CENTRE OF ATTRACTION I Lahge assortment op FALL AND WINTER GOODS. t IIEAP-IlANUSOME-Dt'llAnLE, FBHESE qualities combined, the public will find by calling at the Store of H. Y. BRIGHT fV SON. Their assortment is large, and has been selected with great care, and will lit dis posed of at a (mull advance. THI3 Z.ADXJ39 Will find among our lry Goods Wool Plaids, Black nml Fanry Silks, Plaid Lanrn 1'lnniirl, A Ipaccn, solid cnlnrej and Fancy Di'laint s, De beges. f-outi.ll Plaids, r inured Cashmere, Per sian Twill, Cobuig Cl.itli, Cinirjinms, Calicos, Delano and Debege Robes, Phrenic Silk; M'ool Hmnh, Oj'tra CVv, .. end UWrrj CuJJ'f, LADIES nml CHILDREN- OOL TAt.M AS (turn Belts. Hell Ribbcri, Mohair Head DrCFsrs,, Ribbons, Needle-worked nnil Bugle Cillirs, Thread Lnccs, Flouncing, Ir.eerlin;?, Swis. Mull, Cambric, Nainsook, Dimity, ..i7rcd Muslin. Hril'iantinc, and u general assortment uf whit GouiU. Woo! and ('niton Carpets, Oil Cloths, Oil f hiiJt Rockdale Hankrls, Turkish uunti rpne eiiiho-eJ talile rover, licking, tack fl.nnel, scurfs, kid, silk, l,ilc thread and woolen glove. Of every variety, Eurwia Crash, l.iucn and Colton Diaper. THE GENTLEMEN will find Iilck. lilue and Brown French Cloths, IMMkma, l.lsrlt ana i-aney .aasuncr, ngureu , Satinett, ( ivereoiting, Tweed. Velveteen. ISila, Satin, Plush and SiU civet Veniing, Neck-tics, Scarfs, Collar, (love and Stocks. nrADY-niiinn ctoTKi:e. Hats and Cups of all sizes and prices. OCR HARDWARE Embraces ail kinds of bnildiiiR tnaU'rial, a large stock nf Carpenter's Tools of the best insiiui'uc- tuie, Hiv 01 every iicscnpuou, ic, w.u.. m Hi 1,..,..,,,... ;,i uti..l i.juitd. .tlilCUII lltltlllltl I 1'tll llll, euvi) Itnsi.'f JVI. putty, (jues uii.i oils, winiiow ea-u ot all sacs, grindstones Circuiur and .Mill Hss. T5ie to iter us rare S.otk is composed ot Klonc China H'tls, Fiuit dishes, ' Cake plates, tauco dishes, coiiiinoli piatts, cups ar.d saucers, t.iclhcr with a varied assorliucnt ot Classttarc, ciuliiacini; the la'.est styles. an (aiucr.mr.s ! are frc!i and pure, ninong which mry be found, (J. A. ?a!(, .Mnckarci, b-liad, Ccdtisli, boxed and pirfrcd llfrrinjr, Uohen and age Chcci-e. The best of leas, euifars, cctlce, ic. Wc return ouv thanks to the uuMIc f.ir our inerca :ic-4 pitronaqc, and rcpecrlully invite an eianu'n..ti'!ii of our clock, as nc deem it a plea- ; sure to show our Gooda. ! CF Country pruciuco taken in exchange at the highest uiaiLet lies. Sui.bury, KoV. CD 19.jC Earfraiiia ct Hie Old Stand. rniiNG &. Gil ANT A HE now Ppeiiinrj a new and very desirable stotk of Fi'll and Winter liooils, em bracinj an endlcs variety. Their stock c0n kists in part of ElacI: & rcuc7 Broadcloths oissiroeres. Winter Wares lor men and ' - Uii Bi.ies and price ,0-v SjZ.KS '' , rel P,!m-l: An assortment n '""ic and Figured Fan cy Dre-j hjiu usually low Mus. I)e i.ani.-v Ucheijes A,; prices OIX(ilIAMS from Ci to -." cents per yard. UALICOBS " 3 " Wj " vair:r. uoods, Cainlnic, Jarcncits, iSivUs, Tnrhon, Mull, B J ' nett, Freiie h and Swiss l.ucej, lodgings. A:-. Drown und bleached Muslins, llriliings, T-.k, Checks, 'Cowlings, Tabic Diapers, iVc. HAHLVAILS P.iul G,UEITS"vVAEE, Ccdar-w.:ie, Ilollow-wrre, Iron, Steel, Plaste'tJ Silt and Fish. Also a fresh sni plv of jjlll.'os A'M) MKDICINl'3. Thankfe.1 fur past favors, wo hop.e ly fctrict att.'tition a nd a desire to please, s'.ili to meet with Hie approval of our friends. rst Country produce ol'ull kinds taken at the highest market price Sunimrv-, Nov. .'-. l"5.r,C ly. R, DKCOU & CO. Clothiers, No. 4' CuisiKvr Sr., above Fourth, 1 .tlJ..ffi'HiA, Kfxri cor.gsMlv oa h:mj i fjilcndid aTornr.cnt cf llcady-madt Clothing. Goods m. rtt to Ordir and Warranted TO KIT. Nov. 29, 1850. y EXECUTOR'S SALE. rgHI. uiiiU-isigucd Hxecufir of tho estate of Jacob Pai:itcr, dee'd., late of the llorouuh of Sunbury, by virtue of a power contained in the list will and tcstatinent of said deceased, will dispose of at Private buUytlic follow int valuable Ileal iislate, u : SUVUKAL LOTS OH P.1!T3 OF TWO I LOTS OF GKOL'ND, j in J!a.i'! Square, in t',c liotougb of Sunbury, i frontin? i.r leet on Market Ktrect, btin paru ; of lots No and on which are creeled Three , Frame liuildiuys. The dMclling is a two stoiy frame liuiblil.t', Willi the usual iiuliii.ildiiic.s j tiiiMc, rVc, late the residence of said deceased.! There is ulso on the front of said lot, two two- l story frame biiild'mri, occupied as a store, shops, ic., witii a ood Well of water befom tho door, j ALSO; A FARM Oil TltACTOF LAND, containing about t GO Acres, fiiuate between the Calta.vissa and Creek r nd about three-quaiter rntlcs Ironi huubury. 1 lie impr.nc uts are a frame t'Ao-stoiv nel:inu Hoi.se. and a loi.. I . liank Laru ar.d ollo;r oulbiiililii.ss. There are several fine Springs on the premises, one near the hoiifC, and also a number of fruit trees of various kinds. Tiu; terms anJ conditions of sale will he made Vncwn by application to the undersigned, residuiK near Sunbury. JOHN DI.'YERS. Aeiit for (Sf.o. A. Fbick, Sunbury, Nov. 8, 185G. if BRODIIEAD & ROEEP.TS," -Yo. 133, X. .'$; Pilfer, riIH.A3EI.PHIA, "INVITE the attention of country merchants and others, to their stock of SOOTS &c SHOE3, which they will dUposo of on the most reason able terms. . Nov. 0, 1 :,(!.. ly vriioir.stLB in hetail Grocary, "Wiiie and Liquor 8tore, S.E.cor, ll'nni( and Uit,-r Streeti PHILADELPHIA, DEALEHii and families will b( promptly upplinl ut the lowest prices. Ocuiber 4, IH50 tf fJEDA RWAIIE, Hollow"." GUsTirsre, and a large stock I'Qneenswaro, embracing tha newest patterns, for rale hv No' S!l. '.'). E. Y. II HIGHT A SON. Si AT E N T HIS1TTAN1A si'OPl'ElCS fo bar bottles for sale by ft L il. B MASSER. Hiinhiiry. July n. tosft. GOSHEN Cl)EEsr..jkH,r,(.,iv, ,afpr v. ..AhHOI TZ I ETRY. atept. 18, THE LATEST ARRIVAL OF FALL AND WINTER G00D3. J. r. & x. r. kline, Neglectfully announce to their friends and the public in general that they have received at their Store in l-ppcr Augusta township, Northumber land rounly 1'a., at Klines Grove. Their Fall and Winter goods are opened to the public a ft 11 nssrotment of merchandise Ac. Consisting in part of Cloths, black and fnncy Cass'mrrs, Satinet!, Checks, Kentucky Jeans l.'nder Shirts and Drawers and all kinds of Fail and Winlef Goods. A hit of ready made Cloalhing, consisting of Coats and Vests. Indies Dress Goods, Show's, Ginghams, Derage Deluin.1, Calicoes, j black Pilks iVc. i Also a fresh supply of Drugs and Medicines Grocnios !., of till kimls. I A new supply ot Hardware, Queenswsre, I wooden ware lticoms ij c. Also a large assortment of Hoots and Shoes i suitable for inrn women and children. i HVl'S AM) CAPS. ' 1 A Isrt nn assortment of (School Bodies, 8tatione- ; ry, Envelopes, Ink and cheap publications, Ac. Sail, (:hcese Sc., and all floods usually l.ept in a country store. Come nml ee, Come o;.e, t.Wie nil. Cheaper than the Cheapest. I Thankful for past favors we hope liv strict at- ; tentimi to business to merit a continuance uf the ; same. All of the above named stock of Roods will lie sold po'ilivcly at low prices for cash, or in ex- j"" -"' "uuule " R. .. I. V. & CO., MKSPICCTFI'LLY invite their friends and j the public to inspect their new stock of vViriTEH GOODS., just received liom Philadelphia, being convinced :hat liicir interest is bent promoted by a strict cullli,lual)(.e ,-,lt.ir oU1 ,,u of ''.z'l.iall irit and quick SuJes." they shall still abide by their previous course. Ainonnst their stock will be found for tUO.V TI.F.MF.N, a luriie assortment of HDAUY MADKCouts, A esls and Pantaloons; Cloths. (Jassimeres. Satinetts, Vestings, Cnder-Shiils, blurt Uosoius, Collars and Cravats FOlt LADIii'S. Dlaelt and colored Silks, De liege Kohn, Dc j'e.Res French Merinos, Cashmeres, Madona ( loll'.:, Coburgs and Alpacas. l)l. lines hoili plain nnd plinted. Heady-Made Cloaks, trocha and Woolen Shawls, Tubby Velvet in various colors, Quille l Skirts, Sack flannel various col ors lied and white Flannel. ALSO: A general assortment of Ladies and Cenilcmans BOOTS, SllOZiS ci GAITERS, j Men's, Boy's and Childrens' Hats and Caps, i Hardware, Ciueenswarc, Groceries, Cedarware I Stone and Earthenware Drug s Paints, Fish, : Salt, Cheese, Nails, Oils, Ate, iVc. I A go. d supply ol school boeks and copybooks ) with oriutid copies on each 'page. ! Country produce taken in exchange for foods. 1 at the highest market pi ices I. W. TENER& Co. j Sunlniry, Nov. 52, !8."jG. HEUJtINU'8 SAFli AJ.A1N the ciiA.ivrr'iOKr 1 1 27i! only S,ife tchh h, i.u errrw inslnnre, ore ftrced Ihtir f.itire cnnt(-,ts in the lute K'Un.-i' c 7'Vces. mm,. t T tan I i r:'i..? ff tt.e Arti7'm . Jl J limUiiiis. Aunt null, nml in Mima tur iu-.tiv T iirU tluura. 11111 treat uiiiicruinty over ull iecurit:es i ikiw ktviw n. In lire ., tha f:r.RRI XG'? t?AFR, tnmlin i.U ' lij'f ite i itti tliosr tittt iTii&uit 4varr:uited to itaiirt 10 ; pi r c:ut. itu ri! the limn IIfiTi.irM," iine lortli Uif ' k'.'--kit,.-') vii'-M ircL'rvi(?gf ihir:itr,g iii ec nt ir.L-r. I 'M ff ii'ir itit'iiiBc'vei m a condilicji to t i tln-n":!i tiitotj.rr ordt -nl, vi'i!c tiie Ltwatti'SalitFnaikle oi ' t , :t ii;.k'r nt h:nily is-it up ii every mstancc, ami in sintu c:'.e'? hh c.:t ii a nt -uTa etunpii-lly destroy h1 'J'ii il.c jjn'ili.- vc wmi'.i! s:i:ijt'.y f.iy. tii:il, duniij? u 11 vents li?r-:ily:s ?.if I.iih i t-ii U lore tlurn, mnrothau '. t vvu liiiii'licl iui's e pgKsfd thmngli ucfiiicnlat iift witlumt Hit' ti'.'i MiTi'Mcj i f a ;.ti.f;!c loss. We W' u!.l, i.HTfM'tv, c;nit; iii pnrfl'nFrrs neaiiikt U , mihr,-'"'.sciitftiiMn of iiiter.'tteil p:iriif?. The Herrintr's r:itta is tnu o d Iir"-;troef Sit.V inu.'f in llii Oit wit, is pr.iteiif by a P.i'.ent Hiiht, niu' we wi.i u:r ! o nt ft it tu roi:t mote tl mi duubic the amouiiL v( tent of ! any other Safe now known. j TarrclH & Ilcrrlnr KU Manufacturer m t!u htMecf nCRRlNG'S rATE.NT CHAMPION SAFES," 31 II'?.iu..,77.t7cirf(j. lr.:ii CJifM.. Ca l.ir?' a!"',rtiii.'iit l::;vaic Inrn lukru 111 part p:iyuiciii ior-llfiriii s ) v-'i'i t..;aui low puct-j. I'iii!:i., June lit, 1 TOO . ly. New Goods for the People ! B ESJ A Ml X 11 KFKN Ell RESPCCTFl'LLYinforms the public in gen eral that he has just received and opened a : splendid stock of Fall and Winter Goons. ; at his New Store, in Lower Augusta township. ; His stock consists in part of Cloths, Cassiiucrs, Cassinets. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted, j ALSO : Calicoes, GliiKliaim, I. awns, MomNPllue lie I.nlncs and ull kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. ! Cirocerie, Also an assortment of Hardware, Iron ami Steel, Rails, &c. I Also an excellent assortment of I QUEEN SWARE, of various styles and patients. ; Also an assortment of HOOTS & SHOES. HATS U CA PS, a good selection. Salt, Fisli, t'c. And a (rrcat variety of other snides such as are ! gital,le l,. .'.io trade, all of which will lie sold at the lowest prices. tf Country produce taken in exchange a I tuts iiiiir?i J'ikci. , l,wer Auguswi, acv. as lHnb. JJAROAIXS TO 1SK HAD AT r. V. Gli AY'S STOIPE, Market Street, Sunbury, "BUST received and opened a spl. ndid Stock 5 of FALL 4, WIN" Ell GOODS, consist ing in part of Iilacl; uud Fancy Clothi and f'assimere), An assortment of Dry Goods, vis: Merinos, Cashmeres, Detains, Calico, Woolen Plaids. Ginghams, Muslins, Linens, Flannels, &e. Trimmings in Great Variety. 11 A ROW A HE, GliOCLUlL's, O.IEENS WAEi:, .v.c. SALT ani """ISII, Cheese, Raisins, Tubacco and Cigal B, lxueensware, boots, Hioos, Hals and Caps, and a variety of Cod too tedious to men tion. Call and examine my Flock bcfoie Purchas ing I Itcwhcie, A Reasonable Discount will be takrn oil' for all cash ."sales. Country produce taken in exchange at the highest market price. V. W.GRAY. Sunbury, Nov. 3 , 1856. tf AMERICAN HOUSE, WILLIAMKPOUT, PA., J. ri. Kr!LTO., l'l Vi Ictor. Jad. T. 11 aix. Ass't. bept. Id. lttoG. tf GOLD PENS with and without eases, of a very aunerior quality, just receivej. Also fresh supply of Writing Fluid, fr sale by H. H. MAbSER. eunbury, Inc. 3T, ! ! !:. -S i ! 1st. l-ill. 1'i-ti-iuliicll-rr.ng j l l.'.r..i;:'!-;' ',''!. ft Kite iwt.lU"l il.i-J.- eiry of lie. ' : f: t-i " tl: Vr" '"-1 V.". Mmmous .v. liio. ; Hook;, l';i- : '.4:l;Vr ';'''!-(T'''li I""' .'-. "' Fhlier 1 una Ki j -v;v,V'rN( M'.' jl l.i!w.rit St-niiiiis U Co., attL-r re- f'l .l l:i'"u N Maiauitf ejuvncd ill Ihe burniise ' 'I' -stnvr- lBirt; 'AID. AND COMFORT," To Tour Own Mechanic. ISAAC M. AVILKEliSON, Hespectfiilly announce that he has taken the stand lutely occupied by (ieoige Uenn, where he is prepared to manufacture all kinds of FURNITURE AND CIUIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. TJIK subscriber respectfully calls the attentioi of the public to his larpe nnd splendid as sortment of every quality and price of which cannot full to recompicinl itself t.icery ne who will examine It, on account of its durable workmanship nnd splendid finish, mado up of the best stock to be had in the city. No effort is spuri-d in the manufacture of his ware, and the subscriber is delerniincd to keep tip with the many improvement which are constantly being made. His stock consists of Mahogany fciolu"., l)nN nnd I,ounprr Bureaus, Secrctsries, Sideboards, rm, BREAKFAST AMI lil.MNO TABLES and also VENETIAN DUN Its, e(,ual to Phila delphia manufacture. UKDTEADS. of every pattern nnd vrire CUPItOAKOS, WOliK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILKT TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in this line of his business. He also manufacture all kind and qualities, ' , CJIATTJS, ncluilma; varieties never before to be hail Ir Sunbury, nci as M auo)ai, Di.acic Witsi'T ami C( Hi.r.n Maplk OntciA.v ; aku WisnsnH CHAIliS, Ain r.ivtt Piaio Stoiit, which are ef the latest styles, and warranted to 1 excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The suiwcnlier is determined that there shall be no evcue for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can be entertained about, the quality and finish of their ware and Chairs. Thcie nrtieles will be disposed of on as (food terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce Inken in paviuent for work. IV UNDERTAKING. Having provided a handsome IIkhsk, lie is now prepared for t'ndertakiins, and nttemlina; funerals, in this vi cinity , or at any convenient distance from this place, Vif" The Ware Koom is in Fawn Street, he ov Weaver's Hotel. H1AO M. WILKINSON. Sunbury, Sept. 13, IH.'iC tf. X. A VISE, CHEAP WATCH AND JEWELRY ST0I1E No 72 borlh Sewud Sirttt, (opposite th Mount IVi'iion House.) Philadelphia. iOLD Lever Watches, fll jeweled, IS K, ca ees, 'jiiS ; Silver l.ever do,, do., $12; Sil ver Lepine, do., iji'J: liuarticr, 5 to Si 7 : (Sold Spectacles. $4 Tit) to $ 10 ; Silver do., jl 50 ; Silver Table Spoons per sett, $14 to lf; Sliver Desert do.. .lo.,!r.9 to 51 1 ; Silver TeasVo., do., 75 to 7 SO ; Cold Pens and (Sold Ca pes, W 85 to $o ; (Sold Pens and .Silver do., -fil; together with a variety of fine (Sold Jewelry, (ioid Curb , (Suard and Fob Chains. All goods warranted to be ns represented. Watches and Jcivclrv, repaired in the best manner. Also, Ma sonic Marks, Pins, &c, made to order. N. B. All orders sent by mail or otherwise, will bo punctually attended to. Phila., (let. 4, lS.IO. lyw. COLEMAN'S CHEAP OTjri:X.Einr STORE, Xti. 21 Xiu th Third .Vf., bebne Arti, riiiLADSLrniA. COUNTUY .Merehiiiils can save from ten te iilieen per cent, by purclnMiii; at the above tores. I'V importing my own jfoo.U. paying but ii't!,' rent, and living economically, il is plain I can undersell those who purchase their Goods here, pay high rents and live like princes. Constantly on hand a I lit;.- a-sortment of Pen and Pocket Knives, Scissors dud linzors, 1'uble Knives and Folks in ivory, stag, bulialo.bone and wood handles, Carvers and Forks, &c, llJtcher Knives, Dirks, Z'owic Knives, Hcvjlving and piuin J'inols, Scc. .. .. Also a l.irce assortment nf Aecnrdeons, 4c. Also tine Liiuli.li 'i'wint and German (Suns. JOHN M. COi.EMAN, Oct. 20, 185.1 ly. Importer. DLDDINU & FtriiNISIIIN'G DU.SINF.SS Cabinet Maker's Findings, Tiie subscrilicr respect fully inform their friends and tho public nenerally, that they have connec ted vrith their licidiuir Furnirliiui; business a larRe and well assoiteil stork of Cabinet Maker's Fiudines, a( their old stand r:illa:rl!a They have associated with them W. H. frown who has been for many years omaed in the piim ipal estalilMiim'iil of the kind in this city. 'J'lie stock nf Goods now on hand comprn-cs every description of malersals used by Cabinet Makers, consisting in pail of the following, viz; Hardware department. Locks, Hinges, N-rews Castors. JJed Screw s, Chair and Sofa Springs, Collin Handles, &e. Cabinet Maker's Materials, Hair Seating, Curled Hair, Looking (ilass Plates and Frames, tilue, Varnish, Sand Paper, Tlml.ips, iiack and Faricv Hilk ami Worsted (Simp, iSofa and Chair Webbing, Twine, Sacking liolioins, A'oscwood, Mahogany, Walnut and Maple Knobs, Glass Screws, &c. Hedding Department, Hair, Husk, Moss, Wool and Cotton M ittresses. Ffulher ifeds, Ilolslers and Pillows; I'lusli, Damask and Moreen Cush ions Ci'infortuhlca, Counterpanes, Linen and Cotton Sheets, Pillow Cases, l.inen and Cotton Towels, Table Cloths, Tablo l.inen. Table Cov ers, Moreen, Demask and Plusli by Ihe piece, Moss and Husk by the bale or pound. 7'iie Hair Seating and Curled Hair is from the Phila. Manufactory of D. &. J. Noblil. N. II. Hotels, Steam Duals and Ships fur nished at the shortest notice. NOfLir, UKOWN & NO BLIP, H'A .South 2nd ."., Mow Clicntnut. (Neatly opposite Hank of Pennsylvania.) Philadelphia, August 0, lM.Vi ly. FIOUR, FEED & GH0CEaY 5I0EE C1IA11LES GA1UNGEH, "PTJ KPECTFl I.1.V informs tha cilirena of QQ Sunburv and the nrulilioriinr country that I'iu has imrehased the Grocery Store in Water street, in the rear of tho wharf, recently kept by Vein- Ac Clement, and that he has just replen ished his slock which lie will sell at reasonable prices. Ho will keep a constant supply of I'liiur, Gruin und Feed, llread, Fish and Cheese, Hams, Shoulders and Herring, Collie, Sugar and Molasses, Teas, Spices md Fruits, Nuts, Confec'.ionaries of all kinds. Roots and Shoes, Ladies (Sailers, Mis-es and Children's Shoes, also (jucensware, Cedarware, Hardware and Notions, Ae., & c. Citizens sic requested to ifoj".heir orders fir Flour, Feed and Groceries and he will de liver them imqwrly. Sunbury, Juno 14, 1656. tl i'VTKH F. Zf.H.W Eli.?tJ.Vt TJF.SPECTFI'I.I.Yjnforms his friends, ai.J Ihe put lie generally, that he has just receiv ed a New Stock of GUUDS, at his new store, at David Miller's Mill, in Lower Augusta Town ship, and that he is prepared to sell goods at tha lowest prices. His Slock consists in part of FALL &. WINTER G00D8, Groceries, Cueensware, Hardware, ix and every - variety usually kept in a country Store. T'revorton prices paiJ for all kinds of produce. Lower Augusta twp, Dec. 27, I Soil. if '' .OOL'NTY ORDERS County orders taken -s aa cmli far good, and on note or book ac count by E, V; BRIGHT HON. Nov.tH, 1S36. AYER'S Cathartic Pills, (SVOAIl COATED,) All ksns v C1EANS Tit BLOOD AND CWBS THS MCK. Invalids, ruhtrii Mothers, Fhrslelis, Phllamkroplsts, rrad tbrlr UiTrtls, and liilR of liir Virtues. 's'Olt Tl! Cl'RK OK neRrlnobeSlc k llewdarhe.Kotil fltomnrh. ITn -! , Pt.. 1T t. IMS. Cs. i C Aa. ft'! I bays ! nv'ur ei" r' . vtM-st tiKlsi'ho any K'ly rn U l.y or tJ of mi fills It stirais msilii'TOi'-ii susnsA k.wiiiea Um-jt rku.s ones. 11 wj m ,ui. ; U s lull Kcwth kuewii'.c. Yuan EisM rll, H w- fRf HLK, CVi qf Uttmtm t'luivsi. . Eilious tlsorder and I.iver ( ompluints. I ' rtMSTMSSt Ot IWauUM, t Wasmii"s. ! ', V 'rt., IS6H. f t'; T t,rs ssnI VDor I'ilts In nay iiiml swl .iitl rrli nr stner vihi dis.s Miiu, ant rmnnut bssitatsrs Mv Itif a tlw lt csllisrtlo s smiii.j. Tlisir r t:lo arliu rhr Irrrr Is iiti n l ilc-. tint. awsinul. I ltj sr mi sttint.st Is rrnip-ty far isiiii-Mitnts s? ihsl Ifitwl. 1 tlsvl m-Misn fonntl a of Inisuf rfis mjt so oVt-nstr tlisl M dhi bo rr.ll!y jrislit t tlif m. tsMlisJlr Twors, Ala IS 7.1 HAIU. M. B., nifrititn ells ataritis Jktfikii. lysentery, Rilnx, nnd Worms. nOwHi, 1Irti.st, lav. C., Mien., Nov. 18, IMS. r. mt Pills srs tlte rf-ilo uf nwltrlns. l'iu-j l:Myr mf itV lism p "t lln I can tHI yis. Fit K.v' s.-lc Slnl iiiiln)r swsy for mostbt. WpoI .ft t Is VnrtO't-l st r"SI r", tint " no tttr. srs IIimi (miismi sit takins- yniir liili. wlilih rrnsl hsr, I i.skiis; lsr? qtmiiUtiss uf (rtfl fit an tier t"tv. 'Ii'y lii lils ciirnl hr snd our two ihllili iS" l,tio.1. ttvxntrrr. Oiis of our !si'.it"ir lia.1 H lt ami iv aif. ciiirit liim ltli tw. iWsmi uf yiir fills, vthlls oilers stmn.t us siit frn ftvo M lsty iltllars itucloT tsUs.su. li-if miK-li tlms. wiihnnt liiie- cnil snlii-riv y ih' fisli s Sis lt. In as ymus, wliicti is acliially Ii suu'sumit, itl W -itr1 bus. tiUO. J. URITTTV, Thifmastrr. indlfpitlon nnd Imparity of the lllood. Kvn Hn.l. V. , lrtnr f ltfit (?ini, i.-S). D. Arsi: I lisrs sH your I'ltts wlrh mrsoriHnsrv srn-rrw inisy fsmilysnil ni-Tis: ttii I sm csllsil In visit In t jntmM J'o ivtfiilste rtie orf sn of rticilion snil pur fy is ISs.t rtry si tlis vry liest rame-.ly I lis srr known, sivt 1 urn ir'iiS.teatly ivcouiiuc-nl tlieni to nij Aisa.ls. Tuum, J. V. HIMfcS. trmsis, Viom-rs C... V. T . Or. !4. lf.. lr.s : I sm nsinir yonr fall.srtlc Pills In oiy .nif tlw. Smt fsi tlwm ll f s.lls-it ,nrrtir to clralun tbs stlm ash Mihry las Raintsiits of ttis rjinr.1. JUIIN O. SIKACIIAM, m. d. ErrlfMns Scrofuln, KineN Fvil, Tetter, Tumors, nnd Snlt Hlifum. Vrtl trmtniit g Umhxnl nj f : Utut, 4, 1tn. Im. Ar: Tour lilts ars " of sit fW Is ftrsst in mxtWiK'. TlifT tisvs eiiraj ray Itttls ilanirtifsr of nlrsrons ! npon h. r hsn ls sil l f' t Uiat hail prop ineninhlc. frr ymn. tlr motlisr ti.vs n Ions, citrvou. Iv afPlrieil wi'li Molrlirs salt ln!ilin en t,r stein smt ia lisr l.slr. A'ler mir elill-t wm eiirxl. 1 a, trit ,st fills, and thy lisrs eiirsttisr. At A yijltiHtlWIsl. Itlienmntism, Ncnrnlyln, nnd Gcint. F'gm lK P. It. J.'aw(rl. Mi, frit. (V.s-rrA I'ciusr II"ie. Svvjxs.vn. flv n. a. tvis. tlnv-rsi Sir : I slsm'.-i t snu'sisfiit f"i tlis ielif yesr skill Iim hri.njriit tw if I Osl n ihi iy is le y. A cul.l sVH in n.y llnila sn.l biMihl on Miiti' i:ii. a'liiatnic mIih. l.lrh en iit in iliitn:S- rh.nn siirni. Nolnlib'aiMiiiiK I bail tiie l-est of lijviiisnj. It. riHraii UTi w worse anil until, l y tt.r a.li i f yar asrst- Inil n,-t in l':ciM,ir. lir. Maekmisi. I tit y..i f lit. Tlifir rclr er tu t ir. by 1WI is is vse ot itum t ani now entioly well. fKSvrCH.isrs, Bvtos Kccos. t v., S ls. Ti.ATlt I bavslea enllialr rrl by ii" Mltasf Rlir inrntlr Cuut a JaiuTut Olra tl ' I '.i''''1 tc,,t.. WNCH.rt MJlifLb. For Dropsy, ricthern, er kindred ( sm pUliils, miiaiiuK nu acUM 'iS.', U- aisfuaant kiit r.-mciy. For C'osGvrness or C'entivtioi, Mid na a Dinner I'M, tli'V sirras-il ! urn! Hisrtcnl. Fits, Suprro'-fon. Irlyt, Jnf na-.irn-tlou, snt s'i !i liofiiwr, am I'urllal llltt iirss, bavs bu iui,l by li s ai:t;w:i allies rf lfcs fills. . Mt sftrie r"' In .trltt cen'rin Vwifv. silib-h. at tbnnab vnlnst ' ri-irnly in rtllful l.n h. is .lai m.-si ir, a i.l lic i.l. from lh ,!tf.,ofnl n ii-'in r.-s -r. ,t frs ji..Uy i: irciili"n nr.-. 'Itsse roulin r.o a.ir- rui ot tt.tswrnl auosUttrs nf.AltvSf. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL FOR THE RAPID CI RE OF cr.iis,roi,n,oF!t:F"tiwxr.r iOK.tl, ( HOIP, AS'VNMA, f. LIPIKNT tOXl.P'Ill., ti.l f..r rrxkf of owrivt U ncJ Ae nofd iwt i..k to I'liHiC of If TiffnM. TtitirttKl(m( -r u.wn. mud .Inu-M vry hiimW cf 0. AniaiAcn Ht-r, in vnmk-irul cti o .n f.or'.v rii i.uiiitd liurv ni-V iijUt'li liiiisvirt. j. tvv 'ho .iiMiikt ii. civilifwl t:ni!-j on tl i(lt-it COfad.DIU!i llir l;0tO Ut.Kii ItiUi' (! HWIItf lurui ii4it Uviiii; Uoiil-; ii Is vi. ;mv out U.r u. lit aV.aJ 'tn Kafi'uiui ilwaHtv of tliv tliiiaf ltd luiifH. V. it id r, iU'..l-i.oil J!i;ri' -t aa. ui the ia'ii:"tia:) iyJ . it l Uit tavant'r . HiilVtit it:i-.ji tt;:t au t -tt- K I.. Vat. Uf iu'laU: lt sli ) ,.l. iki:t.i f ira- av::iii :t) ii-.4:a."i: rli- l J I 't l fcvt,i: U1.1J1 L'.(si l.tlWlt I -htiiiJ. We liatt u'l.Uaiilil i..'0''l tl IaUv'VC Jsi- CtluK'.I ..U'M 4' CI&M'al liitlV lit til t'4Jll- kiiLijiUii.vti it 1 11 Y,ii, Uittti t ! k ci:-- kiK' I y v.iii. sa.i i t't.iv Y "U:' CiiU ll-ty h'-f Cii'-.V. UuT at. t tlta-Atl Ulltll Ut Lnyjal'l lit ill ! IfU-i'.oK lt iV"I- Cal:J.fl' 11. al, fit- a-11-.t Oil tlo ;! 4. .l- V .'l.f Kil' a All kui'W Itu- Cira.f .1 fti'ilji. A' I. H! !.mi1. UUil nV tiy kii"W lo" Uv wvl:..-i '.f ujinly- v Nv-U ivA iio UJilsU It Sail lUataMllls. ll fill il Is '.lll.Jr H'V U't It t. 4cH lot il, h(' iu l.'ii o oit-iis v it tvlir FBEP1EED BY Dfi. J. C. AYES, Practis&l ani Aaaiytical CUsniist, Lov. sU, Ilais. jt a ii tf o 1. 1 h r Wm. A. Jtruner, Sunburv: Bird k J.n, Stism"km W Wismei, Noriliumberl.m.i ; J. K. Cntlow, Milton Ilays & McC irinick, McKwuisvilit unit bj- all Druggists ttirouchoat the e..univ. August ll, lbjC if TIIE SALAMANDER SAFES or rillLADFI PMIA AGAINST TIIR WORfiD K VANS - WATaUN, Xa, 2G Soulh Fourth St., Philadelphia. Iliive h.ul tiie anrest demnnotni' tiou in tiie Mlw in:,' Cciuiicaiff, liiut llicir iiiiihurniturr of S.ihi- niuiiU r Sift-v k;t iit IciiffUi fully Winaiitfd l lie repriieiiU.tiiitis wtiit ii tiiive oeen nmtie tit thcin iftiilfriiiK on uoilmilitetl aecuiay Philadelphia, Aoril Y2 lvi Meurs. Kvrris Jt Watson : i.enla: It mluiiis ua the hitiiwt fcalimasMioti to slut to you, tlmt owing to tiie very pnitoctive (j until ir ol uvu i iu rnuiuaixier SMtt whic we purt-haiaed uf yu 'mt' itv niniiilis mcc, we Ktvi'it Uriin iwrtion uf ,hji Jtwt-lrv, UtxtWs, PiitHfra, Ac eit to sliedtnuiiiuoui tire in Hunstuid l'luee, oil tlienion liiff oi ttic nth i uit. When w rrllect thut thrw Sufea were located in the I mirth story of ihrt liuililing we occupied, and thut they IVII awiliavrqueiitly if.to a hitip of Iturmng ruins, where the vnat coiurtitiiitioii unheal causetl dm bniM philea to melt, we niiiii'ft ItUtrwurU the preaervulion of the v;iluiihle eon-t-a's a moat coiivuu:iiij proof uf the great cvurily mTur tkt ly y'Hir S.iiva. We at mil tnke aiuoh plennure in reeommendiivg thcin o men ul business ua u suie lelmnce fiumuNt fir. m UtuhtiK W.buco.is & itao. PlllLADKLPOU, April 13, 186. Mestrs. Kvans Wuuni I have to offer you my las tiinony in favor ot the great security uiTrded to my entire tix-k of jewelry, hooka, iKipera, Are., duriinr the recent diftirnu. roarhijfration in Itiinateiid pliice, from the tuet lh;it the atune wer couiuiued iiitwooi lha Siiknuauder S:ifea ana tutut lured by you. Havins' iiteii from the fifth atnry nf the Artisan Build in;, where they were previously phedd uudexoBed to a vast heat for a I mis; time, the preservation of the valuable depiiatia aet-med to everyone who wm leaned the openuiK sihi iiiteroi exJiUatsUtiou, uuilter of prulouuu aawuali nietit. To all -vho may lequir a prrfect protwth.n from the rnvii;,'-aof fire. 1 ahull not hrsitafe to resnMiiiiiend ihe uae of yi ur Safes, s 1 consider they huTe now iuiirrpioiie the tit' Si trying teat. N. li.MoHN. riiiMTsEtriiu. Arril 14, 1P56. Te(.arf Kvnns A Wataii (ienilenieii N't doubt you will he (Jeepi- giuitiml loirarn tiie fc"dcondai-Hi in which I diaeovertit mv hook. Hihey of ioaurauee, cert ifieatea of tto(-k,u!itl other VJiluuli.e ilMunients, when on l'ridny lust 1 upeneit the anie made hy your finn. With my kuoweige of jlagual exposure, both to the inteiisiiv of iie he-tt fr in i hot a tire as that which de- stroyeil iJie AnoTia Jtinldnn;, us hIsu from the force of the full from its iWim-r elevated position iu Ihe third storyt 1 could enti ri.'iiii but stemter uopea prior to Hs interior in-hpe-eiiou, thut Iheeonteuts which 1 oue hinhly prized woitJd aver iw of uny service to me, hut as these fcitis srv iiiiw knnn.f removed, 1 ttd it only due to say to you that 1 cun beif n'ortii recoiniuciid the use of your l-ifea to ull wli m-tv witi to feel a confidence in the perfect an. turity which kucii means providea against so (rightful au ei cm cut. Kpwasd Gaikill, Bookbinder. Constantly on hand Patent Powdar and Thief Proof Ucks for H ml,, Stores. Ac. April Jfi, HrjU. ly Cheap Watches $ Jewelry IVTHOLESALE and Retail, at the "I'hiladel- ' phia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. 06 North Second Street, corner of Quarry, PHIL 1SEUHIA, Gold lvar Watches, full jeweled, le carat eases, 2?,0O li'ild lupine l-k. SJl.isi Kine Silver Mimlacies. iiokl Hraceleta, 1,50 Silver Up. full jewlkil, ' Silver 1ever, lull jewl'd I'i Snpeiior (iLiirtieis, 7 3oo 1.00 6,U0 t aJ .'a' Oold Pencils, kilvsr Tsa spouiis set, tiol.l Sneetael' a. 7.IKI Unlit I'cna, with Pencil and Silver Holder, 1,06 Gold Finger Kings, 37) cents to $80 1 Watch 0 Issues, plain, 12 centsj Patent, 18j Luuat, 25 i other articles in proportion. All goods war ranted to be what they are sold for. K'J'AL'FFEK & HARLBY, On band, some Gold and Silver Lovara and I opines. r ill lower than Use above prioask ' ' ' Oct. A. tww. ly. pal VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. rpHE subscribers, Eiecntors of tha estate of X Henry Masser, dee'd., offer nt private sale the following property via t A large two story frame dwelling house, together with about 60 ACRES OF LAND, Situate in Lower Augusta township adjoining lands of Daniel Kaufman and others now in the occupancy of John R. Kaufman as a store and dwelling. The house ia new and the location a good one for htisinesa. Also a TRACT UF LIMESTONE LAND. In said township on the river about 6 miles be low &unbuiy,adjniiinrlandsof i, T. M'Plierson and others, containing, about 90 acres. The sou Is productive and contains limestone ar.d other mincrnia. Also a tract of Laud, containing about US seres on the hill, about two miles below Sunbury, adjoining lauds of the heiii of the late John Conrad and others. There is, on litis tract, a' small orchard ol cnotce fruit. For further particulars apply to the subscribers, H.H.MASSKU, ) P. B. MASSER, Encutora. FRANCIS DITCHER. ) Sunbury, January 19, 1856. tf MOUNT CARMEL HOUSE, MOUNT CARMEL, Northumberland County, Pcnntylvania. HIS large ond commodious Hotel is situa ted nenrlv half way between Sunburv and 7'ottsville. The scenery the sulubrity of the atmosphere and the cool mountain breezes, make it one of the most delightful summer retreats in the country. The Hotel, is a new structure, four stories Inch, fitted up with nil the modern con- veniences. I lie pure mountain water is intro duced into every chamber. The place is easv of access, being but. one and n halt hours ride from snnlinry, over the Philadelphia and Sun bury Kail Road. From Pottnville, it is 17 miles. Every attendance will be paid by the proprie tor to make guests comfortable. Chaises mode rate. JESSE KICK. Mt. Carmel, May 21, IS5fi. tf AT S. N. Thompson's Store, In Lower Auyutta township, at the Junction oj the 1 uljiehocken and 1'ltm erect roads. . THE subscriber having returned from the city with a new and extensive assortment of fashionable goods, respectfully rails the attention of Farmers, Mechanics and others to the same. sriUXO AND SUMMER (J00D3, consisting in part of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassirntrts, Cassinets, Jeans, Drilling, Muslins, t estings, J vitas, and all kinds oj Spring and Summer Wear, LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Muslin it Lnins, Lawns, Ginekams, Berapet, Robes, Woolens, Flannels, hjt. fjUOCEItlKM, Sugar, Teas, ColTee, Rice, Molas.es, Cheese, ypiors, Salt, iic, Ac, As. ISnrilwnre, Nails, Screws, Files, Saws, Knives cV Forks, Ac Queens and Glassware, of various stvles and patterns, boots And shoes. A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for men, women and children. If ats Cats, Ac., of various sizes and styles. llesides a large and general assortment of fashionable goods. Call und examine for your selves. rTF" Country produce of all kinds taken in exchange at the highest market prices. 8. N. THOMPSON. Lower Augusta, 5 mo. 24, I8.r6. "V?ETER IDE5, Late of the firm nf Ptevens. jas.. srovER. Late of the Union Hotel. lioiiingsnetMi c vo. NATIONAL HOTEL, (Lift WHITE SWAT, Pace .Street, above Third, l'HILAOKI.PItlA. riHE almve well-known Kstalilislimrnt, liavs i. ins; lieen entirely remodel ?d, introj, cirip; all the modern iinptovt'inrnts, and also, in-nly fur niihed tliroughout, will be opened for lite recep tion of (ueU on the F1IWTDAY OF SEPTEMBER. The proprietors, from their determination to c'i'v.ile llieir attention to the comfort of theirgiiests Hatter themselves nitlt the conviction that lliey will ho able to give satisfaction to their patron. Carriages will ulways t c in readiness to con vey passengers to and from Steamboat Landings and Kuilroud DepuU. WDES 4- WTOVKK, Race Street, above '1 Inn. Philadelphia, Augnsl 30, 186. ly NEW CONFECTIONARY. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. C. GEARIIART, just received a new and excellent assort ment of goods at his Cunfectionary and Fruit tstore in MAR KIM' (STREET, Sutihurv, where he manufactures and keeps on hand, at all times, the most choice Confectionary, &.C., Wholesale and Retail, at Philadelphia prices. Among lua slock of C'oiilcclionurics, may be found : French Secrets, llurnril Almonds, Cruain While, 'I Lemon Kose. " Vanilla, Comm'Si Secrets. Liquor k-s, C urn Drops, all kinds of sstnt, lve Droot, ' Mint Drops, red and white, Jelly dikes, fruit Drops, ftick Caiulttss, ol all scants Hock Cumty, AlinouU CiAiidri FRUIT. Ransnas, Prunes, Dues, Fis, Currants dried, - Ctuons, Aimouds, Raisnns, Nuts of all kinds LEMOX SYRUP of a superior quality, by the single or dozen. A .superior qunlity of Segar and Tohucco, and a variety of COtilectionaries, fruit, &c, all of which is o He red cheap at wholesale or retail, ICS CREAM, lie has also opened an 'ce Cream Saloon, and will at all times bo ready to serve his customers with Ice ('ream. Sunbury, May 21, 1 856. ly Patten's New York WINDOW SHADE & CURTAIN STORE, 203 Chestnut St., opposite Jones' Hotel, rilll.ADfcU'HIA. Window Shades, Gilt Cornicea, Huff, While and green Hollands, Picture Cord, 1'dlenl Rollers, Curtain Pins and Trim. Urocatelles, Satin de l.aines, Worsted Damasks, Centre Tunels, Gimp and Loope, Curiam llands. Lace and Muslin Mings, Curtains, , Piece Muslins. Store, Steamboat and Church Shades or Dra pery, got up a' tha shortest notice. Curtains rut, made and put up by the most experienced hands. Patthm's Nkw York Stobe, 203 Chestnut St., Melodeon buildings. May 3, 1856 J. II. J A1II, Justice of the Peace. MOUNT CARMEL, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. All business promptly attended to. Monies collected and all ordinary wri'ing done. Mount Carmel, June U, 18A6. ly BURNING Fluid, Camphene, fluid Wicka and Lamps, for sale bv J. K. & I. F. KLINE. Klines Grove, Nov. 8, 185S tf 81'GAn CUKEO VIAM A lot just received and for sala by. BEASrHOLTZ & PETRV. Sept. 13, 1856. ROOTS, Shoes, Hats, Cape and Gun Shoss, just reeeivaj and for sale by Oct. J 1164. TENER 4C A MARVELLOUS REMEDY FOIl A MAIIVELI.OI'S AGE! t IIOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. THE GRAND F.XTF.IIKAI.'.RKMF.DV. Hv the aid of a inicrosrodir. we see millions nf little openings on the swrfiice of our tKiclies. Through thene this Uintineiil, wnen rui.iifii on ine skiii. is enrrieii io unv onrmi or inwurit part. Intense of the Kidneys, disorders of' the l.ivcr. nffections of ihrttrnrt, Inlhiinmntioil ol' the l.unss, Asthinns, Conrrhftmid Colrii, meliv i!s menus efTee-1111111)- euro). Kvery house-wile knows that snlt passes freely thronrih honn'or meat of any Ihiekncss. Tiiis tieal susjr Oiiitmeut fur more remtily penetiates through nny hone or llrshy pnrt of tiie livhirr body, curinrr the most dnnirerous mwurd coraplaints, thut csunot be reueheil by other melius. ERVtSIPKLAS, S.1I.T itlll'.I M AND SCOIiBt'TIC IIL.MOHSl. No remiity tins ever done so much for the cure of di scuses of the Skin whntever form they muy assume, ns this Ointment. Nn esM of tnlt Itheum. Seafry, f ore lleiuls. Scrofula nu Ervlippliis, esn Inns withstand its in fluence. The itivetitoi h:ia travelled over ninny isms of globe, visiting tiie priucijml tioipiials, disncilKing- this Oiiitmeut, Riving ndvire ns to its npplicntion, nnd litis thus hceu ths means of restoring countless numbers to SOKE LEGS, SOnr. RH FASTS, WOUNDS AND 1'I.Cr.Kri. Pome of the most scientific, surgeon snow rely soley on the use of this wonderful Oiulinent. vviiell linving to cone- with the vvomt entt-s of sores, wouiidB, ulcers, glull ilular swellings, and tumors. Professor Hoilowny ims. liy eommnnil ol tl.e Ainrtl i.'ivenimenrs, tlivpnteiiril to the hospitnls of the ICnst, Inrge sliiimeuls of this fiut meut, to be used under the direction of the .Medical SlalT, in the worst cusp's of wounds. It will cure ni-.v ulcer glnnduliir swrlling. iiifl'ni'sa or coutuietiun of the joints, even ofao yours' stinulinj. I iiese nml oilier soinmr iiiKtresi;ng eompiainrs cn he elTeelunllv cured if the Oiutttie'il lis well ruhlied over the parts sffeeted ami by I'therwifeu foiiuwing tha printed ill- leclioua arouuu eucu pi'i Doth the Ointment and Pit's should be used in the following ernes : Bullions T.nmhngi FHre I.e-rs Swrl'tt Glnndi Itiiins Mercurial Pore ftrri-ts P;itf Joints Chapped Hands F.ruptions fore Tfenda fleers Chilblains Piles Bore Throats Venereal Sores Fitntlas Rhenmatism Sores nf all Wounds of all Gout Salt Rheum kind kinds Skin Diseases Sprains Scalds tVlitrtt the Manufactories of Profrsnr Hollowav rt Muiiten l.nne, New Vork, and 1214 Stnmil. inidotl, hy all reiiiei-!:ili!p liruirgisrs aud Dealers in Medicine tltrousti- ont the I'nitcii Stales, nrwl the civilutdl world, in boxes, at '"i eenrs. KJf cents. tmt ? eneh. (7 Therein a considerable saving by taking Ike larger sizes. . N. H. Directions for the gu tflanes of patients ia every disorder lire aiT'.v.il to each boa. V Mttich M, liS. lyca B0 OKSTBOOKS ! ! Walk this way for Bargains- KING desirous of Jinjioslng of my entire C atot-k of Doukvant Stationery, comprising Rome 20,000 Volumes of Law, Medical, Keli ginus Wcientifir, Clank. Musical. 8th out and Misc-eltuneous Uooka. A 100 Kearni of letter fper and a lot of wall paper, eteel pent, wafers, iVc. I will dinpoe of the whulo flock at public vale sale at my store, opposite the Court llouhe, commencing on Monday the 7th day of April, 1856. ot 1 o'clock, P M., and continuing, every aftrmoon and evening until the who) stock in sold. WM. McCARTT. Per JOS. II. McCARTT. Sunbury, March 15, 1856. tf JOHNSONJ& BROTHER, CABINET MAKEIiS, No. V4 North Second Street, first door above Christ Church, Philadelphia. PERSONS in want of Bureaus, Tables, Sofas. Chairs, Bedsteads, and every varietv ot household furniture, would do well to call, as those articles are made up in the best styles and sold at the lowest prices. April 12, 1850 ly EARTHEHWAKB. nnilE subscriber respectfully in'orms the citi JL zens of Sunbury and the public generally, that ho has commenced the manufacture of all kinds of EARTHENWARE, at his manufactory in Whortleberry Street, one square east of the River. IIu has engaged the services of Mr. llmr. and you can therefore depend on having a good article. The pub.ic are respectfully invited to call. All orders from a distunco will be promptly attended ta. a P. M.SHINDEL. Sunbury, Feb. 2, 1856.- tf WHITE HORSE HOTEL. P0TTMTLLE, PA. THE subscriber respectfully announces t his old friends and the public, that he has taken that old and well known establishment, tho White LTorso Hotel. At the comer of Centre and Mahantoga sts., in the MoruSf.'h of Potlsrilio. The hou&e has re cently been very much enlarged and otherwise improved, rendering it quite as comfortable as any other Hotel in Schuylkill county while the stables are large, in Rood condition, and at tend by careful, attentive, prudent hostlers. To travellers and others who may stop at his house, he promises every attention calculated to render them comfortable and sntirfied. JOS. M. i'EGER. April !, W.- tf SUNBURY, PA. fllHE subscriber respectfully informs the public JL that she still continue to keep the above named public house. She has also received a new supply ef good liquora and wines, and trusts that she will be able to give satisfaction to all who may vit.it her house. MARIA THOMPSON Sunbury May 21, 185C tf. " J." STEWART DErUY &"1T0NS7" Importers and Dealers in Carpetings Masonic Hall, Chestnut St., belvw Eighth, UTOULD respectfully invite you to call and " examine their Inrge and well selected stock of Carpets, Oil Cloths, Cocoa anil Canton Mat lings, Druggets, Hearth Rugs, Door Mats, &c, which they will sell to the trade at such prices as w i.l make it desirable for those who wish to pur chase, to call and examine their stock, before purchasing rlsewhefee. Philadelphia, April 12, 1856. ly KORTIIUMDERLAND, PA. C. S. SBOWN, Proprietor. Norlh'd, June 7, 1856. 6m. 11 LES fur Machinists, carpenters, Ac., ic, - Ueatty'a edge tools, planes and beneh screws for sale by E. Y. BRIGHT A. SON. Nov. 29, 1856. A RNOLD'S "WRITING FLUID and Adha aiva and legal envelopes, for sale by li. U. MAUSER. Sunburv, Jan 10. 1!M Fairbanks' Platform and Counter Scales foi sale by V. Y. BRIGHT tc SON. Nov. 29, 1856. Wall Iaier-t splendid lot just received and Ut sale by I. W. TENER & CO. Sunbury, June tl, 1(56. U AM, Shoulders, Cheese. Mackarel, Irish Salmon and Halt for sale by May 31. '46 E. Y. BRIGHT 4 SON.y BLANK Parchment Paper Doeds and blank MortaTaaaa, Baud. Executions, 8ummoas Ac. tiHMle. H. U. MASSEft. Isuubojy .Apd 16, lt6 4 Shamokln .White Ash 'Anthracite)! Coal . Prom the "Old Vtiii" in theOapColliery. T H. ZIMMERMAN &JNO. P. PLR.SEL, " " successors to Kase, Reed & Co., will con tiuue mining, shipping and selling coal from the above well known t ollierv, under the firm of Zimmerman A Purse!. The point of shipment is at the lower wharf in Sunbury, Norlhumber land county, Pa., where all orders for the varioua kinds of coal, viz t Lump, llrokcn, Egg, Btove, ryuoi, win u manuully received and promptly attended to. Bunuury, July 14, 1855, ' i Si'jrnrnv, Jrit 8, 1S55. " The firm of Knse, Reed & Co. havln stJ their lease in the Onp Colliery and interest in the wharf at Sunbury, to Messrs. Zimmerman A 1 ursel, would tnke grert pleasure in recommend ing our customers and others to tho new firm, as they will be able to sell them prepared coal ef the best quality, KASE, REED Jt CO. 1 A RD WARE. -Table Cutlery, Razors, Pock et Knives, Hand snwsi AVood eawa in frnmes, Axe. Chisels, Door Locks, nnd Hinges, Hand Hells, Waiters, J e., just received and for sale by I. W. TEN EK A CO..' 1 Xunburv Dec. S. is.'i. 155 Special ExDreaa Notice 1858 HO"WARD Sz GO'S . EXPRESS. HAVING obta it ed full expi'cstf piivilpgea ovr tho CAT A V1"5A. SL'MILHY AND ERIE and WILLIAMSPORT A F.I.MIRA RAILROADS, we ire now prepared to lorwnrd ull descriptions of Express Goods by I'nrrenp-r 'J'rnins, dily, between Phihn'elpbia ami Elmira. connecting at Elmira with all the Wpstrrn Er press Companies. All Roods lor Tnmaqna, Summit, Cnttawissa Danville, Milton, 'Williamnport, Elmira. und arlsit " to Northumberland and Sunbury und ull inter mediate places, delivered tho same day. Each train in charge of our own Special Messenger.' Philadelphia Office, 93 CliPt.mil Street. Office Elmira at United Slates Express Office. Apiil 1, 18o0 ly HAYDOCE & FIDDLER, 1J"EAI,ERS in Watches and Jewelry, will continue the business at the old stand of James 13. I'idler, Xo. VI South Second Street, Pilll.ADi:t,l'ItlA, Where they solicit nil examination of their larjje and varied stock, feelintr aKsurrd thut the expe rience both of them have had in the biisinew, and the facilities they possess for procuring Itonds on tho must advantageous terms, will ena ble them to coiiip.rto favorably with any other establishment in the city. They have now on hand a fine assortment uf "WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, Silver, Plnted and Biittania Ware, Cutlery, Fancy Gondii, Ate, &c. N. 15 Repairing of Watches and al! kinds cf Jewelry attended tu with promptness snd ihe gieatest care. Phila., April 7, 18.r5. if. to co dealers! ' AIIKEEMAN, ZUEEN & WEITZEL BJESPFt'FLT.LY inform tlm public tbirt they have leased the new collierv. called tii Lambert colliery, and a.e ready to deliver coal cf superior quality, and ol a variety of si.ea prepa red on their new coal nreaker. All orders prompt nttended to by addressing the firm, either at Sunbury or Shamnkin. Sunbury, June 3D, 1S55. ALEX. mi si;y & tax, MASLFACTi-nr;Rs or TRUNKS, VALISES, &C, I IC CViCinnf Street, front of Jones' Hotel, f-yyYT PHILADELPHIA. A HAS on huml the cheapest, and 4BalilJLiJ best assortment of TRUNKS 5- CARPET BAG, EVER OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC. Sole Leather, Solid Riveted. Iron Trame, Iron Bound Truvellidg Trunks; Packing do. Valises; Ladies' llonnet Ciues; Carpet Hags, Satchels, &c, by the quantity or single aitiele, lower than can lie bought at any other place in the city. July f, ItioC. JAMES F. CALEREATH'S LAMES FA.M'V SHOE STORE, Xo. Ji9 Xorllt L'irl.th Street, Abore Arch, Jiitsl side, PHILADELPHIA, Ladies from the country, can hue shoes made to order in Ihe very best style and workmanship on a few days notice. An excellent assortment to select from, ulways on hand. May 10, I fs&fi. Iv DANVILLE HOTEL. JOHN Jfl., Market Strett, lktn.iiile, J'a, ffHIS is one of the largest and most eon mo--"- dious hotels in Iht interior of Penl.M Ivaiiia. it has been recently lilted np, in cxcvllrnt s'.v wilh ull the modem cotiveniencea. Daiii illo, Sept. 22, 1855 THACHEB 3 WODDnOI' WHOLESALE BOOT SHOE & TRUNK WAREHOUSE,. No. 101 Arch Street, up Stairs, Between Third & Fouitli Ms., upper aide, near Union Hotel, Philadelphia, Carpet Bags and Ynlires of all descriptions. CHARLES P. THACHElc. ROBERT S. WODDROP. Philadelphia, .Inn. 12, 185(1 if TftyLL PAPER. A large and splendcJ ' assortment of Wall Taper, Window Pa ..,.1 nil sti.,.L.. ;..i .....i...i -.,.1 r.. .1. by ' ' I. W. TENER & Co, Sunbury, May 28, 185) T AND WARRANTS. The highest price "-will be given for Land Warrunts liy the a lib erie! II. 1) MASTER. I NK Boureau's celebrated ink, and also (or gres ink for sale, whobsule and retail by lerklr 1850. H It MASSER. v. EDARTUBS, Hore Buckets, Painted Buck els, Meul Tenderers, Corn Blooms, Bas kets, Children's Wagons, and Yankee C lock ust received and for sale by May 2ri. 1855. I. W. TENFR ' HENRY D0NNEL. "" ATTORNEY AT 3d AW. Ojf;c opposite tht CuM t House, Sunbury, Northumberland County Pa. Prompt utttfiitiun to business in adjoining Counties. , EAGLE HOTEL, opposiTB tviwr UHAxni daxk, WILLIAMSPOHT, PA., fILUHM II. II IV, Proprietor. C. A. Srtiu, ssilant. N. B. An Omnihua ni! rnn to an I from th Depot and Packet Landings, to this Hotel, fra of charge. September 13. 1056 tf GEORGE SCHALL & CO. HUMUCllHtK or BLASTING POWDEH, Mt. Carmel, Northumberland County, fa., May 10, 1850 ' ., -WJILEY'S COUG CNDY. An excel w . laut Kiiiedv tiu couuha. eolda. m aaU al this otRoe. laaoamrait i, 1866. - '