Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, June 06, 1857, Image 3

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    (Miforoia tttos.
Ctn. Ifenningsen and Col. Titus among tht
passengers Cm. Walker's SurrtnJer.
Nkw York, May 38.
The U. S. mail steamship Illinoii, which
loft Aspinwall on tba 19th, armed at her
wharf at 4 o'clock, thia afternoon.
General Ilcnningsen and Col. Titos, two
or General Walker'i staff, are among her
The Illinois connected at Aspinwall with
the Gulden Gate, which brought down near!
two and a quarter million of dollars.
Semi-official information received at Pa
nama from Hogota, states that the islands in
tho Bay of Panama, togetbprwith the tonnage
dues on American vessels, hare been cedod to
Information of the execution or Lol. Crabb
and party bad beon received at Panama.
Liout. Struin died at Panama ou the 14th
vas was evacuated on the first day of May,
by General Walker, he having capitulated to
the Costa Ricans, and being allowed to re
tire on board tho IT. S. sloop of war St.
Mary's, together with his officers.
The remnant of his army was soot dwn in
a steamer to Panama.
The Costa Ricans received the news of
General Walker's surrender with great re
joicing, and were making extensive prepara
tions for tho reception of Gen. Mora at San
Jose, ou his return from Rivns.
Valparaiso and Cam-ao-A Miovioht At
tack I'pon Cali'ao. Tho advices at Panama
from Valparaiso are to the 16th of April, and
from Callao to the 2fith.
Gen. Vivauco. with two steamers and five
hundred men, attacked Callao at midnight cn
the 20th of April. A brisk fight ensued in
tho streets of that city, which resulted in Vi
vanco's total defeat, a largo part of his force
'being made prisoners.
General Vivunco remains on hoard the
steamer; General Plaza, of the government
rmy, and Gen. Lopera and Colonel Uodri
gues, t the insurgents, were killed. Gener-
al Vigil and M acliuca, of the insurgent!, were
wounded and taken prisoners. Vivanco es
capod with tho steamer. Uesavs ho has 3.'0U
troops at Arequepa, and Joes not acknowledge
a final defeat.
Tim revolutionary ships "," "Oniic."
and "Iscucbn," were at Chiucas, four days
after the fight.
Ouring the funeral obsequies of Gon. Plans,
at Callao, a report that (Jen. Vivauco's troops
were landing, caused great oicitanieut. Du
ring the confusion which ensued, Mr. Eaton
Clark, the American Consul at that place,
was shot dead. Tho custotn-houso of Callao
was closed, and nil business was tnspooded
throughout the city.
V.AijroKMA. The California tews is un
important. The State Legislature adjourned on the
JOth of April, having passed two huudred
and eighty bills during the sessioa.
The mining news is favorable. The snpply
of wator at the mines was more abundant than
The grain and fruit crop are represented
is suffering from drought.
i i i ' 1 " '
(From the Cincinnati 0iott, ol Mif SSi )
A Speck ol ClTil War.
There has been great excitement daring
the last two days, in Greene county, in thia
State, in consequence of the arrest of four in
dividuals chargiid with aiding a slave to ea
?ape. On Tuesday United States Deputy
Marshal Churchill, accompanied by eleven
ssistants, left this city for Mechaiiicshurg,
Champaign county, Ohio, eleven miles from
L'rbar.a, having with him a warrant issued by
Commissioner Newhull, for tho arrest of
Charles and Edward Taylor, brothers, Uus
ell Hyde, and Hiram Guttriilge, who, says
the warrant, did, about the 21st day of Aug.
1856, harber and conceal one Add White, a
person owing service and labor to Daniel G.
White, of Flemingsbiirg, Ky., who had, pre
vious to said date, escaped into the State of
Ohio, and was then a fugitive from such ser
rice and labor, so as to prevent the discovery
md arrest of said Add White. Tho offence
:herged, it will be observed, is not that the
lave was aided io his escape from his maBter
n Kentucky by the fuur accused persons, but
hat they sheltered and protected him is Ohio
ir in other words they ''put him through" on
he Underground Railroad. The penalty for
hp offence is a fine of a thousand dollars and
On Wednesday morning, tho Depnly Mar
luil left Urbnna with his posse, in hired car
i.iges, and in Mechanicsburg, ai.d tho ncigh
mrhnod. succeeded in arresting the four ac-
ned individuals. While the urrosts were in
in-tress. tho most intense excitement was
n-ated in tho vicinity. The news spread ra.
lidly, and n determination wus expressed to
so every means the law provides to rescue
lie prisoners from the hand of the Uorder
tuffians, as the officers wcro called, whose
oln object it was to take the in over to Ken
ucky and lynch theui.
A writ of Aliens corful was procured from
Judge in Chalmpaign county, and the She
ifi attempted to serve it j but before he could
o so, the officers had conducted the prison
rs beyond the bounds of the county. A se.
ond warrant was then procured in Clarke
ouuty. The Sheriff in this instance parsued
nd came up with the party ; rut they refu
nd to obev the writ. The Sharif! not hav.
lg force to compel obedience, I hey proceed
doll their journey to thia til y. A third I
rlt was then obtained in Greeno county, and
no Sheriff of that county, with his posse, ser
cd it uputi the U. S. Officers at C o'clock yes
!r lav morning, in Jamestown.
The U. S. officers resented the act of the
aunty officers in seizing their horses reins
.fore making known their business. A
arm altercation ensued. The Sheriff end
is men were assisted by nn excited crowd of
wo or threo hundred persons. Rifles and
isto'.s were displayed. The Marshal and
i men drew their weapons, and Several shots
ire ilred. .Mr. Churchill discharged his re
olver at tho crowd, but no ouo was seriously
i in red .
The conflict was sharp and stubborn, bnt
iperior uumbors prevailed, and the Deputy
larshal, with all bis posse were made pri
mers, and a despatch received yesterday af
rnoon slated that they were to be sect last
ight to SpriugBeld lor trial.
At Springfield, at one o'clock
eputy Marshal Keifer arrested Isaac Sar.
tn', on a similar charge to that made against
to othors, and brought him to this city,
here ho was held by Commissioner Newball
Jjl,f)00 bad for examination uexl week
Lanm.ord'b Dltiks. Judge Pearson of
arriBburg, has decided that Landlords were
land to accommodate all persons who asked
r it, so loug as they hud room : that it made
diQerence if the applicant was a person of
Utrustfutl appearance taverns were regar-
nl by law as places for the accommodation
travelers, and their proprietors had no
rht to turn any away, no matter whether
ey thought them able to pav for their lodar
g or not. His Honor said this was clearly
ie object of the law, and no license would
;reafter be granted where it was known that
lis part of the landlord's duty had not been
in pi mil with.
FtiiALE opeators. Ou many of the lines
the Lntted, and on several within the lim
of t i j- own State, women are employed as
'..rr lpii operators, and the result Las shown
nt t hy are entirely competent for the du
-.-S '.liey are irr'errea to rvtiotm.
AnortiRR Bosxr add Data Affair. An
gusta, Maine, was recently the tbeatttofa
second edition of the Uokor fend Dean matri
monial farce in New York, the history being
thus i
"The danghter of Mf. Dorsn -un Irish
Cstblicwii engaged io marriage to a Mr.
McCormlck, a Protestant. The young lady's
parents were opposed to the match, because
the bridegroom was not a Catholic, and tbn
priest was notified and forbidden to unite the
parties. Not to be foiled in this way, Mr.
McCormick and Miss Doran repaired to Ex
Mayor Patterson, with the certificate of their
iotentioos, and were legally joined by him in
marriage on Saturday last. The fact coming
to the ears or the offended parents, before
night the bride was seized, carried violently
to her former home, and imprisoned in a
chamber so her husband could have no inter
course with her. No to be defeated in this
way, tho hnsband on Wednesday last sued
out a writ of replevin, which was served by
Sheriff Oilbreth in due form, who entered the
prison-room of the affrighted wifo and gave
her to her lawful, though Prelestaul hus
band." I.XTQKXSTIXO from Salt Lakb. By way of
California, we have advices from Salt Lake
City to April.
The schism in the Mormon Church has as
sumed a formidable character. The Glad
denites, or apostates from the Simon Pure
faith, as enuueiated by Urigham and his ad
herents, have of late wunderfully increased
their numbers, and grown so rebellious that
tho Prophet is forced to environ himself with
a trusty guard of tho faithful. The letters
state that bis house is guarded night and day
by his friends, and that so bitter are his ene
mies against him, he is afi aid to show him
self in public, lie has deserted the Taber
nacle. The Mormons of Carson Valley, on account
of difficulties apprehended with their Gnu
tile neighbors, hud been peremptorily order
ed to Salt Luke by the Prophet, but thinking
it eaaiur to negotiate a peace than to sacrifice
their homes, they have shaken bauds with
tho Amalakitrs, and buried the tomahawk.
Suow had fulieu in the Valley this winter to
the depth of two feet, but did not lio long
enough to do any injury to the stock. Cut
tle are in fine condition, and a great many
have been wintered there.
Nkw Ranks ik Phii.adki.auia. The Phil
adelphia Americun says :
Three new banks have been incoporatod this
venr each with a cupitul of liulf a million of
dollars, and the capital of the Manufacturers'
and Mechanics' Hunk has bueu increased some
seven hundred thousand dollars. These ad
ditions are in ull two million two hundred
thousand dollars. Tho Manufacturers' and
Mechuuics' Rank has long been among the
most active of our smuller banks, and its
sphere of operations had in fact become of
necessity so very oatendud in order to ac
commodate the growth of trade, that a large
increase of capital was much wanted. As re
gards the new institutions, their character is
vet to be decided. The Corn Exchunge wus
asked for by the large and influential body of
traders gathering at the daily meeting on
'Change, and will be actively supported by
them, so that it bids fair to become a substan
tial, concern. The Uniori Bunk was asked
for Br parties engaged iu tho North Third
stroet trade, and it is understood thut there it
will be organize und located and the diiectors
be taken from that quarter. 1 he common
wealth Rank had its orbiu among tho prin
ters and publishers, and is, we are informed,
to be uuder their mauagemeut.
Thb Lakd Fkvkr. Speculation of lands
has reached a hcipht in the West, that the
Government lund off.ies are besieged by the
buyers. Recently, at Osago, two thousand
persons arrived for the purpose of purchasing
und the ruth wus so great, that come posted
themselves oefure the Ooors of the office on
Saturday night, with their provisions iti their
, . , ; i .v :n l 1....
pocaev, ana remaiuen meru iiu .uimu
morn ng. wnen iue oegan oove.i.iper-
sons had tnoir rios uronen ill mo pressure oi
crowd. This beats the scran. tile Tor bank
stock, which was once witnessed in Philadel
phia, though now new batik stock seems ra
ther unattractive to those who have capitol
to invest. I ublic Ledger.
Important DKVKi.orxEKTs. It wus discov
ered yesterday that the !two men killed on
the Railroad at lliehspiro, on Thursday mor
ning lust bad beon lor several weeks residents
of our town, and occupied a bouso in North
street near Front. Tho disclosure of this
fact led to nn immediate search of tho house,
nnd the discovery of various implements used
in the manufacture 'of counterfoil coin and
bank notes.
A woman in the house supposed to be
tho wife or mistress of one of the parties con
fessed that tho men came here Irom Muncy,
and bad some connection with a cani; of
counterfeiters and burglars. This confirms
our suspicious as to the Middletown robbe
ries. The two men who were killed ao doubt
were connected with tho Muncy gang in
these outrages, and the boat whose sudden
and mysterious ilisapearance from Middle-
towa we alluded to yesterday, there is reason
to believe, con fumed thestnleu property. A
further search of the bouso was made lust
night and it was expected that additional de
velopments would be made, and a full con
fession elicited from the woman. HarrUburg
Herald May i-U.
A ronple in Vergiaia lately eloped and
walked btty miles to get married, the gentle
man's arm encircled the lady's waist the whole
New Advertisements.
Spring and Bummer Fashions for 1857
Market Square, Sunbury.
?0 W received and will continue to rective,
x 1 lbs largest and best selected block of
Black Cloths, Cassimtrei, Caninttlt tnd
Vettings, J c.
An assortment of Dress Goods, vis: Fsncy
printed Calicos, Chillies, printed Lawns, De I. aim
Uareges, Mernsos, Cashmeres, Alapacas, Dress
oilks, tuiighams, &c.
Irish Liaen, bleached and brewn Drilling, Sheet
ing, Pillowcaseing, Ac.
Dress Trimmings in Great Variety.
Boots and Shoes
Usls and Caps,
SALT and FISH, Cheese, Crackers, Segars.
Tobacco, SnurT, Ac., an assortment of ether
Uosds too tedious to mentioh.
reeling grateful for past favor we beg leave to
assure our old friends and the puklic that no
eflort on oar part shall be wanting lo merit a
continuance of our patronage.
Country produce laksn la exchange at the
nignesi maraei price.
Hunbury.Msy 90 , 187. tf
Ac., Ac, just received a fresh supply and
far sale al toe t-ontcuonary store of
Bunbury.May 16, 1857.
Kew Drugs, Taints, Ac.
NEW supply ef !rugs, Paints. Oils,
Fluid, Ac, just received and for sale by
A. vv. rtlltli.
XuiiKurr, May t, 1"67.
BTJW33tm"S', NORTHTJMBBHLAND county, pa.,
Dry Good. Heady lunde Clothing;, Root nnri Miocs, Hard
ware, Groceries, 4'law, liicviiswnrc cVC,
Among our present Slock may be found French Lawns, Poplins, Fancy Silks, Fluid I)uca1, Timues,
Bcrrgns, Llebeges, Clialli, lilack Silks, Alpacca, Ginghams, (Swim Mull, Tarllon, Cambria. Nain
souk, Brilliants, Uimity, Hook Muslin, Bcbinett (.'oil am, Swiss Flouncing, Inserting, Laces, Rib
bons, Hosiery, and a general assortment of FANCY GOODS
Embracing the most beautiful styles, all qualities and prices. Domeitic Goods, Winder Shades,
Oil Cloths and Carpels. Hummer Goods for gents wear of eery variety. Hardwire .embracing
all kinds of building material, Carpenters Tools of the bjst manufacture, Files of every descrip
tion, Cutlery, Shoe I indiiigs, Lasts, Ac.
Former efforts nurpnfirl In quantity ttnd Qurtlfij.'
In addition to our formor Store Room, we have fitted up the second stry of our cstsbliabmnnt
which you will find well slocked with lloady Made Clothing. Boots and Shoes combining hesuty
durability and cheapness. We shall continue to receive GooiU Semi-Monthly, thus rendeting our
assortment at all times complete, another Inducement to all who wiah to purchave.
We return our thanks to the pnlilic for their liberal patronage, and respectfully invite an inspec
tion of nor GooiU, as ws deem it a pleasure lo wit on nil who may favor us with a call.
Bar Iron. Steel. Fails, Picks, Grub Hoe3, Kason Hammers, Mill Saws, Window Sash,
Griudstones,, Fuints, Oils, Fish, Salt, CLuse, Heat, ova, always on hand,
eunlniry, May S, 1S57 tf E. Y. R RIGHT & SON.
KETCHUM'S Combiuod Reaper nnd
For 1657 i the most complete machine in .,
slid tho one bust adupttid to the wants of lbs
r ariner
First. Being wholly made of Iuox it is more
durable than any other.
Second. It u so aimiilo that any person can
rendily manage it.
Third. It is so strongly anil well built, that
it cannot easily grt out of repair.
Fourth. It is nrat ond compact, occupying
lees spaco than any other.
Filth. The frame is so easily balanced that
there is noweitlit on the hnrtes' ne k.
Sixth. There is little or no side draft.
fc'evciu!t It will cut heavy and light grass
equally well.
Eighth. It i uts wet graFS as well as dry.
Ninth. The n cutter bar wVcl lessens tho
drift at least one fourth in mowing.
Tenth. Two horses will woik it with ease
in any kind of grass or grain.
Eleventh. II is the only machine Willi tlifl
cutter bar directly opposite the Bhaftof the driving
Twelfth. The open cutting blade effectually
prevent cl ipgiug in any kind of grass.
1 hiili'cnth. It m changed in a lew minutes
frcm a mower to a Reaper.
Fourteenth. It is the only machine with a
resr and tide delivery for gmin.
Fifteenth. It lathe only machine which gives
the Kakcr control of the grain, hold before and
after it reaches the platform.
Sixteenth, i he ailjiii-lnble spring sent, and
new reaper shoe are capital improvements.
Seventeenth. Seven vears ol severe practical
trial with more than 12.000 machines have proven
its deciiied superiority. Like wine it improves
it li site.
F.iu'htecnth. All the improvements for 1S57
have been practically and thoroughly tested.
fv nielernth. Every part of the machine is
made by master workmen and in tho most sub
stantia manner.
Twentieth. Ketchutn's Reaper and Mower
is warranted te cut gras und grimi as well as it
can be done Willi a scvllie or Ic.
In a wonl it is just the machine which a firmer
ran buy without any rik, necause ample expe
rience litis proven that it is reliable in all its parts
FA li.MEUS, send in your orders early, as the
sales for I he seaxon have thus lur been more than
double that of list year.
IJO S. srANGLER & CO., solo Agents.
No. 6 i7 M.irkst st., below 7ih north si.le,
Mov 23, IKS, Ot Philadelphia.
Orrtca PutLiDiLrni txu Sisiii Ki R. R. Co.
Philadelphia, May IS, IB'.V.
a U, ,,er,on3 havina outstanding claims ana
lX .g..n.. iUU Conmanv
accounts against this Company, will please
transmit a statement ot ihc same to this bllu st
No. 303 Walnut siieet. Philadelphia.
May 13, 4t Treasurer.
fS hereby given to the stockholders of the Sha
niokin Steam Kerrv and 'IVw-boat Company
thut by a resolution of Ibe directors, they are
requited te pay lo the Treasurer of suid Compa
ny, at the nll'ice of the canipnny in Suiihury J'a ,
the amount due upon their sulwciipiioti to the
rapital stock to bring be amount paid
in equal lo uO per cent, on the original aunscnp
tion. en or before the 30th day of Juno A. I).,
1857, and that in case of default the stock of the
defaulter will be foifeited, according to the pro
visions of the Act of Ai inblv.
Office of the S. R. F. A T. U. Co. )
Sunbury, May JOth 1857. It.
nYDKOLECiM PAINTS. These pamtsare
mixed with water, thereby saving the cost
of oil. for sale by
March 14, '57.
KN pursuance of sn orJer of Ihe Orphan s
t'Aiirt of Northomhrilund counlv. will be
exposed to public sale on S. TL'ltbA i' the Clh
of J I'N F, next, at the bouse of Michael Vilert
in the borough of Kunln.rv. the following dC'
trrihvd personal nmoerty to wit: The umlivb
ded moiety or bull' part of a certain "LAND
WAKKANT," numbered filly-eight thousand
four hundred and twenty-five, (No. 58.4S5,) the
estate of Thomas bower, a minor child of George
It ow er, deceased. Sale It commence al 10 o clock
A. M.. of said day when Ihe terms of sale will be
made known by MICH AEL W1LVEKT.
Uv or order ol the Court. ) Guardiau.
C. 11. Pi-asfcL. Ik. 0. C
Sunbury, May ii3, 1K57.
T5v virtue of a'cettain writ of Lev. Fa. to
mo directed, will be sold on Til L K.SHAY.
lhu2Tth of Juno next, at lOo'eloek, A. M.,nt
tho Court House, iu Sunbury, a certain Iract
of land, known bs the cott furin. situate
partly in the borough of buubury, and partly
iu tin) township of Upper Augusta, in the
County of Northumberland, nnd bounded and
described u3 follows, to Wit : lMiniiiiijr ut a
post on tho eastern shore of the Susipiehauait
River, at the low water mark, in lino or land
late of Samuel Hunter, dee'd., thence by said
liuo of low water mark, south 13 degrees and
1 uiilliilH, west 1305 ieet to a prist; theiico by
land lato of Win. L. Jhtwart, south U7 (lets.
15 minutes east 107'J feet and five tenths to
a post; thence by the same south 22 degs. 45
miuutcs west 4oU leel and live tenths ol a
foot to a post; thence by laud lato of Charles
O. Donuel and others; south gixty-Gvo ilegs.
6floeu minutes east 2751 feet to a pnu in
tho line or the land ol John W. x omiinan,
thence by the same land north 24 dogs. 45
minutes east oi l loel and nve lent us to a
post; thence by the same south C5 dogs. 15
minutes east 400 Ieet to a post III the centre
of the Cattawissa road; thence ulontf the
centre of said road, north 41 deir. 45 minutes
east 918 feet to a post iu lino uf lund lute of
sumuel Hunter; thence by the same, nuilli uti
dogs. 30 minutes west -18i5 feet to tho place
ol beginning, containing 140 acres mom or
b-ss, being the same premises which Charles
tiobin and Sarah his wife, aud Susan Scott,
conveyed to l'avid Longeneckur, together
with all and singular lue buildiugg, improve
ment a, appurtenances, Ac.
Seized, taken into execution, and to be sold
as the propurtv of David Lougeneckur, with
notice to the Suubury Cuual and Water
Power Compauy, ten tcuunts, aud all other
rss tepaou.
By virtue of a certain writ of Van. Exfonis
to me directed, will be exposed to public sale, at
the Court House ill Suiihury, on Saturday the
I3ih day or June, at 10 o'clock A. M., Ihe fol
lowing described preprrty lo wit I
Three contiguous lots of ground, situate in the
town of Shoinokin in Coal township, Northuin
nerland county, and marked in the general plan
of said town Nos. 938, 239 and 210 on one of
whirh to wit, 23, there is a frame dwelling house.
Also, The undivided one-third part of a cer
tain tract of land, situate in Coal township
sforesaid, adjoining lands surveyed in the name
of Esther Kremcr on the west ) John Carson on
ihe north ; Andrew Russell on the east and Luke
Hoglin on the south; containing iu the whole
3S seres mors or less, on which is eree'ed 4
dnublcfrauia dwelling houses, a rchool house. Ac.
Seized taken in execution, and te be sold as
the propel ty of 1. B. Masscr.
At the same time and place, by writ of Vek.
Exponas to me directed, will be exposed to
public sale, the following described property
to wit : All the defendant's interest being
the tindiviih'o third part of all that certain
tract of lund, situate in Coal township, Nor
thumberland county, adjoining lands surveyed
in the nnmo oT F.s-tlu-r Kremer on tho west :
John Carson on the north ; Audrew Russell
on the east aud Luke lloglin oti tho south,
coritiiininp; in the whole ninely-oight ocres
more or less, on which is erected four double
frame dwelling houses, a school house. &c.
Also, Ry virtue of this writ nn El. Fa.,
No. 2'J, to same term upon three conti
guous lots of ground, situate, in tho town of
Shuninkin in Coal township, aforesaid, and
marked in the general plan of suid town Nos
WS. 2.10. and 2 10 on ouo of which to wit No
23H. there is a fraimt dwelling house.
Seized taken in execution nnd to be sold
as the propurtv of J. It. Masser.
E v virtue of a certain w rit of Fi. Fa. te me
directed, will be exposed to public sale, at the
Court House in Sunbury, on Saturday the 13th
day of June, at 10 o'clock A. M., the following
described property to wit :
Three continuous lots ol ground, situate in the
town of Trevorton. Zerbc township. Northumber
land county bounded by Shaoiokin street, on the
north by lot of John 'eaver, formerly Emanu
el Kaufman, on the east, an alley on the south
and lot of Edward llelfenstein on the west, being
twenty-five feel each in front and ISO feet iu
depth. Whereon are erected a two story frame
Owellimr House and basement, a I)lec.ksuiilh
bhoii and a frame stable, well of water Ac.
Seized taken in ex- culion, and to be sold as the
property of Michael Wertinan.
II. WEISE, Sheriff.
Sheriffs Office, )
Sunbury, May 2, 18:7.
Revolution in the Sry Goods Business ! ! !
J. F. &. X. T. KLINE,
Respectfully announce lo their frieads ami the
public in general that they have received at their
.Store in I pper Augusta township, Northumber
land county l'a., at Klines Grove tiieir Spring
and Summer GOODS, and opened lo the public
a general assortment of merchandize ic.
Consisting iu part of Cloths, black and fsncy
t'ass niers, Snlinelts, Checks, Kentucky Jeans
together v ith a geneial assortment ol Spring
and Summer Goods adapted to all classes of per
sons. Ready rnaJu Clothing, consisting of Ceats and
Ladies Tress Good3, Slianls, Ginghams, Lawns, Ducals,
Calicoes black Silks 4 c.
Also a fresh supply of Drugs and Medicines,
Groceries c, of all kinds.
A new supply of Hardware, Queensware,
wooileu ware lirooms A c.
A largo assortment of Boots and Shoes suita
ble for uieu women and children.
School Dooks, Stationery, Envelopes, Ink, Ac.
r iM a so Halt.
And all goods usually kept in a eounlry store.
Coivc slid see, Come one, come all.
The public are respectfully Invited to call and
examine our stock botore purchasing elsewhere.
All of the above named slock of goods will be
s.dd pobilively at low prices for cash, or in ex
change for country produce at the highest mar
ket price.
1 hauklul for past favors we hope by strict
attention lo business to merit a continuance of
Ihe same.
Kline's Grove, Ia., May 16, 157 If
fS pursuance of an order of the Orphans'
(!nnrt a Northumberland couutv. will be
exposed to public sale, on
iA I Lit V A 1 . the IMh tiny of Jane, next,
on the premises, the following described real
stale to wit : A certain tract or piece of
LAND, in irood cultivation and well timber
ed, situated in Sbuiuukin township. Noi'thnm
erlaml county, mljoinini; lamia of Jus. o
cuiii, John Kepley, tho centre turnpike, Sam
uel John, Solomon 1'aiiely, 11. k.. Alartz, and
John Fisher, containing' sixty-six acres aud
tifly-two perches, and allowance more or U-a,
on which nre erected two L'ood leUnii
Houses, a food Hurt), a vviioii house, two
Summer J I oust s in one of w hich is a fouutuiu
of never failintr water, also an lee House, a
Card inn Fulling Mill, a Clover Mill lo which
are attached lath and shingle saws
(lmkmI water power) and other outbuildings,
and also ao interest lor the term of liiuety-
nitie years, from the Gth day of February,
lil8, in u certain tract of Land adjoining the
above piece, for mill-ruce. 'The above des-
ribed properly, late tho estate of David
Martz, dee'd., is in first rato condition and
situate within a few miles distance or the
of tho town of Shuiiiokin the head of the best
Market in the county. Sale to commence at
11 o'clock, A. M., of said day, wbeu the
terms of sale will be made known by
I!y order of the CTiurt, )
O. H. Tursel, CIU. O.C. V
May 9. 1857. j
ALL persous knowing themselves indebted to
the subscriber are hereby nolifisd that Ibe Books
ic .ure in the bands of Esquire Shindel. A r
sons wishing tu pay their accounts without addi
tional costs will call at lis olbue and settle.
May 18. 167
IlltOWiVS and Brsinig's Essence of Ginger
' ami MUKlwnd s Mauneem at
March U,'7.
mn 's.
BY virtue of a certain writ of Levari Facias
to me directed, will be exposed to sale at
the Court House, in Sunbury, on Saturday, the
nth day of June next, at 6 o'clock, A. M., the
following described properly, to witj:
The undivided one third part of a tract of
Land, in CealtoWnship, Northumberland county
surveyed in the name of Luke Kldler, adjoining
lands surveyed in the name of John Urady, Sam
uel Witheral, William Lambert and others, con
taining in the whole 650 acres, more or loss, on
which said tract of land containing five hundred
and fifty aeres, are erected two double frame
houses, two single log houses, one blacksmith
shop, a stable, two coal shanties and drill rail
road, and on which is now opened and working
a vein of coal.
ALSO i The undivided one third part of the
surface right upon all thai certain tract of land
situate in Coal township aforesaid, beginning at
a post or corner of land of the Luke Fidler and
and John Hrady, thence north 79 degrees, 67
minutes east 221 1 feet to a wbiteoak stump I
thence north 74 degrees and 43 minutes east
1355 feet to a stone ; thence south 78 degrees
and 14 minutes cast 1 1 18 feet to s stone, thence
south 44 minutes east C I 8 feet to stone in the
centre line of tho Philadelphia and Sunbury
Railroad ; thence along said line north 62 degrees
and IS minutes, west 2457 feet to a stone I
thence south 7 degrees and 42 minutes, west
11)1' fed to a stone; thence north C2 degrees
an 1 1 8 minutes west 1910 feet to s post ; thence
north 70 decrees ond 30 minutes west 4V2j feet
te a post ; thet ce north 55 degrees and 30 min
utes, west 45 feet to a post ; thence north 25
degrees and 5 minutes east 3:iOJ feet lo a post ',
thence south G8 degrees nnd 41 minutes cast 187
feet to a post on tho line of land of John Brady;
thence along s lid line seuth 55 degrees and 36
minutes east 614 i Ieet to the place ef beginning,
containing CO acress and 25 perches, strict mca
stiro, being part of a larger tract of land survey
ed in the name of .Samuel YVitheral, on which
said tract of laud containing 00 acres aud 25
perches, arc erected two coal breakers and lateral
railroads. The said undivided one-third part of
Ihe said tract of land, containing five hundred
and fifty acres, and the said utidividej one-third
part of tho surface right ot the said tract of land
containing 00 aeres and 25 perches are held, used
aud enjoyed, and will be sold together.
Al.MJ: All that certain tract nf Land, situ
ate in Coal township aforesaid, beginning at a
pine stump, corner of land surveyed in the name
of George Sheetz. and on line or land surveyed
lo Jeremiah l'aul. thence north 07 degrees 3tt
minutes cast 4:tH feet to a maple stump; thence
south 23 degrees 19 minutes east 1 107 feet to a
stone; thence north 60 degrees 20 minutes east
13"0 feet to a fallen pine iu line of land survey
ed te Robert Irwin; thence south 49 degrees 45
minutes cast 1242 feet to a stone; thence south
70 degrees 21 minutes east 1240 feet lo a post
snd stone corner of laud of James Pundas ;
thence by the last mentioned land south 25 de
grees 13 minutes east 1800 feet to a small oak ;
thence south 67 drgrcess 30 mir.utes west 2516
feet to a post and stone ; thence north 22 degrees
30 minutes west 2076 feet to a post and stones
in line of land surveyed lo George Sheet ; thence
north 65 degrees 30 m'u.utca east lO'-iO feet to a
red oak ; thence north 24 degrees 4 ' minutes
west 2003) feet to the place of beginning, con
taining 147 seres and 120 perches strict measure
being part of a largo tract of land surveyed in
pursuance of a warrant granted lo Robert Cam
plain. ALSO: Two full equal undivided third
parts, to be parted and divided, of and in all that
certain tract or piece of land, situate it Coal
township aforesaid, beginning at a gum tree in
line of land surveyed to Isaac Miller and Law
rence Lomisn.i ; thence along Ihe same and lands
surveyed to William Gilbert north 7 degrees 57
minutes west 7.13 Ieet to a post and slancs ;
thence south C3 degrees 31 minutes west 2319
feel to stones, south 7 degrees east 9Kj feet to
stones, south 12 degrees east 314) feet to stones
in centre line of tho Green Ridge branch rail
road ; thence along the line of tho same south
35 degrees 2 minutes west 100 feel, south 30 de
grees 32 minutes west Hill feel, south 26 degrees
2 minutes west 100 feet, south 21 degrees 32
minutes west 100 feet, south 17 dcgiees 2 min
utes west 1 00 feet, south 1 3 degrees 32 minutes
west 100 feet, south 9 degrees 2 minutes west
100 feet, south 4 degrees 32 minutes west 100
Ieet, south 2 minutes ea-t 100 feet, south 4 de
grees 28 mill, east 100 feci, south t degices&B
inin. east 100 feet, south 14 degrees 2S minutes
west 100 feet, thence along the line the said
(ireen Fidge branch railroad south 16 degrees
43 minutes east, 1603 feet to a pst thence north
84 degreess 3B minutes east 2770 feet lo a cor.
iter in east branch of Shamokio Creek, thence
north 1 degree nine minutes east 401 feet to a
dead while oak in the line of laud surveyed to
Lawrence I.omison, thence north 77 degrees 36
minutes east 1750 feet to stones, thence north 3
degrees 15 minutes cast 1 Oil feet lo atones,
thence r.orth f H degrees west 2785 feet to the
place of beginning, containing 3 20 acres aud 21
perches, strict measure, surveyed to Valentine
liroh-t, together with thb hereditaments and ap
purtinalices. Seized taken in execution, end to be sold as
the property cf L llclfeasiein.
lly virtue ofa certain writ of !7n Ex. Heal,
to mo directed, will bo exposed to Halo, at
the Court House, in Sunbury, on SATUR
DAY, the Pth day or Juno, at 10 o'clock
A M., tho following described, property to
wit :
All the defcmluiiia interest, it being the
undivided two third parts ofa tract of Lund
in Coal township, Northumberland county,
surveyed ill the name of Luko Tiddler, ad
joining lands surveyed in tho name, uf John
Hrudv. Samuel Witlierull, William Lambert
and others, containing- in the whole 540 acres
more or less, on w hich is erected a Coal
lireakor and fixtures and on which is now
opened and working a vein of coal.
Also, noon thu undivided two-third parts of
the surface right upon nil Unit ceiiuiu tract of
Land ntuale in Coal tuwnsliip uloresuul, ire
ginningata postor corner of land of Ihe Luke
Fiddler and John Hrudy, thence north seventy
nine degrees, 57 minutes Last 224 1 feet to a
whiteoiik stiimpi thence north 74 degrees aud
43 minutes East 1355 root to a stone : thence
south li degrees and 14 minutes east 1143
feet to a stone ; thence south 41 huniiles
cast 646 feet to a slonn ill tho centre linu of
the Philadelphia A. Sunbury Railroad thence
along enid line North b'2 degrees and 18 min
utes ; West 2457 feet to stone ; thence South
7 degrees and 42 minutes j West 100 j feet to
a stone; thence North r'2 degrees nnd 13
minutes West 1910 feet to a post ; I hone
North 70 degrees und 30 minutes West,
423 feet to a post; thence North 55 de
grees and 8G minutes Wert 45 feet to o
post; thenee North 25 degrees and 5 min
minutes East 339 J feet o a point ; thence
South CO degrees and 41 minutes East
187 feet to a post on the liuo of land of
John Brady; thence along said line South
55 degrees nnd 3G minutes East GG-J J feet
lo the place of beginning. Containing GO
acres and 25 perches, strict measure, lleing
part of a larger tract ol land surveyed in tne
name of Samuel Witheral.
Seized, taken into execution, and to be
Jold as the property of Wm. L. llelfenstein
By virtue of a certain writ of 'en Ex. Heal
to me directed, will be exposed te suit), ou
the premises, on FRIDAY, the 5th day of
June, at 11 o'clock, A. M the following
described property to wit; A certain treel
or piece ft land, situate in . uiiisquauue
tuwnsliip, Northumberland County ; bounded
on the North, South, Last and Vt est, by land
of John Tons, containing 11 acress, more or
less, on which is erected a log house, ono
aud a half stories high, with a small shop
Seized, taken into execution, and to be
sold as the property of lleuiy l'ui uwalt, with
uotice to terre-tenants.
Sheriff's Office, Sunbury, 1
May 0l I 57.
Good eeeond hsnd Buggy.
Ajpry at
Fnslilouable, Clieap and Useful
THE subscriber, long established as a Cabinet
and Chair Manufacturer in Sunbury, thank
ful for past favors, solicits a continuance of Ihe
public patronage. His stock ef Cabinet-Ware,
Chairs, 4c, embraces
in housekeeping. It is unnecessary lo enume
rate, as anything thst may be required in bis
line can be had at moderate prices, Cheap for
Cash, or Country Prdducetakcn in exchange.
South East Corner tf Muriel Square.
UT These knowing themselves indebted to
the subscriber would oblige him by making psy
fcunburv, April 4, 157. tf
Market Street 4 doors East of Chat, Heaeer's
Hotel, Sunbury, 1'enn'a.
TfcTRS. M. A. FUNK, has just opened a lot of
A-'-l Perfumery Fancy Articles, Ac, for ladies
snd gentlemen, consisting of Hosiery for ladies,
gents and children. Embroidery and embroide
ry floss, worsted pcrferated paper and canvass.
Tidy and darning Cotton, Gloves of all sizes.
Nolo Paper and Envelopes, Ladies and Gents'
toilet articles, Facings and Ribbons for Bonnets,
Walebone and Brass Hoops, Ac. Ac, Ac.
Call and Sec.
HJT A part of the House for RENT.
Kunbury, May 9, 1857. 3t
MISS LOUISA SHISSLE It, respectfully in
(orms the citizens of Trevorton snd sur
rounding county, that she has opened a new
store of Millinery and Fancy Goods, at Trevor
ton in Shatnokin street, nearly opposite Kuouse's
Tavern, where all kinds of Bonnets and Fancy
Goods can be had at the lowest terms.
Dress making alsoVattended to ia (he best
manner and latest style.
April 25, 1857. tf
jusTH i; of rtiv peaIe,
Office in Deer Street, immediately opposite the
public School House.
All business promptly attended to. Monies
collected and all ordinary writings done.
Sunbury, April 25. 1857. tf
Iss S.ilMII Itl.tKTZ; respectfully
informs the citizens of Sunbury and sur
rounding country, that sho has opened a new
Store of Millinery and Fancy Goods, at Sunbury,
in Market street, neatly opposite Weaver's Hotel,
where all kinds of Bonnets and Fancy Goods
can bo had at tne lowest terms,
Sunbury, May X, 1857 2m$
W'llnllSALK An Rktsil
40 South Fourth S.t, above Chcsnnt, I'hil'a
OOTS, Shoes, Gailers, Ac, promptly made
to order in the very best style, and of the
best material.
Philadelphia, Mny 0, 1S37
Saddle and Harness Maker,
Successor to A. J. Strtih,
RESPECTFULLY informs the
citizens of SunUurv and Ihe pub'
lie generally, that be has taken
15 '" i Hie establishment lately Decuple
A. J 8 roll and is prepared to turn cut work in
is lino of business equal to any made in this
section of the country. Orders promptly execu
ted ami all kinds ot produce taken 111 Lxrhung
Sunbury, May 9, 1H57. ly
NLIKE the more ephemeral Magazines of
the day, these Periodicals lose little by age,
Hence a full year of the Nos. with no omissions.
for 1850, may be regarded nearly as valuable as
for 1H57. We propose to furnish the two years
M the following Lxlremcly low Kates, viz:
For Blackwood's Msgszine, 4 f n
For any one Review, 4 00
For any two Reviews; 6 00
For Blackwood and one J?avicw, 7 00
For Blackwood and the two Reviews, 0 1)0
For three Reviews, N 00
For lilackwood and three Reviews, 12 00
For the four Reviews. 1 1 00
For Blackwood and the four Reviews, .14 00
To avoid fractions, $5 may be 'emitted for
Blackwood, for which we will forward that
wink for both years, post paid.
N. B. The price iu Great Britain of the five
Periodicals above named is about if HI per an
num. .
As se shall never again be likely to offer such
ihducciiicnis as those here presented.
jYotc is the time tn Subscribe .' !
N. B. Remittances must, in all cases, be wads
direct to the Publishers, for at thesu prices no
commission can be allowed to Audits.
No. 54 Gold-street, New York.
April 4, 1857. if
Of the most Fashionable Style.
Sola, Divan mid l.oiuiiii
Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards,
and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal ta Fbila
delpbia manufacture.
BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price
In short, every article iu this line of bis business.
'1MIE subscriber respectfully culls the attenliei
of the public lo his large and splendid as
sortment of every quality a. id price uf
which cannot fail to recommend haelf loevery enr
who will ciaiuiiie it, on account of its durable
workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the
best stock tube bad iu the city. No effort is
spared in the manufacture of his wsre, and the
subscriber is determined lo keep up with the
many improvements which are constantly being
He also manufacture all kinds and u,ue'.ities
ncluding varieties never before te he had ir
Sunbury, such as Mmnom, Buck Waisut
a xii I'lHim MriE Grkciab j add Wish so a
CHAIRS, sat, unci Puo Stools, which are
of the lule.'.t styles, and warranted to be excelled
by rione manufactured iu the Cities or elsewhere.
The subacrilaar ia determined that thero shall
lie no eicuse for persons to purchase furniture in
Ihe cilies, as every confidence can he cnlcvtuliiej
about the quality and finish of - his ware and
These articles will be disposed of on as goad
terms as they ran be purchased elsewhere. Coun
try Produce taken in payment for work.
I ?" UNDERTAKING. Having provided
a handsome HsAnss, be is now prepared for
Undertaking, and attending fuiiarals, in this vi
cinity , or at any convenient distance from this
ITS5 The Ware Poom is in Fawn 8lret, be
6w Weaver's Hotel.
this lA C. M. WII.KK UWON.
witnuury, pru is, io. M.
N Middlo Coal Field, Northumbrian J tntinty,
connected by a short hrsnah with the I'hila
tdhia 4- punbtiry Railr.oad, Known the
Kith upwards of 500 Acres of Superior Cal
belnngirg io the New York snd Middlo Goat
Field K. R. and Coal cempany, with Breaker
Engine of 20 horse-power, Minor's Houses, Ae.,
iready erected snd in good ornor.
Severs! coal veins above wster level nave icn
opened, and a number of others . are of easy
access, which may be opened w ith little expense.
Persons desirous of examining and leasing
Ihe property are referred to J. H. Dewees, ofnt
of. tho company, at Ml. Cormcl, for further in
formation. Proposals for leasing the same will be re
ceived it the company s odice, No. 88, couth
Fourth street, Fbiladelpbia.
J. bUDi.ei,
P. R.-r-For the purpose of facilitating the
transportation of coal from the company's mines.
the company have cO cars at tucir disposal, lor
Ihe use of their tenants.
March 28, 1857. tf.
PROPOSALS will be received by the New
1 York and Middle Coal Field R. R. and Coal
Comnanv. Jbr leasina this colliery, situated o
the Isaac Miller tract, with upwards of
300 Acres of first rate Coal
adjoining Ml. Carmel, and immediately a u e
Philadelphia A Sunbury Railroad.
This colliery is now iu complete working
order, having an ex'enslvsi Tunnel and Gang
ways already opened on several veins ol excel
lent white-ash coal.
A new and extensive Breaker with a 40 borsa
power engine, Miner s Houses, a.c, are now
ready for use.
The property will be shown to parlies desiring
to take a lease by J. H. Dewecs, agent of the
company, at Mt. Carmel.
Applications will bo received at the cilice or
the company. No. 68, fcoulh fjurth street.
1. uuiJi.r, i ,
P. S. The company own fifty first-class coal
cars, which will be appropriated to ine use ai
tenants for facilitating the transportation of coal
to market.
March 2S, lR.r7 tf
Flour, Feed and Provision tor.
Jiroaduoy below Dlackb'rry Street.
RESPECTFULLY inform the citizens ef
Sunhurv and viVmity that he has removed
to the store lately occupied by C. Gchringer in
Broadway near tho Rail head, and is receiving
a choice supply of - -
consisting in part of Hums, shoulders, Mackerel,
Herring, White Fish, Cud Fish, Salt Preserved
Fruit, Pickles, Crackers, Cheese, Molasecs, Rice,
Sugar, Coffee, (green, roasted and ground,) Im
perial, ioung Hyson, Gunpowder and black.
leas, Cedar-ware, Stone-ware, Soaps, brushes
plow and wash lines, boots and shoes, tobacco.
segars, &c., together wiin every article usually
found in a first class Grocery More, all of which
will be sold at the lowest prices, either for cash or
couiltiy produce. He has also prepared to sup
ply the citizens Willi Ircsh bread, twist, rolls, pies,
pretzels and cakes of every kind.
N. u. I he Inchest Cf.rh prices will be paid lor
butter and eggs, corn, cats, rye and wheat.
Sunbury, April II, 18o7. lEilU
Iwpoitcr and Wholesale Dealer in SALV.
38 Soulh Wharves, Philadelphia.
kK ASIITON Fine, Liverpool Ground,
'' Tnrl.- IoIaihI nn.l llitirv Suit, rnn-
stanlly on hand and for sale in lots
to suit the trade.
AprU4, 1857. Cm
heYvirld's Ci caMETilbiiioti
li 120 Medal!
For the Two J'ianns, London, October, 15, 'BL
RESPECTFULLY informs his friends arid
the public generally, thai be has constantly
en hand Pianos cpual to those for which be re
ceived the Prizo Medal, in London in 1851.
All orders promptly attended to, and great
care taken in the selection and packing the same.
He has received during the last If) years, more
Medals than any olhcr maker from the Franklin
Institute also Firbt Premium at Boston, aud
Premiums at New York and Baltimore.
Warcrooms, removed fiom 52 fc. Fourth, U
No. 180 ARCH Slreet,below Eighth, south side,
April 11, 1857. 3in
miboB El It M.IUSII,
167 Noitli 3d sireet, I il'r heVw Vine. I'hilele:
pliia. S..le ol" HOOTS, ami SIM IKS. PHY tiOOIIH.
guns, UARDWAitr., w.vrtma, fancy goods,
Jte , every evening.
n Coiuarv Slcaekeeperi an 1 etl-ers will always finest
our I'.venmff S ilci a laitrc und iWiraWc uwitnieul of lue
above i;ln, to lie .ll in ltl lo anil tutyeia.
1liin,.l p icked ou ilic preiuuis lui Country Traas.
March ?A U.57. anac.
IS pur?nance of an ordjr of the Orphans'
Court of Northumberland county, will b
exposed tn public ea'.o.oa
SA TUliDA 1', the Vilh day nfJvil, next,
on the premises, the following described real
estate, to wit : A certain lot of ground, sit
uated in the town of Shamokin, county afore
said, whereon la eroded a two-tory tramo
Htiililinjf ; bounded by lota ol John Dnucbner
and others. Luto the ostut of Samuel B.
ilaas, deceased. .Sale to couuncuce at 10
o'clock, A. M. cf said day, when tho terms
will bo made known by
By order of the Coart,
C. liOYD I'URSEL, Clk. O. C.
Sunbury, April II, lb'37.
Viiliiahlc Town 1'roperty
Till subscribers, desiring to go west, tot
sale a House and two Lots ia the tow n ef
f haniokin, No. 20 and 31, Block 144, opposite
tho Odd Fellows' Hall, on the corner of .Sunbury
and Liberty Streets. 7'ho house is a twj and a
half story brick building, well finished, with, a
good storo room, and a basement story. Also a
stable und other out-buildin js and water rone
nient. Tho property, which is situated oti the
main street and business pail of the towr.'wtlf
be sold on reasonable terms.
For further par lie Jars apply ta
DANIia. FELlt.
J ilk KM IAN M A RTtS:
Shamokiii, pril II, 1857 If
IS hereby given that lcttcra of Administration
on 'be estate of Henry Hannabacb, late of
Lower Augusta township.Norlhuinherland conrV
ty, dre'd., have been granted lo the subscriber.
All pe'sons indebted are reuueatcd to make im
mediate payment, aud those having claims or'
demands against the same w ill present thsm fu
eetilenisnt. JOEL Wtll.F. AdmV
L. tigiila )'., Apiil 1, ISAV.