Jfortip Tcfos. ABBtVAL OP THE WORTH AME RICA. THE VANDEItBILT AT NEW YORK. LATER FROM Bl'ROPR. Narrate Hscape of the Atlautic Cable from Destruction hy Fire liumortd Attempt to Assassinate the Emptrer of Fiance Visil of Duke Constantine to Queln Victtrria Destructive lire at Constantinople Serious Political Outltreals in flelgimn Ami Co thotie Movements Breadstuff's Declined. Nkw Yobk, Jane 14. Tho United State! Mail Steamship Van durbilt, with Liverpool dates to the 2d font., four days later than those furnished by tbe Canada, arrived at her dock at 11 o'clock, this morning. The Vanderbilt brings one hundred pas sengers, including M. J. P. Labagh, bearer of Borne very important despatches from France. GREAT BRITAIN. The holiticul news was unimportant. The Russian Grand Duke Constantino paid a visit to Queen Victoria, at Osborne, on Batnrdny, the 30th nit., returning tho oext day '.o Calais. On his way to Osborne the Duke W03 salu ted by the English ships, ui also by the Ame i icon frigate Susquehauua, then lying al Roadstead. The latter Immediately afterward proceed ed to Clrarcsend. DESTRUCTIVE CONFIGURATION AT CONSTANTINOPLE. A Conflagration at Constantinople bad de stroy e J ldUQ bouses. BELGIUM. There bad beon aorioua political outbreaks nt Brussels. Antwerp, and several other Belgian towns, growing of Auti-Catholic feel inns. Several Convents, Monasteries and Jesuit CoUcgos, were attacked, as also the Bishop's Paluco at Liege. The troops had interfered ut the last accounts, and order had been nearly restored. But at Brussels the Civic Guard was kept under arms, and troops were la icadincsss for any emergency. The mob commenced the outbreak with cries of "down with the Priests," "down with the Catholics' 'down with Convouts." Qtedbc, June 14. The Canadian steamer North America arrived here shortly after midnight, with Liverpool papers Wednesday, the 3rd in stent. tf.'ha ft S etnninar Fnlfnn Onrttsin Ifrotton, left Havre and Cowes on tho 3d in stant for New York. The Belgian Uoyal Mail steamer Belgiqae sailed from New York for Southampton on the ii lost., witn a iargo Dumber or passen uer9. The Council of the Liverpool Chamber of Commerce have issued call for a public meeting in that town on the 12th of June, in order to adopt means for securing a supply of cotton adequate to the requirements or the country. The (J. S. frigate Susquehanna, which bad recently arrived o2 Cowes, to assist in laying down tbe bubmnrine Telegraph Sable, be tween Ireland and Newfoundland, was the first vessel to salute the yacht conveying the Russian Duke Constantino from France to visit Quoon "V ictoria. Her Tarda were man ned, the Russian flag ras np at the main, and a saluto of 21 guus was fired in splendid style On Sunday the Grand Duke, accompanied by tho Quoen, visited a squadron otfSpitbcad, and was received with a royal salute, and on the loliowing day, (Monday, 1st instant,) tli Duke took his departure for Calais. That part of the Atlantic Telograpli Cable lying at ma luctory or Messrs. uiuss & Co, Ureenwicn, barely escaped destruction I fire some of the sheds of the adjoining build ing, containing tho cable, having been burned down. Vngoo rumors were current at Faris of another attempt on the life of the Emperor wuiist oo a visit 10 tne military museum, but l tie rumors nave not yet been coutirmed. The Constitntiancl publishes a private let ter from the Persian Gulf, received through liuzdad, whichich announces that, on the 21st of April last, the British troops evacuated the town of Mohannerub, of which they bad taken possession at the latter end of March last. Brussels had been tho scene of a popula turmoil, which at one time assumed the foa tures of a serious political demonstration took its rise at a warm and exciting debate in the Chamber of Itepresentativte, on "cha ritablo institutions." A sentence ottered by one of the members was loudly cheered by the spectators in the gallery, when the Presi dent gave orders to the huissiers to clear the gallery. Soon afterwards a number of men with their hats on forced their way in, and llio chamber was again cleared by troops, ind orders given to strengthen the military posts outside. The crowds increuscd to thou- land, and cries of all kinds were heard, shoots )l"V ivo le Hoi, nuucliug with "u bas lecou tenia," "down with the Priests, down with jutbolics," "let us drown the President," Ac he ferment spreud to Autwerp, and several ithor Belgiau towns. The tuobs broke the vindows of several Monasteries and Jesuit 'ollegos. The king was very popular. Numerous arrests were made. At the est accouuts order bad been restored in most duces. Arrivals of gold from Australia to England re frequent. The Moniteur announces tho dissolution of be Legislativo body. The new elections are o cemmence on the 21tt of June, and the umber of the Deputies for the new chamber i Dxed at 207. LlVKRTOOL BltKADSTlTFS MARKET. Th irculars report BreudntuQ closing with light Cecillia m all qualities. The weather as been favorable for the crops. Flour was vtrp dull, aud declined Is. In rices. W beat was very dull, aud declined, 1. a 4d. The puotatious are unmiual. oro was quiet, and tho quotations barely laintaiued. Litem. Drcision i Ixdu.va- The So erne Court of Indiana, Judge Perkins pre ding, has just rendered the following luinin is legal opiaion. The case was that of the . 4. M. Railroad Co., t the City of Aa rs. It seems that the corporation of that city, .der an act of the Legislature authorizing to take stock in any road to that place, had bcribed stock in the 0.fc M Co., and true its instincts, after it was tinished, refused ay its subscription, iuaisting that, as the ad ran throitijK the place to Ciucicinaati, ey bad no power to sube'ribe the stock as y bad done. Judge Perkins denied 1 That a road is a road. 2 If a road run to a town it must ulso ran m ; it hence it is two roads. 3 If a road runs through a town j it must i to it in two directions, and from it in two ections; hence it is four roads. I A subscription to build four roads is bin power to build une roud. I'bentforeas the Legislature had author! . I a subcriptiou by the City of stock to Id road to, it and as the O. k M. Road is through it, and was really four roads, the y was tiaWIe for the subc.-iption sued ou, the ground that the less power always ludts the greoter. lndiannpulit Jour- I'liomaj Wilson, residiug above Mino IX ill p, Schuylkill county, was shot by his son : week, while eogagt-d in besting his wife. IsonS recovery is doubtful. til wlfe'X? THE AMERICAN. BUNDURY. BATURDAY, JUNE 20, 1857. H. D. MASSES, Editor and Proprietor. rn Am-aaTmaa--The c.rcnintloa of the Smiburv American among the different town, on Ihe Snaqavhanna .ml exceeded ifequalled by any paper pablithed In North era rennsrrraiua. Demooratia State XToniinationa. For Governor Gon. WILLIAM y. PACKER, OF LYCOMING COUNTY. Judge) of the Supreme Court, Hob. WILLIAM STROMA, of rterke County, lion. THOMPSON, ef Frle Count. For Canal Commissioner, KIMROD STRIC KLAHID, Or CHKSTKR COl'XTV. sKT Bhradstitfs. The Etiropa with three days later Intelligence from Europe, nnnonn- ces a further ceclino in Hour and wheat, Mid sales very dull. The prospects of a srood harvest are reported favorable. S3 Sai.b of Lots at Fobi Tekvorton. We call the attention of our readers to the advertisement of Mr, Mowiox, Superintend- ent of the Trevorton Coal & Railroad Com pnny, for the salo of town lots, at Port Tro vorton, In Snydor county. The advantages or tbe location are fully set forth in the ad vertisemeni. ' Cy Mad Does. Our neighbors of Shamo- kin and Coal township have been thrown into some fever of excitoment by the appearance or mad dogs. A meeting was held, ond resolutions passed, requiring all dogs to be muzzled. y Boats RuscrRD. On Thursday of last week, during the high water, no less thai four heavily laden canal boats, wero rescued, while floating down the river, by the steamboat Ira 1. Clement." Ou the day following two moro were picked np and towed into tba canal. These boats hod their lines cut or broken when possiog over tho West Branch bridga, by the strong current. Our steam boats have on various occasions roscued boats floating towards the dam, when those on board were in imminent danger of lo.iog their lives and property. 55" 1 ubmshbrs Convention. A number of oar exchanges have resolved opon a Con vention to devise measures to promote the interests of the craft. There is no business or profession that stands more in need of certain rules and regulations, than the pub lishing of newspapers. We are ia fuvor of tho project, and would favor any measure that would induce some of tho craft to have a higher appreciation of their profession. reform is sadly ueoded, and if aoythiug con be done to raise the press to its proper di nity and self respect, we shall rejoico to hear it. If at home, we shall most certainly attend. jT Raw. We bad hoped two weeks since that the rainy season was eortainly over, but the end u not yet. Never, siuce our recol'.ec tion, have wo had so much and such prolonged wet weather. I ho river baa been kept at Hood height for the lost two months. Though the gross crop is rank and luxuriant, the corn crop suffers greatly, much of it rotting in the ground, and where it is up, the uiois ture and wet prevents its cultivation. The sugar corn, which 'a an experiment, wo regret to say, will have but n poor chauce thi season. This plant requires but littlo inois tf. JiORTHER.I CENTRAL UAILKOAD. Ihe unfavorable state of tho weather has retarded the completion of this importan improvement. The track has been laid dow over tho whole road op to tho Trevorton bridge, and it was intended to commeuco running up to that point on the first of the present month. Tbo resent heavy rains. however, swelled one of the small stream near aiiaersbug, and carried awoy a portion of ono of the bridges, which has necessarily postponed tbe opening of the road, which will now take place on or about tbo lit of July l'he cars will then connect with the Pocket bouts at Fort Trevorton, 14 miles below Northamberland. l'he unfinished portion c the road between Trevorton bridge and Sun bury, a distance of ten miles, is progressin rapidiy. A strong force is at work, and the company have resolved to completo it 9 early as possible. A letting for tbo extension of the road through Baltimore and the construction of a tuuuel will take -lace ou the let of July. C3" A Nkw CocTKKtKiT. A new counter feit five dollor note on the Exchange Bank of FittBburg, has made its appearance. It is cell executed. The viguctte represents two females floating in tbe air. It purports to have been engraved by W. L. Winlly. tiT Dail Papkr in Rciuino Last Moo. day tbe Reading Gazette was changed from a weekly to a daily paper. Mr. Getx feels con fident that the enterprise will be successful, and we see no reason why it should not b. Reading is now the third city in the State in poiut of population and enterprise, aud Mr Geta is fully competent to assume tbe task. t3 Btritk by I.iohtmiho. A horse bo belonging to W. P. Doioai., of Kelly towobhip, Union couuty, was struck by light ning on Monday night a week last, while running in a pasture field, aud instantly killed. ej-The farm of J. B. Davis, a Ijoiuing Milton, was sold last week for 150 an acre, to a gentleman of Northampton county. This is oue of the Guest fucms iu this section of the country. DR. KANB AND WH, C. fcOOFRET. Those of onr readort who bavo read the late work of Dr. Kamr, giving an account of his explorations in the Arctic1 regions, in search of Sir Jons Franklin, will, no donbt, recollect the history cf Wm. C. Godfrey, who desnrted from the expedition in its darkest and most gloomy period, and took tip Lis nartors among the Esquimaux Indians. Dr. Kane, who commiinded the expedition, uder the instructions aud discipline of the Navy department, detorminod to punish this act of insubordination, and followed Godfrkt a distance of about 70 miles, and single- handed captured ond brought him back. Sinco tho death of Dr. Rank, a certain pub lisher in Philadelphia, stimulated, o doubt, by the great sale of Dr. Kahb"s book, bas concluded to publish an account of bis expe dition, of which this man Godfrry is to be the hero and narrator. A card was, there foro, pnblished in a number of the city papers, over the signature of Godfrey, in which he attacks the veracity of Dr. Kan, and accuses him of cruelty, injustice and dishonorable conduct. This card, which is evidently an advertisement got np to soil the book, is not endorsed by tho city press, bot we regret to find that a few of the coiutry editors bva swallowed the bait, and none more cogerly than onr neighbor of tho Sunbury Ccztlle who does not hesitate to cast the most unjiut and nngenerous imputations on the character of Dr. Kakh, and attempts to tarnish the fair fame of one whose whole life, though of during and adveutnre, has been one of noble aims aud gnuerous impulses. Godfksv says thot Dr. Kaxb's strictures on bis character has so prejudiced the public against bim, that ho is obliged to drive an omnibus for a living. Omnibus driving is noitber discreditable or dograding, and there is uo evidence that Godfrkt was filled for higher station, wbilo the presumption is, that many better men are now engaged in tho saniu culling. There is one feature a'otin, in the caso of Godfrey, which is sufficient to condemn his whole story as incompatible with the truth. We refer to the fact, that ho tamely and quietly submitted to these charges, whilo Dr. Kane was living, and only assumed the courage of self tlefcuce, after the silent grave bad covered all that was mortal of bis formor commander. It is worse than idlo for him to say now that ho was too poor to defend himself. No respectable paper iti tba city, or elsewhere, would have refused to publish his defence or deuiul Betides, two shillings would have procured tho insertion of his protest, as an ndvertice ment. To open the grave and rake np the ashes of the dead has, in all nges, been considered disreputable, und will neither excite the sym pathy or meet with the approbation of 8 gen erona people. The editor of tho Gazette is equally unfor tunate in his philosophy when he n?sert?, in reference to Godfrey, that "courage and generosity preclude tho possibility of u bud character." His is a bold, us well as a new principle in moral ethics, and sts at defiance all the previously conceived opinions of Puley N sylatid and other writers on moral philoso phy. "Courage und generosity" are traits not unireqiieiiuy possessed, by the most noted criminal?, who would huri'ly, on tha account, be entitled to a certificate of "good character." APPLICATION rod INJUSITIO AGAINST THESALK OF THE MAIN LINK. Iu the Supreme Court, before Chiuf Jnsticc Lowis, and Judges Lowrie, Woedward, Knox and Armstrong, the argument in the applie; tions for a special injunction to restrain th sale of the Main Li'iv, which is advertised to take place in the eity.cn the 2Mb instun was commenced. There are all, thrco epnnite capes, in wlm separate bills in equity oro filed, ht. Tl bill filed by Henry S. Mott, o stockholder i the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, to re strain said company from purchasing said Main Lino. 2d. A bill filed by loanholders' of tho State to prevent the salo of property pledged to secure tbe suid loans. The latt bill was filed on Tuesday last, tho two forme were filed on the Cth of June, and to whic alone the argument of counsel wero confine to-day, affidavits ond arguments having bee prepared to meet them. The counsel fur th complainants are Messrs. W. L. Hirst, James II. Walton, Charles R. Buckalew, and W M. Meredith. Counsel for the respondent: are Messrs. fctauntou, Cuyler. St. Geo. ' Campbell and Attorney-General Franklin. Mr. Hirst commencod the argument on th part of the complainants. in addition to tbe above bills, Mr. Hirst stated a bill hud been filed in Alleahenv vummij 3 i"un-iiuiurr 01 mat county, in behalf of 20.0ti0 shares of stock. Mr. l'lirst said upon the first bill filed by the' Canal wuiimi.ildikouib, mm were in iact the l orn missiouers or rubiic Works io tho Stat questions arise luvulvinr some of the li-ml mental principles of our government the questions of taxation, and of exemption fro.n taxation. It is provided iu the 3d section of tue act or sale luat, ror a certain price to bo paid, tho Pennsylvania Railroad Co shall bo released iroui tbe payment of taxes on it vupiiai bh'i-s, UUMU0, uiviuenu. tc, an ex vuiirniMi ui ibxuuuu lorever. 1 ins in n run stitntional question, and if Ihe doctrine of exemption be once established by this Conrt, "'u oo imposBiDie to escape from it here after and forever. If it is competent for tho Legislature to make a contract selling an exemption from taxation for Stute purposes to a company or a corporation, as attempted in tbe cose before tho Conrt, the Legislature can sell the same privileges of exemption to any Other company or corporation who may apply for the same, ofering a bonus Tor such immunity. If this system be once estab lished, we shall see scores of petty corpora, tions knocking at tbe hdlls.of our Legislature for similar enactments. It is instituting a class in this Commonwealth with privileges above all others, to exempt those whose property was most profitable from bearing a share io the common burden of the Com monwealth. Mr. Hirst then proceeded to argue that the Legislature bad no power to make such contracts. The power under which tbe act was passed is in the 1st section of tho Con. slitution, establishing Legislative power. This power of legislation is a trust held by the Legislature, and the exercise of that trust is for the good of tbe people. The sov. ereignty resides in the people; the power conferred in tho Legislature is only a trust so stated by Chief Justice Tsuey, iu 10 Howurd. Other authorities were also cited iu support of this proposition. In reference to tbe bill filed by the stock, holder, M. Hirst proceeded to argue that the provisions of the act of A ssembly, if accepted by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, would cause a materia! change in tbe charter enit lnnJ.mli ea,M unmr.itnv l And thfkt I sncb being thecose, a stockholdet had aright L. tt .ii . i.. .nmnan I Mr. Hirst then Cited cases, showing that rnmni-niinn (. ii!i hv It t-rmrter to the I tiowara lhoeotn annrnrrMfl And that ItnV Other 1 xercise of power Is illegal. ' . Mr. Campbell commenced tne argument i on tbe part of the respondents. Mr. Camp- bell, after referring to tho disadvantages 01 1 snort notice and of time ror preparation wnicn ,uubh wiiiihr piace ii ib n)i'" u ..,,.. for injunctions, are in tho nature of tba pro- i.... .i.i..i . i, n.n,nQrfnj tn maA nf I lln nHAn...a. L. .. r la MB It IM9 4 M tl f I in Iha n-mvA Ava.ni.rt tha itiftp.rotinn of thift I i HID tltirfiLlflU II H 1 1 II H I IB WU A WV r V ' conrt I w. I The bill i nr.1 hlnir .a .1 i ri.. 1 ii.. Tl.a nil I l-iiiuii mh lUr Bltlo UI WltJ Hi m ug iu- i and assumes throe grounds! First, That the salo cannot be made to corporation. Se- coud, The LeeUJnture connot equally tax corporations i ; and 1 bird, That if the amend Drevent tho t chaso by individual purchasers. Tba bills mod are to preot the purchase uy tne i Pennsylvania Railroad Company, and to pre. I ments are to be sold, and are advertised for sale, far and wide, and people, upon that ad-1 vcrtiscroent, may come from different sections oi i io country to uio at mat sale, i ut a on is uiuu tor a apeciiu iiuuociiod, ou m notice, to prevent it ; io favor ofao party would the court restrain the bidding! Who neks this t We may differ upon the policy of tne law, but it is a law and must be treated as law. W bo makes this objection T A stockholder in three, shares purehased after the bill bud been paspod by the Legislature. lie came in to create discord where barmony existed. Is he the part? to open the doors of the Court and to prevent the execution of a luw. He is not a stockholder, such as the adjudiciuted cases contemplate, whose inter-1 lercnce is recognized as matter or right, w e are t , too mat 4"c-gnony county in none onmnt liittrr httf n hnl twm umwt tni hut. suhnl. I ever it may be, will be met ut tho proper time and place. The Canal Commissioners, too, I are here. W hat right bavo they to prevent porty T Do they owu any portion of it t No 1 But their occupation will be gone. I hey have nothing to gain, then, thank Cod : they have nothing to give. It is most remarkable that, in one bill we Kte told that this work will swamp us, and in the other we are told t hat it is a magnificent enterprise. The time for deciding this qaestien has not yet arrived I and may nevor arrive, becauso, if private pur-1 chasers make the purchase, then these bills will lull ol their desired eUect. 1 ho bona Jute storkholders of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company do not come here and iuterpose ob jections. CRkv. Samuel Bktso.v brother of the late Rev. John Brybox, of this county, who I died not long since at the advanced age of 98 I years diud recently in Centre county, nt tho I age of 92 years. SJ3T Hotiil Sold. The ''Fallon House," iu Lock Haven, was sold at KlieriiTg sain, re cently, for SIVi'OO. Mr. J. K. Jaokman was the purchaser. ? The Milton Bridgo Company have raised their tuila. Somo of the citizens, in conspqnpnco thereof, have had their dander raited, and threaten a ropo ferry. 6 J" Rain fell !21 times daring tho month of May, nine. Perfectly clear doys during the month fHJ" The Jersey Shore licpuhlicad is flour- ishing with a ne"v dress oftypc, and will here after publish on tbe Cakii Svstkm. yerg"" i- -. . . . jj. Conmumicatci). For tli Sanbnry Amariona ) EharaokJn Bank. Ma. Maskr: I hnvo been solicited to becomo a subscriber to the Dank proposnd la tie orgauized at Miumoliin. ISelore put ting my Rparo-iiion-y into this institution. I would lilio to bavo a few plain ouustious an swered. 1st. Will this new Bank pay mo more than C piTCent luterost on the stock I may sub . . . scribe for, during the first severul years of us e.inence r d. Will tho stock of this Bank, or in fuel of any Bank, be as cood seftirity as 1 could get for my money by the purchuso of bonds am. mortgages T .Id. In the event of tho fuilnro of the Bank or a suspension of specio payments, am 1 in dividually liable, in proportion to the amount 01 f 10c it 1 bold lor losses thnt may be sustain oil by note holders and depositors T 4th. I hough I I'iny make a bona fide par inent, that is. full vuvnient. rs it mav bu ro quired, of all the stuck standing in my name, is there ouy guaronty that every other stock holder will do like-wiso ! Cth. Taking it for granted that all the stock will bo fully paid up. do not the revul- sions in the monetary nlJ'airs of the conntry Irequently break banks, whpre there is not skilful management nnd unlimited, confidence in the institution, aud where there aro few depositors T Cth 1) jes not tbe reliability and safety of a iianrr, uepeod, in a measure, upon the locality of the stockholders ! that is, whether they ure located in tbo vicinty of the Bank, j or 111 somo one or our large cities T 7th. 1 havo interrogated you thus for my own safoty, and for tho benefit of otbets, who may become parties in the organization of the Bank, and J trcst you will speak con. J oiuiy and to tne pent, in yoor answers. Juno 15, 1857. I. It KM ARK. Iu reply to tho interrogataries of our cor respoudent, we take occasion to say that we regret that he did not seek the iuformatiou he desires, from sources better acquainted with the subject of bankiug than ourselves. We cannot, however, ns a public jonrnnlist refuse compliance, iu giving onr views, whatever they may be worth, on this or any other subject, io which tha publio is interested. Wo shall, therefore, endeavor to answer briefly, the above Interrogatories, in their order 1 1st. In regard to dividends, new Banks seldom pay more than 6 per cent for several years, as there are always some expenses In enrred in the organization and establishment of a new bank. . Much will, of course, depend upon the monogonie.it of the Bank, whether a larger dividend will be pa.'d at any time, if eves that figure is realised. 2J. Tbe demand for money, at this time, enables those who desire to make investments, to do so npon bouds and mortgages, which are undoubted securities, at rates as high as 8 aud 10 per Co nt per annum. Securities of this kind, we regard as mora desirable than Bank stock, unless the men concerned ia lb Batik havo "back-bone" and substance) or in other words, plenty of the 'rocks" to stand up uuder preuuis iu tha money maiifcl. J ment be accented by tin corporation, it would I which may ultimately prove its rain. be invalid. 1 here bus been no nrtruuieui to lU wild Cttl 8VBtein 8doptcd by iers. The bills filed are to Drevent the onr- otu Bankiug should.bo 00 a soli. Thtll hftplcfiit tientr aprtirltiei ara as ffood I ,onj. .d mortirarcs 'Bfcv"" . I a' holders are individually nau.e . tha note-holders and depositors, tor any losses l Itin! mi, lia auulalnerl thrnncrh ft, fuflure to I meet all demands tipon the Bank. ' ' ' , . . . . ,... "uld ccrtaluly be neither Just or legal, io make our correspondent, or any one t lelto, pay op bis stock In full, while others li . , , y , hnVfl heard t stated' Prt- iel e nV8.neimI ".alea that this has occurrod in the oriranlzation or I SlmA ISAnUsi MAIS) In ST IDI AttrA 1 AP.nni D H T 1 lUlllV VUiinD llJ 1 UTAWuwi . I W V w I i. t t..u .v. ..!. f... I 1UUS IV UVL'UUIU lUilfO UUIUUISUI HIW BbUUd. IUI I . . lliAtv a Kla 4a frr rA rnnornnnMl v I J . il.nt.nt. I or the amount of their deficiencv-thus ,BCP or tDe n,onnl or Vheir.denciency tuns making the bank carry a load, under which its reputation not only suffers much, but I This Is bank speen il basis, caah paid in, and not mere promises to pay f.,y j iiaiea cr revulsion in the business .. . .. . n -nlln,inn. in W08t PlaC8 itB tabtUty in great jeopardy. Under sncb circumstances, the atock should be fully paid in, and it is of , in,norlanM to ti bank to have the ad- , . . .. . ., ... vantage ol a largo list of depositor.. We have tha opiniou ol experienced Bankers, that without depositors it is a difflcalt matter . . ttt;raP,or to th. utork- holders, or even to sustain a bank as it should be. Ctb. Recent failures in banking, as the F.rie City Bank and the New Castle Bank, go far to convince us that a bank to be per feclly reliable and safe, must be in the hands of the people ill the neighborhood In which it , t d fc t , tfc stock must b t k ' ' ot 1,om8 bonadetni not by persons abroad Should tha stock be takeu by city speca ators, the bank is placed iu almost as bad conAlUon ,t.wou,1 bf hc.1 ' ndcr lL C0" trol of men at home, who hold large amounts of stock on their promises to pay. -Intheso days of railroads and telegraphs, it is a very dangerous experiment to nndertuke to steer a bank through a financial crisis, or even when things are moving along smoothly, if I tbe record is not entirely clean. With a disposition to accommodate our correspondent, we havo gono through his litt of questions, and can only hope we bnva been of some service to him and our readers generally. lf thu Shamoktn Bank be organized, as it1 no doubt will bo, wo siucerely doeire to see it put upon a busts beyond the reach or trouble Otherwise, it wern butter if it royer existed TESTIKOHIAL. At tho luto mepting of the Mt. Tabor Lodge, No. 125, of I. O. ofO. F., tho follow 1111; preamble and resolutions wcru unani moiiily udopted : 11RBKAS, it has pleased Almighty Uod in his infinite wisdom to removo from our midst and companionship, out lain beloved brother m AT 1 11 1 An UASB, therelore lUsolved, That we, as a society, deeply regret this separation, nnd that his uumo will long bo embulmod in our auectionato memo- I ries llcsnlved, Th it by his death this order hns been deprived of o worthy member, and the commnnilv or 1.11 bonest an industrious man Resolved, Thut while wo bow in huniblo submhsioti to tho mysterious workings of Htm who doeth all things well, we sincerely sympathize with the alllicted friends and rululives in this their sad bereavement, nnd hope what is their incparable loss is his eternal tram. Resolved, That we wear tho nsual badge of mourning ror thirty days. HesoUcd, That copies of theso proceedings 00 Bi nt 10 tne menus 01 ma aeceusuti, and be presentod to the Sunbnry papers for pub licsliou. W. L. 55 POTT, 1 J. DRKI1KU. VCommitteo, J. L. OIl.tiER. J StiAMOKlK, June 6, 1337. Deaths in New York last week, 423. Deaths in Philadelphia last week, 1S4. Scarlet fuver is vory fatal at Lancaster. The Hog Cholera is destructive ut Chicago. Fx-Prosideut Filliuoro is on a vieit to ludiutia. The mother of Queen Victorlu is 71 vcars ' Se- I Mrs. Oen. Scott is lying dangerously ill In 1 aris. The National Debt of Great Britain is 9775 317 i;iij ' The Koropt 4. peon grain crops present a highly There are 50 insane asvlntns in North A I r. r a,. niiiei.ca, auu viw palients. Mrs. Allison, of Nottingham, N. II., 107 ytars of age, 00 thu 10th ult. H1011 W auks. The woges of the pilots on the Missouri river, ore suid to be 800 per iiiji, wiiiin consumes iroin t-t to zo days. uib price, nuwever, includes an assistant A I01011 Uart. X colorod Infant, loss inau a aay old wus lound, lust evening, iu u cess-pool iu Barley street. The young one was rescued apparently uninjured. Tbo momer or tbe child alleges thut it had been in tha well severul hours before it wasdiscov- trod. The bub? CVidsntlv doea mil iin,l l.iUVI. , , balt, 1 hey are twenty-Gvo furnaces on me rausKinguin nvor, between AlcCotinel villo and Zanesville Ohio which will manufac ture thirty thousand barrels of salt this a.... son. Contracts for large quantities of this salt have been made to be delivered in this city at ji,7j per bbl. Nsw Railroad. A survey has Just been completed, for a new Railroad from Ibis place to Northumberland. We understand that the stock has been taken, aud the roud will be built as soon as possible, under a charter obtained several years ago Montour Amer. icon. Iumkksb Dspot. The freight depot of tho New York Central Railroad at Bullulo is to be lengthened 300 feet, which will give it a front of over 1300 feet. When this is done, it is said, it will be tbe largest railroad depot io the world. Tin Covkt Mama. Extraorpixart Db U'siow. The comet .as due on Saturday, aud a Mrs. Decker, ofewburgh, bung her self with a clothes line, to avoid the expected annihilation. W have not received the par ticulars; and whether Mrs. D. hung herself because tbe comet was expected, or did not coma off according to advertisement, at pre sent remains a mystery. The woman was ei ther insane, or bad no confidence in the math ematical accuracy of ths Atmigbty. .Tns,a Vn.r.n..u,n TM man mhn I stands charged with numerous bills of indict- r... r...i .1 r i. .t i.i. .. n LBeMU ,nere on Wo j..j. ,-, -uu ni Wm Knffitl. koplipp ttt ttto il..hlrtra' ariartitiAnt Moynmensing prison. His bail was reduced from ?3U,UUU to 13,000 1 His reception at LnncttSlor wa9 one of 0 Cor,11(l, ei.fMter, having boon met at tho depot by a crowd on persons. It is doubtrul wiietiicr the charges '" "n wm ever u muui i iooo, ftSd lf , ,0In8 Blrnllge ooVelopmonts may be ., .i ass' MT BlTOOTINJ Affray in Lexinoton. In a qnarrot between . i otin uiny, a son 01 me uu- ... . 1. fnrmPF iihnt Llto Inttpf Iwirti ft-fth A Dtfttol. . -- , I One ball entered his mouth and passed out bol.ioa eti- Another ball lodged in his bnck K(lgar , reported mortally wounded, Tho parties havo not beer) on amicnblo terms for somo time. Cincinnati Commercial, The Newark Doily Advertiser ol Monday evening says : Thu crop of strawberries in New Jersey, this year, has boon unusnniiy large. The steamboat Key port took to New York on Saturday, !)33 barrel! , each barrel containing about ZOO baskets, making 10, (U0 baskets, which sold on an average Tor Jljc. per basket,,making 0..ri31 for a single trip. Une basket contained only thrco ber ries, that nipasured it inches each In circum ference. Tho suusou has only just com menced. - A Tkavli.i.iso Marcus, io his courso of tbe grand tour in hurope, arrived at Berlin, weary or lionising. V hen he weut to rest at tbe closo of his first duy's residence, he exclaimed r "Thank heaven, 1 have come to a place where there is nothing worth seeing 1 Wrocoiit Iron Cars. There Is now nearly completed, In Putorson, N. J., a fircl-tlun I passenger car, a littlo lurcur than the ordina ry size, constructed almost entirely of wrought I iron. This material is employed to obtain groat strength, with less weight than usual, und to avoid tho injuries to passengers due to the destruction of ordinsry cars in any Mud or a smash. A Grrat Country. Jefferson Davis, in Ins late speeeh at Jackson. Mississippi, men tinned, as an illustrutioti or the vaslnefs ol onr national domain, the fact that during tire four years or tho lata Admimstrotion, morn lund was ceded by the Kercral government lr, I... I I.-.; . ,or improvement una uluer .eg,,., . e ..urpo- ,ain , public d)nlajn eqn( ,0 tlQ entiro areu 0f Kuropu I W he should think that we are growing fast enough by honorable means without encouraging the stealing ol lerrito- 7- Fi ance and IireaditufTt. France was pre vious to the advent of the potato rot, a large oxportur of grain, but siuce then lias in most years been obliged to import to some extent, und largely in some years. In the last three ! years slio has imported about eighty-ono mil lion dollar's worth of bread-stuff. This is not a very serious 'amount ond is lofS by twonty-eiuht nuilons than Urent Jtntian im ported or Breadstuff iu tbe single year lb.ll. KxoRMors Ooi.n Doim.err Fodxd. The ! Aiarysvnio uoraiu says mat tue Downiey vine ui.i.ei .u.nuiii.y, iii lenireYiiie. uave touuu 1 ue largest ooukut containing gold peruaps over struck in Uulirirma. L p to last nc counts they had extracted 817,000, nnd hod not yet acei tamed Us full size. I hey esti mate tho amount of gold it contains et not less than iMOtl.OUU! This boulder is a fair sot-off to one from Australia, which thn En glish papers have recent ly mentioned 03 being on exhibition in Loudon, aud which woL'Iih (quartz nnd gold) four hundred pounds, end is Valued by Borne Sangilluo Ind.vidual Ot Xii), OUU, or fclOO.OUO. Hooim Doxisikp. Ladies, preparo for an cztreiuo change in your habits, for a Purls Correspondent of the New York C'ounVrsays ''lank as the liecamier of 1S00, the substitute for the full-blowru rose we now bebild, the lidle, of ls5d will come upon ns iu appalling utimiligated deformity, tans crinoline, sans basque, eam Imiitle, t;j wad, tans wool, sans I cat:o, tans stoel, suns everything." Patersnn, (S. J.,) and viciuity apparently is destined to bo oue of ihn most noted spots in the country. Already it hns become cele brated for thu discovery of pearls, aud now, the ijuartltan says, n vein or copper and sil ver has been struck in Uurrctt Mountain. A shaft ubotit S5 feet deep, has been sunk. and 11 bed ot copper oro, sixteen fept below tho surfaco, uud twuuty-four feet thick, has been struck IxxoriwT Anuisstos Althedinni r of the Maine Medical Convention, the Rov. Mr. li., whilu alluding to thu intimate relations be- ttn.(n tlu, lirifMacuii.ii nf t lia ..lui-irt, n,,.l ft... pnysician, in nil seriouiuoi'H remarked that it was a somewhat singular fact that "orhenthe Doctor u-as called the Minister was tare to foliate." Nkw Su'HOM.LltV.A mnnv flia PAPnnf rU of the Legislature i tlm f,,n 1 1U1 in it (in ri tr( it I I 0110 whi.h kocs into operatiou iiiiinudiuio- I 'j Suction 2 Thot hereafter the Tux im posed by section thirty of the Act, approved May eighth, one thousand cieht hundred and fifty-four, for thu regulation uud cotiuuauci of a system or edueution by Common Schools, on trades, professions and occupations or 01, siuglo freemen, shall in no case be less than one dollar. Approved, May 21, 1857. TIIBCOtLTIUDE. The quantity sent by Railroad is 41,241 15 by Caual -10,031 Of lor tha week b2,172 19 tons. Total by Railroad 820,8hG 10 ogainst 896:22D IS tons. Do. by Canal 321, 21C 11 aijainst 327,1 el tons to sunn period ittHi year. Bouts wore plenty during tho week, and tho shipments ure heavier than wo a 11 tic i Da ted, although they aro less by 5,854 tuns than lor me coraespoudiug week last year. Mm a s' Journal . Aiiothrr rnglllva Slr Excitemeul Iu Obit A Drputy Mar.hul Stabbtd and Nrgra Slid, Cincinnati, Juno 15. This morning as four 11. uepuiy .Marshals were arresting afugi tive slave aud his wife, the slave stabbed Mr. J. C. Elliot oue of the Deputies, with a long sword-knife ; upon woich another Deputy Marshal shot the slave in the adomen four timos. The negroes were then taken in cus tody. The Marshal's wound is of a danger ous character. The negro's is thought to be mnrtul. Tho affray occurred in a room on Vino street, uear the Post Office, where the ucgroes were secreted. ftrluru a lluulng EXprdtllon Irani the 1 1 raj tVatrrs ol h.a MUauorl Indian Orprada. Ilona. St. Louis, June 15. Sir Geonra Gore and suite returned her yesterday, after three days' abseuco, ou a bunting expedition to tba I J . .. .l - . ueau waters 01 me jnssouri. lie reports the country never was in a worso condition respecting the Indians. I be tomitee and bioux tribes were commit ting atrocities againtt the whites, aud, since tbe removal of the troops from Forts Randall and Lookout, the Indians iu the neghborhood hod assumed a hostile attitude. A party of tbo S.ntlt. I Cflcjrapjjic llclus. Tllft S AF,pnrEST. The Si TPPtS BIS CrOW. dd to-day wth singers and Tamers from abroad, and th iri nut nt itnnrs wear a hnll- day aspect. Tb stranger societies beld private meeting Him mornintr and determined one and all, that beftro leavinir the citv tbev c"'' "dHgp!Tes T.'T. p9mFr'.' ' .wning iinu 01 avock- hi)1 Wllf,on. f-n3md COii (new style) ueewBireet, uoTeoin. hiladelpliia. Holloxrnu't Ointment and A7 F.it inor dinary Cure nf a Bad Breast. Th wife of Mr. Arthur Burn, of New Orleatn, Lousionn, was after the birth of their last chM a cnn. stunt sufferer with bad breast there verecev erul holes in it. and despite of the varinua remedies tried, her hnsband could not get anything to cause it to beal. Alter eery other remedy had failed to benefit the suffw. . " . . . ., " er, sne una recoutse to nolloways Uinlrrent and Pills, which as a matter of course, quickly caused an improvement in the eppcarsce or tho effected parts, and by perservance with these fine remedies Torn few weeks, she wn completely cured. This wonderful Ointment will also rend I v cure all diseases of the skin. A MA BR 1AOE S . On the 18th inst.. by the IIpv, T. Tminv- hill, Mr. Doniel Fry, to Miss Margaret Blet- zei. At tho same timo and pIucp. bv the snmp. Mr. Samuel Taylor, to Miss Caroline Stelzti nil of tihamokin- In Klein. Illinois, r.n the 2UI cf Mav. I65T. by Rev. J. H. Worrel, I'nstor of tho hloom- iniliilu baptist Church, Illinois, Mr. Lf.wi B. Vantihk. of the firm of A. B. Fish A Co., of Klgin, Illinois, to Miss Mauy. daughter of Mark P. Kowlund, hsn., of the same place. (l)c lllarluis. Philadelphia Market. June 17, 1857. Grain. Whenf Pales of prima new Pennsylvania red nt $1 84(2 $1 86 and I'SO for good white. Rye Ponnsylvunia at 81 It) cents. Corn Sales of old yellow at 90 cents Oats is selling at CO cts per bushel. Cloversecd Sales of prime nt $7 per 64 lbs. Whiskey Sales nt 30 cts. in bbls. end n hhds., at 35 cents. SUNEURY PEICE Ct7HREKT. Wheat, - . .$3 CO flutter, - 9 15 Ryo, . - . - I 13 Frj, ... is Corn, ... R7 Tnllow, ... 1-1 Oat ft) I.nrd, ... 14 Buckwheat, - - 75 Pork, .... a Potatoes, - - J 00 Deeewm, . - Jj FUxnecd. - . - I 85 Dried Apples, - I 25 wrff ii -J."j?Jrjj!;iL!iagrs Bfew Advertisements. To the Electors of Northumberland County. 'FMI E tuhscriher hereby offers himself a a ramlulntA fitr ?ROTHONOTARY, Having ! bv been a "IcailfHSl lirinecrat, and ronsi.lcri.ig biinrell rn.i.prtcnt to perforin tho dutie of the oir.ee, he would respectfully ask of itic Democratic parly ol the county a non.inn- tion at ll.e priinnry election. Among other t auu u .cations, a t lioroii" . tnnnr p. nf i, Knglisii and l.orman Inng.iases wnulJ rnaMu uiu, iu tiiienu ai.&i.ciurijy 10 an llATllig ru'llie'S in the iffice. DANIEL DEOKXY. Treorlon, Jnn 30, 1857. To the Electors cf Uorthniaterlead County.' J' 12 fuhcrilrr would respertfully r. nonnro to tlio Democratic Voters of Anrthuri.tu'r land t'uunty, lb.it he is a ca.iilidu.e let t.;iniiia lion fvr llic cilice, of (iiitty Trcnsisrsr. Hating hail me exicilnce. he flmtcru hiini:f thai he would be able lo rtudur s-nnal cltl"u tiou lo ihe citixrna ot s:M ciuntv. JOII.N KAH.NSWOKTlI. t"p. Ar.gusla, June 20, lsj7. ATTORNEY JT LA"W, eunsTjay, pa. (-'ulli'iliii)i, oiiulo and Proreasienol BuniiiPfit ganerally altei.ded to Promntly and C'arrful'y. Pnn.1kKi.rn14 Hirir. Kxi 11 : liuliill 4 Fnic.horne, Diehl iV W'crtx, l)Ti Sl Biriicy, V. Taylot Jc Co. Hunburv. June SO, lt.17. AUCTION SALE OP VALUABLE TOWN LOTS AT PORT TEEVORTOIT, uu uuiypius tui, vi mo xrsvorioa vcat atid Kail Road Company : A'so the tTiuimit of the Trevorton Jlc.il Itoid and Junction with Ihe ir firitlge cros sing Susipirhanna Jlirir to the present termi-tui of the ' NORTHLRN CKN'I It AL RAIL ROAD- THI) above lota will be oficrcd for aa'e at POUT TREVOKTO.N, On S.Vll'JIDA )', the 2Zth Jay of Jy 1857, At II o'clock, A. M. The Lo'.a embrace somo of lbs building and buninoss locutions iu tho village. Port Trevorton ia destined to grow very fat, and has among other ailvantiigra tnoee la b derived from the comp'ctlan of the Northern Central Railroad an.I iu cnnnect i n uiih (be Hailroad of the Trevorton ( il ami l!iilrn;i l Company, leading to their eiion-ive ininrs, wl.ii li wilt make il one of the largest coal Khipping ports above the Junction. It baa alo tha luiui t.cts groning out of the Canal and Datin, and liridu acroiw tbe SunjUf h.-uum. 'Phe Bridge olfi ri.nj the only fucilitica for mile up and d.:wn the river, for forwardiiij; ni'iulry pruduro la .Northern and Eustirn utarketa, by liailroad. fori Trcvortnn h:i the further aJvanluge of be. ing HU'tained by a rich and eitp.i.ite agricultu. ral country in tho vicinity. Tcruia of bale. Purchaser will pny ten pey cent Caab, the bulance in 'free iiisiaiinei.l at one, iwo and three yeara, with intrrcat nu.iu.illv on the amount unpaid ; impniYt-uieiita valued at Two Hundred Dollars, to It put on ach ll within eighteen uionlha from the day of pur chase. fiBORGE MOWTO.V, 6up'. Port Trevorton, June 30, 1S')7. SPLENDID BAEGAIN3, TULVOUTON LOTS l'OU SALE. The Trustees of lbs Methodic! K. Church at Trevorton, give notice to Ihe Pu! lie that tbey will anil at private aale, TOWN LOTS on rea aouble lenm and will give good warrantee di-ed, for I'.ia same. Imjuire of any one of ti.a 7'cua Ue. TKTER METZ, MICHKL IUAFOOi. JOHN hE.NM.VU, JAM KS K. LOW. HENRY J. RENN, A. A 11E1.ME, June SO, 18ST. BMITII'U Isenre of Jamulcu (.Ingcr. rpniS arltcl ii earefully pirparnl fromtlie bi JuumIcr. X limner, all li valualla niwl.c.iial prone.Mea n. winch u ia umrajiinl to puucaa la a cuycci,iru': ,! mm a. utcut r.ina. It 1 an eit'clltilt ramrdr In dviucoaja. Bntulc ni . rli.i. lie miuI in.puucrt and lerU aUiia ol il,e diKi-aiiva lune ,. 1- r.Mn ii, rctiealiiiia ai.enmli anil tounal nnHK-roaa aa a gentle iiiiiuUliiia looiu it ia well aJa.ul lo enumei aH Hie ri.biliutinit innueiH-e i die ellrruia htuUil nuiu Bier, tbevtlei'la i audUrii rliangea, Ae. No laiuilr aunuiil Ix wiOi-'ul i, aa Ha timely oae wilt aive iht.u 11..11, innv an aciiouii a'lack of Uuieaa. iiKi.-a5e.iin(iMb.itii P'fcuabr JuavIO, Ii7 -lin f