jKsccIlimcmisf. NCIDKKT roR Mas. Stowb. 'J.ihtrtj I'll.? Nashville llunuer of March main the. following : pui tit ular of oneof the most unc. lit suicide hurt just come In inr .Ige. Two v.i m 0 l' Mr. June tor -r Union Hull, in this city, ur J mull named Levi, ami I In1 nlli", t . 1 t-It Allt'll. r.Uf !i'.tuy (ill SiiiiiIb'- t,iu , l' ar t..t they illlcll.l.td , g,., ,1, IWIl fur. t'liallHI)...- Brriv,J .Mo late J he,. viU the truck, i. id proo cloiV j, jHwmilr,.. soiroeling -lT..snr.T-.Mont1.yiiti!l,tln a ihickct. II'"". uppcitrid hi ,Aiitioch lift .the I ruin came along, iitnl (' yellow man trail ticket fur htmrrlf nu" ttnul fol tloogti, , The. trick was linl delected puffd u a w It it .'iimn, mill tm.k hi r at tlin same talde. with the other pus rs, ordering Tonil fur hi srivaitt Mt a bible. The Htiention of Mr. C'liurli'S merchant of this city, whnwn nil hoard. s way tit New York," was attrut tied lit mnl after a lit tlx scrutiny lit recngnir.ed though di.guiaed in m Hut- unit of c lot In . t'nx, mi Tuesday morning, before reach- Jliaitun.inif:!, ipiesiinuing Levi, mul he. MX sulilied that In was running nwuy. red lo:,i. un ! inti'miite it that In- vn.'i uer. Levi was wrapped in it blanket. he urntugcd tit ilrnw a pistol from hi .st Without the movement being noticed. turning the muzr.le upon hi atldomcn. I mnl Ml mt hi Kent. Mr. l'nx and other eitgers tied in in oppusito directiun, under impression tlmt he whs firing lit them, when they turned buck lie hud drawn u ie kuifo unJ cut bis throat, and wui a ('." h Hiinner adds t ' Levi was ui) excellent servant, alwsvsnlie- it and tractable, miusitully intelligent. "end nk ht would nut hmvlelt bn master with t some strong indiirt un tit a. A Ohio editor give liis view of several lite which lie witnesshd lit the Inuligura it Hull at Washington, thus; 'The wantof variety in this Metropolitan Hieing was, however, fully made up by the lay ihiugs, miic It us the waltz mid polka. hese were absolutely ttiiilnirotiR, The old shinned waltz, the morality (if which even iyron culled in tpo-stnn. is In re ignored u nil gut her ton cold ii nd tlit-tiilit. The lady ere lays her lie.nl on the geullcuinii's bosom, uts one hand into hi, and the other in hip oat-tuil pocket, then resigns licrsolT to Ins ill braces, and eve In sleep, nil Inil her feet, vhichwhen not rurried hy hint dear i.fl' the loor, goes p.itiinu an uinl on her. The gen Ittiitan lluu entwined throwd his head kick, ml lilt e)es iiji, likea dyiiiji fall' : hiftln iU bout in the hiipe ol fijiure 4. he whiiln, tiut ks lip, nniui;9 around, swoons, to ail appearanivs. pushed forward, ami leave tha ring 1u the ilelit(hl of all decent people." Tint .Sl'hv.!h? I'ki.s iiiapii .V upecitncn oft lie telejirnph'S fitlile iiitelldfll to connect h'irnpe and Ailericii, has lieen lea i,i i,r ciffi-'t" hy the linn. James II. Oamj iiell. The fleetric wire eliriiscd in piiUa pi rchu. is Com posed of seven small si ramls, the whole pro tecled hy one hundred and forty turunda id twisted wire. It is flexible and ut the name time very t-tronp. Thevahiu.is about the diameter of a dune. Twenty-two hundred utiles is the leiiuth of the wire. The steuniers will shortly start to lay the cable. The plan is to have eleven hmnlrvd miles of cuble pmd out by steamers from miiltvny were the ch! will be joined, to each ritual . For the trip tt steamers are tiirnii-hed It v our lov, rn- titetil, atiil Itvo by the Kn'lisli tiitvernineiit. On each steamer puyiiitt out I lie cable, a but tery will be placed in order to have inlelli. genre of each other', movements, Ity June wo will in all probability, be in teVvr.it.hu coiliiiiiiuioalion with lvijljnd. Mihtr Juur. Amaoram. Ail a no ;ra in i the the ttisso. In t it n of iiny word or sentence in letter as its elements, uiid then niakiiijr some otlnr word or senteiite Troiii it. upplic,ble to per tons or thiiiK nunieil in such original wuid sentence. There mo words oflhis tlescnp tion. boih of iiuciciit and niordrrii npplieution which exhib t coinciilenceH thut are truly sur prising, and nlTord a very peculiar fund of amusement. The following is a selection ol tome of thu bet-t transposition : Ex, lVitlicul reform Uare mad frolic. ' Astronomers Moon starers. Ib'inocraticsl Comical l rude. Kncyclopedia A nice cold pie, (iallanti ics All )reat bin. Lawyfi ily ware- Misanthrope Spare him not. Monarch March on. Uld Knjilmiil (Joldeii land. Presbyterian Best in prayer. 1 uillslinient Mne tlinilip. Hevolutioii To IoVh ruin, Teeii-aphs tireut help. Pen i tent iary--Nay I repent. Pf.VISPMKNT WITH Vv.TVT.H IS ArnlCA. OllP of the most roiu molt and tertlblu kinil of pililishiiii'iit inll.uted upon disobedient but. I io rub red pnpter into their eyes. Their crea und j ells under the operation titesa vage bej.,,,,1 ijcscription, mid it is a wonder tii.il their sijj".t ,,,( cutirelv tlePtroye.l There ha lievt-i xtsn knuwn, io.wev. r. a i u-e where any pennant, mji.ry vti infl cled in th.s wiy. Adult oUMi,.r4 am sometime iil'jected to a still severer punishment. Tkey uru made last nil the roof uf thr hou.-e. and iU'ruuglly smoked with prjcr. Sonenitso 4 Good a Ikou Rimih.A CtrreHpouJeut of the Scientific Americuii tends I hat paper a rpecinien of a snbslunce which but the property ot India Kuhhcr. kbut i produced id all State of this country outh of 3D decree, and ia in a solid form. Jt may easily ba reduced to a suitubltt shaiit- for etportatian. Ilia editor say it look l.ke Wi real eaoutchone. The discoverer is Joeph ij Ware, and iftheartit te possesses the phyaicwl properties tit I ml. a rubber, lie fca made a tii.ocovery of iliestimable Value. ATi-'ti Wkixi Nine arteian wells huva bet n rtiitit for lanoiiv establn-liiiieiits in Sew York, al aiiipengt- of i'.'iO.IMlil. which furr.is!i '" Jfall'Mit tf water per'liiiiiiltf. The price quantity of ''Crotou" anuuuliy would ', il iti said. : Ili-siNi!s I?ur:np thtt ,rr 18.'iG, 'oiIiich (inn in i'liic.in", li,' . have Hiesl2 MKl.i.'llll. their checks ainoiiiitiiij: to 4$!4.iou,'hk). 'nit passed through 'the IV lioke on THE AMERICAN. i SUNBURY. - 8ATURDAY, AFEIL 4. 1857. ... ... , - . a IT. B. MASSF.R, Editor apd Proprietor .. i 1 i i . . ., '.-t lit AuvKTiit1cn -Thr circuiMtinu il ta Shnihury met trNti sm.iiig thr rfiffrrrut Inwtli on is Slafff)ttSantiit y iHitrirrrdril ifrirarird by any xmpu paltttslteil in NnttS rn raiinivtruii. Democratic State Nominations. - Fur Clwrrnnr Gen. WILLIAM F. PACKER, OF I.VCOMINO COUNTY. Jwlgr nf thr Supreme Court, llttn. H.LI I.SWIK, or rim. tEi.rn-A. Fur Cumit Cnmmifsiitner, MM It till nilKKLAM. OF CIIKSTER COfNTV. ELMTOK'S TADLE. Bnslnrta Hotter, CtlitiT vlii RiMta. We rail ths sllriu fun of our render to the ilTrrtirment of Vha tisn Haupt nf thi place, who nfler for le a Urge ami hndnme variriy nf f'sliinct-wsr and other articles in hi line nf husinrs. Scanni. lit sr.c tubs . Will observe the Silver, tinrmmt nf Mr. Keiincmmyder, the County 8u (.rrintrndrnt. Amricas AcaicrLTCSi ttT. Sre the ad veriut nicnt of Orange Jiidd, N. Vork. 'lltl.A IlKLrill I 11U ScKBrRT KaILIIA1I. An rlertion for officer i dvcrtised. Salt. Cvt the advertisement of 4le. No. 3H South wharves, I'hiUd. Kerr, IT?" Pavkmr.ntr is Maukkt Strf.et. The meeting which assembled at the couit hnuse on the 2fith hist,, for the purpose of exjiress iiijl their opinions on the ordinance, retpiiriiig the paving of Market street, was, on a vole luk-n, iiminitiKiUrly infuvortif the measure. The oi'lmance require properly holders to pave between tin and the 28th of bcplembei next, before their premise. rjF" Pteuc Sciti'Oi. Kxini'iTioN. OnTues day evening lust, the scholars in charge of Mr. l'owt ll, No. . 4, of our i'ublic Schools, had an exhibition at the court house. The exercises attracted a crowded bouse. The Sniibory lira's Hand generously tendered their services for the occasion. The' object of M r. Powell i to raise funds for the pur pose of procurinii a globe and other apparn. to" for the use of the schools. Mr. Powell tfserves credit Tor his effort ill tl.it laudable nmleit iking, and we trust bis expectations will be fully realised.- 6-r The work on the Northern Central Uai'rnad. from Trevorlon bridge to Sunbury, was ullolled. as follows, on the 2Clh ult. Section 45 K Ctirnes & Cn 4G Win. M. Wiley. 4" Tho..E. Shnll 4 Co. " 48 Collin. I.ee A- Co. " 40 nnymon &. Kendip, " .10 D-iniel Dnieherty. " 51-2 .lames Ibin i Co. ' f3-4 Jacoh SeiisU ltz A Co. The work to be cnmnienreft a onn s pos sible and finished by thu 1st of November next. 65" Piitt.ADF.i.rniA 4 Sr.vM'RV Kii.nnAn. Jndi;o 1 1 ri i k.vrtux has tesigned re Presi tleiiev of this road, and is succeeded bv Mr, r.inrn.r. We understand that the Siuhury k K.rie company has taken the stock, and leased the road Tor six years. We trust that Mr. Fisk, thu Siiperintendant, will rema-n. It would lie linril to supply hid place. C3J" SriruiK Abraham Fry mire, a highly respectable citizen of Upper Paxton town. ship, Pauphin county, hung himself in his burn, on the 24lh ult. The deceased was a man in ennd rircumslmices, lint in the sale oud purchase of some land, there were some difficulties involving the title, which, preying upon his mind, caused him tnrntnniit the rush act. He leaves a wile but no chiblren. Noriiikr.h Cf.ntrai. Raii.road There is a strong force of about 2"0 men laying the track on the road between Trevorlon bridge and Mahuhtango creek. The work will be completed so thut passenger trains will pass over it by the 1st of May, The packets will then connect with the road at Port Trevorlon. Passengers from Pliiladr). pliia will linn arrive lit re ut about 6 o'clock in the evening. (to Tub NoRTHtin rm.Asu CotKTV Tkaoi. kiu' Isstitutb hail a meeting in the court house, 111 this place, 011 the 61 11, u lit) c ued 111 session three tlays. Quite a 11 uf teachers und other were present ftf Jiiok Lewis. Iu another col publish the letter of Judge Lewis, to be a candidate for Judge of th Court. The Jiulge says thai ill ''Consults his own earliest Trot1 Judicial life." Many quire !)' ii' Lewis di drsire bci""e the nominal The Judge si mds lu-b . f Judiciary una hi d ' with surprise, 110. lions. ' THI Mlttfl KD Till ttt. Tbe can on tbe Suubory it Erie road nbw make two trip daily to Williamsport. The early train leaving this place at three o'clock, A. M., (night.) ronntierting at Norilinniber land -with the packet from the Junction. The Second train leaves at 9.45. A.M. The packet leave Northnmberland for the June, tion at o'clock in I lie evening, on the arrival of the train from Willi. imsport. About the 1st of May the Northern Central road will be completed to I 'oft Trevortoii. wheu new arranetnents will take place in running; the packet. The boats will 'then make two trips daily between Northumber land and l'ort Trevortnn. Cupt. Walters and Capt. Huff are both kuowu us most obli'ieinx and careful officer. The sphere of their action, in another month, will delimited to 14 miles, and before tbe close nf the pres ent year, the Completion of the lUilroud to this place will le the end of packet travel Hup. The gallant captains can then repose on their laurels earned oli the "raging ranuwl,'' while their services will be recorded in the history of the past. Althmiiih the rapid and comfortable car will be hailed willt dliihl by the traveller, yet there are many pleasing reniinisences connected with tbe packets, that we shall not readily forget. A (itiuo Juki;. A clever joke was perpetrated at the ex peiie or some of our bretbern of the legal profession, on Wednesday last. Prothono- tary Heard received by mail, on Tuesday evening, a package uudi r seal,- which he opened, and found in it another package sealed, ami also instructions not to open the enclosed package until 10 o'clock next tluy (Wednesday.) in tbe presence of all the attorneys, whose name appeared on the outside of the package, for the different claimants, amounting to sums varying from 8211,000 to $210,000, in all over GOI,000 At the time appointed the attorneys appeared at the Prothonotury's oflice, excejitiug two, who were out of town. Mr. Heard nt first declined opening tbe package on account of the absenceof some of the attorneys, but finally, nfter a written notice served upon him, he consented to do so. The package was opened, mid the first paper taken out was a blank sheet, the secoud the same 1'he third and last was then opened, on which was simply inscribed in large charade:, tl.e following mysleroiis woids: TlIEFIItSTOF APRIL. 1857 !!! The lawyers, before whose vision the fees on these large snms had loomed up into thousands, were for once, at least, "taken in." Oue of the party had already, made calcula tions in reference to investing a portion of his feel in a new brick house, whilst another was chuckling and laughing, as he mentioned oa lest fortunate member of the profession, the "sweet little claim" he had received for collection. The third assumed a gravi'y that would have done no discredit to Chief J ust ice Taney, in deciding the famous ''llred Scott case." whilst he cautioned the Pmthotiotury against tbe great responsibility he assumed in delaying the opening nf the sealed pack age. They all lei t tbe . Dice, Tally Impressed with the idea thut they were wiser, if not better men than tlicy had been an hour previous. OT Ri.At-KwoorVg Mauazink and tiik Bri tish ItxviKws. We refer our readers to the prospectus of the publisher of these valuable periodical. We have no room, at this time, to speak of their nn riff which, are known to till who ure conversant with the literature of the day. The high order of these publica. tions, will always make them a welcome visi tor in every family, where talent and a culti vated taste is appreciated. We therefore re fer our reader to the ''splendid ufJera" mad by the publishers. J IDG a; ELLIS LS.Wla MITMIIKAUM FKOlt UU t A.VA. The following letter from Chief Justice Lewis will be read wnh surprise : West Pkkk Sivakr, 1 PuilaHKI.i iiia, Match 25, 1857. 1 To Chari.bs K. HtrKALKw, Chsio'o of the Ib-mocrutlC State foiooilttee : Dear Sir t At the late Iteiuocratir State Convention, the local claim ef the different section of the State were generously waited for lite purpose of securing my continuance 111 the Inch and important oflice ol' Supreme Judge. The energy willt which those claim are now urired for the oflice recently vucalid on the Supreme Hciich, shows the extent of the sttcr. hoes then tniiile, ami the nature ol I lie dissatisfaction which may exist alter one Section shall be gratified ami the other dis appointed by thu anticipated nomination. The Convention, when re-asseiiibled. might be able to harmonize these claims, if that body had two nominal ions to make, instead of one. I thereloie'feel at liberty tot ecline us i now- tin the re-nomination tel tb ied to me bv the llemoi-rutic State Convention. In thus promoting harmony, I consult my own earnest desire to retire from judicial life, und at the same time put the delegates to no in convenience. ts I hey will be obliged to come together ve'aitt for the purpose of nominating a cuidi tiearlpH the existing Vacancy. I ha r service"'?u,', engaged injudicial dulier Viiiisyrani.r ear a lunger 'ree chaiigVlf u.".v ''"J" i' lo th e. been thus ,-i Const i ..'d my ges ol net' ut of the loved. ' i TT"; "1 ' Tiii1tiin RMruLt'i"'""" nn.ua." - ... We were shown this morning by Col A . O. Ytibhoru. ol runhury, a grape shot, and sev eral "crow's feel" taaenfiuiii a large (jauntily recently dug up jn making .an evcavuealiou near Fort Augusta. Northumberland county. The "Crow's feet are small iron implement with roar barbed poiuts so connected that no matter huw they fall one or the points will al. way be turned tip. Thesh were used In seal terarouud the fort to or. V' nt iheiipi'rouch of the Indians whtl Were prowling urouud the ion miring the Involution. (if' The above we copy front the Philad' 1- phiu Ilullctin. These relics, particularly the "crow feet," are so abundant on the ground near where the old Fort, stood, that Mr. Eckleiuan, who furm the property, ha. picked up nearly a bulf bushel, wliili plow, lug tire premises, These. Ijttle "instrument of torture,1,' whh were pointed and harhetl, were Scattered around the approaches to the Fort, and were intended to prevt nt the Indians from prowling around at night. The old Fort, which 'wis about a mile above town, has long since disappeared, but the magatine, vault built ol brick, underground, is still in a good state of preservation. The property belonged to Col. Hunter, who was in service during the Hi-volution and that portion, of it, including the site of the uld Fort, still reiniiius in possession of bis descendants, the Hunter family, residing at this place. TI-L ANUIIIrll AILtMIIC aXBMtHI.Ha. Tbt.t.Hril There appears to be no less than three pro ject undertaking Tor lay lug submarine t allies across the Atlantic. The first from Ireland to Nova Scotia, which the 17. S.. Congress gave all enormous bounty, is 111 tbe baud ol' a monopoly in Hritisb tei.-itoty, aud out of the Control of the United Slate lioVernmeiit Tke secoini is a cable from the Ho st southern point 011 the English coast to Cape Fluirtcre 111 Spain, ami llteitce via- inu Azores 10 ,Hn sachusetts ulld a third, a will be Sceu by the lidlow iug extract, propose to lay u lute tlirect n-uui IrelalKI to iNcw Xork. Kit her ol these lust will depriva any nioiiopoly of the cliauce of making the. business ol I In coun try sitOservic uMo their lulerests, ami will tlnow the. Atlantic Telegraph busiiies open to competition, lue . lollowing is the ex tract : Transatlantic M arini Cablic We un derstand that a marine cable is liw in course ol construction al the extensive and well kuowu inaiiulacloiy of lbivi Fetitoii A Co., (Queen's Ferry works, ueur Flint, the object ol which 1 the connecting this country w:th America by tetegruplnc communication. We are not able to say what is lue name of the com'puuy torwhoni the cable is being Coll teil ; but il is Uot the same a that wlncb has appeuled to Parliament, 111 cuiimctioa with the American Associatiou for an iiiternatiou al Telegraph. The length of the cuble now in course of mitiiul'ucture wil consist 4f ae.ver strain!, iu each ol. which will be isolated a copper wire with goita peri ha tubing, alio thu lingtli tube couslructtd will etUul lwi thousand five hundred utiles, and will weigh lour thousand tons and upward. The whole will be completed within three or four months I10111 the present time ; anil the process ol submerging will take place as soon alter com. nlcliou a DOKSlble, lUe uileiitiou lietne to connect New York directly with the west coast of Ireland, uud to pan by and ignore all lutrriiieUiute station. We have heard that liut eminent has consented to give the use of two fruutes ol the largest class to as. sist 111 the salmereniir ol the wire wire : uun the intention h ISut about .May or Juor next these shall take their ilepuiture liolil a point 111 the centre of the Atlantic, and, steeling for the respective shores ot America and the west id Ireland, ileposit the Cables they proceed 111 Is ocean bed. This operal ion will not probably occupy more t hull seven lo Un days on Mlhei' hauii, and the submarine ami international enmmiiuicatiuii will be complete Liierj.uot AdcertUtr. (Kn.m th U. S J lurnal ) lalrrrstiuj L llrr frrm Juilf Kaae. At the requtst of the brother of the late Ir. Kane, who were resent 111 this city Our ing the lime Uie remains weie here, on ac count of the service pelfolitied here. Were transmitted to the widow of llr. Kane in Philadelphia. In ackiiowleilgemeitt which the following teller Wus written by Judge Kane, w hich has been buntled to 11 for publi cation by the reverend geiitlcuiau to whom it i addressed : I'll i.ADKi.miA. March 21, 1 857 . iV lhar Sir: Mr. Kane, has not recov- , ... aie riioe lie, inraii, m.'.j J" " ' r 'liotu New Orleans; and she bus loinmis- sioiied me to otfi r to ou her very sincere tliunks for your kind letter ol the ill 11 tusiani l o these 1 beg leave to uun my own. lloiinriuit to inv son's memory, a the sol emnities at Cfltuuibu were, and 'r.tfnlas we must ever be to the li veivntl gentlemen who took part in thciu'we find our best con- solution 111 the iiiougiii inui tie was wonut of such coiMUieiuoratioii. It wus Hot as the wot hi knew him, brave, energetic, sell relying selt-suci'iliciiig, that wu remember hint ut home. Ili-i characteristic with us was his sensibility to 1 onsciriilio impulse. It was this which culli d him the Second time In I be Polar Seu, and had Und spared him, would hate lituile llllll ret HI il there utiilill ; for lie believed, as Hone but t lie tiue-ln lilted cult believe anything, that some nf Franklin's purly was still alive, and that it wan the mis sion if Ins lile to leclaim them. He had a child l.ke fondness for the afi'ecliolts of home; but tin, and eal for sctei.ee. and ambition of lame, and allelse that could connect itsell with wol.ve, w s subordinated to bis oue great coiiviclioit ol diiy. Death buil liecu uminsi 01 tiecessny a ta. miliar ihotitiht with him b r nmny years; mnl 1 thank Coil he was pcrmitleir to realize it at last with humble trusl in Him whose oflice oil earth was to seek and to save the last. 1 oruy Jou to convev our thanks to the Rv. lr llogeandt.. Rev. Mr. Steil, lor lairti'cipulioii in the last ndices to our son, aud to believe me, with very trne respect. Your railhlul seivuiit, J. K. UasK. Jlev. Mr. La. Tourrelte- de Wasiusoto, March 30 Ihe outlines 01 the instruction to R. tnatl J Walker, ll.em w ovt ruor of hlaiisas. have been agreed npoii he cabinet. They proceed oil lite princi . of lecoguixilig the stulute of Kansas aa ulid. The principal bttiuer with which he s charged IS, a liereiotore eurnurcu. i . ..- . .1.. 1 I ,...lu. u..il. i,t l"W 1 " '! :.t . '"'"I" ' . :.. . ullruge concerti'iig tbe uffaiis , in crying out ine i.rownon i ami registry luw, ami thut lor ;i uf delegates ! thecoustiiuliolial The troops berelofore emplnyid ,- are to be removed, slid nth d III the loriner dlflic'tiei ure I by tP' Ui Buiilxrr AoHtteae.J RBf-oitTM kf ii. r. raiLiso, ctrtfuroB. - Wti.UAMsrORT. Marcn 31. . The 3 o'clock passenger train from Sun bury, came In collision with a rock slide about six miles below this place, fortunately the' engineer saw it before thev were on it, but too lute to slop the train, they checked their speed enough to preveut any s- riou damage to the train. No person was injured. ; "(FiUi ftankarjr Anwritau.) '' lleporttd ly II. 1. FrxHng. ' ' ' 1 , --- Vasiiikutoh, March 30. 1'he jury in the case of Mr. Lee. inilicted ft r the tnniiler of Mr. Hume, iu the 1'ensiou office, in this city, ret u rue J Inlo jtoiut Ibis moru.iig with a Verdict of acqintlul. I he jury wire ttoverned by mstriictioin of the t'otirl, given at tbe instance of the counsel for i be accused. M r. Lee. it will lie remembered, openly, but erroneously charged Hume at the lust public reception, giveu by President Pierce, with huving picked Ins oncket. The next no. ruing when Hume called upon Lee, ui me I elision omce, in coutlnce In in that he had been mistaken. Lee not only refused loirlraclthe charge, but firmly reiterated it. For this Hume caned Lee, whrn Lee suot n:m. Nrw Ori.kans, March 30. It is rumored that an expedition is about beintr fitted out here for some point lit Central America. It is said to tie the intention to make the first demonstration against Vermjna, a province of New (iranada. between Costa li ra and Panama. The expedition is said to be friend ly to Walker, and will act in concert with him It s reported, that a ProvisiomiHioVernment has been formed, and considerable funds were raised. th ImlrarlUaitiOiv, Wslkrr, ate. . W AsiiiMiTox, March 31. I'he instructions to Gov. Walker are full clear, explicit, nntl in llum ure (itioled the exact woids of Mr. lint liaoun's tt.augara!. viz: "It is thu indispensable duty of the tint-eminent to secure tt every resilient in. h tbi ant the free and independent expression of Ins opinion by his vote." In this the cabiiiel cordially Concur, Thev and those who will' sholtly udmiiiister the afiuir of Katisus, believe there is nothing to prevent neh result, in the adoption of the State Const it iition. us the Legislative Assembly, at their last session repealed thut portion ol the election law which required a challenged voter to take an oath to support the Fugitive Slave law Ceiilleintn who have made in quiry relative to this subject have been asriired that the administration and Co v. Walker will endeavor lo carry out their promise in gootl faith, being fully impressed with the importance of tbe result. AITalra la tt a.hlii(ta Basin. Brfars thr lablarl. Washinotoic, March 31. The President dismissed bis many visitor tbi morning until to-morrow, stating that the Cabinet Would meet an hour earlier thuti usual, to consider surerul highly iniportaut stiti.'.ects. Fleming It. Miller has been re-appointed l strict Attorney for the western District of iririuia. There are one hundred and twenty appli cants Tor the n or 14 Laud Unice appoiut iiieut in Kuiisas. (sen. Car is sufficiently recovered to attend tbe Cabinet meeting to day. rtirrtiat uf Trhanatrprc New Oki.baks, March 31. Il is reported here, on good authority, tbut insteud of purchasing Lower California and Sonora, our (jovernitieiit will conciliate the sjouili bv puvitiK a designated sum, sat SI") ,11110. for the Isthmus of Tehaiinteiiec. It 1 also rninored that Senator Heiijamin has been oOered tin- appointment for the purpt se of e fleeting the accotunlisbuiiiit ol this purchase. Ihc faui I raublr Wasiunotok Msrch 31 I he t'ulnnet held a- long session ..ay. and it is ninlerslood that our diC ,1 v- 1 r . -ie wa one ol the New ttraiiaiilun autho. ., ,. the topic, under c. r'.""1 . i u.r,fl reached is not ,ee"'l t ' " pression ,,,.-s '"": '. tllB present aduiinistration will be equally as energetic 111 it demands for reparation of past outrages a the late administration was ; and moreover, that lion- demand will bv backed 1 p b a strut g squutin 11 ai tim llurts . ... uulltf Mini 1 unniiiB. (tiiucationaL fur l.'ic funbuty Aioertcaa.J NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY TEACHERS' IfcSTITJE. Pursuant to the cull or Ihe hxecutive Commitiee, this Institute should have met at 10 o'clock. A. M.. on Thursday, the 2bih nisi., hut owing to the lute hour al which the cars arrived, there was no quorum present; oil motion adjourned to meet at I o clock. At 2 o'clock, V. JI., the institute niei.ine President iu the thair. Tbe minutes of the lust session were read and udopted. The President then introduced I'rof. I . K . tt lute. (who attended the meeting ly invitation of lh Institute ) After a few introtluclory re. murk the Professor then called up a class of hot anil illustrated Ins method of teach lug reiiiiianship ami Arithmetic, liter ut. uniinateil discussion on educational subjects, ou motion, ailjonrtied, to meet at 7 o'clock. At 1 u clock. I'. M ., the lustlliile mei.iue Preident in the chair. 'I he Presjj ;; Mr' j'llW1' Weeks" Viio was to have a.ldressed us l.i- veii mil', the onler Ol Cenie. have to be changed, a.ltlrrsse wouiu ...e.e. biro be delivered by bin-sell. Prol. W hile and J. H. Reiniensnyder. 'Ihe Pnsidenl then gate a very interesting atblr.s on Popular Education." He said it was much belttr to pay for the education i.r the child, tbun to pay for the crime of the mail tdu .. . . .,....- tai-i.tiiiti ill sta'lett. u.. i,u,-..iiurv toelevulioll III Sta'lety lliiwii " . - - - - - j - . ill a country like ours, the luture rulers wi.u' spring from the rank id I bore who in al tended our public schools how nt ccssu' then that these should receive ihe supj and encouragement of ull lovers of g- order. Our system 01 piinnc scooim , r,r - . 1 . ..... 1....1 ud oerlect. wu one of the OeSl limv nau U devised. In the course of his re.na till 1 if gave an interesting account of the utleiiiling school teachii.g in Vir,' Cflfgvapjjic fttbs. J. H. Reitiiensiit tier then gave an wus young iu the profession or had only taught during the Hiir--"j.;w.th Hleckstoiie, r 1 4. h eilucut dr but r 1 4 " 1 ... At iU'ciofti, : emit iniieil bi remarks ou Peiimausbipr-wtid gave some remarks in tegard to hie System 'f,tlett ctin coiinlerfeil money. The subject of Oeogrspby beifg called for, Mr. A let. Caldwell rend an esy upon It, Professor McFarland, of Freeluig, Messrs. Reimeo snyder and Powell then gave their methods of terching that Subject. The subject of Uraiumar being railed up, was discussed by a u limber of tbe member. Music being next in order, was disenssed by Prof. Mr Farlund, J. J. lteimenmyder and A. 8. Powell. Ou motion, adjourned, to meet at 7 tt'clook. ... 7 o'clock. P. M.. Institnte met. opened by the President. Mr. A. 8. To Ml being railed to tlie stand, gave a lengthy address on the stittjert or t hysieal Orograpiiy. Prol. White addressed the Institute no the subject of llnok Keeping. Mri J. J Itei mensiiyder then adtlretl Ibe ladies.. On motion, the tbtmk of this Institute are tendered to the Snnbuiy lirass Hand, for their delightful music. Ou . motion, resolved, that the thanks of this Institute are tender ed to the I bred or of Sunbury Distiiet for their assistance and prompt. co-operation in our proceedings.' Resolved, that the tliunks of tin Institule'are hereby tendered to the eitixeos of Sunbury. and especially to the ladie tor the deep interest they manifested in our proceeding evinced tiy Ineir allien dance during our session. A.S. I'U WKLL., Secretary. A Oood P.BroiiMF.iBATloit. A ' wealthy young lady, on Friday last proceeded to the private resilience ot one of the city aitlermen in rreat base, anil after much entreaty finally persuader! him to inary her to a Vounir gen lleman whtl accompanied her. Her father she stated, was opposed to the match, but she suitl she loved Arthur, and he could nnt he otherwise tlinn ttue and faithful, and would she wus sure, make a good husband, because he always purchased his clothing at Uockhill t Wilson's celebrated fashionable rlothing establishment. No. 205 and 207 Cbrsnut street. Philadelphia, Latk DtstmvKiiu m PATttot.oor show that very maiiv of the diseases which inflict man kind orise from impurity of the blood. This ha long been suspected but is only lately known. In consumption, tubercle ire found to be a setiimentarv depnsite irnm me ainna, Propsv. limit. Carfter. Ci leers, and Krnptious II arise in disnrtiereu uispnsns irom ine blond. Hillious diseases and fevers are caused solelv bv its deranged Unhealthy State, and even the tlerline or lite totluwa a-want ot tituality in the blood. In view of the these facts Da. Avr.K designed his Cathartte fill especially to purify and invigorate the blood, ami hence we believe lo arise 11s unparuieii. ed success in controlling aud curing disease Itlriitral Jaxirnnl. llullowny fills, a Cure for Sick Headache and Hile. William Kaners, of Dover. Maine, was perhaps, one of the greatest sufferers from sick headache and bile, trurcely a dat pasted without his feeling the dreadful effect ot these formihle evil, be put himself in the hands or the doctors, but they Out hnn in rood, in fact he became worse, until bis suffer. inns more than human nature could bear, and he almost sunk tinder them ; fortunately for him he commenced usmif Holloway a till which acted upon the system, cleansed the bowels ; cleared the head, and by persevering with them for rich! weeks thortuebly restor ed him to heal h. He has ever since been entirely free from the dreadful attacks. M A R III A 0 E S. Ou the 24'h ult . by tl.e Rev. P. Born. Mr Joseph Ilogan, to Misa Sarah U. Rach, a. li of Northuninerlaml. On the 2Clh ult.. by tbe same. Mr. Henry Zimmsrman, to Miss Magdalen Harlhclamcw all of Lower Augusta On the 26il tilt., by the P. Y. Heisler, Mr Heiijumin Hohner to Mis Anna Kline, both of Upper Augusta. At the same litP'on' I'lw. Mr. Wm. Smith of Uple'.,A"8ul. " Mary Jan as ai o till Y 11 If. Wl'.let, DEATHS. At Red Point, near Hanville, K1..ZA HE I'll LONDON, wile of Js. Lotiaoi:, aged 33 years. Philadelphia Market. . AprilS, 1B37. Grain. .Wheat Sales of iciine new Pennsylvania red at $1 41 and 81 45a! 6b for good white. Rye Pennsylvania at 81 o uts. Corn Sales of uld yellow at l6 cents and new yellow at C5c ; new white G3c Oats is se'llmii ut 45 cts per busliel. -"r&ccd -Sules ol prime, at 0 per 64 lbs. aail in hhds., at 2nf cents. fcUBl TJBY PI-ICE CTJRREKT. Wheat, Kye, - -I 'urn, Oats, Uuckwlirat, Potatoes, Flaisred, At 2 o'clork, P. M.,- Institute met. opeocd tbe President. By request. Prof. White $1 AO Duller, . . 9 '0 7S t'ges, lit AS Tallow, ... 1 . 40 Lard, ... 13 62 I'ork, .... a . AO llreswai, 2-S . 1 th I I) lied Apples, I 2-S New Advertisements. FURNITURE! FURKITH THE LAJitiiJiS'l' rtTOt'K V IN bUNB' - '-.iiie fMI E subscril A oud Chair M ltd for pusl tat public patrol Chair. 4 c ai.V KV . 8PLIHDID 0FFES8 FOE 1856 ANlV 1867 T0QTH1L "TNL1KK the more epbrmeial K.'igtine of mj the day, tbeae 'rriodusli SM little hv see. huc a lull year of h Niakwitu lie oiuirrions. fer I860, may be regarded ne.rl) as valualde a tar IK67. We proi.oa to furnirh the two leara at the luilowiiig Extremely low Ra.ra, visi For ltlackweod's MStine, 4 CO or a.iv one Krview, I On For any two Kcviens; 6 01) or UUckwuod and one 7Tecw, ? no Far black wood aud the two llcview, V IO er tbte itevivw. H uu Far lilackwuod and three Kevirws, IS 00 r ur tbe lour Keview, II o Fuf. Ulack wood !) the fjur lietietr. 14 bO 1 o avgid tractions, ') aiav l remitted for Blackwood, tor which we will arward Uiat work for both tears, post paid. n. n. Ill price lit lirrat Untuin of the fit Periteicsl alaive lianird i about 3I per aii im. . ; As e shatf mver sgsin be likely la oflaraucli indueeutem a tliosi here pirMolcd. ; . A'oio it the tint t JSubucribt ! ! N. B. Krmiltitre must, in ail Cj. bu made direct Id the i'obltsher, for at th as price nu cominirsiuil can be ad- wviJ to Agents. AJdre, I.EH.M tKlS(Joi r A CO., Nu. IV 4 liutJ-sttirt, Acw Virk. April 4, 1B67- if Go o 1 NEW t fail PisusiiKR or tub American Agriculturist is hspiiy ta sniiounre thai he hs bust rrcrivt'd an titionnii supply I lite I iiismt Neartitas Srai Cass Hs i.n, dirrct Irotu Ilia same ourta as llist, piucu,eil bj the U. 1. tiovrinmriit. He is now al te tn oiler to every new ulber.lnr. tlii hp inn, oirr UO0 pais. , emit rieis ilnsie. d of JOO, luiiieiti iff reel. 'l o I Inu .uoserilirrs, I.OOU setd. ea h. 'I he 1 ed ! rwariled at oner, 011 rerri t f subroipiuiii. (Mend a ie dy lirrcted envelop, poxl-paid wnh two l-rrnl slumps tor 100 stns, si d IOAR with three stamp lor ach I CtO rd.) .'AN I A B U N U Due Dollar will serute for the en ire tear 1857 the Ursl ptactirul, Sliahle, insiruetive jot.iaal 00 Mi il- NT Fast Culture pu lished wiih thr Sugar tJslte and other seed Kree. fit cepies tor $S. 'J'en copies, S&' N. Ii. Ant old or new sutisrri. liar ran hate a packrt uf any uae' or ol each of the (allowing atili' OTH EH SKKU I'Ktatl M. ree, 011 inJioa a reaiit iltrrrtrtl,' pol paid rnvelop for each, kiud' dc ' wired, v.i; Kina I'lndu '..-rii : l)r' una' .Kxlra Karly rrit forii ; ntl t lute "-Lad t)&L(i4-.rirmnd in Ihe b'-sliei) A man) aesdVwilr' ie reuirnrd tit rscb (ntelnp-'a! Ihe (justuge stamp upou it tHt euver. I he Agrietiltursliol k a sub iriptioo list larncr hi araiiv thou- laanils thaa any utbrr similar jour nal tr the V. oild, aUd hi return tor " gvueroits puliunsge. the I'ub ll' her cmiuluiba 'O'.itakr these bra .otters of srrd to old u well ' new subscriber. (30YU paiksgra of seed have alteiidy h en gitea nu ihi year.) N. B FruMI tie stereotype plate lbs nciiwbei' f. r Juit ,' Yr and Match Na . and :twl Vol. 16, can Mill beauppbrtl.- OK A.N tit Ji 1U. PuldHbes. No. 1 Wa'er !tVf1, N. T. April 4, l.'.7. 'IUS AniiMal Mretiug at the SSFrlk-Urr ef the I'aiisJidiriiia awe 8u,.ktv kail Koad Contpany. wiU Ims IrW ou ,tl ., in ,iH ay of April. 7'. at bm oav-e bf ike Cumpai I'btladtiphia, at I e'cl jea. M. M H. I.IEHI.E. eee'ry. Piiii'd. Aprii . J ttT 41 Impvrtir unf rThulr,ale Ihuttr in SALT. M Soul Wharves, Philadelphia. ... " I 'N Fme, I i.o.M. tlroucJ lurk. Island and lluiry Sail, e..u-' Jtjittly 011 hand wild tlAr ta!. ,. 1. (uti.it h imdti. 10R SALE. The suiHw.iw, ,"v,jr. whtl hsve not pa rVi!''T. ,-iMQUei, INS't, that thrir tatrs will be ranrrlr'i i rear- ul law, if nut paid ht the l.t ut' May asl. - HK.NKV I'KTKltY. tfuuhtiry, Msrch 3", H57Jt B0A1 AMD MULES FOR SS-AJLiE. THE stilsrriher nffr,, private lr. SIX liOllll Mt'l.Ef'.aiid tood MI.W.Kf; BOAT, with lix'.urrs. ''lis above will be said . chasp, sad on rratiilv trrim JAt isl MK.sMOUZ,.Int for JOHMM.U K 8unUrv, Manh 157 if MTrCARMEL COAr, COLLIERY FOR :R.JB.iq-T ..... -., ... " a. ork s.. Midd'e tloal r irl. j J.' tympany, lor lrig this rellirr.. ,Uri theUiar Miller Iraei.wiih up"r-'cl 3OAcm irfir-'iic Wt AK" r the "'"'1 r eJ 1 of ' ' 1 . but it i not apl ill be all oee for I he 1. " a Cka., ssh 4 3' 5 e I 2 f Si.'Mi'"