BAIAMAlfDER HRE THIEF-PEOOF SAFE3. The latgrst srsortrrml in lie ITnited Stale. Warranted to le equal to Buy now made, aud will lr told on as Good errua, a can be obtain ed from any other house in thr Countrv, at EVANS A WATSON'S 10 South 4th Street, Philadelphia. Truth is Mighty, and Must Travail Htpoitof the Cotmniltet appointed to tuperin lend the Burning of flic lion Safes, at limit ing, February 2", 1837. RitiDisa, Match 4. The tindrrsiirncd, memlior of the committee, io respectfully report, thai, wo ntw t tie two Safes originally sliced upon by Fnrrcls A Herring' an J Evans & Watson, placed tide liy side in fut tntce, viz: The Safe inuse ly the Paymaster of the 1'hilsdt'lphia md Heading liuilrond Compa ny, in liia niliec nt Reading, manufactured hy Uarrels A Herring, anil the Hale in use hy M. A. Lsnlz. iii liia utorc, manufactured by Kvana At Watson, and put ill books and pupirs precisely like. The'ur wa atartej at PJ o'clock, A. M.,and kept up until four eorda of green hickory, two cord dry oak and half chesuut top wood were entirely consumed, the whole under the superin tendence of the subseriliers, mainbera of the Com mittee. The Safes were then cooled oil' with water, after which they were opened, and the books and papers taken out hy the Committee and sent to II. A. Lanlx' store f'jr pulilic exam ined and marked bv the Committee. The hooka and papers taken from the Sale manufactured rv f'arrtl 4- Herring were in our judgment. damaged fully fifteen per cent, more than those taken from Evans Watson's Hal's. We believo the above to have been a fair and Impartial trial of tho respective qualities of both Kales. JACOB H. DYSH ER, DAMEI. S. HUNTER. Ttainj bren absent during the burning, we fully coincide wilh the above ttutemcnt of the condition nl the papers and books taken out of ilia lespecliv Kale. O. A. MCOI.I.S, H. II. MUHI.KNBERO, JAMES MILHOLLAND. March 81. I (117 K. WASID, MANi'VACTmnn a!d ntALKa ! UTH -A. -VV QOOD9, No. 77 ?i North Seciniil Sireet, Philadelphia. Are now reeeieine tlo-ir Sprine Stock, which wiUenm" ttrnie a htrpe mut tleint'iie uffii-nlnirnl nf all kinds of BI'llAW H.-.l I.ATI; niJ.N.M'.r.'S. Their iloek nf llow eii wi.i I"; urtusualty lari;e tins ne is n, and therefore in var y nr nltein ion t,i that d-Mirluieut Please as'! mid eMiintne tlicin before making your parehases. Alaich !l, i;i7. .'in B. NEWLAND&CO. LaeUug Vlassea. Picture Kruinra, B.ngrairtaia;a autl I'nintiuga, No. ISC Arch Street, above Siilh, (I.ate of 2 18 North Second 81.) PHILADELPHIA. OivMRiss ori.f nam to tisitsss. Merchants and others visiting the City who fcay want anythinx iu our line wilt da well lu gite us a cull. February 28, lgS7 8m BLACKWOOD'S MAGAZINE ASP The British Quarterly Reviewi- Great inrfuveijicnts to Suhscrilt ! COST Iti:DLCKU0U TU75 VEIX CF.NT. LPCOTT .V CO., New York, cmtiuu to pnblish ioiUtwuig leilttiif Bnuali I'eii'MiiCail, vi : I THE LONDON QUARTERLY, Cyiwervaura. Tin; r.DiNDuno rkvikw, hi. :J THI3 NORTH lRlTfH KKY1EW. Fre ChHrek. 4 THE WILSTMIN'STER. KKVinW, UUeral. S BLACKWOOD'S !UIMU;RO MAOAINI, Tory Tlicfe Pt'iiiuiur.-ihuii!)' r pn-Vfitt dm t!ire prrat puiiti ml .inne i.f Hrmiin Tory vnd K-tdu-ui tut jviiaics luriiist tuly nut icuiiie oi' their tnafucti r. At urp;ni "f Uil- ui.'st nii'iounii wiilcraim rcieiK-e, Liter;. tuic, Mnnility u.m! Itflii -n, they iht'y tver huve ''it, uniiv.'iiifd in t'ie wiild of' UtiiTR, tininif cmmlt-rrd it.ii.ajj'fi)i.jit' () t'te iwli'.lttr nni ti prou annum! m,ii, v. bi'.f lo tlie iiilc.iigiMi rtritUr nl every chei they fuinibh & in:irr finvct urM s.iiirnctory rccotd of the current liicr t tuie of the day, throughout the wuiV, than c.ui Le potti y otdunird finui nnv other a 'urt- LAIU.Y COIMKS The receipt of A.U'nnce Sheeti f r in 'he Uritmh pu'ilislte r cive mhtilioiud vu!u to these I-1-prints, in hi much us they unt imv he placed tti the tauat'of mbiH nberai u)nai j hiu a lh original editions. TERMS. (HrguJar Pricet ) Pavr ttniim r tny fn vt thr i.ur Itf virwt, For Mny two of the (or Kcvitwi, Vnr 'tny three "f Review, For - 1 1 t'.'iirol the Reviews, For M!B"!i W'H'd'sj ino, For'kwiMii. nu 1 tiirei Rr-vtewi, For liiufkW'KHl am) thet'-'Ur Reviews. Fuvnt'iits t l.e unite m hII cust g in a.tvaiirr, o.UO 7. on no a.ou s no iu oo Mrtnev eur. rtut i.l tlie Siiate where ivMued, will Or received at per POM'Alil. Tlie I" t . anv :irt ol the L'lllted tt aiei will lie hut TWK rv-rill K CI'.NTSa yew for Illnekw" an.) i.ut 1'Ol. ltTKIiN CKNT3 a year for earh ..I Kir Hev.ewt. At the ukuve puces the Periodicals will be fuinisheJ fjr I!-;-. M'l.rNDID OFFKII9 FOR !t5 AND IM7 ! Vi.l'ke tlie more oplitiru-rd Mitiruzlnes of the day, three FrntH';il I. me lill.n tiy age. Ileiiee a full year of the N--I. (with n.i oininisioh!') lor t!:io. may l.e rt-enrJ ueHrly as vuiiianle us for 3J. '".. pr..p. Infuimahths two tuvH ut ihr l''i rxtrriaely Ivw ratea,vis "or hbekw. I. l's irii;iuuie, 4.50 I or tiny Hr; iew, 4.00 I or fcny r-.vo Itrview, i 00 For ft.:i.' mid im Reviee, 7.Ci(l For Hl iekwoml and two Kevicwa, .IK) Fortune llevirv . .00 Tot lt::r kw l a id three Reviews, 1J,rX) F t iheioiit Itrvirws, tl.uo For Hi.ii-k w.ihj mil the four Reviews, 14 00 i'u iivoiil fim-rii 'iift, f i limy lie remitted for Blaekwood for whiihwewill forward taut work for both ysrs, post-prt!.! N II Th pnre hi Grrnt Rritain of the 6ea PeruJi. eitls nh ivr iiaini-d is nt,- ml ti ll per snimm As we hatl never t.9 on htely to orTer auch indues iaeotsas those here presented. Aon' is the Time to Subscribe! Retiriltanres trunit, in sit rawes, le maiis direet tA the Puhhshrrs l"r at these prices no n niimskiuu ran be auowid to Agents. Afldrrs. LKONArtn KfOTT ft CO. No M GoidS'reet, New Yerk. ArriliS, !W- HEW CONFECTIO NAKY. V.'IICLESALE AND RETAIL. M. C. GEA1UIAUT, ll AS jut received neve and eieellent assort- ment of itooda at hia Cmifeetinnary and Fruit Store in MAKKl.T 8TKEET, Smihury, where he manufactures ai'd keeps on hand, at all limes, the moM choice (-'onfectionary, Ac, Wholesale and Ketail, at Philadelphia prices. Among his stock of Couteetioiiariea, maybe found : French Seerets, Burned Aiiiiuues, 1 ream Whtto, lraoB Rose. Van, ha, Csmmon e)crsaB. Liquerirs, Sara Drops, sll kinds of seent, Love ftoi s, Mint Itr.ipa, red sad waits, Jellv CKkcm, Fiutt Drops, Ht ek Cmulies, st sll seeat Fork Candy, Almond Candy, rnuiT. Vflntnu, rrun. Dniei, f'ik;t, Cnrrmilf 4rit4t Cilfnii, AlmonUi, Rnitnnt, Nuti f all 5m d LEMON BYUUP rf inferior quality, ly the a'h.kI or Ann. A upfnor ijuality of 8rgar ind TolWro, and a variety ot Couft-ctt.inar.ea, fruit, Ac, all of which U otTured cheap at whole! or retail. ICE CREAM, lie hai alo o;?iied an v Cream Salaon, and wilt at all tin' ho ready to aert hia cuatotuera with let Cream. fcuuhury, May M, 16f6 ly BOAT AND MULES FOR 'MIC anbscrilwr offeis at p'ivste sale, r?IX GO(U MLLKS.and a good bllAWNEfi BOAT, with futures. The above will he aeld tUsap, aud oil reasonable lenna. JACOB WKAsHOLTZ.tgent for JOHN UI.ACK. Puahnre, Manb if, 1857 tf i . KOVN'tj nd Breiiiic's Essence of Gingee wus.iuj s Haipie4ia t Ifaraw U. nWFji' Dili? Paint nnd CSla. WHOIJ3AI.B WAREHOUSE, Oornsr of Tenth and Market Streets, (edict in Bseou) Htoiy,) PHlt.ADHt.rillA. WE Invite attention to our enlarged stock of lnirs, I'amta. Oils. Varniihes. Ar.. selected exprettly lot our ank',aiKj coMprisiug una of tlie fittest stiflmeiits Hi the United Xlult'n, wliii-u wa oiler at low pricet, fo esth or approved credit. Wli MAN LTACTL'RE very eatcntivelr i rreiuiuto Puro White l.eurl, (best,) Keiisiiiatii Pots White Lead, PeurlSniiw Wiiite Lead "Visile Montiigna" French 7am, (beat) Tuic riimw WLue American Zinc. Philiidelphin Mil 'W While Zinc. Silver's 1'iaalic Fire Slid Wenthnr-prnnr Paints, Chrome Oieens, Yellows, and colors generally. AG K.N If I'liU i Porter's auperinr Alkalins Window Glntt, Urinous t-'n-iifli Piute lilut, ( wnrrenteii) Tim New Jetary Xinc Coinpniiy'e products, TiMeii and Ncjiliew'8 N Y. Viirnislii-s, llnioklyil Pre nii'iin Pure White Lead, ilinnptlen Pennaiiei.t ttreent, P'lre ohm CuOtwba JJrandy, &C-, As. IMI'DKTlillS (IF I I'reneta and r.iuliali Piute Olest, Frrni h and KiiuliMli Cylinder tile. Colored and 1-lue.riiqcd Window lalass, Jliljplerreotvpe titnui, lluirmeiod I'hte foi Flunra and Sky-bgats, limza, f 'heiiili Perfumery, alc. W1H il.KSAI.K DKALF.KS IN I DniKjrifn' ArtioleH gcneniliy, Pouitcia' To"Ip tf nil rl- Rei-ipliuna, Jl)dmulie mid Koniun (J.-nletit, Ciileineii and Lund Puisu-r, 1'anarMaker'aC'lar, Snlin White, Ar.,fte. FlU'.NCII. RIUUAKDS CO.. Burs, N. XV. cor. ol Tenth mid Market Streets Facly, Junction Yoik Avuiua, Crowo ami Caliowhill ftlreet. I'lnlU'lelpliia. April 11, 1607 Jul e Cousumptioa end all Diseases of the Lunua and Throut ura Poitivjty curuhle h inbalution. which eoitvrs the reuiedit'B to tlie cuvilk't in the lunjs Ibr.-uijlMlte ir Kitmvigvs, unu C 'liun in uireei cmu'-i with Hie diflemte. iiuuiraUzrs the lulten-ulur tUHlter, nllii)t theeoufjli, cMust-t it treu und easy exptulorulitui, henls the lunifi, nuribf me uiiMHi, un;uirii rneweu u mc neivoue ytem, giving t li:tt tone and energy imliijien awlilc lor tn of heulih. 1 o 1 Hhle to stute ct 'iitid. uil th:tt Cunsuutpli n is curable by iiihaiation is tu nte avmrc 4 untilUied plewsure. It is a much uitriei the ouiitrulol uiedievl ircJliiient &s any other formidable di-ensi-; inuoty out id evi ry humlsi d rst out ha eared in the that t"(fes, and fitly per cen-. in the second ; hut in the thi ut etuigtMi is impoksihle to siive luore than live per ceut , tin tre lims are so cut up hy the disease us to hid ti. b nice med .oil skill. Even, ii iwcver, in the lust sta ges, inhuULi n aj irds extrnordinary reliet to the sutlering attenUnig this luiiiful scourge, Whieb miuuitlly deslroB untiy-ltv thousand persons in the 1'uiteit States alone; and au-'rreel eateulation shows that of the present poruh t ai ol the earth, eighty millions axe destined tu hll the Consumptive's Unive. Truly the quiver dentil hat no arrow fata! as con sumption lu all ages it has been the great enemy of life foi a suites nuitlier aire n r stra, hut sweeps oil" alike the brave, the betiutiiul. the graceful, and the gifted, liy the I..!.. ..." tlini Kimrrine lit inff. froin whom cmrtli every go -d und pertVrl gill, 1 am enalileii to oder to the atflicted u pentianeiit and speetly cure in Coiiaum,ilioii. Tlw- firil ruuseoi tubercles is from iinpiue blKwl, and the immcdi t iiffuet. uiodnerd hv their disix'tuion in the luues, i to prevent the tree uihniei"ii of air hue the air celts, which caust t a weakened vitality thioiigh the entire system. Then sure'y it ia more rational to expeclVrcterRiH)d from inedieiiaa enteimn Hi cavitu t of lh luiifrs than from Vh te artmnnsterrd through the ntontiich ; tlie palii-nt will uiititvi find the limes free and the Ureal hitif tuny after in tuiting reiuediejs. 'I rue, inh il ai 'ii is a I 'cal n ineily, nev ertiielecs it aeta onstilntioiuilty, and with ninte power ami eeruint th in rrmedi'-a liuimstered hy the rtoinnch. T- prove lite powerlul and direct tatlu'ine ol this ni"de of uiiininis: ration, cliloroform inhaled wiil entni'Iy dentroy sensiliil.ty in a lew minutes, parulysinx the entire net vons sy stem, thut a limb may lie uinputated wiih'Mit the slilitf si puin; I'llmhi't the ordinaiy burning gas will de str ty life in a few hourt. The intmhtion of aiiim-Mirt will rouw the tstem when fainting or apparently dtuil. 'J'I.e ior of many if the nifdii ine is perceptible in tht skin n few ininut-s after being inha'ed, and may be detect d in the bltiod A cunvinciiig proof of the constitutional eflVcta of iithala lion, is the fact that aickuen it alwavt prinlncfd hy breathing f nil air. U not this p mitive Videne- that pro per rinediet c-irefully prepared nnd hid team sly adannis teretl through tne lung, should produce the mot hippy lesnlis? During eighteen years' practice, many th-Miftuids iifferiiir ir -in dintiascs of the lunera and throat, hnve been under my csre, and I have ntfe'-ted many remnrka'ac cures even after the suiTerera hud been prouimnceit tn tt e 1at stipes, winch fully utish-a ine (hat consumption is ' liinifcr a fatal disease. Mvtreaiment of c iiisumptM 11 ii original, ami founded on long ezpenence and a thorougl: Mv niTieci ffitnititnn-e with the iinture of tutierclcs. Ac, enables me to flutinguish, remtity, the vniious forms of dmcioie that simulit criisnnoti n mid Btph the proper remedies rarely being inistnken even in a single cute. This familiarity in connection with certain pathological ami imcroic'ipic riiseoveri-s, enaiocs me to relieve me iuivb from the effect s of contmctrd chests: to enlarge the 'best, purity the blood, impart to it renewed vitalitv. trivmr encrgv and t'"ie to the entire tvteni. B"X S3, p .stOTTife. 0 W GIIAIUM.M.D. Office 109 Filbert Street, below Twelfth, rtiil&delphia, Pa. March til, 17 .3m J. f ll.MHI & Co Market Slrert Wharf, Philadelphia. pr.AI.K.KsMN FISH AND PROVISION? ; nA VK eoni!ant!' on hand an assortmrnt rf MftcVerel, Plrid. llTrnifrn, Codhih, Heel, I'ork, 1 jird, kiiioulders llflrrm. Sliies, Ocrwr. Klec, Ac. Marr-h til. 1M7 3in Loathor! Leather! Leather I IIKVKV W. OVFRMAN, IMPOnTF.R of Frriii h Calf fkins and tenernl Leather dealer. N i.ftSmth Third street, Philadelphia. A iirneral ttsairm.enl of all kindaof Leather Morooe. ftc. 4r. Ite.t and Oak Pole Leather. Feliroar IriH ly w Fishing Tackle. lied Cork, (rasa. Cot ton and l.tnen Lines, Out l.inea, Sea (irass by the yard, SiiooiIh, Plies, Kirby, Limerick and Carlisle Hooka, Rods, io, for sale bv March 41. 'ST. A. vV. FISHER. R. DIlCOU & CO. Clothiers, Ne. 141 CrtienrvT St., aiovi Fourth, pMitADiXrHIA, Ketf cemftantre en haivi a fplendii aflorrmcnt of Readj-made Clothing. Good Mrf rtt Oapt ak V'AitAKTtu TO UT. Koe.S, 1158 y Wall Paper K Tliulow Fliatles. J. X.. ISAACS & BROTHER, V. 133 -VrJffA Second Street, btluw liace, PHILADELPHIA. n A VINO completed their large assortment of the above doodsfor Spiiug and Summer Trade; would reapecllully invite the uttentioii of Purchaaera to the same. Their stock for beauty, cheapness aud variety cannot be surpas sed. Thee have constantly on hand every descrip tion of Gold and Painted Shades, liuir Hollauda, and Hhade Futures. Wall Papers, Cuttains, Fire Uosrd Prima, Borders. Ac, all of which they offer at lower rates than can be ha 1 at any otiier establishment. Call and examine. J.I.. IS.1ACW & mio. 133 North Second Street, below Kace. March 7, l57 6m ve JOIi II. I.M: Ac CO. Sot. t and 4 Chevtnut Htreet, omih tide, below Water,) (1'UK OLDEM VVouD'Wlt U CI Ih THE ClTT ) I AM F ACTl' IU'.HS nnd Whoh-tt'e deulcr in Potent tU Machine iiutda liltHJ.M?, t'jtrnt lirtM.ved Cedar Ware, wurreiilid ii'H tn luiiik, W o d m.fl V'illow-Wrtre CordH, Hrunhrt, Ac ,ul all dcMcrij UOi.. i'lcuie cull and examine our irlt.. Fctnunry 4s, 167 Jy w BLI1TD 3 SHADES! Ip-OF NrJU sl Yl.K.s.j 33- J. WILLIAMB. .Vo. 1 J, Xortk Sinh Street, J'hiludelphia, MAM TAl'lt HKIl OK VENITIAN BLINDS, WTELVET and GOI.I) IiORUEHED and V PAINTED SHADES, of beautiful de signs. UulT, and all other colors of Holland urd Tor shades, ritturrs. Tiimmings. ic.Ac., Wliolessle aud Retail, at the lowest cash prices. Store Shanes l'aintep to order. II. S. W , thsnklul for past patronage, respect fully solicits the public to call and examine his new ami large aaaortaicnt, before purclis.inij elwliere. ty-WB STUDY TO PLEASE."Xi Milladelpliis, March 31, lrJ57. c3m FOR SALE. A CANAL BOAT FOll BALE, on re eouable terms. Apply to HENRY LONUENECKER, of hamokiu, or H. D. MICH A. EL, hunburv. February tl, 1SS7. pORT M0NAIE8, Tooth and Huir Urushe ' all qualilioe, and any quanli y, for tale by A.M'. FISHER. I,ftt but not Iift9 NKW ARRIVAL OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS I Ira T. Clement NO. 1, CORNER OF MA11KE1 SQUARE, AS just received a large supply of Fall and Winter Hoods. lie will continue to sell Dry Goods and Oro. ceries CHEAPEN than erer, as his goods are boneht cheap thry will be sold cheap. lie feels confident with hia experience and ability, that he can compete with the ( World at large and Sunbury in particular. He would enumerate articles if lime and apace would permit. It is enough lo any that he has everything iu the line of Dry Goods, Groceries, A large Stock of Keady-MaJe OLOTHINO, BOOTS AS1) SHOES, j-c, Jr., that is kept in nay other store in town, and His banner iaou the lirease. And long my it witve O'er land of the free, And the home nf the lirave While her Stars aiKl.het Buines Shine out like the Son, , TellinR nil nrttinns Thnt Freedom's hsgtin. This is a free country as was proved hy the election of Buchanan over the Wonly Horse. therefore it ia free for all to do their tnuliiiij, where they can UUY he CHEAPEST. All are invi ted tu call and are. TUB COUNTRY, as well at. the town arc respectfully invited, anJ ever person, rich or poor, high or low, bond or free are invited to call at No. 1 Markket Square, j opposite the I'ourt House. p. s. He is not to be undersold by any man ! or coiiitiinatiou of ien. No eharge lor allowing gooda. All Linda ef produce taken in exchange fur goods. Suubury, Dee. 30, 1858. m n. ail. 1 E. -S-. BRIGHT Sc SOJST, HAVE juat received from Philadelphia l-v Kail Koud, and ate now opening their tlutd aupply of WINTER GOODS. Our assortment ia tiiiuvuully large, and will be deposed oil' at the lowest figure. We respectfully invite the Public to call and examine our Stock, ami remember that "a penuy saved is a penny made." fff' The highest niaiket price paid for Country Produce. E. V. liUKill 1' &. iSON. Sunbury, January 17, 18.r7. HERRING 3 SAi'Z asAiii THE CHAMPION 1 1 Tht only Snfe u-hirh, in erery instance, pre served their entire contents in the lute lis tensive l'irts. t T the burning nf the Artizn ZTS a lluiMinna. April It'ih, ami in I'-ft thr OUKAT flRI-: in Miuket ft -t '" ,ftt' thegr'uunn' llffrrinn i:,,e presi-rved thr .luwHry of lieo. ;tlvlj V. rtitiiiMnis ft Mm.; H,ka, t'- pm. tc, nf Y ifshrr & JJio. aim Kdwiird ?enintit A Co., alter re niiiiiiniR exj-ttl in the burning mint ii-r nttirlv Forty H'lurn, an. rri)viiiK cnclmively vhnt Ptmve great minerioritv over all t-ecuriiiea nw known. In tlieietire , the HKRRIN'G'rt SAKK, mndinii hy sale wilh iii"W m)v-rtiiird us "Wririetnttit t-i M:md 10 Err ca;it. more file thnn Hi'. ri'iK'n," nunc lortli die (' iiowlt-ilficd vifim nut "iity prcucrvinic their c-nnienm hi rxffllent ir!cr, lull teini theintK.-tvcR in n t'onditinn to gr ttruf;li aiioiher ordt-Ml, while iht biris'td'SnlaiiKMide a' of utliLT niaketF aie twidlv us-l no in tvery itiifKmfe, and in mir riiMK thfii entire iontnir etMiipletely cleftroyrd. To the pnlilte we wouM nnnty a.iy. tht, thiru a: the H year the llnrina' Iihb lu en ln'ft.r thin, inort)uoi two hntiilred have pn throiich accidciitul fire WiHI tiie oceurmi'f nf a iiii!e Um. Wc would. tiierrf-re, enutioit piiich.irr fift'inirt the mireiiret'iit;itio!i of ifiterf!ed piirtiea. The Hrritii i I'ntfiit it the onlv Fir-pfMf Site inmle in this city Which i protfL'ted hy n Purenf Hilit, ai.d wc will guar antee it M repiM more thun double the u mount of htnt of any other Sife imw kn.'wn. sV.... 1lABa,lnes A ua r9 a aai-a tle .Manaracturer in this Smte of 'HEGRISG'S PATENT Cllllll'lOS SAFtS," 34 irttiiuff!., I'lita.fa. N B. of'y;,,,, Watsoirs Improved Jiljiiirnitters." Oliver Kvan's,'' "C J. Gnylri'a,' and!-ott' Aatirtoa." Iron Chests, (u Itirse MKHorltnent hnvins lirrn Inken in part p:iyiin nt lor'HrrrnieV) will Irt Sold at low pneee. Flnla., June til, IMtl Iv. DEx TISTEY- 4 NNOl'NCKS to the citizena of Sunbury and " vicinty, that he his opened an oflicein Sun bury, above II. J. Wultertou'a office opposite C. Weaver's Hotel, wViere he is prepared to attend to oil kinds of woik belonging to the profei.ion, in the latest and iru.'st improved style. All work well done and warranted. December 13, 18SG. CHEAP WATCH AND JKSVKLRY STORE So 72 Sortk Second Street, (opposite tk Mount Verrion House.) Philadelphia. fOLD Lever NVatohes, full jeweled, 18 K, ca " sea, $28 ; Silver l.eer do,, do., $12; Sil ver Lepine, do., $! : Ijoartier. $5 to $7 : Gold Spectacles, $4 50 to 10 i Silver do., $ 1 St) ; Silver Table Spoons per sett, $14 to $18 Silver Desert do., do.,$it to $1 1 ; Silver Tea do., do., $4 7A to $7 oil ; liold 1'ena and (iold Ca ses, $3 25 to $5 ; (iold 1'ens and .Silver do.. $ I; together wilh a variety of fine Gold Jewelry, Gold Curb , Guard and Fob Chains. All goods warranted to be as represented. Watches and Jewelrv, repaired in the beat manner. Also, M a sonic Murks, l'ina, iVc, made to order. N. 0. All orders sent by mail or otherwise, will be punctually attended to. I'hila., Oct. 4, lfi;'.0. 1 w. COLEMAN'S CHEAP OUTLERY STORE, Vo. 21 Xorth Third St., lelovc Arch, yillLADELPHIA. c OUNTRY Menhnnts can save from ten to fifteen percent, hy purchuMtiK at the above stores, riy importing my own gooda. paying hut littl.' rent, and living economically, il ia fcluin 1 can undersell thoe who pun haae their Goods here, piy high rente and live like princes. Constantly on hand a larce assortment of Pen and Pocket Knives, Scissors dnd liazors. Table Knives and porks in ivory, stair, bullalo.bone and wood handles. Carvers and Porks, &c, Uutcher Knives, Dirks, iowie Knives, Revolving and plain Pistols, Ac. . Also a large assortment of Aeeordeona. eVe. Also fine English Twi-t and German Guns. JOHN M. COLEMAN, Oct. SO, 155 ly. liniorter. S1M1 12L 51. 5Ii:rCT IIKt, Mill- Wriyht und Burr.Mill Stone Ufauufac turcr. Sole Proprietor of Johnson's highly approved and much improved Smut and Screening Ma chine; Improved Iron Concave Urun Duster, the Premium Macimie for Millers. Residence : No. tl Queen Street, (18lh Ward.) address Kensineton Post Cilice, Shop : Haydock Street, below prenl, Phila delphiu. Cocalico MillStonea, Mill Irons, Pniutt Machines, Patent Mill Buch, Portable Mills, Stretched Belling, Cement and Screen Wire, Square Meshed BoKiuf Cloths. February ii, 1857. 3m ij 0RTand MADEKIA W'INES,"pchieda" 1 Schnapps, Wild Cherry brandy, Blackhr and Lavender brandies for medicinal purpoa. March 14, 37. A. V. FISHER. GOSHEN CHEESE. Jaat received and for Wby LtlVl KBASHM.T5 Ap-f O. I7- HI mm AYER'S CIIEllllY PECTORAL, ion THB RAPID OHM Of Coll, Coimb!t, and UoaromM. ltruni!i?i, Sim., Dse-, Ds.J.C. Airs: 1 .le mit twlwte toiay tbs "st rmiMl 1 tun-s evrr rl.nnit fi CVllahi, llMirif-'nos, InSoenra, aud the eoeoumitant STraiit4NPof a TolJ, Is ynur Omert I'rwi'ait. Its rwiutwt nss l toy anoUoa suit my Ivnilt r tits liusl teu ymn has shown tt to pse stirta riur lrttt"S fur t)i trnntnirat of thrm sutaHninU. KIlKN KNK1IIT, M. U. A. B. MDUTl.UT, Kan.,of me. N.Y., writes: "Ihs ul t.nir Pi:eTos.a Bijsoif sad In my family nr slara yoa Inratttnt It. ami bsllrTS it His lit aiwllclns ft Its ptirpons rrrr put out. With a eoM t stimiM s,jiir pat twraty-IHe r. Jirirs rl,r a Iwttla Hum rto wltkouj It, ce laar any othsr rraeUy.,, Croup, Whoopins; Conch, Inflaenxn. HpwnriKi.t. Mian.. Ksl. 7, lawv nairarm Afsa: I arlll ihrorrully crrilfy jsttr Pw-roaui man Afsa: I arm rnerniiij wrnryjsitr r-r lio,l rvin-vlr wo bm fur tlia cur. of in.oriw r. &! ant tho ilnt cliwnwa or clilHren. W tat trivt.i n)t Iii thn ft-ota iirecuito your skill, esut at His CbirA, Minn-tin.! luU. llm til Dill IMHttlll. ' UlllAM OON'KUN', M. . AMOS I.ttP. FJ MctrTCTtT. Tl.,wrlrrs, 3.1 .Tan.,lS(: ! lubl a te-llmts turliisnira. trliich ronfiutd ma In ,1.hj-s six rk; Umk eiatiy nuKrirlnrii wIllKnit rsU.f; tlnslly tris,! voor 1'Bi.Tri. y tho adrli-s uf our cloriryman. Ths flrnt tloss rslirve'l tlis suifnesi III toy tbnimt arid lunirs; lass llian ona half tho Uottla mails rur ouniilrtoly woll. Tour mediums ars lbs rh.taiet as writ as ths hsst ws can lny. anil vs ivtrria vi a, Huctor, and your reois dlei. as tlis ntMr man's fiisiitj." Aathma or Phthixirt, nnd Rronr.hitie. W' ST .Min iurn, !.. Ksb. 4. lH.ri. Sin: YotirCHiaar PmoatL is prrPirmitin marTclloiai enms In this si ctlon. It liss rvlirreil sersral fiin slarm tinr. symptoms of timmmiptinn, anJ is now curing a man who has lahorsit umlor sn eton-tion of the lonss for ths last for ty years. IIKNKV I,. PAItKS, Mslrlinnt. A. A. RAMSKT, M.T)., Ar.innx, Moxana Co., low, writes, fept. ft. INS.i: " During ray practice of many yrnrs 1 hare fuumt aotliinu nttal to yonr CiIesrt PeitoaAl. fr ItirlnK urn ami l"lii f ts osusauiptlva patlanls, or curing sut-h ss are eirrahls." Wo inli;ht a.t.l volntars of eTlJonca. but tin mrmf ooa-lni-lti! iinxif of tho sirliiss of this rcaieJy Is found lu Its sf?wcts uiou trial. ConfHniptioil. ProUablr ao or.s rrmnlv has ever Irian knswn wliu'k eurnd so many and tilth tlanxiTous caes na this Boms no human aid ran ra-tit but svn to thos ths Car.r.Ei Psctohal sfTnnU rrliof anil comfort. AToa llmtsa. Sm Voea Tnr. Marrh S. 15. Diyrott Atta. 1iWEi.t.: 1 flrl It a duty and a pl.aumrs to inform timi what vonr fi.ear Ivcror.u. h;o ilmie for my wife. Khr hs l licrn rive months laluiln tin. lor ths ilanBrrous ri'tuptoms i f roii'nwilioii, from which no aid ws poulil pi-oroif pravr hrr inurh relief. Sl:s aati stoaitily failinK. until Pr. tron. of this city, whn e wr lmvr corns ir silviiv. reromsiondrd a trial nf yonr mwtlrlne. a blrw liinsimliirM, as ws do your skill, for ho has rscor-srs-l fnsn rJiat dny. Mie is not yet as stmtis; a she ti'.-d to Wa. but is frre from hrr coutrh.snd calls hvrwtlf well. Toarswltb aratitmle ami n-Rard, OULAMIO BllHl.ltV, or; SHti.nTvit.i.a. (Imnmftim. do not dmpair till yon have trli il Avr.n-S Car nr Hsotosai.. It i iinolr .y nnruf the IjmI mwliisl ehcmiiitii in th" world, and its currs nil ar ound its iTiuwidt His liifch uicrite of iu tirturt. fiAltUlphia Lrtlgtr. Ayer's Cathartic Pills. rpilK sHu-eii ef ClirniisTy and Vnla-ine lists teen J. laxnl their ntniot W inilii'-e this brt. niost arfeet pnrgntlra which l known lo man. luiniiiirrahla proofs are ihowa thnt thwas t'ltw liars virtutx suipiui" ia excellence the ordinary nir.iii ltif. and that lliry win nn prernleutedlj lljion the ftn tu of all mru. Thry are eofo ani p'.eaiaiit to taka. tint iK.wrrful to curs. Tlirir pene trating porcrtiia stimulant tin vital activities of the. IkxIt, rsmovs ths obstructions nf its oi'ijans, purify ths t.lood, and expol diras. Tlicy puiycfiut lUefonlhumois which breed and grow rlistsmurr, slimuliito IiirWi or ilior dersd organs Into llieir natural actiou. aud impart healthy tons with strength to the whole system. .Not only do they curs tho every-dny roinptnints of every body, but alsci formidable and dangsrous dieeaars that have baffled tlie boat of human skill. White thry produce powerful erTrrta. they are tt tlie ranie time, in diniiuinhed iii. the aafett and beet phytic that can bs employed for children. Being augur-coaled, thi y are pleswnt to tiilie; and being purely vogrtalile, arc free from any rink of harm. Cures bare bsen uisde which iir;"t 1 lief were IIict not sub stantiated hy men of such einltrd position and chariKter aa to forbid the suspicion of untruth. Many eminent rlertryraen and phyicisui have lent their numct to csrtl fy to the public the reliability oCmy rsuwlles. wliileolll srthsve sent ine tho surau':e ol their eutiviclton that Bty Pre.aratIolis enntrihute iniiuelisel)' to the relief ef my srtlictrd, auffrrinK rrllow nien. The Agent below named is pleased to grails my American Alaianac.contiiiliiugdlreclioiis for their use and aertltlcatea of their cuius, of thr fuilowingnunplaiiits: f'ottiveiir. Bilious t'omplaints, llh.-unuitlitn. Uropsy, Ilrart'ontn. Ilrs.lio lie ati nn ftom fi.ul Stvinarh, Nau ! t,-e. Indigivtinn, M.itiild Inaction of tlie llnwrls .ml Psia ari.itif then fri ni. Hatttl.oii r. f " i f Apfclne. all 1 leer- otnaud t'titHrif. oia liini'a w ht li ri-ipiire an i vm until Medicine. rVmiula or Kinu lliil. 'Ib'.v al-o. by puriry ing the hltiod Slid tthniileting the l.y-tein, ci.iv uilltiy cumplailiU wlii. li It would t,.,l a.ipm-d they could rracb. tin Ii h liei,iiie. rarnai nuioi'i' -. mi.. ervtint llTilslillirv, Ikraurnirutt uf the l.ii.-r uml Kid neve, tii.ut. and kit. uctl i-.inplint arii-ing from a low slate cf ibe ln!y or ubi;ructioii of ilt funclii iu. Ilo not lie put i:tf by unpilmipled dtalcrs with f ans oilier pill they make uiole profit on. .Uk for Ana s Pitts, sud taks noiliing else.. No other thry iaa glra yu comiarcs with thit iu its intiiimic Talus or curstivs powers. Hie ti.k want the s.-st aid there is fur Uieia. and tliey sltould have it. l're parrel by Dr. J. C. AVER, Practical and Aualyticcl dualist, Lowell, Kaaa. Paicw '41 Cra, nt Hex. t'tvg Bjxes ru $ 1. iI.D Itr A. V. Fitlier, Sunbury Bird t John, Shamokin W U'iemei. Northutnlartand i J. V. Catlow, Milton; llaya McCornhck, .McKwmsvtlle and by all Brupgiela throughout the emtntv. August 16, Ihi8 ly " CENT HE 0 F ATT II A C T I ON ! LARGE ASSORTMENT OJP FALL AND WINTEfl GOODS. I IIKAP- IIAMUKOME DI RAULK, IHEsE qualities combined, the public will - find by culling at the Store uf I'.. V. URKiMT ft iUN. '1'heir aasoituieut ia Ure, and has lieen selected with great care, and will be dis posed of at a small advance. THS Z.ADIB3 Will find among, our Dry Goods Wool Plaids, Black and Fancy Milks, I'l.iid Lama Flannels, AJyact a, solid colored and Futicy Delaines, De benes, Scotch 1'luiiU, Figured Cashmere, Per sian Twill, Coburg Cloth, Ginghams, Calicos. Delane and Debege Lobes, Florence Silk, MW llomh, Opera Caps, and UWet Cnjj'f. LADIES and CHILDREN WHOLTALMAS Gum Uells. licit Ribbon, Molmir II end Drosi-ee,, liihhona, Neeille-workcd and Unsls Collars, Thread Laces, Flouncing, Inserting, Swiss. Mull, Cambric, Nainsook, Dimity, iurred Muslin, Urilliuntine, aud a general assortment of white Goods. Wool and Cotton Carpets, Oil Cloths, Oil Sliadea, itorkdule blankets, Turkish counterpanes enibosai-d table covers, lickings, sack 11 ninel, scarfs, kid, silk, Lisle thread and woolen gloves. Of every variety, Kutsia Crash, Linen and Cotton Diaper. THE GKNTLIJMKN will find liluck, Ulue and Urown French Chillis, Doeskins, lllm k and Fancy Caasimer, figured Aatinett, Overcoitting, Tweed, Velveteen. Silk, (Satin, I'lush and Mlk Velvet Vesting, Neck-ties, vcarls, Collars, Gloves nnd Stocks. HEAD'S -rVIAEE ClOTJIIJiG. Hats and Caps of all sizes and prices. 0LI1 HAKDWAKE Embraces all kinds of building tnutrrial, a large slock of Carpenter's '1'uols of the best manufac ture, tiles of every desciiption, picks, grub lines, Mason hammers, bar iron, sleet, nuils, paints, putty, glass aud oils, window sash of all sizes, grindstones, Circular and Mill Suws. The Qiiceiiaivarc Mork ia composed of Stone China Sells, Fruit dishes, Cake plates, sauce dishes, common plates, cups and saucers, together itli a varied assortment ol Glassware, the latest styles. OI R GIIOIXIIICS are fresh and pure, among which may be found, G. A. Salt, Mackarel, bhud, Ccdiish, boxed and pickled Herring, Gosben and Sago Cheese. Tho best of teua, sugars, collce, Ac. We return our thanks t the public for our increasing patronage, and respecrtuliv invite an examination of our stock, as we deem it a plea sure to show our Goods. Xtr" Country produce taken in exchange at the highest market prices. E. V. BRIGHT & BON. Suubury, Nov. 29 1S56 To Builders Si Carpenters. The subscribers are agents for the sale of Doors, Window blinda, Window Shutters, and all sues of Window Hash, all of which we oiler a the lowest prices. Nov. r;?, 'jn. p. y. u RWIIT & SON. MOUNT CAHMEL HOUSE, MOUNT CAUMEL, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania, HIS large and commodioue Hotel ie situa ted neatly hall way between Sunbury and Pottaville. The scenery the salubrity of the atmosphere and the cool mountain breeaea, make it one of the moat delightful summer re ti eats in the country. The Hotel, ia a new structure, four atories high, fitted up with all the modern con veniences. The pure mountain water le Intro duced into every chamber. Tho place ia easy of access, being but one and It halt hours ride from Suubury, over the Philadelphia and Sun bury Rail Road. From Pottsville, it is 17 miles. Every attendance will be paid by the proprie tor to make guesta comfortable. Charges mode rate. JKSSE KICE. Mt. Cannel, May 24, 18.rfl. tf siots, Late of the firm of Stevens, JAS.S. srovER. Lair ef the Union Hotel: Holliugaht'ad & Uo. NATIONAL HOTEL, (lite whits iWAir, Race Street, nlov Third, rmr,ADi:i.piiiA. THE above well-known Establishment, have inn; been entirely remodeled, introducing all the modern improvements, and alao, newly fur nished throughout, will he opened for the recep tion of Guests ou the FIRST DAY OF SEPTEMBER. The nronrielors, from their determination to devote their attention to the com foit of their guests flatter thenihclvea with the conviction that they will be able to give satisfaction to their patrons. Carrinuos will alwava be in readiness to con vey passengers to ami frorn Steamboat Landings and Kailroad Depots. BIDE cV STOVER, Race Street, above 'I hird Philadelphia, August 30, 18i8. -ly 15EDDING& FURNLSIIINU BUSINESS Cabinet Maker's Findings, Tlie subscriber" respectfully inform their friends and tho public generally, that thev have connec ted with their Ueiltling Furnishing business a large and well assorted stock of Cabinet Maker Findings, af their old aland Vo. 83 SotiA Second Street, below Chestnut, I'lil'tatlclpliia. They have associated with llu-m W. S. Brown who has been for many vears oneaged in the ptincipal establishment of the kind in this city The stock of Goods now on hand comprises every description of tnatersuls used by Cabinet Makers, consisting in part ot the following, viz; Hardware department Locks, Hinges, Screws Castors, iJi-il Screws, Chair and Sofa Springs, Collin Handlca. cVc. Cabinet Maker's Materials, Hair Soating, Curled Huir, Looking Ghisa I'lalcs and Frames, Glue, Varnish, Sand Paper, J3urlu,p, ilack and Fancy Silk and Worsted Gimp, Sola and Chair Webbing. Twine, Sacking lioltoms. i.'osewood, Mahogany, Walnut anJ Maple Knobs, Glass Screws, &c. Dcdding Department, Hair, II usk, Moss, Wool and Cotton Mattresses. Feather Bia, Uolslers and Pillows ; Plush, Damask and Moreen Cush ions Comfortables, Counterpanes, Linen and Cotton Shecls, Pillow Cases, Linen and Cotton Towels. Table Cloths, Table Linen, Table Cov ers, Moreen. Deinask and Plush by the piece, Mosa und Husk by. the bale or pound. The Hair Seating and Curled Hair is from the Phila. Manufactory of D. cV J. Nublit. N. I). Hotels, Steam Deals and Ships fur nished at the shortcut notice. NOB LIT, I5KOVVN & NOULIT, 83 .SmiM 2nrf .S'C, btloiv Chestnut. (Nearly opposite Hank of Pennsylvania.) Philadelphia. August 0. 1HSH ly PHILIP S. FTODT. Wlint.tSAI.IS AND 1IKTAIL Grocery, Viuo and Liquor Store, 5. Ii. cor. iri(ittf und Il'ttfcr Streets, PHILADKLrillA, DEALERM and families will be promptly supplied at the lowest prices, October 4 Iti.'U. tf LSODHEAL & ROBERTS, So. 135, X. 3d Street, Pill LAD i3 J. PHI A, INVITE the attention of country merchants and others, to Iheir stock ot BOOTS Sc SHOE?, which they will dispose of ou the moat reason able terms., I8M..- Iv FLA1TORM SCALES. cry description, suilublc for railroad lor wciijlurg Hay, Coal, Ure, and Mcrch.iiuli.--e generally. Purchasers run no risk every seals is guarantee,! correct, and if alter trial, not found sali-daclory can be lelurned with out charge, Factory at the Old ''tuiid, established fur mora than twenty years corner ofinlh and Melon streets, i'liiladi'lpbia. ABROTT 4: CO. Snecessora to Ellicott & Abbott. Tliilad Iphia, March 7, 1857. elm. IrluTPsPHT & EC01TS, UINtlliL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, and whulesale dealers in I itli! t lit'CfeC V I'roiisions No. 47 North V hurves, (below Race Street) PHILADELPHIA. Having constantly on hand a large assortment of Fish, Cheese and Provisions, which they are prepared to sell at the lowest possible rates, lV ORDERS promptly attended to. February I8A7. tin w3 New Goods for the People S 1SKXJ A 31 IN II KFKN K R UESPECTFl'LLY informs the public in gen eral that he bus just received and opened a splendid stuck of FALL AMI WlNTElt ("00U8. at his New ctore, in Lower Augusta township His stock cini.siilH in part or Clotlis, Ca36iaier3, Cassineti. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO: C'allrocN, CalnglianiN, Lnvrav, AlttiiNNt lliic De L.ulueti und all kinds of Ladies Dress lioods. ;rofi Ion, Also aii asdortineut of II; nl wnre, Iron and Steel, Kails, &s. Also an excellent assortment of QUEEKSWARE, of various iyle and nuileins. Also an assortment of HOOT. Sl SHOES HATS & CAPS, a good selection. Salt, Fish, tsc And a great variety of other articles auch aa are suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. XiT Country produce taken in exchange the highest prices. Lnwer Augusta, Nev. S3 $h&. Cheap "Watches tSjJewelrt 1VTIIOLK8ALE and Retail, at the "Philadel " phia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. 88 North second Eitrect, corner or yuarry, PHILADELPHIA. Gold Lever Watches, full jeweled, IK carat eases, 38,09 GnU Lepine fa. Jl.ti Knie Mlver t(iettacka. 1,60 rnlvsl latp. lull jrMfllid, i'i (ni.d Urui-t:a-ls, J, no Silver laivsr, ful' jcvi'il 1'i ! iidies' Goid Pencils, 1.00 rtiiiicuoj ijuartmrs, 7 (Silver Toa spoous, set, f,VU (i.ikt SwUulea, 7.ISI Gold I'eiat, wau Psi?il ami Oliver Iinldar, 1,00 Gold Finger Kings, 371 cents to $80; Watch Classes, plum, 11 J cents; Pateut, ISj; Lunet, 85 ; other articles in projiorlion. All gooda war ranted to be what they are sold for. STALFFEK & HARLEY. On hand, aome Gold and Silver Levers and lpinss, still than the above prices. iKrt. 4, 1SW. r. A MARVELLOUS REMEDY! FOR A MAUVULlrOIUS AGE! I HOLLOW AY'S OINTMENT. TIIK (HIAND KXTKRF.AHBEMr.nV. Br tlie aid of a microsoitlie, we aee millions of 1'lfle openings on the surface of oar leslies. Turoesh these this Ointment, when ruMied on the tkin. it enrrird to snv organ or inward part. Disrates of the Kitliirrs. disorders of the l.tver, afTmioiie of the heart, Inflammation nt" tha l.uusa. Asthmas, rjonshanud Colds, arc bv its means effec tually cured. I'.very houto-wita knowa thnt snlt passes freely through Ixme or nient of any thickness. This heal- ing VMiiiuiem iiir luoro renuuy ncnetrstrs inroego any bone oi fleshy part of the living Irndy, curing tlie most dangerous inwaid eotaiHsiuts, that cannot be rsnrbol by outer mcana. GltVSIP E AS, 9AI.T RIII'.llM AND HCORBUTIC iiL-anu?. No remedy hB ever done so much for the core of di scuses of the Skiu whatever form they mny risrume, as tnit uintmciil. mo case ot rtalt Klieuni, wur ey, wire Heads, Scrofuln nu Krytipelns, esn long w-ltlistnud Its in fluence. The inveuloi has travelled river innny parts of globe, vititins. the principal hospitals, diapeinting thit viiifcniciii, ii iiik novice as 10 lis aapiicaiiuu, nuu nui thus been the mcetis of restoring countless numhers to netiiiu. SOKE I.f.CS, 80RK MltKASTS, WOUNDS AND iii,i;i'.it. rVime of the miiat seienttfte surirron snow rely eolcy on the use of this wonderful Ointment, when huving to eope with the worst ratrs of sores, wound, ulcers, glatt- iiuiur sweiuuiit, and tuniois. rroiesaor llollowtty nns, ny eotntiinnu ol tae Allied tiovcrtitneutt, uttpntehofl to the hospitals t if the Knst. luree sbipmrnts of tint oint ment, to tie used under the direction of the Medical StnrT, in the worst ensos id" wounds. It will cure anv ulcer glamlulnr swelling, stitfures or connection of the joints, even of 20 vunr.i st:initinc Tln'se siul oilier suuilur distressing complaints ran 1 efleetually cured if Ihr Ointment lie well ruldied over the prirts s(IV:r.tcd and hy otlierwiso following the priuted di rections around each pot. Both the iHntment and J 'ills should b used in the following cases : Ttrtnions T.unihsco Sore Legs Swelled Olands Hums Mcicilnnl Sore Itrruvts Stitf Joints Chapped Hands Kruptiotis Sure tlrmls I'lcers riultiljiiits Piies S ire Thr.iats Veuerenl Sores Fistulas Kheuntatism Siires of all Wounds of all Gout S.dt Kliruui kiuils kinds Skiu Diseases Sprains Scalds Sold at the almllctlrIel of Pn.frssorHoLi.nwiT SO Maiden Lane, New York, nnd tilt Strand, lindon. by sll respectable Drueeitts nud Dealers in Medicine through out the ruin d States, and the civilized woild, in boaes, at tto cents. fl-J cents, and if 1 each. W There la a considerable saving t y taking tha larger sins. N. II. Directions for the euidsncs of patients in every uisnruer are nmtro to encn boa. March 14S, INo. lyea EAKTHEBWAIttJ. r HE subscriber respectfully in'orms tha citi zens of Sunbury and the public generally, that he has commenced the manufacture of all kinds ef EARTHENWARE, at hie manufactory in Whortleberry Street, ene square east of the Kiver. He has engaged the services of Mr. Hanp. and you can therefore depend on having a good article. The public are respectfully invited to call. All ordera fioia a distance will be promptly attended te. P. M.8HIHDEL. Sunbury, Feb. S, 1-S8. tf VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. riHE subscribers, Eiecntors of the estate of L Henry MaBser, dee'd., offer nt private sale the following property viz : A large two story frame dwelling house, together with about 50 ACRES OF LAND, Situate in Lower Augusta township adjoining lands of Daniel Kaufman and others now in the occupancy of John K. Kaufman as a store and dwelling. 1 he house is new and the location a good one for buainem. Also a IRA CT OF I.I.ME8T0.F LAND. in said township on the river about 5 miles be low Sutihu.y, adjoining landsof J. T. M'Pherson and others, containing, about 90 acres. Tha soil is productive and contains liniestnn and other minerals. Also a tract of Land, containing about 35 acres on the hill, about two miles below Sunburv, adjoining lands of the heiia of the late John Conrad and others. There ia, on this tract, a small orchard of choice fruit. For further particulars apply te the subscribers. H.U. MASSKR, ) P. U. MASTER, VExeculora. FRANCIS UUCHER.) Sunbury, January 19, 1856 if j. ii. J i Mi: Justice of the Peace. MOUNT CAKMEL. Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. All business inoinptly attended to. Monies collected und all ordinary wri'ings dune- Mount Cannel, June 14, 1H.')6. ly AND WARRANTS. The highest price -will be given for Land Warrants by the aub- i riliei H. U MASSER. I'ai'Uicr of this Neighborhood. can supply ihsamlres for their SPRING CHOPM, wilh Leiuau'a Pure Done Dust, " Super Phosphate of Lime, at $10. per ton, " Nitrogeued 1'hoi.phate uf Lime at $50, " American li25, per ton. These Fertilizers are composed of reliable Chemical elements, abounding in Pot Ash. if.; they have have recited the Diplomas of Four States, to viz : New Jersey, New York, Penn sylvania and Delaware. Also, for sale GUANO, all kinds, Poudrette, Ac. Country Produce re ceived in payment fi r the above, at market rate, or Drufta ou good houses, or Cash registered with ordeis, promptly attended lo. GEO. A. LEINAU. Proprietor, "New Fire Proof Store," No I Mouth Front St., Philadelphia City, Pa. February 2S, luftir 4m w vktku f.; RESPECTFULLY informs hi friends, and the public generally, that he haa just receiv ed a New Stock of GOODS, at his new store, at David Miller' Mill, in Lower Augusta Town ship, and that Le is prepared to aell good at the lowest pricea. 11 ia htock consists in part nt FALL &. WINTER OOODV Groceries, Queensware, Hardware, te., and every variety usually kept in oountry Store. Trevorton price paid for all kind of produce. Lower Augusta twp, Dec. 27, leli6. tf HIATENT BRITTAN1A 8TOPPERS fo I bar bottles for sale by H. B MAUSER. Hunburv. Jul' 19. I-. BURNING Fluid, Campbene, fluid Wick and Lamp, for sale by j. r.&i. r. kline. Klines Grove, Nor. i, 18.r)fi tf FOR IIEISTX. rilHE Store Room in Market street, occupied 1 by P. W. Gray and the dwelling house ad joining. Apply to the executor of U. Masser, deceased. January. IT. ISS7. AMERICAN HOUSE, WILLIAMS P0 RT, P.1, J. II. KISLTOY. I'roni telor. Jai. T. IUi.u Aaa't. Sept. 13. 1856. tf 1L'RE OLIVE OIL for table uso.- twe mta at 37J and C'.'J cents jutl received bv A. W. FISHER, March 14, '8T. stationery. A large supply of fancy Note Paper end Envelope, Mourning, Letter, and Cap Paper, Pen Iuk, Send, Ac. at March 1 1, i7. A. W. FJVHKJl'S Shtmokin Wlite Aih Anthmcit CoaL. Vom M "Old Vein" in tht CapColliery. ' T H. ZIMMERMAN & JNO. P. PL'RSEL, successors to Kane, Heed A Co., will con tiuue mining, shipping and selling coal from the above well known Colliery, under the firm of Zimmerman Pursel. The point of shipment ia at the lower wharf in Suubury, Northumber land county, Pa., where all orders fur the various kinds of coal, via t Lump, broken, Erg. Hove, and mestnut Coal, will be thankfully reeeivetl and promptly attended to. HuDbary, July H, 1BS5, Susbi'it, Jolt I, I9.V The flrm of Kase. Heed 4- Co. having sold their lease in the Gap Colliery and interest in tlie wharf at Sunbury, lo Messrs. Zimmerman el Pursel, would take great pleasure in recommend ing our customers and others ti the new firm, aa they will be able to sell them prepared ceal ef the best quality, KASE, RFED& CO. AKDWARE.-Table Cutlery, Rsr.o';. Pock et Knives, Hand aawa' W ood auwa in frnniea. Ales, Chisels, Door Locks, nnd Hinges, Hand Bella, V altera, 4 e., just received and fy "le by I. W. TEN ER 4 CO. Suubury Dee. t, lR.ri4. HAYDOCK & FIEDLER, TAEALERS in Watches and Jewelry, wilt continue the business at the old stand a James 1). Fidler, Ai. 12 South Second Strut, rtiiLADKI.I'lll., Where they in examination ol their hi' fr aud varied stock, feeling etwured that the enie rience both of them have had in the bm-iueas. and the facilities they possess for idocurinc goods on the most advantageous tot ma, will ens hie them to compete lavorahly with any olhe' establishment in the city. They have new. on hand a line assortment of WATCIIES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, Silver, Plated aud Uiiltaiua Ware, lumr- . Fancy Goods, &c, Ac, ' ' N. 11. Kei airing of Y ntchea and all kim e ef Jewelry attended te with promptness anu the greatest care. Phila., April 7, 1855. tf. TO COAL DEALERS. ' AMMERMAN & WEITZEL E.SPFCTFL'I.LV iulorm the public that they have lessed the new colliery, called ths Lambert colliery, and are ready tu deliver al of superior quality, and ol a variety uf sixes preps red en their new coal oreaker. All orders prompt. attended to by addressing tht firm, Uir at Sunbury or Shamokin. Suatiurr, June 30, 18.13. AltKX. tMI Iil A StiA, vtavraCTcasas or TPsUNKS, VALISES, 40., US Chesnut Street, front oj Jones' Hotel, -Ysn riiILAbi:L,HiA- Sbrtv-r-r? HA on hand the eU.sit, saj WW I 111 1 best assortment ef TRUNKS & CARPET BAGS, EVER OFFERED TO THE FI BLIC. Sole Leather, Holid Riveted. Iron Frame. L-e K eund Travellidg Trunks; Packing, de. Vain.; Ladies' Bonnet Cases; Carpet Baas, S .tele's, Ac. by the quantity or single article, lower this can be hnuirhl at any other plate in the city. v July , t56. ' WHITE HOUSE HOTEL. POTTMVILLE. PA. ' I 'HE subscriber respectfully announce te Vis old friends and the public, that he has A that old and well known establishment, the White Horse Hotel. At the corner of Centre aud Mahantoge sts , m the Borough of Pottsville. The house has re cently bren very much enlsrgej and otherwise improved, rendering it quite as comfortable i.t any ether Hotel in Schuylkill rouuty wb the stables are large, in good cor Jiltoti, snd it tend by careful, attentive, pruder.t hostlers. To travellers and others who u.a slop at l is house, he promises every attention cslcuiated render them comfortsble aud satisfied. iOH. M. FKOER. April S, 183r.- if HENRY TONNEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ojjict opposite tht Cturt House, Sunbury, Northumberland County Pia rrempt alteutien te bueiaeas in adjoiui.ig .eunties. EAGLE HOTIjI., OPPOHTK WK.STBKANCH BANK. WILLIAMtlPORT, FA.., 1XL.1 M II. IIH. l'iirUtirr. C. A. MraiKS, Assistant. N. B. ti lliunibus will run In and frora -.a Depot and Packet Lauoings, to tkis hotel, tie of charge. Meptember IS. llfll. af DANVIILS HOTEL. JOIIInT ideejst, jh., Market Street, Vamille, 'a, ri'HIS is one of the largest and most cetn ae .L Oious hotels in the interior ol Prims) 1 aaia il has been restnUy tilled up, lit eicvUsut sl s, wilh all the uioderu csuveinsnces. Danville J, Heit. 23, lrtio. YII.ES for Machinists, carpenters, &c., to., - Ueatty' edge to jIs. planes and I -such screws for sale bi K. V. UK1GUT W b). Nov. 29, I8AS .4 RN OLD'S WRITING FLUID aud Adb. live and legal envelopes, fur sal by H. B. MAJtHh'H. unbuTv. Un 16. Itl.tll. Fairbanks' Platform and Counter Scales foi salary E. V. BRIGHT & XUN. Nov. SI, I5el. n A M, Bhoulders. Cheese. Mackarel, l .it Halmon and fait for tale bv M i. 'Afi F.. Y. BRIGHT 4 SO.. QEOKOE SCHALL & CO. MtMUlllKllt or BLASTINO POWDER. Mt. Carmel, Northumberland County, I'u. May 10. I8A6 mmriLEVa COVUII CMNDY. Au eel at this nrfi.e. C'erenilasr 4. I 1JLANK Parchment Paper Deeds and blank Mortgages, Bonds, Etecutious. Summon Ac, for sale b H. B. MAK-tv Sunbury Ann Iti, tHisg STOVES- YOR SALE an eieellent second hsnd ( k aV ing Stove, also several Cyliinlr 1,'oal Mloes. Emtuire at this liii ti 1ILANKS. BLANKS o every ilesrrmtinn cast he had W api in at thenlfir of Ike Amsarts C"1 OLD PENS with and without eases, ef a H very urior quality, just received. Also a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, for sal H. U. MAHSLX. Sunhurr, Dee. S7. IRJ8- QEDARWARE, Hollow-ware. G.-ware. and a larje stock ef Qorenwar embrccing tha newest ratterna, fur sal b NneSSA. rj. y. BRIGHT A RUN. CJ1LVER WATCHES.-A lew ,'ouhl. ce' English Silver Watche. for sale at ery leasr prk-e ley H. 8 MArWlfK. i,Wry A j ell !?, ltV'.