MOGrtfcH Or MOT KIT All IBM IN eT.C 1 Th Tienn i-nrtepnDdent of tb London) 7nne bji that minor nuv long ceen pit. .tleiit in thut t it;, m to tuinwniiK Uom.miit who were see kin it counecnoo wuii urn rro- testant Church. 1 ppear, from tvlis bio information, thut lit niSinlr i.r crtiits iiiade' to thr Superintendent of t li AOKsbur and llelretic, (thut in, the Luiher an mill Culvaiiist.) CmileHiiitis lint become so ureal, ami the demands npr)n them ciul rvliuiuus instruction so ire.siiiir. ,-ti at tlifjr literally know not which imj to turn." Much or tins movement H ascribed tu Hie deep ilisgnst occasioned by the concordat with llmne, aim lit practical operations. Since that treaty funned, thn higher' clergy have made themselves excessively Ulipopulur. The Helvetic pastor. Kossuth, a cousin of the rcltistiid llun jiti I inn tXile, mill possesses iitlich of the mine puisuusive eli.iiiciice, is very successful in hi ministry, to which ho is uidri:llv attached. .A I h i kit'it .01 it:o! iiMii unci t tl at rp of ll'u . priucipul inaiiuliiclnrer in Hungary lint just embraced I'roti'stiintisin. with tliree hnti dreil of hia workmen. Al Kllieuf, in Nor mandy. Franco, muiiy hundreds ol cloth-work-era. intelligent men. iisi;nsted with the gross legends uml prod ices of Popery, attend tho Protestant service. A few months ago, thirty fresh Tamilies embraced tho doctrines of thu Reformation. At St. Opportune there are two bundled new converts, whom no iiinniint of opposition has been' uble to dis vnarae. Nenr thut place is tho villupe of l'luuaehnii, where a hunlred heads ol fam ilies, ull Uniniiiiists by liirth, have built a l'ro testaiitsatuvtnary at tbuirown vxpi'iiu,thoii(tli the viv'A aulliuiity bus thus fur refuted per mission to rjieu it. In llelri:iut, Protestan tism is in ii kill; rapid progress. In Hat-aria, the Wscrcase of I'rotcltnnts by conversions from Popery, litis btcome o con a.derabii! as to cause mwii uneasiness to the 'ovcinment ulid the Uomauist joiutiuls. For some years ulone, fwiwrtiitiii of Priests and Monk to the Protestant Uuolriiies, has heii of vert frequent ccnmjo'! io llmifiiiry ami Uolieiniii. Within a few years, more than ten thousand persons io TusciUiy have renounced Humanism, and enrliraeixl the tol erant, phl'util hrophlc. uml'C li iiili doctrines of I'li'textuiilism. The piiiii are, that the sun of Uoiiihiiiriii is declining in ifat Kuropean Jiurizoii to its final setting. JlO.tD TO PiCIMt; One of the great wants of the country, well made, serviceable roud to I Lis 1'acilic mot a railroad, Tor even our greut progress is tint equal lo the cullusian task of spauuing tho continent with ull iron track, but its lie- 1 veSKiuy imti'Ci-deflt, a direct und well-coo- ; etrocleil tvugnti rouil is likely to be soon ' supplied. Congress has authorised the un- -di'ilukiiiK und provided tha money, and thu : .priliiuiiiuiiiM iue already urraui.'ed for the ac tive prosecution of the work. The exprllstt will be b utie by three d;Rerelil depurliiienls f the government. The Department of the Interior disburses S'OH.OUU fur the construc tion of military rads ; the War Department SlUU.OOU for the digut: of urlefian welli, through which one greut tenor of the over Ian. I route will be removed, and the l'ost of flee Department, for the transportation of the 'inails over the oewcoMl, will give out C00.000 dollars ler allium;. H'lie govern rent aid to tin enterprise will-embrace not only the ac tual outlay authorized, but incidentally it will assist the progress .of the work materially. 'I'iie military forces passing this spring from tiie far West to the Pacific slope, will be the pioneers ill opening the. way to I no prosecu tion of I he road, to bt followed by tho more careful surveys and iiutcal location of the line thai will be made by the civil ensinrers un der the direction of thu Interior Department Once completed, 'the despatch' of regular inaiif, by tho route will attract over it a lure muss ol travel, gradually marking more d lu ll nc I ly thu route over the pinion, valleys and mountains of tho central continent, locating along the edges a line of frontier saltleincnts, and preparing it by u rapid process), for tho tinal placing of -the. iron rails, over which lo comotive, in in less thau twenty years, will pa- IroKi the eastern to the wi stein tide of tiie continent. The gv.uural course of the in t n toad is that ol' ti .M. inpli s n ti i , n.aiked i ul on one of '.he l'uctlio railroad Nrvey ; it will, hoWcv r, bo connected by ; i ther rouib:, already in course of couslriictiou with tectioiis of the country north and fouUi of that line. The work having once been uu-i!eru!(- by the gnvernmctit will no doubt be prcs.-ed with all the energy that the interest of ill. i country ri-cinire and uu uuliiiiitcd com mand ul' means w ill justify. A liny ForttTKK Ykahs Oi.n t'oNV;rn:D OK McunKR 1 1 IS Sr.XlKSCE TO 1KATU. Tilt! Toronto (tjuiiiiadu) tilobe, gives a detailed account of the trial of it boy named ilaines Mc.iuTk', between 1 1 i i e i and fou te n y. a s o.d, Tor tl e m.irder of James McC.ill. a IjoV nine years of age, iti October last, ill the township of tjarafraisa, Canada, According Xo the evidence, tiie murder was most deliher. ate and itihiiiuau. Having had a (piurrel with the boy, McCall, he enticed him into the woods, to get apples nnd w here, hu beat him with a Mic.atitl afterwards took a pejee of a broken bottle, bis throat with it, and inflicted g.ishes and tuts all over his body, lie then tr.pil the the body, hid it between two .", and with the clothes tied up in a bundle, let l tin-Kcene, When ipiestioin-d by McCall's father, he denied the murder, but ufterwurds foiifeSM-il it. giving its horrible details.' lie cfCiped the vigilance oQicen f.r two w.iki, liul wa4snbjepieDtly captured. Alter thepvideiice was lit urd, the jury lav if.p retired a tew minutes, cave a verdict of guilty of wilful murder, with a rcccommenda tioi to norcy. Tho Judge, having as ed sentence, asked the b ij' if tie had utiythniK' to say why the Kcnlciicc of death flinuld nt be passed Uon him. lie replied, "1 say they've sworn to a li '. Old Seotl Say he gave me t., and lie did not." lie theu sentenced him to suffer death by hanging, on the Uth day of Apnl stating that he would lay the who'e facts before the Kxecntive, but expressed ti e np uioii that there was no hope of mercy from -thut ipiaiter, on account of the horrible nu ll - - 0 Iih crime. Duiing the whole trial tl risouer exhibited no sigus of sensibility, and 'ojeivad the saiiteeM with a J air of callous ... i lt. various is the nn j is scarcely any V some und bit horse gives up , the cow gin s i, lock to tli inonkxhnud to -r'-.!ii uniinals rUTTTIIG NtW HEADS ON TO OLD 4PPL1C TRCtl. Ther ara many olJ seeding orchards, or orchards Containing grafted fruit, that on tr I ha riot been round suited lo the tun tile or soil where they are planted. The top ol these may be easily replaced by Utter varie le of, by catting off the bruuitues and lev rafting. Duiing the past winter we made mil on a gentleman, an amateur in the way of fruit, residing in Frankrort, where, he showed us two apple trees that were upward of fifty years old. In order to improve tloi quality of th fruit tome five or Six years ago, he had all the brain lies removed at ence cutting them ofi" where they were two or three inches int lie in diameter. This was done early in the spring. Each branch put out several liew and and vigorous shoots, one of each of these preserved, and the folliwiny tpring were grafted with different varieties of ap ples. When this operation was performed the trees showed evident signs of maturity und approaching demy. Tint by this opera tion nature seemed to revive, and now the old tret present young, heulthy, well formed heads, affording iti fruitful seusou abundant crop of fair fruit lly giving t lie brandies Irom the old slnmps a year's growth before they are grafted, they ullord a mere suitable size for grafting, and tho circulation being lucre vigorous in the young than in the Id stumps, us usually graf ted, a much littler dead is lormetl, while toe grafts are less liable to be broken off by the wind-. in reviving old orchards in this way it is important to manure, thu ground welt with stable manure, wood ashes, 4c , and give it a thorough cultivating for a year or two. winch will much improve I he size and ouabty of the fiuil. Lnuitvillt Courier. Plating Cards in iiAKKsrKARR's'l'iMr.s Cards was a favorite diversion with the high er ranks. I he principal guinea then played lire now e.Miuct, Mich us 'plincry, "gicek, 'muw," 'ruff," mid 'knave-out-ot'-diM r;" There were games of tabhs. of which thut called 'lal'lcs ' was identical with our back gammon. D.ce were much in use, und false dice were constantly employed by (harpers. Shakspeuie's expression, False us dicers oaths," bears strictly on his own time. Anouikr Dkatii. Henry ltirks, a member of the United Stales Cornet U.ind.died ut his residence, on Thursday afternoon, from the vilects ol poison taken at the National Hotel during the Inauguration. His luueral took (dace yesterday morning. Cratr Cut.Tt'RK. Residents of Chattan ooga. Tennessee, are devoting considerable attvntitin to the ct.lture id' C'aluwba grape. One geullemuti has planted about thirty ucres. A FlI.MJiUSTKR foil tiik Moiimons. The Louisville Jnurnat learns that Colonel Jack Allen, f Shelby county, Kentucky, a. promi- Meot Filibuster und a man nf roni-aire ia I spoken of ut Washington for Governor of L ull, 't is said that if he could not bring thu Mormons to terms in any other, way, he would tight teem into submission to the Fed eral luws. A Woohkk Ma.n in tiif. P.O. M. Sullies, atbuebusier to the Fmpeior Napolioti, lias invented a post ollice automaton, which takes up every letter thrown into the box. places il under the stamp, wheivj it nceivis the postmark nnd throws it out ugaiu for delivery to its dcslioalioo. The general post ollice has made a trial of the invention, which has turned out salislaclnly. and it is now in trea ty with M. Sallies for machines to be furnish ed to ull the principal pest cilices throughout France. Ctl-tRACTFRISTIO' ON UoTH SlDKS OlICP, nt Holland House, I he cotiversalmn turned upon first love, Tom Moore compared it to it po tato because it shoots from the eyes." Or rat her," exclaimed Uyroo," becauteit becomes ull the less by paring. New Advertisements. Iforthumberland Bridge Company. N election for OfTn-ert of the Nurthuio land liri.lce Company, to seive for iwthuiober- liriilpe Company, to seive for one year, will lie held at the house of Mr. Lturr in ISitrthumhrrland. on MD.NUAV the 4 lit day of MAY licit. The election will open at I o'clock P. M., and close at 4 o'clock P. Al. The liooks and Arco lit of the CompaHv will be sulimitteil to the stockholder for their iusprc tiua at the same lime and place. D U U A LTKi AM, President. Northumberland, April 'I, l37. 41 ORPHANS' COURT SALE. (X ptirsuaofS" of an order of the Orphans' . Court of Norlliuiiilnjilaud county, will be ; exposed to public sale, on SA TV II DA 1. Me 12ri day nf June, next. on the premises, the following described real estate to wit: A certain lot of ground, sit uated in the town of bbauiokin, county afore said, whereon is erected u two-Mory Fraino Uuil'lili'' : hounded liy lots ol John linUi'liucr and others, l.uto tho estate of Samuel IS. Haas, decensed. Sale to commence at 10 I o'clock, A. M of said day, wheii thu terms will be made kuown hv JOHN VAXZANT. Adtuiuistrutor. I5y order of Ihe Court, C. 1(0 Yl PUILSKL, Clk. 0. C Jsiinbury. April 11, 1 fftT. AMEK10AM AUKICULTURIST. OKA.NGK JI UU, I lift WmIci H , J Trunk UI.I llollwr I'uO.mlier a rropi. J isewt.ik. Ai carta Advance Vol XVI.,; No. 4. Al'lUl., le.V. New Puirs.No. 123 Lurgc l'l t liiluitlis !! ! ! JL'C A K CANE. Sl't.'AU IS Dl'Alt, and everybody idriiiug to lot the value f ihe netv- NORTIIKRN CIIIM'.FUSICAU CANK To meet the demand, lor pure, reliable sevda the I'ubliahrr of the Vimrirau Aeiti ulluril has secured t large supply direct from the same s.iurce astlist obtained by the U. S. Uovernmeiil, and be lias now 1,00(1 pounds which will bs dittubulrd i,uol sold) as follows: :i,06 will pay for the Agricultu rist for on yar, and secure ilia prompt fiee retina of COO perfctt LOG jSugar Can Staia. will plai t UO lulU. $').! will pay for a club of aii iubsrrihrr one year, and also 1,0 10 aerd delivered free- N. U The seeda aboc offered will be promptly debtered Io the subscriber or sender of a club rsr.K or nri ' ' "inl in the United States 'ifornis and Oregon, iety of valuable seeds Iributed free to all sub- Ibe Februsry and April 5-50 iculturi-l has a much olation than any oilier i or Horticultural jour- world, a lair ict ot its it is uoiveirjily pio brat source of plain vion for every cuili- 'r it will pay. is steieu- " 'l"n Tho World' Great exhibition rro Medal ! AWARDED TO C. METER. For f 7Vo Pianm, Londim, Octnhrr, 15, 51 RKsl'ECTFCI.I.V informs bis friends and tba public generally, that he lias contmitly an hand Pianon npisl to tlione for which ha re veined the Priso Medal, in London in 18 .1. All orders promptly attended to, and great care taken in the (election and packing the same. He has rcreived during the Inst I A year, nmrr Miilnln limn anv other maker fro-., the franklin Iiistiliile also Firt I'rr inium at Huston, and Premiums al New York and Baltimore. Wareronms, remove.l finm 5'i S. I'ourth. In No. ISO AKC11 Street. below Eighth, south side, Philadelphia. April II, 1857. 3m ORPHANS' COURT SALE. fS pursuance of on order of the Orphans' Court o Northumberland county, will be exposed to public sale, on T1IVHSUA Y, (he ,th ny of May, nrxt, on the premises, the following described real estate to wit : A certain trurl or piece of LAND, situated in JShiimokin township. Northumberland county, adjoining lands of Nicholas locum, now Jas. locum, John Kepley, the centre turnpike, Jacob Haas, now Samuel John, Solomon Fagely, the heir of A bin John, now U.K. Muriz, und Sam'l. Sober, now John Fisher, containing sixty-six acres und fifty-two perches, mid ulii wance more or less, on which are eiected two Dwi II ing Houses, n. Hum, Curding Mill, Saw Mill, and other out buildings, nnd also nn inter cut for the term or ninety-nine years, from the Gib day of February, lb'.' 8, in a certain trad of Land ndjoining thu above piece, for the purpose of a mill-race. Lute the estate of David Muttz, ilec'd. Sale to commence ut 10 o'clock, A. M., of said day, when the terms of sale will be made known by II KN III li. M AK 12, Adm r. . li x 1.. .11 i court, . o. c. Kv order of the C. 11. Pnrsel. Clk April 11.1SS7 Vnltialtle Town Properly FOR SALE, rTIIE subscribers, desiring to go west, nfer for 1 sale a House and two Lola in the town of Shsmokin. No. 20 and 31. Block 14. opposite the Ddil fellow' Hall, on the corner of i-'unlmrv and Liberty Streets. The Iiuum-h a tw, mid a half story buck building, well iilib-lieJ. with n good store roam, and a basement story. Aiso a stable and oilier out-buildings and water ron- e nieiit. Tho pro.crlv, which ts situated Oil ibe main street and buriner part of the town, will be sold on reasonable terms. For further particulars apply to DAMKI.'rEl.lX. JEREMIAH MARTIN. Shsmokin, April II, 1857 If ltatc ol'Alli tl It Blutlaitl,!cc'ti. lJ OTIC K is hereby given that U-tleis of i. Administration have been granted t the subscriber on tho estate of Alfred H. llowlaud, dee'd., late of Trevorton, Norlhiiiu berlaud county. All persms iudcbteil me requested to make immediate puvment, nnd those having claims to present them duly authenticated for settlement. UF.O. MOW TON, Adufr. Trevorton. April 11, 1857. 6t BROADWAY FAMILY GROCERY ! Flour, Feod and Provision toro. liiotidwoy bcluw Ulaclbcrry Streit. LEVI SEASI10LTZ, RESPECTFULLY inform ihe citizen, of Sunbury and vicinity thai he has mooted to the Mora lately ore pied by C. (Jchriner in Uraadway near the Kail Koad, and is receiving a choice supply of FAlrULY G?.CCE?J20, confuting ill part of llama, Shoulders. Miuknrel. Hcrrini;, White, Cod Fish, Salt I're.-a'ited Fru t, P. ckles. Crackers, Cheere, Molasses, Ku e. Sugar, (Police, (ureeii, roasted and ground.) Im perial. Younn Hyson, liunponder and U lark 'i'eas, Cedar-ware, Slonc-ware, Soaps, bruxlirs plow and wash lines, boots arid -hoc, luhacro scars, A.C , together wild every article usually found in a first class Grocery Store, all of which will be sold at the lotvcit prices, either for cah or country rodiicc. He hi. a aluo prepared to ii dy ilia ritifeiia with freed bread, tuisl, io!ls,pics, pretM'ls and cakes of every kind. N. li. The highest rash prices mill be paid for butU'r and egga, corn, oala. rye and w heal. Suuhury, April II, 1857. Urn Taiut and ala! wiiouai.k WAitr.ittjL'si:, Coiner of 'IVaiU and Market liet'U, (wIHl'c in Second Stoi),) I'llll.AUri.l'lllA WE invite ultrntuai Io our elilnryed etitek of llran, 1'uiiiU, lib, Vurinlit-e, Vc., Uu-lt-d ctprekii.) i..r our ftdt-fi.tiiid t-iiiiiprittiii one i. the liacel as la ine t mteu guiles, vviucli ws Iter at low pucci, ra caea ui ujipre.vtd t'leihi. VK .M AM I' At IX Ki; vriy rxtemively : 1'ivu.l.iai l ulu tt inle t.iMU, lock!, Kviolul n I'uie tVUiltt lawa, l'caila.iow Wane Lead Vie lie ,u.aiUiiieTI I reuili Zoic, (lei) I'uie -ii .w v Lite .tuieilcali '.im. I'lilMdi-lphia r-a v Wlole Zoic. Siivvi'i I'ltutltc Koe and Wealber pr.H.f Tainta, Cltroiue lilt-rue, V ell -we. aad colore eeiicrmly. AOK. I S r i'U : P-.itci'eiupen r Alkiiliiie intlow lilaee, lieiiuuie r iencli Pane, (wnirtiiteii) 'I'ne .c,v Jeiey Zinc iJniiijiny'H priHlucts, Tildcn mid Nrpncw'e V. Valnikiiea, llr.Kifclya ri'L-iuiulu I'lnu Wliile tead, lbuup.lell IV-llliuiient lireeue, Ture Dhi.i CmuiwIw lirandy, le., Jte. I.Mroil I'bili OF : French und F.nj;!ihli P.ule Glnee. rreat ll and l-Ii fctith t'tlnidrr Oleen, C-'lacd and Knirr.acd Window Olasn, taucireit pe Ola. Ibuiaarird Plate fm Fl ore aad S'.y-hghu, tfriiui. Clien.icali. I't-nuuierv. &c. Wllil.lAi.K IJKAl.Kllw IN : Lla;glIl, Arnclcs ceut'r.a', 1'uiiiu-iiP To .Is of ull dewripli'ins, llilraulic und ttoaiaii L'euiviil, luicintdmid l-iiml PL-itler, l'aiwr Makel's Clay. S:itm Wliitr, Sic, Ac. FHKNCII, Kll'li.VlU.S k I'O , Pl 're, N. V. c-r. ."l'eiiili and M.usci ftrtiie Fart r, Junctb ii Yoik Avenue. Crown ai.d Caluwhbl ttlrei-lii, 1'tot.ilelihia. April ii, iti7 aai e To Oclliiauciit T.xl'iti'i'' ''HIE subscriber gives notice to delinquents. A who have uot paid their clio.d lut for I S5S, that their takes will he collected by due j courts of law, if not paid by the lt of May nut. IIKM'V PETKKY. riunbury, March Ss, IP57. 31 "-N-OTICE. fl'tliE Annual Meeting of th Srockhoblrrs of I the Pbiiailelpbia and Suii'iury Kail lioad Company, will ho held on Manila v, il.e ti 7 tit day of Apiil. lof7, at the office of the Company, Philadelphia, at 12 o'clock, M. YVM. hlKHI.E. ree'ry. I'hil'a.. ApriU. 1857 4t " -"ALKXiJUDKU KKItU Importer and 'lioleal Under in SALT. 38 tuth VVkartes, Philadelphia. - s Abll I tl.N 1 in, Liverpool tirouml. Turka fMlBod and lluirv Hlt. ii,- lanlly Gil hand and for tale in lot la suit Lb trad. April 4, 1857. m f"OlNTY OKDEK8. Countv order taken J as cash for goods, and on noia or hook ac ini by E, Y. URIGHT ir HON. '. t9. ti5. ' ' 1AB CUREU HAM A 'ot iust raceivej . rsaujby. LEVI aEAcJHOLTZ. 1 Ikl l7. ' ' -i FTJltKITTJRE JJTKITTJRE ! ! THE LAKUEST STOCK EVEtt OFFERED 1 IN ail.NUURY. , , . rnahlo'nable, Cheap nnd tTicrnl FTMIE subscriber, long established s Cabinet A and Chsir Manufacturer in Munhury, thank lid for past favors, solicits a continuance ul' the public putionsgo. Ills stock of Cabinet. Ware, Chairs, Jc, emhraro Kvniir vaniii v, crptL asd on.KA a , k is I a i. in housekeeping. It i unnecessary to anume. rate, as any ihiuij thai may lie required in liin line can bu bad at inoJenie prict a. Cheap fur Cash, or Country i'ruduva .taken in Si change. E-lawli hno nt South East Corner of Marlti Square. t3" TIioko knowing thcmselvea iudeiMcd to tha subscriber would oblige lino by making pay ment. EBA8TIAN IIAUPT. Punburv, April 4, IS&7. if SPLENEID OFFERS FOR 1358 AND 1857 TOGETHER, UNLIKE ibe more ephemeral Masiiiea'of the day, these y'enodicais laae lime by age. I. cin e a full y ear of the No, with no oiiiiions, for IS.SC, inn) lie regarded lie.rly as valuable as fur IKS 7, Ve propoe In furuinh the two year at the following Kmemely low, tiz: For Dlurkwood's Magazine, 4 50 For a.iy one Itcvicw, 4 CO For any two Kevinw; 6 00 For lilai kwoud and one Review, 7 00 Fur Plackwood and I lie two lieviews, 9 00 For thiee lieviews, fl UU For lJlui'kwund and three Reviews, 12 00 r'or the four Itcriewt. 1 1 bO For lilackwood and the four Reviews. 14 00 To avoid Iractions, $5 may be remitted for lilackwuod, for which we will forward that work l'.r bulb tears, po.t paid. N. K. The price in ('real Uritain nf the five Periodicals above named is about 31 per an num. As e shall never again be likely to o!Tr such inducements as those here pieseuled. Anw in the time Ut Subscribe ! ! N'. U. Kctnittaiices must, in all cases, be made direct to the 'ubbshers, for at Ihme price no cuiiuiiiMion can be allowed to A scuta. AJdiess, LEON A KU SCOTT A CO., No. fk Culd-stiret, New York. April 4, 1R57. tf NOTICE. To tht School Director of Xurthvihlerltmd County. (GENTLEMEN : In purtuonce of the 43d fcctioii of the Act ol Mill May, IBfil.joii are hereby notiticd to unci in Comciilioii, at the Court II ouse in iSuiibuiy , on the firl Monday in May, A. I). lH57.beihg the funrtli day ol the month, at I o'clock in I lio afternoon, and select, viva voir, by a luajoriiy of ll.e whoU number of Directors pr Kent, one peri-on of literary and sci iitilic atlaiuineiita, and of. 1. ill und experience in Ibe ml of Teaching, as County iupciioleiid ent. for the three succeeding year ; delenuine lie uinoiint f coiiipt'iiKnli.tii lor ihe aainc. ai.d rci'iily llic result to llic 8lnl Superintendent at Uariinburg ; us repiind by the 'J'Jt'j und 40lll secliciis of sniii act. JUilN J. RKI.M ENSN VI'iER, ( 'nunty Sufitriitet'ileHt. of Norliiuiulierlaud Couuly. Near Milton, 'a.. April 4, l57. 1IT. CAKMEL COAL COLLIERY FOE KEITT. ViIini'OSAl.S will be received bv tba New 1 York ond Midd'e Coal Field U. IJ.eiid Coal Company, b.r leasing tin colliery, situated on the Isaac Miller tract, wiih upwards of 300 Acres of'llrst rale Coal Land, adjoining Ml. Carmel, anil immediately cn the Philadelphia iSc ISuubury liyilroad. This colliery is now in complete working or.lcr.,haiiig an extenciv Tunnel and Cang wava abeady opened on setcrul teins of excel lent while-ash coal. A new and esteimive DreiVVr with a 40 horse power engine. Miner's Houses, Ac, aie now reaily for ue. The property willb Iiotcii Io parties dekiring to take a lease by J- II. Dewere, hgrnt of the company, at Ml. ''ainn-l. Applications will be receive,) at the ofiiue of Ibe company. No. 8, South fourth street, Philadelphia. J. CODI.EY. President. P. S. The company own fifty first-class coal cars, which will ha appropriated to the lixe ot tenant for facilitating the transportation of coal to marktt. March 28. 1857. if BOAT AND MULES FOR feSwAk-Zj-E. r"J11IE si.bscribrr offers at private sale. SIX A UOOl) Ml.'LKK I a good yllA WNVi'E BOA T, with fix tures. '1 he abo v will be sold cheap, and un reasonable terms. J A CI ) II etE A m H OlI Z, agent for JOHN I! LACK. 8unburv, Manh S8, In.'i7. tf j. i.ta i et & . Market ?neel Wlian, l'mUlfl.,ia. CF.Al.KI'.S IN FISH AND I'KOVISKJNS ; HA VK. eone'aiitly on linnd an locatuient i.' Muckerel, hlii.d, llcrrmas, L'.lhli, Deei, Pork, i-u.l, eu.iu!Jei ll.illis, Sides, Cle-eye. Illce, J(C. a Mailli 41. Ie67 Uia Consumption and all Diseases of tho l.uiis aii'l 'l'lirxiil urd iw iil i vc! curaliie liy inh jl.itii'ii, WHICH i'lMiV tl'f UMiiLtlKH l ' tilt? ltV lilt-U in tiie Iuiih tin llio Ull -itrib-it:), iiiitl l in,ii( iittllltrcl c--liliiil Willi ihf, itcuu;nt- M"j tuiit'ii'ut;ti iij;nu-r, alijj Iliec utt1') t-,'u' i a live ui. J tviit) tJi.Ktt iati ii, bvulu lUc .unk, it, 'mi iUc. i lit lil " ui, i,ii;iaitt i.tnctvcj vilaiitv t ihe 1H-V'U) Uj hUc'tlt, JjUVIl'g III it liMIC llhtl flit'lgy K Itnluj.fH lab.r I r li d ifcttiU.rj lit li ' I 't:iilll. I o l c ' aislu o ftulc C liltdt ii ly thai l.t.ikUiiiri it m i-tiiulil.' I i IliC U .vljft.'C t'l UU :ill vd iv:iktilr. It Mug mttC'll tsllilcl iuc vtmir iiH-ilicul irrutiuriil a any ilirr I.Minid.iUe UiiwUK-; ttiticly mil I t-viiy IiuiivmI c-.i-kii can lj cuirj in tue luftl si fe'. uutJ tiny vr t-r ir i.ilht t-ccoutl ; but in li.C tlilttl KU'gC L It 1111,1--Hi. Ulf 1U i-iVt 111 Hi tll.Hl five itT criiiyl"! lie iiiti- ure ho 4-ul uj ly th tfiMrtiie u r but ucUaatrt: Ut uicthcal i .i-t Iai ii. li - wever, iu Hie luji gin. yti, i.iliauiii ii ull' nlf t Xirat-rijiHury rnnti in Uir suilciui mitntliiiij Hu lu.iiul u' -urge, which iimm-iily Jt tiriM uiiu'iUt3 tli "nit-aiul xry i. in ihe Tinted ! ui-al nr; uiiii uc 'irt i L ciU ulii! ii li il.ut 1 1" titc I'rrkctit ul-c ii ii llic iiiht figlil) mull. u uic tkuuicii U Ail ihe Cntuiuiiti v'h (iravtf. 'i'.u.y iho C'ttu ur tlviilli hiftiio nrriw i frt'ut at c ut lUiiil'iiMii lit nil 11 ,1J c" "'O &eut eiHn, f tha f h ti )n cn iiciil cr au ii r sett, nui nv'fi.0 nl.Ve ih O.uVf, thu lic-iiiliml, .tu- tpr.n et il: uu I liiu tiiftul. H ih littj tiu.l rticc i I- g. if in u'uii jhtiutLh t-veiy it and jrf el, 1 tun cu iMni tn fffcr R tin ufUflYil u iH-riiuiiciii uud (". il' -itrc in C'-ii-u'ii'tti 'it The first CUJtIl lulMTCl' t liotil ilU.'Ul l'l hhI, the illllllUl utu 'itTt-ct, pi- dtifcl 1 1 y lliir Uup tuioii in the Itiii. i in ,rvtJiit l ie irr utliu v l ll ol' air i l. Hns air ci Um, which cuuv s a wtattViiitl vtiiili'y ilu uli thi ciilirj ftnttUui i Inn surety it t inoie rait null-. t,'i-i-tVrtuier tl r;tut lii.tlfitu M eulfi Mg tit) C.UlluI.'l luc t.iall Irntll th UK UilmiiiiMci tu thr 'iif'h the it -utHi h; t,i ('4litnl v!i nlva) &;,il itiw lui gs H' f ittu luc t.-t-atiiiii ti.ty ultci nt ti tit i it-titttltL 1 rue, iitls .1 ii 'ii in a I c i! rtu.clj , ncv--eil iclt ii ucis f.'i:tiliaii nit-ly, r.,J Wtln nni jvvf u-ai t'tituiut ti u -f ii)-tlif u Jiuinimf ri-(J l.y H o t.t much, I' i 1 1 Ac the i-vcriul ui.d Hirrct itiiluncc n( tin nmV ui' :ttiniiHii rau-'it, ci.l'inH. i in u luslt tt wiU vniirt !y tU ticy emtsihil.ty ia u icv itiiiuitd, iiiiiltiirg Hit- mm net- V'Min H t-ll . t at a )ni l n u h at.ituiiMt(l Wll tl ut (hu s iiit it pain, iithaii.ip the ordutui turuiiig ga wilittf tr t luc in a ifwh'-un. '1 he liilmla'i'-u f u'l-in uii will nnue the ttrin w 11111 lt in iiik i H'urini!V H 'ttl. Thti hW 11 -in - ni'-rJu ii.c's ii tfH-t-'tiUlt: in iliuin 11 few lumutt tK-itiji iitliu'cil, ami m.i Ik- iim th iiih ilt-t-ct'd hi '' A eiiuvinctiu prxif .' thi i-iiaiiiuti-iiul iff. c ti"ll, Ill (Avi tlnl irknetti (ft uIvvh) lrratliin(j ( ul fair. I nt thta r ittivt? tvul rniddii-acireiiiliy prnuiri i uml jiulicv Ir-fitl ihr -ugh th lungs h 'Ul'l pPX'tltir it Ii ? liuuMff eiLhitfit Mfr nrunics. 111 nift iiiif; ir m Unnapti tif thi" hiiifft ami tht Un. 11 my r, mirl 1 Unvv uftr tod iiuim rrii evH uner tiw autft rcra hd hcun lU'i- 1 1 i?cJ. whu h Inliy t-niff. m llatvt ' ItHUCtcr a laul rlibrmn. Mv t caimrtit trigili!Jt, Hull loiiiictrd nil lot 1 f Xan. My (nsrlWt at'ij'initiJiiica with the itwtnrt iiiiUi-a me t rtt-iiiiguikJi, rcuitily. tht dnur iUat iiimlut c 'iiaunpli -n in' rnucdira rurrl brina; mifctn-tui vi in famillatily in muimti -11 wt' irtuv nartpir iiiMivrica, riia''c in t fr.mi th fr-ta of nitiHCtd rhra Hicat. punTy tha bl xd, iinnnrt fc i?iii trrT and fnm t th tirtir. Marck SI, lo fc r COAt'COLlIERY" TO -REISTT. IN Middle Coal FirlJ. NnrthnmberlanJ easinty, eonneetej by short branch with the Phils del lhia 4 Hunbury Railroad, Known a the LAMBERT CCLLIEP.Y tcith upward rf 600 Acret nf Superior Coal Land, bclongiig t the) New York nJ Middle Coal Field ft. It. and Coal company, wiih Ureakei Engine of SO horse power, Min.-i'a Houses, ic, aiready creeled and in good order. Several toal veins alniva water level have been opened, and a number of others era of easy access, which may be opened with lillleeipenae. Person desirous of damming and leaning the property are referred to J. II. Deweea, airnl of the company, at ML Carnicl, for further in formation. Proposuls for leaning lb same will be re reived it the company's office, No. 88, Houth Fourth street, Philadelphia. J. G0DLEY. President. P. 8. For the purpose of facilitating the transportation of coal from th camoany'e mines, the eoiniany bate SO cara at their dipoal, fur the use of their tenant. March 28. I S57. if. FOR SALE. .4 Good second-hand Duggy. Apply at this i- nflice. MISS A. M. TOMER. Successor to Mrs. M. Hill, raNlilouablo Mmw and Fancy milliner, No Ml Nurtli Pecml Siren, brlnw N"Ue, oppotit Rd t.iou Hotel, i'!ultilv ia 1)ATT'.I!N nmuiplf mnde to ontef. Orders rfifect 1'itlly mid promptly Htteiub-d to. Maieii iW, Ifcj? 3in v New Wall Paper Warehouse, BURTON & LANING, MANUFA ri'L'RKHS mid iinp.atoti. No. 15, Arcli street, aid d.Hir tit, .ve fixtli, l'liil.'ilcliihia. tvlioie limy lit found lli Uirgcit and la-nt tclccted stock in the City. COUNTRY PrRCIIAM:R9 may lier. t neconimo. dated wltlieut the iiiC 'iivi'iiiPiii-4 el lih.kins fmiiier, unit limy be omarcd tliut llicy will rcerive the nilnniiiintt ol Iheir launry. . Ill,' It ION ,V I.A.MMi. I'il AllCII tlrect, above Sixth, Fhilade plua. March 2S, I8o7 3mc. JOHN STONE & EONS, A". 4.), Second Street, PhiladnlJtia. ,4 RE now receiving theii sprinu importation ofSII.K and M1LLLNKKY tittOIW, eon-i-dinr; in partot Fancy, Cop nnd lloniiet I-'. us Matin ami Mantua Kibbnna, (ilace and Plain Silk. Ma reclines and Florences. Ulack Modes, French und Emrliah Crspea, Tarlatane, Malum and Illur-i.m l.acen, jc Also. lull arsnrlmeut of French and American flowers, tvhich they oll'rr to ihe trade on favorable terms. March 28, 1857. 2m., P. 8. Citrate of Magnesia mi T A S T F. LESS SALTS. npWSS reparation is recommended ns an ex cellent laxaiive and purgative, it operates I milulv. is entirely irre Irom aiw unplessinl taste ! resembling limonade in flavor, prepared and sold ! by A. V. FISHEK.' Sunbury, March 14. I8.'.6. Iislling Tackle b'ed Cork, Crass. Coi too and l.iurn Lines, flut Lines, Sen (In,, by ihe yard. Snoods, Flies, Kirby, Limerick ami Carlisle llou'is. Koils, Ac, for silo bv March 41. S7. A. tV. FI"IIER. rIIE subscriber having dirpoced of hia TVue. Store in Kuubiiry toAlbertW. Filler. d sires those indebted to him to make payinrnt i.y the first of April next. Pavment can be made at the Drug Store. YVM. A 3RUNER, Sunhurv, March 14, 18.i7. FURNITURE POLISH S. HAE'S Premium Patent Enamel Furniture Polish. This polish is highly valuable lor rcsior, imx lha polish on all kinds of Furniture Class. Carriage Uodies. Hair Cloth, Ac. Also, fi.r re moving Kiots, hiding scralches. ei c.. A.C. M'r ranled to drj immediately and refain its gloss. Price SO cts. per botl!e. o!d he A. V. risHEK. March 14. S7. THE DAUPHIN & SUSdUEHAWVA RAILROAD. rONNECTS the Reading iiailroid at Au burn, on the Schuylkill, (10 miles below Poltaville.) with the Northern Central Kailrnsd, at Dauphin, nil Ilie JSusijjoliaiiua, and wit.i the Pi mist Ivaiiis Railroad at Kocktille, (5 miles above llarrisburg,) and iuiis utt passeifuer train in winter, and two passi-nger trains 'iij. auniiner througli between Aulurn and Hanis burg, each way, daily, (Sundays excepted )' on ij rimes arraugen ia conned properly Willi t!ies roads; with Ihe Cumberland Valley' ami Harri-i bur,-; and Lancaster Railroads, at llarrisburu, and with the CultawisMt Railroad, and its lioilh em connecti nn at Port Clinton. El. L OtiD MORRIS, Ent. & Surt. March 7, IS57. Cm. d. Pi.-iKvr much, G!u:is riiHH Urease is recommended to the notice of 1 Wagoners. Livery Ctahle keepers. Ac., as I bein? tScer:Hioa to imvlldin- .if ibi. Lin.l :.. t lioduccd. As it dot s not gum in. on t'ie as lea - is much more durable, ai.d i nut afTceted bv lhn weulher. renonoin-v I lis. cimiji t.. in winter, and put up in tin canisters at :t74and o.j cenia, lor s.ue oy a. .r 1311 tit. March 14. 1857. Jiront Street Wire Manufactory. W VI SOU, COX &. Co., '. 4ll N"rlh Kiout Slrrct, tornel i(,l,'. Alli-v, l.flWftfll -Moi ket and Mllllu-rry (Arcl) tilri-ets,rlnli..VI-lhia , iimmifaelura of s.i.jri,,r qiiiilny, llrusa i.r.,1 Ir .u Wire Sieves, ttl all kluils ; llrasl anil t't.ipsl 'ire l'l .Hi Paprr Maker, e. Cj lind.'il ami Dundy Itt.Mi c- verett in Hie lies! tliattiuT. Ileavv Twilletl Wile for f j.itrk riitcHfru, Strvr ft-r llr am ami Iron l'taiiiteit. t-crsst, Wire. 't.r Wtie, Kites, '1'iaps. Iliali t'.tven. C.a ami Saint Scretui, e pHitcy Vir tt'.trk ttitver drfcrrijill at. Man U tl, IW.m c nt i,i Umbbklls ai ('.ntiiiiMuincTtiirs, No. 3 North Fourth Street, N. W. Corner of Market, Philadelphia. TAStu.won band n extensive suortmrnl of the newest and must deriraide kinds, in eluding tinny NEW STYLES not hereloloie to be had in this nmr.iet. An eximiiiisii in nf our stock is solicited before purcbuiiu,' elsewheie. Ma-ch 7. I S.S7. :im c LEASE OF VALUABLE COAL LANES fl'tliE NoiihumljcrUnd Improvement Compa X. uy invite iroiosals fttr the Lease of a por tion ol their COAL VLINf, situate on their properly in NrthuinlH.'rland c.nii.ty. Pennsla nil, wo and half miles above the lawn of Slia. un. kin, and direcllv on tha line of the Philadel phia and Sunbiiiy Rail Road. 'J'lio Vein of Coal are well (seated for easy and profitable operation. Apply lo iOShPH b. DIXt'N. Agent. Mount Carmel. Pa. ortaCIIAS. S. FOI.WEI.I . mc' . ' t. i" il.delphia. t fnthei i v ri cs, EAtADIANDER FIRE TIHEF-PROOF SAFES. '. Th kiraest aasorlmentin the IfniteJ Slste. Virnled la b equal la any now made, and till be' sold on ns UooJ Term's," at can be f)!4 lin ed from any other loOfwi In the Country, at KVANrffc WATSH.N'a SC South 4 th Bl.-ect, Fldladclpbh. Trnlli is Wight?, and Mntt rrercl!. V.rport nf th Committee Appointed to superin tend tht Burning nftht Ii Ctt Safes, at Heed ing, February '11, 1857. nntsa, March 4. The undrmignei), member of the committee, do reniiect ully report, tint we sw the two tSafas originally agieed upon by Farrcl & Herring and Evans in YYiitaon, placed side by side in a fur nace, viz: The Sale inuc by the Paymaster of the Philadelphia nid Itending l!ailri,nJ Compa ny, in hia ollice at Heading, manufactured by 1' arrets & Herring, and the (Safe in use I y II A. l.anti, in hi ktore, manufactured by Evsus St Watson, and put in books and papers precisely alike. Thc'fire was rtsrlrd at PJ o'clock, A. M.,nnd kept up until four rords of grren hickory, two cords diy oak and half cheanut top wood were entirely consumed, the whole under the su;'fiin tendeuce ol'lho subscribers, members of lite Com iniltee. The Safes were then cooled oil' with .water, alter which they were opened, nnd the bunks ud paper taken out by llic Commilte and scut to II. A 1. null's wore for-public exam ined nnd marked by the Committee. The book and papers taken from the iato manufactured nv Parrels 4- Herring were in our judgment, damaged fully fifteen per cent, more than tliut taken from EvaiuT.V Watson' Safe. We believe the above to have been a fair and impartial trial of tho respective qualities of both Sales. JAOOl! lLDYsIIE.:. LlA.MEL S. llL'NTKU. Having been absent during the burning, we fully coincide will) the above statement of the coudiiiou of the papers und books taken out of the respective bales. C. A. NICCLI.s. 11. II. M L'HI.KNDEnO, ja.mes mil Holland. March 21. 1 .r7. BLI1TDS A1TD tjror new si vlus.3 B- J. WILLIAMS. i'o. li, Xirth Sixth Street, I'hiludtlphia, Mt'.il;Tllt Kit ! VENITIAN BLINDS, VELVKT and tiCl.l) UOKUEKED and I'AlVIT'.U SHADES, of Lcautiful de signs. Dull', and all other colors of Holland ued for shades. Fixtures. Trimmings. cVc.. Ac., Wholesale and detail, al the lowest cash prices. Store ISIisoes Paintep to order. It. M. W . thankful lor past pntronage. respect fully solicits I he ii.lilic to call and examine bio new and lure assortment, before purchasing c-Levt here. ty-Wi; STUDY TO PLEAvE."5 l'hiladelpbia, Mareh 31, c3m NEW ARRANGEMENT 1 Fresh Arrival of' DRUGS, TAINTS,' OILS, &c. fl'tliE undersigned dating taken the store for 1. merlv kept hy William A. Hruncr, is now ready to till orders and prescriptions at it mo menta uotce. He has a large and tvcll selected stock of fresh and pure DRUGS. CHEMICALS, Dye-atufla, Oil, I'uiiits, (ilusj, Putty, and all kinds of Patent Medicines. Fill IT AND CONFECTIONARY Tobacco and Iinporled Scusrs of thn choicest lirands. Fancy Nolions' toilet articles, and l'i r fumcry of all a'"ds. Tooth and Hair Urushes of every variety. Ciimpliine and Fluid o':f!. cu hand. Customers will tin. I his slink c.nnf.-lcli". com prising many nrtieles tl is impossiMri liere to euu inerale. siul all sold at moderate prices. b'eiocinl'er tho plaie. licit to E. V Ilrighr Maiiiniolh btnre. A. W. FIrllER. 8unbury. March 14. 1SS7. K. WARD, MiltlirtCTCIiKR AND I'KAI.Fn l GTHA W GOODS, N.i. 7? ,V 711 .Nttrlli SsclihI slirtet, I'lnJailrlpli.. Are anw rocivnn llieir Striiia l-.ek, witieli will can" prisH h lii;t ami tlsirnltlc im .1 llln-iit if nil kin. Is or S lit AW uml I.ACi: Illl.Wl; I'S. Their Mock of llow ria will Ittf uniltuiilty l;tr(j this si-.a-ni, uml then-tute lit vilt-y-'iir especi.ti rillf ui nui in linil ifej.nrliitriit IMiM-e euil ami exiiniiii' iht'in bcAue ic.nkn.i; juji jiaicliutts, Malcll II, 1N'.7 Jill E. NEWLAND i5c CO. A ektn t.lasses. lcture r'liuut-s, I siisrarlojs unit Pniiitinj(, No. 121 Ar.h Street, above Sixth, (l.ate -of 2 1 H North Sec.nd Si.) PHILADELPHIA. Uii.uuiri urrs rmir to visitors ''reliant and others tisitini; the City who may tvatil anvlhmi; in our lino will do well to gne ns a call. February 2is, 1 S57 in i. lAr.Hii COM MISSION M E tit 'II ANTS, ai.d Aholfsate dealers in I'ili, CItff!s A lrVsiitnj No. -17 North Wharves, (below Pace tune;) PHI1.AUELP1I1 V. Ilsvingconstaully on hand a larne assorlineut uf Fiah, Cheese and Proiioiis, which thry are prepared to sell hi the h'Wcsl possiule talcs. ft? OliDI'.r.tS pn mplly hllcnued to. FebruarvXl. 1 8-7 . i'.iu v3 FOK SALE. V CANAL BOAT FOR SALE, on rc sonal le lene.s. App to II EN I'.Y LON 0 EN ECKER, nf tiliaiiiokin, er II D. MICHAEL, Sunburt. February 21, tS'.7. JAXyiES BROWNS- G 11 A M A T 1 C A L W 0 lllv S , PI1K first book of the Kalluunl ystem nf Eiij li.-h (iraiiiiniir. Si cts The second l ook of the Rations! system nf Kng'i-h tiiauiiniir. i!esi(rned lo lesch the proor. uf Aiialystnj,- tiie English Languaja with acorn! j'nL-iiiel.t ; and tl.e art of usil.,' ii with f;iain inaiieal propiiety. 31 r'.t. The.-e worr.s are now nsrd in Pu lie .schools in the fust School Duliicl t f I'lllnsyl vania. The third, of the Rational .yHeDi of Eug tlriimtinir, ilosiii'ii'd to cnatde lbs learner 19 I. i'i'. line iinist Ihoroiihlv acquainted with the iiulmeaiid um' of the Preposinoas. and ins) l e read bv him niheriu or nl of arhoo'. Ml c IJKti W.VS' I'.sniiilical lirader. Thia It ok rets aside the o'd (irainmara t On ir defects deinoiislrate ihe liule use of atlei dmi; to them, and prrsrnts i.) tba teacher the ur.err lie ai.d wuy loihc Urauiuur of the Eng.i!!i l.i.i KUm;e. 3VJ cts. l'oi s.ila by Peter OMlTce, I'.S Arch btreet, Pbd.-.delpbia. lebruary SI. I7 3n S H li;ii.KI, M PAV Ti. 'I" bese paints aie inixrd vtith water, theruby saving the co l of eil, f.r salu bv Manh 14. hi A. V. FISIIF.U. JtaltOltury. A large supply of fancy Note Paper and Eutebpes, Mourning, Lelltr, and Cap Paper. Pens. Ink. Sand, A c , at March 14. '67. A. W. FISHER'S. rjI'RE OLIVE OIL for tabid ute, two auo t aii nui b-l ceul just rereivrd by A. vv. i iauZR, - PLATTOnil SCALES. OP (very i'rrii'l. s, ril le Irr si Ac , lor. MigMtg llj I tl, Oir. MerchsntW ftmtsl y. u'cl ier tn i wry scale l firrnlerl crreri, snd if trisl, not fi und i.ti facto-y tin be itlrrtil out charge, Factory si Ibe Old (tarn, tstshT bed fo thsn twenty jesrs ol Mnth ni I Mreels, rbl.'tdelj Id. ACEOTTA ( 8tieressnrs to rilicotl & Al.b t Philadelphia, March 7, 18S7. iUd. TFoli l per &. lndoiv KliBtVc Xj. ISAACS & ZJZtOTIXCZl, Au. IS-! A'orM Second Street, Itloio Jlut MIII.A DELPHIA. U"! A VINO cutnplvled their large assortm uf ibe alaive tiuods far tipring and bunn Trade; ttoeld respectfully intiie Ibe atteiil of 1'urchairrs to th ssiue. '1 licir slock beauty, chrsputss aud variety cauuot besurr. ced. TI.ev have constarirfy nn hand every desci tin-, .f Cold and Painted Shades, Huff Hollai and ishads fixtures. Wsll Papers, Cuila' l'ire Iloard Piiuts. Uortters. At , all cf wh Ihey riil'rr at loner rate Ilia u esn be ha I al r other establishment. Call ant! examine. J. L. IsM AC c IIRO. I S3 Norlh Second S-lreef, bebsr bar Marrh 7. IH.ri7 Gin w To Builders & Carpenters. The subscriber are R-nt for the sale Doors, Window blinds. Window Shutters, c all sizes of Window 'hash, all of which we ol st the lowest prices. N ov. 29, 'SO. E. Y. B RIGHT A S0 -D ENTISTEY. fTMIE etilwciiher respsrtfjlly eflV-ra his p: fessional service to the ladies ami frcntlcm of tSoniiurv and vicuiiiy. He is prepared attend to ail the varutus operations in Deutisti and is proviilc I tviiti lh latful irr.proved l'OnCELAIN TKETir, which will be inse rt-tl nn pivot, silver or f o plate, to look as well as the nntorol 15" All work wirr.mleif. OFFICE irr Ma ket street, 2 dfiors east of the Post ofllce, Snnbnr Pa. Feb. 7, l57. JWIN E. SMICK. Como and Settle up.- A LL persons knowing themoclves indebted' us either by Note or book account, are r quested to call al ourstorr in funhury, and se tie, as after the first of April we shall he oblige to place all unsettled accounts in the hands of Justice of the Peace for immediate collection. 1. W. TENEKcV CO. Sunbury, Feb. 28, 1957. "F.A.-5r XT UP 1 LL persons indebted to the subscriber o Note, Book Account or otherwise, are ri spectfully rerjuested to pay up immediately, a the accounts will be placed in tho hands of Justice lor collection. 1I1A T. CLEMENT. Runbiiry, December 20, 1856. Ii. O. IVES- Prorititc und I-'ruli S(or, No. 1" North Wharves, I'hiladilphia. rshipping and Country Oorders promptly fillei on res onsible orders. Farmers and Dealers' Troduco Sold on Com mission. Apples, flansnas, Fine Apples, Diied Fruit Onions, Oranges. Wiell Uarks, Kaisins, Ileaus, Lemons, While cc 6weet Firs. TuiTiips, Cranberries, Potatoes, Poultry, 'eaches, Oround Nunts, Chesnnts, Egps, A'Ci Foreign and Domestic Produce and Fruit gen clly, February 23, 1957 ly Dissolution of Partnership. 'Tli ti paitiiersbip heretofore ex istinj between -"- D. V. licyd, John 1'osser. 7'oornas Ponci a d Jair.cs licyd, under the fi n name Uoyd Rosser Co., wis dissi heil l y mutual coiiM'i.t on the liit day of .lanuarv. II-'.T. 2'he bi s ness nf the !n(e firm t ill be sctlit.1 by J. A i' l.'osser u bo will rntioiie the business ol Mining at the Luke Fiddler Collcry, or ly James liwyd i tl.ou agent, nt Sunburv. It. M. UOVl'i. jno. i:t)ss::n. 31 1 OS. RO.sER,. JAMES UOYD. The undersipnej will continue the busiries of vending mid shipping Coal nt iiiibury, ttlirre those in wantol this celebrated Coal niil pleasa address l.:m. JAMES EOYD. Feb. 21, 1P.'i7. E. V. BHIOHT &z SOW, AVE jusl received from Plnladeipiui ev Kail lioad, and a.u now opcnitig theu t.mJ suppiy of WINTER GOODS. Our assortment is unusually large, aud tviil be disposed oil ul ihe lowest fure. We respecllully invito the Public to call and examine our Stock, and remember thai "a penny saNcd is a penny made.'' I S"J 1 he highest market price paid for Cnuntry Pr.kloce. E. Y. lilll'JIII' iSON. Sunbury, January IT, 1 Sf7. E.:jI hit! tmt l-cnM. N i: '.V A It IUVALO F FALL AUD WHITES GOODS I Ira T. Clement NO. 1. COl'Nlil! OF MA I'KF'I St'L'AliF, STjr-Tsr-BXJ-Fisrs -A.., 9 B AS just re eived a large supply of Full and H Wiotv L;,iiids. lia v. ill continue to Si'll l)ry (loads ai.J Oro cerics CHEAPER than bis guuds uia bought cheap lliey will he suld eiieitp. He lecls cnnlidviii tvi'.lt l, txpriience and abi !'.y, thai he uu compete, wiih tho World at lafja ar-isuabury iu particular. He would cisufjeraie articbs if time aaJ space ttoidd permit. It ia t notion u say that he ha everything ia tha 1 : ri .s ,if Dry Goods, Groceries, A larae Kiock of Reajy-Mad OLOTHINa, D0VTS ANli SHOES. Jc, i-c, ' that is krpl in any other core in town, and baaaer is iu tli breeze. Ai.dtoitg may it vrave O'tr hud of the free, ami ilia Inure of the I. rare W'h.ic rier :art aad her Stripe final out like tlu Saa, TJiii. aii Lations Thai I'rrtd in'i'jn. " This is free country as wss proved by th election of Hiibao:i over the Wooly Florae, l!u iv fore ii is free for al! to do their trading where ihey can UL'Y ho CHEAPEST. All are invi trd to call anrl se.. TUK COUNTRY, as well st the town re lespecti'ully invited, enj every jrson. i'k or taair. bih nr low. bond or free are iiivitrd to call at No. i Maikkat Square, opp-n-iie ibe Court House. P. S He is not to be underso'J by any man or coml iiuiioti of men. No charge for showing gonil. . A II kin 'a of produce taken in exchange far flKlJj. Nimbus-. Dec. ?0, 1 856. roR zasxci. 'SlIIE Sioi Room in Market t eet, oeetp;J 1 by P. W. Gray and the dwel.iuc, 'l-'Bj. joioiiiK. A pply M ibe sUh ij j., wL(MTf Ibaae4. 1 iaJtUsej, IT. IMT.