Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, August 01, 1857, Image 3

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    . Frorn tin Clnclnmtf Commerce of Tliirsilnjr.
A t01SOl"Kli oV tlllLtJftEl. 'u
A Fiend in ltumnn Shape Distributing Ar f
nil! in Candy Ytco, Deaths .and Tuiefity
Children Poisoned! .. . i ;,, ......
Tin community has hardly bood allowed
breathing time since the horrible tragedy
enacted by tlio murderer Lioerner, before we
' are again called upon to recount a deed winch
in hellish iniquity beggar, description, and
tiirowa toe legendary poisonings or tne uer
cina in the shade. '" ' -
Yestordoy afternoon, between the hoars of
two and four, a couple of boys, apparently
from 14 to 18 years of age, were observed
sauntering tip Buckeye street, a densely pop'
ulated German neighborhood,'' scattering
small lozenges upon the side-walk, about the
nize of peppermint drops. In 'onot her' part
r tlio street, a rather roDnrt loosing man,
dressed in a block coat, white' palits and
white hat, with a bos onder his arm, was also
observed, occasionally distributing a similar
description of lozenges, only in larger quan
tities. As is nsrial. in (Jot man1 localities,
iiito a number of children were playing upon
the street, and they , greedily seized tha
tempting candies thus gnitutiou&ly thrown in
their wny. Occasionally the man would give
a packago to porsonti , he met, tint in these
inalnnces the parlies declined tasting, sus
pecting something wrong. Not so, however,
with the unsuspecting children, who greedily
-devoured their to thjni dainty wails, and in a
uhort time afterwards they were talien with a
-violent vomiting. The neighborhood became
speedily alurinud, and Drs. Smith, Davis and
I' t ies, were summoned, who speedily detected
the net ion of poison, and upon a chemist in
lio neighborhood) . Mr. ' Kckel, analyzings
lozenge it was found to be composed f equal
parts of arsenic, sugar and flnurv' In the
track which the man, or rather monster, had
taken, as many (is 1,500 or these death deal
ing drops were found in one pile, and In ano
ther spot one. fourth pound of arsenic was
found tied in a eoudo of parcels.
The neighborhood became fearfully excited,
for at least twenty children hnti-more or less
partaken of the insidious poison. The first
victim was t line liltlo boy named John
IShfilU, aged nine years, whose parents reside
in Uuckeye street, near l'oplar. He expired
ut six o'clock in the evening. We wore
present when the coronor held his inquest,
and a more melancholy sight it has seldom
been our lot to witness. The mother of the
dead child had a few days previous been con
linoil, and, in the same room, her eldest boy
lay a stiff and rigid corpse, wbilo the new
horn infant sought in vuin for nourishment
from the maternal breast, the fount of which
(iudden grief and agony hud dried. Uer two
other children bad also partuken of tho poi
coned drops, and lay sick iu the same room,
but they were pronouticedout of danger.
Immediately upon tho other 6ide of the
street, another promising child, named Henry
Schwartz, ubont eleven o'clock last night is
Fiiid to have breathed his last, und at the
time we visited the poisoned district some
lour or five other children, niulo and female,
were supposed lo bo iu a very critical condi
tion. We heard that several Bimilur
cases had occurred ou I'lfteeutb, betweon
Jlace and Klin streets ; but we were unable
to glean particulars. . ' ; '
It in with heartfelt paiu that we are com
pelled to record a crime which makes us
blush for our common nature. Such a fiend
us the perpetrator of the above atrocities,
might well cause us to ruther claim kindred
with the brute and forswear our relationship
with the human species. It is to be hoped
that no pains will be spared in bunting the
vampire to his lair.
rura KrownluH " Obituaries.
This eccentric man is still editing the Knox
ville (Teiin.) Whig, and in his own orignal
und effective style, He will be remembered
by many of our readers, who attended the Na
tional Nominating Convention of 18.10, when
M illard Fillmore was placed before the people
ho being an active member of thai body.
JSomu of his speeches we shall never forget,
nor will the pood hnnior which they mutt d De
very soon obliterated from our memory. The
lust oddity wo have seen from tho Parson, is
.a paragraph which he has written on obituary
ViOtices, complaining of the ueccessary and to
.dious length of these productions, and espec
ially of those sent to his paper. He pronoun
ces them unless nonsense and concludes by
saying, "when we die, wo desire some friend
lo pen this obituary for us :
"Departed this life, on day, in the year
of his age, W. O. lirownlow, lor many years
-the lidilor of a newspaper. He desiros it
stated to the world, that if ho had his life to
live over again, he could improve it in many
respects. He leaves no apologies to be
made to men in this life, and asks uo favors
of any body "on the othereideof Jordan,"but
his God 1 His friends if he has any left behind
can be of uo service to him ; his enemiesj-ie
is proud to know, can't reach him !" J?
"Itnnnin " i 1 Ttiimnn flin Tit nn
tit Loia Monlct again en her JWuei."-We
learn, from the lioc better tfnion, that last
: i rinoy morning Lola, took the (rain, from Ni
agara Falls Tor Buffalo, and without advice
from any source, she seated herself iu the
baggage car to quietly puff her rigarttte
While thus cosily throwing off from her lips
the curling smoke, sue was discovered oy the
Conductor and informed that passengers were
not permitted to ride in the baggage cars.
She paid no attention to the intimation, how
ever! but continued to smoke, as 11 no one tiaq
addressed her, -
Assistant Superintendent Coltamer was al
the station, and was informed what Lola was
doing. lie said she must do as other passen
gers did, and that she could be permitted to
ride id the baggage car. ' The Conductor
called upon ber and politely told her that she
must take a soat in one of the cira designed
for passengers. Lola drew horttelf np into an,
attitude of defa ce, and told the Conductor
that the had traveled all over the world and
had always rode where she bad a mind to, aud
proposed to do so in this case.
The Conductor withdrew, and Lola was
not a sain disturbed. She rode. to Buffalo
in the baggage Car, and had no ouoosion to
use the whip. ' The railroad men did not
care to further disturb the tigresss. ' -The
Conductor further expostulated with
her, and nsssured bar that he was executing
tho order of the Superintendent and the rules
of the company, Lola replied that she had
horsewhipped bigger nieu than he. This set
tled tho matter.
Found Out. That' "retired physician,
whose sands of life are nearly run out,") and
who advertises so extensively thai be will
send a recipo for Curing certain complaints
ou receipt of postage stumps, &c.t has been
exposed. The editor of tho Lancaster (Pa.)
I'.xjmlner, wag coaxed into sending to luro
for his recipe, and be thns tells us about it :
"We have spent considerable time nod mo
ney iu sending to thcselellows for'their differ
ent remedies, from the celebrated Honey
down to lie. Dr.' M'Dangal, Mho retired
clcrirvman. who purposes to euro tho nervous
sufferer for nothing. Well tho lievcreud
gentleman's preparation is as follows :
Alcoholic extract ol iguoi&nlia amara dU
rowuered gnm nrabic iu grams.
Mako foity pills, aud take oue three times
here the Reverend impostor got the
wonderful medicine from, It would be hurd to
tell. But most certainly it neither con be
found in coy of the medical or botanical
books, drug stores or uny other place, but
must come from the inventive genius of tho
doctor's head, who will send it by mail on re
ceipt of on extra dollar merely to pay expen
ses. This certainly is tho most ingenious
manner that has beeu devised yet to gull the
public, and goes ahead ol I rotessor Oli
ver's fifty ways to make a fortune, which was
without exception, the greatest piece of swin
dling ever practiced ou the community."
Ex. Paper.
Tim Fibrt Watciirr, of which wo have
any account, were tnutlo a'. Muremoerg, in
the seventeenth century, uud were culled
Nuremberg eggs, lo Dr. lleoliu oolongs
the honor of inventing the hair spring. Tlie
pendulum was suggested to Galileo by the
swinging of the chandelier in tho cathedral
at I isa. liuggens soon alter invented me
maintainng power. George Graham origi
nated the gridiroo and tho merenriel pendu
lums. The first pendulum tarret clock in
Europo was made aud erected by llichurd
Harris, ot Jjomion, m 1041. remaps, tne
most remarkable clock ever made was that
by a clergyman, named Huhn, in the eigh
teenth century. It was a sort of historical
orrery, embracing a period of about ten thou
sand years, and portraying the chief inci
dents from tho creation until after tho apo
Hew Advertisements.
The annual meeting of the Northumber
land County Agricultural Society will be held
in the Court house in Sunbury on the 3d
day of August next at 1 o'clock P. M. to elect
ofiicers lor the ensuing year and make ar
rangements for the annual fair.
W. C. LAWSON Frks't.
Milton July 21 1S57.
Pdy up and Save Com,
W 7E hereby uivo notice to all thoso who
owo us by Note or 15ook account, that
after the first of August, we shull place our
accounts in the hands of a Justice of the
Peace, with directions to sue all who will
theu owe us without exception.
Sunbury, July 25, 1857. 3t
Guano t Guano I! Guano!!!
t 4 i ALU KINDS.
" 5 7000 TONS. ' , ;
v ty FARMERS! -
For your wheat crop, nse liF.lNAU'f faper Phnsphala
of l.fma, at t Ct., a In. or 940 a Trni ( or lira :,v;i
NAU'8 AJ1KRIOAJM I'KUTUJZIW, nt 83,50 Mil. or
tin a ton. Due ban el u( ell her n mnnclcnt Tor nn Aer
of Wkmt. ' ' ' '
irmrie of rclinMe Chmlrn1 F.lemrtili, nnd hnve bren tit
fticcflavftot nn Tor the itnst Six Yenr, improving th aoil
and incrMmiMr too vnlue of the Imtd
For DipjomM from the Stnf Aftrtnillnrnl Society of
renneyivnnm jicwjreeyi iiewware Ann tne cryitnl
Felnre iAwoelallnn of the Cirr of New York, liave been
reeplreA foi them Vehmhle FertiliRnre.
rninphlute in the Ensliah nnrt Qerman tingtnie onn be
hnd ly nrpllmtion nt the Office
A liberal rtisermnt to Wholrenle Dmlere.
Thenhove Pertilikern, delivered I'HbB of Cnrlage to
any whnrf in the old C.ty Proper.
Ordffti eent by Meii acciompntiicd with Cnfh or Drafta,
will be promptlf 8hippcd In nuy part of the World.
. OKOROK A. i,P.INAIT, Proprietor.
. No. 1(1 South Front Street, Philadelphia City,
July as, lsOi. 1m w I'enns) Ivoiiii.
Wall Paper A Window Shades.
. , ' A.; ISAACS,
No. 1C3 A'orth Second Street, , ()
HAVING completed their large assortment
of the above Uoodafor Spring and Hummer
Trade) Would respectfully invite the attention
of Purchasers to tha tame. J heir elect tor
beauty, chcatmess and variety cannot be sunba
Thv have conetanily on hand every descrip
tion of Gold and Pointed Shaded, Buff Hollands,
and Shade Fixtures. Wall Papers, Cm tains,
Fire Board Prints, Borders, &c, all of which
they offer at lower rate than an he hal at any
oilier establishment. Call and examine. '
Ifi3 North Second Street..
March T, 1857. 6m w '
Wood 1Ioiilc5it!fT .Mill,
Willow Street ahove Ttrelth, North Side.
iCVU IiDlNGS auitaMe for Carpenter
builders, Calinet and Frame Makers.
worked from the bent and thoroughly aeasoned
material, always on hand. Any pattern work
ed from a drawing.
The suharriher banner purchased the entire
interest, will continue the business with increas
ed facilities.
Agents wanted in the various towns in this
portion ot the State, to whom opportunities will
be offered for large profile to themselves.
July IS, 1857. 8m 2p
To the Electors of Northumberland County.
TH E nndernighcd offers himself lo tho Demo
cratic party of Northumberland County as
Candidate for the office of
Should he receive a nomination at their hands
and be elected at the cencrat election, he will
endeavor to perform tho duties of the oflice to
the best of his abilities.
Upper Mahonoy, July 25, 1857. ;
BJMERSONS United Elate Magkxlne, 8a
lord ay Evening Poet, -N. Y, Picayune,
Magistrate. Nick Nax and Yankee Notions for
sale by H. Y. FRILlNQ,
N. B. Persons living; at a distance can liv
a list of prices forwsrded by addressing as a)6ve.
Magazines, Papers and Book not on hand,
constantly ordered. "'.I j i
Bunbury, July IS, 1857. if ,
" Disiolution of Partnership. J
NOTICE is hereby o-ivcri that the firm1 of
Bird. Douty & John, of Bi,? Mountain Colliery,
was this day (luly 1st, 1857,) mutually dissol
ved by the withdrawal of J. J. John.
The business of Mining and Shipping Coal
irom the above named Colliery will hereafter be
carried on in the name of Bird &, Douty, who
will adjust all the unsettled accounts of the late
. " ' JOHN B. DOUTY.
Shamokin, July 18, 1857-tf , ; , . ,
Candidate for Senator.
We are authorized to say that Capt. Wm.
Forsyth of Northumberland, will be a candi
date for Senator, in this district, composed
of tho counties of Northumberland, Snyder,
Moutnur and Columbia. -
July IP, 1857. '
To the Electors of Northumberland
BMIE subscriber offers himself as a Candidate
t the Democratic voters of Northumber
land county for the office of
If nominated and elected he will endeavor to dis
charge the duties of the office faithfully and im
Upper Augusta, July 4, 1857.
To the Electors of Northumberland
rjMIE subscriber would respectfully announce
X lo the Democratic voters of Northumberland
county that he is a Candidate for nomination
for the office of
Having had much experience in the legal pro
fession he is thoroughly acquainted with the du
ties of the oflice, and shoulJ he he nominated
and elected he will mako every effort to duchatgc
laiUilully Ins duty as an el.iccr.
Sunbury, July 11, 1S57.
list or JURORS
For Northumberland County, for the Au
gust Term, A. D 1857.
1 Gilbert Berlew, Zorbo, '
2 Alfred Kneaa, Northumberland. .
3 Solomon Delb, Upper Mahanoy.
4 George Good, Milton.
6 Georgo Frederick. Ohilisruaquo.
6 A. 8. Campbell, Shamokin. i
7 Holomon Fagely, ..,..!
8 JohnTrnyer, Ml Caimel. ' .1 . j
9 George Stressor, Upper Mahanoy.
10 Uteph Iiittenbender, Coal.
It George L Weimer, Northumberland.
12 Philip Stambech, Delaware. ',
13 Abraham Knydnr, Upper Mahanoy.
14 Alexander Reiser, Coal, -
15 Christopher llenn, Rush.
lfi John Mullick, Loner Augusta.
17 Abraham Shipe Jackson, :
18 John Tweed, Lewis.
19 Lewis Chamberlin, Shamokin.
20 Joseph Frederick, Chilisqmiquo. .
21 Isaac Herb, Upper Mahanoy.
22 Washington I lileman, Sunbury. -'
23 John G. Bright, do
2i Frederick Wagner, Lewis.
1 James D. Bar Lewis.
2 David llilkert, Northumberland.
3 John Dale, do
4 Anthony Watson, Point. , . '
5 Samuel Gahringer Jr. Upper Augusta.
G Casper Adams, Shamokin.
7 J II Kunfuian, Uppor Mahanoy.,
8 Jacob .lise, Jordun. ,
9 John Rinse, Shamokin.
10 Charles Morgan, Point. ,
11 Solomon Schafl'er, I,owcr Mahanoy:
12 George Delb, Jr. Upper Mahanoy.
13 Jacob Uttilner, l.ewi.
14 Samel Rerstetter, Chilisrpiaquo.
15 Peter Ivoons, l'elawaro.
1G Peter Parse!, Sunbnry.
17 Franklin Davis, Shamokin.
18 Philip Heckert, Lower Mahanoy.
19 John B Dontv, Coal. '
20 Uusper Adams, Jr. Shamokin.
21 Jos J.merieU, Jr. Lower Alatianpy.
22 Jacob Hunsicke.r, Lewis.
23 Peter Shaffer. Delaware.
24 Charles A Bright, Sunbury.
23 B M Bell, Mt Carmei.
26 Jacob Binder, Lewis.
27 William Dalius, Upper Augunta,
28 Michael Young, Sunbury.
29 Frederick Roble, Jackson.
30 John Yenger, Rush.
ol Robert Campbell, Shnmokin.
32 Wm nunc, Upper Muhnnoy.
33 Jacob Risher; Chilieqiiaqne.
34 Fetor Vonida, "
35 Isaac Chamberlin Shamokin.
36 Peter Still, Northumberland.
37 D J Rice, Mt. Carmei.
38 James. Caul, Lewis
39 Willium Turdoo, CbiliBquuone.
40 Paul Brosious, Upper Mahanoy.
41 Francis Eckelman, Upper Augusta.
42 Ivlwaril Puber, Coal.
43 Wm M. Weaver, "
44 Jacob Curl, Jordan.
43 John O Shannon, Lewis.
40 Joseph Sr.yder, Coul.
47 John Montgomery, Lewis.
t-8 Johu II Wilson, "
1Iowthb"Main Law" bas Wokkf.d. The
M.iiu law has been fairly tried iu seven States
of the American Union, and in every one it
has proved a comple failure. From the eas
tern boundary of Maine to the western line
xtlnViifftn it has not permanently closed a sin-
rrin protr-shon. In Rhode Island there are
three grog-shop to-day where there was one
w'.en the law was enacted. In Maine tho law
i.n'p ho n renealod. And we know thai the law
was a d.-ad letter in nearly every school dis
trict of Maine for at least two years before it
was repealed. There are not ten temperance
men who will raise a finger to enforce the
Maine liquor law. The .law has been
n the statute-book of this State, with an in
intorruption of only three or four months, ever
since July, 1832. During the last two years
not four rumsclloM have been hnpriaoued
under it, and we are confident that not moro
than six warrauts have been issued. The
Maine law in Rhode Island has not ouly the
r,!rup. nf multiDlvintr crog-shops to an inde
finite extent, but it bus caused a general spirit
of resistance to all excise law; and, indeed
tmnn & most efficacious cause of the gen
eral insubordination of the community to laws
of all kinds. The general deGance of tho late
.mn Uw in New York city and elsewhere
would not now be witnessed if tho friends of
"the Maine law had not set the example of
disregard of the rights 01 tne people iu uieir
unconstitutional bcuouic, uu u"i
a habit or disobedience Dy tuoir unwise project
Providence Journal.
No. 234 and 416 .V. Third St., Philadtlphia.
JOHN CLYMEK, Proprietor.
(Successor to Dasihi Daibkt.)
THE Proprietor returna his thanks for the
liberit patronage bestowed on til's well
known house, and respectfully asks a continu
ance of the same, assuring his many fiiends of
Northumberland and adjoining counties, that no
pains shall be sparod to render comlort and pica
re to all who may give him a call. '
Philadelphia, July 85, 1857. 3m
i Pinnn nv Irish Uiki.s. A company of
Avmitv Irish eirls passed through this city on
their way to the West, a day or two since, ac
companied by an Irsh gentleman, who had
them in charge, and had brought them all the
way from Ireland. They were a line looking
,.r ;,.! from sixteen to eighteen years ol
age and iutond to make the est their homes
-7,.i ,.r nnroU n readv to marry, but are wil
ling to work and earn their living until the
tiuTo arrives when tbey will get a husbaud.
ni,o ,.- in nrn mouev sullicioiit to pay the
exnensa of brintiing them over, and return it
to the benuvi.leui gruwBiuan
To the Klectors of Northumberland County
HAVING been solicited by a numt-er of my
friends to offer myself as a candidate fjr
I her by announce that I present myself to the
Democracy ot the Uountv lor nomination al tne
approaching primary election. II 1 am Humilia
ted and elected I will use my best abilities to
perform the duties of the office.
II. il. IVAULlil.b,
Ehamokin tp., July 11, '857.
OOV. Q33A.-5TS
Large Hmo. 848 pages.
With a complete History of the Ten ilory. '
Ut ip, IS57.'
Einhrscin frill ifcvonnt of ila ilisroverr. Of I'avnnhv,
S ll, Chmnle, rriulacls, its orpiiniKatimi nss 'IVrncury,
trtinaaetiims sturl uveitis unrT.r O.ivarn.ns llnlir nml
Hihsnnnn, rKilliiwI tlisonssions, IVrstntnl llf'uciMHti.T, KIm--titin
fruudfl, buttles siul otitrtirrrs, will Vortrnitn ol .rtiu
jiieiil actors Hicreiti, nil fully nuthpntiratcd
ny Jinin ti, Pinion, m. n. '
Privnte Secretiitylo Ouv. Ocnry.
CnrefiillrnnmnlM from the OiDrlnl ilnenmrnts on ills
111 the donnrtinmt siinle Ht Wodhinrt'iti nni o?her tn.
pers in the p'isHi,litii of ihe Auilmr, with fell account of
the Iiivnaloti of Knnans from JVIissonri r'lhn cent ore, trinl
nml trcnlincnt of the Free Ptnto prisoners, tho i-h;iracter
nnd movemcutsof the Missouri Botdtr Itutrmns, the mar-
clur or Jfitllum and fithers. '
The Controversy telween Oovcmot Oeoty nnd Judge
The procTcdlngs of the Torritorlul l,eriJTt-jre. of the
tTo-shivcrv cHtvention. and the or initti"n of the Na-
tiounl Democrntie Party, with a sketch of Knnsna daring
Its onriy rrouoic unncr liovs. nceuernnu rnauiiun.
Its liivnstotts. Bftlltrik, Outrniroa and ftlurd-ra.
A conv will be sent to ntiv bart of the I'nltrd States,
hy maii. free of poetnfe, on the receipt of retail price.
A libern'l disconnt to the trade, Or-IOOn Ausnts wanted.
Price in Cloth Jf. Paper, Stl Cts.
CHARt.KS O. nimwKS, PuWishet.
Inquirer lluilding, Philudclphia.
July lj 1a7. 4m.
170 K trial in tha Court of Common Pleas
-"- Northumberland County, to be hold at Sun
bury, on Monday, the 3d day of August, 1857.
J H Vincent, s George Hans' Adm'r,
John L. Ross At wile vs Geo, Vox,
Ira T. Clement vs A C Noyes,
Ann Divers vs Wm Pilmanet al
(J. Lcisenring Vs G. Morris r"
Pninoel Hilener vs Michael Wertman
The Presbyterian Church v. w (,
of chainokin townihip,
I. Muchan vs Hegins V Donncl
J U h's ox'rs. vs C. W. Hegins ot al
Famo vs C W Hcgliu
same vs game
Jacob lLiwcr etc ' vs Jolin 1' Summers
tieo. Christian etal vs Isaac Walter,
Aboltfor Juslicd ' vs S 11 Wood
Uuwcn & M.scr, vs u,,bury Vwnl A Water
' Tower Company.
Wm Heiizman, ' vs Jacob liiltiii-li,
Jncoh Hower if Co., vs J. I'. Summers
1C M Irhind, vs 7'i'his Dornnn, ct al
Wm L Dewart vs Wm and U Prgely
Samuel Huntor's ex'rs vs s.imo
Ab.aham Ucncr vs John Bartholomew,
R. D Snxton vs John Simpson
Win K.Martji " vs J U Mnsser'
Eckel lfniuel & Co vs 11 Masker's Ex'n.
John Rower et ol vsS J McCurmick
'' . .i?;.EsrManT, fit son, '
&xrnaTmx-t ivrC)iixii-rj3v!:23Eri.A3srr) couiity,
liry CJok1, Svfjidy n;a:iie CIoiki;a?r, Ocola nurt M:.ff ?, E'nril-
Amnrjntir present Stock may bafmirid French Lawns, To lint, Fiinry .ill:s, I'l. ii! l)i-tl. Tinpr,
PercgoK, llel.cts, Cbiilli.'Dlnrk HiSkn, Alparcn, tiiuttham, Ht ic fciuil, Tarlton. Candida, Nain
sook, Hrilliatits, Dimity, Pook Muslin, Urr.inett Collarit, Swi 1 luuiicii:g, liweuingt Wos, Itb
Ions, Husie'ry', nnd a general assortment of PANCV IjiUUbS. ,
Knibracing tho most beautiful styles, all qualities anil prices. Dumrstic tiaoda, Windsor FIiomih,
Oil t'liilhs nml Ciiij.cU. Humnior Goods fur grills wear cf every variety, llnrilvtaio emhtaoim
all klmls of bui'ilins; material, Carpenters Tools of the b.'tt maiiufactoni, Filu of erory descrtp
ti Cullcry, Shr.e findings, Lasts, &c.
Former cU'oa'ts NisrraJisetl In QiinJJJy tnrt iis.T.22l3"
In addition to our former Store Hoom. v haio fiilnd up tlie secind stiry of our eslAliliohment
wbiih you will finj well stocked with Itenily Mndo Clothing. Boots and fcliors combining beauty
durability and cheapness. Wo shall continue to recsive Goods Hemi Moiitltly, thus rumluiing our
sssorlinciit at all Uiiiob complete, another Inducement to all who wish to purchase.
We return our thanks to the public for their liberal pMrotlago, and respectfully invito an inspec
tion of our Uooils, as ri deem it a pleasure to Wait on nil who may favor us with a call.
y t) - q q q q q q q q
Bar Iron, Steel, Wails. Ficki, Grub Hoea, Mft?n IlammfiTs. Mill Sawi, Window 8fh,
Grindstones, Glass, Paints, Oils, lish, Suit, Chaise, Meat, &c, ahvays nn hrrrt.
Sunbury, May 3, 1807. tf i E. Y. BRIGHT & SON.
Philip Kaust
M M Sober
Rairitcl Co
John Hess
S llnopt
F. Hclfe.nslein
Hang A- Brown
Mrs. Dorr
C Yarger .'i
Ira T. Clement
F. Frver and wife
Surah Swcnev
vs Joseph Hofrcn Jublcr
vs t MuU'lilcr
vs 1) Stewart and wifo
vs Catharine 1'ollock.
vs H U Masser
vs E C Hester : i
vs Jacob Gsss
vs Wm I.. Dov.-nrt
vs Krymire and Stout
; va Wm Hhcail'er,
vs Henry Vanguskin
vs P Suisback ft al
vs Samuel Teas
John Fry vs Commissioners of Northumb'd Co.,
Philip Sarvis vs
Isaac Brown
(ieo. Shell & Co
Henry I. alalia
George Haruer
vs Thomas Staddcn
vs C. Smith
vs M. Httrick
vs Mnry Harner.
rr.tthonotiiry s Oiiico,
Sunbury, July 4, IH
fS hereby given thst .lenos commiltce
of Jacob Litzel, has tiled his account in the
Prothonolary's office ond that the samo will lie
presented to tho Court for confirmation at next
Prothonotnry's Office, )
Sunbury, July 4, I8."i7. J
Collections made and Professional Busiucss
generally attended to Promptly and Carefully.
Bullitt If Fainbornc, Diehl A Werti,
Davis & Biriiey, V. Taj loi & Co.
Siiiihurv. Juno E0, lFf.7.
'To the Electors of Northumberland Comity.
1TAVING been solicited by many of my lellow
- citizens to become a Candidate for the oflice
of SHERIFF. I hereby announce that I pro
sent myself to the Democracy of tho rounty for
nomination at the approacliinc primary election.
If nominated and elected, I will use the best of
my abilities lo pcrfirm the duties of the office.
Milton, July 11, 1857.
I COO lbs of C arpet BJa
STSTANTED al the store nf K. Y. Bright &
Son, who are constantly receiving a fresh
supply of Goods, thus oil'i'i ing to the public the
largest nnu most desirable OBsorlrt.cnt.
July II. 1857.
fhave this day purchased the following per
sonal property of John L. Renn.sold by Con
stable Clark, at public sale ; and loaned the same
to him during my plccsure, viz:
One brown and ono bay horso. 2 cows, s.
calves. 4 sboats, 2'sheep, 1 wagon, 2 ploughs, 1
sled, one-half of a Thtnshiug Machine, one-half
of 20 acres whoat, 12 do. rye, 5 do. oats, 5 do.
corn, 2 beds, I bureau, 2 tables, G chuirs, 2 stoves
drets, 1 sink. 1 chest, a lot ol pictures, 1 kettle
1 grindstone; for the sum of.'j;:l'lli R7.
JlUlll! (t.-.n,
Lower Augusta tj July 11, 18.r)7. 4lit
TVTOTICE Is hereby given that tho Supreme
A-' Court for tho Northern District of Pciinryl
vatiiu, will bold it cession on October Term fur
Enid District, in Williamsport, Lycominp; county
agrcuubty to the following order of raid Court, as
certified by the Prolhonotnrv of tho Eactcrn DU
Prothonotary, S. C. N. D. '
Prolhonotary'a oflice, June 37, 1857.
In the Fircme Court cf
K"cisiS'lranla :
AND now, June 23, 1857, It is ordered that
a Special Term of tho Supremo Court be held
under the Act of 2Cth April, 1855. at Williams
port, Lyccming county, to commence on the first
Tuesday of October next, for the purpose of heir
ing arguments on writs of error, appeals, Ac,
from the counties of Lycoming, Northumberland
and Montour, and such other causes from any
of the counties composing the Noithern District
as may bo by mutual consent argued at tho snid
time and place. The said special term to con
tiuue as lung as may be necessary.
Certificate Jrom the llecord.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my
hand and the seal of the said Supremo Court nt
Philadelphia, this twenty-tilth, day of June, A.D.
J. F. BELSTERING, Pro Proth'y.
July 4, 1857. Ic
FT OTICE Ik hereby given that triplication baa
Lccn made to tho Court of Commnr Pleis
of Northumberland county, by the members of
the German Reformed and Kvaugelical Lutheran
Churches in Upper Mahonoy township, for a
('barter of Incorporation under the namo and
title of tho Trustees and Church Council of St.
John's United German Reformed and Evangelical-Lutheran
Church, in Uper Mahonoy and
that the same will be presented to Court for a
hearing, the first Monday of August next.
JAMES BEARD, l roth'y.
Prothonotary's Office. )
Sunbury. July 4, 1S57. S
Notice to Bridge Builders.'
E A LED proposals will be reccivad by the
undersigned, on Jtns UA l , tne turn nay
of AUGUST, next, between the hours cf 10 o
rlnelt. A. M.. and 3 P. M., of said day at the
Commussioucr s office, in the borough ol Sunbury
Northumberland county, for the building of two
The one to be built ecroes Big Shamokin
Creek at the road lending from the Creek ana
along J. C. Morgan a laud, and intersects the
creek road iii Upper Augusta township, iu said
county and said bridge lo be built on the same
plan as Hie one that is built across mo same
stream at l'eler Keefcr's, in the samo township-
The other one to be built across Little Shamokm
Creek, adjoining lands of Samuel Curinger, Sr.,
and on the road leading to Abraiiam siiipman,
Esq., in Lower Augusta township, said county,
this Bridae is to bo built a Truss Bridge.
Specifications will be exhibited on the day of
lctliiia;. i iulu,
Commissioner'i Office, ) Commissioner?.
Sunbury, July 25, 1857.
n himaolf the first thing: after
that tbev will be at liberty to indulge in i
bona and hoops if thoy choose. 1 he girls are
all of the working chisB, being somewhat or
the bettor ciaea of emigrants. Father lieu
nessy, of this city, selected thirteen of the
number and took upon himself the task of
rinding homes for thorn They came through
by railroad from New York.. The various
roads alouu; the route ahuwud their gallantry
idintr the to with lirdt class cars lo ride
in, although the tickets were emigrant tick
ma. There U room ou the Western prairies
for all such cargoes that can be brought to the
couutry. Detroit t ree I reus.
Tnnnlo who take cart loads of mediciue
v,rv tima thev imauino they are coloe to be
sick, are the fools upon bom the quads feed
aud fatten,
ALL persons interested will please take notice
that Elizabeth Buoy, widow of Dennis Buoy
late of Chilisquaue township, Northumberland
countp, dee'd., has made her election to claim
three hundred dollars worth of personal property
of which her said husband died I ossessed of, and
that the same baa been set part for her under
the provision ot the Act of Aasemblv in such
case made and provided, and that it will be pre
sented on Monday the first day of next August
term, (being the 3d day ol August) tor approval.
of Dennis Buoy, deceased.
Chillisquaque, July 15, 1857.
To the Electors of Northumberland
nnilE subscriber bcreby oilers himself as a
candidate for
Having always been a steadfast Democrat, nnd
considering himself competent to perforin the
duties of the office, he would respectfully ask of
the Democratic party of tho county a iiomina
tion at the primary election. Among other
qualifications, a thorough knowledge of the
tn clisll and German languages would enahie
him to attend satisfactorily to all having business
iu the oilica.
Trcvorton, June 20, 1857.
THE undesigned about to engage in other
business, will sell his Photographic A para
tus. half size, with sufficient stock a id new
chemicals in good working order, to any person
i-niroui of euaauintt iu this pleasant and beauti
ful art. Anv one who withes to travel or make
it a local businesi, will find this a favorable op
nri,iiiiv. He will sell at cost and give practi
cal instructions in the Melainotype, Ambrotyie
.l Puller nroceii fieo of charge. For particu
lar, address -PHOTOGRAPH," Bo ti?, Sun
bury, Northumberland county, Pa.
July IS, 157. -Jl
To the Electors of Northumberland
County. .
rpHK sutnferiber would respectfully aimouncc
to the Dcmecralic Voleis of Northumber
land County, that he is a candidate for nomina
tion for the oflice of
County Treasurer.
Having had some experience, he flatters himself
that he would be able to render genera fcautiuc.
lion to tho citizens ot said county.
Up. Augusta, Juno 20, 1857.
c;Mlllate fur SlierUT.
To the Voters of Northumberland County.
A T the aolicitatien of many friends frem dif
ferent part of the county, the .undersigned
lias consented to become an Independent Candi-
data for the office of SHERIFF at the ensuing
election. Should be be successful, no etlort
hull Ce soared upon bis part to perform the du
ties of the oflice wttn niielity, promptness ami
imparliu ity. . ,v-i,-it.
j .- . i. inaLiinui
Northumberland, June 27, 1857.
TDMIE New York Ledger, Parlor Casket, Flag
A of our Union, Frank Leslie's Illustrated
Newspaper, Ballou s Pictorial, National Police
Gazette, vec!ily iovcllctte, V. averly Magazine,
and Harper's 'cel;ly Journal of Civilization.
Also, Harpers Alaga'.ine, todev s J.adv a
Book and Putnam's Magazine, jtiKt received and
for sale by II. . FR1LING.
Sunbury, July 11,1857.
S'.state of Alfred ISowlantl, i!tc'l
KJOTICE is hereby given that the widow of
Alfred Howland, dee'd., lale of Trcvorton,
has selected from the personal efiW ts of her late.
husband, property not exceeding in value fJUl),
agreeably to the provisions of tho Act of the
Assembly, exempting tor Ihe use of widow's pro
licrlv of the value of :i;:i(!0'lrom levy anJ distress.
That an inventory of the miiiio bus been filed,
and will be presented to the Orphan' Court nf
. ... ... , .i , .,. .i.
INortliuinbcrland county on i ucsuriy me iiu uav
f August for approval.
ijM). muw i u.v, a Jin r.
Trcvorton, J,uly II, 1357. 4t
V OTICE is hereby given that the officers and
members of Mount Tuber Lode.e No. 125, of
the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, located
at Shamokiutown, Northumberland county, have
filed their application fur a Charter of lncorpo
ration in the Court of Common Tleas nf Nor
th umberland county. And the said Court have
appointed the first day of next teiin for the hear
ing of said application.
JAMJV9 Ut.Juu, riomy.
Prothonotary' oflice, )
Sunbury, July 11,1857. J
GUEAT improvements fur 1857. This Ma
chine was put inauccasfnl operation in 1833
and eontintiod to bo the only Kcnpin? and Mow
ing Machine in tho WorlJ.of any practical value
up to 1815 twelve years after its introduction.
Other Keeper are now offered with glowing ad
vertisements, Certificates, Diplomas, Gold ami
Silver But the Farmer in search
of the best Kcnper, and not poted in the mader,
had better sen a little further.
If there is any value in 21 years expeiirtice
in building, and ung them in the har
vest field, and in the improvements made during
that long period, OBED lU'SS'EY.thc Father
of Keepers, can claim it. All who tire satihCcJ
with the Best .Reaper and Mower, nan he sup
plied by sending their orders early in the seai.t'n,
as the crops indicate a large demand, and wo con
nnt hn over 200 Headv for tho vast harvr.'t
of 1857. We guarantee that this Iieajier and
Mower can not he beaten on fair trial by any
other Reaper that may he brought into the harvest
fields in 1857. and wo ulfo insure it to be the
strongest and most durable machine in use. We
would respectfully invito Farmers to examine
the machine thoroughly bcloro purchasing, ami
vatisfy themselves ot its superiority over an
During the last otiryrar, the sub cri'ers have
old between 500 and tiUO of there Machines, lo
the bestond most surrensful Fanners in Montour,
Union and the neighboring counties, (whose
names are too numerous to insert) to whom we
respectfully refer. "...
1 he subscribers have '.ne exclusive nam i
the following counties: Montour, Lnin, Snyder,
Northumberland, Columbia, Luzerne, Perry,
Mililin, Centre, Clinton and Lycoming. All
order thankfully received and promptly uttend
CJ to. UEDDES, MAKtm &. CO.,
Ltwiaburg, Lniou cuunty, 1 a.
July 11, 1857.
rPHE undersigned Executor of the estato of
- Peter Keborl;, late of Washington township,
Northumberland county, dee'd., by virtue of the
last Will and Testament of said deceased, will
expose to Public Pale on tho premises on SA
TUII DAY, the 15th day of AUGUST, next, the
following described properly to wit : A TRACT
OF LAND, situate in Washington township,
county aforesaid, on the Klingerstcwn roa 1 to
Poltsville. and within a milo of the Trcvorton
Itailroad, adjuiiiing lands of Valentino Klock,
the Church properly of Pt. Peter's Church and
othcr8,coilaining TWENTY ACRES and 39
Perches and allowance, whereon is creeled a
weather-bearded Log House, Hank Barn, Spring
and other outbuildings. A never failing Well
of Water, two Orchards will choice fruit.
Also: A certain Tract of LanJ, 6ituato in
Washington township, said county, containing
T W E N T Y-S EVEN ACRES, more or less, ad
joining tlie above tract r.f land, Daniel Wolf
Valentine Klock, Samuel Mallickand others.
The above land is in a good stale of cultiva
tion and excellent firming land. The two tracts
will besolJ together, or separately, to su;t purchasers.
Also At the same titno and place a lot of
Carpenter's t.iols, Stove, Bureau and other arti
cle too numerous to mention.
Sale to rnmmencaat 10 o'clock A.M., of said
day when the conditions will bo mado known by
PETER BOilNEK, Executor.
Jackson twp., July 1, 1857. ts
V OTICE is hereby given that tho several
Courts of Common Picas, General Quarter
Sessions of the peace, and Oprhann' Court. Court
of Oyer and Terminer and l.encral Jail unlivery,
in and for the county of Northumberland, to
commence nt tho Court Hcure, ill the borough ol
Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, tlio
.lnv of AUGUST next, and will continue
Tha coroner. Juct'tccs of the Peace and consta
bles in and for the county of Northumberland, are
requested to be then and there in their proper per
sons, with their rolls, records, impositions, and
other remembrance, to do thoso things to their
several office appertaining to be done. And nl
witnesses prosecuting in behalf of the Commonl
ive:illh airainst anv prisoner are also requested and
commanded to be then and there attending in their
nroner ncrsons to prosecute against him, as shall
lC jList and not to depart without leave at their
peril. Jurors ore requested to he punctual in their
i.tten.tnncp. at the timo appointed agreeable to
their notices.
t liven under mv hand at Sunbury, the 27th day
of June in the year of our Lord oua thousind hundred and filty-soven anil tne imie
pendcuce of tho United Slates of America the
God iave the Commonwealth.
HENRY WElsE, Sheriff.
Sheriff' Office Sunbury,
Juno 27, 1857. S
By virtue of a rertain writ of Vr.s. Expota
to me dircctrd will be exposed to public sale at
the Court Housa in Sunbury, on MONDAY,
the 3d day of August next, at 1 o'clojk P.M.
the following property to wit .
All tho Defendant' ilitercst, beiflg cno undi
vided eighth part of a certain hit of ground, situ
ate in the Borough of Sunbury, Northumberland
county, fronting on Water street or Broadway
and boundej on tho ejst by an alley ; on tho
scnilh by a let in tho occupancy of Somuel Fet
ter and on tho norlh by a lot of McCarty d
Clement, containing ono-fourth of an arro more
or less, whereon is creeled atwostry Brick
Hoaae and Kitchen, Well of Water, Ac.
Seized, taken in execution nnJ to bo sold as
tho property of James Quinn.
At the same time and place, by a certain writ.
ofVair. Exponas, to me directed, will he expo.-cd
to public sale tho following property to wit :
A certain lut of Ground, sitimto io tho Town
of Trcvorton in Zerby township. Northumber
land countv, being Lot No. 3 in block 1U1, ad
joining a lot of J. Hensyl on the west, and a lot
of Dr. Smith on the east, fronting on Shamokin
street and extending back to an alley, being 25
fjet in width end 150 feet in depth, whereon is
erected a tivo-story frame house with a basement
ttcry, and a frame stable.
Seized,' taken Into cxecntmn.ond lo be eo,u as
tho property of Jcrcmi-.h PcnnepncUcr.
At the name time and place, bv a certain writ
of Vkn. Expoxap, tome dirncb d, will lo cxpowd
to public tale, the following properly to wit :
A certain Lot of Ground, situate in the
rough of Milton, Northumberland county, i'.. ir
on Mahoning street, and bounded o.i t .
west by a lot of liallzer Critzcr or lot No.
and the cast by the Sunbury & Eiie K,il i.'n&d
Company, ou the south by Sugar IIy r Ferry
lane, containing three-fourth of an Aero moro
or less, whereon aro erected a two-story Brick
House and ono-and-a half slorv frame House.
Seized, taken into execution and to be sold aa
tho property of Nicholas Johusun and loin
Al the samo time and place, by"a certain writ
of Vk. Exi'omas, to me directed will lieexposed
to public sale tho following property to wit :
A certain Lot of Ground, situatu in tho bo
otigh of Mill on, Northumberland county, bound
J o:i the north by Walnut street, or. the cast
by Miller's cstale, on the south by mi nll.y oiid
on the west by a lot of Jamca lleoy,
re-fourth of an Aero moro or less, w hereon aro
erected n two-story frame Homo and Kitchen,
nod a small frumo Stable, luUiuil'Vics, ic,
i.ej, t;;kcn into exccuti.u-. nn.l to be i.d as
tho propel ty ul John A. Cray.
Sheriffs Orice, )
jury, Juno '11, 18o". j
Spring aad;Sumraor I'r.slncnnifci' 1S57
Kai-kot Scittaro, Sunbury.
RTOV.' rceeiircd ond will cor.tiioie to receive,
the lurgcst ami b.-.-t selected Block of
iCyc-A; Cloths, Ca.iiifiere.i, Cussintlts ar.rt
Vesting, yC
An assortment of Dress Goousvi. : Fancy
printed (.Vli.-os, CHillim. printed Lawns, Do Lain
Unrcges, Merinos, Laslinurts, Alupacas, ilre-js
Sill-.s, Uiiifhama, &c.
Irish Linen, bleached and brown D.'illiiiLC, facet
ing, Pillowcascing, Ac.
Dress Triinmings in Great Variety.
Boot and Shoe
1! it:t and Caps,
Orocori: s,
SALT nn l FISH, Cheese, Crnckers, Segsrs,
Tobacco, SnnlT, Ac-, an atisorsnunt of ol'uyf
Goods too tedious to mcntioh.
Feeling grateful for past favor we beg leave t.
assure our old f iends and tho public, thot no
ellort on our part shall bo wunliug to merit a
continuance of our patrbnago.
Country produce taken in exchange at tho
highest market price.
Sunbury, May 30 , 1857.-
Volunteer Candidate.
To the Electors of Northumbrlund County.
rpil E undersigned hereby offor fciuiself a a
-- Volunteer Candidate rur
At the ensuing election. Hi motive for eo do
incr ia that aimroachina old aio, and an injury
caused by a broken collar hone, render him
,nnliti to work at hi trade, of Carpenti r. Be
lieving himself capable of performing the duliea
of the office, lie earneauy solicit your aupp.i..
Sunbury, June t7, 17 te
i:tate oramuel H. Savldge, dee'd.
TVOTICE is hereby given that letter of Ad-
ministration have been granted to the ub
(criber, on the estate of Samuel K. fSavidge, late
nf Rutih townshin. Northumbcrlaad county, Uec'd.
All person indebted to said estato are requested
to make immediate payment, and those having
claim to present thcin uuiy auineiiucaieu lor
Kush;tp.,July 11, 1857 6t ...
Ac. Ac. lust received a fresh supply and
for sale at the Confectionary store nj
lunbury,May l, 1957.
" rUriKITUFiE ! r3SNITURE ! !
E'asitloiiTiifle, tiieiii t'atTul
MJIE subscriber, long establir.bed as a Cabinet
-B- jind Chair Manufacturer in Sunbury, thank
ful for p06t favors, solicits a continuance of the
public patronage. His stock of Cabinet-Ware,
Chairs, c, embraces
ht:JiT.M. in housekeepiiiff. It is unnecessary to enume
rate, as anything that may bo required in bis
line can be had at modcrato puces, Cheap for
Cash, or Country Produce taken iu excuange.
South East Corner of Market t.ptarc.
ri?' These knowine themselves imlcbled lo
tho subscriber would oblige him by making pay
ment. . .
f-KHASi l.- HALT I.
Sunburv, April 4, 1S57 If
'I'm: acknoiv i.kuijKLi
Oil I X-J I !
I'. I. "
rur. krti-:cKT t.
Keatinic l.;;vi.' e.t i r. 1 '
ft iul!.e opiui , i, .i I
tlm v.'iiiicl ot in i.e ft l
-.,..,.! ,r ! d'"t"1 '" '' " !'
f ' !' Unit will 11 l h i :
1 -i-. ; Ji 3 i:.tri.rt i i .ii.i t.-. '.
XZjsi.iJ Rr"" i" '
VOTICF i hereby given that application has
been made to the Court of Common I'leas of
Northumberland county, by the meinboi of the
Prebyterian Church of the town of Shamokin,
in Coal township, for a Charter of Incorporation
under tlie name and style of the Board of Trus
tees of tha town of Shamokin. And that the
Court have appointed the first day of next Au-
gut Term for the hearing ol tne aino.
JAM KS 11 K AUD, l'rolb'y.
Prothonotary,! Oflice, )
Bunbury, July 4, 1857,
-flOUNTY ORDERS County order taken
a eash for good, and on not or book ac
eountby . E. Y. BRIGHT d; SON.
Nftv.SH. IBRfi.
UltOWN'H and BreimV Essence of Ginger
and Husband' Magnesia t
March U,'BT.
EuKcure cf Ji'.iualta Clitjcr.
rffllS urli'-le is curefullv pnniri-d frnmliie ln'st J;nn;iii-a
X Olnger, OH the vulimlilo medicinal propel lies of which
it is warranted to possess iu a conceotriittd oad tt-iive-nip:it
Il ia no excellent rcmeilv in ilyi;icps'nt flutuleaee, rho
lii: ami iinpuim! und ft-eble slnto of the dtyrsiive iunc
tiona. Kroin its rrt'reiiiiii Miemjlh anil for.linl niwrtica
us a gentle Fliimilulin tonic it m well a.hiputt to counter
act Ihe debilitating influence u( the extreme lKt ui
theellm-ls of ailililcu cliai.ftet, AO.
save them from tnun
No family should be wilhoul il. mils timely nto wiU
from inuuy r
Price ilo cent per bule.
Juue), lba7. tin
nn serious nltai-k ol illness.
I ur aule by
Ojfice in Deer Street, immcdiauly opposite the
Public School Ifouse.
All business nromntlv attended to. Monies
collected and all ordinary wrilinn done.
Sunbury, April 85. lo67. tf
SUGAR CURE1V HAM. A lot just received
an for sal by. LEVI KSASHOI.JV!
April IS57.
InrC. in
' owl pijicrc,
r i. f t! ul nil wus
; t rk pltier. uui'.er
. A l .'l u f.iir anJ
Site of MeiHfi.
Ts.tV bviiiir on lira
J: i
at lieaJin.' ;
Kin t'.ie '3 iih of. Febraniy oil ih :.
inilo e met to wituef-s inc alc ru I
((.I.icilI 'a ificni) mill werj iiii.'c.ll..
iiulit. The d.iv loll.'H in.:, tho ba n n
the Eip'ri!ite:!i'-uee of the t'omnl 't 'i-.
ltUVirll:il ii.irnliiir lor livo ll.mi "
.. i. k .V W'.'.is hi w:.s tirr.t oprii.-ii, tin-
liij.i i-. : ii.t ihe eontenta arlk.!y i-oiivnlii'"'. wnne tne "cn-te-tts
iiitha i-iffof Messrs. I ntre'n.V ll:rring weia m
y und no lire luiute."
Km Maaii i, lxi7.
s..-jci .t ii. l-. i i i.ix.
' l.N roi.tiM.w,
A. H. PKAClltK.
l .l.,r.l l.v nvi r SO of Dm heat men nf Itrs'liuir.
T!i-n!i.iveS.-!Hsiaa lie in.i;.n'!e.l at 1 Walnut Sliest,
when? ll.epnhli: ran satlsiy th.-mwlyea ol tlie reai aiirs-
nonty Ol Ihe "IlerrllU'S i-atem i.ii'n...,
Uci'vaiid uiut used up "uniide Ir iu l)o..r sulnuiader.
rnrirH & ILirin?,
31 HWmirSr., Philada. mnLvrslu IhiiStaloof Herring's ruienn-nunipion
S'te. , . . , , . o
'1 ne utlnni l niaile by oilier parii- vi miti up u
repulalH'li ol af.ile wliiell nun iinieu ' nii
U-ntnl liri'k iu riiilaJclplna, (Ki'iimuu rwi.i") jimih
one out ol an iw.-nl a store, (U a. umii.) nam
tl.ii li-is, (. nl.iei'.t from tin 'be Ihey in 111 to btril up1
of 11-iriiig'a (hint aa tlnchl rii ma tuii n. one it-
wurd. 11 ei r 1114 tvde coulil not lie buiut. pi'' 1' li e.'.-.cin-ive!v
thai the only reliable Safe now mini" la'-lltirtimrV
of whn-li i-ver l.i.outi ure no-.v in Ui l.iul uai.-, tllin nuir
Urol 'J'Hl h-ive I'eti tried by lire i aim it a sm'.i ! t.
1'liilu., Juno SO, 1S57. ly.
MIPS LOUISA SHlf'sLEI!, respectfully in
form the citizens of Trevorton i; J ur
roundimi county, that she Iwa opened a new
store of Millinery and Fancy Good, at Trevor
ton in Shamokin street, nearly opposite Knouso
Tavern, where all kinds of liomiei au l Fancy
Good can be had at Ihe lowest terms.
Drees making alJ attended to la tit bet
manner and hitajl stvle.
April 25, lt-07. tf