INTKRIII!I TO FATHERS t FAMI LIES. CAN A CHILD LIVE WITHOUT CLOTHING. The following account of an extraordinary experiment recently mad by parent with ilil lOloOl Clllia, lor vu purpusa ui a;ceniu inn whether be can dispense with clothing, is ? - .i V i H-:l. taken irora iusj Luuun Advening man i The (object of the costume of the ancient Britons has often been diseased ; it has been asserted that they were nuked. Those who otiDoscd that View adduced aa reasons the coldness and variable nature of the cli mate. The question has been let at rest by an experiment which has recently beeti made on a cniiu ai ov. ..v. Tim rhild ia fourteen months old, and is the ann nf Mr. -. who determined to ascur. tain what tha human frame would bear. ' The -child is perfectly Baked, day and night J ho leeps without any covering in a room with tha thermometer at 38 decs. ; from this he goes into a bath of 118 degrees; be some lini.i oiiDi In aleen in the buth : ho is tier fectlv indiOerent to boat or cold : is Iinly, oii.. rtioerful and intelliccnt: Ins arrcnr nco constantly reminds the observer ir the t.est efforts of our best paiuters and sculptors Therein is tho brou ultal lie is uio renmy. His simple, natural, easy, graceful, and ever varying postures, aro charming. He arrests tho atteutioti and commands the admiration xt all who see him. The peculiar character f hi skin is very striking ; it is exquisitely -healthy and beautiful. It may be compared, to tho rny or the sun streaming thro' a pain ted window. , Duriog tho progress of the experiment ne 1ns cut three, teeth without manifesting any of tho diaiigreeablo symptoms usual to chil dren in thut coadition. He appears to bo uuito sensible to pain. Occasionally be has n ugly full, but not a sound escapes his lips. II. s manner, demeanor, and general behavior ru equally striking. His moda of saluting a person is to take the hand in a graceful man ner and kiss it. Ho is under the complete control of his father, and is perfectly quiet Juritiir meals, and also when Lo is told to be so. H Roes about all day. amusing and oc curving hima. U in a quiet way. No one ac cuJw.tnod to childreu would know tbcro was a child in the he o.n So incredible jro these results that some of the residents cTbt. Ati , regard the whole matter with mingled I'oeliuvM of horror, amazement and wonder Thnso who have made a careful observation for bemse!vM and prefer the evidence ol 1 heir eyes rather than their euro, see nothing lot to admire and respect. No doubt rome of thuin would even go so fur as to repeat the pxperimtut on their own children, were ,t not for fear of that eternal question, 'AY bat will Mrs. Grundy say t" Wo havo received from a corros pondont an extract from the journal kept by the father of the child : . . ... ' Dec. 2, 1S3T. I wasabout tobogin with fttf-ri'liroacl.os for not having noted during it progress the steps of an experiment to no vel, and iu its cousequonces so important ; b it the fuel is that I was not aware that I was making an experimont until the thing ws done. Henceforward I shall record dai ly incidents which may serve to illustrate tho case, and at an after period methodically treat it. This day Him out-door laborers were enga god in stori"g ice for the ice-house. '1 ho child sleeps on 'the floor, on a travelling rug folded in fuiir. tho room without fire or carpet and is gt tior..!W washed daily. There is a large bow window to tho north. llilln coldest room in the house. He was put to bed at bair.past ten. He is without any -clothes or covering whatever. A tono o'clock being uuuble to sleep, I was a cold with three liUnkxta that I hud to put on a fur clouk. Tun eliild wuktd'np, and made vehement, up peals to be take n in. I took him in. When 1 was goinK to sleep myself, I told him to go to bed.' ll moaned so bitterly that I appro hendi d that b feared the cold. To test him 1 got out of ihf. bed and lay down oti his rug (without clothe) ; ho then would not remain a moment in tho warm bed, but followed me to bin pullet. Ho composed himself to slurp, Iviog like a frog and 1 left him. When he cainu into bud, 1 was obliged to put a blan ket between us for tho bitter cold of his limbs hut overy war thit I could arrange the clothes led to no sig'n that he suffered from the cold or desired the heat. To correct tho frightful Bts of crjmg he used to have, and for another failing which Lad of uecossity to bo put a stop to. I had to have reconn-e formerly to punishment by slinking him, ntul dipping him in a trough of told water. As bis frame hardened under tin! action of fold and very severe champoon. poouii g. punishment 6y these processes be came impossible. i Jin has two meals generally boiled rice, which in put on a napkin on the grouud. and h.i picks it up to the last grain. After that, wheatt-n flour cak with butter, and a enp of milk, which he driuks. While eating his tice Lu looks a different being, there is at ence a pride, and enjoymcat 6f performance, lie has the air uf the orator addressing an UudiellCU. Ituring tin clay ho goes to deep when ho likes, merely lyiit' d wn on the floor. I was remin ded by a lady to-day, that ho is not like a child, bu t a small man. A gon tleman hag just remarked thst be never knew the moauiug c-f 'man-child' nntil he had seen him. The attitude be assumes in keeping is that of the Musselnian making prostrations on his kuoes wiili his hands spread out before him, which could not be if bu suffered from fa tigue ; but hi muscles are too hard for that. Dy this iiieui.s ho concentrates the ealoric in the stomach, and so it is inditluroiit to cold however cold the limbs (and they get fright fully cold to the touch, and nvver numb, bo iug'on the contrary mottled red,) the loins urn always warm. This is tho first working day eincu be has been in my hands that, he has not been in the Vpor bath, it is the nrst word lie bus learn d to say. and he calls for it every morning. Yesterday he was in an hour and a half. He moans a little when the cold water is put ou him, but stops wbeu told to do so. Hot wa ter bo will bear at a temperature that I could cot ensure. Tha problem ho presents physiologically is this : A duvelopement of 'the nerves produ cing pleasurable sensations, nud accrres ponding deudeiiing of those the contrary. Tno intensity of tho enjoymeut which he do rives ffeiu contact w.lli llio kiu is only equal led by tho insensibility of the flesh. We have 'never kuown him since bis exposure ti oxli'uuie cold to cry from pain. Lust night the diffeiuucu between bis power of enjoy ment and miue was brought home to me m a remarkable maouur, by my suffering from the state of the surrounding atmosphere wtyri he knew uoue, eularging to an equal degree the pleasures derivable from atmospheric tem perature. And this is only the commence ment of the process. When he is two years old bo wit bu able to enjoy life, as dependent npoa the surrounding atmosphere, iu the op. pot it e extremes of zone, where lire is suppor table under ordinary circumstances only by means of clotbiiiit. Tho necessity of cloth- ing after a curtain age will uot interfere with the process, as during the night, when the temperature is lowest and no caloric is evol red by action, the body can be exposed. If lie were exposed to cold only, he inieht then suffer from boat, but be is equally armod gainst both. The experiment, In regard to temperature, includes that other experiment which has hitherto been the extreme point contempla ted by innovators the free adtniaaion of oxv- geq. )l is not merely the affording scope to -I . .!.!.. ... ..... ITl- I .lt. luo kiu to land ii iu noiu iu air, uuv me uar. deuing of the musrles to iucreaae life. Per- " liana after all. tha Bear-Markirt were no Hiv-th ferbsps tb caergy of the Komaoa moybe! traetid to tb vlrtmig or asct if it ol the 1 children, recorded In the ceremony of the in duction of the virile garb. In the tombs of their masters, the Kduscaos, as in those of Asia Minor, children are represented abso lutely naksd nntil twelve years. V refer the character ef nations to climate, and for get clothing, by wlfch we can get every cli- mato- 1 Ins child may be killed by s brick bat, bat he has no more to fear from disease thiio a calf or a foal ; for Ibis is life accordiog to nature, usina the elements for health and strength, which when misused, are tbofe of destruction ; and yet tho experiment will be barren, for judgments cannot be conveyed by results. "Dec. 28. Last night be slept under the clothes iu the ordinary way. In the morning his color was gouo. Contrasted with the nsual appearance, he was like a lantern with out the lijht. On two occasions of nights particularly cold, wheu ho was iu his naked state loDger than usual, the brilliancy of his color and the liveliness of his nctiuu was re marked by those who saw hiiu." in reiereiice to the foregoing, the following extract from a letter addressed to tho father or the child, by a gentleman in the medical profession, will be read with interest : "1 concur with Ur. l. that if you were obliged to practice as a physician, you would Up another JJavey or l.ciUiif. l am remiuded of Abraham's submission nud obodience to tliu Divino will by your moronic rpir t iu experimenting upon your own child Tor tho good of mankind. Your success is the great er reward. You have given much matter for tbu consideration of medical men iu the facts set forth. 1 can now und tho wise motive in the custom of northern nations, among whom tlicro is a vupor-haui in every house. ISurses know ttiat children wl.o Ironi their birth eel a daily cold bath, are stronger and heiilthier than those who do not. Wa- tir, whether at high or low temperature, gives a greuter shock to sensibility thau air. M ti ny a tenderly reared officer, who succombed to the inclemency of the weather in the huts before ebartopol, might havo been living now hud his mother noted more upon your plan. lr. Dudds, an American, says ho who uiinot rcusoii is a fool : he who Uuiea not IB a coward, and ho who will not is S bigot, but he wlii) can, carei, and will rea;on is a man. But I say that ho who has coiilidcncc iu his reasonings, lailh in lnmst If, nuu courage to act upon his coucIiikioiis, is n man. Hut I say that I e who has confidence in his reason- ing", Uith in hiniseir, and courage to act up u his conclniiiotix, is a man of strong mind and nolle soul, fearless end lirni. You prove to be uil that, and more ; you are prudent and cautious, for if the child should suffer from old or croup yon havo a remedy in a bath at 113 degrees. Mail Coach Upset ikiwn a PnrcirtfK . Several Put-scngers Seriously Injured, On lhursday morning at . o clock., sus the l itis- burg Oazelte, tho liutler mail tUge started from Allegheny city: with an unsually largo number of passengers sixteen insido and four or tire otiUido. Nothing worthy ofnoto occurred until they were nine mili-sout, with in three-quarters of a wile of Colt's tavern; when one of the lead horses was attacked with the "blind staggers," cud retiled over the rid of the road, pulling a'ong the other leader, together with the shaft horses and the ach. down a nreciniee some thirtv f ot ue D with rocks at liie bottom. Providentially, ut If the ditlanco there was ap:wc of soft level ground a few Icet wide, nud hero tho couch and horses lodged. Had they gone to tho hi th in, or to the ledgeof rocks, it is highly probable that somu might havo been k! d. As it wa.j, there existed great confusion and fuori?, and those who could extricate them selves set to work immediately to uolofe the horses, for fear oltheir commencing to strug gle, thus putting inommineiit danger the three or four passengers whose bodies could bo seen piotruding hom under the stagu Iu all iluec lions. This being done, and tho animals found to bo only a little bruised, the next thing was lu lift up tho coach, io as to allow those underneath to get out. 15 y this time many country wagons had reached the spot, and by the. help of the farmers this was ac- COMIplillfd. Mr. John McAllister, of the Second Ward Allegheny city was tho most scriouhly injur ed. Dr Ormbsy, a passenger, examined him, and found that two. of his lower ribs were broken, spine bruised and the skin rubbed off his back, lio whb ctrtied to Coil's tavern, und bled, where hn remained until about ten o'clock ut night, when M r. Walker, of this city, brought him home in a buggy, arriving there at two o'clock this morning. We cal led on Mr. McA at. noon and it pleases us to nr that he u much easier, although hisliml a ai e vi ry st iff und sore. He ti lls u that as 3 ion us he saw tho lead horses tumbling over, he tried to jump out, and would have succeed ed had not a man been silling on Lib coat 'ap. His head and shoulders were outside, arid the ftnge in striking, hdged fair across his tack, were it must have remained twenty minutes. Had it not been for the yielding nature of Urn ffvownd, he would uo doubt havo been killed. The other persons hurt were a young man named IVss of Allegheny, a Mr. McWhinley of I'.ttelmrg, and un old lady wilhnlitllo boy all of nhoin bad their logs in or.' or loss crush ed by being caught under the falling stage. Hoinii of llio passengers continued their jour ney by tho next coach, otLers returned to Allegheny in market wngous, and oil weie exceedingly thankful that tho uccidcut had not resulted in a fatul fmnutioo. SllKET IltOX FOK Pll'KS It is k no wn that .-hcet iron pipes, manufactured in a peculiar manner, have for a considerable time putt been iu use for wutur, for gas, and for drai:-. iug, being in maue cases considered more eco nomical than lusl-ii'ou, and um liable to leak besides having the udvautage on the score of health as water-pipes over the common ones. They are mudu of etieet iron w hich H buut to the reqniied form uud then strongly rivetted O.ein r, alter which they are coaled with an alloy of liu und longitudinal ji ints are solder ed, to us to reiidi r them both air tight and water proof. In ordor to give, them more stiff ucs. lin y arc next coated on tho outside with u-iphaltic cement, acd if they urn iuluuded to bti iifccd us water pipes, tho inside is aUocout od with bi'.amsn, which resists, likvfelass, tho action of acids und alkalies. They are so clastic that they will bear a considerable do- Miction without injuring tha pipes or causing ail leaking ut the joints.' aaaaaawraaiwMSweaisa iaaiii am iiiwasnmaai n AUCTION SALE or VALUABLE TOWN LOTS AT PORT TBEVOKTOIT, Tha Shipping Fort of the Trevorton Coal and Rail Boad Company ; Alto Mr (erminut of (St 7Yevorton Hail Road . and Junction with A Ktw Ih idyt mu tiny Sut'jvtkanna Rivirtothe prttent ttrminut nf the KORTHERN CKNTIiAL RAIL 110 AD. THE ahnve lots will ba offered for sale at POKT TRCVOUTO.X, . On SA'l UHDAV, (he 2f.M rf.iy fJxy 1857, At it o'clock, A. M. The I.o: embtace mmi! of the beet building and huiiiifys loralions in the village. Port Trevorton is destined to grow very rat, and has among other advuntai;s luce to be derived from tho conip'ctton of tho Northern Central Railroad and its conned en with the Koilroad of the Trevorton Ciwl and liailroud Company, leading to their eaii-nive mints, wl.n h wilt make it one of the larccst coil sliiin inrr porta aliova the Junc.iuii. It has alto tho Inisi r.ena growing out of the Canal . and Bnsin, and Uriilife acroaa tho Husnurhanna. The llridce offering tho only facilities far mile up and down ino river, lur lorwarding ni'itilry produce to Northern and Kartrrn tnartrtn. bv Kailroad. Tort Trevorton baa the further advantage of be ing sustained l-v a rich and extenrive agricultu ral country in the vii-inity. Terms of Kale. Purchasers will pay ten per cent t'aah, tho balance in -l.rre iiiktahiirnu at one. two and thrre years, with inlcrcat armuallv on the ainounta uupaid i improvements valued ut Two Hundred Dollara, to he put on each lot within eighteen months fruin tho day of pur chase. GEORGE MOWrOX, Sup'l. Poll Trovorlon, June 20, 1857. SPLENDID BARGAINS, TREVORTON LOTS FOR SAI.K. The Trusters of the Methodist K. Church at Trevorlnn. give netii-c to tho Pu: lie that limy will sell at private aalo, TOWN LOTS on rev soablo terma and wil give good warrantee deeds, fur tha same. Inquire of any one of the Trus tees. PETER METZ. MICHAEL HKUFOOS. JOHN FI.EMMI.XU, JAM r.S K. LOW, 11ENRV J. RENN, A. A 11EI.ME, 1 June SO, iRar st J OH A .V. 1,-AHB, ATTORNEY AT X.A.W, CDKBTTRT, PA. Collrrtions made and Profeionnl ganarally attended Promptly and Caiol'uliy. PniLiasiriii lUrtriKxrt : Bullitt 4- Koirlhorne, Dirhl 4- Vri, Davia A Rirnay, F. i'ayloi 4 Co. funhury. June 50. 1P57. I'Mcnce of Janmltii C.litK'n-. 'pitlSartirk is oriful!)r rn-rorril frumlht- U-st J X Ginger, till '.lie valuable moilii nnil pri';nliri ol !uili it is wurrauM tu iiitj ia a ci.i.centmtnl ani r uivc iiient form. It I na exrclifnt raiurd in liyfj cps-.i. fiittuVncr, rhi. lie and iiiiirrj ami ft-.!c atutt- the il.traii- e lun;. lioiis. Fn.m Itsr'.rirshtiv srienyth bii.1 i-.iiUtnl fi.iir-ri,rs ss a ireiiile Miiuul.itiiiii timic it n wirll u.ipt tl u. numi.-r-ael the ili'lii!ibitii' Inlluence if the t ttirme!n.f aunt mrr, therfleris ui sudiin, eliaiw-.s. An. iNo liunily rhnuM he wild ut it, ut i'.i timrly uvi wiil pave tiiiiin t'nuii ninny nii sqrioui iitt.-ick t-t i;:iien. Trice -A3 reins prr htl!o. f vt X.W I.J June J, la.TJ.-.tiu herrig'Fs afjs. nii: ACK.ow,i:i;r:r.l CHAMPION 1 1 TUB Rr.Cl'NT TRIALS ut Reading have riui.irml tit? cum-iit ft' u I Tic i.iitmi), unit t tiiliruitd tht Vtudxt ot mure thi.H du c tleiitnl fifLt, pr:vM.C c Mf'u-'i'.'riy t at leltl!;a', m thct.jiU ISAI l'". ihut will not Imr... Kstrnct fum lite C-mm:t:tvr iitp-til nq th Ttiul ul' Iru hafvM ut Hcttding : 'On the 20t!i f Flruarv nil the nRMnttcra f ilie rnm mitlcr met to witiifra the &aff nni b Hk m. i pnjiriH, ( IncrtI in Hi cm) niid wtr perfectly iwiipn.-d tlutt ull wai right. Tho day loll 'Witt;, Urn humitig tok place, uudnr the uprintuditct) m tlie O-tnimiitee. After u f.iir nut impHrtiii) hurninn fiir five twuri, the l:ift uf Meir. KiVMiii k 'nta-ii w?ia firat O'teiiolftlie Sft hf-Hig mm fire inside, atix) the c.til-nt partititly coiiauincil, wlni tl-f r teuta in the safe of .Mmri, Fmrrrlt k IIlmih.j wc;u ill fTtxKl conciitKni, no fire itiatda." UnK'mt'. Murci. 3, U j7. (SvKia-d.) H K. FFUX. P N CU1.F.MAS', O .n.milt A. H. l'i:A(Ai:R And en-1nm1 T.y.nver 50 of the l-t tnr n f Haihiift Tlif.iiNivt H.ife iuu be inaptrtifl at J-1 Wulinit S:ret, whrre ttie puUtc run fcatim'y ihrnnt-Ivis uf t e. vrvM Kti,H: ri'Tity of thff "IlfTrinj.'' I'otciit hsmpii.n' mrr this dufratcd aiil! u d up "titnUi Ir n D.hjt tliinuiijicT," FurrclM & Ilrrrlng. 34 Walnut., PltltaiU. Only rrjilvera in tliia Slate of Ih-rriiiff frttLiit Clmiiipin Thenttempt madu by othur pervt s l hi Vter nii the rcpulfilmn nf a n.u' wliah h? uiU-d fiKHy ii'iirfi tifta in Philft'tetphitt , (Kansuml VUn .) y tsiktiti; one nut if an neut's ut Tf, (11 A. Iitt'z ) iiui'to,lp thtrkiK-rs, (cifterrnt frutn iivt tiicy ml ) L tiuru iiji" oue nf Ilrrinp'a (linlfaa thick) hriK me: wt'ii i' tr ie r---urd. Herring's (afc cou d not bctuiut, nr-iV'tn ci:rnlii ivi'lv thai the filly rehotOc Aifr ituw m::tU ia-Ucninir'a ' of w hich orrr ISWJU are "v in aciuil list, ui;U than 'HH) Imve ben tried by fire WitiiutU a a ntv 1- a. Fliila., June 40, 1-07 ly. New Advertisements. To the Eleciors of Northumberland County. P1MIE audscrihrr would rrpeetfully announco 111 the Tllllllfr J I V.lliia f( X ..rlKunikar. land Count?, that he ia a candidate for nomina tion for the silica uf County Treasurer, . Having had aaine aiirienc, ha Halters himself lliut he would be able to render general satisfac tion to the omens ot said county. JOHN FAU.NSWOKTH. I'p. Aujusta, June SO. 1S57. PKOCJ.AMATJON. TVTOTICE is hereby given that a Hicc'tal Court for the trial of caui-es ju llio Connuori l'l-j will comtnenre at the Court Hoiis in unhury on Monday the I3ihduy of July for out- Week. Jurors and others inlt-ri-atrd wi'.l atirnJ. (iven oiidt-r mv hand athiinhurv, the Ut dav of June in tho yi-ar of our Lord one thousand eit;ht hundred and lifiy-ncvrn nnd tho Imle-l(-iideiire of the L'nitcd blales of Ann-ri' tl.o (list. GoJ suTti th Ciimnintiwi-alili. HKNRY WEIsK. Sheriff. Sftrtiirv a Orrtta, Sunl ury, June 7, ISS7, .-i List of Caust's, 7OR trial in the Adjourned and fiuchl Court of Common Pleas uf IWl'.mnilier- land County, to be held at Suuburv, on the Slid Monday ol Julv, K. 1)., leS7. n.AlNTIVri. DCFKNOAXTA. Jacob VoniJ i, vs Paid I.ewii, Zeibe Hun 4 bhauinkin Imp. t'n. Jacob M SidiJe ts KitnVr Cleaver Charlea Pl-aaiit vs M.ilijnuy Si Slianio kin Imp co. Jcho C Horton s 1m lleachum Jc Win I, Tewart JAMES UKAR1). Pralh'ry. Prothonotary'a Oli'ire feunbury, June 6, 1 8.'7. ) NOTICE. " . THE Vonden and Itotailors of Dnmpatio and Foreign Merchandise of Northumberland county, will take nolico that tboy are asses ifd and rated by tb Aiprsier of MnrchitD tilo 'l uxes, for the yar 1857, ai fullowa Mount Curmtl. Cla, 13 Numti, Keiser, I.luwellyr. AXJtl. l ewis, Muir k Co. Sahulti, Fagely & Co. A Ay res A; (Jo. Mcais Jk Davis Coal. Cochran, Pe Co. Ratf r Sr. Hird J. ft T. 1J.J881T Aiiitnurainn. W'eitgc-l Co WVavtir & Fit; J Weitiii-r, Tosinh Iti ed Win Clifriiictnti Ziiniiiei-inan A 1'ureel , Joiihs Btino , ,. . C Ostnan -i . . F lliOncr O Cud ilmli-r V LuuVI .Millur ' Zrrh. Hrb k Dcppnti Sr-ars & Foisylhtt Muri-ns Strousi', Alexunili-r l.eih llonry A Hhiebh-r Ui'nn Ai Kramt-r , Iteilbrii Kl;u ' Fraiu-U Xlower Little MaJiannj. S Troulman Javlson. Win iVf'ppn W in II K linger K yii-k-kvr I.otrtr .1uaunoy. Fel.-r r.urrell A Ditty . Isuiiu Wittnan liliiu Wi-,t John Wirt Josiah Kwarla Wttt & Shartel Wm Kehrs ( ltuhocli Jordan, Wathingiujt. It 12 U 14 it u 13 13 II lit 13 U lit ii .14 u 11 14 11 11 13 l:t 11 14 11 It a 13 14 u 13 13 14 It 11 a. u a a f ir Muhoiioy. I)Hn!-l Ili-im John Sininkoy J II Adams O W .Snyder Cameron. J lluupt I.OH-tr AugtutHi P F Zimmerman, Joi-.tithun KviU A J C nii rud itfnj lleffnir ' Istric MurlK Utrjjstrusaor & Hull L'jjcr Ai.yufttt. J 0 .Moreun J F r I F Kiino S.tai'intiTi. Mnrtz i Clomr-iit S A lWststri'sser Hull' A Mc Williams John Vuuz-jiit ii ii .S K Millar Williiiigtpn k Chii.'t-sler J P Ilrgtto 12 3 A r.tnmi k S;n :J K J F Pipi-r 12 MajrH Ai McCurutick 12 8 M (i v:-i .a S H llaitrmirt 14 V A Fix . Ji 14 a a 15 a a a a a a a a a a i:i a a a ii a IIju) & S:iTid9 Bei.-u 1 fc B.itret liaido k lit-.-a Swcnk k Sticker I.tmlt. Hilton. Fiit-k Jt Sloiil S L l-'iiiiiey t suns liriivMi T ,S Studdcn Win F Nopln Frj mire iV 5!rolher Union it Hotish (Jotidiiian i)c Momlie J 14 Corrcy k J Jro;. Sti.'inrr .V luss L 1! Kruiiini llaug k Hrowo J F CilhllltV J it M Vr.unt Kawn i CMi;i..ill W Jt Lnn-THliore David Kruusr J F Danger .Sulliurl Allfj J Anublai'l ; W Atkiu Cyrus Krown J 11 MeCnrmick Jiictib Dicr J C CicLrin j A CunraJ J utiles K' C-d jr T II Fisher Kuliort Ktris Xortltumbcrltiutl. M U Frieslly Tujrgurt k Li'ighow J nil. 08 'i'lipii.ll l Win T Forsyth ri A 4uikeiibina A Ii Vnungiuuu Win ICiIint John W Knell Klixbeth lloblmit II M Uiauliaiu lletiiy We iik .1 nines r-colt Wiu Wiiinor 13 13 13 12 14 11 12 12 14 12 11 12 12 13 a 13 12 13 a a a 14 a u a 44 13 1 1 a a 13 14 13 Jt 13 13 13 13 13 11 13 a a a 1 1 a a . To the Elector! of Northumberland ' County. M1E subscriber hereby offers himself as candidate for PROTHONOTARY, Having; always keen a steadfast Democrat, and considering himself comicteat to perform the duties of the office, he would respectfully ask of tha Democratic party of the eouuly a nomina tion at the primary election. Among other qualifications, a thorough knowledge of the Knglhh and German language sfbuld enabla him to attcud satisfactorily to all having business iu the office. Tie'.'.fw.. lane tO, tfi- - SEALKU rr.OP08AtS will be received by the board of School Director of i'oint Dis Irict, Northuiubeilaud count) , at bchaol lioumt No. I, on tha West UiaiKb.on the first day of August next, tor building a UricV frliool Hou-e at that place. Information iu regaid to tha ldaco 4'C may be obtained of ISAAC BEIDL1PAC!I. Point twp., June 13, 1857. - Retired ritjalelan, 7 veais of a? having lost his Father, two brothers, Daughter, 8on-iu-law, Net-hews and Nieces, by thai diead ful disesse, Consumption, and suffering w ith a Cough himself, determined to visit tho Eat-l In dies, Egypt and Japan, where l-.e discovered a 1'reventive ami Certain Cure for.CVMa, Coughs, Bronchitis, Consumption, Nervous Docility and Asthma. His cough waa cured immediately ; ha retained, cured his ?elstivrs, who inherited th disease, and in connection with his son have employed it in their prsclice, curinj thousand of cases eensidered hopeless by other. Fi r the purpose of rescuing as msny of his suffering fel low beings as possible he is sending the i'ecipe to aH who wish it for 10 cents; 3 of it to pay the postage, and te balance rrintinz. Addren Dr, I llti-ra 101 Ppiing street, opposite Hi. .NkhoLe , Hotel, nw s oti. . June 13, IS.n. Sra in Suinuel U Wo-oda Ira T Cli nii'iit Frilitij; (J rant V W liiuy l,Y liii-ht A Soa J II Fiila I W T. nor John Yonnu A W Fuln r Lovi SlMi-hultZ George Dright Hi-nj Sitllen.oyi-r Mi-t'l.iy (jeuib-irt 11 MlUJJMCQ Vulut. unwary. 12 Licente. $10 00 7 00 12 CO 7 00 7 00 13 00 7 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 10 00 10 00 7 fill 10 fiO 7 50 3 5(1 3 00 3 00 2 00 n oo 15 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 2 fiO 2 SO 1 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 CO 7 l0 7 00 7 CO 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 06 7 00 7 00 7 0(1 7 OH 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 12 no 10 00 12 50 12 56 1 00 3 00 3 50 10 00 10 0(1 10 00 12 50 7 00 1.1 (Ml 12 50 12 50 7 00 12 50 .15 (Id 12 50 12 50 10 00 7 00 10 OU 12 50 10 00 3 50 3 50 7 00 3 50 3 50 2 50 3 50 2 50 10 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 10 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 10 00 10 (III 10 00 10 00 10 00 5 00 10 00 7 00 5 00 3 00 2 50 3 10 3 00 12 50 10 00 10 00 12 50 15 00 7 00 7 U0 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 3 50 2 50 5 00 An Hpm-ul will bu hold utthc Commission. era Ofl'u-e in Suiibury. on Wedacsday, the 1st i f J lily 1357, at 10 o'clock A. M., tit whn-h time and place interested may attend. JAMF.S 1.1NN, Her. Ap'r. Buubury, June 0, 1 b57. .. "" r-'"i-;i '.irft-Hf r 4i-iNv,TJ"rt, v ETOHE. IbSI.QUDU SHISSLKR, respectfully hi- f.irms lli ml i iiia nf 'i'raviirtini an.l mp. rounding county, that aha has opened a new store of Millinery and Fancy lion's, at Trevor, ton iu Shsiuokiu slreot, nearly opposite Knuuse's Tavern, where all kinds of ttosusls and Taney Goods can be had at tha lowest Uuu. Dreaa dialing also attended Iu ia (he beat luauner and latest style. April S5, 1857. If W1 ED. -ST. BRIGHT & SON, STJNBTJR-3r, NOHTM:t7JvrB33IlXJA.lsrr oounty, pa., 1IAVU JUST RECEIVED A LAKOK SUPPLY OF Dry Good, Itcady made Clothing, Root nnd Shoes, Hard ware, l-iroccricsi, dilass, lluceinware, Ac, Among our present Slock may he found French Lawns, Foplins, Fsncy Silks, Tlaid Ducal, Tissues, Bcregrv, Dclcges, Challi, Black Silks, Alpacra, (iinghains, Swiss Mull, 'i'arlton, Cambria. Nain sook, Brilliants, Dimity, Book Muslin, Bcbinett Collars, Rwins Flouncing, Inserting, Laces, Lib bous, Hosiery, and a general assortment of FANC V GOODS. QHii.VLSSHAV'Lrij-SHAWLS,- Emhrai-ing the most beautiful styles, all qualities and prices. Domestic Goods, Windsor Shades, Oil Cloth and Carpet. (Summer Goods for gents wear of every vsiiuty. Hardware embracing: all kind of building material, Carpenters Tool of tha hsat manufacture, Filr of every descrip tion, Cutlery, 6hoo rinding, La sin, ore. Former rffrU mi r passed In Quantity nnd Quality. In addition tour forinsr Store Room, we have filled up the second sljry of our etab1ihmant which you will find well slocked with ItosJy Made Clothing, B.ols and Shoe combining beauty durability nud eheaptie. We shall contin-ie tu re wive Goods Semi- Monthly, thus rendering our annui uncut ai uii utiles ciiiiipiric, noomcr inuuceineui 10 all wno wisn to purclluse. N K W GOODS AT LOW PRICES Wo return our thanks to the public fur their librrsl patronage, and respectfully invito an inrpeo tion of our Goods, as ws deem it a pleasure wait on all who may favor us with a cull. COUNTRY TKODUCU TAKEN IN F.XCHANGE. Bar Iron, Steel. Wails. Piokj. Grub Hoes, Majon Hammers. Mill Saws, Window Sash Grindstones, Glass. Paints, OUs, JTiih, Salt, Cheese, Meat, &c always on hand. Punhury, May 3", 1857. if fj. Y. 1! RIGHT eV SON. Notice of Dissocticn of Partnership. THC pnrtnerrhip hemlofore existing between the firm ol Bud V John ha this day (Jui.e 1st, IS57,) Uen dissolved by mutual concnt. All person having claims against us are notilicd to present tin ir acceunt ; and all those know ing thcmm-lvr to I e itidebtrd to tho lato linn are requctcd to sett! up promptly, (hereby sav ing (rouble and co-it. jos. Binn, J. J.JOHN. Slu-nokij, June C3, 1357.- 3t Spring aad Siimmsr Fashions for 1857 FANCY DRY GOOD STORE, Market Square, Sunbury. 1VOW received ami will continue, to receive, the largest and best selected Stock of Mack Clntln, Cuftiuttres, Cutsinetlt and Yvstinrt, -c. An asRortmrnt of Dress Good, viz: Fancy printed C liens, Chillie, piiuted Lawns, De Lain Uarrge. Merinos, Cashmeres, Alupacas, Drcrs Silks, Gingham, ic. LfNKN AND WHITE GOODS. Irish Linen, blenched and brown Drilling, Sheet ing, J'lllowraseiiig, &c. DrcsB Trimmings in Great Variety. Hoots and Bhoes Hat and Caps, Hard.varc, Ccdarware, Gfoeerie, tiueenware. SALT and KLSH, Chrre, Crackers, Segars, Tobacco, SnulT, &c, an aworanient of other God too tedious to menliuh. Feeling grateful for past favor we beg leave to assure our nhl friend and the public that no rilurt on our part sli:i!l be wanting (o merit a continuance of our patronage. Country produce taken iu exchange at the highest niaikrt piice. P. W. GRAY. atinbiiry.May 30 , 1857. tf KETCIIUM'S Combinod Keaper and Mower For IA57 in the niort runiplcle maehiiic iu use, and the one best adapted to the want of the Fanner First Mcing wholly mad of Iitos it ii more durable then iiny uthcr. Secoiiil. Ii i to thnple any person can rendilv innnae it. Tbiid. h ii so tlrounly and well built, thnt it cannot eaily get nut of repair. Fowith. It is neat and cuiupcct, occupying lets space than any other Filth. The frame is so easily balanced that there is no eight on the horn-' net kn. citli. There is little oi no side draft. Seventh. It will cut heavy and liyht grass equnlly well. Ditihih. It rut wet grar as well a drv. Ninth. Tho new cutter bar wh- el lessen the dr.ift at least one fourth in mowiujr. Tenth. Tvo horse will woik it with ease in any kind of eras or a;raiii. Eleventh, ll i tbc wily moi-hine wilh the cutter bar directly opposite tlie chufl ol the driving wheel. 'J'wrl'lh. The open euitin; blade effactunlly prevents clogging in any kind ol grars. ThirlHcnth. It ii changed iu a few minutes frrin a mower to a Keapcr. Fourteenth. D i the only machine with a rctr and side delivrry for Kruiti. Filiei'iith. Ii i the only machine which give the Raker control of the (train, buth bcfjrc and after it teaches the plulforin. Snteintli. The siljuslnble t-pring seat, and new reaper shoe are capital improvements. ISeventeenlh. Seven years of severe practical trial with more than IV 0(1 L) machines have proven it decided supeiioritv. Like wine it improves wilh ai;e. Eighteenth. All tho improvements for 1857 have l.trn practically and thoroughly tested. Nineteenth. Every part of (he machine is made by manter wuikmea and iu the most sub stjiitinl in-inner. Twentieth. Kclrhum Reaper and Mower is warranted to eul grass and emin as well as it can be done with a scythe or crudle. In a word it is jiiKl the machine which a firmer can buy without any n.k, because ample expe rience ha proven that it is reliable in all its part FAKMEHS, send in your order early, a tho sale for the sennon have thus far been more than double that of la-it year. UO 8, iSPANGLEH A. CO., sole Agent. No. 6-7 Market St., below 7th north side, May 23, lS7 bt Fhihidtlphia. Isn't It So ! 1 1 YDKOLEl'M PAINTS. These paints ar mixed with wsU-r, thertl y saving the coA tf oil, for rule bv m mih ii, ''7. a. y. FISHER. I I'so ARTHL'K'8 Celehrntcd hell-esling Cans and Jars, .and you will have fresh fruit fresh Fruit '"" ,m' vcar Summer prices j Pull directions for puttii i-p :all kinds of Fruit sud 'i'oma lines, acconipur.y thcee cans and jirs. ilicy are ma-lc of Tin, (.'lats. ucensware and Fir and Acid I'roof Stone Ware. 'J'he sires IN M'INTEE rc t'om pint to gallon. '1'hi sj jeans and jars are entirely open at (he topi, and neat, to ncure economy in transportation. r or sale by storekeepers BETTER throughout ihe United States. jJearnptive circulars sent on plication, taf Orders from .lie trade solicited. Be sure to a;k for "vlrthur'." it has stood the lest of two sea- THAN on. having been ue I by bun- 1 ireo oi iii'.u-auu oi inuiuies, hotel and boarding-house kee- r. We are now making them for the million. Sweetmeats- A 'tnur Burnham & Gilroy. iianuiacturer uuuer me raieiu N. i' cor. Tenth 4 George St. PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia, June 13, 157 Sm m-iKs rHaiTiis i lYLANK Deed, Mortgages, Bonds, Warranu, JL A ttachmeuls. Commitments, Summons, bu- alias, Execuiioiis, Justices' and Constables' Ves Uill. Ac, Ac, cu be had by applying at this uffic. . Nt-tv iTrugsi, ruiiita, sVc. NEW supply of Drugs, Paints. &ils, Fluid, cVe., just received and for sale by A. W. FIMIEK. 1 Bunb'iry.Mvy 2, 147. IMMENSE EXCITEMENT ! ! P-evolution in the Dry Goods Business I ! ! J. r. & i. r. iiline, KespcctfuIIy announce to their frieadssnd the public in general that they have received at their Store in Upper Augusta township, Northumber land county Pa., at Klines Grova their Hpripg and Summer GOODS, and opened to the public a general assortment of merchandize Ac Consisting in part of Cloths, black and fancy Cass'mcra, Satinctts, Checks, Kentucky Jean together with a general assortment of Spring and Summer Goods adapted to all classes of per sons. Itcudy mads Clothing, sonsi.ling of Caata and Vest. ladies Press Goods, Pumn er Sbawls, Ginghams, Lawns, Ducals, Calicoes, black Silks 4 c Also a fresh supply of Drugs and Medicines, Groceries 4 c, of all kinds. A new supply of Hardware. Quecnaware, wooden ware lirooms Ire. A large assortment of Boots and Shoes suita ble for men women and children. II ATS AND CArs. School Books, Stationery, Envelopes, Ink, &c. Fisu isd Salt. And all goods usually kept in a country store. Corre and see, Come one, come all. The public arc respectfully Invited to call and examine, our stock before purchasing elsewhere. All of tho above named stock of goods will b sold positively at low prices for cash, or in ex change for country produce at tho highest mar ket price. Thankful for past favors we hope by strict attention to business to merit a continuaiico of the ninr. Kline's Grove, Pa., May 16. lc7 if waotrsst aub Rstaii BOOT STORE, 4(1 South Fourth S.t, alovt Chctnnt, I'hil'a. B "BOOTS, Shoe, Gaiters, le., promptly mh 9 to order in the very beat 4) le, and of tha best material. Philadelphia, May 9, 1857. Baddlo and Harness Maker. HENRY IIATJPT, JR. SMcecttor to A. J. Stroh, TfK RESPECTFULLY informs th -rfj?W citixen of Sunbur? and the pub t4sslle 8'narally, (hat ha hss taken stVr"fc-'8A the establisbment lately occupied A. J tMroh si d ia ic ared to turn cut work in is line of business equal to any made in this, section of tho eouniry. Orders promptly execu tod and all kinds of produce takeu lu Exihanga Sunbury, May 0, lfiu7. ly SPLENDID 0FFr.R3 FOR 18M AND 1857 TOGETHEPv. NLIKE the mora ephemeral Msgstlnesj of the e'ay, these i'eriodicals lose little by agn. hence a full year of the Nos. with na omissions, for 1856, may he regarded no-rly as valuable a for 1857. We propose to furnish tha two years at the following Extremely low Kaics, vili SO 00 00 00 00 00 IS 00 11 00 u oo For Elackwood's Msgsiiue, For any one Keview, For any two Kevicws; For Blackwood and ono Jtcview, For Blackwood and the two Kevicws, For three Reviews. For Dlackwood and three Reviews, For Ihe four Reviews. For Blackwood and the four Reviews. 1 o avoid fractions, $5 may be remitted for Dlackwood, for which we will forward that work for both years, post paid. N. B. The price in Great Britain of the fin Periodicals above named is about $31 por an num. As o shall never again he likely to offer such inducements as those here presented. Now it tha time to Subscribe! I N. B. Remittsncesmust, in all cases, ha mads direct to the Publishers, for at these prices n commission can be allowed to Agents. A Jdress, LEONARD SCOTT & CO., No. (4 Gold-street, New York. April A, 1857 tf Auctioneers, ?n COMMISSION M Kit CHANT!, No. Ml, site 107 Noilh III tlr'-el, 1 lic!nv Vino, I'hiiaiinl- n-iii-s oi niioi! urin ruui-.n, IH:Y tiOODS HAUmVAKJ-:, WATUHJiS, FANCY OOOtl, uhi e , every cvi.-inua;. ty uoiintrv Stoivkn-pera nnd others will nlwtiys finilul our llvt-uing S.-iIls a laiyc und dcsinihle nssnnincul of ih ntiove good, to lie ei. .1.1 in lots to suit btiyeis. 'li.ioils pnckcl on tbc .rnimses jr Country Trad Mure!i iNo. . 3iuc. New Goods for the People t BEN J A M1N I IKFFNKIl f ESPECTri'I.LY informs the public in gen ersl thnt he ha just received and opened a splendid stock of SPUING AND SUMMEIt GOODS at his New Store, in Lower Auguia towneliip. Hi stock consists in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets. it all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO: CnllcocM, Oinghnms, Lavus, BluiiMMCIIne Uo Louliiea and all kinds of Ladies Dres Goods. GroccrlCH, Also su assortment of Hardware. Iron and Steel, Nails, &c. . Also an excellent assortment of QUEEN S WARE, of various styles ami patterns. Also an assortment of MOOTS & SHOES. II ATS & CAPS, a good selection. Suit, Fish, eic. And a great variety uf other article Buch as are suitable to tho trade, all of which will be sold at (be lowest prices. f?" Country produce taken in ricbosje a ihe highest prices. Luwer Augusta, June 6, 1857. ISAAC M. WILKKHSON, MANUFACTUItER 02T FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. Siifiift, Diviiu ami Ijouiiki'M JJiueaus. Secretaries, Sideboards, StIFA, BREAKFAST AXD UIXlNli TABLES and also VENETIAN lil.INDS, equal to Phila- dvlphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price CUPBOARDS. WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, lu short, avery article in this line of his business. rPHE subscriber respectfully rails the attentiei of the public to bis large and splendid as sort went of every quality and price sf CMRISIiT-lVslEll. which cannot fail to recommend itself toevery ene who will eiaxiine it, on account of its durable workinunship and splendid liiikd), made up of the best stock to be had in the city. No eilbrt is spared ill the manufacture of his ware, and the subscriber is determined to keep up wilh the ninny improvements which are constantly being made. He also manufacture all kinds ami qualities ' ,. c ir a ins, r-.cluJing varieties never belore tu be had ii Sunbury, such an Mh-oci-it, lines Waiki-t ixuCuKLEii.MArLkGiir.ciAX; anii WiMisna CHAIRf, uo FAcr I'uvo stools, which are uf the latest styles, and warranted lo be ccelh-d by none manufactured in the Cities or eUewl.erc. The. sulwribcr is delenniiicd that there shall be iiucjeusc for persons lo purchime ftirnituie iu the cities, a every confidence can be entertained about the quality and fitii.ih uf hi ware and (.'li'iir. These article w ill 1 disposed of on as good Wrm as they esn be purchased t'lae where. Coun try Produce tulten in payment for wurk. IV UNDERTAKING. Having provided a handsome Hstnas, ha is now propared for Undertaking, and attending funerals, in (hi vi cioitv, or it any convenient distance fro.u this place. I i The Ware Room is in Fawn Street, he ow Weaver's Hotel. DM A (J M. WILKERSON. Punbury, April IS, 1857 If. STORE. IB Ins) SAH ill 9I4KTZ, respectfully If JU informs the cilixens of Sunbury and sur rounuing rotintry, that she has O ened a new Store oi Millinery and Fancy Good, at Sunbury, in Market street, nsady opposite Wesvsr's Hotel, where all kinds uf Uoiiuci and Fancy Goods can ba bad at Ihe lowest terms, buubury, May k, ISS7 Suit FOR SALE- VGood s-rnn J hsnJ llnjgv. Apply at this office.. P. MELANCHT0N SHIN DEL, J V STICK OF THE PliAC.r," eXT-N-BTJ-R-S-, 3? -A.. OJJice iu Deer Street, immediately opposite the Public School House. All business promptly attended to. Monica collected and all ordinary writings done, t-'unbury, April 25. 1S57. If " C 0 AI C 0 L L I E R Y " TO N Middle ( oal Field, Northumberlnnd county, -- connected by a short branch w ith the Phils dchlhia 4' Sunbury Railroad, Known as tha LAUEEEM CCLLIEP.T u-ith vpwnrdt nf 600 -lcres of Superior Cot Land, belongirg ts tho New York and MiJJIs Coal Field R. It. and Coal company, with Dreskss Engine of "(I horse-power. .V iner's Housta, already erected and in good order. Several coal veins aliove water level have boeat opened, and a number of others are of easy access, which maybe opened wHh little expense. Persons desirous of examining and leasing the pruprrty are referred to J. H- Dcwee, ageat of Ihe company, at Ml. Carmel, for further ia formation. Proposals fur leasing the same will be re ceived At the company's office, No. 88, South Fuurto. street, Philadelphia. ;. GODLET, Presidont. P. S. For the. purpose of facilitating tha transportation of oal from the company's mine, tho company haw 50 cars at their dispcanf, for the use of their tenants. March 2R, isr,7. tr. FURNITURE ! FTONITITRE ! I THE LARGE stIj TOC K EVER OFFERED IN SUN BUR V. rahlilonaMc, I heap aud I'scful r'fflHE suhscriler,long estahltshed as a Cabinet and Chair Manufacturer in Sunbury, thank ful for past favors, solicits a continuance of tha puWic patrousgo. Uis stock of Cabinet-Ware, Chairs, 4c, embraces KVFHV ViltlETV, I'SEFl'L ASO Si t.KTAL in housekeeping. It is uiineccsnary to enume rate, as anything that may be required in his line can be had at moderate pi ices. Cheap for CukIi, or Country Producetuken iu exchange. Establishment South uf Comer of Market Snuare. I IT These knowing themselves indebted ( the subscriber would oblige him by making pay ment. SEBASTIAN HAUPT. Fuubuiv, April 4, 1857. tf ITT, CAEMEL COAL COLLIEBY POR RENT. PROPOSALS will be received by tha New al York ui-.d Middle Coal Field R. R. and Coal Company, for leasing this colliery, situated on I the Isaac Miller tract, with upwards of 300 Acres of first rate C'onl Land, adjoining Mt. Carmel, and immediately in tha Philadelphia k Sunbury Railroad. This colliery ia now in complete working order, having an extensive Tunnel and Gang ways already opened on several eina of excel lent while-ash coal. A new and extensive Breaker with a 40 hoisa power engine, Miner's Houses, ckc, srs now resdy for use. The property will be shown to parties desiring to take a lease by J. H. Dewccs, agent of tha company, at Mt. Carmel. Applications will be received at the dfflca of the company, No. 88, Pouth fuurtb street, Philadelphia. J. GODLET, President. P. S. The company awn fifty Grst-class coil cars, which will be appropriated to the use of tenant for facilitating li.a transpoitatioa uf coal tu market. .March U, 1137. If The World's Great Exhibition Prize Medal! AW AUD ED TO C. MEVER, Tor the Two Pianos, London, October, 15, '01 J?-'!.!V"-'aI I-? V',"t'S?fA C01T?a.DlETEP. UKSPECTr'CLLY informs his friend ani (he public generally, that he has constantly on hand Pianos equal to these for which ba re ceived the Prixe Medal, in London in 1851. All orders promptly attended to, and great care taken in the selection and packing (he sau. He ha received during the lsst I years, mora Medals than auv other maker from tha Frank iiu Institute ; also First Premium at Boston, and Premiums at New York and Baltimore. AVareroom, removed fiotn Si 8. FtMsrlh, to No. ISt) ARCH Street, below Eighth, south sida, Hiilsdelphia. Aprdil.18V7.-3iu IH'OWVel and Hreiuin's Essence of Ginger and Hti.pi.d' M.-t-rU at MKhM,6T. riHER!.