Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, May 23, 1857, Image 2

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Tbu steamer Asia, from Liverpool, with
Liverpool datci to the 2d inst., hat arrived.
Tbe English Parliament had assembled
and hnve progressed with tbe formalities at
tending the opening.
With the exception of increased discontent
in tbe Turkish Principutitiel, the newt in that
(icction is not important.
Mr. Evelyn Dennison has been elected
Speaker of the British Parliament.
A communication from Mr. Dallas to Lord
Clarendon, announces the presentation, by
tbe American Government, of a silver medul
and a sum or money to the Margate boatmen,
who rescued the crew of tbe ship Northern
The Dnchess of Gloucester, the last snr
viving daughter of George tbe Third, died
on the 30th tilt.
Lady Franklin has purchased the Aberdeen
Clipper for another search for her lost bos
band, and given the command to Captain
It is not improbable that Lord Falmerston
will attempt a littlo Reform bill, in order to
disarm rivalry in tbe new parliament, embra
cing the extension of the right of suffrage to
oil the learned professions, commissioned
officers of tlio army, navy and militia, railway
servants of a certain rack, schoolmasters,
and others of a certain amount of educational
The Grand Duke Constantino, brother of
the Emperor of Russia.' has arrived in Paris.
and grand fetes Lad been given in honor of
Despatches received from the French Am
bassador at Madrid, announce that the Span
ish gorernmeut accepts the principle of tbe
arrangement proposed with Mexico.
The Queeen of Spain's gpoech will an
tiotiuco tbe re-establisbroent of friendly relo,
tlons between Spain and Rome, and hopes
that Mexico will apologize and pay the in
demnity required, otherwise Spain will take
hostile measures.
Reports are again in circulation that the
King of Denmark will be forced to abdicate.
The Federal Council of Switzerland has
authorized tbe acceptance of tbe Neufchatel
propositions. "
Uy the terms of the agreement In relation
to the Neufchatel question, the King of
Trussia is to get a million of francs, but the
Swiss, it is said, will not recognize his title
of Prince of Keufchatel.
Tho reception of the new Austrian Gover
nor General in tbe Lombardo Veoitian pro
vinces was rather cold.
Tho aspect of aBairs in the Danubian
Principalities is serious, owing to the unfa
vorable disposition of Kaimacon, who exhib
its the utmost hostility towards the party in
favor of tho Provinces.
The details of news by the Overland Mail
contain little of importance beyond what bas
been already received.
Lo N'ord says that tbe French authorities
will formally demand a permanent embassy
nt Pekin, and in case of refusul, will endeavor,
in concert with the ,nglisu forces, to pene
trate to ine (. apnoi ry water, aud mere uic
tote terms to the Chinese.
1 lie Coolies on board the Persian ship
Carmen, for Callao, revolted and set tbe ves
sel on fire, when they all, numbering 200,
perisueu a; me vessel.
l lio Coolies on board the British shin
Culmire also revolted and set 6 re to tho ship,
but the flamee were extinguished, and in the
buuggie n oi tue ooues were Killed or
Wounded beloro order waa restored.
Dy ad rices from Shanghai it is stated that
a band of rebels had burned Ho-how, in tbe
province of Kiung-Se, and fifteen crops of
tea were destroyed.
The Mandarin authorities of Wbampoa
bad sentenced three Chinese metchunts to
death for having conversed upon commercial
matters witu the Jogusu, contrary to com
Tu accounts of the revolt of the Chinese,
and slaughter ol 2000 at Sarawak, are cod
Quebec, May 18.
Tbe steamer Anglo-Saxon bas arrived from
Liverpool, with dates to tbe 6th iust., four
days later than received hy the Asia
It is rumored that an extensive conspiracy
uas oeen discovered in Bpain.
the omcers lor the expedition against
juujico are eiuourKing irom amurid.
Tbn Art Exhibition was opened on Tues
day, the 4th hist., at Manchester, with great
ceremony, attracting an immense throng of
Tho Queen's speech to Parliament is an
ticipulcd with intense interest, as it is thought
that Roebuck's threatened umenduent would
be carried.
The French journals assert that Lord Elgin
will demand of China a revival of the treaties
with an extension of privileges to three
other ports besides the five already mentioned.
Also, the establishment ot English military
posts at all cities where English Consular
Agents reside, and the erection of forts at
Canton, Shanghai and Hong Kong.
Generals Santiago, Medina and Garndo,
will command the military expedition destined
to operate against Mexico.
The text of the Spanish Queen's speech
respecting Mexico, says that tho diplomatic
relations with the Mexicun Republic have
been interrupted, but expressos the hope
that the interruption will be but temporary.
7 he Mexican government and nation have
already begun to prove that they will not
counlenanuo those ucts, as contrary tojaslice
as to humanity, by allowing them to go un
punished, and that they will not oblige Spain,
to whom they are united by so many bouds,
iv exact reparation nr sucu outrages.
A further reduction in the duties on tho
introduction of textile fabrfts into Rome Las
taken place.
The Danish Ministerial diOculties con
The prohibition against the exportation of
jjuu uus ueeu romoveo iy tbe Jumper or
The Rusrian treaty with Japan opens the
ports of Simoda, llakadudi aud Nangasaki
The quantity seut by Railroad this week is
40,677 16 tons by Canal, 39,008 01 for
me ween. TJ.tb'j 00 tons. Tola bv Ra road
664,91M 10 against 699,539 09 tous Do. by
Canal, 18l.lu5 01 agaiust 175,764 11 tons to
same period last year.
The shipments this week from this Region
are heavier than wa anticipated. We are
However, 2 1,8'Ji 09 tons behind the ship
men Is of last year to this period, with a de
Dl&uu which is ou tha nicrna.a Rn.t. 4.1
- - WG.IV IrW,
have beeu more pleuty, thau it was thought
1...- 1. -1 . 1 1 1 1 1 .
1 no i wbbs, ma wuuia us, 1 ne Doatmeo ara
taking advantage 01 tha scarcity. The? re,
quire quick despatch, and lose as little time
as poasiula. .Uiiers Journal.
Tha citisens of Tyrone, Pa., bave petition.
d the Blair County Conrt to incorporate
their City into a Borough. We should judge
tn-.s iu progressing oaevwarat.
SATURDAY, MAY 23, 1857.
II. B. MASSER, Editor end Proprietor
To ADrTtEm - -The irenlatlim of ths Bunbury
Atnsncan aminig tha different towns on the Sotnuehanna
it nut exceeded ifcqualM 1T any (Miner published in North
ex n Pennsylvania.
Demooratio State Nominations.
For Governor
Judge of. the Court,
lion. tCIXI Lt.-WIS,
OF rillt.ADRl.t'lirA.
For Canal Commissioner,
83" Thr New Fkr-Rim. for Justices of the
Peace and Constables, printed on card paper,
for sale at this office.
(J" M s. George Good had three of his
fingers sawed off by a circular saw in the
steam saw-mill of Ira T. Clement, on Wed
nesday last.
(J" The work on that portion of the Nor
thern Central Railway between Port Trevor
ton and this place, has been resumed. The
contractors are directed to complete the
unfinished grading as soon as possible.
fjy We learn that snow fell ut Mt. Carmel
on Tuesday to the depth of five inches.
What a glorious place of resort this must be
during the dog-days.
sJ3" Election. A n election for Supervi
sors and Assessors for tbe Borough of Sunhu
ry was held at the Court House on Monday
last. The following persons were duly dec.
ted :
Supervisors Jacob O. Deck and Philip
Assessors V'm. A. Druner and Michael
O" Our neighbor of the "Gazette," "is en.
tied to the thanks of the community," and we
hereby make a special tender of ours, for the
very able, ingenious and scientific manner in
which he has seconded our efforts in the Canal
3 We have been deluged in cold rain this
week. Tbe accompanying north-wester has
brought overcoats into requisition and made
the lovers of fruit tremble.
O The citizens of Northumberland, have
procured a Town Clock which they have put
up in the steepleof the new Methodist Church.
It is a good specimen of a time piece. We have
heard it tolling the hours several times on
calm evenings. Our neighbors deserve great
credit for their enterprise.
(iTTbe Lewisburg Savings Institution,
it should be understood, have slopped dis
counting it being desirable to settle up ull
their matters before the Rank goes iuto
S3" The "Farmers' Jol-rnal" is the title
of a new paper started at Milton, by J. Ro
bins, formerly editor of the Mil Ionian. It
makes a handsome appearunce, aud is edited
with ability.
2" McKix's Death Warrant. Governor
Pollock bus issued the dentil-warrant of Da
vid Stringer McKim,couvicted of the murder
of Samuel T. Nurcross, near Altooua, Jan.
ICth. He will be hung on Friduy, the 21st
of August next, at Uollidaysburg, llluir
CyJonxM. Fethikin, Esq , representa
tive from Lycoming county, died at Harris
on Friday, the 15lh just., of the National
Hotel poison. His body accompanied by a
committee of the Senato aud House, was
brought to bis late residence ou Saturday.
On Monday the corpse was interred with Ma
sonic Honors. 1 here was a larger uumbur
of the Fraternity iu procession than we have
seen iu the interior on any previous occasiou
The Odd Felluws, members of the Bar and
the Woodwurd Guurds, were also present.
Mr. 1 etrikiu was a young muu of great
promise, aud in his death his friends experien
ced a loss which will not easily be repuirud.
(jkxkbal Synod or tuk Litueban
Cbircu. The eighteenth Evangelical Lu
tnerau uenerul Synod or the Lulled Stales,
met at Reading, IV, on the 14th iust. Tbe
General Synod of Ibis Church was orgauized
111 iBiv, and was composed ol a tew districts
or local Synods from this and other Stales.
In 184 the General Synod was composed of
representatives from thirteen district Synods
Since that period twelve others have become
aQliated, and the present General Syuod
stands related to, and bus representatives
irom twenty-five districts or local Synods.
uev. v . o. llai key, D. D., was chosen Presi
dent of tbe General Synod.
CaT An attempt tbe other eight to enter
tue enure or Urowo t Ritter. Lewisburir,
was frustrated by tha wakefuluess of Doctor
uerhart, next dyor, neighbor.
3" Tbe Corner Stone of tbe new German
Reformed Church in Miffliuburg, will be laid
on the 24th inst. Ministers from a dislauce,
both German and English, will preach on tbe
3" Godet's Ladt's Boot for June.
.,.. ,..t.,.J V. . ... .
.mm U1. 11 is niled with a great
variety of Interesting matter, and a number
or pattern engravings, for embroidering which
possess a charm for every industrious lady.
Mr. Godey never neglects these be is alwave
ready to furnish then with articles of taste
8t. Nicholas Hotel, 1
New York, May 19, IH67. J
Tha amount of travel to this graat city,
and tbe great Influx of strangers, from every
quarter of tha globe, if enormous. I left
Philadelphia ia tha 2 o'clock line, over tha
Camden k Amboy road. Seven passsager
ears wera filled, and this ia but one of the
six or eight daily traini between New York
and Philadelphia. During tba summer season
this is decidedly tha most pleasant routs, as
the distance from Amboy to New York,
about 40 miles, is performed by a steamer.
The scenery along the river the splendid
country residences on its banks, as Jon ap
proach New York, Is not equalled In any
other part of this continent and iri some
respects not by any country in tha world. ' In
all the elements of a great commercial city,
Hm V01K In k realty ahead uf Philadelphia.
Great enterprises that would cause tbe de.
iberations of years, in Philadelphia, are
almost of daily occurrence in New York.
Railroads nro projected and aided wherever
they can be made to subserve New York
intere?ts. The Snnbury & Erie road, Lad, it
od to New York, would have been completed
years ago. The consequence is tnut iniscny
the great centre of trade as. well as of
travel. While on this subject, it may be
ns well to add that every inducement is held
out to strangers to visit New York. The
Hotel accommodations are on a magnificent
scale, and nro ably conducted. I ins Hotel,
ho St. Nicholas, bus ut present about eight
hundred guests and vet it is the most quiet
and orderly house in this country.
The Pennsylvania Legislature a few days
siuce, passed a bill to make a Railroad from
Reading to Columbia, by which it is intended
to make a nbort rut from New xork to
Washington, in connection with the new road
now making Irom Reading to Allentown.
This is a New York project, aud will be
carried out.
Tbe discovery of pearls in a small stream
near 1 allersun, N. J., 17 miles from New
York, has caused a great excitement in that
neighborhood. The Now York Herald nt
a reporter to the place, who Las given a long
and interesting account of the discovery, de
scribing a number of pearls fouud, worth
from 50 cents to $500. Some time in Feb
ruary lust, Mr. Ilower, a carpenter, with three
of his neighbors, in consequence of tbe high
price of food aud scarcity of work, went to
gather some uiusiks. They returned wiih
about two dozen, each, and according to the
story, Mrs. I lower spoiled a pearl worth 25,
000 in trying to cook it soft for breukfast.
The following colloquy ensueJ with the report
er of the Herald:
Mr. Hower I felt something bard when
opened the tnui-cle, but did uot notice it
Airs, lluwer l put the muscles in a pot to
boil I lie 111 lor breaKlast, and tuey mutt have
been in there nearly an hour; when 1 took
them out they seemed tough, so 1 put them
iuto a pan to Iry them, but in doing so
noticed something white like a bubble ol'-uir
111 oue. 1 took it out and struck a knife
against it, saying it was hard as a stone.
Mr. Mower 1 cried out It is a pearl, It is.
pearl : and true enough it wus a pearl,
worth $25,000 the largest and finest one in
the world, so jewellers tell me, but ob, it Lad
lost its color.
The poor man looked sad here, and oid it
niailu him sick for two days, but his heroic
wile now cheertd him up as she hnd formerly
done, telling him he would find another.
Next day a jeweller iu Puterson told jMr.
Hower he did r.ot know the value of the in
iured pearl, but tillered S40 for it. It bus
since been placed in the store or Hall, tilark
& Uo. Air. lluwer thinks the color is re.
turning into it, and that it may yet come bnck
so us lo be worth ten or Gftreu thousuiid did-
urs. For tho pour niun's suke we say amen
He has not been pearl hunting much since
his first discovery, tbuugh be has found
auolher small pearl and sold it fur $100.
The icuucipal government of this city is,
at present, 10 a great quandary. 1 bo oppo
nents of Mayor Wood had uu act passed
recently, legislating tho police department
out of office. Tho Mayor contends that the
act is unconstitutional, and bus appealed to
the supreme court, and refuses to surrender
his authority.
I he news Irom Huh is highly important.
Brigham Young, with his Dunite bund of
desperadoes, has overawed the United States
Court, threatening Judge Stiles with instant
death if lie. did not adjourn tbe court, and
promise to enforce no oilier laws, than the
I iwtof the territory, administered by Mormon
officers. Willi rtvolvers and swords pointed
at his breast, tlu-y compelled him to execute
their design. It was rumored that Urighain
Young has fled, and that the Mormons are
split up with dissensions among themselves.
Later news, however, informs us that he is
still ut Salt Lake. It is to bo hoped that
Major McCulluch, of Texas, will accept the
Governorship, liiuvo as Cicsar, aud perfectly
feurh-ss, he would make Brigham and his
confederates iu villainy, tremble ia their
boots. It will not do for Mr. Buchanan to
pursue the temporising policy of Presidents
Fillmore and Pierce, iu the affairs of Utah
A crisis bus arrived which demands action
ou the pait of tbe government, if we would
avoid being disgraced iu the eyes of tho whole
civilized world.
(3 The "Home Gazette" is the name of a
new paper iu Lowibburg, published by E. G
Orwig. It preseuts a neat appearance, aud
we trust Mr. Orwig may succeed iu bis enter
PsKrARK! Prepare! In the event of the
world coming to an end on tbe 13th of next
Juue, the Mt. Vcrooa Manner offers tba fol
luring i-uuBuiauuu -to an wnom it may
coucern : '
"But if the world should eoma tn .n knA
there is oue class of people we pity from the
uuiioiuui ourueari newspaper delinquents
Awlul, terrible, Tearful will be their doom!
In vain will they attempt to hide themselves
in caves and coul cellars! It will be of no
use there U do eacape for them I Their only
hope for redemptiou is to sou are off onl.
the printer by the 12th of June, and take a
receipt, so tuat oi. relur win admit tbem
wiiuin ine gates or the Celestial City,
hint to the wise is sufficient."
J HE COMET We learn from lha IT.w.b.
Preusa that tbe comet baa been seen bv citi-
an. nflk.l 1 .. I . I . . I .. -
ua ui iu wuuout toe aid OI a tele,
scope. Tbe weather was unseasonably
Schutlkiix Havem Bamk. Tbe Governor
bas vetoed the bill incorporating ibis Bank.
The reason given is, that it is not demanded
by tba business necessities of too proposed
Monday May 4th, was tha day fixed by law
for the election of County Superintendents o'
the Pablio Schools, in the different conntiet
of the State, for the term of. three years.
The following are tbe Ramea or tba persona
elected, and tbe yearly salary to whicH each
is entitled, as far near from i,
J 3 Reimenenyder, North'd,
Hash Castle. Lyoomlug,
J if Berry, Clinton,
J I Burrell. Centre,
Wm Burgess, Colombia,
A B Putnam. Montour.
. $400
D Hackendorn, Union, 600
D H R,.var Hnnvder. 200
J L Rivbardwn, Iuaerne, 800
Rev L L Still, Clearfield, 600
Albert Owen, Huntingdon, 600
John Dean. Clair, 600
Mr Shoemaker, Franklin, 600
K L Acker, Montgomery, 900
Wm A Goode, Berks, 942
Rev J S Crumbaugh, Lancaster, 15"0
Rev C Quick, AlleBheny, 1000
Wm M Uuchlield, Juniata, ouu
V Hilburn, Northampton, 600
II II Swarlz. Lehigh. 500
Dr A B Blair, York, 1000
A D Hawn, Mifflin, b(0
R Miller, Somerset, 4 15
8 B MeCormick, Cambria, 700
Rev T U Bucher, Perry,
Dr F Taylor, Chester, 1000
Robert W Smith, Armstrong, 80(1
Samuel D Ingram, Dauphin, 800
John Kludge, Lebanon,
1. L spencer, Warren, oou
Rev 11 Heckerman, Uedford, 600
8 A Terrell, Wayne, 1000
II Lnngdon, Washington, uuu
R Krewsou, Schuylkill, 1000
W II Johnson. Buckr. 1000
I) Shelly. Cumberland. 600
1 nomas union. Uut cr. w
Mrs. Vondersmitb, wife of Judge Vonder-
smitb whose re-arrest we noticed some days
sen. died yesterday afternoon, after a painlul
Dortracted illness. She had been very ill for
some time previous to the arrest of her hus
band, and when on that occasion he Did ner
a final farewell, she was scarcely conscious of
what was transpirinc. She was generally In
delicate health, und recent domestic troubles,
no doubt, hastened her death. The death
ircnr. which nrenrred undi-r Decillinrly i
inuaiog circumstances, was renaeren sun
more painful by the ' dying wife and mother
civinif premature birth to a child a few min
utes before her dissolution. Her brother, Dr
John Leonard, bud been committed to prison
for thirty days, the day previous, for drunken
ness and disorderly conduct, but was released
through the intervention of friends, in time to
see his sister die. Her husband und the Iu
ther of ber three children, ull old enough to
realize their situation, lying in prison in Phil
adelpbia, charged with a high crime, and the
cries of the children for parents both lost to
them, altogether presented a ecene of sorrow
and distress which is rarely Witnessed by bu
in sn eyes.
The house in which the family resided it
subject to lien of $7,000. with three years' in
terest, which tbe government holds as an in
deninilicatitin of the forfeited bail, and the
children are therefore left not only orphans,
but homeless. Lancaster Evening Express
of May 19.
Excitement and Lynch Law at Louisville.
A telegraluc dispatch from l.ousville, states
that the trial of the four negroes, accused of
murdering tbe Joyce family, some mouths
since came off on Thursday. One of the
prisoners tnrned State's evidence, but his
testimony failed in its illegality, and not be
ing corroborated, the prisoners were acquit.
ted. This result occasioned tho greatest
excitement in the Court bouse, and among the
crowd in its vicinity, lu the evening a crowd
broke into the ranr.on house, and seizing
upon one of the cannons placed it in front
of the jail. A number of sluts were fired
from the jail and returned hy the mob, who
attacked the jail with bricks and oihr mis
siles. The jailor fearing the escape of ull bis
prisoners, lormully surrendered two oflheac
cused negroes to the mob, who immediately
hung them up. 1 lie third prisoner cut bis
throat with a razor, and thus escaped the fury
of the mob. The negro w ho turned State's
evidence was r.ot molested by the mob.
Death from Starvation in Michigan.
Detroit May 16 Reliable information was re.
ceived here yesterday of great deslitutiou
existing in U rut lot county, and other seclu
ded localities in the northern part of this
Stuto, several persons having already died
from starvation. Many cattle are also dying
lor want ol lood.
A meeting was held last evening at tho Cil v
Hall, to consider the proper means for the re
lief of the destitute people in the northern
part of the State A citizen of Gratiot coun
ly was present, whose wife and three children
died of starvation. He gave a gloomy account
of tho suffering in that region, of the people
dying from tbe waut of tbe most coiumou
It was resolved to raise 8-)000 in this city
lor tbe purchase or provisions, oue thousand
ol whicb amount was subscribed ut the Hall.
The Dakvii.i.kTkarkdy. The hasty notes
of the poisoning case in this place, contained
in our last paper, have proved in the main
to be correct. A t'uti mortem examination ol
Mrs. Clark was held on Mondav- whicb ex
hibited the presence of poisou supposed to
be arsenic. A coroners jury was empanneled
on w ednesday, and a partial investigation
was non in ine jiresence ol t'nul Lenly, Ksq
District Attorney, and E. II. Baldy, Esq
counsel lor the delence. Alter examining
Drs. McGill, Strnwbridge, Simington, fciuitz-
ler, and the clerks in Chalfuut it Hughes
Drug store, the jury adjourned until T hurs
day, the 281 h inst. Ou Thursday last, a jury
wus summoned and an inquest held on the
body of Mr. Twigg, who bad died about fou
wueks ago, under suspicious circumstunces.
Drs. Simington and Snitzler opeued tbe
stomacn and delected the tllects or poison,
this jury also adjourned until the 28th inst.
I be contents of the stomach of Mrs. Clark
and Mr. 1 wit'ir will in tbe mean time be sub.
jected to chemical analyzation in the city of
Philadelphia. Montour American.
Harrishurg Patriot and Union. We un.
derstand that Andrew Hopkins, Esq., bas
sold tbe Patriot and Union, at Harrishurg
to u. ijuiueman, bsq. Mr. Hopkins
aoout leaving lor xseorasKa to take upon
nmiseii vne duties oi .Receiver or tbe Land
Office for tba Nebraska District, to which be
was recently appointed by the President.
His successor, Mr. Haldeman, is said to be a
gentleman of ability, and ofearuest devotion
to the Democratic cause. He was recently
elected Secretary of tbe Democratic Stale
Central Committee.
Shocking Mi'rder.-Oh the night of the
13th inst., Messrs. 11. K. Eaton, of Holli
daysburg, and Robert Webb, of Lewiatowo,
Pa., who were on their way to Kansas, landed
at oi. iouis, Mo., and were soon afterwards
attacked and dreadfully beaten, aud thrown
iuto a stone quarry by their assailants, whence
they were rescued by the police. Mr. Webb
died the following morning, and Mr. Eaton
remained in a very critical condition at last
accounts. No arrests have been made.
Tux Poisonino. A Washington despatch
says: "The Merchants and business men in
this city are taking up a subscription of ten
thousand dollars, which will be paid to any
person orj persons ascertaining toe cause of
the poisoning cases at tbe National Hotel
The development that have recently com to
light have cans) much eiciUmrat hart."
Hollo wat versus Letts.
Tha examination of the charge made against
one William Leith, drug-broker, for forging
the wrappers and trademarks used in tbe sale
of Uolloway't Ointment and Pills, waa com-
Bieuced on Saturday, oelore Justice uoououy
at the Lower Police Court.
Mr. Driver, the agent for Mr. Flolloway in
this country, waa re-examined and cross-examined
at treat lenxht as to bie connection
with and the powers given him, as sole agent
iu ibis country, by Mr. tioiioway.
One of the proprietors of a printing estab
lishment in Centre Street identified the de
fendant as the persoo br whom be was em
ployed to print 000,0001 fac simile copies or
. . r ... . -
a pamphlet Issued from Hollo ways establish
roent, and used as a wrapper for the medicines
sent out. together wilh oulside wrappers lor
dozen packages in due proportion. Tbe bills
for such printing were made ont to "Mr,
Black," but defendant's name waa afterwards
understood to be Johnson. When he first
called relative to the printing.of tbe pahmlets
netnquiMa tbe cost, and said be could make
no agreement until he could bear from tbe
West he called. He called again in a fe
days afterwards, and ordered the piir.ting
saying it could be done cheaper here than in
St. Louis or Cincinnati.
The whole tranaclion came to the ears of
II olio way's agent here, in consequece of
Leith's failure to pay a bill to the printers at
the time specified. The printer, supposing
the work to be done Tor the house of Hollo
way, mudu inquires at his office here, were tbe
true facts were elicited.
Tho counterfeits were detected by tbe ab
sence of the water-mark "Hoi.loway, New
York am London," whicb appears on every
leaf of the genunine book of directions.
Tbe enso is still under examination. JSeto
York Daily Times. 31j Jan. 1857.
Affairs in Utah. The Overland Utah
mail just received, brings dates from that
Territory to tho 2d of April, ult.
The affairs in the Territory are reported
quiet. Preparations were being made to
semi a Inrce number ol Missionaries lo an
parts of the world.
I he reported movements or uov. urignam
Young do not accord with those via Califor
nia. He seemed to possess entire confidence
in his people, and wus planning a pleasure
excursion to a Mormon settlement on Salmon
Barnardins and the surrounding settle
ments have been incorporated hy the Mor
mons into tho Great Salt Luke City.
A bold and defiant trader, who arrived at
Fort St. Laramie, reported that the Chey
nines Indians acknowledge a loss of sixteen
warriors, who hnd been sent to commit depre
dations on the California rond; in consequence
of which sixteen traders among them were
made prisoners, and a hundred warriors were
despatched to the road to avenge the loss oi
the tribute.
The friends of the Tyrone and Lock Haven
Railroad will be glad tolearn that the Western
Division of said road, from Bullefonte to
Tyrone, is under contract. The letting took
place at Unionvillo, on the 7th iust. A large
number of bids were made.. After carefully
examining all the proposals handed in, it wus
ascertained that Samuel Brady t Co. bad
agreed to grub, grade, bridge and finish the
road ready for the lies and rails for the sum
of (i5.500, which being the lowest bid the
Board accepted it and ut once entered into
an article of agreement to that effect. Tbe
work is to he commenced in fifteen days from
the date of the ugreement. and to be finished
by the first of December next. Bcllrfonle
Some "Snake." A countryman from the
neighborhood of Halifax stated in our hearing
yesterday that he recently saw on the road
leading across Peter s mountain to Millers
burg, a black stiuke which he judged to be
about "thirty fet long and as thick round as
a mans body" Ut course, the man was con
siderubly frightened by the appearance of
such a monstrosity, and added that ne "ran
nearly a mile back to a tavern before he
stopped.'' We rather guess he had been to
that same tavern previous to bis seeing tbe
snake. However, if the story is correct, we
fear that 1.) ki n's Valley is a doomed district,
for if ever that 'crittnK wants a breakfast,
heaven help the iuhabilants. Harrishurg
The CArn'RKo Filibusters Advices
from the cily of Mexico stute that all the
filibusters, sixty in number, including Col.
L. ratio, who was captured at lobores, were
shot on the bth, in accordance with their
Sentence. The country wus reported quiet.
Cflcjjvapjjic Utfos.
WuttiiasKa A train.
The Gorernorslip of Utah Tne I'olicy oftht
Watuijiotok, May 19.
A member of the Cabinet to-day, received
a telegraphic despatch Irom Major MctUl
loch, declining the Governorship of Utah.
He, bjwever, expects lo reach Ibis city id the
cjurse of ten days.
It is not true tbut Judge Drummond has
been offered the appointment ia cuso of tbe
refusal of Major McC'ullocb ; but this after
noon u telegraphic desputch was sent to a
Western man, whose uume is officially con
cealed for tho presuut, tendering it to biui.
Recent information received in regard to
the state of utluiis in Utah, has caused a
chunge iu the policy hitherto contemplated
by the Government. The condition ol that
Territory now beiug such us to requiro ri
gorous measures, trt ops in large numbers will
be seut timber, probably uudut the command
of Gen. Harney.
The Administration is anxious to act at
once iu thia important mutter, especially in
view of the late obstructions lo the Judiciary
proceedings, and the accounts so frequently
received, relative to oppressions by the Mor
mons, of those who do uot beluug to their
Washington, May 19.
Much excitemert bus existed for several
days past in tbe Pension Bureau in coose.
quence of alledged frauds. Commissioner
Whiting, after a close investigation, found no
proofs of veuulity, but discovered that a clerk
employed iu the ollice bud exteudod uudue
facilities to the agent for claims, some of
whicb were improperly allowed, aud the clerk
was required to resign his office.
A letter received from Mr. Dennison, the
Indian Agent, represents tbe accounts of de
predations by tbe Pawnees as much exagger
ated. Tbe Indians, three or four thousand in
uuniber, are in a starving condition, and re
taliated ou the w hites lor supposed wrongs.
In tbe Council wbicb Agent Dennison held
with tbem, they did not deuy that soma of
the young men of their tribe were guilty of
misdemeanors, but none of so serious a uature
as to warrant tbe whites in taking tbe life of
one of their chiefs. They said they were ready
to make a treaty to be placed on an equal
fooling with the Oloes, Missouriaus and Owa
bas tribes.
Algenon S. Garnett, of Virginia, has been
appointed Assistant Surgeon, and Rev. Chas
A. Davis, Chaplain in tbe Navy.
Wasuinoton, May 19.
Tba Washington Union of to-day says : '
"Letters have been received iu this city
from sources entitled to credit, stating that
Gov. Brigham Young, of Utah Territory, bas
at last accounts left Salt Lake city, with
cboaen body of two hundred men, for Wash,
ington or Oregon. Some of tbe writers ex.
press the belief that Young would endeavor
to make hit way to tba British possession on
tba Fannc."
California 3Jctos, '
asbjval;of thb geoegk lav.
, Si,Too,eeo ta eM.
The Steamship George Law arrived at N
York last evening, from Aspinwall, bringing
tbe Ban rranoiaee Nails or April zuiti. which
reached Panama by tne Golden Age. The lat
ter steamer brousrht down 82.163,247 in spe
cie, of which $1,702,322 came to New York
A bill providing for the payment of the
State debt bad passed the Senate by a vote
of 22 to 2. It requires to be submitted to
vote of the people.
About 6.000 ounces of cold dust ware sent
to San Francisco weekly from the town of
John Hyde, the ex-Mormon elder, bad
been lecturing against the delusion to large
crowds in the various parts of the State.
Two hundred and fifty-seven thousand dol
lars in silver bnllion had arrived in San Fran
cisco from Manzanillo, for coinage at tbe
The State Treasurer, who, at the sailing of
the last steamship, was in custody, having
been surrendered by one of his original bonds
men, shortly after procured other securities,
and was sgam sutlered to go at large.
A resolution providing lor the adjournment
of the Legislature on the 27lh April having
passed the Senate by a unanimous vote, tbe
probabilities were that the session was brought
to a close.
Tbe liberal and much abused law allowing
married women to carry on business in their
own names, was likely to be repealed, a reso
lution to that effect having passed one branch
of the legislature.
Tbe election lor charter omcers in Sacra.
mento resulted in the choice of almost the
entire Democratic ticket by large major).
ties. There were also two other parties ia
the Held.
A report was prevalent in the Valley to
the eOect that a serious dissension had arisen
among the Saints ut Salt Lake City. It is
said that Brinhain Young has beeu compel
led to flee the city to save himself from the
lury or his Mock. 1 be difficulty nad us origin
in matters relating to the administration of
the church property.
The late winter has been more storm; and
tlin snow deeper than ever before known, yet
it is said the ico has not been so thick as du
ring some former seasons. It is generally
thought the inhabitants will vote to adopt a
stute lorm or government, nnd a constitution
prohibitory of slavery. The press of tbe
territory is warmly engaged in the discussion
of Ibese and kindred topics.
A Municipal election was soon to come off
in Portland, whereat a Union Ticket was
likely to be elected.
There continued to be much dissatisfaction
among the Indians in various parts of the
Territory, and many of those gathered on the
Reservations were longing to return to their
lormer haunts and babits.
New river diggings, thought to be rich and
extensive, have been tliscoveied at Vlora
Creek and the Forks of the Coquil, about
thirty miles from Coosa Bay, Washington
1 CTIIllH.
Thr rilghl mt Ururral Walker.
Tho steamer George Law brings no news
of a reliable character from Nicaragua. Tbe
report from Havana, which we published yes
terday, is corroborated by the following ''otter
to the Herald, brought by the Empire City,
which left Havana on tbe 8th inst. :
Havana, Moy 8, 1857.
"I received last night news by tbe express
from the south side, from a most reliable
source, that General Walker bad been com
pelled to abandon his defences and had taken
refuge on board of a British man-of-war at
San J uau del Sur, Colonel LockbrMge re
.iiaining at Greytown. So ends the Nicara
gua Walker dyuasty, and the trouble of Lord
Pulinerslon as to its recognition, for the pre
sent. 1 presumu the government here recei
ved despatches last uigbt, and possibly our
papers, if allowed, may give as more particu
lars this morning, iu which case you will have
the Cuban official version and details of
things that you will not have in Spanish pa
pers." We publish as a great curiosity the follow
ing characteristic letter, received by our
friend Dr. J. C. Ayer, of Lowell, Mass., from
the rebel chief, or usurping Emperor of China
in acknowledgement for quantities of bis
Cherry Pectoral and Cathartic Pills, the
Doctor sent biin as a present. Ladies
Wreath A". Y.
Cosstahct. A young British officer who
was mutilated and disfigured in battle reques
ted a comrade to write to his betrothed in
England and release her from tbe bridal ar
rangement. Jler answer wut worthy. ol a
truo vT'-niun : ''J'ell him if there is enough
of his lody irri to contain bis soul, 1 shall hold
him to bis engugiicnt." In this country
the proper way to win a young lady's unal
tereable affection, is for t..'' vouVS gentlemen
to purchase their clothing at tD :'iagr'ficent
urown btone Clothing Hall or UockDn.
Wilsoti, Nob. COS and 005 (new syle) C.hesnut
street, above Sixth, Philadelphia.
In this place on the 20th iust.. by the Rev
Dr. Mulcuin, H. J Wou ebton. Esq. to Miss
UKOKOIA ANN 31ARXLE, 0010 Ol this pISCS.
In Auburn. California, on the 16th of Anril
Mr. Edward M. 11 all, of this place, to Miss
JtNMKli. WAi.ktH, ol liaugor, Maine.
On tho 26th of April, by the Rev. J. Fritz
inger, Mr. Dknkviu.k Klocx to Miss Sabah
Rkinerd, both of Mabantaago.
On Sunday, the 10th inst., by the same,
Rksslek, all of Lpper Mahanoy.
On the same day, by the same, Mr. Sam-
all of Schuylkill ctnuty.
In Danville, on the Ulh Inst.. MARY
ANN, wife of Mr. John V. Martin, formerly
or this place, in tne dim year oi uer age.
Philadelphia Market.
May 20, 16S7.
Grain. Wheat Sales of nrima na
Pennsylvania red at $1 751 80 and 1 80
tor good white. Uye Pennsylvania at $1
cents. Corn Sales of old yellow at 83 cents
Cats is selling at 60 cts per bushel.
Cloverseed salei of prime at $7 per
04 iua.
Whiskey Sales at 34 cts. ia bbU. aad
in hbds., at 33 cents.
Whaat, . . fa 75 Butter, . . 15
Rye, .... 87 Egga. ... II
Corn, ... Tallow, . . It
Oala, .... as Lard, ... 14
Buckwheat, t Pork, .... 8
Potatoea, ... 60 Deeawai, . . tS
Flat, 1 tS Dnd Applas, 1 tl
Hew Advertisement.
TK pursuance of an orier of the Orphan's
Ceart of Northumberland county, will be
TTt? puWie u SATURDAY the 6th
oi inns, next, at the hause of Michael Vilvert
la Hie borough of Sunburj, the following de.
enoca peraonai property to wit I The undivi.
, .Hlh,:L2.T..b',r of ert'" "LAND
WARRANT, numbered fifty-eight theutand
Tour hundrad and twenty-five, (No. 68,42ft,) the
estate of Thomas Bower, a minor child of Georia
Bower, deceased. Rale tc commence at 10 o'clock
A. M., of said day when the terms of sale wil I be
made known by MICH KEU WILVERT.
By or order of the Court. ) Guardiaa.
C. B. PcasKi, Clk. O. C
Bunbury, Msy S3, 1857.)
Orrica PaitADiimiA ard RciracRT R. R. Co.
Philadelphia, May IS, Uf.7.
A LL persons having outstanding claim ani
accounts scainst thia Comvranv. will nleaM.. .
transmit a atatement of the same to this office at
no. 303 Walnut street, Philadelphia.
May 13, 157. it Treasurer.
dec, Ac, just received a fresh supply and
for sale at the Confectionary store of
8unbury,May 16, 1857
KETCIIUM S Combined Reaper and
For 1 857 is the most complete machine in uw.
and the one best adaptad to the wants of the
First. Being wholly mads of lio it ia mora
durable than any other.
Second. It is so simple that an v person eta
readily manage it.
Third. It is so strongly and wrll built, that
it cannot ea ily get out of repair. .
r ourth. It neat and compact, oceupring
less space than any other.
Fifth. Tbe frame ia so easily balanced that
there is no weight on the horses' ne k.
Sixth. There ia little or no side draft
Seventh. It will cut hray and light grst
equally wall.
Eighth. It ruts wet grass as well as drr.
Ninth. The new cutter bar whel lessens the
draft at least one fourth in mowing.
Tenth. Two horses will work it with ease
in any kind of grass or grain.
Eleventh. It is the only machine with Ih
cutter bar directly opposite the shift of the driving
Twelfth. The open cutting Hade cffactuslly
prevents clogging in any kind of grass.
Thirteenth. It is changed in a few minutes
frcm a mower to a Reaper.
Fourteenth. It is the only.mschiae with a
rer and side Jrlivery for grain.
Fifteenth. It is the only machine Vtbirh girea
the Raker control of the grain, both before aad
after it reaches the platform.
Sixteenth. The adjustable spring Mat, nl
new reaper ahoe are rapilal implement.
Seventeenth. Seven years of sever practiral
trial with more than 13,000 mac hinea have praven
its decided superiority. Like wine it improve
with aga.
Eighteenth. All tha improvements for 1857
have hten practically and thoroughly tented.
Nineteenth. Every part of lha machm ia
made by mastsr workmen and in the most sub.
siaiitial manner.
Twentieth. Ketchura'a Rraper and Mawer
is warranted ts cut grass and grain as well aa it
can be done with a sryths or cradle.
In a word it is just the machine which a farmsr
can buy without any risk, because ample axpe
riencc bas proven that it is reliable in all its parts
FARMERS, eand in your orders early, as tha
sales for the season have thus far been more than
doable that of last year.
BO8, 8PANGI.ER tc CO.. sole AirenU.
No. 617 Market at., below 7th north aide.
May 33, 1857. 6t l'hilsdlphla.
By virtue of a certain writ of Vav F.frnntf
to ma directed, will be exposed to public sale, at
the Court Reuse in Sunhury, en Saturday th
I3ih day of June, at 10 o'clock A. M., the fol
lowing described preprrty to wit :
Three contiguous lots f ground, situate in tka
town uf Shsraokin in Coal township, Northum
berland county, and marked in the general plan
ofaaid town Nos. T38.539 and 210 on one of
which to wit, t.'IS, there is a frame dwelling houto.
Also, upon the undivided one-third part of a
certain tract of land, situate in Coal township
aforesaid, adjuining lands surveyed in the nam
of Esther Krrmer on thr west ; John Carson ba
the north ; Andrew Russell on the east and I.uka
Hogliu on the south; containing in the whale
98 acres mors or leu, on which is erre'ad 4
double frame dwelling houses, a school house. Ae.
Beixed taken in execution, and to be aoU aa
the property ef J. B. Masser.
At the same time and place, by wrrftf Xkh.
Exponas to me directed, will be exposed to
public sale, the following described property
to wit : All the defendant's interest being
the nndividee third part of all that certain
tract of land, situate in Coal township, Nor.
tbumberland connty, art joining lands surveyed
in tbe name of Esther Krcmrr on the west :
John Carson on the north ; Andrew Russell
on the cast and Luke IK.pliu on tbo south,
containing in the whole nine-eight acres more
or les?, on which is erected four double frarua
dwelling houses, a school house. Ac.
Also, levied by virtue of this writ oa Fi
Fa., No. i'?, to ?me term opon three conti
guous lots of groanJ, s::::te in the town of
Shsmokio in Coal towusliip, afort.'d. mH
marked in tbe general plan of said town iV'.'S
238. 239, and.240 on one of Wh'ch to wit No.
238, there is a frame dwelling bouse.
Seized taken in execution and tO he solJ
as the property of J. B. Masser.
By virtue of a eartain writ ef Pi. Fa. t me
directed, will be exposed to public sale, at lha
Court House in Sunbury, on Saturday the 13th
day of June, at 10 o'clock A. M., the following
described property to wit :
Three contiguoaa lolaol ground, silust in the
town of Trsvorton, Zerba township, Northumber
lsnd county bounded by Shamokin streat, on tha
north by lot of John Weaver, formerly Enanu
el Kaufman, on the east, an alley on the south
and lot of Edward Hslfenitein ou the west, being
twenty. fiva fat Mcn jn rroM ,nj ff
depth. Whereon are erected a two story frsma
Dwelling House and basement, a Blacksmith
shop and a frame stable, well of water &e.
Seised taken in execution, and to be sold as lha
property of Michael Wertmau.
U. WKI8B, Sheriff.
8 herifi-s Office,
Banbury. May 16, 1837.
18 hereby given to the stockholders of the Sha.
mokin 8teara Ferry and Tcw-boat Company
that by a resolution of the directors, they ar
required t pay to the Treasurer of said Compa
uy, at the oflic of lha company ia Sunbury l'a
the amount dua upon thrir auliacription to tha
capital etock necessary to bring he amount paid
in equal to 60 par cent, on the original subscrip
tion, on or before the SUth day of June A. D.
1857, anJ that in caaa of defuult tha .irw-lr nfih'l
defaulter will be forfeited, according to tba pro.
viaioas of the Act of Assembly.
Office of the 8. 6. F. itT.B. Co. 1
bunbury, Msy 1 6th 1857. I U I
ALL persons knowing th.ntu.lw. ln-i..j
the subscriber are kereby notifisd that the Books
dec, are in tha haads of Eauuira Mhin.l.l. P
eons wishing to pay their accounts without addi.
Uonal eeau will call at hi office and esttt.
May tt l7 .