NEW ARHANOEMENX 1 Frtsh Arrival of DRUGS, TAINTS, OILS, &c. TUG undersigned living taken the store for merly kept by William A. Bruner, I now ready to fill orders and prescriptions at mo menta notice. Ha ha a largt and well .elected lock of fresh and pure DRUGS, CIIEMICALS, Dye-stuffs, Oif, Taints, Glass, Putty, and all kinda of Patent Medicine. FRUIT AND CONFECTIONARY Tobacco and Imported Scgar. of the choicest branda. Fancy Notions' toilet article, and Per fumery of all kinda. Tooth and Hair Brushes f every variety. Camphine and Ftvid always on hand. Customer, will find hii stock complete, com prising many articles it is impossible here to enu merate, and all aold at moderate prices. I.'emeinber the place, next door to E. Y. Bright" Mammoth Store. A. W. FISHER. Sunbury, March 14, 1857. BROADWAYFAMILY GROCERY!" Flour, Feed ond Frovision "tors. J 1 road way below Blackberry Street. LBVi SEAS1IOLTZ, RESPECTFULLY infotm the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity thai he has removed to the store lately occupied by C. GchrinRer in Broadway near the Rail Road, and is receiving a choice aupply of FA MILT GP.OCEPJES, consisting inpartiif Hams, Shoulders, Mackerel, Herring, White Fish, Cod Fish, Salt Preserved Fruit, Pickles, Crackers, Cheese, Molasses, Rice, Sugar, Coffee, (green, mooted and ground,) Im perial. Young Hyson, Gunpowder and Black Teas, Cedar-ware, 8tone-ware, Soaps, brushes plow and wash lines, boots and shoes, tobacco, segars, Ac, together with every article usually found in a first class Grocery Store, all of which will be aold at the lowest prices, either for cash or country produce. Ho has also prepared to sup ply the citizens with fresh bread, twist, rolls, pies, pretels and cakes of every kind. N. B. The highest cash prices will be paid for Luttor and eggs, corn, oats, rye and wheat. . Sunbury, April U, 1857. HOVER'S LiaUID HAIR DYE. This linir dye needs only n trial to sittisCy nil of its per-fVx-liuii ns as a Dye, add the fullnwinir testimonial Jrom that eminent Analytic Chemist, Proressnr Booth, of the I . S. Mint, will only confirm what thousand! have pre viously borne teHliiuony Id. "J.ABUBATOKT FOR rrUCTICAL CllRMUTBY, St. Stephen's Place, J PlllLAriKMMilA, Fehrunry lTtli, 1857. "Il'iintr well acquainted Willi the substances composing IIoovkr'i Liquid Hair Ove, I am satisfied tUat byfollow iiiit the simple directions given for its use, it will not injure the Hair or Skin, but will give a natural and dura ble color tu the Hair. JAMKS CI. BOOTH, Analytic Chemist." HOOVER'S WKITINU INKS, including lbxivrr's Fluid, anil Hoover's ludellible Inks, nre too well known nit introduced tn require any additional testimony of then rhaiaeter. The sales Imve been incrcuaiiio; since their first iutrodnetion, giving evidencs that the articles truly possess that intrinsic mciit claimed at iirst fur them by .tie Manufacturer. Outers, addressed to'the Manufactory, No. 110 RACE street nluve roiHTH , (old Wo. HI.) Philadelphia, will receive prompt aticntion by JOSEPH F. HOOVER, Manulacturer rhitauelpliia, April '25, Ic57. ly ALEiXI3F,ll KERR Lnportcr and Wholesale Dealer in SALT. 3d South Wharves, Philadelphia. ASIITON Fine, Liverpool Ground, I ''X Turks Island and Dairy Salt, con-J-rxstantly on hand and for tale in lots fry w5"nT to suit the trade. April 4, 1857. fim LEASE OF VALUABLE COAL LANDS. riHE Northumberland Improvement Compa .L ny invite proposals fur the Lease of a por tion of their COAL VEINS, situate on their property in Northumberland county, Pennsylva nia, two and half miles above the town of Sha Eiokin, and directlv on the line of the Philadel phia and Sunbury Kail Koad. The Veins of Coal are well located for easy and profitable operation. Apply to JOSEPH tt. DIXON, Agent, Mount Carmel. Ta. or to CHAS. S. FOLWELL, Sec'y. 18 South 3d street, Philadelphia. March 7, 1857 3m FURNITURE POLISH. S. RAE'S Premium Patent Enamel Furniture Polish. This polish is highly valuable for restor. ing the polish on all kinds of Furniture, Glass, Carriage Bodies, Hair Cloth, Ac. Al.-o, for re moving spots, hiding scratches, Ac, Ac. War ranted to dry immediately nnd retain its gloss. Price 50 els. per bottle. Sold by A. W. FISHER. March U, 18.17. JOHN STONE & SOSTS, No. 45, Second Street, Philadelphia. ARE now receiving thcit spring importation of SILK and MILLINERY GOODS, con Fisting in part ol Fancy, Cap and Bonnet Rib bons, Satin and Mantua Ribbons, Glace and Plain Silks, Marcclines and Florences, Black Modes, French and English Crapes, Turlatane, Maline and Illusion Laces, dc. Also, a full assortment of French and American flowers, which they oiler to the trade on favorable terms. March 28, 1857. 2m., P. 2. Citrate of Magnesia OK TASTELESS SALTS. r"g11113 preparation is recommended as an ex cellent laxative and purgative. It operates mildly, is entirely free from any unpleasant taste resembling lemonade in llavor, prepared and sold by A.W.FISHER. Simbury, March 14, 1r56. HVj HISS A. M. TOMER, "iKar Successor to Mrs. M. Hill, FugUionable Straw aal Fancy MlUluer, No 321 North Second Street, below Nobis, opposite lied Lion Hotel, Psiludelp .ia IJATTFIIN' Bonnets niude to order. Orders respect fully solicited and proinpll) attended to, .March if, Ia.i7 Jul w NEW CONFECTIONARY. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. C. GEARIIART, TTAS just received a new and excellent aeiort---meiit of goods at his Confectionary and Fruit Store in MARKET STREET, Sunburv, where he manufactures and keeps on hand, at all times, the most choice Confectionary, Ac, Wholesale and Retail, at Philadelphia prices. Among liis stock of Couloclioiiaries, may he found French ftecrots, Xturned Ahnumls, Creeui Wluia, 14 Ijemoa Roue, Vanilla, Camm-m SvcistS Liquurics, Cum Drops, all kinds of seenl, I.OVS Ul")S, Mmt Drops, rod aaU white, Jelly Cakes, Fiuit Uropi, t-tu k I'unilfca, of all scorns Hock randy, Almond Gaudy, FRUIT. B It 1'fUMI, Jme, Km, CurranH dried. Cumhi, Alinoiutu, Ruiamii. N'uu nf tt ktuia LEMON SYRUP of a auperior quality, by the single or dozen. A auperior quality of Segars and Tobacco, and a variety of Coiifectionuries, fruit, Ac, all of which is ollercd cheap at wholesale or retail. IOB CREAM. He has alio opened an Ice Cream Saloon, and will at all times be roady to serve hia customers with Ice Cream. Sunburv, May 21, I85H. ly - pob sale! " " V CANAL BOAT FOR SALE, on rea sonable terma. Apply to HENRY LONUENECKER, of bhamokin, or II. D. MICHAEL, Sunburv. February 21, 1867. A dlUMTV I' OH SAsLIi. flHE suUcriber olTera for sale hia SHANTY, JL Uook-ntove, tic., on me nati-noaa below Trevorton Bridge Annlv soon to 11. II. flAinr.ll. Suubury, April JS, 1857, SALAMANDER FIRE THIEF-PROOF SAFES. The largest assortment in "the United States. Warranted tn be equal to any now made, and will be aold on aa Good Terms, as can be b talli ed from any other house in the Country, at EVANS ic WATSON'S 30 Sonth 4lh Street, Philadelphia. Truth is Mighty, nnd Must Frevafl. Report of the Conmiitlei typoint'd to tuperin tend the Burning of tbt Iron Snfet, at Read ing, February 2", 1857. Rkadiro, March 4. The undersigned, members of the committee, do respectfully report, that we saw tho two Safes oriujnully agreed upon by Farrels Sc. Herring and Evens & Watson, placed side by side in a fur nace, viz: The Safe inuae by the Paymaster of the Philadelphia Hid Reading Railroad Compa ny, in his oirice at Heading, manufactured by Farrcla & Herring, and the Safe in use by H. A. Lantz, in his store, manurncturcd by Evana At Watson, and put in books and papers precisely alike. Thejfire was started at 8 J o'clock, A. M., and kept up until four cords of green hickory, two cords dry oak and halfchcsnut top wood were entirely consumed, the whole under tho superin tendence of the subscribers, members of the Com mittee. The Safes wero then cooled off with water, after which they were opened, and the books and papers taken out by the Committee and sent to H. A. Lantz'a store for public exam ined and marked by the Committee. Tho books and papers taken from the Sale manufactured ny Parrels 4- Herring were in our judgment, damaged fully fifteen per cent, more than those taken from Evans & V atson a Safe. We believe the above to have been a fair and impartial trial of the respective qualities of both Safes. JACOB H. DYSHER, DANIEL S. HUNTER. Having been absent during the burning, we fully coincide with the above statement of the condition of the papers and books taken out of the respective Safes. G. A. NICCLLS, H. H. MUHLENBERG, JAMES MILHOLLAND. March 21, 1 857. H. V7AIID, Manufacturer and bcalsr im S TBA W GOODS, No. 7? & 79 North Second Street, Philadelphia. Are new receiving their Spring Stock, which will com prise a Inrge and desirable nmoitinent of nil kinds of KTitAW and LACli WJNNKTS. Their stock of How era will beuuusuiilly large this senstm, and therefore in vite your espeeisl atlenrion to thut department Please cull and examine them before making your purchases. March 14, 1&7 im THE DAUPHIN & SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD. CONNECTS the Heading Railroad at Au- burn, on the Schuylkill, (10 milcB below Pottaville,) with the Northern Central Railroad, at Huuphin, on the Susquehanna, and with the Pennsylvania Railroad at Rockville, (5 miles above Harrisburg,) and runs owe passenger train in winter, and two passenger trains in summer through between Auburn and Harris burg, each way, daily, (Sundays excepted,) on limes arranged te connect properly with these roads; with tho Cumberland Vulley and Harris burg and Lancaster Railroads, at Harrisburg, and with the Cattawissa Railroad, and its north ern connections at Port Clinton. ELLWOOD MORRIS, Eng. & Supt. March 7, 1857 Cm.pd. E. NEWLAND Sb CO. Lsoklug ulasses, Picture Frames, tnjjiavlngs nuil Paintliiijs, No. 120 Arch Street, above-Sixth, (Late of 218 North Second St.) PHILADELPHIA. Galleries ope.n baili to visirons. Merchants and others visiting the City who may want anything in our line will do well to. give us a call. FcWuary 28, 1857 8m BLACKWOOD'S MAGAZINE AND The British Quarterly Reviews. Great inducements to Subscribe! COST REDUCED SO TO 75 PER CENT. I SCOTT ft CO., New York, continue to publish j- the following lending British PeipKlicul, viz : TUE LONDON QUARTERLY, Conservative. THE ED1NBURG REVIEW, Whig. TI1H NORTH BRITISH KETIEW, Free Church. THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW, Liberal. BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURO MAGAZINE, Tory These Pcrimlieiilsnbly represent the three great politi cal parties of Urcnt Britain Wilis, Tory and Radical but politics forms only one feature of their churucter. As orguus ol the most profound wiitersnu Science, Litera ture, Monthly nnd Religion, they st;uid,as they ever huvc stood, unrivalled in the world of letters, being considered ludispensithle to the scholar and the professional mini, while to I ho intelligent reader of every eluss Ihey fuinihli a inure correct uiul ulisl'iKtory record of the current liter ature of the dny, throughout the world, tliuil cull be possi bly obtained Irom any oilier source. EARLY COPIES The receipt of Advance Sheets front the British publishers gives uilditinun! value to Ihesn Reprints, in as much its they cnti now be phced in the hour's ol subsinbers about as soon as the original editions. TERMS. (Regular Prices.) , , , , . Per annum. For any one of the four Reviews, tf3,1Kl For any two of the four Reviews, s,on For any three uf tiie lour Reviews, 7 no For nil four ol the Reviews, ti.oo For Illuekwuod's Matniziue, s'oo For Blackwood and three Reviews, g'wi For Blackwood and tbeftiur Reviews. lo'uu Payineuts to bs inutlc in all fuses in uilvitnce. Money cur rent lit the Suite where issued, will he received nt tmr. POSTAGE The Hostime to anv part of the United Sntes will be but TWENTY-FOUR CENTS a yeat for 'Blackwood," and but FOURTEEN CENTS a year for euehofthe Reviews. At the above price the Periodicals will ba furnished for IKS7. SPLENDID OFFERS FOR le.-o AND IS57 ! Unlike the more ephemeral Mnguzlnea of the day, these Periodicals lose little by age. Hence a full year of the Noa (with no oinuiiMiouv) tor loud, limy be regard nearly us valuable as f,.r K-57. We propose to furnish the two years at the lollowing exlretuely low rates, viz : tut lllaekw.oil's Magitxiiir K 5(1 I' or any one Review, 4 HI For any two Review, k'iki For Bliielwiod and one Review, 7 no For Biuekwnod and two Reviews, fj'nn Fttrthtee Reviews, j.'(NJ For Blaekwo Kl and three Reviews, jo'ot, For the fout Reviews, ll'uo For Uluekw.HHl and the four Reviews, H ut To avoid Iruetions, j may be reunited for nUckwood for wl.ieh we will forward that woik for both years iKisl-jvtid 1 N B The pric e in Great riritiiin of the five Periisli. etils above iiiinied is about Sil per aniuiin. As we shall never again be likely to ofler such induce ments as ihoac here presented. A010 is the Tune to Subscribe! IT Remittances miisl, in nil cases, he made direct to the Publishers, for at these priees no commihsioii cuu be allowed to Agents. Address, LEONARD SCOTT CO. . ... No. 41 Gold Stieet, New York. April 5, 157 ' JOHN II. fc CO. Nos. t and i Chestnut Street, (s..uih side, below Water,) (IBS UtWit VI 00D-WAKK II IX IUS ClIT ) M: A 1 1 At I'l REKSand Wholesaie dealers in Putent Milehlite mudtt ItlrOfiMri l't-...i i:..u...-i . -u.i ... Vure, wneiitel ma to uluinlc. V,kMl u,.,t viml. .... Cords, Biu.bes, Vc , of all descriptions. Plcuse cull and extiiiiiue our stock. Fcbruury lb57. ty w New Wall Paper Warehouse, BURTON & IANIKQ, MAXUFA:TUREHSandi,n,.rlers, No. lal, street, second d..r above sixth, I'liiludelphiu. whete way llouudlli.h.rKi undlKal aeleilcd Slock Hi Hi. d,o2l'llN.T"Yr,l'RL'IIA9,;H8 "'"Y a era U acco.nm.v dule.l u itnoul tne tmouvenieuce of lo.,kinc furilier, and may be assured that luey will receive the udvu, "k. uf tbea Uiouey Bl.RTO.N I.ANIMJ, March M IT"1' b'i'U' tahi- 'pobacco anU Segara 80,000 Imported -- tScgare of various brands. Eldorado, J'ig, Cavendish and fine cut tobacco at , A. W. FISHER'S. Bunbury, March 14. 18."7. SI-GAH CTKEU HAM. A lot just received and for sals hy. LEVI fcEASKOLTZ. A pull 57. Drills Taint nnlSla WHOLESALE WAREHOUSE, Ooimr of Tenth and Market Streets, (flic In Second Story,) PHILADELPHIA. WK mvhe intention to oar enlnrged stock ef Drugs, l'suits, Oils, Vnrnifthes, Are., selected expressly for our snlefl,nml eumirising one of the finest assortments in the Tinted Suites, which wa offer at low prices, fui cash or approved credit. WE MANUFACTURE very extensively t Premium Pure While lnd, (best,) Kensiupton Tare White I.ead, PenrlSnow White lead "Vielle Mortnqne" French Zinc, (bast) Pure Snow White Americiin Zino. Philadelphia Snow White Zino. Silver's Vinstic Fire and Weather-proof Pninls, Chrome Uieens, Yellows, and colors generally. AGENTS FOU l Porter's superior A Iknltns Window Gless, Genuine French IMtito t-lnun, (wnrrcnled) The New Jersey Zinc Oi:ipnuy's products, Tilden nnd Nephew's N. Y. Varnishes, Brooklyn Premium Pure While Lead, Hampden Permanent Ureens, Pure Ohio Cntnwlw Bramly, Ac., Jte. lMI'OKTKltS OK: French snd Euglinh Plots Glass, French and tviptibli CvHindcr tiless, Colored nnd En-rnqed Window Glass, Daguerreotype Glnss, llntmneird Plate for Floors nnd Skylights, Ornss. Chrniirnlp, Perfumery, Kc. WHOLESALE HEALEHS IN : llruggists' Articles uenernlly, Paiiileis' T"f of nil deepriplions, jtydrmilic and Homun Cement, CHlcineiliiud Lnnd Plnster, Porer Muker's Clay, Snt in White, e.,e. VHENCM, RICHARDS At CO., Store, N. XV. cor. of Tenth nnd Market Streets. Factory, Junction Yoik Avenue, X'rown and Callmvliill Streets, Philadelphia. April II, ls.,7 3m e Consumption and all Diseases of the Lniipt anil Thront nre )xilively curable h) iulmlution, which convejs the remedies to the cavities in the limits through the tor pnssaitea, nnd c iming in dlleet colibict With llie disease, ueutrulizefl tee luiiereuiar miuier, nims thecoui;li, cituses a free nnd easy expcctorulioii, beuls the luui;s, purities the bliwd, imKirts renewed vitality to the u-r'voiis svsli-m. eivinir that lone uud encrtiv s ilnlisien- auble for the restorytion of heiillh. lobe nMe lo Mute conlidently that consumption is cnianie ny iiinuini i,ii is 10 nie a source of unalloyed pleasure. It is us much tludel the control of medical treatment lis any other lortuidiihle diseuse; ninety out of evtry hundsed cases cull be eurtrd ill the first stoges, ami fifty per cent, in the second ; but in the third singe it is impossible to save more than live per cent , for tea lnns are so cut up by the tlisensc ns to bid aetmnce to merlicnl skill. Even, however, in the last stn n. iiihnliiti hi alfords extrttordinnrv relief lo the snllermjr attending Ibis I'euiful scourge, which unuuiilly ilesiroys ninety-live tltousuna persons 111 inc 11111.-11 ;-mihvb uioiie, and acorreet cnlcubtion shows that of the present poplin ion of the earth, eighty millions are destined lo till the Ctimumptive's Brave. Trulv the anivcr death has no arrow so fnlal na eon- sumption In all ages it has been the great enemy of life for it spares neither age nor sea, but sweeps oil alike the bruve, the bountiful, the graceful, and the gifted. By the help of thut Supreme Being, from whom coinelh every good nnd perfect gilt, 1 am enabled to oiler lo the tilliieted u permanent and speedy cure in Consumption. The Iirst cttuse 01 luuercies is uoin iiiipiuc 01m 1110 ,'iiniuii ate affect, ploducetl bv their disposition in the lungs, i 1i nreveut tiie tree admission of nir intr. the uir t ells, which causes a weakened vitality thiough the entire system. Then surely it is more rational In expect'gi'eulermKnl from medicines entering the cavities ol the lungs tlniu from those administered llironcli the stomnch ; the patient will always find the lungs free and the lit e-at tunc easy after in haling remedies, 't rue, inh:ihlion is a hK-nl remedy, nev ertheless it nets constitutionally, and with moie power nn certaintv than remedies udiuiuislcred by the stomach. To piove the powerlul nnd direct influence of this mule ol nilmlllistrallon, eliloroiorm miinieu win entirely oesiroy in a few minutes, tmrtilvsing the entire net- vous system, so thut n limn mny lie umpubited without the slightest pain; itihiiliug the urdiimry burning gas will de stroy me 111 a lew Hours. The inhulatiou of intimonin will rouse the system when faintincor nniMireutlv tlend. The inlor of iiuinv of the medicines is perceptible in the skin n few minutes nfter being inhaled, mid may tic imeiiiiueiy ncieciea in nie moon A convincing prool 01 tne consllliHloiiui euecisot iniiiua tion. is the fact thut sicknt?ss is nlwnys protlncetl by breathing foul air. Is not this positive cvuleiieo that plo tter remedies carefully prepared und judiciously adtuiuis tercd through the lungs, should prinluee the most happy lesutlsf During eighieen years' practice, mnny tb'ius:iiids aulferitig fr-'ln disetist:s of the lutius and throat, have been under my care, nml 1 have ulleeted many remnikalile cures even nfter the snlTWers had been prououueiil 111 the hot stages, which fully sali.Hli'-s mt! thai ciniuuiption is 1.0 longer u fuuil disease. Mv trenimeiit of c uiBuniptiflt is nriiiiiiiil, nnd fountled on lonjr expetteuee nnd it tliorough My perfect ncipniituinee Willi the tint nre of tubercles, c, enables me to ilintiiiguiBh, readily, the various forms of disease thut simulate consumption and tipple the proper remedies rurely being mistaken even in a siuulc case. This familiarity in connection with certtiiu pathnlotricul uud microscopic discoveries, eiinnics me t.i relieve tne luus from the effects of coutiueted chests; to enlarge the chest, purify the IiI-kkI, impart to it tenewed vitnlily. eiving energv nnd tone to the entire stem. B"n fl:, Post Office, U. W. URAHA.M, M. I). Olfiee 109 Filbert Street, liclow Twelfth, Pluludelpiiiu, Pa. Aiatcn 121, ip.)7 um J. IMIIKU & Co. Muiket Street Wharf, Philadelphia. DEALERS IN FISH AND PROVISIONS j TT AVE constantly on hand nil nssortment of Mackerel, 1 1 Shad, Herrings, Codlish, Beef, Pork, Luld, Shoulders Hams, Sales, Cheese, Rice, Ac. March 21, 1M7. 3tn TJORT nnd MADKKIA WINES, Schiedam Schnapps, Wild (,'herry brandy, blackberry and Lavender brandies for medicinal purposes at March I t, '57. A. V. K18I1EH. R. DECOU & CO. Clothiers, No. 141 CmsTKvr Sr., Aovt Fuvkth, PlIILAI.E! PHI., Keep toi,aai.tly on h,;tnJ a Ij'.'.nJiJ a.T,i r:ncnt of Rcadj-madc Clothing. Goods made to Odder and Warrantcij i'j Kir. Nov. 29, iS5C y Wall Paper & Wliulnw filindri.. J- Xi. ISAACS Si BHOTHBII, -Vo. 1 3 Xorth Second Street, idoio llace, PHILADELPHIA. J T A VINO completed their larpe assortment of the above (ioods for Spring nnd Summer Trade ; would respectfully imite (lie utletition of Purchasers to the same. Their stuck for beauty, cheapness and variety cannot be surpas sed. Tliev have constantly on hand every descrip tion of Cold and Painted Sim, Its, Hull' Hollands, and Shade Fixtures. Wall Papers, ('attains, Fire Uoard Prints, Borders, A.c, all of which they oiler at lower rates than can be ha I at any other establishment. Cull and examine. J.L. 1SUACH fc UKO. 133 North Second Street, below Race. March '7, 1857. Cm w BOAT AND MULIS FOR fSJTul. THE subscriber offers at private Fale, S-IX (iOOI) Ml.LKS.aiul a good SUA NEK BOAT, with fixtures. The above will be aold cheap, and on reasonable terms. JACOU KEASHOLT., agent fur JOHN ULACK. Bunhury, March 28, 1857 tf SUITES A1TD GHAUSS: IT'UF NEW STVLES.jj 33- JT. WILLIAMS. Ao. 12, Xorth Sirth Street, J'hiladvlphia, MAM FACTLKtll UK VENITIAN BLINDS, VELVET and (iOLU BOUUEKEI) and PAINTED SHADES, of beautiful de signs. Buff, and all other colors of Holland ued for shades. Fixtures. Trimmings. Stc, 4c, Wholesale ami Itetuil, at the lowest cauli prices. Store Shades Puinlcp lo order. B. 8. W, thankful for past patronage, respect fully solicits the public to call and examine his new and large assorlaient, before purchasing elsewhere. ITT-'WE 8TUDYT0 PLEASE." Philadelphia, March 31, 1857. c3in Xi. O. IVES' Produce und i'rult Store, To. 15 .Vo7i U'hari-es, I'hilndgljihia. bhippiug and Country Oorders promptly filled on responsible orders. Farmers and Dealers' Produce bold on Com mission. Apples, Bananas, Pine A pples, Dried Fruit, Onions, Oranges. fchcll Barks, Itaisins, Beans, Lemons, White & Sweet Figs, Turnips, Cranberries, Potatoes, Poultry, Reaches, Ground Nunts, Chesnuts, Eggs, dec. Foreign and Domestic Product and Fruit gen rally, February 5, 185?.-ly AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, FOR TUB RAPID CURl Of Colil!, Couff1ift nnd Unwnn.i, MM , 1h Ift5. I. J.C.Atm: Iftvnoltatto.y TmrAf I Iiat w R'twd t ennc-Piltpnt rrmiUotu of Volt U yanr CiutniiT rwjTorjaL. ltd "ontnnt n la my nH.rA nl m? DjnilT nr In im ton yrnn hM shnwii it to fir, rior virtues for tho trftTmcnt vt thnw oomDliiJnta. FHKN KM'HIT, M.l. A. B. MonTIiBT, KM.. of UtioA.N.Y., wrttt wIhaT twwl your rrcroSAL n) lf viil In miy fwnUy ?Tr Hiio you invntirrHt H. anl K-Hpto It tfie bo-t mwlictn for lt pinoM put out. With m ltt.l cold I should roitfrr pny twenty-tH dullmi fur bottltt than do without it, or lake any other irripdy.' " Croup, V hoop. tiff Congh, Influenzn. fti'RiNonici.D. Mi.. Feb. 7. P ROT am Atr.n: I will chcorftilly crrtlt'y your Piwtojiai, h the 1bnI mmody wo niwii'M fir the cure of fTiffcimnf CbufjH. Vfup, nnd the cWyt dlwAaM of rhlldren. Me ? your fiwtarnlty in tho fV-ulh fiiiiirtvlato ymtr skill, and eomubtid your mwUciu to oir peni.le. IIIHAM CONKLIV, M. Tl. AM09 I.KK, Vt.,MoxTKRitT, T.4.. wrlto. M .Tn., u I fad tfdfotiH InfliiMiiim, which omflned me In dour Is wot-ki; took mnny meiiiclm without rvllwf; flnnJly trlfd yottr Pkctorm hy lha ndrho of onr clrir,vmn. The flnt dnie rollered the Poreties In my tlinmt nd ltnitfri; Ini than ono half the Iwittle mado me complctoly woli. luur nimlldnef nro tho L-heKiet m wtll m thclMt wo ran buy, and wt ontro you, Doctor, and your reiuo dim, m tho Mwr mnn's frlMnd.'' Asthma or rhthisic, and IlroncliitH. MU!T MANrumiR, P Fth. 4, IHfiA. Prat Tour Ciikmt pKtTmAt. I evfonnfng tnirTrllona Ciirwi In this eecthm. It hnn tlleral aevoral frvm alarm Inir evn,ilom4 f cotitiuni)tln, ntid in now curing a man who hiw latitM-ed under nn nlTrtlon of the lunpi for tbt hint fcTty yean. HKMtY L. PAUK8, Mrr limit. A. A. It AMSKY, M.l.. Aixiom, Moror Co., Iowa, wrlti-o. Spt. ft, 1;'ifi: I)nring my practi.-e of many yean I have font i -I nothing rtjintl n your Chktiiit Pkctoral for iriTlnft ease and tvlkf W consamptho patiouts, or ouring ouch a are curable." We mltfht add rohimos of PTldonco, bul tiie most ooi Ylnclng irrof of tho riitues of this ronicJy Is fuuud In Its eftVts upon trial. Consumption. Probably no one remedy ha ever been known which cured so many and such dntigfmus cases as this. Bom no human aid ran roach ; but even to those the CflERRT Pxctoral affords rellof and comfort. Attor Horn, Nkw Y'Mtit City, March ft, Doctor Ater, 1iwxLt: 1 fed it a duly and a i-Uwmre lo Inform yrnt what your CnnRkT PrtTToRAt linx done for my wife. Che had licen five months tailoring under tho diingeinits nvniptooimif Consumption, 1rtm which no aid wo could procure gave her much rHiff. Hhowafl steadily foiling, until Dr. Strong, of this city, where we have come for advlre. recommended a trial of your medicine. Wo bless hittklndtifss, as we do your skill, for she has recov ered from that day. She is not y't as strong " ' wj to be, but is free from her cough, nnd calls hcrsi lf well. Icars with gratitude and regard. OULANDO SHKbliY, or Suw.nrviLLi. flmtimjytfvf, do not despair till you have tried Arrn On kurt Pectorai,. It is tiiiidc by oneof (lie lnt meflical chemiKts in the world, and Its cuns U around us liespouk Uie high merits of ito virtues. iHlaritljtii Ldgcr. Ayer's Cathartic Pills. T11K sciences of Chemfslry aud Medicine have leen taxed tliuir utmost to pnKltice this best, mo perfet pnrgatlvo wht' h Is known to man. IunumeraMe proofs are shown thut these Pills have vfrtiies which surpnai in excellence the ordinary medicines, and that they win no precodentcdly mn the esteem of all men. Tlieyaro safe and plensunt to tnko, but fKiwerful to euro. Their pent tratintE properties stlninlute the vitul activities of the body, remove the olstructiotis of Its orpmns, purify tho blood, and expel disease. They pureont the foul liumort whU h breetl and grow distemper, stiututato alugKh or disor dered organs into their natural action, aud impart hoatthy tone with strength to the whole system. Not only do they euro tho cvery-d;iy complaints of every body, but also formidable aud dangerous di-eans tlmt have lffled the lost of tinman skill. While they produce powerful effects, they are at the Mime time, in diminished doses, the safest and best physic that can be employed for children. Being sujpir-conted, they are pleasant to take; and being purely vegetable, are tree from any risk of harm. Curos have been made which suipnes Ivlief wore they nut sub tantlated by men of such exalted position and character a to forbid the suspicion of untruth, Many entlnent clergymen and physicians have but tludr mimes to certi fy to the public the reliability ol my remedies, while oth ers ha vo sent me the iifMunmce of their conviction thai my Pivpuiutioiu contribute immendy to tho relief of my afUii ted, suffering fellow-men. The Agent below named ia pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanac. containing directions fm their uee and eertifiCHt'-s of their cures, of the following complaints: Co-it i venem. Itilioiu Complaints, HhenmaliMn, Dntpsy, Heartburn, Headache arining from n foul iSu-mach, Nau sa. ludigertion. Morbid Inuirtion c.f tiie I (owe Is and Pain arising tli-'iefrom, Hutub-nry, lws of Appetite, all Ulcer ofl and CutaneoUH li"ases whieh renuiie au ovacuant Mmliciue, Scrofula tr Kind's Kvil. 'lio-y also, by purify ing the blood nnd utiniu'Htlin; the Mr.tem, cure many couiplaints wbii b It Vtot-td not le M:ppon(, they could retuh. tiuh m Dtrtl iess. I'm Minthii, NVundia and Kervo-:s Irritability, Itrinngemeutu uf tho hirer aud Kid neys, ttout. and other kiiriid i-oiiipbti'its arising fivui a low ktate of I be Itody r otitru" tion of it functions. Do n t be put eff by unprincipled ith same other pill they make more pmiit on. Aek for Ater'a Pilu, and take m thing elue. .No other they can give yon cMupuru whh this in lid intrinsic value or curative ptiwers. Tho si'-k wnut tho krtt aid there Is fur them, and tltey should have it. X'l-epnred by Ii J. . AVER, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Maw. Pmca A Crs. plr liox. Fivg HoxrJ roa $1. SOLD BY A. V. Fisher, Sunbury , Uitd k J-din, SUam-ikiii W W ientei, NorthuinberUnd ; J. V. Ciialow, Milton; llti)i Sl MiConnick, Mt Kwnibviilu and by all Druggists tlirouiliout the county. August 10, IcW iy X K W A It H I V A 1. O V FALL AND WINTEH GOODS! Ira T. Clement o. i, coi:m:i:ofmmuki suuakf, S A8 just n-teived a large HUiily of Kali and Winter (InotU. Ho v.l L'ontinue lo .ell Dry GoihIs and (iro- rent's I'll RAl'lHt than evi-r, us his fooils are oon'it clteau Hit y will be sold cheap. lie feels confident with his experience and ut ility, tint he cmi couinnte with the "World at large and Suubury in particular. Ho wtiul.l ciniiiieruto urtii Ks if time and sjn.ce wouiti prruiit. It is enmiijU to suy that lie has everything in uie line ui Dry Goods, Groceries, A lare Stoc k of Kencly-Made CLOTHING, r.oors axd siors, &-e., $c, that is kept in auy other store in t.nn, and His lianitrr is tu Ilia lirecZu. Aiitllttng may it wave O'er kind of die free, And tl'f limine of the hruvs While her St irs aii'l.hcr Stiiuss Shine out like Hie Sun, Telling alt nations 'J'lllit Freedom's hegun. This is a free country as was proved by tho election of JJuchanaii over the Wooly Horse, therefore it is free for ull to tlo their trading where they can IH.'V ho CHEAPEST. All are invi- tetl lo cull and see. TJ1K COUNTRY, as well m. the town are respectfully invited, and every perbtin, rich or poor, hiah or low. bond or free are invited to cull at So. I Muikket Square, opposite uie. uourt House. 1'. S Ho is not to bo undersold by any man or combination of men. No charge for showing goods. All kinds ef produce tuken in eichange for goods. Sunbury, Dec. SO, I85S. Leather 1 Leather! Leather I IICKRY . OVfCilMAW, IMPOnTKU of French Culf Skin, unci general Lrathei deulcr, No. 6 South Third street, I'liiludrlplna. A general usstnuiieiil ol all kinds of i.uilher Morucos, 4e , Ac. 1 Krd and Oak Sole Leather. Feufuurj va, Ibis. ly w TT'ishing Tackle. Ked Cork, Grass, Cot. - ton and I.inen Liwes, Uut Lines, Sea (irasa by the yard, Snoods, Flies, Kirby, Limerick and Carlisle Hooka, Kods, Ac, for salo by March 4l,'57. A. W. FISHER. 2DEJM TISTRY. CKOI.GE H15NN, A NNOUNCKS to the citizens of Sunbury and vicinly, that he has opened an oHicein Sun bury, above H, J. Wolverton's ctHce opposite C, Weaver's Hotel, where he is prepared lo attend to all kind of work belonging to the profession, in the latest and most improved style. All work well done and warranted. L'eremUr 1 3, j6. MOUNT CARMEL HOUSE, iKOTTNT CARMEL, ' Northumberland Qwtty, Fnnsylania. rVHIS Urge ant fommodlous Hotel ia situa .M. led nearly hnlf way between Sunbury and Pottsvillo. The soonery llie salubrity of the atmospbera and the coot mountain breexes, make it one of the most delightf)! summer retreeta in the country. The Hotel, ia a new structure, four stories high, fitted up with all the modern coif venienres. The pure mountain watar ia Intro, dttced into erery chamber. The plate ia eaay of access, being but one and hall' boars rulo from Hunbury, oier the Philadelphia and Ban bury Kail Road. From Pottatillo, it is IT miles. Every attendance will be paid by the propria tor to make guests comfortable. Charges mode rate. JESSE MCE. Mt. Cermet, May U, 1858. tf PETER 8IDF.S, jas.s. arovER. I.ate of tlir Arm of HI evens, Itr f the Union Holat. lioiitliasiiisia A KiO. NATIONAL HOTEL,- (LAT( WUITK SWA!., Race Street, abort Third, PHILADKI.PHIA. rilH E nbove well-known LsUhhshment, have L ing been entirely remodel ed, introducing all the tnnrlcrn improvements, and also, newly fur nished throughout, will be opened for the recep tion of (jucsls on the FJ ItST DAY OF SKI'TEM BEIt. The proprietors, from their determination to devote their attention to the comfortol their guests flutter themselves with the conviction that they will be able to give satisfaction to their patrons. Carriages will nlwovs be in readiness to con vey passengers to nnd from Steamboat Landings and Kailroad Depots. HIDKH iy Ki uvr.u, llace Street, above '1 hird. Philadelphia, August 30, 18b6. ly 13EDDINU & FURNISHING! 13UBINES3 Cabinet Maker's Findings, Tiie subscribers respectfully inform their friends and the public generally, that they have connec ted with their Bedding & r urniHlung business a large and well assorted stock of Cabinet Maker's Findings, a( their old stand No. 83 South Second Street, below Chestnut, Philadelphia. Iliey have associated with them W. S. iVrown who lus been for many vears ongnged in the principal establishment of the kind in this city. The stock of Goods now on band comprises every description of materials used by Cabinet Makers, consisting in part of the following, viz; Hardware department. Locks, Hinges, Screws Castors, Se Screwa, Chair and Sofa Springs, Collin Handles, Sir. Cabinet Maker's Mntcriitls, Hair Seating, Curled Hair, Looking Class Plates and Frames, Glue, Varnish, Sand Paper, iurlnps, ilack ond Fancy Silk and Worsted Gimp, Sofa and Chair Webbing, Twine, Sacking Bottoms, Vfosewood, Mahogany, Walnut and Maple Knobs, Glass Screws, Slc. Ucdtling Department, Hair, Husk, Moss, Wool and Cotton Mattresses. Feather Veils, Bolsters and Pillows ; Plush, Damask and Moreen Cush ions Com fortuities, Counterpanes, Linen aud Cotton Sheds, Pillow Cases, Linen and Cotton Towels, Table (Moths, Table Linen, able Cov ers, Moreen, He in ask and Plush by the piece, Moss and Husk by the bale or pfttind. The Hair Seating and Curled Hair is from the Phila. Manufactory of D. & J. Noblit. N. B. Hotels, Stciim lioals and Ships fur nished at the shortest notice. NOfLir, BKOWN & NOBLIT", 8:1 South 'Znd St., below Chestnut. (Nearly opposite liank of Pennsylvania.) Philadelphia, August , 185G ly. PHILIP E. PTJP..BT. WHOLESALE AX HETA1L Grocery, Wine and Liquor Store, & ;'. cor. IValnut and iVuter Streets, PHILADELPHIA, DEALERS and families will be promptly supplied ut the lowest prices. October 4, Iboli tf BRODHEAD & ROBERTS, N. 135, N. U Street, PHILADELPHIA, INVITE the attention of country merchants and others, to their stock of BOOTS Sc SHOES, which they will dispose of on the most reason able terms. Nov. 'J, I860.- ly PLATFORM SCALES. OF every description, suitable for railroad Ac. I'nr weighing Hay, Coal, Ore, and Merchandise generally. Purchasers run no risk every scale is guaranteed correct, and if after trial, not found eati.-factory can be lelumcd with out charge. Factory at tho Old Stand, established for more than twenty j ears corner of Ninth and Melon Streets, 'hiludidjihia. ABBOTT & CO. Successors to Kllicott & Abbott, rhiladilnhia, March 7, 1857. elm. 14L. -"VISE, rilKAi WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE A'o 72 North Second Street, opposite th tilouut Vernon House.) Philadelphia. rjOI.D Lever Watches, full jeweled, 18 K, ca x ses, ; Silver Lever do,, do., I2; Sil vcr Lciiine, do., $9: Quurticr. $5 to 7 : Gold Snect aeles, 4 50 to 10 ; Silver do., I 50 ; Silver Table Spoons per sett, $14 to $18 Kilver Desert do., .lo., !j.'J to S 1 1 ; Silver Tea do., do., $4 75 to 7 50 ; Ciold Tens and Gold Ca ses, 3 25 to $5 j Gold Pens and Silver do.. $1; together with a variety of fine Gold Jewelry, Gold Curb , Guard and Fob Chains. All goods warranted to lie as represented. Watches and Jewelry, repaired in the best manner. Also, Ma sonic Marks, I'ius, Ac, marie tn order. N. U. A II orders sent by mail or otherwise, will be punctually attended lo. J'hila., Oct. 4, 1856. I yw. pORT MONAIE8, Tooth and Hair Brushe all iiualities, and any ijuanti y, fur sale by A. W. FISHER. March 14, '57. COLEMAN'S CHEAP CUTLERY STORE, No. 21 North Third St., bvloui Arch, rniLADELniiA. COUNTRY Merchants can save from ten to fifteen per cent, by purchasing at the above stores. By importing my own goods, paying but little, rent, and living economically, it ia pluin I can undersell those who purchase their Goods nere, pay Utgli rents and live like princes. Constantly on hand a large assortment of Pen and Pocket Knives, (Scissors dnd Haiors, Table Knives and Forks in ivory, stsg, and wood handles, Carvers and Forks, Sic, Butcher Knives, Dirks, lowie Knives, Revolving and plain Pistols, Ac. Also a largo assortment of Aecordeons, Ae. Also fine English Twit and German Guns. JOHN M. COLEMAN, Oct. SO, 1855 ly. Importer. SAMl'EL BI. MEClTCIIEtf, Mill'Wri'jhl and Burr,Mill Stone Manufae turer. Sol Proprietor of Johnson's highly approved and much improved Smut and Screening Ma chine j Improved Iron Concave Bran Duster n : tf I.: e s.:i. ' ma rreiiiium macuiu lor miners. Residence i No. 64 Queen Street, (18lh Ward.) address Kensington Post Olfiee. Bhop Haydock Street, below Frent. Phila. delphia. Cocalico Mill Stonat, Mill Irons. Pmutt Machiact, Patent Mill Rush, Portable Mills, Stretched) Helling, Cement and Screen Wire, Square Meshed flollini Cloths. February tj, 1857 3ra w5J J LET V8 IIE490IV TOETIIKR. HOLLO WAY'S PILLS. WHY ARE WE SICKt tt hfl hftptt tlirlitl nflliA tinuiftn tmtm to ha WPlirhwl down by ilinetwe and miflisrinir. HOMiUWAY'8 PILLS re ipeciallv nduptnl In Hit relief nf the NKR VOL'S, the UKMCATK, and the INFIRM, of all climes, agcR, acxra, and cnnnuutioHa. rroieaaor iiop' way DeTattnniiT tiineriiiieitni tne miiiiuTHCluie 01 nia meo Icinea in tho I'nitcd Plates, and olTera thctn U a free, and enlightened people, aa the beat icmeUy the wtyrtd ever auw fur the tcmovai w diatnae. THESE TILLS l'UKlFY THE BLOOD. These famous Pi la are expremly combined tn opnrnte on the stomach, the liver, the kidneys, tne Iuiirs, the skin and the bowels, correct. mb any deranarmnent in their fuiio tiuna, purifying the btoixf, the very lountaiu of life, and thus curing iltRease in all its forma. DYSPEPSIA & LI V Kit COMPLAINT Nenrlv hnlf the human rare huve t nkfii these Pills haa been proved in all pnrts of the world, tlmt itothing bus I wen found equnl to them in ensus of disorders of the liver, dyspepsia, nnd Rlmnnch eoinploints generally. They opnn give a hcnllhy tony to those argnns, however much seronyeu, ana wneu au inner mfJins unve in 1111 GENERAL 1) F.HI LIT', ILL HEALTH. Many of the miMt despotic Oovernmcnia have opened llieir enstom Houses M ihe immci'irtion hi ihpm rina, Hint thev mnv become the medicine of the massea. Ienrn ed Col k-sen admit that this mcdirin is the beat remedy ever known fn persons of ilt'lieitte ben It h, or where the sstem hns been impnired, as its invigorating pioperties never tan in unoni rciiei. FEMALE COMPLAINTS. No female, vouniz or nlit. slionltl be without this ecle bralefl medicine. It corrects and leaulutus the ininithly enurses at all nerl'tds, fieriinr in iiihiiv wises like a rlirinn. It is also the best unit surest medieiue that can lie given lo uiniiireti 01 all, and fnr tiny complaint; consequently no lainiiy snouiu tie witiiont it. Ilollotcay's Fills are the best remedy liwwn in the world for the following disease: Asthma, Fever and Aatifi Fume unit Gravel B'lwelConinlulnlsKemnle Coiiiliwmts ceninl.'iiy tvmp- L.rillgns llen.ciertea Inward Wenkuess l.iver Guinplaints IrfiwiiL'ssst rniriis l'ilts Colds Indigi'siioa Influenzn lutlniniuiilion Venereul Airretixns Worms, U' nil kinds Chest Diseases Costiveness Dysiepsia lluirlirctt Drujisy FILES AND I ISTI'LAS. S.iW at the Manufactories of Prfiusorttur.i.owv 0 Alnidrii ln. New Vnrk. and !II4 ftrnnd. Iindnn, bv all respeetahli! Dmcitists nud Deulers in Mcilieiue tlircmpk out the I niletl States, and the civilised world, ill Imiics, at z.' cents, oil cents, ami 91 eaen. W There is a considerable suviug by luting the larger sizes. N. B Pircetinns for Ihe fuiiluiice of putients in every disorder sre arTixrtl Ui each box. Maieh tl, IKS6. Ijca Es&RTHBSWs&RE- rilHE subscriber respectfully in'orms the rili JL tens of Sunbury and tha public generally, that he has commenced the manufacture of all kinda of KAIITHEXWAKH, at his manufactory i Vhertlcherry Street, one square cast of the River. He has engaged Ihe services of Mr. Hi nr. and you can therefore depend on having a good article. The pub.ic are respectfully invited to call. All orders from a distance will he promptly attended ta. P. M.SHLNDKL. Suubury, Feb. 5, 1850. tf VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. fpHK subscribers, Executors of the estate of I Henry Musscr, dec d., ofter nt private sale the following property viz : A large two story frame dwelling house, together with about 50 ACRES OF LAND, Situate in Lower Augusta township adjoining lands of Duuiel Kaufman and others now in the occupancy of John R. Kaufman as a store and dwelling. The house is new and the location a good one for business. Also a TRACT OF LIMESTONE LAND, in said townKhip on the river about 5 miles be low 5uulu.y, adjoining hinds of .1. T. M'Pbersnn and others, containing, about 90 acres. The soil is productive and contains limestone ar.d other minerals. Also a tract of Land, containing about 35 icres on the hill, about two miles below Sunhnry, adjoining lands of the heits of the late John Conrad uud others. There is, on this tract, a small orchard of choice fruit. For farther particulars npply to the subscribers. H. B., ) P. B. MASSER, Executors. FRANCIS BI.CIIER.) Sunbury, January 19, 1856. tf J. IlTjAIES, Justice of the Peace. 3VXOTJINTT CARMEL, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. All business piomptly attended to. Monies collected and all ordinary wri'ingl done. Mount Ciirmcl, June 14, 1H56. ly T AND WARRANTS. The highest price "will be given for Laud Warrants by Ihe sub crihei H. H MASSF.R. Fa l-ii: er s of this Neighborhood, can supply themselves for their SPUING CROPPS, with I.einau's Pure Bone Dust, " Super Phosphate of Lime, at 10. per pn, " Nitrngcncd Phosphate of Lime at 50, ' ' American Fertilizer, at $25, per ton. These Fertilizers are composed of reliable Chemical elements, abounding in Pot Ash, &e.; they have have received the Diplomas of Four Slates, to viz : New Jersey, New York, Penn sylvania and Delaware. Also, for sale GUANO, all kinds, Poudrette, Ac. Country Produce re ceived in payment frr the above, at market rates, or Drafts on good houses, or Cash registered with ordcis, promptly attended to. GEO. A. I.EINAU, Proprietor, "New Fire Proof Store," No 19 South Front St., Philadelphia City, Pa. February 58, 1857 4m w sa. pete it i xi.n.nEn.n.i, RESPECTFULLY informs his friends, and - the public gctiemlly, thut he has just receiv. ed a New Stock of GOODS, at his new store, at David Miller's Mill, in Lower Augusta Town ship, and that he is prepared to sell goods at the lowest prices. His Stock consists in part of FALL Sl WIN T EH f i ft a U Groceries, Queensware, Hardware, tfce., and every variety usually kept in a oountry oiore. Trevorton prices paid for all kinds of produce Lower Augusta twp, Dec. 87, 1856. tf P ATENT BRITTANIA STOPPERS fo bar bottles for sale by H. D MASSER Knnhury, July II, 1858. FOR RENT. rilHE Store Hoom in Market street, oeeupied . " wy "in me dwelling bouse ad joining. Apply to Ihe executors of U. Masser, uwsbicq, January, 17, IR57. AMEMCAN HOUSE, WJLLIAMSrORT, PA., t "?n tt KKLTO.Y, Proprietor. Jab. T. Ham, Ass t. Sept. 13, 136 tr OL'RE OLIVE OIL for table uso,-tw7aha 37J and 62J cents just received by . A. W. riSHEH, March 14, '57. stationery. A larg supply of fancy itote Paper and Envelopes, Mouruiuf, Letter, and Cap Par, Peua, Ink, 8and, Ac, at main, it, or. a. w. 1 17llr.u a. Shamokln White Ah AnthmoiU Coal From tht "Osf Fain" in the GapQdiery. J M. ZIMMERMAN A JNO. P. PUR8EL. ' V , wu or. kjo., win corv iw. gl ,hll,1,in wJ ""ing from the 7im. r," Colliery. under the firm of Zimmerman Ar i...-i I. .i it.. . --.1. j ne poini oi snipment " rS.: '..nkf,Ber.c.ivei uunuury, juiy M, 1858, ri,. a rir Jolt 5, 185. Tha firm of Ka.e, Reed 4- Co. haviag .oli their leas In tha ( f!nlli.r. .nj t. .. " Cl . I . . wharf at Sunbury, to Messrs. Zimmerman c I'ursel. WOlllil lak. ,n.l nt....... : . . - n - - r'wui iii recommenu ing our customers and others tn tha new firm, as w .mem prepared coal tf th hal filiaalilaai KASB.RF.EDi CO. TARDWARE.-Tble Cutlery, R,IOri, Pock et Knives, Hand saws1 Wood saws in frames, A tea, Chisels, Door T.ocks, and Hinges Hand Bolls, Waiters, fc., just received and for sale lir I. W. TENER A t Sl CO. Hunhary Dec. t, 1854 HAYDOCK & FIDDLER, TJEALERS in Watches and Jewelry, will , C0,V1".'"! ,he bu'ne"" t lha old stand of James U. Fidler, No. 1 2 .Sor7t Second Street. rHILADKU'lllA., Where they solicit an examination of their Urgs and tatied stock, feeling assured that the expe rience both of them have had in the business and the iacilitiee they possess for procuring goods on the most advantageous terms, will cna ble them to coinpcle favorably with any other establishment in the city. They have now on hnud a fine assortment of WATCHES. CI.Ot'k'H .TMivvr dv Silver, I'lnted and Brittun'ia Ware, Cutl'crv Fancy (lands, &c, Ac. ' N. B Rcpoiring of Wnlches and all kinds ef Jewelry attended to with promptness and the greatest care. Pbiln., April 7, 1855. If. TO COAL DEALERS. AMMERMAN & WEITZEL JESPFCTFiri.LY inform ,h. pu,.lie ,.t , ,""7 le Ped the new colliery, called the Lambert colliery, and are ready to deliver coal of superior quality, and of a variety of ,,r,pa. red on their new coal ore.ker. A II order, prompt attended to by addressing the firm, ,!,her at Sunbury or Mianiokin. Sunbury, June 30, 1855 AT IJX. iJ. M.tlt KV JL jJoaT "AXCtAtTtaKRs or TRUNKS, VALISES, AC. 146 Chcsnut Street, front of Jones' W, ' '""UELPiH.A. TRUNKS 5- CARPET BAGS 1? ir tl n n a. n .. . - - ' cu ur r r.Kt.u TO THE PUBLIC. Sole Leather, Kolid Riveted. Iron Frame Iron Bound Tr.velli.1, Trunk., Packing d", Vali . Ladies; Carpet Bags.'sL" c.B"htr. rV"&le "iM tbau 3uTy ttrln-"J 0,hcr vhct ,he WJ 1ITE 1 1 iJllS E IIOTE L. POTTSVII.LE, PA. rpIIEsuWriber respectfully .nnc , hi. that old and well known eUblislin.e..t, tho Whito Horso Hotel. At the corner of Centre and Mohuntogo sts., in the Borough of Poltsvillc. The hoi,. bus re cenlly been very much enlarged and t,r,wiso improved, rendering it qnile as comfn, ta, , any ether Hotel it, Selmj Ikill cotini,.-w llile the stables are large, in good coi dilion, ond at lend by careful, attentive, prudent Jo travellers aud other, who mav M,.p at his house, ha promises every attention calculated to render them comfortable and saiilitd. April 5, ,85V ,f J0-!:. HENRY DONNEL, ATTORNEY AT LA7. Office opposite tht Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County Pa. 1'iempt attention lo business in adjoinin; -ounlies. ' 6 EAGLE HOTEL 7" OI'POSITK VKT IIHANCH BANK " WILLIAMSPOBT, MILI.Iii II. mi, rroprlftor. C A. Stiuxs, Assistant. N. B.--vJn Omnibus will rnn to and from llio Depot and I ackct Landings, to t,i. Hotel, free of charge. September 13. 1868 rf DANVILLE HOTEL. JOHN DEEN, JR., Market Street, Danville, Pa, riTIILS isoneof tha largest and most comma. A. dtous hotels in the interior of Peniis Ivauia It lias been recently fitted ..p, in excellent sule, Willi all Ihe modern conveniences. Danvilled, Sept. 2a, 1855. Cheap M'atclios cj .JewHr;. VTH0I,S8A,E and Retail, at the "Philadel. J P'"8 Vatch and Jewelry Hlure," No. Uf North Second Street, cornor of Quarry, PHIT.AT1PT dttt n G-.lit.evr-Vateli,flljewrle.l, x ear.i' 8.,W fdver p. full jrwllcd, bfl. Hllvej U i rr, lull jcvI'd IV Pine Silver sfitiuM I SO .O..U Ili.i -eU ls, 3 uo .'Ifilt-S' lii.1.1 l,,..ila I nil rupenur Ouurlira. n Silver Tea sjHus, set, 5,w) ii n,'ii ft.. Coiit IViaj. witli anil Silver II., Mm, 1,1)0 (old 1'illL'er Itinirj '171 ........... an . is. . i. Uasses, pal, 1SJ cents; Patent, ISj; Lunet, 35 ; oilier articles in proportion. All goods war ranted to be what they arn suld for. K'J'AL'FFER A HAKLEY, On hand, some (sold and Silver Levers and Leptnes, still lower than Ihe alwve prices. Oct. 4. 1856. y. ARNOLD'S WluflNFLlVu "sndTdha ! and legal envelopes, for sale by , H. U. MAStsER. sJuuliurv. Ian 18. I85rl GEORGE SfJHALL &C0. MAMKACTlKtll or BLASTING POWDElt, Ml. Carmel, Northumberland County, Pa. May 10, 1856. lrErnwii cndy:" An xeA T lt remedy for coughs, odd. For sale at this office. December 4. IBS. . 1LANK Parchmen, Paper Deeds and llank Mortgages, Bonds, Executions, tSunirnnns See., for sale b ' H. B. MASSER. Hunbury Atiri SA. IN5S STOVES- IOR RA LE an excellent second hand Cook? ing Slova, also several Cylinder (Joel Stoves. Enquire at this office. GOLD PENS with and without esses, of a very superior quality, just received. Also a fresh suphIt of Writins? Flni.l fr.r ..u H. U. MASSER. Sunbury, Dee. S7. 18S- cTSIlEN CHEESE. Just reived T,. ' by LEVI 8EA8HOLTZ ' April 11. IR57. " CII.VER WATCHES. A few double case) English Silver Watches, for sale at var f . .. H-B MAS6BI, ouni'Ury, April 13,