Jorcip $fctos. ARRIVAL OF THE PERSIA. OMR Wf tK LATER FROM KinoPI. J'A Telegraph CallePanie in a Theatre 43 Killed and 134 Wounded. Tho steamer Persia arrived at Now York yesterday, from Liverpool, bringing dates to Saturday, the 13th Inst. Tlie Persia left Liverpool od Saturday, tlie 13lh inst.. nt 21 o'clock in the afternoon, and arrived at her Jock it 7 o'clock, A. M., mi kinc th trip In 9 days, 16 hours, 45 minutes. The American advices received bud occa sioned tin advance of on cotton. . Douglas Jerrold, the well known dramatist and novelist, la deml. An influential mooting had been hold in Liverpool io aid of tho movement for an in creased supply of cotton. In Franca the election . excitement was increasing. , The Spanish Mexican question remains Unsettled. The proceedings in roriiunient are not very important, thoiieh strong Catholic op position to the Jewish Disabilities bus sprung up. The Birkonhoad liulf of tho Telegraphic Cubit) has been completed and pronounced to bo perfect niter the refnired tests. The V. 8. steam frigate Niagara is expected in the Mersey iu a few days to Comincuce taking it on board. ' The firm of Evans House .t Co., London and Australian shippers, has failed. Liabili ties, 200,000. In France the Red nn.l While Republicans have coalesced in their opposition to tho Government, at the coming elections. The Bank of Frunco returns show a very Urge increase of cash. A terrible catastrophe has occurred iu the theatre at Florence. During the performance the scenes took fire and in tho panic that ensued, no less than 43 of the audience were killed and 134 were wounded. Tho test of tho Persia treaty has been published.. The overland mail has arrived with later dates from China, India aud Australia, but the news presents no feature of importance. Italy Dksaotci. Occcrrkkck at FLonexcB. Lkohokn, Juno 8. Yesterday, at the Theatre des Aequedolti, during tho performance of a piece entitled "The Capture or the Malukoff," tho fireworks ignited the scenery, and the flames, spread with great rapidity. A great panic ensued, and two hundred persons b.ive been wounded or killed. The Grand Duke came to Leghorn this morning, as soon as the news of the catastrophe reached him, ud directed that the persons injured should be conveyed to the hospital. Toa rors's PutiGrEss. DoLOONA, June 10. The Sovereign Pontiff arrived yesterday. The magnificent reception ho met worthily crowned this triumphal journey. Tho crowd was immense tho weather "superb. This snorning Pius IX. crowned the image of tho Holy Virgin on Mount della liitardia, so dear to the Bolognose. Ilia holiness ad dressed a speech to the people, who listened with transports of iudescribable emotion. (0,000 inhabitants from the north or Italy bare como hero. THE SEW SI' GAR CASE. Mr. Leonard V ray, of London, tho iutro. dncer into France and other countries of Jm ihtt, or Chinese sugur-Cuue, (which, however, be obtaiued in Africa) aud the discoverer of process or crystallising sugar rrom its juice, Las just returned to this city from a visit to the Southern and Western States. We learn (hat he has planted upon tbo estate of ex-Governor liamuiond, of South Carolina, 120 acres ; upon that of Mr. Peters, near Atalauta, Georgia, 30 acres ; aud upon that ot Mr. Caesius -M. Clay. near Louisville, Ken tucky, 7 ucres. Mr. D.J. Urowiie, of tho United States Putent OUiee, who introduced the Cbioese sugar-case into this country, and demonstrated to the pubitc its great value, is understood, in common with Governor Hammond and other gentlemen, to havo ur ged Mr. VV'ray to visit tho United butes for the purpose herein named ; and bo is alio aiding, by all moans iu bis power, to iuduce the the prompt and general uttentiou of ag riculturalists to the adoption cf these varie ties of a novel plunt. This cane is profitable for many purposes besides the manufacture of sugar, such us tho production of alcohol, of wine, of fodder, of s red dye for silks, 4c. It will grow und pros per wherever Indian or brooui corn may be cultivated to advantage ; but its most abun dant yield of sugar and iuo6t profitable cul ture will proro to beiu tho regions bint adap ted to the tropicul sugar-cane now in general cultivation. Whether it will supersede the plant now prevalent there or not is u prob lem to bo solved by t-xperimeut alone. We re assured that, from the ripeued seeds of the crops uow planted in South Carolina, Georgia, nnd Kentucky, a second crop may be produced this summer iu tho South. It'djAi'nyfu.i ' Stales." . . TlifcFB ClHI.DBKK D&OWEXI UT ITIKtR MbTM- . Ou the 2tttU ultimo, tho village of Leont Jackson comity, Michigan, was the scene of a tcrriUo tragedy. Mrs. Logan, mother of a family of uiuo children, iu a lit of mental de rangement, attempted to murder her wbo'.o family. In' the absence of her busbuud, she culled till bur children into the house the el dest being but fourteen year of ogo, and for. bid their going out. PreseutIy she look ouu of ber cbildrei', wual yy, aud threw it into the well ; . then aa .-lUr, and bo on until shu bad carried out four.. The other children having thuir fears extiud, followed their mo th, r with the fourth victijn, and saw her throw It into the well. They iricd to interlure but were unuble tho niauiuc -qjolher making post desperate eBorts to drown thiai ; fail iog in this, she threw herself down upon ber dead aud drowning children. Tho well was enrbloss some twelve feet deep, with about four feet of water. While in the well,, ber Children from the top bunded berdewu a pole to which the mother and one chilJ clung, i.ud acre drawn out. Tb remaining three were drowned ull elforU of the neighbors la re suscitate them provii.g unavailing. Pecu tiary troubles, it is said, induced the tempo rary aberration of mind which UU to this dreadful trogody. His Wir Vxzc Him. Standing near one or the gateway or the monument crouuJ just before, the Puuker Hill On.ti.oi com msoeed. on tho aficiuoou cf the J 7th, 1 noticed a htlfo lad locking wi.tfullj- at the big tent. A rnau with Masouio regalia, passed op and said to tho keeper of the to. tisjice. 1 belong i0 Ring B.doii.on's LoJee and have been here bofor.,." Tbe hid our! Wing hi.u, stenpeu hrartly ,:p 8nd ,id, " Ulonf 10 loin m-se'e ;.,:t r- amused at the !0 w t. tii.j n0 , , ) boy. "100 acres - Th man Boding the laugh turned on , km, by tho ready wit 'r the boy. told him tn "ur in" i..r ... . . " oour later l aw biiu in the tent listeuiug iuWutly to the flotjuouee of Lverett.-Cr.i'Nr, trwtUtr. . (?,Jd Fu,Iow t N'ortbnn.berlsnd'in. tend dedicating the Halt which they have re cently fitted up, on the 1st of Jnly tU. All the Lodges in the neighboring country have been Invited to be io slUiodauc. snd so io tere.ting lima m$J beerpectod. ' C. O. Uacb. B,au. oTaunbury. h,bceu re -appointed Dii. THE AMERICAN. SUN BURY. SATURDAY, JUNE 27, 1857. II. B. MASSEtt, Editor and Proprietor, Dotnbcratio State Nominations. For Clorernor Gin. WILLIAM T. PACKEB, OF LVCOMINQ COUNTY. Judges of the Supreme Court, Hoe. TIIXIAM S I ItO.Xrj.el lirrLlonntr. Hon JAMKS THOMPSON, of trl. t ulinlf. Fur Canal Commissioner, MMHOO STKK KI.A.MJ, OK CMIiSTBH COC.NTT. Coi KTKKFKiTi.n. Ayoung man from Union county, named F. Lambert, was arrest ed on Wednesday at Lewisburg. for passing counterfeit money, nt Milton, on the PbiU' delphia 15auk and committed to jiiil ot this place the same dy. 63" Corkei:tio.i. Wo stated last week. inadvertantly, that stockholders in Banks were individually liable to uole holders and )ifj)Ofi(or). e intended to say r.oto holders only, though depositors como next to uote holders ou tho assets. We understand that some thin-skinned individuals have taken ex ception to onr remarks, nnd impute to us im proper motives. No true friend of Shamokin can properly drawaur such inference. Wo are among thoso who think that s Bank adds but little to the prosperity snd productive Indus try of a pkco not half as much as s half dozen good mechanics. S3" The Northers Centkai. Railroad. This road will be opened for travel on Wed nesday next, from Ilarrisburg to Trevor! on Bridge. Tho smull bridge, nenr Millorsburg. w hich was swe pt sway try a recent flood, and which has delayed tho opening, has been re. paired. I rom Port Trevorton, the Packet will run twice a day. The intentiou is to run a fast lino through from Baltimore to Niaga. ra Pal's, by this route, running tho distance from Ilarrisburg to the lulls in about 14 hours. This will mnke a pleasant end popu lar route and will bo well patronized. feT PliESIDKM Or TlIK BaNK Of NoRTHfM- brhi.and. At a meeting of the board of directors of the Bank of Northumberland, on Thursday last, Wm. Cameron, Esq., re- signed tho oEco of President of that instilu tion, whereupon Jon It. Pacsks, Esq., of this place, was unanimously elected President, to supply tho vacancy. No better selection oauld have been made. Mr. Packer has not ouly tho experience, but ull the necessary qualifications for tho office. Mr. Camkko.v, who has been s popular officer, will as sumo the Presidency of the l.cwibburg Bank, wliichjWill he organized in a few weeks. COLLISION OS Tim MINIM UY AVI) EKIE RAII.HO.tU, ASD It tHAl'K moil loss or life. On Wedueeday evening, as the passenger traiu from Willinmsport was entering Nor thumberland, at a tlow f-ocJ, tl o coal train from tho Philadelphia V Sunliury road came sweeping through the bridge ul a rapid rute. Tho engineer cn the paescnger train immedi ately reversed his engine, and had already commenced backing, when the engine of ti e coal train struck that of the potbenger train with sulTicient force to throw the front truck of the farmer o(T the truck, breaking the cow catcher and bumper of loth cugines. For tunately, tho pusscugcrd escaped with nothing more than a sudden t-hock, and were only saved from tho cOvets of s terrible smnsb, by the timely caution of tho engineer of tho passenger train. The evening train from Wilitai.isport is due at Northumberland at 7 J o'clock, P. M., and tbo engineer says he wns tevcral minutes within .hiii own time, when tho collisioti took place. The conduct of the conductor of the coal traiu was not only . reckless and cul- pable, but deserves tho severest centturo for runuing upon tho lime of tho passenger train, aud attempting to reach the switch abovo tho town, when he kuew the passenger train was approaching. Tho rules und regulations of the load re strict the traiaj to a tpeed not exceeding 5 tnilea per hour thrown Northumboilaod, and what mules it more reprehensible, s similar occurrence, from the same causa, was barely prevented, a few evenings previous, a few miles further np the road. Ti e portion of conductor is one of responsibility, and should not bo occupied by any ouo who would wautonly triflu with bis high trost. Hon. Judpe Jonrux and others frcm this place were in the cum at the time, who were obliged to como over on foot. Mr. Mnnnics the Snprrintei.di nt. informed ns that ho gave' orders the same day for the eveninj frourht train to remain ut this plure, until the arrival of the passenger train. This will preclude the possibility of asimilar cceurreiice hereafter orcisios or the sicrfmb-. ioirt os lilt SALE Or TIIKAIAIS LI Mr. The decision of the Supreme Court,' on the application for uii injunction, to pn w r,t the !ule of the Mein Line ortlio Public Woiks was deli vered by Chief Justice Lew on Tuesday. It is one ol the mest iuipoitai.t decisioni, in principle, an eil in the n up. itiiu(j or iutresti) iT-ru.- '. : ;:, come Ui.fure the :..u,i. 1 bo efl'utt of tho dceitiou ut Ih.: f.r i. that llw Pcuosylvsuia Kailroad Company may purchase the Line, jr it chooses, on the s ime terms as any other bidder, but in doing so it will not be relieved from the payment of ionung, or soy other kind or taxation. This decisiou must of coarse, prove fatal to the hopes of ohe Pehnsjlvsnis Itsilrpad Company o purchase the lias nnder the bill or the last setsion, and the investments made by the bo rers, Tor the purpose of passing the bill, will prove s bad speculation. Tho opinion is en ahJo'coc, and has beta wt-JI retVivtd hv ell rECt LATIONS IS THE WEST. A correspondent of tbo Philadelphia Cul. letin writing from Prairiodu Chicn, (Wiscon sin,) thus alludes to the fever of speculation In the west i Everybody speonkles-everybody buys snd tells laud everybody lends or borrows men fry everybody is either a millionaiie, or about to be, in bis own opinion. Labor is high, aud so is everything else, snd the wholo course of business runs in tho highest kiud of a tide. People buy a tract of land for, say 21 OUO ; lay it out into a town, and in a few weeks or months sell one twenty-fifth for the same prices as they paid for tho entiro tract. Therefore, that town is considered worm twenly-fivo thousand dollars, although there may not be a liouso in it, snd the owners spread themselves accordingly. Now, if the otoreFnid town happens to bo on the river, or a main road, or to have peculiar advantages nf soil, Ac., it really does Gil up, and betomo what its proprietors expert. There ore many such towns. But if it is uuuhere, (i. c. utterly uninhabited, and uot even luid out on the soil.) or is ou tbo road to nowhere, then it subsides in a short tiuie, und the proprie tor or proprietors pick their fiiuts and try something else. There aro vast numbers of emigrants arriving here, and you can easily sco that if twer.ty or thirty families settle together, the place becomes "a town" imme diately. Well, these towos aro laid out iu every conceivable direction, J net a fast as tho conveyancers can get up the maps, or the engineers cun survey tlie ground. Now con sider nine-tenths ol' the business population of a city of about 13,000 people, cilher di rectly or indirectly engaged in the real estate business, each individual soul of whom imag ines hium If making money by cartloads, aud rushing into uew truuuclions just as fat-t as tliey can borrow thu money ut tho rate of from two to five per cent, a month, and then you have the city or fcfuint Paul, Capital or tho Territory of Minni sntu, in the United States of America, iu tho year 1S."". Our ttay was short, but owing to the fact that wc louud ourseir known to quitu num ber or Peuusylvaiiiuiia who know and handle "the ropes" in this graced game of "heads I win, tails ou lose," it was but a short time we were so thoroughly posted as .to have numerous "brilliant offers of lots und sitea, and also to have a fair taste o( tho way things ore carried on. There is no ato elab orating this sketch. Tho same head over heel spirit which shows itself in regard to real estate, spreads into transactions of all kinds, until, we believe, every body, from the white-washer to the cashiers or the numerous banks at the street corners, i a "speculator" to a greati r or less extent. There will Lo a rmush some day, as every body has been snpiently crouking'lbr two or three years, but it wjl not do any muteriul dnnuigu to St. Paul or to the territory. Aud we will ull yon hy. Thus : St. Puul bus by six or seven thou- and population the sunt of any town in -Mii.iu-tot:i, ucil no place but St. Peter ran ever come near it, nnd it only if tho capital is placed there. Next : they have a most spleudid agricultural country to full back on nhen this mania ceases. They have soil somewhat resembling that or our own Slate, aud better litnber (though nothing to brxg of) than any State North or Wi st i.f Indiana, and next, their populntiou is or a wry good cIiibs. First come the poorer emigrnnU who are mostly Cermuns, Norwegians, and some families from the wisttrn States who are agricultural. Then comes the New York "d. legation," larger than from tiny other Stato ; second, I'rnnsyluania ; third, the New F.ngland States, and fourth, Western and Southern peoph-. Very many of these are "solid men" who hare' been led off by the ull -pervading laud insanity, but who will allow their "grit" when the sinauli comes. "Sixth ly end lastly," they have plenty of minerals in M innetota w hich have not yet been worked to nnv gri at extent. "Thirdly," (to continue the I)igbcrrivn calender) they have not a tinge or trace of that nover-ht.Bjcieiitly-to-be-hated and accursed slavery to blight or blast their fair soil, uud to eat the life und soul and energy out of tho people Kieutally, morally and physically. For all of which reasons Minnesota is sure to go ahead, just like Missouri, when ahe sloughs ofi' her unfortunate children or Noah's disrespectful son, who ought to be the patron sniut of Ciiiciuu.ti. WTbc following notice of tho death of Ut. KouRioi r. we copy from the I.ecompton (Kansas) t.'uion, of the I2th inst. Dr. P.o-DT.VA-y. was formerly a resident of Sm.bury, aud was highly esteemed for his excellent character, and scientific attainments. His wife, a duughlcror Ilicn Bki.lak, F.sq., of this place, with a large family, are still at Lecoinptou. They have, in this afflicting dispensation, the yinpathiis era largo circle or friends aud iicqnaiiitunces in this neighbor hood : DEATH OF DH. ItOOrtlOtE. I'r. lloiiRim'K, whose death wo are pained to announce, was the first settler of his place, and his Iofs to our city and community is irrcpuiroble to his esteemed und sMcled family, beyond comprehension. To a marked amiability of character, he udded the highest order of scientific acquire ment in his profession. Such u man liu was, that for his lofs a bi-reuved family mov indeed weep, a large circle of friends be afllicted, and the holo country mourn. llii ditrne was gabtritis. Tranquil in the integrity of a g.iod conscirnte. and the hopes ol Christianity, he died as only the noble and goo J may die. . A tno.-e extended uotice will b- gicto here after. KjrTiiii West. A number of individuals from this county, aud iudeed Irom ell section of the State have been or sre now ou s tour of inspection snd speculation in the Western Stutes. Among thum was Saxlki, Jvii.v Esq., who relumed from Kansus and Missouri, e few days since. Mr. John made roino in vcttmentrf in Kansas snd aha io Missouri, in anticipation cf the latter becoiuiug a free State. Mr. Samit:i. BunnsriirH aeeoin puuicd Mr. Joiiy to Kansas, but returned homo :ov ral weeks ince, strongly impressed with thviiita, that coincides with our own that s Run who is doing well iu IVurnn Wa' uiu, it a great dunce in leaving it with a viow of doing hotter. - - . . . tT The Lewitburg Cl.ronicH mi that thut new Preibjleriim Church in thut place was dedicilrd oil labt Sabbuth UWttk ago.' Tho sermon was preached by N. Murray, I). P , T New Jersey, kuowo as Wis wis, wbo ''.. Sihip Hughes on the idolatries of 4 optry aft.- years so. Tho tolioctiou at the dedicatiou amounted to two thousand dollars, which speaks well for tho liberality of tho citiseus of Lewitburg. At the Female Institute, Miss Mary Bell, full through the timbers from the third story to the first Boor. It (a hoped she will re- tJTOlu IIusti u his PiMifcr The young folks ard those fond of fun, will no doubt, be glad io learn that "Oid Hoars" will give them one of his humorous eshibitiuas, this (Ptidaj) evening, at the Court Ilouas iu this !.of. Ha will Nr aceinipiirit hv the Cinderella family. THE Sir n EM R COCRT AND THE SALE OF THR MAIN LIKE-, The Supreme Court testerday (rave an opinion open the' application of Mr. Melt, the Canal Commissioner, to restrain the Pennsylvania Railroad from becoming a pur chaser of tho main lino of gtate works, the Legislature having passed an set aotlmrising the railroad company to boy, and relieving that company from the tonnage and State tax. The Court pass by all the side issues raised in this cane, and come down at once to the constitutionality oT the net of the Legis lature. In eflect, the Court decide, snd, we learn, unanimously, that tbo Legislature bns tho power to authorize a solo ; but that it has no authority to extinguish forever, by bargain and sale, the power to raiso revenue for the support of the government! The re venues of the government are the meens by which it 8U9tins itself, and the Legislature has no right to deprive it of tbo use of these means for any purpose. They arc nn essen tiul part of thu sovereignity of the State and cannot be contracted sway. The Court further arguo that to sell to ono class of citizens an exemption from all taxes, and thus to throw all the public bur den upon thu other for all time to come is imposing a tax upon tlie latter without tho consent of their representatives, and is such a plain violation of the rights of tho citizens that the Court are bound to pronounce the act null and void. The Legislature, according to this opinion, may repeal thu toiiuajc t ix that is within its discretion ; but it canuot put the resources of the Stato M our the reach or future reprrsnii tatives. The Court cite numberless decisions confirming this uritiriples, which is founded on such strong reasons of public policy that it seems singular thut any Legislature should attempt, iu the face of them, to render the tiovernmcnt powerless, or assume that may bind the action of subsequent Legislatures by suirenderiug a right 89 clearly belonging to those who succeed as to Itself. An injunction is granted to prevent the Peiiusylvania railroad from making any bids at tbo salo uuder the provision granting the exemption ; tiut in other respects, the net being oue wituiu tho constitutional authority of the Lcgitdalarp. the Pennsylvania railroad may be a purchaser the same as any other bidder. ' The opinion is tersely and vigorously ex pressed, und it wilt commend itself to gener al approval fur its clear views and sound po licy. It is worth rending at length for the able manner in which it presents the question and the iasl disposition of the pointJ which arise therein. rhitu. -Ledger. CKITK. It is ordered that upon tho complainants, or either of them, filing a bond iu the penal sum of one thousand dollars, with suQiuieut sureties, to be approved by this Court, or any Judge thereof, conditioned to indemnify the defendants from ull damages that may be sustained by the injuucliou granted on this motion, an injunction be awarded, command ing tho Pcnaylv:kiiiit Hailroad Company and its officers and agents named as defendants iu this biil. to make no bid for or purchase of tho Main Line of tho Public Works under that part ot thu proviso in tho third sictiou of the actorifilhof.May, 1307. which requires the said Company to pay iu addition te the purchase money at whice tho Works may bo struck down, the En in ot one aud a half mil lions ef dollars and iu consideration thereof assumes to discharge forever the said railroad company, and also the Ilarrisburg, Port; moult), Mount Joy aud Lancaster Kailioud Company from the payment of ull taxes upon tonnage and freight over said railroads; and ulso to relieve the said Pennsylvania nail road Company from tho payment of all other taxes or duties on its capital stock, bonds, dividend r-puprt ty, except for school, city county, borough or township purposes. And alio eummanding the suid 1'enn.iylvunia Unil ), Vuwpany, and il.i officers und agents aforesaid, strictly lo abstain from accepting any assignment ou the terms stutod in tho aforesaid part tf tho said proviso or execu ting, or delivering to the Treasurer of the State any bouda of the said Company, for any greate amobot than the sum at wbieh the MaWi Line ol' the suid Public Works uioy be struck do it a public sale, on a fair and equal cntnpeti'niil nb all other bidders. And also etinnantling the said Pennsylva nia Hailroad ' Company and its officers and agents aforaio, strictly to abstain from ac cepting any transfer of ihe said Main Line or the Public' Wi ks from the StCietary of the Commouwealivr, under the grist seal of the State, fouuded upon, or iu consideration or and purchase upou the terms herein prohibi ted. And aho-mrmandiHg Henry S. Moriir the Treasurer itftke State, strictly 10 abstain from accepting ihe delivery of any bonds ex ecuted by the Pennsylvania Railroad Compa ny on the terms herein prohibited, or for any greater amouut than the sum at which the said Main Line of tho Public Works may be struck down at a fair public Sale of the fame upon equal terms to all perseee desiriup to purehaw. And Ciimmandiug Andrew G. Cnrtin, Serrrteirj ft i'tHnmonweullli strictly to nb ttain fioui ronjlrg any transfer of the said Public Workf uader the great seal of thu State, upon the tirini bereing prohibited, or for any jretei?iiiouut than thu sum at which the said Warks ky ba struck down at a fair public tut,, asfciresaid. -- .., . This Injunction to remain in force until hearing, or tile furl tier order ul tuts court. . ' , i .. Tits Ohio DrfALTATiox. The defalcation which bus boi d4cvrvd In the Ohio Stute Treasury amounts 'to So0.000, including S'J'J.",0t)0 admifed to have been lost to the State tbrou'irlie the mismanagement oj wrongful act r ttw predecessor of the lute Stale TfcukaA The deficit, it is said oc curtvd during t ie trm or J. O. Brealiu, the late DemocrAttf Treasurer; and it is ulso al leged that it W1 been studiously concealed by lh present iteasarer, Uibsnn, a Republi can, who is a l.r""her-iu law or the former While the coKCrvmeut waa managed success full? Kreslis prod by tbo time to migrate to Minnesota. -i-rsan, it seems, has lately been out WesV tk visit to Breslio aud du rug his ub:BrWtouiiding fraud was re veated. Breliift9 not seem to fear an invesligatioQ, tawna-tpe by the last accounts from Columtu It it he has returned to the capital. Gitnen i as also issued a statement, hopiug that a;it'mugh examination will lie imule, and pfnibis a statement exonerating himself fiontl. arges affecting his ingle. grity. Tliora i. ,f .dontly a dikpositton with tho press of Ohio'o use theso facts for par licinu purposes, h-J eudeavor to screeu those aho aro ol lbeify party coinplect:o. The dosiro is uot a--1 to serve the public at themselves, whield'very much I ke the cou duct they conunej .Won, for those who rob. bad tho treaaor w4r eudeavoring to serve themselves to svi, yurpoi. 1 'JiiUtdeljihia ledger, -. y. j. - . I'"rm Salt Lakw- 1 K. Dolson, U. S. Marshalfort'f V T. D. Pitt, reached 8t. Louis, last tT, direct from Salt Lake. They Urt there Xa the 15th of April, and were forty-five d)i the road to Indepen dence. Tboy repuk grass on tb plains very slim. Tboy oi tH first traios twenty miles this sida of fortj k'earney, getting along as well as cou 4 pectod, and all generally bealthy. ' 'Itcy report aoino three companies of U. 8. rafcoou at Fort Kearny, sod about the sama number at Fort Laramie, all well. Mot more or less omigrants every day, with large noro'isrs of stock ; estimated that 10.000 wagons sad 30,000 cattle would cross the plains this yes oa for California. , , , . ,,. The total exposW t Kold this year from California, will fati eu(derably bokiuj those oi IHbt, caused by tW yradusi dovelopmont of the agricultural Mid luaBufacteiuig re sonrcts of tbs J;tto. THE DET ALCATIO 1 OF THE OHIO STATE . THEASlRtR. The Ohio State Journal furnishes the facts In detail of tho default of a former Treasurer of that State, made public only a few days ago. The Treasurer, Mr. Oibroo, bad ro signed, and A. P, Stone had been appointed ia his place. The Journal says : "The inter est upon the Stato debt, which falls due on tne lat of July, hud to be provided for, and the Slate Auditor, Mr. Wright, had an inter view ou Wednesday with Mr. (Jibsou in rela tion to it. Then it was that Mr. Gibson first disclosed tho existence of the deficit in tho 1 rcBBiiry. Mr. Gibson staled to Mr. Witght, thut when he came into office be found Mr. Breslin, bis predecessor in the Trcasory Office, to bo a large defaulter, nnd that he was induced, by representations made to him Vy Breslin to the effect that, if nothing was said in regard to the default, and If time wns given him, tho whole deficit would bo mode up, and the Statu would not lose anything by bis operations with the Stute funds In an evil hour. Mr. Gibson agreed lo the pro position mudu to him by Mr. Breslin, and from that time the present he bad been shouldering thi vait load of debt. The whole amount of deficit in the Treasury, ex clusive of tho sum of $225,819 30, long since made public, at the time Mr. Gibson entered upon his duties, was about f50,000. Mr. Gibson further stated thut not ono dollar of the public funds had been taken by him, or used illegally by him since ho had been in office, nnd that the entire default wns the work of Mr. Breslin. Tho Anditor of State, in his report for 1856, p. 7, soys, 'The books of l his office show, on the 15th day of No vember, lb."6, a balance in tho Treasury of 579,517 57. or this I tun informed by thu Treasurer of State,- there is S2'2G,615 110. ahich amount has not been paid over into his hnnds.' This amount was deposited iu sums varying in amount as follows : Io the Commercial Batik of To ledo, S'JG,271 2.'l In the W. W. Cones & Co., Cincinnati, 47.7C8 00 In tho City Bank of Cincin nati, 79,611 05 In tho With Daniel Beekel of Dayton, 50.785 18 which with the further sum of 21,lb2 C4 charged and retained by the lalo Treasurer as amount paid by him for exchange, during me lour years 01 lus administration, makeup the aggregate named by us abovo. Not any of this money, wo believe, has ever been re ceived info too Treasury. How much of it cm be recovered from the depositaries or from Mr. Breslin is wholly uncertain. A hirg proportion of it is lost without doubt. The hole amount of the deficit under Mr. Breslin's a Jmiiiif tratioi; of tho Treasury is abnnt srren hundred and seventy-Jive thousand doila's." Pkatri'ctivb anp Fatai.Tornaioin Sot Til Eiix Illinois. Wo learn from a friend alio arrived in this city this morning, direct from "Fv-ypt," thut on Saturdry afternoon a terri ble tornado swept over a portion of Cbri.-tiun county, carrying death and destruction in its con rse. Our was at the village of Pena, in that county, during the ' blow," and de scribes its effects there ns terrific. It was accompanied by hail uud ruin. Buildings were swept from the foundations aud some of them curried into tho air, others unroofed, and others torn into atoms. A number of new ft ores that hud not been completed were scattered into fragments ; the Presbyterian Church, a lurgr framo building, was moved home six feet from its foundation ; iho Illinois Central Freight depot w- unroofed; a truin of freight cars was blown from the track; ami woriKl than all, five person a woman and four children were killed by being struck by fulling timbers, or carried 'itito the air und thrown upon the ground. Several other persons were more or less injured, some or a horn may die from tho effects of their injnri, . We have no information as to tho exlei.l of the damage done in other places by the tornado, but formers und ihers in various parts of that and udjoiniug counties must tie heavy sufferers. (Vienjo Journal, June 13. Qi'ERR. A correspondent of the Krening J'ott states that the negroes of Kentucky ur'e responsil.l.t for kIuvpi v in that Stato them selves, thii.! "in tlie Convention which amended the original Constitution of 17J(.t, a grndnal emancipation elauso was lott by a single vote. Gen. Breckenridge, tho grand father or the Vice President, was a member of that Convention and voted ogainst that preposition. The General represented Mr. Clay's old district, and was elected in oppo sition to him by a majority of about five votes. By the Constitution uuder which that election was held, freo neyroes owning a certain amount or freehold property were allowed lo vote. There were iu ono portion of the dis trict some six or seven free negro voters, nil of whom cast their suffrages for General Brcckenridge ; and thus, it may be saidwilli truth, that Iho slaves of Kentucky ot the present day owe their bondage to their own people. Fur it is well known that Mr. Clay, who ran against Gen. Breckinridge, was lit that time an emancipationist, and that the contest was conducted on this isne. TlIK WAV TIIKV M) IX NkI.SOX SujS tllO South SHc ( Va.) Jhrmncrat r "This morning, some ten uiilea Irom this place, a deaperate encrmuter took place between MeKsrs. Jlenry L. Harris and Buiij. Dipp;. 1-ich was armed with five shooters, uud although when firing 0 o rre aro very capital shots at long dis tances, when tiring at each other, within a fow steps and both discharging the entire con tents of the thooteii, minced their aim. They theu resorted to double barrelled guns, ut about thirty paces, Mr. H. receiving eleven buckshots in the buck. As Mr. 1). made his escape it is not knowu whether or not he was shot, but it is thought he was. Nelson county is hard to beut in the way of cutting, shooting and maiming lu the lust twelve years upward of twelve person have been killed, averaging one a year, and about twenty times thut uumber either shot orstabbud." Cot. Ci:i.h. Col. Crabbe, who lutelv embarked in tho came enterprise in which Walker made his lirst venture, and Couut Uaousset Pouldoun lost kis life, is from N'ath- ville, Tenii., uud has been a prominent poli. ticiun in California aud Mississippi. He and ii- 11 1 ... . . 1 . . . i uiher were unuotiess SCIinoiinutep, being natives or the same town. In the last Sena torial conte.-f in California, Crabho was n prominent candidate of tho Know Nothing party.; lie is the same man who was the sur vivor in the lust bloody series of combats which thu editors of the Vicksburg Sentiuel fought the last of sis of the editors of that paper hiving Tallen by the bend of Crubbe. It was iu 1810, during tho exciting contest of Foot and Davis for the Governorship, that Mr. Jenkins, editor of the Sentinel, a ocaro- uble aud estimable man. having commented on tho conduct of Crabbe, was assailed by hiui in the streets of Vicksburir : a terrible combat ensued, Jenkins using his bowio knife wan great eflect before Crabbe conld draw bis pistol. The latter however, though ter ribly cut, succeeded at last in discharging his pistol into the side of Jenkins, who fell mor tally wounded, dyinar iu a few hours after.. Newark Daily Advertiser. A goeslpping club has been instituted down east. One of tbe rales is, that every member who shall see a gentleman visiting a young lady more than twice, shall circulate tbe news that they are going to be married, and suid members aro required to report all aianner of things about thut gentleman to the lady, and ditto about tbo lady to the gen tle man., Thiewill break up matches, aud afford Willi go" tip. ' ' . The t.cwistown Journal sayi that a city missionary visited an nnhappy yanng man coufiuod io jail at that pluce for a State pri son crime. In course of conversation, the poor culprit satd, with - tears running down, bis cheeks, "Sir, 1 bad a good borne educa tion j it woa my street education that ruined me. I used to slip out of the bouse, and go off with the boys in tbe street. In the street I lea rued to lonege; In the street learned to iweur ) in the street I learned to rmokc ; in the street 1 learned to gamble ; in the atrcet I learned to pilfer. Oh, air, it is in the strict the Devil lurks to work the ruin of the young I" -, Advices from Rio Janeiro lo tho Stb of May, state that tho Legislature had opened its elisions, and Iho Kmpuror uiude a concilia tory speech from tho throno, announcing the adoption or the policy or progress, which was followed by the dismissal of the old ministry and the formation of a more liberal one. This had nllnyed the public excitement. The Kmperor states that the high price of provisions were causing much suffering umnng the poorer classes, and some adequate legislation was required. Gen. John B. Wulbach, the oldest officer in the' United States army, died at his resi dence in Baltimore on the 10th iust., In the 93d yenr of his age. In the earlier part of lus lile lie commutiurd at Portsmouth, 11. 11 nt Fraukford Arsenal, at ol Old Point Com fort, and at Annapolis. He was a native or Alsace, ou the Khiiie, and, when a young nun, hud served in the Austrian and Irench armies. He emigrated to this country iu 1"'J6, and several yeurs afterward obtaiued a commission in l lie army of the United Stutes. Pkokitaii.k Maiikkt GAiitiKJiKOi A far mer in German town, Pa., claims that be makes S7,(M)l) a year clear profit from twelve acres of land. Ho raises principally early vegetables for the markets, nnd uses about $'2,000 worth of fertilizers 011 his land. From a patch 10 by IHO feel, he has sold $50 worth pie plant, thia season, and can suit more from the same pttlch. The new liquor tariff takes effect on the 1st of July next, when Ihe duty on foreign liquors will bn reduced from one hundred per cent. nd-valorein, to thirty per cent. Tints cargoes or Schnapps have lately arrived ut Buston from Itoltcrdam, and gone into bond for single dealer iu this line. Honrs Orokkkd Oit ok a Market. The Norfolk ( Va.) Argus states that, ou Sutnr d iv. a mulatto girl went to the market nf that city with hoops so extensive, that, the cleik ordered her away from tho place ns an obstruction, lo the inoantime a noisy crowd had collected, nnd the girl becoming fright ened, attempted, to tear Ler hoops off, iu which she was successfolly aided by two or three colored women presebt. Salt in Ohio. The manufacture nf salt in Ohio, more parliculailiilong the Muskingum river, is more extensive than is generally sup posed. Betweeu Ziiiiesvillo nnd McCounels ville, Morgan county, there are twenty-tivo salt furnaces, which mannfiicturo thirty thou sand bun els aunuallv. The quality h excel lent. Ma(kkhkl. The bay tf Ncwburpo-t, Maps., has been full of Mackerel during tha past week, nud one vessel took as many as 50 barrels in ono day. Frank Berger, a driver on the Schuylkill Canal, was drowned in the Schuylkill at Con shehocken, lant week. His team ulso per ished. The Empress Kngenio oi France rfwntly appeared ut a ball, wearing jewels whose value was eslimuteil nt fcWU.OOO and having Uonnces of lace oil her robe that cost $120, U00. Tiik CoAt. Trait. The quantity sent by Kailroad this week is 46.ol4 1)2 by Canal 3G,m 10 for the aeik S2."37 12 tons. Total t.v Kailroad 8H7.5UO 12 against 'J49, 274 Hit tone. Do. by Canal 3.17, U70 01 against UCt,oll) 05 ton. to same period last year. 'I lie fch'pinetils this wi.k exceeded those r last week only 514 ton.", and Tall short or the quaiitiiy Sent for the corresponding week last enr 11,473 tans. Miners' Juurnul. Ctlcgviipbit lclus. I xrcnt:n oi yfanX.trr: ' St. Lot-is, June Ufl. .tola) Lupruut. for thu nnirdi ror Itobcrt heuton : Israel Shoulls, for shooting Henry Inlinnin. and Jucou lloeslin. lor tne inunier ' r.. ..- ...1 I... !..:! .....I :.. 01 no ne, nerr cal-i-uivu ,o loo jail jaiu 10 this citv vcfterdav. tiuorge V. Hharpe and John .Touson have been liunc nt Kdwurdsville, Illinois, for the murder of Jacob liurth. From V.l.liiplon The l.lltmu. SUIT (anal Wasiiinhto.n June 2'J. Lieut ('raven Ins received perpurtoiy orders for building bouts and making ol her ariangemeut for the survey of the Isthmus of U.irien with u view to the ship canal, lie will not start before Octo ber. Tho Navy Pepartment has Hindu applica tion the War Department, for the alignment or an officer to co-operate with the expedi tion. For this purpose Vuriua will tuke place or the Artie which will bo employed by the Coast Survey, under Lieut. IJeiryuian, iu tnkinif deep sea hoiindiugx mi the roast or Newfoundland, for the Mibmnrinu telegraph. Tho Snrunuc which has been oidercd to the Pacific, will precede tho Merrimac, as the fhip-rhip, nnd to take the place of the Jonh Adams. tram Kausa. 1 Lr t on.tllulli ttuu. ul louviu Sr. Lofis. Juno 21. The Itepubltcnn lenrns thut the counties of Dotiiphou, Atch ison, Leavenworth, Johnson, Jefferson, Shaw nee and Douglass in Kansas Teriitory, have elected forty ouo Dctiiocruic Delegates to the Const ilutinul Convention, A letter to thu Democrat sayn the vote In Leavenworth City was 225, wh.le that of the whole county did not exceed 500. JefJerson county gives 50 Douglass county 175, uud Fruukliu 330 votes as far as heard from Lawrekcr Kansas, June. 15. The total voto of Law I'enco, Kansas, was only 2'.'3. There were city three polls opined. The ultra ticket Ilia been eh-rtej. Ouly five precincts weru opened south of the Kaw river, except iu tho lSord-r counties. Thu total vote will probably be less than 4,000. Tiik Civn. War in Nkw Yorr Like al most all the great excitements which charac terize New York, the civil war has pretty nearly fizzled out. (Jot hum is great on a splutter, and business is doue there on a very different principle from what it is transacted in Philadelphia. Hero things aro always just what they are represented to be, ns wit ness the elegant Clothing aold at the Magni ficent establishment of Hot k bill & Wilsoa, Nos. 603 aud C05 (new style) Chestnut street aboAe Cth. Jfollovay's Pills, an unparalleled Remedy for Female Complaints. The Daagbtrr of Mrs. Henderson, or Waukesha, Wisconsin, was for a loog time in a very peculiar aud de licate state of health, the mother tried a va riety of remedies, but without the young lady deriving any benefit. Asa final recourse she tried llollonsy's Pills, which she used Ibree weeks; by eontinaing with these wonderful : . p ...... rms lor ten aays More, an oostrncuons were quickly removed, and she ha since enjoyed j tbe beet of hculth. , . . Cc ITiirhcl A). rWladelphia Markot. , June24,lB57. GriAtu,-..Wt..i ci .. ... Pennsylvania ; '. .V"." P"m t,5C7?3SW!S Uats is nellin,, .1 cn ... vunmi 87 rer u niskey-Sulcs at 34 els. n hhds., at 33 cents. la bbls. and 6UNBTJHY PRICE CUEEElfT." Wheat, 2 1 Butter, . EgR'. Tallow, Lard, . Pork, . , Kye. til IS Is Is n Corn, . Oatt, . . Duck wheat. Potatoes, FUxnerd, Urcswax, t.t Brird Apples, iy New Advertiserients C nndlrtatfc for Sheriff " A Vh.' 'r'",i,"er'"T friend, fr.m dir. d... for the office ;fK ,F" I,r.',L'"d'- election. h..uld h- 1.1 ... .I. "r r"uln ties of the office impartiality. "u iicemy, promptness arJ Northumberland, J uneW.W-bTKB' Volunteer Candidate." Tothe Kleclvr, of Korth,wl:rlund CWnfy pH E undersigned hereby offer, binf ' Volunteer Candidate for " COUNTY TKEASUKER At Ihe ensiK elation. Hi, ,,;,. f)t 11. u thai approaching old ,ge, .j . caused by a lk,n r ' YT unable ,0 work . hi., of C. pen,, a levin, fom-c f capable of perform, , IZ uZ of the office, bo e.rnc.11, ..,. i T!r BtmhurytJuae 17, t.S7 t. '-. Iiy virtue of a ceit.ii, writ of V r,. to me directed wil. ... Mp0M, 'bfc' t ie Court l ou.e in Sunhury. tl Vv ht.'r'''1' r.M.l i, T " -'".riij ia nil ; nu in. ueiendanfa interrt, being no 1111 tided cglub plrt of . ccrllljll ,; M at. in the Uoroughnt 8bu, N county, fioming on Watr, . rPl, . " 1 ' situ- lino Mn "...- .- . "IWIIV ii.l A or liro.Jw.. 'uiuiueii 011 tlie Mbj l)V ........ . r alley : 011 if. ""in oj 101 m me terand on ,U norih b." Yot"0f "clrtv Clement, containing otM-fbunh .f a., 21 or let., wherron i. Cr,ctcd . two IZl T i Mo.e an.) Kitchen, W. of UW Urtck Bewed. taken i eiecuUen ei,d to be '.old the pr.i orty of J.nie. Quinu. Oecuijjii.-w ..' w . . , Al.SO: At the unit time nn.l i.ia-. 1 . orvi!i e.,, , " " cerium writ , to me duct.u ..ill. , XOl't". prVcr,y'o" V . . , '"""""'I prone A cert urn 0i .,f :rn,i rale in iip Ac i' Ihe Town jcuing . fo, of J. Henajl on ,1 i we.t . , , ! , I feet ln w.d.h and 150 lcin ' V errcted a two-.tory frM; J.o,. ;th . 1 " to,y,,n. . frame .t-ble. ' UK'" Ke;ed, tuk. n Into rircutkm and lo L 0M he property of Jeremiul, Pai,wici,r. ,iU AI.SO '" . and place, hy . rrrtein writ ' . ) me dire, I d. will U ex0.,d to public .ale the fUwi, yr,lrny It l tV A cerlHin ,.f O'runiid .iiu.i. ;.. .1 . , of Miiton. Xur,..Jer '"J , in Muck 101. a.l- nd the east - , - ., nn.uer l n'ztr or la N., hy Hietfunbury A I-. 1 ( ... ' -....ui line, colli. nun,. ,!..., ,. " .- : r"7 y or vi int., wi.rreon ar, an .cre mot a are rrecUd a lau-nntv l!-:,k iiouoamj one-.nW-. h.Jf rr.,. ., I X.. ...I... 1... . uw. the ,nl and to U .,,1.! k. r'rerty of iNichoL. Jchn-on .nd Join re ALSO.- At t!,0 .e lim. .J ,.,.. hy , llain Wfj i ll 1' Ks.roV directed will l,.e,,,0,i tn public ,U follow,,,, ,,,, , wi roufcl, of M.lten. Aon,n,iiUnd eoun.y. bound ed 011 the nnrtli l.v uvi. ... ... ' . V.'L.- ' "" nirri, un tne rl it. .... . . "7 ' ."v aiify ami ' 1 i .iiair. fin it. 1 ... "ns-foortu ofin . . V' .'" .r-oi.j - .... . : vr wneieonaio 1 """i a i.vo s!,,rv fr.,.,.. 11 I hi..! n c. """" nd Kilrlien, j - uuix.c j( aele, antliUlldiny. Ac the propmy o johll A. l;Vi " ' SshenfTs tiffice, nuuburv. June T In-- Sheriff. - - 1 i. -j . . , UALXIMOEE CARD."" V t ofler lor.le MVtKI'Onj. KJ E MJ Liert,ool ii. A. SAl.'P, Liverpool Dairy t'LT t-ountry Merohanta who will ,rd u. their order. dv.,.., wi,U i:iirurtiU, to .Uiu when we hB, , clVti., AKJ,U.T ! Cn secure rinr or (,. A. Suit wt f,ve pfr ,ucW ku v Ilic slop, tb.ui it can be cut plied out of sure. O.MCK, OICSK A. CO.. rain and Lumber UuinniU.iun Merrliani., ,. Spawi.rr.U.l.TI.MOKK. INUimore, June V7, US7 Ji LNtntc or t hs WtLiu l'laillp, dctM. VOTICt: i. hereby given lo the creditors and ' oihcr. mlercted, ibal the O.-ph.ns Courx el .orlhum!.rrLiid county, hawug .pnointed the ubrilicr Auditor 10 apportion and distri bule the balance of esl.te in the hand, of W illiam Eiliott the AdibiiiUtrutur ; he will ,t tend for the purpose at hi. in tlie Rorouj ul Smiliury, ou Monday the 20th day of July net. at IU o'clock, A. M. Creditor, are warn ed that it u not .uiliciuit to have given Iheif account, and claim, to the Adininibtrator. but they mu.t attend tonec tlmt the rl.iim. r .filled lo tbe Auditor at the time appointed nd are duly provej and sustained, otherwise tiiey may not tie Included in ihe distribution. o JXO.KAV CLL.ME.NT. Sanbury. Jnue -7. laS7. Auditor. PKOCLAMATION. VOJ'ICE i. hereby given that the .eierat ' Court, of Common J'leaH, (iencral (jtiartc-r 8rmions of tlie peace, and Oprhana' Court. Court of Oyer and Terminer nnd Gi nerul Jail Deliver,', in and for the county of Norlhunilierlaiid, l conimence at the Court Uioxe, in the borough ol Hunbury, at ID oVIoek, A. M. on Monday, the 8d day ot AL'GCisT neit. and will continue TWO WEEKS. The coroner, Ju.llce of the Pmcc and on.ta blea iu and for ihe county of Northumberland, are requested to be then and there in their proper per auii., with their roll., record., inipiiaiiions, and other remembrance., to da those thing, to their several ollicee appertaining to be done. Aud all witnea . prosecuting in beliail' of the Common wealth against any prisoner are also requested and commanded to be then and there altcndiiiK in their proper persons to prosecute against him, as .hall be jiwt and liot to depart without leave at their peril. Jurors are requeated to henuncto.l in m..r attetulance, at the time appointed agreeable to their uoticrs. (iiven under my h.ud at 8uburv, the 7th day u, juiicui 1 ne year 01 our i.ord one tnounnd eight hundred and fifty-seven arid the hide peadence of the Coiled btatee of America the -al.t Cod save the Cemmonweahh. IltAKY WEltsK.hheriff. Xhe.jir. pffiee, ..'uhVvt, t .t '