Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, July 25, 1857, Image 3

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The Boston Law Reporter fur June con-
tains a very abld And thorough review or tbo
Dred Scott "Decision," which will enable the
reader to know what tho Supreme Uonrt has
clodded in mat important case for more read
ily and clearly thnn be can learn from the
official report itself. In Tact, the review has
dono just what the reporter. Mr. Howard,
in long and confused head-notes attempted,
but Tailed to accomplish.
Those, also, who desire to understand, not
merely the points which tho so-called deci
sion really decidod, but what it did not de
cide, will do well to consult the Law Repor
ter's article, the authorship 'of which is as
cribed to Horace (Jrny, Jr., and John Lowell
two well known legal gentlemen or Boston.
The result of tlieir investigation of the deci
sion, is briefly stated, as follows :
"FmsT. As to the question, 'Can a negro
be a citizen of tho United States t' It has
been commonly supposed that tlw Court de
cided this qncstiou in the negative. This is
a mistake. From the form in which it was
presented it was very doubtful whether it was
before the Court for a decision. Four of the
tiiun Judges thought that it was ; these wore
the Chief Justice, and Justices Wayne and
iJauiel who answer the question in the nega
tive, and Justice Cuslis, who answers in the
murm.uive. ut ine j uiigos who give no opin
ion upon tho point, one (Judge M'Lean) do
vlurc? t hut if he answered the question ut ull,
it would be in the affirmative. Judgo Cutrou,
vhen Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of
Tennessee, gave an opiuion directly involving
mi affirmative answer to the question ; the
three oilier Judges gire no cluo to their opin
ions. On this question, then, the Court stunds
thus : three in the affirmative, threo iu thu
negative, and threo silent.
SacrtKni.r. Wns t'in Missouri Compromise
Constitutional? It is a peifeetly well-settled
principle of t'le Supreme i'ourt, and one that
lias been ollen laid down Mom its bunch, that
no part of an opiuion of the Court is to be
regarded as 01 authority as a precedent wnicn
was not necessary to tho determination oftheJ
. . . . ... . I
question before it. Anything beyond this is
nierely the expression of the individual opin
ion of the judge ; and it has been well said
that "if general dicta are to be considered as
establishing the law, nothing is yet settled or
can long be settled." Hearing this in mind,
let ts look at the facts of tho case. Scott
was a slave in Missouri ; was taken by his
master to Illinois, and thence into a territory
of the United Stales whero slavery was pro
hibited by thu Missouri Compromise, and
thence back to Missouri. The opinion of tlio
-Court is placed upon tlu ground that the
laws of Missouri iro to decide whether Scolt
is or is not a slave, now that he has returned
thither. If this be so, whr.l matters it whe
ther the Compromise was valid or invalid T
In other words, whether Scott was free when
in Illinois, or in tho territory, or whether ho
continued to be a slave ull the lime? And if
tlie Court goes out of its way to give an opin
ion on this point, could a plainer instance be
fo.ind of an opinion ou a point not necessary
to the determination of the rights of tho pur
tics. 'The Court, then, lias not decided that the
Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional.
"Thirdly. This case is often spoken ol as
deciding that a master may take his blave to
b free State and there hold him us a blave.
This is a simple mistake ; there is uo such
j.oint decidud. Hut
'Fou'kthi.y. The doctrine is here estab
lished, that if a slove be taken by his master
to a free State, and does not there claim his
liberty, but consents to return with his mas
ter to a nlave State, he may be held as a slave
there, if the highest Court of that Slate con
siders him still to be a slave. In other woids
the Dred Scott case does not decide that a
negro is a slave in a froe Slate, because ho
w as a slave in the State from which he was
brought, nor, that a slave carried from a slave
to a fee State and brought back, is free be
c u-e he might have claimed his freedom iu
the free State ; nor that lie is uocessarily a
slave after his return; but leaves his freedom
or slavery to bo settled by the laws of the
elavo State to which he relumed with his
It oppenrs to ns, that this country is sadly
bihind hand in relation to modern experiment
of raising fish. The French unci the Germans
imvtf gone to work i earnest, and thus im
mense quantities of fili are produced in nat
ural as well as artificial ponds. The Legisla
tures of .UjS'iichuseUs, Connecient, Ohio and
New Hampshire have appointed special com
mittees to investigate the subject, und report
fuels. Wo have recently read tho reports
made to tho Massachusetts and Connecticut
legislature?, and some portions of (Jurlicks'
Treatbe on artificial propagation of certain
kinds of fish. The conclusion urnved ut by
these reports is, that the trout, pickerel, yel
low porch, the giro-fish aud eel can bo easily
und profitably propagated und raised iu water
udi'pti d to t or peculiur natures
The Deiks and Schuylkill Journal says
"that tho trout, the most beautiful of fish,
liiiytr.nily bo raised by every farmer whoso
grouuds are supplied with u clear und cool
t prin,'. A furmer iu Franklin county has for
several years raited one hundred pounds per
annum, for family a;e. A greater and more
healthy luxury for the table cannot be found.
A spring ot clear water issues from the hill
side, some, thirty rods from his Louse eud
under the shada of spreading elms, he has
constructed artificial ponds, none of them ex
ceeding three feet in depth or thirty feet in
length. Some portions of each pond is pro
vided with a sandy bottom ut a shallow depth.
Tbo size of the stream is so small that none
except the smallest trout cun pass from one
pond to the other. He usually feeds bis stock
during the summer season every morning fur
nishing them with the common angle worm,
grass hoppers, garden worms, minced meat
and corn bread, the rapidity of their growth
depended on the ubuudauce, of the supply
The pickerel and perch, regarded by many
quite as palatable as the trout, can be raised
in less cool and transparent wuter than the
trout. The pickerel is a bold biter and a
handsome, daring fish. The perch is a hardy
fellow, perfectly adapted to tiuggish water?,
txsi as a table fish ranks very fair, particular
ly in winter and spring.
lu t'hii a for ceuiurios tbo propogation of
Hsu ban been as common und well understood
us tho raisin:; of corn and fruit in this coun
try. Our people ara not compelled to iuti
mate ihu Celestials iu producing tho means
of subsistence, but wo believe the rearing of
choice fish for the table, can to a certain
extent, be mude an agreeable aud profitable
business by those having the owuership of
clear aud cool waters.
A plastic material possessing some pro
perties of peculiar value may be made, it is
6uid, by mixing five parts of sifted whiting
with a solution of one purl of glue. When
the whiting is worked up into a paste with
the glue, a proportionate quantity of Vvnetiau
turpentino is added to it, by which the brittle
uoss of the paste is destroyed ; and, in order
t o prevent its clinging to the hands whilst
the turpentine is being worked into the paste,
a small qaautilv of linseed oil is added from
time to time. The mass may also be colored
by kneading in any color that may be desired.
It may be pressed iuto shapes, and used for
the production of bas-reliefs und other figures,
or be worked by band into models, keeping
the mass warm dun ng the process. When it
cools and dries, which takes place in a few
Lours, it becomes as hard as stone.
esota) Republican of the 7th iust. says,
-rCury has been for some days at
-ecs iu ine inaue.
A Scabkd Afhtca!. The brig Flora, Cap.
tain Yates, of New Castle, Maine, arrived on
Monday from Dix Cove, (West Coast of
A iricA,) May ZU, bringing among her crew
native Krooman, who had been taken on
board at Dix Cove, as a foremast hand. The
fears of this native African hud been excited
ou the passage by the sailors, who. gave him
to understand that he would bo sold as a slave
when he reached the white mail's country.
When tho vessel hauled iuto the Alluutio
dock, a monkey on board attracted a curious
crowd, but was forgotten soon by the'auperi
or attractions of the African, with a pair of
huge ivory bracelets nponhis wrists, seeing
so many white and strange faces ho became
alarmed, and running into the forecastle
threw off all his clothes except a blue jumper,
and then sprung into tho rigging, and with
the agility of a monkey ran np to the fore
royal yard, where he perched himself, and by
his manner bid uetianco to all white loins.
A naked African in such a position soon drew
a large throug of spectators, the mate tried
every moans to induce hin to come down, but
without euect I to Uio mates commuuds be
would make but one reply, me dies, me dies,"
and by his gestures intimating that hn would
cut his throat before he would betaken He
remained ou the yard for about three hours,
the excited crowd hooting, yelling and throw
ing stones at the poor creature, to increase
liis a alarm or course. He finally told the
mate ho would come dowu if ''w hite man go'
way," or ''Cap'u como."
The vessel was haultd away from the dock
to gut rid of tho mob, but ut length threo
'bumpers," or Longshoremen, went on board,
and in delienco of the mate's remonstrances
climbed the rigging to force the Krooman
down. Their elforts to catch him, however
were wholly in vuiu ; ho ran from one yard
arm to another and sprang about among the
lifts and braces like a cut, defying nil ultempts
to reach liim. At one time lie dropped from
thu outer end of the royul yurdnrni uiidcaught
the top-gullunt lift, ulijrhliojr safely upon thu
yard below. These wretches, finding ho was
loo spry for tlicm aloft, then descended to the
deck, und pushing the mate aside seized the
I. ........ .... 1 l.l. ..
top gallant braces and begun to flack up and
swing the yard back aud forth in the most
violent manner, tho negro clinching with
might and main to the yard und fill, the
crowd on tho dock the meantime yelling like
fiends und awaiting to see him throw n from
tho yard. The police were culled, but could
not or would not disperse the rowdh-.
At last, worn out by his exertions to save
his life, ns a sudden jei It of the braces was
given by tho scoundrels on duck, the poor
fellow was thrown from the yard, and striking
the bruccs fell into the water, a distance of
seventy or eighty feet. He barely escaped
Iho rail of Ihu vessel ill his descent ; had he
struck, it, or fallen on the deck, he would
have been killed instantly. Some boatmen
now attempted to rescuu him from ihu wuter,
but he dove as quick us a flush, and swim
ming under wuter, aud can.o up a li ng dis
tance off. They pursued him, however, und
seizing him by the ivory rings ou his wrists,
eudeuved to get him into the boat but he re
sisted with all his might, und cried out, "Me
diu 1 Me die 1" He was finally got ou board
and to satisfy him that their motives were
frieudly, one of the boatmen pulled of his
shirt uud pantaloons and put them upou him.
This immediately quieted his leurs, uud be
surrendered himself lo his uew friends, who
to escape the mob, rowed him up the cutter
Washington, where he was received and cured
for by Limit. Kellum. Ilea's called J ohnDu
vis, uud mude our reporter understand thut he
came from Ulcutaboo-taboo ; thut ho hud
been two mouths und a hulfuii bourd the brig,
and had not been paid his wages. (Japt.
Fauuee will inquire into his case and see thai
the poor African has justice duue him. Acie
York Times.
The Riots is Xkw York Latest
cexck. The disturbances were quelled in
New York at the last accounts. Tho riot
was a most serious aH air, several persons, have
been ki ljd. Four Cothuin 1 it bus uo such
humanizing institutions ns the Itrowu Stone
Clothing Hall of Hoc IJ, ill & Wilson, Nos.
Colt an J 00 J Chesuut street, uboveSixth, I'.:!
adelpbia. New Advertisements.
list or JUROSIS.
For Northumberland County, fur the Au
gust lenn, A. D. If J..
1 Gilbert Rerlew, JWtso.
' Alfred Knees, Northumberland.
3 Solomon Delb, Upper Muhauoy.
4 Ueorge ood, Milton.
5 George Frederick, Chilisqnaque.
6 A. S. Campbell, Shumokin.
7 Solomon Fugely, do
8 John Trover, Mt Curiuel.
S George Strasser, Upper Muhanoy.
10 Steph Bitteiibender, Coal.
11 (5eor;e L Wuimer, Northumberland.
12 Fhilip Stambach, Delaware.
13 Abraham Snyder, Upper Mahanoy.
14 Alexauder Keiser, Coal,
15 Christopher Kenn, Rush.
l(i John Mallick, Lower Augusta.
17 Abraham Shipe Jackson,
18 John Tweed, Lewis.
19 Lewis Chnmberlin, Shamokin.
20 Joseph Frederick, Chilisqttaquo.
21 Isaac Herb, Upper .Muhanoy.
22 Washington Hileman, Sunbury.
23 John G. Bright, do
21 irederick Wuguer, Lewis.
1 James D. I!ar Lewis.
2 David Hilkert, Northumberland.
3 John Dale, do
Anthony Watson, Voint.
Samuel Galirir.ger Jr. Upper Augusta.
Capper Adams, nhaniouiii.
J 11 Knnfman, Upper Mahanoy.
Jucob (Jiso, Jordau.
John Klase, Shnimrkin.
Charles Morgan, Point.
11 Solomon Schafl'er, Lower Mahanoy.
12 Ueorge Ielb, Jr. Upper Mahanoy.
13 Jacob Giutner, Lewis.
14 Saaiel Kerstettcr, Chilisquaqno.
15 Deter Koons, Delaware.
1C Deter Pursel, Sunbury.
17 Franklin Davis, Shamokin.
18 Philip Heckert, Lower Mahanoy.
19 John It Donty, Coal.
20 Casper Adams, Jr. Shamoltin.
21 Jos Kmerick, Jr. Lower Muhanoy.
22 Jacob II uusicker, Lewis.
23 Peler Shaffer, Delaware.
24 Charles A Bright, Suubury.
25 11 M Bell, Mt Carmel.
2G Jacob Hinder, Lewis.
27 William Dalius, Upper Augusta,
28 Michael Young, Sunbury.
29 Frederick Robin, Jackson.
30 John Yeager, Rush.
SI Robert Campbell, Shamokin.
32 Wra Hime, Upper Muhanoy.
33 Jacob Rishel, Cuilisqtiaque.
34 Peter VonidH, "
35 Isaac Chambeiliu Shamokin.
30 Petor Still, Northumberland.
37 D J Rice, Mt. Carmel.
3s James Caul, Lewis.
39 William Purdoe, Chilisquoque.
40 Paul Drosious, Upper Mahutipy.
41 Francis Kekelman, Upper Augusta.
42 Kdward Fuber, Coul.
43 Wm M. Weuver, "
44 Jacob Carl, Jordan.
45 Johu C Shannon, Lewis.
46 Joseph Sr.yder, Coal.
47 John Montgomery, Lewis.
T8 John II Wilson, "
lOOO lbs ol (Jarpet Itags
lir ANTED at tho store of K. Y. Bright &
" Son, who are constantly receiving a fiesh
supply of Goods, thus offering to the public the
largest and most desirable ufsortu.ent.
July U. HW.
The 8unbury and Erie Railroad Company
address yea as a party who ari, from loral In
terests, deeply concerned in the completion of
their Railroad.
You are. I understand, a proprietor o1-land
within a few miloa f their track, which land
will, in the natural course of events, be greatly
enhanced in value from the time this road la
built, and hence the earliar that event takes place
the Conner your intermit are aubrerved.
Although ao deeply interested in the suecen
of this Knilroad, the owueia of property have, ao
far, given the Company but little aid, but have
left it to struggle against adverse circumstances,
oithcr upon Iho hope that olhen would secure to
them the results looked for, or perhaps appalled
by the magni lude of the uadertuking.
'I'll expectation that the road will lie built
without thn aid of the landholders, has so far di
minished by events as they have been developed,
as to induce the managers to make this effort to
conrentralo upon it the influence of such propri
etors as will lie the most directly benefited.
The fuel, now well established, thatllinse com
panies who have it in their power to offer a land
basin in addition to tho ordinary credit accorded
to railroad enterprises, find yo diHicutlv in ac
complishing their works, has encouraged the
managers in this attempt, which has been com
municatcd to several persons, and bus met with
great favor.
Tho proposition now made in based upon a
mutual advantage ( as by the completion of the
road, the market value will lw incrr.ire I'in a very
rapid ratio, it is lor the ink-rest of the owners to
part with a portion of their lands in order to re
curs a large profit on the remainder.
Without entering into details, which must bo
arranged to tho satisfaction of both parties, and
a surely given that the ohject will he arcnm nich
ed, I slate the plan generally. Thut the owners
ol Innd in the vicinity of Iho Knihoad shall sell
at fair rales of present value ono-lmlf their
tract, to he divided fairly as to qunlily, taking
pay therefor iu the htock of the Cumpauv. reser
ving the other half for their own future prulit
the purpose being I offer the half parcbased, s
a'basis upon which to obtain tlis funds build
the roud.
It is desirable, therefore, as a preliminary, la
know your views. And I therefore request your
early reply hi it he yen or nay.
it you think lnvorah e. I wi l hnnk von to st itu
Ihelocaticu of of your lands a general deserin-
of them, and at what rate you would be willing
to part with the hall to the Company. Yon may
if the plan succeeds, expect dividsnds on your
Mock sa soon as the road is in action through
your vicinity. The remainder which is left in
your hands will rise in value so soon a the com
pletion of the work becomes in public estimation
a fixed fact, that vou will soon realize from
the sale of your half far more than vou can now
obiuin fur the wholo leaving jour slock as addi
tionel profit.
1 invito perfect frankness in vour communica
tion, as no advantage will he aken- for the plan
will only he ca rried out in case sufficient land is
lendrred, ns added to our other means, will effect
the object aimed at.
V ory tcFpectfullv,
S. V. MKRKICK, President,
Sunbury and Eric K. It. Company.
Office 324 Walnut ft., Philadelphia.
It" Parlies who feel disposed lo close out the
whole of their tracts to the Company, will plume
make a proposition to that effect.
July IS, 1857
To the Electors of lloi-thusnbcrland
VHE snbscribcr offers himself as a Candidate
t the Democratic, voters ol KoMhumbcr-
laud county for the office of
If nominated and elected he will endeavor to dis
charge the duties of the office failbtuUv and im
partially. D K.N Ms WOI.YEKTON.
upper Augusta, July 4, 1857.
To the Electors of Northumberland
jpHK subscriber would respectfully announce
I to the Democ'iitic voters of Northumberland
cnly Ihat he is a Candidate for nomination
lor the olhen of
Having had much experience in the Icznl urn.
fission he is thoroughly acquainted with the du
ties of the office, and should he he uniniiiutcJ
and elected he will make every effort to dUcha'ge
.nuMiujij umy us hii omcer
Sunbury, July '.1, 1S.S7.
To the Klectort of Northumberland Cuiniti
1 1 A VINCi been solicited by a number of my
friends to offer myself as a candidate fjr '
P It O T II O N O T A it y ;
I hereby announce that I present myself lo the
Democracy of the County for nomination at the
approaching primary election. If 1 am nomii a-
ted and elected I will use mv best abilities lo
perform the duties of tho office.
hamukin tp., July II, 'Hf7.
To the Electors of Northumberland County.
1 1 A VINO been solicited by many of my fellow
citizens t' become a Candidate for the office
of HHEIilFP. I hereby announce that I pre
sent in) self to the Democracy of the county for
nomination at the approaching pi unary election.
If nominated and elected, I will use the best of
my abilities to perft mi the duties of the office.
D. U. C .M I,,
Milton, July 11, 1857.
To the Electors of Northumberland
THE subscriber hereby offers himself as a
enltiliitutrt for
Having ulwavs been a slcudfasl D inocrut, and
considering bimsell coiiieleiit to perform the
duties of the office, he would respectfully ask of
the Democratic party cf I he county a nomina
tion ut the primary election. Aincng other
qualifications, a thorough knowledge of the
hnghsh and Uernian languages would enable
him to attend satisfactorily lo ull having business
in the talice.
Trevorton, June 20, 1857.
To the Electors of Northumberland
rjMlF. subscriber would respectfully announce
- to the Democratic Voters of Northumber
land County, that be is a candidate for nomina
tion for the office of
County Ti'caNtircr.
Having hod some experience, bo flatters himtclf
thut he would he aloe to render general aalufuc
tion to the citizens ot said county.
Up. Augusta, June 2U, 1857.
C'liudlriatc for Sheriff.
To the Voters of Nurthttmberlund County.
A T lh solicitation of many friends front dif
ferent carta of the county, tho undersigned
has consented to become an Independent Cundl
oiiic mr mo onice oi oiiLiur r at Ilia ensuing
election, buould be be successful, no effort
shall We snared upon bis part to perform the du
ties or the otlicc with liJcuty, promptness and
Northumberland, June 27, 1857.
Volunteer Candidate.
To the Eleclurt of Northumbtrland County,
riHE undersigned hereby offers himself as a
Volunteer Candidate for
At the ensuing election. Mia motive fur at) do
ing, ia thai approaching old age, and an injury
caused by a broken collar bone, rendera him
unable to work at his trade, of Carpenter. Be
lieving himself capable of performing the dutiea
of the office, he earnestly solicits your suppert,
Sunbury, June 17, 1807. 1
Largo 18mo. 38 pages.
With a complete llulory of the Territory.
U.xtii Jcke, 1857.
Embracing a full nroomil of its iliseovety, Gmgrnphv,
Soil, Olimoie, I'r.Kluc-n, lis orf nntrjiticia ns a Territory,
ImniHt'Uoiis nnd events uiinYr G iveni'iis Kcflur nm!
Winimnii, polilicul disruaaions, Prrnmsl Rrmmmei, Klcr
tion franils, tmlllcs sml ntitrnrs, Willi Portraits ol jiroui
neiit actors therein, nil fully authenticuti'd
By JOIIfl li. OIHOM, M. D.
Private Secretary to Gov. Oenry.
CnrefultyeninpiM from tho O.Hoint documents on file
III Hie (IflrartnicMt if Unite at Wiiliin;;t'ii nnd nllior pa
pers in the noanpBsinn of the Author, with frill ncrountof
the Invnsion of Kuiikis frorft MiM inri ; the rtijiture. triul
ami treatment of the Tree Snip prie"iiT, the etinrnrter
and movrmentsiii'tiie Missouri llordcr Itutruuis, the mur
der of BuiTum nnd others.
The Controversy between Governor Genry nnd Judge
The proceedings of the Territorinl t.cjtiflrrt jre. of the
pr-il:ivory convention, nrrd the ors;:iuiilioli of ihe Nn
tiotml Ileniocrnlie Pnrry, with n sketch of Knnsss during
its early troubles under Uovs. Hinder and hliniinou.
Its Invasions, Battles, Oulmges mid iMimlrra.
A copy will he sent to nnv pttrt of the t'tiited Suites,
by iiiaii, free of pontage, nn the receipt ot retail price.
A lilK-rnl dincnunt lo the trade. n"1000 Agenls wanted.
Price in Cloth PI. I'aimr, Gn :.
CIIAIM.K3C. RIKIl)I i, PiiMislicr.
laauiicr UuiMiiv, Philadelphia.
July l, IP5T. 4m.
JOTKJE is hereby piven that iho officers nnd
members of Mount uber l.oitue No. 125. ol
the Independent Order of Odd r'elloivs, located
at Shamuliintown, Norlhuinherlund enmity, have
liled tneir applo-nlion for a Lhurtrr of Incorpo
ration in thu Court of Common l'lens i.f ISor
tLe.nil erlatol county. And Iho said Coin t have
appointed the firt day of next lei in for Ihe hear
iog of said application.
JAM ICS BE A!:l, Protb'y.
Prothonotory's office, 1
Sunbury. July II, 1H.37.
VMMc or:tilHiel K. Snvliljre, ilecM.
jV OTI(,'E is hereby gi,ven tliat letters of Ad
A" ministration have been grunted to tho sub
scriber, on the estate of Piitnui-I K. Kavidge, lair
of Rush township, Northumberland county, dre'd
All persons indebted lo said estate me reieelcd
lo inuke immediate payment, nnd those hating
claims lo present Ihem duly aUheiiticatcd for
l.KMl.EI, CA J5PBEM., Adn.V.
Ku-ihjp., July II, 18o7 fit
f piIE New York Ledger, Parlor Casket, Flag
of our I'nion, Frank Leslie's IlluFtrnlnl
Newspaper, Balluu's Pictoriul, National Police
('azelte. Weekly Novellette, Waverly Moijazine,
and Harper's Weekly Journal of Civilization
Also, Harper's Mairnziiie, Codey'a Lmlv's
Book and Putnam's Magazine, jut.t received and
for sale by 11. V. F ItlLINti.
Sunhurv, July 11.1R57.
Est;ile or Alfred troMlnml, dee'd
IVTOTICE is hereby piven that Ihe widow of
Alfred How land, decd., late of 'J'revnilon,
has selected from the personal effects of her late,
husband, property not excecditi? in vnluo f :S00,
agreeably to the provisions of ihe Act of the
Assembly, exempting lor the use of widow's pro
perty of the value of .1tll) Irom levy and distress.
That an invrntorv of tha
and will be presented to the Orphan's Court t.l
oiuiuiiioeriauu county on J uculay Ihe 4111 tlav
'August for approval.
tiKO.MOWTO.V, Adi.i'r.
Trevorton, July II, IR57. il
T bnve Ibis day purchased ihe followiiirj per
sonul properly of John L, P,cnn,niU bv Con
stable Clark, at public sale ; nnil loaned the same
to him during my plcesure, vis:
One brown ami one bay horte. 2 cowt. 2.
ralves. 4 shoals, 2'sbeep, 1 wotron. 2 ploughs. I
sled, one-half of a Thraxhin Murliine, one-half
of 20 arres wheat, 12 do. rye, 't do. oats, 5 do.
corn, 2 lied.s, I bureau, 2 tables, B chairs, 2 dove
I ilress, I sink. I chest, a lot of pictured, 1 kittle
1 grindstone j for the sum ol'$:i lfi R7.'ii;! UUNN.
Lower Augusta July II, lf57.
JOIl trial in the ("ourt of Coioni i
Northuinberlaud County, to be 1
)ii ritas of
held at Sun
bury, Jon Monday, the Dd day of August, If. 07.
J II Vincent, vs Ueorge Haas' Adm'r,
lnliii L. Iuir.8i wife vs (ico. Fox,
Ira T. Clement
vs A (' Nuyes,
vs Win Filmi.n ct al
vs ti. Morris
A nn Divers
(. Leieenriiig
"'amuel lliiener
vs Michael Wertman
I 11C I ll-Mll U'llUII Cllllllll ... t. t-
im. !.. i . f'l 1.
of shamokin township,
I. Miichan vs Hcoins tc Donnel
J Ii .S'p.itirs ex'is. vs C. W. I levins ct al
same vs C W lie-ins
same vs 5nmo
Jacob 1 lower Ac vs John 1' Summers'
!eo. Christian etui vs Isaac Walter,
Abottfor Jutlice vs !S R 'ooj
n . Sunburv Cauiil .V Water
Huwen Masser, vs ;,
I'ower Company.
Wm Heitzman, vs Jacob lliili-h,
Jacob Hower j Co., vs J. P. .''iiiuiners
h M I. hind, vs Jin. s Ui.rimn. el al
Win L Dew art vs Wm and K Fruly
Samuel Hunter's rx'rs s sanio
Abahaiu liener vs John Iiartholoniciv,
K. D axtou vs John Simpson
Wm K Mart vs J b .M.iks.t
Eckel ItHi'tiel &. Co vs H MusseiV Kx'ra.
John Bower el al vs.S J Mct'oiniiek
Philip Faust vs- Joseph Jiogendobler
M M Sober vsFMutcl.ler
same vs D tHewart and wil'o
Kngtiel & Co vj Calbarine Pollock.
John Hess vs H u Mauser
S Hunpt vs U C Koter
K Helfensleiii vs Jacob (j'i.s8
Hang cSt Uronn vs Wm L. Dcwart
Mrs. Derr vs Fry mho an J t'tjut
C Varger vs Wm Siicalli r,
Ira T. Clement vs Henry Vangaskin
F. Fryer and wife vs P SuUbaek i t al
Sarah Sweney vs Sanue l Tea
John Fry vs Commissioners of Nonhuuiii'd Co.,
Philip Survis vs sumo
Isaac Brown vs Thoinax Ktudden
Geo. Shnll & Co vi C. Smiih
Henry Lalsha vb M. Iletiiek
Ueorge Harner vs Marv
JAMES DKAKU l'roli.'y.
Pr.itbonotary's Oiiice, )
Sunbury, July 4, lSf7. )
IS hereby given that Jonas liohner romniitlre
of Jacob Litzel, has filed bis ucccAitrl in the
Prothonotary's office ond that the same w ill be
presented to the Court for continuation al next
ProfSonetary's Office, )
Kunbjry, July 4, 1857. J
Collections made and Professional Bnsii.rss
generally attended to Promptly and Carefully.
PmLiniLriiix RevkiiRsce :
Bullitt tV Fairlhorne, Diebl $ Wertx,
Davis & Birncy, . Toyloi & Co. t
Sunbury, June 20, 1957.
TWOTICE is hereby given that application has
1 been made to the Court of Commor Pleas
of Northumberland county by the members of
the German Reformed and Evangelical Lutheran
Churches in Upper Mahonoy township, for a
Charter of Incorporation under the name and
title of the Trustees and Church Council of tt.
John's United German Reformed aud Evangeli
cal Lutheran Church, in Upper Mahonoy and
that the same will be presented to Court for a
hearing, the first Monday of August next.
JAMES BEARD, l'roth'y.
Prothonotary's Office. )
Hunbury. July 4, 1S57. $
H T7 S S E Y G
JJ.REAT improvements for 1857 This Ma-
chine wns put in sucrssful operation in 1833
and continued to be the only leaping and Mow
ing Machine in Ihe World, of any practical value
up to 1815 twelve years after its introduction.
Other Reapers are now offered with glowing ad
vertisements, Certificates, Diplomas, Gold and
Silver Medals, Ac. But the Farmer lu search
of iho best Reaper, and not posted in the matter,
had better sea sJitllo further.
If there is any value in 21 years experience
in building Reapers, aud using Ihem in the har
vest Held, and in the improvements made during
that long period, OBED Ill.'SSEV, Ihe Father
of Reapers can claim it. All who are satisfied
with tje Best .Reaper and Mower, uan lie sup
plied by sending their orders earlv in the oeasun,
as tho crops indirnte a large demand, and we Can
not hnvo over 200 Ready for tho vssl harvest
of 1857. We guarantee that this Reaper 'and
Mower enn not be benten on fair trinl by any
other Reaper that nity be brought into the harvest
field in 1857. and we nlso insure il to be the
strongest and most durable machine in ne. We
would respectfully invite Farmers to examine
the mac bine thoroughly before purchasing, and
sati-Ty themselves of "i!s superiority over all
During die bint four years, the suh eribers have
sold between 500 ond 600 of these Machines, to
the best and most siirccisful Fanners in Montour,
I'nion nnd the neighboring rounties. (whose,
names nre too numerous to insert) to whom we
respectfully li fer.
The subscribers have :hc exclusive linht in
Ihe following counties: M ontour, Union, Snyder,
Northumberland, Columbia, Luzerne, Perry,
Milliin, Centre, Clinton and Lycoming. All
orders thankfully received and promptly attend
ed tn. tEDDES, MAUMl 6l CO.,
LcwisLurg, Union county, Pu.
July 1 1. 1857.
jVTICE is hereby given that application has
' I cen made lo tha Court of Common Pleas of
Northumberland county, by the members of the
Presbyterian Church ol the town of .Shamokin,
in Coal township, for a Charier of Incorporation
under the name and style of the Board of Trim
tees or Iho town of Shamokin. And that the
Court have appointed the first day of next Au
gust Term for the bearing of the same.
.IA.MKS JJKAKD, 1'ioih'v.
rrothonotary.R Office, 1
Kunbuiy, July 4, ltj:")7, J
ftOTIOE is hereby given that Ihe 5upremo
-Ccurt for tho Northern District of i'ennsyl
vania, will hold it session on October Term for
said District, in Williuinsport, Lycoming county
agreeably to Ihe following order of said Court, as
certified by tho Prolhonotary of the Eastern Dis
Prolhonotary, S. C. N. D.
Prothonotary's office, Juno 27, 1857.
B Ihe Siiprct-uc Coju-l of
AND now, June 2:), 1S57, Il is ordered that
a Special Term of the Supremo Court b held
under Iho Act of Stith April, 1855. at Williams
port, Lyccmir.g county, to commence on the first
Tuesday of October next, for the purpose of heir
ing arguments on writs nf error, appeals, Ac,
from the counties uf Lycoming, Northumheiland
nnd Montour, and such other causes from any
of the louniica composing ihe Northern District
as may be by mutual consent argued ut ihe faij
time uud place. The said special term to con.
tinuc as bug as may be necessary.
Ccrtij!catf Jrom lite JUrurd.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my
hand and the seal of the said Supreme Court at
Philadelphia, this nventy-iillh day of June, A.D.
l!l.'i 7.
J. F. BELSTERIXU, Tro rroth'v.
July -1, 1857. le
..... Yircu'rsinj7E7
rPHE undersigned Executor of the estate of
- Peler Kchock, lute of Washington lownshin.
Nortli'iMbcrland county, ilec'il., by virtue nf lire
last Will aud Testament of said deceased, will
expose to Public Sale on ihe premises on SA
TUH DAY, the I5tii day of AUGUST, next, the
following described propertv to wit: A TRACT
OF LAND, t-itunie in Wit-diingtim township,
county aforesaid, on the Kiingcrstcwn roa 1 lo
Ptitlst die. and w ithin a mile of the Trevorton
Railroad, adjoining lands of Valentine K'.oil.,
the Church property of Si. Peter's Church and
others, containing TWENTY ACRES and 39
Perches and allowance, wheieon ia erected a
weather-bearded Logllouso, Hank Barn, Spring
and other outbuildings. A never failing Well
of Water, two Orchards wi h choice fruit.
Also: A cii tain Trad of Land, situate in
Washington township, said county, containing
l'WEN'i Y-Si:VE. ACRES, more or less, ad
j lining the uboe tract of land, Daniel Wolf
Valentine Klcck, Samuel Mallick and other.
The above land is in a good sta'e nf cultiva
tion and eve. Kent fanning land. The two tracts
will be bolJ together, or separately, to suit pur
chasers. Also At the samo time ati.l place a lot of
Carpenter's tools, Stote, Bureau and other arti
cles loo numerous to merit. on.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M., of said
day when the conditions will be made known by
PETER BOHNEit. Executor. '
Jackson twp., July 4, lt57. ts
S'ii-.IiIonabli, iit-ai nud I'scfiil
rilIIE subscriber, long established as a Cabinet
nnd Chair Manufacturer iu Sunbury, thank
ful for paat favors, solicits a continuance of Ihe
public patronage. His slock of Cabinet-Ware,
Chairs, i c, embraces
IU V. X 1 .V fci
in housekeeping. It is unnecessary lo enume
rate, as anything that may bo require J iu his
line can be bad at moJerule plier s, Cheap for
Cush, or Country Produce taken in exchange.
Eslablishnii ut
South A'l.sf Corner of Muriel fyuare.
tlf" Theso knowing thein.-elves indebted lo
Ihe subBcriber would oblige him by ma'.ing pny
Hunburv, April 4, IS57. if
i:sencc of Jamulctt Cluer.
rrrlltS article is carefully prct.'ircJ frorrr the li-ut Jamaica
J. Oinrier. all Hie vuluali!e lllcjtuiiml propt-ilics 01 vh:ch
rl ts warruirted to poMciui la a eoni-viitniU-il anJ conve
llirlit loriu.
It is na c.ti'eltrut reineilvbi dyspepsia, rlatulence, clri
lie unil impairi-fl anil iVctile stale 01 tlm tlifrestivo riitic
tions. From itsnTietiiuii sticntlt nail pioperlius
ss a gentle stimulating Untie it in Well ailupti tl to counter
act tlie iLliilituttnir inlbieui-e of the extreme heulu of satu
llinr, tlie ellects t ruatlin i-liaiirtcs, AC.
No family stiouM lie without it, ns its timely nso Witt
save Ihem from itmny an serious ultark of iilnrss.
1'iice Jo eeiiri per UiUle. t'ur sale by
Jane 'JO, l?5V. Ira
Ojjlce in Veer Street, immediutflg opposite the
Public' School House.
All business promptly attended to. Monies
oollecied and all ordinary writings done.
Sunbury, April 85. 1857. tf
BLANK Deeds, Mortgages, Bonds, Warrants,
Attachments, Commitments, Summons, Su
pauias, Executions, Justices' and Constables'
Fee Bills, ia, Ac, can be hud by applying at
SUGAR CURED HAM A lot just received
and for sale by. - LEVI SEASHOLTZ.
April IH37.
Dry Ciool, Etcndy inndc Clothing. Hoots Biid Shocf, I3ard
Hiii'f, lirotcries, (a'lass, llutcnsiTrtre, &c,
Among our present Stock may lie found Fronch Lawns, Poplins, Fancy Silka, Tlaid Dneal, Tissues,
Ueregea, Dcheges, Challi, Dlack Silks, Alpacca, Ginghams, Swiss Mull, Tarlton, Cambria, Nain
sook, Brilliants, Dimity, Rook Muslin, Dtbinelt Collars, Swiss Flouncing, Inserting, Laces, II il).
bona, Hosiery, and a general assortment of FANCY G00D3.
Embracing tho most beautiful styles, all qualities and prices. Domestic Cioods, Windsor Shades,
Oil Cloths and Carpets. Summer Uuods for gents wear of every variety. Hardware embracing
all kinds of building material, Carpenter Tool of the bast manufacture, Fibs of every descrip
tion, Cutlery, Shoe findings, Lasts, 4c.
runner cflorts mil passed in quantify ana Quality
In addition to our furmer Store Room, we have fitted up the second atjry of our establishment
which you will find well slocked with Ready Mado Clothing, Roots and Shoes combining beauty
durability and cheapness. We shall continue to receive Goods Semi-Monthly, thus rendering our
assortment at all times complete, another Inducement lo all who wish to purchase.
N K W OO O 1) 8 AT LO W 1 It I 0 V. S
We return our thanks to the public for their liberal patronngo, and respectfully invile an inspec
tion of our ( JooiIh, as wa deem it a pleasttro tn wait on nil who may favor us with a call.
Bar Iron, Steel. Nails, Pioks, Grab Hoes, Mason Hammers, Mill Saws, Window Sash,
Grindstones. Glass, Faints, Oils, Fish, Salt, Cheese, Meat, &c always on hand.
Sunbury, May 30, 1807. If E. V. 15RIOHT tc SON.
By virtue of a certain writ of Vs. Expnx.ta
to mo directed will be exposed to public sale nl
the Court House in Sunbury, on MONDAY,
the 3d day of August next, at 1 o'clock P.M.
the following properly to wit :
All the Defendant's interest, being cue undi
vided eighth part of a certain lot of ground, situ
ate iu the Uorough of Suubury, Northumberland
county, fronting on Water street or Droadway
und bounded on the east by an alley ; on tho
south by a lot in the occupancy of Suinucl Fet
ter and ou the north by a lot of McCarty if
Clement, containing one-fourth of an acre more
or less, whereon is erected a Iwo story llrick
Houbo and Kitchen, Well of Water, etc.
Seized, taken iii execution and to be sold as
the properly of James Quinn.
At the same time and place, by a certain writ
of Vkx. Exponas, to me directed, will he exposed
to public sale Ihe following property to wit :
A certain lot of Ground, situate in the Town
of Trevorton in Zerby township Northuinber
laud countv, being Lot No. 3 in block 101, ad
joining a lot of J. llcnsyl on the west, and a lot
of Dr. Smith on the cast, fronting on Shamokin
street and extending back to an alley, being "i
feet in width and I.r)0 tcet in depth, whereon is
erected a two-story frame houeo with a basement
story, end a frumc stable.
Seized, taken into execution and to be sold as
Ihe property of Jeremiah Pennepacker.
At the same time and place, by a certain writ
of Vkx. ExroSAR, to me directed, will bo exposed
lo public sale, the following property to wit :
A certain Lot of Ground, siluato in the bo
rough of Milton, Northumberland county, front
ing on Mahoning street, and hounded on the
west by a lot of U.tltzer Crilzcr or lot No. 179,
and the east by the unbury & Erie Hail Read
Company, on the south by Sugar alley or Ferry
lane, containing three-fourth of an Acre more
or less, whereon urc erected a two-story Brick
House and one-rind-a half slory frumc House.
Seized, taken into execution and to be sold as
the property of Nicholas Johnson and Jul n
At the same lime ond place, by a certain writ
of Vkn. Exponas, to me directed will been posed
to public sale the following property to wit :
A certain Lot of Ground, situate in the bo
rough of Milieu, Northumberland county, bound
ed on the north by Walnut street, on the east
by Miller's estate, on the south by an alley and
on the west by a lot of Janus Buoy, containing
one-fourth of uu Acre more or less, w hereon aro
erected a two-story frame House and Kitchen,
aud u small frame .S;ablc, outbuildings, ic.
Seized, taken into execution and to be sold as
the property of John A. Gray.
11. WHISK, Shcrij:
Sheriff's Office, )
Sunbury, June 27, 18o7. J
jV OT1CE is hereby given that tho several
t- ( ?mirts of t om inon Pious. tiOnoral tjnnrtnr
Sessions of the peace, and Oprhans' Court. Court
of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery,
in and for the county of Northumberland, to
continence at the Court Hi use, in the borough ol
Suubury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, Iho
3d dav ot AUGUST next, and will continue
The coroner. Justices of the Peaco and consta
bles in and for tlie county of Northumberland, aro
requested to be then and there in their proper per
sons, with their rolls, records, iui;iisilions, and
other remembrances, to do tlioso things to their
several olliees appertaining to lie done. And al
w itnifses pnMccutiug :n behalf of the Comnioiil
wealth against any prisoner urc ulso requested aud
commanded to be then aud there attending iu their
proper persons lo prosecute against him, as shall
lie just and not to depart without leave al their
peril. Jurors ure requested lo be punctual iu their
uttemhtnee, ul the lime uppoiotcd ugrccablo to
their notices.
Given under my hand at Sunbury, the STih day
of June in the year of our Lord one thousand
eight hundred and fifty-seven and tho Inde
pendence of tho United States of America the
God save the Commonwealth.
f.lie.iff's Oil'teo, Sunbury,
Juno 27, 1857. j
New Goods for the Tcople !
11 HNJ A 31 IX UK FFX K il
RESPECTFULLY informs the public in gen
eral that he has juat received und ojiciicd a
splendid stock of
al his New Store, in Lower Augusta township.
His stock consists in part of
Cloth3, Carbiniers, Casainets.
of all kinds, of linen, cotton aud woretcj.
Calicoes, GiMKhatug, r.awiii,
Itlouisctlue lie lvalues
and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods.
Also an assortment of Hardware. IrOU
ami Steel, Kails, &c.
Al.-o an excellent assortment of
GUEEIiSWAKE, of various at) lea and
pal tern a.
Also an assortment of MOOTS & SHOES.
H ATS ii CA PS, a good selection.
Salt, Fish, tc.
And a great variety of other articles such aa are
suitable to the trade, all of w hich will ba sold at
tho lowest prices.
IV Country produce taken iu exchanja a
the highest prices.
Lawer Augusta, June 6, IS57.
Retired PtiYKldan, vests of age,
having lost his Father, two Brothers, Daughter,
Son-in-law, INepbcws und i leccs, hy tout dread
ful disease, Consumption, and sull'ering w ith I
Cough himself, determined to visit Ihe East In
dies, Egypt and Japan, where he discovered a
Preventive and Certain t ure lor Lolds, L oughs,
Bronchitis, Consumption, Nervous Debility and
Asthma. His cough was cured immediately ;
he returned, cured his A'elulives, who inherited
the disease, and in connection with his son have
employed it in their practice, curing thousands
of cases considered hopeless by others. For the
purpose of rescuing as many of his suffering fel
low beings as possible he is sending the Recipe
to all who wish it for 10 cents ; 3 of it to pay the
postage, and te balance printing. Address Dr.
IUatm 101 Spring street, opposite St. Nicholas
Hotel, New York.
June 13, I87. Sin 3vo
Spring and Slimmer Faehiona for 1S57
Market Square, Sunbury.
KCOW received and will continue to receive,
' the largest and best selected Stock of
Black Clotht, Catximeres, Casninett and
Veftings, fcc.
An assortment of Dress Goods, viz. : Fancy
printed Calicos, Chillies, printed Lawns, De Lains .
Dareges, Merinos, Cashmeres, Alapacas, Drsts
Silks, Ginghams, &c
Irish Linen, bleached and brown Drilling, Sheet
ing, i'illowcaseing, Ac.
DreBS Trimmings in Great Variety.
Boots and Shoes
Hats and Caps,
SALT and FISH, Cheese, Crackers, SegaM,
Tobacco, SnulT, &c, an assorsment of other
Goads too tedious to montioh.
Feeling grateful for past favor we beg kave to
assure our old friends and the public that nn
crlort on our part shall bo wonting lo merit a
continuance of our patronage.
Country produce taken iu exchange at the
highest market price.
Sunbury, May 30 , 1857. tf
1! uuling have emlnrtu'd tUe current
of public opinion, und confirmed
tlie verdict of imtru than iilK) -icci-deutul
fires, proving concluaivelr
tttnt "Herring's" is the only
Ihnt will itoritiuii.
K. tract fiom the Committee'!
Ilertort on the Tiiul uf Jrou Safe
At lleatlme ;
'On the 3flth of February nil the memlwrs nf the Com
mittee met to witness the Sufes nnd books and rwipern,
(pliiced iu them) nnd were perfectly salinlied Hint all wm
riyht. The day following, the burning took place, under
the siiperiiitciidrtiice of the Committee. Aflur a fmr uii
iuipiirtinl hunting for five hours, the Side of Messrs.
Kvuns t Wn twui wns first opened, the ftife being on fir
inside, nnd the contents purtinlly consumed, while the con
tents in the Safe of Messrs. Tiirrels & Herring weio .u
ffoiHli'oudition, and no tire inside'
timdmp, March 2, 1H57.
(ffigueiL) ii. t
It. F.FKI.IX, )
And cidorsi'd by over Za) of the best men nf Hmdini;.
The almve Safes cun he inspected nt :M Walnut Sircwt,
where the public vnn satis; y themselves oi the ureal snpe
ri Ttly of the "llerrmn s Tulint Champion," over Uis
dufeu'ttd uud used up "iimide. Iron Dor Katmandu?."
Fai rcls & Herring,
31 Walnut St.tIhilada.
Only makers iu this Slate of Herring's Patent Champion
TlieuttetRPt made by other parlies t-i Ihdster tip th
reputation of u Safe which lias failed so sipnnMy ii ucci
dentnl fires in I'liiliuk-hdiiu , (Hausteml l'litck.) by takine
one out of an agent's, 6t.tre, (II . A. I-nitx,) mude duubte
tliickiicss. fi-illi-rcnt from those they sell) to "mini np1
one of lid-rum's (half hs thick) bus met with its true re
ward. Herrinit's Safe could not be burnt, proving eonclit
sivelv that the only reliable Safe now made uv-Herrim; V
of wliieh over 15,UOO are now In actual use, ami mors
than OiH) have been tried by fire without a single loss.
lMiilu., June IS67. ly.
Isn't It So !
I Vse AimU K'S Celebrated
j&cIf-Scaliiig Cana and Jars,
land you will have frtsh fruit
Fresh Fruit ia" 'he year at Summer prices. '
Full directions fur puttii g up
all kinds ofj Fruit und Toma
toes, accompany Ibeso cans and
I They are made of Tin, GIups,
lliuecnsware and Fire and Acid
proof Stone Ware. Tho sizes
IN WINTEB'3 frni P'n's to gallons. Tluse
ans anu jars are entirely opvu
it the tops, and ne;t, to secure
conomy in transportation.
For aalebystorekecuers
BETTER hroughout the United States.
Descriptive circulars sent on
ipplitation . tsT Orders from
he trade solicitrd.
lie sure to ask for "Arthur's."
t has stood the test ot two sea-
THAN 0I18 Dav'ng been used by liun-
ireus ol thousands of fainilies,
lotcl and hoarding-houso kee
pers. We are now making ihem
"or the million.
Evee tmeata Arthur, Burnham & Oilroy,
Manufacturers under tho 1'alii.l
I.N. E cor. Tenth & (Jeorjre bts.
rhiladelphia, June 13, 1857. 3m
IsSLOUlsA SllISSLEf!, respectfully in
forms the citizens of Trevorton and sur
rounding county, that she baa opened a new
store of .Millinery and Fancy (foods, at Trevor
ton in Shamokin street, nearly opposite Kuousu's
Tavern, whcio all kinds of Uonnets and Fancy
(joods can lie had at the lotvrsl terms.
Ilress making also attended to U (he bt-t
luauner and lutctt style.
April SS, 1857. If
Flour, Feed and Provision store.
Kraadtray below lllaeklerry Street.
IJESPKCTFUIiLY inform tha citizens of
Sunbury and vicinity that be has removed
to the store lutely occupied by C. (iehringer in
Uroadway near the Kail Koad, and is reccivim;
a choice supply of
FAXjIILY gp.ocjseiss,
consisting in part of liains, Shoulders, Mackerel,
Herring, While Fish, Cod Fish, Salt 1'rcseived
Fruit, I'icklea, Crackers, Cheese, Molasses, Hire,
Sugar, Collbc, (green, toasted and ground.) Im
perial, Young Hyson, Gunpowder and IJIack
Teas, Cudar-ware, Btone-wure, Soaps, bruslit'a
plow and wash lines, boots and shoes, tobacco,
segars, &c, together with every article usually
found in a first class Grocery Store, all of w hich
will be sold at the .lowest prices, either for cash or
country produce lie has also prepared to sup
ply the citizens wilh fresh bread, twist, rolls, pies,
pretzels and cakes of every kind.
N. 1). The highest cash price will be paid for
butter and rgga, corn, oats, rye and wheat.
Suubury, April 11, 1857.
UY 1) li oTk U M VMX TS. These'paintsaTe
mined wilh water, thereby saving the crt
of oil, fur sale by
March II. '5?. A. W. FlSUf.R.