Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 11, 1857, Image 3

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    ' TH Or KaSttAft-OOV. WALK
Kit' LflCTTKR or Al'CKPTANCG, fce.
lion. It. J. Walker'i letter accepting llie
vovernorsnip 01 iveiisas is as loitowa i
WAmnoToi, March 80, 1857.
Jahea Hcciunak, Frcsidaat of the United
States !
My Dear Sir: I hnvo at yonf request
reconsidered my determination, no announced
to yon, declininir your tender of the office of
Governor of the Territory of Kansas. In
ticw of tlm opinion now presented by yon,
that tlm safety of the Union may depend upon
the selection of the individual to whom ahull
be assigned the tusk of nettling the difficulties
which ajuin surround the Kansas question,
I have concluded that a solemn sense of duty
to tny country requires me to accept this
position. I am brought to this conclusion
with n n unaffected diflidence in my own
ability, hut with a f.'rvent hope tlmt the
s lie overruling Providence which has carried
my beloved country t lirotifili so ninny perils,
will now ntteml und direct my humble efforts
fur her welfare, and that my course will not
be prejudged hy any portion of my fellow
citizens in or out of Kansas.
I understand that you and nil your Cabinet
cordially concur in the opinion expressed by
Hie, that the actual bona fide residents of the
Territory, by u fair and regular vote, nnnfrec.
ted by fraud or violence, must he permitted,
in adopting their State Constitution, to decide
for themselves what shall be their social
institutions. This is the prent fund amental
principle of tho act of Congress organizing
that Territory, affirmed by 1 he recent decision
of the Supreme Court of' the United States,
and is in accordance with the views uniformly
entertained and expressed by mo throughout
toy public career.
I congi-ituta;-' n peaceful settlement of this
-question by ni n peal to the intelligence and
patriotism of me whole people of Kansas,
who should all participate freely nnd fully in
Mil itueisioii, iiinl by a majority of whose vote
the determination must be made, as the or.lj
proper and const it tit ioiml made of adjustment.
I contemplate no appeal to military power,
in the hope that my countrymen of Kansas,
from every section, will submit to a decision
id' this matter by a full and fair vote of n ma. I
jonty ot tbe people.
I will jfo, then, and endeavor to adjust
these difficulties, in llio full confidence, so
strongly expressed by yon, that I will he
sustained by all your own high authority,
with the cordial to operation of all your
Very rerpeetfullv, your friend,
Wasihsotoji, .March 30.
Tho outlines of the instructions to Robert
T. Walker, the new Governor of Kansas, have
been agreed upon by the Cabinet. They
proceed on the priucipie of recognizing- the
statutes of Kansas us valid. The principal
business with which he is charged is, us
heretofore surmised, to see that the people
have a five, independent and uninterrupted
expression of opinion, und the exercise of
s-jllrage concerning the ufl'airs of tho Territo
ry, in carrying out llm provisions of the census
and registry law, and that for the election of
ilo'.f gates to the constitutional convention.
The troops heretofore employed in the Terri
tory are to bo removed, and others not
nni: igi d in tho former difficulties ure ordered
tliitli-rj but it ;s uol apprehended that there i
wi'l be any use for them or the militia. The
administration have rc6olved that the laws
shall b" maintained, and havo full confidence
in Mr. Walker carrying out their instruc
tions. The acting Governor, Woodson, who is
superseded by Mr. Stanton, will certainly ho
uppuinled to the Land Office ju lvutieas.
Considerable excitement has lately been
created in Parisian gossipping circles, on the
subject of a comet, which some star-gazer or
other has predicted, will, on the 13th-day of
next June, come in collision with this peacea
ble earth of ours, thereby damaging it to un
unknown extent. Now there is nothing ex
traordinary in a report like this originating in
Pari, for there has been no revolution worth
speaking of there for some tirtve, and tho pub
lie mind, since the npsussination nf the Arch
bishop, has grown quite stagnant, and been
really sufl'ering the want of a little stimulus of
Roino kin I. Indeed it would not surprise us
much to learn that the whole ufl'air had been
pot up at. thu instigation of "Louis le
Petit," th it sagacious ruler, shrewdly
im-igining that perhaps tho trail of u comet
might bo the menus of saving his own
head, for it is no easy matter to predict with
any degree of certainty, to what litlle fancy
job the "canaille" may be inclined next to
turn their intention. Hut seriously speaking,
this theory of the possible collision between
our earth ami some wandering heavenly body,
ml the probable eilVeH of such un occur
rence, K to say the '.east of it, a very interesting
subject. That such an event may occur no
tut can deny, although it is a possibility
merely, and nut t probability. In 1832. the
comet of Uielii," us it is called, crossed the
orbit of the earth, about a month previous lo
the arrival nf the latter ut tbe point of inter
section. Though the miss in this instance
was a good as a very largo number of miles,
yet the announcement that we had been even
thus near running into one of these erratic
bodies, created among some people, consider
iible excitement, and indeed alarm, lint
from the fact I but Sir J. Ilei ;-elicll saw stars
.of the sixteenth magnitude lliruugh the cen
tre of this very comet, and that the comet of
1770 passed among the satellites of Jupiter
without producing the least perceptible dis
arrangement in those insignilicant orbs, as
tronomers have cotno to the comfortable con
.cluaion, that tin so strangers are nothing
more nor less than luminous gas, nnd "gas,"
as we Americans well know, is not so very
terrible after all." Philadelphia Lreninj
A Ciriositv. In tho interior or tha East
er litetitiary, between Twentieth nnd
treets, there are two eel's, the
minted in water colors in
util'ul us to cause
b' part of each
or her resi
''be work
i i i ltlL..'l
"ImciTaIi'a'sjTca "1 n d"t it a I a cocn a t.
(From the London News, Matth so )
The rapidly growing savagery Of the slave
States is now a singular spectable In the so
called civilized world ; and the mutual distate
of the hectoring South end the educated
North is already rendering political action
difficult at Washington, and most tender it
impossible, when the Northern Stales rouse
themselves, to send real representatives,
instead of truckling politicians to the Nation
al Congress. Mr. Iiuchanan. then, instead
of hating to steer his course among parlies,
or io neau a new one, as wnulil liare been his
method in former years, has now to admit
that the old landmarks of nnrtv ure swept
awny, and that his business is to postpone us
long as possible the conflict winch must de
cide the fate of the Union the conflict lie.
tween the very small section of citizens which
holds, and has long held, the political swnv
of the republic and Ihegreut majority, which
are not jet fully roused to assert the' princi
ples of their futliets and their own liberties.
The utmost that any but n most extraordi
nary man can uim at in Mr. ltuchaiiau's
place is to keep the pence at all events and
at every sncrilice, till the next I'l-esidentiul
election shall lake the responsibility out of
his hands'.
As to his method no message is needed
to show what it will be ; nor should any mes
sage satisfy us ns to what it will not lie. M r.
Kuclianati's manners are (or can be) concilia
lory; he cannot but have been impressed bv
the calmness am) courtesy of tone of our
Foreign Minister during the Ireubli'some ami
disagreeable negotiations which were carried
on during Mr. Itiichunan's residence in Lon
don ; and he has lived in Kurope long enough
to be secure from the bregma it is in of uulrav.
oiled American officials. J In is doubt less
aware that ue see through the methods ol
his predecessor the device of picking quar
rels with Kiiglaud when domestic politics
become troublesome and he may not noed
to be told that, while we arc willing to It t
bygones be bygones, we cannot ullow mir
telves to be made a cnnvenietit'e of bv an
embarrassed cabinet ut Wa-hingtnn. und that
it is not our principle, nor our humor, to go
on bickering with a neighbor, suffering under
incessant cavils, and making perpetual recon
ciliations. There is no occasion to resott to warfure
under this kind of provocation. The two
people will ulwnys be friendly: ami alien
that is the case, lloii-inteiconrse between the
cubinctsis a less evil thancoiistuut quarrelling,
when one side desires only pence. This kind
of remark is rendered necessary not so much
by the incidents of the lute President's lerm
of rule ashy Mr. Buchanan's appoint nienl of
General Cas as his virtual Premier. In ex
planation of an appointment which hud long
been a subject l'-i-pec.ulation to the political
world, it sdiould be remembered t'nnt Russian
influence is paramount ut Washington, und
understood I hat Russian influence has for
mutty months been brought to bear on the
admission of Gen. Cuss to high office. Mr.
Iiuchanan is one of the Americans whom the
Russian Court have thought worth while to
win, and General Cass is another. The An
glophobia of the latter, which seems to us u
sort o! 'burlesque, is uccepiuble ut 1st. Peteis
burg; and that Court has uuturally ilesind
to put so good a hater in a position where
his power of propagandist!! ut home, and his
provocations to I'.nglantl, nngl.t l,e most
conspicuous. M r. Huebaniiii s leluctauce to
make the appointment is understoiu! fur
conciliation is both his interest and his incli
nation ; but the associations of his old resi
dence in Hiissin, far more agreeable and
flattering than those of his lute European
experience, have prevailed, strengthened us
they are by tho influence of the diplomatic
world ut Washington.
Waiimno to Photographic ArcnsTS. Our
photographic friends will do well to take
warning from tho following extract, taken
from n Cape paper, in which it is slated that
lr. Alherslone, an eminent photographer,
had nearly poisoned himself: "It appears
that in removing the stains of nitrute of
silver from his hands with that deadly poison,
cyanide of potassium, (Ihe plan commonly
adopted by photographers.) he suddenly felt
aglow through his whole frame, accompanied
by a tremulous feeling. The thought in
stantly Hashed across his mind that some of
the poison had been absorbed by some
scratches or cuts on his hands which he had
forgotten. lie washed his hands instantly,
taking anitnoiiiii und wine, lint the symp
toms increased; hi sight grew indistinct;
h'R memory was impaired ; and n sense of
fainting Weirded him that n poisonous dose
had been ubsorbed. lie then tried cold
uflusiviu. with ti mporai-y relief ; und a power
ful shnwerbuth gave prent lelicf lor a time,
but the symptoms relurned at intervals of a
few minutes ; the jaws felt constricted, und
there was a spasmodic action of tho mii-ch s
of the arms, parched throat, and the sense of
faitittiefs. In three hours these symptoms
left, and he fell asleep. The next day he
snflervd from great exhaustion. This case
shows the necessity ol extreme caution on
the part of photographers and other in the
use of this highly poisonous salt. The fol
lowing will be found a safe and cqmilly effi
cacious mode of removing the stains nf ni
trate of silver from the hands : Moisten the
i stain with a saturated solution ol iodide ol
potassium in water, and afterwards with
nitric acid, diluted with two parts of water,
then wash in a solution of hyosulphitu of
Soda. Madras Spectator, 1'tb. '1.
In Cuba, American half dolltrs are north
only forty cents.
New Advertisements.
Drug;, rniiil iind Cal;tsj
iiili ai.i: VAiti;iiui i-:,
Comer if Te-nlb anil Murkel birecu, (wlfice in Secnud
fluty,) I'llll.ADI.U'lil.V
W1-' invite uiieuiiKii lu uur eulurii-tl stuck of Drags,
"aims, Oils, Vuraislies, Ac., leeteil cxprtas ) i. r
our ftiles, mill i-uiii,risiiig mm i, itic but-bl ossurluu-nts iu
llie Limed Mates, wliii-a u i tier ul luw pnees, lui cu-li
Uf ucjiruved cleilll.
W1-: .MANl t-'AC I'l UK veiy extensively :
1'reiinuia Pure. W'liau t-euJ, (best,)
kiiftliit; Pule While l.tud,
1'curis.tuw VVInte Lead
"Vielle .Muiilug-ne" I reiich Zuie, (Uesl)
Pure sii,iv W title riuieiicua Zuic.
I'niladellna su.,w White Zinc.
Silvel'fe I'lajille Klie una Weather prKf Puiuts,
CliO'llie Ulceus, Yellows, ualt cutura generally.
At.l-.NI IViU :
furlei's su:eri,r Aikiiluie Wimluw Glas,
lieiiuia t-'iencli Plate OUiss, (w.ureuteuj
'I'ne .New Jeisey Zinc L'uuiiuiiy's product,
ii suit Neplicws ,. . Viilnlstie,
kijit ereiiauin Pur While l.eud,
Hie - ueluiiiei,l Greens,
.uiwuu iiornd). Ac,
OK :
-lil Piute Glus.
isll I'tairtler OlefcS,
iqtxl Wluduw OUss,
Pl.Hir and fiky.lijtn,
retluaiery, Ac-Al.i;t!-
IN :
vo"" 1
Fashionable, llieiii Had rueful
rilHE subscriber, long established as Cabinet
-- nil J Chair Manufacturer in Hunbury, thank
ful for past favor, solicit a continuance of the
public patronage. Hi slock f Cabinet-Wars,
Chairs, s)c, embraces
tCVt.HT VAKItTV, tatt-lb AKO OflSJA
A. t-.IM'Al.
in housekeeping. It i unnecessary to enume
rate, as anything that may be required in hi
hue can be hail at moderate price. Cheap for
Cah, or Country Produce .taken in exchange.
South Fast Corner ff Mai lei Square.
ly Those knowing Ihemaelvea indebted to
ihe ubcribcr would oldige bun by making pay
inenl. EBA9Ti.N IIAUPT.
Sunhurv, Apiil 4, H7 if
n TNI. IKK the more ephemeral Magminc of
tJ the clay, Iheac 'eriodlcal lue lillle hyaiie.
1 1 tine a lull year ol the Not, Willi no omiai-iou.
fur 1856, may be rpgarded ne.rly as valuable a
lor IN37. We propose In furnish the two )car
at the following Extremely low Kj.c.
For Ulat-kwooil' Magazine, 4 SO
Fur a.t) one lirvtew, 4 00
For any two lievicw; 6 00
For lilackwiiuil mid one Review, 7 00
Fur Ii link wood and the two Heviewa, 9 DO
For thiee i'evieus. N 00
Fur iilackwuod and three Review, I'l 00
For the lour llcvtews. 1 1 t,o
For black wm.d and the four Retiewsx 14 (10
To avoid Ii actions, $."1 may le remiileil for
Hlackvtood, tor which we will orward that
work fur both e.irs, pn.t paid.
N. B. The puce in Crcai Uritain of the fie
Periodical ulovc named i ahuul 31 per an
iiuin. A e ahull in er again bo likely to offer such
inducement a lluic here piescnlcd.
AVU' is tht time to Subscribe .' !
N. U. Remittance must, in all case, be made
dutcl io Ihe 'ul'lulicis, fur st Ihme price no
cuiniiuMuun can he a.l innl lo Aaent.
AJdica, I.EDN XKUsiUO l T .V CO..
No. f (jolJ-slrirt, ISew Vurk,
April 4, 1H57 if
To the School llirtcturs uf Xorthumlerland
"KNTl.E.MEN : In pursuunca ofllic 43d
recliun uf the Act ol etli May. IS:')lou
are hereby iiolihYd lu uieeliii Cenvi iitiou, at Ihe
l.'oiut House mi Sunliury, on the first Mumlay
in .May, A. I). ltA7.heihg Ihe fun r Hi !ay ol the
month, al 1 o'clock in Ihe alleruo and scli-ct,
vivx vuir, by a majuriiy of tbe whole number
of lJin ctors jii aeiil, one persun of literary and
vcichtilic a ilaiiiinenls, ami ul skill and experience
in 1 1 io url ut Teaching, a County Kupciiiitcud
enl, lur the thiee auccceding years ; deteimiue
ni: nuioMii. I..IIIII-IIH.IKIU nu; iiuic, at. II I
ccrlitv ttie result lo llie Blale BUienutendent at
llano-burg ; a reipjued by the li'Ji'.i ami
fccliuna ul said ucl.
(Munty Superintendent.
of iNorliiumt'crbind County.
Near Milton, i'a., Apiil 4, tnft7.
() ) I'jTiiR Plui.isiikr or tiik
N E i American Agriculturist
is hnpfiy to announce that ho ha
ljust received an inmriii supply
jut the I iiinksk Nuariikax i:k
ll.'iNi: Stm, direct fioui the same
j,iurce a tlmt procuted by the L".
He i now able to ofl'er to every
new subi-crilit r. Ibis Ppiii.g. oer
liUU pure. erh-cl sie.l (instead of
300, blliieitu off-re, I). To Club
subacribcr, l,t)00 feeds each. The
sieds h:rwarued at once, on receipt
of subscription. (tSciitl a leady
directed envelop, pu-l-iuid with two
:-enit slunit. lur tUO seeds, and
with three stani lor each 1,000
One Duller will secutc fur the en
lire vear 18:")7 the Uesl loneliest,
A II L" N U-
ANT Fski
reliaiile, inatruciive journal on !Soil- i
t' .... t:t...a ..:.i. ,i. e
u , . w v i u ii.iiiii niin inuouar
'ane and other eed Free,
.vix c,i,iea tor 'ji.i. 'I'eu copies, $8
N. U. Anv old or new suhscri
iter t-Hii have a packet of anyone
ir of each of the following seed
, ree, on eendinu; a leady directed,
in.-l ii,id mvcloji fur each kind de
j-ireil, v,i; Kinn l'nili,! t.'om ; Dar
jlins' Kxtra Karly .-eel Corn;
'and White Viand Oats-j pound
to Ute l eliel) As many seed wiil
ne relurned in each envelop as Ihe
fusluge starnji upon it will cover.
The Agriculturalist has a aub
iriutiun I tri Ijirr hv many ihou-
aiius iiiaM any uinrr Miatlar juur
ii u I iu the World, and in return for
o geueiou n,tiuiia;e, the Pub
iluher coucludi io oi.ike these free
oilers of seeds to old a well a
new subscriber. (25,000 package
uf wed bsve already Ik-Co given out
tols year.)
N. U From the atereolype
plates Ihe iiumbei lur Juii., Feb,
and Match No's I, '4 and -t of Vol.
IB, can still be supplied.
UK A.N tit! Jl Ul, Publisher.
No. 191, M. Y.
April 4, 1 8.'; 7
FOR fcS-A-HiE.
''JllE n.bsrribei ffei at piivale V, SIX
A GOOD iMLI.Kf.and a Kood MlA W'Ni'K
110 A I', with futures. The above will be sold
cheap, and on reasonable terms
Sunbury, Munh 28, 1857 tf
lmporttr and Wholesale Dealer in HALT.
38 Sulh Whence, Philadeliihia.
-)-. ASH I ON Fine, l.ivarpool Ground,
jl .Lx Turk Island and Dairy Sail, en-
JT')J(r-.i.,nly on hand and lor 111 iii lot
gyTT. .h Hade.
April 4. 1857. 6m
IT;ROPOSALH will he received by Ihe New
4 York and Midd'e Coal Field It. R. and Coal
Company, lor leaking ibis colliery, situated un
the Isaac Miller tract, with upward of
::0O Acic oriiit rate Coal
TN Middle Coal FielJ. Northumberland county,
Conner ted by (hurt branch with the I'hila
dehlhia If Hunbury Railroad, Known as the
tciA upwardt of 60(1 Aertt eif Superior Oof
brlongirg t the New York and Middle Coil
Field It. R. and Coal company, with Ureakcr
Engine of 20 horse-power, Miner's Houses, Sic,
aiready erected anil in good order.
Herrral coal vein above water level have been
opened, and a number of othera are uf easy
access, which may be opened with lillle expense.
I'ereon desirou of eiaminiiia and Irminv
the property are relerred lo J. II. Dewers, agent
of tbe company, at Mt. Carmel, fur further in
formation. Proposal for leaning Ihe same will be re-
ceivrd it ,e company's office, No. 68, fctoiilh
rouriti street, fhilailelphia.
P. S. For the purpose of facilitating- the
trampnrtation of coal from the company's mines
the imniiany hue fiO cars at their diuol. for
the use of their tpriants.
March 2H. IS.17. tf.
A Oood second-hand Buggy. Apply st this
Successor to Mrs. M. Hill.
l'MMlilonablc Strtiw and Fancy
Nu 311 North fecund Strctt, hclnw Noble, opposite Red
l.iou lli'lct, 1'liittntelp in
T )ATTKH.N Tluinift mude to onti-r. Ctrdcrs reflect
.M inn) b iii'iini uim .jlll UIIKIIIlirU IU.
Mari.h SH. ItrjT :ini vr
New Wall Paper Warehouse,
llAll'A.llli r.KJ fiau imp 'lli-ra, ,N.i. r., Arili
Atl niretri. s.-c 'nu 11 r an .ve uxOi. I'mlwlf lilun. whri
inn) ne i.iunu llie lurgrat mill Ireat sclecttU in tlia
lil'if.NTUY I'l'RCHAfKRS imiy l.iri- be arrommo.
diilrnl willi'.at llie itie iivriiicnt-e t-l l.w k insr I'arllicr. unit
nu.) lie arsuri-il I hat they will rrecive ihe in! oninirc of
Iheir ill-aicy 111 HI ON ,V I. AM. Mi,
1-21 AltCM atreel, ubove Siiih, 1'hilaile ihia.
March Sb. Isj7 ;tcuc.
jV. 4."), Second Sired, 'liilailelJiia.
KK now receiving tliii upring imporlation
of SILK and MII.I.IMIRV Cl)OU. eui,.
ri-liug in part ol Fancy, Cap and lionncl Rih
buna Satin and Mantua Ribbon, (ilucc and
Plain Silks Ma reclines and Florence, Ulack
Modes, French and Einilisli Crapes, Tarlatanc,
Maliue and Illui-ioti I. aces, 4c. Also, a lull
assortment ol French and American fluwer.
ubich llicv offer to Ihe trade on favorub.e tt-rins
Mjrch !8, IKS 7. 3m., I'. 3.
imooucK &. Minsii,
i ND COMMItSIO. MK.II CHANTS, 197 N..ith 3,1
i street. I it mm helnw Vine. I'ti.iH'le.ciii i. S:ili-a ..f
lltlOTs n,.il fllDKS. 1)11 V ",(I(I1)S, Ol NS, IIAKU-
iiiniia-a, r,itci uoou, ai-, ever
l-,Of l-.i.nilr.- t..,-1f n -.ll. ...;n ..I
rut Mt alr :i lntiie ami ili sirot.le iissi i lineut i if the
chhh, iu it .hi i,, i ,ta n, ,u,t imyeia
-Ci, iii-Is tiai-keit .mi the nreimses I'ni Cuntii-Tr.,1.
March If", IJino
Citrate of Magnesia
'I'MIIS preparation i recommended as nn rx---
cellenl In x ii l i und purgative. It operates
mildly, is entirely free from aiw unpleasant taste
resembling lemonade in flavor, prepared and sold
y A. W. FI.SHKK.
S.inburv. Marrh 14, l5fi.
Iishing Tackle. Bed Cork, Grasa. Cot--
ton and l.ineti bines, Out bine, he Gtas
by the yard. Snoods, Flies, Kirby, Limerick and
Carlisle Hooks, Rod, Ac, for sale hv
March 41. V T7 , A. vV. FISHER.
'THF. subscriber having disposed of hi Drug
Hlorein iSuiibury to Albert W. Fisher, de
sire those indebted to him to make payment by
llie first of April next. Payment can' be made
at the Drug Store.
Sunhury, March 14, I8'7.
8. RAK'H Premium Patent Knamel Furniture
Polish. This polish is hildv valuable for restor.
ins the polish on all kinds of Furniture. Class,
wurnagn uoiiti . nair tioin. ac. aim, lur re- i
moving spots, hiding scratches, &-c, &e. War-
ranted lo dry immediately anil retain iis uloss. 1
1 rice bi) cts per bottle, bold by
March 14, S.'i7.
J. PAI.11MI & o
Matket Street Wlmrl, l'luliiileltiia.
U4 Vt; e'liistaiillc on h:o J mi ii&K'-rln;eiit ,,f .Murkrrel,
tlnnt. Ilerrinps, CKllish. Ucet,)'uik, liilJ, WluulUers
Hauls, f-lik-s. I'liese, Itiee, Ac.
.Mari a 41. lea? am
CoEsumptiou und all Diseases of the
Istingii ;uiti "I'lirniit aro (Kisitucly curafile Ut itiltjlaU-ii,
wiiu'ii ccinv U.c reiitrOitH t Uie CiiviiicK ia tlic luni
Hir.U(;lt llie uir iMtusifi., iiiiti ; uhug Uitliicct c-.jiUtcl
m HU me ilvc.tkc, iirHiuizeav li-e IuIk-u ulur muitrr, uil;i i
tUe c .ugii, ciaHctttt iiec und eusy cxjittl.ruti..(i, Uvul Hie
lunkia, (.ut ilici llie iil.t-Kl, niipuil renewed vitality t- lite
uciVtiUR BBteiu, (JiViiig Uiitt lnnt; uml tlicrgy t iiiditiptu I r it.e itwlurv tmit " lit-ulilt. 'to lm nl.te lu Blute
c iitidfinly licit CiMiii.upti m u cuiulile li m!ml;ith(i ia ui
uir ii tx'itrce ol uiiutloycU iirasurtf. It iu inucli uiidri
tin"l nittticul irt-utiiitut ui uny tticr luriiiulul.le
i!iiriie; mtttfly out tvt t y iiuiidtrd cuHvi cun Itc i-urrd
in the tirut ni'-Kfa! and tiny per cm., in tht tcoiul ; but in
lh (turd Kiitge it ii itiiii-feuHii- to live mute tiidii tivc (er
i-fiii , I ! Wk miit,; ure m rut up by llie lit iii j t,. bid
ueliuiu'e tu iuciiir;il ski I. Dvru. ll.-WcVff, m the UimI Hi
gc, iitluiluli ii uil rJi exirtt.trUiiiiiry reiici to lur luil.'iiit.;
unending ilm H.tiiul 'urf-c, which iiiimi.tily dttruk
uiiifiy-iive ttiiuiiid pcrkoni ni tlic I'liiteit H.utu ul nt ;
uinl ne iti ft culculitf'tii iilitiwB i lint T tin- prt-oeni ul i
it ii l llif ruith, figlityiuuu. nl ure dculuicd lu iitc
Ct'hbuiui'tivt:' tirave.
Tfuly lb tpiiver dfiitli h is n arrow m fiiiiil m rui.
stmipiion In nil unci it hut Im-it the (frut cxeni) ( UCe
foi it bjiicit ueiiiit-r iiltl n t iia, but nvvt'epiMtl'iiiike llie
lirnvf. Hie licuittitul, tin1 untci-int, und llie filled. Hy tbe
help -i liiul huprriiie Itfiiit. Ir-ni win -in iniinii evrv
jln hI timl prrf ct fnl. I hiii ruuM'il t tiflV-r t-i tlic uirN ivd
u pi'ruiiiiirni ii i ul sjpectly cure in I'tniMuuftM'ii. 'i'lm brut
cuiitiro) tuiit-ri'U-M nt Ifuni impure blood, und (lie imniedi
utu nffVt-t, pfitduct-d b their ihip- frllttni in Ibe linipl. i lo
prevent die lre intintifti n of uir int i tie uir t-i'lii, wliu ti
c.iubi ii wrakened vitality ttifouti tlie entire sviu-ni.
i'litn i:in ly it it nr-re tun inlto expei-t'tm-iitcric tod tioin
lllt-'dli'ini'l rnteilti!! ttie c-'iVlttt l lim luui mutt lioni
th e JtlitiinihUTcil ibroiiii the Ftmn.u'li ; the psitienl wilj
.ilvvayi bud ihe lunp lice hi ill Hie liieutiiiua any uiier in
li.iln.g rciii'.-ilici 'I rue, mti il ui.-n n n l-tt-nl remedy, nev-eitbr-lcii
ii ne'ft ctnuttituii Mti.iiy, nnd Willi more power
:tun ceiUtinTy lh tn inneiliri ;nhninntieie by lue ot' inac'i.
I ive i he ptuverlnt nnd direct inlluence ol t)n ni'tln
ttf mluiiiuiiraii 'ii, chl T"lonn mhulcd will eniitely deiiroy
eiiinnl.iy in u lew tniniilei, p-iuliu the entire ni
Vo n atjitein, i tlm n limb h.;i he miipututeil Willi -ut the
t'i;lilt piiin; iiii:iln.(r the orUtuwjruniing aa will dc
tr y lui' iu o lew lioun. -f
The inliutuiioii of umnviiiu wtll ronie tlie pitem when
luiiiiing or upimretPly dnd. Tbe t dor oi imiuy i f ihe
iiiedii-iue ii pciceptibie m tbwkkiu n tew miimlei ufvt
teiii).r in i mitt I, nnd may be imeil'titelv dr tested m the Himt
A conl'incntv pro-if i I the conititulioiinl elltclf of inlm ii.
I i mi, ii Ihe fiict thit itcknti n ulwna pr.Mlured by
breathing f ul uir. Ji lift th is p iitive evnlenc tb;it pro
per rmeliei irei'dby prepiirnt uinl jutlu i. tunly tin i tin
ier il ibr tiph the luitpK, tie u I' I proit'j'c the moil It-it
iriulit? Uurine eiphicen yenri1 practu-e. many Iti-
inHeiing lr in dtseiiiei ol the liittffi and tliMnt. hx
under my enre, mid I have ntfev-ted many reinuik
even ufter the urfi-re'i h id beLii proudUuced i
Metres, which fully fcititfui me (hut c-iiuinit
loin;er n fnt:il ihw-
"""'"" AKD - -
The large! anortment in the United 8tates.
Warranted lo be equal to any now made, and
will be sold on as Ouod Terms, as can be obtain.
eu from any other house in the Country, at
$6 South 4th Btreet, I'hiladclphia.
Truth is Mighty, and Must Prevail.
Heport nf the Committtt appointed to itiperin.
lend the Hurmng of the Iron Safes, at Head-
xiig, i toruary 2i, 1807.
RDi-ao, March 4.
The undersigned, members of tbe committee,
do respect ully report, that we saw the two Safes
originally agieed upun by Farrel & Herring and
Kvans & Watson, placed side by side in a fur
i.ace, iz: Tbe Sale inuse by the Paymaster of
the Pbiludeliibia snd Reading Railroad Compa
ny, in hi uilire al Reading, manufactured hy
tarrel& Herring, and the Safe in use by H.
A. I.anlz, in hi More, manufactured bv Kv.n.
& VVataou, and put in book and paper precisely
Thc'lire was started at 8 o'rlorli. A. M ,.i
kept up until foar cords of irreen hl,,''.,.
end dry oak and half c;. ..,,', lop W00l wcte
entirely cunsumed. the whole under tho mi-eiin-
leiiuence ol llie uhcrihor, member of Ihe Com
mitlec. The t-al'i-a were then i-oulod nif it.
water, alter winch lin y were opened, and Ihe
books and pnpete taken out by the Committee
and sent lo II. A. Latin's sturn for ,,l,i .
ined and marked by the Committee. 'I'l,. i.n.,i .
and papers taken from the Sale manufactured
nv I arrrls J- Herring were in our judgment,
damaged fully filleen per rent, more than llioae
taken from Kvans A; Walson'a Safe.
We believe the above to h i
, . SI I Ml
inipariul trial of the respective qualitica of both
HAMIil. S. lllM'HII.
Haring bren absent during the buniinc, we
fully coincide with the above statement ol lb?
condiiion of the papers and buok taken out of
Ihe respective Sales.
H. H. M L'H I.K.N DERfS,
March 21, I B57
tfr or m;w si'vlus.j
Aw. 12, Aortli Sirlh Street, Philadelphia,
M.tNi.'FAt'TI IIEII Ol.'
7"ELV-:T and GOLD ED and
J'Al.NlhU SIIADliS, of lieatililiil de-
signs. Huff, and all other color of Holland
used for shades. Fixtures. Trimming. 4c.,4c,
Wholesale and Ketail, at the lowest cash nrice.
Store nImoc Paiulep to order.
ii. . w . Ihauklul for past patronage, respect,
fully solicit, the public to call and examine bis
new nnd larye usaoruncnl. before nun-ln sim.
Philadelphia, March 31, 1S&7. c3in
J'resh Arrival of
'I1HK undersigned having taken filestore for
1. mcrly kepi by William A. Itruner. i now
ready to liil order and prescription at a mo
ments notice. He has a large and well selected
lock of fresh and pure
Dye-stuffs. Oil, Paints, Gla, Putty, and all
kinds of Patent Medicines.
Tobacco and Imported Sc?ars of the choicest
brand. Fancy JVolions' toilet articles, anil Per
fumery of all kinds. Tootb and Hair Brushes
of every variety.
Camphine and Fluid aluays on hand.
Customer will Iind hi stock complete, com
prising many article it is impossible here to cnu
merate. and all sold at moderate price.
licmember the place, next door lo E. Y.
Bright' Mammoth Slore,
Sunbury, March 14, ls.'i?.
-Mancfactcheb so vttLsa in
S T R A.W o-o o r s ,
No. 77 ft T'J North Second street, I'lnluitelplna.
Are iiowreceivniK their Sprinir SWk, which will cotn-
iiiko uim iiesiraiiie uw aluieiit i f ll k,.
M HAW im.l lack Ijom:ts. Tiieir st.- k i ilT.w
" w"' u"uanatly large tins sens ut iieret,,ie in
... ' " ". rte,Mriii,e.i l-ie
vile esprt-Kil iilteiitni
call tiiul rsuiiiiiiR Iheni before milk lug yuur nurcliawa.
M'licli U, 1-57 -im
Jfront Street Wire Manufactory.
HATSO,tlX4t Co.,
No. 46 North Flout Strrer, coiner ..f Cooinh'a Allv,
l-lwerii Murkn und Mullierry (An-li) Strcrta IMuiutlrl'
ptoa , tiniiiiifntiiirr nf .np.inoi- quitfiiv, tin.,, nail lion
,rr Mrvi-a. ol all fciiul. j llr:i,i ad c'oppf I Wirr CMIl
f-r I .,n-r Maker. Ac. Cylinder and Dandy Kola cm
vereit in tlm Limt tnninivr.
Heavy Twillcil W itc f,.r Ppark Ctiteh.r. Sieve for
Urns inn! lout Fuumln. Serrrn Wire. Wiiiiluu- Wi,.
C'iver. C at anil (aitd Screen, A e'
l-niieyWiia ,.rk of everydeacrinli-ui.
i.ii. ,im c
Josui'n n ssi:Li
Umshkila ami P-usoLM4airAeTCRr.a,
No. 2 North Fourth Street, N. W. Corner of
Market, I'liilade Iphia.
I.I AS nt.w on baud an extensive assortment
of the newest nnd mest dei-iralde kind, in
rludintr msiiy .NEW .STYLES not heretofore
to be had iu this maruet. An examination of
our stock is solicited In-fore purchasing elsewhere.
Ma'i h 7. IH.S7. Hiii c
FIMIE Xorlhumlierland Improvement Compa
1 ny invite proposal for the Lease of a pur
lion ol their COAI. VEINS, situute on their
property in Northumberland county. Pennsylva
nia, Iwo and half mile above tbe low n of Sba
lii,. kin, and ilirecllv on the line of the Philadel
phia ami Sunhurv l! Komi.
The Vein of Coal are well located for easy
and profitable operation. Apply to
iOfEI'JI S. DIXO.X. Agent,
.Mount Cnrmel. Pa.
or to CHAS. S. FOl.WEI I,. s,c'v.
1H South 3d streit, Philadelphia.
March 7. IH47. 3m
10XNECTS Ihe Ueadinij Kailroad at Au
burn, on the Schuylkill, (10 mile below
Potliville ) with the Noiihcru Central U.nlroad,
at Diiuphin, on Ihe Sumpjehaiiiia, and witli the
Pi mis) Ivania iiailruad al Kockviile, (5 mile
above Harrishurif,) ami run om: passenger
train in ninisengcr train in
" i n i and HanU-
excepted.) on
wiib iliese
r every deaeriplion, airltahle for railroads
" ore. lor weignmg Hay. Coal, Ore, and
Merchandise generally. I'urchator rmr no rVk
every sCale i guar. meed correct, ami if after
Irial, not found satisfactory can be leturntd wifh-
oui cnarge,
Factory at the Old fctend, established for more
than twenty years eoinfr of Mntli ami Melon
Street, 'hilndclphia.
Successor to F.llicoU Ik Abbott.
Philsdelphia, March 7. 1857. 3m.
"Hull I'aper & U'lndoiT Sttades.
A'o. 133AorfA Second Street, bcloiv Jiace,
ITAVIiS'O completed their latge assortment
of Ihe above linod for Wntinir ml Summer
Trade; would respectfully invite ihe attention
of I'lllchusers to the Mine, Their stock for
beauty, cheapness and v.irictv cannut be auroaa-
'I'hev have ronststiMv on hand evcrv desfrini
ion of Cold and I'uinled Miade?. Bull' Hollands.
hind Shade Fixture. Wall I'atiers. Cuituin.
Fire Hoard Prints, It orders A-e . all of which
ihey ofl'er at lower rates limn can be ha-l at anv
other establishment. Call am! examine.
133 North Second Street, beloar Race.
March 7. IH7. Cm w
To Builders & Carpenters.
The subscribe' are aaent for the sale of
Lloora, Window blinds. Window Abutters, and
all sizes of Window Sash, all or which we offer
at tbe lowest prices.
Nov. 89, E. Y. BRIGHT & SON.
rJP"E- 8","crill,'r resprctfully offers his pro
fessional rcrvicc lo the ladicsaud gentlemen
of Suu'oury anil vicinity. Ho is prepared to
attend to all I lie various operations in Dentistry,
and is provided with the hiteat improved
which will be inserted on pivut, silver or guld
plate, io look a well a the natural
tV All work warranted. OF HUE in Mar
ket street, 8 doors east of the Post office. Sunhurv,
Pa. Feb. 7, 157. 1011 N' K. fcMICK. "
A I'l- person indebted to tly estata of James
TttRijart, dee'd . or lo Jonie Taugait A; Son
or fn Grantham I. TagaM. aie respectfully re
ipicsted lo make payment on or belore tbe 20th
of March, next, or Ihe orcouhls will be placed
in the hand of an'ollicer for collection.
Northumberland, Feb. 14, I8f,7.
,i I.L persiius imlcliicd to the tubarriVr nn
Note, Conk Account or otherwise, are re
spectfully requested to pay up immediately, as
the accounts will be placed in the hands of a
Justice for collection.
Sunbury, December 20, 1 8 -r 6
G It A M A 'J' IU A L 0 U K S ,
I It I'-hrsl hnoVi ot the Rational ystem of Eng
iisu t,ri
raintRar. 25 ct
Tbe serrmd book of tbe notional system of
Eneii-di firaminar. desisjt.eil lo t.acb tie process
of Analysing the EtiRliih Language wi'li souod
judijinerit ; ami tlie art of using it with grain
matieal pruiiie!y. 31 rt.
Tbcse work are now used in llie -Toblir
Scliools in the lir?l School District of Peliusyl
Tlie third book of the rational 5vstem of Enc
liah (irainniar, designed to enable the learner lo j
become most thoroughly acquainted with tho j
rialute and use of the Prcpo.-iiions. and may be I
read by him either in or out of selioo1. 50 c
HllbWXS' ISramatical Header. This 13. ok I
es aside the old (Iratiunarx. CMiofe their defeeta I
ilemonKtrotes the little tine of oiiciidin to them,
and present to the teacher the unerr nu and
only way to the Grammar of the English Lan-
gunge. 37 cts.
r or stile by Peter Criflee, 118 Arch blreet,
r ebruuiy
1, I8S7 3m
';lore Koorn in Matkel street, occupied
1. W. (iray and the dwelling bouse ad-
Apply lo no! txecului of li. .Master,
17. IRK7.
LtJKT MDX.MES, Toolh and llair Drusho
all qualities, and anv quariti y, for sale bv
A. W. rislIEU.
March 14, '47.
BjriiE OI.IVi: till, for table use, two size
at H7J uml J cents just received bv
A. . r lsilER,
Manli It 'S7.
Come and Settle up.
A I.I. per-oo kiioing tin nisi lc inilebled lo
x ust-iiiier bv Note or Uouk ocrount, are re-
iiuestcil to call al our Mori in Sunbury, and set
tle, us alter the l'n-1 ol April no shall bo obliged
to place all unsettled accounts in the bands ol a
Justice of the Peace tor niiuu-itiate CMllecliou.
Sunbury, Feb. 2S, I1.)7.
and wholesale de tiers in
B'isiii tiffise X. t'rovioioii
No. 4V North Wharves, (below liace Sine!)
llainsroniitaiitlv on baud a lare assortment
of, Cheese and I'rovi-iniis. whieli they mo
preparetl lo aell at the loive-l piissiole rati.
IV III! LH-'.li.-S promptly intended lo.
February 1. IP7. !m w3
CAN A I. P.OAT FOIt SALE, on re:
aouuble lertM. Applv to
ii en K v i.t ). t; r.x i:ck er.
of Shamokin,
or K 1. MICH A El., Sunhurv.
February 31 . lN.r)7.
Leather! Leather! Leather!
HSMIV W. ttVI ltll. .' ri.-. I full Ss,ninl cenrral t.ralhei
tenli r. Nn. 6 Sfinth T'lio! meet. rWiUn'elpli ia
A vrnctal nss,,ita,eiil nt ail kniil el lyalJu-r Mur.-C.-,
Ae , .
I!r,t anil Oui. 5-ii l..-,i1iirr.
t-lu a-irt vk, v -ft
tHE Kubseriber oiler for salo a 20 horf !
power Engine, neatly new. with all the
necessary fixture lute the property ol the
no Furuaie. Tbeie ate Ihreo boiler bt-loii;tng
lo the eiiKine., 'ii feel long, each, which hue i
beru niiiy i week in use. The engine is po-
shi-il and built of t' e very best matciijls, ami '
' t-tlc because the au! acribcr ha no J
JACOB im:ed.
. SI, IH.Mi fli !fi
xr se co.
lumrs, Kiirat intii
e Sixlh,
d St.)
i City who
i well to
ni ported
jrado, Fig,
1 b
dcceaiit d
l. a. IVES'
ProTnr mid rrnl Hlorc,
. 15 A'orfA Wharns, Philadelphia.
fchippirig and Country Oorder promptly fi,
en reonsible orders,
fsrmc'ra end Deatcraf Trodece Bold on Ci
A pples, Osnsnae, -i'ine A ppkta, Dried Ft
Onions. Oranfies. Hhell Barks, Kai.ina,
Beans, Lemon, White dt Street Figs,
Turnips, Cranberriee, Polatoee, Poultry,
"esches, Ground Nunts, Chesnals, Eggs, &
Foreign tnd Domestic Produce end Fruit a
I'ebrmry 88, I8S7 ly
DisHoIufkn of r Partnership
fUE partnership hetetofnr csisling belwc
-- D. M. Itoyd. Jnhn itosaer, gliomas Rust
a d Jamea Boyd, under Ihe fi m rtarB Boi
Rosser & Co., was dissolved bv mutual const
on the first day of Janua'v, 1RS7.
The business of the late fitrn will be settled
. eV T. Rosser, who will ecntinu? tb bosinr
ofMininsat the Luke Fiddler Cnllefv. or i
Jam ilayd as their agent, at Nunnury.
Ttl'W. KOn.sEB,
The underaigneu will continue the business
vending and shipping Coal al Siin'nury, whe
those in wanloi this celebrated Coal w iil plea,
address him.
Feb. 21, IS.'.T
How Every Family Can Make their Ovr
70R SO CEN'Trl I will send printed instrtlc
- tions plain as thn label on a bottle of mcdi
cine how to make Corn Urooms. The ncrcssar;
aparatus can be made by any blacksmith fj
less than 00 cents. When a broom is worr
out. souther can be attaehed to Ilia same handii
in I A minute. I positively guarantee this to bf
no catch penny advertisement to fleece the cred
ulous oul of their money. Kaiisiaction given 01
the money returned. If afraid lo tisk 50 cents
then send two 3 cent stnni,s for more informa
tion, or refer to the Post Master here. I alsc
give information as to the beat mode of raising
and curing the corn. Address,
ficlinsRTOvc, Snjdtr County, Pa,
Jan. 81, 1R.V?. 2m
jVTT'TICK i hereby gien that the late partner
ship existini; under tbe firm of Smtck &
Hilcman, Rcsturaii', keepers, in the Borough of
Sunhurv, was dissolved hy mutual consent cn
the 20lh of January, last. The claim tf the
late firm will be settled by G. W. Hifcman whe
will continue the business nt the ol.l aland.-
Sunhury, January 24, 1857. fit
Fresh from Baltimore every Morning.
Northumberland Pa.,
Will furnili neftnaranls aid private families
Superior Baltimore Oysters, by the Can or liar
Can. All orders promptly attended to on tie
shortest notice.
on. is5c. tr
E. "2". BRIGHT Ss SON,
O AVE jut received bum 1'hiladeliihia or
Hail tioad, uml ate now opening their third
supply of
vxnteh aoenns.
I ur assortment is unusually latge,
and vtill "t
i disposed oil at the lowest figure.
We respectfully invite ihe Public lo eall and
csaniiueoiir Stock, and remember that "a penny
saveil t- a penny mnile.
tf The highest market price p.?id for CoriHry
Pnnlucc. E. V. UK lb 11 1' i SOX.
Sunbury, January 17, 1S57.
M'U IX HI. NIXl'Ttll't"11,
jUi'iV- Writjht and Purr Mill Mont Manure
Sol Proprietor of Johnson highly approved
and much improved Smut and Screening Ma
, - . i i i i ii. .... ii....!..
Ctlliie ; linpioieu nun i ii:ii,.f fuam,
! the Premium Machine for Millers.
Residence: No. CI lueen street, (I8tl)
Ward.) adilrcss Kensioloii Post Cifke.
fttiop : ilayd-t k Sirtet. below Frent, I'hi'.a
delphi!. Coealteo Mill Stones, M ill Irons. f'mutl Machines,
Patent Mtii lui.-ti, Portable Mills, Stretched
Uelniii;, t 'i tie-tit and Screen Wire,
Siiuaru Mi-shed j'ollitij L'lollis.
February -ti. I I. :Jm w?i
NNOL'NC'Es (o the eit;7.rns in Sunbury at:d
i-JS- v
iciiitv. that be liasop'ned an oirtce iu Sun
bury, utaive Ii. J. W,,ivert ill's ot'ice oppjsite C.
Weaver's Hotel, w'.eie he is prepared to allenj
to a'l kinds of work belongiog to the prjfeision,
in the lateat and most improved style. All work
well dor.e and warranted.
December ) '. IH.iti.
lAt hut not Lt-ntt.
N V. W AliltlVAl.O V
' Ira T. Clement
I SXJ1nTBXJI"Y, jp-a..,
i "J! if S just received a laree aiir-dv uf Fan Hid
i g H Winter (iimds.-
, lie w!l! c-ifitinue to sell Dry (loud nnd C'ro
ci'ri. s Ctl C I'KU l!l ';l I'.ei.ns bis goods ara
j booislit cheap tin y will ' e fold rlieap.
I He feels contiilei't with iiU experience and
I ubi'lly, thai hu can cmnpete with the
' World at large and Suabary iu particular.
' He nould enumerate article if lime, and space
! would permit.
i Ii is i-ttuith tu sav thai lie has eviry thing iii
! the line .:('
- rry Gocds, Groceries,
j A large Stok of Keady-Made
I Hoots axd rfoj:s, ., ,vc.
j that i kept in any ulbcr a'ora in town, and
11 is t.-dialei is oa tt,e lirecc.
Ai.ilt'ni ii.uv it wv
j lai, 1 ,.i' tlie free,
n,l the tti'ltl nf the hrav
. While l:er S:.nan her Etliipss
j Saine o:t: I.Ve tiic Suii,
,' Te. ll-e yl, j alii.n
1 h:.t FreeJ .ni tieffan.
I bis is a iree country as was
by the
election of Duehanaii oir the
v Oolv
tbcretore ii ts free lor all io do their tr-idut" where
i lliey i nn Ul r he CHEAPEST. Alt are ttivi
I ted to call and see.
' a will a-. Ihe lown are respectfully iiivil.', snd
I every peiaon, licb er poor, l.i'a or low. bond or
free aie inv.d to call al No. 1 Marf.ket Sijuure,
oj-p imie the l.ouri liouw.
I I'' B He u not lo t;e undersold bv sny man
. or comUiuuou o" ivn. No charge for .liuwing
I All kinds cf produca uken in eiehanse for
1 goods.
' Suulury Dec. sa, l.S6.
gAI.E au Mtelleiu wond hand Cook
Kio oijui. at iliisoftoav