Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, July 11, 1857, Image 3

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. Jiftcut of Mill Gardiner from the JntXant
Tb St. Paul (Minnesota) Pioneer give ft
detailed and interesting account of the recov.
ery of Miss Gardiner from the Indians who
perpetrated the Spirit Lake massacre.' The
story of ber having been set up at a target
nd ehot at by tbe Indiana tarns oat to ot a
beer fabrlcatSJSn.
Miss Gardiner was rescued by three friend
ly Indians, despatched for the purpose by
liorernor Medary. They bear tne pictur.
sane names of Hasaintemani, or the Man
who Shoots Metal as be Walks Hotonwasb
er, or Beautiful Voice, and Cbetanmaza, or
tbe Iron Hawk. Miss Gardener is a native
of Seneca county, N. Y., and is bat fifteen
years of age. Her father, mother and the
rest or the family, except sister, who bad
just removed to another part of Iowa, were
all murdered at the time of tbe attack on tbe
. Spirit Lake settlement.
The above mentioned Indians left the
Yellow Medicino Agency on tbe 23d May in
two linrse wagon, and on the 29tb he came
upon a deserted camp of Inkpadutnb's bund,
(the Indians who committed the outrage
where they (bond the dead body of Mrs. No
tiles, one of the captives taken from Spirit
I.ako. The body was terribly mutilated ; it
wns upparent tbnt she had been most cruelly
ontraged, not only before bnt after death.
Three bullet wounds were discovered in ber
head, and on her limbs and arms the traces
of brutal cruelty were visiblo. The Indians
wrapt ber body in a blanket and interred it.
The next day, at another deserted camp,
4bey discovered Mrs. Nobles' hair, which they
gathered op for transmission to her friends.
Ou the 30tb of May, they reached an en
campment of one hundred lodges of Yankton
Indiuns, and the lodges of Inkpadulah's bund
whero they learned that Miss Uardirer and
Mrs. Nobles bad bren sold to a Yankton
warrior, but tbnt subsequently Mrs. Nobles
had been forcibly taken from tbe Yankton's
ludge by Inppadutab's son and some confeder
ates, who after brutally outraging her, put
nn end to her existence. Miss Gardener was
aved only by the bravery of the Yankton
who purchased her; he placed her on the
couch beside his squaw, and declared that his
life and that of tho squaw would be sacraficed
before barm should come to Miss Uardiuer.
This bold course saved her from injury.
The name of this warrior is Wamduskal.
haiike, or tho Kod of tho Sunko, and w th him
Indians immediately opened negotiations to
obtain Miss Gardener's release. The End of
the Snake said he bought hi-r with the inton
tiou of giving her up to the whites, but could
Hot give her up till he had obtained tbe con
sent of the remainder of tbe Yanktons. A
cauucil was held which conliuued two or
three days. One of tho Yanctons objected
to giving Miss Gardener np, because tbey
cniilj do better by taking her to the military
ofiWrg in Missouri, and get a large amount
of powder aud tobacco. A bribe, however,
ni Ion cod bim, and Miss Gardener was finally
delivered to the Christian Indiuns. Tbe
price paid for Miss Gardener was two horses,
even blankets, two kegs of powder, a boi of
tob'neco, und other articlu1".
As soon as the purchase was completed,
the Christian Indians started ou their return
with the ransomed captive accompanied by
Yanctons who volunteered tbeir services and
nudoubtedly the means of preserving
the party from massacre, as tbey were follow.
d for several days by a party of Inkpadutah's
tiaml, who wera evidently detorred from mak
ing an attack by the presence of the Yanctons.
Mm Gardiner was treated with comparative
kiudueis by tbe Iodiaos who captured her,
on account of tbo protection of tbe chiefs
sun. Sbe was compelled to carry a heavy
pack, but did it with an apparent willingness
that stemed to impel the Indians to treat
her much more kindly than tbey did Mrs.
la reference to Mrs. Nobles Miss Gardiner
states that she seemed much dejected and
leiipiiideiit from the time she was taken cap
tive until death released her from ber suffer
ings. At times she would sit for hours be
moauing aud crying over her sad-fortune,
ud ugai!!, blie would rouse herself, and treat
the ludiuns with the indignation natural to a
higntpiriU'd woman subjected to the most
.must degruding outrages. Tbe tasks allotted
to her be would not willingly fulfil, and was
ctuelly'beaten in her resistance to the tyran
nical will of her captors. Miss Gardiner
thinks that it was ibis peculiar temperament
that not ouly caused tbe murder of Mrs.
Thatcher, who, it will be recollected, acted
in the very sume maimer, but also of Mrs.
Miss Gardiner has been conveyed to Fort
Uadge, where a sister, tbe only remaining
member of ber family, resides. The sum of
000 wus raised at St. Paul to be applied to
ber education. The only indication betrayed
on bur counteuauce of ber experience among
the Indians is that she is very much suuburut
Tbe sum of $1200 was paid tbe Indians as a
reward for ufl'ectiiig ber release, and tbeir
outfit cost G'J0. The release of Miss Gardi
uer add M rs. Marble has coBt over 3000.
The Pioneer says that measures have been
adopted by Gov. Mtdary, which will result in
the extermination of Inkpadutah's bund,
within a very few months. Now that there
are no wkitu women in tbe camp of the out
laws, tbe Governor can prosecute bis plans
with that energy which will secure the spee
dy extermination of these women murderers.
A military expedition was not seut to recov.
er the captives lest friendly Indians should
be killed, and that in tbe end more barm than
good would result t j tbe captives from such
Deatu op tub Don. Wm. L. Mabcv. A
dispatch from 13uUton, N. Y., announces the
sudden death, on the 4th, of the Hon. Wm.
I j. Marcy, luto Secretary of State in Presi.
dent Pierce's Cabinet. Mr. Marcy bad just
returned to New York from tbo labors of bis
exalted post at Washington, which ho bud
performed so ably aud so creditably to the
character of his country. Few men have
tood higher in public estimation for tbe
rudiment and skill be evinced in tbe conduct
of public affairs, especially in our diplomatic
relations with Great Britain. He was a
Statesman in the fullest sense of the word,
patriotic, sagacious, comprehensive. His
Uar intellect embraced all the relatiuus and
connections of important questions nndtr
consideration. His power of forcible illustra
tratioo was rarely excelled, and there was an
honest directness of application which seldom
failed to reach the object bo aimed at. It
was the influence of his commanding qualities
in the Cabinet thut averted the mischiefs of
weaker or more arduous counsels. The power
he held he exercised for the good of bis coun
try, and that is tbe noblest epitaph to com
memorate uis Buwe.l'uDltc Ledger,
Scarlet Fkveb asd Small Pox. Dr Wm.
Field?, of Wilmington gives publicly to the
following receipt, which tie says, if faithfully
parried out, will cure forty live vases out of
pity, without culling on a physician:
Scarlet Fever. For adults, give one table'
pooutul or good brewer s yeast tu three table
spoonsful of sweetened water, three times i
day ; and if the throat is much swollen, gargle
wiib yeast aud apply to tbe throat as a pout
tico, mixed with Indian meal. Use plenty
of cutuip tea, to keep the eruptions out of
Vue skin, tor several aays.
Small Pox.' Use the abovo doses of yeast
three times day and a milk diet throughout
the entire disease. Nearly every case cud be
cured, wituom leaving a poc main.
Gen. Cass Is strict in bis personal habits
will not dine out if be can help it, sod goes
to bed at 10 o'clock, P. M. When at Paris
at balls at bis own bouse, be would quietly
slip oS to bed at tbe above hour, loafing bis
wife and three daughters to tiOtnUia tbe
couiptpy present.
Hew Advertisement
OTICE it hereby given that application has
l"f been made to the Court of Commor. Ties
of Northumberland county, by the members of
the German Reformed and Evangelical Lutheran
Churches in Upper Mehonoy township, for a
Charter of Incorporation under the name and
title of the Trustees and Church Council of St.
John's United German Reformed and Evangeli
cal Lutheran Church, in Upper Mehonoy and
mat tbe Mine will be presented to Court for a
hearing, the first Monday of August next.
JAMES BEARD, I rolk'y.
Prothonotary's Office.
Bunbury. July 4, 1857,
JVTOTICF la hereby given that application has
been made to the Court of Common Pleas of
Northumberland county, by the members of the
Presbyterian Church of the town of Sbamokin,
in Coal township, for a Charter of Ineorporation
under tne name and style or tbe Board of Trus
tees of the town of Shemokin. And that the
Court have appointed the fint day of next Au
gust Term for the hearing of the same.
JAM Kg 15 IS AUD, Froth'.
Prothonotory.s Oflice, 1
Sunbury, July 4, 1807, j
JS otice of Dissoution of Partnership,
rfHE partnership heretofore existing between
Charles C, Faries, William 8. Fullmer, end
George C. Gricr, under the name ol Faries,
Fullmer end Crier, has this dav been dissolved
by mutual consent. All accounts relative to the
business of the late firm will be settled by Faries
and Folliner. CHARLES C. FARIb'8,
Coalport, June 89, 1857. 3t
THE undersigned Executor of the estate of
Peter Rebock, lata of Washington township,
Northumberland county, dee'd., by virtue of the
last Will and Testament of said -deceased, will
expose to Public Sale on the premises on SA
TURDAY, the Ifith day of AUGUST, next, the
following described property to wit: A TRACT
OF LAND, situate in Washington township,
county aforesaid, on tbo Hiingerstcwn roa 1 to
Puttsville. and within a mile of the Trevnrton
Railroad, adjoining lands of Valentine Klock,
the Church property of St. Peter's Church and
others, containing TWENTY ACRES and 39
Perches and allowance, wbereon is erectrd a
weather-bearded Log House, Bank Barn, Spring;
and other outbuilding. A never failing Well
of Water, two Orchards wi h choice fruit
Also: A certain Tract of Land, situate In
Washington township, said county, containing
TWBNTY-SEVEN ACRES, more or less, ad
joining the above tract of land, Daniel Wolf,
Valentine Klock, Samuel Mallick and other.
The above land is in a good stale of cultiva
tion and excellent farming land. The two tracts
will be solJ together, or separately, to suit pur
chasers. Also At the same time and place a tot of
Carpenter's tools, Stove, Bureau and ether arti
cles too numerous to mention.
Salo to commence at 10 o'clock A. M., of said
day when the conditions will be made known by
Jackson twp., July 4, 157. Is
TRICT. TOTICE is hereby given that the Supreme
Court for the Northern District of 1 ennsyl-
vania, will hold it session on October Term for
said District, in VVilliamsport, Lycoming county
agreeably to the following order of said Court, as
certified by the Prothouolary of the Eastern Dis
Prothonolary, S. C. N. D.
Protlionotary'e efTice, June 37, 1857.
In the Supreme Court af
Pennsylvania :
AND now, June S3, I8A7, It is ordered that
a Special Term of the Supreme Couit be held
under tho Act of 26th April, 1855. at Williams
port, Lyccming county, to commence on the first
Tuesday of October next, for the purpose of heir-
ng arguments on writs of error, appeals, Ac,
from the counties of Lycoming, Northumberland
nd Montour, and such other causes from any
f the counties composing the Noitl.ern DUtrirt
as may be by mutual consent argued at the said
time and place. I he said special term to con
tinue as long as may be necessary.
Certificate Jrom the Record.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set mv
hand and the seal of the said Supreme Court at
Philadelphia, this twenty-fifth day of June, A.D.
J. F. BEL8TERING, Pro Proth'y.
July 4, 1857. te
. Candidate fur Slier in;
To the Voters of Northumberland County.
A T the solicitation of many friends from dif
fcrmt part of the county, tits undoreigued
has consented to become an Independent Candi
date for tbe office of SHERIFF at the ensuing
election. Should he be successful, no ellort
hall te spared upon his part to perform the du
ties of tbe office with fiCelity, promptness and
Northumberland, June 27, 1857.
Volunteer Candidate.
To the Electors of Northumberland County.
THE undersigned hereby offers himself as a
Volunteer Candidate for
At the ensuing election. His motive for sit do
ing, is thai approaching old age, and an injury
caused by a broken cellar bone, renders him
unable to work at his trade, of Carpenter. Be
lieving himwlf capable of performing the duties
of the office, be earnestly solicits your suppert.
Sunbury, June 37, 1857. te
To the Electors of Northumberland
riMlE subscriber would respectfully atmounce
' to the Democratic Voters of Northumber
land County, that be is a candidate for nomine
ttun for the oflice of
County Treasurer.
Having had aome experience, he flatters himself
that he would be able to render general aatufac-
tlon to the citizens ot said county.
Up. Augusta, June 80, 1857.
To the Electors of Northumberland
THE subscriber hereby offers himself as t
candidate for
Having always been a steadfast Democrat, and
considering himself competent to perform the
duties oi the office, ha would respectfully ask of
the Democratic party of the county a nomina
tion at the primary election. Among other
qualifications, a thorough knowledge of the
EnglWb aud German lanauanee would enable
bim to attend aatisfactorily to all having business
in tup omce,
Trevorton, Jons SO, 1857. -
JOHN . RE A it u,
euNBTjav, VA,
Collections made and Professional Business
generally attended te Promptly and Carefully.
PaiiABsiruiA RiriBExcs i
Bullitt k Fan-thorns, Diehl d- Wrtx,
Davis 4 Biroey, F. Taylct cV Co.
funtory, June SfJ, l?67.
By virtue of a certain writ of Via. Exronas
to me directed will be exposed to public sale at
the Court House in Sunbury, on MONDAY,
the 8d day or August next, at l 0 clock P.M.,
the following property to wit I
All tbe Defendant's interest, being ene undi
vided eighth part of a certain lot of ground, situ
ate in the Borough of Sunbury, Northumberland
county,. fronting on Water street or Broadway
and bounded on the aast by an alley ) on tbe
south by a lot in the occupancy of Samuel Fet
ter and on the north by a lot of McCarty
Clement, containing one-fourth of an acre mora
or less, wbereon Is erected a two story Brick
House and Kitchen, Well of Water, &c
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as
the property of James Quinn. .
At the same time and piece, by a certain writ
of Van. Exrosis, to rue directed, will be expoeod
to public sale the following property to wit t
A Certain lot of Ground, situate in the Town
of Trevorton in Zerby township Northumber
land county, being Lot No. 8 in block 101, ad
joining a lot of J. Hcnsyl on the west, and lut
of Dr. Smith on tho east, fronting on Shamokiu
street and extending back to an alley, being 35
feet in widih and 150 leet in depth, whereon is
erected a two-story frame house with a basement
story, and a frame atable.
Seized, taken Into execution and to be sold as
the property of Jeremiah Pennepacker.
At the same time and place, by a certain writ
of Vs. Kxpuif ab, to me directed, will be exposed
to public sale, the following property to wit :
A certain Lot of Oreund, situate in the bo
rough of Milton, Northumberland county, front
ing ou Mahoning street, and bounded on the
west by a lot of Baltzcr Critzer or lot No. 179,
and the east by the Sunbury it Erie Rail Read
Company, on the south by Sugar alley or Ferry
lane, containing three-fourth of an Acre more
or Icbs, whereon are erected a two-stury Brick
House aud one-aiiJ-a half story frame House.
eeized, taken into execution and to be sold aa
the property of Nicholas Johuson and Jo) n
At the lime time and place, bv a certain writ
of Vik. Exponas, to me directed will be exposed
io puuuc saie ino ioiiowing property to wit :
A certain Lot of (j round, situate in the bo
rough of Milton, Northumberland counlv. bound
ed on the north by Walnut street, on the east
by Miller's estate, on the south by an alley and
on the west by s lot of James Ut'oy, containing
ono-fourlh of an Acre more or less, whereon sre
erected a two-story frame House and Kitchen.
and a small frame S'able. oulbuildinca. Ae.
Seized, taken into execution and la ha sold aa
the property of John A. Cray.
II. WEISE, Sherif.
Sheriffs Office. )
Sunbury, June 27, 1857. J
Proposing Amendments to the Constitution of
the Commonwealth.
Rcsoltis at ths Skxit tsu llncta o Rmumi.
TiTivasur ma Coxaom sALiu or 1'snxsM.vini in
0EKIU41. AkMtiLY MT, Thai die following uuienilnicius
are prupoiuil to ilie eonititulioii ui the c'lin.n.'iiwaiHIi.iii
uevoriluuca wiih tho pi ovisiuna of the lenlh articla lhara-ji'.
Thore shall lie an mklitional arlijle in mii aonaiiiailua
to Us lioKiy naurd na urlicle aicvail, aa lolluwa
Section 1. Tiie lata in.iv rant met tinbim. t sunnlv
CHBUut tltfifiti or t'uilurci in fevmuen.or to meet exueiibea
iwt oihsjrwue fiovidud Tot ; but the uggrcgiite uninuiit it'
uch dolus direct und contingent, whether contitiCUaJ by
Vlltueol one or lll rfl UCUnf the ffencral uumhlv. nr .t
ditfeieiit penixlsjof time, uliali never excucO tevcii hundred
find fitly lliouuml d.ill.tta, mut the money nrisuiir f rom Hi
cmilKm ot ncli d tibia, h;ill U) applied to the pur p.-bo i.-r
which it wm to reiiHv iheditlua ic...irliiT-.l
and in no other pnrjKntc whatever.
Section -2. In addition to the above limited power the
tale nmy com met debts in rejwl invjitii'ii, supprciw ttiaur
rection, defend the tule in war, or to rcdee.n the piuMiit
outiiamlinijiii'l-hiliictif tlieilnti-; but the in mry urnv
ingirom tue contructing ot such tleUa Uull bo up.d.ed to
uo other urp sj whatever.
fcoction 3. Kxcept the debt nbove specified, in sections
one and two of this nruclr, no dcbi wlmlcver shull be
c rented by, or nn behali'ot' the Plate.
Section 1. T provided th pnyment of the print
debt, and any aJdiuuiial debt oontmcted as alureraid, the
legislature- shall, at its timt session, al ter the ndjptimi ot
tins umendineiu, creuie a sinking luml, which slmll be
suiUcient to fuiy the ucciueniK interest on such debt, and
AMiiuulty t- rtjdin e the principal thereof by a sum not less
thun two hundred und fifty thousand dollars; which sink
ing' fund shiill consist ot llie net annual income of the
public works, from time to time owned by the state, or
the proceed of the side of the same, or anv nart thereof
and of the income of proreettsof sale of st icks owned by
ore siuiici, loonier wim oiner luuaa. or res-mrces, titui
maybe designHted by luw. The s.iid sinking fund limy
be increased, fiom time to time, by ossinhift to it any
part of the bixes, or other revenues of tho s late, not re
quired for the oidinury and current expenses of govern
ment, and unless in cnte of H'iir, inviision 01 insurrection,
no pail of the said sinking fund shall be used or npplitd
nthcrwiso in extitntiinhntent of ihe pulthe debt, un
til theuin'uut nf siu-h debt is reduced below tru sum of
five millions uf dollars.
becliou S. The credit of the comirvnwdih iihill nt
n any maimer, or event, le pledged, nr loaned to, any in
dividual, company, corporation, or associulinn ; nor shall
the commmiweulib hereul'tee hoc tine a joint owner, or
stockholder in any c;maiiy, ass -fiat ion, or corporatinr.
tSflctinuft. The coiniuonwealtU shall not assume the
debt, or any part thereof, of any cauuty, city, borough, or
township j or of any corporation, nr ajiBociatioii ; unless
such debt shrill have been contracted to enable the stutc to
repel invnsion, suppiess dn:esLio insurre tion, defend it
self in tune of war, oi to awn at the suite in the discharge
of any poition of in present indebtednettN.
Sect ion 7, The legislntare shall not authorize ntiy coun
ty, cny, borouph, township, or incorporated district, by
virtue of a vote of its citizens, or othtjrwise, to become a
stockholder in any company, association ,or corpoiation;
nr to obtain money f ar, nr loan its credit t, any corpoia-
nuii, BMuciaiion, inaiiiHiKpii, or party.
Ttiare ahail be si Tad.! muml article to aaid soiwtitatton.
to be 4cst(iaicd aa article XU, aa follows:
No county shall lie divided hva line cutting off over one
tenth of its populution, (eiiher to form a new county or
otherwise.) wilUiut the expiess assent of such county, by
a vote of the electors thereof j nor shall any new county
te established, containing leu than tout ouuurcU tquaie
tUt 14.
From section two of the first article nf the constitution.
strike out the words, '-of the city of Philadelphia, und nf
each county respectively from suction five, same article
strike out the words. 'of Philadelphia and of th Severn!
counties:" from section seven, same article strikeout the
w-ids, "neither the city ot Phiiadelphiu nor uny," and
insert in lieu thereof the words, uand no;" and strikeout
section four, same article, und ia lieu theieof insert the
ioiiowing ;
"Sectlou 4. In the year one thousand e iff lit hundred
and sixty-four, and in every seventh yeur thereafter, rep
resentatives io me iiuniuer 01 one ounurco, shall be appor
tioned and dislritmled equally, thnnjghoul the state, by
distriL-is, in proportion to the numler of taxable inhabi
tants in the seveial parts thereof; except that any county
containing at least threa thousand Gva hundred tuxubles,
may ue allowed a separate representation; but no more
thun three counties aha 1 1 be joined, and no coanty shall le
divided, in the formation of a district. Any city contain
ing a snthc lent number ot uixables to entitle H to at b hat
two reniesentativee, shall havu a scnuiate rein esenlat ion
assigned it, aud shall be divided tuio convenient distriots
oi contiguous tern u try, oi equal t-'itiie population us near
as may le, each of which districts shall elect one represent
At the end of section seven, suras article1 insert these
Words, ((tb citv of Philadelphia shall be divided into sin
gle senatorial districts, of contignous territory as nearly
equal in taxable population as possible j but no ward shall
be divided in tne lorinaiiou inweoi "
The leaisluture. at its first stission, after tbe adoption of
this amendment, shall divide the city nf Philadelphia iula
senatorial and repi eseutative districts, in the maimer above
provided; such distiieis to remain unchanired until the
appportioument iu the year ou thousand, ight-hundrcd
aim iuimuui.
There sltall be an additional section to the firat artiele
of said aonstitutiou, which shall be numbered Uld read as
luuowa i
Bictiom 39.
The legislature shall have the oower to alter, revoke, or
annul, any charter of incorporation hereafter conferred by
or under, any special, ur general taw, whenever iu their
ODiniou ii iiiuv io oouriousi io nm citizens oi tne etimmnn.
wealth , in such maimer, however thai no iujiu lioa shall
be a one iq mm coituiaion. w
la finin, March tT, if ST.
Resolves, Tt this resolution pass. On the first
aincndmsut, yeas M, itays 7. 'n the second amendmeut,
yeas Hi, asvs 8. On the third amendinent, eas JM, nays
llei ftofa th Juuinat.
Apiil U9, le7.
R sol ved, That this reaolut inn pas. On the first amend
ment, yeas 8. uavs 111. Ou the second aiawidnirut. veaa
67, nays 34. On the third amendment, yeas uays 1fit
and ou fouith amendment, yeas 63, uays 7.
Extract from the Journal.
gsrscTaai's Ownea, 1
filed Maf i, 1867
ttcreiary oi'Uis Commouwsallh
SnasTAav's Orrici,
UariiaUirg, Juu. irS, 1BT. (
Pennyhaniaf $ i
I do certify that tha stars and foregoing Is tru. and sor
raoteopy of tha original "Heaniuuon relative to sn amend
ut of the CinutitulUV' a Ihs sauw icuauis o ! in
tills otice.
la testimony wherer? I save berenntn
T at my Sana and rauMd to ue afiUerl ilia
. . ami of the ttocre-ary'a Office, Die day and
Basrstary uf the ConmoawaaJth.
In SsxATl, April C7, 1SS7.
RMoa pTopotfjur- amendments to the Constitution
A ww","w,1wtjiui pci ug wHivr wnsiueiauon.
On the question,
Will the Senate agrwto the first amendment f
ineyeussiHl nnys ware taken agreeably to ths prorl
intia uf the Conatitutioii. and were as tollow. via:
Yeas .Messrs. Brewer, Browne, Coney, Kly, Evana.
Fetlar. Flenniken, F rarer, Ingram, Jordan, Killinger,
Knox, Ijaubach, Lewis, Myer, bcttfieM, SeJIeis, Hlimiimu
Bnker M ' niio, uBnv anu laggart,
Nays M easts. Crebh, Crctowell. Finney. Oregf, Uor
ris, Penrose and itruther 7
Bo the question was determined hi the flmrmatlvs.
On the question,
Will tbe Pciiate agra in the Bcond amendment f
rne yf wy wera taken agreeably to lha bfoTl
jpiis of the Cniit tnti,... ... r. r.. .
..,. , r lenniaeiia lugrma, jnrrtnn, ivnox, iau
bauch, Uwie My.r Bellern, HU man, Souther, Steeia,
8trauh. Welsh, ilkins, Wright uudTsggart, Speaker.
Nxt s Messrs. CnfT n.t.k nMm nim
Killinger, Penrose and Sc, ifidd . . ' f
me questiou was oeu-rtntned tn the amrmutiv.
On the question,
Will tha Senate aje?toMth third ammendmrntt
The reus and nave were la it ah avtiM-tihlv tn thn f.rmai.
tut. on, and were as follow, vie:
YeasMessrs. Brewer, Urown, Crabh, Crcsswell, Ely,
F,mt'B, Flenmkn, Froxer, lneram, Jordan, Killinger.
Sonther, Steele, dtn.ub, Welsh, Wilkins and Wright 24,
mn'i voney, uregij, rinris aim re u ruse -4.
So the question was determined in tha affirmative.
On the quenmn,
Will the Semite a?ree to the focith amendment ?
Tha yual and iwvs were taken aarecublv to the Constitu-
tution, and were hs follow, vis :
Veus Measrs. Brewer, Browne, Coffey, Creaswell, Ely,
Evans, Flenniken, FrriKer, Ingram, Killinger Knox, lau
bach, l,rwis. Mver. Sconeld. Sellers. Shuman. Hnuiher.
Steele, Straub, WVxh. Wilkins and Wtight i3.
nays Messra. Crnbb, r limey. Joruttn and renrose 4.
So the quest i in was deteriniueil In the uthrmaliva.
Ix tub Hovsb vv nxraBsitxrarivas,
Apiil 0, 1837.
Tbo lesoliitinn nrnposinc araeitdmenta to the Omntliu-
tttm ol the Commoiiwealtti behig under cunsidarutiuu,
V'l tUC UtLltl,
Will tha House ngrce to tbe first amendment f
The yens and navs were taken ngreeubly to the provi
sion! of Urn Constitution, audou the first piopuscU aiuvud-
Veus Messrs. Anderson, Aithur, Backhouse, Bail, Beck
Bishop, Bower, Bruvu,Calhoun, Campbell, Chiise, Clea
ver, CrRwf'-nt, lickey, Knl, hyslt-r, Fausttld, Foster,
(JiSboney, Uildca, ilamul, linrpur, Bcius. lliestand, Hill,
Hillnga. II:jfTiiiau, Uerksj linbrie, I imis, Jacobs, Jenkins,
Johns.m. KaulTiuxn, Kerr, Knighti Leiseming, Longaker,
Lovett, MHneurtMuugle.M'Cuhuont, M'llvaiu. MiKiheud,
Muiuma,, iNich'jU, Nichols m, v.unumacher,
Pcaison, Peters, Petriken, Hownall, Pureed. Ramsey,
fPhiladrlphis,) Kamsey, (York,) Reamer, Reed, Roberts,
Uupp, bhaw, Shsui, Smith. (Cambria.) Smith. (Centre)
SievetisoM. Tolan, Vail, Vnnvoorhis, Vickors, Voeghlev,
Water, Westbruok, Wharton, Wiliiston, WtUwruw,
W'tight, Ziinuiarniau and Geta, Speaker TH.
Nays Messrs. Buckus, Benson, Iirk. Hamilton, Uau
cock, lime, HotTmaii, (hclauon,) lebo. Stiuthvrs, Thorn,
Warner and Wintrod- W.
So the question wus Uelermined iu tliealtirinativa.
Ou the question,
Will the Houso Htrree to tha seetind amendment?
The yeas und nas weretukeu ngreeubly to Ilia provi
sions of the Coiuiuution, aud were as follow, viz :
Yeas Messrs. Anderson, Backh -ust), Ball, Beck, Bow
er. Caibouu. Cumpbell, Carty, Km, Funs td, Foster,
li.ldea. Humsl, Umi pel, Ileitis, HieManU, Hillegas, Ilnfl.
mau,(Berks Ilouvekeepfr, liubtio, limes, Jenkins, Johns,
Johusou, KuutfuiQii, Knight, Lcisenrlng, Iyngukur, Lsovctt
MstiH-dr, Maugla, M'livnin, Moofeh;ud, MuKselmsu, Ni
clttils, Niobdon, Nunemicher, Pearson, Peters, Petrikin j
Pownnll. Turcell. Ramsey, Philadelphia, Ramsey,
(York) RtMincr, tlrberu, Rupis tShuw, Sloan, Tolan, i
Vail, Voeghlev, Walter, Wslbiook, Wharton, Zi in mer
man and Uetx, Speaker 57.
Nays Messrs. AurLhur, Augustine, Bsekns, BenMi,
Bishop, Bmwii, Chase, Cleavrr, trawford, Kysttr, Oib
bony, Hamilton. Hnncnrk, Hill, Iline, HolTinan, Leba
non, JmcoIis, Kerr, Ljbo, M'Culmont, Mumtna, Recti,
Smith, (Cambria, Smith Centre, Strvenson, Struthera,
Thorn. Vunvo orhis, Vickers, Wagoiiscller, Wjiner, Wui
trotle. Wi herow and Wright M.
So the question wus Uateirmntd lu the slTirtnative.
On the question,
Will the Houm: agree to the third amendment
The yeas and navs were taken ngreeubly to the pro vi
inita of the CoiiRtitution.and were us follow, viz:
Yeas Mesitrs. A jderson, Buckhuie, Bsll, Beck, Ben
son, Bower, Ilrowi. Calhnnn, Campbell, Chase, Cleaver,
Ornwftrd, Dit ker, Knt, Kysttr, Fausnld, Foster, Oihbo
ney, Hamel, Haiper, Ileins, HeisUnd, Hill, Hillegnsi, Holf
man (Berks) H -rTtniin (Ijfitanon,) Ilouiekeej)er, Itnbrie,
I nncs, Jacobs, Johns, Jithnmn, KautTn-an, Kerr, l.ebo,
lxniifuknr, I.ovett, Mauear, Muugle, M'Calmont, M nr
head, Muinina, Munstlman, Nichols, Nicholson, Nuue
inuchcr, Pearson, Peters, Peiiikin, Powimll, Purcell,
IUmey, (York.) Benmrr, Pe-:d, fltipp Shaw, Shan,
Smith, (Cainbria,) Snnth, (Centje,) Steve isii, Tolan,
Vail, Vai.voorhia, Vtckeis, Voeghley. Wig inseller West
brfKik. Witlistou, Wiiherow, Wright, Zimmerman and
Getz, Speaker 74.
lus MesMs. Arthur, Augustine, Backus, Biship,
Catty, D"ck, Oildea, Hamilton, Hsncock, Htne, Jenkins,
Knight, I.seurtnr, M'llvKtn, Itamnoy, (Phtiadelphin,)
Rotierta, Struthars, Thoin, Waller, Warner, Whartou and
Wintrod 2i.
So the queHti')n was delcruiiucd intbeaffirmatira,
Ou the qinitLion,
Willihe Hoie urree to the ftiuth amendment
The yens mid nnjs were. tnken wgneably to the provi
sions of th Constittuiou, and were as follow, viz :
Yeas Messrs. Anderaon, Arthur Backhouse. Bnckue,
Boll, Beck, Beus'Ui, Bishop, Bower, Brown, Olhoun,
Campbell. Carty, Chnse, CleHver, Crawford, Dickey, Knt,
Eyster, Fuusold, FstT, fiiblvncy, GiUIra, Ham el. Har
per, Ileins, Hiestnnd, Hill, Hilleuas, Hoifmaii, (Berks)
iiitrmun, (f,t)auo(0 Houekeetwr, lintr;e, Inttes, Jncotis,
Jenkins, Johns, John 'it,, Kerr, I.eUt, I .ei sen
ring, laOngakr, 1'vett, Maueni, Muuvle. M'CjImnnt.
M'ilvain, Sltiinma, Muneehnnii, Nichols, Nicholson, Nune
maciicr, penra.-ii. Petets, I'etriktn, Pownnll, Pu'cell,
Ramsey, IPluladelphia Utnnsey, (York ) Reamer, Herd,
Roberts, Rupp, Sliuw, Sloan, Smith (Cambria,) Smith
(I'entie.) Steveiisxai. Tolan, Vail, Vunvonrhis. Vickers,
Vorshley, Wngonseller, Wa ner, Wctbrn,ik, W'hurton,
WilliHton, Withentw, Zinmittriiuiuaiiil Uetz Spenker. f-3
Nays Messrs Dock, Hamilton, Hancock, SUutbers,
l hiru, Wintr.Hle and wngtn. i.
So tiie questiou was dettrmmod in the affirmative.
SarRRTAitT's Orrica, )
lUrusU'U'K, June 'Wi, ltj.
Pennsylvania, $s.
I do hereby rertify that e above aud ("TtfrAnw Is a
true and cot reel copy of the "Yeas' und 4Nys" taken
on the Uasolutiou proposing amendments to the Coiisiitu
turn of the Coimnniiwealih, us the same appears on the
Journals nf the two Houses of the General Assembly of
this Common wealth for the session of 1KV7.
I WiLuess my hand ami seal of said otTtne, this
) L.S. twenty-sec. day of June, one thouaund eight
j uunurca ana mty-seven.
Secretary of the Commonwtulth.
July 4, 1627.
The Shipping Port of the Trevorton Coal
and Hail Eoad Company ;
Also the Urminus of the Trevorton Jiail Road
and Junction tiith the New Ui idge cros
sing Susquehanna River to the jiresent
terminus of the
THE above lots will be offered for aale at
On SA'l URDAY, the 25A day of July 1857.
At II o'clock, A. M. The Lots embrace some
of tho beat building and business locations in the
village. Port Trevorton is destined to grow very
fast, and has among other auvamagfs tuose to
be derived from the comp'etlon of the Northern
Central Railroad and its connection with the
Railroad of the Trevorton Coal and Railroad
Company, leading to their exiuusive mines, which
will make it one uf the largest coal shipping
porta above the Junction. It has also the busi
ness growing out of the Canal and Basin, and
Bridge across tbe Susquehanna. The bridge
ofl'ering the only facilities for miles up and down
the river, for forwarding co'intry produco to
Northern and Eastern markets, by Railroad.-
Port Trevorton baa the further advantage of be.
iug sustained by s rich and exleiuive agricultu
ral country in the vicinity.
Terms of Hula. Purchasers will pay ten per
cent Cash, the balance in lin e instalments at
one, two and three years, with inter eat annually
on the amounts uupaid ; improvements valued al
Two Hundred Dollars, to -be put on each lot
within eighteen months from tiie day of pur
Port Trevorton, June 20, 1857.
The Trusters of the Methodist E. Church at
Trevortop, give notice to the Publio that they
will sell at private sale, TUttft Liu o on rea
aoable terms snd will give good warrantee deeds.
for ths earns. Inquire of any on or tb 7 rus
June tO, 18ST St
SUGAR CURED HAM. A lot uet received
and for wl. by. LEYI SEA8H0LTZ
AyrS 1857.
Dry Good llcnily made Clothing, Roofs and Shoes, Hard
ware, Groceries, lat 1ueenTrarCt Vc.y
Among our present Stock may bo found French Lawna, Poplins, Fancy Silks, PUid Ducl, TIsuum,
.Dcrcges, lJetiegva, Challl, Black Silks, Alps era, Oinuham, Swiss Wull, I'arlton, Cambria. Nain
took, Urilliants, Dimity, Hook Mumlin, Bcbinatt Collars, fcfwtsa Fiouncing, Inucrting, Lace, IUb
bona, Hosiery, and a general assortment of FANCY G00D3.
Embracing thn most beautiful styles, all qualities and prices. Domestic Goods, VVIuJsor fihsjes,
Oil Cloths and Carjieta. Summer Goods for gents wear of every variety. Hardware smnracins;
all kinds er building material, Carpenters loo's of ths bast manufacture, Files of eysrf descrip
tion, Cutlery, Blioe I hidings, Lasts, Ac.
Former efforts; surpassed In Quantity and Qnallty.
In aJJUiou to our former Store Room, we hare fitted up the second sOry of our establishment
which you will And well slocked with Ready Made Clothing;, Knots and Shoes combining beauty
durability and cheapness. We shall continue to receive Goods 8eml Monthly, thus rendoiiiig our
assortment at all tidies complete, another Inducement to all who wish to purchase.
Wo return our thanks t.i the public for their liberal patronage, and respectfully Invite an inspec
tion of our Unoda, as w deem it a pleasure tn wait on all who may favor us with a call.
q q q q q i q 5$ q q q q q
Bar Iron, Steal. Nails, Ticks, Grab Hoes, Mason Hammers, Mill Saws, Window Sash.
Grindstones, Glass, Faints, Oils, Fish, Salt, Cheese, Heat, &o always on hand.
Sunbury, May 80, 1857. tf E. Y. BRIGHT & 80N.
V OTICE is hereby given that tho several
Courts of Common l'lcas, General Quarter
Sessions of the poacc, and Oprhana' Court. Court
of Oyer and Terminer and Goncral Jail Delivery,
in and for the county of Northumberland, to
commence at the Court IK use, in the borough oi
Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the
3d day of AUGUST next, and will continue
The coroner, Justices of the Peace and consta
bles in and for the county of Northumberland, are
requested to be then and there in their proper per
sons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, and
other remembrances, to do those things to their
several uHicca appertaining to be done. And al
witnesscs prosecuting '.n behalf of the Common!
wealth against any prisoner are also requested and
commanded tu be then and'there attending in their
proper persons to prosecute against him, as shall
be just and not to depart without leave at their
peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their
attendance, at ths lime appointed agreeable to
their notices.
Given tinder my hand at Sunbury, the 27th day
of June in the year of our Lord one thnusind
eight hundred and fifty-seven and tha Indo
poMcloijce of tho Uuiled States of America the
God save the Commonwealth.
Sheriff's Oflice, Sunbury,
juno n, too i. j
MISS LOUISA S1IISSI.ER, respectfully in
forms the citizens of Trevorton and sur
rounding county, that she has opened a new
storo of Millinery and Fancy GootJs, at Trevor
ton in Shainokin street, nearly opposite Knouse s
Tavern, where all kinds of lionnets and I ancy
Goods can be had at the lowest terms.
Diem nialing also attended to i the best
manner and latest style.
April 20, 1857. tf
Isn't It So !
I Use ARTHUR'S Celebrated
iSelf-Renting Cans and Jars,
land you will have fresh fruit
Freeh Fruit jail the year at Summer prices
Full directions for puttii g up
all kinds of' Fruit and Toms
loos, accompany these cans and
j yiif-y are made of Tin, Glass,
.QucciiHwnro and Firs and Acid
Iproof S'tone Ware. Tho sizes
IB WI3XXI1 are uom l''"u 10 gallons. The.'S
cans and jars are entirely open
at the tops, and neit, to secure
economy in transportation.
r or sale by s tore keepers
EETTEE throughout the United States.
ucscripiive circulars scut on
application . IV Orders from
the trade solicited.
lie sure to uk for "Arthur's."
It hus stood the test of two sea-
THAKT I'ona, having ben used by hun-
reus oi uiou-iaiuM oi i.imiucs,
notel and boarding hduse kee
We are now making them
ibr the million.
fTrrrTTBt Arthur, Burnham & Gilrov.
uajiuiaciurers under tne rait-ul
N. Ji cor. Truth A George Sts.
Philadelphia, June 13, 1S57 3m
We oiler for sale LIVERPOOL FINE SALT,
Liverpool G. A. SALT. Liverpool Dairy SALT,
Country Me roll ants who will send us their
orders in advance, with instructions to ship
when we have a cargo AFLOAT ! Can secure
Fine or G. A. Salt ut nve cents per sack less oil
the ship, than it can be sui plied out ot store.
CA Kit, GlrJSK 4.UU,
Grain and Lumber Commission Men-hunts,
Spears Wharf, BALTIMORE,
Baltimore, June 77, 1857. 3t
tatate of Chi IstJau Fillips, dee'd.
JOTICE ia hereby given to the creditors and
' others interested, that the Orphan's Court
uf Northumberland county, having appointed
tho subscriber Auditor to apportion and distri
bute the balance uf aaid estate in the hands rf
William Elliott the Administrator ; he will at
tend lor the purpose at his olfice in the Borough
of Sunbury, ou Monday the 30th day of July
next, at IU pVlock, A. M. Creditor are warn
ed that it is not suflicient to have given their
accounts and claims to the Administrator, but
they must attend tosae that the claims are pre
sented to the Auditor at the lime appointed and
are duly proved and sustained, otherwise they
uiuy not be iucluded in the distribution.
Sunbury, June 27, 1857. Auditor.
TV'OTICE is hereby given that a Special Court
-L' for the trial of causes in the Common Pleas
will commence st the Cuurt House in Sunbury
on Monday the 13th day of July for one Week.
Jurors and others interested will kttend.
Given under my band at bunbury, the let day of
June in the year of our Lord one thousand
. eight hundred and fifty-seven and the Inde
pendence of tha United States of America the
Cod savs the Commonwealth.
H EN KY WEISE, Sheriff.
Sasairr's Omcs, )
Sunbury, June 7, 1857. )
List of Causes,
fJOR trial in the Adjourned and Special
' Court of Common Pleas of Northumber
land County, to be held et Sunbury, on the Snd
Monday of July, A. 1)., 1857.
Jacob Yonida, vs David Lewis, Zerbe Run ir
Shamokiu Imp, Co,
Jacob M Salide vs Kimbar Cleaver
Charles Pleasant vs Mahanoy & Shamo
kin Imp co.
Jesse C Jlortoa vs Jaa Beaehum V Wm L
ProthonoUry's OfBce )
Sqnbury, June 6, 187. i
BROWN'S and BmIdVs Ewoo of Ganger
and Kesharwl's Migosi at
March 14, 'Ot. rigllEa'S-
Spring and Summer Fashions for 1857
-A.T dp. "w. Gn.Arxr's
Market Square, Sunbury.
TV'OW received and will continue to receive,
v the largest and beat selected Stock of
Black Cloths, Cassimeres, Cussinetts and
Vestings, j-c.
An assortment of Dress Goods, vis: Fancy
printed Calicos, Chillies, printed Lawns, De Lains
Bareges, Merinos, Cashmeres, Alapseae, Dress
Silks, Ginghams, Scc.
Irish Linen, bleached and brown Drilling, Sheet
ing, Pillowcaseing, &e.
Dress Trimmings in Groat Variety.
Boots and Shoea
Hats and Caps,
8 ALT and FISH, Cheese, Crackers, Segara,
Tobacco, Snuff, dee., an aasorsment of other
Goads too tedious to mentioh.
Feeling grateful far past favor we beg leave to
assure our old friends and the public that no
cflort on our part shall be wanting to merit a
continuance of our patronage.
Country produce taken in exchange St the
highest market price.
Sunbury, May 30 , 1857. tf
Revolution in the Dry Goods Business ! ! I
J. F. & I. F. KLINE,
Respectfully announce to their fiienda and ths
public in general that they have received at their
Store in Upper Augusta township, Northumber
land county Pa., at Klines Grove their Spring
and Summer GOODS, and opened to the public
a general assortment of merchandize Ste.
Consisting in part of Cloths, black and fancy
Cass'mcrs, Satiuetts, Checks, Kentucky Jeans
together with a general assortment of Spring
and Summer Goods adapted to all classes of per
sons. Ready made Clothing, consisting of Ceats and
Ladies Dress Goods,
Summer Shawls, Ginghams, Lawns, Ducals,
Calicoes, black Silks Ire.
Also a fresh supply of Drugs and Medicines,
Groceries Jc, of all kinds.
A new aupply of Hardware, Queensware,
wooden ware brooms Q c.
A large assortment of Roots and Shoes salts
bla for men women and children.
School Books, Stationery, Envelopes, Ink, Ac.
Fish un Salt.
And all goods usually kept in a eeuntry store.
Come and sec, Coine one, come all.
Tho public are respectfully Invited to call and
examine our stock belore purchssing elsewhere.
All of the above named stock of goods will be
sold positively at low prices for cash, or in ex
change for country produce at the highest mar
ket price.
Thankful fur past favors we hope by strict
attention to business to merit a continuance of
the nine.
Kline's Grove, Pa., May 16, 157 tf
Readme have endorses the cuneiit
XM of pubiie opinion, and conlirined
ine vviuici Ol ruoia iiicui "v v.-
dental fires, proving conclusive y
tiiot "Ileinng's" is lucouly &A1'
Uiat will uol burn.
Extract fioin th. Committee's
Hepoitoa tbe Tiiul of Irou Bales
at Ucsduig :
'On the Mill of February all the members of the Com
milieu met to witneas the Sale, ond books and pupera,
(placed in them) snd were perfectly satiafied tlial all was
riRlit. T!i. day following, the burning t"k place, under
the superintendence of the. Committee. After a lair and
impartial burning for fi? hours, tli. Sufe of Mears.
Kvans Watson wns Orst opened, the Solo being on file
liiaidu, and the contents partially consumed, while the cou
tents in the riafe ot Measrs. Furrels ft llernug wei. iB
IFoimJ condition, and no lire inside."
H. tiding. March , Vfil.
(Swued,) H.F.FF.MX. )
P.N COLUMAM, JCommltt...
A. H. l'UACOCK. )
And endorsed by over SO of the tt men of Reading.
The above Safes call be inspected at 34 Walnut Ulreot,
where the pubiie ran satisfy themselves of the treat sUo
riority of the "ilerrius's t'atent Clwmpion," over the
defatl and used u.i "inside Iron Door C-ultuunder."
Farrcls & Ilerrlu?,
34 Walnut St., Philada.
Only makers iu this Stat, of Herring's Tatent Chamniuu
Tue attempt made by other parties to bolster up tho
reputation of a Safe wlmk bos failed so signally it acci
dental fires in Pliilndetphil, (Hauatead Flack,) by takine;
on. uut ttfan agent's sure, (H. A. Lsutz,) l nude dmbl.
thiekueaa, (ciftereirt from those tiiey sell) to "burn up"
cue of Herring's (half as thiek) has met with its tru. re
ward. Herring's Safe could liot be burnt, proving eonclu
sivelv that the oulv reliable 8uf now mad. is'-llomng's"
of winch over 15,000 ar. now iu actual use, sua mom
than ( hav. beeu tried by fir. without a Bingla loss.
Phils., June W. 157 ty.
Retired PlijHlclan, 7 vests of age
having lost his Father, two Brothers, Daughter,
Son-in-law, Nephews and Nieces, by that dread
ful disease, Consumption, and sulToring with a
Cough himself, determined to visit the East In
dies, Egypt and Japan, where he discovered a
Preventive and Certain Cure fur Colds, Coughs,
Bronchitis, Consumption, Nervous Debility and
Asthma. His cough was cured immediately ;
he retarned, cured hia Kclativea, who inherited
the disease, and in connection with hia eon have
employed it in their practice, curing thouaanda
of cases considered hopeless by others. For the
purpose of rescuing as many of his sufToriug fel
low beings as possible he is sending the Recipe
to all who wish it for 10 cents t 3 of it to pay the
postage, and 110 balunce printing. Addiese Dr.
Hutu 101 Spring street, eppestte St. Nicholas
Hotel, New York.
Jane 13, 1867 8m 1 v o
Essence of Juiualca Ginger.
THIS articla is eai.fully pi.psrrd from the beat Jamuics
Ginger, all ilia vuluuLls oiadiciistl pro pet lira of which
n is warranted to possess ia a ooabOutruivd aud couv.
uieul form.
it is an excellent reined? In dyspepsia, (latuUme, cho.
lie and impaired aiut fae.bat state uf tu. aiaouv. luuc
linns. From ilsrafleahiiui stieuath and t'OnluU piopfrties
as s fantla stiiDulaUna tonic it is wall adapted to counua
aet the debilitating; influenc is the extteiae Seats (4 suia
ater , the edeets of sudden ehangts. &o.
No leiujlv should b. withiajt it, a us tinvely. use will
suv. them from many an suioa. attack of luurae.
Price as nts per bottle. For sulv by
June So, t&J. 4ta
nYDBOLEUM PAINTS. These paints are
mixed with wstee, thereby eavii) tbe cost
of oil, fur eels by
Mt lT( '" 1 H H
M ". n ii . in ii iiniejr
KETCHTJlrra CombinedSBoaperttnA
For 1657 Is ths most complete machine ia use,
and the one beet adapted to the wants of th
First. Being wholly made of Iaoa it la mar
'durable than any other.
Second. It e so simple that any person east
readily manage it.
Third. It is so strongly and well built, that
it cannot easily get out of repair.
Fourth. It Is neat and compact, occupying
less apaoe than any other.
Filth. The frame ia so easily balanced that
thare is no weight on ths horses' necks.
8ixth. There is little or no side draft.
Seventh. It will cut heavy and light grass
squally well,
Eighth. It ruts wet grass aa well as dry.
Ninth. Tho new cutter bar wheel lessens the
draft at least one fourth in mowing.
Tenth. Two horses will work it with ease
in any kind of grass or grain.
Eleventh. It is tha only machine with the
cutter bar directly opposite the shaft of the driving
Twelfth. The open cutting' blade effectually
prevents clogging in any kind of grass.
Thirteenth. It is changed in a ' fow minutes
frcm a mower to a Ilea per.
Fourteenth. It ia the only machine with a
retr and side delivery for grain.
Fifteenth. It is the only machine which glvea
the Raker control of the grain, both before and
after it reaches the platform.
Sixteenth. The adjustable spring seat, and
new reaper shoo arc capital improvements.
Seventeenth. Seven years of severe practical
trial with more than 12,000 machinea have proven
ita decided superiority. Like wine it improve
with age.
Eighteenth. All the Improvements for 18J7
have been practically and thoroughly tested.
Nineteenth. Every part of the machine Is
made by master workmen and ia the most sub
stantial manner,
Twentieth. Ketchum's Reaper snd Mower
ia warranted to cut grass and grain as well as it
can be done with a acythe or cradle.
In a word it ia just the machine which a farmer
can buy without any risk, because ample expe
rience has proven that it is reliable in all its parts
FARMERS, send in your orders early, as the
eales for tbe season have thus far been more thaa
double that of last year.
IiO S, SPANGLER Sc. CO., sole Agents,
No. 827Market St., below 7th north side,
May 23, 1857tit Philadelphia.
New Good for the People !
OESPECTFULLY Informs the public in gen,
eral that he has just received snd opened a
splendid stock of
at his New Store, in Lower Augusta township.
His stock consists in part of
Cloths, Cassimers, Casslnet.
of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted.
Calicoes, Ginghams, Lawns.
OlouMscIlno Do Laities
a ad all kinds ef Ladies Dress Goods.
Ala aa assortment of Hardware, Iroa
and Steel, Nails, &c
Also an excellent assortment of
QUEENS WARE, of various styles sa4
Also aa assortment of BOOTS & SIIOEf.
IIAT8 & CAP8, a good selection.
Salt, Fish, ic.
And a great variety of other articles such as are
suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold at
the lowest prices.
ft Country produce lakes in exsltaiiga a
the highest prices.
Lewer Augusta, June 8, 183T.
South Fourth S.t, aboe Chesnnt, PhiTei,
OOTS, Shoos, Gaiters, tc, promptly msde
to order tu the very best style, and al tee
best material.
Philadelphia, May 9, 1857.
Baddle and Harness Maker.
Successor to A. J. Stroh,
RESPECTFULLY informs tha
fg&gy citiiena of Sunburv and the pub--r.-i'A.
He generally, that lie has taken
the establishment lately occupied
A. J Stroh and is prepared to turn cut woik ia
is line of business equal to any made in this,
section of the country, Oiders promptly execa
ted and alt kinds nf produce taken in Eichange
Sunbury, May 9, 1R57. ly
UNLIKE the more ephemeral Macaxiaea so"
the day, these Periodicals lose little by ago,
Hence a full year of the Nos. with no omissions,
for IS56, may be regarded nearly as valuable as
for 1S57. We propose to furnish the two years
at the following Extremely low Raiea, viti
For Blackwood's Msgasine, 4 60
For any one Review, 4 00
For any two Reviews; 8 00
For Blackwood and one Review, T 00 '
For Blackwood and the two Reviews. 9 00
For three Reviews, 8 00
For Blackwood and three Reviews, 18 01
For the four Reviews. 11 0U
For Blackwood and the four Reviewe, 14 00
To avoid fractions, $5 may be rerrfilted (ot
Blackwood, for which we will forward that
work for both years, post paid.
N. B. The price in Great Briuin of the five
Periodicals above named is about (31 per aa
aum. As e shall never again be likely to &!!ur suett
inducements as those here presented.
Now is the time te Subscribe 1 1
N. B. Remittances must, in all cases, be made
direct to the Publishers, for at these prices ne
commission can be allowed to A tents.
No. 64 Gold-street, New York.
April 4. 1SS7 tf
BTJig-BTJIl-Z", FA..
Office in Deer Street, immediately oi posits tie
Pubiie School House.
All business promptly attended to. Mouses
collected and all ordinary writings dona,
Sunbury, April 85. 1857 tf
Fasnlonalile, llieap and Vsefnl
THE subscriber, long established as a Cabinet
and Chair Manufacturer in Sunbury, thank
ful for past favors, solicits s continuance of the
public patrouage. Uis atock ef Cabinet-Ware
Chairs, 4 c-, embraces
in' housskeepiug. It is unnecessary to enume
rate, as anything that may be required in his
line csn be bad at moderate prices, Cheap fur
Cash, or Country Produce taken ia exchange.
South East Corner ef JJat kei Square.
3T T'tieae knowing themselves iadebted us
the subscriber would ublige bim by msking psy
Punburv, April 4, 1847 if
RLANK Deeds. Mottgsgee, Bonds, Warrant,
Attachments, Commitment, Summons, Sua
pecnas. Executions, Justioes' and Constsble4'
FBilu, &r, ;cu Ve Ud by v&jUii r,