THE BLAIR COUNTY MURDER. CleS t the Trial I DaTlrl 9. Mclllm, for th Murder of Samuel T. noreross, lIou.iDAYiBCHO, May 8. Yesterday morning Thaddeas Hanks, Esq , opened for the defence, commencing at the openinp of the Conrt, and ending at a little after 10 o'clock. The arguments of Mr. . Banks were characterized by shrewd reason ing:, and at times he became quite eloquent in behalf of the prisoner. He cited the usual authorities not forgetting the murder of Mr. Hays (in England) for which Jonathan Bradford wrongly suffered a case, I believe, cited on the occasion of every criminal trial where conviction hinges upon circumstantial evidence. W. A. Stokes, Esq., for the Commonwealth, commenced at the close of Mr. Banks' plea. He opened with a beautiful exordium, and then reviewed tho history of the case, begin ning with McKim's residence at Dunleith, and going over the whole ground connected with the fearful tragedy. Never bavo we heard a case based upon circumstantial evi dence huudled with more legal aliMity than was displayed by Mr. Stokes iu this case. One by one he demolished the proofs set up by the defence, until the defence itself seems like the "baseless fubrick of a vision." He brought his remarks to a close at 4 o'clock, having spoken just four hours, during which timo he whs listened to with intense interest by as muny people as could conveniently be crowded into tho Court House, many of whom were Indies. At the close of Mr. Stokes' address, the Judge immediately began to deliver his charge to the jury. It was a long and elab orate review of tho testimony in the case, and the strong points that told against the prisoner were especially telling coming from the Court. It was nearly six o'clock when he concluded, und it was impossible to resist the concl usion that the result of the triul will be a conviction. The jury retired to deliberate upon their verdict as soon as the charge was concluded, IlIK VERDICT. After an absence of an hour and a quarter, tho jury returned to the Court Koom, which was very much crowded. The foreman de livered their verdict us follows : "We find the defendant, David S McKitn, guilty of M order in the First Degree, in manner and form as indicted." Mr. llotios, one of tho counsel for tho de fence, immediately gave notice of a motion in arrest of judgment; but there cnu bo lit tle doubt that it will be overruled. The prisoner was removed to the jail, to await tho sentence of tho Court and tho de cision of the Governor iu regard to his exe cution. So ends this trial, which has excitod un extraordinary interest in this county. It has been fairly and ably conducted, and the prisoner was defended with zeal and talent. .Still it is impossible, after having heard the evidence, to doubt tlmt he is fairly convicted, and tht ho will justly sutler ou the gallows. SKCO.SD PKSPATCIt. - f! noj.;.:nATSBi,nol My 8. The Court met this morning et the usual hour, and was crowded to excess. The mo tion for urrest of judgment was overruled. McKitn was brought into Court and as a condemned man, excited more than ordinary curiosity. The Judge informed him of his conviction and iu the ordinary form asked him if he hud unything to say why sentence of death should not be pronounced upon him. Meli im roRO and declared iu tho most deci ded nmuner that he wus entirely iunocent and averted that be had been convicted un fairly and by means of perjury. The Judge then addressed him in a very solemn nud impressive maimer, aseuriug him that he had been fairly tried, ably defended aud legally convicted of the muider of his friend and travelling companion, and ho then proceeded to pronounce the seuteuco of Ueiitli Ak Kini was then taken back to jail to uwuit the signing of the deulh-warrant, by the Governor. m:w basks. The following is a list of tho bills passed by both Houses of tho Legislature chartering new 15ank3 with the amount of the capital uf each, and ulso tboe for an increase of capital. Tho aggregate increase of tho Dunking capital of tho State is about eight and a half millions : Union Dank, Reading. State Capital, Hsrrisburg, fSOO.000 300,000 IGO.OIIO 150,000 f)00,(IU0 100.000 300,000 500.000 100,000 C'jnU'svi 1 Favette County, Corn l'.xchunge, l.ewisburg, (iuerease,) Kittaiiniiig, Allegheny, Jersey Shore, Octnrura, Denver County, l'hn-nixville, Schuylkill Haven, Commonwealth, Tiogu County, lioylestown, Shamokin, ron City, M'aynesburg, (iuerease,) Catasaqiie, Citizeus' Deposit, Fittsburg, (inc.,) Ivaston. Union Ilnnk, York Coiiniv. (increase. in nnn f v0,000 300,000 UKWIUO 500,000 'JOO.000 i:o,ooo lf.0.000 500,000 100.000 400,000 300,000 150,000 500,000 200,000 Manufacturers and Mechanics' (iuc.) 700,000 Central Dank, HoWdaViburg, 300,000 1'nlWnsn. 2UO.0OO Centro County Dank, 300,000 Crawford County, I.'.O.OOO W. k-..nn f'nnntv. .'U.0,U Lebanon Vullev, -JOO.OUO l'otter Couuty, 100,0)0 Total, 8,559,000 AVhkat and Fktit. We have now rv ceivea recent reports ui me k'raiu uuu nun . . . e :.. i r: crnpi from nearly every portion of the State of Maryland, an J are nappy to remark ttiat, in spite of many previous unfavorable circum stances und much alarm, there is a prospect of a good crop of both. Aud in this connec tion it gives us still further joy to repeat a former opinion, coufirmed by mote recent observation of the reports of our exchange ,Kt ,1, ,!,.. ..nmian m.r..11 ....., - i o 1 - that ol more i nun an average crop, tuougu iu some districts it will doubtless be short in Tjrotiortiou to the amount sown. 1 he fruit, too, except in tho more Southern States is said to promise auuiiuauce. ituitunore Ame rican. The N'ew York Conrv r publishes a table of the marine 1 "se for the past month, showinc an airtrteratu of hfty-tbree vessels, ol which eleveu were ships, seven barks, Bve hrics. twenty-niue schooners anu one sloop The total value of Drooerty lost wag one million, six hundred and fortv-six thousand seven buudred dollars. The aggregate losses for the year so lur, are $8,161,500, The Col Tbadk. The nnantity sent by ltailroad this week is 33,640 Ol torn by Canal 20,389 for the week 54,229 01 tons, Total by Railroad C24.313 14ogainst 652,- 777 10 tons l'O. by t. anal l4,40t 17 against 143,343 05 tons lor tiie corresponding weeU lastycar. Aimers journal. The Lecirluture las so far passed thirty two bank bills, with au aggregate capital of 88,559,000, A difficult v between the Baltimore and Ohio ltailroad Company last week, and its iYiuhl train conductors, led to the perpetra tion of outrageous acts ou the part of the dioFatislied employees. 1 rams were impeaeo, and several men were shot. I be ifl f.n.i'ly 'tol!cd b; a.d tf llic u " .1 . HEW VABIETY AND NOTION STORE Market Strtel 4 doori East of Chat, Weaver's 1 Intel, Sunbury, Penn'a, Ttf R8. M. A. FUNK, has just opened a lot of A-"-Perfumery r ancy Articles, Ac, for Indies and gentlemen, consisting of Hosiery for ladies, gents and children. Embroidery and embroide ry 0o, worsted perforated paper and canvass. Tidy and darning Cotton, Gloves of all siine. Note Taper and Envelopes, Ladies and Gents' toilet articles, Facings and Ribbons for Bonnets, Walebone and Brass Hoops, Ac. Ac, Ac. Call and See, ty A part of the House for RENT. Kunbury, May , 1857. 3t hew imMms ' STORE. MISS LOUISA S HISS EE It, respectfully in forms the citizens of Trevorton and sur rounding Bounty, that she has opened a new tore of Millinery and Fancy Goods, at Trevor ton in Shamokin street, nearly opposite Knouse's Tavern, where all kinds of Bonnets and Fancy Goods can be had St the lowest terms. Ureas malting also atlndd to ia the best manner and latest style. April 29, 1857. tf PUBLIC SALE. PLENDID MULL. PROPERTY I WILL be sold at Public Sale, on the premi ses, on SATLKDAY the 3Uh ilay of May next, all that certain MILL PROPERTY, known as "VINCENT'S MILL," situate in Delaware township, Northumberland county, but a short distance from the YValsontnwn Depot of the Sunbury and Erie Railroad, and from the Caunl Basin and Station near the mouth of the Warrior Kun- The MILL ia erected on the Warrior Run, a short distance from its mouth has a first rate WATEK POWER tho pool covering about ten acres sf land, and attached to the Mill is a good btsili'ing lot containing about one acres. The advantages of location and fitting up as a Flouring Mill, are superior to any in the country. It is fined up with four run of superior stone, and a Piaster Mill. The pool has never been known to fail a supply of water for the purpose of the Mill. tgff" Sale to commence st 1 1 o'clock of said day, when tho terms will be mado known and due atlendauce give by MARIA C. VINCENT, REBECCA VINCENT. Executrix of Isaac 1'inceiii, dee' d. Witness : C. VV. Tiiarp, Esq Delaware tp., May 2, 1H07, 3t C. EElTKEPwT'S WnOLVSAlK AND RsTllf. BOOT STORE, 40 South Fourth S t, above Chesnnt, Phil'a. BOOTS, Shoes, Gaiters, 4c, promptly nude to order in the very best style, and of the best material. Philadelphia, May 9, 1857. Saddle and Harness Maker. HENRY HAOTT, JR. Successor to A. J. Stroh, RESPECTFULLY informs the i'V citizens of Sunhurv and the pub lic generally, mat lie nas risen the establishment lately occupied A. J 8tro!i rd is i rcjaied to ti.rn cut work in is line of business equal to any made in this section of e country. Orders pr oniplly execu ted and all kinds of produce taken in Exchange Sunbury, May 9, lfi57. ly Kcw Drugs, Paints, &c. A NEW supply of Drugs, Paints. Oils, Fluid, Ac, just received and for sale hy A. W. FISHER. Sunbury, May 2, 1857. Centre Turnpike Koad. NOTICE is hereby given that an election for Managers und other officers of the Centre Turnpike Road to servo for the enduing year will be held at the house of C. S. Brown, in Northumberland, on Monday the first day of June, next, between tho hours of 10 o'clock A. M., aud 3 o'clock P. M. J. R. PRIESTLEY, President. May2, 1857. te A Retired Phyitclau hose sand of life have nearly run euf, dis- overed while in the East Indies, a certain I cur cure for Conuoiption, Asthma, ZJionchitia. Coughs, Colds, and Ueneral ueiuiiuy. me remedy was discovered uy mm wneii uis umj child, a daughter, was given up to die. Wish ing to do as lauch good as will send to such of his sfllicted fellow-being as request il, this recipe, wi)h full and explicit direction for making it up and auccessiuuy using " ,.;. eacb anolicant to enclose him on shilling three cents to be returned as postage on the recioe, and the remainder to be applied to the pay menl of thie advertisement. Adress . V 3 Dr. H. JAMES. No. 19 Grand street. I jMJ K.J. 1 . iai- AP"1 liLACKWOOD'S MAGAZINE ADD- The British quarterly Seviewi- Great inducements to Subscribe I COST RKUUCKD50TO74 I'ER CENT. T PCOTT CO., Nsw York, eontinu to psKlua the lollowuig leading HntnU t'ciexlicsi, via s THE LONDON QUARTERLY, CoassrraUT. THE EDINBl'RG REVIEW, Whig. TUB NORTH BRITISH KETIEW, Prss Caarsk 4 THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW Literal. BLACKWOOD'S EDINULRC MAGAZINE, Tory Thesa Pcrimliculsslilv rriirrseut the Ihrsa great politi eul panics of Ureal Uriuiil Whig, Tory sad Kudical I urgu,i t, the Most nrulvund Winers on Science, Liters. i-numB fi.riiia miv utie ita.uTB ui Liinr L'lixiucicr. i . tuie, Morainy ana nenpioii, ihc auiiii,as iuy stood, unrivalled in the world 'l letters, beiux considered iiidispeiiButu in lite scnuiur aim ins pruieuKnwi hiuh, while Ui th uiteltiKeiit reader ui every class Uiey luinish . m., ....i uiinuctorv a more correct and aaliilactory reeo.d of Lha current liter alure of the day, throughout the world, than can teposai. uhtiiiiied lioin anv other source. EARLY OOI'IES The receipt of Advanca 9hets from Ihe llritiah pubtisheis gives additional vuiue to the Keprints, in as nuieli as iney cuu now urn puiceu in mv boar's ot suusirioers about ua soouas thoriinal aduioas. TERMS. (Regular Plieaa) Fsrannam. Far any on of the four Reviews, 3,00 ,uo 7,00 (.00 For any two of the four Reviews, ia Y."' !' " ' i roraiiiouroi iae ivevicwa, For H luck wood 'a Msgusaie, .uu Koi Ulackwood and three Reviews, S OU For Blackwood and the four Reviews. 10,00 lavriiuu to be made in all cases in advane. Monty ear rent in the flute where issued, will he received at iar l'OSTAUE. The Hi 'Since to anv part ol in I illtro States will be but T WENT Y-F()l.'R CENTS yeai fot Uiaekwood," and but FOLK TEEN lt.MS year lor each of ihe Review. . At the aliuve prices lh Periodicals will D lunuaiiao for loA7. Bl'LENDID OFFERS FOR ISiS AND 1647! Vulikc ll.c more eohemeral Masazlnea of the day, Ores Periodiuala kit little by ace. 11 nice full year ol Ihe nos (wiihuo oiuinuuions) lor tcao, may us regaru ucauy as vuiualile as for lb57. Ws propose to furnish th twa years at tua IoIIowihk extremely low raise, vis : ror blackworid'a Maguxiue, 94,10 For any one Keview, r or any iwn Review, w For llluckwood and on Review, V,00 For lilatkwood and two ttsvisws, .00 For three Ueviewa. S.U0 t or Biarswood and three Reviews, ' For the foui Heviewa. ll.OU For Blackwood a. id tbefoar Revlswa. 14 00 To svold Iractlous, ) may be remitted for UlacIwiHi ror wliicu we win lor ward thai work lor Dots years, post-paid ft II.- IHI pilCV til Wlf.1 OIIUIIU fK UIS IVI rHUI la ahove named is about A3t tier annum. i, we ahall never agaiu ba likely Ui offer suck iads- manla a tbosa Here preaeities. A'ou) is th 7 tins to Subscribe ! tT Ramitunee must, In all eae,-b anada direct te th Publialiers. fof at laes price tin eAnimuaioa eaa be .lowcd to Agent. ',-, No M Cold Sued, New York. April 24, 164T FOB SALE- .4 "h1 cond-liai.J Ht'liTv' was Apply at thi tili. DPTTBIjIO sale or FOUR CANAL BOATS. fptJE subscriber will sell at Tutdio out-cry on SATURDAY, the 83d day or MAY, at one o'clock P. M , FOUR CANAL BOATS, now lying in the Trevorton Coal Company's Basin. Terms, one-third rash t one-third In three months and balance on six month credit for approved notes. These Boat will be positively stld to the highest bidder. IRA 8AYR3. Port Trevorton, April SS, 1857. ts P. MELANCHTOIT SHIN DEL, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, exxisTB'cm-sr, OJfict in Deer Street, immediately opposite the Public School House. All business promptly attended to. Monies collected and all ordinary writings don. Sunbury, April 35. 1857. tf STOHE. m Iss SARAH MAKTZ, respectfully lYJa, informs the citizens of Sunbury and sur rounding country, that she has opened a new Store of Millinery and Fancy Goods, at Sunbury, in Market street, neatly opposite Weaver's Hotel, where all kinds of Bonnets and Fancy Goods can b had at the lowest terms. Sunbury, May V, 1867. Sm$ sYLENDliT0FFEESF0OM6TNI) 1857 TOGETHEE. UNLIKE the more ephemeral Msgaiitics'i the day, these Periodicals I little by age Hence a full year of the Nos. with no omissions, for 1856, may be regarded nearly as valuable as for 1857. We propose to furnish the two years at the following Extremely low Raioa, viz: For Blackwood's Magazine, 4 50 For any one Review, 4 00 For any two Reviews; 6 00 For Blackwood and ono iJeview, 7 00 For Blackwood and the two Reviews, 9 00 For three Reviews, 8 00 For Blackwood and threo Reviews, 12 00 For the four Reviews. 1100' For Blackwood and the four Reviews, 14 00 To avoid fractions, 4S may bo remitted for Blackwood, for which we will forward that work fur both years, post paid. N. B. The price in Great Britain of the five Periodicals above named is about $31 par an num. As ao shall never again bo likely to offer such inducements us those here presented. Aow is the time to Subscribe ! ! N. B. Remittances must, in all cases, be made direct to the 'ublishcrs, for at these price no commission can be allowed to Agents. AJdrcss, LEONARD SCOTT Ac CO., No. fit Gold-street, New York. April 4, 1857. tf 1 YDROLEUM PAINTS. These saints are -st-al mixed with water, theroby saving the cost of oil, for sale by March 14, '57. A. W. FISHER. Valuable Tow u Property THE subscribers, desiring to go west, offer for sale a House and two Lots in the town of Sharaokin, No. 20 and 21, Block 148, opposite the Odd Fellows' Hall, on the corner of Sunbury and Liberty Streets. The house is a two and a half story brick building, well finished, with a good store room, and a basement story. AlsirV stable and other out-buildings and water conve nient. The property, which ia situated on the main street and business part of the town, will be sold on reasonable terms. For further parlicnlars apply to DANIEL FELIX. JEREMIAH MARTIN. Shamokin, April 11, 1857. tf Estate of All i ed II Ilowland, dee'd. pOTICE is hereby given that letters of 11 .Administration have been granted to the subscriber on the estate of Alfred 11. Uowlaud, dee'd., late of Trevorton, Northum berland county. All persons iudebted aro requested to niuke immediate paymeut, and those haviug claims to present them duly authenticated for settlement. GEO. MOWTOX, Adm'r. Trevorton, April 11, 1857. 6t ISAAC 31. VILKERSOX, FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. Solan, Olvuns) aud Louuges Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboard!, SOFA, BREAKFAST AND UIMMJ TAiiLLS and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to 1'hiU- delplua manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price CUPBOARDS, WOKK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, very article in thi line of hi busines. rPHE subscriber respectfully call the attuntiai -- of the public to hi large and splendid as sortment of every quality and price f CAI.ET-WABtE which cannot fail to recommend itself tnevery iw who will esaiiiine it, ou account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stock to be had in the city. No effort is spared in the manufacture of hi ware, and the subscriber i determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being made. He also manufacture all kinds and qualities CIIAIItS ncluding varieties never before te be had it Sunbury, such as Miuouisr, Black Wtisct AKU CtlBLEli MlPLI GhKCIAK AND WlMlkoa CHAIltS, iso fancy 1'iaio Stools, which sre of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. J he subscriber is determined that there shall be no excuse fur persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can be entertained about the quality and liniiAi of hi ware and Chairs. These articles will be disposed of dn a good term as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in payment for work. UNDERTAKING. Having provided a handsome Hiabsi, he i now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funerals, in this vi ciuity, or at any convenient distance from this place. C7" The Ware Room i in Fawn Street, be- ow v eaver Hotel. 1AC M WILKEKSON Bunbury, April IH, IB. 17. tt. AUDITOR'S EEP0RT. Report or thb At'ntToas or Nortdumder LAND ColNTV, FOR THE YEAR, 1656. Georae Bright, Esq , Treasurer of Northum Otricna i ouriiy, in account mm in same Dr. To amount of outstanding tax for 1855 and previous years, $9,413 " amount of county tax assessed for 1856, 17,340 64 " amount of county, road aud school tax, for 1854 k 1855, 8,761 4 " cash received for jary funds. rent of Court House, Ac. 193 17 " order given to (Jeorge Kuntt overuuvmcut of Stale tax for 1850. 36 02 " order to D Buoy, overpayment of State-tax for 1850, SO 81 " order to D M bwartz, over payment of State tax for '55, 11 98 " order to Ueo Keeler, overpay. meat of State tax for 1855, 17 86 " order to M Bachuiau. overpay ment of State tax, 2 04 " order to D M Swartr. over payment of State tax, 67 " order to 1 1 1 ilewan, overpay. ucnt uf uiilitiu tux for 1854. 5 00 " order to J Simpson, overpay- moot of militia tax, 1 13 8),821 45 Ch. By outstanding County lax for 1856, and previousyoars, $12,114 97 " Kxonoratioua allowed'colluo- tors for '5G, and previous, 698 85 " Commissions, do C43 76 " Cash paid on Commissioner! orders issued in 1855, 3,499 22 " Cash paid on Commissiouers orders issued in 1856, 13,305 55 " Treasurer's coniniihsion ou 16,804 771 at 21 per cent, 420 11) 119 12 2 97 3 25 108 63 Cash paid Kasteru I euitouU- ary, Treasurer's commission on $119 12 at 2 per cent, Treasurer's services for county Balance due the Couuty by the Treasurer, $30,821 45 J George Bright. Esq., Treasurer of Xorthum bcrland County, in account with the time respecting Utate tax on real and personal property. Drt. To amount State tax on real and personal estuto, for 1855 and previous years, as per Audi tors' Keport of 1855, 7,000 06 " amount of State tax assessed for the use id' the Common wealth for 1850, as perstate meutofthe county Commis sioners tiled with tho Trea surer, 17,164 47 " amount of said tax received on unseated lauds for 1855 and previous, 1.5S2 02 ' Interest on 1) P Caul's du plicate for 1853, 12 50 825,765 05 Cr. By cash paid State Treasurer on account of tax for 1856 and previous, as per receipt dated July 22d und December 17th, $14,G81 09 " Kxonorutions ullowed Collec tors for '56 aud previous 751 99 " Commission, do 1,069 36 " Treasurer's commission on 814,781 09, at 1 per cent, 146 81 " Outstanding tax for 1856, and previous years, 7,503 05 " Five per cent abatement on Htute tax for 1856, 578 94 " Dulunce due the Common wealth by the county Treas'r, 1,033 81 825,765 05 George Brijt, Esq., Treasurer of Xortltum bcrland county, in account with the same, respecting 'Javern, Distillery, and Eating House Licences, $-c. To amount of Tavern licensog gruntud by the court of (Quar ter Sessions for 1856. 1,330 00 " Licenses granted, January, 1856, for selling liquor, 30 00 " amount of Retailers license IVrr 1856, 1,006 15 " Hating house and Restaurant license for 1856. 140 00 " Distillers, Urowers, ic, 200 00 " Billiard Tables, and places of amusemeut, 55 00 " Lumber and Coal, 15 50 " Dalauce duu Treasurer, 10 32 S2,b0G 97 Cb. By cash paid Stale Treasurer as per receipt dated May 20lb, 185C, " Cash paid State Treasurer as per receipt dated December 17th, 1856, " Cush paid J G ti A A Young man for publishing Mercantile Appraisers list, " Cash paid C O Bachtnun for same, " Treasurer's commission on 82- 631 50 at 6 per ceut, " KxoHoralious allowed, 1,491 60 1,110 00 15 14 131 14 2,800 97 George JSriglt, Esq, Treasurer of Northum berland (:ounlyt trt account tt'Kt I.e same respecting Militia Fines. Dr.. To amount of said fines outstand ing for '55 and previous $1,673 96 " amouut of uiililiu Dues asses sed tor lb5C, 976 00 2,613 9G Cr. Uy amount of said said G ties re- ninining uricoiiectuu lor leoo and nrevious years. ?l,20C 63'J " Exouoratious allowed collec tors for '66 and previous, 1 Five per cent, commission al lowed collectors for 1H5G aud previous years on S'JXJ bO, amount paid couuty Commis sioners for time occupied iu military business iu ltioTi, 4C 64 IS t)0 " amount paid for books and sta tionary used by commission ers for uiililury purposes iu 1S.05, 8 00 Outstanding Taxes for 1S56 and previous years, on the Zlst Dectmber, 1856. Names of Collectors, Townships, Jacob Hingemau, Lower Mahanoy, Delaware, Delaware, Lower Mahanoy, M ilton, Upper Augusta, Chilisquuque, Delaware Jackson, Lower Muhaooy M iltou, Zerbe Little Mahanoy hhamokin, Coal, Cameron Chilisquurjua Delaware Jackson, Jordan Lewis Lower Augusta Lower Mahanoy., Little Mahanoy . Milton MtCarmel, Northumberland, l'oiot, Rush, Shamokin, Sunbury, Turbut, Upper Augusta, Upper Mahuuoy, Wasbiugtou, Zorbo, in li Irwin, James Heard, Martin Bachmau, t James Egbert, Michael Keefer, John Simpson, fJames Heard, N S Druntheller, Martin Htichiuaa James Eckbert, A J Conrad, J Duukelberger, fJames I.yuu, tE Eisenhurt, tJ Uoyer tl W liaas, t() Uomboy, !' Koiss, tD M SwarU, fl) Htahlnecker, tJ R Clark, tJueob (jurman, tJ Raker, fJ llogeDdoebler, fU A Reeler, tJ Hloom, tJ Miller, 'Wm Johnson, tSamuel Hales, tl etet l ursel, U R Rig!. i Eckuiun, til Haas, "Solomon Billtuan, tM K Manly, Those Collectors marked with a () Lave Lave since paid in part and many Dearly all. We the uudersiguod, Auditors of Nor niberlaud couuty, iu the Commonwealth Pennsylvania, do certify, that iu pursuant the 4tU section of an Act, entitled, au regulating counties and townships, passe 15th day of April, 1834, we met at the missioner's Office, in the borough of Hi ou the 5th day of January, aud adjou from time to time, aud did audit aud r the several accounts, required of ui ujr bis to thu cvei a! Acf of Assembly, ii " amount paid county CoramU- eionera for timo occupied in military business In 1856, " amount paid fcr books ami stationary ased by Commis sioners in military busiucss in 1856, " amount paid assessors for as sessing and furnishing lists of delinquent, militia men, " amouut paid J. II. Zimmer. man, Brigade Inspector, for inspecting Companies and publishing Brigade Orders, " amount paid Cadwullader Iufantry for 1855 " do do for 1856 " Amount paid Malmuoy Guard for 1855 ' do do for 1856 " amount paid Nalionul Guards for 1855. " Amount paid Deppiuville Cavalry for 1852 " do do for 1853 " Treasurer's commission on 8533 40 at 1 per cunt, " Balance due the Common wealth by couuty Trwas'r. 18 00 8 00 26 70 81 50 75 00 75 00 60 00 50 00 75 00 60 00 60 00 S 33 178 61 t'.G49 96 Expenditures cf Xorth'd county for 185S. Views of roads, bridges, 4c, Building and repairing bridges. Grand, Traverse, Petit, and Spe cial Jurors' pay. Sheriffs Fees, . . Fox Scalps, Court Crier's poy, Assessors' pay, I'rotlionotary's Fees, Constables' pay for different ser vices, Commonwealth cost, F.lectioii officers' puy, Stationary, Public Buildiugs, Prison Expenses, Refunding, Damages lor Hoads, Fuel, Prosecuting Attorney, Incidental Expenses, Auditors' puy fur uediting ac counts for 1855, Wm Rockefeller for auditing pub lic account, Clerk's pny iu part for 1855, in .full, " " for 1856, 8281 00 1,681 39 2,215 GO 440 18 38 15 118 62 380 87 330 OG 336 GO 312 68 1,007 63 217 521 184 93i j on 157 85 . 989 75 93 75 167 00 100 03 ,. 72 00 25 00 184 38 370 48 John Robins Tor printing to Jon. 1, 185G, R Kck, on contract, John liobius, " $25 00 20 00 25 00 25 00 55 00 FT B Masser' in full J G & A A Yonngmau, ou contract for 1855, 60 00 iu full, 25 00 J R Etk, in full, for 1856, 30 00 CommMstnrifnt' wage. George C Welker, in full Tor 1856, 810 80 Philip Uenn, " 159 00 Frederick Haas, " 237 00 C Uotteubtein. " 133 60 255 00 570 30 Treasurer's account. Fuid F Buchor, luto Treasurer, iu full, " Jacob Young, ' G Bright. Treas. for 8 Deeds, Jtc. $158 82 1,111 00 247 01 31 00 1,547 119 83 Eastern Penitentiary, Agricultural Society, Road tax on unseated lands for 185 55, School, ' " " Corouer's luquests, il 100 00 615 95 1,755 67 117 23 $M,G'J0 60 -mounf of Court Fines and Jury Funds, and to whom puid. riaintia. Aleicndiint. To whom paid, Am't Coin'th, 1' Mcllride, not paid 1 00 Jacob Fry John Fry et ul J Heard 4 00 Com'th, II J Wolvertun do 21 00 N llurget Lot puid 4 00 " 4 00 " J I J rooks " 4 00 " J Johnson " 4 (10 I) Teas J riwency's adm Heard 4 00 ; il Huff Isaac Campbell " 4 00 Hright & Clement P & S II R C " 4 00 II Slettler's ad J Car i co. not paid 4 00 11 Wolvertou U Fegely A: co. Hcurd 4 00 J Harnhurt John I'urdo 4 00 Lechtenthuler F Wilhelin el til ' 4 00 Cressler Si Resides M Kestettor ' 4 00 C J bnglu M Allium not paid 4 00 McCay fc Tutcrson D C Caul Heard 4 00 W E May Jas Cameron not paid 4 1)0 Snruh .Swcnoy John RousU " 4 00 E Scott M (irahatn " 4 00 E Hright D Druckeniiller Heard 4 00 Ceddes Marsh W Cauo not paid 4 00 Ann Doners Fulmeretul ' 4 00 School Dir Shamokin llensel Beard 4 00 Jas E:igon C A Corsan not paid 4 00 J D Fisher II Kline Heard 4 00 J E I.eib W E May not puid 4 00 J li Masser J Dunim'cl " 4 00 Thomson & Eisely ti W Stroh " 4 00 W Column Jus Vandyke CearJ 4 HO Dan'l Conrad S Savage " 4 00 A Osniuu 'I' Daiiver " 4 00 Coin'th Ciduou Debh not paid 4 00 Year, Couuty, State, Militia, lftfll $6 00 1h;3 fS2 Z 293 04 69 50 185 17 10 44 50 - 31' 60 16 50 1853 470 58J 4S0 17 30 72 224 78 19 95 17 97 67 02 30 00 " 218 65 59 67 261 03 263 49 33 50 187 73 19 00 114 52 " 219 16 lb56 630 19 324 54 97 50 192 16 117 &0 H 50 926 55 524 40 M 50 " 1,307 IS 672 51 47 50 209 99 73 24 9 00 309 OH 26 43 36 50 b69 59 354 Ort 69 50 762 71 282 17 63 60 573 02 46 89 61 50 84 81 31 Id 6 50 462 23 282 77 66 00 ' 684 71 574 26 46 50 2S5 f-sj 217 15 28 50 . . 436 16 24 50 19 08 26 00 54 80 19 CO v 05 21 .0 22 50 I 2100 67 00 S1.201 77 thMt) 'best of v do fur v 'ation of cbted- '9X-V'reun-i 7 uf -t. i...' sin FURNITURE 1 FTTRNITUIIE ! I THE LARGEST STOCK EVER OFFERED IN SUNBURY. Fashlouable, Cheap and I'scfiU TIIE subscriber, long established aa a Cabinet and Chair Manufacturer iu Sunbury, thank ful for past favora, solicit a continuance of the public patronage. Hi stock f Cabinol-War, Chair, Cj-c, embrace KVt.RY VARIETY, t'SEPtL AND OltNA- in housekeeping. It is unnecessary to enume rate, as anything that may be required in his line can bo had at moderate pricr, Cheap lor Cash, or Country l'roJucolaWen iu exchange. Establishment South East Corner tf Market Square. Ff7" These knowing themselves indebted to the subscriber would oblige hitu by making pay meut. SEBASTIAN IIAUPT. Punhurv, April , 1807 tf "broad way family grocery i Flour, Feed and Provision toro. lirendtuoy below Blackberry Street. , LEVI SEAS1IOLTZ, RESPECTFULLY inform tho citiir.cne f Sunbury and vicinity thnt ho has removed to the store lately occupied hy C. tiehriiigi r in Broadway near the Kail Koad, and is receiving a choice supply of FAIRLY GPaCOEpJES, consisting In part nf Haunt, Hliouldcrs, Mackerel, Herring, White Fish, Cod Fish, Salt Preserved Fruit, Pickles, Crnckera, Chcemi, Molasses, Kite, Sugar, Collcc, (srrcen, ronMed and ground,) Im perial. Young Hyson, Gunpowder and lSInck Teas, Cedar-ware, Htone-ware," Monps, brushes plow and wash lines, boots and shoes, tobacco, scgars, Ac, together with every article usually found in a first class Grocery Store, all of which will be nuld at thejowest prices, cither fur cash or country produce. Ha has also prepared to sup ply the citizens with fresh bread, twist, rolls, pies, pretzels and cakes of every hind. N. 1). The highest cash prices will be paid for butter and cgirs, corn, oats, ryo and wbsat. Hunbury, April 11, 1857. heWijquid hair dye This hmr dye needs only a trinl to satisfy all of its per fection aa us a lye, inM the following Ititiinoiiiol from that eminent Analytic Chemist, l'lOieHSor ItiKMh, ol Ihe U. St. Mint, will only cotibuu what ihouaouus have pre viously iMirue tuitiiuouy to. "Laeoratost roa PaicrtcAL CurxiiTaT, m. SUplien't l-larr, t rniLABKLruiA, 1 -eiiiunrv 1 7th. IcAT. "lleinft well acrmiuutcd with the aubi!iaiic composing tloovKh'a i.iquiu iiaib uvx, am satirutu ruai ny iniiow inff the simple dire-tions given for its use, 11 will not injure the Hair or Skin, but will give a natural and dura ble culor to the Hmr. JAM! CV FOOTIt, Analytic Chemist." HOUVKK'S WRITING INK!, including Hoover's Fluid, and H-Jover's Indellible Inks, aie ton v.etl known sud introduced to require any additional testimony of their clintaeter. The sales have been incrcufiiiK since their first introduction, giving evidence tlmt the articles trulv poftsees that intrinsic metit claimed at not for them by .lie Muuularturer. Oidera, addrciwed tothe Manofsctory. No. 418 RATE street above FOURTH, fold Wo. 141,) l'hiludelpliia, will receive prompt attention by JUSKI'H F. HOOVKR, Mamnsctursr Philadelphia, April 45, lbo7. ly A SHANTY FOR MLH. rBHE ubrcriber oners for sale hi SHANTY, 1. Cook-Stove, Ac, on the Kail-Road below Trevorton Bridge. Apply soon to H. B. MASSER. Sunbury, April 2- 1R57. ALIiXIMIF.K IIEIICI Importer and Wholesale Dtaltr in SALT 33 South Wharves, lMiiliiJelphia. -rk AfH J r me, Liverpool Ground, Vv 'l'ltrlt a tail it ml mini Iliiirv Knit CJ5-otaiitly on hind and for tale in lot - to uit the tmJe. April 4, 1857. 6m Consumption and all Diseases of tho Lungt and Throat are positively ru ruble h inlulnlii'ii, which cuuvc) the reiiifdics to the cuvihck in the Iuiib thr-iuch the air pajsntjei, and cioiiiiiig in dnect citUtcl wilti ihe diiuase, iieuiraiiztsj Ue iu(ticu!ji m;tttcr. ntln; Uie couijh, eauitt-t iruu und cany cxpcct'Tklion, Uvu Uiv , luti it , purtlies tlic l)lnod, iinuirtH iiifwcd viiuiity in tiin iieivouit ivklcm, giving tlml tone ami fneiy UitiictKii atlp tor ibe itnUirj ttoii of hwillli. In he Hl-le losinlr Coillitlcutiy ttiut CoiikuUiitioi. uctliublt? t inliiiliiliiiii im to nitj a Bource of unulloyed plr.iKiiri. It ibi.s nmcii i.nIer the control of medicul tretituiuiit Hiiy otl r ionuid;.li!e dibfuic ; umcty out 'f trvtry liundN-d cuhob tan !e ccre.t in llie tii trt. Hoi;;, and lii'ty pr cent, m ti.t -c ml ; I.iil ia the third ktuge it is miHBitile to Vv: iti ic lluui five per Cviit y tt( tee IniiRa arc fco cut by ti.e diftruhc tu bid Uciiauce lit nictiu'iil kkilt. livm, Iuhvcvci, hi the l-it ntii get, iiilmlulioii niTrd vxtmordinttry tetict to the uif'iin atltimliiifr thil letiitul aroure winch annually dcMroxu ninety-live thouaiind perMoim in the I'm ted tNulet.ul'jiie, and a correct fiiiculuLi in ihowa thtil til Hie picsoul o nl.. ti ii of the eurth, eighty aiiiiiona are ULtiuicd t till the Consumptive a Grave. Truly the tjim'er dentn imft no arrow tntai a ron Miinptioii luallfctpt't U no m-en me grrut eifmy oi me fiM it apurea neither nt,t or Bt-a, but hvvet'j "d nhke the Lravc, the htruutnul, tluniccinl, and the nifti.l. ly the litlp id tluit supreme uein. noni wnoiti coinein even good and perfect gill, I am umblcd to olVci to the :tilactcd u permum-nt and ipet dy cure in CotiPuiupntii. Tlie tirtt caiue ol tubt relRit ia iroin impure htod, und the imnicdi ute tiflect, pioduccd by thtir diMpoaaum iu the hmgN. i to prevent the Irua aduiiwiuii of air into the air ell, which ruutra a wealtene! vitality through the utirt fystcni. Ttieii surely it ia mre rutuuiltu i-xpecteVrr,terpoHl from iiictliuiiiei eutetinKtlio eavitieaoi tlie Inn limn fioiti thoauuitinmiitlered through the stoinut li ; the pulu-nl will always find the lunm free and the t-uay mtrr in huhnp remedies. Tru, inhaUtiou is a I hI rtn.i:dy, n-v-enhcleaa it aeta ctmstitutioraHy, and with muie p.wer mm eertuinty than retncdies uuuuiiisutcu ii me nt'iimeti. Tt piove the powerful and direct iitfliiftice m' (his muhIc of atln.ininrratioi, chlnrofona iidiult-d will entirely destroy aensiail.iy m a few irmuitea, Hiru!ya::nr llif emiia nei aaleni, that a limb ma) Im amputated wiih u-i ihe fJimhteVi pain; inhaliiifi the orduuiry bun, uig jas will de stroy hie in a few hours. The lahalatiou of ammonia will rows tho nyitr?in when fainting or apparently deud. The odor of muny uf ih iin'dicines ia perceptible in the skin u few minutes after I ins: inhaled, and mav be imedi.tely detect t-d in tlie ltvn d A convincing profit" of the const itutioiiui iV'iii ..f i.ih da lion, is the fuel thai lu-kufMi m mv:ifc poKl... tt: l y breuthing foul air. la not this pnai.ive evuh:ne Unit yut per rametlies carefully prcuftrf d m.U judici.-utly adiuuiu tcred through the lungs, should produce the iiiort h-ippy tcanlia? During eighteen in' pruvttec. r.ia.iy tliou"i.da aulfuf in from dtaeaMra of the lun:t aud titrout. I;tvc b 't u under my care, and 1 have affected n.any r-i:milal le eii'ea evcu after the auflerrra had been pr"U unctil in the lntt s'nges. which fully satiatiea me that ci'tnma.ptioti ta i,n loupcr a fatal d.aeaw. M ircuuiieut i f c utnr"ii is Mv utsriict actiuumtance with Ihe tuttnre of tnl cr.-Vi. r I euubles me to ditn:guit)h, rcaihiy. Uie vaiious forma of disease that Simulate viiHU-nplion und apple ihe pr'.p.f rained tea rarely being tmataken even m a Hiule Cc. This familiarity in eoniiecliiru with certain p.-tihologii'ui anl luicroacopir disco verica, enables me to (rlicvo the blur's from the effocia ( couliiK-tttl tln-htji; to etitarir: the ch-t, purify the IiUkmI, iuiart to il icnewtd vitabte, giving ctiergv and t"iie tothe entiru vt-irtn. )i.i .Vt, P.wtOffice.G. W. ORAHAM, M. 1. (Jiu.e IUU J-'illett Stree, helow Twelfth, l'hiludclpliia, Pa. MarLh SI, lb07. 3iu 8? nj Ilusliaiiil'a Magnesia st Marrh 14. 'S7. KISIfKIi'K. WT 1 m 1 . 1 at ' -t. . - t li wnmg lacs.w.-a ,' - sua...,, " bv the varJ. &iiood. Hies, Kirliy, l.imi'tick aJ CaTlisle Hooks, Koils, Ac., for sjIu Ly March I.,5T. A. W. H-SH Mt. BOAT A2ID MULLS ffMIE snlsiriber ofiera at privat PIX 1 CiOOU Ml l.KS, and a good MIA W'NEK BOAT, with fixture. The ulov will b hl cheap, aud on rrusonnMe lenns. J A C ( ) tl KE A Kl! OVVZ, agpnt for JOHN UI.Al'K. Banbury, March S8, 17 tf 3. asASunsaaa. V C. Market fireet Wharf, I'lulaiWrhia. PKAl.I'.HSIN KISII AXDJ'KO VISIONS; HA VK eoiistanlly ou hand an aeS'trlineut ( Mackerel, Tilsit, lleriiucs, C.Kllnli, Heel, IV k, l.ud, kbuuUlcra llwiua, hides, Clieae, Uice, sic. March SI, IS57. 3iu Leather ! Leather I Loathcr I IIEMHY W. OVt'RMAM, IMPORTER nf Prem h Calf Pkinsanrl jei;r,il leather dealer. N. S !imtll Third sired, riiilatlt Ipnia. A general aasurtiuviit ol' all Siuua vi i.aliii Muiict, 4e , Aa. Ked anS Oak tVIe Ialbr. ebruarf IH, InM lr w NOTICE 18 hcrebf given that letter of Administration on tli ratal of Henry llannaliach, I a l of Lower Augusta townahip, Northumberland coun ty, dee'd., hav been granted to th suUcribei. All pMtn indebted aie requested I) mala tin nedut iiiiii t, aud thiisM hiving rluiio or I man J against lit same will r-eiit ll.rui lot aetllemeiil. JOLI, WtJf.r. Attna't, I,. AusiUtwj., Aiul l, Vl.- ft "Si COAL COLLIERY TO PISISTT, IN Middle Coal Field, Northumberland county, connected by a abort branch with the l'hlla dcldbio lr Sunbury Railroad, Known lh' LAltCSaBaftT COLLIEE.T with upwards of 500 Acres of Superior Ctal Lund, belonaitg te the New York and Middle Coal Field H. It. snd Coal company, with Drcaket Engine of 20 horse-power. Miner' Houses, &.C., already erected and in good order. Several coal veins above water lovel have been opened, and a number of othor sre of easy acrcFS, which may be opened with little epeae. rereoiis desirous of examining and leasing lh property are referrej to J. H. Dewee, aeut of the company, at Ml. Carmcl, for further information. Proposals for leasing the same will be re reived it the company' office, No. 88, Houlu Fourth street, Philadeluliia. J. (JOULE Y. President. p. R. I"or the purpose of facilitating th transportation of coal from lh company's mines, the company bate 50 can at their disposal, lor Ihe use of their tenants. Murch 28, 1867 if. lT. CAEMEL CO AIi COLLIEIIY FOB RENT. 1J3KOPOSAI.8 will be received by the New L York and Middle Coal Field K. It. and Coal Company, for leasing this colliery, situated on the lsuac Miller tract, with upxvarda of 300 Acres offirsf rale Coal Laud, adjoining Mt. Carniel, and immediately cn the Philadelphia k Sunbury Kaiiroud. This colliery is now in complete workine; order, having an extensive Tunnel and Gang wave alreutly opened on several veins of excel lent white-ash con I. A new and extensive Breaker with a 40 horse power enable, Miner' Houses, &c, are now teady for use. The properly will be shown to parties desiring to take a lease by J. II. Dcwccs, agent of the company, at Mt. ''arniel. Application will be received at the office of the company, No. t3, South fourth street, Philadelphia. J. GODI.F.Y, President. P. S. The company own fifty first-class cost cars, which will be appropriated to the tise of tenants for facilitating the transportation of coal to market. .March 28, 1867. if The WorId'MCrcat Exlsibltlon' I'rlzc .llodnl! AWARDED TO C. MEYER, For ihe Two Pianos, London, October, 15, '51 CClT?si.D lSTE?. 13 KPECTKl'LLY infornm hid fricnda ni tho public generally, that he hut constantly on hand i'iauoa equal to thum: j'or which he re ceived the Piize MeiinL inYomlon iu 1451. AU orders promptly Attended to. and great care taken in the selection and the uanic. He hn received during the lntU 15)-cart, more MedaUtlmn any other maker from the f runklitt Institute; oUo Fir.t Premium at Boston, und Premiums nt New York und BullimorH. Wareronins, removed horn IV! S. Fourth, la No. 180 ARCH Streut.belotv Kiglilb, south tide, Philadelphia. April 11, 1857. 3m Drug, 1'nint and Calais vhoujlli: wauehousk. Coinor wf Tenth aud Mario t Siret ti, (wiTico in ?scor Stor,) PiiiLADKLPUlA. "VirK invite ptteutioii Uj our rulargvd sii-k nf Irga, V Paint, l his, Varnifthe, Ac, aHeeted exprtjtly tor our fiuh s, ml coiiipntmti? one oi inc hutat iinaortui,uia in ihe I'm ted Stater , whicn a uKtrr nt low pi ices, in caiU or a.iprovd rcdit. Wi: MAXITAC'ITRK veiy exle.mivsly : Pietiiiam Pure White I. cad, (lti,) Keiihoiet'in Pine White lta'J, l'tiirli'.w White l,rad "Vitlle MoiUhjiiie" l'ren''h Ziif, (baat) Puiv !iiiv While Aiiicnnin Zinc. Philadelphia Snow Wliite Kutc. SHvui'h Piastic Piie and Weather proof Paiata, Chrome Ciieens, Vctk-wa, u:td coIujs generally. Ai.KN'J'S I'OU : Potter's lupcriur Alkulitie Window Glnst, tenuinu Friueh plate Olass, (v:irrei.t?t) Tiie .ew Jciary Zinc Company7 prudusts, Tildeu and Nupltew'a X. V. Vunusiics, llmtiklyn Prtintuiii Puie White l,ttfd, ilujiip.ltui Ptjinianeut irei in, Pure Ohio Catawlia Urai.dy, Ac , tc. IMIHJRTLHS UP: t-'reueh and En'Udi Plate Claan, Kreneli and ) jigtiult i'vlmdcr s, Colorctl mid Eiurratjed Window tiiaM. laiin rrotype OlaHU. lluiuiutrir'd pl:tfc iVu KI'Nirs and Sly-lights, tlrtivn. Chemicala. P rtunary, Ac w aoi.Ksvu: ihcai.kks IN : JJiuf.'' Article nci.c-nilly, Paititoib' TooU of all deHcripli'JUS, lld.ttulic and ltiaimn Cement, I'HtcitinHind iand Plaster, Puncr Maker's Clay, Srdiu MTiite Ae..4r FPKNOI, HlCUAKIl A CO , Store. N. W. cor. of Tenth and Market Hrecta Paetny, Juiu-tiou Yoik A.t-iiue, Crowu and CaiiowluU tirrc iji Phil-uirlphia. April 11, lti7 jra c Auctioneers, VND COMMISSION MLKCIIA.N'I'S, N. 9l. lais 107 uith II.I slrfd, du-r Iwiove Vine. I'l.ilrirtel I iii. Sili-s in' li(K)T iin.l SIHU.S. 1U1V mmliS, .l.!. iiAi.-uwAia:, m ATuai s, kancv ouhu, It . t -ry ceuni;', C5" Cuuulrv SLoickfepeis aiul t.ilirrs will nlwsys fim! at nur T'M'iiins .ilts a luti;c unJ dis:inbl aoi!iiicnl ul' llta aUve t. l-e s U ia li ! li ton .utis. --iMuis pat-keil nn ilie prtuiijc-s k-i c'ttuairv TiaIe. 14t:U t, l?5T. 3aic. ORPHAXS' COURT SALE. IN pursuance of an order or the Orphans' Court of N'orthuir.boilsud county, will bo cxjiostd to public sale, cu AM Tl PJ)A 1', the 13M day of June, next, on tlio romires, ths followiug described real i-blate to wit : A tertuiu lut of ground, sit uutud ia tho town of .Shamokin, county sforo s:iid, whereon is erected a two-story l-'rumo Iluildm; boundt-il bvl"tot JuLu Uoughoer , nJ others l.utu the estate ot haumel n. , 1U3 jocoasej. Sau io couiuuuco st It) i .. , . o'clock. A. M. of said dav. when the tertus j i!l bo made known )v I JOHN VANZ ANT, i Administrator. J. l!v order of tho Conrt. 1 C. liOY l I'L'KSKI,. Clk. O. C. Suubury, April 11, 1 f 37. J ' Notice of Eiasolution of Partnership. flHE partnership tlie tirnt name lurelol.ire existing uni!r me ot 1. . icuer -., m UuwburT, '.,in th rciail .Mercantile Uuatues, has this (1st of April,) ilsy been dioIv4 by muiuul consent. The business of the hie firm will be settled by I. W.'l'ener and J. H. Engel ei.lici of whom is hereby authorised to receue ,U debts dus la th lute turn and to pay t ri' all lubifiiie. Thine who know themslve inJebled t u by uotu or book account ir requested to mk immeJiate paymoiit, ai l!.e accouiiU stusl b collected lorlhwtih. !. W.TKNEK 4Ca fcunbuiy, Afiil 11, 185X PlMaoliitlen or I,aH,'iliK JOTICE is Ureby given thu the Partner. abip heretofore eiisting Utween th aub. crif, tn th nam of Kholt Pelery, ia tkw Grocery busineas, in the borough of Sunbury, has I'cen dissolved by mutual ennsai.L Tb books, :liims, ic, cumie.led with lh lata cut, will b settled by Levi Seasholtr.. LEVI KE.1I0!.TJV hemiy rini.PY. Cui.i ttw. a pin 1 1, i A . 0