Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 04, 1857, Image 3

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    i ir r mmrt i it mr f .t hrt irf-: -T.
his address, ha ce.m t hand.- W bar
tnToro eivra Iim leading feature of II l
jrnph ana otherwise, lie aseerts his
znstion to hara bw-n voluntary esserti
thn nffica wot nnsivaKM nj lnm. and
nted ut creAt personal sacri6ci. Law
nrnVr was let at naaght. and jntice Tio
d on nil sides, at the) time hn entered
p. flu pressing were hit arduoa-t riuti-
t for nix mnntlig he enjrviart neither peace
I'lrnl linr rest or tmdy, hi health thus
,nir wav, rvrtnireri relaxation, a ner una
g t the motived y which he wax govern
and repeating various attacks upon him,
Yon .are well aware lhat most of the
nblea which lately agitated the Territory
re nernsinned lijr melt who hart tin especial
'rest in its welfare. Many of them were
. even resitlenK whilst it is quite evident
it others were influenced altogether in the
rt they tonk if the Histtirriances by merce.
rv or other persons! considerations. The
it body of the actual citizens are.conser-.
live. law-abiding. peace.loviii(t men. bia
sed rather to, innke sacrifices fur coneili ition
.1 consequent peace than til insist for their
tire rights. "Itonhl the general good thereby
caused to suffer. Home of them, timler
influence of the prevailing exci'emetit
il misguided opinions, were lt d to the com.
jssion of grievous mistnkeS, but not with
deliberate intention of doing wrong.
The address asserts that a comparatively
w mischievous men have caused most of the
flienlties in Kimsss. and from such persons
ichecked evils may atise dangerous to the
niun. Alter apeiiking with reference to the
ipnrtance of the Union, he concludes thus :
"When I look upon the present condition
f the territory anil contrast it with what it
as when 1 fitst entered it, I feel satisfied
t my administration has not been pr judic
i) to its interests. On every hand 1 now
erceive unmistakable indications of welfare
nd prosperity. The honest settler occupies
i quiet dweiliuir. with his wife and children
lustcriug around him, unmolested and fear
's of danger. The solitary traveller pnrsnes
is way unharmed over every public thro'jgh
ire. The torch of the incendiary has been
xtiniriiished. and the cabins which by it were
i-stroyeii have been replaced with more sub
tantial buildings. Hordes of banditti no
.inner lie ip wait in every ravine fur plunder
nd assassination Invasions of hostile armies
,ave ceased! and infuriated partizuus. living in
iur midst, have emphatically turned their
fords into plowshare and their speat-s into
uning-hooks. Laborers are everywhere at
k luring underlining xapid improvements
rclinnts are ilrivlnif a thriving trade
.lines pursuing with profit their various
it: uticiiM. Ileal estiile, jn town anil
nun try. has im reiised in value almost without
precedent, until in some places it is com-in-niding
prices ihut never could have been
unlii'iputed. Wlietlier Ihis heulthy and hap
py change is the remit si Jely of my exeevtive
labor or nut. it certainly has occurred during '
my administration. L'pon yourselves must
niaLii'y depend the preservation and perpctiu
ity of the present prosperous condition' of
Mir.nrs. Guard it with unceasing vigilance,
and protect it as you would your lives.
Keep down that party spirit which, if per
mitted to obtain the mastery, must lead to
tb'S'itatiott Watch closely aud condemn in
its infancy every insidious movement tliut can
K'silly tend to discord and disunion. Suffer
local prejudices to distuib the prevailing
liarmimy. i'o every appeal tu there turn
.deaf ear, as ilid the !Suviuur of men to the
ironiptiii) of the deceiver Act as a united
liund of brother., bound together by one
f.oumnn tie. Your interests are the same,
nod by this course alone can they be main
laiued. Follow this,, and your hearts and
lioines will lie madu light and happy by the
richest blessings .of a kind and imiuiocent
In conclusion, Govetnor Geary returns his'
urn' .-re thanks to the citizens of Kansas,
,,, tuiurly lo the holies; fur their hearty
X ion in enforcing the laws, and to,
ieo. I'eMfer K. 8iiiilh und oHicera of the
United States urmy for their valuable
services. '
Tlieie was large crowd in the Supreme
t.'enit foul yesterday afternoon, awaiting
lle Ueiiiutmrnt of this ufluir. Judge Uavies
took lil; ut '"r oVIock, but neither the
wile ti-r the lather u present, lleau, the
lirideooiii, wus promptly on the gmunu, uc
ciuniuni'il by his couneel. Mr. Spencer.
Tlx ri-poii of the physicians appointed to
ex.tii n '-"'y to 'the souinliit'ss of her
.in. ml. reported lhat after careful and (on the
ut one ol I lie t'oiiimissiouers) repeated
' iiiuutioiiH, they were of the unanimous
vipimoii no evidence Ims been lurnished
to show t ml any mental unsoundness exists
in i lie cane of the said Mary Ann liuker,
iiliierwisu culled Mary Ann Ueun.
'I'he user lo the writ of liabeat enrpur
by Mr linker h.ivmg been read, in w hich w as
drii 'i lb 't Mis Ifokerwus restrained ol her
liheitv. tin- Court reiuuiked, that the main
fad teiutr denied, the lady could of course go
when she pleaded, and the htibeat enrput was
tliereore ilisiiussen. An orner lu lliat ened
was utile, and givell lo ollicer Iterlbolf to
tee it cariied out. Judge 1'jviet alter
lii-arii the argument or counsel decided lu Hie iiijiiuctloil, and ill doing So bis
iluiU'T lekmrked, that us ha bud had several
int'Tvirvn with the Voung lady, and found
that slut Wis ilt reslruilieU of her liberty ; he
a Uo slated o the court that Mr. lean had
Uoiie no uiKie thun any free aud honorable
lover would have done. The iady it verv
iiilelligent. and the court found that she
.wished as much at pousiblu tu reconcile the
due to her tiureuis. wilH, -hI higher
ml tint ii she ' je owed
. For Northambertaad Cuuuty, for the'April
Term, A. U 1857.
frn's -IJacob Mnge, O V Cump. ' '
i 7urfcMl-Levi tym.
Muwart-Win Sterner, R W MoCerty,
dll Armond, 11 Hhoop.
Point J eph Wallif.
' ' AVfAemfcerfderf VV m llnrkeiibitie.
SuiAry John H Mrishl,
Upper AuyuKtiiD O Kutx, A Snyder. J
Snyder.. . '.' . . .'
1 hitter Avputta losepU Gass, reter Col
dron. v ShnmoHn Win. Titiworth.
' faf Peter Yager,
Little MuktinngXnum Reed.
l.ntrer Aluhanog Abraham Dribelbis.
O osAi'iiyfoii Nicholas Adam
' Cameron Klias Long. '
JiiclnnnJ 6 Seller. S Reil. .
Utrbt John USlrause.
' .etcit Levi Glacf, J R Pollock. J Mc
Farlatul, M Shade, A Ulace, T V Wlitlei
U Shoemaker jr.
Turhtit 1 S Linebacli. '
Delaware J nu Weeks. II Culp. P Riess.
ler, 1 1 Deiitler, John Melzjjar, lauau Viu
ceut. j'tiitit II llninmel.
Xiirlkumbetland D G Voris. Abrulii.m
Wertz. .
Snnburi J M Simpson, J Clement, J C
Miller, a Maiitz. ' S liiobioim Edwurd Y.
Upper Augusta J Fashol.l, J J Rine M
Shipe. .
Lnu-rr Aunvata (S W Smirk. (J Raker, ji
Thomas Wolf John Long J Wo'f.
ShuiMilcin S Kvrrt, Suiiiin I Kut, Charles
t oalW W McWilliams, D Roth. Valen
tine Fegely.
Lower Sluhanny3 Urousious, A Rothar
mil, I Lulir, 1 lluli'ace, Ellas Uojer, Johi
spilt jr. t
Wurltington V Klmk, Adam Daniel, 1
Reed. .
Jordan J Buhner. J Weiss r.
MiltonA M Yont. J A Wolf.
.tttuJ Waits. J A Culdwcll.
Tutbut Samuel Diiltoii. Mem Pol
lock. Joiiulhatt Kramer, II I.iinlz.
I ItlatvareV Kehres. t, Scilt r.
S-irthumhtrlaiuti acob Paul. C S Rrowi,
C Harris. , .
Hwtbury U m K Marts. John Young sr..
Geo. Lyons.
Upper Augurta Robert Furnsworlh, John
Aoiter Augusta P Ritz, Philip W ewer I
UjuIi. . ....
Hush Boiihuiii kuse.
S.iamokin Solomon Haul, ' George Kel
Cnnl J B llmunn
l.trer Mahanny P Ilobb.
Wiithiaqltm M Treon, J AJitn, Will I)
Cameron U Wagner.
Jnel-snn David Latsha, Joseph Dressier.
ZtrbeX W Garret.
Jordan Jacob lloHman, Geo. Shade), II.
A. 4"). Sedmd Street, I'hUadtlplii.
VRK now receiving llieii sprioi; iiiiioilaiioi
otMl.K and Mll.l.lMChY GOOD!4, con
istiug in partot Fane), Cap and Duauet Kill
.out S.ilm and Mantua Kibhona, (ilace ain.
i'lain Silks Marcelines and Florences, Ulack
lodes, French and English Crapes, TrUtan
vl aline and Illusion l.acrs, IfC. Also, a tun
orluicul ut Freucb and Aiueii"n flowers
likh they oiler te ihe liaile on lavorab.e lerina.
March a, 1857. am., f. .
VND Ci 'MM If Slli. Allien A Air-, is. .iin
strrcl. I l Ihmiw Vine, I'liilaiie pkia. fal. a.H
,UII I Blld f llllr.f?. 1II UUIU, 11AUK-
If CUMtry ft iflitepeT aut "llien will always find ul
tir KveiiiMjr Sitka a knae ami ileainililr uaioltilielil ol tlo-
iliove x "'d. to lie a kl in I to to uit tiuyma.
"li'H. pHrKeo oil oie prvwuva im vuwuwj
Match W, luil Sine
Succcaor lu Mra. M. Mill.
Fisahlonablo MrutV hiuI Fancj
Mn Ml Nnflh Second Bluet, bet w M'ble, pppoiitc Ken
l.Kiii U.nel, I'liilaur.ji ia
IJATTKIIM Kmiiieta mini lo unler. Order rcapeet
lully a lieiie and U"mptl) aticmletl to.
Iliin-ii w. 17 :iin w
New Wall Paper Warehouse,
BUivlUXi w Laiuuu,
MtNL'F A ; I'l UK .8 ami imp llria, No. liil. Arch
alrect, nx Hill d lib V mill, I'lnlu.leli Biu Wlin
may lie l.'Uiid Ilia mrgrat una imi Bclccuu au cn in me
cilJNTUY l,L'RCIAKII limy lie" lie nrcoinni
daud witli.'Ul the iue .nvtnieiiea .1 lu.'kili furtht-r, am
be anuraU lpal iht-y will rcwv Hie advuiiiua ul
ucir lu -iivy UtU ION I.AM.NU,
141 AKCil alrcct, aleivc Mxtli, I'hiUi.'e plnu.
Mnieli ! IBo7 3uc.
II. I. be Sold at p blic vale on 'I I E
DAY. the 3lt uf M AKCtl. l-7, al llo
louae on ihe premiae. in Point township. .Va
liuinberland county, KIWHTY-HX ACKKp
il Land with the uppuriceancra. mlwate it
l'oiiil township, ailjoinnm lanJi ol (iieei.oui;b
Ickert and other, whereon la ere, le.l a p
lone House and a good bank llaru 'l liete I
ilao a good apple orchard, and a vaiiclj uf ollic
ruil Ire on the prriuiae. Also a good apron
.1 water at llie door. About Ml 1(T,. f wliice
ire cleared, and the ballame ia well liiuhered
The farm la) within 3 mihs of I'auvitle.
I'ukseihion can l girn oil Ihe lir-l dav next. Kale lu commerce al 4 o'clock. I
-..of said dsv. when the condition uf sate wii
nad kuuwn bv
14. 0.7. 4t
' XJjP I
I diapi'sril of hi Drue
Ihert W. t latier. ile
to make nienl l
vuient tan be made
iel Furniture
'ir eS'or
. 2u 6 --w r"
The largest assortment in the I'nitrd Htates.
WaiCtnlrd to be equal to sn now made, and
will be sold on as Good TVroi". as can be obtain
ed Irom any ether house in (he Country, at
. t South 4ib SloTCt, Philadelphia.
Truth ii Mighty, and Mutt Prevail.
Iteport nf the Commit tee appointed tn luprrin
tend the Burning oihe Iron Safes, at Head
ing, Ftbrumry 27, 1857.
K.. Diss, March 4.
'Toe undersigned, members of ihe committee,
do respect ulljr report, I'lal we saw Ihe two Hales
oiigmally agievu upon ov r arrets & llrrno and
Kvaus 61 t atsuo, placed side by side in Iur
i.ace, viz: The Sale inuse by the Pavm.isier ol
the I'hiUdelphia slid (tending Kailroad Cumi
ii V. in his ottire at Itsadioif, maimfaclureil by
Parrels it Herring, slid the afe in use by Ii.
A. I.nnir. in hi tore, manufactured Iv Kvans
A Walauii, artd put in buoksand paper precisely
Tlie'fire was started at (J o'rleck, A. M..nd
kept up mild lo.-.r corda ut green hicaoty, two
coidaili) uak and hall cheniint tup woml were
entiri l conaiiined. the whole ui.der ill aujeiii
Iri.ile nee ot'ilie uliariiiers. members ol Ihe L'oin
iniriee. The hafe were then cooled till' with
water, alter which tiny were opened, aud ihe
books and paper taken out by Hie C'unuuitiie
and tnl lo H. A. Lauiz' store for puldic eisin
ined aud marked b the Committee. The hooka
aud piiiers taken Irom She Ptule manul'aciured
iiv tarn I ir HerrinK were in our judgment,
dsmuged fully fifteen per cent, more than luum
taken Irom Evans & Wataou's Sale.
We helieve Hie anove to Iijvc been a fair and
impartial trial ot the reajiecliv quablie ul bulb
JACOtl H. DV'.iH BR,
lling been nhsent during the hurninir, we
lull) coincide with the above statement of Ihe
coiulitiuii ol the .apeis ai.d hooka taken out ol
the resuectiv Salrs. '
JAMKS Mll.llOl.l.AM).
March 51. tNr.7.
A. 12, Nw ti SUth Street, l'ltiludtlphia,
VELVET and UuKlirJIttiD and
I'Al.NTBO fllAUErS. of oeuutilul de
sign, liutr, and all oilier eulor ol llull.iiul
ued for nh.nlea. Fiturra. Tiiioniing &c, Ac.
Whiieiile and Itettiil, at the loweal cash price.
Slore ShoeW Painlep lu order.
. II. !. V , tlmtiklul loi past patronntrc. reaped
Mill noli it ihe pnhlic lo call and examine In
new nn. I lare aaaurluienl. In lure purctiasiiiii
j?-Wi: STUDY TO r.LF.AsE."9
. I'hiladelp'iia, March 31, 1H.,7. c3m
List of Causes,
'Oil trial in the Court of Common Pleas
of .Northumberland County, at January T.
A. O., 1857.
rLAiNTirrs. dekknoants.
Ill Vincent, vs George Haaa' Adui'r,
Ii. l.ciMeoriug va G. Monia
Samuel iTileurr vs Michael Wertman
The I'rehhy leriaii A Co vs W li Kaae
I, Machau
v III gina tV Donnel
v C. W. Ilegiiia et al
vs C W Hegina
' vs same
v Juliii J' Hummers
vs E 1" Miaiious' El'ra
v PS It Wood
va John P Bummer
J U ',ith' ex'rs
Jacob lluwer Ac
V P Peiiham,
A boll lor Justice
Win McWilliams
.laculi llowir
I 'utuiiioiieeallb 6iC
Win lleimiiaii, ..
F. M I: Intel,
Uruioua f ir Marcks
vs S Hit trnl emler,
vc Jnroli lift ii-h,
v A I. Kapp. el al
va Caili'rn liro-i.m.
Win I, Llewait v Win and H Kejrly
fuinuel lliniter's ri'ra s aame
Win Mc Willi inn vJuhn 1' f-uinmeit
Jonwa Woll aud wife v Imihc Viinnna K'ra
II. U rial ton v Juliii iiinipaoii
Win Canal, v Uell I.IWK&. Co.
Wm I. Ueivart v II It Manaer
Cuiniui'iiweallii Sic va Henry VSiino
SuvAl' vs I'airick liudy,
Adam Kerr et al. va K Fegely
Girding- WeUel ti Co vc C H McGinlry
J lie Churih Council ul
Hit Lutheran Church at va Jacob Meuge &c
I urhulville
Eckel Idtnuel & Co vs II Masaei' Kx'ra.
John Uower el al vS J McCorimck
'uilip Fauat v Jur.eili tlogeinluhier
A C U Fiaher va lJiwait a ail Liarhmuu
Heed Iur 'I houia va C U Uachiiiau et al
M M fituber v V M uuliler
ifHiiie U Sieii and wife
U M Krick v Iceland mul teUml
C i) U u-limnn H li Matr
Com nwcallh v. K KtM-inan
John llt8 va H li MuMk-r
6 tUot't v K C Ktiisier
t Hellfiistein v Jacuti i.f
Uunj. Huuitnrl v Ira T Clement.
JA.IKS lifc.VItU rrolify.
'rothonoUri UMice (
bunhto M -rch lh-r'i S
Consumptioa and all Diseuses of the
l.unH ;u ii I I'ltriiui urj iiikittvlv curable U inn iiuti mt
which ttiiV ) U.c iciiM-tliiit l . ll;e i.ti leu hi uiu iuttt
iur ugii itiu mr (, u.iJ c III Uiltui v .nimi
Wtih tiic Ulfecn-fy ucuoa.'ZuB luisrit uuti ui.uit r. uii.
lure It, CJuttca u liw uml tus) trXprtt sruli ll, htuU tjic
iuiiik, uiiutr lliv HI 41, tniiurU liirMtfd Viluill) Ii ihe .
uriVi'UH skkviii, (OVlitj; iiiui itiiit'uiiu t lit jj iniHtrii i
uuui.f I rue ivhiof) u ii iieuith. i.r uk hi ttiutc
iiitiJtu lyllul Coiiiiuiii,!)! n u i-uiuhtc li iniiut-iti -ii ia t
iue ttsv ufcei'l uii.ilh eti (Urunurr. n una inucu untie
ue cmtir. iut-lu-ul ireuiiiiriil u hii iKht-r l riiiiil,ibl
ilsMtuw; iiiHtty oui lvVtr liiiin:au vunvu can tie curril
iu liic tibl l -lief, unu buy icr ini lu tue krotuil ; but in
llie lb M unge il it itiii' title lo fcive iimre lli.iu five vr
i-ciii , I .i ice nulls' ute hi iul up Ity ihe tiiat-tiae ua . I ml
(lelu-iR't to ai I Kveu. li M'ever, ia toe uixi ai.i
at iiittukiU null riia t-xirui'idiiiiuy re.iei t thr aullfinif;
uiirn.liii llia lejiiiul air uig', winch tinnu iiy ittairovs
iiiiieiy-tive lit iiMiKi ti i-a ut Ihe I inteil K ul a u hr)
and uc ori et cukulaiUMi Iwmi ihut ul Hit iri-aetil e ul
u ii t Uieeanh, eignt) iiiilli us uie Ucatuiid U uh the
C'tusiouiitiVeV tiruv.
Truiy ihe quiver drtilli h;i i arrow Iti fMial ua rmi
txinipiioit Iniol upt-a il Ima lHfii the i;rrut riifiity f life
fn U iwirh iiciliit-i . ii i u. Iui awi-i 6 the
b uv . the ImuoiIouI, Hi-firai-Hul, uml ihe yilinl. By the
he lti. I lhal hupn nit- ii ii . Ir hi wl'tun ineih fitry
t und prrf'vt yill, 1 mil wi thul t . nflt r t.. ihe Mltli f it
u pfriiiau-nl uuil ieety cure in lN'iihuinrli.'ii. Thf first
ca oe -l tuhr rcle ia iiom iiiiiu lik-nd, utnl ihe uuineili
uie ufitct, i Uui'wt li iheir uitn anion in ihe itiupa, i ft
jireveul the Irre u.hmai n f Hir iul On iur etlla. whirh
ejuaia u wi'ukeued viuiliiy thn uti ihe entire ayatt-iii.
I'hrii aurr'jr it ia ummv run null rjpe'-t'grruOTjr. " 1 bom
inethciiira enieiing ihe tMVUueH the huitza lh:ni t'lom
ih ae mtthiiiiatrreil through Ihe at-nun )i ; the putirut will
tilwuya bnil (lie lunfEi nt und I lie lnrujliiiii euay nllri in
lulling renn dies '1 rue, inlmhii n ia m I r,il rt-iuetly, nn
rrtMt lr it arte eonatituii iuilly, and with mme Mwtr
MiiiMfauinit thtii lemriiiea uihiiiinai-red by ll a at nim-h.
'I (J Vf llie r wriul uuddirri'l u ftiirire ol ihia in xle
tf luliiiiMiN.ruii' nt fhl r -t'"tm inhuhd will entcely dt-lroy in u lew mmutt'a. iviriiivmiia: lh tiiiir- itci-
VtKia aieint a O'ut tt liu h u-ny In- uiu,aitblf d Wii li nt iht
aiht'i iini, itihiiliiiR ibe 'irdiiuuy burunygua wih il-
l i y lite in u lew h uia.
The iuhiikiti 'ii '4 amin 'itio will rouae the axatrm when
luiniingitr oi .anniriy umo. the rtt"r il naii) f tli
iiidi'ine ia peice) lih'e in the akin ii lew mi. intra nfii-r
beinu inhuh:l. und niu he iint'duiirly ilt-triil in ihe hl d
a citiiviiicina ir i"t t the e natiiuihtiiil id. cia 4 iidi'itii
ti-m, a the lit ih il aicknttfa ia uiwuva iirndni ed ly
breuihu.p ( il' Mir. la na Una p aHve evitlene tti-tt pox
r rmetl.t-a e ireinh pre mind tmrt jndici ualy fulniiuia-
-.,1 ilir ! i if h the hhiii-, ah iihl nr-Hlur- ih nniM liipv
'ill Dtuinai nuliieen yenra' prHrlic. mnny th ua-nida
inn ir tn diaenaa i me iiinca m m inr mi, nuv neen
"lire, mid I hrive iiflV-ted iinto renimkuhle rirea
aufterera hart been iriiiuntmi m the l:iat
Uy t'unta mr llai r nwirnptmn ia m
itae. Wv t otomfiit f r maunmii
, -d on Hina eipenenra and a ih u'-iifih
' vlln Ihe nature t tlefelta, Ae
reudily. thevoii'Mia f rmaH
;iiiHt ii mul uppl- the pro- er
' enveii in u aiiiajieeuae Thia
rttun pnilflnf iral anrt
te t relirva Ihe lunea
iena; P antaifr the
i il fenewad) vitalnv.
vntein. K i tfi
'CB 108 FillKtV
, fresh Arrival iJ'
d ft u g s, i a I K t a o r L ?; c;
fillet! iindrrsigned liio taken the store for
1 ' merly kept by William A. Hruner. ia now
ready to fill orders and' prerrfiption. al mo
ments notre. Ile hss large and well selected
stock of Iresh and pure
U;e-MuNft. Uil, Feint, Glaaa, I'uit), and all
k.od of I atenl Medicine.
Tobacco and Imported CegarS of the rholrrsi
brand. Fancy Koiienr toilet ailicles. and Per
fumery of all kind. Tooth and Hair Uruahrs
uf every variety.
Cam phine and Fluid ottrttys oii hdnd.
Cuatomers will tind Ilia sjork Complete, bom
priaing many article il is impoaaibl here to enu
morale, and all sold al moderate prices. '
Kemember (lie pUce, next doer to E. Y
Urighl'a Mammoth (Stare.
. Sunbuty, March 14, ft7.
MascrteTuasa tSBUSALis is
No. 77 79 North Pec ml Pireet, riiiMrlpliia.
Are now reecivmg teieir 8irint St a ll, whieh will erm
priae n larae nml ileaimble in atmeut iT nil kind of
Kl HAW nml LACK HUM MKT. Thiur al.ak i f ll"W
eia will be ijiiiiaii illy lurfte lliia rna-iti. and therefoie in
vite y ur eepeei.-ii nltenrioii lo that ileuirlmeiit I'li-a.e
rail and eliinon tliein befura making '"ur purrlmara.
Minrh II, IH57 ia
IS hereby given lhat the alrthodiat EpUropal
Cln.ri li al Tievorlou have fil d their petition
fur an Incorporation under llie name am.' stele
afureaaid anil lhat ihe Court have. Axed. the first
da) of licit term fur hearing ihe same
J A ME BEARD, V okh'y.
Pr.ithonntarv'a tlllice,
Sunbury. Marih 7. t57.
U'ront Street Wire Manufactory.
U l!sO,CtV&. ( v.,
No. 4Morth Fiont Street, corner of Coomli'a Allev,
tietween Markil and Mulberry (Arel.) SlrerK. Phibiilel
plua , liiiiiiafiielure f pupartor quality, Bram aftd lion
Wire Sievea, ol' nil kiuda ; Hrna and Oiipnel Wire CI-it o
f ir Paper Maker, Ac. Cyliildera and Uanily llidl co
vered in the beat manner.
Heavy Twilled Wiie for fnnrlt Catelira, Stievea for
llniaii iiuil Iron P-njudeia. SlereeM Wire. Wind w U'iie,
tarifea. Trnpa. lliali ITuvera. C-al and ruid bcrccu, Jcc.
Fiiney Wire Work i-f every
Match It, ICS?. 3in c
X pHrHiimiCi of nn on!r f ihff OrpluiiV
' CtMirtnf NnrthamWlHfitl couuite'viU
HXpitscil t piiMir. gitlttoi. S.ATUK! A Yjh
tin tlay or April next, at tin l;inirt Hi hi
tin hnnmvli of Snultnrv. t ti foll'twiiiir rlo-cnb-
t rnulestute tnwit : The untl.viiliMt innii'iy it
liulr part of hiI tlul purt of a tvrtuiri I rat t ol
IhihI, ituute in ftinin'rly Shumoliiit township,
Huw Coul township, county aforeHtiM, ttotiinl-
ed on thfl North by land imrvil in the
name of JkIiii !Jvil, m tin- Wfft bv l.iinln
HurvHVwl in t! iiiiiiih of Fniliru'k Kr.innT.
itn thu South by htmU survnyo1 in the iihiik
nf Kthr Kiamer .nnrt Sunniel Svnll, mul
Kistwftr.lly ty IuikU formerly own 1 by
U'nry Kilnr, now tin Innrfl nf S. 1.-1m,kr
tn:f (itlenii Miirklf, ()fif-aI. CMiitaininif in
the wlin'e 192 avrHn and 5T perchV. lSoinp
Hih niiilivnlfil Intir putt of thi wrslern putt
of a certain lurnv tract of biml. surveyed in
the iianie of M-nMlaK-m LHrer.on. lute
the rstu!e of Joseph Mur.-lhtll, 'ilereaHeil.
Sultf to comnifiice nt lOttVh ck, A. M. uf
Bind diiy. 'IVrnm of shIc to be tn-h,
Hv order of the rnrt. 1 ' ;
C. li. funiel.Clk.O.C. 1 !
March 7th, 1B57. J
JOSKl'll l lH LL
UaanfcLLt xsu P.uahulM Mt'rc'rrr.ii,
So. 2 ioilh Fourth Street, N. W. Comer uf
Market. I'liiluilclptiia.
1 1 AS n won I. ami an extenwve aaortment
uf the nenext mid mifC ile.-irlile kind, in
fludinu iiiiiiyiSKW sSl'VLKS uot herrtuture
(6 he hatl in thin mHrrt. An exHminatioii of
our Ktoik lanirliriti-dht'lure junhauig elewhere.
Ma'ch 7. IM.S7. 3m c
1 1 ere Ity divert tlmt ihe St. John' I'liiird
(irrimiii K. foriui d and tnhrfmn
Churi h.iu l" ' r MhI.miiov tovnhip, Nnrtliuin
rli"d county, have filed their petit bm praviu?
t' mi net ol iin orpomtioii under thtf iminr mid
lilti alvo.e mentioiifd, Hiid Ihut the court have
lixtatlir lirat Auy uf next term fur hearing el the
Prothoiotary'a office, I
Saultuty. Nturch 7. I H57. (
'SIE !iitluinlierlnl liiiirnviiii,iit lJoiiiia
I uv iiivilr iriiiinaiila fur Ihe l.rnao nf a l")r
lion nl llirir V , VKINS. filiialc oil llirir
iriinrtv in .N..rtiuiiilicrlurnl ciunly. Peiiiislva
nis, two ami liall'iiilea Ihe town n" Mm
in. .kin, an. I .lirfctl ori lh line uf llie l'liilad.--x
lua ami Hunl'iin ( Kuail.
'I'lie Vriiia ul (Ni; Hre wi-ll lorateil for eaay
ami inoliialile 0.f A il y lu
JOsKl'Htf. DIXiiN. Agsnt.
v M. (.'annul. P.
er to AS. S.vot.wui.,. Kee'v.
IH Smith tvj .trait, rhil.deliibia.
March 7, 1H.i7. 3m'
"0NUCT8 me lifailiiu Itiiilrnail at Au
burn, on llie Schult.iil, (In milea llo
rmtavil.e ) witlillie IS'urilit'rii Irnlral Ituilrnad,
nt l)iiii lllli. on tin- 8uaqueliaiiiii, ami wil.l llie
una) Ivanla Kullroad al liutkvillp, (5 lllllr
alaive Harrialiurg,) a.iu iuiiiik jma-eitKi-r
train in is inter, ami iwu iaangrr train in
uinhn-r Ihronijli tirlwcen Audun ami lliinia
Liirn. ac i way, lUily, (..Sunil.iy exoi i.teil ) on
lime arrjiigeil l romu'i't praiorly Willi tlirai
loaiia; witlillie Cuinl.iTlaiul Villi-) anil llarria
lmr nml l.aiicaaler KailrnaiU at llrriiliiirtf.
ami with till 'altuvi.a lUilrot), and il north
em conmcll li til run v ntiinii
l;l.l, Otill MlllililS, i,g. &. Suj.t.
March 7. Ie57 - Cin. d-
IS hrrfliy given that the Mulhidi.t rpiseoiial
'hu ill al filiHiii"kiiiii'wn, hive lilril thrir
ieii'in for an liiririirti in 'iihIh the name and
ttlle ahnve menlione.1. and that la t'nnrl have
fix id the liral day ol' next lenu I'orheurun; ol the
JAMES DEAR), rutli'y.
Prmhoiintirv't)Hii' )
8unliU'V. March 7, 1857 S
14' KT UlIKi l-4.1t: ikis
r HI" On-aa ia r irom mended tp.he (l
1 Wagi'iiera l.ivery laiaM knyra. t
laing Kri-minii loanyihins; of the n, fVt
trmluod. As il dm not g.nii Uti thr
- ia much mrv chiraHr. nd is noiairrc
Ihe weather n inaining Ihe s.une iitanrn
in winter, and (nil nu iu lin caniatri i :),
tii ci ills. I'm sile hy , A. Slll
March M.IH57-
HV I) U I I . K I ; M P A f7-'' (iea,7
mixed wilh '' ' v'"i'
of uil, fur aS.'.e hv . ' "
Msuh 14. .
snd wliolessl dealers. in . rr,
I'inli, Iicchc ; Provixlonsi;
No. 47 North Wharves, (Mow Race 8treel)
. i'l tl.A DELPHI A. -f
llavinsronalantly on hand a larg aaanrtmenl
of Kih, Cbei mi and l'roWnha. which they are
prepared tu sell at Ilia lut eal ioi!le rates.
t-"W ORUEns iromntly attended to.
Kch'uary Si, I8'i7. Jm . 3
A CANAL BOAT Foil mAI.R, on ra
enable terins. Apply to
of Shainokin,
or II. D. MICHAEL, rJunburf.
February II, IR.'.7.
Loathti I Leather 1 leathci t
riKisnv v. intoiMAM,
1MPORTKR nf rrtiirh Ch' Skina anil (nnl latb
dealer, N.i. ith Third nrrrl. I'hilailrliiliia
A Crucial aaainliiietit uf all kind nf LeaUiwr Muruous,
Red and Oak hiki Leather. .
Kalur IRirl , w
stationery i A large supply of fancy Itote
Paper and Rnreloiea, Mourning, Letter,
and Cap Paper, Pen. Ink, Kami, Ac, st
March 14. '67. A. W. FIMHKR'S.
Notice is lirrrhy given t tint the .following
nuiiiftl ersoiis iaa filed Iheir pi'titim s in
the I'mtliiiiiiitiiry's oflice ami that they will
apply to thu next Omtrt uf Quarter Sirns-nnis
ul llm IVace of Niiilliunibi'rUtiil county Iur
Licence for Taverns ami Hi-alaiirants Ac.
ISoillrey II. llehock, in-titions for tavern
licenae i,.1 NVa!iingloll tosnliip at his old
Henry H. WvtVi'f. pelitions for lavern li
cense in Trevorloii, Ee."'1' tuwnebip at liisold
Ktias Shaffer, petitions for la"''rn liii'nse
iu Jordan tuwnslup, ul Daii.el Sauri's old
.Mariah Thonipson, pel il ions for tavern li-'
cense in thu burutiyh of Suiiuiiry at her old
J. ti ileii Sniitli, petitions fur tavern license,
in Jncksou township at his id stand. j
Henry Haas, petitions for lavern license in
the borough uf Northumberland at hi old
liehjmiiin Krmutp, petitions for tavern li
cense in Trevortuii iu Zerby, township ut bis
old stand.
IVler Weikel. petitions for tavern license
in Cameron township at his old slum).
Kliz.ibeth linker, petitions for tavern li-ceiir-e
in Little -Mahuuoy township, at her old
James Coverl, petitions for tavern licence
in the horoiiKh ol Siiuliury, at his old eland.
Klias Knii'iick. pHtittoliK for tavern lirenoe
in Lower Aiunsu township, at his old stand.
Itnlurt It. Porter, petitions f"r tan-in li
eciieii in Sliuiiii.kin, t.'uul township al his old
S.itniii'l Clark prtitiotis for tnvern liceni-e
in J cm ill n loaiiship,
MiK'bael VVilvert, petitions, for tavern li-cein-r:
in the tMirouuh ol Sniiliury.
l'eli-r lliinstlunin. peiitions for tnvern li
cense in the borough of Northumberland at
hi old stain!.
C. -S. Ilr. wn. peiitions for tavern license iu
the borough or Northumberland at bis old
I'tiniel Ilolflipe. petitions Tor tavern license
in Point towanliip. uil old stand.
John K. Weist, petitions for tavern license
in Jordan township.
1'hoiiuis Fowls petitions for tavern license
in Tivvorton. Zi-rby township au old stand.
Ahruliuiii Odiuaii, pelilions for lavern li
t'euatt ill liamokiii, Ci.ul toWQjliip at his old
Charles Leisrnring, petitions for tavern li
ieiiM iu iShiiiiioklli towiikhip ul his old utaiid.
Cluirlea Weaver, petitions fur tavern li
cense iu the lioruugh oiiuiiljury at his old
Ihmiel Herb, petition lor tavern license in
Upper Miihiinoy township ut Ilia old tjlmnl,
iSitiiiii'l It. Uued. pettttou I'ortavein license
iu l'ottsgrure, Cliiln(tiii(tiu towisliip an old
Henry J Iv-klu-rt, petition for tavern I-ci-nse
in thu borough of Milton ul liisold
Win. Ashniun. peiitions for tavern license,
in Trevorlon. Zerby township.
John M. I lull', petitions lor tavern license
in the toroiiih of Milton at bis old stunil.
Peter 8. Yeiicer. petit.tious lor tavern li
cense, jn t'oul township, at liisold stand.
Win. M. Weuver. pelilions for tavern li.
cense, iu Slminokin, Coal towiibliip, at hi ohl
K'iziilietli Strieker, petitions Tor tavern li
cense iu the borough ul .Milton at her uld
Ali-xauiler II. liluir, petitions for tavern li
cense iu the borough uf Millon ut his uld
J allies Leech, petition for tavern license in
Delaware township.
Thomas Search, pel il ion for tavern license
in CliilisipiiopiM township nt his old sUml.
Juliii Ki yiinre, petition for tavern license,
in Tiiibiitville, Lewis township, ul his old
IrfH.ic Kemler, petition for tavern license,
in Tiiruutville, Lewis township, ut his old
Adam imick, petition for a tavern license,
in Shiiiii-'k in tow nship, ut his old gland.
Win. II. l.en h. petition for tavern license,
in Ml. Carniel, at Ins old stand.
John Henry Adam. Pel it ion for it tavern
license, iu Upper Muliunoy township, uld
slain I.
Ii.uiiel Kreni.r. petililion for tavern li
cense, in Cameron township, old tluud.
Pmiiel lleitn. petilion for tavern license,
in Upper M.iliuiioy towiiliip. old stand.
Jacob Strmili. pelilion lor tavern license,
in Jordan township, old stand.
tieorue. U. flU. petition tor tavern license,
iu Cliili-apiutpie. township.
Jonathan ll-gli. p-lilion for tavern license,
iu Hel.iw.ire township, old stand.
Henry J. Header petition for taveru license,
ill Delaware township, old stand.
Abraham Koihuri.el. petition for lavern
license, in Luer Malmnoy towiiahip, uld
J. O. Smith, petilion for tavern license, in
Jut ksoti township, old
Kr in, p"t'''
Cnrg rin(4H tvnrl Itrfifr flinrr, rrtl-'
lion fur license for selling splrilnnrs, mall, tr
lirewifl liquors and rrctifyilig, (o the town t(
Trerorton. 2rlic township. -..
Charles llcnninger petitim for tirose to
fell vinous, malt aorl distilled liqnnrs ir fou
nsetion with goods, wares, and cither conimo
clilies, in llm town uf Shainokin.
Lewis. Mear ft Oo.. petition for lirinso lo
ell spiritous, vifc'nns. malt and lirewed liquors
in (inutility nol lens than une gallon, in Mouut
John Knhr. petition for license lo sell
vinous, spirituous liipiors. in quantities not
less than a gallon, in tin Ilnrougb of .Millon.
David J. Lewis, petition for liceriso lo sell
vinous, distilled, malt and brewed liquors, in
the town of Mt. Carmel.
O. YT, lili'man, petition for restaurant
license. Id the borough of Snnbury, at his uld
Kdwarrl fjass. petition for restnnrsnt li
rense, in Ihe borough of Snnbury, s.1 his oft)
Joslifi (lenry. petiti m for rostanrant li
Cense, tp the liorough of Sunbnry.
Cli.t'ili'S Oaringer. petition for rcstanrsnt
Iicene,,in the borough uf Suulinry.
Kilriih J. D.iviiHi.n. petition for reslsnrsnt
license, in Turlnit tuwnship, at her old stand.
' John K. (Jehrig, t etitittn for restaurant
license, iu the I'litnitli of M ilton.
Joseph Harris, pefifinn. lor restaurant li
cense, in the lioriinyh of Sllltnn.
' Knbrrt Whitesiile.' petition for restaurant
license, in Tretmli n. Zi-rhe tn n.l'ip.
Charles MeUiuly. pelilion for Hestjurant
License iu ClnTif'qiinrpie lownhip.
(iotleil) fSrj'iiiire. etitimi for reBtaursnt
license, in TfWnitorj. Zerbe township.
Jacoti Klfthf. petition for restaurant li
cense, in Turliul vilie. Lewis t owt'if Li ji.
Win. A"hrlmn. p-l.tion for restaurant li
ceiise, in 'frevortoii. Zi'llm township. .
Win. Fisher, pi tit ion for restaurant license,
in the Rorotigh nf Milton,
Henry tinners., pelilion for resta:uunt
license, in Lower Auk'is'I township.'
John W. Itnch. petition for restnnrant
license, in the ISnrnttgh of N1' rtlmuibeilaiiil.
John. M. Keperlinv. petition for restaurant
lice:;e. in tliH Dorough of Northumberland,
Oh.' st and
S A. Herkinliline, petition for restaurant
license, in tii!' Horoiigli of Nortlinniberland.
JAM.'LS UKAUD, Proth'y.
Prothonotnry's Oflice. )
Snnbury, March 7. 18;")",
(JT1CE is hereby given that thn several
4 Court of Common Pleas, General tunrter
Seasiona of the peace, and Oprhans ('onrl. (ourl
of Oyer and ireriniiter and (ieneral Jail Delivery,
in aud for the county of Kortliumlierliinil, to
commence at the Court lit use. in the borough ol
Sunbury, al ll) o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the
Bill dav nt A PHIL next, and will continue
The coroner. Justices of the Peace and consta
ble in aud lor the count of Northumberland, are
requested lo la- then and' there in their proper per
son, with their rolls, records, iniptintions, and
other remembrances, to do thoso things to their
several otlice appertaining to be done. And all
witnesses prosecuting lu liehulf of the Comrhon
wealth against any prisoner are also requested and
commanded to lie then and there attending in tlre?r
proicr persons to prosecute ac.ainit him, as shall
be just and not to depart without teave at tlieir
peril. Juror arc requested to be punctual iu their
attendance, al the lime appointed agreeable to
their notices.
(liven under my hand at Sunhury, the 8J day ol
March iu the year ot our Lord one thousand
eight hundred and fifty-seven and the Inde
pendence of the United states of America the
Cod save: ihf Coinmniivveallh.
S.iksirr's Oiricr., )
Suiihtiry, March 7. 18S7.
riiiiiaionj ol' I'nrlition.
No. 41. April T. IH.7
Aluiamler Jurdan,
William Davis 4 Georire F. ex'ti. ul Thotims D.ivis
of rhihiilelnhiii, di c'd., and j SnmmoDS in
alsoTrusttee for the widow f Purtition.
und heirs of Kind ileci-ii.-ed
Joseph Warner if Philadel
phia, and William McCurty
uf buubury.
Voithumberland Cannty, in.
'Ihe ('oHtniimtrtiilth nf I'tmnsifhwiia tit the
Sheriff of Km thuuilierland County. O'RrKUN'J :
t V Alexander Jordan make you secure of
I prosi cut ittg his claim then we couimaiid
voii.tlnit you summons by good suniutoners
Wililiiii' liiv)suml George K. Lee, Kxccutors
.ifThoiiias Davis of Pliihtdi'lphiii, deceased,
and also trusters for the widow and heirs uf
said d c'li., Joseph Wumerof Philadelphia,
nml W.lliiiin McCuiiy, of Snnbury, so ihut
they bo und uppear beloro our Justices ut
jjtiiibury. ul our t'ouniy Coiitt of Common
Pleas, there to be held the First Monday of
April,' lif-xt. to sLow whti'elore, wheieas the
said ilelenilunls mul the said plun.till'. to
gether nml innlividcii do hold lv.ght Lois of
j round in the town of haiiinkin as orignialiy
laid out by William McC'iii iv. Thomas Djvis.
Joseph Wurinr. mid A!.-.itn'er Joldati in
the county of Noillitiml'i'i'latiil, ami limn,
bered in llm plan of said ti wn, tin ri 1 1 htm
four humlied inn! thii lf n ; four hundivd und
thirtv-stx; lour buiiilieil mid titieen; lour
liutiii't eii und fourleeii j four Inn. (.'red und
twenty-nine ; four bundled mid thitly-scveii ;
four hnmlii'd ami I hit lya-ight. ami two hun
dred und til'ty. I'ullllioii whereof between
I heui to be made m-ioi dm j.' tu I ho fotlu
of the si litotes iu such case made mill pro.
vidoil, the said ilel'i inlaiits do gainsay, mul
the same to be done tin not permit veiy
unjustly und cmilrury to the loriu ol the
slat lite ufuretaiil, -
WiHiess the lluiiorMble A lexainler Jordan,
President ol our suid Court at tiuiibuiy,
Kub. IT. lb.'iT.
JAMES EEARD, P.oth'ry.
Priillniiiiiliirv' Oliire t
Bunl.i.r , F.b'. Si, I8"'7. J
o i n
In the Court of Common I'leas if Sortlum'.ir
land cowty :
John Creech,
F.lleii Creech.
) Aliaa bubpeena for a
j Divolce.
t To January Term 1807.
J No. 47.
To Kl.l.KS ClUKl'll.
Yoiiutv hereby not ilicil that John
Creech, vour hiisbainl. has tiled his petition
1 ti our Court of Coiiiuu.n Pleas for Nortlitiin
' crliiml eoutily. to be divorced from the Loud?
nial rimony entered nilowitli juii, unit. ,,a
being found in our builw ck, llie , .J.lltt
I divorce grmiti d by one su'j Court wue
so letitrned, win reitpi n t alias ub a'tia
ntei! j jou are ''. rel'oiv to lake no
he suid 1, iui t will be held in the
' .'.inliurv. on Monday the Clh day
A. D. 1'7. al 1(J o'clock A. M..
win-in you can appear und show
unv von have, w by llie said John
hoiild not l' d"i oiled fiom the
lutrnuoiiv eoiitracleil with you,
IIL'SKY WKlsK, bhciilf.
.srv oilier.
Vb. XH. I6i7. J Mar. 7. '57 4t
"Vr ollir. fir sale a 20 horsa ,
I,-, nearly new. wilh all Ilia,
it Ihe propity of the PaU !
e three boiler U'lohgitig
t ng. each, whbh ha
I a). Tli engii.a 1 po
ll r If1 iiiate'ial, and
'..VIO. uil l-O
(.eoklnj Uianrs, I'lctore SiaakM, Lsag. avians
at PatriltriK,
. . ,. No. ISO Arth S4reH abere iWh,
(Lai of lid North hecxtid ' '
i . rillLADEl.Plll A.
Gtltsitisa erxa atitt r viairajk. . A
Merchant at, other t-lsiting the Oi'y who
tnsy want anylhing in our line wilt do well t
give n call. ,
Peiiranry 28, lrtf7. flm
C 01TP A35"lI2 YEPa
J"EPECTFU.1.Y iiilmma hi friend ami
the public generally, that he has removed his
From No. 62 8oi Ih Fourth strret, lo No. I ?7
Arch, beluw Eighth, south sice, Pbiledel
Frbrus'y 28. 1857.
L. c; XVES'
Pracliite and Krull fllore,
Ao. 15 Knrtti WharceK Phiiadtlphia. ' ,
Shipping snd Country Oorders ptomptly Cllerl
on rea, onsildo orders.
Parsers and Dealers' Produce Sold en Cnru
missicn.' Apples, flananns, Pine A pplcs, Diicd Fruit,
Onions. Orn;tr. tshell liark, liaisiu,
Deans, l.ertoirf, White St lancet Pig,
Turnip, CraoU-nii a, Polatuea, I'uullry,
i'eschea, Uround Nuuta, Cheaiiulf, Eggs, Ac. .
Foreign and Domic Produce and piuit gen
crallv, Pehmary 48, 13.17 ij
Eitsolution of PartnerBhip.
'I'lIB partnership hetetofore existing between
- D. M. llovd, John H. laser, Tiioina Itusser,
a dJnmes llnd, under the li m liame Iijd,(
Itosscr rV Co., was dissolved by mutual consent
on llm firt day of Janus' v, 1657.
The business ol the lute firm " ill be sctllcd by
J. iV T. Kosscr, who will conliuue the busmen
of Mining ai the l.i.kc Fiddler Collety, or by
James Uud as their sgent, al Mimbury.
D. M. unyu. .
The underlined will continue the business ot
vending and shipping Coal at 8iiiihury, whrre
Ihnsein want of this celebrated Coal will please
address him.
Feb. . i:,7.
VF every description, suitable for railroads.
Ac-, for eie;iiirg Hsy, Coal, Ore, and
Merchandise generally. Purchasers run no risk
every scale is guaranteed correct, snd if after
trial, not found satisfactory con lie lelurued with
out charge.
Factory at the Old Stand, established for mure
than twenty year corner of Ninth and Melon'
Mrects, Philadelphia.
ATinorr & co.
Surreraor to Eliicotl & Abbott.
Philadelphia. March 7, 1607 corrr.
Wall Paper & WlnrtniT SIiuiUk.
J. V. 19 A. CS & BSOTHEE,
Ko. 1 33 -A'cir'A Second Stmt, below Race,
nAX'lXf! completed their faigc aaflortmcnt
of the above lioods for Spring and Summer
Trade; would respectlully invite ihe uttention
of Purchasers to the same. Their slock for
beauty, cheapness and vjr.ely cannot be surpas
sed. Thes hive em stnnify oh hand every dcsriip
tion of tbild and Painted Miades, Uoff llollsmls','
an I Shade Fixture. Wall Papers, 1'i.ifuhi,
Kire lli.ard Piinta. Uorjers. ic . all .of which
they nlVcr al tower rates than can 1-e ha I at any
other ratabhsliment. Call am! esumiue.
J r...I.lCS Ai. bKO.
11 North econd Street, below Kaco.
Manh 7. IH.')7 Gin iv
To BuiiVldi-s it C a.tntcri'.
The suliscrilies are agent fur llie sale of
I)mr. Window blind, Window &huturs,
all size of Window iSash, uil of which we utl'cr
at the lowest price.
Nov. U9, 'S6. E. Y. 11 RIGHT A SON.
THE sul.siiilier respi cifully oil'rrs his pr.)
fi'ssionnl service l.iiho Indies a:ij genilrmrn
of Snniiury and vicinity, ile is prepared U
atlend to all Ihe various operations iu l)eulilry,
aud i provided vvhli the latest improved
which will be inserted on pivot, silver or gold
plate, to look as well as the natural
If All woik warranted. OFFICE in Mnr
ket street, t doors east of the Post nl'riVe. Suulmrv,
Pa. Feb. 7, IHftT. JOHN E. f.MlL'K. '
LL peraons indebttj to the e.ilats of James
TiiJKart, I'ec'd , or In James Taggiirt 4: Son
or tu (iraulham I TaKumt, ate respci'11'i.l'.y re
quested tu muke payiHi nt on or l etore ll e S(.'lh
uf M a'ch, nexl, i r the account will be placid
in llie Hand ol an'ofliter lor (illectiori
Norlhumlierlaiid, Feb. 14, IBoV .
3?.A"r XJ2? 1
4 I.T, per. iis indebtel lo the si li-cribf r on
Note, liok Aceount or otherwise, are le
s;eclfully reiue-li d to piy up iinim diatcly, a
the account will be placed iu the hands uf a
Justice lor collection.
Sunbury, December 20, 1850.
G 11 A M A T I C A L V u II K S ,
Til V. I'nal book ol'lbc ltational System of Eng
lish (irnnitHar. "Sets
The second book of the national system of
KiiglUh (iraniuiar. desipned to leach the prorie
of Analysing ih Eugli"b l.uri;uut;f with aound
jiiJuuicul ; and the art of uaing il with gram
niniii'nl propriety. SI e s.
1'hese wurli are now used iu the Public
School, in the tirJt Srtiool Disliict of Peilnsyl
vsnia. 'Ihe third book of the National System of Eng
lish, ilesigned lo enable ihe learner to
become most thoroughly acquainted with ths
nature ami use of the Prepositiuns, and may ba
read hv him i i;!.n iu or out ol arhoo1. Ml c
llllOWNS' l.ranisfual liesdrr. Tb's 1) ok
telt sside ibee' Iheir dtfeeta
demoustraie the lilllc tlse of altei diu lo them,
and prt;nta t. the the unrrr u ai.d
only way to t',,t (ir.umnar of tlio English Lan
guage. 37 J eta.
'..ra!! l-y rctti Ciijr.c, 113 Arch tsireet,
febtuarv SI, I3.'.7 ":n wS
nllll f'tine Kim. in iu Market street. oecwpVif
by P. W. (irv end the dwelling hiui a I-
j 'iuins. A I ply to the executors of H. Mii.ii,
deceasi d.
Janimrv. 17. ISS7.
I.OKT MONAIEs. 'J'ooiU "d Hir I nuhe
L s qualiiius, and any (juanti v, I t ile bv
March 14, '57.
1 I'll 10 OLIVE OIL for table bse. two aiia
at H7J and CJ cent -just received bv
Manh 14, '57.
; ,
Come nad 8ettlo y
A LL peisoua knowing there
s- uaeitner lv Nole or '
qucaieu lo call at uur
lie, a alter li.a tii ol
t plar all wapiti"
Jw.UCw tJ.t" t.:s r'euce