AIIBANOEMENT I Fresh Arrival of DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, ic. TIHE undersigned living tskcn the store for A merly kept by William A. Hruner, i( now ready to fill orders and prescriptions at a mo merits notice. He his large sad well selected stock of fresh and pur DRUGS, CHEMICALS, Dye-stufL, Oil, Taints, Class, rutty, and U kinds of Patent Medicines. FRUIT AND CONFECTIONARY Tobacco snd Imported Scpara of the choicest brands. Fancy Notions' toilet articles, and Per fumery of all kinds. Toolb and Hair Brushes of every variety. Camphine and Fluid atucyi on land. Customers will find his stork complete, com prising many articles it is Impossible here to enu merate, and all sold at moderate prices. Remember the place, next door te E. Y. Brichl's Mammoth Store. A. W. FISHER. Sunbury. March 14, 1R57. L. C. IVES' Produce and Fruit Store, No. 15 North Wharves, Philadelphia. Shipping and Country Oonlcrs promptly filled on responsible orders. Farmers and Dealers' Traduce Sold ou Con mission. A pples, Onions, Deans, Turnips, Bananas, Pine A pples, Dried Fruit, Oranges. Shell barks, Raisins, Lemons, White & Sweet Figs, Cranberries, Potatoes, Poultry, Ground Nunts, Chcsnuts, Eggs, eVc. icaches, Foreign and Domestic Troduce and Fruit gen erslly, February S8, 1857. ly HOVER'S LiaiJID HAIR DYE. This hair .ye nrfxi only a triiil to antisfjr all of id per fection an as a Dvc, atlil tlie following U'Ktiinoniul troni lti:it eininnil AiiH.ylic Chemist, I'uirewor liooth, of the I . H. Mint, will only ronfirui wlmt tlieiisandi have pre viuuily In true testinviny In. "Labuuatubv for pRArncAL Chkmistbt, St. Steven's IMnce. PiiiLAltKLrniA, rehruuiv 1th, 1657. "Urinff wll acquainted with the ulwlnneea computing lloiivEH'ri Liquid Hair Dvk. Iuiu Batmhed tual by follow ing 1hetiniile directions (riven for it t une. it will not injure me mnr mt omii. uui wingi'sc n uaiumi anuuuiu ble color to the H:ur. JAMKf C. BOOTH. AtmWt.e Chrmtrt." llOOVKtl'S WKITl.Nii INKS, mt-Uulmg Hoover' Kluitl, and Hoover Indcllihte Inki, nie too well known and iutrodurcd to require any additionul teitiinony of theii chntHcter. The milea hnve been inereuwiiiir inca their first introduction, pivitifi evidence tlmt the article truly iH.-.Nen tliut intrinsic iuciii c.uimed Al urn tor uiein liv .lir Mntiiilnrtiirrr. 'Outers, addrewed tn'the Mnnufnctorv, No. 4I RACK atreet above FOl'HTH. fold Wo. 144,) Philadelphia, will receive prompt oil tut ion hy JOSKI'H F. HOOVER, Manuracturar TMiiiadclphm, April i!., 1e57. ly LEASE OF VALUABLE COAL LANDS. THE Northumberland Improvement Compa nv invite proposals for the Lease of a por tion of their COAL VEINS, situate on their property in Northumberland county, Pennsylva. nia, two and half miles above the town nf Sha- mokin, and directly on tho line of the Philadel phia and iSuiibury Kail Itoad. The Veins of Coal are well located for easy nd profitable operation. Apply to JOSEPH S. DIXON, Agent, Mount Carmel. Pa. r to CHAS. 8.FOLWELL, Sec'y. 18 South 3d street, Philadelphia. March 7, 1857. 3ra FURNITURE POLISH. 6. RAE'S Premium Patent Enamel Ftirniturs Polish. This polish is highly valuable for restor, ing the polish on all kinds of Furniture, Glass, Curringn Dodies, Hair Cloth, 4c. Also, for re moving spots, lading scratches, Ac, ic. War ranted to dry immediately and retain its gloss. Price 50 cts. per bottle, bold by A. W. FISHER. March 14, JS.VT. THEi)AUPHIN & SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD. CONNECTS the Reading Railroad at Au burn, on the Schuylkill, (10 miles below PotUville,) with the Northern Central Railroad, at Duuphin, on the Susquehanna, and with tho Pennsylvania Railroad at Rockvillp, (5 miles above llarrisburg,) and runs one passenger train in winter, and two passenger trains in summer through between Auburn and Harris burg, each way, daily, (Sundays excepted,) on times arranged te connect properly with these roads; with the Cumberland Valley and Harris burg and Lancaster Railroads, at Harrisburir, and with the Caltawissa Railroad, und its north ern connections at Port Clinton. EM. WOOD MORRIS, Eng. V 8upt. March 7, 1857. Cm.pd. A SHANTY FOR sTlTil npHE aubferiber offers for sale his SHANTY, -L Cook-Move, 4c., on the Rail-Road below i icvoiton Rridge. Apply soon to H. B. MASHER. Sunbury, April SS, 18!i7. JOHN STONE & SONS, -Vo. 45, Second Street, Philadelphia. ARE now receiving tlicii spring importation of SILK and MILLINERY GOODS, con sisting in part ol Fancy, Cap and Bonnet Rib bons. Satin and Mantua Ribbons, Glace and Plain Silks, Marccliues and Florences, Black Modes, French and English Crapes, Tarlatane, M aline and Illusion Laces, 4 c. Also, a full assortment of French anal American flowers, which they offer to the trade on favorable terms. March 28, 1857. 2m., P. 2. Citrate of Magnesia on TASTELESS SALTS. rTMIIS preparation is recommended as an ex cellent laxotive and purgative. It operates mildly, is entirely free from any unpleasant tate resembling lemonade in flavor, prepared and sold y A. W. FISHER. Sunbury, March 14, 1856. MISS A. M. TOMER, Successor to Mrs. M. Hill, rnshlonable Straw and Fancy Milliner, No 311 Nurth Second Street, below Noble, opposite It wi Hotel, Philu.lelp' ia I J V Honneta made to onler. Orders respect fuby solicited and promptly attended to. March i, 1 -57. Uni w CONFECTIONARY. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. C. GEAR1IAUT, J AS just received s new and excellent assort---Mnent of goods at his Confectionary and Fruit Store in MARKET STREET, Sunhurv, where he manufacture and keeps on hand, at all times, the most choice Confectionary, 4c. Wholesale and Retail, at Philadelphia prices. nn.s uu iw ui oiiicctiouaries, maybe found Frem-i Seerets, turned Alinomla, um Drops, all kinds of scent, l.oveDtnus, ' Mint Drops, red a ad waive, Jelly t'akta, Kruit Drops, Hiek t'an.ltea, all seeuts Rock Candy, Almond Candy, FRUIT. rruna, riw, Cilriiiii. Cream White, " lsiaou Rose, " Vanilla, roramon eWciels., Bansues, I 'Hies, Carrants Jiied, imvnus, LEMON fcYKUP of a superior quality, by Ihe aingte or dozen. A auptrior quality of Scgara and Tobacco, an J a variety of Coufecliunariea, fruil, Ac, all of which ii otTured cheap at Hholewila or retail, ICE CREAM, Ha haa alio opened in Fee Cream 8aUon, and will at all time be jaaJy W aeia laa cuetomere with Ice t'fearn. buubury.May S4, 1856 ly FOn SALE. A CAXAL BOAT FOR SALE, oa ra cm- aouabla terms. Apply to HENRY LONGE1Y ECKER, of Shamokin, or ji. u. J1U.11 AM. Sunbury. l, 1367. Kbruarv SALAMANDER ms ARB THIEF-PROOF SAFES. The 1arpst assortment in the United States. Warranted to bo equal to any now made, and Trill bo sold en as Good SVrms, as can be obtain d from any other house in the Country, at EVANS & WATSON'S S6 South 4 ill Street, Philadelphia. Truth is Mighty, and Most Prevail. Report of the Committee appointed ti iitptrin tend the Burning of (lis Iron Safes, at Head ing, February 27, 1857. RkaDino, March 4. The undersigned, members of the committee, do respectfully report, that we saw the two Safes originally agreed upon by Farrels cV Herring and Evans & Watson, placed side by side in a fur r.sco, viz; The Safe inuse by the Paymaster of the Philadelphia snd Heading Huilrosd Compa ny, In his office at Heading, manufactured by Parrels St Herring, and the Safe in use by H. A. l.antz, in his store, manufactured by F.vans Sc Watson, and put in books and papers precisely alike. Thc'ure was started at 8) o'clock, A. M.,snd kept up until four cords of green hickory, two cords dry oak and halfchesnut top wood were entirely consumed, the whole under tho superin tendence of the subscribers, members or the Com mittee. TUe Rafcs were then cooled off with water, after which they were opened, and the books and papers tahen out by the Committee and sent to II. A. Lanti's store for public exam ined and marked by the Committee. The books and papers taken from the Hale manufactured by Farrels 4 Herring were in our judgment, damaged fully fifteen per cent, more thun those taken from Kvans & Watson's Safe. We believe the above to have been a fair and impartial trial of the respective qualities of both Safes. JACOB H. DYSHTTJ?, DANIEL S. HUNTER. Having been absent during the burning;, we fully coincide with the above statement of the condition of the papers and books taken out of the respective Safes. O. A. NICCLI.S, H. H. MUHI.KNBERO, JAMES MILHOLLAND. March SI, 1 857. II. WARD, MASCrACTURER A WD DKAI.BK tM e X H -A. "W GOODS, No. 77 K 79 North Sccoml Street, rtiiludclphia. Are now rcceivmc their Spring Stock, which will com" pnse a large and oesirnhle itMiiitment of hII kinds nf STRAW mid LACK UONNK'i. Their Honk of flow en will he umiiiwlly large Ihii lensvin, und therefore in vite ycur especial allenrinri to thut depurtiiieiit Dense Mil :md exumine them before making yor purchase. March 14, lb.17. 2m 23. NEWLAND tSc CO. booldng Ulasses, Picture Frames, tiiravius and Paintings, No. 126 Arch Street, above Sixth, (Late of 218 North St.) PHILADELPHIA. SlLLRRIKS CPC5 U1ILY TO VISITORS. Merchants and others visiting the City who nay want anything in our line will do well to give us a cull. February 28,1857 8m BLACKWOOD'S MAGAZINE AND The British Quarterly Reviews. Great inducements to Subscribe! COST RUDL CKl) 50 TO 75 PER CKST. L PCOTT; CO., New York, continue to publish Hie fullnwiiig lending Uriliali I'cii'Hlical, viz : I THE ; LONDON QUARTKRLY, CoiiservKtire. THE KDl.MU RG REVIKW, Whig. TUB NORTH BRITISH REY1EW, Free Charoh. THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW, Libernl. BL.VCK WOOD'S KDINhL'RG MAGAZINE, Tory These PericHlipuldithly rpprcspnt the three great politi rni imrtiei of Greut Uritain W higt Torv nnd Rinlical but jKlitk'i funiii only one fenluie of tlie'ir charuetir. As orpuiin ol" the nii-at proround wtiU-raon Sk-ienee, Litem lure, Morality nnd Urlii'-n, they ihry ever have h)Ml,iiiim-illt'd in the world of letters, lurmif cttimnlered iiKtispensKhle to the sctiotnr ami tlic proiVsntonal man, Y hile to the midlife,,' render ol 'every clnu they fiiiitihh n more current and satisfactory reeo.-d of the cur i cut liter, aturc of the day, throughout the world, ihun cju be possi bly obtained from any other source. EARLY COPli;S The receipt of Advance Sheets fn-in the Uritmh publishers gives additional value to the: Reprints, in as much ns they can now be placed in the ham's of subm ribers about us soon us the original editions. TERMS. (Regular Prices ) . - Ter annum. I r any one of the roar Reviews, UK) Ft any two of the fnur Keviewi, 6,00 For any three of the lour Reviews, 7.1K) For nil four of the Reviews, f,(HI For HlackwiKHl'u Magazine, 3,tH) For lllackwood and three Reviews, o.'tMl For Blackwood and the fnur Reviews. 10,00 Puymeuts to be made in all cases in nrivance. Money cur rent in the Suite where issued, will be received at par POSTAGE. The FostHce to anv part of the United States will be but TWENTY-FOFR CENTS a yen. for "Uhickwoori," and but FOURTEEN CENTS a year fr cafh o Hie Reviews. At the ubove prices the reriodtcuts will be furnished fui lf57. SPLENDID OFFERS FOR 1S56 AND 18o7 ! I'lilike the more ephemeral Magazines of the day, these Periolicala lose little by age. Henre a full year of the Nub. (with no ommtftstm.B) for If 50, may be regard uearlv us vuhiable as for l-.)7. We propose to furnih the two yera ni ine loiiuwitti extremely low rules, viz : For RluckwtMKPs Mag:izine, For any one Review, I 'or any two Review, For Blackwood and one Review, For Blackwood and two Reviews, For three Reviews, For Hluckwoitd and three Reviews, For the foui RevicwR, For Blackwood mid the four Reviews. 4M 50 4.10 6 no 7.00 0,(M) K(MI 12,011 ll,O0 1 OU To avoid fractious. 65 ninv be remitted for THnrkw.,n.l for which we will forward ihut work for both years. p"t-paid N n The price in Great Britain of the five Periodi cals ahuve named is about tf-11 per annum. As we shull never on m likely to offer Buch induce mcnlsos those here presented. iVoto is the Time to Subscribe! tW Remittnnees mint, in all ruses, be made direct to ine I'uoiikners. ir nt ittese piiccB no e'nnnist.iou can be allowed to Agenla. Addretts, LEONARD SC( TT A CO. No M Gold Street. New York. April 1057 JOH. II. ALLIi. & CO. So: 1 and 4 Clieslmit Street, (south side, below Water,) (Tns Ulsesi Wood, w a ts lloi-sa is nta Cu.) MAN TFACTfRlinfi ..) Wholesale dealers in Patent Machine inmle IIIIOO.MS, Patent linvivrd Ceihr J are, warrenle.1 tint to shnnk, Wcaat and Willow-Ware Coras, Urushes, Ac ,ul all ilcsvrii.Uuus. Pleaso call and examine our stork. Fibraary lt-57 ly w ELI1TDS .1TD SHADSS! OF NEW BTVLKa. B- J. WILLIAMS. Jo. 12, Xorth Siith Street, Philadelphia, MAMTACTl'n Ell UK VENITI AN BLINDS. EI.VET nnd (iOI.D BORDERED snd I'Al.NTED SHADES, of beautiful de- signs. Bull, and all other colors of Holland used for shades. Fixtures, Trimmings, Sic, &c, lioleaals and Retail, at the lowest cash prices. Store Similes l'uintep to order. II. 8. W. thankful for past patronage, respect fully solicits the puhlic to call and examine his new and large assortment, before purchasing elsewhere. trVE STUDY TO PLEASE." jjsj J'hilttdelphia, March 31, 1857. c3ui New Wall Paper Warehouse. BUKT0N & IANIN0, A rANLFAn-UtEHS and imr-aters, No. 181, Anh f I- d"r nb"ve "h. I'h ladelpl ia whe," n us found u.s largest and he.t sJkclid stoek in Ihl d.)lwJ;'noaT,h.l'!!,oIIA8Fn9 ? he" no- March Uun5m UV 8ulh' TV)bacC0 and SegarB 80,000 Imported f "ous brands. Eldorado, fig, Cavendish and fine cut tobacco at . . , A. W. FISHER'S. Sunbury. March 14, 18ST, SUGAR CURED HAM A lot fust received and for .ale by. LEVI SZABHOLFZ. A prill 85T. v Drup, Paint nndlGIass 1 wholesale: warehouse, Corner tf Tenth and Market Streets, (sffics in GooonJ Story,) PHILADELPHIA. WE invite sttentina to our enlarged stock at Pruts, Paints, Oils, Vsrnithes, Ac, selected eapressly lor our snles,and comprising one of the finest assortments in the United Plates, which we oflcr at low slices, foi ensh or approved credit. WE MANUFACTURE very eatenelvoly t Premium Pure While Lead, (best,) Kensington Pine White lad, PearlSuuw White Lead "Vielle Muntaane" French Zme, (best) Pure tnow White American Ziuc. Fhiladelphia fni'W White Zme. Silver's Plastic Fire and Weatherproof Faints, Chrome Greens, Yellows, a:id colors generally. AGENTS FOR i Porter's superior Alknline Window Glnss, Genuine French Piute Glass, (warrenteU) The New Jersey Zinc Company's products, Tilden and Nephew's N. V. Varnishes, tlrooklyn Premium Pine White Lead, lliimpdrn Permanent Greens, Pure Ohio Catawba Hraudy. itt., &e. IMPORTERS OF: French anil English Piute Glass, French snd English rrliuder Gless, Colored and F.iiamqetl Window Uluss, I)rtfuerreitve Glass, Hammered Plate Tot Floors and Slty-bglits, Drugs. Cltcmirals, PerTomery, etc. WHOLESALE DEALERS I.N : Druggists' Articles gene-roll)', Paiuteia' Tools of all descriptions, Hydraulic and Roman Cement, Calcined anil !nnd Plaster, Paper Maker's Clay, Matin White, e.,fte. FRENCH, RICHARDS A CO., Store, N. W. eor. of Tenth and Market ftreets. Factory, Junction York Avenue, Crown and Ualluwnill Streets, Philadelphia. April II, lso7 3m e Consumption and all Diseases of the Lungs and Throat are positively curable li Inhalation, which conveys the remedies to the cavities in the lungs ilinaii'h Die air lusKivres. and corniua indirect conluct with ihe disease, n cut rallies the tubercular inalter, nltiiys the cough, causes a free und nifty expeclorulioii, beats the lUUKS, purilies llle OHHK1, imparl unewcu viiimi) in uic net vuui svstein. m vi nil that tone and cueriry iikJipiicii- sable for the fcMorytiou of heullh. 1o be nble to slate coiilideutly that Cousuinption is euiablc by tiihalution is to nie a source ot unalloyed pleasure. 11 inns imica uuuer the coutrolof incdicul treatment ns any other !rmiduh!c disease ; ninety out of eviry humised cases cun lie cured hi the lirst stores, and fitly per cent, in the second ; hut in the third stage it is impossible to save more than five per cent , for tee Inuris are so cut up by the disease ns t bid ueuunce to medical skill. Even, however, in the last sta ges, inhalation ntl'trds extraordinary relief to the suffering attending tins tcaiful scourge, which mutually dentros umety-hve thousnitd per ins in the 1'iiitcd SiutcBuluc; and a correct calculali'Mi showa that ttf the present pn ula ion of tlie earth, ciglity inilUoiis are destined to fill the Consumptive's Drave. Truly the quiver death has no arrow ao fatal us consumption- Inallugea U has been the (treat enemy of life for it spares neithei ace n r sea, but sweeps 'ft alike the bruve, the teuiitil'ul, the graceful, and the jrilted. By the help ot tbul supreme ifeiug. tmin wnoiu cunctn every go;nl and perfect gift, 1 am eiiubled to otter to the allheled u permanent and speedy cure in Ohiau nipt ion. The lirst cause of tubercles ts from imp'ye blood, and the i united 1 ate affect, produced by their disposition in the lungs, i to prevent the tree udiiiistnon 01 uir mic me tor ceils, wiucu causes a weakened vitality through the entire system. Then surely it is more rutinnlto cxpectVreatcrR.hid fiotn medicines entering the cavities of the lungs thun from those ailmiuistercd llirongh the stonmch ; the patient will always find the lungs fiee and the breathing easy after in haling remedies. True, inhalation is a remedy, uev ertheleM it nets eonBtiliiti-tiiallv, and with moie power ami certainty than re met tics admimslered by the stanach. To ptove the powerful and din-ct influence of this mode of administration, chloroform inhaled will entirely destroy sensibtl.ty in a lew minuted, paralysing the entire iter- Voui system, so thut a limb may he umpututed wilhnnt the slightest puiu; iiihalntK the ordinary burning gas will de stroy life in a few hours. The iuhulatiou of anmt 'iiia will rouse the sstem when fainting or apparently dead. The odor of many of the medicines is perceptible in the skin 11 few minutes after brine inhaled, nnd may be imcdiatclv detected in the hl-md A coiivinciiur proof of the const ituliotiul etleets of inhala tion, is the fact that siekneta is always produced by breatliiiitr foul atr. is not tins positive eviilenc that pto per ramexbcii carei'ully prepared and indiciously adminis tered throuuh the hours should pnxluee the most happy resahs? Durinn eiphteen years' practice, niauv thouanids sutfei mc frmi diseases of the hints and throat, hnve been under my care, and I have ntreeifd many rcrnaikaMe cures evenaftei the sullcrers had been pronounced in lie hot stupes, which fully satisfies me that c nsmnptiou is 10 longer a fatal disease. Mv treatment of c insninptii 11 is original, and founded on loner expetience and a thorough My perl eel acquaintance with the nature ol tuttercles. .Ye, enuhles me to fiiPtmeuisn, rraniiv. the vaitous lorms 01 disease that simulate consumption end apple the pronpr remedies rarely beimr mistaken even in a simile case. Tin familiarity in connection with certain pathological and microscopic discoveries, enables mc to relieve the lunrs from the effects of contacted cheats; to enlarge the chest, purify the blood, impart to it icnewed vilalitv. giving energy nnd tone lit the entire stetn. Bo .Sit, postOfhee, (i W. OltAlIAM, M. D. Office 100 Fillwrt Street, below Twelfth. Flnladolphia, Pu. March 21, Ih-i7. 3m J. TAIHEIl & Co. Market Sin-et Wharf, Philadelphia. DF.AI.i:USl. FISH AND PKO VISION?; "I T A VF. constantly on hand an assortment f Mackerel, 1 1 Khad, llerrincB, Coillish, Uecl, Pork, Laid, liouldera llama, lilies, i. nreae, liice, dec. March 31, 1S.'7. Sin COLEMAN'S CHEAP CUTLERY 6TOBE, io. 21 .orth Third St., bclnw Arch, PHILADELPHIA. OITNTRY Merchants can save from ten to fifteen per cent, hy purchasing at (ho alioe stores, liv importing my own goods, paying but liltlK rent, and living economically, it is pluin I can undersell thoso who purchase their Uoods here, pay high rents and live like princes. Constantly on hand a lurgn assortment of Ten and Tocket Knives, Scissors dud Razors, Table Knives and Forks in ivory, slag, buffalo, bone and wood handles. Carvers and Forks, &c, Butcher Knives, Dirks, iowie Knives, Revolving and p'.ain Tistols, Ac. Also a large assortment of Aeconleons, rle. Also fine English Twist and (icrmnn (inns. JOHN M. COLEMAN, Oct. 20, 1855 ly. Importer. SASii 'i:ia N. Mi:rtT:ni:, Mill' Wright and llurr,Mill Stone Munu'ac turer. Sole Proprietor of Johnson's highly approved and much improved 8mut and Screening Ma chine ; Improved Iron Concave Brun Duster, the Premium Machine for Millers. Residence : No. CI Ijucen Street, (I8lh Ward.) address Kensington 1'ost Cilice. IShop : Haydock Street, below Frent, Fhila delphia. Cocalico Mill Stones, M ill Irons, f mutt Machines, l'atent Mill Bush, Portable Mills, Stretched Belting, Cement ami Screen Wire, Sipiure Meshed tolling Cloths. February 8d. IK07 3m w5J FJORTand MADERIA WI.NES, SchieJam Schnapps. Wild Cherry brandy, Blackberry snd I.avetuler brandies for medicinal purposes at March 14, '57. A. V. FISHER. IiTdecou &co." Clothiers, No. 141 Chfsinut Sr., above Fol-ktm, PillLAUELFIIIA, Keep cnftantly on h:md a fplc-njij afllrtmem Ready-made Clothing. CuoO mace TO ORDiR ANO WaRRaNTUD TO KIT. Nov.29, l?58.y . Wall Paper k Vrlntiow SlindcM. J. 1.. ISAACS & BBOTHEB, Xo. 133 Xurth Second Street, below llace, PHILADELPHIA. ITAVIXfJ completed Ihctr large aasortmenl of Ihe above Woods for Spring and Summer Trade; would respectfully invito the attention of Purchasers lo the same. Their stock for beauty, cheapness and variety cannot be surpas sed. Thev have constantly on hand every descrip tion of Hold and Painted Shades, Buifllollauda, and Shade Fixtures. Wall Papers, Cuitains, Fire Bourd Prints, Borders. &c, all of which they oiler at lower rates than can be ha I at any other establishment. Call and examine. J.L. ISAACS & BitO. 133 North Second Street, below Race. March 7, 1807 6in w S0AT AND MULES THE subscriber offers at private ssle, 8IX GOOD MULES, and a good SHAWNEE BOAT, with fixtures. The above will le ssld cheap, and on reasonable terms. JACOB HE ASHOLTZ, s.gJ! for JOHN BLACK. Sunbury, March 1847 tf AYER'S Catlmrtic Pills, (SUGAR COATED,) AM Htl'S eo CLEANSE THS BIWD AlfD CUBS TUB SICK. Invalids, Fathers, Mothers, Physicians, Philanthropists, read their JC erects, nd Jnilare o their Vhrtues. FOR TIIK CttBB OF Ilcndnchc, Sick Ilenrtnohe.Fonl Stomnch. PlTTsmn, P, Way I, I"' Da. J.C. Arm. f in I b bee" micaredly cnrel of the Vfnm't Imduilie any bwiy ran bare by a ar tvro of vour Pills. It mn'r darln-from afoyl stnmae.i. srlilh they clean., at mice. If they Bill cure others as tliey do mo, Ibe fwl is worth knowing. ., You ami giwa ix.iH'ct, r. w. r-nf.m.i!. Cirri itf itttamtr t'wrvm, nilioni Disorders and Liver Complaints. nrrisTMssT or trot IxTr.sioa, I W 'intnnVi " 1 KM laun. ) m: I hv nel yuiir Pills In nir arioral and hospital lirartlra rrrr .luce von ir..le tln ni, and caunot he.ltt to sav thf ar the W rathartle we employ. Tlnlr rn(U liiiiiv ai tlon an Ilia ItWr is.alck and decided, c..nivneul Iv they arv an n.tmirlile mneily for rtrranttemanta or that vrtrau. lnd. 1 have sMdoni found a caw of hiliou A otx olntltialr that It dkl not readily ylold to tlnm. Ifmternallj Junia. ALO.NXU BALL, M. !., rhifticimn a" Ou Mnrine iarn?al. Pysentcry, Kclni, nml Worms. Post Ornnt, II.iitikp. Liv. Co., Hicn., Nor. 16, 1H. vra: Pills ai-o the la-rfn-ilon nf medicine. They liave dona mv wile inure pied rtian I ran tell yon. rilie" had Ikhmi h k and philnf away for months. W ent idT to le dfn-tt'lel at Rreat rtH-Bo, hat ffid no la-ttar. r?ha then coainiiim-ed tnkinir font Pills, which soon cured lier, hv nxHllinx largo qnantilU'S of wnnns (deml) fnm hor Thev aftM-wanls enred her anil our two childrya nf l) il)senleTT. Due of our neiahlmpi had it bad. and mr wile cnnl him witli two Aea of yonr Pills, whilo otiiera annind us pid.l fran live to twenty dollai-s doetors liills. and lost nsi'h lime, vlthout htiiiR enrtl entirely avsn then, patch a imxsvlno as yens, which is actually good and holiest, will lfl ttrlr.eil here. tIKO. J. OltlVKIN. rwfaiurtef. Indigestion nnd Impurity of tho lilood. trm Km. J. V. II met, liitvr of A'lmt (V,urrh, Uurkm. tB. Avk: I hare used yonr Pills with extraordlnnry sni-ciw in mv faniilvnnd sniotiK those I am ailed to visit In distress. To resolute rtu' oi'K'ui. of t i. 1 1 and purify the hluod llwT are the vmv lifit remedy I have ever known, and I can imtidcutly rccuniinend them to my Men. Is. Yours, J. V. 11IMK3. W.sw, Wfmlw Co.. K. T., Oct. 24, li : 1 am tixliiar vonr Cathartic Pills In my prac tice, and find tln m an excellent pnrcapva to cleanse tha svstem and purirv the foiilitnins of the Liood. JDI1N O. MEACIIAM, M. D. Erysipelas, Scrornln, Kine's F.vil, Tetter, Tnmnrs, nntl Snlt Khetmi. From a F rwanfv.rt Mmhtim 0 S:. Aouis, H-b. 4, lS5r). I)s ATin; Your Pills are the parsmn of all that Is great in medicine. Tlicy have cwro.1 my llttlo dnuahter of nlcerons sor.s upon her hau ls and fiat that had proved incnrshle for years. Her mother has Itvrn Ions Rriovons. ly atllicted with hlotches and lmples on her skin and In her hair. After our child was cured, she also tried y.ur Pills, and they have eurrd her. ASA MDIKlllllKiK. llhcnmntism, NcniRlgin, nnd Uout. F.vm the Her. ltr. ILtvckes. of the KpH. Cluirdi 1'vi.iski llot:;T. Sv.N'X.n, O... .Ian. (1. 15. Kia: 1 should t-e iinsiatorul for the relief joirr skill has hnnichl mc if I did tet isirl my to to yon. A cold settled in mv lilnlw and hioi'tht on excruciating uenralirie pains, which ended in chitmi- rlieninaliun. Kolwlllntamlihl? 1 had Ihe liest of physicians, the disease grew woim and worse, until, hy the iwhice of your excel, lent aeiii In lialtiuioia. Dr. :u. konslu. I tried yuctr Pills. Tlioii erlert. were slow, hut sure, lly peiiuivci iu in tha use of them 1 am now entirely well. Susati rtiiwBsa, Bstos IIoctc. I.i.. 6 Dec., l"iS. Dr. Ay La : I have Wen entirely cured hy your Pills of Hheumatic Uunt a paiuful disen-e that had iifllh 'ed lae for years. VISCKNT SI.IDP.I L. For Dropsy, l'U-thorn, or kindred Com. uliiliils, rooming an actie puigo, tliey aio an excel lent rrmcly. For Cosltvenecs or I'onatipntion, nml ns Dlmici' 11)1, they are agiwihla and rileclual. Fits, Nupprossinn, l'nralysis. InHnninin tlon, and eicu llent'iieaa, and I'nrlinl liltlitl lirsa, have been ciucd ly the alterative a lion cf tlicte Pills. Mit of the pill" In market contain Mercury, which, al though a valuul le retnclv in el.illui, is dnn:ct. ns in a puhlic pill, from th dreadful coiise.ii. lice ihst fiv qiu-nlly follow i:a iiienutlou. use. 'I lua contain no mer cury or mineral .uttttance aliaiever. AYER'S HIERRY PECTORAL FOIl TIIK HAND CI-IIK OF ClCillS,COI.I!8sllOAntMCMi:-tsf 1XKM- ez, m.ocitrns, WHOOPING COl'MI, ( KOI P, AHTII3IA, IX CIPIKNT ( OXMJIPTtOIX, nti.l fur tli n U. f f r-ii-nui-iie riUi.i iu Ivnitretl We ii.l mt i.fik t- On I'liMtr f It Tlirniiin'tit wt'i-j hifs'ii. nml ihinl wry l.aml.'t . I'iP Aniflirnn Mtltrn. M Wi'h-rlill f nt en 'l iimmi.n.i J n-ra-ll:iint Knvt ni;V It niivn.Ir kn.iwn. Nay. ft ave the ratiiilioK in hu .iilt'l i.tint:y uu iltift rim'tiit-m wiUn.m wtiic ps?rfu!inl i -xH iVn--T ift; ti'Tin: unci f. wcr yi't ihu nmmnitiititji nny wln'iv liili lir.n in.r mnoiigi llu-in (me liviiij; tinjiiiv rf itn vivtmy n.t-r thi nui-llf tunt l.m pToim dini ii-' l tlit tlnvnt hiiH hinn. V hilp it t tlip ni.wt iwt'iiul'tf jfi I.imi i mm. f-r tlic fi-nni-(Utile aii.t (lntstwrot.i .li-H-rfi ..f llic i-iilnioUKi y uiar.. it is N. tli .l.-nMnt'ii iin.I infest rt' liv. mu fu- 1.!.vtd f.r i 1 . f:i 1 1 1 ntnl yminjs k-iwiih. Ithvmh fthottltl mve It in mtrc aaitift Uv in.-tli.'i' rm-iny tlmt li-al MMin tli' m uiipri'i'Siivd. Vi lin.i' R-niuUhl mi.iin.ln Id lNIiivi tin riifRHv l':Tfiii. iitvci inr liu ) tli run uniptior.B it j-rt-wntn tlmt) th-tw it run. Ktrp it hy v m. urn! curt- iftir v-UU thry art cinMt. in.r ii"i-' Iwt thfin until in- limnHn vkill mu in;iitfr tho if. Xf:n.'H CHiikr tlmt. faisirnrd on thu iuU. cats yonr lit- ftwny. Allkn.'WtliH flrnull'Kl ftttnlity of hm illw-nli-rx. mid ns they know too the vlrtiion tif ilii irtuwly, ufd nut il. mure than to skmii tlifin it i Mill nia.U thv hcut it u tea, Wb niri- no rtwt. nv rnm. no toil to pni-hire it thu Diit 1 tor ft ct mil.. hikI tlnm ufloitl tin.' wlm n-ly tn it tliu best imt whirboiirkillrunfnruisli for tluii cui. rREPAEED BY DR. J. I. AVER, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Mass. AKl SOLD II r A. V. Fisher, Sunbury ; Bird ic John, Sliamoklll V Wiemet, Northumberland ; J. V . Caslow, Milton; Hays k McCimnick, McKwinsrille and by all Druggists thronchout the couutv. August in, la.-,8 iy n f. w a iin 1 v "X'i76v FALL AND WINTER GOODS! Ira T. Clement NO. 1, CO JIN tilt OF MA UK HI SQUA11E, STJITBTJB'Z', F,J.3 SB AS just received a large supply of Fall and G Winter Cioojs. He will continue to sell Dry Goods and Gro ceries CH K A l'K It than ever, as his goods are bouulit cheap they will be sold cheap. Ho feels confident with his experience and ability, that he can compete with the World at large and Sunbury in particular. He would enumerate articles if time and space would permit. It is enough to say that he has everything iu the line of Dry Goods, Groceries, A laree Stock of Ucady-Msdo CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SI JO KS, jr., At-., lliut is kept in oay oilier slore in town, and His banner ia uu the breeze. And long may ii wave O'er land of the free, And Ihe home of the brave While her Stars aud.her Slripes China out like the Sun, Telling all nations That Freedom's begun. This is a five country as wos proved by the election of Unchanan over the W'ooly Horse, therefore it is free for all to do their trading where Hu-y can liUY he CHEAPEST. All are invi ted to call and see. Til K COUNTRY, as well si Ihe town aro respectfully invited, and every person, rich or poor, high or low, bond or free ure invited to call at No. 1 Msrkket Square, oppiieite the Court House. 1. H He is not to be undersold by any man or combination uf men. No charge lor showing goods. All kinds ef produce taken in exchange for goods. Sunbury, Dec. 20, 1856. Leather! Leather I Leather I HENRY V. OVERMA, IMPORTER nf French Calf (Skins and general Leather dealer, No. 6 Snub Third street, I'liiladelphia. A feudal uaaoituicut uf all kinds of Leather Moroeos, Ac, ke. lied and Oak Sola Leather. February ', si3.y w liking Tackle. Red Cork, Grass, ( ton and Linen Lines. Out Lines. Sea G Cot- by Ihe yard. Snoods, Flies, Kirby, Limerick and Carlisle Hooka, Rods, ic, for sale by Msrch 41,'57. A. W. FISHER. DEJNi TISTIVrr- OEOIiGE RENN, A NNOUNCE8 to the citizens of Punbury and vicinty, that he has opened an office in Sun bury, above H. J, Wulverton'a oflics opposite C. W'eaver'a Hotol, waers he is prepared to attend to all kinds of work belonging to the piofeaaion, in the latest and most improved style. All trork wall done snd wsrranted. December 13, 1856 MOUNT CARMEL HOUSE, MOUNT CARMEL, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. 1113 largs and commodious Hotel is situs. ted nearly half way Pctwceri sunbury nu Potlsvillo. The scenery the salulirity of the atmosphere antt the cool mountain brecaes, make it one of the most uVligbtfal summer retreats in the country. The Hotel, is a new structuro, lour stories high, fitted up with all the modern con veniences. The pure mountain water is intro duced into every chamls-r. The place is easy of access, being but on and a hall hours ride from Sunluiry, over tha I'liiladelphia and Sun bury Kail Koatl. From Tottsvillc, it is 17 miles. Lvery attendance will be paid by the proprie tor to make guests comfortable. Charges mode rate. Mt. Carmcl.May 24, IRSfi. tf irter sints, JAs.a.srovEit. tatc ( tha Union Hotel. Lntenf the firm of Stevens, lloinusslienti at til. NATIONAL HOTEL, (liti whits ivii, Race Street, above Third, riiii.APF.LnnA. HE above well-known Establishment, have- inrt been entirely remodel rd, introdrcing nil the modern improvements, and also, newly fur nished throughout, will be opened for the roccp tion of Guests on the FIRST DAY OF SEPTEMBER. The proprietors, from their determination to devote their allenlion to ihe conifortof their guests flatter themselves with the conviction that they will be able to give satisfaction to their patrons. Carriages will always be in readiness to con vey passengers to and from Steamboat Landings and Unilroud Depots. PIDF.S lr STOVER, Race Street, above 1 htrd. I'liiladelphia, August 3(1, 180. ly HKDDlNG & FURNlSIlIXd BUSINESS Cabinet Maker's Findings, The subscribers respectfully inform their friends and tho public generally, that they have connec ted with their ltcdding & Furnishing business a tnrge nnd well assorted slock of Cabinet Maker's Findings, a( I heir old stand No. 83 South Second Street, bclou: Chestnut, riiiiuiicipitii. They hnve associated with them W. 8. Brown who has been for many years outraged in the piincipal establishment of the kind in this city 1 he stock ol (mods now on hand comprises every description of miitersals used by Cabinet Makers, consisting in part of the lolluwing, viz; Hardware department. Locks, 11 inges, Screws Castors, 7ied nerews, Chair and bula etprmgs, Coffin Handles, oVc. Cabinet Maker's Materials, Hair Seating, Curled Hair, Looking Glass l'lntcs and Frames, Glue, Varnish, Sand Paper, uliipa, Black and Fancy Silk and Worsted Gimti, Sofa and Chair Webbing, Twine, Sacking Uottoms, A'oscwood, Mahogany, Walnut and Maple Knobs, Glass Screws, Vc. Uediliiig Ilcpartment, Hnir, Husk, Moss, Wool and Cotton Mattresses. Feather Beds, Bolsters and Pillows; Plush, Damask and Moreen Cush ions Comforliihlca, Counterpanes, Linen and Cotton Sheels, Pillow Caes, Linen nnd Cotton Towels, Table Cloths, Table Linen, Table Cov. ers, Moreen, llematk and Plush by the piece Moss and Husk by the bale or pound. The Hair Scutingnnd Curled Hair is from the Phila. Manufactory of I). & J. ISobht. N. II. Hotels, Steam lioats and Ships fur uished at the shortest notice. NOWLIT, HiOWX A NOllLIT, 8:i .VmifA 2nd St., below Chestnut. (Nearly opposite Hank of Pennsylvania.) Philadelphia. -4ugii.-t 9. Hofi ly. PHILIP H. PTOD7. WUOLKSALE AMI II FT AIL Grocery, Vine and Liquor Store, 5. Ii. cor. Walnut und Water Streets, PHILADELPHIA, DEALERS and families will be promptly supplied at the lowest prices. October 4, I83C tf BEODHEAD & ROBERTS, No. i:j.-, N. 3 Street, riIIX.AOBZ.FHIA, INVITE Ihe attention of country merchants and others, to their stock nf BOOTS SC SHOES, which tbey will dispose of on Ihe most reason able terms. Nov. !l. IR.Sfi.- ty PLA.TFOEM SCALES. XF every description, suitable for railroad Ac, for weighing Hay, Coal, Ore, and Merchandise generally. Purchasers run no risk every scale is guaranteed correct, and if alter trial, not found sati-factory can be lelurncd with out charge, Factory at the Old tand, established for more than twenty years corner of -Ninth and Melon streets, 'hiladi-lphia. ABBOTT & CO. Successors to Ellicott & Abbott. Philad. Iphia, March 7, 1857. e lm. HERRING'S SAFE AGAIN THE CHAMPION!! he on; 6iJe u htch, to every instance, pre- sercea their entire conteuti m the tale Kttensire Fires. rd iSfiimns V Cn.f niter re- iniiiuiii! ex(ftfil in tho burning ruiiu inr nt;iriv l-orlv llotirt, mic pMviiijf C'-iK'Initivfly wtlat uchuve always ckmnrtl i"r ilirm, Ihtir urcui Kuivcriorny over all fcccuriiiui UliW IfllilWH, hi iii.-o fire . the IIKRRIXfj'S SAKK. itnndiue ii'le liv in le with tlioe adverlistrii us 4warriuittHl to it a nil IU in r t'mt. more Hie ihun llt-miia's." inline lurtli the ac- ItimwU-tleU viftoi ii' "t only )rc3frvin(t their cntfi.l in fV.'t llcnl str.laar !. l.i,.o 1 1 is.n st I irosi ill st fKiili 1 it Is lit ? tlirnili mtoilit-r onlt-Hl, w hile the l:tHitnl 'Siilaiiinntle t oilier iiukem me Imtlly used up in every insliiuce, und tu 'line rtiKes thru entiif eontfiits cunpletely ueNtrnyetl. To the ptihlic we would simply say, itutt, during the 14 yrars the HctriiiR's $:ife Ims been before thrm, more than two hundred hnve passed through accidental fires without the iKvurreure ol' a sincle toss. We would, therefore, eiuitinn purchasers npnintt the misrenrescntiition of interested (turtles. The Herring's rateut is the only I- ire-proof tsie mane in this city which is proteetrd lv a Parent Hifht. and we will suiir- autee it to resist mora limn double the uf beul of any other tSui'e now known. Farrci & Ilni lnpr, Hole .MmmfuL'turers in this Stteof ''HERRING'S PATENT CUAMPIO.I SAFES," 31 Walnut St., Philada. N B ,l.;vant Watsiu'a Improved Stilaiiianders," 'Oliver Kvun's," ,!C. J. tinylet's," anilSailt's Abhetos." Iron Chesls, (ii Inre assortment haviua been taken in jiart ki tuent lor 'Hermit! V) will h soldut low puevs. I'lolu., June -.'I, 1966 ly. 1. CHEAP WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE Ao 72 North Second Street, opposite th id uunt 1'crnon House.) Philadelphia. GOLD Lever Watches, full jeweled, 18 K, ea ses, $38 ; Silvor Lever do,, do., $12; Sil ver Lepine, do., $9 : (jusrtier. $5 to $7: Gold Siiect acles. $4 SO to $10 ; Silver do., $1 80; Kilvor Tahle riiioous per sett, $14 to $18 Silver Desert do., do., $9 to $11 ; Silver Tea do., do., $4 75 to $7 50 ; Gold Peas and Gold Ca ses, $3 35 to $5 ; Gold Pens and Silver do.. $1; together with a variety of flue Gold Jewelry, Gold Curb , Guard and Fob Chains. All goods warranted to be ss represented. Watches and Jewelry, repaired in the best manner. Also, Ma sonic Marks, Pins, ic, made to order. N. I). All orders sent by mail vr otherwise, will be punctually attended to. Phila.. Oct. 4, 1856. I yw. PORT MONAIES, Tooth and Hair Uruahs all qualities, and any quanti y, for sale by A. W. FISHER. MiiiUIiT. 1 A T the burn nisr of tha Artizim (STVS'r?'-'' '3 V lliilldiniis, April Hull, mid lit lffVl'y?C ' tiltKAT t'lUK ill Market St JnJ'irpjSg' ' K May 1st. lejli. the tjenuine Herring pKLirfsSlJ'J 5.-:B S ue preaci veil the Jewelry of Ueo. J toUPliM W' f"""'oiis at Mm. j Hooks, I'a- !tC-5k.-'U5il- rt.rt Pfs, ic, ol Fisher it H10. and A MARVELLOUS REMEDY! FOR A I AllY LXIXIUS AGFA I IIOLLOWA Y'S OINTMENT. THK OH AND EXTF.rtEAL-.riF.MrnY. By lira art) of a micrnscialic. we see millions nf little openings on the surface of our hodies. Through tlirse this Ointment, when ruhbed on the akin, Is carried In any organ or inward port. Diseases of Ihe Kidneys, disorders of tha Liver, affections of ihehenrt, Inflammation of the Lnngs, Asthmas, Coughsaml Colds, are hv its moans effec tually cured. Kvery house-wife knows that passes treely trirough Hone ur meat ol any thickness. This heal ing Ointment far mora readily penetrates through any lame or fleshy part of the living body, curing the most dnna;crnua inwatd complaints, thut cannot be reached by other means. ERVSIP HAS, SALT nilKt'M AND SCOP.BUTIC HUMOUS. No remedy has ever done so much for Ihe cure of di seases of the tfsin whatever form they nuiy assume, ns tli iss Ointment. No case of Hull Ithcutn, rtcutry, ore lleails, ncriMula 011 r.ryaipejus, can long withstand Its in fluence. The inventor has travelled over tnaiiy parts of globe, visiting Ihe principal hospitals, dispensing this Ointment, giving advice us to its application, and hns thus been the means uf restoring eountleaa numbers to neaim. SORE LEGS, SORF. THtl-ASTS, WOUNDS AND UI.CKKS. Some of the most scientific surgeon snow rely soley on the use of this wonderful Ointment, when having to cope with the worst cases of Botes, wounds, ulcers, glan dular swellings, nnd tuniora. Professor llolloway has, tty eomiuauit ol the Allied l.overnincnta. dispatched to the hospitals of the Kast. larce shipments of this Oint ment, tole used under the direction of the Medical rjtafT, in the worst cases of wounds. It will cure any ulcer glandular swelling, stiffness or contraction of the joints, even 01 w years stauiiing. These and other similar distressing complaints enn he erTcctunlly cured if the Ointment he well ruhlied over Ihe parts affected nnd hy otherwise following the printed Ul lections around each pot. Both the Ointment and Pills should le used in the following cases : rtuninus Lninliaeo fcre Lees Swelled Hlands II a Mercurial Sore llrenrts ttifl Joints Chunped Hands I'.ruotions Sore Heads t'leers Chilhlains Tiles Sore Throats Venerrnl Pores ristulus Ithenmatisui Sores ol all Wounds of all Uout Salt Itheum kinds km. Is Skin Diseases Siirams Scalds ' Sold at the Manufnctrtrles of Professor llot.LoWAY iuniiirii ,4oie, .ew 1 oik, ami ni cinuio. ioiuon, nj all reapecluhle llruvQists aud Dealers in Medicine Ihrouch- out tlie Ijinttil Mates, nnd the civilized world, in boxes, at 95 cents. cents, und S! each. 1 I here ts a considerable savins hy taking Ihe larger sizes. N. ft. Direellous for !. ...Ih.. ..f vnliaots i -v-.y disorder are affixed to each box. Maich Si, IMS I yea r VIE sul-scribcr respectfully in'orms the cili JL zens of Sunbury and the public generally, that he has commenced the manufacture uf all kinds ef EARTHENWARE, at his manufactory Whortleberry Street, one square east of the Hiver. He hns engaged the services of Mr. lUnr. end you can therefore depend on having si good srticle. The public aro respectfully invited to call. All orders from a distance will be promptly attended te. P. M.6HIHDEL. Sunbury, Feb. 2, 1856. tf "VALTJ ABLE PROPEKTY TOR S ALeT riMIE subscribers, Executors of the estate of JL Henry Masscr, dee'd., offer nt private sale the following property viz: A larpe two story Irame dwelling house, together Willi about 50 ACRES OF LAND, Situate in Lower Augusta township adjoining lauds of Duniel Kaufman and others now in the occupnncy of John It. Ksuftnon as a store and dwelling. The house is new and tho location a good une for business. Also a TRACT OF LIMESTONE LAND, in said township on the river about 5 miles be low Sunbii.y.adjuiiiinuj lands of J. T. M'i'hnrson and others, containing, about 90 acres. The soil is productive and coutuins limestone and other minerals. Also a tract of Lund, containing about 35 acres on the hill, about two miles below 5uubury, adjoining lands uf the licit s nf the late John Conrad nnd others. There is, on this tract, a small orchard of choice fruit. For further particulars npply to llio subscribers. II. U. MASSKR, ) P. U. MASSKR, Executors. FRANCIS lil.'CHER. ) Sunbury, January 19, 1856 tf J. 8. J AM KM, Justice of the Peace. IvIOUlSTT CAEMEL, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. All business pinmptly attended to. Monies collected and all ordinary writings done. Mount Carmel, Juno 14, 1H5U. ly T AND WARRANTS. The liigbeprhTe -will be given for Land Warrants by the sub crilwi H. l MAMSKR. l'.tniicrs of this Neighborhood, csn supply themselves for llieir srilLMi I KOI rn, with Leiuau's Pure Hone Dust, " Super Phosphate of Lime, at 440, per ton " Nitrogcncd Phosphate of Lime at $50, ' " American Fertilizer, at $25, per ton. These Fertilizers are composed of reliable Chemical element, abounding in Pot Ash, Ac; they have have received the Diplomas of Pour States, to viz : New Jersey, New York, Penn sylvania and Delaware. Also, for sale GUANO, all kinds, l'oudn-tte, Ac. Country Produce re ceived inpayment IV r the above, at market rales. or Drafts on good houses, or Cash registered with orders, promptly attended to. GEO. A. LEIN AIT, Proprietor. "New Fire Proof Store," No 19 South Front St., Philadelphia Citv, Pa. February 28, 1857 4m w' 1JE8PECTFLLLY informs his friends, and the public generally, thut he has just receiv ed a New Mock of GOODS, at his new store, at David Miller's Mill, in Lower Augusta Town ship, and that be is prepared to sell goods at the lowest prices. His Stock consists iu part of FALL &. WINTER GOODS. Groceries, Queensware, Hardware, etc., and every variety usually kept iu a oountry tetore. Trevurton prices paid for all kinds of produce Lower Augusta iwp, Dee. 87, 1856. tf JATENT BRITTAN1A STOPPERS fo bar Domes lor suie ty H. O MAS8EK. Sunbury, July 19. 1856. FOR REISTT. rilHE Store Room in Market street, occupied 1. by P. W. Gray and the dwelling house ad joining. Apply to Iho executors of 11. Masser, deceased. January, 17, 1857. AMERICAN HOUSE, WILLIAMS 10 RT, PA., J. II. KL'LTO.T, Proprietor. J as. T. Ham.. Ats't. Sept. 13, 185C tf JURE OLIVE OIL for table use, two un at ar J ana u.'j ceiiti -just received by A. W. FISHER, March 14, '37. stationery. A Urge supply of fancy Note Paper and Envelopes. Mourning. Letter. and Cup Paper, Pens, Ink, Sand, Ac., at March 14, '67. A. W. rlBliKK t. SILVER WATCHES A few double ease Bullish Silver Watches, for sale at varv low prices ty unTOry, Apil 1J H. Ii MAStER. 18.. Shamokin White Ash Anthraoitu Cool From the "Old Vein" in the GapCoUiery. I H. ZIMMERMAN A JNO. P. PURSE',, y successors to Kase, Iiccd Si Co., will con tiuue mining, shipping and selling coal from tha above well known Colliery, under the firm of .immerman c Pursel. The point of shipment is at the lower wharf in Sunbury, Norlhumber and county, Pa., where all orders fur Ihe various kindt ofcoal, y,t Lump, B,kcn, Ecu, tstova, and Chestnut toal, will be thankfully tcctircA nd promptly tUnd(Hl to. ' Sunbury, July 14, 1855, . Pi-sum, Jvr.t I, IMS. 1 he Brm of ICasn, Ilerd rj- Co. having anls their lease In the Gap Colliery ami interest in the wharf at Sunbury, to Messrs. Zimroorman (k Purscl, would Ink grrst plessurs in recoinmcrirl. ing our customers and others to the new firm, s they will be abla to sell thcra prepared ceal ef tho best quality, KASE, REED V CO. AKDWARE.-ThUc Cutlery, Razors, Pock et Knives, Hand snws' Wood saws in irnmes, Axes, Chisels, Door Locks, and Hinges, Hand Hells, Waiters, Vc., just received and for le l,r I- W'. 'VEX El A CO. Hunbury Dec. S, l.')4. HAYDOCK & PIDLLEH, EALERS in Watches and Jewelry, will continue the busiu.- at tha nl.l .i..i James 13. Fidlcr, Ao. 12 South Second Street, PHILADKLI'IiM, Where they solicit an examination of their lares' and varied stock, feeling ossured Hint the expe rience both of them hnve had in the business,, and the facilities they possess for procuring goods on the most advantageous teraia, will ena ble them to compete favorably with any other establishment in the city. They have now ott hand a fine assortment of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, Silver, Plated and Uriltai ia Ware, Cutlery Fancy Goods, cVc, 4c. N. B. Repairing of Watcher, snd all kinds ef Jewelry attended ta with iremjluets aud lbs greatest care. Phila., April 7, lfift.V ir. TO COAL DEALERS. " AMMERMAN &WEIT2ET. IJESPFCTFLLLY inform Ihe public that ney have lessed the new colliery, called the Lambert colliery. .-.1 ... r..,i tu de'lUtr coal of superior quality, and of a variety of sizes prrpa rerl on their new coal tireaker. All orders promt t attended to by addressing Ihe firm, sillier ,t Sunbury or Shamokin. Sunbury, June 30, 18o.V TRUNKS, VAL1SKS, JLC H8 Chesnut Street, front of Jnnes' r-yyn PHILA DEI.THIA. -TEITA IIASon 'be cheapest, tW-y IT I F best assortiiii iit of TRUNKS 4- CARPET BAGS, EVER OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC. Sole Leather, Solid Riveted, Iron Frame. Iraa Bo'indTravellidg Trunks; Pscking do, Valisea; Ladies' Bonnet Coses; Carpet Bats, S.itebels. Ac, hy the quantity or single article, lower llisa can ne nought at any other ilac in the city. July 5, 1856 " wmra n oiTs e uotei POTTSVILLE, PA. HE subscriber respectfully announces te his -- old friends and the public, thai ho has tskss that old and well known establishment, Ihe "White Horse Hotel. At the corner of Centre snd Mnhnntogo sts., ia the Korough of Pollsville. The hom-e haa re cently been very much enlarged and otherwise improved, rendering it quite ss comfortable as any ether Hotel in elmjlkill county bile the stables are large, in good eurdition, snd st lend hy csreful, attentive, prudent hostlers. To travellers and others viho may stop at bis house, he promises every attention culcululcd te render thorn comfortable snd satisfied. JOS. M. FKCEB. April 5, IR3r.- if HENRY EON-ILL, ATTOXINBIT AT LAV. Office opposite the Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County Pa. Prompt attention to bniiic3 in adjoining bounties. EAGLE HOTEL, OPPOSITE WEST IIKANTII HANK, WILLIAMSPOET, UlLI.l ilU II. II IV, Iio;ilctor. C. A. Stbixk, Issistant. N. II. An Omnibus will rnu lo snd from the Depot and Packet Lauding, to this Hotel, free of charts. September 13, IS.'S.- sf DANVILLE HOTEL. JOHN 3DEEJST, JR., Marlet Street, Danville, I'a, T'HIS is one of tho largest and most comma dinus hotels in the interior of Pi nnsyltsoia it has been recently fitted up, in excellent style, with all the modern conveniences. Dauvilled, Sept. SS, 18ij. Clieiiji Watches fy.!ewclr yniOLKSALi: a-id Retail, at the INiiladct- phia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. 6 North Second Street, corner of Quarry, PHILADELPHIA. G.ilil lvcr Wan-lies, tall jeweleil, I- carat asi-s. t-!f no li.ilil Lrpine lk. 'SIIKiui-Silvi-r Silailes 150 SlIWI la-p. full jcwllnl. S-t Ii,, ,l llrai-fll-IB. 3 00 Silver la'Vt-r, full ji-Wl'd 1-J ! allies' Ij-.lil Pencils, 1.00 Siipeiior t luariian, J.ISilver Ti-u sniKins, st-t, J.tio I5..M Sprctai-I. s, 7 l. Gold Pens, wh Penr-il aud Silver IIl!i r, ,t.o Gold Finder Rings, 371 conls to ?f PO ; Watch Glasses, plain, 13 cents'; l'atent. Hi; Lunel, 85 j other articles in proportion. All goods war ranted to be what tliey are sold for. STALFFER & HAKLEY, On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers snifl I .opines, slill lower Ihon the above prices. Oct. 4, 1HAR. ly. ,4 RNOLD'S WRITING KU ID and Adhr sive aud legal envelopes, lor sale by H. II. MASS EH. Sunhurv, Jan 10. lnr.r, GEORGE SCHALL '& C0. MiM t'llil KI U or BLASTING POWDEH, Mt. Carmel, Northumberland County, Pa. May 10, 1856 ll.KY'JS CDlCVf tNDY. win "ex eel lent reniedv for coutrhs. rolila. Tar a.i si mis oiiioe. Hiveinber 4. IRAA. 1ILANK Purchineni Paper Deeds and Llaak' -J MortnugcH, Uonds, Exectuions, Summons 4c, forsuleb H. 13. MASSE A. Sunbury, Apri J. IS56 STOVES- IOR BALE an excellent second hand Cock? - ins Stove, also acveral lMin,l H...I Stoves. Enquire at this ntiieo. HT.ANlvS BLANKS nf evory description can be bad ky M.W lf tib si ineoince ol las Amearu COLI) PENS with and without rasea, of H very srior qtinlitv, just received. Also a fresh aunnlv of Writinar Fluid, for uU 'T H. U. MASSER. Sunbury. Dee. 117. IK5C- C.IISHEN CHEESE. Just received iu, Istileby LEY! F. VtrfOI. 1'7, " I Apiil II, lr.;.