Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, August 29, 1857, Image 3

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    EXECUTION OP D. 8. McltlM.
Attempted Suicide Long Speech of the
UntUDATSBCRO, Angust 21. DaWtl H.
McKim conticUd or killing Mr. NorcroBg,t
-Alton in this State, leveral rooothl nines
wa executed at 20 minutoi before 1 o'clock
tint afternoon. He made along speech on
the scaffold, occupying nearly two hours, in
which he gave a sketch of his career through
lift), and elludea loiuemaroer, ana aiiempieu
to show that it was not probable that he did
it. For some time past be lost tbe omial
cheerfulness that be manirusted In conversa
tion and became rather melancholy.
The prisoner slept daring the greater por
tion of the night. In the morning be opened
a vein in his wrist, bnt was timelr discovered.
lie then ate a heart? breakfast, le a fit of
passion he destroyed tbe manuscript speech
lie intended making on the scaffold.
At 8 o'clock he commenced devotional ser
vices, which where continued until ho was
brought out of the Jail.
llov. Messrs. Junkln and McLean and tbo
officers, accompanied bim to the scalTuld.
On the scaffold be spoke for an hour and
seven minutes, the prisoner protesting bis in
nocence to the last. I lis closing words were,
I leave my poor mother, wife and child to
the care of heaven I" And then turned to tbe
Hhorifl, directed him to go ahead as soon as
bo pleased. He spoke very loud and distinct
and classed many of the witnesses at the trial
as liars. But ho said he forgavo all and be
liever be was going to heaven and to Jepus.
The drop felf nt thirty-five minutes past
twelve o'clock, the unrortuuato man dying
Vithout a struggle.
In addition to the above, the Bulletin has
m despatch giving the follewing particulars :
Last night people from a distonce come
into Hie town and BO great wos the rush that
beds could not be procured at me iioieis ana
many wire compelled to lie ppon floors, tables
ttnd chairs.
This morning a stream of hnmanity com
menced ponring the town at a very early
liortr ana-nothing wns talked abont or thouhgt
of but the condemned ftjid his approaching
end- .. . .
The sIicrifT wos beset jTslenlay end this
morning, by persons who were anxious to get
within the prison walls to witness the last
dread scene: but a very few out of the im
mense throng were gratified iu their wish to
be allowed to cuter the enclosure ond the dis
appointed multitudo had to reBt contented
with gazing at the prison walls or in picking
np such scraps of information from withiu
doors as were retailed outside.
AH sorts of rumors were in circulation dur
ing the morrfing, nnd those who weut out of
the prison doors during tho forenoon were
eagerly questioned by tho crowd, what the
condemned wuireaying and doing and above
nil to nsccituiu whether ho hud made any con
f:sniuli. McKim slept soundly duriog the greater
pin t of last night. A t six o'clock thismor-i
Ring he attempted to commit suicide by open-,
tug a vein in his wrist with a peico or glass.
Tho blood (lowed freely for awhile, but it was
J recovered in timo to prevent" serious results,
ind the wound was immediately tjrtur.d up.
A close watch whs Hip set over tbe con
loomed wretch to prevent a second attempt
;f the samn kind. Neither the awful position
the condemned, his attempted suicide, nor
xh; being foil'd in the attempt to destroy him
wST, effected Lid appetite, for he ulu a hearty
ireat calculations were made ou the man-isc-ipt
statement which the condemned had
irepared for the purpose of reading uudet the
.'allow?, uud many thought that iu it would
id found un admission of his guilt, but this ex
,ecltion was dniipointed this morning when
tiu announced tbot MoKimlmd deetroyod
(lie paper be had prepared. It seems that,
titit of mg ho tore tho "stalemout" to
Tho repmt of the attempted suicide of the
Kinrderer and itf liU having turn the much
tallied of pii per to pieces, created an immense
M'listitiitiuii out of (lours, and the excitement
went up to fever heat.
At fiflveu minutes past ten o'clock the con
demned nvui was led cut of prison to the gal
lnw. Alter mounting the scaffold McKim
proceeded to address the assembled crowd,
and he-spoko for one hour and five miuutes.
lie denied hi guilt most ehemently. ond suid
that he declared before God and with his last
breath that be died an innoetDt man.
McKim Kiiid that Im had uever cither com
niitted murder nor fctolt) money, or anything
else. Ho also paid that Altioks Fleck and
mother witues had sworn away his life on his
At twenty fiva minutes before one
o'clock Sheriff" Fort pulled Ilia drop and the
wretched criminal was luuuchedin to eternity
declaring his iunoceuce until the lust
in cut.
There were tbreo tiiillitnry companies on
dutv around the jail, and notwithstanding Uie
immouao Crowds iu tho towii) everything pas-
Bed offomutly.
After the body is cut down it Will be handed
ov-.-r to the relatives of the malefactor who
have had praparod a uiudioiuo coQiu for its
It will be remembered that tho crime for
which McKim has suffered tho extreme penal
tv or the law was the murder, io January last
or a young man named Sumtiel T. Norcrofe,
lormeny oi cast i-exiugion .uiiss. norcross
had eoue from his borne to tho West in the
capacity or music teacher. After residing
there for some timo ho returned to Massachu
setts and borrowed S10UO from bis sisters.
This money be returned with to the West and
invested it in lands iu Uubuijc, Iowa and lun
leit!i, Illinois. Tho property rose so rapidly
in value, that ho commenced the study of
inodiciao with Dr. Buruhold, relying upon tbe
interest of bis money to support bun in tlie
meautime an abcess formed ou his left side,
which became painful and ho determined to
rotarn home. McKim who made his ac
quaintance accompanied him. Norcross
obtained bis money iu MtKinn presence
ike two started in company on the journey
McKim treated Norcross with great kiud-
jiess until he had won his friendship and es
Jteera and Dually killed and robbed him on the
cnorning of the lCthof Jauuary last, on the
&eBylvania Railroad track, three miles west
of Albooaa, where the victim was found in a
.J viiir coaditiou. by some laborers on tho same
iii o ruing probably two hours after tho con
mission of the deed.
Tho murder of was aged to evade the officers
of the law for several wecke after the commis
sion of the crime, ond he was finally captured
in a mountanous spot in Columbia couuty by
A -Mr. Woire.
U is trial commenced at Hollidaybiirg the
last of April, although bis commission of the
crime was uot directly proven a powerful
chain of cireumstantuil evidence wua linked
together. The Commonwealth proved con
clusively tho departure of McKim from Dun
leith with Norcross apparently haviug
charge of him at tho Eagle Hotel iu J'ittsburg
,acd the story he told the landlord about Nor
cross' insanity j the departure from tka hotel
in company; the testimony of a railroad cm
iiloyee to seeing two men get off the train at
AUoona, and go up tbe track on the morning
.of the murder; tbe non-appearance of McKim
in Philadelphia to claim bis baggage ; his
subsequent appearanco in Fottsville with two
lewd women bis reckless quandering of money
And subseauuut disappearance when subepi
cious wag aroused, and a number other very
auspicous circumstances.
Against all these tremendous facts tbe de
fence offered do testimony, except some en
tirely unimportant negative evidence, and the
result was a conviction of murder in the first
. degree. After fait couviction, he made an
unsuccessful attempt to escape by sawiog off
lis bobble, lie pretisted in declaring bis
muocence of tbe murder uutil the last. .
To-day's N. Y. llernld bat the following t
The past bas been a scandalous week
among the demimonde between Broome street
and Astor place. (Jamming houses are sup
posed to be entirely suppressed, but we bear
or a great fight at one of those establishments,
near the St. Nicholas. Knives were used,
and one of tho combatants was severely
wounuea. un tue next meut tbe entertain
ment was repeated at another gambling house
In l'rince street, near Broadway. Tbe police
did not interfere, or even report the facts, or
attempt to make any arrests.
On Monday, two well-known members of
me sporting iratermty lert town Tor Canada
to settle disputo about a lady, by resort
to tbe code of honor. Keally we live In an
age of progress.
. A little further np, and In a shade of better
society, there bas been a curious case of
aim. con., the particulars of which we trans
late from the Courier dee Ktats Unit :
On Saturday evening the New York Hotel,
which, as every one knows, is one of tbe
principal resorts of Southern travellers, was
the theatre or an abortive drama, in which
one or tho principal actors may congratulate
himself in having made a fortunate escape.
The following are the precise details or the
affair, as we have obtained them from tbo
best sources :
A mong the transient residents or the hotel
was Mrs. W , a younjr and pretty lady
rrom Louisiana, who was enjoying too freely
her husband's absence be having remained
in New Orleans on account of business. A
gentleman of middle ago, said to be rich, an
auctioneer by profession, Mr. F , had
'overbid tenchen) with the greatest success
on the charming Creole, and their intimacy
nod cone so lar mat it was noticed and com
mented upon by several inmates of tbe hotul.
Among those Was a friend of Mr. W ,
who thought it bis duty to adviso him of
wuul occurred in bis absence, aud to enjuin
hint, either by telegraph or moil, to come on
as soitQ as possible to put a stop to tbe
scandal. As soon as he received the message
Mr. W. left New Orleans without advising
any one of it, ni?il arrived in New York on
Saturday evening, with a revolver in his
pocket, determined to take tho law into his
own hands. 1 1 was in su."b a disposition of
mind that be went to the NV'W York Hotel,
where) bis faithless butter half teas boarding,
and inquired for tbe number or her room.
He had no trouble at all to get in. Full
or imprudent security and not suspecting tbat
the outraged busbund, wbom they thought
for off, was already edvuncing iu tho hall
the two lovers had not even been cautious
enough to lock tho door. Mr. W enter
ed as if lie was at home, and although it was
very early in the evening, 1ms found bis wire
and Mr. F iu a position easier to imagine
than to describe, aud which did not aduiit of
any possible false explanation.
Without uttering a word, Mr. W. drow
his revolver and tired at the guilty party.
Mr. F. uot being hit, jumped out of bed, ran
to the door, where, on opening it, be was
shot at a second time, and took flight head
long towards tbe hall, followed by his terrible
enemy. The fugitive had nothing on but a
single flannel undershirt, and at that moment
it seemed to be least of bis cares.
But one can iudgo of tbo sensation created
by this straugo apparition among the persons
nastcning :rum ell sides alter tue noise or tue
firing or pistols. Mr. F. running head-fore
most arrived at tho head of the staircase,
descended in great baste turned to the right
and slopped in one of tbe cells of the water-
closets of lh) hotel, in which he bolted him
self close.
The pursuit had been hot. He could hear
from his unpoetical shelter the tumult on the
stuirs, nnd the struggle to stop and disurm
tho terrible husband. He, however, did not
rnly on his ears, and consented to oiieu the
door only when summoned by the police, nnd
upon the lormul promise tbat bis lne should
bo protected.
It bas been said that Mr. F. was wounded ;
bnt we believe it to be untrue, nnless one
means the double wound to his love and his
self love.
As Mr. W. immediately left for tho South
with his wife, we are inclined to believe that
the affuir will go no further, after having
caused less blood tbuu sweat aud tears to be
New Advertisements.
The $10 and $15 Single and Double
Threaded Empire Family Sewing
A N AGENCY for the sale of these Sewing
Machines can be scrured on liberal terms for
tho County of Northumberland. No one need
apply without capital sufficient to conduct the
li-.incss properly and wbo cannot bring refer
encej as to reliability and capacity. A personal
application will be necessary.
Tbe peculiar adaptation of these Machines for
all purposes of rainily Sewing, will, where ever
they are oflered for sale command a ready and
unlimited uomaml.
3. E. Corner of fitb and Arch Su., Philadol'a.
August IS, 1857. tf
To the Electors of Northumberland
. County.
TMI E subscriber hereby offers himself as i
candidate for
Having always been a steadfast Democrat, and
considering himself competent to perform tbe
duties of the ollice, he would respectfully ask of
tue uemocraiic party oi me county a nomina
tion at tbe primary election, Among other
qualifications, a thorough knowledge of the
EnglUh and Gerinsu Innguag'e would enable
him to attend satUfactorily to all having business
in tne otnee.
Trevorlon, June SO, 1857.
Candidate for Prothonotary.
To the Voters of Xortliumbcrlan'J County,
4 T-the solicitation of many friends from dif
fercnt parts of the couuty, the undersigned
has consented to become an iiidepenilent Candi
date for tbe office of PKOTHOKOTARY at the
ensuing election. Kbould he be successful, no
effort shall be spared upon bin part to perform
the duties of the office with fidelity, promptness
and impartiality.
Sunbury, August 8, 1857. te.
Candidate for MierlfT,
To the Voters of Northumberland County.
A T the solicitation of many friends from dit,
fercnt parts of the counly, tho undersigned
bas consented to become an Independent Candi
date for the olhoe of 811 ERIFF at the ensuing
election, fehuuld he be successful, no effort
shall spared upon bis part to perform the du
ties of tbe ollice with fidelity, promptness and
Nurthumlierluiid, June 27, 1857.
Volunteer Candidate.
To the Electors of Northumberland County.
riMI E undersigned hereby offers himself as a
Volunteer Candidate- for
At the ensuing election. His motive for so do
ing, is tbat approaching old age, and an injury
caused by a broken collar bone, renders him
unable tu work st bis trade, of Carpenter. Be
lieving himself capable of performing the dutiei
of the ollice, be earnestly solicits your suppert.
I'tl tlt illL&MA.V
Sunbury, June f, 1857 te
ftOUN'TY ORDERS. JL'ounty orders taken
v aa Cash for goods, and on note or book ac
eountby E. Y. BRIGHT 4 tOU.
JVOTICE is hereby given that Joseph Wolver
Ion, Executor of the Will of Isaac Wolver-
ton, decM., in pursuance of an order of the Or
phans' Court, Of Northumberland county, grunted
at August Tern( 18S7, will expose to (ale by
public ontcry, on
next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., at the dwelling house
on the premiios, all that certain FARM OR
TRACT OF LAND, silutte In Rush township,
Northumberland county, adjoining lands of
Abraham Hoffman, Simon Interline, John Yei-p-er,
Samuel (iillingor, Jacob Weaver and a lot
of the widow Wolverton, (cut off from the farm.)
containing 166 acres, on which are erected a good
a Barn and Outbuildings, and on which are an
Apple Orchard, a good Spring House, aniUalxiut
100 acres of well cultivated land, It la about
four miles from Danville.
TEKM8 OF 8AI.E Trit per cent down,
one ball the balance on the 1st of April, 1 8 f n ,
the other half on the 1st of Acril, IRS!),
with interest from 1st April, 18M. to ho seeurcd
by bond and Mortgsgeson the promises.
ll II V I Li V
Court )
O. C.
81857 J ts
By order of tte Court
U. U. Fursel, Clk.
8nnbury, August 8,
3ESPECTFUM,Y informs his friends, and
the public generally, that he has just receiv
ed a New Stock of GOODS, si bis new store, at
David Miller s Mill, in Lower August Town
ship, and that he is prepared to sell goods at the
oweet prices.
His Slock consists in part of
Groceries, ftueensware, Hardware, &c
and every variety usually kept in a country
Trcvorton prices paid for all kinds of produce.
Lower Angurfta twp, Ang. 8, 1857. f
tiii: Lit,i:vi
ATATIIIOT' Gny Mr nt Wart-room Kan
nut! 2d rtrtlt Oiiy street, nmr I
wlierc is kept alwnvs on ha ml, or nmde ft order, every
style of French TE'TE-A-TETKS?.. in Flush. Iloir, Cloth
ircci iirm rutcnc, d.1 iti mnre :
hretich Full StufT nnn Merinllion Purloi Arm Chuirs.
m I'lush, llmr, Cloth or Uroctitelle.
French Full tnfl'Caived 1'urlur Chairs in sets, with
Flush, Uuir, Cloth or Hrocn telle.
Half Frrweh Fnrinor Mnhotrunv and Wnlimt Parlor
Chiiirt, in Iluir, Cloth and Flush.
Rorkiiitf Cliuirs sriuus desitnis. in Iloir. Chili nnd
itulf fnrmtr I nances a lurce nnorttnent nlvns en
hnnd, or any pattern uuiduor covered with any good a to
IiIuhfeniiy or Walnut, eoinplete, from up.
Cnne Oimrs and Itockiitff do. the hircevl UsV.ortnirnt
ready made in any one house hi kite L ulled States troiii
812 a dxeu up.
llnr Itooiii. OrTice and Dininr Chairs, in Ouk, Wutnut
or Mutuality, with Cane, oud or SHutM Stats un
asRoilmeiit eiiiiHaciiig over mi iiozen.
WimmI sent Chuirs aud Settees and Hocking Chairs.
ovrr IflO diseii.
Gilt uud Fluin Frame I'ukiii)' 'imff, of every variety.
All kinds of iiede, iluir and Husk Muttumt's.
Nos. 3H nnd $ N. Gny st , near Fuyette at., Ihiltnuorc.
August 1, 1&57. y
KEKVOU8 DE11ILITV, after msnv
Yeari of miserv. desires to make knonn to all
fellow-sulrerers the sure means oi relict. Aulreis
enclosing stamp to pay return iioci.ige, mis.
MAUV E. DEW ITT, Boston, Mass., auU tue
prescription will be sent free, b) next post.
August 8, 1857. 3m l"t
t'nilt nnd Ornamental Tiers.
T. T 1T. GILBERT is in town again, and will
llX. remain for a short lime for the purpose of
Inking orders for Fruit and Ornaments I Trees,
Shrubs, Roses, &e., &c , from H. E. llvoker St
Co., celebrated A' urserics, 7Jocbestcr, N. Y.
These Nurseries were established in 1B-IU and
now contains about 150 Acres. Vou can rely
upon their trees being just as they are jepre
sen ted.
August 1, 1857.
Wood Moulding Mill,
Willow Street uhore Twelfth, North .s't'r.
O'L" I, D I N (! S suitable fur Carpenters,
liuilders. Cabinet and Frarhe Makers'
worked from the best and thoroughly seasoned
materiul, always on bond. Any pallern work
ed from a drawing.
The subscriber having purchased the enliro
interest, will continue the business with increas
ed facilities.
A Rents wanted in the various towns in this
portion ot the tatr, to whom opportunities will
be offered for large profils to themselves.
July 1, 1857. 3m 2Jp
j. i'4Lm: & to.
Market Street Wharf, Philadelphia.
HAVE conftnntly oil hand an nsaorlment "f Muckerel,
c)had. Herrings, Cnfllih, lltef, Pork, lild, Shoulders
Hams, rhdel, Cheese, 11 lee, int.
March 111, le07. 3m
IOOO IU9 of Curpct ktaftsi
"l VANTED at the store of E. Y. Bright A
Son, wbo are censtanlly receiving a fresh
supply of tJoods, thus offering to the public the
largest and most desirable assortment.
July 11. 1857.
i. FLOWERS, &e., of the best quality ; a
fresh supply just received and for Kale at tbe
Drug More ot A. . I'lSllLK.
unburv. Aug. I, 1807.
HYDROLEUM I AITS. I bese pamlsare
mixed with water, thereby saving the cost
of oil, for sale by
March 14, '57.
joii. s. ii i:Ks),
Ojjice in Macket st., opposite the Court JJouse,
Collections made and Professional Business
generally attended ta Promptly and Carefully.
Bullitt uV Fairthorne, Dield 4" Wertz,
Davis & Birney, F. Tyloi & Co.
Sunbury, June 50, 1P57.
I"JICKLES of various Sit:ds, Lobsters, Bar
dines, SlC, &.C., jusl received and for sale
- c. - r A T L'twIlt'D
at tne iirug otore oi i. ii.iwiii.ii,
Sunbury, August 1, 1857.
THE War Trail or the
Hunt of the Wild
Horse by Cant. Mayne Reid, fur sale by
August I, '57. H. Y. FR1LINO.
THE Glasgow Polsouing Case Particulars
iu tbe National Polite Uazctte, for sale by
August 1, '57. 11. Y. FRIL1NU.
F I ''obaCCO aud BogarS. 20,000 Imported
M- begars of various brands. MdoraJo, I ig
Cavendisb, aud fine cut tobacco at
Banbury, March 11, lS57
fijpanol Ciunnolt OunnolM
AI.I, KIM)8.
7000 TONS.
Fit rnut whent orops, uis I.FINAU'9 8urr Phosuhots
of Lime. l SI "(.. Mi. or M0 Toil : of U I.Kl.
9 n tm. Ous buriel of either is suffioieiit for sn Aors
of Whrnt.
mnde of relinble Chnniml Elements, snrt lmve lieen hi
uccrsBlul use for the pnst Six Years, Improving the fc.ll
ami Inrrrfiring thevnlue of the tanit
Four llipldmnn from the 8ite Airrieulriirst 8op-ty of
I'cMnftvlvitni ; New Jersey Delaware nnil the Crvstnl
PnlHce AtwiK-iittion of tliw city of New York, have been
rercivHl foi thoee VnluiiMe Ferlilieers.
' PnmphMs in the English nnd German Language own be
hud by applicntion nt the OfhVe.
A liberal discount to Yhnfem1e t)mlers.
Thrnlsive KertiliziM-t, delivered t'HKIi of Cartage to
ny wharf in the old C.ty Proper.
tmu-ra sent ny nmil sccompnmeo wen tnsn or urails,
i II 1 u.: .i . . ' .. ..e !.
wi II be DromuLlr &liin;M il lo nnv n.irl oftlie Vurld
fikllRfiH A. I.HNAr.Proprirtur.'
Nn. tfl Sonih Knmt Street, Pliilnit:liliia Ciljr.
nit r, 1M7.-
fCllllP) ITniwI.
103 Aurtli Sicoml Street,
1 ffAVI.XU eomplcted their. largo assorlmcnt
of the above Uoodi for spring and Suinmrr
Trsile; would respectfully invite the Mttrtition
of PtircliRsers to the same. Their stock for
beauty, cheapness and variety cannot bo surpas
sed. Tbev have constantly on band every descrip
tion of (iold nnd Painted Shades, Bull' Hollands,
and Shado Fixtures. Wall Papers, Cmtuins,
l'ire Ilourd Prints, Borders. Ac, all of which
they offer at lower rates than can lie ha I at any
other establishment. Call and examine.
A. IS.d ACS.
' 1 (13 North Second Street.
March 7, 1857 6m w
fJIM ERGONS United Slates Mnguzlnc, 8a
t unlay Evening Post, N. Y. Picayune,
Magistrate, Nick Nax and Yankee Notions for
Bile by II. Y. FKILI.NU.
N. B. Persons living at a distance can have
a list of prices forwsrded by addressing as above.
Magazines, Papers and Book not on bund,
constantly ordered.
Sunbury, July IS, 1857. tf
Farmers, drop your Tooh, Pause a little,
Head this and Reflect I
A new and Scientific Manuring Ryslem, f'il the Cultiva.
lion ofall kirnls of drains, Grunes, Fodder and !uMnro,
upon all kinds of 8il ; Proved by srtusl Kxvcriments
and liritvd on evident truths ; Uesiftnrd to iiuprtive
Agticullure iu nil its litam-hes; repretutcd by upwards
of tinp hundred and lilty eiiBRiviiigs of the must vnlus
ble Cirassvsaud Plants cninecled with lbs systeui.
Ity Ur. C. G. ItriMIOLU,
IN this IrentUe it will be seen thnt the object hus been
to give the Farmer Ibut kind of information which
ennb!es Ititn to jntike praclicul application to fertilize his
luna and increuse Jiis grnin, fcxlder, and pasturage. The
doctrines as taui(ht by this manuring, mid fodder and pas
ture cultivation Vypt em are ruth ami, clear aud evidrnl, nnd
suggest an iinprovcn.ent in the imtde of agriculture hither
to unknown to our fanners, and which, if adopted and
c.irefirily practiced, cannot fail to advance the inter ests .if
the funning muiiiiunilv. fui-h a work has been much
wanted, s it tillsa void which l as long been felt, but
which there has hitherto been no a. tempt to rupply , and
in farmers ol Centre anil Huntingdon oomilies. we recom
mend the work to every fanner, ai we .full)r believe that
they will reap the greatest possible Irenehf 1' il
Punic! Muster, Philip Mover,
Christian Dale, Jacob Aloyer,
(jeorge Hoal, IliMiry Myer,
Jacnh .Mosser, Pamilel tiilllruild,
Jiiliu Dniley, tlenrge Jack,
r'imucl Duurnu, Jnlm llarnian, -
.lima. McVYillinmH, (jeorge liuchnnar1,
tietirge Uuver, Jr. Fralfis Alexnnder,
J.ihii Carper, John NVIT, Sen'r.
John lluviion. Joint Holler,
Pnmue. Vil!ton, Ctnisiiaii Huffer,
tlenrge V. Metk, Jiweph llaker
fy Theulaire work IS Tot sleby Kev.J. C. MrKf.E
HAN, Milinn. Noilhiiniberluiid county, Pa. Price 810.
Auguet 1, ls.57. 3tno
Estate or Samuel K.Savltlge, dee'd.
VOTIC'E is hereby given that letters of Ad
L " ministration have been granted to the sub
scriber, on the estate of Samuel K. Havidge, late
of Kunh township, Northumberland county, dee'd.
All persons indebted to suid estate are requested
to make immediate payment, and Iboxe having
claims lo present I he in duly authenticated for
Rush tp., July II, 1857. Ct
GREAT improvements for 1857. 'Ibis Ma
chine was put in succskIuI operation in 183:)
and continued to be tbe only leaping and Mow
ing Machine in tho World, of any practical value
up to IS 15 twelve years after iu introduction.
Other Reapers are now oflered with glowing ad
vertisements. Certificates, Diplomas, (iolJ and
Silver Medals, lie. But the Farmer in search
of the best Reaper, and nut posted in the inaftcr,
had better see a little further.
If there is any Taluo in 24 years ciiieiienco
in building Reaprrs, and using them in the bar
vest field, and in the improvements made during
that long period, OBED HUSSEY.the Father
of Reapers, can claim it. All who are satisfied
with tbe Best iicnper and Mower, uan be sup
plied by sending their Orders early in tbe season,
as tbe crops iudirute a large demand, und we enn
not have over 200 Readv for tbe vast harvest
of 1857. We guarantee tbat this Reaiirr and
Mower can not bo beaten on fair trial by any
other Reaier that muy be brought into the harvest
fields in 1M57, and we also insure it to be the
strongest and most duralilc machine in use. We
would respectfully invite Farmers to examine
the mat bine thoroughly before purchasing, and
satisfy themselves of its superiority over all
During tho last bur years, tbe subjcrilwrs have
sold between 500 and 600 of these Machines, to
the best and most successful Farmers in Montour,
I'nioii and the neighboring counties, (whose
names urs too numerous to insert) to whom we
respectfully refer.
The sutiHciibers nave -ne exclusive tigm in
tbe tollowiiig counties: Montour, Luion, Snyder,
Northumberland, Columbia, Luzerne, Perry,
Mitbin, Centre, Clinton and Lycoming. All
oiders thankfully received and promptly attend
ed to. UEDDES, MARSH A. CO.,
Lcwuburg, Lnion county, Pa.
July 11, 1857.
i'Kiscnco of Jamaica Ginger.
rpiUS article is carefully picpHred from the best Jamaii-n
J. Oinuer. all the valuable llleiliclual iropeltles nt which
il is warranted tu possess iu a concentrated aud conve
nient form.
It is nn excellent remedy in dyipepsm, flatulence, cho-
lic aud linMitrel aiul feehta state of the diuojlive lune
tlous. From lis reficshmil stienutll snd eoidlal pioperties
a gentle stnuulaliiiu Uiuie II is well u.'.-oHnl to eouutcl-
act the delnlltullng liitluence the extreme liuiU of kuui
llicr,lheetlect8 ol sutkleil changes, Ate.
.No lunnlv ihould be without it, us its timely use Wl.l
Save tlieiu from lllunv ail serious attack of illuras.
I'uc e & cents per bottle, t or sale by
Juuc-jo, ls3T . tin
MISS LOUISA 611 18SLER, respectfully in
forms tbe citizens of Trevorlon and sur
roundins county, that she has opened a new
store of Millinery and Fancy Goods, at Trevor-
ton in dismount sireei, nearij opptwiis iuuc
Tavern, where all kinds of bonnets and Fancy
Goods can be had at the lowest terms.
Dresa making also attended to in (he best
manner and latest style.
April 28, 1857. tf
fJlHE New York Ledger, Parlor Casket, Flag
1. of our Union, Frank Leslie's Illustrated
Newspaper, Ballou's Pictorial, National Police
Gazelle, Weekly Novellette, Waverly Magazine,
and Harper's Weekly Journal of Civilization. .
Also, Harper't Magazine, Godey'a Lady's
Book and Putnam's Magazine; just received and
foraloby ll. V- FIHLlO.
' eulibuty, July llj 1857.
A o.23t nnrf 416 iV. Third St., Philadelphia.
JOHN CLTMEB, Proprietor.
(Sucssor to DsatiL DjtLatt.)
rpilE Proprietor returns his thanks for the
librrM patronage bestowed on tlda well
known house, and respectfully asks a continu
ance of the same, assuring his many fiiends of
Northumberland and adjoining counties, that no
pains shall be spared to render comfort and plea
sure to all who may give him a call.
Philadelphia, July 25, 1857. 3m
Dissolution of Partnership.
NOTICE is hereby given tbat tbe firm of
uird. Douly dr. John, or liiff Mountain Uol:iory,
was this day (luly 1st, 1857,) mutually dissol
ved by tho withdrawal of J. J. John.
Tbe buRiness of Mining and Shipping Cool
Irom the above named Colliery will hereafter be
carried on in (he name of Bird &. Dottty, who
will adjust all the unsettled accounts of the late
Shamokin, July IS, 1857 tf
TRICT. TTOTICE is hereby given that the Supreme
f- " Ceurt for the Northern District of .Pennsyl
vania, will hold it session on October Term lor
suid District, in Williamsport, Lycoming county
agreeably to tbe following order of suid Court, as
crrlilied by the Prothoiiolury of the Eastern Dis
' Prothonotary, S.C. N. D.
Prothonotary 's ollice, June 27, 1857.
In Hie Supreme Court ef
r?iiiiylvniii;i :
AND now, Juno 2.1, 1857.JI is ordered that
a Special Term of the Supreme Couit bo held
under I he Act of2Glh April, 1855. a Williams
port, Lyecming county, to commence on the first
Tuesdsy of October next, for tbe purpose of hear
ing arguments on writs of error, appeals, Ac,
from the counties of Lycoming, Northumberland
and Montour, and such other causes from any
of the counties composing the Northern District
as may he by mutual consent argued at tbe said
time and place. The said special term to con
tinue as long as may be necessary.
Certificate Jrom the Record.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my
hand and the seal of the said 8upreme Court at
Philadelphia, this twenty-fifth day of Juno, A.D.
J. F. BELSTERING, Pro Proth'y.
July 4, 1857 tc
Spring andiSummer Fashionflfor 1857
Market Square, Siinbury.
."sJOVV received and will continue to receive,
" the largest aud best selected Slock of
Black Cloths, Cussimcres, Ca.isinetts and
Vertings, & c.
An assortment of Dress floods, viz: Fancy
printed Calicos, Chillies, piintcd Lawns, De Luins
Bareges, Merinos, Uasbmcres, Alupacas, Dress
Silks, Oiiifhams, &c.
Irish Linen, bleached and brown Drilling, Sheet
ing, J'lllowcascing, &c.
Dress Trimmings in Great Varioty.
Bouts nnd Shoes
Hats and Caps.
Cedar ware,
SALT and FISH, Cheese, Crackers, Scgara,
Tobacco, Snuff, &c, an assorsment of other
Goods too tedious to menlioh.
Feeling grateful for past favor we beg leave to
assure our old friends and Iho public tbat no
ellnrt on our part shall be wanting to merit a
continuance of our patronage.
Country produce taken in exchange at the
highest market price.
Sunbury, May 30 , 1857. tf
CH A3VCJ?IOIsr 1 1
Tin: hkciat TIHAI.9 at
Itesiliaft lmve eiiilorvcil lite cltrient
of putilie opinion, unit coiilirined
the vertlirt ol more than JIK) .tri
dental lire, proving conclusively
tint WterrinitV ts the only fcAl-'K
that will not lairil.
l'.xtriu t fiotn Iho Coiiiniiltcc's
UcitfHtnn theTtial ot Iron a(es
at Keailing :
'On lhelth of Fehrnnry nil the ineinliers of the Com
mittee met lo winters the Safes ami books nml papers,
(pkieed in them) and were perfectly Kilutml t lull all was
right. The day lollowii't;, the liarinni; Imis place, mulct
the iipcrintenilence "f the Committee. Allei n liiir and
impartial Imrninc fr live hours, the 7Hle of MeFsrs.
Kvani & Watson was first opened, the Sale heii.R on tire
itiMcle, und the emtentf partially consumed, while ll.e eon
leun in the Safe of Messrs. Karrels 4 Herring weio in
C'uhIciiikIimoii, and no tire inside."
Kearllllg. .March 2, 1N7.
il. K. FKI.tX. )
1. N COI.F.MAN, 5 I
A. II. 1'KACOCK. )
And endorsed l.y over 50 of the Iwsl men of Reading.
The iilnive Pales can lie inspected nt III Walnut rilreet.
where the public can satisfy themselves of the ereat supe
riority of the "),rrii,B i Patent Champion." over the
defeated Slid used up '-inside Iron Door Sdiiutmfcr."
Furrcls & Ilti rlnx,
34 Walnut St., l'hiluda.
Only muUns iu this Stute of Herring's Patent Cliumpioa
Thenlletrlpt ninde !v olrier panics t Indnler up the
rcpuuiioii of a Safe which linn failed so signally il ncci
dcnul lir in I'hlladelphui, (Itaiisteud l'bick.) l.y tiikuig
one nut ol an agent's store, (II. A. Laulz.) made double
thickness, (cilterent from those they sell) to burn up"
oneof llerrlna's (half its thick) litis met with lis true re
ward. Herring's Sule cou'd not lie burnt, p. vmg conclu
sively that the only reliuhlc Safe now made is'-ilerrinc's"
ofwhirlt over 13,0011 nro now iu nctu d Use, and mors
than tflU huve been tried by lire Hliaoui a siubic i"s.
IMiila., June SU, 1&57. ly.
Large 13mo. 318 pages.
11'i'fA a complete History of the Territory.
Usm Jvst., 1857.
rmliracinii a full account nt i'.s discovery, Ge-ntraiihy,
Soil, Climate, IVhJucis, in orgiiniKitioil lis a leriilory, and events iind.r ll.iveiuois Krnler and
rtlinnnoii. political discusi(ins, l'erniul Iteultinnurr, l.lec-
i. n fniuili, twines ami ouirunep, . w, ,
iicul uctois therein, all fully authenticated
Vy JOHN II. tilHO'v, M. D.
Private Becretaiy to Oov. Geary.
r..n.r..iivni,ill from the (lilieinl documents ou tile
... ii... .i..,uirtment if flute at Viisliiliet"ll and olher pa
,1,. ,..,.uiim ni the Author, with full uieount of
the In vusi-ui of Kansas from Missuii i the riiptaie, Inul
H...I treatment of the free flute nristnieis, the eharaeler
uud moveuieutiof the Missouri Holder Ruffians, the luur
.1..- 11.,11' nn. I lll.rB.
u, ! ..U..UI.. - . , r...i....
The Controversy lietweeii governor ueui miu iwic
The nioeeediutts of the Territorial l;nlul ire, of ths
pro-sliivery oonveiition, and the flrgnuiatiti "il of the Na
li inal DeiiKH-rulie I'urry, with n sketch of Kansas during
its surly trouliles under unvs Iteeueriinii i-imiuibu,.
A minr will ne sent to any iwrl of the t'niled Suites,
hy uiuil. free of posln'je, on the rei-elt of retail price.
A lllierul Olieounl m tue irmio. w Bv..v- ..
1'rics iii Cl"lh 1. Paper, so uta.
CHAKt-Ki C. KIIOUKK , P..I.I i-her.
luiuiier Duilding, Philadelphia
July if, 1857. 4m.
Ojjice in Deer Street, immediately opposite the
Public School House.
All business uromntlv attended to. Muliiea
collected and all ordinary writings done.
Suubury, April 85. 185T. tf
i- Ac., Ac, just received a frosh supply and
for sale at the Confectionary store ol
Simburyi May 18, 185T.
St'GAtl CURED HAM A lot just received
and for sal by. LEVI BEASHULJ.
April 1657.
Dry ool, Itcndy made Clolliint ltootn nnil Shoes, Hard
narc, lroccricM, filasa, fuei'iiswarc( Ac,
Among our present Stock may be found French Lawnn, Poplins, Farcy Silks, rioid Dural, Tiisees,
Ucreges, Debeges, Challi, Ulack Bilks, Alpaera, CinphaniH, Mwiss Mull, 'I arlto.i, Cambria. Nain
aook, Drillinnts, Dimity, Rook Muslin, Bcbinett ('ollnts, ttviss Flouncing, Intcrting, Laces, bib
bons, Hosiery, and a general assortment of FANCY GOO Da.
Embracing the most beautiful styles, alt qualities and prices. Domestic Goods, Windsor Mindcs,
Oil Cloths and Carpets. Summer Goods for gents wear of every variety. Hardware embracing
all kinds of building malarial, Carpenters Toots of the bast manufacture, Filis of eifiy descrtp
lion, Cutlery, Shoo I indings, Lasts, Ac.
l'ortnrr effortd itirpasacd In tgtiantlty rtn1 Quality.
In addition to our former Store Room, we have fitted up tbe second st iry of our eslnbliabment
which you will find well stocked with Ready Made Clothing, Boots and Brine combining beauty
durability and cheapness. ' We shall continue to receive Goods ScmbMonlhly, thus rciideiing our
assortment at all times complete, another Inducement to all who wish to pun banc.
We return our thanks t.i the public for their liberal patronage, and respectfully invile na hispec
lion or our Good, as i deem it a pleasure to wait on nil who may fuvor us willi acaii,
Bar Iron, Steel, Nails, Picks, Grub Hoes, Mason Hammers, Mill Saws, Window Sash
Grindstones, Glass, Faints, Oils, Fish, Salt, Cheese, Meat, &c, always on hand.
Sunbury, May an, 1857. tf E. Y. BRIGHT i SON.
New Goods for the People !
REarECTFULLY informs the public in gen
era! that he has just received and opened a
splendid stock or
at his New Store, in Lower Augusta township.
His stock consists in part of
Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets.
of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted.
C'nllrocH, Glngliamfi, I.mvin,
IIIoimicIIuc De lvalues
and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. '
Also an assortment of Hardware, Iron
and Steel, Nails, &c.
Also an excellent assortment of
QUEEN 8WAB.E, of various styles and
Also an assortment of HOOTS &. SHOES.
HATS & CAPS, a good selection.
Salt, Fish, c.
And a great variety of olher articles such aa fft
suitable to the trade, all of which will be aold at
the lowest prices.
IT" Country produce taken In exchange a
the highest prices.
Lewer Augusta, June 6, 1857.
Fnnliloiiabte, CHeap and Useful
THE subscriber, long established as a Cabinet
nnd Clmir Manufacturer in Sunbury, thank
ful for past favors, solicits a continuance of tbe
public patronage. His slock of Cabinet-Ware,
Chairs, uC, embraces
fWKNTAI. in housekeeping. It is unnecessary to enume
rate, as anything that may be required in his
line can be bad at moderate prices, Clietip for
Cash, or Country Producetaken in exchange.
South ICast Corner of Maria Square.
tS" These knowing themselves indebted to
the subscriber wjuld oblige bim by making pay
Sunburv, April 4, 1H67. tf
Isn't It So !
t'ae ARTHUR'S Celebrated
Self-Scaling Cans and Jars,
and you will have fresh fruit
Facsh Fruit all Uie year at Summer prices
j Full directions for puttirg up
all kinds of Fruit and '1 nnil-
iws, accompany lacsc cans and
21iey ore made of Tin. Class.
.ueenswarA nod Fir nnil rt
Iproof i'tone Ware. The sites
IN WINTER lire from pints to gallons. These
cans and jars are entirely open
jti ino lops, and nest, to secure
economy iu transportation.
For sale bvalorokeonprs
BETTER throughout Iho United States.
Descriptive circulars sent on
pplication . IV Orders from
he trade solicited.
Be sure to ask for "vtrthur's."
,'t has stood the lest of two sea-
THAN 'Ons, having been used by hun-
ireus ol thousands of families,
totel and boarding-house kee
We ere now making them
for the million.
Ewerir.mpnts ! Arthur. Burnham & Oilrrnr.
Manufacturers under the Pslent
N. E cor. 'I eitlb A George Slg.
Philadelphia, Juno 13, 1S57 3m
Of the most Fashionable Style.
Sof'uft, Dlvaua aud l.ounnfs
Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards.
nnil also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to I'liila-
uehilim manufacture.
llEpSTEADS, df every pattern antl nrice
In tltort, every article in this line of his business.
THE subscriber respectfully calls the attenttui
of the public to his large anil sptemltil as
sortment of every quality and price of .
which cannot fail to reiommenJ itself to every ene
who will examine it, on account of its durable
workmanship and splendid timsh, made up of the
best stock to be had in the city. No ellbrt is
spitted in the manufacture of his waro, and the
subscriber is determined to keep up with the
mnny improvements which are constantly being
lie a!id manufacture all kinds aud qualitie
ncludinj varieties m-ivr before to be had it
Sunbury, such as Miuogahi, Hum Wai.sut
4ii Ci'si.iii Mins (lsnci.ts j Asti Wtxnsn
CHAIRS, au rAcr I'iaho Stools, which arc
ef the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled
by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere.
The subscriber is determined that there shall
benorxeuso for persons to purchase furniture in
tho cities, as every confidence can be enterUiined
about Die quality and finish of his ware and
These articles will be disposed of on as good
terms ts they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun
try l'roduce taken in payment for work.
tV UrtDEHTAKINU. Having provided
a handsome llstuss, he is now prepared for
Undertaking, and attending funerals, in this vi
cinity, or at any convenient distance from this
tV TheWare Room is in Fawn Street, be
ow Weaver's Hotel.
Bunbury, April 18, 1857. tf.
Kt.ANtt Deeds, Mortgages, Bonds, Warrants
A Itachments, Commitments, Summons, Su
pumas, Executions, Justices' and Constables
Kee Bill", Ac, Ac , can be had by applying st
1 thi oirke .
tn mirtnuneinR the LIFR F DU. KANK, wc are t ut
niituipmiMg tho vislnn of tliouKimlii ami tne ni iliuuuiuU
of the udmireri ul ihnt grent mail.
H:ivin Imjcii pcrwmul trKii'l f tlie dpccfiswl, ant) fn
Jnyinn -urge hnr of hta coritiik-nce, Dt. Khtec it well
(fiiahdcd t' no jnnlice to Hie Buljr.i .
'I'd in wmk will lie issuer) in une hnrv'mie ttotnvrt VdU .
ume, nnd will eijitiil in every rvapnt t the miperlj v )Juinc
of 41 Arctic Kxplnnitiima," rurrndy piil.liht'd. It Will
p 'iitnm r new lull-fur portniit, extrutoU on tttelt as
well at engravings of his I evidence, tnuib, int-UttlH, tcr.
In ( rder togive thia wink a Inrge circu'iUou il will b
Bold at (he low price oj ?,W.
Mob it ri!A!i tfotb withis C MoxTita.
Is now rxiing read by mnre tlinn two hundred thou an nd
persons, old and young, leurneil and uiilcurned. It is juet
lire liook which bIkmiIu be owned nnd read hy every A inc.
ricuil. ftlJU Newspapers huve uneh pronounrctl it the moat
rmmirkable und murvellous work ever published.
The Foreign Jounmls and the mt diaiinguishcd anvans
of Eurtipe are extrnvnniit tn it praise. Ft is more inter
esting than ROLtlNSON CRUSOE; being a foitltlnl ac
count of privation- and hardship, Uie nnrniiive of which
cannot be read without a shudder. Our most eminent
men huve Tied with each other in extolling its merits. Two
vols , octavo, Superbly illaslruted. Three Hundred En
gravings. Price &5,K.
Tho United Stnle Grintiell Expedition in Search of Pit
John Franklin, During Uie yours laM 61.
A person.iI Narrative, by Elisiia Kent Kaxk, M. D , V.
H.N. One volume fcvo , upwards of pagra, esj
tniuing SOUStenl Plutes and Worn! Engmviiigs, includ
ing a tine steel Portrait of Sir John Franklin, being tlio
only one ever engraved iu America. Also, a Hingtaphy
of Franklin, by S. Austin Altihotu?, Esq 9.1,00.
This work is totally distinct fiom the second Arctic
Expedition, and eitibruccs much vuluahle nnd inteiesting
m: i Iter never befoie ytiblislicd. It should be ownwltv all
wh i have purchased tie last ll2pcdiUot4 aa il mukoDi.
Kane's works bom p tele.
A niOTOGRAPH OK lilt. KANE, taken from Lh
oy ifrudyot Aow lors, nice Ij,w.
Prepared by the nuthor, and embracing nil bis Exreditiona
suerbly Illustrated with steel I'lntes and
grrved under the itrmediate supetintmdence of Col. Frc-
ni'nt, momiy irom uiif:njrrepiypea rnkcii on uie p"i, u?ici
will lie issued in a style to mat :h Ur, Kuue's wrks. it
will nlso coiitnlu a new Steel Portrait, being the only nor
red likt-iu'ss nf iheuutb T cvrr publish d. Two Voiumua
Octavo SS.OU.
Ily Rev. D. P. KiDEH,of the Methodist Episcopal Cliurrh.
By Rev. J. C. Fi.ktciiks, of the Presbyterian Chuich
This new and sp!cndidly-il!tiFtrnted Work (one Inrga
volume octavrt, in in uniform style with the superb vol
umes of lr. Kuue's Afrtic Explorations.) is tho joint
etfodof the above-mined geiitlcmed, who, at travel era
and an missionaries, (and on; in an otftuul position as
Acting Secretary of the Unite' States Lccatim nt Itlo.)
lmve had a long nnd varied experience in a land full f
iut is. whether we regritd it iu n inlurul, coiiunerciul,
pilific:lor inortit point ol view. Price $3,ti0.
'7 Any of the ub-ive works will be Bout by mail fr:e
of postiige by rem Hi ing the puLlnbed pi ice.
agent's wanted.
C'HILDS & PLTEHSO.A, I'uhtlsliers.
C02 Arch Street, PhiladJphia.
J. B. Mppincott A Co., 2(t N. Fourth St., Phihidelphiii j
Philios. Nimnson A Co . 1!1 Winter street. 1 lost on : jIhI
on. Hhkemnu A Co., 11.1 Nassau street, New York ;
G. P Putnam A Jo , .T-M, lirondway. ew ork : Apple
gale A Co., 4". Minn St, CinuumuH ; tf. Q. Griggs A
Co., Ill Luke St , Chicago.
August I, IS?.
The British Quarterly Reviews.
Great inducements to Subscribe !
SCOTT K CO., New York, continue to pnMistt
Hit luilowing leading Uriiiik Pcii diculr m :
Tlieie PeriHlicals iibly represrnt the threa crent politi
enl :irlles ol' (ireut lirittiiii AVbis;, Tory sml Riiihcu!
but ioliliis li-rniB only one IVntuie of their cliuructrr. As
orpins of the most profound wiitersou Science, l.iteru
ture, Mornlily soil Krlition, they stnuil,ns vhey ever have
stoo,t,uiirivuilail in the r'orkl of letters, heuiK cointidcrcil
iii'lmpcntiiMe to the Scholar and the jmifi-nxionnl linin,
while u the intcllteenf reinler of every cIhhs thuy finiiiiih
s more corrert suit riMstitctory rceont ot the eurieut ttter
ntulc of the d:i)'t throughout the woihf, thuu C'ul bc'poiihi
hlv olitniuml from tiny other source.
KAK1.V COIMF.3. lite receipt ol Advance Motets
fnm the Uriusli puhtinhers gives mhlitioiial ii!ue to tlufce
Hciirmts, in us itiueli us tfiiry can now be pticcnl in thu
Bill I ul SUlNK riurrs SUUUI as S.JUI, us me: urijjuiui vuitiv:i4.
TERMS. (Itcgubr Prices )
Ter annum.
For any one of the four Reviews, fc:'.i
Forunytwoo tne lour nevirws, j.w
For Miiy three of the foi-r Reviews, 7.KI
For nil four ol the Reviews, h nil
For Blackwood's .Msiraaiue, 3,"l
For llliickwmil ai"' tliree Reviews, VM
For lihickvviKKl snd thefotlr Reviews. lo.Oti
luvtneia lo tie ininie in all cusi-s in uilvuni'e. Money eui-
reitt in the Slute where issued, will lie received ul p:ir.
POTAIil''.. 'ilie Postnee t" nnv putt of the I tilted
ftstes will lie but TWENTY-KOI H I HN'W u jcmi for
Ulackwissl," nnd tint Ul n l I.I..N lfc. is u year lor
each ol the Reviews.
At the above prices tne reuuuicais win ue luunenoi
fur l7.
Vnlike the tn-'re ephemeral Miutaslue or the day, ll.c
Periodteals lose liltl by e. Hence s lull .:u ol tho
.Nos. (with no oini:unoiu) lor IfwU, ma) lie rettnnl nearly
us viihrnble us for 1-57. We propose lo the two
y.nrs ul the following extremely low rules, viz :
l or Ulackwo.l's Mi.gim:ie, tl,.
For uny one Review,
For uny two Review, "
For llackwooi unci one Review, ..i "
For Bluckwood ami Iwo Reviews, b,im
For three Reviews. KUO
For lllackwo Klund three Reviews, la.oo
For Ihefoui Reviews, . 1I.'1
For l'.iuckwo.Kliti;d the four R.'Vi.j4 H W
To moid fiaetious, W tirsv be rlfWieil for nitrkwiMio)
for which we will forward thai wotk for bois years,
post l'.plie j(,e fjrenl fthtnin of the five Periodi
ea! uluve limited is shout S31 per suulliil.
As we sh:UI never sftain be likely to offer such tuJuo
luciilsui Ihose here presenlcd.
Note is the Tune It Subscribe !
(V Remittances must, iu nil eu, be mu le direct iu
the Publishers, for st these puces 110 e. linuiiiH"W cuu b
showed to Agents. fy A ftftT CO."
No. SI Ookl tnieei, New rk.
April Si, 1W7
Itt-tlred llijW lau. yeais of ag.-,
having lost bis Father, twelLotbcrs, Daughter,
Son-in-law, Nephews and XiFces, by that dread
ful disease, Consumption, and sulleriug with
Couph hirmelf, determined lo visit the Ka.t In
dies, Egypt and Japau, where he discovered
Preventive and Certain Curo for Colds, Coughs.
Uroni'hiti. Consumption, Nervous Debility and
Asthma. Hi cough w as cured immediately j
he returned, cured his relatives, who inherited
Iho disease, and In connection with his sou have
employed It in their practice, curing thousands
of cases co-iuidercd hopeless by others. Vol lbs
purpuse of rescuing as many of his u(Verini fel
low lieings aa possible he is sending the llecife
to all Who w ibh il for 10 cents j S of it to pay the
postage, aud tSe balance jointing. Address Dr.
IIsatm 101 Spring street, opposite St. Nicholus
Hotel, New York.
June 13, 1857. Sin 8vu
BKOW.VM uiiJ Ureinut's Evince of Ciogeir
and Hutair Magueiiaal