THE TAORKIKOS OF MORMOMIM. An Englih clergyman, who left England to join the Mormons, returned to London in September last. He hai just published a volume giving his opinion of the taints found in the vicinity of the Great Salt Lake. We quote t "One of the most repulsive features of Jlormoniftn is the proxy system, tins is so destructive to every good and honest feeling that many staunch Mormonites reject it alto gether. 1 heard oue of the oldest deciples sny, that nothing on earth would ever per sundo him to believe In it, and that if ho had a dog that believed it. he would shoot him. Nor will any reader be surprised when he knows what it is. 1 will endeavor to explain it briefly. When a married man is colled by conference to a foreign mission, he has tho privilege, as they call it boToro leaving home, of choosing some ono to take the oversight of liis cattle, goods, Bud whatever ho may pos sess; to provide for and overloik the lamily, ' nnd to becomo tho pro-leinporu husband of the wifa." The ostensible reason for this arrangement is to prevent tho husband from "sudering any less" during his absence on missionary lubur!, eiace tho greatness of his "futuro kingdom" depends upon tho number of childrend he has hem. To carry out this idea, tho wife is linudud over to a deputy husband, who main tains bis position in the family till the husband returns. ISase and immoral as this theory may be, it is strongly advocuted by tho lead ing men at tho Ureal Salt Luke. We again quote the returned clergyman : 'Hut there is something more awful and paralyzing than all 1 have y t narrated. 1 mean the fearful sin of incest, which is so iu timatcly and closely connected with polyga my. 1 could particularize instances where mother und daughter aro married to tho same man, anil live with him as his wives ; others, where brother and sister are man and wife, and son. Brigham Young, speuking once upon this subject in tho Tabernacle, said that he hoped the duy was not fur distant when these principles would be more fully taught and acted upon, and that children would be brought up to regard each other as future part in r , for that thus the family would be como more compact." As ,-a caso in point," we would mention that some ten mouths since there was a man at Liverpool, who held tho oflico of counselor to the Dritish Presidency, who aided by the authorities there nnd.the emigration luud. persuaded a family father, mother and three daughters, the youngest in her teens to'em igrale toZion. They hud been a highly ro speclublo family, and their character is irre proachable. On arriving at their destination the missionary demanded the three daughters in marriage, and tho parents gave a most reluctant consent. This man of God (as ho styled himself) was married by lirighain oung to these three on the sumo day, and took them together, to his house, where he h: a young wife already, and which house consisted of but one room for the accommo dation of them all. In about a year one brought forth a daughter and another a son. This cuiwd him great rejoicing, as he said the sons would in timo marry '.ha daughters and thus inalienably become the foundation of his kingdom. This statement reads like a fable, aud yet there is no state of facts more easily proved. That such doctrines should exist in a Chris tint land, in the year of our Lord 1857, is one of those peeueuliar monstrosities which no amount of logic can account for. Mormonism i-t the great evil of the day. How shall it be got rid of, is dillicult to say. It may le put down by force, but it will not bo put dowu by reason; fur irmeu could reason they would never become Mormons. (From the Ogttriiahatg Seu'.inel J A UOOMKD VILl.AU. On Monday morning of last week, the village of Brasher Irou Works, in this county, contained a thriving and busy population. The population of the place embraced about forty families, tho heads of which were mostly iu the employ of Messrs. Alexander & Sliiiiner, engaged about their extensive Kminilre and Machine Shops, whk'b had built up the placo aud given it all the im portance it had attained. Before night the whole village, the foundry, nmchiim shops, saw mills, and every dwelling in tho place except six were consumed. A firo that had previously raged in the woods, was driven by a wind Irotn a point or two South of West, like a hail storm, upon the doomed village. Women at the wash-tub were compelled to drop their work, or tumble thu wet clothes into the cistern, to gather together their children, and fly to tho field for their lives. In one hour forty-three buildings and from $7.,000 to SltMVIuO worth of property were reduced to ashes, nnd forty families made houseless and homeless, without food or clothing, and without the means of employ went. The placo was surrounded by flames on all sides ami it seems miraculoas that none perished in the sudden nnd overwhelm in? calamity. Tho nieu who went to the woods to contend with tho I'.amcs there, and that was the case with most of them, re turned to find their houses a heap of smoking ruins. Hut two or three men tared even a coat, and a few of the peoplo of the village anything except whut was on their persons. Kvery building connected with the Iron Works was consumed the clerk in the store having merely time to put the books and papers in the safe before he was compelled to fly. The Sentinel stutes that tho call fir aid has not boeu unheeded. Villages iu the immediate vicinity have dor.o nobly for the relief of the sufferers. Tavist It Again. Another Artie expe dition, undertaken at Lady Fruuklin'sexpensa is announced. The screw steam yacht Fox has been secured for iheexpedition, which will be conducted by Captain Mc'Cliulock, It. N., who has leave of absence for eighteen months nnd will sail about the last of June. The possibility of finding any of Franklin's party ulive at this long period since their departure daes not seem very flattering. Uut the sci entific men of England are desirous of finish iu ; a great geograph'c 1 enterprise, and 1 eace they in I the present undertaking with large S'il c.iptions. The expedition, under favor Able circumstances, will not occupy more tin n eighteen months. And in that time, accor ding to high authority, the whole remaining portion of the coast line and the adjacent re gions cau be thorouhly explored. The various Hritish expeditions alono have explored 0600 (Miles of the coast, leaving only 370 miles to bo explored, and this in tho section where the vessels of Fruuklin's expedition are very conclusively shown to have been aboudoned. Three times the extent can be explored in a year. The daugers ot this service are showu to be less tbau that of any nnder the British Admiralty. Aud this fuct is further confirm ed bv the annoueeinent that any number of British ollicei j aud seamen are ready to voleu. teor ia this final endeavor. Thk Comet. He is going ofT. And, as he eoes, they abuse him. They soy be has lost his tail. Was ever comet so scaudalized ? We now understand why he will not bit tho earth ou the 14th of Jnne next, at 20 minutes nast 10. a. in. A comet, like a fox. is notb ing without bis tail, alt hough bis tail itself is only an infinite deal of nothing. On the IStb ult., the comet was nearest the earth, and was twenty million miles away. Since then be has been mailing olf as fust as he could scum uer. with his tail, or, what is left of it. be I ween his legs. It is believed that he has L'oue to try aud persuade the other comets to cut otf their tails also. This Great Bore is now near the constellation of the Great Bear The editor of the Petersburg Ueinocrot saw him laUlv through a telescope of ordinary powtr. Alai! yoot comet J lie hat lot bis tai. DOUBT Or AH END. mi Decision or ing rgor-Li. it li one of the noblest characteristics of an era that the people think and judge for themselves. The mental training received at our Common Schools and Free Academies', fit them for this task. They are taught to investigate, to analyze, to take nothing for granted until they have tested and proved its truth. Hence, if the "voice of the peo ple," is not "the voice of God," it approxi mates infallibility more nearly than any opin ion limited to a single class possibly can. Apply this rulo to the remedies for exter nal aud iuternal maladies introduced in all parts of tho Olobo by Professor Holloway, and what is tho result. For every one human being, who places confidence in any other medicine, at least one hundred rely implicitly upon his I'll Is and tJintment, and prove the faith that is in them by using these remedies to the exclusion of all others. Look at an other insignificant fuct. Among the class of medical dogmatists, fortunately for mankind diminishing every day, who deny the eflieacy of llolloway's preparations, scarcely any two ogree. The prescription of each practitioner differs us widely from that of his neighbor, as it does from llolloway's. Submit any case, ordinary or extraordinary, to a hundred so culled "regular physicians," and you will have as much confusion of opinions as there was of tongues in Babel. Dootor recommend blistering, bleeding, sudor. lies and blankets; Doetor Bracernp will prescribe quinine and jellies and throw the doors and windows open. Tho patients pcrplexod iu tho extreme or rather perplexed between two extremes will perhaps try both, or pos sible adopt the idea that a sytem involving such contradictions cannot bo worthy, cry, with Merrutio, "a plague ' both your houses 1 am sped." Certainly when we God that ono half of tho adult population of tho known world have used aud approved llolloway's medicines, and that the remainder are subjected to hundreds of modes of treatment so opposite to each other that no two of them can by any possi bility be right, we may Taiily conclude that the verdict or tho consistent half of munkind is correct nnd true, Tho time has passed, nover to return, whon the dictum ol theories could outweigh incon trovertible facts. If thousands of invalids who have exhausted the materia mepiea and consulted the lights of all thu Medicnl Schools iu vuin, recovered by the aid of llolloway's remedies they must necessarily take prece dence of all others. They have done so wherever they hare been introduced. They are not the pet medicines of a clique, or a class, or single community. Mankind is their their putt on, the whole habitable globe the theatre or their triumphs. -Y, Y. Saturday Keening Courier. Thk Nkw Pent Tho Leader says : "The eagle on the one side looks like a bat tel My with lopped wings or a fish hawk ris ing from a missed swoop after u seu bass. The coming is worse done than that of any other piece ever issued from the mint, every coin being uneven in thickness at one edge and tho other. It hus no ring fills like a lump of lead upon the counter, and could nei ther be made to answer for 'husllin' nor even crnckloo," tw o objects of much interest to the 'minor' sporting world. "But last nnd worst it is bnse, alloyed metal, nnd looks shame-faced about it. It is neither fish, flesh nor fowl simply ono of those abortions of amalgamation lor which Germany has been so long noted, and which wo utterly abominate. Precisely such things as these Tom Hood always flung away when ho received them in change for a thu'er in Germany, as told in his 'Up tho Uliine.' Disnur.orii. Ex-Gov. Bebb, of Ohio who recently fired upon a party of seronaders at his residence iu Wiuncbago county Illinois, and killed one of them and wounded others, has been honorably discharged, after a full iimsligalion of the mutter. Tl o serenaders, it appear0, were a gang of insokut rowdies, who surrounded the bouse of thu Kx-Gover-norand insulted his family until he was compel- led to tire upon them uftur begging them to leave. -a, . . . " - - j New Advertisements- NOTICE. THE Venders and Retailors of Domestic and Foreign Merchandise of Northumberland county, will take notice that they are asses sed and rated by tho Appraiser of Merchan ts 1 axes, tor tie year lSai, as follows i Mount Carmel. Names. Class, License Keiser, Llewellyn A;Co, 13 (10 00 Lewis. 11 uir s Co. 14 7 00 Scaubolu, Fagely A Co. 12 12 50 A Ay res A Co. 14 7 00 Wmii k Davit , 14 7 00 Coal. Cochran, Peal A Co. "11 15 00 Haver A Bird 14 7 00 J. A T. Houser 13 10 00 Aimnernun. Weitztl A Co. II 10 00 Weaver A Fugely 14 7 00 J Wcimer, 13 10 00 Jnsiuh Heed 13 10 00 Wm Cberington 14 7 00 Ziiiiiuerniau A Parsel II 10 00 Jonas Stine 14 7 00 C Osman 14 S 50 1- Dipncr 14 3 60 G Cudwalader 14 S 60 Daniel Miller 14 2 60 Zerit. Herb A Peppen 11 13 00 Sears A Forsyth 11 15 00 Marcus St rouse, , 13 10 00 Alexunder Leib IS 10 00 Henry A Shissler 14 7 00 He n u A Kramer 14 7 00 Heuhen Kline 14 2 60 Francis Bowsr 14 I 60 Littlt Mahanoy. S Troutman U T 00 Jaclion. Win Deppen 13 10 00 Win II k linger 14 7 00 J E Strieker 14 7 00 Lotrer ,1uAanoy. Peter Burrell 13 10 CO A Ditty 13 10 00 Isaac Wit man 14 7 00 Llias Wist 14 7 00 Jordan. John Wirt 14 7 00 Josiuh Swart 14 7 00 West A Shartel 14 7 00 Washingion, Win Kehrs 14 7 00 G B H.bock 14 T 00 Vpper Mahanoy. Daniel Heim 14 7 00 John Sminkey 14 7 00 J II Adam 14 7 00 G W Sujdor 15 7 00 Camern, J Haupt 14 7 00 Ltictr Augusta. r F Zimmerman, 14 7 00 Jonathan IteiU 14 7 00 I A J Courad 14 7 00 Benj lleffuer H 7 00 Isaac Marts 14 7 00 Bergstresser A Hull 14 7 00 Upptr Auguita. 3 C Morgan 14 7 Oo J F A I F Klin 14 10 Oo Shamotin. Martx A Clement 14 7 00 S A Bergstresser 13 10 00 IIoffAMcWilliami 14 7 00 John Vaozint 14 7 00 14 7 00 S Jr. K Miller li 7 TO ( Withingtou & ChiclHi.ter 14 7 1)0 Vetaicare J P Ilogne 12 12 50 H Antrom A Son 13 10 U0 KJ.IF Piper U2 12 .r0 II ayes MrCormiek IU 12 66 8 M (1 Wenk U 7 00 S B Hartrault 14 3 00 P A Fox I t 2 60 Lticis. Raup k Savidi( 13 10 00 Beisel A Barret 13 10 00 Burdo St lleas 13 10 00 Hilton. Sweok & Sticker 13 12 SO 14 7 00 Frick A Stout 11 15 00 S L Finuey 12 12 f0 I sans Brown 12 12 60 T S StadJen 14 7 00 Win F Nogle 12 12 .10 Frymire & Brotlor 11 IS 00 ilitien A Housh 12 12 50 Good in nu A Mcudie 12 12 60 J K Coney A liro. 13 10 00 Steiner A Muss 14 7 OU K B lv rum in 13 10 00 Hang A Brown 12 12 60 J F Caslow 13 10 00 JAM Yonnt 14 3 60 Uawn A Chapman 14 3 60 W H Longshore 14 7 (0 David Krausnr 14 3 60 J F Ganger 14 3 60 Samuel Aues 14 2 60 J Angstudt 14 3 60 C W Askin 14 2 5 Cyrus Brown 13 10 00 J 11 MiCormick 14 3 00 Jacob Dier 14 3 00 J C Gehriug 11 3 00 Chiliiuutupie, A Conrad 13 10 00 James Rood jr 14 7 00 T 11 Fisher 13 10 00 Robert Etna 14 7 00 North umlerland. M B Priestly 13 10 00 Taggart A Leijjhow 13 10 00 James Tuggurt 13 10 00 Wm T 1'oiMth 13 10 00 S A Burketibiue 13 10 00 A B Youngmuu 14 5 00 Wm Elliot 13 10 00 John W Kuch 14 7 00 Elizabeth llobbait 14 6 Oil D M Brautipaui 14 3 00 Henry Wenk 14 2 SO J amen Scott 11 3 00 Wm 'Weinier 14 3 00 Point. Samuel It Woods 12 12 50 Sunbury. Ira T Clement 13 10 00 Friling A Graut 13 10 00 P W Grav 12 12 60 h Y Bright & Son 11 16 no J II Englu 11 7 0(1 I W Teller 11 7 00 John Yount 14 7 00 A W Fuller 14 7 00 j Levi Seuel.oltx 14 7 Oil George Bright U 7 00 Benj Scttlemrter 14 3 60 McClay Gearhmt 14 2 60 II V Simpson 14 ft 00 An appeal will he held at the Commission- era Office in Siinbniy. on Wednesday, the 1st or July lhoi.nt 111 ti cluck A. M., at wlr.eli tune and place lliosn interested may uttond. J AM I.S 1. I.N.N, Mtr. Ap'r. Sunbnry, June G, 1857. ItsYtXKS! m,CiS! Ot.ANK Deeds, Mmtgat-cs, linuds, Warrants, - A ttachiueiils, Commitment, Summons, So- pecnas, r.xct'jtinr.s, Justices und Cu.rtubie ee Uills, Ac, Ac. can to had bvaiiphin at thin office. List of Causes, -mnr triul in tho Adjourned and ftprrial 1 ('..,, rl ,,r f.,.r,. n 1'leas of Northuinlier- and C'oiintv. to bo brld at Sunburv, 011 the nd Monday of Julv, A. D., 1857. rt.AlNT'.FFS. rrKE.Vl'ANTS. Jacob Yonida, vs David Lewie, ZitLo Hull ij- Imp. Co. Jacob M Sslida vs KiuiVr Cleaner Charles Fkasant vs M.ilmnriy ,V Sliamo- k 1 ti Imp ro. Jesse C Horton vg Jus IV.iciium oc Win I. Dew art JAMES 1SEAKD, IWh'iy. Prothonotarv's Oliice J Sunburr, June G, lH.r7. I New Goods for the Peoplo ! BKN J A M I N 11 KFKX VAl RESPECTFULLY informs the public in gen - ecu I that he hus jul tecched asid nm'iic! a plendid muck of SriUNG ;ND SUMMER GOODS at his New Store, in Lower Auguia lonnliii. His stork conMslH 111 part of Cloths, Cassimcrs, Casdnct. of all kiuds, uf lim n, cotton and w orsted. ALSO: CallrocH, tiliipliiiuiH, I, sums, aioin.icilno Do l.itliicai and all kinda of Ladies Dress Goods. Gl'OCl'lltH, Alae an assortment of Igartltvnro. Irou and Steel, Kails, &c. Also an excellent assortment of ftTJEEKSWAPwE, of various styles and patterns. Also an assortment of ISUOT Sl SHOTS. HATH & CAPS, a good selection. Salt, Kisli, t'c. And a gresl variety of other articles such as are suitable to tlir trade, all of which will bo sold at the lowest prices. Vv Ivounlry produce taken 111 excuanga a the highest prices. Lower Augusta, June n, 1BS7. NOTICE. IS hereby given to the stockholders of the Sha inokin Steam Ferry and Tcw-boat Company that by a resolution of the directors, they are required te pay to the 1 reasurer ol sakl Compa ny, at the oliice of the rtii'any in Sunbury 1'a , the amount due upon their subscription to the capital slock lie. -canary to bring ha amount paid in equal to 50 per cent, on the original subscrip tion, 011 or before the yOlh day of June A. D., 1857, and Ihat in caso of default Ihe stock of the defaulter will be forfeited, according to the pro vision of the Art of Assembly. HENRY DON N EL See'y Oflice of the S. S. F. A T. U. Co. ) Sunbury, May 18th 1857 It. I ORPHAN'S COURT SALE. IN pursuance of an oraVr of Ihe Orphau'a Court of Northumberland county, will be exposed to public sale on SATURDAY the Gib of JUNF, next, at the house of Michael Vilvcrl iu the borough of Sunbury, the following de scribed personal property to w it 1 The undivi ded moiety or hall pait ot a certain " I, U WARRANT," numbered liliy-f i-ht thousand four hundred and twenty-five, (No. 68,425.) the estate of Tiioinaa llower, a minor child of George Rower, deceased. Sale tc commence at 10 o'clock A. M., uf said day w hen the terms of sale will be made known by MICH At. I. U U.VbKT. By or order of the Court. ) Guardian C. B. Pi asi L. Clk. O. C V Sunbury, May i t, 1857.) BROWN'S and Uremia' Esaeuce of Ginger and Husband's Magnesia at Harrh 14. '67. FltWER'a 1 OR SALE. 4 Gco4 second-hand Buggy. Apply at this v-a-.c. EU. IT. XHtXGUT & SON, 6rtJisr:BTm-sr, rroRTiTTJivt33EaHii,Aisri5 aotnsnrsr, pa., HAVE JUST HI'.CrciVKD A LAUGH SUPl'LY OF Slry o(hi, E?cniy made floitihi.?, iSu.-i: ami shot-M, EBartl ware, Wroccrii, t.'i, Jtn fiKivart, Vc, Among our prearnt Slock may he found French Lawns, Fu.bli, Fancy Silka, l'l.iid Uural. Tinwies, l)errfsr. DeliCtfc". Chnllt. Ulack Mll, Alpai-ra, iintliniii, Swiss Mull, Tnrltun, Cambiia. Nain sook, ItiillinntH, l'imity, Hook Muslin, llibinett ('olliirn, Swiss flouncing, Inserting, Usees, Kib bons, Hosiery, and a general assortment of FANCY HOODS. OHAVLS.-SSAV'L!rs-SHAV,LS5- Embracing the most beautiful styles, all ijunlities and prices. Domestic Goods, Windsor Shades, Oil Cloths and Carpets. Hummer Goods for gents wear of every variety. Hardware embracing all kinds of budding material, Carpenters Tools of the bast manufacture, Fibs of every descrip tion, Cutlery, Shoe findings, Lasts, Ac. Former rllurts NiirpnsKcd In (tinnliljr anil Qtmtltr. In addition to our former Stro Room, we hao fitted up the soeoud stjry of our establishment which you will find well slocked with Heady Mad.i Clothin-t. Boots and Shoes combining beauty durability and cheapness. We shall continue to receive (io.nls Semi-Monthly, thus rendoring our assortment at all times complete, another Inducement to all who wixh to purchase. NEW GOODS AT LOW PRICES We return our thanks t i the public for their liberul patronage, and respectfully invite an inspec tion of our Good, as via deem it a plr'H'ire to ivit on nil who niuv favor us with a call. COUNTIty I'KODUCG TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. Bar Iron, Steel. Nails, Picks, Grnb Hobs, Mason Hammers, Mill Saws. Window Sash. Grindstones, Glass, Paints, Oils, Fish, Salt, Cheese, Mc&t, dc, always on hand. Sunbnry, May W, IHo7. tf E. Y. li RIGHT A SON. Spring and Summer FashionB for 1S57 Jrr T. "W. GZRA.-SrT'S FANCY D It Y GOOD STOllE, Market Square, Sunbury. TkJOW rrceivcil and will continue to receive, ' the largest and best selected Stock of Black Cloths, Carsimeres, Catsinettt and Vetting), jVc. An assortment of I'rena Goods, viz: Ponry printed Csiiroo, Chillies, pi iulcd Liwns, Do Uain. U.nrf;rs, Merinos, Casbmerts, Alapacas, Dress Silks, l!iii,baiiis, Ac. LINEN AND WHITE GOODS. Irish I.iacn, bleached and brown Drilling, Sheet ing, J'lllowcaseing, Ac. Dress Trimminss in Groat Variety. IJoota and Shoes Hats and Caps. llaidware, Cedarwara, Groceries, ljueensware. SALT and FISH, Cheese, Crackers, Segars, Toharro, Snuff, Ac. an assorsmeul of other Giicds too tcdioua to menlioh. Peeling giateful for past favor we beg leave to assure our old friends and I lie public that no cflort 011 our part shall be wanting to merit a continuance of our patronage. Country prodtire taken in exchange at the highest market piice. P. W.GRAY. Sunbury, May 30 , 1857. tf TrETYG00DllEAS0if S WHY KETCIIUM'S Combined Reaper and Mower l'or lK.r7 is the mo?! complete machine in n?, mul the 0110 best adapttd to the wants of the Farmer First. Dcing wholly made of Itiox it is more durable than Riiy other. Second. It i so situ pie that any person can rendily mtinc;r it. Tliiid. It i-t co strongly and well built, that it cannot easily gpl out of repair. Fonith. It is neat und compact, occupying lets space than ony other. Filth. The frame is so easily balanced that there is no weight 00 the horns' nocks. Sixth. There is little or no side draft. Scvcu'li. It will cut heavy and light grass equally well. F.ishth. Il ruts wet grass as well os dry. Ninth. The new i-utter bar wlv-el lessens the dr.'ft at Icjt one fourth in mowing. Tenth. Two horses will wotk it wilh ease in nnv kind of i;rass or grain. Eleventh. It is the only machine wilh the cutter bar directly o; posite the shaft of the driving wheel. Twelfth. The open cuttine blade effectually prevent cloggim m nnv kind of grass. Thirteenth. It is changed in a lew minutes firm a mower to a Keapc. Fourteenth. It is ihe only machine wilh a rear and side delivery f-r grain. Filteenth. It is the onlv machine which gives the Kakcr control of the grain, both before and after it reaches the platform. Sintceiith. The adjustable spring seat, and new reaper shoe are capital imp'oveuicuis. Seventeenth. Srrn vears of severe practical tiial illi more than IJ1M) machine have prove'i its deciiied sopeiioritv. Like wine it improves with ac,e. Eighteenth. All the improvements for 1857 hav- htrn practically and thoroughly tested, Nineteenth. Every part of the machine is made by master workmen mid in the most sub stantial manner. Twentieth. Ketchum's Itar and Mower is Bin ranted 10 rut grass and grain as well s it can be done with a scythe or cradle. In a word it is just the niuehinc which a farmer ran buy without any n.-k, because uinple expe rience has i-roven that il is reliable iu all its parts FAKMUliM, send in your orders early, as the sales for Ihe season have thus far been more than d nib'e that of last vear. UO '.S, M'AMiLUli it CO., solo Agents. No. 6;7 M.irketat., below 7th north side. May S3, tit Philadelphia. MY UN OLEUM FAINTS. These paints are mixed with water, thereby raring the cost of oil, lor sale bv Maich 14. '57. A. W. riSHF.R. New Irtif?K, Palais, &C. NEW supply f Drills, Paints. Oils, Fluid, die, just received and for sale by A. YV. r ISltEK. Sunbury, May 2, 1857. I.MONDS. KAISONS, FItiS, LEMONS. -i. 4c., Ac. j'i't received a fresh supply and for sale ut the Conferlionary store ol M. C. GUAR II ART. Sunbury, May 10, 1657. SHERIFF SALES. Bv virtue of u'certuin writ of Lev. Fa. to me- directed, will bo sold oil IIILIIM'AY tha 2.")th of Juno next, ut 10 o'clock, A. M.,ut tha Court House, iu Sunbury, a certuin tract of land, known us the Scott farm, situate partly in tho boronc,!i of Suubury, und purlly in tho township of Upper Augusta, in the County of Northumberland, and bounded and described as follows, to wit : Ueginiiinjr at a iio-t on the eastern shore uf the Susuuehania 1.. . . . Kivcr. at tin) low wuier uiais, 111 line 01 lauu lalo of Samuel Hunter, dee'd., thence by said line of low water mark, south 13 deprees anu 1 minute, west I30ri feet to a post; thence by laud lato of Win. L. Dewait, south UT degs. 15 minutes east 1072 feet aud live- tenths to a post; thence by thu same south 22 degs. 45 miuutes west -loO feet und live tenths of a foot to a pnbt; thence by land late of Charles C. Honuel aud others; south Bixty-five degs. lifteeu minute3 east 2751 feet to a post iu I ho lino of tho laud of John G. Yoiiiigman, thence by the samo land north 'ii deg. 45 minutes east Ml feet and five tenths to a post; thence by the same south 6.) degs. 15 minutes east 4'JO feet to a post la the centre of tho Cuttuwis? road; thence along the centre of said road, uortlUl degs. 45 minutes east 918 feet to a post in lino of land late of Samuel Hunter; thence by the same, north CO degs. 30 minutes west 4h05 feet to the place of beginning, containing 110 acres more or less, being the same premises which Charles J!,,lkiit an, I M-,rah liiu n ifd mill Suflftn Kenlt. conveyed to Duvid Longenecker, together with all and singular the buildings, improve ments, appurlenuuces, Arc. Seized, taken into execution, and to be told as the property of U.irid Longenecker, witb notice to the Sunbury Canal and Water Power Company, ten tenants, and all other torre icaauu. ALSO : Uy virtue of a ccrtiiin writ of V a Exrniiis to me directed, will be exposed to public sale, at the Court House in Sunburv, on Saturday ihe 13th day uf June, at IU o'clock A. M., tho fal lowing ilesriibed preperty to nit : Time contiguous lots of ground, situate ill the town of fchsiiiokiii in Coal township, Northum lu rlnnd roHntr. aud marked in the general plan of said town Nos. V3S, 2.'!9 and iMO on oue of which to w it, 2:iS. there is a frame dwelling house. Also, The undivided nnc-lhird part of a cer tain tract of land, situate ill Coal township aforesaid, adjoining lands surveyed iu the name of Esther Krcmer on the west ; John Carson on Ihe north ; Andrew Russell on the east and Luke Huglin cu the south ; containing in lbs whole 9S acres mora or less, 011 which ia erected 4 double frame dwelling houses, a school house. Ac. Seized taken in execution, aud to be sold as the property of J. B. Alasscr. ALSO. At tho same time and place, by writ of Ven. Exponas to me directed, will be exposed to public sale, the following described property to wit : All the defendant's interest bi-iiiR the undivideo third part of all that certain tract o( land, situato in Coal township, Nor thumberland county, ad joining lauds surveyed in tho name of Esther Kremer oil the west : John Carson on the noitn ; Andrew Kussell on the east and Luke llolin on tho south, containing in tho whole ninety-eight ucres more or less, nu which is erected four double fiamo dwelling houses, a school house. Arc. Also, Py virtue of this writ on El. Fa.. No. 'J'J, to same term upon three conti guous lots of protind, situato in the town of hhiiniokin in Coal township, aforesaid, nnd marked in the 'eiierul plan ol said town Nos 'JIM. 2:i'.l, and 2 III on ono of which to wit No 238, there is a frame dwelling house. .Seized taken in execution and to bo sold as the property of J. li. .Masse r. ALSO: lly virtue of a certain w rit of Fi. Fa. to me directed, will be exposed to public sale, at tha Court House in Sunbury, on Saturday the 13th. day of June, ut 10 o'clock A. M., tho following described property to wit: Three contiguous lots ol ground, situate in Ihe tow n of Trevorton. Zerbe township, Northumber land county bounded by Shatnukin street, on the north by lot of John Weaver, formerly Emanu el Kaufman, on the east, an alley 011 the south and lot of Edward Helfen-tcin on the west, being tweiitv-fivo feel each ill fr.ait and :50 feet in depth. Whereon arc erected a two story frame Dwelling House and basement, a Dlacks'nith shop nnd a frame stable, well of water A c. Seized taken in ex rtitiou, and 10 be sold as tha property of Michael W'erlman. II. WE18E, ShtriJ. SherifTs Oflice, 1 Sunbury, May 23, 1857. J IMMENSE EXCITEMENT ! ! Revolution in the Dry Goods Business ! ! I J. P. & I. F. KLINE, Respectlullv announce to their frieads and the public, in Kcnerul that they have received at their store in I Pjier Atnjusta township, Northumber land county Pa., at Kline s tirove their Spring an. I Summer COOUS, and opened to the public general assortment ot merchanifizo etc. Consisting iu part of Cloths, black and fancy Cass mere, Suliuells, ('hecks, Kentucky Jeans togethur with a gcneial assortment of Spring aud Summer Coods adapted to all classes of per sons. Ready made Clothing, consisting of Coats aud Vests. Ladies Cress Goods, Snnin er Shawls, (iinghams, l.awna, Ducala, Calicoes, black Silks J c. Also a fresh supt-ly of Drugs and Medicines, Groceries ,Vc. of ull kinds. A new supply of Hardware, Queensware, wooden ware llrooms ,Vc A large assortment of Boots and Shoes suita ble, fur inrii women and children. H Vl'S AND CAPS. School Books, Sta'imery. Kuvelopea, Ink, Ac. FlxU a Ml Ht I.T. And ull goods usually kept in a country atore. Coire ami see, Come one, come all. The public are respectfully Invited to call and exutiiine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. All of the above named slock of goods will be s.dd positively at low prices forcush.or iu ex change for country produce at Ihe highest mar ket price. Thankful for past favors wo hope by strict attention to business to merit a continuance of Ihe same. Kline's Urove, Pa., May 18. lC7 tf ORP HANS' COURT SALE. iS pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court o Northumberland county, will be exposed to nublic sale, oil SATl'JIOA V, the I'M day of June, next, on the premises, thu following described reul estate to wit A certain truct or piece of LANK in pood cultivation aud well timber ed, situated ill Shamokiii towuship. Northmii erland county, adjoining lands of Jas. Yo cutn, John P.epley, the centre turnpike, Sam ucl John, Solomon l'ugely, II. K. Martz, and John Fisher, containing sixty-tix ucres and fiftv-two perches, and ullowauco more or less, . . . 1 . Ik Ill Oil WHICH are erecieu two (joou ieiiinj; Houses, a good If urn. a wagon house, two Simimer Houses in one of which is a fountuiu of never failing water, also an Ice House, a Curding Fulling Mill, a Clover Mill to which are attached lath and shingle saws (good water power) and other outbuildings, and also an interest for the term of ninety, nine years, from tho Cth day of February, 1C39,iii a certain tract or Land adjoining the above piece, for mill-race. The above des cribed property, lato the estate of David Martz, dee d , is iu lirst rate couditiou and situutu within a few miles distance of the of the ton 11 of Shnuiokin t ho headed' the best Market iu the county. Sale to commence at 11 o'clock, A. M., of said duy, when the terms of sale will he niade know n by 11KNHY E. MAHTZ, Admr. Uy order of the court, 1 C. H. Pursel, Clk. O.C. V May !), lbo7. J Otrics PuiLiniLrni axe Scbvbi It. R- Co. Philadelphia, May 15, IS. NOTICE. 1.L persons having eutstauding claim and account against this Company, wilt pleas transmit a statement of the sain to this oflice at No. 303 Walnut atreet, Philadelphia. KODNEV ITslIER, May ?3, '84T.-H Trtotr. FURNITURE 1 FURNITURE ! I THK I.AIR.EST STOCK KvllToFFERED IN SUNBURY. rnsltiouablc, ( ticap and lacfal riHE subscriber, long established aa a Cabinet -- and Chair Manufacturer in Sunbury, thank ful for past favors, solicits a continuance of the public patronage. Ilia stock of Cabinet-War, Chairs, 4c, embraces liVFIlV VARIETY, USEFUL AND ORMA IwKMTAi. in housekeeping. It is unnecessary to enume rate, aa an) thing that may be required in his lino can bo bad at modeiate prices. Cheap for Cash, or Country Producestakcn in exchange. Establishment South East Corner of Afurket Square. VHT These knowing themselves indebted to the subscriber would oblige him by making pay ment. SRDASTIAN HAUPT. Sunbury, April 4, 1857. tf NEW VARIETY AND NOTION STORE Market Streitt 4 doors Last of Chas. Weaver's Hotel, Sunbury, 1'enn'a. jjltS. M. A. FUNK, has just opened a lot or Perfumery Fancy Articles, Ac, for ladies and gentlemen, consisting of 11 osipry for ladies, gents and children, Embroidery and embroide ry floss, worsted pcrferatcd paper and canvass. Tidy and darning Cotlon, Cloves of all sizes. Note Paper aud Envelopes, Ladies and Cents' toilet 01 tides, Facings and Ribbons for bonnets, Wulebnnc and lirusa Hoops, Ac. A.C., A. Call and See. A part of tho House for RENT. Sunbury, May 9, 1857. at STORE. M INS LOUISA SHISSLER, respectfully in forms the citizens of Trovnrlon and sur rounding county, that she has opened a new store of Millinery and Fancy Goods, at Trevor ton in Shamokin street, nearly opposite Knousu's Tavern, where all kinds of llonnets and Fancy Goods can be had at the lowest terms. Uress making aloJattended to ia (ha beat manlier and latest stylo. April 25, 1857. If P. MELANCHTON SHINDEL, JtrSTIOK OF THE PEACE, STjJsrBxrmr, pa. Office in Deer Street, immediately opposite the Public School House. All business promptly attended to. Monies collected and all ordinary writings done. Sunbury, April 25. 1857 tf 1TEV" ILXLLIITEPZ" STORE. Iss S Alt til MAHTZ, respectfully informs the citizens of Sunbury and sur rounding country, that she has opened a new Store ol Millinery and Fancy Goods, at Sunbury, in Market street, neatly opposite Weaver's Hotel, where all kinds of Uouneu and Fancy Goods can be had at the lowest terms. Sunbury, May ', 1857 2m$ WIIOLISALE AMI RhTAIL SOOT STORE, 40 Suulh Fourth S t, above Chesnnt, Phil'a. BftOOTS, Shoes, Gaiters, &:., promptly mode UP to order in the very best style, aud uf tho best materiul. Philadelphia, May 9, 1857. Saddla and Harness Maker- HENRY IIATJPT, JR. Successor to A. J. Stroh, ,f FES.PECTFL LLY informs the jyt&A ciuicens 01 niuisurv anu me puu- L-jiV-lic generally, that he has taken S""21- the establishment lately occupied A. J Stroh and is prpared to turn cut wotk in is line uf business equal to any made in tint section of the country. Orders promptly eiccu ted and all kinds of produce taken in Exthango Sunbury, May 9, l(i.r)7. ly SPLENDID OFFERS FOR 1856 AND 1857 TOGETHER. . 1.1Kb' the more ephemeral Magazines of the day, these J'eriodicals lose liule by age. Hence a full year of the Nos. wilh 110 omissions. for 1850, may be regarded nearly as valuable as for ts.")7. We propose to furnish the two years at the following Lxtreinely tow, viz: For Ulaekwood's Magazine, ' 4 50 For any one Kevicw, 4 00 For any two iieviews; 8 00 For Ulackwood and one Review, 7 00 For Ulackwood and the two Iieviews, U 00 For thiee Iieviews. A 00 For Ulackwood and three Iieviews, 13 00 For the four Iieviews, 1 1 00 For LilackwooJ and tha four liewews, 14 00 To avoid fractions, 85 may be remitted for Ulackwood, for which we will lor ward that work for both years, post paid. N. B. The price in Great lintain of ihe five Periodicals above named ia about i'.M per an num. As e shall never again be likely to offer such inducements as those here presented. Nox is the time to Subscribe!.' y. li. licmitt Alices must, in all cases, be mad direct to the Publishers, for at these prices no cominixsion can be allowed to Agents. AJdtess, LEONARD SCOTT & CO., No. f4 OolJ-strcct, New York. April 4, 1857. tf ISAAC y. WII.KKKSON, MANUFACTURER OJT FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. Solan, ltivuiis anl l.ouiiKtd Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, BREAKFAST AND IIIMMi TABLES and also VENETIAN U LINUS, e.iual to Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern anil price CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TAHLKS AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article iu this line of his business. THE subscriber respectfully calls the attcntifi - of the public to his large and splendid as sortment of every quality and price of tMliixisT-WAKsti which cannot fail to recommend itself loevery one who will eia.Mine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stock to be had in the city. No effort i spared in the manufacture of bis ware, and the subscriber ia determined to keep up with the many iinprover.ieuta which aro constantly being made. He also manufacture all kinds and qualitie of CIIAIKS. ncluding varieties never before to be had il Sunbury, audi as Muo , Duck Whsut IH'iliii JUru liauiti) ku viwnsoa CHAIRS, and raxc P1110 Stools, which are of the latent styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subsc liber i determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can be entertained about the quality and fiuish of his ware and Chairs. These articles will lie disposej of on goed term as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in payment for work. tr UNDERTAKING. Having provided a handsome lftiass, ho is now prepared lor Undertaking, and attending funeral, in thia vi cinity, or at any convenient dieiauc from thi place. 1ST The Ware Room U Iu Fawn Street, be ow Weaver' Hotel. IS AC M WILKEKSO.N. Bunbuiy, Apill IS, 1P67 0. COAL COLLIERY TO IEISTT, IN Middle Coal Field, Northumberland county, connected by a short blanch with tho l'hila. deldhia oV Sunbdry Rsilrrad, Known aa tha LA1B2?.T f COLLIERY ici(A i;warf of 000 Acres of Superior Coal Land, g tt the Now York and Middla Coal Field K. R. and Coal company, wilh Breaker Engine of 20 horse-power, Minor's Houses, &., already erected and in good order. Several coal vcina above water level have been opened, and a number of others are of easy access, which may be opened with little expense. Persona desirous of examining and leaning the property are referred to J. H. Dowers, agent of the company, at Mt. Carmel, for further in formation. Proposals for leasing the same will be re. ceived .it the company's office, I'o, 88, Boats, Fourth street, Philadelphia. J. GODLEY. President. P. 9. For Ihe purpose of facilitating the transportation of coal from the company's mine, the company have 50 car at their dispoaal, for Ihe use of their tenants. March 28, 1857. tf. MT. CAEMEL "ccTAiCOIxiEBY FOB RENT. fJROPOSALSwillbe received by tho New York and Middle Coal Field R. R. and Coal Company, for leastng this colliery, aituatod uu thu Isaac Miller tract, with upward of 30O Acres of first rale Coal Land, adjoining Mt. Carmel, and immediately eat the Philadelphia li Sunbury Railroad. This colliery is now in complete working order, having an extensive 'Funnel and Gang ways already opened on several vein of excel lent white-ash coal. A new and extensive Breaker with a 40 horse power engine, Miner' Houses, &.C-, are now ready for use. The property will be shown to parties desiring to take a lease by J. II. Dewecs, agent of tk company, at Mt. Carmel. Applications will be received at tho office of the company. No. 68, (South fourth street, Philadelphia. J, CODLET, President, P. S. The company ewn fifty first-class coat cars, which will be appropriated to the uso of tenants for facilitating the transportation of coal to market. March 28, 1857 tf BROADWAY FAMILY GROCERY! Flour, Feed and Provision tor, ISrtadway below lilackberry Street. LEVI SEASIIOLTZ, IJESPECTFULLV inform the citizen of Sunbury and vicinity that he has removed to the store lately occupied by C. Cehringcr ia Broadway near the Kail Koad, and i receiving a chuicc supply of GROCERIES, consisting iu part of Hams, Shoulders, Mackerel, Herring, White Fish, Cod Fish, Salt Prcseived Fruit, Pickles, Crackcra, Cheese, Molasses, Kice, Sugar, Coirce, (r-reen, roasted and ground.) Im perial, Young lljion, Cunpuwder and Black Teas, Cedar-ware, Stone-ware, Soaps, brushes plow and wash lines, boots and shoes, tobacco, segars, A.C., together with every article usually found in a first class Grocery Store, all of which will be sold at the .lowest prices, either for cash or country produce. He has also prepared to sup ply the citizens w ith fresh bread, twist, rolls, pies, pretzels and cakes of every kind. N. D. The highest cash prices will be paid fur butter and eggs, corn, oats, rye and wheat. Sunbury, April 11, 18o7. AI.i: tXIFU KE21U lmporUr and Wholesale Dealer in SALT. 33 South Wharves, Philadelphia, -'i -k ASHTON Fine, Liverpool Ground, aS" 1'urks Island and Hairy Solt, con .jVLtcVstantly on hand aud for sale iu lota fcsTf-T.- to suit the trade. April i, 1857. Cm TlicV orltl's til cat Kxiiibltlou I'lizo Medial! AWAHHKD TO C. MEYER, Fur the Two Pianos, London, October, 15, '51 C CITE. AD IO YEP.. R1 ESPECTFULLY inform his frienda and the public generally, that he haa constantly on hand Pianos equal to those lor which he re ceived the Prizo Medal, in London in 1851. All orders promptly attended to, nd great care taken in the selection and packing the same. He ha received during the last If) years, more Medals than any other maker fro.11 the Franklin Institute ; also First Premium at lioaton, and Premiums at New York and Baltimore. Warerooin", removed fiom 82 S. Fourth, to No. ISO ARCH Street, below Eighth, south id, Philadelphia. April 11, 1857. Sin iiRoontn & .ii.tnsii, Auctioneers, VND COMMISSION MKIirilANTS. Nj. Mil, 1st IU7 NdiIIi 3-1 s'reet, I J'ir detow Vin J'liilmtaU plus. Sales of HOOT hii'1 HIOIOS. 1MY OOOlM, 1,1 NS, H.VKliWAIlli, WATL'ilLS, FANCY UOOtis, 4c . every evening. lif L'oun'rv Sit nekeepcrs ami etlisra will atways find st our livening Sates a huge and ilt-sir:ille afsoilinunl uf lh alve testis, to I lil in lols M suil luys. 4li,,ils pucked 011 the premises fi'l Cuuulry Trsc. March le'7 3ma. l)RPJIAXSr COURT SALE. IS pureuanco of an order of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, will La exposed to public sale, on SA Tl'JIPA Y, the 1 3A day of June, next, on the premises, tha following described real estate to wit : A certain lot or ground, Bit uated in the town of shamokin, county afore, said, whereou is erected a two-story Urania HuildinRi bounded by lots ol John Uoughner and others. Lato the estate of Haniuel B. Haas, deceased, hale to commence at in o'clock, A. M. of said day, when the term will bo mado known by JOHN VANZANT, Adwioittrutor. Dv order of the Court, 0. ItOYD PL'irShL. Clk. O. C. isuubury, April 11, lbo". Ya I un Me Town Property FOR S-A-X-E. THE Bubseribers, desirin to go wrt, offer for sale a II use and two Lot in lh town ef Shamokin, No. 20 and Jl. Block 14, oppoait Ihe Odd Fellows' Hall, on the corner of Sunbury aud Liberty Streets. The house is a two and a half story brick building, well finished, with a good store room, and a basement tory. Also 4 table and ither out-buildinf and water conv. nient. The property, which is situated on lh main atreet and business part of th town, will be aold 011 reasonable term. For further particular apply to DANIEL FELIX. JEREMIAH MARTI-". Shamokin, prd 11, 18i7. if NOTICE. ALL peraon knowing themselvee indebted to the subscriber are hereby notified that the Book Ac , ore in the had. of Esquir Shmdel. Pr, sons wishing to pay their amount without addi tional coata will call at li "trie "J1' , A. May 1, l:V' r