t" ' '.v w"-2-7...-li Ja?1 f.: -t. . . " 'I I .-I 1 t - "T" CENTRE OF ATTRACTION! LABOE ASSORTMENT OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS. I Ml-;!'- IIAMIMIM1K ll R4UI.K, THEsE qualities combined, the public will Hint hv ending at the Store: of H. Y. P.UIGHT 4- 81 . Their sMortment ia large, ami ha. teen selected with great ore, ami will be dis puted of tt small udvaiee. T I I.DtH Will find arming our Dry Goods Von Plaid, Llack mill Fa in V Silks, Fluid Lama Flannel. A Ipacca. solid cdoied ami Fancy DelaiiK a. De brgc. Scotch Plaid. Figured Cashmere, Per. mil Twill. Cnhurg Cloth, Gingham, Calico telane and Delege Boles, Flartuv Sdk, Wool ... Oji a Ca;., und W'nnltn Cuff's. I LADIES anil til ILDKE X WOOLTALMAS Gum Helta, licit Idlilion, Mohair Hrud Dresses., Ribbons, .N'ce.llc-wo-kcd ami Hugle Collar. Z'urrd Laces, Flouncing. Inserting, Swii.. Mull Cambric, Nainsook, Diuiit., tfarred M u-lui llriliiaiitiue, and n generul assoitmcut ul white Good. Wool nnd (,'otlon Vary!, t)il Cloth Oil Shude. Rockdale blanket. Turkish cnuntt rpane-einliua-rd table cuter. lirkinu. nrk flmiiirl carls, kid, till;, I .late thread and woolen clown. Of every vanity, Russia Crash, Linen ami Co ton Diaper. THE GKXTLEM KM will fin.l "Jack. Itliie ami Uruwn French Clothe. KaKniA. Itlmk nn. I Fancy C.issimer, I'uutcd tfaliuuli. Overcoatm,;. Tecd. Velveteen. Silk, ' balm. Plush and Silk Velvet Vesting, Neck-lie-. Scarfs, Collars, Glove und Sloik. r;rt-Ml'B CttTIItKO. Hats and Cupsol all sin- and price. Ol'R HARDWARE Embraces all kind of building material, a larse atock id' Carpenter' Tool nf llie best manufac ture, tile ot cvo.iy desenp'iou, picks, grub oca,' Mason hammers, liar iron, atefl, nails, paints. pult, glass and mis, window sash ot all aizca. grindstout s. Circular and Mill Saw. 'I lie (uct'ciMivare M01L ia ccmpnse.l ul Stone Chmn eits. Fruit dishes. Cuke plates, sauce dishes, coiiiinoii plates, clip h..i! antiuerri, tnellicr Willi a varied assurlnicnl ul Uldbivvarc. i'liilra 1114 (lie Id'.unt al) lea. 01 11 Gii(tt:.in:i are frrsli and pure, nmnna which may ' four.d. (i. A. Salt, Mackarel, Shad. Crillifcll, Ikkc.I and piciiled Hcrriuit. 4olicii flnd Wane C'liccne. The bent ul' tca. mums, cnllee. &'C. We return our thank to llie piihllc f"r our iucreasiuii patronu;e, and reapccrlollv invite an examination ! our stork, ve deem it a plea aure to show our (iood. I Cooutr) produce taken in exchange at the liighcat uiarkct priced. K. V. UUIGHT & SON. Sunl.ury, Nov. 29 1H5B. Bargains at the Old Stand. FRIIjING & GRANT A I'E now opening a new and very desirulile atock of Full and Winter (foods, cm bracing nil rtnlli aa variety. 'J'heir mock con-ai.-ita in part ol Black & Fancy Broadcloths & Cassimeres. Winter U arc. tor men and uoya, all tlea and prices. DRESS GOODS. , Sir.KSl'luin nml Fiijurtil Hliicl: An assortment of Fluid Stripe and Figured Fan cy l)rcna Silk at unusually low prices, Mux. lie l.ntn. Del'f cm Ac, CINOII AMS Ironi C, to 'Jo cents per yard. CAI.ICOKS " a I2i " WII1TK GOOIS. Comlirir, Jaconctts, Swiss. 'I arlton, Mull, Dohi- licit, French and Swiss I. aces, Eduiiniii. Arc. Drown and hleaclicd Muslins, tlrilliii;. Ticks, Checks, Towliin;, Tabid Diaper, 4 c. r;mm:itit nABLWARE and QUEENSWABE. Cedar-ware, Hollow-ware, Iron, Slcrl, I'lasteiJ y.ili ami Fish. Also a Iresh yupplv nf DIM I.S AND MK)ICIKf. Tliniikrul lor past favors, we hope by atrict attention and a desire to please, still to meet with the approval of our friends. CV t'oiiutry pr)diico ul all kinds taken at the hihesl market price Sunhiirv. Nov. 9 Iv. PUBLIC SALE o? V ALTAI)!. K MARKET ST. PRO PERT V. rl'Ill. sul'sciitur will exp.ise to public sale on I I hDA . the Ul day id May , next, 111 the Court Hiin-e. Sunbury . the vilualile proper IV in M arkel Square. Snnhury . I tie the residence ot lidw.iiil Cirbiu. ilci l-rsr.l. l lie lot i- 611 Inn, 1 nml I Ml tie! iiee p. mi whicli is nr. led a two sior) Uruk Dweiliny. 2 liet from, with two ttliiiy 1'iick back llni:diug. containing ditiinu rom aim kiti In n. i c. 'I here is also on the piemi ses n lii nit- Ivao story Dwelling. Willi lruuie back lo.i duis Ull Ircl trout and till leel deep. Tin re is also 011 the lot a piod liatne siiih!e and other neces-iirv buildings with an excelleui well ol water. 'I'he lot can be divi.lcl into two eqtiai purls of :t(l fn-t i-ach. so as lu aceiiiuiundule two lamibes. Tins properly is one of llie most desiruble locutions in I he hurouyh, ai-d is in g-iu.i conilniou. The terms, will be made known on the du of kale bv CII MILES GOLUX. Acting for hiuisi ll and other heirs of Lilw .rd (iol-iu, licceated. Sunbury. Feb. iK.S7.ts " jori t:. A; . Nut $ Utti 4 Ohrntn.it Strfft (uii)t mil, wl w W ulfi,) ( TmK Ol.PET WtM.D -W4HK II -V IN 1 UK I'lIV ) MaNL' P A t'l'L" It I'.!' mut W li"U .lir ik-uteri u. l,nim Miirlnnr ii bU UHlO.Vi4. Tuiiiit iirmivrd CiUt Wurv. wtirrfiilmt H 'l in iiMitk. W.t 1 Wii..w ;cr t nrttn. Hnthtii f, Ac ,( iul i!rfcriitii'iii. I lujoe cH itiiil c-iiniine "ur stork. Kcliruary IS.i7 ly W SILVER WATCHES. English Silver Watches. A few double ri-e for sale at very low H. II MASS hi!. prices hy sliiiitoirv. Ai.s'l IV "'fi lviou 6c CO. Clothiers, IU Chistkvt Sr., above Fourth, I HlI.AUELi-IUt Keep co;:.1ai:i!y on h: ni a fyknSid slTortmcm ci' Rcadr-mads Clothing. t;..i.n i,r-s to Os:fR akd Var.raktsU '1 FIT, Nov. 29, I8")(j y ' BEODHEAD & ROBERTS A'. 135, .V. id Street, INVITE ihe atteniioii of country merchant and other. In their stock of BOOTS Sc SHE3, which lliey will dispose of on th mo. I reason able terms. Nov. 0, 181,6.- y :iLIP rtTrsET. whoi.hals mn hktah "!re and Liquor Store, out ond Water Streets, A DKLI'HIA, families will he promptly -t j-ricis. ! THE LATEST ARRIVAL i . ' OP FALL AND M'lNTER OOOU8. J. F. & X. F. KLINE, Kespectlully announce to their Inende and the public In peneral that they have received 1 1 tSeir Wtore in l.pper Augusta township, Nortlo mb'r land county Fa., at Kline Drove. Then f ill and Winter goode are oprnrd to the ub.ic a full asarotment ot merchandize Ac. Consisting; in part of Cloths, black anil fancy Ceaa mere. Saliiiell, Check, Kentucky Jean Under Shirt and Drawer and ull kino of Fall and Winter Good. - A lot of ready made Clootbing, consisting of Casta and rstn. Ladies Brcss Goods, Shawls, Gingham. lJcruge Deisms, Calicoes, black filk d c. ' Also, a freh supply of Drugs and Medicine Grocerios Ac, of all kind. A new supply of Hardware, Queenaware, wooden ware llroom S c. A Una large assortment of Root and Shoe suitable for men women and chiMren. II 'I'S AND CAFS. AIo an assortment ol School Book, Statione ry, Knvelope. Ink and cheap publication. Ac. Sail, Cheese Ac, and nil goods usually kept in a country store. Con e mid see. Come one. come all. Cheaper than the Chepet. TltRtiklul for past tavor we hope hv strict at teution to business to merit a continuance ol the tame. All of the above named slock of poods will be sold positively at low price for rash, nr 111 ex change lor country produce at the highest mar Let price. Klines Grove, Pa., No. 8. I"&6 if I. V. TEHEE. & CO., OF STJPTBTJH"5r, ESFECTFLT.I.V tnite their friend and the public to inspect thi ir hew stuck ol WINTER GOODS. just received bom Philadelphia, bring convinced that their interest is best promoted by a etricl continuance of their old plan of "Small jirnjit and quick Sale.." ihey shall still abide by their previous course. A inoniiRt their slock will be fonud for GEN TLEMEN, a large assoitincnt of READY MADE Coal. Vests and Pantaloons; Cloths Cassimeres. Satitietts. Vestitm. L'nder-Shi ts. Shirl liosoms. Collais and Crnvats j ion i.iniS. I Black and colored .Mlks, Do Hcro ?ol-e, De i We.ges K re mil Merinos, Ciishuiens. M.uloii'i I Cloths. Coburgs anil Alpacas. Delaines hoih j plain and printed. Keud -MiuIb Clouk-, rocha 1 und Woolen Shawls, T.ibbv Velvet in varioiif colors. Ijuilie I Skirta Sauk lluiiui'l various col ors lied and white Manuel. ALSO: .-I general assortment of l.udie and Geutlemaus HOOTS, SHOW & UAITERS. Men'a, Uoy's and Children' Huts nixICa. Hardware, yure",v",r'. Groceries. Cednrwure Sione ami Eartheuwari Druu,s, 1'allita, Fish, "ult, Cheese, Mails, Oil, Ac, Ac. A good auppl) nl school bouksand copy books with printed copies on each page. Country produce taken in exchange for goeds at the higlietl market prices I. W. TEN EH i Co. Sunbury, Nov. 23, 1H.";6. HEBBINO'S SAFE AGA 91 THE CHAMPION' ! I 77ie only '' irhidi. in rrtry instance, ire rcrced lltt ir entire vnnttnts in the lute Extensive I'irc.i. A T the liurniiig of the Artizun llullilins. Aiinl Kith, un, I 111 .llie UKIUT r'lltK ill Market M ilu Ifct Ib.'Mi. Ilieu.-iiiillie llcrniiu Sale pit-st-iril Iht- Jewcliy ol Ue.i. W. Silmn.iiis aj llro ; llo k, Pa-lit-ra. Ac , ol' Fi,ht-r A Hi", anil 1-aKi-tiril Seniuns A Co., ntti:r re lliiliiiing c.1l--cl in 1113 lairiiiiia ii , J n".'SLJ ruins nr lu-tiri) rui) n-m., u tttrrzkbikl'r,v" K aie'lisively W hat ueluivr DiiJ '3gr aUenvs i-laon-Mt i t Ittnu, Itii-n Sr nr...,. lc,i .w. i..r,l V atl-l'l I. ,f4'Ufitlt-t now known. Ill llwe fue . t!if IlIvKniN'C-SSAI-'l'. tanliii r.aW I bv sale wllh III a mlveri isetl us - warninlHl 1.1 slaml I" I ii r -. more liietlmii Mi-inim's" eionn lorlli llie ae I kM v!r.li:i;,l vii-im n 't only prtmirvin? their contents 01 I exec! rut -inler, lint lieinir riieni.-:v- in n -i,,etit i.-ii to j, I Itir -airli ntioiiirr onl.-nl. w-lolellir Ivasli it -SilnmaiHle a' ..f ! otlier makers aie Isnllv used ll;i iu eveiy uwliiiiee. 'mil in I nne i-asrs then ei.liic cnlenls completely iteslr,. f I. I 'I'o Ihe pnlilie we w niM siinrily say. (lint, iluriup the 14 , years the tlerrinu's tafr has ln-ea liei" ,re them, in re Ih.ln j two hunilri-il have parsed thronli lu'ci'icutiil lues witliotO I ttie oernrrcn-e "f n (.inir'e loss. Weufinl.l. ilu-rsfore. e.iniioii nurehnser neaiasl the i inisreiireseiiiniion nf inleresteil paities. The llerrim's ' Pate,,! Is t!-e oiilv Pire-pf.Mif Sale inn'le in tins city tvliu-h is nr ite.e.i In ii Pareiil llishr. mill we will enar. Htilec it to refill nr -re than iloblac the tllni'Qat of hcul of suy other iife now known. FarrclM & llerrlnsr, S'-le Manufacturers in this Stnteof j'S PATENT CMMP OX SFbS," I M Walnut Ft.. I'ltilmln. ! N B i'F.itiii k Wnis-ai's Improveil Salamaiiilera,' Oliver Kvuu'a," ''C. J. Ii i lei s," ami ? -'it's Alirto." , Ir-in Chens, (a larpeass-irllllelit havini! hefll lakeu III part I navniint lor'MrrrineV) will lie "lu at low puce. Pliilii.,.liiiieai. I5 Iv. New Goods for the People ! ISHN'JAMIN UKFKXFsK n F.SPF.CTFI'I.LY informs the public in gen- eral that he has just received and opened a splendid stock of Fall ami Wintkk Coons. at his New Store, ill Lower Augusla township. His stock consists in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets. of all kinds, of linen, cotton und worsted. ALSO: C'nllcorN. iiii;litiitiM. I.mvns, IrlutlN'lllie ! I.itllii'si and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. ;ricf i Uh, Also an assortinent nf tltvitre, Irou nml Steel. Nails, fee. Also an excellent assortment of QUEEKSWAHE, vhhoiis sijle and plllll'llls. Alto an assorltnent ot HOG l fi. SIIOKK. HA'I S CAPS, a good selection. Snl t. Fisli, And a great variety of other articles such as are suitable to the tnule, all of which will be sold at ihe lowest pricei-. If' Ci.nouy produce taken in exchatij a the highest pri.'C... Lwer Augusta. Nev. 12 lafifi. Ji.UlOAI.XS 'TO 1U 11 A li A T W. (ill AY'S STOIl P. Market Street, Sunbury. I'ST received and opened a splendid F .5 mg in pail ol lilack and Fancy Cloths and Cassir An assortnunt of Dry floods, vis: Cashmeres, Drlatii", Culico, Woolen Ginghams, .t115lin, Linen. Flannr' Trimminsa in Great UAlilV.VUE, G UOCEiU WAlllUc, SALT and FISH Cheese, lis and Cigars, ljueeiis re. Hoots. Caps, and s variety tif Gjods to, tiou. Call and examine my Stock 1 ing t Isewhcrr, A Heiisouable I luWen oil' lor ull cash Sales. Country produce lukeu ." highest muikel price. Sunbury, Nov. 3 , If AM KIM' W 1 l.L J. 11. 3 a. S-pt. kmm mm ' .. ! "AID AKD COftilORT. To 'lour tn ,11 eclin 11 -. ISAAC M. WILKEUSON, Kespectfully announce that he ha taken the land lately occupied by George fienn. wlie'F ne is prepared to manufacture all kind nr FURNITURE AND CflAlRb Of the most Fashionable Style. 'I" HE euhscriher respectfully rail the atteutini of the public to hi large and splendid as joriiiienl of every iiiality tinl price ( itii.r-u ut: -vhich cannot fail In re, omniend itself toevery 111 -vho will examine it, on account of its durable .vorkiniiiiship and splendid finish, made up ol the -est stock to he had in the city. Nncllorl is pared in the manufacture of his ware, and the iihsrrilier is determined to keep up with the nnnv improvement which are constantly lieing iiade. His stuck consist of Mahogany HtfMN, HI hum mitt IMinrrt si Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards. SOFA. HKMKrMST ,Ml DIM Mi TtKLKS ml also VENETIAN IILIN Ds, e.jual to Phi a- delphi. inmiufaclure. IIEIIS I l.A DS. of evrrv paiiern and nrirt Ct'PIJOAItDS, VVOKK AND CANDLE STANDS. TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in thi line of hi business Ha also manufacture all kinds and u,iialitief CHA1KS. cluiling varieties never before to be had it innbnrv, uch a Ma.m ,4st, IIlack Wuvn I'll Cl HI.KII Mil'I.K (illKI IAI t WlMISON t.'HAIKS. and -AMcr Piano Stool, which are f the Intest stylos, and warranted to ls excelled liy none iniiiiufnctured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscriber is determined that there shall 'e no excuse fur person to purchase furniture in he cities, a rvery confidence can be entertained iboul the ijuitliiy and finish of their ware and t 'hairs. Tliete article will be disposed of oil a good term a they can be purchased elsewhere. Conn. ,rv Produce taken in payment for work. 'nr UNUKHTAKING. Having provided 1 handsome HciasK, he is now prepured for I'ndcrtnkiiig, and attcmling fniiernls. in this vi inity, or at nny convenient distance from this plai-r. CV The Ware Room is in Fawn Street, br ow Weaver's Hotel. l-AC M. WILKINSON. Sunbury, Sept. 13. INftC tf. M. jL VISE, CHEAP WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE So 72 Noftk Second Street, njiposile th iftuunl Vernon House ) Philadelphia. GOLD Lever Wulche. full jeweled. 18 K. ca ses, $M ; Silver Lever do., do.. $)'; Sil ver l.epine, do., ,9: Cjunrtier. -5 to 7: Gold Spectacles. 4 -t to 10 ; Silver do., I Ml ; Nlver I able Spoon per sett, 1-14 to $18 Silver Desert do., do., $9 to S I I ; !iiver Tea d-. do., ! 7ft to $7 .SO ; Gold Pen ami Gold Ca sea. :) 2.ri to 5 ; Gold Pens and Silver do. . I; together with a variety of fine Gold Jewelry, Gold Curb , Guard and Fob Chain. All good warranted to lie a represented. Watches and Jewelrv, repaired in the best milliner. Also, Ma sonic Marks. Pins, Ac, made lo order. N. U. All order sent bv mail or otherwise. will bo punctually attended lo. Pliiln.. Oct. 4. IK.SC. lyw. COLEMAN'S CHEAP CUTLERY STORE, An. 21 .urth Third St., Lclotc Arch, PHILADELPHIA. C Ol'NTR Y Merchant ran save from ten lo fifteen percent, by purchn-ing at thealaixe stores, by importing my own goods, paying but liltl r nl. und living econnmically , il is plain I can undersell those who purchase their Good here, pay high rent and live like prince. Constantly on hni'-la lurge a-soriineiil of Pen nn. I Pocket Knives. S isenr di d Ruzors. 'I'alde Knives and Fork iu ivory, slag, luillalo. bone and wood handles. Carvers and Forks. Ac, Uutcher Knives, Diik. Zowie Knives, Revolving and p ain Pistols, Ac. Also a lame assortment nf Arrnrdeons, Ae. Also fine English Twist und German (inns. JOHN M. COLEM AN. Oct. 20, Sf)5. ly. Importer.' BEDDING & rCI.NlSHING Hl'sIXESS Cabinet Maker's Findings, 71ie subset ibers respectfully inlorm their friend and the public generally, lh.il ihey have eoimec ted with their Uci'diiiu ' Fiirnishiug business a large and well ussorled siork of Cubiuet Maker's Fiiiilinits. at their old stand Vo. b'i South Second Street, below Cliolnut, riiiluttt- Iplila. They have associated with llicin W.S. Brown w ho lias la', ii for many years oiigaged in the principal establishment of Ihe kind in this l it . The stock ol Goods nnw on hand comprises every description id inatersnla ued l.y Cuhiiiel Maker, consisting iu part ot the following viz; tl.inlw iie department Locks. Hinges. Sen w Caslors. iird Screws, Chair and Sufu Spiings. Collin Handles, Ac, Cabinet Maker's Materials, Hair Sealing, Curled Hair, Looking GI ibm I'biles ami Franiis. Olue, Varnish. Sand Paper, W olap., ; ack and Fancy Silk and Worsted (iiinp. Sofa and Chair Wehhiug. Twine, Sacking lloitoms. A'-n-wood, Mahogany, Walnut und Maple Knobs, Gloss Screws, Ae. Redding Department Hair. Husk. Moss. Wool and Cotton Mailresses. Fi ttlher J ds. Uolslers and Pillows; Plush. Duiuask Hlul Moreen dish i ma Comlnriuhlt a. Counierpiiiies, Linen and Coltoii Sheets Pillow Csm-s, l.iui n and Cotton Towels. Table Cloth. Table Linen, 7'ilile Cov ers, Moreen. Deinusk ami Plusli by Ihe piece. Moss und Husk by the bale or pound. T..e Hair Seating und Curled Hair is from the I'Ulla. Muuufactoiy ol D. A J. Noblit. N. !). Hotrls. Sieum Boats and Ships fur nished ai ihe shortest notice. Nt)LI7'. IG.OWN A NOP.LIT. b'A South 2nd St., htdwr Chestnut. (Nearly opposite Uauk ol 1'eniisy Uaiua.) Philadelphia, ogu-t 9, Inoti ly. FLOUR. FEED & GROCERY STORE CIIAKI.ES GAHINGKI', Jf ESPI-'.CTFI'LLV informs the rilizens of - mid the iieighlioiinu country llial ' e Grmerv Store in Valer ' "ft h plrli. -lilble of Callmrlic ''Tilk; (tiVUAH VOATKJJ.J .. , . A MA . 1 1 rtrAKBK TUT 1 100D Alf D CURK THK SICK. IniMtl.t. t-'sllK im rlHillier. PhysUlniia, . Pllln,,lhr...ll, eeail thete KfTicIs, and Juilair mt thrle Vlrlin, H)M TMK ri'lIB J llendnchr.SIck IlcHdm'he.Foiil Stimch. I'llTt-ai'sa, I'A.. ly I. I soft. 1H..I.C. Al. flri I IniM' ls'" n-is-ale.ll enrol of (tie rt li. a.ln. lie mmv l"ty inn have Ity ikise nr twii nl' vino- Pills. II eln t.ii 1st-Ironi rout stotimcli. lilrli 'hey rlennw at unco. II l"-.v lll vui utli-s as Ihey uo lie. lite iarf is Miirlll klsil'IK- V.airs lih arviU ml. KO. V. I'HKIII.K. rVr' nf S-tamrr Chirum. r iliou Disorder und Mver Compl.tlnt. iii'T.S!iT .' Tux Isrt-1'. I . I WtS'ilWllva. D. C. S fell., I so'',. : I linve lise.1 ,"lir fills iu ni icsiielnl li'l li.npilsJ linietl'S' ever stln-e roll lliS'le rlieltl. slel i-uutlut hssltstetu hv lliey nie tits ls;sl cHtliiirri- e employ. I heir iinie ailiiK n- 'l.'ii mi llie ltrr Is .int. k ! 'lei-t leil utisr.iieiil . lliey are an .lniiisl U- eem-ty Tor itersimi-nisnli "f tlisl ' i:u. , In.lcv 1 haiv si-klom fomel raa of ttinat a so iDailiiintr that U ilsl uot rtsnlily ylel.l In theln. fraternally v.hjis, AMlN'l IIAU. M. t.. PhyHcitn nftht .iriw Mj.Tii. Iyntery, Kclnx, nnd M'orm. Pai-t omi t. II.hti.kd. l.iv.Co., Mica., No . 1(1. last. Ilti. Ar:.! t..ar Pill are the lorfaclloil of liie lli lna. I'lirr have ihuie my sile nsa- f"-t Kian I can tell you. Shr'lia.1 Iss-u ai.-k ati'l .inlnn awsy fr m.ill'hs. Went IT l, Is- ikietiiivl at ar,-! esis-ase, mo i toiler, eiw hen .iiiiiiuii.shI lukilnr V'Sii IMIli whh li sisin eni-e-l her, hy eXs-lliiiR- laive Hiiioiil'les ." inm lilea.ll fnln her ilv. Tin y iuterr.. cuif t her n l our two-rlill-lire .,f l.'l.Muly .tyx n'r. V. One of ulir Height" hail II lael anil inv wire i-unil loin ultli two noses "f your I'ills. wlille niiieis amiui'l us pni.l rioui ttie. to twenty ilnllanj ihs-rma' hills, ami lt mui-li lime wltluait iH-insr i llie.l entirely evtn th-n. Cm, h nieiKi-liie as ymira. I. Iili is actually H'Sel an.l Inftielt. will Is- prllteil here. I1KO. J. (HlimS. rfsi.rfee. InilioTFHtinn nnd Impurity of Ihe lllood. rtwi llrr. J V. ", liitnr nf A'lrfnt fliutrli. Hutim. tin. Arm: t hate l;sei1 ymir Pills with exMaonllnaiy -uei-ess in bit liuiilly sil'l amitna Hume 1 sm culle.1 lnvi-.il in lities. T.in-iri'ilate i1ieiM-oois..r'tiireslioii nii-l purify the I.I.mmI tlirv toe Ihe very tct remiwly I have e,er known, ami I' ran rnt'n'li-iit'ly reninim 1 ttiem to my rriersls. Yours, J, V. IIIMKH. W,"w, W r.'XIMi Co.. N. V.. I let. a. 1V..V Vr.n tn : I shi iisimr ymir Catharttr Pills in my inir th-e. ami nml theln i esiellenl purirsl'v lo cleanse Hi steni ami purify the fonioiiins of llie taxil. JilllN O. MKACIIaM. M. 0. i:rysipeln. Sciofubi. Kintt' TvR, Tetter, Tumor, nnd Suit llheiini. rroat a F nvmi.tt g Mnrtomt f & I nuM. t b. 4, lflWt. I. Arr.: Vonr Pilla ara the parajpin of all that l. ienl iu meillrine. Tln-y have cunsl my llrtte tts'iirliler if iilrenais suits ufviti del hsii-'satiJ fret llial t.a-l proveil in. nral'le for veins. Her imi'her lias tss-n l.ms iril'-vous-tv iOttiriel with I'lotcli.-s nu t pimpli-s mi her skin ami iu her hair. Aft, r our etiil t was enrol, stie also trie-1 vair fills, ami Ihr.v hn'eeiirrl her. ASA MHIIKKl IMi K. libeuinntiMii, Neuinlgin, nnd ;iiil. F . llu .'e. IT. iiie..M. ot'ir aY.'1'( A;i , r'oircA Pll.tXI Hock. Savonaii. ,., .tan. e. lts. Ho attn e'lf : I shouhl be mieran-ful for the relief yum skill iuts Ivi0it me If I 'li'l B"l ief.rl aiy to you. A i-ol'l M-U'ie-l I qiy lituls ali'l I'rnliht on exrtli- lalinf: ururrtljrir Mtii,s vliirli fnieil In ehinnir rht-ninatism. Nnrwiihs'aiaiilis 1 tin'l Ihe Wst of physi.-inus llie .litM-iise Itrew worm' ami worse, moil, hy the a-liiee of y.mr exrel teul mrent in I'sllim.'ie I'r. 'a. krl.r.ie. 1 liie.l yniir I'ilis. Theii etterr- weies'nw h-lt niiiv. ly s-isei ilixs in llll lise i-l tlutli I am H"W elltiivly well. Sis its riiAKsia, Mitls Itnu'K. I. ., R I'er. lS.'tft. Tin. An;s : I hioe Is-en eniiiely rilie-l t.y your Pill of liheiimatic tli.nl a painful in'siuse thst l.a.t sfl h ie-! mi for euis. VIM'KVT fl.1011 t.. For I)ropy, Vlrthorn, ur l.lndied I run- ,lnii.ls, ir.pinihi; un iii liie u.;,-. ihe, an-tin i x el li lit rrim-iy. for Costive-new or C piiftipntii n, nnd n It-lllie.' fill, la are a- u-e I II- no i- .-" . in fills. Suppression, rnmlysis, iMflnii'mn- lifiu. ami el. o l,-llil.ess. io.'I Pnftlul 1.1111 nesa, hale t-eeii rnie.l l-y tl-e aln-ruliie a.-oi'U - f thru I'ilis. Most nf the pllis ill matket eo'llliin Men-liry. whi h ill Ihuiiirh a valtml le rniii-.iv il. skilful lain. is. is i.io.irer.-m iu a pill-li. ill. Iruni the iln-.ntfnl oiimhiu. nn-s llnl lie 'liieioly follow l' im-iiuti'-n lis,-. Hiese i-onluiu no nier rui-y or mineral lll-slame whnievi-r. AVER'S niKRIIV pinoiui, FOR TIIK ItAIMU Ct'KK OK OrGll.CO!.I. t Alt M:ll' ,! 1 VM kin a, HKO.xciHTiN vnoori.o CtU Ul VUHX P, AVIIIM A, IA-1-IPlhNT t OIH MP I I4, titi'l f'-r ilw tellff f tnnniiiitpiive tirtitft in Ivjiiiorit Itht.tti lf til lliK''HJlf. iitvil iirti iiiik In t!. .hI'H( if ir ilitm T1iniH(tluiit viy kiwii, hik) n I intact rv-iy hnnilt nf tl. AimiVhii feiiHUm itR woitilt rfiil nm it of nihi .'limy c ni (inlit Im1 matlr it mIii'Ik'v ktinwii. Nay. fc-w an llu fmiiiiifn in atiy itivtl (imntiy on tliimitiiMni'iit wiili Minif eiirH)ml 'iTii m t i ii nwi; til fiuci yi-t tk. rt.mnnitii't-ti miy her tilt h li ne lint unioiip: lli. n fiur li4 liuii.y 4 i:t n Un Ihf Mi. 'Mr Hitl !iiii tjfii'ii iIIm itmn itt'lhe tlitimt Mini ltihf.1. U l.ilr il j tlif iti. -ait fxiWfttVI HUtiht yrl kin- i T wuu f-r Ihe foiliti .In I tie ami lettiK-it.iii- ili umh nt tin- uiiHMiitn i.rcfi' t lei xtlfo th- !i iiMinlint ami wifiit i Hii.!y i.il nn '-t iv iil.ivtil fui infiiitin Hint yoiititf mmi!h.. t.iivti: fhin.l " htivi It in n'liif Hi.iiu.4t il. itKa.tlii.im fiiti.i ihut .if.ti ilh'ii llie-lll liitit'i'Hiia. V,- hiivi- a I Hli.!u:i i j.l.'iiinln it lf'!iiVr tl.t ClI.-htY I'tlT-iMI t.:tr III-iff ltf. ly liiai'O" tiiiniti'ii il rfvt'titu ihi i il...-ev if i;i.. K!' ytiii. uti-l i nif y-'iit i-Mt hili t!ii : .:. in t "U'i'l tin hi until Hi huiimn AiM ran ttt-fhT llu- irnA"i.ili Miikcr that. fr.iii iMil i'ii tin vi a.n f:it! ymti lih- na. Ml liimw tin .in-n.ifLl fatH.i'V nf liiiijr i-. anil a- lliey kut'W lii Ihf ii li:i- ft liiii ii n;. J ut- m-fil not il tiu ii tlmii in uhkih'v tin in ir in Hiill niiiili.- i lit ii in; l. v inn- tin conl. nn rilir. ln lull lu (iiu-'iii i it it Hi lat-ilWt ixwil'lr aii'l Oinn ulTi'ttl tlm-f U' u-lv i it ih lnnt nfttt wlii- It our "kill mm fiiriiih fn tli I c PKirirrn by dr. j. r. aver. Practical and Anelyticul Chemist, Lowell Mass A S l so I i II l Wm. A. Hruiirr. -Xunbary; Hint A John Shamnkm V Wlrmri. NorlliuiiiherlniKli J. Y Cll"W. Mill-ns lavs k M.-Cormirk, McKwuisv.He aiK) all Dru-j.m Ihrtmirlsiai the eoimty. August IS, IB04 Ir THE SALAMANDElfSAFES OF PHII.ADKI.PIIII Anl1T TIIK WO IfcD. EVANS & W H'siON. No. 26 Sou'h Fourth SI, Philadelphia. Have ' Ike sorest rleinouMra tiou ilthe toil-'WliigCellltlcalel, Ihalllieir luaiuil'ui-Uire ot Sila. iniirl r Sues has at lentlli l'-illy wsrauleil the representiit i ins Wttril have iiei-u nuiile of thrill r.slerii.g nn umlouhteil a. runty iHauisI llie terutit eleineiil : k)ULADKi.rHi. April lith IKVi Mettra. KvniiB M : Ot-nit: It all. t tin na the liitrht-ti a!iliafjK-iiou t hi yu. that n ini: t Ihe very protective qimhrie , iw i nl ihe KilaimiMler r-iVt nine It we imrrhiiMMl nl yovi few ni'M.iltn tiwt, we taved u lime iterli 'ii of oir Jwelr. Hooka. I'itrp, A v., n, u to tlieriilaiiiitu'Ut lire in Uunsleud riat e, mi tlitriQ tii. ntfT o ihe I llh nl Win-it we tetl'l that three Sufet were located in the t 'unh story 1 f he Imiltliiifr we t-i-upied, nd ihnt they fell milrftpti iirv iiit-ia ht-apoi hurninu ttiina. win-re the vast eoucetiira mi oi'he:ii faiiMtl (he lirux pin I in to m-li, we t'aiiitnl hut efiaril Ihe prtt- rvaliott of the r ilnahle ton. retttas iii et iv hieing; r-N'f tf the gre.it tti-uriiy affur ih-il hy your SmM We thiill bfte much pleasure in reeominending them to an; 11 of busuies us a sum leli int-r atrinti fire O BOB UK V.rIJiOM- A Uko. Th LAORLrou. April l-i iH'fl Metirt Kviit A Witt n I liave t offer y u in. limouy in hivi o the rreat aeiuntv aU'ordctl to my i-ntue tiofk nf jrwty, Im ktt utiera Ae.. ilurins the rttviit ihis'rou eonagratioii in llaimtend place, irnin the lucl 1 hiil llie tnuneyiT e-ailJiitied in two of the esiluiiuiiidci Silft minuliiiurnl hy yat. :n 1 iik lullii I nan the hOh story of the AritMu Uuikl inc, where thv went previnualy plncil'l ami eip snl 1-1 u vii' Ucot for I aift time, the prcirrviiii.ii nf the valii:ih tlett si's sected to everyone who witnessed ihe opening and mtcil iirxamiuatam, a tuuttef of pfolnuud asl-iish litent, ' To all v 1 may lequire it perfect protect inn .from the ravage if .re. I thall not hestuite to r-T.-n iitcit I lite use of your SiK't. as I C'MiSuler lliey have it w iiiiie-!one the ui ttrvmteat. N- II Mnk64. ruiLADVLPtUA. April H, Ib5a. Mettitlfini k Wult at tscuileim n No U -ttiit you will he ilfptynaiitirl tolritrii then -wli'-niiliti n m wliich I ihwnvtrtl mv hk. policy of inBiirattce, certificates of wtock. a other valuahle tofatnehtt, wIiciuni Kruliiy lust I niieiiftthe raile ui'iile hv your fjitii. Witrvny Imowcifte iat ilsiricat exp-ure, Iviih to the enut of the heat fr ms-ihota fire as thai winch de royeiHie AniMtii Kuiklinf , at nit fr an the force of the ill frotii f titvr elevated p antt n in ihe third tl rv. I c"u!d etcrtain hut slfivlcr uopc nrt -r to Dm inicrir iti leciM, flint ihcc itiffiirs which I one to highly priznt --HjlirveT he of imy t-ereice to hm. hat as iheee feaia re n happily rem oved, I feel it uly due to any to toy at Ian hencef-irih rcc-iinniend the tine i f y ur ifts In ,1 wbmiv wall t feei n eoott lenc in the perfect tc cnriistcli auvb immia pn ridVs against t fngliiful aa -irmot. Kdwabs fiisgfLt, R Hikhinder. rottiaiitW m,and palm Pnwder SihJ Thief Vnuit Vu, -: - rh n-ld, at the "I'hiladel Kvreet.c,,, ry Store," No. W8 'uarry, - , ,ymit. rjs.tui ... 'AT" liK-les. I, .HI 1. 3.1X1 fc, 1.1 ' ,uu flip lg VALUABLE PROPERTY FDA SALE. MIB subscriber. Execnlof of Ihe estate of Henry Mser, dee'd oiler t private sale the following property II i A large two story frame dwelling house, together wiih about ,t j 50 ACHES or I.AND.I Situate In lamer Augusta township adjoining land of Dniet Kaufman and other now in the oeciipnnct of John R. Kaufman store ami dwelling. The house is new and ihe location good one for business. AIo a T ft ACT or I.IME8T0NP LAND, In nid township on llie river about & mile be low 5iiiitiu.y,ailjoi in ; lands ol J. T. M'Phersnn and other, containing, aboul SU acre. - The soil i productive ami contains limestone and other mineral. Also a tract of Land, containing about 3.1 teres on the bill, about two mile below Suiiliiiry, adjoining laud of the beii of the lute John Conrad and other. There is, on this tract, a small orchard ol choice fruit. , For further particular apply to the subscriber. H.H. MASsKK, P U. M ArfxKK, Executor. FHANCIS PUCHER.) Sunbury, January IW, 1856 If MOUNT CARMEL HOUSE, MOUNT CARMEL, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. riMMS large and coniinoilioo Hotel ia situ II ted nearly hull way between Sunbury and Potlsville. The accneiy the sulubrily of llie utinosphere nnd Ihe cool moiintaiu breeze, make it one nf th most ih lKhiful summer retreat ii the country. The Hoi M. i a new structure, four atorie high, fittrd up with all the modern cm,, veiiieoce The pure in.iuntain water i intro iliiceil into every rhainber. I he place i ens ol acres, heing but one and a hall hour nde from Sniihiirv. over Ihe Philadelphia and Sun bury Kail Koad. From PotUville.it ia 17 mile. Kvrry nllemlaiicc will be paid hy the proprie tor to make guests comfortable. I'lia-sea mode rate. JESSE KICE. Mt. Cermet. May 24, 185n.if AT ?. N. Thompson's Store, 7i Lower Auyunta tntrnshiji, at the Junction oj the I nlieltocl,en una I turn creek roads. 'HIK aubscrilier having returned from ihe city with a new and extensive assortment ot fashionable gooila, respectfully calls the sttenii.it, of Faiinei. Mechanic and others to the sain SPUING AND SUM M Ell GOODS, consisting in part ol llrv (simmI, vi. : Cloth). Cafsimcrts. Cunsinets, Jeans. Drillinpn Muslins, trsttnfts, I seeds, unit nil kinds vf Spring hihI Summer Wt-nr, LADIES DKKSS AND KANCV GOODS, Calicoes, Muslin de L-iins, Lawns, h'inshams. Iterai. Hobrs, Woolens. Flannels, Ifc. ti iiMi:i(H. Sugar, Tea. I oifice. Hire, Molasses, Chees, Spices. Sail. Ac. Ac. Ac IBarilvtsi -, Nail. Screws, Files. Saws. Knives Forks. Ae Queens and Glassware, of varum stvle and patterns. BOOTS AND SHOB3. A large assortment of Boot and shoes, for men, women and children. Hat C'ses, Ac., of various sixes and alylrs. Beside a Inrge and general assortment of fashionable good. Call and examine for your elve. t"i Country produce ot all kinds taken exchange at Ihe highest market prices. M.'N. THOM PSON. Lower Augusta, 5 mo, 24, 1856, PKTEIt IDM, I Ale of Ihe firm of Elevens, j. . rovF.n. jte of the L'uiou Hotel. II .lllLCBlll-tllt .V -... NATIONAL HOTEL, (latk w.iitk wk, llace Street, ahore T.iird, rilll.AUKI.I'IIIA. T 1IE above well-known EsLihlishment. have ing been entirely reuioilel -d, iutroih cing all tue inoilerii nupioveineuls. and also, newly lor 1 Mini throughout, will bo opened lor the lecej tiou of ( inert on ihe FIRST DAY OF 8 KPT KM HER. The proprietor. Irom their determination to devoir their attention to ihe comfort of their guests tl liter themselves with the convictl-ni that they will he able to give satislnclion to their palroin Ciirringc will ulwav be in readiness lo c-.i vey passenger to and from Mcaniboal Latuliug and Kullrosd Depots. SIDES 4- STOVER. Race Street, above 'J bird. Philadelphia, August 30, 1 806. ly NEW CONFECTIONARY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, IM. 0. GEA IMIAUT, I AS just received new and ezeellent s.aort - ment of iioinI at hi tNiiifeclicnary and r run .-More 111 a llMi I s I IJKK I , Suuburv where he miiiiufuclvres ai d keeps on hand, at ull tunes, ihe most choice Coiitcctionsry , Ac W'holesnle und li tail, at Phihidelplim n ru es. Among his slock of Coiilreliouaries, limy lie loiin.l : rrenrh -i-refa, llnrnrft linomts, rreinn W'liils, ' Is-UI'H ' Rose, " Viinilln. Couim si Seeiets. Liquor u-c, Gum Drops, aUktiHlsnf scent l.vs Ur.11, Mini lro,s. red anil whit., JrlK Tiiki-a, Fiuit Uropa, hi rk 1'uu.iihm, o all seems Kis-t ran.tr, Alm.'inl Cumly, FRUIT. Priniet, Fit, Ciiront. niinsnns, IVilea. Cilrrnnia iliied. Ahiioutta, RnitiMit, Nuts of all amda LK.M0N KYUCl" or a itierinr ipmlily, by ihe ainule or dozen. A siierior mil ity of Srttare and Tobacco, and a variety of I ,'onlcrti. onirics, fruit. Ae. all nf which isollered cheap al wholesale or retail. ICE CHBAM. He has ln openeil an 'ce ('ream Saloon, and willnt all li'ii.' he ready f serve his customer with Ice Cream. Sunhury. May St. I8.r6. ly Patten's New York WINDOW SHADE & CURTAIN STORE, 'JUIl L'l-estnut St., iifiHisite Jones' Hotel, rilll.ADM.PIIIA. Window Shaoes, . Uroca telle. Gilt Coriiire., Ssliu de L lines, UulU V Inle and green Worsted llani iass, Hollands, C'eulre '1'a.scls, Picture I 'onl. Gimp and Loupe, P.iienl Rollers, Curtain Hands, Curlaiu Pins and Trim- Lace and Mu ninigs. CurUins, I'iere Mnslins. Store. Steamboat und Church Shades or V pery. got up the shortest notice. Curtain cut. made and put up by the m ft , p-nciicrd hands, IVrn.ji'a Nkw Vomk Sroas, Wi Chealr St., .Melotleou lluildiugs. May J, IM56 J. II. .I AMI. Justice of thr -T MOUNT C Northumberland All business plo collecl.-d and all p Mount C li CAla J A MARVELLOUS REMEDY! ro.l A lltltVKLLOtS AOLtt 110 LLO WAY'S OINTMENT. TIIK GRAND KX I KHKAl. R KM ED V. By the Kid m mirmM'Jk'. w tee ntillnii f little ot?itnir i in th mrfiire of tut In din. ThrMuh tltte tliiiUtiitinfiit, whrit ruhlietl thrtkin, ) ca fried tn any (rtfitii t invvnnl pnrt. Uiwatpa nf the Kitlnrt, dimrilrri of llie l.ivcr. aflW'ti'Mii il tliflieart ItiHuimnutioti -if the Lit i net, Aiilimii. CiiHHhtiMiil CmI(Ib, are hv it nir-Ain eflr tiiaiiy rurcn. r.vrry h iUM-wne kiiowi ihnt nil wmum ftfrlr thnmah hiw tr inent H miy Ihirknrm. Thu liml. iiitr Uiiiimmt fur more rcnniijr vn'tiirii tlmiiipli any niT nnnv nan. m iiir iivnt mmv, riirimr the m n dHMfenmn inwiud cuo('tailiti. that camuH la leachnl It inner meiint. KKYSHI K A. S.M.T nitKI M AND 8COKULT1C II LAI Oil?. Nt remwtr hat evr d me mt miirh for the cure of til- Rmeri if iherkin whatt-ver fi-rm thry may numr, ai fhm Uintmeiit, S rutw if Ntli Hhrntn. Srtii , (ire iieana. ith-miiin nil r.riiiieiap, ran hmtc u nhfcUiiKt im tit- flifiicr. I he mireiil'H hna Iravrl'rtl ivr inanv iwirte h . vtiitinz Ihe nriiiriiMtl hutiiitalt, tlim-eiitiiiii tint MntifHfiil. if I vine tt(tHe ft t ill a-nliraii it. and hna thus Inftrn the meant uf retinring cnunihat nuitihert tci 8lKK IOt, SOUR HHKASTS, WOUNDS AND neii .in. i i.i .r.itr. lnine of the m tt tcientifir tnree in m T rely lev iHitheuttjiif this wtnidcrful Ointment, when hiivlne tn l'f with the wtirrt catt-t of aoim. woiindt. nlrpm. shm ilular writing;, and Hini"tl. IVilVmr II ll w.iv haa. iy roiimiMiHi nl me A Hint U ive ritmeittt. dinpalrheil t the h -tpitalrof the Fsiivt. Inrce thinnirtiit of thu Hint mem. to I iitetl ontkr the diretaioii ! the Metrical imiT, in ine worw tunea ul wiimiIp. it will i nre nm- uit-fr flltiitdulnr PWi-lluijr. niitTiiewi or Lontrortitin of the joints, evil of 1 venrt tinmliiie rhrae and nfher tiiinlat diKtreriine romnlninti enn he erTiftiMl. rurtrd if the iliiitinvnt lie well nihlved over the pnrit ullV-etetl and hy otherwite following the .riittcd di recti' nit anund ench pi t. Doth the Ointment antl iith thouhl he use' in tfif fidlnwinri ctwt : nmiioiia l.timtmrd 9'ire lnra Swelled Olandt IIiiiiii Mrrurtiil Sre Mrtnttta ltirt Joinlt Ohupprd llaiidt Krii4totia fire fTeailff L'irera rhilliliiim rilet ? ire Tiir-mtt Venrreil !iret rimtilitt Mhrnmtititni 9 ret of nil W.rtmils uf all Guut Stilt Hheuin hnidt kimla Skm Diaeatet Sprains Sraldi ' Sold nt the Miinnfiict.iTle if I'mfrftor Hollo way 111 Maiden I a tie, New York, and 214 Strand. lond 'ii. hy all reapfctahle .Innrnisis aud Dealer in Medicine tlirmtfth out the L'uttl States, and the fiviliied worhl. in hole. nf eentt. 6'2 rents, and )l each. ir i aere is iciiMSiuerunw to tii if uj laKint: ine mrgrT ill N. R Ptrectt-int for the trtiidaucc of patients ia everr disorder are nlTtxed to each Imi Mm eh vW, lh5S lca "iiOOKSpROOKS!! Walk this way for Bargain! HIKING desimu ol disposing of my entire B W atock of Uooksaiul Stationery, comprising some VP, lino Volume of Law. Medical, hell sinus Scientific, Dlauk, Musical, Sthool aud MiserlhinenuB Hooks. Also, I Ull Renins of letter paper and a lot of wall paier. steel pens, waters, ic. I will dispose ot the whole stock at public sale sale nt my stoie, opposite the Court House, commencing mi Momlny the 7th day nf April, IH,r;6 al I e'clurk, P M., and continuing, every aiternooti and evening until the whole stock is sold. WM. M.CARTV. Trr JOS. H. McCAUTV. Sunbury, March 15, ls56. tf JOHMSONja BROTHER, CABINET MAKERS, No. V4 North Second Street, first door above Christ Chuich, Philadelphia. JKHSONS in want ( B urea us. Tables. 5ofss. Chairs, Uedsleuds, and every vatietv ot household futuiture, would do well to rail, as those articles are made up in the best styles and sold at the lowest prices. April a. m.-,6. ly EARTHEKWAHE- . 'I'llR subaeribrr respectfully in'orms ti e citt 1 tens uf Sunbury and the public generally, ihnt he ha commenced the manufacture uf all kinds of EAI.TIIENW RK, at his manufactory n. vi liortlebetry Street, one sipuire east of the River. IU ha engaged the service of Mr. II a up. and ynu ran therefore depend on having a good article. The pub. li ar e respectfully invited to rail. All ordera from a distance will he promptly attended te. P. M.8HLNDEL. Sunhury, Feb. S, 1855. tf WHITE HOUSE HOTEL. POTTsVlLLE. PA. HE Mibscriher reapeelfully announces te his -- old friend und the public, that he ha taken llial old and weil known establishment, Ihe White Ilorso Hotel. At Ihe corner of Cel. tie and Mshautogo !., in Ihe llorosjtih of Potlsville. The house ha re cently liern very much enlarged and otherwise improved, rendering il quite as comfortable a any olhir Hotel ill S'huvlkill county while the stable are large, iu good cot dilion, and at tend by careful, attentive, prudent hostlers. To trmelirs aud other nho may stop al hi house, he promise veri attention calculated lo render thrill comfortable and satisfied. JOS. M. FEGER. April S. 185'.- tf SUNBURY, PA. 'I'll E ubcriher respectfully informs the public 1 that she still continues to keep the above named public house. She has also received a new supply ef and liquors and wines, and trust that she will be able to give satisfaction to all who may visit her hov.se. MARIA THOMPSO' Sunhury May ? I. 1856, tf. J. STEWART DEPU'-,' imponera ana jjeaicrny Masonic Hull, Chestnut tl7nU.li iesp... ' examine llie of Cariels, )il t: lings, DrnggeU, which Ihey will wi I make ii tiesi chase, lo rail purchasing it -.. pil.K thaaickln White Ah Anthracite XSoti. From iht "Ulil, Vein" in thtUau (foltier 9, H. ZIMMEKMAN & JNO. I'. I'OIitL, -v (accessor to Ke. Hesd A Co., will con. tiuue mining, shipping and selling coal from Ihe nov vell 'known Colliery, under the firm of .immsrnisn I'ursel. '1 he point of shipment Is at the lower whsrf in Sunbury. NoribuHiber- iauu rouiuy, ra, wnere all older for Ihe riou kind of coal, viti Lump, Broken, Egg, -love, and Chestnut Coal, will be thankfully received nd promptly attended to. . . Bunbury, July 14, U55, Scsat r, Jrtr i, aS5l The firm nf Kane. Reed ir Co. ha their leave in the Gap Colliery and interest in the wnari at tsutiliury, to Messrs. Zimmerman A Putsel, would lake great pleasure in lei-cinmri.d-iug our customers and other to the in w finn. as they will be able to sell them i.rei.srrd coal of he best quality. KASE, II F.ED A CO. AR1)WA!F..-Tble Cutlery. It.,r. P, el Knives, Hand tk in tnimea. Ae. tJhlael. Door Lock, and H!i ges, Hand Uells, Waiters. Jc, just received and for ""''J 'I. U'.TF.NEK A CO. Hoi, loir, Dee. . IM lb65 (Special Express Notice. 1850 HOWAED & GO'S KXPliMSS. nA VINO "In nil e-i full et press privileges over ihe CA'I AMISSA. SL'MJI HY AM) KHIK and ILI.IAMSPOKT cV KLM1KA RAILROADS, we -re now prepaid ,wnid all descripllolis ul Etprrsa Good hy IVsri-grr Tibiiis. daily, belweeu Philailelphia and Klnnra. eoiiueciiiiK ai r.tmiia wnii ail the Western fc-.- press Cuinpaines. All goods tor Tamsqua. Summit, t'atlnwissa, Danville. Milton, Williamspoit, Elmira.anii also to .Northumberland and Suubury and all inter mediate places, deliveied the same day. ;-h train in charge or our own Special Messenger. Philadelphia Ollice. 9'i Clie.iiut Street. Office Limits at United State Ki press (lll'ue April 1 3, lb.)6 ly HAYDOCK & FIDDLER. "EALER8 in Watches and Jcvtelrv, will continue Ihe business al rh old stand of James 1). Fuller, Ao. 1'2 .?otif Second Street. I'HII.ADKI.IIIU, Where they solicit an evainitmtion of their larg. and vailed atock. leeling assured that the ei. lience both of them have had iu the btisit and the lacilitie they possess r prm.r goods on the most ad autageuu trim, will lia ble them to compete favorably with j other ratablishmetit in Ihe city, 'j jiey have now on hand a line assortment of WATCHES. CLOCKS, JKWK1.RY. c-nver. i inieo ami isnllsuia are, Cutiery, Fsncv Goods, or., tVr. N. U. Repairing of Wi.lche and all kimls f Jewehy altended to with prutupti.es and the greatest rare. Phil., April 7, IRfl.V tf. AMMERMAN, 2UEKK & TV EITSlIX ESPFC'I Fl l.LV inform the pnhlie that they have lesse.l the new collierv. .sllril ll.r Lambert cnlhery. and are readv to d.'livif ,-oal of uperior quality, and ol a vau'elv f sue. pn pa. red en Ihetr new coal oreaker. All orders prompt attended to by addies.ing th fi,,,,, either t Sunbury or Shamokin. Sunhury, June 30, 1855 lis IMC-. .It It I V tV QA. : MAMr ACTCHKRs or TRUNKS, VALISES, 40. , 146 Chesntit Street, front of Jones' Haiti, PHILADELPHIA. II A Son hand the cheap,,,. , v best assonmriit of TRUNKS 5- CARPET BAGS EVER OFFERED Tii TH K PL'ui.ic. ' Sole Leather, Solid Riveted. Iron Frame. Ir,,,, Mound I ravellidg Trunks ; I'.rkii.g du Valis.-,-Ladies' Bontu-l Case.; Carpet Bau. SatvM,' &c. by the quantity or single iii,-e. l,er 1(lklJ' cun he bought al any other place in ll.i Ciiv July 5, IH56 jTMETFrCALRREATirs l.A DIRS AMT , SHOE STOHS, Ao. 59 North L'iihth Sheet, Awre lch, East side. , ' PHILADELPHIA, 0 Ladies from the country, ran hjve shoe. ma. to order iu the very test stvle ai d .,n.i.ullp on a lew daa notice. An excellent ua.orin.ei.t to select Irom, always on hand. May 10, 185b. I v " DANVIUE HOTEJL " JOHN DEEN, JR., Market Street, baojille, Pa, 'ptl'IS is 1 1. of the largest and most 'omaio. iliou hotels iu iht interior of PeimaKiii.ta. it has been recently lilird tip, ii, eicrll.nl style, wi h all Ihe modem conveniences. Danville. Sept. 32, ixfift , THACHER 6c WC'DDHOP, W HOLES ALK DOOTSHOK &TRt;.NK WAliKIHiLSK. Nn. 101 Arch Street, up Sinim, Uetwesji 'J'hird & Fourth Sis., upper side, near Union Hulrl. Philadtlpiia, Carpet Sags ami Vui et of nil deser' " CW ' ' : F. T " ' '. W f