I TWENTY GOOD REASONS WHY KETCIIUM'S CombinodJJtteaperJand Mower Pot 1 957 is the moat complete machine In use, and the one beat adapted to the want of the Farmer - Firtt. Being wholly made of Ihok It li more durable than an; other. Second. It is to aimple that any person can readily mating it. Third. It is to stronejy and well built, that it cannot easily get out of repair. Funtth. It ia neat and compact, occupying let .apace than any other. Fillh. The frame ia ao easily hittanced that there ia no weight on the horaea' necks. Sixth. There ia little or no aide draft. Pevrnlh. ' It will cut heavy and light grass equally well. Eighth. It cull wet grass as well as drv. Ninth. The new cutter liar wheel lessens the draft at leaat one fourth in mowing. Tenth. Two horaea will work it with eaae in any kind of grass or grain. Eleventh. It la the only machine wilh the cutter liar directly opposite the shaft of the driving wheel. Twelfth. The open cutting Made effectuolly prevents clogging in any kind of grass. ThirWnth. It is changed in a few minutes frcm a mower to a Reaper. Fourteenth. It is the only machine with a rear and sido delivery for grain. Filteenth. It is the only machine which gives the Raker control of the grain, both before and ft f it reaches the platform. 8 xtcenth. The adjustable spring seat, end new rearer shoe are capital improvements. Sev.'i.iecnth. Seven yeurs of severe practical trial with more than 13,000 machines have proven its decided superiority. Like wine it improves with axe. Eighteenth. All the improvements for 185? have been practically and thoroughly tested. Nineteenth. Every part of the machine is made by master woikmcn and in the most sub stantial manner. Twentieth. Ketchum's Reaper and Mower 1s warranted to cut grass and grain as welt as it con be dne with a scythe or cradle. In a word it is just the machine which a farmer can buy without any risk, because ample expe rience has proven that it is reliable in all its parts FARMERS, send in your orders early, as the aales for the season hare thus far been more than double that of last year. BO S, 8PANGLER & CO., sole Agents. No. 627 Market St., below 7th north side, May 33, 1857 lit Philadelphia. New Goods for the People ! BEN J AM1N 11EFFN ER RESPECTFULLY informs the public in gen eral that he has just received and opened a eplci:did stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS at his New Store, in Lower Augusta township. II is stock consists in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO : Calicoes, Ginghams, Lanni, Mousmeliuc Ue L.aluct nd all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. Groceries, Also an assortment of Hardware, Iron and Steel, Nails, &o. Also an excellent assortment of QUEENS WARE, of various styles ansl patterns. Alto an assortment of HOOT At SHOES. HATS & CAPS, a good selection. Salt, Fish, ic. And a great variety of other articles such as are suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. ITS'' Country produce taken in exchange a the highest prices. Lewer Augusta, June 8, 1857. C. EEITKERT'3 WIIOH'SiT.!! AND RktAIL BOOT STORE, 40 South Ftmrth S.t, above Chesnnt, Phil'a. ft OOTS, Shoes, Gaiters, ic., promptly mails B to order in the very best style, and of tha est material. Philadelphia, May 9, 1857 Saddle and Harness Maker. HENRY HAUPT, JB. Successor to A. J. Slroh, RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Sunhurv and the pub lic generally, that he has taken the establishment lately occupied Stroh or d is prepared to tum cut work in is line of business .equal to any made in this, section of the country. Orders promptly execu td and all kinds of produce taken in Exchange Sunbury, May 9, 157. ly SPLENDID OFFERS FOR 1853 AND 1857 TOGETHER. fNI.IKE the more ephemeral Magazines of I tuo day, these .Periodicals loe little by see. Hence a full year of the Nos. with no omimions, for ISS6, mny be regarded nearly as valuable as for lS.r)7. We propose to furnish the two years at the following Extremely low limes, viz: For Blackwood's Magazine, 4 BO For any one Review, 4 00 For any two Reviews; 6 00 For Blackwood and one Review, T 00 For Blackwood and the two Reviews, 9 00 For three Reviews, 8 00 For Blackwood and throe Reviews, 12 00 For the four Reviews. 11 00 For Ulackwoud and the four Reviews, 14 00 io avoid tractions, $5 may be remitted for Blackwood, for which we will forward that work for both years, post paid. i. K. J ho price in Great Britain of the five Periodicals above named is about $31 'per an num. As e shall never agoin be likely to offur such luuucemcina as uiOhe Here presented. A'cic is the time te Subscribe 1 1 y. B. Remittances must, in all cases, be mads snrect to the Publishers, for at theso prices commission can be allowed to A (rents. AJdress, LEONARD SCOTT & CO., No. 64 Gold-street, New York, April 4, 1R57. tf P. MELANCHT0N SHIN DEL, ii'sxiti: or the peace STJNBUEY. FJY. Gjfiet in Deer Street, immediately opposite the rubhc School House. All business promptly attended to. Monica eilected and all ordinary writings done. Bunbury, April 25. 1857. tf "furniture I furniture"! I TttE LARGEST STOCK EVER OFFERED IN SUNBL'Ity. Fatlilonaltle, Cbcui and facful rjpiIE subscriber, long established as a Cabinet and Chair Manufacturer in Sunhurv. tlmnk ful for past favors, solicits a continuance of the public patronage. His stock of Cabinet-Ware, i.iiain, qc, emJiracfs TAR1ETV, t'SEPl'L AND OR A. MENTAL in housekeeping. It is unnecessary to enume, rate, as anything that may be required in his line can be had at moderate prices. Cheap for ?r country rroduce taken in exchange, csittniiHiimeni South East Corner nf Market Square. Viz 1 nese Knowing themselves indebted to tbe subscriber would oblige him by making pay ment. 6F.BASTIAN HA ITT. Bunrmrr, April 4, 1H57 tf I!LAKS! IlLAXHS! nl.ANK Deeds, Mortgages, Bonds, Warrants A Itachments, Commitments, Summons, 8u. poena, Executions, Justices' and C risUblea' Fee Hi us, eve, &c, rat), be nail by appiytn; this Oflirti. A. J ISAAC M. WILKERSON, MANUPACTUBEB OS FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the mo6t Fashionable Style. , $ftfa, DIvhiin autl liuuira Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, 11RKAKKAST AND DIMNO TABLES and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in this line of his business. '"PHE subscriber respectfully calls the attentiei of the public to his large and splendid as sortment of every quality and price of ,kii: r-vi;ii which cannot fail to recommend itself to every enp who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the heat stock to be had in the city. No cllort is spared in the manufacture of his ware, and the subscriber is determined to keep tip with the many improvements which are constantly being made. Ha also manufacture all kinds and qualitie CHAIRS, ncludlng varieties never before to be had ir Sunbury, such as Mamooast, Ulack Walsjct AKrtt Ci blkii Matlk Grecian ; amd Wikiisor CHAIRS, Attn rAdcr 1'isno Stools, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to bo excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscriber is determined that there shnll be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can be entertained about the quality and finish of his waro and Chairs. These articles will be disposed of on as gond terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in payment for work. UNDERTAKING. Having provided a handsome Utilise, he is now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funerals, in this vi cinity, or at any convenient distance from this place. I " The Ware Room la in Fawn Street, be ow Weaver's Hotel. lAC M. WILKERSON. 8unhury, April 18, 1857 tf. BROAD WAY FAMILY GROCERY I Flour, Feed and Provision store. Broadway below Blackberry Street. LEVI SEASIIOLTZ, RESPECTFULLY "inform the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity that he has removed to the storo lately occupied by C. Gehringer in Broadway near tho Rail Road, and is receiving a choice supply of FAMILY GROCERIES, consisting in part of Hams, Shoulders, Mackerel, Herring, White Fish, Cod Fish, Salt Prcseived Fruit, Pickles, Crackers, Cheese, Molasses, Kice, Sugar, Coffee, (urecn, roasted and ground,) Im perial. Young Hyson, Gunpowder and Dlurk Teas, Cedar-ware, Stone-ware, Soaps, brushes plow and wash lines, boots and shoes, tobacco, segars, &c., together with every article usually found in a first class Grocery Store, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices, either for cash or country produce. 1 1 u has also prepared to sup ply the citizens with fresh bread, twist, rolls, pies, pretzels end cakes of every kind. N. U. The highest cash prices will be paid for buttor and eggs, corn, oats, rye and wheat. Sunbury, April 11, )857. HOVER'S LIQUID HAIR DYE. Tim hair dye nee.lt only a trial to natUfy nil uf iti per fection us aa a Dye, odd the f allowing testiinoniu. iron, that eminent Analytic Chemist, riurceaor JJixith, uf the U. 8. Mint, will only cnlinu what thutibomls imv pre viwanly borne testimony to LABORATORY JOE PRACTICAL C.1EM19TRT, ) St. Stephen IMui'e, j Philadelphia Fibiu.i.y 17th, 1657. "Being well acquainted Willi the Bt.lmtuiirc cmiip.iiing HoovsK'a Lipoid Hair Dye, 1 utn Balinlied tUixi hy foiliiw inp the simple directions given for its use, it will not iitjuie the Ihor or Skin, but will give u n&lurul and dura ble color to the Hnir. JAM KS C. ROOT!?, Analytic Uhfniist." HOOYKR't WIUTIMJ INKS, including JljuviVa Fluid, nnd Hoover's Indi'liible Inks, ore too well known and inttoduml to require any additional R'tthmmy of Iheii chatacter. The sales huve. been incrcusiiiu since their first introduction, givinf? evidence that the urtiries truly potitefts that intriubic muiit claimed ut first fur them by ile Manufacturer. Oidcrs. addressed fn'the Mnmifrirtory, Nn. 416 RATE treet hImivo FOL'RTH, (old Wo. 141,) PUiludflpliiu, will receive prompt uttention ny jumm'h t . uuoyuu, Mauulacturer Philadelphia, April 8-3. 1b57. ly Valuable Town I'ropcrly FOR SALE, '"PHE subscribers, desiring to go west, offer for sale a House and two Lots in tho town of Shamokin, No. 20 and 21, Block 14. opposite the Odd Fellows' Hall, on the corner of Sunbury and Liberty Streets. The house is a two and a hall story brick building, well finished, with a good store room, and a basement story. Also 4 stable and other out-buildings and water conve nient. The property, which is situated on the main street and business part of the town, will ue sold on reasonable terms. For further particulars apply to DANIEL FELIX. JEREMIAH MARTIN. 8hsmokin, April U, 1857 If NEW CONFECTIOWARY. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. C. GEAIIIIAUT. TTAS just received e new and excellent assort incnt of goods at his Confectionary and rruit Store in MARKET STREET. Sunhurv. where he manufactures ai:d keeps on hand, at all times, the most choice Confectionary. 4c. Wholesale and RcUil, at Philadelphia prices. Among nis slock ol Couicctionaries, may be bund : French SrrreM, Barntd AhnotiUf, trcaiB Wlnu, ' Lemuu ' Rose, Vauilia, Common Liquorivs, 6am Drops, all kind) of scent, Love Llions, Mum Drops, red snd while, Jeliy f'aktis, Fiuit Drops, tkick Cuiultes, l ell want Kis li Candy, Aim aid Cuidjr, FRUIT. Btimus, Prunes, Dales, Furs, Cumints tUittd, Ciuons, Aiimmds, Riisnns, Nuts of all ktnds LEMON SYRUP of a superior quality, by tho single or dozen. A superior quality of Segars and Tobacco, and a variety of Confectinnarics, fruit, &c, all of which is otlercd cheap at wholesale or retail. ICE CtlEAM. He has al opened an 'ce Cream Saloon, and will at all times be ready to serve his customers with Ice Cream. Bunbury, May 21, 185.ly The World's Great Kxhlbltluu 1'rize Medal! AWARDED TO C. MEYER, Fur the Two Pianos, London, October, 15, '51 v C01TE.D IflKYEP. TIESPECTFULLY informs hi. friends and the public generally, that he has constantly on hand i'ianos equal to those for which he re ceived the Prize Medal, in London in 1851. All orders promptly attended to, end great care taken in the selection and packing the same. He has received during the last l5yeors, more Medals than any other muker froai the Franklin Institute i also First Premium at Boston, and Premiums at New York and Uultimore. v W,aoT,T,w"'Tnoved 'om 8a 8. Fourth, to A.KLH treet.below Eighth, eoulh side, Philadelphia. April II 18S7 3ia FOR SALE. Good second-hand Bugyy. office. Apply at this SALAMANDER FIRE A MB THIEF-PE00F SAFES. The largest assortment in the United States. Warranted to be equal to any now made, and will be sold on as Good Zlcrms, as can be obtain ed from any other house in the t'omitrv, at EVANS &, WATSON'S 88 South 4th Street, Philadelphia. Trtith is Mighty, and JTust Prevail. Report of tht Committee appointed to euperin tend the Burning of the Iron Safes, at Read ing, February 27, 1857. RmDixe, March 4. The undersigned, members of the committee, do respectfully report, that we saw the two Safes originally Rgreed upon by Farrcls 6c Herring and Evans & Watson, placed side by side in a fur- r.ace, vizi The Safe inuse by the Paymaster of the Philadelphia and Reading Hailroad Compa ny, in his ollice at Reading, manufactured by I''arrcls & Herring, and the Safe in use by H. A. Lantz, in his store, manufactured by Evans & Watson, and put in books and papers precisely alike. Thejfire was started at 8) o'clock, A. M., and kept up until four cords of green hickory, two cords dry oak and hnlfchcsnut top wood were entirely consumed, the whole under the superin tendence of the subscribers, members of the Com mittee. The Safes were then cooled oil' with water, after which they were opened, and the books and papers taken out by the Committee and cent to H. A. 1, aim's store for public exam ined and marked by the Committee The books and paers taken from tho Kale manufactured by Parrels d- Herring were in our judgment, damaged fully filteeu per cent, more than those taken from Evans & Watson's Safe. Wo believe the above to have been a fair and impartial trial of the respective qualities of both Safes. JACOrt II. DYSHiR, DANIEL S. HUNTER. Having been ahscnt during the burning, we fully coincide with tho above statement of the condition of the papers and books taken out of the respective Sales. O. A. NICCLT.R. II. H. MUHLKNDERO, JAMliS MILHOLLAND. March SI, 1857 NEW AHKANOEMENT 1 Fresh Arrival of DRUGS, TAINTS, OILS, &c. riTHE undersigned having taken the store for JL merly kept by William A. limner, is now ready to fill orders and prescriptions at a mo ments notice. He has a large and well selected stock of fresh and puro DRUGS, CHEMICALS, Dye-stufls, Oil, Paints, Glass, Putty; and all kinds of Patent Medicines. FRUIT AND CONFECTIONARY Tobacco and Imported Segars of tho choicest brands, rancy INotions' toilet articles, and Per fumery of all kinds. Tooth and Hair Brushes of every variety. Cam plane and Fluid alttays on hand. Customers will find his stock complete, com prising many articles it is impossible here to cnu mcrute, and all sold at moderate prices. Remember the place, neit door to E. Y. Bright' Mammoth Store. A. W. FISHER. Sunbury, March 14, 1857. THE DAUPHIN & SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD. CONNECTS the Reading Railroad at Au burn, on the Schuylkill, (10 miles below rottsvillc.) with the Northern Central Railroad, at Duuphin, on tho Susimchamia, and witli the Pennsylvania Railroad at Rockville, (5 miles abovo Harrishurg,) and runs um passenger truin in winter, and two passenger truins in summer through between Auburn and Harris burg, each way, daily, (Sundays excepted.) on times arranged ts connect properly with these roads; Willi the lumberluml Valley and Ilarri3 burg and Lancaster Railroads, at Jlnrnsburg and with the Cattawissa Railroad, and its north era connection at Port Clinton. EI.I.WOOD MOKKIS, Eng. & Supt March 7, 157. Ciri. d. BLACKIVOOD'S MAGAZINE AND The British Quarterly Reviews. Great inducements to Subscribe I COST riKDL'CKD 60 TO 75 l'UR CENT. T PCOTT CO., New York, continue to publish JLJ- mr lunowuig terming uniuu I'eil'Hllcul, viz : THE LONDON QUARTKItLY, Conservative. i THE EDINBl'RO REVIEW, Whig. TUB NORTH BRITISH REVIEW, Free Church. THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW, Liberal. 6 BLACKWOOD'S F.DINHURO MAGAZINE, Tory These Periodiculsublv rrnrcsent the thri ffrat nnlin'. eal puilies of Greut lirituin Whig, Tory and Kndicul wu, pt'u.iya ,i uiuy unr irtuuie 01 llleir cnurucu T. A urguus oi uie most proioumi wuterson Science, Litem, lure. Morality and Ilcliuitui. I he v slnnd.ns vlipv fv.T kiu stood, umivullfd in the world ol Utters, beliiR considered Km.jn-iwtmo in iiic sL-IK!Ur HIIO 1116 proiL'SHIOIIill niflll while to the intclli 'cir reuder ol every class the v fniniil a more correct and salisluclory reco.d uf the cuneat tiler. aiuie ui i ne imy, llirouuliout the wotli! thuu cull be possi lily olnuuicd from nny oilier sourca. r.Aui.i Lura,s rue receipt of Advance Sin from Hie Untish publishers gives uddilionul value to lluse l.cpriuis, in ns innch us the enn now be placed in I In Iiuui's ol suusi nbrrs about u slsju as His originul cdilious, TUK.MS. (Regular Prices.) ... Prrsiinum ror any one ol the r,mr Reviews, $:( no For any two of Hie four Reviews, s.oo ror sny uiree Ol the lour Reviews, For nil four ol the Reviews, For Uluckwood',, Mueuziue, For Ulnckwood nnd three Reviews, 7.00 8,00 9 00 r or uiucs tvootl unci the four Reviews. lo.no i uyiiiemi to ie inone in ull esses in mlvsnee. Money cur. rent in the Suae where issued, will be received m nar PU&l Alii-.. The I', stsife I" any piirt of the Uniled nrnies win lie nut TWEN I'V-FOl'll CEN IS a yeai I" 'iiineswiNKi," and hut FOURTEEN CENTS a year fi each of tlm Reviews. At the above prices the Periodicals will be furnished 101 trat. SPLENDID OFFERS FOR 1S00 AND 1857! viilike the more enhcuienil M'.7i,, ,,r ii. i.,.. ,v.A.. Periodicals lose lime by Sjjn. Hence a I ml year of the N"S (with no oiniuisious) for lest), may he r.uard nenrly us vu ii .Ule us for mA7. W't propose to furnish the two years ut the lollowiiur extremely low rates, viz : For Hlack wood's Magazine, SI.S0 For uiiy one Review, 4,00 For imy two Review, (t mi F"i tllaekwiHHl mid one Review, 7,tio For Uluckwood and two Reviews, fl'.oo For thiee Reviews, ptoo For Uluckwood und three Reviews, pjisi For the foul Reviews, 1 1. HI For Hluckwoml nnd thefnir Reviews, 14 bo To avoid fractions, " muy be reuiirtrrl for RlucLwood for which we will forward I hut woik for both years post-pnid ' N II The price In Orent lirituin of the five Periodi. cuts above mimed is alsiut sii I per milium Aa we shall never asmn lie likely to oiler such Induce ments us those here presented. AW is the Time (0 Subscribe! tV Remittances must, in all enses, ha innde direct to the Publishers, for ut these prices no commission can be allowed to Agents. Address. LEONARD KCOTT CO. . ., No 61 Gold Sneet, New York. April 25, Citrate of Magnesia OR TASTELESS SALTS. HIS preparation is recommended as an ex eellent laxative and purgative. It operates mildly, is entirely free from any unpleasant taste resembling leinonude in flavor, prepared and sold hy A. W. FISH EH. Sunbury, March 14, 1856. AL.EX4NUF.lt Iii:illl Inprter and JVwlesule Dealer in SALT. 88 South Wharves, Philadelphia. tKX AS,, I'on F"e. Liverpool Ground, )W-3tV Turks Island and Dairy Ball, con- i25 'lttn,y " ''and and for isle in lots .T3s to suit the trade. April 4, 1857 Cm ALMONDS, RAISONS. FIOS, LEMONS. &c. &c, just received a fresh supply and for sale at the Confectionary atore of M. C. OEAEHART. ?unbury,May 18, 185T NHW ARRIVAL OP PALL AND WINTER GOODS I Ira T. clement NO. 1, CORNER OF MARKET. SQUARE, A 8 just received a large aupply of Fall and Winter Ooods. He will continue to sell Dry Ooods and Gro ceries CHEAPER than ever, as his goods are bought cheap they will be sold cheap. He feels confident wilh his experience and ability, that he can compe.to with the World at large and Sunbury in particular. He would enumerate articles if time and space would permit. It is enough to say that he has everything in the line of Dry Goods, Groceries, A large Stock of Ready-Made OLOTHING, BOOTS ANLSIIOES, jr., fi e., that Is kept in any other store in town, and His banner is on the l)rco. JtnrUnng mny it wnvs O'er land of the free, And the home nf the brave While her Stars snd.her Stripes Shine out like the Sun, Telling all nations Thai Freedom's begun. This is a free country ss was proved by the election of Buchanan over the Wooly Horse, therefore it is free for nil to do their trading where they can BUY ho CHEAPEST, All are invi ted to call and see. THE COUNTRY, as well Si the town are repectfully invited, and very nerson, rich or poor, blah or low, hond or free are invited to call at No. 1 Markket Sijuarc, opposite the Court House. P. 8 He is not to be undersold by any man or combination of men. No charge for Allowing goods. All kinds of produco taken in exchange for goods. Sunbury, Dec. SO, I8.r0. Leather ! Leather ! Leather I IIKNRV XV. OVERMAN, IMPORTER nf French Culi'Pkinsnnd senernl Leather dealer, No. 8 South Third street, Philadelphia. A general assortment of sll kinds of Leather Morocci, Ac., 4c. Red and Onlr Polo Leather. February Sc", IK58. ly w Fishing Tackle. Red Cork, Grnss. Cot ton and Linen Lines, Out Lines, Sea Grass by the ysrd.-Snoods, Flies,- Kirby, Limerick and Carlisle Hooks, Kods, &c, for sale by March 4l.'fi7. A. W. FISHER. IDEJNi TISTRY". GEORGE II ENN, A KNOUNCESto the citizens of Sunbury and vicinty, that he tins opened an ollice in Sun bury, above 11. J. Wolvcrton's oflice opposite C Weavers Hotel, where he is prepared to attend to all kinds of work belonging to the profession, in the latest and most improved style. All work well done and warranted. December 13, IH5T.. 1)1 V HO LKS A LE XV AHEIIO USE, Coiner of Tenth and Market Street, (office in Second Story,) PHILADELPHIA. WE invite attention to our enlarged gtork of Drtijr, Puiuta. Uia. Varninhen, Vc.. sclei'trd e.xnrvsRlv U-t our Rules, and compriHing one !" tliu finest nmoriinenti in the United fStutui. wtuvh wo ulllr ut Jow prict. it cuhh or npjiruved tied it. WE .MANUFACTURE very extentivty i Pruinium Pure While Leuil, (btfct,) neneinguui fine v line Lcau, IVarlSii-iw Wliite Lrud Virile iMolltlfIne,, Frenfli Kir.r, (beat) Pure Simw White Amrrirnn Zinc. lMiimlt lihiii Pn 'W W bite T,ma. Silvui?a Piaslie Eire and Wcuthor-proof Tainti, (.'hrnine tiifem, VelKws. n:id cuot Generally. AGENTS VOU : P'trte r' aiijiec iur Alkaline Wtiuliw Glrtin. tit'iiuine Ert-ui'h PUite Olius, (wnrrentci') The New Jersey Zinc Company's, product, Ttltit-n and Nephew's N. Y. Viiintiiiri, HrtHk.lyn Preuiimn Pure White L tad, Ilimipilcn Pt'iiniiiicnt Grefiii, Piire Oh in C'atawtm liiundy, Ac, o. 1MPOKTEUS OK: L rent'h una English Pinto Glrmn, French and English Cylinder lilt, Colmedand Encmqed Window tiius, Diigueireotypc GlifsS, lluininered Piute for Floors and Sky-hjats, Drutrs, Cheinicnls, Perlnnierv, Ac. WIItVl.ESALK JJEAU-.US IN : Dmcgists' Articles Genernlly, PiillltftS1 Tools nf ull ttf fcriptious, Jlydrnulic hmiI Honinn Cement, Calcined and liind 1'liteter; I'uncr Maker's Clay, S-uin Whito. Ac, Ac. FRENCH, lilCHAItPf A CO Storr. N. W. cor. ot Trnlh nnd Market Streets Paet'trv, Junction Yoik Avenue, Crown and Cul low hill Streets. Phil.flelphi.1. April II, 17 3in e R. DECOU & CO. Clothiers, No. 141 Chfstnut St., adovs Fovrth, TtllLADZLrMIA, Keep can.1ar.tljr on fund a fplcndid sffbrtment of Ready-made Clothing. Goods madz to Op.dsr and Wakran'tfu TO KIT. Not. 29, l856.y IV all Taper & Window Sliaticu. J- X,. ISAACS & BHOTHEII, No. 133 North Second Street, below Race, PHILADELPHIA. TTAVING coiiiblL'ted their largo assoitmenl of the above Ooods for Spring and Suniinc Trade; would respectfully invite the attention of I'urcluisers to the same. Their stork for beauty, cheapness and variety cannot he surpas seil. Thcv have constantly on hand every descrip' Hon of (iold and Painted Niades, Dull llullaml ami iSliade Fixtures. Wall Pupers, (Jul lain Fne Hoard Prints, Uorders. ic , all of vthic they oll'rr at lower rates than can he ha 1 at any other establishment. Cull and exHinine. J.L. I.S4 ACS &. BliO. 133 North riecond Street, below Kace March 7, I R."i7 Cm w J. I' AlllOlt & lo. Market Htreet Wlinrf, Pliilailelhia. rr.Ai.i:tti. fish and ruuvisioNS; TT A VK eoiistuntly 011 111111J ait ahS'irin.nt ut' Mackerr I 1 bhtui, UrrniiKS, i:ttillisli, licel, rork, Uiiil, fchouuit; JMms, hitirs, Cheese, Itlee, Ac. Aiurcli til, ls.37 3iu ()l!Taiid MA 1)1", I; I A WINES, Schiedam fchnappa. Wild Cherry bramly, Dlacklierry anil l.jveinler Lranuies lor meuicinal purposes a March 14, '57. A. V. FISHER, New Drugft, I'uinttt, &C. bW supply of Drugs, Paints. Oil Fluid, 4c, just received and for sale hy A. W. FISHER. Runbury.May S, 1857. rURNITTJEE POLISH. S. RAE'8 Premium Patent Enamel Furniture Polish. This polish is highly valuable for reslnr, iiig the polish on all kinds of Furniture, Glass, Carriage Uodirs. Hair Cloth, Ac. Also, for re moving spots, hiding scratches, &r.. &c. War ranted to dry immediately and retain its gloss. Price 50 cts. per bottle, bold by A. W. FISHER. March 14, J8S7. A Sll AMY Fort 8 A 1.13. TMin subscriber offers for sule his SH ANTY-, II Cnok-Siovo, 4c, 011 the liuil-Koad below Trevorton liridge. Apply soon lo M. 11. MASfflOR. 8uhWt. April 8S. 1BA7. nPobaCCO and Segars SO.OOO Imported Begare of various brands. Eldorado, Fig, Cavendish and fine cut tobacco at ' A. W. FISHER S, unhurr, March 14, 18riT, AYER'B . Cathartic Pills, f SUGAR COATED,) '" AJIB Mns to CLEANBK TnB CI00S AHD CTOB THI SICK. InvKllits, t'alliers, Mothers, Physicians, PhllKiilhrnptsts, read their KrTeota, and JtidRe of their Virtues, FOR TUB CURB OF Ilendnche, Sick Hcndnrhe.Fonl Stomneh. I'lrrsBtrse," I'., Mny 1, 1866. Dr. J.C. Atts. Bin t hare been ropenteilly eurei of tlie wornt hendulie sny body can bivva liy a dose, sr two of your Pills. It scslus'toaiisefroiunfoulBtomaeli.vlilcli Uiey elnuise ut inies. If they will em's utbars ss they do Die, lbs fact ts worth knowing. Yours with grvut respoet, Uf). W, PRKI1LV, v Clerk ttf Slramer Clarion. Bilious Disorders and I.lvcr Complaints. Pepartmsnt ot rrre Ivtssios, M'ABinsoix, P. C, 7 Feb., 186. Pre.! t have nsed ysir Pills In my trmoral snd bnspttal prnetloe ever since yon made theui, slid caunot hosiutato say they are tho best cathartic wo employ. Their regu lating action an t.he brer la ipilrk snd decided, consequeiis. ly they sre an Adnihabla remedy fur derangements of that ei rn.ii. I ndued. 1 have sektom Riund s caps of Mima iste so cWrluntn that it did not readily yield to them, fraternally yours, AI.ON.O HALL, M. I., Physician qf fit toarint UotpitriL Dysentery, Relnx, and Worms. Pott Orrice, llTt.(Ki, Lit. Co., Mica., Nor. 16, 1S6. In. Arra: Tom- IMIls ara the irfiiTeelion of niedlclua. Tliev linve done my wifo more good flian I can Ull you, the had been stck and pining aw iiy for months. Went off to lie doetorod at great cxpen, but got no better. Bha then commenced taking your lMi,wbleh soon cured her, by exiM-HIng large quantities of worms (dead) from her IwmIv. 1 liev alYerwiu-ils cured her and our two chlldnea of bloody dysentery. One of our neighbors had 11 ld, and aiy wire cm-tM nun tini iwo rstses 01 your ruis, wmie otiiors amtinit as firsn fl.e to twenty dollars doctors' 1.111, and lost rnm-li time, without belnir cured entirely even then. Purli a mstuMue as yours, which Is actually good and honest, 111 1 rvisad hers. Indigestion nnd Impurity of the Blood. Pi-tm Krr. J. Y. Itimtf, l'Stor qf Adttitt Vhurdi, Itotton. Dr. Avkr: t hsvo need your l'ills with extiTionttnsry SU'.ytm in my fsmilvsml sinong those I urn palled Tovi.lt In distress. To regulate rtionrKiimordt'stion ami puriry the IIik1 they sre th vury boet ifmily I have ever known, uud I' can confidently recommend them to my rilenus. lours, J. t. ui-wfto. WrnMiyn Co.. J. T., Oct. 24, 1855. Psas Sir: 1 aui uslnir vour CallioHli: lDls In my crno. tlee, and find them au excellent imrKiit've to cleaivso the system and iurify the fuuntnlns of the Imoo-1. jun.l U. ir.AlllA.M, si. v. Eryslpelns, Scrofnlit, Khit's Evil, Tetter, 1 u mors, nnd nnti 1. nouni. Frost a F i-wawmo Naxhant f Sl. .oil's, ivb. 4, I860. I)R. Atf.r : Yonr Pills sro tho pnrseon tf all that la rtent in Tneillrjna. Thev have cure 1 riv little daughter of nlremtis sores ujwn her htin-ls nnd feat that had proved Ineura'tle for yejtrs. Her niotner Inst noen ions aneTous ly sttlie'o-1 with l,ltehes snd j.irni,!es on her skin and In lier hair. After our child was cured, she also tried your t ills, and they l.avo cured her. ASA nimuilllKiH. Itlicumnlirm, Nruralgin, nnd Goat. r.om Uit I!te. Dr. Jlawka, oWo iiiLladitt Kpil. Church Puiifvi IIovfs, E.WANXAn. C., Jan. 6, lsw. Ho!tmr.D Sir : 1 should he uncmtofnl for tho relief your skill has hroucrht me If I diil not report my case to you. A cold settled in ray limla and brouiht on excrnelatlng noui-alriic p.iins, hich ended In chronic rheumatism. iSotwillin:atiiluig l nau me uosi oi j-iiysivmn.. uiu mimi rew worse anil worse, num. I y tl:a auvue ui your excei nt acnt in Baltimore, Ir.)lackciitia, 1 ttlel your l'ills. Their stivers were s!ow. but sure, l'y peissvoilbg io the nse of them 1 sm now entirely wed. BCXATS CltAMBF.H, BAT0S I'.OCOI. T,., B DSC., Wt. Tin. Avsn : I Imvo leon enllrely cured by your Pills of Rheumatic Gout pninful disease that had sfltlttcd me tiryesrs. VlNCfcNT PI.IDKLI.. For Dropsy, I'lcthora, or kindred ( Klnlnts, i-etiniins; rui acuvo jurgo, niey aie an excel nt remetty. Tor CoMivencKs or CcnMicntion, nnd ns a Dliinei- 1111, they ale alcl'l and eilM-tusl. fits. Snnnrpssion. Vnrnlvsi. Innnmmo" lion, and even Deafness, and Pertlal Ullnd- lieas. nave oeeu cuieu iy tuc aucraute bciiod ui mow Pills. Most of the Kills In market eontalu Mercury, which, al though a valuer Ve remedy In skilful hands, is ilnnsenms In a piihlic pill, fK.m Iho dres'lful con-co,ueiiree that fi quuHily follow lis incautious use. These conuiiu no mer cury or mineral substauce whatever. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL l'OR THE RAPID CIT.H Of COt'tSIIS(COIJf HOAR SEX K, IPC PM'- ERZA, nROXt'IIITIH, WIIOOPIIXO COIOH, ClUH P, ASTHMA, IN CIF1KKT tONKVMPTlON, nnd for tlie n llof of coustiaiptivo patient in airanctJ tKt. of the iliattHdo. We need ftot ejak lo the public of it" irt.ire. Thnmnlu'.it uvt iy town, and nlmrt!t tvery linuilnt ct the AniPik-an F-tt. tin wuii(Jirfil cuin cf pulutoimry com plain; liurn nia'lr it ulifaHy Unuwn. Nay, few are the fun i Hi in wiy civH(7.?ti wmiiiy on this coniint-Dt wiltmttt (tnijp I'MtoiihI pxi-f'rii'ni' nl" ia rtlrt ; anil f'wer yt tlio cctinuuinitit-e ai:y 'r vhkh lniv nt ftmrtn(E tin, lome living tiopMy cf its victory oxnr tho nut-de nnd dan gcroiii UimMuM of the tluvut and lunpa. While it in tlie ii.net powi-tfnl nnlil:tt4 jet ri)-i t man f' r the foniil-tlal-lo and dutivivuH d'si'itrfB f-f (he iji'Imoimry oiptn, It iii iileo the pk'iuwitf-jit and mfrt rnnody tln.it ran L eut tlived for tiifatirN nnd yov.tijt twi'mia. I 'went ibuul 1 have it in Htcro apnitiit the imUi( in ept-tny that etln xin tii'-ut iMi,ri i 'ti. Wo Ime nhniidint icrotinda to K-lirve thr (Tin ri v I'fiTHAL ntMi miro livo hy the ttn tinipMuhrt It provvn'sj tha'i X)w. it cure. Koep it hy you. nnd furo your culit.s l iU thry are curable. nT t.ck Wt thi-m uniil nn hiiii.an nkill can inajter tho im-xorahlt canker that. fait-.-i:rd on the vitaln. out yi-nr life awiy. All know tho d it! ful fatality of Innp din'-rdors, and na they know too the virtiua uf tin rt-i-icdv, we nrod not do more than to asburtr them it ia Mill nitvU the tet it caa be. vi e taru no rottt, no ire, no toil to pinJuce it the nifsnt HMitH't ratasiMtf. Mii-l thni aff -rd thna who rrly on it the beat aent wliikh our (.kill can furnidh for their enifc rBEPARED BY DR. J. C. ATER, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Mass, sl.Vi SOLD BY A. V. Fisher, Sunbury Dird k John, Bkr.mnkin W Wieraei, Nnrthumherland ; J. V. Cnslow, Milton; Hays & MeCiirmick, McEwiniv.lls and by all Druggists throuch'iut the ei'unty. August 10, leOO ly BEDDING 4 FURNISHING BUSINESS Cabinet Maker's Findings, The subscribers respectfully inform their friends and the public generally, that they have connec ted with their llediliiig & Furnishing business a large and well assorted slock of Cabinet Maker's Findings, at their old stand No. 83 South Second Street, below Chestnut, I'rtU-.idcliihia. . They have associated with them W. S. Brown who has been for many years onzaged in the principal establishment of the kind in this city. The block ol liooils now on hand comprises every description of niatersala used by Cabinet Mukcrs, consisting in part nf the following, viz: Hardware department. Locks, Hinges, Screws Castors, Zieil Screws, Chair and Sofa Springs, Collin Handles, cVc. Cuhinel Mukei's Materials, Hair Seating, Curled Hair, Looking Glass l'lales and frames, (ilue, V.irnish, Sand l'upcr, iiorliips, iflack and Fancy Silk and Worsted Gimp, Sofa and Chair Webbing, Twine, Sacking liottoms, Kosewood, Mahogiiny, Walnut and Maple Knobs, Glass Screws, &c. Redding Department, Hair, Husk, Moss, Wool and Cotton Mattresses. Feather feds. Bolsters and Pillows ; l'litsli, Damask and Moreen Cush ions Comfortables, Counterpanes, Linen and Cotton Hlieels. Pillow Cases, Linen and Cotton Towels, Ttible Cloths, Table, Linen, Table Cov ers, Moreen, Deinask and Plush by the piece, jwoks aim husk ny the naieor pound, 7'ae Hair Seating and Curled Hair is from the 1 tiila. Manufactory of D. & J. Noblit. N. B. Hotels, Steam boats and Ships fur nished at the shortest notice. NOflLir, BiOW.N & NOBLIT. 8;l South 2nd St., below Chestnut. (Nearly opposite Bank of Pennsylvania.) 1'hils.lelphm. August 9, 1H56 ly. PHILIP E. PLTPeDY. wiioLssii.i inn ii frill. Grocery, Wine and Liquor Store, 5. E. cor. Walnut and Water Streets, PHILADELPHIA, DEALERS and families will be promptly supplied al tlie lowest prices. October 4, IbfiU. tf BRODHEAD & ROBERTS, . No. 135, N. 3d Street, rUXX.ADBX.rHIA, INVITE the attention of country merchants - and others, to their stock of BOOTS Sc SHOES, which they will dispose of on the most reason able terms. Nov. 9, 1856.- ly BOAT AND MULES POR S-A.IE5. THE subscriber oilers at private sale, SIX GOOD MULES, and a good SHA VVNEK BOAT, with fixtures. The above will he said cheap, aud on reasonable isrmi, JACOB KE AKHOLTZ, agent for JOHN BLACK, ftunbury, Marrh 58, 1857. tf LAND WARRANTS. The highest price will be given for Land Warrants by the sub. ctibei. H-B. MASKER. no 47 A EARTHENWARE- flHE subscriber respectfully In'orme the tltt- M. sens of Bunbury and the poulte generally, that he has commenced the manufacture of all kinds ef EARTHENWARE, at hie manufactory In Whortleberry Street, one square east or the Hirer. lie has engaged the services of Mr, Hiir, and veu can therefore depend on having a good article. The pubue are respectfully invited to call. All ordors from a distance will be promptly attended te. r. M.SHINDEL. Bunbury, Feb. , 1886. tf jonx 11. ALi.r.r & co. Nob. t snd 4 Chestnat Street, (snath sido, below Water,) (Tee Oldist Wood-wsss llucai is taa Citt.) MANUFACTURERS ami Wholesale dealers In Potent Machine made BROOM. I'atent Urnnved Cedar. Waro. warrentcit net to ahtink. Wond and Willow-Ware Cords, Brushes, Ac , of all deacriuliuua. I'lease sail sad examine our stork. February 48, 1657. ly w VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. riHE subscribers, Exceptors of the estate of a Henry Masscr, dec d.. offer nt private sale the following properly vir. i A largo two story frame dwelling house, together with about 50 ACRES OF LAND, Situate In I.nwer Aucusta township adjoining lands of Darnel Kaufman and others now in the occupancy of John R. Kaufman ns a sturo and dwelling. The house is new and the location a Bond one for business. Also a TRACT OF LIMESTONr? LAND, In said township on the river about 6 miles be. low Suuhu.y, adjoining lands of .?. T. M'Pherson and others, containing, about 00 acres. The soil Is productive and contains limestone ar.d other minerals. Also a tract of Land, containing about 9i seres on the hill, about two miles below Sunbury, adjoining lands of the hciis of Ilia late John Conrad end others. There is, on this tract, a small orchard of choice fruit. Far further particulars apply to the subscribers. H.U. MASSEK, ) P. B. M ASSER. ) BxesuloTa. FRANCIS HUCIIER.) Sunbury, January 19, 1856. tf RESPECTFULLY informs his friends, and the public generally, that he has just receiv ed a New Stock of GOODS, at his new store, at David Miller's Mill, in Lower Augusta Town ship, and that be is prepared to sell goods at the lowest prices. 11 is Slock consists in psrt nf FALL cV WINTER GOODS, Groceries, Queensware, Hardware, &o., and every variety usually kept in a oountry Store. Trevorton prices paid for all kinds of produce. Lower Augusta twp, Dee. 57, 1856. tf MOUNT CARMEL HOUSE, MOUNT CARMEL, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. THIS large and commodious Hotel is situs ted nearly half way between Sunbury and uttsvillo. The scenery the salubrity of tha atmosphere and the cool mountain breezes, make it one of tho most delightful summer retreats in tho country. The Hotel, is a new structure, four stories bigh, luted up with all the modern con veniences. Tha pure mountain water is intro duced into every chamber. The place la easy of access, being but one and a half hours ride from Sunbury, over the Philadelphia and bun bury Rail Road. From Pottsvillc, it is 17 miles. Every attendance will be paid by the proprie tor to make guests comfortable. Charge mode rate. JESSE RICE. Mt. Carmcl, May 54, 1850. tf E. NEWLAND Ss CO. l.ooUlug (..lasses, Picture frames, Engravings and Paintings, No. ISO Arch Street, above Sixth, (Late of? 18 North Sec.nd St.) PHILADELPHIA. Cil LIStSS orE.I DAllT TO VISITORS. Merchants and others visiting the City who may want anything in our line trill do well to give us a call. February 28,1857 8m M. AVISE, CHEAP WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE No 72 North Second Street, (opposite th jlount Vernon House.) Philadelphia. G OLD Lever Watches, full jeweled, 18 K, ea. scs, $23; Silver Lever do,, do., 12; Sil ver Lepine, do., $9 : Qunrticr. $5 to $7: Gold Spectacles, $150 to 10 ; Silver do., $1 60 ; Silver lable Spoons per sett, $11 to $18 Silver Desert do., do., lj!) to $11 ; Silver Tea do., do., $4 7S to $7 60 ; Gold Tens and Gold Ca- scs, $3 25 to $5 ; Gold Pens and Silver do. , $1; together with a variety of fine Gold Jewelry, Gold Curb , Guard and Fob Chains. All goods warranted to he as represented. Watches and Jcwelrv, repaired in the best manner. Also, Ms sonic Marks, Pins, cVc, made to order. N. B. All orders sent by mail or otherwise will he punctually attended lo, Phila., Oct. 4. 1856. I yw. j .vs. a. srovEit. l-atf ef the Uuion note). Late of thr firm nf St event, iimigsr.ean ct uu. NATIONAL HOTEL, (lATI WHITE SW1.V, Race Street, above Tltiri, PHILADELPHIA. T HE above well-known Establishment, have- ing been entirely remodeled, introdu cing ail the modern improvements, and also, newly fur nished throughout, will be opened for the recep tion of Guests on the FIRST DAY OF SEPTEMBER. The proprietors, from their determination In devote their attention to the comfort of their guests flutter themselves with the conviction that they will be able to give satisfaction to their patrons, Carnages will always be in readiness to con vey passengers to and from Steamboat Landings and hailroad Depots. SIDES 4- STOVER, Race Street, above 1 hud Philadelphia, August 30, lS.'.G. ly Ij. C, IVES' Produc e uud I t ull Store, No. 15 North Wharves, Philadelphia. Shipping and Ceuntry Oorders promptly filled on responsible orders. Farmers and Dealers' Produce Sold en Com' mission. Apples, Bananas, Pine A pples, Dried Fruit, unions. Oranges. Nhell Darks, Raisins, Beans, Lemons, White & Sweet Fifis, Turnips, Cranberries, Potatoes, Poultry, .Peaches, Ground Muuts, Chesnuts, Eggs, &e, Foreign and Domestic Produce aud Fruit gen erslly, February 28, 185T. ly FOB IrlEISTT. rilHH Store Room in Market street, occupied X by P. W. Gray and tha dwelling bouse ad joining. A pply to the executore of II. Masser, deceased. January, 17, 1R57. P A TENT BRITTAN1A STOPPERS fo bar bottles for sale by H. B MASSER. Sanbury, July 19, 185B stationery. A large supply of fancy Note Paper and Envelopes, Mourning, Letter, and Cap Paper, Pens. Ink, Sand, ic, at March 14, '6T. A. W. FISHER'S. PORT M0NAIE8, Tooth and Hair Brushe all qualities, and any quanti y, for sale by A.W.FISHER. March 11, 'ST. Shamokln Whit Aih Anthradta CcsO iV0ri the "Old Vein" in the GapCollterv. T H. ZIMMERMAN &JKO. P. PCRSKL, successors to Kase, Reed dx Co., will con. tlaua mining, shipping and selling roal frdsn tba iioova wen Known Lolliery, under tha Arm of Zimmarman c Pursel. The point of shirment is st tha lower wharf in Sunbury, Northuml.tr. land county, Pa., where all orders for the rsTioue a.nu.o. coai, jii i l,umP, Broken, Egg, 8tova, and Chestnut Coal, will be thankfully rssairsi and promptly attended to. Bunbury, July 14, 1851, Scancat, Joit I, laM, The firm of Kase, Reed ir Co. having soli their lease in the Gap Colliery and interest In the wharf at Sunbury, to Messrs. Zimmerman A. Pursel, would take great pleasure in recommend, ing our customers and others to the new firm, as they will be able to tell them prepared eeal ef the best quality, KASE, REED A CO. HAYD0CK & FIDDLER, TXEALERS in Watches and Jewelry, will continue the business at the eld stand of James B. Fidler, No. 12 South Second Street, PHILADELPHIA, Where they solicit an examination of their large" and varied stock, feeling assured that the eipes nence both of them have had in the business,, and the facilities they possess for procuring: goods on the most advantageous terms, will ena ble them to compete favorably with any other establishment in the city. They have now Cut hsnd a fine assortment of "WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY Silver, Plated and Brittanla Ware, Call'.,,, Fancy Geods, eVe., &e. N. B. Repairing of Watches and all kiuds of Jewelry attendej te with prenptnese aad the grcairai care. Phila., April T, 188. tf. TO COAL DEALERS AMMERMAN &WEITZEL JJESPFCTFULLY inform ft. publie tl. T tne7 h1"" leased the new eolliery. called tho Lambert eolliery, and are ready to deliver coal of superior quality, and of a variety of sizes prepa red on their new coal oreaker. All orders prompt attended to by addressing the Srm, eithw at Sunbury or Shamokin. Sunbury, June 30, 1885 AI.LX. L. fUCKET A S4, KAavriCTvaxRa mw TRUNKS, VALISES, &Q,, lit Chesnut Street, front of Jones' fouL, HULA DELPHIA. HAS on hand tha cheapest, eal best assortment of TRUNKS & CARPET KAn EVER OFFERED TO THE Pi;n.IC. Sole Leather, Solid Riveted, Iroe Frams. Ira. Bound Travellidg Trunks ; Packing do, Valises, Ladies Bonnet Cases; Carpet Bags, Satchels. Ac, by the quantity or sinale articL. I caa be bought at any other place in the aitv. July S, 1856. 3 WIIITE HORSE HOTEL. rOTTSYILLE, PA. rTJJE subscriber respectfully announces te M. old friends and the public, that he has taksw that old and well known establishment, the White Horse Hotel. At the corner of Centre and Mahantogo sts., la the Borough of Pottsville. The house hss re cently been very much enlarged and otheiwise improved, rendering it quite as comfortable as any ether Hotel in Schuylkill eounly while the stables are large, in good condition, and at tend by careful, attentive, prudent hostlers. To travellers and others who moy stop at his house, he promises every attention calculated te render them comfortable and satisfied. JOS. M. rKGEH, - April B,;i8V.- If HENRY D0NKEL, ATTOHNB1T AT LAW. Ojjice opposite the Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County Pa. rrernpt atten'.ion to easiness in adjoining oontieg. EAGLE HOTEL, OPPOSITE WEST BRANCH BANK, WILLIAM8POHT, PA., WILLI. Ill H. HAY, Proprietor. C. A. Smi!, Assistant. N. B. An Omnibus will rnn to snd from the Depot and racket Landings, to this Hotil, free of charge. September 13. 1RS0. (f DANVILLE HOTEL? JOHN BEEN, JR., Market Street, Danville, Pa, rtHIS is one of the largest and most commo A dious hotels in the interior of f'ennsj Kama it hss been recently fitted up, in excellent slyls, with'all the modern conveniences. Panvilled, Sept. SJ, 1856. Cheap Watclics $ Jewelrji . IVT'IIOLKSALE end Retail, at the ''HiiUdel. phia Watch and Jewelry fSlore," No. (S North Second Street, corner cf Quarry, PHILADELPHIA. Oold Lsver Watf hrs, full jeweled, li' carat cases, MS, "iu ipuia lis. f.uu Pflver full jew!i1, 89. Silver Lever, full jewl'ii I'i Snpeurir Quarliers, 7. l-'ine Silver Si in. lac I as. 1.45 Gukl Bracrleis, 3 a-1 arllrs' ,iM I'sncils. I.lO Silver Tea spociis, sot, ,' (.old Soecueles. 7JSI Guld I'eiu, wilh Peiril snd Silver ITnlder, l,Cr) Gold Finger Rings, 37J cents to .?80 i Wafch Glasses, plain, 12$ cents; Patent, IBj ; I.uaot, SS; other articles in proportion. All goods wir ranted to be what they are sold for. HTALFFER & HARLET, On hand, some Gold aud HiWer Levers and l.epines, still lower than the above prices. Oct. 4, I RMS y. A RIV OLD'S WRITING FLl'lD aniTrfhe sive and legal envelopes, for sale by r II. D. MASaER. Runburr. Jan 10. 185(1. GEORGE SCHALL & CO. HUMTlCIllllIt or BLASTING POWDER, Ml. Carmel, Northumberland County, te. May 10, 18r.6 1JLANK Parchment Puper Deeds and blink Mortgages, Bonds, Executinna, Sumrmas Ac, for sale b H. B. MAbSEh, Sunbury Airi 8. IRS STOVES- I.OR SALE an excellent second hand Csek1 ing Stove, also several Cylinder Coal s Enquire al this nffire. is torn GOLD PENS with and without cases, of a very superior quality, just received. Also a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, for sal b7 II. U. MASSER. Kiinbnrv, Dee. S7. IR5K- GOSUEN CHEESE. Jest received and firr "leby LEVI KUASHOLTZ ' April 1 1, IRST. CJILVER WATCHES A few doull. case J English Silver Watches, for sale at very low P"CT l'J II. B MASRVR. Hiinriiirv. April IJ. IR.1B. AMKJUCAN HOUSE. WJLLIAM.SrORT.J'A., J. II. Kiri.TO.V, I'ropi lcor. Jai. T. IUi.i.. Ass't. Kept. 13, 1B.')6. tf pCRE OLIVE OIL for table use,two sir at 87J and 02J M-nt-yust recehed hv A. W. riPHCT, March Ii, '.vr.