsuccessful attempt to ly t'nu cuble
ocross tho Atlantic before it broke, there was
an interruption for some time of tho communi
cation with the shore, which was afterwards
as misteiiotisly renewed. This was not ex
plained iu any of the reports famished from
the other side Liute-iiunt Urooke, of the
United Sfc.tes Navy, however, gives the fol
lowing explanation in tho National Intelligen
cer, wliicli muy be the real cause, though it is
singular if so.
The conducting wires broke; the gutta
peirha, stretching with the outer wires, drew
the biokeu ends apart, coutiuuty was then
interrupted. But whea that portion of tho
Cable approached the bottom it became slack.
" The cable will be desposited in waves upon
the bottom." Then the gutta percha reliev
e J of t'uo strain, by virtue of its elasticity con
tracting, drew the broken separated cuds of
the conducting wires tojether, and continuity
was re-established. This re-estiiblishment of
continuity is a striking proof of the fact thut
the conducting wires wero biokcn, while the
gutta percha remained unharmed. Had it not
been re-established tho interruption would
have beou generally attributed to tho ubrasion
of the gutta percha and the error of construc
tion would have remained unexposed.
We see, by tho latest intelligence from
Liverpool sent by tho Associated News
Agency, thut the attempt to lay the cable
bas beeu postponed till next year aud the
company mean to sell the cabla which failed
nnd hare one constructed three thousand
miles long.
The Moos. A recent discovery by tho
Astronomer Hansel, whose study of the
moon's motion continued for many years, has
established the fact that the centro of gravity
of the moon, instead of being like thut of the
earth, at the centre of figure, is beyoud that
centre and farther from the side next to the
earth than it is from the other sido by seven
ty-four miles. 1 he nearer side of the moon
therefor, is a vast expanded protuberance or
mountain, seventy-four miles high ; aud any
fluid whether air or water, would How down
wards from the nearer to the further side of
the moon, for aught we know, intelligent liv
irnr bourns may exist. The nearer sido of tho
moon cauuot be inhabited, ut least by beings
to whose exiteuce air and water are essential
as is the case with all terristrial animuls.
The late mathematician, Oausss, proposed as
a means of settling the question whether the
moon is inhabited, that a huge monument,
should be erectee ou the Steppes of Siberia,
as a signal to the intiauitants or toe moon,
in the hope tbat they might be induced to
erect a similar signal to apprise us of their
existence. The discovery of llausel shows
.-Ijjat such an experiment would be attended
with no success inasmuch as the inhabitants
of the moon, if there are any, beiug on the
further side, could oevor see a monument on
the earth.
Con-tract A wabdku. Tbo Secretary of
the Treasury, on the 2d inst., contracted with
Thos. Agnew, of Hultiinore, Md., for the
construction of the custom house ut Indian
opolis lud., at a cost of 98,083,79, being the
lowest bid.
Ths Lowest Bidders. The coutract for
the work of the Croton Aqueduct, New York
bas been given out to the lowest bidder. One
offors to do it Tor 614,298, and another 729,
807, a diltorenoe or 8Ho,5Ul).
The original manuscript of Walter Scott's
Peveril of the Peak was latt'v sold ut auction
for i0.
! Tub Work on tin Capital Extension.
The extension of the Capitol at Washington
is an extensive and magnificent scale. The
cost of tome of tbo items is given in the
Washington Union. The windows of the
north and south front! 81,9u0 each. The
marble workmanship on each of 'the eastern
front doorways $4,076. The two figures of
stationary to be placed over each door are
estimated at $6,260. The door bronte, and
bearing bas-relief of designs illustrative of
American history, will cost $13,200 for each
wing. They are designed by Crawford. It
is the intentiou to have one executed at Mu
nich, and the other, for the promotion of
American art, in this country. The door
opening from the old hall of the House of
Uepresentntfves into the corridor lending to
tho new hall will also be of bronze, bearing
bas-relief designs illustrative of American
history and will it is estimated, cost $16,416
designed by Randolph lingers. The sta
tuary intended for the eastern pediment of
the north wing of the Capitol, designed and
modeled by Mr. Crawford, it is estimated will
cost $40,260. For tbe design and model
ortbeStntae or Liberty, intended to surmount
the uew dome, of the Capitol, Mr. Crawford
is to receivf 3)00, the Indian Girl $429, and
the mnntel piece for the Senate reception
room $500.
Tub Ciiinksr Sugar; Cam-:. A gentleman
in New York bas sent tho editor of the I'ost
a samiilo of very good brandy, made from the
syrup of the new sugar plant, the Sorgho, or
Cninese sugar-cane, lie says it costs about
30 ceuts per gallon to produce, and is worth
iu the market from $1 to $'i per gullon, oc
cording to quality. In a note he says t
1 lie uiunulucture of spirit from the sorgho
may row be carried on by our farmers iu the
winter t e:i.-on, when there is no ether occupa
tion for tlicm, at the rule of u gallon of fer
mented svrup. This will find reudy sale ut
e rectifier's, who will turn it into alcohol
for enmphene aud other purposes. The
quantity of ulcohol now need for purposes of
illumination alone, to say nothing of varnish
es, chloroform und medicinal extracts, is cuor
ninu., nnd was beginning to have a serious
effect on the price of bieud, owing to the
nhoiesalo destruction of the careuls required
to produce it. Now, however, we have found
a substitute, which besides supplying syrup
aud alchohol, will also yield from the same
crop a lurge amount of forage uud grain for
the latumng ot stock.
Pkstcrction of a Susitxsox IJripoe. The
destruction of tho suspension bridgo over the
Deetnrdies canal at Hamilton C. V., has ul-
reaily been mentioned. The disaster occur
red on the 28th ult., during a violent thunder
storm. A gust of wind caused the guys to
part and the bridge, being as it were lifted up
in the centre was turned upside down and
descended with a crash, and borne by the
wind, fell some fifty feet nearer the lake than
it would have dono from the force of gravity
alone. The structure was 230 feet above
the level of the water. It was built by the
Great Western Railwny Company, for the
Canal Company but the latter refused to ac
cept it, on the ground that it was utt in a
sale condition.
New Advertisements.
Tn the Voters of Northumberland County.
A T the solicitation of many friends from dif
ferent parts of the county, the undersigned
has consented to become an independent candi
date for the ollice of COUNT V COMMISSION
Ell at the ensuing election. Should he he suc
ccssful, no effoit shall bo spared upon his part to
perioral the duties of the ollice with fidelity,
promptness and impartiality.
Point township, September 5, 1857. le.
To the Electors of Northumberland
rIII E subscriber hereby oilers himself us a
-- candidate for
Having always beeu a steadfast Democrat, and
considering hiuieell competent to perform the
duties of the ollice, he would respectfully aU of
the Democratic party of the county a nomina
tion at the primary election. Among other
qualiticalioni, a thorough knowledge of the
English uud Cerniun languages would enable
him to attend satisfactorily to ull having business
in the othie. tl
Trcvorlon, June 90, 1857.
Candidate for Prothonotary.
To the Voters of Xorlhumberland County.
4 T the solicitation of many friends from dif--
ferent parts of the county, the underhisned
has consented to become an Independent Candi
date for the office of PROTH ONOTAKV at the
ensuing erection. Should he be successful, no
effort shall he spared upon his part to perform
the duties of the office with fidelity, promptness
and impartiality.
Sunbury, August 8, 1857. te.
Candidate for Sheriff.
To the Voters of Northumberland County.
A T the solicitation of many friends from dif
ferent parts of the countv, the underpinned
has consented to become nn Independent Candi
date for the office of SHERIFF at the ensuing
election. Should he he successful, no effort
shall spared upon his part to perform the du
ties ot the ollice with inielity, promptness and
Northumberland, June 27, 1857.
Volunteer Candidate.
To Hit Electors of Xttrthumhtrlund County,
THE undersignrd hereby ollbrs himself as a
Volunteer t'undtdate for
At the ensuing election. II is motive for so do
ing, is thai approaching old age, and an injury
caused b; a !roken collar hiuin, renders him
unable tu work nt his trade, of Carpenter. Re
lieving hiniHcll' capable of performing the duties
of the office, he earnestly solicits your supp.rt.
Sunbury, June 87, 1857 to
Benjamin Chandler
Bucher, Ay res, et al
N. 40, August Term,
1857, August t-th, 1857.
On motion of William M. Rockefel'er, Esq.,
attorney for plainlill i rule on the avuve defend'
ents to appearand plead by the first day of next
term to the above action of ejectment for all that
certain tract or piece of land, situate in Shamokin
(now partly in Coal and partly in .crbe town
ships.) in the county of Northumberland, con
taining two hundred and seventy-three acres,
more or less, adjoining lands in the name of Win.
Wilson, 1'eler Mowrcr, Michael Kroll, Frederick
Kramer and others. Surveyed on a warrant
granted to Mathias Zimmerman. P. cur,
Extracted from record and certified September
97, IH3Y.
JOHN 8. BEARD, Deputy Proth'ry
Prothonotary's Office 1
Sunbury, Sept. 4, 187. J
rriHE subscribers respectfully announce to the
public, that their new Steam Flouring M ill
in this place, has been completed, and will go
into operation on Monday the 91st day or An
gust, inst.
Having engaged a competent and careful
Miller, they trust they wilt be able, with all the
modern improvements adopted in their mill, to
give entire satistaction to all who may favor them
with men custom.
Sunbury, August 2'J, 1657. tl
THE War Tiail
Horso by ('apt,
August I, '57.
or the Hunt of the Wild
Mayne Reid, for sale by
WHE subscribe, will offer for sale, at the Court
- House In Sunbury, Northumberlsnd countf
en WEDNESDAY the 7th day of OCTOBER
next, at 11 o'clock, A. M, the one undivided
ONE 2'HIRD part of a valuable
" Tract of Coal Land.
situate in Coal township, in the countv of Nor
thumberland, surveyed on a warrant in the nasi
of LUKB FIDLER, containing in the whole.
Five H ond red and Fifty Acres, oi thereabouts,
bounded iy lands surveyed in the name of John
Drady, 8a mud Claik, William Lambert and
others. The improvements on the said tract of
land, era 8 two-story frame Dwellings, one log
dwelling house, two shanty, and a blscksmith
shop. Connected with the said tract of land, is
a large CO A I. BREAKER.
The terms and conditions of sale, will bo made
known on the dsy of sole.
A. JORDAN, Trustee.
August S9, 1857. U .
What an enormous Variety of Toys and
Fancy Goods he has ! Who T Our Friend
At No. 144 North 2nd St., above Arch, Phila.,
HE has just received direct from Europe a
Very large assortment of Toys of all kinds,
fancy .Bankets, Pipes, Canes, Scgar Cases, To
bseco Boxes and an endless variety of lancv ar
ticles. Call upon him before purchasing else
where. Philadelphia, August S9, 1857 3mw
APPLICATIONS will bu received by the
board of School Directors of Suubury
until the l'Jth of September i.ext, when the
selections will bo uiado for two male and two
female teachers, viz :
Oua male toucher for room No. 4. first cluss
mules ; one femule teacher for room No. 3,
first class females ; one male teacher for room
No. 2, second class ; one female teacher for
room No. 1, third class.
All applications must bo accompanied with
the necessary certificates.
Sunbury, August 29, 1807.
13 Teachers Wanted.
TY tho board of School Directors of Sba
uiokin District, Northumberland county.
The board will meet at the house of Charles
I.ei.'enring, on tho day commonly called Fri
day the 25th day of September next, at one
o'clock P. M., to employ teachers for the
Schools of said district. The Comity Super
intendent will be in attendance for the ex
amination and granting certificates, Scc.
liy order of the Hoard,
11. S. D. S. District.
Shamokin twp., 8th mo. 20th, 1837. 4t
riCTtllli UtLLLKV.
4p EO. Y. W'EISE has spuiri commenced
will continue to take AMUKOTYTES, 4c,
at his Iloom above the Punt Office. Persons
wishing to have good likenesses taken, will please
call aud see us. We will take pictures at reduced
prices and lake trade in payment fur the same.
All kinds of pictures copied.
Sunbury, August 22, 1807. tf
IN oimouttcinff the THIRTKKNTH Anuutil Volume tt
the SClEVril'IC AMKItiCAN, Hie Publitdere r
pectlully inform lite pulitic thut in order to liter en ne and
U niulate the firinnUii of elube, llitry imtpont) to tifer
for the fifteen tarprtt list! of sutacribtra sent hi by the
11 of January, lb6e ; suit! premiums to be distributed us
follows :
For thelarpesi list, 300; ? 2.W ; ."ResjeO; 4th, 8l5tt;
51IN&IUU; ()llitft!)0j 7lh,fMJ; fcih. tHh,(lN); (Uii,
jWll; Hill. 84U; 131 l:Mi,3ij Nlh,tfsi !5lh -,0.
Names of subscribers tun be sent in ut tlilRieiit limes
and (ruin different Offices Tho c.isli will be pit id
to the orders of the successful competitors, iiuuiediulely
uiur the 1st nf Juiiuury, IrAe.
uutheru, Western, uud Cumidu money will be taken for
siihuuripLioii. Canadian subscribers will pleusft to remit
Twenty-six cents extra on each uur subscription to
pre-iuiv wsttige.
TKllMSOF SUUrcrtIPTlON. Two Dollars a Year,
or One DHItir fr Six Month .
Ol.l'U KATEh. Five Conies, for Sin Months. 81:
Vive Copies, for Twelve Months, Ten Copies, for Six
Months, ; Ten Copies for Twelve Mouths, $15;
Twenty Copies, fir Twelve sit -'tilths,
For nil Clubs of Twenty and over, the yeaily Subset ip.
tinn is only gl.40.
The new volume will be printed upon fine paper with
new typo.
The tfeneral elminrter of the Scientific Amkuican Is
well known, nnd, as heretofore, it be en jetty devoted
t the proinu :itiu i.f infcinmtioti relniing to the various
Mechanical and Chemieul Arm, Mmmittrt tires, Agriculture,
I'utenls, Inventions, Engineerinc, Mill Work, and ull
interests which the Unlit of Practical Science is calculated
to advance It is issued weekly, in f"tm fur bindunr ; it
contains annually from SfNj to uJ0 finely executed Kncm
viups, uud Notices of American in id European Improve
ineiiiii, together with tut OtTiciul End of American 1'utent
Claims publi-tutl weekly in udvnnee of ull other papers.
It is the aim of the Editors nf the Scientific Amcricax
tft present all subjects dim-ussed in its columns in a practi
cal and popular form. They witl nlso endmvor to main
tain n candid lenrleMiicM in conihntiiu: and exposing false
thrones and piactices in Scientific rnttl Mechanical matters,
and ihns preserve Jie diameter of the fciFsriFir A MR.
ricas as a reliable E.icychtpicdm of Useful and Enter
taining Knowledge.
tli . Specimen copies will be sent gratis to any part of
e couiiirv.
ML'NN ft CO , Ptibliibcrs nnd Patent Agents,
No. Via Fullou street, New Yoik.
August 23, If. 57.
rotate of TcIIx Lercli, deed.,
"jWOTICE is hereby Riven, that letter of fttl
LH Hi'iiUtration on tho rst.ite of Felix Lvrch,
lute of Mount Carmel township, Northumberland
county, deceased, have (teen e ran ted to the sub
scriber. All persons indebted will please make
inimediute payment, and those having claim
present them duly authenticated for net I lenient.
Khamukin twp., August 2i, 18.7. f t
ICeF ICE 11 ICllll
Sunbury, Augitut 15, IH57.
The $10 and $15 Sinfrle and Double
Threaded Empire Family Sewing
AN AGENCY for tho sale of these Sewins
Machines can lie secured on liberal terms for
the County of Northumberland. No one uevd
apply without capital sulTicient to conduct the
business properly and who cannot bring refer
ences as to reliability and Capacity. A personal
application will be necessary.
The peculiar adaptation of these Machines for
all purposes of r annly Sewing, will, where ever
they are ottered for sale command a ready and
unlimited demand.
S. E. Corner of fit h and Arch Bu., l'hiladel'a.
August 15 1857. tf
J. i'ALn:n & to
Market Strert Wliarf, rhilmlelpliia.
nA VE coin'antly oil hand an sssorUiKiit of .Muckrrt l,
SiisU. HerrllMtl. Cudlish. Ueef. l'ork. Ijtid. MliouLlera
March 41, lt7 3iu
joii ici:aki,
Office in MucLtl ., oppotile the Court House,
SUN sun Y, PA.
Collections mad and Professional Business
generally attended te Promptly and Carefully,
PmiADKirui. R.riaExci i
liullilt J- Fairthorne, Diehl 4- Werta,
Devia & Birney, l Tyloj & Co.
ttunbury, June SO, 1957.
1 YDROLEUM PAINTS. These painUare
miied wilh water, thereby saving the cost
oi on, lor sale by
March 14, '6t. A. W. FISHER
fJOUNTY ORDERS.County order taken
as cash for goods, and on note or book ac
count by
Nov. 89.
pORTER'8 Spirit of the Times for sale by
ugust 1, 1857.
rpHE Glasgow Poisoning Case I
ta the National folic Gaxutte, fur
fur sale be
Augutt I, '57. H. Y. FRILING.
NOTICE is hereby River) that Jeeeph Wolver
ton, Executor of the Will of Isaac Wolver
ton, dee'rf., In pursuance of an order of the Or
phans' Court, of Northumberland county, granted
at August Term, 1867, will expos to sale by
public outcry, on
next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., at tho dwelling house
on the premisne, all tbat certain FARM OR
TRACT OF LAND, situate in Rush township,
Northumberland county, adjoining land of
Abraham Hoflman, Simon Interline, John Yea
ger, 8amuet Gillinger, Jacob Weaver and a lot
of Ihe widow Wolverton, (cut off from the farm.)
containing 1 60 acres, on which are erected a good
a Barn and Outbuildings, and on which are an
A pple Orchard, a good Spring House, and about
1(10 acres of well cultivated land, It la about
four milee from Danville.
TERMS OF SALE Tiw per cent, down,
oi,e half the balance on the 1st of April, I85H,
the other bslf on the 1st of April, IRS9,
with interest from 1st April, 18f8, lo bo secured
by Bond and Mortgages on the premises.
By order of the Court
e Court ) ,
k. O. C. S
t8, 1857 ) Is
C. B. Purscl, Clk.
Sunbury, August
jou.v zi.v.nnn.n.t.y't
RESPECTFULLY informs his friends, and
the public generally, that he has just receiv
ed a New Slock of GOODS, at his new store, at
David Miller's Mill, in Lower A musts Town
ship, and that ho is prepared to sell goods at the
lowest prices.
11 is Stock consists in part of
Groceries, Queensware, Hardware, &c
and every variety usually kept in a country
Trevorton prices paid for alt kinds of produce.
Loner Augusta twp, Aug. 8, 18S7. tf
Til K LA ltd EST
MATIIIOT' Gay Mrrtt Vfirrrnoin Ko VJ
and 2- North Guy lrert, neor Fuvetle, Bnltimore :
where it ketHalnty un Imml, or itrule U oiilrr, every
ilyleuf Freiicli TKTK-A-TKTI-il, in I'IubIi, Hair, Cloth
or Hrortttcllr.
French Full Stuff ami Meriiillinu Parlor Arm Ciiairg,
lit Plush, Miiir, Cloth or Hroriitelle.
Fmiph Full !tu.ft Cmved Parlor Chair, in aeti, with
riush, (lair, Cluth or llrocatelle.
Half French Spring Mnhopiny and Walnut Parlor
Clmirf, in Huir, Cloth ami PIubIi.
It-K-kiiig Chain various dciigut, in Hair, Chah aud
ytufl" Sprint; Iunpea a larpe atBortment aluaa en
hnmt, or un) pattern made or covered with any gixnlt tu
InMahft;aiiy or Wulnut, complete, from tip.
Cne Chairt und Kovking do. the lingftt atirtmHit! iniulc in any one house iu ihe I'm ted Suitca innu
a dozfii up.
llur liiMtin, Otfirre and Dining Chairt, in Oak, Walnut
or Aluliogiuiy, with Cune, Wood or St u lied St'utt na
UBHorliueitt eii'.liiui'inir over 50 dozfii.
VkhI neat Chairt and Sctlcet aud Rocking Chairt.
over HK) dozrii.
Gilt nnd Plain Frame Look in,? Gl'iw', f every variety.
All kinds of IJclt. lluir aud Hunk Matttitwtcn.
Nhh. Sl and 93 . Gay st , near Fuyette tt , Uultimore.
AiiRUt 1. ly
years of misery, desires to make known to all
fellnw-Butlerers the sure means oi rcliel. Address
encloniiig stamp to pay return postage, Mrs.
MARY E. OK WHT, Uoston, Mass., and the
prescription will he sent free, b) next post.
August H, 1837. am I't
Wood Moulding Mill,
Willow Street above Ticefth, North Side.
S IB" 0;UL DtN G S suitable for Carpenters,
V U Builders, Cabinet and Frame Makers,
worked from the best and thoroughly seasoned
material, always on hand. Any pattern work
ed from a drawing.
I he subscriber having purchased the en'ire
interval, will continue the business with increas
ed facilities.
A Rents wanted in the various towns in this
portion at the Slate, to whom opportunities will
be ollered for large profits to themselves.
eSAM ll'ib 1J. HENRY.
July 18, 1857. 3m Sip
(suanu! Guano!! Guano!!!
7000 TONS.
Tor your wheat crops, use I,K1NAI" Super Phnsphnle
ol l.iine, mi Si CIS., a 10. nr fill a i In I.K1
NAL'' A.MKH1CA.N FKttTll.l.KU. si a,.W a bbl. or
p-2.', n tmi. Une bariel of either is suificient for au Acrs
of SVIient. .
nmde of reliuhle Ctiemical Kleineuhj, and have been in
succeislul use fof the past Six Yenra, improving tho soil
aud increHBUi;r the value of the loud
Fnur Diiilninai from the Slate Agricultural SorlMy of
PeinmylvfintH ; New Jersey ; lielHwure nnd the Crymul
Pulacti Ansotiulion nfthe City of New York, liuve been
received foi these Vahiabie t-'erlihzeis.
anuihlets in tlie kii-jhah nnd ucrinau Laucuaiie can be
tmd by upplicution ut tlie (Mhi-e.
A llherul discouilt to nulesnie lieniem.
Thenhovo Fertilisers, delivered FKKli of Cnrtsee to
any wharf in the old Cty Proper.
t Inters scut ny niall accoui)aiilcu won .nn or uruili,
Will be piomplly Shipped lo nuy imrtof the World.
liF.UKUK A. I.K IN AU, Proprietor.
No. II) South Front Street, Philadelphia City,
July !!5, IM7. im w Pennsylvania.
Mall Taper & Window Shades.
No. IC3 North Scvond Street,
ITAYIXG completed their large assortment
of the above Goods for Spring and Summer
Trade: would reouectlully invite the attention
of Purchasers to the same. Their stock for
beauty, cheapness and variety cannot be surpas
Thev have constantly on hand every descrip
tion of Gold and Painted Shades, Bull' Hollands,
and Shade Fixtures. Wall Papers, Cul tsins,
Fire Board Prints. Borders. &c, all of which
they oiler at lower rules than can le ha I at any
other establishment. Call and examine.
163 North Second Street.
March 7, 1857 6m W
ICKLES of various siuds. Lobsters, Sar
dines, &.C, &c, just received and for sale
at ine urug oture oi a. ii.i i-jiii.iii
Suubury, August 1, 1857.
riobaCOO aud BeEarS SO.OOO Imported
-- Segars of various brands. Eldorado, Fig,
Cavendish and fine cut tobacco at
Sunbury, March 14, 1857.
1UUO lbs) ol Carpet llagi
HJTANTED at the store of E. Y. Bright &.
Son, who are constantly receiving a fiesh
supply of Goods, thus otl'ering to the yublic tba
largest and most desusws assonmeui.
July II. 1857.
st PLOW EES, Ac., ol the best quality a
fresh supply iust received and for aala at the
Drug Store of A. W. FISHER,
Suiibuty, Vug. 1, 1857,
MERSON3 United Plates Msgs tine, 8a-
turday Evening Post, N. Y. Picayune,
Magistrate, Nick Nax and Yankea Notions for
sale by H. Y. FRILING.
Ii. U. Persons living at a distance can have
list of prices forwarded by addressing as above.
JM agamies, Faper and liook not on band,
constantly ordered.
Munbury, July 1 8, 1 857. tf
termers, drop your Tools, Pause UtiU,
Head this and llejtect !
A new snrl Pelentifie Manuring ftrsteni, fol the Cultiva
tion of all kinds nfUruint, Omssefl, Fodder ond Pnsiure,
upon sll kinds of Soil Proved by sctnrd Ksoeriinents
and bused on evident truths ; Desiurd to imprors
Aglicullnre ill nil its blanche ; reiirem-nted hr upwnrds
of ou liundri.'d end filly engravings tf the must valua.
bis G runes stuHfluiils eoimeclcd with tits system.
uy dTTc. g. uklmiold,
IN thia trmtiw it be eeii that Dm objeot hit hrn
to give the Farmer tlmt kintl of iiifori.iatin which
eiiub'ci til in to mtika practical ppliculioii tit fertilize hia
bimi nnd iiicrenw hii (truin, ftnUler, and nanluroce. The
doctrintMua tuugtit by this mmiuiiint, ih) ftxldcr nnd pat
me cmuvnuun nysrem are ruin Mini, cieai aim eviurin, aim
njrufnt an improvement in the modeuf ngricuUtira liitlier
t'i unkimwn to our formerv. and which, if adopted and
ciircfully prut ticed, cnittiot fail to Advunce the mleretta of
the iu r i n i ii t( ctnnmuuiiy, Such a work iini ben much
wnnted.Hi il fill a void which tins long Iseen felt, but
which there hna hitherto been no Mtemnt to ttunnlv . and
aa funnera of Centre and Huntingdon counties, we recom-
nirnn ine worK to every lurmcr, nt va luiiy tmiirva that
lliey will renp the gruattsl pomhle oeiieut ftum it
PuniH Mower,
Philip Moyer,
rliriiiian Dale.
j.-ieou nioyer,
Httiiry Myer,
Saintiet Uilliland,
Gtforgc Jiick,
John Hnrmnn,
Ueorpe llucliannn,
lru:iii Alfxnnder,
John NelT, !enr.
John Holier,
Chtiflintt HofTer,
Cteorge Boat,
Jucob MuMcr,.
.Mm Uuiley,
8-imuel Uiinenii,
Jona. MeWilhamt,
Gnoriff Uuyrr, Jr.
John Carper,
John Hnpmn,
Hninuu. l'ilton,
Oeorae V. Meek.
fopepn uuver
rV Tho nbove work it for anle by Hev . J
HAN, Milton, Nufthiiniiierlui.U county, fa
o. Nrhi.h
Price )U.
GREAT improvements for 18.r7. This Ma
cliine was nut in sucessful operation in 1H33
and cnnltnued to be the only Reaping and Mow
ing Machine in the World, of any practical value
up to 184S twelve years after iis introduction.
Other Keepers are now offered with glowing ad
vertisements, Certificates. Diplomas, Gold and
Silver Medals, Ac. But the Farmer in search
of the best Reaper, and not posted in the matter,
had better seo a lilile further.
If there is any value in 24 years experience
in building Keepers, and using them in the har
vest field, and in the improvements made during
that long period, OBED HUSSEV.the Father
of Keepers, can claim it All who are satisfied
with the Best fieaper and Mower, aan be sup
plied by sending their orders early in the season,
as the crops indieate a large demand, and we can
not have over 200 Ready for the vast harvest
of I8f7. We guarantee that this Reaper and
Mower can not be beaten on fair trial by any
other Reaper that may be brought into the harvest
fields in 1RA7. and we also insure it to be the
strongest and most durable machine in use. We
would respectfully invite Farmers to examine
the machine thoroughly before purchasing, and
satisfy themselves of its superiority over all
During the last 'our years, the euliorrihers have
sold between SOD and 600 of these Machines, to
the best ond most succetsful Farmers in Montour,
Union and the neighboring counties, (whose
names are too numerous to insert) to whom we
respectfully refer.
The subscribers have '.he exclusive right in
the lulloning counties: Montour, Union, Snyder,
Northumberland, Columbia, Luzerne, Perry,
Milliiu, Centre, Clinton uud l.ycoiuing. All
orders thankfully received and promptly attend
ed to. UEDUES, MAKSH & CU.,
Lewisburg, Union county, l'a,
July 11, 1857.
ol' Jamaica
rf,HIS article is csiel'ully pieiinreU froin the best Juinuics
-- uiiihc., uii mo viliiuiuia IIIC-UIUIIUII pnippi iiua 01 wiin-u
it is uiirrmitt-U lo pusnebs ill u concent i ute J and conve
nient fiirm.
It is mi excellent reinrriv in uYinensin. flatulence, clio-
lic and impmred und I'ccble stuto nl' Hie digestive luno
lions. From its refreshing, ttieniith and cordial pioiieritHs
s a trenlle sliinulaliiiir Uniic it is wcil ndunuil lo ctiuiiler-
sct the dehihtiitiiig inlhience of the ejctreine heals ul bum
mer, me euuf-is in suuneii cnungea, c .
No rumil) shuiiUI he witlmiii it, ns its timely use will
suve them troin inuiiy an serious ullack of iUiirrt.
I'nce i.ents per bottle, t ut sale by
JuueM, IW7 tin
?ffV:y rf r;"?,'?rY&nV'
MISS LOUISA Sll IS.S I. KR, respectfully in
forms the citizens of Trcvorlon and sur
rounding county, that she has opened a new
store of Millinery and Fancy Goods, at Trevor-
ton in Sluiinokin street, nearly opposite Knouse n
ravern, where all kinds of Bonnets and r auty
Goods can be had at the lowest terms.
Dress making also attended to in ihe best
manner and latest style.
April 2S, 1857. tf
THE New York Ledger, Parlor Caskot, Flag
of our Union, Frank Leslie's Illustrated
Newspaper, Uall.iu's Pictorial, National Police
Gazette, Weekly Novellette, Waverly Magazine,
and Harper's Weekly Journal of Civilization.
Also, Harpers Magazine, Godey Lailv s
Book and Putnam's Magazine, just received and
for aale by 11. Y. FRILING.
Sunbury, July II, 1857.
No. 234 und 410 N. Third St., Philadelphia.
JOHN CIYMER, Proprietor.
(Successor to Daniel Daluki.)
THE Proprietor returns his thanks for the
liberal patronage beMowed on this well
known house, and respectfully asks a continu
ance of the same, assuring his many fiiends of
Northumberland and adjoining counties, that no
pains til ii 1 1 bo spared to render comfort and plea
sure to all who may give him a call.
TERM? $1,00 PEK DAY.
Philadelphia, July S. 1S57. 3in
Dissolution of Partnership.
NOTICE is hereby given that the firm of
Bird. Douty & John, of Big Mountain Colliery,
was this day (luly 1st, 1857,) mutually dissol
ved by the withdrawal of J. J. John.
jusr.rti until,
The business of Mining and Shipping Coal
Irom tile above named Colliery will hereafter be
carried on in the name of Bird dr, Douty, who
will adjust all the unsettled acrounts of the late
lirm. jusci-n uiuu.
Shamokin, July 18, 1857 tf
Hctlrcd lb)Slclan. 75 Veaia of age,
having lost his Father, two Druthers, Daughter,
Son-in-law, Nephews and Nieces, by that dread
ful disease. Consumption, and sullcring with a
Coueh himself, determined to visit the East I
dies, Egypt and Japan, where he discovered a
Preventive and Certain Cure for Colds, Coughs,
Bronchitis, Consumption, Nervous Debility and
Asthma. His cough was cured immediately
be returned, cured bis Relatives, who inherited
the disease, and In connection with his son have
employed it in their practice, curing thousands
of cases considered hopeless by others. For the
purpose of rescuing as many of his suflbrlng fel
low beings as possible be is sending tbe Recipe
to all who Wish It for 10 cents 3 of it to psy the
postage, aud t'ie balance priming. Address Dr.
Hsath 101 Hpring street, opposite St. Nicholas
Hotel, IV ew lor.
June 13, 185 3m jte
flKOWNts and Breinig's Essence of Ginger
and Husband a Magnesia at
March H, "67. FISHER'S.
SUGAR CURED HAM A lot iust received
and for aale by. LEVI EEASHOLTZ
Ar'U I63T.
Dry Good, Ready made Clothing, ISoota and Shoes. tSard"
ware, Urocerieit,, tlneenswarc, Ac.,
Among our present Rlock may lie found French Lawns, Poplins, Fancy ilke.I'Uid Ducal. Tissues,
Bereges, Uebegea, Challi, Blsck Silks, Alpaeca, Ginghams, fctwis Mull, 'i'erlton, Cambria. Nein'
aook, Brilliants, Dimity, Book Muslin, Bobinett Collars, KkIks Flouncing, Imerui.g, Leces, Kib
bons, Hosiery, and a general assortment of FANCY GOODS.
Embracing the most beautiful styles, all qualities and prices. Domestic Goods, Windsor Shades,
Oil Cloths and Carpets. Summer Goods fof gehts weai of every variety. Hardware em bracing
all kinds of building material, Carpcntrra Tools of the bast manufacture, Files of every descrif
tion, Cutlery, Shoe I indings, Lasts, 4V. c.
Former ctTorts gnrpnsHcd In Quantity and quality.
In addition to our former Store Kooui, We have fitted up Hie second atny of our establishment
which you will find well stocked with Heady Made Clothing, Boots and Bhooe combining beauty
durability and cheapness. We shall continue to receive Goods Semi -Monthly, thus rendering our
assortment at all times complete, another inducement to all who wish to purchase.
X E W O O O D S AT LOW 1' It I 0 E 3
We return ouf thanks to the public for their lilwrul patronage, and respectfully invite an iusriea
tion of our Uonds, as We deem it a pleasure to Weil on all who insy favur us with a call.
Bar Iron, Steel. Nails, Picks, Grub Hoes, Mason Hammers, Kill Saws, Window Sash,
Urindstoues, Glass, jaints, uus, tun,
Sunbury, May 8, 1857. tf
NOTICE is hereby given that the Supreme
I Court for tho Northern Distiict of Pennsyl
vania, will hold it session on October Term for
said District, in Wiliiamsport, Lycoming county
agreeably to the following order of snid Court, as
certified by the Pr.ithonoUrv of the Eastern Dis
Prothonotary, S. C N. D
Prothonotary's oflice, Juno S7, 1807.
Ill the Supi-r me Court of
Feiiis) Iraula :
AND now, June 53, 1857, It is ordered that
a Special Term of tho Supreme Couit be held
under the Act of 26th April, 1855, a Williams
port, Lycoming county, to commence on the first
Tuesday of October next, for the purpose of hear
ing arguments on writs of error, appeals, Ac,
from the counties of Lycoming, Northumberland
and Montour, and such other causes from any.
of the counties composing the Northern District
as may be by mutual consent argued at the said
time and place. The said special term to con
tin ne as long as may be necessary.
Certificate Jrom the Record.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my
hand and the seal of the said Supreme Court at
Philadelphia, this twenty-fifth day of June, A.D.
J. F. BOLSTERING, Tro Troth'y.
July 4, 1857. tc
Spring andJSummer !Fa8hioni!.for 1857
-A.T IP. "W. GRA"Y"S
Market Square, Sunbury.
0W received and will continue to receive,
- ' the largest and best selected Stock nf
Black Cloths, Cassimeres, Cassinetts and
Vesting., jr.
An assortment of Dress Goods, vri : Fancy
printed Calicos, Chillies, printed Lawns, De Lains
Bareges, Merinos, Cashmeres, Alapacas, Dress
Silks, Giughnms, &c.
Irish Linen, bleached and brown Drilling, Sheet
ing, .Pillowcaseing, &c.
Dress Trimmings in Great Variety.
Boots and Shoes
Hats and Caps,
SALT and FI3 II, Cheese, Crackers, Sc-nrs,
Tobacco, SnulT, dec, an assortment of other
Goods too tedious to mention.
Feeling grateful for past favor we beg leave to
aasuro our old friends and the public that no
ellort on our part shall be wanting lo merit a
continuance of our patronage.
Country produce taken tu exchange at the
highest market price.
P. Yv. USA I .
Sunhury.May 30 , 1857. tf
I'll K A CKN OW I .Kill! III)
Hcmling luive eiidnrst-it the curteiit
of iullic opinion, uiiil citiilirincU
tlie verdict ot" inure than Sitm ,cti
ileilUil fires, proving conclusively
Unit '-Ilt-irinu's" is tbeouly SAFK
tlmt will not luiru.
ljT7r"fElJLi.-JI!a Kxtnu-t fioin tlie Committees
"ftSiuy t "T t,,cTi'al of lro" &"'c
On ilir Ofiih nf Fehrnarr nil the members oftlieOom
mitlee met to witlieu the Sil'rs mid books and pipers,
( in llieiu) and were purl'ectly sutisfird tlmt nil was
right. The day followiinr, tne burning toon place, under
the superintendence of the Voininittee. Aflcr a f.iir and
impartial liuming for five hours, the Safe ol Messrs.
Kvims i was first iiienel,the Siife being on firs
unide, and the content partiallv conroined, while Ihe eon
tenia inlher-ufeof Messrs. Fnrrrlsk Herring weie iu
JhkJ condition, and no fire Inside."
lending. March i, IM7.
P.N COI.KMAV, $ Committee.
And e-iitorsed by over 511 of the lies! men of n-niliurf.
The ulwe Sales i-un be impelled ul 3t Walnut Street,
where the piiMic run satisfy llieiuSelven of the en-nt supe
rmrity of the "Herring's Patent Champion," over ths
defeated and used up "inside lnnl Door Nilniauacr."
Furrcls & IIcrrlKg,
31 ll'rinutSf., Philada.
Xluly mukeis in Ibis Slute of Herring's l'atciit CUaiupioa
Thesttcmpt made by other parties to bolster up the
repuUitiun ol a Hufe which has failed tu usually u aecl
denbU bres ill t'lllladelplnu, (itausti-ad Pliek.) by biklnil
one out of on aBi-iil 's sure, (II. A. Lams-) uuute double
thicknemi, (i-itlerenl from llmse they sett) lo nuin up -
one "I Hernial (hall a thick) lias inei won nue ,c
Want. Herring's ife C"U'd lint be burnt, proving cniiclu
sivclv that Ihe milv reliublc Safe now iruiile iS"lleiiine's"
ol'w hieh over la.tltm are now in actual use, and mots
thrm V00 have beeu tried by fire without a single lnu.
I'lulu., June SO, 1S57. ll'.
GOV. C3-E-A.-R,-2''Q
Largo 12mo. 319 pages.
With a compute History of the 'Jh ritory.
Untii JlNk, IS57.
Kmlinicing a full aeenunt of its diaeovery, GeigropUy,
Soil, Climate, Pnlucla, its organization as a lernl-iry,
Iriinaueli.iiil aikl events under U , vein--is l!i-otcr and
niisini-in, publieal diK-uwaaia. I'erainial UeucuniiU'rs, Klec-
tioll fruuila, lutlles Olid uullliges, Willi i niliaua oi prom-
neiil actors therein, all fully autlicnliculrj
Vf JOHN II- CilllUN, M. l.
Private Secretuiy to iov. U'airy.
rnrefully compiled from ilocuineitts on file
In Ihe deiHirliileul l Slate ut YVnahinatoil and oilier a
pers in the uoesiil of the Author, wilh full account of
the Invasion of Kansis from Missouri ; the eupluie. trial
Suit treatment ol' Ihe Free Plate prisoners, the t-h.-oaeter
uud moveinaulaof the Missouri UoiUer Uulhans, Ihe mur
der of Uudum And others. .
The Controvert)- between Governor Ccury and Judge
The pioceedings of Ihe Tenilorisl lgialat ire, of tbe
pro-slavery emiveorion, and lliu orguuiic:ilioii of Ihe Nu
li Mini Ueuiocralie Parly, with a sketch of Kalians daring
ils early troubles under Oova. Knederand Sliaunoa.
ila Invasions, bullies, Outrages and Murders.
A eopy will be sent lo any purl ol" ihe United Slutca,
by mail, free of posUige. oil the receipt of retail price.
A lilwrul diceouut to the trade. fW 1 1-00 AseutS tvailled.
fries Ul Ckilh SI. I'aiier, .10 CIS.
CHAKI.KSC. ItllonKS, Publisher,
liiquiier lioildtug, l'h'.ludi:li.Uia.
July IS, 16i7. lis.
Office in Veer Street, immediately opposite the
Public School House.
All business promptly attended to. Monies
collected and all ordinary writings done,
Sunbury, April S5. IS 57. if
i- &c Ac. iust received a fresu siinnlv
for sale at the Confectionary store of
Sunbury, Msy l, 1 f 3 7
aaii, vuetse, meai, oio., aiwuya uu uuu.
New Goods for the People 1
RESPECTFULLY informs the public in gen
era! that he has just received and opened
splendid stock of
at his New Store, in Lower Augusta township.
His stock consists in part of
Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinetl.
of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted.
Calicoes, Ginghams, Lawns,
NotiitNellne lie lvalues
aud all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods.
Also an assortment of Hardware, Irott
and Steel, Nails, &c.
Also an excellent assortment of
QUEENSWARE, of varioui styles and
Also an assortment of ROOTS K SHOES,
HATS k CAPS, a good selection.
Salt, Fish, c.
And a great variety of other articles such as ara
suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold at
the lowest prices.
t7 Country produce taken in exchang a
the highest prices.
Lower Augusta, June C, 1857.
Fashionable, Cheap aud I'seftil
THE subscriber, long established as a Cabinet
and Chair Manufacturer in Sunbury, thank
ful for past favors, solicits a continunncJ of the
public patronage. His stock of Cabinet-Ware,
Chairs, 4 C-, embraces Y VARIETY, ISEFIX AND ORNA
SiF.NTAL in housekeeping. It is unnecessary to enume
rate, as anything that may be required in his
line can bo had at moderato prices, Cheap fot
Cosh, or Country FroduceMoken iu exchange.
South liast Corner of Market Square.
ty These knowing themselves indebted tu
the subscriber would oblige him by making pay
6unburv, April 4, 1857 tf
Isn't It So I
Self-Sealino; Cans
and Jars,
f.-es'a f:.rt
;iid you wiil liavu
Fresh Fruit
all the year at Summer prices.
f ull directions for puttirg up
ill kinds ofj Fruit and Toma
toes, accompany ihuso cans and
They are made of Tin, Glass,
Queensware end Fire and Acid
prooi atono Ware, i no sizes
lare from pints to gallons. These
ans and jars are entirely opeu
it the tops, and nest, to secure
conoiny in transportation.
l'r sale by s t or e ke e pe
hroughout the United States.
Descriptive circulars sent a .
implication. EST Orders f.c
he trade solicited.
Re sure to ask for ".lrthur's "
t has stood the test ol two sea
ons, having been used by hun
Ircds of thousands of families,
lotel and boarding-houso kee
pers. We are now making them
br the million.
Arthur, Burnham & Gilroy,
; "driuiaciurers under trie l'uient
IN. ii cor. Tenth & (ieorge Sts.
Philadelphia, June 13, 1S57. 3m
Of the most FashicnaWe Style.
SoIun, Ivis.aiisi and e,oittiu'i
Bureaus. Secretaries.. Sideboards.
and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila-
ilelphu manulacture.
BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price
In short, every article in this Hue of his business.
THE subscriber respectfully calls tho nttentioi
of the public to his Urge and splendid as
sortment of every qu.ility and price of
which cannot fail W retomniend itself to every anc1
who will examine it, on account of its durable
wnrkmnnrdiip and splendid finish, made up of the
best flock tube hud in the city. No ellort If
spared in the manufu'ture of his ware, and the
subscriber is determined to keep up with the
many improvements which are constantly being
He also manufacture all kind: arid rjuaUtii
Deluding varieties never before to be had if.
Sunbury, such BsMiUooisi, Black Waliiit
sxn Ci atKU Mapli Cjhkcisx ; and Winhsou
CHAIRS, au casci Piano Stools, which are
of the latent styks, and warranted to be excelled
by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere.
The subscriber is determined that there shall
he no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in
the Cities, as every confidence can be entertained
about the quality and finish of his ware and
These articles will be disposed of on as goed
terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun
try Produce taken in payment for work.
I'iT UNDERTAKING. Having provided
a handsome Hsauss, he is now prepared for
Undertaking and attending funsrals, in this vi
cinity, or at any convenient distance from this
IT The Were Room la in Fawu Street, be
ew Weaver' Hotel.
Suubury, April 13, 1857. U'.
KLANK Deeds, Mortgage, Bonds, WarrsnUt
A ttachments, Commitments, Summons, Ku
prxiias. Executions, Justices' end Col.stahW
Fee Bills, Vc, Ac, cn be hid by l',in
this otKi..