X Ilrup, Paint And lilAt WHOlEAI.K WARKHOVBE, Coiner f Tenth and Market tHireela, (v.Rc in MOT tory,) 111 1 LADfel jI'HI A. "ItfE invite at.eii.Hit tu our entarprd atickf Pruflra, Tumla, Oil., V rum Ac, aelectetl raprrtalriur our antra, nml comprimig one of the hneM aaaorimvuta in the United Ttmwi, winch we itfcr at low pticet, foi cash vt afipntved credit. VK MAM FACTl'RB wrf eateneirely t Premium Pure White lml, (Uvit,) KuMi)rMii Puie W hite lmi, lpirlSmiw White Lewd "Vieiirt M.MttMiie" Freiirh Zinc, (beet) I'ure 8nuvr W lute AnirricHit Zinc. ritiUitlrlphin ivw VVhtte Zinc. Hilvei'i I'.ustic Fire and Weather proof Pahttt, Clirome (iiceita, ellowa. and cutura aenerally. AGKMTtf FUR : potter's uncri"r Alkaline Window Olnea, CJeiiunie Frem-h 1'lnte Ulaaa, (wnrrentefi) The New Jeraey Zinc Comjmiiy'g product, TiMcn and Nephew 'a N. V. Vmi nUlift, Urimklj ii Premium Pure White Lead, HumpOn. Permanent Ureena, Pure Ohio Cntrnvlw liiuiidy. Ao.. Ac. IMIHJKTKU OK: Frtmch and Knfj-lmh Pltite Glarn, French ami Knglinh OHmler ;!, Cnloied and Kngriiqwl Window Utaw Pntfuerreotyne lilni, Unmmeiml Plate fm Flwra and Pky-IighW, Druira. Chemk-ahj, Perfumery, Ac. WfluLF.SAL.ti UKALKHS IN I iHiifririala' Article sjrneriilly, P:i!iiUaia' Tools of all dcscri). lions, llyitruujc nml Rotnnn Oiucut, Calcined mid Ijxnd Plaster, 1'aiwr Mukur'a Ciay, H-itin White, Ac, Ac. FRKNCII. ltlt:llARD A CO., Store, N. W. cor. of Tenth Hint Market Htreria Factory, Jtiiirtioti Yolk Avenue, Cruwu and CalloA hill Btrueta. Pliilmit-Iphin. April II, IswT 3m e Consumption and all Diseases of the tying, and Thnfflf arc positively run. Die li tnli tLit t n , winch conveya the remedit-a lo the caviiit-a in ilia Imiya tiiruugh the air pHipe( and c-lining in direct rmuct with the disease, neutralizes tle tutKriculur mat It r, uiiuj a the co'jyh, caaea a free and amy esjiecinralinn, be.il. the Juiaja, purine ihe blood, imparl i viewed vitality lo the iieiviaia aytem( gmnif that tone and energy aw iiHlispeu sable tor tne restury tii'ii of limlili. To be able o stale u nilitleiitly lliat Couiunir ti" ia rnrable ly inlralatioii in to me a source of unalloyed ptetmire. It iiHi much under the control of innltinl tre;ttmrnt n any other lormiduble d if ease; ii.ttciy oat of eviry liundaed casea can be cured fa ! itmt at ges, and fifty per ceu. in the second ; Imt in ; the tiiird singe il )S ntipotsible lo save more than five per cent , foi tec Imifjs arc so cut up by the disease na hi bid ueuni'.'f to uu'iImm! skill. F.vcit. h 'wvvrr, in the lni ai-i-gi-, inhalation nflords extruonliimry relief to the luiVt-iihg H.irm.iiit? tha .wtilnl w-urpe, which nn'iiiHlly deatrma ninety-live tliutiKind persona in Hie I'mted Hiutcauloiie; i nmi u rorrert calculation sliova that nf the preftcut ul.i- ! tun oi tlie earth, eighty millions are destined to fill the Consumptive's ttrave. Truly the quiver death has no nrrow so fnf nl as cut- sumption Innt!a''S il has been the great enemy uf life i for it aparcH nenher airc n r Ht-a, tan Mvcepsuii alike the brave, the beautiful, liiefintr.-ful, and the Hilled. Hy the ht.-l() of thai Supreme Heing. fnun whom caiietli every pfcid anil pcrtVci g.it, 1 am enabled to o(f..r n the ittllii-ted n periimnent mid spectly care in ConRinnpifon. The first caur nf tubercles ia from i rnpi t e blnml, unci the imnivdi ate -jO'ect, pioduccd by their ilmp Bilioii in the luitga, i to tircvciit tiie tiee uilnii'i ai of nr b-tr the nir ccIIh which raises a w'.pmcu Vi:.i!i! tlitottph trie entire system TJien bureiy it is m ac ruti'-nallo cxpect'grcater jj.iod fiom nmtiirinea enleiing the cnvitus oi the Iuuss than from Ihuse ail:uiiiistered thnmuh the stomach ; the pelientwill always And the Junes free nnd the bren'him; easy nfter in-h-ili-.g remedies. True, in (million ia a lettl remedy, nev crilieleae it nets cunsliiiilionrilly, und with moie power nun certainty than remedies iMltuiuiaired by the stoniaeb. To piuvc tl:e powerful and direct inrluence of this mode of adniiiustr:iti;i::, chloroform inhaled will entirely destroy 8eiiibiUy in u few minutes, paiulysins; the entire ner Viitic svatem, ao that a limb may lie amputated w itli-mii i he aliehtct Kiiu; inhuling the ordinary burning gua will ue sify lite in u few hurx. The inhulation of oinm inla will roure tlie system when faintn.e: or npwirenily dead. The mlor f rnafiy of the medicines ia perceptible in the akin n few minutes nfler tvini; inhaled, mat may be imcdi.itety dctectfd In lire blond A convtacinj rf "f the constitutional effeeis if inhala tion, is the fact that sickness is ulvvaxa prodmed by lnt;.iiiig fiul nir. isnt tfiia positive evidetu; - that pro per r.ini-.befc carefully prepared und .tndicioubly minimi turcd 'lir- ajTh the Inn;;", should produce tne moat hattpv ii ?v'.!i lurniff eighteen years' practice, many th us inda surt'eiiiif: Iran discus of the luus and throat, have lecii nii'ier niv inre, and 1 have alM ted in uiv rem ukaoie eaiea even nfier the saiTeri-rs nan iee:i prououncLiI tn tl c tart j stncs, whieh fully salipfh' ine that coniuinpiiou is n I longer n tatul disease, ai v Liciiimcut ot e insumptn n is original, and founded mii excellence nml a thorough My pen eel aeipnniumee with Hie nature of tutrcles, c. enables me to ilixtiiiuish, readily, the vaimas f Ttns of discucc that simulate caisirimtimi and apple the proner remedies rarely bei! tntstakeii even in ri soicle ease. This familiarity in cnimrctbii with certain paih'docical nnd nucrosc'ipic discoveries, enables me t relieve the lunrs from I he effects of eontnicled chests; to en In me the rtiL'!-t. puriTv tlie blood, iinnart to it renewed vinditv. cvinit cneruv and t'tne tn the entire svtem. H x fift. Post Oiiiee, li W. GUAM AM, M. D. Office 109 Filbert t?ir'fi, hclnw Tivelfih, HliiluUclphia, Ps. MllK'l eh 91, IS". am SALAMANDER HRE THIEF-PROOF SAFES. The largest assortment in the United Stales. "Warranted to be equal to ony now made, and will be sold on as Good Terms, us can be obtain ed Irum any other house in the Country, at EVANS & WATSON'S 86 South 4 th Street, Philadelphia. Truth is Mighty, and Must Prevail. Report of the Committee ajipointed to superin tend the Cuming of the Iron Safes, at Head ing, February 27, JS57. RkiD!s. March 4. The undersigned, members of the committee, do respectfully report, l!iat we saw the two Safes e-iginally agreed upon by Farrels & Herring and Evans 4i Watson, placed side by side in a fur , r.acc, viz: The Kale inuse by tha Paymaster of the Philadelphia nd Beading Kutlroad Compa ny, in his office at T.eading, manufactured by Fariels &. Herring, and the Safo in use by H. A. I.ontz, in his store, manufactured by Evans cV Watson, and put in books and papers precisely alike. Thelire was started at 6J o'clock, A. M.,snd kept up until four coids of green hickory, two cords dry ouk and half cheMiul lop woo.1 were entirely c msumed, the whole under tho aitperin tendence ol tlie subscribers, members of the Com mittee. The Safes were then cooled oil' with water, after which they were opened, and the books and papers taken out by the Comruiliee and sent to H. A. Lanlz's storo for public exam ined and marked by the Committee. The books and pa(ers taken from '.he Sale manufactured by Parrels 4- Herring were in our judgment, damaged fully fifteen per cent, more than those taken from Evans & Watson's Safe. XV believe the above to have been a fair and eXs!1'' l"Ul 0fth K8tectiie I"'"'" of both MCOF1 II. DYSIIER, . DANIEL S. HUNTER. I.aving been absent during the burnimr, we Tully coincide with the above statement of ,e cuiidi'ion ol the papers and hooka taken out of the respective Sates. O. A. NICOLLS. H. H. MUHLENBERG. JAMES MILHOLLAND. March 1, 1857 II. WARD, MANCFACIl'KtU txo USA1.EE la HTltAW O003DQ, No. T? I 7! Norlh Second Slrcet, PhUadelpbia "rZ''iTi"'! '"' which will eon,- lkiut ,, p,ttlr. r, tumlu ana falutliig., No. IS8 Arth Street, above tlixih (Lato of 818 North Secnd Si.) PHILADELPHIA. Gillkries orm iiaiit to riaiTaaa. Merchants and others visitiug tha City who may want anything ia our line will do well to give us a call. PeWusry 29, 1&57 8m J. I At.. HIJIl &, t. Market Sireel Wharf, I'h.UdeJphis. DKALIiltSIN riSH ANDi'KOVIr.ltJNSi TT nK Z"?,'"" ?f ','".J ?" -"1mnl of Mackerel, Aluich HI, e47. am leather! Leather! Leather! II EISBV W. OVERMAN, IMPORTHR of French CsVHkiuaaud '"nl I-.l. dealer, . Sou, Tliird -Mi.,7,KJK5Eai. e , ie! """""""" of " '"1"f Leutiisr Worooos, Ked ud Oak Sols Leather. Pehrusry J, 8.W y w liahing TacklO. Red Cork, Grass, Cot. - ton and Linen Lines, Out Lines, Sea Grass by tha yard, Snoods, Flies, Kirhy, Limerick and Carlisle Hooka, Rods, Ac, for sale by March 41, '57. A. W. FISHER. Latt bill not Least. NRW ARRIVAL OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS! Ira T. clement KO. I, CORKER OF MARKET SQUARE, Adjust received ft Urge supply of Fell end Winter Uood. lie will continue to wit Dry Goods and Gro- crios CHEAI'FJt thin ever, hit goods are bona;) cheap they will he sold rlteep. He feels confident with hie ciperienca) and ability, lhat ha can compete with the World at large and Sunbury in particular He would enumerate articles if lime and space would permit. It is enough to say lhat be has everything in the line of ; Dry Goods, Groceries, A lure Hloclc of Kcail)-MaJe OLOTHINO, BOOTS AX D SHOES, jr., jr., that it kept in any other store in luwn, and Ilia bnmipr it on tho breez. Aiidl'Mifr mny it mym O'er hud of tlie free. And the home of the brava While her 9tnn and .her Slrtpea Shine out like the Sun, : Telliiifi all nntimii ' Thru Freedom'! hegua. Thi is a frre country aa M provcil y the election of Uuchntan over tlio Wouly Horse, tlirrcfore it is free for all tu ilo their trailing where they can IM Y lie (.11 1, A t r.S I . All are nivi ted tu call anil ee. THE COUNTRY, as well at the town arc respectfully inviteJ, and every person, rich or poor, high or low, linnd or free are invited to call at So. I Markket ISquarc. opposite the Court House. P. 8 He is not to be nudcrsoM hy any man or coml'inulinn of men. Ko charge for showing goods. All kinds of produce taken in exchange for goods. Sunhury, Doc. 20, 1836. U - o E. -2". BRIQIIT Sc BON, HAVK just received from Philndelptiia bv Kail Koad, and lie now opening their third aupply of WINTER. GOODS. Our assortment is unusually lurge, and will he disposed olfut the lowest figure. Ve respectfully invite the Public to call and examine our Stock, and remember that "a penny tilted is a penny made." It The highest market price paid for Country Produce. E. V. Ui:i(JH 1" ot SO.N". Sunhury, January 17, 1857. HERRING'S SAFE THE CHAMPION11 The only Snfe vltieh. i ei'ery instance, pre terced their entire content in the lute Extentire J'irtt. i h p 4 T the hiiriiine of the Artizan iSSSjTMfflim I'liihlini!". Airil ll'tli. and in 17 1 B nmiiiitig rxMiil in tlie burning mint for iiturly Forty Hours, uiu prnving coiicliiBively whtit welmve uUvuvn claiiittil f.r ihem, their un-al lurerioritv over ull becuritiet now know n. In liitx-.' tire , tlie HKHJlINO'a AFT., Ftmi.tinff uW by Rule wilh th 'He ndi'erf tst'ii n "wuriautfil to .Laud 10 per r.nit, mori riiPlhan Ilerriin, nine lortli llie o kiiowletliitil viclni not tinty prt.Bf r i njr tlicir foments in exftclleiit onlt'r. hut licinc thrintif;lvei in n rotidition tn , tlif-uptt niuilhcr nrdcul, while ilie liHimctl 'Snlnni-.iude tf oirur iiiiikriD nic ikmIIv tivco np m every ninruiicc, miu in ome fuscn ii'f-n ei:tirt ooniewB eompietfiy iifHiroyl. 'J tlie nutJic we 'A(u!;l iiini ly nv. tlmr, tlurine the 14 ycrtrs the Ilerrins'a Safe has Ih-pu liefurt tltfin, nittrcthnti i'wo humlreu haw in8ff d through uceideiital firet without tlie orciirrfii'e of a tinicie Ioh. We would. tliereOtre. caution ):nrrhti8f r n'iinit the miRnpresent:itiott of infrrtsted ptitien. Tl.c flrrrinc'i I'.tUiit ii ie oii'V I ir'-;.r'nf N.u ipnili tu t hid city which in pr l' Cttd lv n Parent lltchf, uiul we will cuar- uutee it to racist more lli.oi il.ulie Ihe uinount of heat uf any other Safo now known. rarrels If firing, Sole ManufiicturerB in this Stnttof HSRRISG'S PATE.XT CILtVPIOS SFKS," 3 t Walnut St., Philada. 1? I'mns h Wiiln-ii.'s luiiroved Sntainuuders," Olivrr K,viin'," ' C. J. Onjlci's," nml S jhi'i A.lH.i"." Iron Clu'sts, ( i t:irceiiF5ortiiM-nt hnvine liwii mWcti in arl piivnitfiu iorjipri uiq--) win ue sow at low puces. l'hila.,Juiie i, lv. JDZEjJNi tistry GEORGE HENX, NNOUXCKS to the citizens nf Sunhury and vicinty, tlu.t he hnsopened an otficein Sun bury, above H. J. Wolvcrtou's ofiic" opposite C. Weaver'a Hotel, where he is prepared lo aitend to all kinds of work belonging to the profession, in the latest and most improved style. All work well dor.e and warranted. December 13, IH.jG. Wail Paper &. Window Shade. J- I. ISAACS & BHOTHEH, aVo. laa Aiii th Second Street, below Jlaee, PHILADELPHIA. 1 1 A VIXG coiiileied their large assortmen of the above Goods lor spring and Summer Tiade; would resprctlully invite the attention of Purchnscia to the tuiiie. Their stock for beauty, cheapuess and variety cannot be surpas sed. Thev have constantly on hand every descrip tion of lioid and l'amled Miades, Hull' Hollands, and Shade fixtures. Wall Papers, Cuitains, Fire Itourd Prints, Ii orders i c . all of which limy olVrr at loner rites than can be ha I at an) other establishment. Call and examine, J.L. 1S.4 CH A DUO. 1S3 North Second Street, below Race. March 7. 1857 Cm w Jon. . Al.t.i.v a. t;. Vob. :.d 4 Chestnut Street, (south side, below Water .) ( l Ult C'LLkST Wuub W4RK ll an S t UK ClIT ) A M. K AtTl K r.a W hotf fc.,ir dealer ii. Patent Machine made liilOO.WS Patent lin.vi aic. wtirrentcd i.ut to sliiink, unci Willow- rc I'onUsT Uriiwhi'i, Ac ,v( U dt-tcriptio4. ptuoM cali mtd Kcbmarv l07 ly w BLI1TDS A1TD GHADSS! 33- J. WILIlMld. aYo. 12, Xurih Sixth Street, Philadelphia, M.tM.FA("l lilr.H 0i- VENITIAN BLINDS. TELVET and (iOLD UOKDERED and PAINTED SHADES, of beautiful do. signs. Dull', and all other colors nf llnllon.l used for shades. Fix lures. Trimmings. &c, ckc, iioirssis anu itetuil, at tlie lowest cash prices. Store Shsiles Paiutep to order. II. S. H . tl.-liLlul f... . fully aoiiciu the public to call and examine his ... - iuiis ussoriaieni, uiore purchasing elsewhere. " ty-VVK STUDY TO PLEASE." I hiladelpbia, March Ji, I -i7 c3ia FOR BALE. A CA7AL BOAT full KALE, o re., soosbls terms. Apply to HENRY LONGENECKER, ' t ShamokJu, or H. D. MICHAEL, Sunburr. Fehrusrv tl, K.S7. .Oi.T -VOXAlKS.Tioth ...U Hair Urusl.e all qualiues, and any 4uauti y, f, .e by March 14. '67. A.W .J ,S11Ek. To Builders & Carpenter. llTh'h'"ribe, Senta for lha 0f Uoor.. Window blinds, Window Shutters, and a I aues ol W ijlJow Kbi , of wUdl at Iba lowest prices. Koy. 8, '48. e. V. B BIGHT & SOX. uic ii it i-.rt I riio-. oi Mm Kfl rl Up, 1PP ' ' ' ",c"iilili:f! Hm-niia sJjIJ by. I, i-i p.titMvu,: ihe Jewelry ol G. iCMAPlft"BJl VV.tfi.Mfi-Msa; Urn.; B.i.ik, fa- 'jV "if.'rJI V". e. ..I Fisher Uio. und Fi.1-.',-V-.U. Frt'll l.ilivord fioinum ft. Co.. nfter re- CENTRE OF ATTRACTION 1 ZA-IIOE A88ORTMENT OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS. rHCAP-HANDSjOMK DIRtlLI, THESE qualittea comhined, th public will find by railing at the Store of K. Y. BRIGHT HON. Their aaaortnieot ia large, and baa been selected with great cars, a ad will be dis posed uf at a small edfanca. THB Will find among our Dry Goods Wool Plaids, Black and Fancy Silks, Fluid I.ama Flannels, Alpacea, soli J colored and Fancy Delaines, T)e beges, Scotch Plaids, Figured Cashmere, Per aian Twill, Coburg Cloth, Ginghams, Calicoa, Delano and Sebege Robes, Korenc Silk; HW Honds, Opera Capt, and Woolen Cuff. LADIES and CHU.DKBN" W OOLTALMA8 Gum Delta, Uelt Kihhon, Mohair Head Dresses,, Kibbons, Nreillc-worked anil ilugla Collars, Thread Lsccs, Flouncing, Inserting, Swia. Mull, Cambric, ISainsook, Dimity, 7arred Muslin, Biilliantine, and a general assortment of whito Goods, Wool and Cotton Carpets, Oil Cloth, Oil Shades, Koekdule blankets, Turkish counterpanes embussed table covers, lickings, sack flannel, scarfs, kid, silk, Lisle thread and woolen gloves. Of every variety, Kussia Crash, Linen and Cotton Diaper. TIIE (JKXTI.EMEN will find Black, Blue and Brown French Cloths, Doeskins, Black and Fancy Casimer, figured Sulinett, (vercoliug. Tweed, Velveteen. Kilk, Satin. Plush and SSilk V elvet V esling, IWck-lic, ''caifs, Collars, Gloves and Slocks. ErAETi-mADE CLOTHINO. Hats and Caps nf all sizes and prices. ,trn HAKDWARE Embraces all kinds ofbuilding material, a large sluJt of Carpenter's Tools of the best manufac ture, files ol every deariiption, picks, grub docs, Mason hammers, bar iron, steel, nails, paints, putty, glass and oils, window eah of all aizes, grindstones, Circular and Mill Saws. Tlie Oi.i'i-i.savnre Mock is crmpofed of St.ine China Setts, Fruit dithes, Cake plates, s,mce dinhcs, coinmon plates, cups ai.it saucers, together ith a varied assortment of Glassware, embracing the la'.ot stylus. ' out tmoi t:iii:s are fresh and puro, among which insy S found, li. A. Sail, Macknrel, Sbail, Ccdtisb, boxed and pickled Herring, Goshen and Sage Cheese. The best of teas, sugars, eolTee, Ac. We return our thanks to the public fur our increasing patronage, and respccrfullv invite an examination of our stuck, as we deem it a plea sure lo shuw our Goods. C7 Country produce taken in exchange at the highest market prices. 14. V. BRIGHT & SON. Sunhury, Nov. 29 185G. PLATFORM SCALES. flF every description, suitable for railroad " Ac, for weighing Hay, Cool, Ore, and Merchandise gcneially. Purchasers run no tirk every sc:ile is guaruiiteed correct, and if after trial, not found sulhfjctory can be leiurned with out charge, Factory at the Old Vtand, established for more than twenty ears comer of Ninth and Melon Mrcets, Philadcl) h:a. ABBOTT & CO. Fuccersors to Ellicott & Abbott, ri ilad Iphia. March 7, 1857. elm. 1TJE.PHT & EC CITS, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, and wholesale dealers in Fish, Cheese & Provioioin No. 47 North Wharves, (below Race Street) PHILADELPHIA, llavingconstantly on hand a large assortment of Pish, Cheese and Provisions, which they arc prepared lo sell at the lowest possible rates. lT ORDERS promptly attended to. February SI, 1 8'7 liii w3 CHEAP WATCH ANU JKWKLRY STORE No 72 Sorlh Second Street, (oppoitte th itJount I'truon House ) Philadelphia. rjJOLD Lever Watches, full jeweled, 18 K, ca " scs, $28; Silver Lever do,, do., !j!2; Sil ver Lepiue, do., $9 : Quartier. !j-5 to 7 : Gold Spectacles. $4 50 to 10 ; Silver do., I fit) j Silver Table Sjioons per sell, $14 to $18 Silver Dexert do., d.,$Uto$ll ; Silver Tea do., do., $4 7S to $7 SO ; Gold Pens and Gold Ca scs, $3 25 to $5 ; Gold Pens and Silver do.. $1; together with a variety of fine Gold Jewelry, Gold Curb , Guard and Fob Chains. All goods warranted lo be as represented. Watches and Jewelry, repaired in tlie best manner. A Iso, M a sonic Marks, Pins, ic, made to order. N. U. All orders sent hy mail or otherwise, will ha punctually attended lo. Phila., Oct. 4, 18.'i6. lyw. COLEMAN'S CHEAP CUTLERY STORE, iYo. 21 Xorth Third St., below Arch, PIlILASELrillA. COUNTRY Merchants can save from ten to fifteen per cent, by purchasing at the above stores, liy importing my own goods, paying but littl-' rent, and living economically, it is plain I can undersell those who purchuse their Goods here, pay high rents and live like princes. Constantly on hand a large assortment of Pen and Pocket Knives, Scissors dud Razors, Table Knives and Forks in ivory, stag, buffalo, hone and wo.id handles. Carvers and Forks, Ac, liutcher Knives, Dirks. .Bowie Knives, Revolving and plain Pistols, Ac. Also a Urge assortment of Aecnrdenns, Ae. Alio fine English Twist and German Guns. JOHN M. COLEM AN, Oct. tO, 1855 I y. Importer. Clothiers, No. 141 CnwKtT Sr., above Fourth, l'.i:i.-w.n hu, Xrep OH.1a.nly on h 'n.l a fplcndij alTartiTtcni of R cad y-mad c Ci cth in r. Uuuw Okd:r and Warkakiii, l-l KIT. Nov. SO, 1850 j frA.iu i:Ia ri. .iire i TCir., Mill- Wright and Jiarr.Mitl Stone Manufac turer. Sole Proprietor of Johnson's highly approved and much improved Smut and Screening Ma chi.ie ; Improved Iron Concave Urati Duster, the Premium Machine for Millers. Residence i No. 64 ljucen Street, (18th Ward.) address Kensington Post Cflicc. Shop : Hayduek Street, below Frent, Phila delphia. Cocalico MillSuinea, Mill Irons. fmuU Machines, Patent Mill Bush, Portable Mills. Stretched Belting, Cement and Screen Wire, Square Meshed tolling Cloths. February 8. n67. 3in wS J JOBTand MADERIA WINES, Schiedam Schnapps, Wild Cherry brandy, blackberry and Lavender brandies for medicinal purposes at March 14, "67. A. V. FISHER. stationery. A large aupply of fancy Nola Paper and Envelopes, Mourning, LclUr, and Cap Paper, Pens, Ink, Sand, Ac, al March 14, '67. A. W. flHHKK'8. GOSHEN CHEESE. Jasi received and for ' LEVI 6EA8HOLTZ April , 1B5T. AYER'S ' Cathnrtic Pills, (SVGAR COATED,) saa asna n ClEArtS TltZ tlO0 AX THZ HCX. laiTalltls, 'lirs, lllir4, lijrsllilia, PkillaiKKraplats, rm lr Kflceta, and imdu VtrtwM. tew Till I'tM 0 lleaancke, lick Heaaehe,Fnl loraark. PITTXBVM, P.. .Ma; t, IKS Ds.J.C.Atsb. Wrt t hs ln riillr earn rf tin worst Inwlwlis snv lly hT. li a ,kmm jr twu M jruiir I'llla. It snuis to sim fnm s lout t.misr.i. wnlck bey clntnae st once. If tlwjf UI curs othsrs AS tlrey do n, Hi Aul Is worlh kisiwliif . Yours Willi treat rAice, EB. W. I'KKnLB, (Vtrk v Simmer Vbtrvm. Dllioua Disorders ond Liver Complnlnts. Prr.STMST o rna TTsnios, I W m.is.i. n.C, T l.., f Kiwi I lisvs ased four Hill" in mi a"ueml anil liiltal linu'tics vr sinre yos tna'te (linn, sikI ciililiot henltulsto a.v ItiL-v an Hi lt Mtlmrttc enililojr. Thalr rnrn IsiliKt licUim n the h'i Isqnlck sml lUnlilnl. einpili-lit. tv tin srs ah silmlrsMs l-tliifl.v fur duntnKnntiti of tlist 0 KHI1. llMttH'll, 1 llSVI! SI'llloni Klllllll S t'SHB I'f hillOUt AS raw so olinflimtK tlirtt It ilkt not nwriilv vlld to tlirm. rmteriwlly jronis, Al.il.SZO It AM., M. tl., 'A.vn'ct'sn qftht Marine IftijitaL Dysentery Kelnx, nnd Worms. P.wt Orrn t, llsnTi.tm, bit. Co., Mich., Nov. 18. ISM. lis. Ari.s: Y,inr Pills are tlie rfertlon of irn-llrlns. Tlisv Imvu done niv wifr mm pKnl rliun I can tell yon. Iir'had Im'hi sick sml finiiiK sny for mnntlis. Went t.ff to tin ductmcil nt aivat i'-, l"it (rt no lictler. Ch Ihpil miilnt-nnil tnklns ysu Pills, which n cnnsl hfr, ly filiiliK Inrjis itnttnlllics of worms (ttrnd) frim hsr 1h'Iv. Tlvy artorwnnls carml her sn,l mir two rhlhlwa of l,Uvlr il st iiterv. One iS" our nc!u-lil"irs hnd It bail, slid v wire riui'il liltn with two il.ss of your fills, while e'hers sronn.l na mi. finm Bve to twenty dollars doctors bills, and Imt much time, wlthoiit Wiiik enrsi sntliely oven then. Snrh a tiie'k lne s yours, which Is actually kwl and huni'St, will be prtred here. OIX). J. OIUFKIN, WrsMWee. Indigestion nnd Impurity of the Illond. lUm A'.-r. J. r. .sirs, "untor of Mrent LlmreS, UotUm. Alls: I have il.-.I v.mr fills wilh extraonllnsry ttceps in my familvnli'l aiutmf; those I am called tovlll In disln.se. Tn rvfc-iilate the oreans of dlpeti.rti anil purify the blond they are the eiy beet reniwly I liave ever known, anj 1 can ciuili'lenily recommend them to my fiien.li. Yours, i. V. IIIMKS. Wars.w, Wronnia Co.. N. T.. 0,-t. . ISSS. Dsa S : n u.lnt: vi.ur rathartlr fills In my pnie tlce. sml find them an excellent tmrzat've tc cleanse the system and purifv the founfaitis or the Imoo-1. JOHN 0. MKAC1IAM, M. D. Kryaiprlna, Scroftiln, Kine'a F.ril, Tetter, Tuinnrs. nnd Snlt Ithrum. Frtm a F rHitniti'p .MriceiU of S. Lvrn'i. i-b. 4, 1R. Ares: Your fills are the wrairn nf all that ts s''at in lncdi'-iue. They hni-e cnrel my little riaiiKhter nfuli-eroiiH enrea npnn h"l hin ts Slid fi-et that had pnived incnmMe for yews. Iter iikvIiit has licen Iniss Riievoni' ly sfllited with blotcli'1 itivl J imples on her fkin anil in lier hair. After otir rtiibl wss cured, she s!-n tiie t vnnr fills, ami they have riirrd her. ASA .MllllllltlWIK. Itlieunintisns Netirnlght, nnd Gout. F eat U't Ktr. Or. Itamla. lac iMhi-dtf )ri. Chunk f Cl.AKKl ItOVH. EsVAXMAI!. (I ., Jllll. li. 1 MW. lloKOStli bis : 1 slKttld ! itnirmleriil f"r the relief ynur win has lironeht ine if I did n.t report my ease tn vmi. A cold sciileO iii niv lll"t an. I brnuhlit nil i i ni'.mtih(! neuraliiio pains, ahl.h en!eil in clii-nvie rliemiiftti,nt. NiitltittlstlilldiliK I bad Ifce lst of -liysiriniis. the disease arew woiwe sml woise, unlit, by the alvi,-e of yum vacmI lent atrent in Paltiuwre. ir. ;a' k,'i.r.ie. I tiie.1 your fills. Their efiects st e.ow. but sure. I'y lel-ssveting ill the us of llieiu 1 am now entirely well. KlKATt Chahscb, BT..X Kntnt. 1,1., fi fee.. 1 .'.. Pa. Aykr : I have Is-en eniiely ruled t.y your Pills nf Kheumatic Oont a painful dl-ae thst hml atl u 'e l me fur .veais. WNCKNT SI.IHI I.L. Tor Dropsy, riethorn, or kindred f em- Klalnta, leiiuiiiut; an activs fuip., lliey srs an savel Ut remedy. I'or Costirrnt'sa or ( onslit'iiticn, nnd na a Kilmer Pill, tlu v aie svlrs-il le end eie. n.ul. I'ils, Suppression, Pntalysi!", InffHmmn- tlott, and cv.ti iieariires, aitd Inrtlal Itllltst liess. have been ctue.l by the atlcrativc uclU'ii it llKee fills. l,it of the pihs in tssnVet contain Ver.-cnr. whl h r.l though a valunl le ren',ly in skilful hamls. la diotkentis tn a public pill, fn.ni Ilie'dnaOtuI culiseiii i.res lint fl quenlly follow Its incautious use. 'I hoe conlam ho BitT rury or niineral substance whatever. JIYEK'S CHERRY PECTOKAL FOR THE nAMD Cl'IlK OK corGii,,oi.Di.iio.4nKXi':ii(i,iMPi.r- KAZA, BUO-NCIIi riJ-, ll(OPI CUKellti'ltOtP, AKTIIMA, IS IIIUKNT i:OK!t'NPTIOK, an1 for tl rflfof if coiiimnptive pAtirtila tu J vine til IkrJK f lllC iltM JIM. M nwiJ iHt Poak !n tl-o iAit of tn virtue Til run ii.tvt fr.v town. tn nlni.nt iviv liaiul! 1 the Anii'iHuii -:oti. its wuiiiK-i lul vup ff :ii'Hi"i-iiij cm plitiiitc Imvo miii l It nln'H'lj known. Nhv. fw r Hi fntnilifti in any c.iltrtt nninti j on tfttirhiftit witliotit fin inrni'tml nxp'iU'nrf1 ot U ellifti": nml V ir ) iku ci'imininitifw hut wln'ie hit-ii litiv not iniii'ittc thtin imiir living trophy of if vi.tnry nvcv tli' mil lie utiii tin it pt:inm (livHKsM 1 if Hi tiiro.it and lntic. VW.ilr it In uiiMt pnwtsfnl ai.ti lxtp yt"t ki-''. In innii fur tin Lntiti fislil athI (Ihiikwouii il fini-i ft' I If ti'liiitimty inyitii. M ft aliHi i lie tilift.i.iit-t mikI Nrtii-ti 11 iiiu ij ttat tnn U tn iiUcl fur iiif.i il .11. A fin;g TK'tsntm. raicutM ult.mltl iavf il in tor ajrrtinit the iniait...iii riniiiy ilii unlf Umiii l lii'iit nnun '.m't. f havf rlniii-Int toiiiiiU 10 tit-hff thr t'n KI T rUT.'H.M iivih in. rt? Iivm I y ll'f foil sutii(uoi:a it j rtMfn M an tl -. it fiirt.1. Kih-i it M you. anl cm y-nr f.Uii wl.i,i fiu-y r ruitl'l, inr n'v Irct tin tn unfit no hiiiuMit ?M.l 'an ununi H i in Mi.lrli raukir ih it, fiU'fi.vU on 1 lie lifali. e:iti ymir lilr any. All kiniw tli- ilrvMtiftil Ciualiiv ol lnnr iliMtriliTn. ul a llnry kimw too tlie irtiKt of tU rrun-uy. rtml nut lo Diuif iliaii to nwnrv ilit-m it in tli'l tn.i'lf tliv it can te. V "jarp 110 t:0 rarr, fin ttl to niU'- il tl f m-"'! iM-rt't HO't ;t.miI il:-M'Wl rvlv on it U. bet: a-fiit w)iu ii our pkilt rurlnnu"li foi tlni, cuitt FBEPARED BY DB. J. C. AY EE, Practical and Analytical Casmiat, Lowell, Mas. A Sit SOLD BY A. V. Fislicr. Sunbury ; Bird & John, Sliam-ikm V Wiemtrt, NnrlhumUriuiid ; J. Y. C'auwt Milt-iii Unyi k MrCtirmivk, McEwiimville :ul by alt Dru?giU ttimusiiiiul tha roiintv. Auunt 10, ltd ly THE SALAMAXDl OK rnir.i)i 1 phi against the ro:tftD KVANS &, W.VTSOX, No. 2G Sou'h Fourth $t.t Fluluiktphin, ITnve ImJ t'li mi rest ilfinnustrn turn in tlin I'oll.twinK Ci-iiilunit f, Unit lits.tr iiM.i..,iu..l,.,. ,.l ai.i.. 1d r Nilm hiii.it li-ntli fully uif 1 ?wE wurriuital the rtprt8t.iitiitoi. r.' iiCif 1 1-vrrY.Jt whit-It IniVD lirt'ii iimdeiif Uifin ii'iiuVrii' tin unikiubtt'U arcuiity UKantai the tcruhc elenuiit ; PlIILATKl.rillA. Annl t-Jth ts-wt MfRnia I.vnn .V Wtittnn : lifiiia : It nil.. 1 da in the hmhest ftiimfririioii tti Haf to you. Ili.il nu iny tn Uw very protoclive qoiilillra of twt nf llie $,tlti.iii.'klr 1 bsl'oa nhu'li wo iurliuf.'(l of ymi nmno few moiiilm nice, wi auvtil a InrRe nriin f mu Jewelrv. B.nk. I'liiKTi. Ac. rimi, K-tl ti (hi enlaniitiious lire in Itunsu-jtl 1'Licc, 011 the nioni in'; of 1 lie 1 mi iimt Wlii'ii we rrllrt't ttmt these afe wore-liK-atpil hi the t'nirtli atory nf the ImiiIiIiu we coUMeil. uihJ thiil they fell aulMK-iuently iut a h-uji f Imi iiiiii mini, where the Viiat etincentrntioii otitic; it e.tused the bnip (ilutea M inrll, we Runnot hut rettuni the premrvniioii uf the r.iiuuhlo eon. I rat a ui in t eoiiviuciirg nna.1" of the great aecuriiy uiTor tleil l.y your Kifea. We f'lall Like in'irli pleasure in refs.mnnntliiij them tn mtu uf Lukiutu aa u auie ie i nice nt.it it lire. liEoitot V.Simo,A Hko. rHiunn tdu, April Vi, IK'jO MrBsrr I'vam & Wat n I luvc nfler "U my t . limony in fuvot ot the (fre.it neurit v nli'-rilttl to m entire t'K-k 'f jewelry, txi-.kir, uiiira. Aje., dunnir t'i recfiit tlifia'n.m rnutl;igrumu m lLu; tc;id j l.ire, Inun the fuel thut the artnie wm eonl iineU in two of the S?.i!am.tiulcr Sl'a llkinnfiH tured hy yin. Iliivuni milen from tiie hfih itory of thu Ariia.111 IimKI inc. where they were prt H'U.tly p!:u-.M ami xi.iit(l u vuitheut foral'itift time, the preservation uf the viilnnhle ile x'Sii aeemrii U every ne win witnessed the open i up nml ii.teiioi txainnuiiiiHi, a matter of pruioiiml niU'inh 1ne.1t. To oil who mar lequire a perft ptnleetioit frnm the ravnftuf fire, I .hall m heiiiinle lo ritMniinttiJ the use f your Sufi-, aa 1 cuiuudcr they ivt ii"W initrit,,iie the iu-aitr)tiig Ut. N. K. .MukuAN. rnit.i'Jfc-LriiU, April li, iaefl. Meaaia Ki'nn k Wntmm lieiiiit-ineii So doubt you will be deepjy fitaiiReil toleiirn llie yNMlcoii'litioit ui villi eh 1 chacoveretl my l"k. rmliry of ii.aunu.ee, twrlitictitea if lock, a id other valuuble doeuuients, when 011 Fruluy lut 1 npeneil the sufe inuile by your linn. With my kuowrflpe of uu Knui expoiure, both tn the luteuiily o the hen I fr. 111 hot a tire um lluit uln.-h iroyeil the Arttwtn Huil.Hinr, um nlso troiii the i'..rc 4f the full from 11 f irmer elevated positin in the Ihtnl story, 1 enuUi enlertaui but slender uopea priofcto Us interior in. prclMHi, that thue.nite.its which I ouee a.i highly priced wiHiIri ever be 01 any service to me, but us tiiesu I cms are now happily rrittoved, I feel it only due to any M you thut 1 eau lieueeforth reetiiiiiieud the uft nf your'Stfra In ail who nuv wish ti feel a confidence in the perte.-i so cuniy wtiich such niouua pruvidra airaiust so Aichtful au element. Edwaid Gaskill, B.Mkbinder, Coiistamly on hand I'uteut Towder ami Tlnof Proof le-ncks f.ir Banks, hi- res, Ao. April 1KM.-P.ly Clieap Wutclies Jeweln IniOLK8ALK anJ Retail, at the "J'hiUJel- T phia Watch ami Jewelry btore," Ko. 86 North Second Street, corner of Quarry, FUILACLPHIA, Gold lver AVutchra, lull jeweled, l camt eases, nit O..IJ Lcma ink. 'JI isii filver lp. full iewllesl, 1 silver U.ver, full jevI'd Is lsiiieiiif (Juarlieis, 1 ine tnver &(xu.elea. 1,50 Ookl Uruceleis, 3,ut 1 auiea iioki I'tuieikf, I.UU Silver Tea apuuna, set, 6,ug lj"ld Siiet'Ui lrs. 7 ISlI uai rem, wkii rciseil aial silver llusler, oo (old Finger Rings, 37 cents to $80 ; Watch masses, plain, IS) cents; Patent, ISJ( l.unet, 25; other articles in proMrtion. All goods war ranted lo be what they are sold for. H'J'AL'FFER & HARLEY, On hand, some Gold and Silver I.overe end Ipiuaa, atill lower than the above price. Ooi. , ISS6. If. Kb 4f . MOUNT CARMEL HOUSE, MOUTJT CAEMEL, Northumberland Count y, Pennsylvania. rillH IS lara and commodious Hotel ia aitua M. J nearly lis II way Iwtweeo Sunbury and Pottsville. Tba scenery tha salubrity of lha atmosairwra anil Ilia cool mountain brewea, maka it ona of tha moat oVIiahtral aummar rctreaU In Ilia country. The Hotel, ia a near structure, four aloriee high, fitted up with all tha modern con Tenienrea. Tha pure mountain water le intro duced into every chamber. The place la easy of access, heing but one and hall boura rid from Sunbury, over the Philadelphia and Sun bury Rail Road. From PotUsille, it ia 17 miles. Every attendance will he paid by the proprie tor to make guests comfortable, ('barges mode rate. JESSE RICE. Mt. Carmel. May 34, 1850. If PK.TKIt kllltl, Lnleof tlie finn nfRtevens, JAS. a. STOVER. . Late ef ths Union Hoist. insiinsaliesa & w. NATIONAL HOTEL, (lATS WIIITR ism, Race Street, abort Third, PHII.ADKI.I'IIIA. mllR above well-known Kstdblishment, have 1 ing been entirely remodeled, introdt cing all tlie modern improvements, and also, newly fur nished throughout, will be opened for the recep tion of Clucsts on the FIRST DAY OF SEPTEMBER The proprietors, from their determination to devote their attention to the comfort of their guests flutter themselves with the conviction that they will be able to give satisfaction to their patrons. ('urrinrT.-s will nlwnvs be in reailmess lo con vey psssriiRPrs lo and from Steamboat Landings and Kailruad Depots. SIDES A SWVEit, Race Street, above 1 htrd Philadelphia, August 3D, 18:'8. ly UEDDIN'U & FCUN1SI1INU BUSINESS Cabinet Maker'i Findings, Tlie subscribers respectfully inform their friends and the public ecnernlly. Unit they htive connec ted with their Ueihling A Furnishing business a Urge and well assorted stm'k ol Cabinet Maker a Findings, af their old stand Xo. SI) 6i3tii Second Street, below Chestnut, I'hllatlcipiila. They have associated with them NV.S. 7?rown who has been fur many yeiirs ongnged in the piineipitl estahliihnient oflhekinil ill this city. The stock of floods now on hand comprises every description of tnatersals used by Cabinet Makers, consisting in part ol tlie lollowlng. viz; Ilar.lwme department. Locks, Hinges, Screws Castors, Cod Screws, Chair and Sofa Springs, Colin lLindles, ic. Cabinet Maker's Materials, Hair Seating, Curled H:iir, Looking (ihtss Phitcs and Frames, Clue, Varnish. Sand I'npcr, Unrlsps, jVlack and Fancy Silk and Worsted Gimp, Sofa and Chair V ebbing. Twine. Sacking Iiottoms, A'osewood, Mahog;iny, Walnut and .Maple Knobs, Glass Screws, &c. Redding Department. Hair, Husk, Mat, Wool and Cotton Mattresses. Feather llrda. Roisters and Pillows; Plush, Damask and Moreen Cush ions Comfortables, Counterpanes, Linen and Cotton Sheets, Pillow Caves, Linen and Cotton Towels, Table Cloths, Table Linen, 2d trie Cov eis. Moreen, Deinusk and Plush by the piece, Moss mid Husk by the bale or pound. Tlie Hair Renting nnd Curled Hnir is from the Pl.ila. Manufactory of D. V J. Noblit. N. U Hotels, Steam Uoats and Sliipa fur nished at the shorted notice. MIiLir, ItKOWS At NOBLir, 83 5onf.'i 2ur 67., below Chestnut. (Nearly opposite Dank of Pennsylvania.) Philndrlpbia, ytiiRilft 9, trtoli ly. UAiOAlXS TO BE HAD AT P. W. GRAY'S STORE Market Street, Sunbury. "H UST received and opened a splendid Stock P of FALL & VVINJ'EK COODS, consist ing in part of Black and Fancy Cloths and Cassimeres, An assortment nf Dry Goods, vis: Merinos. Cashmeres, Ucluins Calico, Woolen Plaid (iiiuhsms, Mo.tlins, Linens, Flannels, Ac. Trimmings ia Great Variety. HARDWARE, GllOCEUlEs, O.UKEXS. WARE, &c. 8 U.T and FISll, Clierse, Kaisins, Tobacco and t'ljirs. (jueensware. Hoots, Shoes. Hats and Caps, and a variety of Goods too tedious to men tion. t an ami examine my otoct neiore rurclias iii(5 1 Isewhere, A Reasonable Discount will be taken off for all cash Sales. Country produce taken in exchange at the highest markxt puce. P. W. GRAY. Sunbury, Nov. 2 , 185G. If New Goods for the People ! 1 KNJ A 31 1 N 1 IKFFN Kit f KSPIXTFI'LI.Y informs the public in gen ersl that he has just received and opened splendid stock of Fall ami Winter Goons. at bis New Store, in Lower Augusta township ins siock consists in part oi Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets. of all Linda, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO: CuIIcocn. (.Inclining, LnfTiMs Aluiisiiiclluc Ue Lulne anil all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. CroccrlcN, Also an assortment of Hardware, Iron and Steel, Nails, &c. Also an excellent assortment of QUEENS WARE, of various styles and pui 1 e i us. Also an assortment of 2UUT1 & SHOES HATS Si CAPS, a good selection. Suit, Fish, ic. And a great variety of oilier articles such aa are suitable to tlie trade, all ol which will be aold at the lowest prices. IV Country produce taken in exchange the highest prices. Lower Augusta, Ney. S? IR5B. !' liners of this Neighborhood, can aupply themselves for ineir ariiiAU I HOITS, Willi Leinau'a Pure Bone Dust, Super Phosphate of Lime, at $i0. per ton " Nilrogencd Phosphate of Lime at $50, American Fertiliter, at $3.r, per ton. 1 hese fertilizers are comnoseil of reliuhln Chemical elements, abounding in Pot Ash, A-c.j llicy have have received tho Diplomas of Four ciuies, to via t iew Jersey, Jew York, Penn sjlvanta and Delaware. Also, for sale tilfAAO, all kinds, Poudrelte, Ac. Country Produce re ceived inpayment fir the ubove, at market rales, or uraiia on good Houses, or Cash registered with orueis, promptly attended to. CEO. A. LEINAL. Pronrietor. "New Fire Proof .store," No 19 South Front St., I'ltiladelphia City, Pa. February 28, 1857 4m w PHILIP H. PTTP.DT. waonsAia iib kstail Grocery, Wine and Liquor Store, & E. cor. Walnut und Wuter Streets, PHILADELPHIA, DEALERS and families will bo promptly supplied al Ihe lowest pi ices. October 4. I Had if BROSHEAD & B0BEBT3, Xo. 135, JV. 8f Street, FUIX.ADBX.PiI.t, INVITE llie attention of country merchant and others, to their stock of BOOTS Sc SHOS9J which they will dispose of on Uie most- reason. able terms. Nov. 9, IBoS- ly LET VSIlE tSOZV TOQO UKK. HOLLOW AY'S PILLS. WHY ARE WE SICKt It hss been tha lot of ths human rsea to ha weisheil down bv disease and sutTerinc. HOLLOW A V'9 I'll.l neciaiiT aiuairirsu hi imp rciiei tn we it rnr, um NKRVOL8, IheUKLICATK, Slid ths INFIRM, of all climes, ages, sexes, snd constilutious. Professor Hollo- wsv nersnnaiiv sunernueims ins msnutsetuis oi nis men. icines in tha United Btstes, and offers them to a free and eniifthteiied people, as ths best lemsdy lha wsrld aval saw lor the isinovni si aisesss. THESE PILLS PURIFY THE BLOOD. These famoui Pi la are exnteaaly eoiribmed to onamte cm the atmnaeh, the liver, the kidneya, tite luiifra, the akin anu the nnwm. correiiiiff nnv deranacmenl inllieir I unc tions, purifynift the btomf, the vetjr fountaiu of life, aud thua curina di tense hi all its forma. DYSPEPSIA & L1VKU COMPLAINT Neorlv half the human rate ltnve taken these Pilla. hna been proved in all parte of the world, that nnthitif tin a lecen tound equal to them in enses r rtiaorilera ol the liver. dviDenaio, and stomach compliiintatTeiternHv. Thev 0win Rive a healthy tone to those arenna, however much eeranged, and when all other means nave lanea. C EX Ell A L DEHIUTY, ILL HEALTH. Mnny nf the rnnsl despotic Onvernmenta hnve opened their Custom Ilttusea lo the introduction of these Pills, that they mny bee. me the meilicme of the masses. Learn ed Colleges admit that this tnetlieine ia the iiest remedy ever known foi peiaouanf deliente henllli, or where the a stem hna been iinnnned, aa ita invigoiuting properties never fail to nfTord relief. l-EMA LE COMPLA IXTS. No femnle. roans' or old. should lie without this eete- hrated medicine, it enrrei-ls snd resulatea the monthly courses at all petimls, setms- in mnnv fuses tike s charm. It isslso the best snd sntest medicine thut can tie given to Chilnren of all nges, sml for any cuinplamt; consequeully no ismiiy snuuiu uc wiiuout u. Hulloway's Pills are the best remedy Jrnotwi in the vorld for the following disease: Asthma. Fever snd Affile Ptone and Gravel Bowel Complaints Fetnnle Cnniplsiiita fee,itidntv Symjv CtHishs Ilentlnches Inw:ird Wenkneas CSiis Ititiigestion l.iver Comnlsiuts Chest Diseslcs Influenza Iiwneuvfriii Spirits Costivcness Ihtlrimmnttrn Piles Dyspepsia Venereal Auectinns Dinrlitta Worms, of sll kinds Dronsv riA.i-.9Air ri?itLAS. . SoM at Ihs Manufactories of Professor Holiowat SO Mniilen I-sne., New York, snd till Strand. Umdoli, by nil respectable Drussisls aud healers in Meilirine tlironsli. nil tlie I, nilcl Mmcs, anil the civilized worm, in ooxes, at 3.5 cents. G cents, snd ffl esch. I se inere is a eunsKicruuie saving uy isaun n mri Sizes. N. B. tlireetions for the ruidsncs of Dslients la tvery disonler ore aflix.'d to each boa. March ii, IMS lyca EAETKENWAR'E- THE aubscriber respectfully in'orme the citi zens of Sunbury and the public generally, that lie hss commenced the manufacture of all kind f EARTHENWARE, at his manufactory in Whortleberry Street, one square east of Ihe River. He haa engaged the services of Mr. lliar, and you can tberelore depend on having a good article. The pub.ic are respectfully invited to rail. All ordera from a distance will be promptly attended t. P. M.8HINDEL. Sunbury, Feb. S, 1856. tf Valuable feoperty for sale. fPHE subscribers, Execnlora of the estate of 1. Henry Masscr, dee'd., offer at private aale the following property viz: A large two story frame dwelling house, together with about 50 ACRES OF LAND, Situate in Lower Augusta township adjoining lands of Daniel Kaufman and other now in the occupancy of John R, Kaufman as a store and dwelling. The house is new and the location a good one for business. Also a TRACT OF LIMEST0NF LAND, in said township on the river about 6 miles be low iSunhu.y.adjoii ing lands of J. T. M'Pheraon and others, containing, about 90 acrca. The soil is productive and contain limestone and other minerals. Also a tract of Laud, containing about 35 teres on the hill, about two miles below Sunbury, adjoining lands of the he'ua of the late John Conrad and others. There is, on this tract, a small orchard of choice fruit. For further particular apply to th subscribers. H. U. MASSER, ) P. U. MASSER, Executor. FRANCIS BL'CHER. ) Sunbury, January 19, 1856. tf Patten's New York WINDOW SHADE & CURTAIN STORE, 203 Chestnut St., opposite Jones' Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. Window Shade, Gilt Cornices, Hull', White and green Hollands, Picture Cord, Patent Roller, Curtain Pin and Trim mings, V roratelles, Satin da Lainea, Worsted Damasks, Centre Tassels, (iimp and Loope, Curtain Hands, Lace and Muslin Curtains, riece Muslins, Store, Steamboat and Church Shade or Dra pery,, got up a' the shortest notice. Curtains cut, made and put up by the most experienced hands, Pattim's New Vohk 8Toai, J03 Cheatnut St., Melodeon buildings: May 3, 1856. J. II. sf 1II, Justice of the Peace. MOUISJ-T CARMEL. Northumberland County, Pennsylvania, All business piomptly attended (o. Monies collected and all ordinary wri'inga don. Mount Carmel, June H, 1H56 ly LAND WARRANTS. The highest price will Imi ffiivn tr I....I . ... I.u .1.. ,,u cruwsi tl. O MASSER. I'KTKR F. ZI.V.nF.H.n.l.X'. OESPECTFl'LLV informs hia friends, and ' the public EFuerallv. lhat he has iusl receiv ed a New Stock of GOODS, et his new store, at David Miller a Mill, in Lower Augusta Town ship, and that bo ia prepared to sell good at the lowest prices. Hi Slock consists in psrt of FALL oV WINTER GOODS, Groceries, Queensware, Hardware, &c. aim every variety usually kept tu a country Biore. Trevorlon prices paid for all kind of produce, i.ower Augusta ivvp, uec X7, IBSb. tt fJATEMT BRITTANIA STOPPERS fo bar bottle for sale by H. B MASSER. 8unbury. July 19. I HSS. OLRNING Fluid, Csmpbene, fluid 'Wick and Lamps, for sals by Klinea Grovs, No. S, 1856 if FOB RENT. rilHE Store Room in Market atreet, occupied JL by P. W. Gray and the dwelling hous ad- joining. Apply to Ihe executor of II. Maasar, deceased. January, IT, 1857. AMERICAN HOUSE, WJLLIAMSPORT, PA.. J. II. KEIaTOS, rroprletor. J as. T. IJalu Ass'U Spt. 13, 1S56 tf JURE OLIVE OIL for table viae, two aiso at l? and 63) cul just received by A. W. riBUEK, MaacJj 14, 'ST. fihamokin White Ash Anthracite Coal. -From the "Old Vein" in the GapCoUiery. JH. ZIMMERMAN A JNO. P. PL'RSEL, aucceasors to Kase, Reed it Co., will con tiuue mining, shipping end selling ronl from th above well known Colliery, under Ihe firm of Zimmerman dr. Pursel. The point of shipment ia at the lower wbarf in Sunhury, Northumber land county. Pa., where all ordera for the varioua kinde of coal, via i Lump, Broken, F.gg, More, and Cheatnut Coal, will be thankfully received and promptly attended to. Sunbury, July 14, 1855, 8cbct, JctT 6, US. Tha firm of Kase, Reed 6 Co. having eold their leans in the Gap Colliery and interest in the wharf at Sunbury, lo Messrs. Zimmerman A Pursel, would take great pleasure in recommend ing our customers and others I" the new fiim, aa they will be able to acll them prepared coal of the beat quality, KASE. REED & CO. TTARDWARE.-Table Cutlery, Razors, Pock 1 et Knivea, Hand sews' Wood aawa in frames. Axes, Chisels, Door Locks, and Hingea, Hand uells, Walters, 4c, just received and for sale by I. W.TENER 4 CO. Sunbury Dee. , 18M. . HAYDOCK & riDDlEE, DEALERS In Watches and Jewelry, will continue the business al the old atand of James 13. Fidler, sVo. 12 South Second Street, PHILADELPHIA, Where they solicit an examination of their large; and varied alock, feeling assured that the expe rience both of them have had in the business, and the facilities they possess for procuring goods on the most advantageous terms, will ena ble them to compete favorably with any other establishment in the city. They have now on hand a fine assortment of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, Silver, Plated and Uriltaina V aie, Cuticry, Fancy Goods, &e., Ac. N. D. Repairing of Watches and all Linda af Jewelry attended t with promptness and the greatest care. Phila., April 7, 1SB.V tf. TO COAL DEALERS. AMMERMAN 8s WEITZSL OESPFCTFULLY inform the public that they have leased the new colliery, called th Lambert colliery, and are ready to deliver coal of superior quality, and of a variety of sizes prepa red on their new coal nreaker. All orders prouipt atlended to by addressing the 6rm, either at Sunbury or Shamokin. Sunbury, June 30, 1855. AI.LX. lllllil V i MAXurACTcakBs or TRUNKS, VALISES, iC., 146 CAwntif Street, front nf Jones' Htel, PHILADELPHIA ivEtR.IIA on h,,,J 'l'e "'pfsl, and oesi assortment of TRUNKS 5- CARPET BAGS, EVER OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC. 8ole Leather, Solid Riveted, Iron Frame. Iron Bound Travellidg Trunks ; Pscking do. Valises ; Ladies' Bonnet Cases; Carpet Bubs, Silcbels. Ac. by the quantity or single atticle. lower than can be bought at any other place in th city. July 6, 1856. WUITE HORSE HOTEL. POTTSVILLE. PA. rTlHE subscriber respectfully announces t his old friends and the public, that he hus taken that old and well known establishment, the White Horaa Hotel. At the corner of Centre and Mahantoge sts., m the Dorough of Pottsville. The Houm- hns re cently been very much enlarged and otherwise, improved, rendering it qulle as comfortable as any other Hotel in 5chujlkill county while the sialics are large, in good cordition, snd at tend by csrelul, sttentive, prudent hostlers. To travellers and others who nmv Mop at his house, he promises everj attention cslculated tn render them Comfortable and eatihiied. JOS. M. FEGEIt. April 6, 185'.- If HENRY D0NNEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ojfict opposite the Cuurt House, Btmbury, Northumberland County Pa. Prompt attention to business in adjoining Counties. HOTEL, OPPOtMTK WKST nitANCH BA.K, WILLIAMSPORT, PA., VlLLl t?l II. 1141. I'luprletor. C. A. 8ti as, Assistant. N. B. n Omnibus will rnn to suJ from the Depot and Packet Landings, to this llmel, frs of charge. September IS, IBA6 if DANVILLE HOTEL. JOHN I3EE1M-, JR., Market Street, Danville, Pa, flUIIS is one of the larjjeet and most corumo JL dious hotels in the interior of Priiiis)lvsnia it has been reeently lilted up, in excellent sljW, with all Ihe modern ceuveuieiices. Danvilled, Sept. 22, 1M65 IILKS for Machinists, carpenters, ftc., lie., lleatty's eds tools, planes and bench screws forssleby K. Y. UKIUHT A. S., Nov. 9. 1856. A RNOLD'8 WRITINfJ U.I ID and Adhe sive and legal envelopes, for sale hv H. U. MASMEK. ullbury. Jan 10. 18. Mi Fairbanks' Platform and Counter Scales (o ry E. V. BKIUH V o.. Nov. t9, 18t 6 fj AM, Shoulders. Cheese. Mackerel, Iri.b "Solmon and ball for ssle hv May 31. 5 K. Y. 11 RIGHT i RON. GEORGE SCHALL & CO. MAMt At HHtK or BLASTING POWDER, Jiff. Curmel, Xorlhumbtrland County, Pa. May 10, 1856 WTK7ILEVS COVGir CAWX. An ..! w lent remedy for coushs. colds. For sal at this orfice. Decemlier 4. 11.58. 13LANK Parchmen. Pajier Deeds and Hunk Mortgages, Bonds. Eteculioiis. Suinmona Ve., for sale b H. B. MASsKk. Sunhury . Auri tA, 1858 STOVES- pOR SALE an excellent second hard Cook ing Stove, also several Cylinder Co al Stove Enquire al this nlltrw JSLANKaS. BLANKS of every dearriiilinn can be had v PP Vint al the office of ta A iu.sn. G OLD PEN'8 with and without msm .r . very aunerior oualilv. iusl re,...i Also a fresh aunnlv of Writing Vi... i V , . . . n wu, ior saui Sunburv. Dee. 7. 1856- -T1EDARWARE. Hollow.w.r- y and. larg. atock .1 eenr,: Z!: th naweat patterns, for aale bv ""u'scing novin.-ns. E.Y.Bl!ir!iiTA.. .. . ts piii,- SILVER WATCHES. A few d.,.,1'1 " j Z- "r aaie at verv ou. V- . . H.B 1 A hAvie u