ED. V. BRIGHT & SON, , HAVE JU8T RECEIVED A LAK&E SlPrLY OF 'Dry GooiU, Heady lundc Clothing, Hoof nntl Shoes. Hard ware, Groceries, flasst lucenwarc, Ax., Among our present Stock may be found French Lawns, Poplins, Fancy Silks, Plaid Ducal, Tissues, Beregca, Debeges, Chiilli, Black Silks, Alpacca, Ginghams, Swiss Mull, Tarlton, Cambria.. Nsin ouk, Urillianta, Dimity, Book Meslin, Bobinett Collar, Swiss Flouncing, Inserting, Laces, Rib tons, Hosiery, and general assortment of FANCY GOODS. SEAVL3,-3EAWLS,-5EAWL3,- Rrdtracing the moat beautiful styles, all qualities and prices. Domestic Goods, Windsor Shades, Oil Cloths and Carpets. Summer Goods for gents wear of every variety. Hardware embracing all kinds of building material, Carpenters Tools of the bast manufacture, Files of every descrip tion, Cutlery, tShoe findings, Lasts, 4c. rormer efforts iurpftsscd In Quantify and Quality. In addition to our former Stnif Room, we have fitted up the second stiry of our establiahment which you will find well stocked with iira.ly Made Clothing, Boots and 8hoes combining beauty durability and cheapness. W e shall continue to receive Goods Semi Monthly, thus rendering our assortment at all times complete, another tnducement t all who wish to purchaao. NEW GOODS AT LOW PRICES . We return our thanks to the public for their liberal patronage, and respectfully invite an inspec tion of our Goods, as we deem it a pleasure to wait on all who may favor us with a call. COUNTRY PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANOK. q q q q q Bar Iron, Steel, Hails, Picks, Grub Hoes, unnasiones, uiass, ramus, uuj, xisii, o&u Sunbury, Way 8", 1857. tf ORPHAN'S COURT SALE. IN pursuanco of an order of the Orphan's Court of Northumberland county, will be exposed to public sale on SATURDAY the Ctli of J UN F, next, at the house of Michael H'ilvert in the borough of Kunbury, the following de scribed personal property to wit : The undivi ded moiety or half part of a certain "LAND WARRANT," numbered fifty-sight thousand four hundred and twenty-five, (No. 68,425.) the state of Thomas Hower. a minor child of George Bo er, deceased. ale t( commence at 10 o'clock A. M., of said day when the terms of sale will be made known by MICH 4EL W1LVERT. By or order of the Court. 1 C. it. Pi-hski.. ( Ik. O. C Sunbury, May 53, 1857. ) By or order of the Court. ) Guardian SHERIFF SALES. By virtue of n-certoin writ of Lev. Fa. to me directed, will he Bold on THURSDAY, the 25th of June next, at 10 o'clock, A. M.,at the Court House, in Siunbury, a certain tract of land, known us the Scott furm, situate partly in the borough of Sunbury, und partly n the township of Upper Augusta, in the County of Northumberland, and bounded and described iia follow?, to wit : Beginning at a poit on the eastern shore of the Susquehanna Hirer, at the low water mark, in liue of land Into of Samuel Hunter, dee'd., thence by said liun of low water mark, south 13 decrees and 1 minute, west 1368 feet to a post; thence by land late of Win. L. Dewart, south 67 degs. 15 minutes east 1072 feet nnd five tenths to a post; thence by the same south 22 degs. 45 minutes wtst4M) feet and five tenths of a foot to a post; thence by land late of Charles . Donnel and others; south sixty-live degs. fifteen minutes eust 27M feet to a post io the lino of the land oT John ). Yotmgnian, thence by the same land north 24 degs. 45 minutes east 524 feet and fire tenths to a jwt; thence by the same south 05 degs. 15 Uiiuuteg east 490 feet to a post in the centre of the Cuttuwissn road; thence along the centra of said road, north 41 degs. 45 minutes iast SIS feet to a post in line of land late of Samuel Hunter; thence by the same, north CO deg.. 30 minutes west 430") feet to the place of b'ginnintr, containing 140 acres more or "ss, being the same premises which Charles Unbin and Sarah his wife, und Susan Scott, convoyed to David Longenecker, tog-ther with all and singular the buildings, improve ments, appurtenances, fcc. .Seized, taken, into execution, and to be lold as thu property of David Longenecker. with notice to the Sunbury Canal and Water hower Company, tor tenants, and all other term tenants. ALSO: - . lly virtue of a certain writ of Vs EiMma to me directed, will be exposed to public mste, at The Court House in kunbury, on Saturday the I3ih day of June, at 10 o'clock A. M., the ful lewing described prspcrty to wit : Thu-e contiguous lots of ground, situats in the town of Miamokin in Coal township, Northum berland coHnty, and marked in the general plan of said town Nos. 3S, 239 and 140 on one of which to Hit, 2:;S. there is a frame dwelling house. Also, The undivided one-third part of a cer tain tract of land, situate in Coal township foresaid, adjoining lands surveyed in the name of Kslhcr Kremer on the west ; John Carson on lhe north; Andrew Russell on the rastsrid Luke Hoglin cn the south; containing in the whole JS acres more or less, on which is erected 4 dsuble frame dwelling houses, a rchool house, arc. Seized taken in eiecution, and t be sold as the propeity of J. B. Musscr. ALSO. A t the same time and plneo, hy writ of Yek. Exponas to me directed, will he exposed to puMie. sale, the following described property to wit : All the defendant's interest being the nndivideo third part of all that certain tract ot land, situate in Coal township, Nor thumberland county, adjoining lands. surveyed in the name of Esther K vomer on the west : John Carsou on the north ; Andrew Kussell on the east and Luke Hoglin on tho inntb. fontuining in the whole nine-eight acres more or less, on which is erected four double frame tlwellin houses, a school house, ire. Al.o, Hy virtue of this writ on Fi. Fi. No. 29, to same term upon three conti ft ii on j lots of ground, situate in the town of Shamokiu in Coal township, aforesaid, and m il ked in the genera! plan of said town Nos 2.J9, anil Jul on one of which to wit No 23rt, theM is a frame dwelling house. Srtizotl taken in execution and to lit sold the property of J. B. Masser. ALSO: uy virtue of a certain writ of Ft. F. te me directed, will ls exposed to public sale, at the Court House in Sunburv, on Saturday the nth day of June, at 10 o'clock A. M., the following - Jescnheil property to wit : Three contiguous lots of ground, situate in the town of Trevorton. Zerbc township, Nortl.umber land county bounded by Shamokin street, on the Jiorth hy lot of John Weaver, formerly Urr.nnu el Kaufman, on the east, an alley on the south and lot of Edward Helfenslein on the west, being twenty-eve feel each in front and I.10 feet in depth. Whereon are erected a two story frame Dwelling House and basement, s Blacksmith- shop snd a frame stable, well of water eVe. re'ued taken in ex eution, and to be sold as Ike reprty of Michael Werlman. II. WKI8B, Shirif. Sheriff Office, ) fUtibury, May 16, 185". f NOTICE. TS hereby, given to the stockholders of the Sha niuk m fetus iu retry and l cw-tioat Company mat ny a resolution ot the directors, iney are required te pay to the Treasurer of said Com a ny, at the olfice of the company in Sunbury Pa. the amount due upon their subscription to the cspital stock necessary to bring he amount paid in equal to 50 per cent, on the original suhsenp. tiou. en or before the 30th dav of June A. D. 1857, and that in case of default the stock of the defaulter will be forfeited, according to the pro visions ui tne Act ot Assembly. HENRY DONNEL See'y Office of the H. 8. F. 4 T. U. Co. Bunhury, May I6ih 1857 lu 1 New DriiKN, I'uIdis, &c. J&vv supply ef llrug,, p,jllU, Gif luiJ, Sc., just received and for sale by , A. W. riMIER. Ruubury, May S, 1857. BROWN'S and Breinin's Esssnce of Gingar nd Husbsnd's Msgneris at L,r :h 11, 'H7. rPirElt ri q q q q q q q Mason Hammers, Mill Saws, Window Sash, i,uetBe, meat, so., always on nana. E. Y. BRIGHT & SON. IMMENSE EXCITEMENT ! ! devolution in the Dry Goods Business ! ! ! J. F. & I. F. KLINE, Respectfully announce to their fricads and the public in general that they have received at their Store in Upper Augusta township, Northumber land county Pa., at Klinee firove their Spring and Summer GOODS, and opened to the public a general assortment of merchandize See. Consisting in part of Cloths, black and fancy Cas' triers, Satinetts, Checks, Kentucky Jeans together with a general assortment of Spring and Summer Uoods adapted to all classes of per sons. Ready made Clothing, consisting of Ceats and Vests. Ladies Dress Goods, Sumtrer Hliawls, Ginghams, Lawns, Ducals, Calicoes, black Silka Vc. Also a fresh supply of Drugs aad Medicines, Groceries J c., of all kinds. . A new supply of Hardware, Queensware, wooden ware llrooma $ c. A large assortment of Roots an J Shoes suita ble for men women snd children. IIAT8 AND CAPS. School Books, Stationery, Envelopes, Ink, Ac. Fish tun Silt. And all goods usually kept in a country store. Come and see, Come one, come all. The putilie are respectfully Invited to call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. All of the above named stock of goods will be sold positively at low prices for cash, or in ex change for country produce at the highest mar- et price. I haukful for past favors we hope by strict attention to business to merit a continuance of the same. Kline's Grove, Pa., May 16, 167 tf ORPHANS' COURT SALE. S pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court o: Northumberland county, will be exposed to public sale, on SA I bUDAY, the Uth daxi nf Jum, next. on the premises, the following described real estate to wit: A certain tract or piece of .AND, in good cultivation and well timber ed, situated in Sbamokia township. Northnm erlaud county, adjoining lauds of Jas. Yo cum, John Repley, tho centre turnpike, Sam uel John, bolomoti l agelv, 11. 1,. ilartz, and John Fisher, containing sixty-six acres und nity-two perches, and ullowance more or less, whicn are erected two good l'wolling looses, a good Barn, a wagon bouse, two ummcr Houses in one of which is a fountain of never failing water, also an Ice lloupe, a urding hulling Mill, a Clover Mill to which are attached lath an I ilitngle saws (good water power) and other outbuildings, nd also an interest for the term of uinety- nin years, from the 6th day of i ebruary, 1838, in a certain tract of Land adjoining the bove piece, for mill-rare. 1 he above des cribed property, late the estate of David Murtx, dee'd., is in first rate condition and ertuate within a few miles distance of the f the town of Shamokin the head of the best Market in the county. Sale to commence at I o clock, A. M of said day, when the errus of sale will be made known by UKMix H. MAltTZ, AiiBVr. Ft erder of the ourt, C. U. I'ursel, Clk. O.C. May 9, 1857. J NEW VARIETY AND NOTION STORE Market Strett 4 Joort East nf Chat. Hearer' Hotel, Sunbury, I'enn'a. MRS. M. A. FUNK, has just opened a lot of Perfumery Fancy Articles. Ac., fer ladies nd gentlemen, consisting of Hosiery for ladies, gents and children. Embroidery and embroide ry floss, worsted perforated paper and canvass. Tidy and darning Cotton, Gloves of all sizes. Ivotc Paper and Envelopes, Ladies and Gents toilet articles, racings and Ribbons for Ilonuets, Wu It bone and Iirusa Hoops, oc. A c, oVc. Call and Sec. A part of the Heuse for RENT. Kunbury, May 9, 1857. 3t STOKE. JllISS LOUISA SH1SSLEH, respectfully in-"-1 forma the citizena of Trevorton and aur- roumttrg county, that she has opened a new store of Millinery and Fancy Goods, at Trevor ton in Shamokin street, nearly opposite Knousv's I avern, where all kinds of Uouuets and Fancy Goods can be had at the lowest terms. Dress making slso attended to ia the best manner and latest style. April 35, 1857. tf Saddle and Harnoss Maker. HENRY HAUPT, JR. Succetsor to A. J. Stroh, KESECTFULLY informs ib ritivAlls nf HnnhiiM n.lKan..U -ykilic generally, that he has taken j the establishment lately occuuied A. J Stroll and is preps red to turn cut work in is line of business equal to any made in this section of the country. Orders promptly execu ted and all kinds nf produce taken in Exchange nunuury, May w, 1H57. ly A Hell Whose sands of I covered while i I cure fur Consun Retired Physician life have nearly run eu(, dis til the bast Indies, a certain mntion. Asthma, bronchitis. Coughs, Colds, and General Dehillity. The remedy was discovered by him when bis only child, a daughter, was given up to die. Wish ing to do as much good as possible, he will send to such of his afflicted fellow-being as request it, mis recipe, wi)n mil and explicit dliections tor making it up and successfully using it. He re quires each applicant to enclose him one shilling three cents te be returned as postage on the recipe, and the remainder to be applied to t payment of this advertisement. Adress I dress id street, I Dr. H. JAMES, No. 19 Grand Jsrsey City, H April I, 181T 1 NOTICE. ALL persons knowing themselves indebted to the subscriber are hereby notified that Iho Books &e.,re in the heads of Esquire Shindel. Ar sons wishing to psy their accounts without addi tional costs will call at tia office and settle. W. A. lilil'NER, Msy 18. 1867 1 YDROLEUM PAINTS. These paints sre A mixed with water, thereby saving the cost of oil, for sals by Msrch 14, 'HZ. A. W. rifiHETt. BY virtue of a certain writ af Levsri Fsclss to me dirscted, will be exposed to sale at the Court House, in Sunbury, en Saturday, the 6th day of June next, at SJ e'clock, A. M., the following described property, to wif: The undivided one third part of a tract of Land, in Coal township, Northumberland county surveyed in the nnmi of Luke Fidlef, adjoining lands surveyed in the name of John Brady, Sam uel Witheral, William Lambert and others con taining in the whole 650 acres, more or less, on which said tract of land containing five hundred and fifty acres, are erected two double frame houses, two single log bouses, one blacksmith shop, a atablo, two coal shantiss and drilt rail road, and on which is now opened aud working a vein of coal. ALSO: The undivided one third part of the surface right upon all that certain tract of land situate in Coal township aforesaid, beginning at a post or corner of land of the Luke Fidler and and John Brady, thence north 79 degrees, 67 minutes east 3241 fcot to a whiteoak stump; thence north 74 degrees and 43 minutes east J 355 feet to a stone ; thence south 78 degrees and 14 minrCl east 1 1 18 feet to a stone, thence south 41 minutes fast 646 feet to stone in the centre line of the PhilaJ?luhia and SunWury Railroad ; thence slong said lino noith 8? degrees and 18 minutes, west 8457 fret to a stone ; thence south 7 degrees and 4 J minutes, west 190) feet to a stone; thence north 83 degrees an 1 18 minutes west 1910 feet to a post ; thence north 70 degrees aud 30 minutes west 4-i2j feet te a post ; tliei ce north 65 degrees and 30 min utes, west 45 feet to a post ; thence north 25 degrees and 5 minutes east 339 J feet to a post ; thence south 66 degrees and 41 minutes east 187 feet to a post on the line of land uf John Brady; thence along said line south 65 degrees and 36 minutes east 614) leet to the place af beginning, containing 60 acreas and 25 perches, strict mea sure, being part of a larger tract of land survey ed in the name of Samuel Witheral, on which said tract, of land containing GO acres and 85 pereVs, are erected two coal breakers and lateral railroads. The said undivided one-third part of the said tract of Und, containing five hundred and fifty acres, and the said undivided one-third part of the surface right of the said tract of land containing 60 acres and S5 perches are held, used and enjoyed, and will be sold together. ALO : All that certain tract of Land, situ ate in Coal township aforesaid, beginning at a pine stump, corner of land surveyed in the name of George Sbeetz, and on line or land surveyed to Jeremiah Paul, thence north 67 degrees 3S minutes esst 4-t6 feet to a maple stump ; thence south 23 degrees 19 minutes east 1 107 feet to a stone; thence north Gli degrees 20 minutes east 1320 feet to a fallen pine in lino of land survey ed te Robert Irwin; thence south 49 degrees 45 minutes east 1242 feet to a stone ; thence south 70 degrees 21 minutes east 1240 feet to a post and stoi.o corner of land of James Dundus ; thence by the last mentioned land south 25 do grecs 13 minutes eust 1800 feet to a small oak ; thence south 67 drgreess 3D mif.utes nest 2516 feet to a post and stone ; thence north 22 degrees 30 minutes west 2076 feet to a post and stones in line of land surveyed to George Sheets ; thence north 65 degroes 30 minutes east 1020 feet to a red oak : thence north 24 degrees 44 minutes west 2003 i feet to the place of beginning, con taining 147 acres and 120 perches strict measure being part of a large tract i-f land surveyed in pursuance of a warrant granted to Robert Cam plain. ALSO: Two full equal undivided third parts, to be parted snd divided, of and in all that certain tract or piece of land, situate ir. Coal township aforesaid, beginning at a gum tree in line of land surveyed to Isaac Miller and Law rence Lomison ; thence along the same and lands surveyed to William Gilbert north 7 degrees 67 minutes west 733 feet to a post and st.tncs ; thence south 63 desrees 34 minutes west 2319 feet to stones, south 7 degrees east 98J feet to stones, south 12 degrees east 31 4 J feel to stones in centre line of t'oe Green Ridge brnnch rail road ; thence along tho line of tho same south 35 degrees 2 minutes west 100 feet, south 30 de grees 32 minutes west 100 feet, south 26 degrees 2 minutes west 100 feel, south 21 degrees 32 minutes west 100 feet, south 17 degiees 2 min utes west 100 feet, south 13 degrees 32 minutes west 100 feet, south 9 degrees 2 minutes west 100 feet, south 4 degrees 32 minutes west 100 feel, south 2 minutes eu-t 100 feet, south 4 de grees 23 min. east 100 fret, south 9 dcgices58 min. esst 100 feet, south 14 degrees 23 minutes west 100 feet, thence along the line tho said Green Kidge branch railroad south 16 degrees 43 minutes east, 1608 feet to a pest thence north 84 degreess 36 minutes east 2770 feet to a cor ner in east branch of Chamokin Creek, thenco north 1 degree nine minutes east 464 foet to a dead white oak in the line of land surveyed to Lawrence Lomison, thence north 77 degrees 36 minutes east 1750 feet to stones, thence north 2 degrees 15 minutes cast 1664 feet to stones, thence north PS degrees west 2785 feet to the place of beginning, containing 320 acres and 24 perches, strict measure, surveved to alentitie Hrobst, together with the hereditaments and ap- purtinansi s. Seized taken in execution, and to be sold as the properly of William L Helfenstein. ALSO. By virtue of a certaiu writ of Vrn Er. Heal, to aia directed, will be exposed to sale, at the Court House, in Sunbury, on SATUR DAY, the fith day of June, at 10 o'clock A. M., the following described property to wit t AH the defendants interest, it being the nndivided two third parts of a tract of Land in Coal township, Northumberland county, surveyed in the name of Luke f iddler, ail joining lands surveyed in the name of John Hrady, tfamuel itberull, William Lambert and others, containing in the whole 540 acres more or his, on which is erected a Coa! Breaker and fixtures and on which ia now opened and working a vein of coal. Also, upon the undivided two-third parts of the surface right upon all that certaiu tract of l.uncl situate in Coal township aforesaid, be ginning at a post or corner of land of the Luke Fiddler and J ohn lirady, thence north seventy nine degrees, 57 minutes Lust 2241 feet to a whiteoak stump; thence north 74 degrees and 43 minutes Lust 1355 feel to astotie : thence south 73 degrees and 14 minutes east 1148 foot to a stone ; thenco south 41 minutes east 6 IG feet to a stotie in the centre lino of the Philadelphia 4 Sunbury Railroad ; thence along said line ortu bi degrees and 1ft mm utes ; West 2457 feet to stode ; tbence South 7 degrees and 42 miuutes ; West 190i feet to u stone ; thence North 82 degrees and 18 minutes West 1910 feet to a post ; thence North 70 degrees and 30 minutes West 4221 feet to a post thence North 55 de grees aud 30 minutes West 45 feet to post; thence North 25 degrees and 5 min minutes Kast 33'.)J feet to a point ; tbence South CO degrees and 41 miuutes Ka?t 167 feet to a post on the line of land of John Brady; tbence along said line South 55 degrees aud do minutes Kast CC41 fee to thu place of beginning. Containing 60 acres and 25 perches, strict measure. Being pari oi a lurger tract ot land surveyed tn th name of Samuel Witheral. Seized, taken into execution, and to be told as the property of m. L. ilelfeDstein ALSO, By virtue of a certain writ of Ven Ex. Real to me directed, will be exposed te sale, on tbo premises, on 1'UIUAY, the 5th duv of June, at it ociock, a. W., the tollowiu described property to wit: A certain trac or piece of land, situate in C'hillsquaqu towusbip, -Northumberland county : bounde on the N orth, South, Lust and West, by land of John Voris, containing 11 acreas, more or less, on which is erected a log house, one and a half stories high, witb small shop auacneu. Seized, taken into execution, and to sold as the properly of Henry Farnwalt, with uouce iu terre-tenants. HENRY WEISE, Sheriff. ShertU s urhce, Sunbury. May P, 1857. FOE SALE. AOood secend fcsnd Bufryv. Apply it this nftVf. FURNITURE! FURNITURE 1 1 the Largest stock ever offered in sunbury. Fatthlonable, CUeap and t'tcful THE subscriber, long established as a Cabinet and Chair Manufacturer in Sunbury, thank ful for past favors, solicits i continuance Of the public patronage. His stock ef Cabinet-V are, Chairs, aC, embrace EVER V VARIETV, I SEFTL AND OB HA. Ah RS4TAL in' housekeeping. It is unnecessary to enume rate, as anything that may be required in his line csn he had at moderate piices. Cheap for Cash, or Country Producotaken in exchange. Establishment South East Corner of 3farket Square, E7" These knowing themselves indebted to the subscriber would oblige him by msking pay ment. SEBASTIAN HAUPT. Sunbury, April 4, 1S67 tf P. MELAHCHTON SHINDEL, JUSTMIE OF THE PEACE, BUNBTJRY, FA. Office in Deer Street, immediately opposite the Public School House. All husii!f9 promptly attended to. Monies collected and all ordlitvy writings done. Sunbury, April 20. 1857. tf 1TE77" IvHLLIlTEP;?"' STORE. MlMS S ill All Dl.MlTZ, respectfully informs the citizens of Sunhury and sur rounding country, that she has opened a new Store of Millinery and Fancy Goods, at Sunbury, in Market street, neatly opposite Weaver's Hotel, whero all kinds of Uonuets and Fancy Goods can be had at the lowest terms. Sunbury, May it, 1857. 2m C. B2ElTZEPsT'3 usniiMti swn Retail BOOT STOEE, 40 South Fourth S.t, above Chesnnt, J'hil'a. OOTS, Shoes, Gaiters, Ac, promptly made to order in the very best style, and of the best material. Philadelphia, May 9,1857 Centre Turnpllie Koad. "tJOTICE is hereby given that an election for Managers and other oUkcrs of the Centre Turnpike Koad to serve for" the ensuing year will be held at the house of C. S. Drown, in Northumberland, on Monday the first day of une, next, between tho hours of 10 o clock A. M., snd 3 o'clock P. M. J. K. I'KIESTLEY, President. May S, 1857. te SPLENDID OFFERS FOR 1853 AND 1857 TOGETHER. UNLIKE the more ephemeral Magazines of the day, these Periodicals lose little by age. Hence a full year of the Nos. with no omissions, for 1856, may be regarded nearly as valuable as for IN5(. We propose to furnish the two years at the following Extremely low Rates, viz: For Blackwood's Magazine, 4 50 or any one Iteview, 4 00 or any two Heviews; 6 00 For 1! luck wood and one 7?eview, 7 00 or Blackwood and the two Heviews, 9 00 For three Reviews, 8 00 For Blackwood and three Reviews, 1 2 00 For the four Reviews, 1 1 00 For Ulackwood and the four Reviews, 14 00 To avoid fractions, $5 may be remitted for Blackwood, for which we will forward that work fr both years, post paid. IS. n. Ihe price in Ureat Urilain of the five Periodicals abeve named is about $;il per an- um. As e shall never sgain be likely to offer such inducements as those here presented. Now is the time to Subscribe ! ! N. B. Remittances must, in all cases.be msds irect to tho Publishers, for at these prices no commission can be allowed to Aaeuts. AJdress, LEONARD SCOTT Jk CO., No. S4 Gold-btreet, New York. April 4, 1857 tf SAAC 31. WILKKIiSOX, MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. Solas), DlvHii u ml Lounges) Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, BKMKFAST AND IMMNG TABLES nd also VENETIAN BLINLS, equal to rhila- uclphiu manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price CUPHOAHDS, WOUK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in this Hue of his business. TMTTC a,,l,arittr wannj-tftiHu .() thn atfntdi. x of the public to his large and splendid as sortment of every quality and price ef which cannot fail to recommend itself toevery ene who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stock to be had in the city. No effort is spared in tho manufacture of his ware, and the subscriber is determined to keep up with the many improvements winch are constantly being made. He also manufacture ail kinds and qualities of CIIATTiS, ncluding varieties never before te be had ir Sunbury, such as Mauooaxt, lines W'ilmt asn Ci'HLin Maple uhlcian ; ami Wimisoh CHAIliS, anii fanct IYano Stools, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. 1 he subscriber is determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can be entertained about the quality and tiuiMi of Ins waie and Chairs. These articles will be disposed of on as good terms as they can he purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in payment for work. XJT LNDK.KTAK.lMi. Having provided handsome Hsahsk, he is now prepared for I'lidcrtakinz, and attending funerals, in this vi cinity, or at any convenient distance from thii place. I IT 1 he Ware Koom ia in rawn Street, e ow Weaver's Hotel. IS.4 AC M. WILKERSON. Sunbury, April 1, 1857 tf. AUDITOK'S REPORT. Report or tub Ai'Mtobsop XoaTui'vcia- land CoruTT, roa tiik ikar, 1856. George Bright, Esq., Treasurer of Northum berland County, in account with tltt same. Da. To amount of outstanding tax for l555 aud previous years, 9,412 71 " amount of county tui assessed for 1856. 17,310 64 " amount of county, road aim school tax, for 1851 A 1855, 3,501 42 " cash received for jury funds, rent of Court House, o;c. 198 17 order given to George Kunts overpayment of State tax for 1850. ' 30 02 " order to D Buoy, overpayment of State-tax for 1850 30 81 " order to D M Swartz. over- payment of State tax for '55, 14 98 ' order to Ueo Kecler, overpay- nieut of State tax for 1655, 17 36 " order to M Bach man, overpay. g nient of State tax, '2 04 " order to 1) M Swartz, over- payment of State tax, 67 " order to P Hileman, overpay. tant of mflitta tax for IBS I. V00 '-' order to J Simpson, overpay ment of militia tax, 1 13 $30,621 45 C. By otitstanding County tax for 1850, and previous.'yeors, $12,111 97 " Exonorntions allowedcolluc- tors for '50, and previous, 598 80 " Commissions, do C43 70 M Cash paid on Commissioners orders issued in 1855, 3,499 22 " Cash paid on Commissioners orders issued in 185G, ' 13,305 55 " 1 reasurer s commission oil $16,804 77 at 2 per cent, " Cash paid Eastern I'enileiiti- ry, " Treasurer's commis.-iiiin on $119 12 nt 2 per cenl, " Treasurer's services for county " Balance duo tho County by the Treasure 420 119 2 3 12 97 25 108 C3 $30,821 45 George Dright. Esq., Treasurer of Northum berland County, in account with the same respecting State tax on real and personal property. s . tR. To amount Slate tax on real and personal estate, for 1853 aud previous ypars, as per Audi--tors' Report of 1855, 7,00G 00 " amount of Stnlo tax assessed for the tiso of the Common wealth for 185C, as per state ment of the county Commis sioners Glud with the 1 lea st', rer, amount of said tax received on unseated lands for 1855 and previous, Interest on D P Caul's du plicate for 1353, 17,164 47 1.S82 02 12 50 25,7C5 05 Cr. By cash paid State Treasurer on account of tax for 1856 and previous, ns per receipt dated July 22d and December 17th, $14,081 09 " Exonerations allowed Collec tors for '50 and previous 751 99 " Commission do 1,069 30 " Treasurer's commission on $14,71 09, at 1 per cent, 1 IG 81 " Outstanding tax lor 1856, and previous years, 7,503 05 " Five per cent abatement on State tax for 1856, 578 94 " Balance due the Common wealth by the county Treus'r, 1,033 81 $25,705 05 George Bright. Esq., Treasurer of Northum berland county, in account v ith the same, respecting 'J avern, Distillery, and Eating House Licences, J-c. To amount of Tavern licenses grunted by the court of Quar ter Sessions for 1856. 1,350 00 " Licenses granted, January, 1856, for selling liquor, 30 00 " amount of Retailers license for 1850, 1.00G 15 " Eat inir house and Restaurant license for 1856. 110 00 " Distillers, Brewers, ke, 200 00 " Billiard Tables, and places of amusement, 55 00 " Lumber and Coal, 15 50 " Balance due Treasurer, 10 32 $2,806 97 Cr. By cash paid State Treasurer as per receipt dated May 20tb, 1856, " Cush paid State Treasurer as pur receipt dated Duceuibor 17th, 150, " Cash paid J G & A A Young man for publishing Mercantile Appraisers list, " C'abli paid C U Bachman for same, " Treasurer's commission on $2- 63 1 50 at 6 per cent, " Exonoruliutis allowed, 1,491 50 1,110 00 15 00 H 90 131 00 14 00 2,80G 97 George Ih iglit, Esq , Treasurer of Northum berland t.uunty, iti ciccouiif u'tfa (Vie icime respecting Militia Fiats. Dr. To uni'innt of said flues outstand ing fur '55 und previous $1,673 06 amount of militia fines asses sed for 1650, 97G 00 82,649 96 Cr. By amount of said suid fines re maining uncollected lor lSob aud previous years, " Exonerations allowed collec tors fur '56 and previous, Fivo per cent, commission al lowed collectors for 1356 and previous years on 93'i 80, " amount paid county Coininis sioneis lor tune occupied in military business iu 1855, " amount paid for books and sta tionary used by Commission ers for military purposes in 1855, 1,200 77 32 51 46 64 IS 00 8 00 Outstanding 'J'axes for 1856 onrf previous years, cn the Zst Dectmler, 1S56. Xames of Collectors, Townships, Year, County, tr'tate, Militia. Jacob Bingeman, Lower Mabanoy, 1851 $6 t)0 Wm B Irwin, Delaware, 1H53 $82 13 29S 04 0! 50 tJames Beard, Delaware, 1654 17 10 Murtiu Uachman, Lower Muhanoy, " 44 50 t James Kckbort, Milton, " 32 50 Michael Keefur, Up tier Augusts, ' 16 50 John Simpson, Chilisqtiaiiue, 1855 470 5B 4?9 17 36 72 tJames Beard, Delaware " 224 78 19 95 N S Drumhellor, Jackson, " 17 97 67 02 39 00 t Martin Bachman Ia er Mahanoy " 218 65 59 87 James Eckbert, MiK . " 201 09 263 49 S3 50 A J Conrad, Zerbt " 17 73 ly 00 J Dunkelbergor, Littlo Mahanoy " 114 52 t James Lynn, Shamokin, " 219 i.Q tE Eisenhart, Coul, 1S5C 6.10 19 321 . It 97 50 fJ Boyer Cameron " 192 10 117 80 IS 50 tD W Haas, Chilisquatiua " 920 55 524 40 51 50 tC Bomboy, Delaware " 1,307 IS 672 51 47 50 B Kniss, Jackson, " 209 99 73 24 9 On j tD M Swartz, Jordan " 309 0 26 43 36" 50 1 tD Stahlnecker, Lewis " 859 59 354 OA C9 50 j tJ K Clark, Lower Augusta ' 762 71 292 17 f 3 50 1 tJaeob Uarman, Lower Mahanoy " 573 02 46 69 Ct 50 ! tJ Baker, Littlo Mahanoy 84 81 3t 18 6 50 tJ llopcudoebler, Milton " 402 23 22 77 66 00 tl A Kecler, MtCarmel, " 664 71 574 26 46 50 t.I Bloom, Northumberland, " 25 80 217 15 28 50 tJ Miller, Point, " CS1 14 43S 16 24 50 i Win Johnson, Hush, " S59 934 19 03 26 00 tSamuel Hales, Shamokin, ' 215 29 54 80 19 5u tPetei I'ursel, Sunbury, " 521 24 319 44 39 50 tJ U Bigle, Turbut, 1,931 69 269 12 37 50 .l Eekuiuu, Upper Augusta, " 199.10 232 05 21 50 til Haas, Upper Mahanoy, ' 206 63 264 19 22 50 Solomon Dillman, Washington, " 67 00 12 87 24 00 t-M K Manly, Zerbo, ' 654 34 526 34 57 00 Those Collectors marked with a () havo lave since paid in part aud many nearly all. We the nudersigued. Auditors of North mberland county, in the Commonwealth of I'enusylvanla, do certify, that iu pursnauce of the 4th section cf an Act. entitled, an Act ,'reguluting counties and townships, passed the lath day of April, 1634, we met at the Com missioner's Olnce, in tho borough of Sunbury on the 5th day of January, aud adjourned from time to time, and did audit and settle the several accounts, required of us agreea- , bU to the never! Acts of Assembly, nud sup- amount pnid county Commis sioners for time occupied id military business in 1856, " amount paid fn books and stationary nsd by Commis sioners in military business in 1850, " amount paid assessors for as sesaiug and furnishing lists of delinquent militia men, '' amount paid J. II. Zimmer. man, Brigado Iuspcctor, for Inspecting Companies a'ld publishing Brigade Orders, " amount paid Cadwallader Infantry for 185S " do dor for 185G " Amount pnid Mahanoy (Junrda for 1855 ' do do for 1856 " amount paid National Guards for 1855, " Amount paid Wcppinville Cavalry lor 1852 " do do for 1853 " Treasurer's commission on $533 40 at 1 per cent; " Balance due the Common wealth by cotiuly Trons't-. 13 00 8 00 26 70 61 50 75 00 73 00 60 00 00 00 75 00 60 00 50 00 5 33 173 51 $2,019 96 Expenditure! of Norlh'd county for 135C. Viows of roads, bridges, &c, $281 00 Building and repairing bridges, 1,081 39 Grand, Traverse, l'etit, and Spe cial Jurors' pay, 2,24.") CO Sheriffs Fees, 440 18 Fox Scalps, 38 15 Court Crier's pay; 118 62 Assessors' pay, 380 87 I'rothonotary's Fees, 330 06 Constables' pay for different ser vices, 336 Commonwealth coste, 312 Election officers' pay, 1,007 CO 138 C3J r,i' Mntionnrv, 21 1 !) Public Buildings, 184 93 Prison Kxpeu.sts, 34 00 Refunding, 157 85 Damages fur Roads, 989 75 Fuel, 93 75 Prosecuting Attorney; 107 00 Incidental Expenses, 100 03 Auditors' pny for auditing ac counts for 1855, 72 00 Vm Rockefeller for andititig pub lic account, 25 00 Clerk's pay in part for 1835, in full, 184 38 " ' for 1856, 370 43 John Robins for printing to Jan. 1, lt56, $25 00 John It Kck, on contract, John Robins, " 20 00 25 00 25 00 55 00 50 00 '25 00 30 00 II B Musscr' " in full J G A A A Yonngman, on contruct for 1855, ' " in full, J R Kck, in full, for 1856, Commissioners' wages. George C 'Welker, in full for 1850, Thilip Ronn, Frederick Haas, " C llottenstein, " 255 00 $40 P0 159 00 237 00 133 50 570 30 Treasurer's account. l'aid F Bucher, late Treasurer, in full, " Jacob Young, ii i . " G Bright, Tress, for 8 Dueds, $133 82 1,111 00 247 01 31 00 1,647 Eastern Penitentiary, Agricultural Society, Koad tax on unsealed lands for 1854 i 55, School, ' ' " Corouer's Inquests, 119 100 00 815 95 1,755 C7 117 23 $14,090 00 Amount f Court Fines and Jury Funds, and to v hom paid. PisunilT. Ueicuiiiiiit. To whom raij, Am't. Com'lh, V McBride, not paid $1 00 Jacob Try Johu Fry et al J Board 4 00 Com th, 11 J Wolvertun do 24 00 N Durget cot paid 4 00 4 on " J Brooks " 4 00 " J Johuson " 4 uo I) Teas J Swunoy's adm Beard 4 00 H Huff Isaac Campbell " 4 00 Brij-'ht A Clement 1' i S It R C " 4 00 II iStettler's ad J Cur A; co. not paid 4 00 B Wolvertou K Fepely & co. Beurd 4 00 J Baralmrt John I'avdo " 4 (JO Lechtenthuler F Wilheliu ct ul " 4 00 Cressler &. Besides M Kestetter " 4 00 C J Enplo M Allium not paid 4 00 McCoy A Futersoii D C Caul Beard 4 Oil V E May Jas Cameron not paid 4 00 Surah Sweuey John Koush " 4 00 E Scott M Graham " 4 00 E Bright 1) Druckeiiiiller Beard 4 00 (Jeddes ic Mursh W Catia not puid 4 00 Ann Deners Fulmeretal " 4 00 School Dir Shamokin llensel Benrd 4 00 Jas Eagon C A Corsan not paid 4 00 J D Fisher II Kline Beard 4 00 J E Lcib Y i: May not paid 4 00 J B Masser J Pummel 4 00 Thomson & Eisely U V Stroh " 4 00 Yi Column Jas Vandyke Beard 4 00 Dan'l Conrad S Savage " 4 00 A Osmun T Dauver " 4 00 Coin'lb Uideon Dash not poid 4 00 12,U4 97J f7,r,03 05 $1.20177 since paid in full, and those marked with a (t plumenls thereto, according to the best of our judgements uud abilities; and we do fur ther certify that upon a due cxaiiiiuation of the expense book of the county tho indebted ness of the same yet unpaid in orders, is 3, 382 85. In witness whereof we have hereun. to set our hands und seal?, this 2d day of February, 1857. JOHN YOUNOMAX, ls. WM T Ft) IIS YT If, !..s. . M'M SH1PMAN i.s COAL COLLIERY TO THEISTT, fit Middle Coal Field, Northumberland county; connected hy a short branch with the Phila- deldhia fV Sunbury liailroad. Known as thf LAlBEPsT COLLIER? frith upwardt of 500 Acres if Sujerior Caui l.an tt, brloneiri te the New York and Middle Coal Field It. H. snd Coal company, with Breaker Engine of SO horse-power, Miner's Houses, &c, already erected and in good order. Several coal veins ahove water Ictcl nave com opened, and a number of others are of easy access, which may lie opened wilh litllc expense; Persons desirous of examining and leasing the property sre referred to J. H. Dewees, agent of the company, at Ml. Cdnnol, for further in formation. Proposals for leasing the snrie will be re ceived at tho company's oflico, No. (3?, South Fourth street, Phibdelphit. i. COPLEY", President. P. ft. For the purpose of facilitating the transportation of coal from the company's mine, the company have 50 cars at their disposal, fuf the use of their tenants. March 28, 1S57. if. MT. CAR MEL COAl' COLLIERY FOE RENT. (JjROPOSAI.a will be received by the New 1. York and Middle Coal Field It." R. snd Coal Company, for leasing this colliery, situated the Isaac Miller tract) with upwards of 300 Acres or first rate Coal and, adjoininfr Mt. Carniel, snd immediately c the Philadelphia ,t Sunbury liailroad. This colliery is now in complete working order, having an extensive Tutincl nnd Gang ways already opened oh several veins of eicol lent white-ash coal. A new and extensive Breaker with a 40 horse power engine, Miner's Houses, cVc, are now ready for use. The property will be shown to parties desiring to take a lease by J. H. Dcwccs, agent of the company, at Mt. Carincl. Applications will be received nt the otflce of the company, No. 88, South fourth street, Philadelphia. J. COPLEY, President. P. S. The company on fifty firel-class coat ears, which will be appropriated to tho use of tenants for facilitating the transportation, of coal to market. March 2S), 1857. if BROADWAY FAMILY OE0CEP.Y ! Flour, Feed nnd Provision store, Ilrtailway btlow lilacilerru Street. LEVI SEASHOLTZ, IJESPECTFCLLY inform tbi cilir.er.s of fcSunbury and vicinity that ho has removed to the atom lately occupied by C. tiehringcr in Broadway near the Rail Koad, and is receiving a choice supply of FAltCILT GP.CCJZSP.XES, consisting in part of Hams, fhouldcrs, Mackerel, Hcrrinjr, White Fish, Cod Fish, Suit Prc-erved Fruit, Pickles, Cruckern, Cheese, Moljsses, Kii o, Sugar, Coffee, (cirern, rensted anil ground.) Im perial, Young lly son, tiur.powdrr and Black Teas, Cedar-ware, Ktouc-warc, f?onp, brushed plow and wash linen, boots and shoes, tobacco, scgars, &c, together with every articla usually found in a first class Grocery Store, !! of which will he sold ct the lowest price, cither for cash or country produce, lie lias uko prcpurrd to sup ply the citiirni with frc:h bread, twist, rolls, pica, pietzcU nnd cukes of every kind. B. The highest cash prices will be paid for butter and cgc;s, corn, cats, rye nr.d veheat. Sunbury, April ll, 1S57. Importer nr. 7 'thsa!e Deader in SALT 38 South Wharves, Philadc'phia. 'X ASIITOX Fine, Liverpool Ground, '"v '1'iirl.o Ijt',,,,1 nn.l ll.lr,. S'l -, ItilitTv in linlld !,;i t c ,T in li.l to suit the liade. April 4, 1857 C;n "The 'ivorld's tUrcat rxUlbltlow Prize !I'1jiI! AWARDED TO C. MEYER, For the Two Pianos, London, (k-inler, 15 'il RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public generally, that he has constantly on hand i'ianoa euual to thoe for which he re ceived the Prize Med?.!, in London in 1351. All orders promptly attended to, nnd great care taken in the selection and packing the same. He has received during the last 15 years, nmro Medals than unv other maker from the Franklin Institute; a'.-o Fir.-t Prtmium at Boston, and Premiums at New York ami Baltimore. Wareroonis, removed fiom 5- N. Fourth, ts No. 180 AHCI1 Street. below Eighth, eouihsids, Philadelphia. April 11. 1S57. Cin UBUOKEK f MAiiMl, Auctioneers, VSn COMMISSION MKKirlUVre, N . W't. Istri IS7 Nnirh IM surer. 1 C.Mir Lr'-.w inc. I'Iii'.t '! pinii. (viics of Hour if.ci em ii-;s. wtv c.oniis, lil'NS, HAIiDW U::, WAlYllI.S, l-'ANCY UOuLrS, kc. ttvrrv cvMi'tf. Count r Stou-lie" unl others will olwavf funtut our Kvetunu NiIch :i buc m.il tlt sirHltltt llsl,Jlulrul ,1" ll:e aUive liiHMls, to 1.' ?iu in lots to hm it !uytis. j,lj,Hi,ls ii.ii'k -'l on the iHt ir.Mi.-i 1'vi C.'Untr)-Tiaile Murch a-1, U-j?. 'Iiik'. ''oWhanscoi IS phrsu.nico of an cnler of the Orphans' Court of Nciit!iiimbiiiar.d county, will bt exposed t public sulc. on SATt'J.'l'A V, the?.'h dayf J:mf, neut. of. the premises, the following described real eslato to wit : A certaiu lot oT ground, sit uated iu the town cf Shuuiokin, county afore said, whereon is erected a two-story Frumo Buihlins; botm Ud Ly L ts c! John Bo'jjrhn. r and oilier:?. Late the eslato nf Samuel B. Haas, deceased. Nile to commence ct It) o'clock, A. M. of suid day, when tho terms will bo made kuo'.vti bv JOilX VAXZAST, Administrator Bv order of the Court. ) C. ISOYD PTUS EL. Clk. o. c. I Sunbury, April 11. Is.',". j sc. Valuable ioiin Iropcrly FOR SALE, HHK subscribers, desiring to go west, olTcr for - snl1? a House aud two Lois in the town of Shamokin, No. CO and 21. Dlork US, opposite the Odd Fellows" Hall, on the corner cf Sunbury and Liberty Streets. The house is a two and a half ftory biick huiMimr, well finished, v.ilh a good store room, and a basement story. Aiso a stable and other out-huildinjrs and water conve nient. 2'he property, which is situated on the main street and IniHiicss part of the town, will be sold on reasonable terms. For further particulars app'v M DANiKi. rri.iv. JFK E.MIA II MARTIN. Mia rook in, pril II, 1S57. tf NOTICE 18 hereby piven that letters of Administratis on die estate of Henrv Hannal-ri. Inl cf Lower Amgusia tow nship. Noiihuiiiberland coun ly, dee'd., have km granted to the tubsciihi r. All persons indebted aro requested to make im mediate psyment, and those bavins; e Isims or demands siiiit the time will present them f. settlement. J-l- WOMAdm"r- L. Augusts twp . IX. ISi'.-kV