lWftin at the Old Stand. -I HILING & GRANT IE now opening hew arid very dcairelile lock cf Kali nnd Winter Hood tm nf nrmtl-M variety. Their itock con in part of ; : ik & raucyEroaddotha&Casshneres, ilct Warce lor Dion and boye, all altca and ' prices. . , , . DRESS GOODS. SIlKSflnin find Figured Mac. assortment of Plaid Stric and Figured Fan- Dres Siike nt unusually low prices, Mm. De Loins. Debege Ac, "fill A MS from ( h to SR ccnti per yard. LIC0E8 " 3 HJ " " WHITE GOODS, nbric. Jaconett, Swiss. Tartlon, Mull, Boti eit, French ami Kwisa Lares, Edging. An. iwn ami bleached Mucins, Drilling'. Ticks, Checks, 'Fowling;, Tul'le Dinpcrs, He, nuot runx IARDWARE find QUEEXSWARE, lar-nare, Hollow-warr, Iron, bteel, PIaterJ Salt and Fish. Also a tre:h aupplv nf DrU'CS AND Ml'DICINKJ. Thankful lor pait labors, we hope by atrlcl ention and n desire In please, atilllomect with approval of our frienJa. Ci" Country prodoco of all kind taken at the ;het market price Siinl.nry, Nov. VO. Ir6. ly. PUBLIC SXiE or I'ALPAELE MARKEThT. PROPERTY. IMIH ruhsrtlttcr will cxpjse t pnMie aale on . TCESDAV, the 1st tbiy of Mny, next, ut e Couit House, Sunbury, the vilnalle proper in Market Square, Sunbury. Isite llie residence I'.dwsrd Gt'biii, deceased. Fhe lot is CU front id ISO feet deep, on which ia creeled a two ory trick Dwelling. SS feet front, will) two .ory buck buck lluildiug. containing dining ioia Hiid kitchen, c. There is ul on this pietui js n frame two slory Dwelling, wilh Cranio ;ick buildings "0 lect trout and 01) leet deep. 'here isnUoon llie lot a good frame stuble and tlier ne.-c-,iiv btiiluiiiijs wilh in excellent well t waUr. The lot can be divided into two qii.il parts of M leet each, o ss lo acciiininodate wo families. Tliis property i one of the inor,t icsirablc lucatiuus in the borough, tmd iaiu good :oiuliiion. 'J'he tcrraa, will be made known on the day f sale br CtI ART.ES GODIN. Acting for himself mid other heira of Edward (Jobin, deceased. Punbiiry, Feb. 2H, IS.r.7.-M Jlii. U. A Is I. hit iV C. Nos 2 an J 4 Clo-smut Street, (smith side, below Water,) (Ton OliiE't H'o-vv ll'.v is imi Cirv ) ALt-' XC'rTitl'.I.Siiiul Wh"lesti!euesler in t'ltlent Mnchine untile IMlUO.Mr. IMieol oro..veu veuar- Wrtt-e, wttrrentt-,! tint to Mm ink. Wo d to.u iil'w-iv aie Oiril.. Uriifliri. c ,of ail urteri.tioi;. VWm call uid CZMllllliC 'Ur titu'-k Kditiniry sttj, !Si7 ly W s.iMvcr si. aiM-ejTi'tiex, Mill- Wrijlit and Burr MM Stone Manufac turer. Sole Proprietor of .lohnwn'a liighW approved and much improved Smut and Screening Ma chi.ie ; ImproveJ Iron Concave Urait IJuater, the Premiuin Maeiiine for Millers. Residence : No. 64 Queen Street, (.IRlh Ward.) addreaa Keiiainytnn I'ost f (lice. riliop : Haydock btreet, below Frent, I'hila i t . i : ucipuri. .- .... li:il T..., (-....I, M.rliiiia. I uoealico ilH iionen, in n n ......-., J'utcnt Mill Uu.h, 1'oriai.lu Ml. Is. HlreUhed Helling, (.'eiiicnl and ."-crecn Wiie, Sipmre Mebhrd Molting dolus. February tid. I5t. :!ui wflj HDTDJNi TISTP."Y. GEOKC.E liENX, NNOL'N'Cl.Sto llie ciiizens nluiihury ami J. vieintv, lli.it he has opened an oiicein luii btiry. above H. J. 'vVuNertnii's oliico oppjsi'o .'. Weaver's Hotel, w'.ierc he is prepared to eileicl to all kinds of work belotia'mg to tl-.e pruleioii. in the httcsl ni.d most improved style. Ail work well tint e ond warranted. December 13, Ih.'iii. DISSOLUTION. "V"Oriri: is hereby ijiveii liiat llie Isle pnrtno 1 ship citing under tbe firm of hiinck A Ilileur.in, AVstumnt keepers in the IJ. trough ol Bitnhurv, was ili.s.ihed by Itmlual coiiHent ci the SUili of January, hist. '"ie cbiims ol tl.. lata firm will be sullied by C. W. I'.iVimin whu will coulinue ihe business at the old stand. JOHN V.. SMICK. (. W H II. EM AN, Sunbury, January 84, 18 7. Ct "OYSTERS! OYSTEUS! ! Fresh from Baltimore every Morning. VAN D Y 1C K AND V A N D KN E Lv ER, Xurthtiii.be) land i'a., Will furnish Kcsluarants nid private families Superior il.iliimo:e Oysters, 'by the Can or ha' Can. All orders promptly attended to on the shortcut notice. JAMES VANDYE. JOSEPH VANDLNEKER, Oct. 1, 1850. if FHILI? H. PUP.E7. VrtlULKIIll.t AMU IICTA1L Grocery, Wine an! Liqnor Ctore. S. E. cor. Wat nut and Water Streets, IMlllAUEM'lilA, DFT.K1I. and fdinilie will be prompiN uppUetl At til? lowest pncft. October 4. 1856. li R. UiiCOU & CO. Clothiers, K. I4I ClU,t.T Sr., Avert Fovrtm, l'lltLAiMU'ltiA, Kr crutrtW an fieiidi.1 arr.rtment of Readj- rrudc Clothing. Goo MAD TO 0D.'. . W.aATIU T.1 FIT. Nev. 59. 18.-i6. y EPwCDHEAD & E03EHTS, -Y. lor;, .V. y. Street, PiiiI.ADSI.rHIA, INVITE the attention of country merchants and others, lo ih.ii dock of BOOTS Sc SIIwES, wliic'.i i hi v will dispose of on ItiS most reason able terms. Nov. 9, 18i.- ly GOLD PENS with anJ without eases, of very superior quality, just received. Alto a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, fur sab ly H. II. MASHER. Btinlmrv. Her. S7. 1 R.rt- riEHAKWAHF., Hollow-ware. l-'Ussware. and a laro stock ef Uucenwaret embracing thi newest pailcrus, for sale bv Nov SO. '.Mi. K. V. B lilGHT A fON. S I.VFR W ATCHES. A few double est Eneluth BUv Watches, fo, sal. , - Engluh 6Uver Watches, for sule at very low prices by II. U MAL'K. Kunhurv. A ril II. !'. STOVES' IOIl fjALE a.i escellent aoeoud hand Cook ing Move. ulo several Cylinder Coal B otes. r.utpiire al this ontea. : "i JKO N'S and Bieinin.'s E.tehce of Ginger, , and Husband's Magnutiu er M.rrL II 'AT IMMI7 PII'U FlrJlIEUU - -I -- .-.....-w. CENTRE OP ATTRACTION 1 arob agjtmen 0 riirP-IIAKDUMB Dl'RABLR, rpHF.SE quolitiea combined, the public will A rind by culling at the Store of E.Y. URtGHT If StJ.N. Their anortment ia large, and ha liceii arlccted with great care, and will be di oacd of at a amall advance. . THH Z.ADIBS Will Cnd e-rtong our l)r Ooods Wool Plaid, Dlnrk and Fancy Silka, 'Fluid I. Bine Flminel., A Ipacca, aolid colored and. Fancy Delainra. De begra. Hcotch Flalda, Figured ralimrre, Per sian Twill, I'oburg Cloth, Uingliamt, Calicos, Delane and Cebrge Eobe, Flurcnc iSilk; Wool IJimi! Optra Copt, and HWcit Cfjfu. LADIES and CIIILDIEN vnOl.TAt.MAS (ium Delt.i. lielt Itibbon, Mohnir Head Dresses,, Ribbous, Neetile-wo.ked and Hugle. Collar, 2'liread I. aces, I'lonncing. Ii;crling, bniss, Mull, Cambric, Nainsook, Diluily, iarred iMiixIm. Brillinuline, auJ a general assortment of white lioods. Wool and Cotton Carpets, Oil Cloths. Oil Fiiades, Rnckdnle blankets. 'J'urkiah counterpane embossed table rovers, tickings, sock UjiiiicI, scarfs, kid, silk, Lulu thread and woolen gloves. Of every Vaiiety, llusnia Crash, I.intn and Cotton Diaper.' T1113 GENTLEMEN will find Ulack, Ulue and brown French Clollis, Doeskins, (Hack and l'ancy Casimer, liuinl Satineti, tlvercoaiini. Tweed, Velveteen. bilk, Satin. I'lu'h and Siik Velvet Viaiiug, IVeck-ticu, scarl', Collarn, (.iloves and (Sloiks. jr.rv-piisti5 oi.ctiiiko. Hats and Caps of all M7c and prices. OCR HAIinWARE Embraces all kinds of building material, a large stock of Carpenters Tool of the beet manufac ture, files of every desciip'ion, pii grub i.oee, Mason hammers, bir iron, vleel, nails, paiula. putty, glass and oils, win-low s ilt of all sizes, grimlstoiies, Circular and Mill Saw. The tjuct'iiufware lotli - is composeil of c-l.ine China Smelts, Fruit diirs, Cake plates, k.i'jco disben, couiilion plales, t ups a..d saucers, loiiciber with a varied assortment of (Jlasswure, embracing tlio lu'.est slvlcs, oris cuoei:uiu.4 are fresh and pure, among which may be found. O. A. Salt, Macliurel, Shad, Ccdlish, boxed anil pickled Herring, (ionheti and Sage Cheese. 'J'he best of tea?, sugars, rollee, &c. We return our tlmiiks to the public for our increasing patronage, and rcFpccrfullv invite an examination of our stock, us we deem it a plea sure to show our Goods. IfT Country produce taken in. exchange at the highest market prices. E. V. BRIGHT A SON. Sunhury, Nov. 29 185t. KEMvING'S SAFE S0A1N THE CHAMPION 1 1 7'ht only Safe which, in every instance, pre served their entire content in the lute Extensil e l 'ires. 4 T th? l.urniiip or tlie Art;ii p,reat uin.ritritv over uli kfcuritut nw kiitvan. In lute fire - the !1KRRIGfAFK, utiiHuin? wie i bv :t)e witli tli'tic ntivcrtim ii urriHrtt t-tit ind 10 pi-rein nmrii tii e 1 U:m llirriiir..M 'miik lurth the tie I kii"v!c.if!eil vivlm not tiily (.rfftTvitiK l.-ir cmili'iila Ni I tXCfUi'Mt ir(1pr, lull tiPinp liiflfiiifil t'i ill it cii:tiilllM ( S thr-.uph iinoiliiT nnViil. wlnle the IvttnU'ti'S.tbiiiniHlc ! i.!icr u:akt.T nre iwidlv useil no in prry ntfn,trp, in j i"iiir raFp ?lei r p:Iup f'titL'ti'i; r.rn;,i-1'y i.:r'nye !. ! 'V'i t're nn'ilifT we w nil-i tiir.i!y a.n . t!tat. tlitimi tilt II ycjira ihe Ui'irit.a'n S:if hns lttti bft Te th.'in, npr tlian IV" htiiitli. it h ivr p-ifsnl !''roii!i :tcfi.!tiltl,t fiiefc Withmil t inini,prt"crtl;!Mon .if it!.;ri'irtl piri:ei. T'fic Hi-rrii'n i I'ainii is t'-.r niiy Firpr Sjhu iini'le in Ihir ciiy 1 wiiioh is prtit.'ciit l y n I'atMit H ifrlif nnl we wiM f?tiitr mitre i to renin limi t tlmn double the mnuuut of litut of j say oi lit r hafe ii 'v koowu. ! j-TarrclM & Iforrln?, 8 )le MfiHUlHclure in thi Stnlcof ' U2r.!i!SG'S I'ATEXr CIUflKlllS SU'tS," 34 ll;iiuf5.. riata.la. N V "F.vnns ft Wiitstiti's linpmvwl Suliininnilrs," ((liver r.vuirs," - C. J. O i. kt's." iiiulS-Hiit's Aslitins.'' r, tit Cltenl (ti l:ire letF.irttiienl havint hern tnkll in pari uiviii.-itt trITrrrineV) willbf tylU ul low puces. PniUi., .Iiine il, l0'l ly. New Goods lor the People ! Ii KNJ A M i N EH F.SPF.C'I Fl.'l.l.Y informs the public in gen er.il that he has just received and opened a splendid stoik of 1 Kali, ash Winter Goods. j at hiB New Store, in Lower Augusta township. His stock consists in part ol Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. A l.SO : C'ullrocK. C!iiiKliiiii Lawnfi, Itluunnelliic He t.siliics) and all kinds ef Ladies Dress Goods. Groceries, Also an assortment of lim it are, Irou ami Steel, Kails, &c. Also an eucilenl assortment of Q.UEEKSWAKE, i vatious style anJ pai'.eitts.- Alaoan assortment of HOOTS & SHOES. HATS & CA PS, a good selection. Salt, Fish, isc. Ami a great variety of other articles such as are suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold at the lowest juices. CST Country produce taken in exchange a the highest prices. l.nwer Augusta. Nev. S3 1 6f6. HARfJAlXS TO HE HAD AT IP. W. r.UAY'SSTOl.E, Ilarltot oli-eet, Suubury. WaJST received and opened a splendid Hock o( FA I.I. it WIN i'El! t.OOUs, consist ing in partof Black and Fancy Cloths and Cutsimeres, An assortment of Dry Goods, vis: Merinos. Cashmeres, Deisms, Calico, Woolen Plaids. Ginghams, Muslins, Linens, Flannels, Ac. Trimmings in Great Variety. JIARDWAliK, GUOCF.iilF.S, C;l KK.NS V.'ARE. Ac. SALT and FI.H, Cheese, Pslkins, Tobacco anil Cigars, (juevnsware. Doutr, Mioes, Hals and l aps, and a nriety of Goads too tedious lo men tion. Call and ssarnine my Stork before Purchas ing i Isewbe.e, Heasonable Ducouut will be taken off for all cash f airs Country produce taken in eitbtnge at the higUsl market price. P. W. CRAY. Bunburv.Nov. 1 , IS5G. tf ! rar Users o:' hik Neighborhood, can supply theuselvea for I I leir &l'I I.ti CliOPliS, wait l.einau's I'uie Bone Uui, " .Super i'liosphato of Lime, at $i0. per ton, " Niiroumitd 1'hoi.phale of Lime ati5l), ' . a .. i.'..... i ; ... c ,k . . n; "T , . , , , ! ltd . .""' '""'I'"-" reluWe i LUcuiiiui elements, abounding in I'ut Afli. &c; j they have have eceicd the l r limiaa of Four isialis. to viz : New Jersey, New Voik, Foi.i, S)lMiiiia and Delaware. Also, lor sjlo (iUAN nil Liluls. J'illl.li.IA r. I ?.n. Iri l. . ;Ceied in payment tcr the above, at mar!:et rale - j or viaii on noou iiou-h s, or vssu rcguteretl w . ; orduts, p(o:opi aitci.dt I to. ' l.fc.l. A. I.k.lN.M , Prop'iotor. "?ew fire Proof et ire," No iBKoulp.V PhikJcliihia City, ra- ' r-t ,m a . , i cvf twrr o. 1 tf f .Ul -m rT,wrix .vtr iim , iii'.m. aimii nit i. am nt p'ri-fclW 5 llie tiltKAT FIIIK in MnrkrlSf ' :-V fan'AiX-Y Aln' Ib-5"- tli.'peililliie IN-rriny. ! HJiv'si-"' -iv:'.B ftife presetvetl the Jewelry of U. '5i2?fliW';a W.mmi.M.S I!.-.. ; If.-ks, t'u- I .JftClfilTS pers. Ae, ..f FWor mi. and I f-'..Tt4j.w;i 11 Falwaid SiMiiuiii ,V Co., lifter no j J V1i.V,.G naiininc exrswnl in the biimieg II ..'if'' Itt'jy fi rums 1, T neiirlv l'i' rlv llnur. mi. l'rv?lTrv5Lpnr ivinfft'.'iie-iikivety viliat welnve i . .... , 4 r luiijt fHRAP WATCH AND JKWELUY STORE 12 North Second Street, (oppotits Ik Ailounl I errion House.) , Philadelphia. G OlD T.ever Watches, full Jeweled, 18 K, fa. - ses, iji-.o cuver i.cver uo no., iri, cul ver l.epine, do., 9 1 Qunrtier. 6 to 7 1 Gold tipeet acles, 4 60 to tlO i Silver do., 1 B0 Silver ''Fable Hponna per sett, $14 to l bilver Desert do., do., 9tfto 91 1 1 llver Tea do., do., 4 ?A to $7 CO Onld Fens and Gold Ca sea, J SA to S t Gold fens and Silver do.. lt together with variety of Fine Ciold Jewelry, Hold Curb , Guard and Fob Chains. All goods warranted to lie as represented. Watches and Jewelry", repaired in the best manlier. A Iso, Ma sonic Marks, Pins, Ac, made to order. N. li. All orders sent by mail or otherwise, will be punrluallv attended to. ' I'hila.. Oct. 4. m.lS. Ivw. COLEMAN'S CHEAP OTJTLEIVSr 8TORE, iS'tf. 21 Knrth Third St., below Arch, rnixADELniiA. COCNTKY Mcrehaitla rnn save from ten to fifteen percent, by purehoxiug at the above (.tores. ly importing my own goods, paying but littl rent, and living economically, it is plain I CAn uiinerecll those who purchase their Goods here, pay hiph rents nn.l livo like princes. Conclantly on hand a largo assortment of Pen snd Pocket Knives, Scissors dud Razors, Table Knives and Forks in ivory, stag, bufliilo.bonc and wood handlee, Carvers ami Forks. Ac., Uuteher Knives. Dirks, iiowie Knives, Revolving ami p ain Pistols, A r. ANn a large assortment of Accordeons, Ae. Also fine English Twist and German tin its. JOHN M. COI.E.MAN. Oct. 20, lfl55. ly. Importer. THE LAI EST AUIlLVAL OF FALL ANU VINTEIt GOODS. J. r. &. I. F. KLINE, If pipectliilly announce to Ibeir friends snd the public in general that tl.ey have received at their Milore in I p er Augtihta lownihip, Nortln mb'r land coiuity Pa., al Klines (iruve. Their Fill ami Winter goods are opi ned lo lbs public a bill assroiinent of merchandize Ac. Consisting in part of Cloths, black and f.mry Cass mere, Salinetis. Checks, Kentucky Jeans Under blurts and Drawers and all kill. is of Kail and Winter Goods. A lot of ready made Cloathing, censHtiug of Ceata and Vests. Ladici Tress Goods, Shawls, (iiughams, Uerage Delaine, Calicoes, black ilk8 4 c. Also a fresh supply of Drugs and XIedicii.es Urocerins 4 c. of all kinds. A new aupplv of Hardware. Qurensware, wooden ware Brooms J, c. Also a large assortment of foot and Shoes suitable for men women and children. 1UTM AND OAFS. Also an assortment ol iSeliool Bonks, Statione ry, Envelopes. Ink and cheap publications, Ac. Salt, Cheese d c, and all goods usually kept in a country store. Coirennd see. Come one, come all, Coeaper thnu the Cheapest. Thankful for past lavors we hope bv strict at tention to business to merit a continuance of the same. All of the above named stock of goods will he sultl positively at low prirea for cash, or in e change for country produce at the highest mar ket price. Klinea Grove, Pa., Nov. 8, l5G tf nEDDIN(J&FLRNlSHIN(JHUSlNi:SS Cabinet Maker's Fiadinfjs, The suhscribcm respectfully inform their friends n-id the public generally, that they have connec ted with Ibeir lieddiug X" Furnishing biiiiiui'MS Nrtje and well nso;1cd stock of Cabinet Maker's Findings, s' their ol.l stand -Vo. 93 South Stcoud .V(cef, below Chestnut, riillatU'llta. They have ust-ocia'cd with llietn W. S. Jrown who has hem for many ycitrH nugiiged in ll.e piincipal 'ktuhlUhmeiit of the kind in ibis i il. 'J'he stork ol Gomls now on hand contpii.-ifc every descriilion of materials u.-ed ly Cabinet Makers, consisting in part nf the following, viz; Hardwaie dcparlment. Lttcks, Hinges. Screws Castors, tetl Screws, Chair and Kola springs. Collin IlandieH, &c. Cabinet Milker's Mateiinls, Hair Seatinc, Curled Hair, Looking Glass I'l.ttes and Frames, (ilue, VaruUh, Sand l'aier, itorlaps, JJiack atltl Fancy filk and Woisted Gimp, eiof.i an I Chair Webbing. Twine, backing l.otloms. oewood, Malnigiinv, Walnut and Maple Knobs, Glass Screws, Alc. Ile-.ldiug Department. Hair, H osk. Mos, Wool and Cotton Matlresi.es. Fi ulher Veils, Uolkiera and Pillows; Plush, Damask and Moreen Cosh ions Comfortables, Counterpane, Linen anil Cotton (Sheets Pillow Cases, Linen nnd C.iltou 'I'owels, Table Cloth. Tuble Linen, Table (Jov. ers, Moreen, Deniask nntl Plush by the piece, Moss and Hin-k by the bale or pound. Tue Hair dealing ai.tl Curled llnir is from the I'hila. Manufactory of D. A J. Noblit. N. li. Hotels, 8 team U.jsts and Ships fur nished at the shortest notiee, NOCLIT. BKOWN At N0HI.1T, 63 South 'inil :t., btlmi- Chestnut. (Nearly opposite ll.ink ol Pennpy lvunia.) Philadelphia, ugul 9, lH.'it; ly. rfiEKPECTFl'LI.V infoinis his fiiends, and " ihe public generally, that be lias jut receiv ed a New 5io, k of GOODS, at his new store, at David Miller'a Mill, in Lower Auuusla Town ship, and that lie is prepared to sell (oods at the lowest prices. 11 is stock couaUts in port of FALL ct WINTER GOODS, Groceries, QueejiKwere, Hardware, &c. and every variety usually kept in a country Store. Trevurtnn prices paid for all kinds of produce. Lower Aueusla twp, Dc. !!7, I8,ri0. if la V7. TITEP, & CO.) Wft KtfJM-IVl'r l.M.V unit their tr.eiuU and l'le i;utIic to iutj ect Hit ir new atuck of WXNTEB GOODS, jtmt received Ii out i't.ilatli'ljilna, iM-inr cnnvinttJ iliat their iultitt-t i ni proiiiutej by a elan cuutuiumic of lliftr old iUn ol' uSinatl jtrajitn uud quick Sales.1' thry all a 1 1 ilill M!t. by ttioir revioun courae. Aiiiottai tlieir Black v j j J ho fautid fur (JKN. 'i'l.IsME.N, a jikoitnii'iit of Kfc'AliV ki AUK Coats, Vests nnd l.i.Ulo.ma ; 'Jlollm. ('astiiiuerrs, buliuetu, Vealini;, I'lidtr-Mi ta, Pihirt Uotoiiie, (JoMura and Cravitta l Oli KAIJI. Black and colored Mik. D Uejo A'-d-ea, Ve iJe.gLa l-'n nt h Mcritms (as!iini-n-a. Mad una Clollis, '.iui)ja and AItaeAa. Dt'i.iiiuw both I'.am and irinted. Iteadv-Madp Cloak, irm ba uml Woolen bluwls, TaI!v Velvet in various colom. Cjuiltel skirts. Kirk Hdi.hel various col ora led and while r-'l.iiniet. 1 (fheral r1menl of Ladira and Gemlenuns lit).. - ri- Men's. , Han1- AVER'S CIIEiUtY PECTORAL, PtH TUB RAPID CUKR OF Cold, Cough, nnd Ilorti'sU'pieft K?t!Mrti-t,nt Mass, 9)tfi Dc, bt. J.C Atkr: l-fujtli;tt4rtJf Ui U:l r(fup!lr I hn ,pt aw for CuukIi. HuipwuwM, liilHfTivv. ait't th ntki'-niHUttiil njmittoutut a Cold. ! ymr 0 n:K!tT iVrrtMt. lu iuiitiiit U4U (a mr iN-nctic w inr fttmH v (ur tlm tl ti jr-ir4 ini h.i'.vii It to p s nit, Hot vdf Hi f.r th treriufDt nf )m itimplafnta. KUtS KMOIIT. M V. A. 1. H.)TLKY, U..iif line. M. V.. vrltM! "I h ivn'I X'tur MroT ntL (rlf miJ In bit haiUy prjr yon liirmiieJ tt n-l be'tr it tliu twt ina lklna tV ,U pu-liMr ptit p.tt yat. W.th m ImiI rM I a)ioiill mnhft ff twpoty Ave (lulluri fr UitUt Ibttn iV wltbuiit II, ur Uk Any otlipr n-iiH-Jj." Croup, Whoopioff Cu;h, (iiflucmtn Hvjtixtjr Ki.n, Mist., Feb. 7, IStd. BRjfi(r Atke: I will rfieprftiUy iwlffyyunr P..ctoiui U th Ion remly w? -f the rurj nf ICAo- mii 0 Uf t. C map. unj tti" ch"it llwtvp 'f dtil Irrii. M yu'ir frnTrrnltf In tVi S-mih ppr?i'ln ymr kill, ui4 totuiktaiKl vottr uir Uciu la onr petile. IIIJU.U CO!VKLIN, If. ft. AMOS IsKK. KQ., MovTMET. 1., writi-n. W Jn.,14t "I IikI a ttdioll lnfljvun, which nn(.nrtl tup in fluort it wccU; toik ninny iH"ll-i'i''i Mlitiour rfliof; Huiilly trll yiir PurTonit ty tlie iirtvli' of our t rirynmn. Tii (list dtv riipvetl tlii Mir in In my thtmit mud liniiT: k thnn iiip h-ilf ilf b 'ttk- ina.ii iu- I'ompl-.'lrly ill. Y II m)livitiH Art tHi; ihtKI AtWfll An tin- lt-st wp t-nn iy. a:m1 o vmtx m m, gJa-.-tor. ui jour muf liw. nn tlir pr.r ihiii'a f iiii-l.H Ahlbma or Ththlxic, nnd MronchitU. V tt u::.rr. rl. 4. IHi'i. Bii: V'tur Ctr::tiKr I'-.atohai. i ptstWiniuK mi 'llim rui-M in tlii cvtioii. II htvt ifll mu'I npvrnl fiom alaiui Iny ivnipt tnf of consuripiioTi, aitl U fuar nii ini a mnn wJi.tltui ?.iUii.t uii'icr aii nlfirlim uf tits lutta Pr tlia luat tity j-aib. IIKNUY I,. I'AIIKS, Marchaut. A. A. IMMSPY. M.O.. Ai.m-s-, Mi-no Co.. ow, writnt. Pppt. ft. Ifti: ' linrlnu my practi- of ma'ty y-nra 1 h.tTp fuu'i-l no'lii:ic sxpi.il to ytnir CHr..T Putorai. ft. IriKi; c;ifi' AirJ it'iof lo cwrjsoiuptivt pueutj, w cui-ing uch an rtra cuirt'oip."' W might '. voltnnM of tI Unro. hut tit moat con-rim-in p:-oof of th viituti "f lUw rDicJy It found in ita rffocta ajou tilat. Conii!impt!oa. Prol)sab!y no ona tntly Ia nrr lpn knawn wl-trh mrpl no tunny ami such rtantvrni nm tills ffoma no L u man nUl ran rA(-h; b it evt to those the Chmrt rsrrcRAi. affonlt rptlf n-l romfurt, Ahtox !Im a. Hr. n Citt. Marrh e. 151. H'VTOfi Ati;a. ft'vitM.: I fW-l it a iiti:r ami a pltMnra to inform yon wlir.t yonr Tn: nar lvrTAL hai uo'ta tny wifr. fli lial !l?ti rive moiii'rf Ul "uln :in ler the tlnnnN'oii y ti.ttna uf ''onrimpiion, fnrti which no Aid w conM pmritiv j.avc ler ntnrh rtl--f. Mie a. itmiIiIt fnilinr. nutil lr. .Strong- f thi" clr. !if we hmnvme f-ir a'lviiv, riH-ommni1't ft tilnl of yrr nirilirint. e hli'M hinkir.thifm. nt rvc do your pkill. for "ha h;w rero wwl fi'nm f halt fluy. in not y( m Tronic ah nho ti'U to !. but U tr fr-rtn lir rnuch. A"l t!li iici'M-ir wrll. Tonrs wilh icrntitiulf uo l n-sr-vl, 0KLANDU Mli.l.hY, of SnriRTVti.il. 0irnat;'.'i,- skt not il-iq-Air till yon tiir l Atfa's ("hrkrt ra;T0Rt,. It it ii.Hie by oiifof tlio btct ni!icfil rhftnittU in th worhl, aim) it cui" .tr )Uinl in Uaji tli hifth int-riti of ita vhUim. lrUttjihM jpr. Ayer's Calhartic Pills. 1 tan (I tli'-lr ntmtMt to pirln-f tliti t. tmxt ptrfrct purifufjvti which i known to man. lm:tirmmbli pinofa ai b'.owij Unit tba-ap i'!LLt have vii tubt wltich surp-tat In axcrtluiico tlie uMitiAiy ntctlithtMi and that tiny win un j prficJi'iitf'l'y i:p:n t!i e-totm or a! I ih9. Thy are aaTe I auil pir:uHiil to Ink?, bnt powerful to cure. Thfir tpne tirttiin; properties stirniMtt' th vital irtivitirtof tht bxly, rnuic the nbifmctinna of ir myatii. purify the bUl, ami expi'l t!i-we. Tln-y put out t befoul hunt jih which brrrtl ami gmiv ilitemp'T, v.iu.itdite ehiih or tlior datfKl oisptiii into tbc-ir imtuml in -ti.m. ami impart tifMttby tone with Btrt'ii;Th to the wlioU- ilt-m. ot only do thny euro tho cvyry-day coiiip'tiiHtu of every Lxly. but aln.1 ft.niti lablfi nnd duitnfi'0.i.i iIik-wi-i that have lwftll the beat of hunmii B..11. Wl il tht-y pnnluce wwerftil !rt'tta thtvnre at tht fame titna. In ihtr Jioa. the aft t ati l bent phytic that etui I t eii;pl')od fur ihiMren. Bfii.si m fAr-ihey u'-e p!rp;t:.r to Utktj; and balna; pun-ty vo.txeub'e. nfv fiea f:o:u a-ij ri-k of itrm. Curn have hn ujaild winrl; niiipa'x b.lof wra thry not ub M4Jit.ii.fu1 !y uic!' or . ii-li exalte 1 p-silioit and chai Acter aa to forbid the ruxi'lYiou uf uutrtith. Many I'tiilnent rb'rjrymen and phykiiai i 1-nve k-nt their baim tociiti fy Vj the public the vch;biiity uf my rmliea, while oh era have wiit me tb asnraii?e of their eiivutiuii thai die l'rci-aratioti eoDtfiKut bi.iacusvly to tht relief 4 tny afllii trd. Bufr.'iiiij fellnw inen. The Atfeut bolow nauied U pleA..'i to fnrnUh irratls my Aiufrh-an Aluiaiiat-, tot. twining tltrvvtioun lor (heir ime and cartiticalei of Iheir sureg, of the V.luwu t roicptainta: CnfirMi-w. lt:!i ;j I'.-mi htli.t. I hniniAi'n. Itopy, Ib'Aitij.iiD, llt'd.t htf aiiaiiig lYom a ful 8f.iiiAih. Nau ta lmlieti'ii. Morbid lnMc;im the lu.wWa ami Puu ari iuc tlM.'i'i'fp'ut. 1 1 nulfiii'v, !!si wf ApH-iiit. all l.'lcer on and I'utsOf.M'tia liiin'iiwi whi ii rr-piire an evkiiiant Mi dbii.e. n-rt.fula or llrj-4 I ill. They at, by purify ing lh bh'i'l r hI i;imi!u.nii the nytani. rnra many complM:i!a whi.ii ir v-oiil l tint e mipjKivVr.1 they could iviuh. iiu ii ai Dcafn-'W. I'r.rl!) ! l-ltu i'i. .aurn't,ia and N,voti Imiel ii'.ty. iVri-tientM ..f the l.lverand Kid tuya. iiotif. and ..thr kin ctLitplnint Aiiiinc: f. om a low t,ut of lb bily aii u'tfirocti jn f itt fiiiwtioai. fk not bep-'t rff by U 'i rhu'iji.id d.lri wirh eotn itiher pill they timV.e tnoi-e profit on. Ak fsr Airtt's and taSe mdhinit . No other they raa nira yn rcrpAr a Miih thti in It h.tritiiir value curallva poweia. The h k wunt the Wct aid there la for littfUi. and they ahoiud bav it. I'ropniod by Dr. J. i AVER, Prcclicl and Anal;;ic&l Charaiiti Lcwell, Hau. I'km i Ct. ma Ke. rva bwXLa fo $1. , Wm. A. jlraner, Sunhury; Bird A J.'hn. tfhamukin W Wiemei, Norlhumberloiid ; J. F. Caalow, Milton; Ilaya A MiCnniclf, McCwiiiftfUla aiul by ail Druijtfiata thrutihuMt it'ecunty. Aujfimt Itt, -S0 if the salamaxdW sXiTes" OF rillLADri.PIIt AfiAIWT TMK TOUM. EVANS .V WATSON, iVo. 20 Sou'h lourth f.( 1'hUadttj hia, f rari H'tva hd the aurett dem.nytr- '4lFySJ;J'v'. i ii.ni iini.s t,iiL...s.1... t ........ tfint tlicir iii:iiiii liic't lire? i Sil;i li.;iii-l r K.ili-fl I. in it It iigth fully vnn;oiiti the rrpreet-ul.it t hu Wlm-ii linve ln-fu iumlf i.C thi-lh u-iwh-rnit: nn uodult)rd St ount) iistMiitkt t;ir Urn tic i-iciiicut ; PnitAUFLPiiia, A ri! I2fli IF.VI MeaflTS. Kvnut , Wnieou : it ui -. -it tulftitlrt na ihe liiffhcat Miifhtctioii to Fttoc to you. Unit t v iiiu t i tlie vert protcctlt'e fp: tilth y .f tvv 1 "l" I In- S.tli'iiiimk'r Spfca itiiich we piirchim-i! ol j'Ui aunoe ffv iii iuth hiiin, we aavril - tiree perlu-n nf niu Jrvvfhy. tf. ks. I'upera. A:c., vMpt aett ti the, ciibnyuioua bre in ItuuMcud Puk-c, on Uieiii(irii itifi t.l ihe 1 lih uiflt hrii ne rcflti'l thitt tlu-KA S:iiVa were liH-ntt-d in the t' Ullli ttory ( the l.inlifin wt nri-iijUril, ami H.ut thrv I'ell euiieefjtirutU int-i ti hi-up of humiiitr, ruine. ivhero tiiu Vaal C'Hi'cii!iiilI"U ol'tiful tMiuj'eil iljr; ,cugi tu uit-li, wr LMiniot but reg.jnl Hit prcsi-rviit ..u nf Hit- vnhiul'lf i on tfattana mal ern'mi'iug proi of tl:c yrrit accm i ulT.ir-lU-J by y.tir S -ilea. We ihnll tike timcli pl-:inre in rcunini'iiiling them to men nf busiuaaa ua a auie it1: miv nnuM lire. (itt.'HJU W.tSlMONSA HBO. rmUDFbrn'A, A;ril J9. hM. MetArt. Fvmn A Wiit'ii I h:iva tu oiler v.m mi t,m. liin-my in f;ivu ol the pre:it accuritv iitl-'rib-d t- my t otiie H'H'K jrwi-iry, b.'ka, piipira sr., auntie; tin rect-m iliia'roue oi.Uaf:r:itiMii in IJ uifctcul pluoo, inuu the l.u t iti.it ihe Kiiiif wre e iitunied in lv of the iSaiuiiuimlri lSi.ft-a moiufut mreil )y y..u. Iliiniii lui'eii I'roin ihe h.i'th si ry cf llie Artimi ftinM iiiff. Where thi y :tt prrvioim'v pi aiiil initx rxpoard ton viu.t heat for u t g himt ihe prfit-n'iition of ihti vulimhte ilfp'-aiti fcivti idl ti t-veiy ime win wii neaped the 0iiiiiiir iiiiu iiiu-uoi cxuiiiiiumoii, u, matter ol pmiouiul aatonali ii)ii. To all win iTmv lefjuire tt perft rt proteriion frr.in the rtivnfrce nf fire. I aimll not iirii;ite to rtvnininc n;( the uae if y.mr Sfifi-a, ua 1 tviituit-r ihey hat e mnv imtefg.Hie the m -at trying teat. N. K. Moi.ttw. pHiLtwaPiitA. April 14, M.aara rvtirts ' Wrna-uj lit utlfim-ii No duil vou will be ilrcpt) fciioihrd t"lt-.',rit 'he g iNtomilii n in which I ibsetiveri .1 ii, v Iv'k, p. iu-v ! insuruure. eeitlhVnlee of ntKk.ttuI othrr x.thuildc ih'iii,fitis, when on Fndny U&l 1 nuri.rd th. mfe imute bv yur hiui. W'iih inv kiinwfk't t " ua (r'!t eip-wire, lth in tha intt licit v ul Htr lu :ii fr m (, .i n fire nt iht which de lr'edthe Aitiwio Hu t hli :iir, n 'tis i fruu Ihe force nf the f.ii! from t; f riner r!evn:ed p .'ti rt in the third bry, J enultl I'liu roiin bul Bifndrr tinprs pri-i? !! ita inlenor in. pvli.u, thitt iheeniitenta whi ii I mica a liifchly priznl wn'd over he of miy aervire ! nif, but na theae fwui ore ii'iv happily rnu.ivrd, I fee! ir i 1 1 y due to anv to you tiitit 1 run lifiici-birTti rif:iniuei.d the lite i f yourS.oVa to ii H win in v wmh t i feel a riuli h-tie in the perfet ae puriiy which fuel incuns pn vnJi uaintt so frightful an elemeui. Fdwaid 0 ask ill, Bmkhiiif.tr. Conatai,;S-oji hauj VaimA Powder and Thiaf Proof Ivlia f..r Flanks. Pttrca. Ac. April -jtf, lj. ly 'cap "Wntclies 5) Jeweh-i il.is'SALE and lictuil, at the "I'hiladel 'lia Wateli and Jewelry Store," No. SO cond Street, comer of Quarry, PHILADELPHIA. r M'aicltrs, lull jcM-fliMt, lb uurot eases, aJ6 00 l-U. l.l:Hi Pilvt-r gpeuucle. I.S0 jcwilnl, Html Urarrlols, 3.U0 jrvI'd K I ntlirs1 OnUI I'tticils, 1,00 oeis, 7 Silver To. snoous, set, 4,00 , ,ll ill Pencil and Isilver Holder, 1,00 ;er liings, 37 J cents lo $80 ; Watch in, I cents; Fateut, 8 j ; l.unet, tides in proportion. All goods war hat they are sold for. KTAUFFElt &. I1AKLEY, -vme liold and Silver Lovera and er tbaiii tit. We jiriosa, . , VALUABLE PROPERTY FOK SALE. fpilK subscribers. Executors of the estate of ,JL Henry Mssser, dee'd., offer nt private aale he following property vial A large two story Vaine dwelling house, togetbei with aboet - 60 ACRES OF LAND, ' Pituate in Lower August township adjoining tanda of Daniel Kaufman end others now in the oerupanct of John 11. Kaufman aa store and dwelling. The house la new anil the location good una for business. 1 Also TRACT OF MMESTOftF LAND, in asid township on the river about A milee be low .Suiibu.y.adjtiii In t lands of J. 'I'; M'Plieraon and. others, containing, about 90 acres. .The soil ia productive and coutaihe limestone and other minerals. Also tract or Land, containing about !1A irses nn the hill, about two miles below 5unbury, adjoining lands of the heiia of Ihe late John Conrad and others. There is, on this tract, small orcbatd of choice fruit. For further particulars apply to the subscribers. 11. I). MASSKH, ) P. B. MArW.ll. VEneculore. FRANCIS llUCItER. ) Rnnhury, January 19, 1850. tf ' MOUNT CARMEL HOUSE, MOUNT CARMEL, Xnrthumbcrltmd County, I'cnnsyh'tnia. 1 r&jlll"! large and commodioua Hotel ia silus K ted iteurly Itnll wsy hetwecn Sunlmry and 'ottsvilln. Tlie sceneiy tlie sululirily of the ntmospliere ami the eool uinnutnin hrerzi s, make it one of the most di liuliil'iil summer retreats in the eontitry. The Hotel, is a new strueture, fuiir sloriea ltl;ti, fiitrd up with all the modern con veniences The pure injuntsin water is intro duced into every rhamher. The place ia east nf access, deing hut out and a hull hour ride from Sunlmry, over the I'liiladetphia nnd Sun hury Huil Unsd. From I'otlsville, it is 17 miles. Kvery attendance will he paid hy the proprie tor to make guests comfortable. Charge mode rate. Jl'.SSC KICK. Mt. Carmel. May S4, 185S. if LHi CCD &UCJ& AT B. N. Thompson's Store, tn .nicer Aoyunta towiithip, al the Junction oj the l ulpthocken ana J turn creek roads. suhfcriher having returned from the city A wHh a new and extensive assortment ol fisliioiiahle (roods, respectfully calls the attentieu of Farmers, Mechanire and oilier to the same. SPUING AND SUM M KU U00D3, coiisisliug in part of Dry (oods, viz : Cloths. Camimert, Cassinets, Jeans, Ortiitija, iljiislins, letting, J weeds, anil all kinds oj Spring and Summer Wear, LADIES DUESS AND FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Muslin de L'lins, Latent, Uin'hams, Heragn, liabtt, U'oj'.nis, Flannels, tft. ,tt.l HIS Sugar, Teas, Coffee, Itice, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, fait, Ac., &.C., Set. ISnrdiv.'ire, Nails, Screws, Files, Saws, Knives & Forks, Ae Queeni and Glassware, of various styles ami palterna. BOOTS AND SHOB3. A large assortment of Boots and Shoea, far men, women and children. II tT Csrs, &.e of various sites and styles. ltesides a large ami general assortment of lashiomilile goods. Call and examine toryour-st-lves. IV Country produce ol all kinda taken in etcliange at the highest market pricea. S. .N. THOMPSON. Lewer Augusta, 6 mo. 14, 1HS6. PKTCn fclDesi, Itet.f lite firm of Stevens, JAS.S IOVF.K. 1 j'.f af tha L'uiou IK'tsl. Jl.il.iiipslteiiil Lo. NATIONAL HOTEL, (latk wiiitb swaw. Race Street, above Third, rilll.ADKI.rUIA. 'rHE altove well-known Estjltlishment, have 1 ins; been entirely remodel d, introd. eing all he tiioderii imprnvementa. and also, newly fur i Uhed thronijlioiit, will be opened for the recep tion of (iuctits on the F1IWT DAY OF SEPTEMBER. The proprietors, from their delerniinali.in to devote their attention lo llie contfnrtt'l theirijuesls II. liter theinselvis with the conviclioti that Ihey will be aldelo give satisfaction to their patron. Carriages will always be in readiness lo con vey passenger lo ami from Steamboat Landings and Kail road Depots. SIDES 4- STOVER, Race Street, above '1 hlrd. ritiladelphin, AuguM U0, 18:6. ly NEW CONFECTIOMABY. T7E0LESAIE AND KETAIL. M. C. GEAUIIAUT, AS jnf received a lit w and excellent sssnrl inent of goods at hia Ciinfectit.uary and Fruit Store in MARKET STREET, Siiiihurv, where lie maiiufacterea si:d keeps on hand, al all times, the mot choice Confectionary, &c, Wholesale and Retail, at I'biUdulpliia prices. Among hia stock of C'outectioiiarica, maybe found : Krench Serrats, Gsra Drops, sll kinds of scent, Ittirnctl .vlinuiios, l.'.ve Dnti.s, rrtum White, ajiut Dmps, red aud wkite, i l.eiit.ia Jrllv Cnkrs, ' R,i, Kiuil lms, o Vuinlls. Ht-ck t'siMlts, ol aM arsuts Cninnv'ii Seeltts. R.trk Csotly, l.it)unicc, Aimtind Caudr, FRUIT. Bsn.nns, Prunes. Ikiiea. Firs, Ciirrnnls dried, t'llrntis, Atiionus, RsJsons, Nuts nf at! kinds ' l.EM ON" SYRUP of a auperior qtialiiy, by the single or dor.cn. A superior quality of Scuars and Tobacco, and a variety of Cunfei titularies, fruit. iStc. all of which is oili-red cheap at wholesale or retail. ICB CHEAM. He Itaa alio opened an 'e ('ream Saloon, and will nt all timea bo ready to serve his customer n i ill Ice Cream. Sunhury, May 21, 1856 ly " Patten's New York WINDOW SHADE & CUItTAIN STORE, 203 Chestnut St., opposite Jones' Hotel, Illlt.AUtl.PIIIA. Window Shades, (Jilt Cornices, Dull'. White and Hollands. lirocaiellea, ISatiu de Lai nes, Worsted Damasks, Outre Tassels, (imp ami Loope, Curlaiu Hands, Lace and Muslin green Picture Cord, I'.ilent Rollers, Curtain I'ins and Trim tilings, Curtain, Piece Muslins, Store, Steamboat and Church Shadea er Dra pery, got up at Ihe shortest notice. Curtains rut, mude and put up by the most eiperienced hands. PaTTsV New Yok Stobs, 203 Chestnut St., Melodeon liuildings. May 9, U50 J. II. J.,1II, Justice of the Peace. MOONT OABMEL, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. All business piomplly al'ended to. Monies collected and all ordinary wii'inas done. Mount Carmel, June 14, 1H5C ly MLll.M.NU Fluid, Camphene, fluid Wick aud Lampa, for aale by , J. e. A I. F. KLI.NF.. Klinea Grove, Nov. 8, I eJ."r,. tf AMERICAN IIOUS , W1LLIAMSP0R'", PA., i . x ii. li n. ro v. irpr Ja. T. Ualu Aaa't. - ; Sept. U i LET 18 RKtgOIV TOUKI IIK. HOLLOW AY'S PILLS. WHY ARE WE SICKt It bat been the Wit of tha human race tn be watehed diwii by diaenae and urTerlna. HOI.hOWAYI Pi 1. 1-- are anetiHlly adnpted ti the relief nf the WKAK, thr NKKv(L'I. the IjI-.LICATK. and tha IN PlllAI, of a II clitnea. aa;ea, aeiea, and CnimitutinHa. t'roferaor Hollo, wiiv oert niullv eunerintendi the meonfertute of hia med- irmea in Ihe t'nited ttatea, and offt re them to a free anil eulighteiirtl people, aa the beit lemedy tha wirld evel aw for the leiuuvnl f diaeoae. TI1K5K TILItS PU1UFY THE BLOOD. Theaa fatiiiiDa Pi la ara eanreaaiv cninhined tn niairate on the etomach, the liver, the ktdneya. the lunpi, lh akin and the hwea, ritrreeliof any deranriiient In their func tioni, pimiyiut the ttitKKt, me veiy touutaut ut 1 no and thna curing diirtiae in u It itnftiriua. UYISI K r nl A Ac LIVMt I I.A 1 IS T Neurlv half the humnu raca hnvo inketi theae Pills. hnaheen proved in all nwrta of the world, that noihrnr hna been f.unid equul to them h) inaei - f riievrdera of the 1 liver, dygpepiia, and ttomuch complninta generally. Thev Offni nive a henlthy tone tn thao argnnet however much Beniugeu. ana wneti an other menna hiiva iniien. GESEUAL DEHLTY, LL IE ALT. Mnnv nf the moat dcanottc Government have oncued their CuMom Il Miata to the iulrodiictiou of these I'illa. th it thry iti'iy iHTotne tlie medicine nf the maveea. Leartt ed Cidh-ftea admit thr.t this mrdit uie la Ihe bert remedy ever known ft peia uia of drlictitr health or where the ay mem hna been impuifcf, ua its invigorating properliea never fail t. nflonl rrlief. FEMALE COMl'J.AIXTS. No femnlc vtmni or nlj, sltoul.1 lie vt illmut Ittis eele- lirstril inctlit'iiie. Ir enrrects and levilltilf-s lite nintttlilv ettitrsps nt nil peri.Htsi, nt'tttts in many case like a clmriit. it istiiso tits lit-il nnd snivst ineiut-ine tltitt csit lie tvrtt in Cliiltlrrn of nil uses, snd fur ony cumplaint j eoitsequeully no Isintly should be with. nit 11. lolloway's Pills are the lest remedy knoven in the Korldfor tht following iliscate : Asthma, Fever nntl Ague Ptnne snd Orsvel II twel Cornpluints t'enmle Ct'llltikiiills Seciuiittiiy Pvtnn- Cotiflts Hriilaphs Inwnrtl Weakiters i:'ittis l'ini?eit!iin I.tver t:i,ini,lsiiiui Ckf.t Diseases Influrtiza Lnwnesssf L-irilB C'istiveitess liinniiilitttiinn I lies Vetti-renl AflTtlionS AVorms, of till kinds lysiepsia Durhoia Drtipsy riLKS AND FISTULAS. s!d at Ihe MaiiMwli tries of Prnfeesnr IfotveWAT 0 .Mititlptt l ane, New Vttrk, ami 914 Ptranil. lmd .it, hy nil rrsnfcrittilf. nrnriieiB nutl Ueslets in iMetlicme liirtiuili tut llie t'niletl utiles, Btnl the ctvitiled wotltl, ill bolt, si "21 rents. 6i cents, tntd 1 ench. 1.7 Titers is a uuusidetshle saving hy taking the tsrgrr si Xt-S. N. H rtrrrti.ins fur Die ruidnnc of patients ia every uisnrtter srf nn'Keii to e.trn Dtia Much iH, S.' Ijcs BOOKS! BOOKS!! Walk this way for Bargains ELM" desirous "I disposing of my entire stock of Hooks aud tstioncry, comprising s.'ine iO.liCO Volumes nf Law, Medical, Keli ginue Scientific, Ulauk, Musical, Mibuol and Miscellaneous liooks. Also, 100 Reami nf letter paper and a lot ef wall paper, aleel pens, wafers, tfec. I will dispose of the whole stock at public sale sale at my store, opposite the Court House, commencing 'on Monday the 7th day nf April. 1856 all o'clock, P M., and continuing, every afternoon and evening until the whole stock is said. WM. McCARTV. Ter J09. II. McCARTY. Renhury, March 16. 1856. tf JOHNSON 4& BROTHER, CABINET MAKERS, No. 14 Aortii Second Street, first dior aheve Christ Chuich, Philadelphia. SJERSONS in want of Bureaus, Tables, 9nfss. (.Miair. Bedsteads, and every varietv ot household fuinilure, would flit well lo call, as those articles are made up in th best etyles and aold at the lowe.-l prires. April li, IN56. ly EARTHED WABE- '''HE aulecriber respectfully in'orma ll.e riti 1 tens of Sunhury and the public generally, that he haa commenced the manufacture uf all kinda ef EARTHENWARE, at hia manufactory in Whortleberry Street, ene square east of the River. Ha ha engaged the servicea of Mr. User, and you can therefore depend nn having a good article. The pub.ic are respectfully invited to call. All orders from a distance will he promptly attended te. P. M.SHI.NDEL. Snnbury, Feh. , 1858. tf WHITE HORSE HOTEL. rOTTHVILLE. PA. TMIE ubscriher respectfully annnnncea le hi -A- ofd friend iitid the public, that he ha taken that old and well known establishment, the White Horao Hotel. At the corner of Centre and Mahantnge sta., in the Uorotnjh of Poltsville. The house hss re cently been very much enlarged and otherwise improved, rendering il quite as co."!foi table any olher Hotel in i-'chuj Ikill county while the stables are large, in good condition, and in tend by careful, attentive, prudent hostlers. To travellers and others who in ay stop at his house, he promises every attention calculated to render llietn comfortable and satiHicd. JOS. M. FE0ER. April 5, 185r.- tf SUNBURY, PA. r'llIIE subscriber respectfully informs th public 1 that she still continues t keep th above named public house. iSlie lus also receive a new supply ef gnod liiUora and wines, and Irusta that she will be able to give satisfaction to all who may visit her house. MARIA THOMPSON Sunhury May 31, 185G if. J. STEWART DEPUY & S0ffS. Importers and Dealers ia Carpetings Mammie Hall, Chestnut St.. btlotc Eighth, IITOCLU resteclfully invile ou to call snd " examine their large and well selected stock of Cartets, Oil Clothe. Cocoa ami Canton Mat tings, Druggets, Hearth Rugs, Door Mats. cVc, winch Ihey will sell to the trade at such prices as n i l make it desirable for those who wish to pur chase, to call and examine their stock, before j piirclia-iiig cle herc. Philadelphia. April 12, 1856. ly IMLES for Machinists, carpenters, Ac., Sie., - llsstly's edge tools, planes and bench screws for sale hy E. Y. UlilUHT KO.N. Nov. V9, 1856. ARNOLD'S WRITIV" " ' aiv and legal ahiiihurv, Jan 10. Fairbauka' Platform sal I y I Nov. 99, 1856 I yall Paper- " " end for aale e Bunbury, June II AM, 8" 81- M fibamokin Whit Ah AnthrteiU Coal. 1 Vow thi "Old Vein" in thi UapColliery. T H. ZIMMERMAN &JNO. F, PtKbfcL, euoceeeure la Keae, Keed dk Ce., will con. tiuoe mining, chipping end selling roal from tha ' above well known Colliery, under the Gran of Zimmermen A I'ursel. 1 he point of shipment . la at Ihe lower wharf In 8unbury,,, Nonliumber- ' land eoonty, Fa., where all ordera for the varioua kinds of coal, viai Lump, Broken, Eng. More, ' end Chestnut Coal, will be thankfully rase i red and promptly attended to. Bunbury, July H, 1855, , : , Biri, Jclt 8, 1155. ' The firm of Kase, Reed Co. having aold their lease in the Cap Colliery and interest In the wharf at Sunhury, lo Messrs. Zimmerman & l'uiscl, would take treat uleasure ill rernmttian.t. ing our customers and others t" the new firm, aa they will he aide to eell them prepared coal ef the best quality. KASE, KEED A CO. ARDWARE.-Table Cutlery, lWa, Feek nniirt, nana sswie Wood saws in frames, A lee. Chisele, Door Locks, and Ill.irr.. " " vr altera, e., just received and for sale hy I. W. I EKKR er CO. Huiilnirv per, 9. I ,54. 1855 BDeciul Einrnna TVnttna tor.n HOWARD Sc CO'3 EXP1U5SS. uNl!':Rm.)sV,L,',AM8roRV 1 A LROAD8, we -,e now p,.,rfd to lo.ward all descriptions of Eipres Oood by lw,.,r Traine, daily, between I'hila.lelphj. ,d Elrnira connecting al Elrnira with all th Western Exe press Companies. All goods for Tsmsqua. 8ummit, Catiawi,, Danville. Milton, W'ilhsmaport, Elrnira. and sl.o torthulllberUnd and Bunbury and all inirr mediate places, delivered the same day. ' h" train in charge of our own Bpecial Alessetiger. Fliiladelphia Oirice, 01 Che.nut Sirt Oflit F.lmira at United State Eipres OUi'e. April i, 1856 ly r HAYDOCK & FIDDLER, DEALERS in Watc.he. and Jewelry, will coi ,,u. BU..ne. at the eld i.d .f easrsixs III tltff Ko. 12 South Second Street Where they .olicit .n ei.mination of thsir l.rM and lock leeling ...ur.d ,hM Iht 'V nd the lanhtte. they p0..,M for f- ' . , u 8 co!"i",e biy ith ., ,h hand a tin assortment of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JKWEI RT Stiver. Piated ,d V.f., CeM.ry rncy Caods, Ae., Ve. nsry, N. B Renairine of W.i.l.. .-j .. . . Phila., April 7, 18.15. tf. to CMLlSilLziiii. AMKEBMA1T, ZUERN WXITZIl they have leased the new eli.'. r.llrd lh. Lambert colliery, and ar. ra.dy , J1T . f superior qu.ht,, ,J ,f , ri rf red en their n.w coal ere.k.r. All orders pr,m,, . attended te by addressmg Ik. f rm ,,J,.r Sunbury or Bhamokin. ' " Sunhury, June 30, 1839. tis Ti xTTTi a kki & t??r Hi Chetnut Street, front nf Jones' !,,tt ' riiiLADEl.PHI.A. HAD on hand the cite. p.. i ..j I best assortment of TRUNKS 5' CARPET HAGS, EVER OFFERED TO THE FL'BLIC. Sole l.either, K0iid Riveted. Iron Frame. Iron Round I r.vellidg Trunks; P.cking do, V.lisea; Ladtes Bonnet Cas..; Carpet Beg. Satchel. Ac., by th quantity er single article, lower than aan be bought at any other place ia the cilv. July , lt56. 3 JA1IES P. CAIBREATH S iadih raircy SIKOE STORE, 59 Xorth Eiiihth Street, Atoie Areh, East side, PHILADELPHIA, I.adie from the reentry, csu hsv shoes msc'n to enler m the very test .t) ,j workman.hip on a few days notice. As excellent sssoiuncat to select from, always on hand. May 10, 1856 lv DANVILLE HOTEL. JOHN DEEN, JK., Market Street, DanMle, 'a, 'ni'W is on of the largest aud most ctmma--- dious hotels in the interior of 'er,i,s hnnis. it has been recently titled up, in excellent lvl, wuh all the modern conveniences. Danville, Sept. ii, 1855. THACHER Sc WODDR01 WHOLESALE ' BOOT SHOE A TRUNK W AREHOUSE, AV. 10 1 Arch ftrtft, up Stairs, Retween Third A rrtli flu., urpr aid, near L'nion llsirl, Philadelphia, Cerpet Bag and Valire of all deserif.'neBa. CHARLES F. THA CHER. r,u-t j , i!,JUEIM'S. WODDKOP. rhiladelphia, Ju. IS, 1K56. if 1 lrALL PAPER. A large ami splendcd r assortment of Wall p,p,r. W indow Pa per, and Uii Khadea, just received and tor aaU , 1- W. TEN EH V Co. Hunbury, Msv 36. 185 I ANB WARRANTS.-TI.. higl .rtZTr "will be given lor Land Wa, rants by the sult c",",, II. It MAM-F.U. NK lioureau'a celebrulrd ink, and uio ' grea ink for aale, wholesale and relail bv Hecikuer I rtAll. - l ( MASF.t C EDA RTF els. Meal ' kcts, Children's ut received .' Msy :S. 165.' ATTO