OKNERAt. PACK en DECLINES I t'DGB WIL MOT'S I.1VITATIOM TO TUB "STUMP." OESHRAL PACKER TO TUB DRMOCUATtC CBrlTttAL COXVITTRK. WiLUAMsronr, July 18, 1857, lion. C. It. Buck-Blew, Chairman of State Committee s Dear Sir I have received tue enclosed letter from oca of tlie oppoaine caff- didatei for-tbe Gubernatorial oflice, and inas- much at it proposes a plan Tor tlie conduct or Ibe campaign wuicd baa never Deiore uoen practised in Pennsylvania, and as the success of other candidates, besides myself, is invol Ted in tbe election, I have thought it my du ty to submit the communication to tbe judg ment of the State Committee representing the Democratic party. If it is thought to be arpropcr mode of conducting the canvaes, I shall cheerfully accede to the proposition. Hefpectfully yours. Win. F. Packer. PBfLT Or THE CHAIRMAN OP TUB CENTRAL COX. BfTTKH. riiitACELPHtA, July 25, 1837 Hon! Win. F. Packer t Dear Sir I have laid before the State Committee the letter signed l. Wilmot, dated the 14th insi., and nm authorized to say to you that in the opin ion of tbe Committee you ought not to accede to the proposition it contains. The reason for this opinion I will proceed to state. j Tho slavory question, which it is possible ! your opponeut proposes to discuss, has very recently been thoroughly considered and pas sod npon by the people of this Common weal lb The late Presidential eaueass itivolved the wholo subject so far a it win proper for con siderution by our people, aud wo can perceive no utility in its re-discussion at this time; nor any utbpr good reason for opening dt bate npon it, Tho position of our party is well understood, and requires a vindication, at least by any extraordinary procei tLiig like that proposed. A joint canvass by candidates for the gu bernatorial ilCco has never been conducted in Ibis .State, nor, I believe, in nny other m r thern one, nnd may well bo questioned on (rounds of pubtic policy. If the practice be once adopted, it will doubtless continue, nnd party nominations be uniformly mado with reference to it. No porty will venture to se lect a candidato for this office who is not qual ified for the stump ; and aptitude for debate will hence become to be preferred to ndminij trativdbil.ty. In short, the result will be lu confine aouiiiiations to the class of talkers, and to exclude all ethers. A rule of party action which would prevent such men as Henj. Franklin, Simon fcnyuer, ami l rnitcis It. fchnuk from filling the F.xecutive chair of i this State, must be a bad one, ana to be do J oonnced rulhor than adopted. j We believe there is a considerable public opinion against tbo propriety of Kxecutive candidates appearing at all before popular meetings to solicit votes. This was first practised by Win. F. Johnson in 1S48, and tins boon to some extent followed by candi dates since. The good results of it are uot obvious. It did not originate with tbo Demo cratic party, nor has it ever received any for mal popular or party sanction. Itniaytbore. Tore be considered all open question in future practice, aud ut all events as forming no part of the duty of a candidate imposed upon bini by his nomination. While your opponent bolls flic office of President Judge, there is a special"objection to the acceptance of his project, Tho pro priety of law judges taking part in political meetings is de'r.ied by our party, and U oppo sed by sound public opinion. Hy no uot whatever ought we to sanction or become participants in a protilution of tha judicial character. Nor will a resignation now made altogether removo this objection. Your op ponent bus iuti ntiuunlly tii-ld his oflice until within tliuo noDt' s of the election, (rendering it ivpi g-ili!o to elect a snccc-ssor the present year.) and if resignation should n i take place, it would obviously be with the inten tion of resuming the oflice after the defeat fur tho po.-t to which be aspires. The proposed nsodo of conducting cam paigns tuny p03aibly be suited to suimi of the Southern and South-western States, whore it has been practiced, and whoso population mid political condition differ Trotn ours; but il3 introduction here would ba against solid fbjfclions, and without any conceivable good. It is, therefore, a proposed 'Southern og trresnion" upon tho practice and policy of par ties in Pennsylvania, which cannot bo at all accepted or permitted. It is well that this question has arisen when we have a candidute capable and fit for any discussion before the people, aud when tho .decision can be placed, without embarrass went, upon public grounds which control all or it. 1 am very respectfully, your obedient servant, C. R. Uuckalew, Chairman. CKS. PACKER TO Jl DOE WILHOT. Wiixumspokt, Pa., July 1G, 1S57. ITon. P. Wilmot. Jnar Str: Your letter of tho 14th inst., was duly received, and as it proposed a plan fur conducting the Cuberua. toriul cumnuiirn which had never hitherto been adopted iu Pennsylvania, and as the in tercets of other caudidutes wcro itivoivcd in the result, I did not feel at liberty to accede to yonr proposition withuut lirtt consulting tbo Stato' Committee to which the Uomo erotic Convention has on its part specially confided the coutrul aud aiauagi'itebt of the canvas?. You will receive herewith a copy of my letter to the Committee, as ulao their reply, by which you will perceivo that your sugges tion does not meet their approval, and that, for reasons stated ut length, I ought not to accede to your proposition. It U therefore reipectfully declined. I am. yours, truly. Win. F. Packer. A SAO WKDDIXi. After publishing the marriage of Mr. Adam Tate, of Chicago, to Miss Jeauutte Pettigrcw, late of Scotland, tbe Chicago Tribune adds "There is a bit of romance, sad enough iu its character, connected with this announcement, which the purties will forgive as for relating ; Six young Scotchmen of this city, worthy men all, who had left thoir plighted faith and lassies behind them when they sought con tontmeut and fortune on our short I, united fur the purpose of sending for thoso to hum their troth was plighted. They were to, and did, come out together. For mutual protec tion nnd society they took passage in the . same vessel. The perilous ocean voyage was made without accideut. and tbo party a merry and happy party arrived safely at Quebec, where they took passage on the Montreal. Our readers know and have la meuted the fate that overtook thut ill-fated steamer and her hundreds of passengers When she burned, of the six trustiug and T,.,,..rr.na oipU Mis Pettierew was the ouly one saved. Her compuniona found either fi try or watery graves Miss P. was rescued, she knows not how or by whom. Tuken op for itrnnmul th strum. lo between life ana ' death was ionir and doubtful ; but at lust rloeidprl in favne nf tha former. The kind hearted ut Moutreul learned her history and admired ber modest worth, By thern, for the had lost everviumz but herself, cer lin mediate necessities were suutilied. and in a few days, with their bit-suing uud prayers, she . continued her journey hither. A IV " f t'" five young meu, who, besides the now happy husband, bad precious freight ou that itcainer, attended the wedding on l uesday lust. How sad that festive gathering was how the shadow of tho fearful oust dimmed tbe bright , ness of the present, who, thut has not felt tho . destroyer's touch, can tell I" A Ovatios. W. 8. Baily, tbo abolition editor of the Newport (Ky.) News, washed but of Alexandra. Campbell county, iu that Pur the Sunlmry American. TWILIGHT WHISPERS. I.ove is dreaming iu tbe beaming Of your tender azure eye, All hie boasted power soeming Lulled to listless ecstucy t Let me wake him from his slumber, Drink the sweetness of their glance. That bring pleasures without number, And my soul with joys entrance. . Love is sailing nameless wbiling From thy lips so ruby bright, My whole being now beguiling Into rapturous delight j Let mo Tecl them wildly pressing Dinning kisBOS npon mine, With voluptuous curessing I'll return therh all to tliino. Iu thy bosom white and heaving Young lore makes his dainty urst, When his sportive mischief leaving There be pillows him to rest ; Twine thy snowy arms about me, Let me press that throbbing breast, Now the world is nought without thee. In thine embrace I uiu blest. Sl'ndl-rt, Penua. New Advertisements. THE LIE! WEST m mm ESTABLISHMENT IN Til K : IT V U F It A L T J M O It F. . MAI IIIOI'S CnyRtrrrt Wdh nom No .i ml S3 Nnrih Uuv ctrurt. neni 1'nvi ttt. Ii.iliim.i wJirrc it kept nlwitv mi liniiil. t nmtle in nrlr, evrry lyieuf Krt'iicli liiTK-A-Ttl'l JiS, in I'lnsli, Uuir, Clvtlli Ml I.'llH-Ull-IH'. I'rcnch Full SturT aiM Metl:illicm pjrlcr Arm Cliain. in Plush, (lair, Cloth or Un-catflle, Freiirh Full Sliiii Cm ved l'urhjr Cluiira in ncta. v illi Pliuh, llaif, CKtU ur Urociitillc. GOFA3. Unt rmu'li Pprhig Mnhnpnuy mid Wnti.nl JVI.t Clntin, in Huir. Clutli uml Plusli. Hocking Ciiairi vuriuus dcstgim, In Iloir, Cloth (tad P lltMl). Stu.TJ'piiiiq; IniinccF a larpe nkaT'tnciit n!vvnn eti hiiiid, or u pattern uuttleor covered willi any giKiil to order. CHANBHH S TJ-I 7 3 . In MHTi"irnny or Wiilmit, complete, fimn p,J5 up. Cnne Chatra ami Hix-king lo rj.e lniL't st un-urtinrnt rraily made in miy one li )uc in (tie L'nittut tu;tcs ironi 12 a d'zen up. Ilur Ilooiii, Oifire nnd Piiiin3 Chnirs, in C;ik. Wnlnn! or Mnhoiyniiy, with Cane, Wood t ir fcluiiid &iuts un utioitinent cii.hi nt ing ovt-'r,)(iiltii-ii. V4kx1 irnt Chuim und SttUres und Rockitig; C):airs. ovrr 100 d'2-n. Gilt nnd Plain Frame IKikinf ClaMcn, of ? vciy varteiy. Ail kindt ti liedt, Hair uud Ilubk .Mutu;.jM- A. MATHIOT. 2r( aud 'j X Cay it , near Fay.tto St., Riltmtore. August 1,137. ly A CALL TO FAELiEHS. 2trmtm9 drop your Tuo!n, I'uttse a liilte, Head this uml Reflect THE FAR M V. U ' S PRO .i OTlO X U OOK. A new nnd Scientific Maiiuiinj; System, f. t the Cultivu tiJii ufull knidi oi UruiiiM, tiiuc, FtKhkr and I'.mturf, up m all kinds of Soil; Proved tynrtual K.tei(ineuti ltd bused on cvitical troths ; i)t8iiut) 1 1 ittipiove Atcitcullure iu all :t.t biunli.s ; represented hy ujiwurda o imp hundred ai.d nity eagniviiis ( liiu unt valuu tlc Ur.iB.icn uud PlauU connected with tliu ntuia. Vy Or. . G. fflHI tatiJ.t?, tOALSClKCt, CCNTIIK CO , P.V. IN tliii treatife it will le i-en tliat t!.e ohjert heru to give lite Fanner that kind ( inforticiti 'ii w'iicU unulja him tt ui iko p"ULtical upplic:i iiu to Imtitizi' It i m initu mid iiicieaf Ins grain, fodder, uud p:is:ut'ij:!. '1 In d- ctrineitia tuuttit by this inanui in, and UlJui nnd ('.is tuie cultivatijn yysttiu arcratiitimi, deiii aad evi.it ut, and surest an iniprovcnienl iu the inotleof iiriouUnre IhiIk r to unknown to our iurmtn, and wlmh, if tdplid nnd rnrefully piarliced. r;tnnt lad tn advance I lie luU-rttls of the fariiiuig eouanunity. hitch n w rk lets let u i.n.-h wanted, as it iillu a void wliirli lias liccn ft It, Imt which thtre has hitherto hfen no utteuipl In fupply , and as fanners ol Centre and lltii.tii gd count les. v ir .-ei.tu tiirnd th work to every farmer, as we fn ly u-iirvt that lhy wilt reap the great t p sille teiH'ii; ir in it D iniel Moi-srr, I'liri&tian Dalct Oeorgts lioal, JriOoh Mosseri John H iiley, inmrl luiiinn, Joua. McWiihaiM, George tinyei, Jr. J din l arner, John H:ibi)ii, Suinue. Wilim, Pl.itip M.J it, J;jC ,Ii Ai..yer, Henry M-'ycr, huinuil (ii.liiaud, Creole J.'fk, John ll:inu.ni, Ctt'ign Ui.i-t.aur.u, i-'raiii'is Ah xiinilt r, Jol ii t H". Scar. J .In. MoH.t, Cliii!iau UollVr. (iem'e W. MtdL Joseph Makrrr tV Tlie above wmk fii ftle h Itev. J O. McKKK I1AX, Mi lion, Niilhu:ubertui:d cmiuty, l'a. I'ncc aU. Auicust I, lb"7. Pay up and Save i nut. hereby yivo uolico ta nil tlioso who owo us by Nolo or Hook nccotmt, il;at after the first of August, we Bliall plei our uccouuts in the huiiJs of a JiitH-f of I'eacH, with directions to sue all who will thou owo us withuut exception. I. W.TKNKK & CO. Sutibury, July 25, 1857. 3t nHK Glapgaw J'uioiiinn Caw I'dttirtiiaM in tho Nttih'nal Tolice tiuxptte, for sale l-v Angiut 1,'hT. Ji. Y. FKM.(i. Vcempetciit girl in the kitchen to wash, iron, cook, bake, &r. To euch a onn liberal wages will be Riven. Unijuire ut this oi!':ic. August I, le57. OATCHOI I.V, JOCKEY CI.l'H, SI I l'l.OWERS, ir, of the best iu:tl SPK1NU 1 1 1 1 y fresh supply just received and for snlo nt I lie Drug Store or A. VI . 1-ISJIUK. Suiibury, Aug. 1, 1857. "iTTSICKI.ES of various kinds, Lobsters, t-'nr H dinei'. A.C., Ac, just received and lor sale l ihe Drug Store ot A. Vi . I UMi fc.lt, Suiibury, August I, 1857. Til K War Trail or the Hunt of tho Wild Horse by Capt. Mavne lirid, for s:i!b ly August I, '67. H. V. KKILINU. FOUTEH'iS Spirit of the Times for sale by ii. y. nuuNu. August I, 1H57. Trult nnd Ornamental Trees. TtilT H. GII.UEKTis in town again, and will IfJL. remain for a short time fur tbe purpose of taking orders for f ruit and Ornamental i rees, Shrubs, Uo.es, Ac, &.0 , tioin 11. L., Hooker rV Co., celebrated Nurseries, iioebesler, N. V. These Nurseries were established in 18:10 and now contains about 150 Acres, i ou can rely upon their trees being just as they are rcpre. scntcd. August 1, 1857. PHILADELPHIA Wood .Moulding: .TJill, Willow Street ahove Tictltli, North Side, m W O'U I. D I N G 8 suitable for Carpenters lyH Guilders, Cabinet and Krsrne Mukers worked from the best and thoroughly seasoned material, always on hand. Any pattern work .I from drawing?. The subscriber having purchased the eniire interest, will continue tlie Business who jticreas. .,1 r-.ililtH. Agents wanted in the various towns in this poriiosj ol tha fcitaie, to whom opportunilUs will JTh hsofa wabe wxjjS. rv .;.. , f eueren .oi large By, JlIv 1, issr.--3m sip ELISIIA KENT KANE J. BIOGBAPHY. BY WILLILM ELDER. In tnnonncing lha LIFE OF DR. KANK, w lire lut litkipnting the wi.ht.a of Umumndi ami tens uf tltouauiwls ul tlis .iIiiiicit. ol tliat grrat man. Having twen a fieramial frirud of tlte tlacfnard, and en. Joying a Imgc llmra of hi contidrnce, Dt. Elder I. well liiulilied to do jutllea lo Hie aubjdjt. 'J'hia work will Iw iaaurd In ona b;utlttoma octavn vol' umo, and will cquul ill every reflpert Ilia auprrb vulmnra of "Anne KxulurntUina,'' reenntly published. It will ei'iittiin a new full-luce portrait, extrutrd on ateel, as well a engraving of Ilia residence, toinli, mednla, Ac. In irder togire thia woik a large clrcalniiuu it will be aukl ut the low price oj 91,50. . Moss rrtAj 8100.0110 Soio OTTtim S MosTita. V1X. RANK'S CHEAT WORK, ARCTIC EXPLORA TIONS. Is now being rend lip more than two hundred thonannd persona, old mid young, It-atlied nnd unlctiriied. It is JURt lite li-Hik which should lie owned und reed by eveiy Anie licnu. 0UO iNewinnpera huve each prtinouncul it Ihe most reiiiurkniile and iimrvelhiua work ever puhltslied. The Koieigii Jouninla and the moat dislinguislied auvnm of Kurope ure exlrnvnant In ils pruiae. It is more inter esting limn IMIHI.SMIN CKLrMIK; lieing a faithml oe. eonni ol privation nnd Imidfhins, the uoirtillve of which cniinot l,o red without a sluidiler. Our most eminent men huve Vied Willi euch other in cxtnlling its merits. Two vols , icinvo, (tiiperhly illmlrutid. Tint a Hundred i:n graving.. I'rneSM.nu. ER. KANF3 FIRST NARRATIVE. The I'nitedr'iTilcs Grinncll Kxprtlition InSinrch of Sit J.ihu l-'runklin, buring the years IMU 01. A personal Narrative, liy Flihiia Kent Rank, M. D , U. r. in. uric voaune trvo , upwioiis oi .'i;e., ,-"u-tnniinx SWl Steel Plates nnd Wood l".n?rii 'injlB, inch.d mirn line slevl Portrml of fir John Franklin, Ih-iiii! the only one ever ctnraeed in America. Also, it Iliniupliy of Frtinklin, hy s. Austin Aliibonc, l't SI Isl. This w-irk is totillr dirtinct fimn the wmnJ Arctic F.xiiciliiion, nnd cinhrncca much valii.ihlo ami inteicstlng mailer novel befoic published. It should lie owned by nil wh i h ive purrhrisi'il the lust llzpcdition, us it tliukes Ur. Kane's works b.miplcte. A PIIOTOOR APIJ OF iR KANF., lakcn front Life hy Urudyof New York, IN ire Sn'.W. IN i'UKSa, rilliMOM'i I M'l.OU ATIOS. COI.. J. c Pre; nred by the imlhor. and ciiilimcinc nil liis F.xrcilitions slierbty lllt:sltul(d Willi steel Plates and W.iotl Cuts, en grived un.Hr tlie iiuiuediutu Mipeiinleiulence ol Col. Fre- til. lit, mi-slly Ironi Uapnerreolyia-s l.ikeu i n I lie .pot, Hli'l will lie ifi-iiul In u tl le lo tnill -ii Dr. Ivmie's w.aks. It will ii!po c iutaiii a new Steel PoriK.il, beliuf the only cor rect likriirn of llieiiu.h. r ever inillisli d. Two Vulunies Ki-tuvj !fo,t'0. miA'.n. and Tin: ijrakiijans. lly Key. P P. K:t)iJKR,of the Metliodist l-.piscopalChiircli. Hy het. J. C. Fi.E1ciir.lt, of the Pf ei-ln tenuu CI. null This new nnd snleiiilidly.iiiuslraled woik (one large volume oeiuvo, iu iu iiiiiioim s: le Willi the superb vol. Ulues of Ur. Kaue'a Aielic Lxpl.TatioiiJ",) is tho j illil itfo'lot the nU've.nauicil gei.tleiiieil, who, us Irnveleis and us tni.si.uuirics, fund one in mi orlir ml position us Acting ecrelary of llie I'liiud Stales l.tgntnn ut Rio.) Iisvo linil it long anil vnricd experience iu u lulul full of iuteieHi, whether wu regard it iu u natural, eoiumcreiul, politiealor moial p.iiut of view. Price ft:t,0ll. t'51 Any of the above work, will lie scut by tnail freo of ixistnge liy leiultliiig the pitbh.licd piiee. iiOaT3 VAKTXD. Cltll.liS it PKI hltM), I'tiblKhera. C02 Arch Street, rhiluM)hin. J H. I.ippineott i Co., 90 N Fouith Pi , Philadelphia ; Philips, ft impkou .V Co , 13 Winter street, HoMon : Shel don, liiakemaii k Co.. 11.1 NaiKOl street. New York; B. P Putnam Ac , ,T?l. ilroadway. Ne v York : Apple gale Co., in. Main St. Cincinnati j t. (J. Griggs ft. Co., Ill I.uke St , t lucogo. August I, 137. Wall Taper & Window Slir.Ucs. A. ISAACS, JVo. 1G3 jVoWA Secoml Street, pinr.ADiariiiA. B 3 A VL! c,ini Ictcil llirir large nssortmonl " of tlie alxive (ioods for Spring mid Summer Trade; would rrrjiri'lfulty invite the uttinlion of I'lirc'iurem to tlitt t.ime. '1'lieir slock for beauty , chcapnrad and vuriety cui.itot le surpas sed . I'liev have constantly on lianJ rverv tlearriu- tion nf (.old and I'ainted Miadcx, Dull' Iri!liiila, and Slnule 1'i.vtiireM. Vn!l I'liperii, l.'niluins, Firu Hoard 1'iinu, liorders, ic.ull of vvliieli they olier at IjHer rules than tun lie hill at ony oilier latuLhshtnent. Call ami t-xumuio. A. IS.4A:tS. 1 03 Xorlh Scion J Street. March 7, 1 S.-7. Cm t-sJi-.ic of J'aiiuiil K. tfarii'c, det'd. 0T1CE is hereby civen that letters of Ad- niiiiistration have hern granted to tho sub scriber, on tlie estate ol rumuii K. oa lilye. l ite f ltufh towiifliiii, Nmlliuiuberlaad counlv, itee'd. All persons indebted to said eMate a:e requested lo make iiiiiii'ili.ilc payment, and tlmse liaMiig claims to present them duly authenticated f;r settlement. LEMUEL CAMPBELL, Adiu'r. Lush tp., July II, 1857 Ct u ferny, pa. Collections made and 1 rofcsnional Tliisiiiess generally attended to Promptly and Carefully. rnii..iur.Li ill A Ktrr.i. svrt : Bullitt 4 Fairthorne, Diebl iV Wert., Dais A; liirney, F. Taloi & Co. Hui.buty. June -0, K-57. NEVS FOB THE MILLION ! HnMKUSONS Luitcd Slates Magazine, Pa KJ turdsy Evening Post, N. V. Picayune, Magistrate, Nick Nax nl Yankee Notions for leby 11. i. 1 iJil.I.Mi. N. Ii. Persona living nt u ilislauce can have a lict of pi ices forwarded by addressing as ubovc. Magazines, Papers uioi Mock not on hand, constantly ordered. Punhury, July in, inn,. If (uau! ji:;:inu!l CJuaiio!!! AM. KINDS. i.i:iNAi-,isrn:u riKisi-iiATi: of li.mk. 70C0 TONS. xrr v a n m e h s : .j Por your whent crops, lire l.l'.IN' Af'S Super Phrnlin'o ol' l.iiiie, in Jl t'ls , ii Hi. or H) n Ton; or I'.e l.lil- ..i:'.- A.VKKICAN I -I'M riUZKil. nt irH.Tou lil.l or f-.'.r. ii ton. One buriel ol eiiliei' is sufficient fur an Aciu f Wlie t. TtiKsr. Ann rr.niAi:T.MAn!i:s, liiaile of rehnlile Cliemicil I'leiueiilB, till luive leeu in sueecMbliil u.-r fol liie punt Si x Verir, improving tue Suil uuil Ineiennii llie value of tile liuid r our Ijii.Ioiiiii. Iri.ui the Mute At:rii'iltnml S'X-l tvof I'eiiusvlvaiii.i ; New .l. rsey ; leliovaie nutl tl.ii instill liu-e AMt.K-iiitl.ut of ihe t'ltv of Xew Yuik, have been reei-ivil foi llieRe ':iiunl.le 1' rl ihzers riiiu;lilet. in ill: KiiIiIi uuil OuruKiu nunguufe ran tie liml lv ui iilientiiin ul llie (Ml.ee. A I'liellll llise.l'llll lo 'li'..s:ile Drillers. 'rlu'ul..ivu l-'erli liters, delivereit FHKK of Carlnpe to uny wlinrf in tlie oM C.ty Troper. ilrtleis sent l.y APiil aeeoinpsiiied with Cn?li rr Drnf'.f, wi U be rroinptly Sliirpil to any p.irt i.f llie Win M. tiCtlHtiK A. I.HVAI'. IVopriet-.r No. 10 S Kith Fruul feircel, l'liilu(lel-luu Itily, July 2j, le57. tin w Peniiii Ivania. To the Elector of Northumberland '(.'aunty. TIlKiindctbigued elli rs himself lo the Demo cratic par'y of Northumberland County as Candidate for the oi'iee of CO INT Y Tit HAS CUE R. iShnuld lie receive a nomination at their h.mdn and be elected ut the general election, l.e wilt endeavor to perform the duties of the vloVe lo the best of his ubiliiies. IIKNKY HAAS. Upper Mehonov, July 25, 1857. Ctindidato for Sonntor. We ore authorized to say thut Capt. Wm. Foray III of Northumberland, will bu u ('audi datu for Senutor, in this tlittrict, ciniui(-d of the ruunties of N'orlhuuibeiluud, buyder, Montour nnd Columbia. July 18, 1857. lOOOlbsj uf Cui ltct UiigH "XrANTED at the store of E. Y. Uriht eV ' ib'on, who are constantly receiving a flesh supply of Goods, thus offering to the public Ihe largest and most desirable assortr&eut. July II. 1857. i:LiKS! Ul.iMiS! !LANK Deeds, Mortgages, Bonds, Warrants' Attachments, Comiuitments, Kummons, Bu prenas, Kxecutions, Justices' and Conetullcs' Pea I! 1 1 Is, eke, ic, can be bad by applying at this oliice. lOLNTY ORDERS County orders taken - as cash for goods, and on note or book ac ssuntby E. Y. IHiKitlT 4 SON. Nov. ;:, is6. To tho Electors of Northumberland County. rTMIE subscriber offers himself is a Candidate ta the Democratic voters of Northumber land county for the oflice of BHBR1PP. If nominated and elected he will endeavor to dis cbarge the duties of the ollico faithfully and Im partially. DENNIS WOLYERTON. Upper Augusta, July 4, 1867. To the Electors of Northumberland County. ritllK subscriber would reapcetfully announce X to the Democratic volcra of Northumberland rounty that ho ia a Candidate for nomination for the ollipe nf PROl'HOIJOTAItY, Having had much experience in the legal pro fession ho ia thoroughly acquainted with tliu Ju. tics of the office, end ebould he he nominated and elected he will make every uflurt to discharge faithfully his duty as an officer. ch aki.es j. nnuNfcn. Sutibury, July II, 1S?7. Ta the Klectorn of Xrthumliri lanil Covnty A VINO been solicited by a lutii!r of my friends to efl'er myself as a ciu.iliduto f.p PKOTII ON OT A R Y I her by annotinee that I present myeelf to the Democracy of the County for mm iimtion nt the oppronebinx primary election. If I am uninitia ted and elected I will use rnv best ubiliticsjti perforin the duties of the oliice. H. H. KNOECLC. f liaiiiokin tp., July II, 'K57. To the Klectnis nf Xortl.uutlierltuut County. S A V IXU been solicited by many of my tellow " citizens t become a Candidate for tlie office uf SHLlilKK. 1 hereby announce that I pre sent myself to tho Democracy of tho county for nomination at the approaching primary election. If nominnted and elected, I will use the best of my abilities lo pern rin the duties of the oilier. D. C. CALL, Milton, luly 11, 1857. To the Electors of Northumberland County. '!"MIE subserilier hereby ofll'rs himself as a candidate for PROTH ONOTART, Having always been a steadfast Democrat, and considering liimnc.ll competent to perform the duties of the office, he would respectfully ssk of Ihe Democratic party of the coun'y a nomina tion at tho primary election. Among other qualifications, a thorough knowledge of the KngliA and German languages would enable hint to attend satisfactorily to all having business in the oliice. DA MEL 13ECKI.Y. Trcvorton, June SO, 1857. To the Electors of Northumberland County. 'JM1K subscriber would respectfully ai nonnce to the Democratic Voters of Northumber land County, that he is a candidate for nomina tion for the ofiice of County Treasurer. Having had sumo experience, he flatters himself that he would be able to render general satisfac tion to the citizens ot said eountv. JOHN FA HNS WORTH. lp. Augusta, June 20, 1857. CniuHdatc for Stioiirr. To the Ytittrii of Northumberland County. AT tho solicitation of many friends from Jit" fernit parts nf the county, the utiderniened has contented to become an Indi i cndeut I'nn.li da'.c for the ofiico of MIEltll'F at tho ensuing il.ulioii. should he bx suicessful, no ell'ort shall c spared upon his part to jierlorm the du ties of tbe otlite with hYctity, irumptness ami impartiality. ' JAMIieJ VANDYKE. Noriiuiiiber'and, June S7, 1S57. Volvsntcor Candidate. To the Electors of Northumb.rhmd County. FIMIE undersigned hereby oilers hinibcll' as a -S- Volunteer Candidate far C 0 U Is T Y T It E A S U II E 11 , At tho ensuing election. II is motive for so do ing, is that approaching old age, and an injury caused by u broken collar lone, renders him unable to work t his trade, of Carpenter. Ile lieving himxelf cupablo nf perfotniing the duties of tho oliice, ho earnestly solicits your suppert. PETER HILEMA.N. Sutibury, June 27, 1857 to 5IR : The Sunbury and Kiio Railroad Cnnpanv address ou us a paily who are, from local in-tero-tti. deeply concerned in the completion uf their Railroad. You ure I understand, a propiietur o" land wiihiti a few miles of their track, which land uill, in the natural cuursa of events, bo greuily eubnuceJ ill aliio from the timo this road in built, uud hi iico the earlier thai eeuttakes place tbe sooner your interests ure mh'erved. Although so deeply inteiested in the success of this Railroad, tbe owneisof property have, so far, given the Company but little aid, but have left It to simple against adverse circumst luces, either lip n the hope that otheis would secure to them the results looked for, or perhaps ujipulled by tbe magnitude ut the undertaking. Tlie eipci l.i'ion that tbe road will be built without ih" aid of the landholders, has so fur di minished by events as they have been developed, as to induce the malingers lo make this ell'ort to concentrate upon it llie influence uf such propri etors as will be the inot-t diteelly benefited. The fact, now II eslablUhed, that those com panies who have it iu their power to oiler a laad i a-i- in addition to the ordinary credit accorded to railroad ciitcrpiiscs, find no dillkullv in ac complishing their woiks, has encouraged the niuiuucr in tins attempt, wlucn lias been com municated to several persons, und has met with great lavur. 'i be proposition now made is based upon a mutual advantage ; as by the completion of the road, llie market value will I c increase IJin a very rapid ratio, it is lor the interest nt the owners to paitvtilh a portion of their lands in order to se cure a luro profit on the remainder. Without entering into dctuils, which must be arranged to tbe Kuti.faetion of both parties, aud a surety given that Ihe object will beaccompli.h ed, 1 stale ihe plan generally. That the owners of hind in the vicinity of the Iiaiboud shuil cll at fair rates of present vulue one-half their tracU, to bo divided fairly as to quality, taking pay therefor in the slock of the Company, reser ving the oilier half for their onn future profit tho puipaso being to offer the half purchased, a a basis upon which to obtain tha fuuds to build tho road. It is desiiablo, therefore, as a preliminary, lo know your views. And I therefore request your l arly reply let it be yea or nay. If you think favorable, I will thank you'o state the loi alien of of your lands a general descrip of them, and at what rale you would be willing to part with the hall to the Company. You may if Ihe plan succeeds, expect dividends on your stock ss soon as the road is in action through your vicinity. The remainder which is lelt in your hands will rise in value so soon as Ihe com pletiou of the work becomes in public estimation a fixed fact, so that you will soon realize from the sale of your half far more thau you can now obtain for Ihe whole leaving your stock aaaddi tionel profit. I invito perfect frankness in yonr communica tion, as noadvautage will be taken- for the plan will only be carried out in case sufficient land is tendered, as added to our other means, will effect the object aimed at Very respectfully, 8. V. MERRICK, President, Sunbury and Erie R. K. Company, Office 324 Walnut St.. Philadelphia. I t Parlies who feel disposed lo close out the whole of their tracts lo the Company, will pleas make a proposition to that filed. July 10, 1857 Notice to Bridge Builders- E A LED proposals will he recoivad br the kjl undersigned, On MfsNDAY, the 10th day of ALU UsT. next, between the hours of 10 o clock, A. M., and 3 P. M., of said day at the Commissioner 'a office, in the borough of Sunbury Northumberland county, lor the building of two liiidgcs. The one to he built across Big Shamokln Creek at the road leuding from the Creek and along J. C. Morgan's land, and intersect Ihe ercck road In Upper Augusta township, in said county and said bridge lo he built on tho same plan as tho one that is built across the same stream at Peter Keefer's, in the same township. The other one to bo built across Little fihamokin Creek, adjoining land of Samuel Unriniier, Sr., nnd on the road leading to Abraham Mhipman, Eq.. in Lower Xugusta township, snid county, this Bridge is to be built a Truss Bridge. Specifications will be exhibited on ahe day of letting. PHILIP l!LNN, CHAS H0TTEXST1NE, F1IEDUKICK H A8. ' Commissioner's Oliice, ) Commissioners, t-'Uiibury, July S3, 1857. - BALD EAGLE HOTEL. Ay. 231 on41G Y. 77tW St., 1'hilwhlphiv. JOHN CLYMER, Proprietor. (Successor lo Daimf.l Pn.ntr.) rHE Proprietor returns his thanks for the liberil palronnqe bestoived on tins well Lknown house, and respectfully asks a Continu ance of the same, assuring his many fiiends of Northumberland uud adjoining counties, that no pains shall be spared to render comfoit and plea sure to all who may give him a call. TLKMf 81,00 PEIt DA V. Philadelphia, July 25, H57. Om NOTICE. 4 LI. persons interested will please take notice - that Elizabeth Uuoy, widow ol Dennis liuoy late of Chilisquaquc township, Northuinlierliin'd counlp, dec VI., has made her election to claim lltree hundred dollars worth of personal property of which her said husband died possessed of, and thut the same has been aet a part for her under the provision ol the Aet of Asfcmblv in such caso made anJ provided, and that it will he pre sented on Mommy the first day of next Aug'iat term, (being the 3d day of Augtn-t) for approval. MICHAEL M'CEE, Adm'r., of Dennis Uuoy, deceased. Chillisitiaque, July 15; 1857. A GOUU lUVti: TO MIKU MOEl ! THE undersigned about to engage in other business, will sell his Photographic Apara tus, half size, with sufficient stuck a d new chemicals in good working order, to any person desirous of engaging in this pleasuut and beauti ful art. Anv one who wi.-hes to travel or inal.c it a local business, will find Ibis a favorable op portunity. Ho will sell at cost and give practi cal instructions In tho Meluinotype, Ambrotvpe and Paper process fiec of charge. For particu lars address "Pll OTOURAPH," Dox 3, Sun bury, Northumberland ceuiitv, Pa. July 13, I857- 3t " HUSSEY'S A ME It I CAN READER, FUR t'tTTlNH BOTH GFt&XN AND GRASS, GREAT improvements for 1857. This Ma chine was put in succacful operation in 1833 and continued lo be the only fienpiug rnd Mow ing Machine in the World, of any practical value up to 1815 twelve years afier ils introduction. Other Reapers are now offered with glowing ad vertisements. Certificates, Diplomas, (Sold and "Silver Medals, &.C. Hut Ihe Parmer in search if the best Reaper, and not poMcd in the mu'ter, had better see a little further. If there is any value in 34 years evpeiience in building Reup'rs, and using them in the har vest tie'd, and in the improvements made during that long period, OBED 11 1'SSE Y, Ihe Father of Reapers, can claim it. All who arc sntinfied with the Uust (caper and Mower, nan be sup plied by sending their orders early in the season, as the crops indicate a large denmnd, and we can not have over 200 Rendv for Ihe vast harvest of I8n7. We gu lriinlee that this Reaper aud Mowircan not be beaten on fair trial by any other Reaper that may be brought into tbehnrvest fields in 1857, and we also insure it to be the strongest and most durable machine iu ue. We would respectfully invite fanners to examine tl.e nia. bine thoroughly ITore purchasing, and sati.-fy then.s.lvcs of i:s supe'ionty over all others. Duiingtho. lust four veors, the subjeribers havo sold between 5(!0 aud Ctli) of these Machines, to the best and most successful Farmer' in Montour, I nion and tbe neighboring counties, (abuse names ore tjo numerous to insert) to VtkoiM we respec'.fully refer. The subciihcis have '.he exclusive tiht in the billow iug counties: M uutour, I. hinu, Snyder, Northumberland, Columbia, Luzerne, Perry, Milllin, Cen I re, Clinton and Lycoming. All orders thankfully received and promptly attend ed to. OE DDES, MARSH & CO., Lewishurg, Union county, l'a. July 11, 1857. SMITH'S ul' Jamaica t. Ingr r. '"ClilSnrtiele is carefully plepurccl tVoin llie best Jamaica Ji liiiiuer. uil llie vulualilts iiiejieiua! nrotieitlcM hi winch u is wtiriuuteu to p -....ess concent r.itctl auU couvc incut lonii. It is nn excellent rnunlv ill ilyspeps'i, fl italeuee, elio lie uiul ililiHiretl liuii feeble scale ol the inactive lune tlous. l-'i-.iiu ils riiie.liui soeulti uiul coollal piopeilies u penile sUlll.l.'.iUuif Ionic It I. Well u.lapleil lo eolllltel- uei tlie Ui liilil.ilin iuiiueuee il tlis extreme. I:cu:s of sum iner, llie elleets ol .lul.leil clluuacS, C Ao i.uutlv .h uiKt lie willi.'iit it, u. its timely lite wul Save llieiu trout many mi serious nllilek of illness. rr lee 'Ji cents per uotlle. l-orsaleuy Jane'Jil, lrj7. 4ul a a & x y :! jj. . l. -u -LKi x )i -u: a i d STORE. MIsSLOiriSA SHItfSLER, respectfully in forms ihe citizen of Trevorton and sur rounding county, thut she tins opened a new store of Millinery and Fancy Uoods, at Trevor ton in Shainakiii street, nearly opposite K noose's Tavern, where all kinds of linnnets and Fancy fjoods can be had at the lowest terms. Dress making also attended to ia (he best manlier and latest st!c. Apiil 25, 1857. tf NOTICE. I have Ibis day purchased the following per Bona I property of John L. Renn.so'd by Con slalilu Clark, ut public sale; and loaned the same lo him during my plcesure, iil One brown and ono bay horse. 3 cows, 2, calves. 4 shoals, 2s sheep, 1 wagon. 2 ploughs. 1 fled, one-half ol a Thrashing Machine, one-hall of 0 ui res wheat, 12 do. rye, S do. outs, 5 do. corn, 2 beds, I bureau, 2 tables, 6 chairs, 2 stoves I dress, 1 sink. 1 chest, a lot of pit tuns, 1 kettle 1 griudslono ; for the sum of iH4t 87. JXCOU IiENN. Lower Augusta July II, 1857. 41$ Dissolution of Partnership. NOTICE is hereby given that the firm of Bird. Douty & John, of Uig Mountain Col'icry, was this day (July Ut, 1857.) mutually tlissol ved by the withdrawn! of J. J. John. Joseph lmtn. JOHN 11. DOUTY. J. J.JOHN. The business of Mining and Shipping Coal lrom the above named Colliery will hereafter be carried on in Ihe name of IliiJ &. Douty, who will adjust all tlie unsettled accounts of the late firm. JOSEPH BIRD, JOHN U. DOUTY. Shamokin, July 18, 1857 tf J. IMLMEU & to. Market bluet Wharf, Philiulelpliia. riKAu:uiN Kisji and riiovtsiuNSi HAVK constantly ou Inutd an assortment of Mseksrel, Wmd, Herriuss, Cistush, Ileal, Pork, Laid, auoulders Hums, Hides, Cheusu, Kico, A.C. alaieti ill, 1857. 8u 1KOWN'S and Breiuig' Esaence of Uinger and Husband's Magnesia at March H, '37. PISH Ell's. CD. 17. BRIGHT & SON, HAVE JUST RECEIVED A L-AKGK SUPPLY OF Dry .1oo1, Itently mnt.e Clothing, It oofs nnd Shoes, ISnrd ware, l-Jrocci-ies, (;iass) Duen8.t arc. &;., Among our present Htoek may be found French Lawn, Poplins, Fancy Silks, Plaid Ducal, Tissue, ISereges, Deheges, Challi, Ulaek 8ilk, Alpacce, Ciughams, Bwis Mull, Tarlleri, Carr.hiia. Nain souk, Hrillinnts, Dimity, Hook Muslin, Bchinett Collar, Swim Flouncing, Inserting, Laces, kib bons, Hosiery, and a general assortment of FANCY GOODS. Embracing tbe most beautiful styles, all qualities and prices. Domestic Coods, Windsor fi,sdos, Oil CIntils and Cirjicts. Summer Good for gents wear of every variety. Hardware rmbraein; all kinds of building material, Carpenter Tool of the bjsl manufucture, FiU of ery descrip tion, Cutlery, hhoo I indinga, Lasts, Ac. Former ea'urts nurprtsriFd In (tiarttltjr and (nallt)-. In addition to our former Store Room, we hnve filled up tlie seciln.) stity nf our establishment which you will find well slocked with Ready Made Clothing, (loots and (Shoes combining hcaufcr durability and cheapness. We shall conlinuo to receive Goods Seml Motitblv, thus rendering out assortment at all times complete, another Inducement to all who wish to purchase. NKff GOODS AT L 0 W I'll I OEM We relurn our thank l.i the public for their liberal palronBge, ami respectfully invite an inspee lion of our Onnds, as w deem it a pleasure to wsit on all who may favor us with a call. COUNIRY PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. Bar Iron, Steel, Nails, Ticks, Grub Hoes, Maon Hammers, Mill Sas. Window Sa?hi Grindstones, Glass, Faint:, Oils, I'uh, Salt, Cheese, Meat, &c, always on hand. Sunbury, May 3, 1857. If E. Y. BRIGHT Sr tfON. THE TETITH ABOUT KANSAS ! OOV. OEA.H."S-'0 ADMINISTRATION IN KANSAS Large ISmo. 348 pages. With a complete History of the Territory. U.vnt .Iinb, 1857. F.mlimeing a full ncconnt of its discoveiy, tie icmpliy, Soil, Cliinule, lr.lucts, its orpaiiizalioll sin 'l'sriitore, tmusnetions nnd events nniler liovem m Rivl r uiul l.aiiuoii, politieil discussions, I'ersonsl lleneountcrs, Klec tii it frauds, battles and nutrnRes, with Pot Units of prom iutut actorstliereiu, nil fully uuthcilticntrd By John ii. giiion, m. u. . TrivHtc Secrctnry to Gov. Ceary. Csrefullyeoinpill from the Official tkieuinenls on fi in the rln'U'tment if Suite at Washingtnn and other pa pers in Hi. possession of the Author, with fnll account ol the Invasion of Knnsas from Missouri the captnie, trial nnd treatment of the l''rce State prisoners, the character and movements of the Missouri Bolder Kulfians, the mur der of Dufltun and others. The Coiilrovsrsjr uetwoen Governor Cenry and Judge Lecompte. The nioeecdinir of the Tenitorial Igislat ire, of the pro-sliivery conveuti.m, and the orgnnitation of the Na tionul Oeutoerntie Pnrtr, with a sketch of Kansas during ils curly troubles under Govs. Ueederond Munition, ltx Invasions, Buttles, Outrses and Murders. A copy will be sent to any part of the United States, by mnil, free of postage, on llie receipt of retail price. A lilM-nd discount tn the trude. IV 1000 Ageuis wanted. Price 111 Cloth SI. Hnper, 50 CIS. CHARM-'. C. 1IIIODE9, rublislier. Inquirer JJuilding, rhiladclphia. July IP, IS37. tia. 'T'HE undersigned Executor of the estate of -1 Peter Rehock, late of Washington township, Northumberland county, dee'd., by virtue nf (no last Will and Testament of said deceased, will expose to Public Sale on the premises on SA TURDAY, the ISth day of AUGUST, next, the following described property to wit : A TRACT OF LAND, situutu iu Washington township, county aforesaid, on Ihe Kiiugerstcwn roa 1 to Pnttavillo. and wilhin a milo of the Trcvorton Railroad, adjoining lands of Valentine Klock, the Church properly of St. Peter's Church end others, containing TWENTY' ACRES end 39 Perches and allowance, whereon is erected a weather-bearded Log House, Bank Darn, Spring and other outbuildings. A never failing Well of Water, two Orchards wi h choice fruit. Also: A certain Tract of Land, situate in Washington township, said county, containing TWEN'i Y-SKVEN ACRES, mote or less, ad joining tho above tract of land, Daniel Wolf Valentine Klock, Samuel Mullick and others. The above land is in a good state of cultiva tion and excellent farming lund. The two tract will lie sold together, or separately, to suit pur chasers. Also At the same (line and place a lot of Carpenter's tools, Sluvc, Bureau and other arti cles too numerous to mention. Salo to commence at 10 o'clocV A. M. of said duy when the conditions will be made known by PE TER UOHNEK, Executor. Jncksin twp., July 4, 1857. Is HERRING'S SAFE. Till? ACKN'OWM-'.DtiKl) CHAMPION ! 1 THE.RF.CKXT TRIALS at (tending; huve endorsed the enricut of iiublie opinion, and continued .i .. ..e .1 .Mm 1 vy l- M llie enuei oi iii''iv iiiui. VrWyj&iJ fn"1-!! dental fires, proving c-melusirely r't. - I HP-ftf fat 'llerriuit " is the only APK l.i.r! 1 1 Sl-i fil llml will not burn. WfrrAsiSMJW Kxtract fiom the Committee's T,-Pjk Iteuort on ine tuui oi 110,1 tium sa3 ut tteading 1 'On the 5:1th of Fel.ruarv nil the members of llie Onn luillee met lo witners the iil'es and Inioks end papers, (i.lnccd iu ihrni) and were perfectly salislied 11 nt all was rliilit. The day loll iwnic, the burning took plnee, under the superintendence of the Coinmittee. Alter a fir and impartial burning for tivo hours, the fine ul .Messrs. Kv.-ms ic Watson wns first opened, the ile being on too inside, and the contciits partially connum-il, while the eon lents iu the fut'eof Messrs. Parrels t Herring weie in co id condition, nnd no tire insMv.." Ueniling. Mnrch 'Ji lir tSiglle-.l.) II. F. FI'.I.IX. I' N t llM'.M A, J Co A. II. I'KACOOK. And eudoricd by over 50 of llie best men ot Reading. The nliove Sales eau be inspLcted ul 1M WMlnilt flireet, where the public eiui salisl'v themselves of the crest filpe. noiitv ol the "llernns's I'steut liailliioil," over the defeated uud used up "liuide Iron Door Sulmalidcr." rircl9 & llcrrins, 31 Walnut Ft., Philmlu. ' t inly inulicii In this Slate of Herring's Palenl Cluimpiou Thenltempt made by other parties ti Isiister tip tho 1 r- ulitli. ul t S.ile le liirli has isileil so sieuuHv ii urei- tleatal tiles iu I .'nladelplila , (Kunstrud Pluck.) liy Inking me out of un agent's store, (II. A. Idiltl.) miul double thickness, (eilieieul from those they sell) lo "burn up-' one of Herrings (hull ns thick) has met with its true re wind. Herring's Safe Cou'd isit lie bulut, proving eonehi sivelv thai Ihe iiulv reliable Sale now made is-Heriiug''' of wlin It over la.tsm are now in aeinnl use, und mors thiin -.'iKI have been trii-d bv fire without a single loss. Pliila.Jiine, 1-57. IT. Spring and'Summer Fashions for 1857 JT IP. "W. G-PL.''S FANCY DRY GOOD STORE, Market Square, SunbUry. VOW received and will continue to receive, J lh laigest und best selected iSiock of Mack Cloth, CiMsiinerer, Cusg'mett antl Vesting., i'c. An assortment of Dress Uoods. ty. : Fancy printed Calicos, Chillies, printed Lawns, Do I .ail llaregus, Merinos, Cashuicrts, Alapmcas, Dress bilks, liiuthams, &C. LINEN AND WHITE GOODS. Libh Linen, bleached and browu Diillin, Sheet ing, y'lllowcaseing, Ac. Dress Trimrning3 in Great Variety. Hoot and Shoe Hats and Cups, Hardware, Cedarware, (iloceries, (jueensware. SALT and Flsll, Cheese, Cracker, Segars, Tobacco, Hnuir, oVc, ail assorsineut of other Gouds too tedious lo uienlioh. Peeling gtateful for past favor we beg leave to assure our old friends and tbe public that no ellorl on our part shall be wanting to merit a continuanre of our patronage. Country produce tuken in exchange at tha bights market price. P. W.GRAY. Hunbory.May 30 , 1857. tf PAPERS & MAGAZINES. riXllE New York Ledger, Parlor Casket, Flag 1. of our Union, Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, llallou's Pictorial, National Police b'azelte, Weekly Novellette, Waverly Magazine, and Harper' Weekly Journal cf Civilization. Also, Harper' Magazine, Godey's Lady' Book and Putnam's Magazine, just received and for sale by II. Y. FKILINU. Sunbury, July II, 1807. AI.MOND3, RAISON8. FIGS, LEMONS. &e., Ac., just received a fresh aupply and for sal at th Confectionary store of M. C. GEAKH AKT. fuiihury, May Iti, 1S57 SUPREME COUET KOETHEEH DIS. TRICT. 'JV'OTICE is hereby given that tho Supreme Court for the Northern Distiict of Pennsyl vania, will hold it session on October Term lor said District, in Williumsporl, Lycoming county agreeably to the following order of said CoUrt(a certified bv the Prothonotary of Ihe Eastern Dis trict. ' C1IAULE3 PLEASANTS, Prothonotary, 8. C. N. V. Prothonotary' o.Tao, June 27, 1857. In the Supreme Coiirl of Pennsylvania : NORTHEKN DISTRICT. AND now, June 33, 1837, It is ordered that a Special Term of the Supreme Court ho held under the Act of 20th April, 1855, at Williams port, Lyccming county, to commenro on the (list Tuesday of October next, for the purposo of heir ing arguments on writ of error, appeals, Ac, from the counties of Lycoming, Northumberland and Montour, and such other cause from any of the counties composing the Northern District as may be by mutual consent argued at the eaid time and place. The said special term lo con tinue as long a may be necessary. Certificate Jrom the Hecord. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of the said Supreme Court at Philadelphia, this twenty-fifth day of June, A.D. 18o7. J. F. BEI.STERING, Pro Proth'y. July 4, 1857. tc Tlie World's Great Txliibilloit Prize Ir3e!nt ! AAYARLrl:i TO C. MEYER, For the Tko Vianon, London, October, 15, 'il IJ KSPECTFULLY informs his friends anJ the public generally, that he has constantly on hand i'ianos equal to thoso for which he re ceived the Prize Mednl. in London in 18'; 1. All orders promptly attended to, and great care taken in the selection und parking the same. He has received during the last 15years, mora Medals than anv other maker fro,n tho Franklin Institute also Fir-t Premium at Dostun, und Premiums at New York and Ualiiinoro. Yt'arcrooms, removed flout 52 N. Pour III, t No. 180 ARCH Street, below Eighth, south aido, Philadelphia. April 11, 1857 3,n BLACKWOOD'S MAGAZINE AND The British Qnarterly Reviews. Great inducements to Subscribe! COfT RKbt'CKD 50 TO ?j PLIt CENT, r SCOTT CO., New York, continue to publish) J j lae loii iwiiig icHUing uritt.u t'eifMiicai, vi : Ti:t: LONDON QUARTKIU.Y, Cousurrativ. I Till-: IUUNBl'KG UEVIKW, Whig. 3 'rilU NORTH ClilTlSH REY1LW, Pre. turch Tilt: WT.ST.UlNSTIiR BEVIEW, I.ibcnil. 5 RI.ACKWOOD'S EDlctllURQ MAtJAZI.E, Tor Tlicse Periodica!snlily represeiit the three great politi cal parties of tireat lliitniu Wlii, Torv nnd Kudieal hut imlilics forms only one fea'.iue, of their ehurncttr. A organs of the most prolouud wiitersou Science. Litera tuie. Molality und lteliitin, they stuuil,iis they ever havu st.sil, nnrivai'leil iu tiie world of letters, lietug eonsiUered iiiilis;ieiiMwile to the scholar und the professional man, while to the lute llteir. reader of every elass liiey fuiulsli n more eorrwt uud salisluelory reeo,1 of the curieut liter uture of the duy, throughout the worlt1, than can be possi lilv oliltiiued from airy oilier Source. i'.A'.tl.Y rol'IK Tho receipt if Advance Sheets from the llritish publishers gives uddiliouul value to ihr.e Itepriiils, iu us lunch us they euu now he placed in Ills uiu's of suhsi rihers uimut us sihiii as Ihe original uduio us T::it.M3. (Regular Trices ) rtraiiuitni. por any one nf the four Reviews, Jci.OO For any two of the four Reviews, s,uu For any three of the fonr Reviews, 7.00 For till four of Ihe Reviews, (MK) Kor liluckwood Mui;nziue, 3,ou For liluckwood nod three Reviews, 8.U0 For Blackwood uiul the lour Reviews. 10,00 Payments to lie made m all euses iu uUvsnee. Aliiney cur rent iu the Suite where issued, will be received ut pur. I'OSTAliK The Posinee to anv psrt of the I nncd Slates will lie but TWK.Vi'V-Fol lI t'liNTS u yeiu for 'Hlackw.ssl," nnd hut FOl'HTEKN CKN I'S a yiar for each of the Reviews. At the above prices the Periodicals will be fuinisl ed forlrO.'. Sl'LF.NDlD OFFERS FOR 1800 AND IrU: ! t.'ulike the more ephemeral Miiuulues of the day, these Periodicals lose littlu by si;e. lieuee u full yeui ul the Nos. (with no omuussitins) for l.'sl, umy be regard ueuily us vuluuhle as lor lo7. Ye piopose to furui.h the Iwir years nt the lollowiiu; extreiuul) low rates, viz : -For IliackwiNHl's Magazine, V4-0 For uny one Review, s.un For any two Review, 1KI I'or Hluekw.K'd und one Revicir, 1,11 For liliiekwnl uml two Rerk w", P,l Forlhree Reviews, KM) For H!ui-kwo.luiid three Reviews, t'.Miii Forihefoui Reviews, 11,111 Fir Ulaek wmhI nnd Ihe four Reviews. 14 Ul To nvoid I'r.ielious, -5 limy lie retmiieil fir Rhckw.iod for whieh we will forward that work for lnh years, poHl-piltd N H The price in ('.rent HriNin of the 6ve Perioili ca!s aUive n:irtKI is uttoiitS-'ll per annum As we shull never spam be likely to o.Ter such iuJsee Itieutsus those here presented. Note is the Time to Subscribe .' tr Koniiltunins mint, in nllensea, bo mo direct lo Ihe Publishers, for at these prices no eoliimrs.lnu can b sllowsd to Agents. AiWiess. LliOV AHD Si 'O I F ft CO. No SI Gold Sued, New York. April jj, l?a7 P. MEIANCHTON EHINDEL, JISTIPF. OF TIIK I'lt'l', SUNBURY, FA. Office in Veer Street, immctliuttly ujfwite the Public SchotU House. All business promptly attended to. Minie collected and all ordinary writing done. Sutibury, April 25. 1857 tf Efctnte of Allied iroitlaml, dre'd TVOTICE is hereby given that the widow o' ' Alfred Hon land, dee'd., late of 'iWorloti, hss selected from the personal elicits uf her late husband, property nut exceeding iu value f 300, agreeably lo the provision of lb Act of th Assembly, exempting lor the use of widow' pro perty of the value of $300 lrom levy and distress. That an inventory of the ssiao ha been filed, and will he presented le th Orphan' Court of Northumberland county on Tuesday the 4th day f August for approval. UF.O. MOWTON, Ados'i. Tievortoii, July 11,1837.-11 tfcite, CO JH'DSaj UCT.