NEW ARRANGEMENT I Fresh Arrival of DRUGS, PAINTS, OlLS,4c. flHE undersigned finding taken th. slor. for JL ' merly kept by W'illium A. Uruncr. is now ready to till orders and prescriptions t a mo infills notice. Ha ha. a I urge and well iclccled ttuik of freehand pure EEUGS, CHEMICALS, Dye-slurT, Oil, Paints, G'ass, Patty, and all kirnli of Patent Medicines. FRt'IT AND CONFECTIONARY Tobacco and Imported Begun of the choicest brands. Fancy Notions' toilet article, and Per fumery of all kirnli. Tooilt and Hair Brushes of every variety. Camphint and Fluid always on hand. Cnaio.Tieri will find his stock complete, com prising many articles it is impossible here to enu tncrate, and all sold at moderate prices. Kerncmhcr the place, licit door ta E. Y. Uriglit't Mammoth Slurs. A. W. FIK1IER. Sunbury, March 14. 1887. BKOADWAY TAMILY GROcIryT Flour, Feed and Provision More. Broadway belote Blaclberry Strut. . LEVI SEASIIOLTZ, RESPECTFULLY inform ilia citixena of Sunbury and vicinity that lis has re enured to the store lately occupied by C Gcliringer iu Broadway near the Kail Road, and is receiving a choice supply of TAULIIi? OPaCCERIZS, consisting in part of lis ins, Shoulders, Mnckercl, Herring. White Fih, Cod Fish, Halt Presetted Fruit, I'icliles, Crackers, Cheese, Molasses, Kice, Sugar, Coffee, (itrecn, toasted and ground,) Im perial. Young Hyson, Gunpowder and Black Teas Cedar-ware, Stone-ware, Knaps, brushes plow and wash lines, boots and shoes, tobacco, rrgars, &c., together with every article usuull) found in a first class Grocery Store, all of which r ill be cold at the lowest prices, either for cash or country produce. He has also prepared to sup ply the citizens with fresh bread, twist, rolls, pies, pretzels and cakes of every kind. N. B. The highest ca!i prices will be paid for Vuttor and eggs, corn, oats, rye and wheat. Sunbury, April It, 1857. HOVER'S liaTJID HAIR LYE. Tins hair dye needs only a trial to satisfy nil of ill per ftcliou us hs a Uye, add the following testimonial Irom tt.jt eminent Analytic Chemist, Prorraisor Hooth, r l'tlie li. t. Mint, will tinly cmtiriu what thousands havs pre viously borne testimony to. "Uibokaiohi fob Tracticil Ciikmistst, 1 St. Stephen's 1'luce, ( rmt.AnsLriiu, Ftliruitry 17th, 1ffi7. "Brtinff well aeqnuinte'l Willi the sulistinices composing Moovhr's I.KH'i" ft air Dyk, I uin satisfied t!,at by follow Ina; site simple directions civen for its use, it will not iuiuie ths Hair or Skin, but will give a natural suit dura la eolor to the llnr. JAMES C. BOOTH, Analytic Chemist " KPOVUR'S WltlTIKU INKS, including Hoover's Fuial, and Hoover's InSelltble Inks, are ton well known and iiit.rndiu-ed to require any additional testimony of iheir rhuwter. The sides have lieen iticriiiKiinr. since their first introduction, giving evident that the articles l'r ". that intriiisio uieiit claimed at lint for Uiein by .he .Manufacturer. Pideia. addressmMo'th Manafaetorr, No. 418 RArE street above lOI HTH, (nlj Hj. Ill,) I'iiiladtlnliia, will isceiva prumpt ntirntion ly JnsKI'll E. HOOVER, Manufacturer Philadelphia, April iii, 157. ly ALEXAKDF.ll HERR hhftritr and Wholesale Dealer in SALT. S3 South Wharves, Philadelphia. ASHTON Fine, Liverpool Ground, 1 urlig inland aim Hairy rsatt, eon -JJsT'stanlly on hand and far tale in lots i-' to suit the tra ade. April 4, 1857. 6m LEASE OF VALUABLE COAL LANDS. "I'iHE Northumberland Improvement Compa JL ny invite proposals for the Lease of a por tion of their COAL VEINS, situate on their property in Northumberland county, Pennsylva nia, two and half ml!ej above the town of tsha moliir:, on.l diirctlv on the line of tho riuladel J'h'n nml Sunbury Hail Hoad. T!:e Wins of Coal arc well located for easy ui f rofilable oper.ttion. Apply to JOSEFH B. DIXON. A Kent. Mount l.'nrniel. Ta. or to CHAS. 8. FOLWEI.L. Scc'y. 18 South 3d street, Philadelphia. Marth 7, 1S57. 3m FURNITURE POLISH. S. KAE'S Premium Patent Enamel Furniture Polish. This polish is highly valuable for restur, in-i il.o polish on all kinds "of Furniture, (;iaa, t.'nrr: ije Bodies, Hair Cloth, Ac. Also, fur re moving spots, hiding scratches, eVc, 4c. War ranl'.d to dry immediately and retain its gloss. P:ko 50 eta. per bottle, bold by A. W. FISIIEK. March 14, J8'.7. Valuable Town I'ropcrfj FOE 'THE subscribers, desiring to go west, offer for sale a House and two Lots in the town of Shamokin, No. 20 and 81, Block 148. opposite tha Odd Fellowa' Hall, on the cornerof Sunbury and Liberty Streets. The bouse is a two and a half story brick building, well finished, with a guid store room, and a baeeinent story. Also a stable and other out-buildings and water con e incrt. The property, which is situated on the ni.iiit street and business part of tha (own, will he Gold on reasonablo terms. Fur further particulars apply to DANIEL FELLY. JEREMIAH MARTIN. Shamokin, April II, 1657. If ALMONDS, RAISONS, FIOS, LEMONS. " &C, Ac., just received a frcah aupply and tar sals at the Confectionary store of M. C. GEAKII ART. Punburyfay 18, 18S7. Citrate of Magnesia OR TASTELESS 8ALTS. 'JIIIS preparation is recommended as an ex cellent laxative and purgative. It operates liui.'ly, is entirely five from any unpleaaant taste dt':ubliiig UmoiiiJo in flavor, prepared and sold -y A. W. FISHER. Sunbury, March l i, IfS6. MISS A. M. TOMER, Successor to Mrs. M. Hill. k unblonabls) Slrar and Fancj Mlllluer, Mo Wl North fWnd Sireet, helow Nobis, opnisils Red l.iou ilotrJ, PailadVlp .i I.T,rt:R,N.,,,n,"s reads to order. Orders resnset- X tu. y s .Inifd ad promj.Hjr tleia!ed to. Match tlb, 157. am w WEW CONrECTIONARV WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. 0. GEAHJIA11T, XT AS just received a new and cxcellont assort ment of goods at his Confectionary and Fruit Store io MARKET STREET, Sunbury. where lie nianufactarea and keeps on hand, at all limea, the most choiea Confectionary, Ac. Wholesale and Retail, at Philadelphia price. ' Aiiiong U.s stork f Conlectionaries, maybe fcund : French 8cts, A:.nona ilintru Wtnta, " l.- ji a Vamlts, 1'Uuai.ea, . ass Drops, aN kinds f scant, Lava Prut, Mini l)ro red sad wkikr. i'llv Cakes, ' Finn Uri'ps, flick Candtas, all sustiss Ruek Candy, Almoiut CaMtfi TRUIT. ItansiisSf Jjlf, Curr.inls diied, IVans Fiss, Curona, Ralsnns, Nuts si Inaas AilllOltb, LEMON SYliUP of a superior quality, by the aingle or doaan. A upariar quality of Segars and Tobacco, and a variety of Confeclinnaries, fruit, eVe, all of which is offered cheap at wholesale or retail. IOB CREAM. He has also opened an Ice Cream Saleon, and will at all tjtnei be reaJy io serve his customers with Io Cream. uat(17, May ?, ISaW-!y SALAMANDER FIRS THIEF-PROOF SAFES. The largest assortment in the United 8tatee. Warranted to be equal to any now made, and will be told on as Good Terms, as can be obtain ed from any other house in the Country, at EVANS St WATSON'S 28 South 4 th Stroct, Philadelphia. Truth is Mighty, and Must Prevail. lh;ort nf the. Committee appointed to tuper in tend the Burning of (he Iron Safet, at Head ing, February 27, 1857. Rkadiro, March 4. The indersi)tnc(l, members of the committee, do reipectl'ully report, that we raw the two Safes originally agreed upon by Farrels & Herring and Evans & Watson, placed side by side in a fur, vizt The Safe inuve by tha Paymaster of tho Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Compa ny, in his oflice at Heading, manufactured by Farrels ,V Herring, and the Safe in use by 11. A. I.antz, in his store, manufactured by Evans A. Watson, and put in books and papers precisely alike. Thefire was started at 8 J o'clock, A. M., and kept up until four cords of green hickory, two cords dry oak and half chesnnt top wood were entirely consumed, the whole under tho su;erin leudeiice nf the suhscrilicrs, members of the Com mittee. The Kates were then cooled oft' with water, after which they Were opened, and tha books and papers taken out by the Committee and Kent to H. A. Lanti s store for public exam ined and marked by the Committee. The books and papers taken from the Sale manufactured hy Farrels 6V Herring were in our judgment, damaged fully fifteen per cent, more than those tsken from Evans & Watson's Safe. We believe thn above to have been a fair and impartial trial of the respective qualities of both Sales. JACOB H.DY8HER, DANIEL S. HUNTER. Having been absent during the burning, we fully coincide with the above statement of the condition ol the papers and booka taken out of the respective Sales. G. A. NICCLLS. II. II. MUHLENBERG, JAMES MILHOLLAND. March SI, 1857. H. WAUD, MKircrcsRK and in S TRAW GOODS, No. 77 & 79 North ccnnl Sireet, Pliilndtlpsia. Are now receiving, their Sin-ills' Stock, which will com" prit a larpe ami desirahle uxeottiiieiit nf all kinds of eVritAW and LACK BONNETS. Their stock ,.f Bow ers will be unusually large this se'ismi, and therefore in vite your especial ntlenrinn to Unit depart ment JNeuse cull and examine tlicm before making your purchases. Waich 11, ltujj. in THE DAUPHIN & SUSGLUEHANNA RAILROAD. TJONNECTS the Reading Railroad at Au burn, on the Schuylkill, (10 miles below Potlsvillo.) with the Northern Central Kailrnad, at Duuphin, on the Susquehanna, and witii the Pennsylvania Railroad at liockvillp, (5 miles above Harriaburg,) and runs usi passenger train in winter, and two passenger trains in summer through between Auburn and Harris burg, each way, daily, (Sundays excepted.) on times arranged ts connect properly with these roads; with the Cumberland Valley and Uarris burg and Lancaster Railroads, at Harriaburg, and with the Cattawissa Railroad, and ita north am connections at Port Clinton. ELLWOOD MORRIS, Eng. sV Supt March 7, 1857 Cm.pd. E. NEWLAND Ss CO. LsaUag tilaases, Picture Frnmes, Engravings and Palnt'iugs, No. ISO Arch Street, above Sixth, (Late of 218 North Second St.) PHILADELPHIA. OiLLiaits ops rjiiLV to risiToaa. Merchants and others visiting tha City who may want anything in our line will do well to ghe us a call. February 28, 1857. 8m JOHN STONE & SOWS, Ko. 43, Second Street, Philadelphia. AKE now receiving thcit spring importation of SILK and MILLINERY GOODS, con sisting in part oi Fancy, Cap and llonnet Rib bons. Satin and Mantua Ribbons, Glace and Plain Silks, Marcclinca and Florences. 13 lack Modes, French and English Crapes, Tarlatane, Maline and Illusion Laces, 4 c. Also, a lull assortment of French and American flowers, which they offer to the trade on favorable terms. March 88, 1857. Sin., P. 3. BLACKWOOD'S MAGAZINE AND . The Rrititih Quarterly Review Great inducements to Subscript COST KKDL CKU 50 To 74 riiR CKNT. J SCOTT . CO., New York, continue to publish a' l-ic following leading British Feii'idieal, viz : I THE LONDON QUARTERLY, ConssrvaUvs. THE EDI.NBURO RF.VliJW, Whig. THI1 NORTH 1IRIT1SI1 REVIEW, Free Churea. THE WESTMINSTKR REVIEW, Liberal. BLACKWOOD'S EDIXnURQ MAGAZINE, Tory These Feri.KliculsHbly represent the three great politi " Parties of tircat Brilaiii-Wliig, Tory anil Radical but politics forms only one fea.ure of their charnct. r. As organs ol the mittt orolound wi iters on Science. Litera tine Morality U Itclisiun, they .hey ever have sto,i,ui,r,vullcd in the world of letters, be,g considered ',7'?'"l!We i",,"'8 ,Ch"""r B,U "' ProfeisLKial man, wlille to the intelligent reader uf everv elaas thej luinuh t'TJ'fTV "'satiafaetory reco.J of Uie current ln.-r-s ure of the day, Ihroualmut Hie work' tliau euii be imjs.1 lilyobiained fiom any other source. f,fiA.f ''iV V'il'":i? TThe rece'P "f Advance Sheets Ji ram I lie llritish pul.h.hers gives uddiliouul value to these "epniiU, Miss much us they cuu now le placed in iha ham a of subst riLers about as soon as ths original editions. TERMS. (Regular Prieei) F. any on. of th. four Reviews, P,r,n:'J F"r any two of the four Reviews, s on For any three of the four Reviewa v'nn For all four ol Ibe Reviews, ' Z'fS For Hluekw.H,.!'. Macazine, J' I or lilackw.iod and thnc Reviews, JvJ I- or llliickwooil and the four Reviews. in ()0 1 avinenl. to Iw made in all eases in udvanco. Mraiev cuT. 'el'.n ,l,hI:',eM.'erl''l,l', w,"h 'eenvedut par lOhlAOF. Hie I', snice t.. auv lirl ol the L'liiletl Sl.le. will he but TWEXTV-FOL'li O l:N!M . yea "for 'Blackwo.Hl. and but l Ol RTEEN CKMU a yea, each ol 11, e Reviews. ' foMW "l"""l'"Ct' "' re'Kli':ttl, w"l l funiislied SPLENDID OFFERS FOR 180 AND 1657! Viilike the more ephemeral Maeutlnes of the (lay, ihes. Periodicals lose little by nee. Ilenca a full year f lb. "e (With no omiuissltais) lor 1-6, mny be reeurd nuirlv wars at the following extrcuuly uw rales, viz For UlaekA-ivHt'a .Vugaziiie, Sri 50 l or any one Review, 4 I0 For any two Review, 'M For Hlickwj.Hl and one Review, t no For lllackwiKl and two Heviewa. ii'iio Forthree Reviewa, p For Hlack win tl and three Reviews, pno For the lout Reviews, h'uq F'er Itlackwnod and the four Reviews, iioi) To avoid fruelioiia, M may be reunited for Blackwood l..r which we will lorward that woik for botu vrara. port-jrtiid ' N B. The price in Great Rriiiiin of the Evs Period!. e s above iiHineil is alniiitll per annum As we .1,1,11 never apaiu h likely to offer such luducs Bieiiu as those here presented. AW is Me Time to Subscribe! ifciT! ""'"''T" in all eases, hs made direct la I.F.OVARD SCOTT CO, April M, 157- NU M ,,1J Bl,eBt New Vork' obacco Segars JO.noo Imported of, !ariou" 'nJ-. Kldorado, Fig, (.avcndiaib tud fineut tobacco at Bunbury, March 14. I8.S7, :OAH CUREU HAM A lot uM Pwivcd and for sale by. I,EVl SEA8HOLTZ a hiiA t v run MLB. FTIHK aultcribr offarafur sule hi. SHANTY M. Cook.ioya, Ac., on tha KaiWload Ulow Trefortoii Bridge. Apply aoon l0 i uaSnty, April t. iy, J Driiff, rnlntnnd CSIam VMOLKffAlsC WARKIIOllfE, Ootntr of Tenth anftMarket 9trerU, (vfllc In fteouftd Story,) rillLADKMMIIA. WE Invite attention tu our enlorfrrrt ititck "f truarii, Pdiiita, Oil-, Vnrninhr, Ac, fleeted exprenly fnf our mica, ami cotntriiiitf one of the fin eel Morimcuts hi the L' niietl (u.tfn, which we vStt al kw price, foi cuih or appruvetl credit. wb manufacture ry tetiveiv i Preiuiuiii Pure White I -cart, (tw-t,) KeiiftinfFt'ii me White Leud. !Vrli,nMr White Irfsnd "Vielte MoMtnene French 2mc, (beet) Pure Kii-i w bile Amerimn ihC. Philmtelphia tw White Zinc. ftilver'e Pinntic Fire attd Wenthcf pnwf PninU. Chrome Qiefiit. Yellowi, a:id eokira generally. AUKN'J-SFORt I'orter'efiiperior Alknline WiwVtw Gleta, Gmimte French I'lete Ulnim, (wurrentrtl) The New Jereey ine Company ' products, Tilflt-n and Nephew' N. Y. ViiTiiiaht-a, Mrookl) n Premium Pure White Ltaid, liuniptlrn Permnumt U recite, , Pure Ohio Ctitnwbu li randy, e. 1M PUtt TKUft OF: French anil Fiiglifth Phite GlnM, Frein h nnit Ktifilieli Cylititler Glete Cohurd and Kiurniqett Window tilH 1iigucrretype Gink. Ilmnineicd Piute fm FUwre and PkT-hgfcti, iJrujre. Ctif niicitln, IVrlnmerr, Ad. WHi l.i:ALK UKM.KKH S I l)iupRiu' Art k In ccuernlly, Fniiitcta1 Tools of nil deKripUona, IJydr&ultr anil Konutn Cenieutf t'lilritteilnnd IjiimI Hhitter. l'uiter Muker'e Clay, ftttiii White, fte.,Ap. FRKNCII, RICHARDS k CO., Store, N. W. c-r. ut Tenih and Meikel Strecta Fnrtory, Jo tiction Yotk Avenue, Crown ami Callowbill ttfctn, Plulnrlclphin. April II, 18573111 a Consumption and all Diseases oftue and Tlirout ure notiuvelv curuule h liihultttinn. wim-li convrye tlie reiuedua l the cnviHe. in the lutia tltr ugli the air iKtMuyee, and e uniig in dtretit C'liiUicl with lite Uiauiixe, ucuiralizc tl' laiten ulur iimilcr. alt; s thecouyh, c.iiiM.-a n lre and rwy expecurntion, lu'iib (he I units, pui ifice the bl nhI, iaipsiitai renewed vitality to the uci Vime aateni, piving thai tone and energy m iinliHcii :ihie I r tne ri'tturylii!! f henlth. 1 o nl.le io suite couKdeuily that Coiiauiiipti'in is cuinlile hy inhninti m is to me aurreot unnllnycil plfH.ure. It imi mucti under tlie control of medicul ireutmetit as any other formidable diseuee; iiiHety nut eviry liuinlet-d caeea cm be cured in the first abes, and nny iter ecu, in the second ; but in the Kind siuge it is iiupotsible to aive in re tlinn five per ceut , foi tee Inures are au cut up hy the disease us t bid ath.tucc to medie:ii skill. Kveit. however, in the last atu mlmlati"ii eff (rda extraordiunry relief' to the sn tiering biieiidnig thia lentlnl ec urge, winch nuuuulty destroa uiuetyhve thouiimd persons in the United Hiutt a ul-uie and a correct cu leu faith hi shows thiit of the present por ui.i-i-n of the earth, eighty millions are dealuied fcifilltue Consumptive's 9rnve. .. Truly the quiver deuih hns no arrow so fatal as cn umptioti In till ajtea it has iMieii the great enemy i( life f. ir it Smres neithei tiire M r eea, but aweepa ofl'tdike the brave, the beuulilul, the gracel'ul, and the gifted. If y the b-lp of that Supreme it ring, from whoui ctineth every go rd und perfrvt gift, I am counted to ofler to the itluVtcd a periniiiieut ami speedy cure iu Coiisuinlioii, The first cause ii tutM-relva is from impure blood, uud the iinmedi ale alTect, pi'-duewl by their disposition in (he lungs, i to pujrut toe Iree aitmiMion of air ititc the oir cells, which cWrW's u weakened vittility Ihnmgh the entiie system Then surely it is more rtilinid to expectVrotitergofd from metiieiiies euleiing the cnvitieS of tho lungs tlwoi fiom th'se a4liniuistered through the stomach; the paiieut will ulwnys hud the lungs free sod the breathini eHsy niter in hnling remedies. True, iiilml-Hiui is n l- eal rettmty, uev ertheleu it nets cnustiluf iiimilly, in id wilh moie power nitu certain!) Ih.m remedies udiuiiiistered by the sL-mneh. To piove the powerful and direct MtMuenre tf this unnte of udiniuis! rjti"ii, chloroform iuliokd will entirely deftroy eiotihil.ty iu o few minutes, pirulsing Hie entire mi vous system, so tt.ut a liiiib nny tie umputntrtl without the alitEhtt st piiii inhaling the ordinary burning gaa will de stroy hie in a few hours. The iiiliulmiou tf amin niia will rouse the txstem when faiiilingiH1 apivirently dend. Tlie ihI t o tnuny of Hie medicines is perceptible in the skin n few minutes nfter being iuhtiletl. and may be tincdmtely dtterteil in the boid A couvineiug pro. if of the met itutinnal efffctsof inhiito tiou, is the fuet thai sickness is ulwnys produced by breathing foul air. Is not thia po sitive evulenc- (lint pro per rtneilis carefully prepnr-d and tiubciusly adminis tered through the lung, should produce Hie moat hnf.pv result n? During eighteen yen pntctice. many th- usiiuda surfer :ng (nil disewvMt of the mugs and thnmt. have been under my cure, and 1 have affefteil inunv remaiknble cures even after the sufferers hud been prnnouueeil in tha hot tnges, which fully a-thnhVa nie l!mt cmuinirtioti is o ioiurrT n fatal disinse. Mv treHtinnt of c Misnmpti' n ia origuinl, and founded on long cspeiienee and u thorough My perfect acquniulnnce with the nature of tultefrles. r. eiuibles me to diMiuguish, readily, the vaii-Hi forms of disease thul siniull conauiiptiou and appl" the proper remedies rnrely being mistiikeu even in n single cnae. This fnmilinrily in connection with certain pniholoatcnl and micros ipic discivries, ennbles me t relieve the Ituu'f from the effects of contiucted chesta; to enlnrge tha chest, purify the hlcMad, impart to it renewed vitalitv. civiug energr and tone to the entire evMetn. H'i P t Office. O W GKAKAM.M.n. Office 109 Filbert Sireet, !eMv Twelfth. Philadelphia, Pa. March 91, la.')7.3ru j. iii,Mi:n & t o. Market Street Wharf, Philadelphia. DKAMORSIN FIPII AND PROVISIONS ; HAVE cnns'antlv nn hand on assortment of Mackerel, Shun. Herrings. Codfish, Beef, Fork, Laid, Shoulders ilams, Sidrs, Cheese. Rice, kc. Murch SI. 1657. 3m nORTand MAPEKIA WINES. Schiedam Schnappa, Wild Cherry brandy. Blackberry and Lavendfr brandies for medicinal pur poses at March 1457. A V. FISH EU. R. DLCOU & CO. Clothiers, No. la.1 CHUZMtT Sr., ABUVI F'otaTH, Philamlpiiia, Keep cawfluitly on W.:nd a fplendid aiTorttncnt of Ready-made Clothing. G'JOBS M.Ol TO Osocr AND Wars. an rtu 10 KIT. Not. 29. 1856 j Wall Paper &. Window Shades. j- r.. isaacs c buotiieu, Xo. 1 33 North Second Street, below liner, rMII.AUEI.I'IHA. TWAVIXO eoiii leled ilifir large atsnrlnirnf of Ihe almve Ootids for !Sirui! and Mumnirr Trade; would roptHliuIly iiuile the Iti'iiliun of I'urrlttiM'ra to the saint, 'i'tirir stork lor lirauty, cheauiit'ss and ssnely cannuX besurias- sen. The have constantly on hand every descrip tion of Cold and 1'ainted Nhades, UulT Hollands, and Shade Fixtures. Wall I'uicr, tnulains, Fire Hoard Prints, Iiordera &c , all of whirl) they oiler at lower rales than can he hal at any other eslsblishment. t 'sll ami eaainine. J.I.. HA ACS & liKO. 133 North Second Sireet, below Usee. March 7, I M.'i7 6m w 3LI1TDS A1TD SHADZD! CTOr NEW bTVLKS. 23- J. WILx.ijJk.iyts. Acr. 12, North Sixth Street, Philadelphia, IMAM FACTUtKIl !. VENITIAN BLINDS, "WTTLVKT and UOI.D UORUEKED and T PAINTED SHADES, of Lrsmilul A. aiyne. Uuir, and all oilier colors of Holland ued fur shades, fixtures, 'i'liininitigs. tne., tne., Wlmlrsule .ml lielail, at tha hi west cash ricrs. Store hoes I'oinlep to order. B. 8. W. thankful for past patronage, respert fully solicits the puhlie to call and examine his new and large assortment, before iiurcha.ins, tV"WE STUDY TO PLKASE."J Philadelphia, March 31, 1h.',7.c3,ii L. O. XVJGS' rrodue uud Fmll Kture, No. 15 North iVhumtt, Philadelphia. Shipping and (.'suntry Oonlera promptly filled on responsible orders. Farmers and Dealers' Produce Sold on Com mission. Apples, Dsnsnas, Pine A pples. Dried Fruit, Dillons. Oranges. Shell Barks, Raisins, Ilea ns, Lemons, White & Sweet Figs, Turnips, Cranberries. Potatoes, Poultry, Peaches, Ground NunU, t'hesnuts, Eggs, Ac. Foreign and Domestic Produce and Fruil cen erally, February 18, 1857. ly New Wall Paper Warehouse, BURTON & IANIIT0, MANl'FA M'l'RKHS and impniters. No. 194, Arch Slreel, seemul J. abuvs sink, HIiiMelnhia. Mi'jy lis fuuiul His hrgest siul Imt sslsoud stuck iu tlis COVNTHV PURCHAHKRS msr ker. fat accorara doled willn.ul li iiiomiveiiieiiea of Ua.kiiis fiirtlirr, and niay l s.urcd thai they w.ll r-ei. Ih. advniila.. Jf tliir wouer. BUBTON h I.AMMJ, AYER8 Cathartic Pills, (SV0AH COATED,) AM MAI TO CIEAKBB TKt EttO0 AKD CVX THS 8TCK. IitT1l1a, Fathers. Mothers, I h j-slelnne, tkhll,mhrolalat read their KtTetta, and jmlo of their Virtues. Yon TIIK CURB or Hendnchc. Mrk IIrndncieTFonl Stnmnch. 1'iTwariuj, May 1, if t)a J.C. Atbh. lr: t liaa ln repaattHy ciirei if lire In. tin any can Imve ltjr a ika rtwa of yunr I'llla. It eu artwfiwiafmilstwiarli.wbKti lliey eletut-e nt ire. If l)t" othars Hiay do me, Hie fs,t Is wtrth kimwins;. ViMii villi grmt iwct. W. f-RKTlLR, CTeri- $te,tmr I'tnritin. ClUona Diaordrra nnd IJver Complaints. DruRTJtwrr thi Txtsmoti. V i'ivimi It C., 7 ittb., lVt. ( 8:a: 1 l.ara ne1 ymr Pill fn my Bt.em! and Iwwpltal fmv-tic sYer iture yn mae rtietn, and cnno.M harltate ta say tiny ar the bet caOmrtir we employ. T.wlr r-u-latin action on tho h'r?r Is 1 1 nick and ik iilid, coiitnent ly they are an atlmltikll retmnly for dei-nn(rnien'sf that rs;an. lndoetl. I bnv s-lduM ftmnd a ihm itf Mmm ska hm so pltttlimte that It did utt readily yield to them. Fraterualljr jmim. AIa).ZO IAI,U M P., Ph$icim ttf tVr Marine HotpitaL Iyentrryt Rclnx, and Worma. Post Orrictt, HitTtKiif Mrca., Nor. 1ft. 1t6. Ta. A Tra: Vonr Pills aro ths perfet-ttnn of tneJfrfna. They Itave dutie my wifr iman s,(irI rtian 1 can tell ymi. Hhss' httil been siYk and Hnlnc airny fir uiontlis. Unit off to be dwr,,ed at sjreat utae, but not no bettor. Ht lhMi eommenreil taking: y"r I'i'ls, wldcli atjn enred her, by expelling InrRft qwiiitlrkti of rnnni (dad) fnm liar body. Thy aftrrwaidN cured her and onr two rhildiyn of bloody dywintery. 'hie uf our iKdghl'orsliad H ld and air wife cured him 1i4 w.j doses of yonr lills, whila otlieia annnd ns pid from Hve to twenty dollars doctors bills, and lot maeh time. lthont being em-ed entirely ertn then. Bneh a mfUcins its yours, wliivh Is actiiatl fpHrd aud hoovst, w ill lie piied here. UKO. t. ORIKFIV, ntmaritr. Intliirestion nnd fmpurity of Ihe Wood. yyrm Jfrr. J. V. ifmnt rattnr ff JHmt f.'hvrch, ltatm. lm. Arra: I hne lined yonr IM! la with r itrsonllnary mi'remi in my family and anient: thme 1 urn called to vinlt In distre-a. TonnulMe tlie oi k;iiis of diitenkn and purify tha hi. and th-y a: the tery Iwst remedy I have ever known, and I can CMifldently rewmiinend them to my nien-ls. Yours, J. V. IllMKti. raAW, M'T-iMivn f.. X. T.. Oct. 24. IWft. Vta Hi : ) ibi nsinif your Cathartic IMIls In my prac tice, and find ttipin mi etrrUwnl pni trat' to cleansa ths s steal and purify ths tVninfidns ot the biond. JOHN O. MKACUAM. M. D. rrysiprlaa, Scrofuln, Kin;'; Hvil, Tetter, Tumora, find Salt Rheum. From a F rtvttruit f Mrrcftnni ttf &. Lou$, 4, 1858. Ia. Atrk: Yonr lilts are tha paragon of all that Is frreat In medicine. They hava cured my Utile daughter nf nleernns aotea upon hi hands and f-t that had prored Incnmhlc f,r yean. Her mother has lieen long grierons ly afllictol with blotch and pimples on bur skin and iu her hair. After our child wna cur1. "he nN' triel ewur IM1I. and they bar enred her. A A MOItlUtllMilC IthetmtHthm, Nrnralcin, mid Coot F nm the Jlrr. Dr. I motet. qfVie XrUtnUixt Church 1LI.AK1 MOL'M, PATANXAIl. () ... ,Tti. H. 15. llnifRrii tia : 1 sImmiM be nngmti fid for the relief yonr skill bns bntnght me if I did not report niy t-afe to ym. A Cidd wltied in my limbs unl htonuM ou exctnrjniing Ueui-nl)tic pniiis. vhirh en'ifd In hinuk rlimuitttirtfit. Notwithstanding I had the lest uf physicians, the dincaM gn-w worn and worse, nntil. by tiie adriee uf your exrel lent agent in l altinnne. I'r. Mm kcniie, I tiled yur 1 ills. Their t fte'ii wan t'ow. but mim. Hy persawriiiB In the use of them I am now entirely well. Ekicati CuAMn:;a. Bto?i Kococ. L., S Tec.. Tn. Arta: I have oven eu'.if!y cn-ed by yunr PiII of fthciinmtic ilout a painful dimttie.' ttet bnd nlt'irletl Inp fur years. - VIM.KM t l.I ti:Lls. For Dropsy, Tlrthorn, or kindrrd i om plftliit, iituiuti an activ j mgu, thuj hj ma ei.ttl lent remedy. For OoMivrncaa or roiiMlvntion, Pin! ita m, Miiuier IU1 itity aie niuewt le ;iid f' Fit!, Sitpprranion, rutiilysta, Initnmmn tluii and ei'ii Kenfneaa. :) Pnrttal Ijlind- nrNi, have been uuet iy ti.e ailetatixe a:iuu f tiowc Pills. M(t of tbs j'il.s In nmiVot coiiUtfu lercia?. w'li- h al tliongh a vain)-! nnMi'y in .kilfiil hamli. Is iiiitiftfns In a public pill, fnmi t Is- dreadful cinr4Mii tne thtt fir qiieutly follow ps ii:i-Hiititus iir. '1 lite contain im mtr euiy oi ni;ural utstuce vhateter. AVER'S (IIEKRY PE(T0I.AL FOR T!tK RAPID CUKE Of nilOM 1111 IM, ViHOOriNG C(K(.I. CHOI r. AhTllWA. IFIIlT (OXM WPTIOW, and fr t? s tvlUf nf coiiSiuiipitrs tents In advanced stM; of the diene. Wa need not sptak to tl:e public of its virtues Thnit(chiit sveiy town, and ntumfct eeiy haiukt ti e Ameiimn Its wondeiful inn-s uf pu'monaiy ani- pisints hsro made It altra 'y knnnn. Nay. few ai the fuiuilifS in any ctvilirsfl conntiy on this cuti'inent without some ppiKuiml expai irn id" its i ff ecta: mil fi-wer yi't ibii roniinuniiita a-iv wlmrc which httve not smoog thcin sarnie living Imry of its vi ury oiei the sul t!e and dan geions di-as-s oj the tliioat nnd luiijis. V. I.iie U in ihe most powr ful auii'loti y-i kni 'i to mm: In the finini dittde and ttunyvrous ilisoist-s of Ihe ptunvn nty oivmis. it Is also the plr:wuuttat Slid eefi'st remedy te;it tan if rni- tloyt-d for infant snd young -ertMnts. l'arents ehould uve It in s'oie aainat ti.e ins:dious em-tny that Mtais upon tliem ni-;ec)'ni'el. V"e h.e ali:tid.inl grounds to be!isv the Ch' ht.t Pmtob a L ii-s nutre ltvs l y tha eon sumptions It prevwurs tluin tl o-t it cult's. Kep it by yon. and .-ure your i-)dk wl Il.ty ar 'itr.iMi. not ng lwt thnu until no human skill can muster tl s insoiahlH oankar that, fas'ened on the vi'uis. eats ynm hl away. All know th (irfs lful iW'slify of lung and us tliny ton tha viiiuei. i f tins renc-dy. we ntl nwt do more than toassme them it ia still made the host it ran be. We sai- no cost, tiu inie. no toil to prodtios it Iha niot pei feet p. !!!. uit thus aflord tboee wla rely on it the best aeut which our tkiil cn tin nisii for tlicii out a. PREPARED BV DR. J. CATER, Fraetical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Kass. JAI SO ID BT A. V. Fisher, Suulmry ; Bird ar John. Skamikin V Wiemn, Nnrthumlr!anil ; I. V. Caslour, MiIIihi; Hays i MrCnrinirk, McEwinsvills and by all Druggists Uiroushdut the rounty. August ia, lust ly N K W ARRIVAL 0 F FALL AND WINTER GOODS ! Ira T. Clement NO. 1, CORNER OF MA11KE1 SQUARE, jS AN junt received a large supply of Fall and I Winter Goods. Us will continue Io sell Dry Goods and Gro ceries CH E A PEK limn ever, as his goods urn hour-lit cheap lliey will he sold cheap. He feels' confident with his experience and nl illiy, that lie c;in cumpeto with the World at large and Sunbury in particular. lie would enumerate arliclea if time and space would prrmil. It is enough to say that ha haa everything in lie line uf Dry Goods, Groceries, A lari;e Stock of lieady-Msds GLOTHINO, BOOTS AND SJOES, j-c, jr., that is kept in a ay other atore in town, anj His hsstner is on the breexs. A iid lung may ii wavs O'er sd of the free, And ie aome of the hrsve While her Stars and her Stripes Shine nui like the Sun, TeUiiif sll nations Thnt Freedom's begua. This is a free country as was Kf ,1.. election of Uuclisuan over the Wooly Jlorse. tlii refore it is free for all tu do their trad.iig where they can IH'V ho CH 13 A IT. ST. All are invi led to call and see. f TIIK COUNTRY. as well at the lown are respectfully invited, snd every person, rich or poor, hih or low. bond or free are invited to r.ill at No. 1 Mnrkkei tiuare, oppivile tli. ('ourt luu. 1'. B He is not tu lie undcrso'd by any man or combination of men. No charge for showing good a. All kinds of produce taken in exchange for guoda. 8uubury, Dee, SO, 1856. Leather ! Leather ! Leather ! IIKKHV W.UVt.H.IUV, IMPORTER nf French Cull 8k ms and eeneml Leather dealer, No. 8 South Thud sireet, I'hiUilrlphm. A (eneial ussoitment of all kiiuis of Leather Morocos. Ac, Ac. Krd and Onk tole Leather. Fcliruary it-, I .US ly w 7"ishing Tackle. Red Cork, Grsss. Cot- ton and I.inen Line, Out Lines, Sea Grass by the yard, Snoods, flies, Kiiby, Limerick and Carlisle Hooks, Rods, Sic., for sule by March 4 1. 'ST. A. V. FISH BR. (1EOHGE IlKNN, A NNOl.'NCES to the citizens of funbury and vicitity, thst ha husopened an ollice in Hun. bury, almve II. J. W.ilverton'e orlic. opposite C. Weaver's Hotel, where he is prepared tu attend to all kinds of work belonging to the profession, in ths latest snd most improved slyle. All work well done and warranted. PsrvmUr 1, lMI. - M0UIJT CARMETj HOUSE, . MOUNT CAEMEL, Northumberland County, PtnniyUanxa. IHtS Irtu anil commoJious Hotel (a ailua- ted nearly hall way between Hunbury nil P.itlHsilln. 'I he sreneijr tho' sulul'titjr of the ntmosjihcre anil the conl mountain hrceica, make it one of the innst drllghlfal summer retreats in llie country. The Hotel, is a near structure, four stnrirs high, filled up with all the modern eon tenienres Tho pure mnantnia water la intro duced into every thamlier. The vlare ia eat of acresa, heing but on. anil hall bears ride from Hiinliury, over tha rtiilndeluhia and San bury ltnil Rnad. Prom Pottaville, it ia IT miles. Every attendance will be aid by tb proprie tor to make guests comfortable. Charge mode rate JKSSC KICE. Mt. Caraicl, May ti, I84.if MDK, I.nleof Ihe Srm of Pteveas, jah. srovEH. Late ef th Ualua llirtal. Holllltcslientl A dl. NATIONAL HOTEL, (LATa warra iw., face- Street', abort Third, rilll.ADtl.PlllA. rilHE above well-known Kst.iblisliment, base- 1 in; been entirely remodel nl. introducing all the modern improvements, end also, newly fur ni.hetl t'irou(lioiit, will be opened for the recep tion nf (iuet on tha FIRST DAY OF SF.l'TEMBKR. The proprietors, from their determination to devote their attention to the comfort of their guests ll.ilter themselves with the conviction that they II be ahletoirive satisfaction to their patrons. Carriiiiri'S will alw svs be in readiness to con- ey pa.senccr to and from Steamboat Landings and Kuilroad Depots. SIDE" a; 1 UV tiK, Race Street, above 'I htrJ. rhiladeiphia. Augnst 30, 18h6. ly BKDDINd & FURNISHING BUSINESS Cabinet Maker's Findings, 21i sulwerilicri, respectfully inform their friends and the public generally, that they have connec ted wuh their bedding .t t urnihirig business a large and well assorted stock of Cabinet Maker's Findings, af their old stand No. 83 South Second Street, below Chentnut, Philadelphia. TTiey hove associated wilh them W. P. Brown who Ims been for many years nmrsged in the piincipal i-Ktahlislmient of the kind iu this city. The stock of Goods now on hand comprises etery description of materials used by Cabinet Milkers, consisting in part nf the follawing. via; Hardware department. Locks, Hinges, Screws Castors. Bed Serena, Chair and Mol'a Springs, Collin Handles. Ac. Ca'iiuet Maker's Matcrinlt, Hair Seating, Curled Hnir, Looking Ghisa Plates and Frames, Glus, Varnish, Sand Psper, Burlaps, Black and Fancy Silk and Worsted Gimp, Sofa and Chair Webbing, Twine, Sacking Hotloms. 7osewood, Mnliogiiiiy, Walnut and M apis Knobs, Glass Screws, Ac. Bedding Department, Hair, H uk, Moss, Wool and (.'niton Muttressea. Ftather Beds, UoNtera and Pillows; i'losh, Damask and Moreen Cush ions ('omfnrtst'les. Counterpanes, Linen and Cnlton Sheets Pillow Ca-ies, Linen and Cotton Toweli. Table I'lotha, Table Linen, Table Cov ets, Moreen. Demk and Pluah by the piece, Moss mid 1 1 ink by the bale or peunil. Toe Hair Seating and Curled Hnir is from the I'lula. Manufuctoiy of D. A J. Noblit. N. B. Hotels, Steam boats and Ships fur nished at the shortest notice. BiOWN A NOBLIT. b'.i South 2nd St., below Chestnut. (Nenrlv opposite Dank nf Pennsylvania.) Philadelphia, iujiu-t 9, 1856 ly. wiioLsait.t ash asTiit Grocery, Wine and liquor Store, S. E. cor. Walnut and Water Streett, PHILADELPHIA, and families will a pramplly supplied at the lowest prices. Uctuber 4. IK56. tf BR0DHEAD & ROBERTS, Nu. 135, A. Zd Street, ruix.AUBx.rHiA, BNVITF. Ihe attsntinn nf country merchants ' and others, to their stock of BOOTS Sc SHOES, which they will dispose of on the meat reason side terms. Nov. 3, 1856.- ly BOAT AND MULES FOR tBJTull- rt1HF. snhscriber offers st private sale, SIX A GOOD MULES, and a good SH A W?i Ki" ISO AT, wilh futures. The above will be said cheap, nd on reasounble terms. JACtlU SKASHOinZ, agent for JOH N I1LACK. Punburv, March 88, 1H57. if PLATFORM SCALES. OF every description, suitable for railroad Ac, for weiiiug Hay, Coal, Ore, and MerclinnilUe generally. Purchasers run no riek every scale is guaranteed correct, and if alter not found euirfuiory can be lelurned with out ebarge. I'ai lory st the Old tand, etablisiird for more limn twenty jears corner of Ninth and Melon directs, i'aiUdelj Ins. Ahcorr & co. Sui'crsaora to Kllicott $l AI bolt. Philadelphia. Maich 7, IK57. c lm. d-?a.s r auais CHRAP WATCH AND JKVVELRY STOKE No 72 North Second Street, (ovpunte th trjjitnt I crnon House ) Philadelphia. rjJOLD Lever Wat. lies, full joweled, 18 K, ca- ses, -i..i ; nnver i.ever do,, do., ISj Sil ver l.epinc, do., .fi9 : Quartier, 5 to 7 : Gold Speetaelea. 4 50 to $ 10 ; Silver do., $ 1 50; Mlver ladle Spoons per sett, $14 to $18 Sliver Desert do., do.,! to $11; Silver Tea do., do., 4 7S to 7 50 ; Cold Pena and Gold Ca scs, $3 25 tu $5; Gold Pens and Silver do.. $1; together with a variety of fine Gold Jewelry, mini uuru , i,uanl and r ob Chains. All goods warranted to lie as represented. Watches and Jeivelrv, repaired in the best manner. Also, Ma aonic Murks, Pins, Ac, made to order. N. U. All orders sent by mail or otherwise. win tie punctually attended to. Phila., Oct. 4. I K.'SU. lyw. IjURV MONAIES, Tooth and Hnir Brushe all qualities, and any quanli y, for sole by A. W. FISHKR. March 14, '57. C0LEMAN'8 CHEAP OTJTLERY STORE, No. 21 North 'Third St., below Arch, PHILADELPHIA. COCNTRV Merchants can save from ten la fifteen per cent, by purchasing at the above stores. By importing my own goods, paying but littl 1 rent, and living economically, it ia plain I can undersell those who purchase tlieir tioodt here, pay high rents and live like princes. Conslaiilly on hand a large a-wirtnient of Pen and Pocket Knives, Hcissors di d llaiors, Table Knives and Forks iu ivory, stag, buffalo, hone and wood handles, Carvers and Forks, ore., Butcher Knives, Dirks. 2Joie Knives, Revolving and p ain Pistols, dee. Also a large assortment of Aecordenns, Ae. Also fine English Twist and German Guns. JOHN M. COLEMAN, Oct. tO, ia.S5.- ly. Importer. FOB ZREISTT.. rpHR fiore Room in Msrket street, occupied I by P. W. Gray and lha dwelling house ad- joining, pply Io th xato.tors of H. Master. deceased. January, IT, ISST. A MARVELLOUS REMEDY! FOR A 2tIAIlTFXLOl9 AGE! I HOLLO WAY'S OINTMENT. TIIK GRAND F.X TliREAl.jRKMF-DV. Tlv the aid of a micmscudic. we see millions of little openings on tlie snrfnee of oar bodies. Through thers mis uiuimein , when ruhbrii on the skin, l enrrien to snf orcau or inwnrd mrt. Diseusrs of the K idnrrs. disorders of the Liver, affections of the heart, Influmuuuon of the l.imes, Asthmas, Urnishsand Colds, are by its means effec tually cured. F.very house-wife knows thst suit pssses freely Ihrnush Imne or meat of any thickness. This heal ins Oiutmriit far mors resdilv (enetratfa Ihrnuph anv b 'lie or Heshy part of tlie living body, curing the most u.MiKcri'us itiwaia cuinpiauiis, uiui cannoi ve reached bf older me;ins. ERYSIPI:AS, S.tLT nnF.CM AND SCORBUTIC SIUA1UK9. No remedr hss ever done so mueei for ths ears of dl- seasea of the Skin whatever form they mny assuma, as this Ointment. No ease of !alt Rheum, Scurvy, Sore lleada, Scrofula nil Krvsipetna. can tons withstand II SIN- flurnce. The inventoi has travelled over many pane of glob-, visiting the principal hospitals, dispensing this Otnlmeiil, giving advice as to its application, snd hss thus been the means uf restoring countless numbers to BOKK LEGS, 80RF. IIR FASTS. WOUNDS AND L'LCKKS. Some of ths most scientific sursern snow relv solev on the use of this wonderful Ointment, when having to cope with tlie worst eass of sores, wounds, ulcers, glan dular awrliings, mid tumoia. Trofrseor Hollow y has, by command of the Allied Governments, dispatched to uiu nospniiii or me r.ast . uirge shipments or this (lint- mcni.iooe useu anoer tne ntreetion or the Medical siarr, ill the worst casea of woumls. It will eura anv ulcer glandular swelling, stiffness or contraction of the joints, These nnd oihur similar distressing eomplainta enn be HTwIimllv cured if the Ointment lie well ruhbed over the nans affected and Ity otherwise following ths printed di icvtious urvenu cavn p'(. Both the Ointment and Pillt thould be uted in the following caret Punions I.nmlmpo S ,re ,fri P welted Glands Itilllis Merenrinl Sore RrenstS ft iff Joints rieers C lniiped Hands l.ruptions Sore llends riiilhlains Piles 8.ire Throats Venereal Sores Wounds of all Fistulas rheumatism Sores of aU Gout pVill II brum kinds kinds Scalds Skin Diseases Sprains Sild at the ifnnufaetorles of Professor HoLiewiV 10 Alaidrii l4ine, New York, and 911 Strand. Iudim, hy ill reaieet.itile Urussists and IJenlers iu .vtedieitis through, nt the L'niinl Stales, and the civilised world, ia boxes. st 23 cents. II 21 eenis, and St each. it i aere ia a cunsiaersuis saving try sssmg wis mrger Sizes. N. B. Directions foe iha midsaaa mf natieites 1st arerv isomer are amxed to ench boa. March U, IM5S. I yea EAKTKBHWARS- ITMIE subscriber respectfully in'orma tha ait! aV tens of Sunbury and tha public generally that ha has t omnienced tha aaanufaatara a all kind's af HABTFIRNWaRH, at kla mannfactory ia Whertlekerry Street, one square east of the River. Me has engaged the services of Mr. User, and yau aaa therefore depend on having a goad article. Tha are reswectfullv invited to call. All orders frera a dialaaca will ba prsmptlv attended Is. T. M.8HINDEU Sunbury, Feb. 3, 1858. tf JOIIA II. AIM. lift A, VO. Noa. s and t Chestnut Street, (south aide, bclnw Water, (Taa Oldest Wood.wass Hows is tbs Cut ) MANUFACTt'R KIIH and Wholesale dealers in Patent Machine made HltOOMS, I'strnt llrooved Cedar- Ware, warrented not to ahlmk, Wd ail Willow-Wars 1'ortlti. Uriishes. Ae ,of ad descriptions. Please call and examine our stm-k. February t, IHT ly w VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR 8ALX. T MIF, sulmcriliers, Eiecntors of tha estate of Henry Masaer, dec'il., offer at private aal the following property via : A large two story irawie dwelling house, together with abeat 50 ACRES OF LAND, Situate In Lower Augusta township adjoining landa of Daniel Kaufman anil others now in the occupancy of Juhn K. Kaufman as a store and dwelling. The house ia new aad tha location a gooj one for business. Also a TRACT Of I.IMEBTONH LAND, in said township en tha river about S miles be low Xunbu.y.adjoiniag lands ef 1. T. M'PbarsoB and others, containing, about BO acres. Tha soil ia productive and contains limestoae ar.rl other minerals. Also a tract of Laud, aontaiaing ahant 3S teres on tha hill, about two miles below Aunbnry, adjoining lauds of the heiia of tha lata Joha Conrad and others. There is, oa this tract, a smsll orchard of choice fruit. Far farther particulars apply ta Iks subseclkere. H. H. MA8SIF.R, ) F. B. M ASSER, iBtoesilor. FRANCIS BUCnBR. ) Saahary, January 19,1856. tf J. II. J ATI 12, Justice of the Peace. MOUNT OARMEL. Iforthumberland County, Pennsylvania. All business ptomptly attended to. Menies collected and all ordinary wri'inga dona. Mount Csrmel, June 14, IS 6 ly F A NB W A R KA NTS. The highest price "will Ise give fur Land Warrants by the aua- crihai H. B MASHER. rnrmcrs of thia Neighborhood, ran aupply thsasssJvaa tor their SPRING CHOPPtl. wuh i.einnu's Pure Bone Dust, .Super Phosphate of Lime, at t40, per taa, " Nitrogened Phosphate of Lime at $30, ' ' American Fertilizer, al $15, per tun. These Fertility's are composed of reliable Chemical elements, abounding in Pot Ash, is.; they have have received th Pislomat of Four SSialcs, to via i New Jersey, New York, Pnn- sylvani aad Delaware. Also, for aale ttL'ANO, an Kinits, foudretle, Ac. Country Product re ceived inpayment fcr the aliove, at market ratca, or Drafts on good houses, or Cash registered with orueis, promptly attended to. GEO. A. I. El NAT. Pronrletor. "New Fire Proof Store," No 18 South Froat 8l., rbiladelphia Ctty, Pa. February t8, 1857 4m w' fbtkh f.; lE8PECTFri.Ly informs his frienda, and - the public generally, that ha haa juat reeeir. ed a New flock of GOODS, at hia new store, at llavid Miller's Mill, in Lower Augusta Town ship, and that ha it prepared to tell gooda at tha lowest prices. Mis block consist! in pert af FALL A WINTER GOODS, Groceries, Qneensware, Hardware, &c. and tvery variety usually kept ia a country Riore. Treverton prices paid for all kinds ef prodaae. Lower Aigusla twp, Dec. f 7, I860. if PATENT BRITTAKIA bar battles for aal by 8TOPPERS fo B MASSES. H. Raabary, July I, I8A8. AM El ITC AN HOUSE, WJLLIAMSPORT, TA.. X II. KELTO.Y, rropiielor. Ja. T. II all, Am i. Sept 13, 1856. tf IJLRE OLIVE OIL for Utile use,-tw at 874 and 024 cent just received by two MIS A. v. rtbtiCR, MareW 1 4, 'ST. stationery. A large supply of fancy Not Paper aod Envelops, Mourning, Letter. and Can Pa nor. Pent Ink. Send, dc at i : - i. i Stunokia Whit Ash Anthrtoitsj Cotl trom th, "on Yttef in A GapCoUUrv. J. H. WMMKRMAN AJno. P. PLRSEL, aucceseora to Kase, Read aV Co., tUI con. tiuue mining, ahipping and telling coal from tha above well kaown Colliery, under tha firm of Zimmerman & Tursel. Tha tioint of thimnenl a at the lower wharf in 8nbury, Northumber. and county, Ps where all or.t.,. foe it,. kinds of eoal, via t Lump, Broken. Kgg, Move, and Chestnut Coal, will ba thaiikfuIlT received and promptly attended to. unbury, Jtrly 14, 185. . 6fi't, Jaat , u. Tha nrm of Kase. Keed eV Co. h their least In lha Gap Colliery and interest in th wnari ai dunbury, In Measra. Zimmerman ft 1 ursel, would takt great pleasure in recommend ing our customers and ethers Xn lha new firm, at they will ba able to tall them prepared aal ef th best quality. RABK, KF.ED & CO. ARnWARE.-Tablt Cutlery. Rora, Poeh et Knives, Hand eawt' Wood eawa is frames, A lee. Chisels, Door Locks, and Hingea,, Hand Bella, Waiters, 4 c juat received and for l7 I. W. TKNER V CO. tJunbar Dee. , ISM. HAtDOCK & FIDDLER, TEALERS ia Watchea and Jewelry, will continue tha busiuese at tha aid sisnd aA Jaataa B. Fidlcr, N: 1J South Second .SfrX, riiu.AUKLriiiA, Where they solicit an eiaminalion of their farg and varied atock, feeling assured that ths expe rience both of them hava bad in tha business and tb facilities they possess for procuring goods on the most advantageous terms, will ena ble them to compete favorably with any other establishment in tha city. They have bow era hand a fine assortment af "WATCHES, CLOCKS, JKWEI.RY, Silver, Plated and Briltania Wara, Catlery, Fancy Oeods, Ac, arc. N. B. Repairing of Wetehtt and all kinds ef Jewelry attended t with sreasstnee aasl U greatest tar. Fhila., April T, 1HI. tf, TO COAL DEALERS. AMMERMAN &WEIT2BL OESPFCTTLLLY iaform the p.blic th., they hava letted the new colliery, called the Lambert colliery, and are ready to deliver coal f tuptrior quality, aud ef a variety of aiiet prepa red a tlieir new anal Breaker. All ordert prompt attended to by addressing the firm, either at Sunbury or Shamokin. Suabary, June 30, 1851 AI.EX. L. HIC K FT A , TRUWK8TalTsES, JkO., 141 CUtnut Street, frtnt . JanM HhU, s'HJLADBLPMIA. HAS on hand tkt atieaatet, sd best assortment ef TRUNKS j4- CARPET BAGS, ETER OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC. Sola Leather. Holid Riveted. Iron Frame. Ira. B.undlraTellidg Trunks; Packing do,, Ladiea Bonnet Cases j Carpet by lb. quantity r siugls article, lower tkaa can ba bought at auy sthsr pl.t. in ih. city. Jaly a, 1850. ' WI11TK HORSE HOTEL. FOTTSTILI.E, PA. fpfTE snbssrlber respertfally annmneM ta kts d friendt tnd Ihe public thtt ht hat take that old and well known establishment, th. White Horse Hotel. At the eern.r of Centra and Mahanlego ate In Ihe B.rough of PoltsviJ!,. Tha house l,ae" re cently been very much enl.rged and etherwi Impreved, rendering it quite aa coa.fortabls as any elner Hotel in Schuylkill county while Ihe stasias sr. large, in good condition, aad at tend by careful, attentive, prudent hostlers. Ta travellers and ethers who may atop at his housa, U pronvfsea tvery tttenlien calculated to reads them saferlsb!. aad sstisficd. A,rl, J0B-M'"- JIENRY D0MNEL, ATTORNHy AT LAW. OJfit tppotit Ike Cturt Noun, Sunbury, Korthumbjrlfud Couaty Pa. Prempt allealien I batiieM in idioininc wounlies. ' HOTEL, OPPOSITE WEST BRANCH BANK WILLIAMQPOBT. VJL.. W1LM1M U. U4T. ProprU(r. C. A. 8Teis. ssisUnt. li. B.An Omnibus will rnn ts tad fresa the Pepel and Packet Leadings. I this Hotel, ft., af charge. Weptembat 18. 1IM (f DAKVTLLE HOTEL JO MIST DN, JTl., Urltl Slreti, Danville, Pa, piTIS la out of ths largest and most cesxma X dieus hotels ia the interior of It has been raeenlly Kited up, in tictllsn't style, with all Ihe modern canvtnienctt. Daovilled, Pept. tl, ISl. Cheap Wntchcs tJewrlr lyHOLBSALE and Retail, at the "riiilldel. phta Watch and Jewelry 8lore," No. 84 North Second Strecl, cornerof Quarry, PRZZ.ADSX.rHIA. linlfl 1 as V tar TCrrs C. II I. . ... ai 6olt I'ana, with Paanil and bilrar N.ilrfer. f.uld Finger Rings, 874 eanta to 80 ; Watch Glasses, p.'sm, 12 cents; Patent, IH; Luaet 13; ether articles in proportion. All goods ' ranted to ba what thev are sold for. BTAL'FFER V HARLET, On band. Mm Cold and fiilver Levers and Lepinee, still lower than th above paiessv fwtt, 4. MM. y. A R.NOLD'8 WRITING FLl'ID am aiv. tnd legal .nvelopea, for aale by d A.k II. B. MAttSBR. unbajTT, isn 16. GEORGE SCHALL & CO. tircHn Of BtABTINO POWDEH, iff. Carmel, Northumberland County, fa. May 10, 18n8 OlLErs ci)KUU CAXVY. Am eicei T I'nt re mod y for coughs, aalda. Tr aal at Ibis elTio. Peceinlmr t: I Ma. . 1JLANK Parchment Paper Deeds and blsak - Mortgages, Bonds, Executions, rtuainsoat sVc, for salt 11. U. MAKSEtV. Senb.ry .Avri 16.1858- STOVES BOR BALE an excellent second hand Cok ing Stov. also several Cylinder Cot! Enquire at thia effic. GOLD PENS with and without cases, ef ry superior quality, just received. Also a fresh supply of Writing FluiJ, for aal 7 H. tf. M AsJSER. Sunbury, Dae. 7. 1MB ' OOSHEN CHEEbE. Jest received and foi ale by LEVI KKASIIOLTZ April II. I..T. mrm aa u i 'ri. Ian jew!!eil, 9.l(lo!it Rraeelels. j uo Uver, lull jrr. C. I ! .0.ea' Hold p.neils I 00 ..-. ,r ins fnver s.,ti.ri iui SILVER WATCHES. A lew double Bugluh 8ilw Watchea, for aal at vary loss peio-by H- V MAj;iL ISunVur), Afril It, U58. Hare Ui 67. A M . rr-HfR'-w. J