Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 11, 1857, Image 2
cf JJnip Tclus. . ARRIVAL ,0F THE ASIA. '"HI FHOU hLHUI'K. The British and the Jttpttncte The Spanish tmtt .Ijiitn'iHii Mui .Sardinia and Av$ frt'ii .1 fprilc of War. The steamship Asin arrived nt New York Snlnrdiiy. I'rom Liverpool, on tho 21t lilt., 1,879,011(1 francs. 'i'ho intelligence from China is down to. Inn 30, tiut does nut throw much light on the dif ilcu'l.i'H which have arisen in the Canton riv er. Admirul Seymour, while wailing lor re--iiirorcc'tiit-nt 9, hud eu disposed of his vessels -ns to keep the navigation open and prevent a surprise. Tho Ltnperor of China has ordered that hoslilitjoa against the British shali be cuutiii ei to Canton, (iovrruor Yell seems t be favorable to American lntereta. uud has sumo communication With Minister Par kcr. The British seem determined to open J.i. pan hs. well u.-i Chiiiii. They h i vo hint u coo liict with the Jjpmiese, mid forced their way into the pol l l Nagasaki. One of the ship, u steuiner, broke llie chain across the entrance Although the tuwn is well fortified on the ides of Hit) Sen, the Japanese uutlfniil ies did not resort to force to repel the two English Vessels. A French version of the poisoning cases of Hong Kong, which comes to us through Mursuiiies, stuted that the baker mid three of ti:n accomplices h.ul I. eon tried by u council of war, condemned to death, und shot. A private letter from u French naval ollicer. ber vim; in thu Chinese S'pi idron, s ly s llitit many of tho K uopi'ims who partook of the poisoned bread ut H kij Ivnng. lust their teeth, their nails, uud even the hair oil" their heads. A Russian cupl.l.n had been attack ed with optlialinia, uliU Ins sight is o'cspiitlci tit. About four hundred persons Were more or less pniviucd. It tippem'8 that u large portion of the city of Canton, both wllnin und without the walls, been de stroyed. Tiiij Ftvin.'li Cli argo d' A ll'.iii'-. to thu Court of China has already started on Ins mission. 1 f some .-craps of Paris gossip lire to be credited, u French aimy ol twenty thousand meii ij to be sent to China in Kit giish ships. A telegraphic despatch Tiom Copenhagen elates that I lie convention fur thu ubolitiun of tile .Sound Dues signed on the 1 Iiii, by all the. powers concerned in it. Feruuk lvltati, the Persian Ambassador, has arrived in London from Paris, whcr he i.- likely to make u considerable tluy. March 17 ho hud a long conference with the Ameri can Minister in i'ans. The Russian Government is busily emr-nied kbiwi;iTi, aoo lias 111 ilUi'm.'.ritinir - . ? . i , fcivvn oioers for several new gunboats winch ure now building for it in some nt the ports of Lnglund und Scotland. New Screw lngaU-s Lave ulo been ordered. I'ho news from Spain und f'uba does not show very active war preparations. At Ha vana thu subject was scarcely iiii'lilioueil. The mail that was to sail from Caiol., March 12, for Havana, it is said, look out full pow er and instructions to Oen. Concha respect ing Mexican u Hairs, A strong squadron of Rrilish vessels is in tended for tho China seas. It will coinpriM', with the vessels now there, fourti't-n sailing, vessels, nineteen blcnueis, und tweiny-six steamers for tram-potts und munitions ol War. From .lie N. Y. llcrukl, April fith ) Mom; MCAiniiU ntfiMii Letter from lleiuiiiipscn and Others. YVe said yesterday I hat ihws h id been received in the city in the shape of private letters from Walkn's ollicers, eonlirninii,' the account id' Walker's decinive vielory ut rSmi Jore. Thu follow in' ur l' e.Mracts Hum h-t-tess received by different persons in this city from Major (iei.ural liei.iiiiiiM-ii uml other officers with l'lesid.-nt Wulki-r in Nicaragua, referred to in the J'ual'l of yesterday. KXTKACTS FHOM LKrTi:i! OK OUS. II. TO K. Rivas, Mareh 10, 18.')7. The steamer from Culifoi-iiu lor I'.ui.hii.i is just in at San Juan, und us the Hanger i x press IS on the saddle, I have hard) u mo ment to udd a line to my I wo let In s of last evening. To uvoid the nk ol this und llie notc'l within to Jc belli;! int leepteil by tiiosu whoso interests e.veilo sympath) lor the greaser allies, before they reach Ni w York, t enclose I hem to Dr. Caniochaii, w ho will send them to you as boun us lie receives them. 1 have little ol importance to udd to my narrative up to last except to request you t'l have care taken that llie names in llie return-; of our killed, wounded und missing are printed ccvurately. 1 1 may omit two or three of the ivounded, but the entire number if it was complete, does not exceed lii'iy. I have not received the slightest injury und enjoy my usual (food health. 'I'ho loss of the enemv is iiK'crtained to have been upwards of 4il:l killed. Our victory in decisive mid breaks up the allies completely, and in u lew weeks ull lighting within the boundaries of Nicaragua will be ovei, and if liny conlest is kept up it will he in the other btutes. Our armv is in high spirits. ISTEACr TROM I.KITE.1 OF SAM K TO 4 FKIKXD IN THIS CITV. Rivas. March 19. 1S.')7. will bhow you niy letters to her giving a full account of our victory won on Hi day before yesterday. We had ten hours fijililing. We ii'.tacked San Jorge by Cannonade and drove the allies out of the town. At nightfall we suspended our fiiv und the enemy reinforced ventured to at tack us in ti holli iv in the rond near the town. They were repulsed with it 1oh of upwaidsol iJ'l killed. Our loss in tilled, wouu'li d and n.i: .n'n.15, ! 't'3 Oft eeeed tilly. Tiio defeut is fatal to llie vlii'iny. It brea:- them up. All the fjices the allies could ficiapo together were here, uml they ure now ncattered. FJTRAOT FftOM A I.ETTKIt FaOM ANOrf irKIt WITH IJtXEHAL WAI.KKK TO A I ItlKXD IN THIS ( 1 1 Y. Rivas, Maich 13, lfa.'i7. ' Gen Ilenniiigsen will i-ond detailed uccounis by the hot fteamer expected ill a day or two. of our liattlu of yesterday. "Oh 'twas o glorious victory." f was dig lit ly hurt, but feel tin tia'onvenieiiee to-day whatever. Our riuiiiph was complete. Our loss is not oiie nth of thai of the enemy, und the nuuieii c,roice against us was three times that of oil, Aniiica) linj.) rifles nnd Ilenningsen how ",?!;ri ml cannon did their business. The allies u,, dually used up, and the reign of the greuserin ji,,,, ri.i,nb!ie wined out. NS'ilhin inn last ;,ir or jVl) letters from New o k ou (.j, us J'iilered. We. suspect they ure T . A DKSPATi'H. 1 reconnoite,,,! ,ll0 ,.,.., position cl Cusiil o 011 the mi,, ami r.f.n. p,,. pained the import4nt iiilormatioii that WuiK er had gaiu.ij u great vietorv. and that the I lies had fallen back on Mas'-ava or Oraimdu. 1 ropositions of lWathe Cu'sta Ricans not wdbngto join the Conference, but had sent iidurbih'n ugeui. Spencer, rnun the conn try. uu.l eiri rt'ae to the- English Uov. eminent. 1 have . ized important docuuieiila to prove the above facts, which I have ent to Wusliington uud to the IVeidwit of Niearugua. llivus is fortifyiny Leon, hs in the lust conference of the combined forces of Costa Rica, liujifcinula, Honduras und Salvador, u proposition wag muje 0 divide aud obliUiaie tlM umi ut lC4ru.J THE AMERICAN. SUNBURY. SATURDAY, APRIL 11, 1857. n. B. MARSER, Editor and Proprietor l Auvktir. .Thr rin-utnlluii of llie iiiihmy K" tlx- rtiffrrmi tnwin mi Hit PuniurhniiiiK ! l'wrt"l ftnwUcU lirmiy piper publiihed in Ninth nil rMMvlvnm. V Doraocratio Stato Nominations. or (tofprnftr Ocn. WILLIAM T. PACKER, OF I.VCOMINO C'OI NTV. Jmltje of the Supreme Omrt, lion. I I.I.IH l.l-.vvm, OF I'HM.ADKI.PHIA. Fur Cnntil Commissioner, Million Tltlf KI.AM), OF CHKSTKR I'lilM V, KOITOH'S TADI.E. IIltflllFft OtiCf.. Vm I'BnPKSTf at 8uMix. See aiti-cii.i-. meat .if I'trlin A .Miirlni. Hw.nw-.Y OnecrnY Ptnnv See di-eiuteinent ol Levi Srnslm!!. Okhun-' r.ii-ST Pai.s n'lvrriiniMit of Henry I!. Mirlz, mini . u.s:i:it r of Ilnvi I AiKeT pk, ,Vc i-emlvt-rliHeiMi-nt ot'CSeo. V. AVume. ihi-iiax' Cntwr Pai.e uilveriiiit'ineta of Jnlni Vanz itit, u,!ei if S.1 aiK-; Ij. ll'llis. . tier, of Fieriien., rtisnoluti ni of pmoramliiji, Ai ., tte nilviTtigiiig celinnns. l-y The storm on Monday lust was n re gular April ull .ir, with all the variations that accompany bad weuther in this fickel month. In the forenoon there were a number of hea vy showers of rain, much to tho nnnoyanco of Minors und others coming to court. Kveii those who cii m e in the Banbury and Krie i'iim were drencheil i ...ilsi..- i'...... ,i... ,,, i.. ..e.viooou there wus considera lile snow, sleet and wind, so that the side, walks were covered with ti coat ir.g of ice. It was, in fact, the sudden reappearance ol "homy winter" in all his viyor, though his stay was of short duration. tiT'TiiK Union Canai. On Satnri'ey weel; last, water was let into the enlarged portion of the Union Canal Troiii Ileadinj; to Leban on. Iy the enlargement the woiks of the Coinpuiiy ure of sufficient capacity to uccom. inodate boats of seventy tons, from the IVnii. sylvania hikI Si'huy Ikill canals. Tin: Union is the oldest canal in the Slate, constructed before much experience was hud in canal building. The locks were much too narrow fur the boats of the two canals nt either ter minus and the western Irunspoiters prefer red to seek a Uiaiket at LSalliuiore, or lit Phi ladelphia via., the Tide Water and Chesa peake and Delaware Canals. The 'Union" is no lonjier n mi-re ditch but n first class work ol sufficient capacity to accomodate the lirsl class boats of neighboring canals. t" An.Mii ri:t On motion of Geo. F. Mil. ler K.-q.,John S. Heard was admitted as an Attorney to practise in the several courts of this county, on Tuesday last. Mr. Heard is a young pentlemun or pood character and abiliiiis, with considerable ex perience us deputy I'rothonotary. in his fa ther's office. We welcome him into the ranks of the profession. 1.1VI.HH I.ICl.M ks. The granting of Tavern Licences has now became uii u flail of some importance. It is, in fact, one of the institutions of the day, whe ther for yood or bad. is a question for moral ists uud politicians to deteruiiue. And as they ure j!cuerully antagonistic to each other, in their character, the question will long re main unsettled. Judge Jordan has evident ly but little faith in this inoidern institution us was evident when he handed the prothono tary the bundle of licenses grunted, which he denominated :i "bundle of iniquity." Many of the applicants were presei t and were in, what may be culled, a 'state of FiiS eiife" as ubout one third of the applicants must neces sarily bo rejected, us the number is limited to forty in this county. The duty of granting licenses is, under the circumstances, an on. pleusant one. Anuutj; the new houses licen sed is that of Mr. Wilvert, of this place, and very propel ly. His Application was strongly uracil by his numerous guests from the Ma hanin's. We arc pleased to Tod I hut Godfrey I! llebock of Washington, L!i . Wcist of Lower Miihaiiny und l.n.,ii H.dslioc, of l'oiul, ull new stands, were also successful in th.eir applications. C" PrNNRVI.NAMA AfJHtCfl.TCtlAl. SoriFTV A n rffoi t is being made to have the next twhihition of the Pennsylvania State Agri cultural Society in Philadelphia. The re quired sum for this purpose (J3.000.) has nearly been raised. O The Danville J)eniocrnt states that one day. severul weeks since, there was made at the .Montour llolling Mill. in that boroiiL'h. upwards of 1 1 G tons of railroad iri largest amount ever manufactured in ut uny estublieineut of tho kind in tl" States. A Pheeiiixvilie papnr, however, I -10 tons have been frequently r a mill in that place. C3T I.uwtsBi ito Argir. F. M tires from the concern. Tin continued by II. W Crotzer, Ci5" The Stale Hnd C " for the yeur 1850, in this thirty-five thousand three 1i six dollars, izr Slate tax t ty lux $17,219 31. Taxes ull kinds, have increased - in the lust t,-u or ha vo more than dr CJfThe Week licun paper jo W. T. Ui- TAXABLE in ftORTIIl'MBffltLAftD tuinrv. r ' Below we give thee numeration of taxsljles, In 1849 and in 1856, taken from the records In-tmlcr to hew the increase and chntigu ii the list of taxable Inhabituhls of this cuuul; 1849. ' .1856.'..'. 181 4'J 271 303 el ' 384 420 . .358 138" 161 270 3U2 178 406 308 313 C5 67 300 43C 23D 275 302 194 215 245 254 438 022 262 400 203 275 252 182 173 179 172 183 Con!, Chillisquaque, Ciimeron, Delaware, Jackson, Jordan, Lewis, L 'Wer Aiiptis'n, Lower Mahonoy, Little Mahonoy, Milton, Mt. Carmel, Northumberland, Point, K oil), Ubamokin, Sniibury, Tin but, Upper Mahonoy, " Augusta, Wusliington, Zerbo, Cameron, Mt. Carmel, Z rbe, Jonlun d Washington, are new townships, erected since the enuineiation of 184'J. Cameron, Mt. C.nmel und Zerbe, (Ttevoilon.) were taken from Coal, and ull, before thu developeineut of the coal r- gioii, belonged to Shumnkin. Jordan township was taken fiom Jucksun uud Upper Mahanoy. Washington was also taken from Jackson and Upper Mahanoy u'uout u year since. It will bu observed that the greatest change in the geographical I. lies us well us population, is in the eastern and lower end of the county, caused by the opening of the coal region. A KfMV rilfEMX. 'John PhaMiix." u most quizicul writer, lately took u trip from Boston to New Orl ,iii.. ..iv.. neeo.o.t unne same in the A";nV' rliter MtujHiint. Jehu gives an uccouut cf a meeting be tween u fellow-passenger und his wife, ut N Orleans. He was uccoiiiiii"''J hi 4,1,1 friend Uutterlield, who had joined him at Memphis; ho landed ut New Oilcans, anil proceeded forthwith to the Saint Charles Hotel. At this great tavern Itutterlield ex pected to meet his wife, who hud arrived from California, to rejoin him ufter a three months' separation. Phoenix says, 'I never l ave si eu a n i i so i e voir, lie rode on the outside of u coach with the diver, I hat he might obtain the earliest view of the billt ili!; that inutuincd his adored one. It was with gieiit difficulty that I kept pace with him as he 'tiiuiu'tuoiisly rushed' up the steps leading to the Koliinila. In an instant he was ut the office, and gasping 'Mrs. Uutter lield.' "In the parlor. Sir,' replied 1'an, and he was off. I followed and saw him stop with surprise ns he came to the door. In the centre (d the parlor stood M.'. IJul tei field. That Admirable woman hud uii-'Viled thu ve ry latest ttnd most voluminous style; and having on n rich silk id' ureciiish hue, looked like ii lovely bust on the summit of a new. mown hay-siiick. Dutteiflehl was appalled for n moment, but hearinir her cry 'Amos,' he answered hysterically, 'My Auiander !' and rushedon. He ran three times round Mrs. Itutterlield. but it was of no use, he couldn't get in. He tried to climb her, but the boons gave way and frustrated the attempt, lie extended his arms to her; she held out hers to him ; tears were in their eyes. It was the most iiffectiiitr thing liver witnessed. Pi nully. Mrs. Uutterlield sat down, und Amos :ot 'behind the chair nnd kissed her, until their offspring, by howling nnd biting '.he calf of his tag. created n diverson. They were ve iy happy, so were the people in the parlor. Kverybody appeared delighted j und a small boy. a year or two older than little Amos, jumped up und down like n whip-saw, und lialloa'd 'lloop-ce' with all his might. UuUei'lield,' said I, nn hour or t wo later, I suspect that Mrs. Uulterfleld lias adopted hoops.' 'Oh! yes.' answered he, 'I saw that stick ing out. Perhaps it will obviute the little tendency she had to 'blow up. I'm glad of it.' " A late number of the Chicago Tribune has a report ol a conversation between Gov. Geary, of Kansas, und Joseph Ford, a Dem ocrut, in which a portion of tho Governor's winds nre ns follows : "There are men here in Washington now, seeking for office, and with llie probability that they will get what lliey nsk,u70.e lutnits (imt arms up to their tlbmr ore nil with hlonil. I k now them to be muriltrem .' Yet they ure graciously received by Mr. liuchanan and the Cabinet, and theii statements are taken for truth wherever they conflict with mini'. They nre treated with u.ore cordiality and favor than I. who have tried lo discharge toy duly fai'.hfullv and houestlv, can ever hope to be." Tiik Coal Tiiahk. The boatmen on the Schujlkill Canal demand S1.M0 per ton for coalfnight. Some of the New Yojk'denlers refused to pay this, and many boats Were con- sequenily ioa.led at 81,80. Lat week sever- .1 eon lioats being at ftchuylkill I la. veil, tl.ose ol tlie boatmen win, wer-oppo;Vrruged u hard airainst his awful to thu low rate got on a strike, and refuted to -a,e. lie leaves H wif and large family of let uny coal business be done on llie l unul. children. .li'iier Journal. Several bouts which were loaded ut ! 8(1 were bored and sunk, uud the boutmi u kep tho whole I'lace Hi lawless uproar. At number of collieries the miners have turne out for higher wages. Uetw.-eu these tv intlueiices the trade is, as the Miner's Jourd suys, iu a t-tulc ol revolution. rf. . Miixiro and tiik Unitkd States. 1 Hi itish journals just received are niabg themselves some unhappy over the repoi'd loan of fifteen millions ol dollars by the "i ted States to Mexico. They look upoi'his ' 'ico that the Aineiicuiis ir lj. '-xicati uml oanish quail, in 'he Inted the eat v, en .ia, -UluS ct. ' pro. tens tol- HO. CI1ARLBSB PfcNROSr. " VTe are pained to announce the death of this Olsvii.,,uiihed gentleman, which took place unexpectedly, yesterday afternoon ut llurrisliurg. Mr. P. wits In the city during the early part of last Week, where lie was de tained liv a severe cold, but foelinc much bet ter on I liursdaV, lie returned lo me seal oi nuvernmeiit to attend to his odiciul duties. There lie becume worse, and yt-sterduy his symptoms were to much uggruvated, that a telegraphic despatch wus sent for members of Ins luuiily. llelore those lo il was au dressed could reuch him. he was no mure. Mr. Penrose lias long been eminent ill the politics of Pennsylvania. Years ugn be ser ved an extended tour of duty in the Stute Senate, of which body he was Speaker during the exeitilnr lierioil ol wliut is popularly kuowh us the Lluckshot Wur. Having beeu active in seeurinif n lioluitiatioli. and lironio ling the election of General Harrison to the 1 residency, on the inauguration ol tmuiimin istratioii he wit upnointed Solicitor of the Treasury, an office which he held until the exiiirulioii of Mr. Tiler'e term. When Mr .Meredith took churue of the Treasury Do liurtmeiit, us a member ofUen Tujlor'e Cubi net, he eelcili 'l Mr. I'curvei' na the Assibtulil Secretary. Ibnnig the second yeur of con Salutation in I liiludc Inhia. Air. l enrofo r veil us a member of the Common Council, and at the time of Ins decease, wus ouu of the Senatorial Itepresetilatives of the city iu the olate Legislature. Aurth Amtncun. 1 lain si Sir Jului fcraiiklin'i I'nr y. Prom St Paul Pioneer, of March 21. dipt. Sherard Osborne has forwarded the edit ir of the Tunes the following extract of letter, dated Kctl Uiver Settlement, Hudso bay I erriloi , llec. G : "1 received a letter from Koderick, by the last mail, ami be expresses a wi?li that 1 should write to you by the first opportunity una stale more purticuijrly the reports wu hcui'il in the summer ubout some traces ol some whites being seen in the northern re gions. '1 have just returned from , who was ut Noiwuy last July, and saw the mini wliu brought uowu uu Express to SirGeorg oiiupson liom AliKeiizies Kiver distru ' . . 1 . . ... .. .eool-l sluliug llial Imllulisliail bron"'-: . . I- . I . I. n lOUlTlS hi that 111 l.l I 11,. I -' I uporls quarter. . i. . ....aiis had seen two eneuuipnn' flits ol wliiles on nn Island on some point where An ilerson and Stewm t turned back (ill ltiooj. uud tialone of the eiicaiupmenls particularly way quite fie.-h, supposed I ) liuve been ub.iu ilnueil u day or I wo before the Indians saw it und from llie traces, thought there might have been ubout ten or twelve men. 1 could hot heur of the exact loculity, further than that Anderson and Stewart were w it Inn a very short distance of the places where the traces were seen. 1 hope you have heard pmticu lully ..bout tile report." The WasI'Inci01 Pkstii.knce. A mong t he numerous gue.'s l'' l!' Nutiolial Hotel, Wash-ngtoii, during he la e wholesale (-laugh-ler of nils by poisoning, ud "ho were suf ferers in co on with Mr liucliutiun und hosts of others, were William W. .'.'aeon und wife, from New Haven, Conn., who left home in January, on a visit to New Orleas, Havana, Jtc, On their arrival ut Washington they stopped ut the National, and on the second day alter their urrival, both were taken sud denly und violently sick. Mr. Ii. soon partial ly recovered, although occasionally utlhcteii ever since, uud ulthoiigh Mrs. It. was sick the enure route, they, with much effort, suc ceeded iu reaching Moble. Ala., where Mrs. Ilucou has beeu confined to her bed for more than a mouth nt the llutlle House. She is visited twice daily by two of the most skill ful phyiciuus ii: that city, who pronounce her recovery as exceedingly doubtful. iS7i More. The ul'.empt to uttrbute the severul deaths and iciiny sicknesses among the guests of the National Hotel, at Wusli ington, to miasimi, seems not to lie borne out by the symptoms ol thoi-e who have suffered. A mong these are the liev. Chaf. II. Mai com and wife id Newport, It. 1. Their sym toms indicate armnic, viz : intense thirst. and burning in the stomach, inveterate diurrhu-a, vomiting after taking food, red spots on the surface of the abdomen, ic. Such are Said to have been the sy mptoms of those who hav died. 1 1 .I.ipa not tin. r.iin.wat.- I" - - - -i i" - . the tank near the rrofwus used to i'IT'V the slcctiiue uliarmeuts. The wuteff' -'""k ing. Ac , seems to have come from (-''vvior under ground. Horrible Death from VfnV "'' Jt'irra tiuti of ti former t 'iiizenofSchU11'11'.' '''.' V.. learn Mr Hove Kal htiilin. aged 45 vears. of M aukato n'"1 resident or Mmersvilh ,l,ls Cnnntyefi Mutikatn with the Sin -'"y '"1 "'"'"l l'"' loth of November lii"".1"1 tarried it throimh In Sionx CiliMiuillH :l,at pluce with the mail for Man'knlo f" tin th 'f Ieeember and was found oe the 'blh by the men who went through insearcl him, at a place on the miiil mute called j'''" Mom es Slulion, ii bout 100 miles froi i''x City ami b() from Mankolii. When 'llH"'- W1" Very badly frozen, and couhl r' "l"'"k. but extended his hand to one of th n,t'" : ''"-'d in about lif. teen minutes af- I1''- '""I found. matches in his '!'ket. and there were -eha vin"S and wo 111 "'H '""''""'Jf. "ut It is supposed he UK K0 oa,"y frozen when he ur rived there. '"! r,,,l',l ""t make a fire. It js ihr'l'i"inn of llioso who found him, that he In remained in that situation ten or twelve iP-1 '"irely desliture of food. I'e had kn'T1' '""'Ji1'" nd hands badly, and r -'dical eXillillal iotl it ia lln .it.if.i..,i nl' .. ninn that he died not onlv of . ..1.1 l.,.i ,.r ..solute staivalion. fihe moJl ii eaths. He would I...... I.o... c,itt if found a few davs o.dier. M r I!;,il.. mi one of the oldest residents of Manka- la; lie hud an iron constitution and must liuve Sl'sqi KII ANNA ANtlTlPK.W'ATEII CaNaI.. The obstruction- in I he Susquhaiiua and Tidewater Canal have all been removed, and the chiiiiI will be navigable for loaded houts by Monday next, provided the river keeps up to the pres ent height. Should the river fall, however, there will not perhaps lie sufficent water iu I ho canal for loaded crafts. Several light boats have, within the pa-t few days, p issed between this ami MeCill's Perry, 19 niilcs below. Wi ightsiilh- I'a. Star, Loiisnm.i.f:, Kt., April 7 j pnr..i oi uiiriy U'ousann iloiiais was ihawn to-day in Gregory Maury's lottery, one half of which was ow ned by" u slave. " His priz.r oi tinny tnnnsanii iloiiais ma"ler deducted llie value of the slave, and gave him the balance and his freedom. llunnintj nff'trith a Teleqraph Line. A lo. romotive between St. Louis and Springfield a day or two ago, got attached lo the wire of llie Telegraph line which a storm of wind had Thrown down, and away it went on its course tearing ilown the poles Tor a distance of two miles, and keeping up a most tremendous crush nnd clatter, as one after another came fumbling down and were added to a queer re. ''me of the train. The locomotive urrived in ' in good time and the eneineer then first d thul he hud the lightning line be. -VNT IblMATIOK. Puid Hunt, of s., uu old and consistent friend 'inization. hits presented the iHtion Society with the very 5,000, ' .ia paper, entitled "To to be published nt With- r" JiM. Cclcgva))ic ctos. ' (For. tht Soatmrj Anwtlnn.) KErORTKD T U. T. ralLlNO, OPERATOR. Mti.Toir, April 6, 1857. A small slabln siliute between the two foundries caught Hire on Friday evening last, and came near destroying uotn lounuries. They were on fire several times, but owing to the exertions ol the iircmen iney were snveu. Had there been a hifh wind the lire might have proved very disistrous. It is supposed the file was the work of an incendiary. vve have three nicies or snow here ut pre sent, (3 o'clock.) and 'till snowing fast. Lv- tiling has the nppearince ol winter. (Knrtlie Siuliury Americnn. Reported by It. ill riling. 1 1 ar msnt Ro, A pril 7. The Governor his appointed James M. Armstrong of Lyoming county, Judge of the Supreme Court, in place of Judge lilack. I.orisvit.t.K, April 4. Our community h much excited in conse queiicu of the discorery oTa mose cruel mur der, which appcursto h ive been committed on Thursday night.' The name of the person mnnlered is Mary 1 ravers, a beatilul uud ac complished girl of only 24 years of age, w ho hud hoc n married hit ubout eight months. I ler husband, who ii supposed to have com mit led the horrid iced, wus round lying be side the deud body of his wiie in bed. lie had also uttempteJ to commit suicide by cut ting his throut, but his injuries are not be lieved tu be 8eriou. Lousvii.i.k, A pril 4 Intelligence hnsbecn received here of a startling tragedy w hich oc curred at Washington, in this Stale, yisler day A Mr. It iker. n resident of that town, arm 1 hiinu'lf. nii.t deliberately took the life of h;s daughter, after which he placed the death weapon to his own breast ntnl shot him self. No cause has been assigned as yet for the dreadful liadedy. St."Loui. A prir4ZTiu77.f0r. ir "'t . m r ., -Vd H i us, report stea e'-r t. .Mrv, front'', ., ,1 , unit four in.- ',4f Mio1 "l 'b' month of the Piatt" ier. Nebraska, on the 19th of Mureh. by order of tho Vigilance Committee. Five others have been banished from the Territory nnd foibidden to return under pain of death. The offence charged against them was claim jumping. PiTTsni no, April 4. If is stated ina letter reci ived here from ii reliable source, dated at Port Dodi;e, Iowa, March, T.M, that a settle ment of twenty families on the head waters of the Pes Moinrs Uiver, had been attacked by I iidiuii9, and is supposed all the settlers murdered. Only two dwellings were visited by the persons bringing the news, but inthese fourteen dead bodies were found, some having been shot, nnd others clubbed. Il is presum ed the whole settlement was ki led or carried into captivity. A meeting of citiveus was called at I'm t Dodge on the 22d, and a com pany of 50 to 10(1 would immediately mureh to the rescue of the prisoners and to take veil gance on the Indians. Nfw Youk. April 5. A private letter from Gen. llennisen, one of Walker's officers, ha been received iu this city by his friends, dated llivas. March 1 Dth, confirming the es sential fujts 'n the recent advices from Nicnr ragiia respect ii?? Walker's defeat of 'he Costa Uicaiu and ullies. Heiiuisep states that about four hundr.'d of the "'lies were killed and about fifty of In'.'' own men. The battle lusted 'ten hours He-fore the ene my gave way. Washington-, Apri'C Our affairs with China continue to 'cupy the attention of the Administration., NO'ce It has been nfuL.'nlly atinounced in Vusliingtnn that the Hritis.': Governinch' lllls I'l pninted Lord JOIgin as Minister ' lenipotentlary to China, our own Govern1"'"' has deteruiilied to send ouu thi ther a'"" "rly day, Owing to thu great dist"1'" China, ami the time necessarilv jnv.lved in receiving uml transmitting ofiiciu'l ,rspatches, the Administration is solicitous .if selecting a Minister in whom the Htmost coiili.lenci! can be placed, and who will be oovcmeii by a wise discretion and a due con sideration of the general interests involved, including our increasing commerce in that part of the world. Thr I Irrlian nt St. I.ouit St. Loi is, A pril 7. Incomplete returns from the city election, held yesterday, show the following result for M ; W'inur. (Kmaneipatienaist,) . 4.0.1I Pratt, (Democrat.) 3..'lKI) Lane, l.tJiG A large number of Americans voted for Winter. The majority of tho other candi dates on the Kmuncij.ation ticket will pro bubly be elected. W liner's majority will be ubout 1 jOU. Tin- Klrrtluu in Caniircllrut. Timks OiiicK, 1 1 a uti )i:D, April 7. The returns ure still scuttering and incom plete, but it appears to lie pretty generally conceded that Alexander llulley the Kepub liean Candidate for Governor, has beeu elec ted over Samuel 1 nullum, Heiuocral, tlunigh Iho latter has also polled a very heavv vote. The balance of th" Republican Slate ticket is also believed to lie chosen by n smull ma jority. It is us follows: Lieut. Governor. Al'red Hurnhiiin ; Secretary of Stute. O. II. Piatt; Treasurer. P. S. Wildman : Control. ler. J. G. Lamb. I'ho Coiigressioiuil delecntioit will nrobn- bly stuud, two Uepubliciius and two ilenio flats. , The result shows u gain of two Democratic members. The Legislature is Republican by a small majority. Thr Count etii ut Klri-litin. IIaiitfokd, April 7. Further returns of the election held res. terday show a Republican iniiioritv in the Senate and House. The whole Republican Stale ticket is probably elected. Ill tile I'lr.-I uml I lord Cnnoreciinn-.l Hislncls, Kzra Clark, jr.. und Sidney Heiin, Republic'iius, mo both elected. In the Sec ond Oistrict. Samuel Arnold, I'einncrat, is elected. Tho Fourth liistrict is still doubt ful. Furthrr ludiau llrprrilulicni. Chicago, April 7. The Democratic Press contains infel1 pence of the massacre of while settlers Spirit Lake, Iowa, by a band of Si Indians. Ai:elit Flansheaii started with a c of troops from Port Ridgely. 011 I int. Fifteen of the settlers ure iniesing. The St. Paul (Minnesota) Pic firms the report of lite mussucre, curred on the Dili, ut Spirit Puke. Chicago, April 7. Scattering return which have been received from W icoi' d cuto Ihu re-election of Whitbuii, th l.cau caiiiliilate lor t'his"ve, by a c. ded iiiujority. I HfKKtBK. N. Y. A this place is -.ichliee and is mil fulliiif r Ki.mira. N pluce is ten in New -m&s. . rican '5j;Y ti, electf v. il ocratv. te't Tilt McDonovob Estate. tn th District Court at New Orleans, on the 14th says the Picayune, a natural son of McDoiioogh, Bled an application by proving a codicil to the fa mous will by which he expect! to obtain the handsome little sam of $100,000. If h gets the money, and wishes to make a good invest ment of a portion ol it we would reccommend him to send for a handsome outfit from the brown stone clothing of ltoekhil 4c Wilson's celebrated fushinnable clothing establishment Nos. 205 and 207 Cbeiuut street, Philadel phia. Lat diroovkrim in Patiioi.ooy show that very many of the diseases which Inflict man kind arise from impurity of the blood. This has long hern suspected hut is only lately known. In consumption, tubercles are found In be a sedimentary deposite from the blood. lropsy, Gout, Cancer, Ulcers, and Eruptions, all arise in disordered deposits from the blood. Pillious diseases nnd fevers are caused solely by its deranged nnheulthy state, and even the declinu of life follows a want of vittiulity in the blood. In view of the theso facts Pit. AvKlt designed his Cu(iitt'c Pill especially to purify und invigorate the blood, and hence we believe to uriie its nnpnrulell ed success in controlling and curing disease. Mcilirnl Journal. Ilollownyx I 'Mis, n Cure forSirk Headache und P.ile. William Kajiers, or Dover, Maine, was perhaps, one of the greatest sufferers from sick headache and bile, scarcely a day passed without his feeling the dreadful effect ol these foi uiible evils, he put himself in the hands of the doctors, but tin y did him no good, in fact he became worse, until his suffer ings more than human nature could hear, and he almost sunk under them ; fortunately for him he commenced using Holloway's Pills, which acted upon the system, cleansed the bowels ; cleaied the head, and by persevering with them lor eight weeks thoroughly restor ed him to health. Ho has ever since been entirely free from the dreadful attacks. M A B wL!fL5lJL' C'lTThe 7t h in? t.. by the Rev. 1. Y. lleisler, Mr. John Lkiskr, from the vicinity of Me- Kweusville, to Mrs. Maria TiioarsoN, of Siiuburv. On the 7th inst.. by the Rev 11. Y. Ileislcr, Mr. Geo. 1. Pornr'acii, of Schuylkill county, lo Miss Hannah Klase, of Snydettown. On the 24th lilt by the Rev. M. J. Stover. Mr. Joki, IIkckkkt, and Miss Rrrkcca Nkw iiart. of Point township, NorthumbeiUiiid Co. Pa. Near Mtincy. on thn 14th tilt., by Rev. G. C. Drake, CliAitt.Es Macs, widower, of Lew ishnrir. Union co., to Mrs. Hanna Ukihsam, of Muncy. On the 24th nit . by Rev. F.dward 11 War ing. Mr. Daniel Shane, of LaCross Co., Wis consin, to Mis Anna Margaret M click, of Light Street, Pa. On the 2Gth ult., by the same, Mr. Peter Belles to M iss Susan Arnold, ull of Muncy tp., Lycoming co. At the same time and place, Mr. John F. McCrey. to Miss llartiet Myers, all of Wil liamsport. On the 2d inst. by the same, Mr. Samuel Dreifuss, of Towunda, Pa., to Miss Muiy Wolf, of Danville. DE A T II S . At Cornwall Furnace, Lebanon county. I'a.. on the 23d nil., OSCAR HAMMOND sou of the Hon. R. II. Hammond, of Milton, Pa., uged 34 years, 7 months and 15 day s. His remains were interred in the Cemetery at Milton. At Trevorton, on Sunday lait, ALFRED R. HOWLANH.lato or New York. Aged 37 years. SUNBURY PRICE CURRENT. W'heit, . - $1 SO Hotter, . $ :o Kvr. . . . 75 PgK". 12 Corn, ... .16 Tallow, ... 12 Oat 40 Lard, IS Hui kwheat, . Ci Park, .... S I'oUloea, ... AO Bii-swu, . . 2.') Flaisred. ... I 3,1 Dried Apples, - ) 25 New Advertisements. AMBROTYPE, MELAINOTYPE AND AMniUJGRAl'II GALLERY. GPO. Y. WKISE will continue for a few ' days only, lo take pictures upon Class, I ion, or Paper, at his room on 3d story Prick Pudding above llie Post Office. Prisons wishing a really good likeness lad better como ut once and secure those truly beautiful embossed hhudows of a living snbhtatice. Persons tti.-liing instructions in the Art, can receive them, by applying immediately. Sniibury. April 11, lt57. 4t Notice of Dissolution of Partnership. 'I'llM partnership heretofore existiins under the ili-tit name ol I. W. '1'encr 4- Co., of Sunl.urv. I'a. .in I he retail Mercantile liuxinms has this (lt of April,) day been discolved by IIIUIUU coiirient. The business of thr late lirm will lie irttlr.l by I. W. Truer and J. tl. Kngel eiihrr of whom it hereby suthoii.rd to rrrrive all debts due to the late lirm and to psy i ll' all liahilitirs. 'J'ho.,0 who know thriniclvrs iiidetiled t i ut hy note or book account are rrque.ted to makr iniiurdialo payment, as the accrunU mini te collrcted forthwith. I. W. TEXEB & CO. Suntury, April II, 1857 niNftoliilioii ori'ai lii(-rnlil. TV'ITICK is herrby givrn thai the Partner ship heretofore nihiinj ltwren the suh fcri'irra. in lha name of Neasholt I Pelcry, in the Grocery businru, iu the borough of Suiiliurv, has nr.-ii ilitiolvrd by mutual tonsri.t. 'I'l.e hooks, .-laiimi, Ac, conne. tr J with the late fiim will be settled hy Levi tir a.holti. LICVI KAS IIBMtY PL Sunl ury, April U, lH.i7. Northumberland . N election for OrTa-.' laud H ridge ' year, will he held a .Northunibcrl MAY nct. P. M., an.' '1 he 1) be f BROADWAY FAMILY GROCERY I Flour, Feed and Prorision tor. II road way btlow Blackberry Strict. LEVI SEAS11ULTZ, OEsrECTFUI.l.V Inform the cititrn. of Hunhury tml vicinity that he lias femird t.i the store liielt nre pied by C Gchringrr in Drotdway lit Br the Kail Koad, and is rectmiif a choice supply of FA1LXL7 consisting in part of llsimi, Shoulders, Mncketrl, Herring, White 1 ish, t oil Kili, Salt l'reseived Fruit, Tickles, Crackers, Cheese, Molasses, Kice, Sugur, Coffee, (urccn, roasted and around,) lm prrial. Young Hysan. Gunpimder and Ulark Teas, ('rdar-ware, 8inic-ware, Soaps, bruslies plow and wash linrs, boots and shoes, tohacro, scgars, Ac, together with every article usually found in a first class Grocery Store, all of which will bt Sold nt the lowest prirrt, either for null or country reduce. He hi a also prepnreJ l.. n p ply the citterns with fresh bread, twist, rolls, pa a, prctxcls sod rakes of every kiutl. JS. U. The highest rash prices will be paid for butter and eg;, corn, oats, rye and wheat. Sunhury, April 1 1, 1857. Tallin lile Town Property FOR SALE. rPIIE suhscribrrj, drsiri'ug to o west, offer for sale a House and two l.ntn in the town of Shunokin, No. 20 and Block 14-. opposite the Oil J Fellows' Hall, on thr corner of uiihiiiy and Liberty Streets. The house is a two und a hnlf story brick building, wrll finUhed, with a good store room, and a basement story. AIko a stable and othrr out-huililings and watrr ron r liient. 'J'hr prnprrty, which is siluutrd on the main street and taniness part of tho town, will he sold on reasonable terms. For furthrr particulars npplv to damki.'fki.ix. jkkkviah martin Shsmokin, pril II, ltlf7 if oAfUAXV COURT BALE. IN pursuance of nn order if the Orphans' Court o Northumberland county, will be exposed to public Sale, on TllUllSUA Y. the 1th day of May. nut, nn the premises, the following described real estate to wit : A certain tract or piece of LAN1). situated in Sliamokiu township. Northumberland county, adjoining lands of Nicholas Yocuin, now Jus. Yocttm, John Repley, the centre turnpike. Jacob Haas, now .Samuel John, Solomon Fagely, the heirs of A Ida John, now II. L. Marts:, and Sam'l. Sober, now John fisher, containing sixty-six acres and fifty-two perches, and ullowuiice more or Ira., on which are elected two llwi h. ing Houses, a Hum. Curding Mill. Saw Mill, mid other out buildings, und ul.-o tin inter et for the term of ninety-nine years, from the fit li day of February, 1838, in a certain tract of Lund adjoining the above piece, for the purpose of a mill-rare. .' J-e the eMail) of Ilavid Martz, dee'd. Sale to ci inuieme nt 10 o'clock, A. M., of said day, wl.. n the terms of sale will be made known by 11KNRY K. M ARTZ. Ry order of the c?uit, 1 C. H. Pursel.Clk. O.C. V April 11, 1S."". J Hie Wurld's Great Exhibition Prize !tltlal ! AW A II l LI) TO C. MKYKR. For the Two I'iannr, London. October, IS, '31' IFfSl'F.CTKl l.I,Y informs hi. friends and the public generally, that lie has r.mstnnlly on hand i'ianos rqual to thosr for which he re crirrj thr Prizo . Medal, in London in 18 ; I. All orders promptly attended t... and Rrrat carr takrn in thr selection and p.,ci voj the siunr. He nt rrrrivod Juriug the last I Ayrars. noire McdaUthun anv other makrr I'm.., the 'iai,k,','i Institute; also Firt Premium at lloxton. am Premiums at .New York and baltiuiorr. Varerooins. removed fiom SJ s. Pouith t. No. ISO AliCII s-treet.lelow Eighth, south ij I'hilailrlphin. April It. 1SVT. 3m AMERICAW "AGRICULTUlilST ' OltANUt: Jt 1)1), I ;. V-,i8f it ruipli.l.i-r ,V lr..(i:i . I .New Yi.ik. iius.-Ul.i l,,i ar tut 1.1 Aitvum 0 Vul XVI . No. 1. Al'ltll., I J, New Semi. N.i. -ai gf I'lcntluiiiN !! 5) ,. I ;. UAK UEAK. and tirn 1 u' . - isorKiring to test the value ef the nrw 1 .NoKTiir.nN! cam: I To inert the .U-nonuU lor urr. eluMe seeJs the of the 1 inir;. aii Acriculluri-.! has srouicj ;a large supply direct from the mine ;uune uathal nhtuiurd hy the L'. S. Li.ivcrniiii'nt, and he ha- now l.liOU pounds which will te di--lribulrd (.not ao!d) a. follows: 1,1)0 will pay for the Asrifubu- 1-06 , rial for one )ar, and secure tbe 'prompt free letuin ef TOO pcrl'iit Si.liar Cane Sect's. This will plant liu hilU. "SO '5,5 wiil Vy ' club of sit JJ nuhacriher one vrjr. and alo i n in 5- Wrdidrlivrri'd lice, j X. U The aeeiis aimer oiVcrcd jwill he promptly delivered ti the .ubiibr or ai iider of a club I turn Of Lvii v-ii p. n ' riy p.iinl in the I. oiled States iJ'UU e;cfl'1 i" California and Orrguu. I Pur a vatiety of valuable srrda annually dislritiuted free to all suh ,icii'ocrs, ice thr Pel- ' ..ijl niuml'crs, I The A f'F II F,h' ' mi aprtx.'-rfirtlu