Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, July 18, 1857, Image 3

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    (From Iht Nsw York Pott, t Inst 1
Very Tew even of Mr. Marcy'i most Inti
mate frksnde inspected the existence or the
-disorder which proved fatal to him. Yet for
thirty years he bad suffered occasionally
from what he called a stitch in his side, and
during the last two years of bis official lire
he was several times taken suddenly ill in his
office with an affection which appearaJ to
alorm bira considerably during the few min
ntes while it lasted. At such periods be
would turn pale and complain of nausea j but
a soon as they were over, he would forget
all about them, and become outwardly as
cheerful as ever. He, however, was evidently
Impressed, by the recurrence of these attacks,
with the fragility of bis hold on life, and on
the Sunday before his death, when apparently
onjoying good health, and indulging in plea,
eaut anticipations of his European toor, lie
observed to a friend who spoke to him of his
President! prospects in 1860, "Do not
speak of that subject j I shall not livo to see
the election of another President." These
forebodings be is remembered to have uttered
once before during the -last few months of
liia Secretaryship, but the gentlemen who
beard them, not knowing the grounds of Mr.
Marcy's impression, still augured a pleasant
continuance of his existence.
It is well known that Mr. Marry had da.
flared at least a Tear before the end of his
term in the State Department, even if Prcsi
tlent Pierce were re-elected, to retire from
public life. This announcement be made in
'terms so explicit as not to be misunderstood
"by the inquirer ; and whon be found that ou
itfbit was made by certain gentlemen to pro
cure his re-appointment by President Bu--clianan,
h discountenanced the project in a
letter so peremptory in terms as to load the
friend to whom it was addressed to fear that
lie was permanently offended.
It is highly probable that this release from
official lubor. which the ex-Secretary so much
enjoyed, was the cause of bis death. Ha had
been" so long under the strain of oQiciul re
Fponsibility that the cessation of exertion,
tlm sudden change iu his habits of life, to
one iu his physical condition, could hardly
fail to prove fatal In this respect his de
fease bear some resemblance to that of the
late Silas Wright.
If Mr. Marcy had lived longer he would
probably have left the country additional
evidences of his wonderful controversial abil
ity, at least on one of the subjects which had
-engaged his attention in bis official corres
pondence with Great Britain. It will be
lcnipmbered that, when his masterly letter iu
reply to tho propositions of the European
puners relutive to the abolishment of priva
teering appeared, the British, and some of the
continental journals, discussed the subject
Adversely to his views, and their articles were
usually copied by the press of tho country
without comment, and were nowhere comba
ted with the ability and skill required by the
discussion. Indeed, even the Washington
I.'tiion, the oflicinl organ of the administra
tion, took but little notice of the subject,
'and, although it found room for almost every
stump speech which its friends delivered in
'Congress, we do not remember to hove seen
ia its columns Mr. Marcy's exposition of
maritime law, a document which was arrest
ing the attention of all the cabinets of Eu
rope, end to answer which satisfactorily the
greatest diplomatists of Europe were vainly
taxing all their ingenuity.
The extensive circulation of these adverse
critiques from tlm London Times and other
journals, excited Mr. Marcy to a new dul'euce
of the doctrine of which bo will always be
remembered as the greatest expounder the
exemption of private property from capture
ou the high seas, whether by privateers or
naval vessels, in time of war as well as in
twice in other words, the application to warfare of the principle which always
-lias been applied to military operations on, the only principle, in fact which raises
1 e'.iirerent nations above the pirate or the
robber. In accordance with his request, bra
t.iollier-iu-luw, Mr. Ueorge Newell, had col
lected in a book all tbo articles adverse to
Mrv Marcy's doctrine. These extracts Mr.
Marcv hud in bis possession, with a purpose
.f nivpanng a review of the leading objec
lions to his arguments, and of vindicating
and reasserting bis former conclusions. It is
not probable, however, that he had at tho
time ol lus dcatn progressed mr in uis uuuer
The last, fi'nd. in the judgment of bis
friends, iho ablest official production of Sec
'retary Marcy, was his reply to the demand of
tun r rencu government lor lnuemniiy ior
losses sustained by French residents in Urey.
town at the time of its bombardment. Iu
i.his letter the Secretary, avoiding a discus
iou ot the character of that iuterludo of
naval history, controverts with brevity, but
with much learning and acuteness, the validi
ty of the claim ou our government and in
denying our national liability, cites the pre
cedents of the bombardment of Copenhagen
liy Ureal Britain, the taking of Naples by
"the intrusivo government of Mural," uud
ni her instances where foreign governments
were not held liable for private property de.
hli-oyed by them ia the operations of war.
Hull, howtver, he indicates a sly approval of
the uovel principle advanced by the claimants
in the satirical remark that il tjreat Britain
'shall malts a reparation lo the Citizens of
other governments, whose property she de
stroyed in the Teceut bombardment of Can
ton, it may go far towards furnishing a preco
ieut for tbo consideration of the. L'uited
By some means this letter, which Mr.
Marcv addressed to Sartigcs, the French
minister, came to the hands of Lord Napier,
by whom a copy was furnished to Lord l'al
luerston. and the effect of the perusal oi il
on the British (Jubiutt was apparent iu the
Parliamentary discussion of the claims of
English residents in Oreytown, started not
by the government, be it observed, but by
the opposition. In that debate it is singular
to observe the adoption by Lord Palmerston,
He Attorney General, and other officers of
tie administration, of the line of argument
marked out by Secretary Marcy, in resisting
tho propositicn of Mr. Roebuck aud bis
friend, who had not enjoyed the light which
ilr. Marcy's intellect had furnished to the
Ministry and to the law officer of the crown,
who wrote an opinion iu concurrence with
White orl this subject we cannot help, re-1
ferriug to Mr. Marcy's correspondence with
. n. Scott, which is, perhaps, bis most signal
effort in the peculiar style of controversy to
which bis counection with the political press
in eaily life had trained him. It Bcemed as
if nothing could bo added to or takeu from a
specimen so perfect of its kiud, yet a few
minutes after be bad seut his concluding let
ter he told a frieud that he had forgotten the
most important point which he hud intended
to take tjje only poiot which remained to
neifect his argument, but unfortunately the
discovery waB too late to enable him to sup.
ply the omission. What it was, the gentle
' oiau to whom Mr. Marcy mentioned it does
not ri-member. It mav have beeu an illus
tration of the Uoldun Rule, which had been
nartiallv tost gisrht of by both parties in tho
-course of the controversy.
Nroito WifJudge Burke, of Sontb Caro
lina, rode on horseback from circuit to cicuit,
accompanied by tervaot, who was directed
to keep closely behind him while be meditated
pleased himself by the way. Jogging
along in this way, on one occasion, the servant
pressed up tot near to the horse which he
rode, and which happened to be so ill-natured
brute and the consequence was that the borSe
Estate of Alfred Iftmland, dee'd-
NOTICE hereby given that the widow of
Alfred Howland, dee'd., Iste of Trevorton,
has selected from the personal effect of her late
husband, property not exceeding in value 1 300,
agreeably to the provisions of the Act of the
Assembly, exemntina- lor the ute of widow's pro
perty of the value of $300 from levy and distress.
That an inventory of the tame has been filed,
k cked tho negro on the leg, who, observing nj will be presented te the Orphan's Court of
I Vl If kal tin lnl-ntJ 1.1. .lnJ. I ft.! -.1 1 - . 1 . T l- It. . AlU
that it had not Interrupted his master's study
prang off his horso and picking np a Btone,
threw it at the beast, which it nnluaklly mis
sed and took effect between the Judge's
shoulders. The instant th negro- saw
what had been done be fell in the road with
his bar clasped around bis leg and crying
out in apparent ogony : as soon as the Judge,
could straighten himself he turned around and
said to the prostrate negro, "Stephen, child
what ails you ?" "Lor, massa," was the reply
"yoor horse Just now kicked me on the leg
and near broke it" "Well, child," said the
Judge, "he just now kicked mo between the
shoulders, and almost broke my back too."
Northumberland county on Tuesday the 4lh day
ef August for approval.
TreVorton, July 11,1857. 4t
Exrt.osioK or a Locomotive Turks Mek
KlLt.KD. On Wednesday morning, the 6th
inst., the boiler of a locomotive attached to a
train employed to convey gravel from tho pit
at May's Point to the marshes of Montezuma
a few miles from Auburn, N. Y. exploded
with great violence, shivering thecngino to
pieces, and killing three men. The victims
ore Mr. Ostrander.cotitraotor i Mr. Clements
engineer; and Ambrose Christian, fireman.
Macker!:!.. The Newburoport fisbrrmen
who have been engaged in seining mackerel,
at the shoal, the past week, nave been very
succesful. Several vessels have taken nearly
two hundred burrels ouch. Capt. Bradley in
the schooner Leader, had, be thought, five
hundred barrels in his seine at ono haul, and
one hundred and fiifty barrels were taken
ont by dip nets, when the seine broke.
Ihave this day purchased the following per
sons! property of John L. Ken n, sold by Con
table Clark, at public sale; and loaned tin same
to him during my pleesute, vix:
Ont brown and one bay horse, 3 cows, 3,
calves, 4 shoots, 8'sheep, 1 wagon, 8 ploughs, 1
sled, one-half of a Thrashing Machine, one-half
of 20 acres wheat, 13 do. rye, 3 do. oats, 3 do.
corn, 8 beds, I bureau, 3 tables, 0 chairs, 3 stores
I drr, 1 aink. 1 cheat, a lot or pictures, .1 kettle
1 grindstone! for Iho sum of $346 87.
Lower Augusta July II, 1R67. 4t
New Advertisements.
1UOO llis of Carpet flags
TyANTED at the store of E. V. Bright oV
' iSon, who are constantly receiving a fresh
supply of Goods, thus offering to tlie public the
largest and most desirable assortment.
July 11. 1857.
npiIE New Vork Ledger, I'arlor Casket, Flag
JL ol our linon, I tank I. exile Illustrated
Newspaper, Ballou's Pictorial, National Police
Gazette, Weekly Novellctle, Waverly Magazine,
ami Harper s Weekly Journal of Civilization.
Also, Harper Magazine, Godey Ladv s
Book and l'ulnaiu's Magazine, lust received and
for sale by H.Y.KIULLNG.
bunourv, July II, 1857.
II U S 8 E Y ' S
( RE AT improvements for 18-'7. This Ma
chine was put in sucessful operation in 1R33
and continued to be the only Reaping and Mow
ing Machine in the World, of any practical value
up to 184S twelve years sficr iis introduction.
Other Reapers are now offered with glowins ad
vertisements, Certificates, Diplomas, Gold anil
Silver Medals, cVc. But the Former in search
of the best Reaper, ami not posted in the mailer,
had better sec a little further.
inhere is any value in 81 yeors cxpeiienre
in building Renptrs, sod Using them in the har
vest field, and in the improvements made during
that long period, ODED HCSSEV.lho Father
of Rcopers, can eluim it. All who are satUficd
with the Best Tfeapcr and Mower, ami be sup
plied by sending their orders rarlv in the season,
as the crops indicate a large demand, and wo can
not hove over ifCO Kcadv for the vast harvest
of 1857. We guarantee that this Reaper and
Mower can not be hrnten on fit ir trial by any
other Reaper that may be brought into the harvest
fields in 187. and we also insure it to be tbe
strongest and most durable machine in use. Wc
would respectfully invite Farmers to examine
the machine thoroughly before purchaniiig, end
satisfy themselves of its superiority over all
others. '
During tlio last 'bur years, the sub rrilers have
sold between AGO and tiOO of these Machines, to
the best and most succeisful Fanners in Montour,
Union and tbe neighboring counties, (whose
names are too numerous to insert) to whom we
res(ieclfully refer.
i n suuscnoers nave .ne exclusive, nanl in
-rt-rrr.a 1 l .u . .t. n- . i ne auuaciioers nave .ne exclusive, tight in
ft ' .T . "ToV"", the following counties: Montour. Union. Snyder
i .TnTnnuI0, 25,.f Northumberland, Columbia. Luzerne, Perry,
the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, located
at Shamokintown, Northumberland county, have,
filed their application for a Charter of Incorpo
ration lit tbe Court of Common I leas of Nor
tbumberland county. And the said Court have
appointed the first day of r.ext term for the hear
ing of said application.
Prothonotary' ollice, )
Sunbury. July 11, 1857.
Mifllin, Centre, Clinton and Lycoming. All
orders thankfully received and promptly attend
ed to. GE DDES. MARSH & CO.,
Lcwisburg, Union county, l'a.
July 11, 18o7.
Estate of Samuel H. tnvltigc, dee'd.
iVOTICE is hereby given that letters of Ad
' ministration have been granted to the sub
scriber, on the cstute of Samuel K. Savidge, late
of Rui-h township, Norlhumberlaad county, dee'd.
All persons indebted to said estate are requested
to make immediate payment, and those having
claims to present them duly authenticated for
Rush tp., July II, I8S7 6t
To the Electors of Northumberland
riHK subscriber would respectfully announce
JL to the Democratic voters of Northumberland
county that he is a Candidate for nomination
for the ollice of
Having lmd much experience in the legal pro
fession he is thoroughly acquainted with the du
ties of the ollice. and should he be nominated
and elected he will make every effort to discharge
faithfully hid duty as an ofliccr.
Simhury. July 11, lSf.7.
To Iht Electors of North timlcrhtnd Covuty.
WAVING been solicited by a number of my
friends to uflir myself as a candidate fjr
I her by announce that I present myself to the
Democracy of the County for nomination at the
approaching primary election. If I am nomina
ted and elected I will use my best abilities to
perform the duties of the oflice.
f hatnokin tp., July II, '657.
To the UUctort of Northumberland Ctmnty.
I I A V I.NG been solicited by many of my tellow
citizens l i become a Candidate for the oflice
of SHERIFF. I hereby announce that I pro
sent myself to the Democracy of the county for
nominal ion at the approaching primary election.
If nominated and elected, I will use the best of
my abilities o j erfi rm the duties of tbe office.
Milton, July 11, 1857.
IS hereby piu-n that Buhner committee
of Jaci.b Lit7rl. has filed his ai cot lit in Vjv
Piotbonotarv's oflice ond that the same will be
presented to the Court fur confirmation at next
JAMES BEARD, Trolli'v.
Prothonotar)'s Oflice, i
Sunbjry, July 4, 1837. )
IVOR trial ill the Court of Common Fleas of
Northumberland County, to be held at Sun
bury, ou Monday, the 3d day uf August, 1 8.17.
J H Vincent, vs George Haas' Adm'r,
John L. lioBsA wife vs Geo. Fox,
Ira T. Clement
A nn Divers
G. Lciseiiring
Samuel Hilener
vs A C iNoyes,
vs Win Filmsnet al
vs G. Morris
vs Michael Wcrtman
The Presbyterian Church
vs W G Kase
of Shamokin township,
L Machan vs ITegins A
J U Sr4iih'cx'r.
Jacob Hower Ao
Geo. Christian et al
Abott for Justice
vs C. W. Hegius et al
C W llegins
vs same
vs John P Summers
vs Lasc Wnltrr,
vs S R Wood
o ii, Sunbury Cannl & W atcr
Bowen & Masser, vs ,
Power Company.
Win Hcitzman, vs Jacob Hilbith,
Jacob Hower 4 t-'o., vs J. P. Summers
K M Iilai.d, vs Too Durnsn. et al
Wm I. Dcwarl vs Win and R Fegcly
Samuel Hunter's ex'rs same
Ab ahum Uencr vs John Ilartholomew,
K. D Suxton vs John Simpson
Wm K Martz vs J I) Masser
Eckel Raigucl & Co vs II Masser's Kx'rs.
John Bower et al vsS J Mcl'ormick
To the Electors of Northumberland
rTll E subscriber hereby offers himself as a
-- candidate for
Having always been a steadfast Democrat, and
considering bimsc!l competent to perforin the
duties of the office, he would respectfully ask of
the Democratic party of the county a nomina
tion at the primary election. Among other
qualifications, a thorough knowledge of the
English and Germun languages would enable
him to attend satisfactorily to all having business
in the oflice.
Trevorton, June 20, 1857.
Philip Faust
M M Sober
Raguel & Co
John Hess
S Haupt
E Ilclfensti in
Hang & Drown
Mrs. Derr
O Ysrger
Ira T. Clement
F. Fryer and wife
Sarah hweney
vs Joseph Hogendoblv
vs F M utchler
vs D Stewart and wife
vs Catharine Pollock,
vs II I) Masser
Vs E C Hester
vs Jacob Gas's
vs Wm L. Dewart
vs Frymira and Stout
vs Wm Shcalfcr,
Vs Henry Vangnskin
vs P SuUback et al
vs Samuel Teas
TOTICE ia hereby given that application has
-J- been made to the Court of Common Pleat of
Northumberland county, by the members of the'
Presbyterian Church efthe town of tiharfroklo,
in Coal township, lor a cnarter ot incorporation
under the name and style of tho Board of Trus
tees of the town of Shamokin. And that the
Court have appointed the first day of next Au
gust Term for the hearing of the same.
rrothohotarv.a Office, 1
Bunbnry, Jufy 4,1857, J
Teas 1, nays I. 5n the third inwndnMnt, vMl M, nays
v. .u iho Timlin nifwummi, ycu XJ. Da.
Exuact from ths Juainal.
tit Ttta HbOllfl RmxiFTtTlTIYB,
April no, 1807. (
It molveil. That this resolution nun. On the first amend-
tnent, j-mi 78, nays 14. On the second amendment, ywis
67, nays 34, On the thira atnenmnant, ynu 7g, ua)-s vi,
ami on rnunn amennmein, yeas nays 7.
Kxtraet fruin ths Journal.
John Fry vs Commissioners of Northumb'd Co.,
Philip Sams vs same
Isaac Brown vs Thomas Stadden
Geo. Shnll & Co vs C. Smith
Henry Latsha vs M.Hctrick
George Ilarner vs Mary HaVncr.
JAMES BKA11D Iroti.'y.
Prothonotary Olhce,
Sunbury, July 4, 1857.
'T'HE undersigned Executor of the estate of
- Peter Rebock, late of Washington township,
Northumberland county, dee'd., by virtue of the
last Will and Testament of said decrnsed, will
expose to Public Sale on tho premises on SA
TURDAY, the I nth day of AUGUST, next, the
following described propcrtv to wit t A TRACT
OF LAND, situate in Washington township,
county aforesaiJ. on the Klingerslcwn roa I to
l'ottsville. and within a mile of the Trevorton
Railroad, adjoining landjhapf Valentine Klock,
the Church property of I'rrPetcr's Church and
others, containing TWENTY AUHEH and 8'J
Perches and allowance, vvhcieon U erected a
neather-bcarded Log House, Dank Darn, Spring
and other outbuildings. A never failing Well
of Water, two Orchards wi h choice fruit.
Also: A certain Trnct of I.nnJ, situate in
Washington township, said county, continuing
TWENTY-SEVEN ACRES, more or less, ad
joining the above tract of land, Daniel Wolf
Valentine Klock, Samuel Mallick and others.
The above land is in a good sta'e of cultiva
tion and excellent farming land. Tho two tracts
will be sold together, or separately, to suit pur
chasers. Also At ths same time and place a lot of
Carpenter's tools, Stove, tfure.iu and other arti
cles too numerous to mention.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M., of said
day when the conditions w ill be made known by
Jackson twp.. July 4, 1M."i7. ts
TVTOTICE is hereby given that the Supreme
' Ciurt for the Northern District of 2'eunyl
vania, will hold it session on October Term for
ssiJ District, in Williumsport, Lycoming county
agreeably to the following order of said 'ourt. as
certified by tbe Prothonotary of the Eastern Dis
Prothonotary, S.C. N. D.
Prothonotary 's office, June 27, 18.r)7.
En the 8uprcic Court of
Ccn ksj lvnnlu :
AND now, June 23, 18S7, It is ordered that
a Special Term of the Supreme Court be held
under tbe Act of !i6th April, 1855. at Williams
port, Lyccming county, to commence on the first
Tuesday of October next, for the purpose of hetr
iug arguments on wiits of error, appeals, Ac-,
from t tic counties of l.ynoiniug, Nnitliuinbeiiand
and M ontour, mid such other causes from any
ol tho counties composing the Noithcrn District
as may be by mutual consent argued at the said
lime and place. The said special term to con
tinue as long as may be necessary.
(rlificnle Jrom the AVroiv.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my
hand and the seal of the said Supreme Court at
Philadelphia, this twenty-lil'tli day uf June, A.D.
J. F. UELSTERING, rroProlh'y.
July 4, 1857 tc
Propositi Aivvmlmeuts to ? Constitution of
. c CvJHMOHirculih,
T4iibsiiF Tint Common wit i.i ii v I'kxxsvlvaniji. in
OtNtllAL Aft-r-.H-LY MKT. TiritlJ.C If lilt W It t j riiiicu1 1 ttc;ilw
niv ruHMf(t I Iht iMiiMtttitittn '! the ciMlliMiiVt':Uu,iil
Bccoruuiicc Willi Hit pf i) ihi"i)8ol Mi' tenth article theivl
Tli'Te tAr.iW Urt an mMiti ii:tl utti:lpto Kti'tl c tinflitutiuu
t lit ii'Btgtiu'.cii an article eitrvcn, ni Itiiiows
O 1' I U li 1. 1 C 1 K 15 TS.
Sffiinii 1. Tii thio nny p;nir;it'l ilt'iis, ) nupi'ly tit liciik it iuiinra hi ft-vrmii? ir t meet csnciibt;
not iitltvi wn tirovult'd 1M ; Iut lin; aci-rrcati; iitu 'Uiit ol
sik-Ii iitrt-ct un.l Lon'.ii:i;riii, vacii.T imhIiik-Iui ijy
virtu: l' 'Hit it trt'Tti uc'st-i' the fteiicul aweiully, nr t
iliiU-ri:it itritNlK uf linn talutli n vcr fxccol ei t u liUinircil
:nitl liit) liiiiisaiid tlolijrn, anil thf iii im-y anunir irotitsi'if
crt'itiii ii ol m il (li'ltl), utiall ue :i;iiIil'J tn llit; purpose fur
whu-li it win tilitmiifd, or to re(mv tliL-ilebtB j contracted,
and to tin otl;T purinti whatcwr.
S-fcUon 2. in mi-ill ton to the nlnvo limited power the ;
Btatt; nmy contrart ilcUs to n.'pi-l invasi- n. supi-ri-ss Iimnr
riTtion. dtltnJ the t(ite in w;ir, or t. rcdee it the pi curl it j
ntiUUnidtnii in liitt-tinnoi lheii"it-; but the in !!' una- I
in if'ti:! the tri'iitiactin ol kiicJ kUi eliull be applied to ,
no olhrr purpiB t wlni tftr.
r-ctioul). Kxt'ept thi iilwirf nwified, iiifwd itn
out-inxl two f tins articlf, lit drlu wliat'.-Vci shall be
cifiilr.1 by. ol . ii bfiMli t" l ie i!fits.
i-clion i. T provide T-r the payment of hs present
drhf. uiA any fuMiiioinl det.t eimttai'tiM ai Hloredaid, the
lt.'itilature ulifiil, at i;s IkkI ffWrioii, m'lor t!iu ntl ti-m of
thin aiiieridiiH-iii, create a tinkiiip fund, whu-h thall be
milhcienl tt pny ll.e nfctnrinir mterert on mirti debt, and
rfMiinallv t ivdnce the pimcipa! Ihereof by a mitn not leB
tlmii tiv lum lrt'laiitl filly lltousand tl'-Jlais; wliieli sink
fund ciiuil p.insist "i the net annual inenuu' r.f the
puMie woiks, from time to time owned by the state, or
the pr-ered of t.'ie tde of tile srtnie, or any pari 1 hereof
and of the incumw oi prweed of K-n of et-'eka owned by
the atale, tifther wiih "ther fund, or re a aireea, llut
inny be tlesiuntitl by law. TheKiid sinWiim fund may
be inen-ifeil, fum titiif lo time, by uityiiinp to it any
part oi the taxi-a. or t.ihei rtvenutu of 1 lie a late, u t r-.
ijiiircu f.r Hie ordinary and current expense of jf'' em
inent, mid ntileHat in cate ! Kr, invnt:i-u ot,
nn puil -f tiie aaij ainkinjr fund fc!i:ill 1e una! or nfplied
otlieiwise than in extinguishment oi the pullie debt, un
til theuiU"Uiit of ant h debt i reiliicid beluw hi wmi of
live millions of dollara.
Seetim5. The credit of the wealth aliall iit
n nny mnimer, t even!, be pleilced, or limned lo, any in
dividual, couipnnv. eorporaliji, or usHH iatiiai urn hhull
the roiiuu mwcalili liereatVe become Joint owner, or
Bloeklwkk-r in any com4iM, navH-iution. or ctrp'rat.r.
Section 6. The eoiiimou wealth ali.ili n-H HSrfiime the
de't, or any part thereof, of tiny county, city.htruLtgli
frFrnFTAM'i Orrtc, )
Filed May 3, 1&7 J
FentiSyleania, f
Seer cto r' uf the Commonwealth
Ilarriftbura;. June 82,
I do certify trait Ihe nbove nnrl ftirefnln Is tr'aenndcor
vt cony of the original "Keaolutton relative to an amend-
ot the uoiuiuti lion " aa uie aaine remauia on mo in
thia lillice.
j$2$VLt t niv ha
ftt teatimonf whereof I hntn hereunto
mm and ennacu to be affixed trie
i the Hecrutary'a Office, the duynnd
e written. .
A.O. CURTIN. . .
Secretary of the Conuuon wealth.
Some of the Nun Koglund puperi begiu to
nnticH the immense drum nnon their DUpula
lion bv weeteru emiffration. Whole families
are rnuviuff tT to Belli in the new Kl dorado
bevoud the MieeiBippi. and vast numbera of
tbo most eDterprUdng, vigoroai aud taleuted
are leaviug for tbe WeBtcra wildi
To the Electors of Northumberland
riMIH euWriber would respectfully announce
to the Democratic Votum of Northumber
land County, that he ia a candidate for nomina
tion for the oflice of
County Treasurer
Having had atfmo experience, he flatten himself
thitt be would be able to render general salifc fac
tion to the citizeni ot aaid count v. .
Up. AoffUbla, June 20, 1867.
Candidate for fcuerllf.
To the Voters of Northumberland County.
A wit ,i r r i I M'u nic at in e win uo iirvacnicu iu
f. . . , f,rr ma?y .lend ,frm d'', faring. tb.Gr.1 Monday of AWri
lertnl parU of the county, tie underaignrd i MPa up ri
baa conseateil to become an InJi i enilrnt Candi
dale for tU oll'ica of 6HEIUKF at Iht ensuing
election. Should bt be tucccanful, no effort
ahall e apared upon hit part to perform the du
ties of tbe ollice with fidelity, promptneaa and
Northumberland, June 27, 1857.
Notice of Dissoution of Partnership.
flMlE partnerliip hnelofore ciUling Ix lwcrii
A Obartf C. Kariea, William 8. Fullmer, and
(ieorge V. fiiicr, under the name ol Furies,
Folliuer end lirior, hat lliia day been ilitaolvcd
bv mutual conarut. All acrouula relative to the
buoinprs of the lute firm will be settled by Faiim
and Folliner. CI1AK1.ES U. FA HIES,
Coalporl, June 29, 1857. 3t
TOJ OTICE i hereby ciien lliat antilication baa
been made to the Court of Commor Pleas
of Northumberland county, by the member of
the German Reformed and Evangelical Lutheran
Churchea in Upper Mahouoy township, fur a
Charter of Incorporation under the name and
title of tbe Trustees and Church Council of tSt.
John'a United German Reformed and Evangeli
cal Lutheran Church, in Upper Mabonoy and
that the emne will ue presented to Court lor a
Prolhonotary'a Oflice.
Sunbury. July 4, 1657.
t'uviishm : orot'auv corn .r:i:io, or as U'iauu ;
atirli ilrbt atoll h-'H'tf V-u e lutiai-li it to cuihte at tile to
repel tiivnm m, a;'pieva cl-it elie hiFurre li n, tleiVnJ it
ali' in titni- war, of lo itetiist tin r.;ute ia the diu-liurgc
ol'iuiv poitimi oi' iis presnu iinlfhtetlntajf.
Hf:tion 7. The liialuiitre rliall not uuih'irize nny e.Min
ly, ciiy, bitrouh, townMiip, or iiKMrpomu-il diatriet. hy
virtue ot'u vote of ila iMtitua, r othfrwiae, lo become a
a.iK'kiioMci ia uy pompiiny, uaa.viitiifM.or eorHialiou ;
or t. ol'tani m-mey I r, ot tun ita nedit M, any corju'iu
Uu, uuKiciulioii, iuaiitatioii, of patty.
Therr n'lail be nn"udi)itioiml article to Kiid coiuhtation,
to ha dciiulcd w uriii le 11, as foUowt:
Ilea tlu'.ioii rTfitva;., ninonrlntenLi to tUm Ooiiflitulion
or V4 Ci'innittim uillJiJ twinu umter cm-iUciatioii.
mi no quLauotit
yi iIig henute agr lo ih Bnrt oinrndmcnt 1
Tho yen a oixl nnya were inkeii Hre:ttjly to tho rrovi
aiiMia oi thr Cmimiatioii, ami wert hs lollow, viz:
i niRBara. urewer, iirowue, Uoiioy, lAyt I'.nnia,
reUr, riMinikf ii, rirr, lujrrnm, Jordan, Killiuser.
Kll iX. IrfllllKirli. iaj. Mur. fS-oliclft. HtlliiR. Hhniimn.
Steele, Sirtiulj, U'clth, Wiikina, Wiilit ud Taggurt,
ti'priiker 31.
Any Mvtr:. Lrnixi. crerawrll, l limey, (Jrepc, liar-
ni, 1 enroae mid rttntlur 7
rs i tlipquratim in Ihe nlTirmiitire.
(11 tlie q'lOKtif!!,
Will iho Senulrt are to t!if seen ml aminlment
Tlio vena nnva were Uikrn acrfi-uhlv to Ihe provi-
ai uia of the Conaiiluiion nnd r'ie us follow, vix :
IMeaara. Iliawcr, Krown, Crrsswell, r ly, Ivana
rotter. Finney, FIcMnik'jn, liitrHtti, J'irJ'01, Knox, Iau
liiuicli, I'wia, My or, Jfellera, Sii innii, Souther, Pt-le,
Siraub, Welah, ilkitin, Wright and Tuggart, Speaker
Nay Mrmra. CofTey, rrahh. Prnzcr, Ciegffi Hani,
Killinirer I'oitrore tniri Sfufittld n.
S i the q licit ion wua deluiinined in the nfi!miativ.
tt tlip qin tlinn,
Yi the Sfimto ncM f to tho third fiinmendmeut?
The yp:is nn:l nny were taken ugiceutily to the Conrti
tut on, ami wt;ie us fo'.low, viz: ,
Vena Mi'Min. IJn-wor, Hrown, Crabti, Cfeauwetl, K!y.
I'vtii'B, K lemi! ken, Kmzer, ln(rr:iin, Jordnn, KMiner.
Knoj, I.niilcit h, l.cwir. Myer, 'SvheW, Seller . Shumau,
Som!i:r, Hlcrle. iStrmh, Welsh. WilLitia and Wright 21,
JMaya .Imura Totiey, lir-jrir. ll'iiria and renroae 4.
Ho iho ( ;in:ftioii wua determined in the affirmative.
C n the qiuf lu-ii,
Will Ihe fkiuile nprpe tn the fotitli nmendment ?
The yt nnd nay wore tnkeii airree:ibly to tlie Conatitu-
tulion, nnd were na folhiw. viz :
l eaa MrMia. Ilrewor. Diowtio. Coffev. CreMwell. Ely.
Kvnna, riennikeii, Frnztr. Inernm, Kdliinrer Knox, lau
Uieh, levii, Mver, tt'ofirtd. tS-llera, Shiimmi, Soulhor,
Steele, Strault, Wo's'i. Wilkina and Wiipht '23.
.'Xuva .Mi-aora. i,ratn, r iiuiey, Jordan nun reurovc I.
io liir qtitfFtt on w determined in the cll'trmutive.
I. tiix Jluviaur HBPitE5:.ii Ativti,
Th letolution rrnnnainr amend mmta lo tho Constitu
tion oft tie Connii mwealilt bciiig under conaitiorution,
Uli uie quimion,
Wdt the House opreo to the Crat Dini-udineni ?
Tbe yea nnd iinya wtre tnkeii ngreenMy to the provi
tionaof the Coital ilntion, and on Iho first pioponcd amend
ment, were as follow, viz :
uoa Morsra. Amleraoii, A:thur, Unrkhouitc, Ball, Deck
Itialiop, Itower, Knwn,Ciilhoun. CamplMdl, Chnar1, Cle
yer, Cruwf Td, Uiekey, Knt, l-.)ster, Funaold, Kotlor,
(iitiLnmey, Co lieu, Il;inu-I. littriKrr, II ems, llioeland, II
HilVjins. HorTmaii, Herka linhne. Initia, Jiirolr, Jenkina,
Johnson, liunllinMn, Krr, Kni!it, Lciwnntip. lAinnkpr,
,ivctt, M:'iier, Mau'le, M Culiuont, M'llvaiii.Moorhead,
M'jmiim, MiiwcIiimii, Mteii.ila, Nieliols at, iiuioniucher,
rearon. Peter, I'etrikvn. TownuU, Purooil. Hamaoy,
(Philadelphia,) Kuuiaey, (York.) Ileainci, Heed, Holnrta,
itupp, bhuw, Sioun, Siinih. (Ctimhria.) Smith, (Onlre)
Sti-veim n, Tolun, Yuil, Vnnvoorhis, Vickora, Voehley,
Wii tT, Wsthro ;k, Wharton, Willibtou, Wilhcrow,
Wright, Ziuiiiiirinun and (ietz, Speaker 7d.
N iys Mi-ssrs. liar k us, l.tnaon. Loik. Hamilton, Hnti-c-rk.'iline.
II .flitiiin, (t.vhauou,) Lcbo, Stiuthura, Tiiotn,
Warnei uud Wintrnlts l'J.
Si tho qiu-Riioii wiia determined in the ortirruative.
Jf )n the qiteati 'li,
A V i II the II huo n!?roe to the aecond utneiulmeiit ?
The yt-as and uaya weretakeii iiroeiihly to the prnvi
aiona of the ConKtiiulion, mat wi re aa follow, iz :
Yens .Mf:aar., ll;ipkh ms-, itall, Iteek, Dow
rr; Calhoun. Caniphcll, Ciirty, Knt, I'uiiHold, Puaier.
i'.Mm,Hiiit!tl, H in per, lleina, Hiotand, Uillegaa, 1 1 1 tf
niuu, (ilerka II' uce keeper, Imhi ic, lime, Jenkina, John,
Jolnisoa, Kauirtnun, Knight, l.eiaairhip,, limiaker, Iivetl
Ahniear, M iuule. M livaiu, Mivur hfatt, iI(iKeliuau, Mi-
ehola, Nich-ih n, unemiehur, Pearson, Petera, IVtrikiu
Pownall, I'uredl, Kaiuaey, . 1'hiludelphin.J Jlnnikey,
( KtoniT, Koherta, Knpp, haw. tOiin, loian,
Vad, Vo.)Mi:-y, Walter, WeMhUMik, W harton, ' i miner
man to id tiila. Sni'akor 67.
Nuya Metara. Aurilnir, Aujructinc, Unckua, Benson,
lh sh ip, Kr-twii, Chase. Cleaver, Cmvvford, Kyaler, tiil
louy, Hamilton, llnncock, II 'it, time, Hoffman, laOtm
lion', Jacobs, Keir. J.oho. M'Calntnnt, Muinimi, Keed,
tniith. t.'initinu,J initli inru,j mecnnii. rsirntacra,
Th'-r.t, Yuiivo n his, Yiekura, W.-ioiitellir, Waiucr, Wm
trnte. Wi hi;row and Wriyht Ii4-
r i iheqtieilioit waa deteimined in llm afTnnialive.
n (lie (M MtioM,
Will tho Ilons!uurrfte lo the third nmeiidtnenl f
The vtasand nnea weie taken nirrroiil ly to the ptovi
M Uli, t' I if1 i; llMlil!tiM,U!l! W'rTt he follow, VI'
Yens M fm. Anlemoii, U iekhoue, Hull, Ueek, Hen-
on, Hower. !n vn. Cu'homi, t'aniphell, Chafe, Cleiiver,
i7ruwi"onl, iJirkey, Knt, Kyst'-r, Kaitsrdd. Potter, tiit h
nev. Ilaiiiel. Ilnmor. Htina, Hcixtnrd. Hill, llilms H iT-
mitn (Bt rkf-) II tli nan I Imn mi,) Jiouiekeener, linhne,
Iitnra, Jaeihs, Johns, Jidmson, Knulhrnn, horr, Keb,
!onjnker, Utveit. .Mar.cai, AJtumle. M'talmom, Aioor
head. Mamnta. Munnelmun. Nieliols, Nirholson, Ntinr-
nrieh;r, TrarHon, IVlera, IVHikiu, rnwimll, fureoii,
U.oi.n-y, (York.) Koninvr, Meed, llnpn, tlmw, Slmiti,
Smith. if;niiihna,) Snmh, (Cfti'jV,) Mcveteoii, loian.
Vail. Vai.vo"ihia, Viekem. ' Vneuhloy, W itr nifelhT. Weil
hnok. Willioton, Witherw. Wncht, Zimmerman and
CJefy. S'leakt'T 72.
a Miws. Arl?r. Amrnsline, Iliiekiia, liishop.
Carte, Doek, UilJcu, Hamilton, Hancock. Iline, Jonkiu,
Kt.irht. liKeiiniiT. Mllvitm, Itionsev. (Phibidelnlitn,)
It .hortu, Sti.n!,Tiioin, Wall?r, Warner, Wl.urton and
Si i he que)''"!! was determined hi the affirmative.
On the qii',
Wiflihi Hoime mrree to the fourth amendment?
The yeas atid nays weru taken iigr. eahly to the provi
sions !' tlm iiufiitiiiion. uiiil were a follow, Vix:
Yens Metsra. Anilersoit. Arthm iiaek house, liacku.
Hall, ll-k, Heiiami, Uifchop, Hower, Hrown, Calhoun,
Cnin; heil, tariv, Ctiate, Cleaver, Crawford, Hit-key, Kill, I
Ka:er. 1'uusoM. Foster, tlit.h y, liilden. Hamel, Har- I
per. Hf:iii!, Hn ilaml. Hill, llilleuua. H ilmau, (Iterkx) I
JloiPn'oi. ((.tKihoii) llousekeeiMT, Imhr.e, limea, Jaeoba,
Jenkins. Jolinm Johns-'ii, Knatlinan, Kerr, . Iiseu
rine;. lomr ik-r, I- v-u, Maneai, Mauplo, M'Cnlmonl,
M'lhani, Muinmi. Musaelmtni.Nielio'.a. Niehota n, Nuue
nmetier, l'ear-'ii. IVicis, I'ltukm, 1'ownuH, Pureell,
Ham-iev, (I'hiladelnhiaJ Haniiey. ( Vork ) lieatner. Ketd,
Roherta, Mupp, Stiaw, tShmit, Sc.iith (Canihria.) Smith
(Ceiiue.) Steveutton, Tohni, Vint, Yanvoorhia. Viekcrs,
Voi-hley, Wau'Miaeiier, Wa tier, WeMbrook, Wharton,
Willistoii, Wither-iw, 'immennau and GeU Speaker. SI
it)i MeHaia Hock. Ilamiitoii, llaeutk, St ruth e is,
Thw, Winlr.wtcand Wrijiht 7.
2i' the qncMion waa detLrmined in the ainrmative.
Pl'i itkTAiiv" Ornra,
llanikhuif;, Juno 22, io. j
Pi nusfftltiiit, ss.
I do heiehy eirtlfy that the ahove and forppohtg is a
true and eoi reel copy uf the 'Yean" end ''Nays" taken
on the lt.iRiliiti'-n propotiiug tttuendinenta to IheComailu
li-tn ol Ihe Ctunutuiiwiaith, as tlie aame uprtiira on Iho
JoutnoUof the two lloiuea of the Crneial Assembly of
this Comni nweuuh lor these.! m ot i?o7.
Witnefs my hand and acid vf aaid o'liee, una
iueniy-Mvoiui itay vt June, one timusauu eigni
huuarrii uiwi uitseyeti.
Secretary of Me CvtuvvHiictulth.
Ju'y I, 1.17.
Dry 4aOod, Itcndy made Clothing, Roots nnd Shoes, Hard
ware, rocerlcsi dilass, Uuccnswnrc, &c,
Amon out preaent Block'may b found French Lawna, roilina( Fancy fiilki, Tlaid Ducal, Tiatttrt,
Ilerrgrta, Debfcgta, Clialll, Black Silks, Alpacca( Oingbamt, Swim Mull, Tarltun, Cambria. Nairt
oiik, lirilliahta, Dimity, Book Muslin, Bcbinstt Collars, Sttiss Flouncing, Insertiiif, Laces, Hib'
bona, Hosie 7,' and a general assortment of FANCY GOODS.
Embracing tbe most beautiful styles, all qualities and price. Domestic Oooda, Windsor Shade,
Oil Clollis and Carpels. Summer Uoods Tor gents wear of every variety. Hardware embracing
all kinds of building material, Carpenlert Tools of the test manufacture, Flirt of ever? descrip
tiuu, Cutlery, Shoo I indings, Lasts, die.
Former eflbrtii Kurpamsort In Q-.tantlfy and Qualltr.
In addition loour frrmcr .Store Boom, wo have fitted up the second stiry of our establishment
which you will find well stocked with Keady Made Clothing. Bitots and Shoes combining beauty
durability and cheapness. We shall continue to receive Uoods Semi-Monthly, thus rendering our
assortment al all times complete, another inducement to all who wish to purchase.
N E W O 0 0 D S AT LOW 1 It I 0 E S
V relum our thanks U the public for their liboral patronage, and respectfully invite' tn Inapm.
lion of our (!ood, as wa ilncm it t pleasure to wail on all who may favor ut with a call.
Ear Ironi Bteel. Hails, Ficki, Grub Hoes, Mason Hammers, Mill Saws, Window Sash(
Grindstones, Glass, Faints, 0il3, Fish, Salt, Cheese, Meat, &o always on hand.
Suiibiiry, May 3n, 18!7. If E. Y. BKICiHT & SON.
By virtue oft rertain writ of Via. Etrosis
to me directed Will be exposed to public sale at
the Court House in Suulniry, on MONDAY,
the 3d dav of August next, at 1 o'clbck P. M.,
the following property to wit :
All the Difeiidunt's interest, being ent undi
vided eighth part of a certain lot of ground, situ
ate in the Borough of Suiibuty, Northumberland
county, fronting on Water street or Broadway
and boundcil on the east by ati alley j on the
south by a lot in ihe occupancy of Samuel Fet
ter and on the north bt a lot of McCtrty If
Clement, containing one-fourth ef an acre mora
or less, whereon is erected a two story Brick
HouRe and Kitchen, Well of Wtier, eve.
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold at
tho property of James Quinn.
A I the same time and place, by t certain writ
of Vase. Expos AS, to me directed, will bo exposed
to public sale the following property to wit 1
A certain lot or Urountl, eituute in the 1 own
of Trevorton in Zorby township Northumber
land countv, being Lot No. 3 in block 101, ad
joining t lot of J. Hcusyl on the west, ind a lot
ol Dr. smith on tho east, (routing on bhamokin
street and extruding back to an alley, being 29
feet in mil lu and lbO feet in depth, whereon is
erected a two-story frame house with a basement
story, and a frame stable.
i-'eized, taken Into execution and to be told as
Ilia property of Jeremiah Penncpackr.r.
At the same time and place, by a certain writ
of Vek. ExronAs, to me directed, will bo exposed
to public sale, the following property to wit :
A certain Lot ol Urountl, situate In tlie bo
rough of Milton, Northumberland county, front
ing ou Mahoning street, and bounded on the
west by a lot of Ualtzcr Crilser or lot No. 179,
and the east by the cunbury ol hue Kail hoad
Company, on the south by .Sugar alley or Ferry
lane, continuing tlirec-luurtli ol an Acre more
or less, whereon ure erected a two-slory Brick
House and omvanj-a half slory frame House.
Seized, taken into execution and to be sold as
the preprity or Nicholas Johnson and Jotn
At the sonio time and place, by a ceituin writ
of Vem. ExroMAS, to me directed will be exposed
to public u!c the following properly to wit :
A certain Lot uf (j round, situate hi the bo
rough of Milton, Northumberland county, bound
ed ou the north by W'uluut street, oil the east
by Miller's estate, on the south by an alley and
on the west by a lot of James 13 coy, containing
one-fourth of an Aero more or less, whereon are
erected a two-story frame House and Kitchen,
and a small framo S'uble, outbuildings, &c.
Seized, taken into execution and to be sold as
the property of John A. Gray.
II. YKISK, Sheriff.
Sheriffs ORicp, )
Siinliury, Juno 27, lfj."7. j
Spring and Bummer Fashion!! for 1857
Market Square, Sunbury.
TVTOVV received and will continue to receive,
' the largest and best selected Stock of
Mack Cloths, Cutsimercs, Cassiiutts and
Vesting?, $'C.
An assortment of Dress Goods, viz: Fancy
printed Calicos, Chillies, printed Lawns, Dt Lain
Bareges, Merinos, Cashmeres, Alapttcas, Dress
Silks, Ginghams, &c.
Iri.h Linen, bleached and brown Drilling, Shed
ing, i'lllowcatcing, 4c.
Drees Trimmings in Great Variety.
Boots and Shoes
Hats and Capt,
SALT anil FISH, Cheese, Crackers, Stgars,
Tobacco, S nu IT, Ac, an assortment of other
Goods too tedious to mention.
Feeling groteful for past favor wc beg leave to
assure our old friends end the public that no
ellort on pur part shall be wanting to merit a
continuance of our patronage.
Country produce taken in eichahgS at tha
highest market price.
Sunbury, May 30 , 1857. tf
Estate or Christian Philips, dee'd
"itTOTICE is hereby given to the creditors and
' others interested, that tire Orphan's Court
or ISorlhumberlani county, having appointed
tha subscriber Auditor to apportion and distri
bute the balance of said estate in tho hands of
William Elliott the Administrator ; ho will at
tend for tho purpose at his ollice in the Borough
of Sunbury, on Monday the 20th day of July
next, at 10 o'clock, A. Af. Creditors are warn
ed that it is not sufficient to have given their
accounts and claims to the Administrator, but
thry must attend losce that the claims are pre
sented to tho Auditor at the time appointed and
are duly proved and sustained, otherwise they
may not be included in the distribution.
Sunbury, June 27, lw57. Auditor.
No. 3 North Fourth Street, N. W. Corner of
Market, Philadelphia.
HAS now on hand an extensivo assortment
of the newest and most desirable kinds, in
eluding miny NEW STYLES hot heretoforo
to be had in this marct. An examination of
our stock is solicited before purchasing elsewhere.
March 7, 18S7. 3m c
II1IS Vl'llll
AIllIl lX All.
JO II A S. llliAKD,
Collections made and Professional Business
generally attended te Promptly and Carefully.
Cauforxu Gsaps Bbavdy. The Fateut
Ollice baa received from California a new
brandy which is called California grape bran
dy. This liquor is said to possew an vxcelent
flavor, aud to be iar more palatabl than the
best braody imported from tarope.
PaitAtEtniA Kirxstmi :
Bullitt l( Fuirthonie, Diehl 4- Wertz,
Davis & Birney, F. Tayloi & Co.
Sunbury, June SO, 1907.
Volunteer Candidate.
To the Electors of Northumberland County.
TV E undersigned hereby offers himself at t
JL Volunteer Candidate for
At the entuing election. Hit motive for to do
ing, it that approaching old age, and an injury
caused by a broken cellar bone, renders him
unable to work at bit trade, of Ctrpenter. Be
lieving himself capable of performing the duliet
vt the oQice, be earnestly solicits your support. TlROWN'S and Breiiiig't Essence of Ginger
PETER HILEM AN. t tnd Husband's Magnesia at
Sunbury, June t7, 1857. te March 14, '6Tk FISHER 8
OUNTY ORDEBS. County ordert taken
ss cash for goods, tnd on note or book ac
count by E. Y. 1TKIG UT it SON.
HrW. 39, Its.
No enmity sl.nll tie Jmlr,! byn tine entlins nil '
tfiilh of its popnluiin, (eiihei m form a new e, imly or
lUiiei wite.) lllwul the epiesiinelil f such county, liy
II vole ol'tlie eleelois tlirtem ; ll"r s'.inll :my new cuuilly
be ealal.lislie 1, Wlllal'iniig leA lh:n foul hundred sq'JUie
From seelii ll two of the first nrllele of the roust ilulimi.
strike out tlie wonts, '-ol the eily of l'l.ilmlellu, "nil ol
cu,-li euunly refiHvlivvly:" fo section live, Kiiueartiele
luUe oul fie wonts, "ol I'hlluileli.lim ami ol Hie several
counties;'1 from section seven, wine lirticle liikeoilt tha
w-rilif. "neither Ihe eilyol l'iiilaiUl(tna u.,r sny." ami
insert in lieu thereof llie woriln, "anil 110;" and strikeout
section four, suing article, uud ill lieu thereol Insert the
'Section 4. In the year one thousand eight hundred
aud ilv-four, and in every seventh year thereafter, rep
reiviltntirrs lo Iho lunilr uf one hundred, shall he sppor
tioueilaiid distiihutcil e,Uiilly, Ihrouiihoul the slule, by
liHirieiM. in nronorlioii lo tlie uuiuhel ol tsxuhle liihatn-
tnnts in Ills neveiul parls hereof; except that any county
eonmiimii! nt leinl three thousand five hundred Oixuhles,
limy l ulloweil a .lMrule leprunenlnli.'li ; hut no more
than three counties siiall I j lined, uud no county kiiall be
divided, in Ihe foriiutlon uf u diniict. Any eily conlein
luri a suifleieut iiuiuIut of tuiuhiei lo entitle il to ut hiist
two repieseululives, iiliull have s sepaiala reprenenun ion
ataiuned ll, unit ahall be divided Into convenient dlllncls
of conliRUOul terrilnrv, of equal hibls popiilalion us ueur
u may he, euch of which diitricts shall elect one reprcsen-
At ihe end of section seven, same nrticte' insert these
words, '-Ihe eily of I'hiUulelpl.iu slinll I uiviuea inuisin
Kle senntoriul districts, of coiilinnmis terulorv ss iiesrly
.1 -u.-.iltlw I.11I tin ward n)iall
eiUiil III lasnuie popiiiuno.i ,
he divided III the formation Ihereof
Ti.. li.lnre. ul in tirsl session, sfler Ihe sdoptloil iT
this sinehdinent, shall diviile the eily of IMuliidelphis into
senutorinluiHi repiescnlutivedutiiels. ill the manner ahovs
provided ; such ditiiicts to remain uiK hansml umil the
ippirtio'inneul lu the year oue thousand eishi-hondiel
and nil) -lour.
there shall be ail sddilional seelion U Ihe first articls
of said constitution, which sliull be uumberca and reud s
follows :
Tlis legtsliiturB slisll have the KWer to alter, levuke, or
annul, any charier 01 iiicorporulion hereafter conferred hy
....a... n.-inl. or vencrul law, whenever iu their
.... I. VI i.iiitriatiia ui ihe eilixMis oi' iho eolnilion-
weslih. in such maimer, however lout no uijuatico shsll
bt dout lo the wrpoitlort.
iTiaKAtl, March VI, MSI
TImoIvmI. That this resolution psns. On ths first
1 nwndinent, yeas SI, nays 1- Ou the second amendment
roitT Trevorton,
The Shipping Port of the Trevorton Coal
and Kail Road Company ;
Also the , 1 11 in of the Trevorton liuil lloail
and Junction tcilh the New iiriihje cros
sing Sus'jueha'ina'ir tu the present
terminus if the
THE above lots will be offered for sale at
); S.VjriWA', the 2:.lh dog of July 1M.)7.
At 11 o'clock, A. M. The Lots embrace tome
of tbe best building and business locutions in the
village. Port Trevorton is destined to grow very
fast,and has among other advantages tnose to
be derived from tho conip'ellon of the Northern
Central Railroad and its connection with the
Railroad of the Trevorton Coal and Railroad
Ccmpany, leading to their exiensive minet, which
will make it one 01 me larersi com .o,)Tu,B
port above Iho Junction. It has also the busi
ness growing out of the Canal and Busin, and
limine across tlie tsusipjeuanna. a iib unogv
offering tbe only facilities for miles up tnd down
the river, for rorwtrdmg country proouce 10
Northern and Eastern markets, by Railroad.
Port Trevorton bat the further advantage of be
ing sustained by a rich and extensive agricultu
ral country in the vicinity. .
Terms of Sale. Purchasers will pay ten per
cent Cash, the balance in 'bree instalments at
nn. two and three veart. with interest annually
no the amounts uuntid : imurovemeuti valued al
Two Hundred Dollars, to be put on each lot
within eighteen months from the dsy of pur
chase. ,
Port Trevorton, June 20, 1807.
NOTICE is hereby given that tlm several
Courts of Common Picas, General (juarler
Sessions of the peace, and Oprlians' Court. Court
of Over and Terminer and General Jail Deliver)',
in and for the county of Northumliurliind, to
commence at the Court lit use, in the borough ol
Sunbury, at HI o'clock, A. M. 011 Monday, the
3d tiny ol AL'GI.'ST next, and will continue
The coroner, Jimtici'S of the Teace and consta
bles in and lor the county of Northumberland, are
requested to be then and there in their proper per
sons, with their roils, records, imiiii-itions, and
olhcr remembrance, lo do those things to their
several oH'iifs apperlainiinr to be done. And ul
wiliifSfea prosecuting '.11 behalf of the Cotnmonl
wealth agiiiiist any prisoner are also rcqucsien anu
coiumunded to be then tnd there aitt-mliiig in their
proper persons to prosecute npiinst him, as shall
be just and not to depart without leave at their
iwril. Jurors are renne ted lo Ire punctual in their
attendance, at tho time appointed agrccablo to
their notices.
Given under my hand at Sunbury, the 27th day
of June in the year of our Lord one thousmd
eight hundred and fifty-seven and tho Inde
pendence of the L'11'ucd Stales of America the
God save the Commonweslih.
HENRY VVE1SE, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Sunbury,
June 27, 1857. $
Isn't It So !
I I'tc ARTHUR'S Celebrated
Pell'-cnling Cans and Jars,
'and you will have fresh fruit
TvprH Fruit H 'be year al Summer prices
I Full directions for putting up
Jail kinds of Fruit aud Toina
Itocs, acct'inpai.y these cans and
I Thev are made of Tin-, Glass,
Qucenswaic and Fire and Acid
loroof S'lone Ware. Tho sizes
IN wiNTEKi,re rrom i,inU, b11""1.1- T"'0
ans nuu jars uie ciiiucij t.
it the tops, nnd ne.t, to secure
conomy 111 transportation.
l or sale by s 1 0 r e It e e pe r s
hrouglionl iho United States.
Descriptive circulars soul on
ipplicaiion. VT OiJcrs from
he trade solicited.
Be sure to aU for ".li Ihur's."
t bos stood the teat ol two sea
ons. having been used by hull
Ireds of thousands of families,
lotel boanling houtw kce-
fil-ading have endorsed the current
of public opinion, nnd continual
the venlict 01 more Ihatl HCO eci
dental hres, proving conclusively
tnul 'lleiring's" is the only SAl'K
thtt will not huru.
KXt'act fioin the Cominittee's
Kcixirt oil the Trial of Iron Safes
at Heading :
'On the 20th of Fchmarv nil the niemhcrs of ihe Com
mittee met to witness the Sales and books !' papers,
(placed iu them) and were perfectly salisfied sit was
r'cht. The day lollowunr. tha burning K-k place, tinder
the superintendence of the Committee. After a fair and
impartial burning for fivs hours, the -! ol
hvans k Watson was hrst openeil, the Pale being oil fire
inside, nnd tlie contents partially consumed, while the eon
tents inihe Safe of Mcsrs. Fnrrels k Herring wwe n
d condition, nnd no tire inside."
u..n,,,,.. u.n.1. . msT.
... ' t, 1? tM.-I TV 3
1 ' ) Voo'l.l.MAN, J Committee.
A ml e'ldore.) l.y over 50 of the hest men of r.ciiding
1 (:.. I- iionreled at ill tlllUt Street,
Where Ihe public enn satisfy themselves of the great supe
riority of the "Heiring s I'stent Chsnipion," over th
defeaiul and used up "inside Iron Door Sulmander ."
FurrcH & Ilcrrliitr,
'34 H'anulf., Philada.
Only makers In this Slate or Herring s ruicu. vu.uV.....
"' . . .. - : .- . I...U... ... II..
The attempt mane try omer parur. ... ...... . .... ....
. .- u'i,;, h hns faded so Snrnally 11 scci-
Je.lOd l'.r.-s ill IMlilmlelphia, (KausU-ad Flack.) by taking
one out of tin BRenl s store, i". J- '''"", ,,,
llneklless. (Cillerent Horn llline tnr, -c
one Trf Uerniig's (half., thick) has met
sivelv mat ine oiny rr.miiic ch. ..-; -
of which over l5.tHln.ore now 111 actual ose. B id mora
than lilKI have been trifa uy lire wiuioiu
llnls.,Jiine40, IBi7. ly.
Wo are now making them
'or the million.
Arthur, Burnhaitt 6 Gilroy,
Mdiiutacturers under tbe l'slenl
S, E enr. Tenth A George Sta.
Philadelphia, June 13 1S57 Jm
The Trustees of tho Methodist E. Church at
Trevorton. ee nottco to tlie runuc mot uiey
.lll ..II .1 t,r val u e. U A." I a o" rv"
tosble terms anil will give good wtrranlee deeds,
for tha tame, limuire of any one of the .''rus-
ltcliicd lMiJBiclan, 7 yeatt of ago
having lost his Father, two Brothers, Daughter,
Son-in-law. Nephews and Nieces, by that dread
ful disease, Consumption, and suffering with a
Couch himself, determined to visit the East In
dies, Egypt end Japan, where he discovered
Preventive and Certain Cure for Co d. Coughs.
Bronchitis, Consumption, Nervous Debility and
Asthma. His cough was cured immediately J
heretmneJ.curedhi A'elatives, who inherited
the disease, and in connection with his son have
i.,.i it in their nractice. curins thousands
of cases considered hopeless by others. For the
itirnose of rescuing at many 01 ma suueuog ..
ow htihesas poniblo he is sending the Recipe
to all who wish il for 10 cents ; 3 of it to pay trie
mstare, and fie balance priming. our. s,..
lltATU lUl -priug sui-ii,
Hotel, New York.
.1 une 13, 18fi7 3m " -
Csseuco of Jamaica Clugeri
TilllS arlicl' la csituy pieireo ii"iuu'
X 0iner. u'.l the valuable meilieinal propellics wlllcll
11 is wurmnled to possess 111 eouecuu
inentl ,nu. ff.,,,),,,... ehn.
It is nil MCrltenl remcov in "Fri''", ,7... Vn,
lie and iihpaired ma. feebh, slau- ,4 1 he d . ..
lions, t nun iisreiiosnins iriiF." - r' :,..,.
a. ge,,.le ..i...uU.t, touie " ""H " hent. c4 sum
net UipileKlliWIint ouiuentr --
icr.llieeltects ol sodoen ''""""';. ,inl,,n wi;
N . family slioeM be without n, ,,,,1,'n" "
ve then, froin many sn serious utu.ek. ol Illness.
I'uce 'ii cenis per bottle- I Ot sale hy
June 30, B."7. l"l
A. A 11E1ME.
junt 80, 1857. at
"SUGAII CURED HAM A lot lust weiveJ
tnd for sale bv. LE &. AO. i
A put IsaT.
M IKS LOUISA 8HISSLER, respectfully in'
formt the citiient of Trevorton tnd tor'
rounding county, that she hat opened a nevr
stoie ol Millinery and Fancy Giwds, at I retoM
ton in Shamokin street, uearly opposile Knouse e
Ttvern, where all kinds of Bonnets and t amy
Goods can be had at the lowest terms.
Dress making also attended to m the best
manner and latest st)lc.
April 2, 1857 tf
mixed with water, lb" ,u' tbe
I of oil, for tale by
Mtrrk U,
A. W. riPHSB.