4 muousf. THE ItAlUlHAtIO Bill. The frrnnd closing seeno nf the Inauguration rmonios was the bull in the evening, which ok place in a rough wooden rniildiuir, erec J (or llio pnrpose on Jnnitiiiy Square, od ninjf tho City Hull. The temporary "ul re is 23,r feet long. 60 feet wiH-. -"d twon-, feet high. A suppe- ,o0'n twonty-two et wido ran aloe-""" of lhe bal1 room. rming and "impendent apartment. outsido of the building presented a ry uninviting appearance, buiuif strongly ggestivo or the liantics erected at Fairs gricullural dhows, for the accomodation a sudden rush, mid 'with a view to being ;ain suddenly resolved into their white pine enienta ; but on entering the buildiug a Uif rcnt scene met the eye. The ceiling wna a pure white ground, stud ad with golden stars, and the wall (lecora .ions wore of tho national red, white and lue. The adjoining rooms in the City Hull ere fitted up to alUrd dressing ruums fur le ladies. To provide for the vii3t erewtl who took art in the terpsichorean Gnale ol the Inaug ration ceremonies, a goodly bill f provis ins was needed. Among tho items of the ill of fare $3000 worth of wine, 400 gallons f oysters, U0 quarts of chicken salad, I'lOO imrt3 of icecream, 1)00 quarts of jelli s, bO addles of mutton, 4 of veuison, S rounds ot tesf, 73 hums, 125 tongues, besides plates of 'arious kinds. At the heud of the tabic was pyramid of cake of four feet high, with a lag of each SUte and Territory, with the coat f arms of eucii printed on it. i Tho "Man of Plonsure." The following graphic portrait of the "Man if Pleasure," is taken from a Fermmi on Christian Manhood," delivered in New York, by ltev. Mr. C'uyler. We commend it to the attention of the would-be-men of pleasure tivervwhero : " i trust that no young man here will nocd to be warned ngaiust that wretchedly false idea of 'munhood' which is so ril'o in certain circles of this million-peopled city. The counterfeit 'manhood' of un oath und a cigar a bottlo of brandy and a pack of cards a box in tho theatre, and n bet on the race course. Hundreds of young men are con stantly aspiring to such badges of social nobility as these! Yon may see these ambi tious youths ordering with a consequential swagger, their wine-su;oeis at the fashion able 'hells.' You may delect them nt th'-4 midnight, hour pinlmg the door bells ol haunts of infamy, and whispering false names through the iron lattice ; you may discover an infidel book in their trunks, locked up with au ob scene picture, a revolver, a sporting calendar, a directory to brothels, u few French novels, uud do Bible! "Young woman ! bewaro of such social serpents as these. They will enter your houses as their 'father' entered Kden, only to seduce and destroy. New York has her 'full share of the? e characters ; they pass for "men of gallantry,' 'men of spirit,' 'men of plea tire.' "Kvery new and then thero is a Iremetjiim explosion in our community, which blows oil' the covering and lets us all look in -upon the rotten heart of a certain style- of city lite. l'unng the last week we liiv ine in with loathing and w' been loiik- sternatinn. .vhoso walls ' bavo seen ast off the ity for the oman.' Wo cr gathered Wo have stood in the-,"'' were bespat tered wit " the bitter end of a c sweet restraints of polluting caress rj: have snen a r'arkabu around that corj.' aiuid hys iil-limaJ merrir.eut rical tears and 7 "VVe have seen the itibl.ishing courtezan testifying against tho 'man of pleasure' who bad llung her asido for other-- ' .ieofhV of justice swearing broi! 'd bitterness in uof , ullil some marriacrii"'i - I S" yet, fresh from a rural Loifie. Who did that ., aarKness is yet a painful mystery ; bat it is' quite too certain that there ba3 been foul murder done to con science and ty character within those walls long before tho garroter's noose was slipped and tho assassin's poignard driven to the heart. J leaven save you, my dear young friend from tha 'manhood' of libertinism 1 And Heaven fsvb onr great motropolis. when its Brussels carpets come to bo stained with blood, ami tha quiet of its stateliest streets id brokea by the midnight cry of -murder 1" A MrxTA.s Uakomkter. Or. board the Mesiciii itamer is a barometer of tho most s.uiplo cones, ration, but the greatest aceur-1 ney. it consists of a long strip ot'eedar, very thin, about 2 J feet in length, about an inch j widi, cut with the grain, und set in a bloek or j foot. This cedar s(rii) is backed, er lined i with one tf white pir.u. cut ncros3 the grain, and the two are tiuht'.y glued together. To bend thesn when dry is to snap them, bat on the approach of bad weather tho cedar curls over until tho top at timestouches the ground. This, simple instrument is the invention of a Mexican guitar maker, and such is its accura cy that it will indicate the coming on of a "norther" full t'.venty-fuur hours before any other ktud of barometer known on the coat. Had this been the production of Yankee in-f-enaity it had been pateued long ago; and a fortune mad by its inventor Mobile UeqUUr March 1. J Thk C r op Government tor onr Year. The appropriation bills passed bv Congress foot up $57. 7711,509 a eonsiddruUe amount for the people to pay out of their earnings. The items ate as follows : Civil list, 83,512 -104 j Army, SU,0S9.65; Navy. $1I,:j:.9,. Vb2; Fortifications. 82.ti05,00() ; Legislative, Judiciary, ic.. S6.083.7M1 ; Post Office. $14,324,247. We have not yet reached the annual cost of the British eo'vernment, which is e.timoted by the Chancellor fur this year at 65.474,000 equal, ia our money, to $327,370,000, or about fiT times the cost of the United States government, with about the satuo amouut of population. Dn. Kane's Doa The Arctic dog brought borne by Dr. Kane, has strayed away off in Allegheny. He has become the property of James Me Arthur, timber dealer, in Oramel. 1 he recently intense cold weather has kept thu large, black, shapey oniinal in hi"li fpirits Wheu the? tako him int.i th f..i-..V.i atiiong the timber-hewers, where ho can do no harm, anj remove his muzzle, ho cuts all sorts of pranks, seeking the deepest drifts, auJ actually burying himsell for delight. That was a fearful prayer of lhe infidel sail, cr, iu danger of shipwreck : "O, God, if there be a God, save tny soul, if I hav a soul 1" But there is sublimity and beaut v in tht of the Soldier, un the l-ve of buttle.: "O, God. if in the day or batilu 1 forget t hee djuut Thou format uie 1" ThbAm'Can Exi'Di'g. The Petersburg ( a ) Express yesterday saja : Our citizens are beginning to observe the unusual number or slaves that are constantly palling through Petersburg, on tbeiKay jouth and to the minds of muny. the result appears inevitable, that it will but tlm work of ten or twenty years to clear Virginia completely t,f that part of her population. A company of on hundred pajd through on Saturday. Tub Thbek Ruhno Powe or the Pay. 4-t a lata psblic meeting, the following ,'dry" toast was given. The author will get "but tered' wUn bo reaches home. i!'r Pri!t.tht Vft. ""J rtttUoatt. Tha tor. Ruling- Pownrs or the day. The .1,1?.' knoTu1e. cood maral., W last sprfc4 fwwJdTaJ.ly. THE AMERICAN. SUNBUItY. r SATURDAY, MARCH 21, 1857. H. D. MASSER, Editor and Proprietor In ADviRTmm .. .'Hie circulation of the tfunbnry Anienrnn nmimg the different towns on the Susquehanna )i not exceeded if equalled by any paper published in North em I'eiimvlvama. Democratic State Nominations. For Governor Gen. WILLIAM F. PACKER, OP lycomi.no county. ' Judge of the .Supreme Court, Hon. ri.LIS LtAVIS, or nitt.ADRi.rutA. For Canal Commissioner, M.VtltOD STKICKL.tKI), OP CIIKSTHR COVNTY. ('Subscribers who change their residence shoi'iJ not neglect to notify us of the change C'?' Cohrkction In tho advertisement of Tsaac and Jesse Ammcrmnn, for the sale of propprty in Point township, wo inadvertant ly stated the day of sale to be Saturday, which should read Tuesday, the 31st, iust. H-IT-V Lakgk IIai'l. The basin below the railroad, appears to be well stocked with fish. Somo days since, 9C0 catGsh were taken in ore haul, with a small seine, besides a Dumber of chub and other fish. C3 The new tariff reduces the Mty on brandy and other spirits, from 100 to SO per cent. On fruit, such as raisins, figs, lemons( oranges &c, from 30 to 8 per cent. On nut megs, mace, cloves, pepper and spices gener ally, from 30 to 4 per cent. O" Tho Prairie Farmer cautions persons who purchase Chinese Sugar Ouue seed, that they are not imposed upon. The Chocolate or Coffee seed grown in the South closely re sembles it. 'I'll is seed is flattened and smooth The Sugar Cuuo seed is oval and villous (hairy.) . r3J" Removal. Peter W. (J ray informs his customers and tho public generally, that he has removed his store into the new s'.orc room of Philip Clark, adjoining the Post office, where be will bo happy to wait on them as usual. Ijy Concert at Ski.i.nsciikiVe. A grand Concert of vocal and instrumental music, will be given by the choir of the English Luthe ran chuf'-', ut Selinsgrove, on Thursday even ing, t. '.'d of April, under tho direction of S. M illicit. Tickets 25 cents. Our corres pondent will observe that his liberal offer is more than anticipated, by a gratuitous inser tion of this notice. XArtOA'Non. 11 ounuoisittuu tuutne water will be Vt in the canal, on Suutay from Northumberland to the Junction. On the North Branch it was to have been let in yesterday. The weather has again assumed a spring-like appearance, and, we trust, permanently. CIT Ox Saturday Nioiit, two weeks since, the Susquehauua, at this place, was frozen over the second time, and persons crossed over, on foot, as late as Friday, following. fcy Lieut. W. N. Guikr, U. S. A., for merly of Danville, now stationed at Tyon iasSi California, gives an interesting account r . . .i i . -i . i of un eurt,,tiuke that place, commencing on "le 0tu f January. Trees, three feet thick were snanned off like nine.stonis. and n. fissure in the earth opened for 10 or 15 miles. Tl.e shocks continued duy nud night for nine days, averaging one every hour. tST The Lancaster Intelligencer informs its readers that the opinion of the Supremo Court of tho United States, deciding that ne groes cannot be citizens and that the Mis souri Compromise is unconstitutional, was prepared and delivered by Chief Justice Mar shall. This looks as if either the editor or the schoolmaster was abroad. Chief Justice Marshall died twenty years ego, and if thiit great man had liveda thousand, he never would have delivered an opinion like tho one refer red to. We allude more particularly to the Missouri compromise act repealed by tho Ne braska bill, and the ordinance of 1787, neither of which were properly before the court. C3T Tub Montour American says the Broad Guage Railroad to Danville has failed. Thu couipauy waited ten days for Dunville to ruiso tho reipiUile amount to grade the road from Rupert, bet as they camu short of tho re quired amount the company have decided to tnuku the terminus at Rupert. (2 In the distribution of prizes in the Cosmopolitan Art Union, John IV. Uucher, ,.r . I. :.. . I . .. . .1 i. . . . oi una piace, urew a uuuusonie paiuimg, en. titled -Fruit and Still Lire." The peaches, grapes, plums, cherries, &c, with a bottle of -Old Loudou Port" are displayed in their must tempting vuriety. Il Wus sent by Express, from Sandusky, Ohio. But thachurges, 9,50, to this place, are, we think, most exorbitant. MT Fjue-Puoor Saeks. We refer our readers to tho advertisement or Kvans Si Wutsou for a correct account of the great trial of their safes, recently, at Readtug. According to the testimouy of thecommitUo to examine the safes, Messrs. Muhlenberg, Nichols, sod Milholland, of Reading, Messrs. Kvans it Watton came off victorious not withstanding the loud boasting of thfeir com petitors. Ona's books, papers, or treasure, will never be perfectly secure, without one of these safes. (2 The resignation of Gov. Geary, as Governor of Kansas, goes to show, most con clusively, that Southern fire-eater's are d UrmiDed, at all ksMrds, to oaks Kansas B!e 8 HrRIM OR McJtlN.1 fcY THI MIROCRER Os PiORlROIS. Our readers will find an interesting account of McKim md'his alleged murder of Norcross In our columns this week, for which we bad no room in our last issue. Mr. Wolf who ar rested him, having learned that the man who acted as hostler nt the Long Pond Hotel, In Luzerne county answered the published de scription of McICim, proceeded to the tavern, in company with Mr. Coons, whom he em ployed for that purpose, and on giving his horse to the hostler, lie noticed that he kept one hand concealed in his pocket. Believing that the crooked hand was thus purposely concealed, and the other marks corresponding with tho description, M r. Wolf was determin ed to get sight of the other hand, mid accor dingly gave him the reins to hold in one hand while he offered him a shilling which he was compelled to lako with the other, which sat isfied him that he wag tho man. Mr. Wolf then returned to tho house und ascertained that there was a loaded rifle in the bur, he called McICim and Mr. Coons in to take a drink before they left. When McKim ca.ne to the. bar, Wolf seized and presented the ri fle while Coons secured the prisoner. Thotrno name of the prisoner is McKin. ney. A gentleman in Shamokin informed ns that Le knew McKiuney, and four or flvo nth ets of the same character, in Schuylkill coun ty, all of whom were obliged to leave some years ago on account of their villainies. One of them, swore he would make a fortune of go to bell. Soiiiu time after, he murdered a man in New Orleans, was arrested, and in or der to escnpo the penally of the law, cut his own throat. Truly the way of tho transgres sor is hard. THE mOTLhT- -Tllfc 1'AlUIi SMUKI. LMIID IN We slated a few weeks since, that the pro test against the election of Gen. Cameron as United Stutes Senator, got up by bis oppo. nents in tho legislature, for the purpose of preventing him from taking his seat, was one of the greatest humbugs of the day. The Senate, when the qnestiou came up, literally scouted it out from their presence. Gover nor Bigler himself had to acknowledge that Gen. Cameron ' was legally entitled to his seat," but wanted time to show that 25 of the members did not say that it was a humbug. Even this little courtesy was refused. Tho rebuke of Senator Butler, of South Carolina, an old democrat, must have giuted somewhat harshly, on the ear of Gov. ltigler. His ad vice to the protesting members of the legisla ture to "wash themselves if they had been dabling in dirty water,"' is not, it is true, ns complimentary us one might expect from the chivulry of the South, but it is very ex pressive. We think Governor Bigler should have udmitted ut once that the whole thing was looked upon, by the majority of the 'Protestants," as a humbug. Many of tbeun we know, aro clever and intelligent men, and to put iiuy other construction on their pro ceedings, would be n rellectiou oil their intel ligence and good sense. Washington-, March 13. Mr. Benjamin called up the resolution re ported from the Committee on the Judiciary, to discharge them from the further cousidi ra tion of the protest und papers in thu caso of the seat of M r )'- . ...-.Mr. JJigier said he rose lor tha purpnA of making a suggestion, which hih colleague would regard us perfectly fair. He intended to make no issue with the report of tho Com mittee, in which he concurred so far as the legal point9 were concerned ; and us the cute now stood, he would have to say his colleague was legally entitled to the Seat be occupied, n. i.i ..... ,. ;.. ii,., i 11V luuiu rue iiuiuiii ,.i iiiv ni.aviJ? i n:n to impair the valitlity of the election It 1 I 1 1 . regard to the third proposition, that impro per means were used to piscine ail election, he had supposed that uu opportunity would beuliordcd the membeis ol the Legislature making the allegation to substantiate the charge. II is colleague hud thought prui perhaps in tho heat of excitement, to make the broad assertion that twenty-five of thu members ol the Legislature who had s:gned the protest had called upon him und i-ail that it was all humbug, and that they signed it for fear they might incur the (lispb-nsure of some influential dispensers of patroliago by a refusal. This was'no ordiuary allegation, lie bad somo hesitation us to what course he should udopt ; but he could not sit silent while this sweeping charge was made. Il'liat he wish ed to say to his colleague wus thin he had received a telegraphic desputch, ' signed by four members of the Legislature, in which they informed him they had sent a statement by muil, no doubt with reference to the asser tion of his colleague. That communication had not reached him, owing to the irregulari ,n ..I'll,. .mini lu.lu-i.un ll..ni.l,ll, , .ml ll-..l. iugton. Ho did not seek un unpleasant con- tlL'' "''K"'. supposed, in the pn.oued troversy, and certainly did not wi.-h to delay j water winch they Oiauk. The New oik theSeuale.uow so near un adjourniiieiit. llo , Post calls lor uu invciigution bp the Coro aked that this ipieslion be postponed till tO I 'hat tho public may us. el lam lhe pro morrow morniiiLr, ttllt.n he would agree it ! -'ise extent und liatuit. of thu culpability, il should be dispoMi.l of. lie should then havo uu opportunity of presenting whatever com niiinicaliou he might receive in justification of the purties to whom ullusion hud unnec essarily been inarto ly Ins colleague Mr. Duller could not agrev to the po;t- poiieuieut. Ha I, at. no idea ol making tin renatu a tribunul beforo which political parties were lo bring their controversies. If tho members of the Legislature, of Pennsyl vania had been dabbling in dirty water, let them wash themselves before they come here. It would be very unfortunate to postpone the question uu hour longer, because th Senate has no jurisdiction over it, All the testimo ny which could be produced in the form of n controversy, could not, in his mind change the. issue. Wlt.LIAMM'Oll T AFFAIIIS. A number of influential citizens of Ly coming county, have been engaged in edict, ing an organization forj tho purpose of loca ting a town site ii Kansas Territory, and building up the'same to be called Wiiliums- port. On Saturday evening week, some rascal set fire to the stable of Mr. Joseph Grafins. The flames were discovered in time to stop them bofore much damage was dona. It is the intention of the manugers of the West Branch Dank, to erect a handsome new building for baukiog purposes, during the present year. The committee to obtaiu 23,000 as a loon to tho Williamsport fc Eluiiru Railroad, an nounce that tho entire sum bad been raised, and thus secured the machine shops of the company for that place. Car A telegraph despatch from Washing too, to one of the New York papers, stutes that "the pressure for nfUce is excessive,', that -Pennsylvania politicians swarm iu all directions and give no peace," sad that 'Mr. Eoelaisn if sirs sti croei " THE NEW TtniPF. . The following shows at a glance the rates established by it compared with the old tariff of 1845, which the new bill amends : Tariff of 181G. New Tariff. Reduction, percent, percent, per ccot. Schedule A 100 30 ?0 11 40 30 10 " (J 30 24 6 1) 2:i 19 6 K 20 15 r P 13 12 3 " (i 10 8 2 " H 6 4 I . " I Free Free The principal charges aro as follows : In Schedule A frvm 100 In 30 .r etnl. DrnndieB, Liquors. Arrack, Cordials, Abyothc, Maraschino, Gin, Curacoa, OtherSpirit9. In Schedule ft from 30 to 25 r cent. All Wines in W'd, Cigars, Ehnnv, Man, Tobacco, Champagnes, Cut Glass. In Schedule C from 30 to 25 ;rr cent. Silks. Iro'J, i Wine, bottled Fine Woidcufi, Iron fiibrics, Fire-arms, llonuets, Copper War. Combs, Cutlery, Clothing, Lacesol Metal, Jewelry, Paper Fab'ks, Glass ware, Cheese, Chiuesu ware, Alu and lieer, Sugars, Syrups, Mol:lS0.1. Koiliroiiieries, Tin Fabrics, Carpeting. In Schedule Dfrxmi 25 to 20 ier cent. Flannels. Mohair. Fetither. Bareges, Malting, Floor Cloth?, i arns, Fab'ks of Hair, Cnrilnge, Cotton Lnces. Cotton Prints, Worsted Gds 7;i Schedule D from 20 to 15 per cent. Linen, Oils, Pupcriind Pe Other Fins Gds.Cotton Hosiery, riodicals, Hempen Goods, Paper Hangings, In Schedule E from 15 to 12 per cent. Tow-of Ileum. Tow of Flax, Gold Leaf, Tin Plates. Brimstone, Flaxunmaiif'd Steel in Burs, Silver Loaf, ' Diamonds. CaT Tho recent decision of the Supreme Court of the United Stutes, in the case of Dred Scott, his wife and two children, who were claimed as slaves has created no little excitement. The following is a list of the Judges of the Supreme Court the highest judicial tribniiul in the United States. Chirf Justice. Roger D. Taney of Mary- land. Associate Justices .loltn McLean of Ohio; James M. Wojne, o(Genrgin ; John Catron, of Tennessee; Peter V Daniel, or Virginia; Samuel Nelson of New York j Robert C Grier, of Pennsylvania; Benjamin R. Curtis, of Massachusetts and John A. Campbell, of Alabama. The Supreme Court decided that the United v. , . . 1 States recognizes property in man, and that under it and '' force of it, human slavery is nationnlin'd, end must be protected anil defen. ded in its spread und perpetuation, whither aoever that Constitution is carried and is le gitimately in torce. From this decision Judge McLean and Judge Cui lis dissented and delivered separate ; opinions. The weight of authority, is, of course, with the five Judges, but the weight of argument i.J, in our opinion, with Judges McLean and Cuitis. In point of ubility they pei haps, Miik as the ablest Judges on the Bench. fclT The effects of the poisoning of indivi duals, at lhe. NJf.nul Hotel in Washington are more extevf than wyre ut first sup posef. Aluurf.- ji - t.n wi.u partook vt the water into whiel, the poisoiisd rats had plunged, an lie red inure or less. We under stand, umong others, llmi J. G. Moatguiiiciy of Danville, Major De.vart. Dr. J. 15. Mit-tcr, and J. P. P ii rail, of this place, have li.it es- . er thus rcf-i's to this subject: I'll k LriUKMic at V'asihxuton ; or, lee mysterious sickness whieli attacked every body who put np lit the National hotel, jut previous totl.u llliiiiiii'a'.iuii, and lhe cause ol which has bee i traced to III.) w.iU-l tiikiii .(! from the cistern of the house, into uh.i ha number of rats, who had pat taken ol ars. uic had plunged, is of a more serious clon al ur than is generally supposed. Mr. Lenox, of Ohio, died last iv-ck lio.-n Us i lied, ami we see by tho New York papers that lhe wile nf Mr. -la) L. Adams, who stopped at lhe hotel on his way ho : e lioin Savannah, has also died from lhe siikne.-s contracted there. A pout mortem oxaiiiiiiatnjii of Mrs. Auaais re vealed the fact -Shut the stomach had been partially eaten away; the bowels maiui'islcd symptoms ( I vioenl in ioltamatioii ; the luii(js were congested, and thu kidneys m-ve re ly all'ected." These appearances, indicate the presence und action of tir?ciiic in lhe stomach. .Mr. O. U. MaltifOi., tn-iiibi-r ol Congress, is suffering severely. Many other persons in New York, Newark und the Philadelphia, liesio.es the 1 leSioent lnn'Sell mu liiilch en- ' leChlell llV tllO -"lUCKS 01 UllU'I'IIWa, llaVillli any, ou llio pan ol li e proprietors ol luu hotel." Ci" Haiii-kiis Mauazink. The March number of this valuable periodical, l outa. us j among other articles, un interesting Biograph ical sketch of Dr. Jol.mon, the great Lngbsh writer uud moralist, by Macuuluy. This ar. tide uloue is worth the price of the number. There are a number of other interesting ui ti tles, besides numerous illustrations. CiT Godkv's Lady's Dook for April con tains a beautiful engi hving, besides a number of baiidsuir.cly illustrated plates of putterns, fashions 4.C. F.ach number if thu book con tains a great variety of matter, both useful und caiirtaining. As Item tor Tiioi r Fancikiis. Wo find the following in the Hartford Times, relative to the cellar process of i rout breedinir Daring thu past winter, Mr. K. C. Kellogg has succeeded, without ..nu li trouble, in breed ing trout iu hisceilar. ile placed a box, with proper pni tilions, in m;k cellar, uud put somo sand and stones in llu bottom. He then procured two trout, u male nud female, mid went through the process which has proved successful in France, of pressing the spawn from the female, and placing il in his box. Ho then filled thu box with Connecticut River Water, and kept a small stream con stantly running through it. This wus about seven weeks ago. He has now seventeen line, lively young trout, from half an inch to au inch in length, und more in the process of hutching. Dy holding the eggs to the light, little fish cuu'bM seen in them distinctly. The old ones are kept in a tub, and are not allowed to range umong the small fry. The little ones ofiii week old have all the charuc teristcs of the old fish, and tWy wilt dart under a stone with great rapidity, when the water is stitrad a little. Our po'pnlar Water Works are constantly developing new sour ces of comfort, not the lestt nf which is that which furnishes a good supply ol trcstfiesh for the table, in the collars of ocr cilirsos st all ainUa of Sir yaw . S. P. KASslias taken tho Roaring Creek Farnuee, and will doubtless drive it ahead with his accustomed energy, and certaiuty of success. Gen. W. II. Kase is about erecting new Iron Works in Somerset couuty, in con nection with some Phfladelpbiu cupitulilts. ' Slontour American, The New Orleans people are Just now en joying that luxery known ss green peas. A vein of excellent coal has been'dicovcred three miles West of Jucksou, Mhigun, which is yielding a good profit to theowners. The vein is 25 feet below the surface, und -4 feet In thickness; 4UU tons have been taken out. f be coul sells at $4 per ton at the mines. VinotsiA Ovsturs. On Friday last it is stated that llnvie were at least 100.000 bush els of Virginia Oysters ullout ut Fuirhaveii, Ct. Thomson's Bonk Xote Reporter enntions the public to take no bills on any bank of the lollov-ing description : ig. tlnee females re clining, holding irrain, libertv cap. and mult i- cnl iuitrumeiits portrait of Washington and liginn live on tint right goddess of liberty, with live nt her heiul and leet on the lelt. Hioiifai.vti.v A cotemp.iary thus writes concerning a. moonlight night: Tho atmos phere was clear in crystal not; a cloud no scu rod the azure vault, which was studdpd with invrauiid stars of more than usual bright ness. The new cresent moon, with her silver horns, delicately pointed upward and tinilln minuted limbs, modestly veiled, hung cut fresli upon the bending horizon, and for beau ty til most eoininired with a bran-new suit Irnin the, Brown Stone Clothina Hall of Rockhill Ac Wilson. .'s. 205 und 207 Cl.cs nut Mreet, Philadelphia Cclcjrapjjtc Tcfos. Washington, March 1G. A despatch lias been received from Kansas, via St Louis, an nouncing the resignation ol'Governor Geary, and desiring that may be relieved of fur ther duty us speedly ns possible. His reason for this i"s th impossibility of administering faithfully and satisfactorily the duties of his office, so long as the present organized oppo sition to liiin remains in fnrce. It is rumored here that the President will in'p. tlm Governor to remain, promising to bring about a better state of things; but should be still refuse, it is rumored that Sam uel W. Black, of Pennsylvania, will be uonii nutod for the office. Affairs ill Kaiisna Cimae ot Gov. Crarf'a lluiitnliou Sr. Lours, March 17. The St. Louis Democrat publishes a state ment lelativo to affairs in Kansas, given by Gov. Gi-ary. Tho cause of the resignation ol'liiiv. Geary is said to have been the failure of President Pierce to fulfil the pledges IllilllU il L I I ,. , made at the tunc the appointment was con- support him (liov. G.) with thu power of the army und militia, and the means of the Treasury, if neavtssaiy ; but, instead of receiving this aid, he has paid 12,)00out of his own pocket to meet the expenses of ll.e adinii.lslralion. bus been ret'ised the nid r.nd fiippurt of the military under the moat urgent clicuinstances, and IhwuUcil try the J nihc.ury ol the territory in overv possible manner. The Governor states that not less ! than fifty men were under oath, from the day i he entered the Territory until he left it. to nssussinute him, provided his official career did not meet their approbation. Thu Governor regiets the steps he has been obliged to take, and feels confident that, had the promised assistance beeen rendered him, he could have ndmiiiiolurcd the r. flairs of t i.e Teirilory in u manner iiccep'tiible ,to the hon est seltieis i f bol Ii sides. In relation to the outrages committed by the pro-slavery men, he sny-i one hall has not been told. Hit pro nounce the murder of liallum by 1 1 ays the niot cold blooded and atrocious iiflair ever w itnessed. 1 1 :s version of il.o f'hrrard nfi'.iir is Minilur In those already published, lie says, Iimv.cvi r, that the accounts publish ed in ih" Republican, over lhe signature of 'Jones," is a tissue of f.iU.-hoeds. Tin- Governor complains much of the t.b-(.trlitfii-ius an I niiitil.u ions of his official ct rcspond'-no1. lit' s.r.s that mail l.j's were constantly opened, and nil objectionable mat ter I i or from him, e.vlr.icli d. He thinks the esia'nbiiu.iii'v of K .UiSiis inevitable a Slavery Coiittilutioli ill Sic!tiit-t& ut 'a.hiiiiiu. ; Wam:7Notmn, March 17. j. The National Hot. I lia la n taken pos. si S'S'oii of hv the Hoard of Health, and u ihoi Can: nigh irv, es of the initiation w ill bite sicknes.i. be made of the j Ointnifr.t nr.d Pills a:p a eerl.'iin i Cure for Seiirxy p.ilwaid 1 1 ope. of t 'il il !es i Inn, South Carolina, suil'.-ivd nmrti tain most people from the scurvy, nud the whole of his body was covered with thi' unsightly j eruption, he tried a cro.it number of n puted j remedies, but hn was not beneliilcil by the j same, indeed, il became doubtful lo his friends. whether ho would ever overcome Ibis ilislii; erciiieiil. At leiifilh he tried Hollow-ay's Ointment and Pills, and these medicines (pliekly produced a beneficial chunge, by con tinuing these, excellent medicines for eight weeks he was radically cuied. I'CI'flimCMt Itroath.-Whiit lady or cn llemnu would remain iimlcr the curse uf a disa greeable luealh win-by using l!ie"l)aim nfa Thou sand flower," ns a ilentriliie would not only ren der it sweet but leave lhe tec! Ii while ns alabaster! Manv persona dn not know their breath is hnd. nud llio ml'jci't is an delicalu their fneiuli will never niriiii u il. I'nor a single drop of IJaliii' en your lo'iih biosh nud wnsli the lei-lb nil.l and liniriiiu?. A fitly cent hoilta last a year. A beauiif'ilcniiipleiioii may easily I.e nupiinal by using lhe "Ualni nf a 'I'IuiiisiiiuI I'loweis." Il wid remove Inn, pimp!,- and heckles Irani lie akin, leaving it of a nfi losea'.e hue. Wi t a towel, pour on two or three drops, and wash lhe face lii'jlit and ninriiiii. SHAVING MADK EASY. Wi i yiuir shaving brush in cither in wmm or cold water, poor nn Iw.i or three drops ol -linliii of a 'I tioit fitl flow eis," rub the llf.nl well anil it will make a benulifid sell laiher, much furili laling liie operation of flmv ii.fr. Pi ice only l.fiy cenlB. For sale by all Druggiel. i'ewnre of counter!', its. None aeuiiineinilesa siuned by w. i". FK'i i:i!)Gi: i t). Franklin Square, New Vork. Sept, 57, 185.6. (im M A It It I A G E S . In Milton, on tho Stli inst., by Rev. C. C. Culler, Mr. .Martin JJowkiis to Miss Hakiiikt DiiidiiT. both of Northumberland county. In Turbtit township, on tho samp day, by the same, Mr. David Y. Thuxki.i., of Derlin, Wisconsin, to Miss Kli.ex Folst, of Nor tliumberlund county. On the 10th inst., by the Rev. Goo. Wolff, Mr. MiriiAKt. Faki.y, of Milton, to Miss Hannah Hoy, of Turbut township. On the 21 tli ult., nt llurrisburg, by Rev. Huys, Dr. Gko. 11 Wkiskh, formerly of Sun bury, to Miss sJl'san Kkssleb, of Georgetown, Northuiiibeiland county. On tho LMIi iust.. by Rev. D. Y. Heisler, Mr. Dimh. Uaihma.n to MissiaAKAU Ui hnb, ull of Hollowing Ruu. DE A T 11 S . In Upper Augusta township, ou tho 1Mb iust.. RaCHAEL ULACX, go about 15 JMtrs Philadelphia Market. ! (-. March 13, 1857. Gbajm. Wheat -Sales of prime row Pennsylvania red at $1 41 and $1 10ul 60 for good white. '-'Uy Pcnnsylvonin at 61 cents. Corn Snlc9 of old yellow nt C6 cents and new yellow at C5c j nevt white C3c Oats is Belling nt AS cts per bushel. Cloversecd sales ol priino at pe t CI lbs. Whiskey sales at 27Ja23cts. in bbls., and n lihds., nt 25 cents. SUNBUItY PRICE CUEHENT. W heat, live, Corn, Oats, ltuikwheat, Potatoes, Flaxseed, 1 Butter, Kg!;, Tallow, - - Lard, pork. .... Itccuwax, Dried Apples, I New Advertisements. FREEBTJRG ACADEMY. Tho -Freeburg Academy" will be dedicated on F.aster Monday. Addresses will be de livered in the morning at 10, in the afternoon nt 2, and in the evening at 1 o'clock. Tho public are invited to nltteiid. The following eminent speakers bavn been invited : Rev. C. at. Weiwr, Rev. S. Dmner, ( j en. in. 1. Packer, Hon. J. C. Kunkel und Hon. J. Ctiscv. DANIEL S. BOYF.R, Sec'y. March 21, 18S7. LIST OP JURORS. For Northumberland County, for thoJApril Term, A. D. 1857. GRAND JURORS. Lewis. Jacob Menges, G P Camp. Turbut Levi Lym. Delaware Wrm Sterner, E W McCarty, h 1) Armonu, it hnoop. - ; Point Joseph Waliis. , Northumberland W in Burkenbine. ''Sunburn John S Hricht. Upper Auyusta D G Kut2, A Snyder, J binder. Loxcer Augusta Joseph Ghss, Peler Col umn. Shnmolin Wm. Titzwortb. j Conl Peter Yager, Little Mnhano'i Anion Reed, Lower Mnhanny Abraham Dribelbis. Washington Nicholas Adam. Cameron Klias Lpng. -Jackson J H Seiler, S Pcilz. Ztrbe Johu R Strause. TRAVERSE JURORS. Lewis Levi Glace., J R Pollock, J Mc Fin land, M Shade, A Glace, T V Writter G Shoemaker jr. : ' Turbut DS. Linebach. JJelaicareJvMii Weeks, II Cu'p, P Dress ier, P D Dentlcr, John Metzgar, Isaac Vin cent. Point II Hummel. Northumberland D G Voris. " Abruliam Wertz. S:inbury J M Simpson, J Clement, J C Miller, B ManiK, S Diosious Edward Y. Diihl. Upper Augusta J Faihold, J J Riuo 11 Shipe. y.oi'-cr Augusta G W Smirk, G Raker, jr Tlioiinis Woif John Long J Wolf. Shamolin S Evert, Samuel lint, Charles Leiseiuing. tW W W McWilliams, D Roth, Vulcn tino Fegely. Lower ihihanoy J Crousions, A Rothar inel, I Lahr, 1 llorruce, Elias Dover, John Snatz, ir. Washington V Klock, Adam DaBiel, P i Reed. . I Jordafj J Dohner, J N'eiser. I'ETIT JURORS. JfiltonJ M Yont, J A Woir. J.nci.iJ Watts, J A Caldwell. Tmbut Samuel riritton. Flern W Pel lock, Jonathan Kramer, 11 L'.uilz. JUlaware D Kehn s, C Seiler. Nvrthumbeiiiitid Jacub Paul, C S Drown C Harris. SunLury Wm K Murlz, John Yjimg sr., Geo. L)ona. Upper Augusta Robert Furr.swi rth, Joliii Iveeler. Loner J.'AjustaV Ritz, Thilip Welder D ILi'igh. Hush Hoiiham Kose. 1 tihuut'jkin Solomon Haas, George Kel-! ler. Coul J B.llme.nn. Lsu er Mahnnoij P Dobb. Washington .l Treon, J Adam, Win P lloil'iii.tn. Cameron II Wagner. Jackson David Lats-ua, Joseph Dressier. ,-rbeS W Gai iit. Jordan Jacob Hoffman, Goo. Shade.!, II. Doier. S AL AAl)Er7lIRE ANU THIEF-PEOOF SAFES. The largest ussorlinrnl in lhe I'nitcd (States. Warranted in be equal to any now made, and will he sold on as Good TV-rui, an can be obtain ed from any other house in lhe Country, at KVANS it WATMiVS SG5outh 4 t'.i t,cct, Philadelphia. Truth is mighty, and Kust Prevail Jleport of the Committee aj pointed to superin tend the Burning of the Iron Safes, at Head ing, I'cbruary 21, 18o7. IUaDino, March 4. Tho undersigned, member of the committee, do respect ii 1 1 v icpurljl'ial we aaw the two Sales oiijjiiul!)' ugu-cd upon by Furrcla Jc Herring and t;. ans &: ats.in, placi d side by side in a fur nace, vm: The Sale inue by llio Paymaster of lhe Philadelphia and Heading Kailioad Compa ny, iu his oluYe at lidding, manufactured by l'urnls & Herring, and ll.e t-'afe in use by 11. A. J.antz, iu hi store, manufactured ly Kvana ti Watson, and put in booLaand pajwra precisely alike. 'I li.-Tire was starlrj at Fj o'clock, A. M.,nnd kept Ui uiitil foe.r cord of greou bickoiy, two i-oiil ilry nak uud half cliesnut top wood were eatir. lv consiunel, the whole under the suprriii-n-uJt uce of lhe subscribers, members of the Com mittee. The Safes were then cooled off wflh wairr, after which, they were opened, and lhe books and paper taken out by the Committee and trul lo 11. A. l.antz' store fur public exam ined and marked by the Coiumillre. The book and papers taken from tha Sale manufactured ey Parrels fl- Herring wero in our judgment, damaged fully fifteen per cent, more than lhoe lulicn from Evan & Watson's Kate. We believe the uliove to have been a fair and impartial trial of the respective qualities of both Sale. JACOB H.DVSHER, 1) AMI. I. S. HL'NTKR. Having been absent during the burning, we fully coincide with the above statement of the condition ol the papers and book taken out of the respective Salea- ti. A. NICOI.1.S. II. H. MUHLENBERG-, JAMES MILHOLLAND. March JI. IH57 Citrate of Magnesia OR TA8TEI. E8S SALTS. THIS preparalion is recommended as an ex. oller.1 la.xlive end purgative. It p.peW mildly, ia entirely free from auv unvileaaaM Usle rrKmUini lemonade lu flavor, prepared anil sold by A.W. I-T8HER. Pouhcry, Hsrcb 14, 185. List of Causes, ITOIt trial in the Court of Common Pleas ; of Northumberland County, at January T. A. v., 1857. FLA1NTIFF9. DnFENIMHTfi. I II Vincent, vs Goorgo Hans' Adm'r, O. Leiscnriiig v ti. Morri 8amuei Hilener s Michael Wertman The Presbyterian &Co vs W (i Kmj L Machan va llc-Rini & Dontiel J D .S'miih' ex't: vs C. W. Hce,ins ct al same C Yf Hcgins same va jaino Jacob llovrer Ae John P Hummers T P Benham, s E V Bhanoua' Ex'r Abott fi Juatieo ' i8lt Wood Wm McWilliams ' vs John P bummers Jacob Hower same Commonwealth &e vs 8 Bittcnl-ender, Wm Heitzmsn, va Jacob Hiibieb, K M Irland, ts A K Kapp, et il llrosiou far Marcks v Calh'm Droiiout, Wm L Deworl vs Wm and H Fev Samuel Hunter's ex'rs vs same Wm JrfcYVilliame vs John P Hammer Jil.ias Wolf and wife vs Isaac Vinci-nta Ex'r R. I Santan vs John iSimpnon Wm Fanat, vs Bell Lewi & Co. Wm L Dewort vs H U Manser Coinmenwaaltb ic. vs Henry WtUe 6hcaff&Blsrk vs Patrick Hudy, Adam Herr ct at. vs K Fegely Gidding Wctzrl & Co vs C K McGinlry The Chureli Council of the Lutheran Church at va Jacob Menges Ae Turbutville Eckel ReigucI Sc Co vs II Messer'e Ex'rs. John Bower et al vs S J MeCormiclt Philip Faust vs Joseph Hogendobler A C 11 Fisher vs Dewart and iloclimen lieed for Thomas vs C O Bachman et M M Sober va F Mutcl.ler saino v D .Stewart and wife R M Prick vs Leland and I.eljiu C O Bachman va H D Maaer J CommoiiweallU v F Kasemaii Juhn Herr II U Motser S Haupt nCU Kester K Helfeiistein V Jacob Gang Ueaj. lluiuinel v Ira T t'lclfreiit. JAM Ed DE.VHU 1'rotn'y. Prothonotary'a Office Sunbury March 21 IM56 J 3LI1TDS A17D I3TOJ.' IN'KW SIVL1.8.4J 33- J. WlX-X-lJVltS. Ko. 12, North Sixth Street, Philadelphia, MAtr.lC Tl It EU Oh' VENITIAN BLINDS. EI.VET and (iOLD BOKDKUKD and l'ALNTEU of U-autiful lie- igns, null, and ail ot!ier colors el liuilktnil ucd for Klutie. rixtures. Tiimiiiings, Ac.,tVc., Wholesale an.l I.otuil, t iho lovxest cadh price Store irhpcs Ptiintrn to order. IJ. S. W . tinuklu! Iiir pAt patronage, reKpert fully hciioits the puMic lo caii uud eAunuii.i in new and largo uiworlniiMit, briuro l urclusing tlavwlure. S"F-"Vi; STUDY TO rLKAiSE." PitLiuuolpiitii. Mnrcll 'JI, l;4u7. cJm Consumplloa av, -!xll Diseases of Ujo LunsH .tin! TJiri-a ure posu vc carutj h) iii'ijti-m, Wbi fit cuilVrys I ? mill VKfc lo lae ea ltir ill tl) iiliiS t.ir.ntgh i.iu u:r .in -vtt c mnig in OiiMt vumucl wirii itiu iJimse, lieutruhZfs i;u luiiei'.-b.tir intuftr. iiJt l.iec i;t, ai.Hcsi a (me invl fasy cxpcci'irssli- n, bt-ft U'u Iitiiiis. put uic4 ilit l f'Hl, niip:trL isiiicwcii Vituuiy l iiifl iK-r.jj! s kit ill, giving ihM t-j.iv tiwl iieiy so tn:u; n. K.il.'f r r ii c ri--lorytii.il of Vn uc'iiMc tu suitj t ii;itl mlyihnt Coiiautiijiti it is ciuuiilr 1 Jiu.ut.iti rJt is l lue a sp cr.'e 1 1 uilij fti iitiure. It i .s itiucn untltr t'Ttti'ii't 1 if iiK'i'.iJu! ifi'iit men t nu) . -t r l'iin;ii.tu,e Jih-:i.'; niHR'y out nf e'i t y liu:n 8' (1 c:iski cjh ).t cuitd m tint Iir.il hI'kb. nud fifty per cruv in liiL-ar-c i,.; ; t :,i i i tj. lii ml t:;i,e it is iip i&MiIih; t vl l nc 'iv ti.au lue ; m .'. ui . l'i'i Uc ii np.H ere bo cut up ly liit i!:si-f. -. 1.. A tid.aiiTv to i-rit-s.lK-.il s:.. 1 Kvcn. ir.'W;vtr, i.i Hit l:-i m -i;t, iiij 'i ii i ii n:t" Ti's txtKi Tiii-nry rfiiri ttt tne tu:i n jj u'.lci: i:: g lliis ivniiut c Mirj., v.'ii.tb i:n-.u;i!:y ut'ru.-k n.iitL.,ir,e lin'tHsiiii itrn- i.(i in hi I'tiacJ S bttt hirj u c irrcct cnicointion h-kvi iliat uf V.m j rr-XL.it pfr n tt 11 il the wirth, tiy iity ntilat iiii nit dtht.utit W fcl! tLe C JiiaUMipllvc'e 0ril'u. Tiuy ilie qtiivcr tlrii:li lm n rrrnw ro fmn r. r tr Fi' nipt lull Jit n!l it ha bt-t-.i tlic prent i rni f lue fui it k;;ih-8 ncitlitr r.ge --r N-a, b.ir k.--pa ii; nP'r.t t;.9 i uvc, t:t braiitiiul. u.c t-r.H'tiul, nud tl-f rjiMcl. J ti;a lii!;. .-t' th;tt Snpftnt; liciiijj, tr in wf.rtii rt.ii.f lb evriy g,K- nr.d prrtVi-t ii 1 am jK.bltnl u . fit'- t iii nifln ti j u vniiuuri.t itiul hj-ectiy citu iti iViu-iij li .. '1'hr tr.:: ciijs-; '(' fu1'- u:'. ik Iron, imj ire V. i a:iu tbc itnincJt ; :;f "t. i- ujcvil !.v Liir'r t'ijjc-s. ioii i:i ll.e l.ii.; i. i In p:ivt'i.t uic irif :uliii:.si"u i.i'.ii. iui tit: a r tti.s. v. i.ich t-.tuiLA a e;.Utiifil vifai: .v ilm-uu tV? cntim gacin 'J t.o:. tiiTi: y il is more rari ::ult i ux; fc:Vr',atfrR'"'d t'r.m int-Aii-'iiiea iMteitiwr the t;. ititioj the iuiiijrt iiui. trum th mc u-hni.nstcrcu tlirou,;.! t.u H in..w -b ; ': pel-riit w'A :tiw;ia ti:.t! t-e lunps tue im! i!..' ; itii'J.iiic t-W uiier ln li'jint rm.-.r. rr. True, i.itmmiuii ( il rfmcily, rev t.'Ti.i'i:! i ciiMilfti-.led! ru"l v. :ri v vie y vtr r.-:u -tTrui ,t . tlriii rcnifiud tit'iH:ii'Si rt-ii ivt;.e M .nneb. 'k pi.vo i;.f ptivi-r:'i.l .iiui it.r.'il i-iiii'CT rtr w ii.. !:. : of tilifi'ii'iTiitin;:, i-hiur-.tnnn ii:hu! J will rut irrly re trny iisib.l.ty iu j lew iruiitucfl, tiraiy:iij ti 'r i;:M i.-t-Vt)i:s (; sLjiii, .i ttisit a Im ti ii.'.v 1 c :i,i.;n,: i, fl '.vr(, --.it tha UliUv i';iii:; iiii'uliiip tli? ori.tiiary buruli p gas Will (;c :r y ii: i'i ;i tVv Imur. 'VUi iiii.ui.m.'ii if niuiii-M,:,'i v. :!i r:t? tl:r si striu mi:jt;i gur cpmrHt!y ilud. 'ii.v. r "I" i.'-.u- . f t: r. nii',iii.,nn! is pr-ivp.:..:? in i'!es;;i.i n i'v mi, ..urn nftrr Le .t:;4 inu.ed, an ! nu.v If imcii.t.tfly iMm u tt ui li.f I;. d A c 'i.'.'.rciMs pr- f i f liic C'litj.nu',' n-i! t.'iM-n i t ii'l. i' i li -;:, ia ti:" tud t!-il si' kii-'t ii uivv:is pr Vrt'f.U y br:.t'';.iff t-'u! :iir. I n t lini j '.!ivf fvuk'ni' lfit pro jir r.iiiu.tis e ivefnl'y pri-p u-'tl air! .n-ii .-i -u'y a. t::i ii.. ttrrtt (hrrngii ilif hvs, ttn'i:i.l pr;i:!;cr liic iiimr! Ir.tf p ui; lit? Jf.siiHi; fi'utfcn years' prat-'n'c. many tin tmi.iia i-uHriiii? Ir ni ilijreir''!. (.1 the iuims ftnd thr.t, bnve i rr.t unifer iny i-re. auri I inve Jiflertr j n.nuy rrniaik:b cuic even niier thu biiiVerers hnd been prnin'iiwed in (lie Imi Hiir. which Miily :i!iff)es me t! a consumption is t.u 1-fn-r h fntnl c(iaie. Alv trrnitntut i f c mhu Msg n ia niiiiiiiai, and litundt-ci im tou f .it; f ncne fir.ti a ;li.-r t:eh My ptiru'i-i itcq'T'itiiMixfi with the niitnre nf ti'l.t rclt s, .; en ibn a ins to i'.itiii:u.th. re.'nii.y, tlie vaiicui i rm f dist-ate tti-it fciiunl ile c Mifpiipti n nnd upph' llie pun er ivinrrltfn rureiy beinjr niiatuLeii t-vi-u iti a jiinulf cum Tina fiiniiliiiriiy in ec nii--'tisii witii cerium paihiliciral and inicri-t-'Mpip d'L't)v'erif, enable- me l i relieve lhe lunra fr. in the ifl"t,t-ta of r"inr:.cted rhevia; t rn'urre thm i'e't, pur:'"y the bliod, iui:nrt t it lenewt-d vita'-iiv. e vine eiie.'irv nr. A ti-im lo lt,e ei.'ite n -teii I1"X 3, I it l.if:ce, (i- V. GUAH AM. M. IJ. tulwe ICS) Filbert Str'-rt, beiw Twlith. linUUc'p'.iiii, .Mari-h SI, 3m XJEI-IO SALE. rn.i be lM at P':blic "!e uM I'L'es D.StY, the 3 1st of MAHf:lI, lKri7, at lhe hnuse rui uie premises, in I'oint t innsliip. Nor. thumherland county, KKHl'i'V-MX ACIfU-S oi Land with the appurtenances, situate in Point township, adjoining laud of tirtei.ough. Uckeit ond other, v-hcrcon ia erected a t"od alone House and a good bank llarn. Thrrc is also a good apple orchard, and a variety of other fri.il trees on the premises. Also -a good spring of water at the door, Ahout 511 acres of which are cleared, and the hallancc is well timbered. The farm lays within !) miles of Hunville. Possession can he gien on the first day rf April, nrit. Sale to commei.ee at S o'clock, !' M.,of saiJ day, when the condition of tale wilj be made known by ISAAC AMMnHMAX. JESSE C. AM. 11Ut. MAN. March 14, 18S7. 4t PAY TTJ? 1 'nHE subscriber hivinff disposed of his Vrvg -- iitorc in Sunbury to Albert W. Fisher, de sires those indebted to him to inuke paymri.t by the first of April next. 1'avinent can be made st the Drug Store. WM. A BnUNER, 8unbury, arcll 11, IS.')7. j. i'i.iit:rr& to. Murket Street Wharf, Phiuliltlphia. PEALKItSIX FISH AND I'ituVIHON UA VK eoi.i'antly ou lianJ sn urs 'rln.ei t el' fliml, Ueriii.gi, C.iili.sn, brcl, I'ork, Lalil, I llsiiis, 61. lei, Cheese, lil.-e, Ae. March 21, l"o7 3m CIS IJOKT and MADEKIA WI.NES, Si Srhnanns. Wild Cherry brandy, Els -,. anJ l.avcnJer brandies for luedii inal purr. . . .. - ,. . - , jv-.. March 14, '07. A. V. 1 is.n.x ... FURNITURE POLISH. 8. BAE'S Premium Patent Enamel Furniture. Polish. This polish is highly valuable for reatov, ing the polish on all kinds of Furniture. Ulass, Carriage Bodies, Hair Cloth, &c. Also, for re niaving apola, hiding scratches, &c., Ac. Mar ranted to dry immediately and retain ils gloss. Fries 60 cu. per bottle. Sold by A. W. FISH Ell. March 14, U-17. IUhing Tackle. Kcd Cork, Grass. Cot - toil and Linen Lines, Out Lines, Kea Grata by the yard. Snoods, Flies, Kirhy, Limerick and Carlisle Hooka. Kods, &.., for sale by Mwfc41.'6T, A. W.riSHER. ..