Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, August 29, 1857, Image 4

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    1 o c t r 2 .
Matthew vii, 8.
Oh, n&lt not wraltu
The gnady bnubla glitters to deceive t
It bath a thorn to press thee whon asleep j
H malioth winm, and lrmveth time to wnop
ABk not what wealth can givo.
Oh, ask not famk
The empty bubble breaks at every pnlo j
Its mighty shadow stnlkg in midnight gloom ;
It kills f hero, then it haunts his tomb,
. If Where all its triumphs fail.
O, apk not T.nvR
"Tho fond heart's iilol" breaketh the fund
heart j
His smile is oft deceitful, and its power
Too oft is felt in sorrow's darkest hour ;
Ask not his treacherous dart.
Oh. ask not rowrtt
Seek not a burden that must crush thee
down, '
Look at the thrones of tyrants in the dnst ;
Heboid how frail tho prop in which they
trust j
Ask where their might has gone.
Oh, ask not i.tff.
'Xot oven life itself makes good the name."
ITow oft its victim craves tho boon of death,
When guilt or sorrow yenrus to yield the
breath j
Ask not the fitfnl flame.
Ask for n fkokev heart
A grief for all tho ills thy hand hath done ;
A pang for wasted life, for useless brotWh j
A hope that triumphs o'er the fear of death
Ask, and the goal is won.
Ask for a qpiet mind
A heart at rest from all the jars of strife j
A humble heart, that never soars to fall ;
A heart to bless the Hand that gives its all,
That priceless gift of life.
Ask for a font of tears
The heart to sympathize in others' woe ;
The soul to feel for all the sorrowing here,
And power to point them to a better Bphere,
Where tears can never flow.
Ask for a home m Heaven
Toor, lonely wanderer on life's troubled
sea ;
When wealth, and fame, and tower, are
wrecked and gone,
And all earth's blandishments forever flown
Ask for a home in Heaven, where grief
can never be.
Jfarmcr's geprfmcni.
Setting Timothy Fields.
The following sensible and practical direc
tions for setting timothy fluids we find in the
American Farmer, and as the information it
imparts is just now seasonable, we transfer
it to onr columns with our full endorsement :
If you design setting a timothy meadow we
wish to assure you of this truth: It is a
waste of time, labor and money, to attempt to
grow it on any but a fertile soil, without hea
vy manuring. This your own good sense will
toll you is the only rational view of the sub
ject. A meadow set in timothy is destined
to remain in that grass for, say,. five years at
least. It is paid to bo a seven years grass,
but as meadows are treated in our country
they never last that long. If, however, they
were, every second year, top-dressed and har
rowed, they would not only lust during the
longest period named, but continue to afford
profitable crops of grass. Hut. if unaided by
such biennial treatment, as all its annual pro
ducts are carried oil. and each abstracts from
the earth large portions of its organic and
inorganic constituent?, tne sou becomes dcte
riorated, unable to sustain a heavy growth
of vegetation, and, as a consequence, the
great body of the plants, for want of food, die
As to the boil. A moist clay loom is best
adapted to the culture of timothy j though it
will giow ou any fortilo loamy soil whereiu
ttietv'ara lime und potash. Un porous era.
volly, or Fnudy soils, the plant does not thrive
well. On a stiff, dry red clay we have had
it to grow well and produce luxuriant crops
but we took especial puina in manuring and
preparing tho soil for tho reception of tho
seed, and in top-dressing it afterwards.
J'rcparation of the Soil. Tho land intend
ed lor a timothy meadow unless it bo natur
ally very fertile, should bo generously nmnu
red, plowed deep and thoroughly pulverised
uy roiling ami narrowing, and nguui rolling
Quantities of Seed per Acre. Less than 1
peck per acre Bhould never be sown ; and
were we setting a timothy meadow, wo should
sow i docks to tuo acre.
Seeding The seed must bo equally distri.
buted by a careful hand, or by a machine
We prefer the latter mode. As tho seed is
sown, harrow them in with a light gnrden or
Eeeu narrow, umi then roll.
1 une of Seeding From 20th of August
mi mo lutu oi ftepteuibofc, .t
M no W'oui.n Nut v.r. Fakmkr ? The
Louisville Courier pava the following tribute
to the occupation of the runner :
"If a young mau who wants to encase in a
business that will ensure him in middle life
the greatest amount of leisure time there is
nothing better than farming. If ha has an
independent turn of mnid let him boa farmer.
If he wants to engage in healthy occupation.
let him till the soil. In 6hort, if he would be
independent, let him get a spot of earth, keep
within his means, bIhiii the luwver, bo tem-
parato to avoid the doctor, be honest that he
may have a clear conscience, improve the
Boil so as to luave the world better than he
fonnd it, and then if ho cannot live hannilv
nnd die contented, there is no hope for
Soap ror. Kii.i.i.nt. RontiRs is Tbkes. S. S.
Green, of hast Cambridge, has made an ex
peiiment with this article, lie has in his
garden a white ash tree which was full of these
worms, so fatal to our fruit and ornamental
trees, lie covered every place on tho tree
which appeared to be wounded by them, with
common hard soap, nictdy rubbed into tho
piace wnere mo uoror seemed to have enter
cu. I'iinu r mo rain 01 l ua week, t in tnan
dissolved aud penetrated to the worms, which
forced them out by scores, causing their
death. Wo think this tho best rpinilv vnt
discovered for destroying theBo nuisances to
gardens aud or. nirds. l.xehange.
rt T it t, ...
i UK D1.IUIIT ix i kar hike. WeNeo nu
merous remedies for tho pear treo blight, but
we have very littlu faith in most of thein. Tim
best rernody, in onr judgment, is, should the
disease apparently ullect the whole tree, as
generally the case, to cut off the the tot:
nearly to the trunk. If anything will save
the tree, it is that. We huve lost several,
both dwarfs and standards, and we have also
savod several by this operation a couple of
them, indeed, were cut off only two or lltreo
f-et from the ground, und are now ihrTty
G'crmaatuwn TeleynyJi.
F.i'M3. Wo Lavo como to the conclusion
that the cultivation of plums in l hid region is
far more plajuo thuu profit. We can raise
noue of the choicer varieties. Wo huve a
very Cue U'uMngton and a Columbia tree, ou
neither of which is there a siuglo specimen
now to be found, though they were loadud
with green fruit a ftw wecLs ago. GVrmtrv.
town Teh graph.
Propping Apiendments to the Constitution of
the Commonwealth.
RgnotvtD ir thi Hknatk aii tlntrsi or VimKtKtf
NKKV AssKMnLV MKT, Truitthe following nine ndinelita
To profiled to tlie constitution of the nimiiionwenllh, in
ocorclauce with the r (trismus of the tenth article thereof .
Titer tlinll kc mi additional nrtirla to nid eonstltutloa
to l designated as article eleven, m follows :
Section 1.' The lute may rinilruvt ilchu, to supply
casual deflcitt or failures in revenues, ir In meet ex in-linen
not otherwise provided for lint the nitsrec ite amount of
such delits direct sail contingent, whellicf contracted liy
vntiio of one or more uclsnf the general iisacinbly.or nt
diflcrent period! of time, ahull nevar exceed seven hundred
and fifty thousrnd dollars, mnl Hie m tuny arising; from the
crentioil of such delits, Blmll be n,iplrcd to the purpose for
which it was oliiniiied, or to repay the debts so contracted,
and to no other purpose tvlinlever.
flection . In addition to the above limited power Ilia
stule may contract cVlit to repel tiivnslou, suppress liietir.
rectlon, defend the state in wnr, or to redee t the present
oiitstaniliiiKiiid'jbtediiessof llie state j but the miaiey aris
ing from the contracting; of such debts ahull be applied to
no other purpose whatever.
Section 3. Kxcepl the debts above specified, In sections
one and two of tins aiticle, no debt whatever shall be
created bv, of on behalf of the suite.
fection'l. Ts provide for Itie payment of ihe. present
debt, and any nil.litionnl debt contracted lis aforesaid, tho
legislature hull, at ite lint session, after tho adoption of
this amendment, create a sinking fund, which shnll lie
sufficient to pay the accniemtt interest on such debt, and
sniuinlly t reiluco the principal thereof by a Sinn not Irs
tliail two hundred nnd lil'tv tlMiusnnd dolhirsj which sinks
ine fund slmll consist of the net niiuuul income of the
public winks, from lime to time owned by the state, or
the pr K'ecils of the sale of the snine, or nny part thereof
and of the income 01 proceeds of pule of stocks owned by
the slate, together with cither funds, or resources, that
may be dcsiitnn'ed bv law. The said sinking fund may
lie increased, fiom time to time, by ns-ogiiiiig to it nny
part of the taxes, or other revenues of the state, not re
quired for the oidiiia. y nil I current expenses of govern
iiieiil. nud utdcKs in cine of tvnr. invasion ot insurrection,
no pnit of the said sinking fund shall be used or npplicil
otherwise than in extinguishment of the public debt, un
til tlicnmount of such debt is reduced below tha Bum of
five millions of dollars.
Section 5. The credit of tlic commonwealth shall tint
In any mnuuer, or event, be pledged, or loaned to, nny in
dividual, coinpnny, corporation, or association ; nor shull
the commonwealth herenftee become joint owner, or
stockholder in nny oomimuy, association, or corpornlior.
Bection 6. The counuonwenllh shull not assume the
debt, or nnv nnrt thereof, of any county, city, borough, or
township ; orofnuy corporation, nr nssocint ion ; unless
such item snail nave iieeu conirncicu 10 eiiuuie me bihu: io
repel invasion, suppress domestic, insnrre-tion, defend it
self in time of war, or to assist the state in the disclmrge
of any portion of its present indebtedness.
Section 7. The legislature shall not authorize nny coun
ty, ciiy, borough, township, or incorporated district, by
virtue of a vote of its citizens, or otherwise, to become s
stockholder in ny company, association, or cnrpoiaiion j
or to obtain money f r, or loan its credit W, nny corpora
tion, association, institution, or party.
There shell be an'addilionnl article to said constitution,
to be designated as article XII, as follows:
artici.r xn.
No county shall be divided hya line cutting oft" over one
tenth of its population, (either to form a new county or
otherwise.) wlinout me expiess assem n sueii wiumj, ..j
a vote ot the electors mereoi ; nor snuu any new cnumj
be established, containing less than four hundred square
miles. .,
THIRD AM rilN VM t'.i r
TTrnm Mntinti turn of llie first artiele of the constitution.
strike out the words, "of the city of Philadelphia, und of
eneh county respectively ;" from section five, some article
strike init the words, "of 1'hlladrlphia nun ol the several
counties;" from section seven, sunie article strikeout the
uftari s "neil wr t in envoi I' nid i la nor uu. unu
inert in lieu thereof the words, "and noj" and strikeout
section four, same article, und in lieu thereof insert the
loliowiug: , . , , .
"Section 4. In the year one thousand eight hundred
nml ivtv.fonr. nnd in everv seventh ve-ir thereafter, rep
resentatives to the number of one hundred, shall be appor
tioned and distributed equally, throughout the state, by
districts, ill nrooorlion to the nnmliei of taxable inhabi
tants in the several parts 'hereof; except that any county
containing at k-H'1 three thousand five hundred tnxubles,
may be allowed a seiwirate represeutHtion ; but no more
than three coantics Blmll be joined, ami no county shall be
divided, in the formation of a district. Any city contain
ing a sunn lent iiuiuoer "I H1Al.l.o I" . i,,..,
two reiucsentatives. shall have a seimiatu representalion
assigned it, and siiull be divided into coiiveuinit districts
of contiguous territory, of equal table population ns nenr
as may be, each ol wlncn uisincts simucicci onj; represeir
O.tiec O
At the cud of seel urn seven, same nrticte' insert mese
words, "the e TV of Phi hdelplim sliull lie divided iiitosnr
gle senatorial districts, of contignous territory ns nearly
equal la taxable popululioli ns possniie ; iiur no wuiuhiiiiii
. iiivuie.1 in I II R loriiini Mill ineiri'i -
The tferistatiire. nt its first session, after the adoption frf
this amendment, shall divide the city of Philadelphia into
senatorial and repieseututive. oisu icta. in ine manner aoove
provided; such dislilcts to remain uuciiiiiigeu hihii mc
ppnorlionmclll 111 ine ycur one iiioiiNtuu eiKiik-nuuuicu
and sixty-lour. fy -t
Th. re shull be all n.lditionnl section to the first, article
of B ud constitution, which shall be numbered und read ua
Sectios vo.
The legislature shall have the power to alter, revoke, or
annul, nnv charter ot incorporation hereatter conferred by
or under, uny Slieeinl. or general law, whenever in iheir
oninion it mav be iuiuriousto the citizens of ihe cimnion
wealth . in such niunuer, however that no injustice shall
be done to the ciupoiutors.
In !KXArK, March 27, Ii-j7.
Resolved, That this resolution pass, (in the first
amendment, veas yl, imv 7. tin the second amendment
veils ti-i. nays is. On tne third iiiuenitinent, eus IM, nuy
(III tlie louilll nincnnuieiu, yens xj. naS4,
Extinct from the Joui ual.
UUO. W, HAMITtSI.Y, Clerk.
April an, i;.. )
Resolveil. That tbisresolulioll pnss. On the first amend
ment, yens IV. lms '. till the seeoiin atiiemliiuni, yeas
A7. navs31. On the third aiuendiiieul, veas 7a, tun s ,
und on" foiitlh niii'-niiruent. yeas b:J, nays 7.
Extract flout the Journal.
Srenv-TAnv's OrFirK, )
Pecretury of the Culiuiionweullll
Skcuktaby's f)PFtrt, )
Ilarriljurtr, June '-'J, lt37. )
l-'ileUMuy!!, l!5r J
I'ennsylvanin, ss :
I tlocertifv tlint the above and foreeoiiiij lit true und enr-
re t eotiv ol the oriiriiutl "Kt'aoluti.iu rehiliee to un uiuenil-
inent o( the Coiulitution" us the suine reniuius 011 lile ill
this otiico. '.
in testimony wtiereot 1 imve hereunto
set uiv hniiil uiul enused to be ufiixeil the
sent of the ScereUiry's Ulliettflie duyuiul
year aUive writlen.
ScereUiry of the Coiuiuqiiwcultli.
IxPsfATIt, Aplilir, 1S57.
Resolution nronoiimr nineiulin-nls to the Constitution
of the Oouiinoiiweultli, being umler couiiiloiution.
oi ine question,
the Senate agree to the first aiiiemluient ?
The yens unit nays were tkeu ugrceulily to the provi
sions of the Constitution, ami were 11s tollow, viz:
Yens Messrs. Ilrewer, llrotvne, Cotley, Kly, Kvans,
Felter, Kleniiikeu,, lucrum, Jonluu, Killinier,
niiox, irfiuimeu, t.eivis, ll er, cvonem, reueis,,
Sleele, Struuli, Welsh, ilkins, Wiieht und Tuttgurl.
tpeaker S4.
Kays Messrs. Crnlili, CresswtlT, Finney, Cregg, Har
ris, Penrose mill tiuther 7
So the question was eleterniiucil in the ufTirniutivc.
Ou the question,
Will the Semite afire to the sceond amendment !
The yens nays wera tnkeu to ilia, provi
sion of the Constitution anil were us follow, viz :
t Ybas Messrs. Ilrewer, Urnwn, Cressvvell. Kly, F.vuus
Fetter, Finney, Fleiinikeu, Intnul, Jordan, Knox, ltii
bnueli, Lewis, Myer, Sellers, Sh man, Souther, Sluele,
Suaub, WuUh, Wilkins, Wright nnj Tirgurl, Sneaker
Navs Messrs. CofTey, Crnlili, Fiazer, Cregp, Harris,
KillitiKer, Penrose ami SeofieM fci.
So the question was determined in tha afflimtttive.
Oil the question,
Will the Seuale itjrieeto the tliiril nminenilineut ?
The yens anil nays were taken lujteeably to the Coilali
tut on, ami were ns follow, viz:
Yeas Messrs. Biewer, Urnwn, Crnbh, Cresawetl, Kir,
Evans, Fleiuukeii, Fruzer, Ingram, Jonlun, Kiilinpc'r.
Knojt, l.auliaeli. Lewis, Myer, Se ili.-ld, Seller , Sliuiuun,
tioullicr, Steele, .Siraub, Welnh, Wilkins and Wrijtlit -Jl ,
Nays Messis. CoiIVy, Greirit, liairis and Penrose i.
So the question was determined in the alfirinulive.
Ou ihe question,
Will the Senate npree to the fnuith amendinelit ?
Tiie yens und nnys were taken agreeably to lite Coustltu
tulioii, and were as folkiw, viz :
Veas- Messrs. Ilrewer, llrowne, ColTt-y, Cresswell. Kly,
Kvints, Fleiuukt-n,, Inirinm, Kiliinirer Knox, l.uu
Iwieli, Lewis, Mver, Senfielil, Sellers, SI1111111111, Souther,
tjteele, Slrauli, We'sh, Wilkins and Wii;lit '23.
N'avs Mesins. Crnbh, Finney. Jonlun und Penrose .
So the question was determined in the sltiiinulivti.
la ius IIocsk or ItEi'UE-KSTirn ks,
Aptil 20, 16J7.
Tlie lesolution proposing snieudineiits to the Constitu
tion ol the Coinui niweullli beina under coiiaiderulion,
Ou the question,
Will the House agree to the first amendment ?
The yens and navs were taken uj;reenblv to Itie provi
sions of the Constitution, and on the hist pioiuiaed aiuem!
inenl, were us follow, viz :
Yeas Messrs. Anderson, Arthur, Baekhoitse, Ball, lleek
--....j., uuwci, iiiiiwii,i.uiiiouii, cuinpnell, utilise, I'ltiH
ver, Crawford, Uiekcy, Cut, Kystur, Kus.,UI, Foster,
(iiliboney, Ulldeu, llainel, lluiper, Hems, llieltand, Hill,
II iU.-jiub, lioflmsii, Herks Imbrie, liuiis, Jauobs, Jenkins,
Johnson. lCuuuiii.,11, Kerr, Knight, UisenriuK, lAiugaker,
1'ivalt, Manear, Maugle, M'Culiumi, M'llvaiu, Muoriieud,
Muniinu, Milssehnaii, Nieh ils, Niehnuioi,, s.ull,.mut.ler
..Vl",'1'."'. 'Kle" 1'etrikeu, I'owimll, Pureed, Itamsey,
(1 lululelpbia,) Kuliisey.lVork,) Kealnel, lleed, Hulierls
llupp, Shuw, Sluan, Suiiilu (Cninbriu.) Suiitli, (Centre)
SJevnuVMi, 1'olnii, Vail, anv.irliis, Vickers, Voeeliley,
,,ralf' """f" '. Wliarton, Willistou, Wilheruw,
Wtifrbt, iiuiueriuau and tielz, 8euker 7j
ZM".1"i "Jlku. Uenson, l).M;k. Hamilton, Han
coek, llme ll iffmou, (Lebanon,) Lebo, Stiutbers, Thoru,
Warner und lutrmte W. '
So the quuiion was dcteruiincd iii llieaflimuilirs.
. Ou tueuestlnn,
Will the Homo airree to the second amendment
Ihe yeas and nays weretakeu agreeably Ui the provl
sions of the Constituliou, and wercus follow, vis
Yeas Messrs. Anderson, Baekhouse, Ball, Ueek Bow.
. Clli..un. Canipla-ll C.rly, F.nt, fnuvild, FoMer.
Oildeu, llainel, Harper, Hems, Hiestaml, Hilleiras, Hotf
ttiiii,(UrkBi Housekeeper, I mbi is, Innes. Jwkuis, Mi
JWinaa, slmfmsa, Kakt, Ltisenrlag. L-mgekor, livett
Manear, Msusle, M'llvaln, Moorehead, Musselman, Ni
chols, Nicholson, Nunemacher, l'enrson, Peters, 1 el'"'"
Pownnll, Parcell, Ramsey, (PhiknMphia, Hernscy,
(York) Reamer, Roberts, Hupp, flmw, rilonti, lolan,
Vail, Voegliley.AValter, Westbiook, Wharton, Zimmer
man and (Jew, Speaker S7. ,
Nnys Messrs. Aurthur, Augustine, Backus, "eiison,
Bishop, Drown, Chase, Cleaver, Crawford, r.yster, Ulb-
. ' o.' tl i. not U.... M.ilTiiinii. flrPba-
uuiiy. iiHiiint.'ii, iinin-oeK, 0111, ii'v, " u i
non, Jacobs, Kerr, I.ebo, M 'Calmont, Mummn, Heeil,
bi.i. i il.ii. nt ... i ainvMiiriii. Strut hers.
Smith, Cambria.) Smith (Centre, Stevenson, Slruthers,
.ri . v .r.i. v isr.';H.uIUr. Warner. Win-
1 II, UUVinilMIO, TM-BIH, ., IW
trode. Withcrow snd Writ lit Si.
So the question was dcteimlued la Ilia afflrroolirs.
. ttn the qsestion,
Will the House agree to the third amendment!
The yens and nays were teken agreeably to In provi
sions of the Constitution, and were as follow, VIE :
Yens Messrs. A ilderson, Backhouse, Hall, Deck, Ben
eon, Bower, Drown, Calhoun, Campbell. Chase, Cleaver,
Crawford, Dickey, Enl. Eyster, Fnusolit. Foster,
M, llamcl, Harper, Ileins. Heistainl. Dill, lllllcgns, ll"ff
man (Uerks) Hoiriiain (lbniion,) Housekerner, Imbrie,
Innca, .Incohs, Johns, Johnson, Knuflninn, Kerr, I1h,
linTa';er, I,ovctt, Manear, Maugle, M'Cnlmout, Moor
head, Mummn, Musselmnn, Nichola, Nicholson, Nune
macher, l'enrson, Peters, Peliikin, Piiwnll, Pnrcell,
Hnmsey, (York.) Reamer, Reed, Tupp, Wmw, Blujn,
Smith, (Cnmbrin,) Smilh, (Cfntie,) Steve isvin, Tnlnn,
Vail, Vnnvoorhis, Vickers, Voeghlev, Vigoneller, Wesl
bnsik, Willistou, Wilheruw, WriIit, Zinuneinian und
UetE, Sponker i'J.
Nnys Messrs. Arthur, Anrinllnft, llnekits, Dislinp,
Cartv, Dock, Oildea, llainilton, llaiieiK-k, lline, Jenkins,
Knie'ht. I .eisenrinir. M'llvitiu. Hanisev. ( l'hiludelphlit,)
Roberts, Strut hurs Thoin, Wnltrr, Warner, Wharton and
wintrmie KV.
So the question was determined in thenflirniutive.
On Ihe question,
Willlhe House n-rree to the fonrlh nmcudmenl !
The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provi
sions of the Constitution, and were ns follow, viz :
Yens Messrs. Andersen. Arthur llnckhoiise. Dnikns,
Hall, lleek, Henson, Uishop, Hirwer, Drown, Calhoun,
Cninpliell, Cnrtv. Chnse, Cleaver, Crnwlorcl, Dickey, Mil,
Eyster, Fuusoli'l, Foster, (iiliboney, (iilden. Ilnmel. Dar
ner. Ileins. Hicstnnd. Hill. Ilillecas, lloirinnn, (Itcrks)
tli fl'innii, (lahaiinu) Housekeeper, I mbrie, limes, .lucolis,
Jenkins. Johns. Johnsmi. Kaiiiriiian. Kerr. lbo. IiBen-
ring, longnker, l.ovett, Munenr, M.iucie, M Cnhnont,
M'ilvnin, Muniinn, Miisticlninn. Nichols, Nicholson, Nune
macher, Pearson, Peteis, Petrikin, Pownnll, Pnrcell,
Knmscr, IPhilailelphin Ramsey, (York.) Reamer, Reed,
Roberts, hupp, Shaw, Sloan, Smith (Cumbria,) Smilh
(Ceulie.) Slevenson. Tolnn, Vnd, Vnnvoorhis. Vickers,
V'ot ahlev. Wnionseller. Wniner. Wettlirook, Wharton,
Willistnn. Witherow, Ziinniermnn nnd lletx Speaker. 1"3
Nnys Messrs Dock, Hamilton, 1 1 a;. cock, Strutliers,
Thorn, Wlntrodeaud Wright 7.
So Ihe question was determined in the affirmative.
Ski TKTsnv's PrficR, I
Ilanisburg, June 24, J
Pennsylvania, sn. '
I do hereby certify that Ihe above and foregoing Is a
true nnd cot red com of the "Yens'l'nnd "Navso taken
ou the Rnsolution proposing niueiidmeiits to the Const itu
lion ot the Commonwealth, us the same uppeurs on the
Journals of the two Houses ol the itenernl Asseiulily ol
this Commonwealth for the session of 1857.
Witness my hand nnd seal of said office, this
twenty-second dny of June, one thousand eight
Hundred ami liny-seven.
Secretary of the Common wealth.
July 4, 1R37.
The largest assortment in the United States.
Warranted to be equal to any now made, and
will be sold on as Good Terms, as can be obtain
ed from any other house in the Country, nt
26 South 4th Street, Philadelphia.
Trtith i3 Mighty, and Must Prevail.
Report of the Committee appointed to superin
tend the Hurtling of the Iron Safes, at Read
ing, Felruary 2", 1857.
Ki.adino, March 4.
Tho undersigned, members of the committee.
do respectfully report, that we saw the two Safes
originally agreed upon by Earrels & Herring and
bvans & vv nlmiti, placed sulo by side in a fur
nace, viz: The Safe inuse by Iho Paymaster of
the Philadelphia ami Heading lbulroad Compa
ny, in his oliico nt Heading, manufactured by
larrcIsJc Herring, and the Safe in use by H.
A. I.nntz, in his store, manufactured by Evans
& Watson, and put in books and papers precisely
.The'fire was started at 8J o'clock, A. M.,nnd
kept up until four cords of green hickory, two
cords dry oak and half cbesnnt top wood were
entirely consumed, the whole under the superin
tendence of the subscribers, members of the Com
mittee. The Safes were then cooled off with
water, after which they were opened, and the
books and papers taken out by tho Committee
and sent to H. A. l.nnii s store for public exam
ined and marked by the Committee. The books
and pnpecs taken from '.ho Snl'e manufactured
by Parrels V Herring were in onr judgment,
damaged fully fifteen per cent, more than those
taken from Lvaus & Y utson s Safe.
We believe the above to have been a fair and
impartial trial of the rrspecthe qualities of both
JACOB H. dvsiie:?,
Having been absent during the burning, we
fully coincide with the above statement of the
condition of tho papers and books taken out of
the respective Sates.
C. A. NICOM.s.
h. li. mi:hm:nhero,
March 21, 1 857.
Fresh Arrival of
rEHE undersigtied laving taken the store for
JL tnerly kept by Williiyn A. Hruner, is now
ready to till orders and prescriptions at a mo
ments notice. He has a lurge and weil selected
stock of fresh and pure
Dye-stuffs, Oil, Paints, Glass, Putty, and all
kinds of Patent Medicines.
Tobacco nnd Imported Separs of the ehnirest
brands. 1'utiey IVntions' toilet articles, and Per
fumery of all kinds. Tooth and Hair ISrushcs
ef every variety.
Cumpline and Fluid always on hand. .
Customers will find his stock complete, com
prising many articles it is impossible lie re to enu
merate, and all sold at moderate prices.
Remember the place, next door to K. V.
Uright's Mammoth Store.
Sunbury, March H, 1857.
ONNECTS tho Hendins Railroad nt Au
bum, ou the Schuylkill, (10 miles below
Pottaville,) with the Northern Central Railroad,
ut JJuuplun, on tlie Rusouehaiina, and uil.i tho
Pi.nnsylvania Railroad at Rockville, (5 miles
above Harrisburg,) and runs um jiassenger
train 111 winter, and two passenger trains in
summer through between Auburn and Harris
burg, each way, daily, (.Sundays excepted.) on
times arranged U connect properly with these
roads; with Ihe Cumberland Valley and Harris
burg and Lancaster lluilroads, ut HurrUburg,
aud with the Cattawist-a Railroad, and its north
ern connections at Poit Clinton.
El.LWOOD MORRIS, Eng. A. Supt.
March 7, lti57 fim.pd.
Flour, Feed and Provision tore
I'roadway below lllachberry Street.
IILM xbJrbl.1,1 inform the citizens of
-bunbury and viiiiuly that he has removed
to tlie storo lately occupied by C. (iehrintror in
Broadway near the Rail Road, and is receiving
a euoica supply 01
consisting in part of Hums, Nlioulders, .Mackerel,
Herring, White Pish, Cod Fisb, Knit Prcseived
Fruit, Pickles, Crackers, Cheese, Molasses, Rice,
ougar, i-ollee, (green, roasted and ground,) Im
perial, Young Hyson, Gunpowder and Ulack
'l eas, Cedar-ware, Stone-ware, Soaps, brushes
plow and wash linrs, boots and shoes, tobacco,
segars, oci., together with every article usually
found in a first class Clrocery Store, all of which
will be sold at the,lowest prices, either for cash or
country produce. He has also prepared to sun
ply tho citizens with fresh bread, twist, rolls, pies,
pretzels and cakes of every kind.
N. I). The highest cash prices will be paid for
butter anu eggs, corn, oats, rye aud wheat.
Hunbury, April. 11, 1857.
poitT and MADERIA WINES, Schiedam
- Schnapps, Wild Cherry brandy. Blackberry
and Lavender brandies for medicinal purposes at
March 14, 7. A. V FISHER.
Ira T. Clement
B II,l,t refoived largi supply of Fall and
fl U Winter tioods.
lie will continue lo sell Dry Ooods and Gro
ceries CH E A l'EK than ever, ns his goods are
bought cheap thry will he sold clicnp.
He reels conlulcnt with his experience and
ability, that ha can coinpcto with the
World at largo and Su-nbury in particular.
lie would cmimersga artich s if time and apace
WrMild permit.
It is enouuh to say that he has everything in
the line of
Dry Goods, Groceries,
A Inrge Stock of IJcady-Mntlo
that ia kept in any other store in town, and
Ilis banner is on the brceSe. -
And long mny it wnva
O'er land of the free,
And the home of the brave
While her Stars and her Sti ipes
Phine out like the Sun,
Telling nil nations
That Freedom's begun.
This is a free country as was proved by 'the
election of Duchanan over the Wooly Horse,
therefore it is free for all to do their trnding where
they can BUY ho CHEAPEST. All are fi.viP
led to call and see.
as well at. the town aro respectfully invited, end
every person, rich or poor, high or low, bond or
free are invited to call at No. 1 Mnrkkot Square,
opposite the Court House.
P. 8. He is not to be undersold by nny mnn
or combination of men. No chargo for showing
All kinds of produce taken in exchange for
Sunbury, Dec. 20, 185G.
Saddle and Ilarncss Maker. .
Successor lo A. J. Stroll,
RESPECTFULLY informs the
iS. citizens of Sunbury and the pub-
il-iri&bc gencrully, that he hns taken
jsttho establishment lately occupied
A. J Stroll nnd is prepared to ruin cut work in
is line of business equal to any mnde in this,
section of the country. Orders promptly execu
ted and all kinds of produce taken in Exchange
Sunbury, May 9, 1657. ly
Fishing Tackle. Red Cork, Crass, Cot
ton aud Linen Liscs, Out Lines, Sea Oiass
by the yard, Sneods, Flios, Kiiby, Limerick and
Carlisle Hooks, Rods, Sec, for sole by
March 41. 57. A.W.FISHER.
NNOUNCKS to the citizens of Sunbury and
vicinty, that he has opened an office in Sun
bury, above H,. J. Wolverton's office opposite C.
Weaver's Hotel, where he is prepared lo attend
to oil kinds of work belonging to the profession,
in the latest and most improved Btjle. All work
well done andji'arr.nited.
DccembeAsT, 1850.
No. 141 Ch.-.stkut St., aiiove Fourth,
Keep coihlantly on hand a fjdcnji.l uiTortmcnt
.d'j Clothing.
Nov. 20, 1 850. y
ixu W.
Citrate of Magnesia
r1IIIS preparation is recommended as an ex
eellent laxative and purgative. It opi-ratci
mildly, is entirely free from an unpleusnnt taste
resembling lemonade in lluvor, prepared und sold
by A. . ' INMiill.
Sunbury, March li, IH.rB.
Importer and Wiulesule Dtuhr in SAL'I
38 Soulh Wharves, Philadelphia.
-'J.-A ASHTON' Fine, Liverpool Crotind
n-V 1 urks Island nnd Dairv Sail, con
-J-jJxstanlly on hand and for tale in lots
wT to suit the trade.
April 4, 1857. Cm
Tim hn i r dye tiro In only a to Kiliry till nf ju pr
lei'ti'tu hm ua u Uve, oiiii nit' tiMMwmi; tt'cliinunnil Iroir,
tliiit eminent Aiiiilylit; Clieiniut, I'fitresJSur Jnclli, oi'lhe
1 . p. mini, win only ciuimui wiiul ltuniH;ui;l luivu pre-
'Laboktiry fok rBAcrirAL CiiKMisTny, )
St. Slephen'ti I'lucf, j
Philadkm iua, Ktluutiiy !Tili, 1807
'ltt!lMp Well tC(llH))ltri Willi Hie lallFtltlKM'H C'lnHiBIII
I KiiiveK'8 IsllflMD MAIM V K, I HMt KJUt-tltHl VMM Uy (i-ll'iV
nijt tlie mmi-ltj (lirprtlnim veil lir Ha ue, it will ii'l
Hij-iff the I Iiur nr S!.in, but will give a imluiul unci iluru-
me cmitr 10 ue i utir.
JAMI'.S C. nO(TII. Aim!lir;iirniirt.
r Uiul, und lltHivt-r'n ludcllilile liikit, mettxi well know
ami inlrixliiml to require nny it-tilitioiiul tcstimniiy
ilieir clmtucter. ihe wilca Imve Ujcii mrreusin aince
their firut iiitrodiiclioti, ivihk eviilence Unit, tlie urtielcs
truiv po&suM that intrinsic met it c tanned ut Lnt f-i Uieui
ny tlie iMniiutucturiT.
Order, HiMrewtnit to'tlie TnnufiiPt(rv, No. iV ItAI
Blrwi nliove roi'HTII, (old Wu. Hi,) i'liiludeluhiu. will
receive prompt ntti-niiim by
JUSKI'H F.HOOYIin. Mutialueturer
r.iilMdelpliiii, April 43, lh.7. ly
11 AS just received a new and excellent nmort-
ment of goods at his Confectionary and
rruitoiura in .M A kiyl, I s 1 1; tr.T, buuliurv.
where he manufactures ai.'d keeps on hand, at
all times, the moi-t dunce Confectionary, Ac
WluilesulcTind ICetail, at l'luludelpliia prices.
Among his stock of Conlectiunuries, may he
totinu :
French Peorots, (juiu Drops, all kinds of scent
liurueu Aliuouds, l.nve IJiups,
Cnain White, Mint Drops, red aad while,
' J.einMi Jelly Cakes,
Rose, Fitlit Drops,
" Vanilla; ' t-tiok Cumltcs, uf all scents
oiniuiiii rvcieia. ma's i nnny,
Liquorice, Almond Candy,
Rnnsiias, Prunes,
lliilcs, Fiis,
Currants dl icil, Cilioi.s,
Almonds, Unisons, Nnls of all kinds
of a superior quality, hy the single or dozen. A
superior quulily of Seijars and Tobacco, and a
variety of Coiifeclioniirics, fruit, ir, u!l of which
is oll'cied cheap at wholesale or retuil.
He has aU opened an 'ce Cream Raleon, ami
will at all time bo rcudy to bcrve his customers
with Ice Cream.
Sunbury, May 21, 1858 ly
JVcw Drugs, I'uliitsj, &c.
NEW supply of Drugs, Puints. Oils,
Fluid, Ac, juat received and for sale by
A. W.-FISllEU.
8unhury,.May 2, 1657. .
S. RAE'S Premium Patent Enamel Furniture
Polish. This polish is highly valuuble for restor,
ing the polish on all kinds of Furniture Glass,
Carriage ilodies. Hair Cloth, ic. Also, for re
moving spots, hiding scratches, Ac, Ac. War
rantee! to dry immediately and retain its gloss.
Price 50 eta. per bottle. Sold by
March 14, J8oT.
AYER'S , vi
ton ttih ratid cum or
Colds Coughs nnd
. Hoarseness
jfliiiwriFXTt, Mam., 3oA Tw.t tRM.
In. J. 0. ATfn: If1onnthfwlttfttury
tho best fPTTmly I huve vr fotmd for
CotifiliH, nonriwnoM, InfliiMiTa, nud the
concimltatit tmptoraof a CoM, in ymir
OnrnsT I'ccrniiAL. Iti enn'tftnt xum t
niv urnHIrp mtft mv fitmilT fof th last
twi ymr lifw tihDwn tt to possess
rlor Tlrtnos for tha trontmont of theft
complaint. KHKN KNIUHT, M. l.
A. B. MilllTLKY, Kar,..of Utica.N.Y., writes: "f hft
twd j-otir Ppworai, myielf nd In my Iknilly otot ilac
yon liiTonnd tt, ami bliev it tli bwt moillcliti fr IW
pnrMW eror put out. With a ltart cold 1 tlioittd w)ner
tty twenty fhe rl"ll(irS fiir ft bottle than do without It, or :
tiUio any dtlier roiftcdj," ,
Croup) Cough, Infltienxa .
Kviti VOFIKLH, MlfM., ob. 7, lHftft.
nHomrii Atkh: I will cheerfully certify your PftrTomt
In the boat romdy we pofwwwi for the mno of Whooping
VovffK Crmnp. and tho chrst disease of children. Ave of
yottir fraternity in the South nppreriAto your k ill, and
commend your mcuieiuo 10 our peopio.
AMOS T.F.E, Tlnq., Montetiet, Ia, writes, A Jan.,lB6fl:
"I had a twllous InHunris whkh oonOiictJ me indoor
six wetkfl; took many medlduca without ralinf; flnnlly1
tried your rr.cTimAi. by the advice of our eleiftyman.
The firut diwe ndteted tlie aoreneM in my throat oitd
lungst less than one half tha Ixittle mode mo completely
well. Your medicine aro tho oheapent as well ns tlie bvst
wo can buy, and wo esteem yon, Lkjctor, and your reme
dieti, a tlie poor man's friend."
Asthma or Phthioic, nnd nroncliitlfu '
WfJIT MAJtCHEHTKR, Ta., Fob. 4, lS&rt. '
Si! YonrCrtranr l'rrroRAL Is porformln mni Telloui
cntut in this neclinn. It has relieved neTernl from alarm
liiK nvmptoms of constiniptJon, and Is now curlnp a ntfta
who iias UOwrod under nu nUV'otiun of tlie lungs for the
last forty years. HKNltY h. TARK8, Merchant.
A. A. RAMSEY, M.P., Ai.ninx, Monro Co., Iowa,
writes, fp- IMS: " During my prartlee of many years
I hnve found nolhina: erpml to your Pkctoral for
pi Ting and relief to comsuuipttve patient, or curing
such us are curable."
We mlglit add volumes of evidence, but the most con
vlnclng proof of tho virtues of this remedy la found In its
elftcts upon trial.
Probably no ono remedy has ever been knewn whlrh
cured so many nnd sm h dnnpi-rous canofi as this. Pome
no human aid ran reach ; but even to thoso the Cukrrt
Pectoral affords relief nnd comfort.
ATon HoDr. Nbw York Citt. March 6,
Doctor Ateu. Lowem.: I ft id it a duty and a pleasure
toinrorm yon what vour Cnnnnv Iectorai, has done for
my wifo. Bhe lnul Iwen five months 1ni"i inir undor the
dannerous nvmptoms of Consumption, from which no aid
we could procure gave her much relief. 8he was steadily
failing, until Pr. Strong, of this city, where we have come
for advice, recommended a trial of your medicine. Me
bless his kindness, as we do your skill, for she has recov
ered from that diiv. Fhe is not yet as strong as she used
to bo, but is free from her courIi, and calls buraelf well.
Yonn with prntitndo and reirnnl.
UlilAMJV SliniiUi. or Diir.i.iiivit'L.B.
Omintmvtivf, do not daspalr till you have tried Ami's
CTtmiRT 1'ectorai.. It is made by oneof the nest meiliiat
chemists In the world, aud its cures all around un bespeak
the high merits of Ua virtues. riUladtlphia Lttyer,
Ayer's Cathartic Pills.
TUB sciences of Clmratsiry and Medicine liare lisen
taxed tliclr utmost to piwluca Oils best, most perfect
purgatlrs wlilch is known to man. Innnmornble proofs
are shown Uiat tlirso 1'iua hare 1rties whk-h sunsss In
excellence the ordinary mMlclucs. and that they win nn-
precedoutedly upon tho esteem of all men. 1 liey are sure
and pleasant to take, lint powerful to cure. Tliclr pene-
troting proiiertles atiwiilatv lue vital activities ol tne iwny,
remove the olntriictlous of Its organs, purify Ihe blood,
and expel dlaiwsa. Thej purge out the foul humors which
breed and grow distemiwr, stlnmlute sluggish or disor
dered organs Into their nitui al action, and impart healthy
tone with strength to the whole system, not only oo
they cure the evcry-dny complaints of every body, but
a asp formiilable and dangerous diseases thnt have laflled
the best of human skill. While tliey produce powei lul
effects, they aro at the name diminished doses, the
safest and best physic that can be employed for children.
Behig sugar-coated, they are pleasant to take j and Iwing
purely vegetable, are free from nny risk of harm. Cures
have been made which surplus belief wore they not sub
stantiated by men of such exulted position and rharactor
as to forbid the suspicion of untruth. Many eminent
rlorgyiaon and physicians have h ut their names to certi
fy to the public the reliability of my remedies, w hile oth
ers have sent me the assurance of their conviction that
my Preparations contribute iinuieusely to the relief of my
atliictcd, sutTei-ing fellow-men.
Tlie Agent below named Is pleased to furnish gratis my
American Almanac, containing direction" Tor their use atid
eertiflo&tes of their cures, of the following couipluints:
Costlvemnis. liilioiis Complaints, rheumatism, Iiroy,
Heartburn, lleiHlnclie arising from a foul .innch. Nau
sea, Indigestion, Morbid Iliiielion of the Ikiwvls and l'uin
arising therefrom. Klstlileucy. lss of ,iM.tite. all I'lrer
oiisand Cntnniniis Diseases' which lciiiin eil vvacuaut
Medleiue. Srmfukl or King's Hvil. Tin y also, by purity
ina; the blood nml sliiniitiillng ttie sy-tein. cure ninny
complaints which it Would not be eupiKwd lin y conl.l
rencll. snils lleufiies". Purtilll lllilnlliess, NelirillL'irt tuid
Nervodsflrrituliilily, lieraiiemeiits of Ihe l.iver mnl Kid
nsys, limit, and other kindred eoiliiliiinls arising from a
low state ol' the body or obstraciion ol" its fuiiciions.
l)o not be put lf by unprincipled dealers with some
other pill they m.ik mere profit on. A-k for Arm's
l'lLia, and tnke noltiin? els:'. No otlitr tiny cun gire
you compares with this in its intrinsic value or curative
powers. Tho si. k want tlie sest oi l there Is lor them,
and they should have It.
lrrp.srod Iy I?r. .1. O. AVER,
Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Mass.
I'sios S1 Cts. PtB Fivk Hoses roa $1.
A. V. Fisher, fuulmry j Bird k J dm. Sliiimoklii
XV Wicmci, Niirlhiimbcrlund j J. 1''. Cuslow, Milton;
Hays k MeCiirmiek, McF.wuisvdle and hy all Druggists
tliroucliout tlie pnnnty.
August 10, ls.30 ly
Cabinet Maker's Findings,
3'lie subscribers respectfully inform their friends
and the public generally, that they have connec
ted vrilh their llcJding Sc Furnishing business a
large and well assort d stock of Cabinet Maker's
Findings, at their old stand
Au. 83 South Second Street, below Chestnut,
They have associated with them W. S. Drown
who hns been for mnny veurs (unrated in the
piincipal ei,taiii.biiieut of the kind in this city.
The stock of (iiiocls now ou hand comprises
every description of materials used by Cabinet
M:ikcrs, coimisting in part of the following, viz;
Hardware department. Locks, H inges, Screws
Castors, JSed Screws, Chair and Sola Springs,
Colon Handles, Ac.
Cabinet Mnher's Materials, Hair Seating,
Curled Hair, Looking (iIiihm Plates and Frames,
Clue, Varnish, SanJ Paper, j'urbips, jVbick and
Fancy Silk and Wonted Gimp, Sul'u and Chair
Webbing, Twine, Sacking Bottoms, A'osewoud,
Muliogiuy, Wulnut and Maple Knobs, Gluss
Screws, Ac.
liedding Department, Hair, Husk, Moss, Wool
and Cotton Mattresses, Ftathcr JVcds, Holsters
and Pillows; Plush, Damank and Moreen Cush
ions Comfortables, Counterpanes, Linen and
Cotton Shecls, Pillow Cases, Linen and Cotton
Towels, Table Cloths, Table Linen, Table Cov
ers, Moreen, Demask and Plush by the piece,
Moss and Husk by the bale or psund.
2'Le Hair Pealing and Curled Hair is from the
Phila. Manufactory of D. i J. Noblit.
N. 11. Hotels, Steam Hosts and Ships fur
nished at the shortest notice.
Kl South 2nd St., below Chestnut.
(Nearly opposite linnk of Penns) Itaniu.)
. Philadelphia. August 9, 1H5H ly.
Grocery, Wino and Liquor Store,
S. E. cur. )V(dnut and Water Streets,
DEALEIiS and families will be promptly
supplied at Ihe lowest prict-s.
October 4, ISSO. if
Jo. 13"), N. ?hI Street,
INVITE the attention of country merchants
and others, to Iheir stock of
which they will dispose of on Ike most reason
able terms.
Nov. J, 1856.- ly
r"IMIF! snbscriber offers at private sale, FLY
-I (iOOD Ml LES, and a good MIA WNEi,'
BOAT, with fintures. The above will be sold
cheap, and on reasonable terms.
for JOHN 11 LACK.
Bunbury, March 28, 1857. tf
LAND WARRANTS. The highest price
will be given fur Land Warrants by the sub.
mbu. H. B MASKER.
or .
riJIK AnliKerlbef respectfully Inrormi A citt
I tens of Siinlmry and tht pulillo genefally,
that he has commenced the manufacture; of all
kinds f
, 15 ART 1 1 EN WARE, 1
at bif manufactory In Whortleberry Street, one
square east of the Hirer. Ha has engaged th
services of Mr. Harp, and you can therefore
depend on having a good article. Tba public
arc respectfully Invited to call.
All orders from a distance will ba promptly
attended la.
P. M. BHlNDEij,
Sunbury, Feb. , 1856. tf '
Nos.S and 4 Chestnut Street, (south side, below Water,)
(Tins OiriKnt Wood-waks Hovib ui tna Cm.)
A 1 ANUKACTlW.nSand Wholesale dealers in Talent
Wttro, wnrrented not to shrink, Wond-and Willnw-AVare
Cords, Brushes, Ad , of all descriptions, i'lease call and
exainiiie onr stock.
February , 1S57 ly w
fJiriJ subscribers, Execntots of the estate of
1. Henry Masscr, ilcc'd., offer at jn-ivate sale
the following property iz: A large two story
frame dwelling house, together with about
Situate in Lower Augusta township adjoining
hinds of Daniel Kaufman and others now in the
occuinncy of John It. Kaufman as a store and
('.'veiling.' The house is new and the locution a
good one for businens.
in said township cn the river about B miles be
low Sunliu. y, adjoining lands of .T. T. M'Phcraon
nnd others, containing, about 90 acres. The
soil is productive and contains limestone and
other minerals. '
Also a tract of Land, containing about 35
acre on the hill, about two miles below Sunbury,
adjoining lands of the hciis of the Into John
Conrad and others. Thcro is, on this tract, a
mall orchard of choice fruit.
For further partieulnrs apply to tho subscribers.
li. li. MASS hit, )
P. U. MASSER, VExenutHrs.
Sunbury, January 19, 1856. if
Northumberland County, Pennsylvania.
f KIHIS large and commodious Hotel is situa
H. ted nearly half way between Sunbury and
Pottsvillo. The scenery the salubrity of the
atmosphere and the cool mountain breezes, make
it one of the most delightful summer retreats in
the country. The Hotel, is a new structure, four
stories high, fitted up with all the modern con
veniences. The pure mountain water is intro
duced into every chamber. The place is easy
of access, being but one and a half hours ride
from Sunbury, over the Philadelphia and Sun
bury Rail Road. From Pottsville, it is 17 miles.
Every attendance will be paid by tho proprie
tor to niako guests comfortable. Charges mode
Mt. Carmel, May 24, 1856. tf
Looking liluases. Picture Fi nines, Fuji' a tings
and Pnlutlngs,
No. 120 Arch Street, above Sixth,
(Late of 2 18 North Second Si.)
Merchants and others visiting the Cily who
may want anything in our line will do wttil to
give us a call.
February 2S, 1H57. 8m
M. i-YISE,
A'o 72 Norlk Second Street, (opposite th
idount Vernon House.)
-JOI.D Lever Watches, full jeweled, 18 If, ra-
"B ses. r?l'JS : Silver I. nvcr .In .i ! Mil.
ver Lcpiue, do., a: lJ,nartier. $5 to 7: Gold
Spectacles. $150 to $ 10 ; Silver do., $ 1 50 ;
Silver I able Spoons per sett, $14 to $18
.-Silver Desert do., do., $9 to $ 1 1 ; Silver Tea do..
do., 75 to $7 50 ; OolJ Pens and Gold Ca-
sos, V-i S5 to $5 j Gold Pens and Silver do., $1;
tngther with a variety, of line Gold Jewelry
llold Curb , Guard and Fob Chains. All goods
warranted lo be ns represented. Watches nnd
Jewelry, repaired in the best manner. Also, Ma
sonic Murks, Pins, &c., made to order.
N. U. All orders sent by mail or otherwise
will lie punctually attended lo.
Phila., Oct. 4, lHf.fl. I y w.
.nti-of the firm of Stevens,
Lute of the Union
iI!ill8lllHt ,V Co.
Race Street, above Third,
flHE above well-known Establishment, have.
L ing been entirely reinodelsd, introdi cing all
the modern improvements, and also, newly fur
tiisbed throughout, will be opened for the rcceji
lion of Guests on the
The propiietors, from their determination to
devote their attention to the comfort of their guests
Hatter themselves with the conviction that they
will bo able to give satisfaction to their patrons.
Carnages will always be in readiness lo con.
vey passengers to and from Steamboat Landings
ami KuiUuad JJcpnts.
Race Street, above '1 bird.
Philadelphia, August 30, 185G. ly
10 South Fourth S.t, above Chesnut, 1'hiVa.
BOOTS, Shoes, Callers, &c., promptly mode
HJ to order in the very best style, and of the
nest material.
Philadelphia. May 9, 1857.
Leather ! Leather I Leather !
IlrMlV XV. OVlll.MW,
TMPORTi :ii of French Calf Skins nnd eenernl Leather
s. ui-nirr, io. u souili I'liirU streot, rhiluHclplna.
A ifniierul ussuitiueut of all kinds of Leather M or 00.1s.
Ac, c.
Hrd ami Oak Pole Leather.
r'chruur) 'is, H3M ly w
I'rtMlute ami I i ull Siorn,
No. 15 North Wharves, Philadelphia.
Shipping aud Cauutry Oorders promptly filled
on responsible oroers.
Farmers and Dealers' Produce Sold on Com
Apples, Bananas, Pine A pples, Diied Fruit,
Onions, Oranges. Shell Uurks, lialsiua,
Beans, Lemons, While Se Sweet Figs,
Turnips, Cranberries, Potatoes, Poultry,
Readies, (i round Nuuts, Chesnuls, Eggs, dec.
Foreign aud Domestic Produce and Fruit gen
February 2S, IR57. ly
A SIIi.Vl'Y l'OK ttftLH.
'1'IIH subscriber oilers for sale his SHANTY,
i Cook-Stove, &c, on the Rull-Jtoad klow
'J'revorton Bridge. Apply soon to
Sunbury, April 25, 1857.
4 Good second-hand Buggy.
Apply at this
'I'HK Store Room in Market street, occupied
1 by P. W. Gray and the dwelling bouse ad
joining. Apply lo the executors of 11. Master,
January, 17, 1857.
bar bottlea for sale by
Sunbury, July 1ft, 1856.
Shamokia White Ash Anthracite CoaL '
From the "Old Vtm" in tht CapCotliery.
Blireeaaura tn Kiu nal JL Ch.. It-ill fn
titiue mining, shipping and selling roal from the 1
above) well known Colliery, tndar the firm of .
Zimmerman oc l'ursel. Ilie point ofshtprarnt.
is at the lower wharf In Sunbury, Northuanber-: ;
lanu county, ra., when all orderi for lbs various
kinds of coal,: l i Lump, Broken) Egg, 8toa,
and Chestnut Coal, will ba thankfully received
and promptly attended to.
Bunbury, July 14, 1865, . .. , ' '.
Stjsavat, Juit 5, 1655.
The firm of Kate, Reed 6 Co. having sol si
their lease in the Onp Colliery and interest in the
wharf at Sunbury, to Messrs. Zimmerman &
Purse), would fake great pleasure in recommend
ing our customers and ptbora to the new firm, as
they will be able to sell them prepared coal of
the best quality, i .,..
, . ' KASE, RKED St CO.
rkEALERS In Watches and Jewelry, will
continue the business at the old stand of
James 11. Fldler,'
No. 12 South Second Street, ' .
Where they solicit nn examination of Iheir large
and varied stock, feeling assured that the expe
rience both of them have had in the business.
and the facilities thry possess for procuring
goods on the most advantageous terms, will cna--ble
them to compete favorably with any other'
establishment in the city. They have now or
hand a fine assortment of
Silver, Plated and Urillania Ware, Cutlery,
Fancy floods, &c, drc.
N. B. Repairing of Watches and all kinds of
Jewolry attended ta with promptness and the
greatest care.
Phila., April 7, 1S55 tf.
MiKiFicrruKRs nr
140 Chesnut Street, front of Jones' Hotel,
11111. A 1 1 IT mrr
-ly itl HAS on hand the cheapest, and
- i'ItI 1 best assortment of
Sole Leather, Solid Riveted. Iron Frnine, Iron
Bound Travcllidg Trunks j Packing do, Valises;
Ladies' Bonnet Cases; Carnet Unas. Sutclirlu.
Sec, by the quantity or single article, lower than
can be bought at any other place in the city.
juiy o, lB.jD.
wmTiioiisE iiotelT
rHE subscriber respectfully announces to his
oU friends ond the public, that he hns taken
that old and well known establishment, tho
White Ilcrse Hotel.
At the corner of Centre and Mohantogo sis., in
the Borough of Pottsvillo. Tho house hns re
cently been very much enlarged and otherwise '
improved, rendering it quite as comfortable s
any other Hotel in Schuylkill county whilo
the stnblesare large, in good cordition, and at
tend by careful, attentive, prudent hostlers.
To travellers aud others who may stop at his
house, he promises every attention calculated to
reader the in comfortable and satisfied.
April .1, I SS.- tf
Ojfice opposite the Court House,
Sunbury, Northumberland County Ta.
Prempt attention to business in adjoining'
5Xc35!r HOTEL, "
orposrrii wkst iikanch ha.nk,
iLLHM II. IMV, I'lojuif (ol.
C. A. S ritix k, ilssislatit.
N. B. An Omnibus will rnn to and from tho
Depot and Packet Landings, to this Hotel, frta
of charge.
September 13. lRSS! if
Murlet Street, lhim-Ule, J'a,
JIIIS is ono of tho largest and most comimv
V dinus hotels in tho interior of Pennsylvania'
it has been recently fitled up, in excellent tvhy
with till tho nioilern cunvenieiices.
Danvilled, Sept. 22, 1S55
Clicnp Wat dies .lewi'Irj
VHOLKSALE and Retail, at the "Pbibdcl-
T phia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. yd
Ncrlh Second Street, corner of Quarry,
Gold Lever WaUJies, full jewilcil, 1H carat cases. (t-.(ir)
Gold l.ej.nic 115k. lifJI.IKIil'iiie Silver SHtilclua l..'U
Oliver l.ep. full jewlleil, SO. Uiolil lirueelrts. a.isl
Silver Lever, full jewl'd 1'J ! miles' (iold Pei il, 1 ,00
supeiior ((luiriicra, 7 Silver Tea spooss, set, s.tnr
Gold Seel;icle, 7.IKI
Gold 1'aa, Willi Tcncil and Silver Holder, 1,00
Gold Finger Rings, 37 J cents to $8(1 ; Wutch
Uklics, jiluin, 12J cents; Patent, 18j'; Lunet,
83; other articles in proportion. All goods war
ranted to be what they aro sold for.
On hand, some Cold and Silver Levers and
Lepines, still lower than the above prices.
Oct. 4, IN5fi y.
sive and legal envelojics, for 6ale by
11. B. MASSER.
Hiinburv. Ian 10. 18511
Mt. Carmel, Northumberland County, Fa.
May 10, 185G
)LANK Parchment Paper Deeds nnd blank
Mortgages, Bonds, Executions, SummoiVr
ic, for sale b H. R. MASSEK.
Sunbury Anri 2fi. 1856
lOR SALE an excellent second hand Cool?'
ing Stove, also several Cylinder Coal!
Stoves F.nquire at this office.
GOLD PENS with and without rases, of
very superior quality, just received.
Also a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, for sale
y H. U. MASfiEK.
Sunbury, Dec. 27. 1S56-
GOSHEN CHEESE. Just received and lor
April 1 1, 1857.
GIL VER WATCHES. A few double ca
EntjIUh Silver Watches, fur sale at very Uiw
prices by H. B MAKSER.
Sunbirv, April 12. 8.r.fl. ,
J. II. Iii: ITOY, ii op, iclor.
Jas. T. II ALU ASB't.
Sept. 13, lb.")C tf
pL'RE OLIVE OIL for table use, two size
at 374 and 63) cents just received bv
, 37 aud C2J cent
March 11, '57.
Cjtationory. A large auiply of fancy Not
- Paper aud Envolones. Mau rninir. I.otfnr
and Cap Pupor, Pens, Ink, Sand, Ac., at
March 14, '57. A. W. FISHERS.
pORT MONAIE8, Tooth and II .ir l rush'
x all qualities, and any quanti y, tor sale by
, , A. W. FISH I R.
March M, ',7.