"AIB 'AJTD COMFORT," To Your Own "far-hrtnit . ISAAC M. WILKEIiSON, Respectfully announce that he hns tsken the atsnd lately nicnpint by (.'corpe Renn, whcc he is prepared to m tnul'-icture all kinds r FURNITURE AND CHAIR Of the cost Fashionable Stjle. rpl!E subsr-ril-o respectfully calls thf aitcnlioi of the puhlic to hi large and splendid as sortment of every quality and price f i iiiMi-v i:t: which ennnot mil to rot online ml itself toevcry n( who will examine it, mi account of ils durall workmnnship ntnl splendid finish, made up of the best stork to be had in the city. Ha cllort I spared in the miinufuctiire of his ware, nnd thf subscriber Is determined to keep tin with the many improvements which arc eensinntly being made. His stock consists nf M-ilioaany Pt(;lft, IHlllllN lrtiaslN Bureaus, Secretarie. Siuehcardg, rsniM, i;i;iiakk.st ami ihmm, tm:i.i.s and also VENETIAN IJLIN Ls, equal to Phi a- I dolptiiu inanniiieture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern nnd prin t CUPBOARDS. WO'-.K A NO CAMH.K. STANDS. TOILET TABLES AND j EXTENSION TAFI.ES, In horl,everv nrticlo in t.'.if In enf his business j lie sUo mamifni lure ull kinds mid qualities, C1FA11.S, ncttiding , varieties never In-fore to Ik- hod it Sunburv, audi or Jlv.-imn, Black Walsi-i Aftl ClRLI'.ll M Pl.t, til! t fH t AMU Wnllsi.l. CIIAIUS, AMI FA.NCt 'l A NO ISTOIII s, wliichnrt of the Intcsl styles, mid warranted lo le excelled by untie riianiiiucttlicd in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscriber is determined Itiut there shul 1 no excuse fur persons to purchase furniture n the cities, as every confidence can he culcrlHiliei1 n!"H,t the quality and linish of their ware am' Chairs. These articles will Lir disposed of on as gmo terms us they can he purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in miner.; for work. Iff" UNDERTAKING. Having provided a hau ls'), ne Hkvhsk, he i now prcpured lot Undertaking, and attending tunetuis. in this vi cinity, or at any convenient di-ituiicc from tlii. place. VST The Ware Room is in Fawn Street, he oir Weaver' Hotel. 1,1C M. WILKINSON. Sunhury, Sept. 13, lK.f.- If. CHEAP WATC H AND JI'.WKI.IiY STOliK Ao 72 North Stroud Sirrri. (npiiuMr th j'.i'oil T ecion House ) Philadelphia. MOLD I, ever Wuuhcs, full jeweled, 18 K. ea. Res, 'jiV.S ; Silver l.ever ttj.. do.. .12; Sil ver Lopii-e. do.,!f:M: :iailier. .Sb lo : Gold Sped iieles. !5i1 .So to 1 1 ; Silver do., 1 Stl ; hilver 'J'ahlo Spoons per eett, $11 lo $18; Silver Ileseil do., -lu., !j-U to $ 1 1 ; eiiver Ten do. do.. If 1 "5 to 7 fit); tiold IViib ami (i.-ld Cn s, t i 25 In 3 ; ti AA I'cnr atul Mlvi-i do. . v 1: together Willi a v.iri. ly of fine (iohl Jev.eliy. liold ("urli , (io ird and Koh ( ' 1 1 ; i 1 1 s. All smuli' warraiiU-d Ivt l.e e tej-ve-eitled. Wntehei and Jcwelrv, ropi-ircd in Ihelu-st nuiiiucr. Al-o. ,ia aonic Mark a. Tins, iVc mndi; to ord-r. N. H. All order yeut l.y nriil or olherwisi; will lie putietuj'lv i.ttende.l to. 1'iiild.. iht. 4. lh.lfi. ;. Li a , JUI1N' 1-AP.EIHA, Xu. 234 Mm!., I SirrH. rWe S.'; l'HII.AnUI.I'IHA. f MPORTFrj. .Mtiimliielurer m il denier in all kiuiN and (uaiities i.f lani-v fur, for li-nliea and Cliildicii. .1. I'., would cull the iiMi i.ti-n cf the l.iidi(-B nnd others to hi- iininence hkmiiI. tnetit. hej'iy the direct IiUiorter ni.d Mniiiifiii-tiir-er of till my fuiii. I ire I coiilidciii in snihtf that I cm otter the itreatesl indi-eenients to thiwe in want nt d i.t the "bine t.ine will lime one ot the i,re-t rtssorliiienl io si-lecl frmii. Si.irekcepcis nnd ihe tr,ide will please pive ine a rail hel'-.-'e purchn-inir, n ui u iiolc-a!e ilemrt llieni H well supplied I i meet ihe ill 'iiii.id f, r every arie!c in t tie I'ur line, and at Ihe mve-t jiOiaiu'e .Mnnuhicltirers I'rji e--. JOHN FAKHRA, lis I Marl, el .Urttt. rhi'.adelnhis, Sept. '.It, l-Mi lur.v. CLOTIIINO! CJ'TiiilvG!! Wliiil.kmn ami I!fTn.. 'T'llin MiVferiher wmi'd respeeil'uly inform the reiulersnf theAuieri.au, tiiut he hm just opened a New niU'OUMF.D CLOTIIINC STOKE. N'o. 29S Maiket Sue t. (2 dour In-low Ninth, outli f iiiel "iiilndelp'ii j ; where he ke. in con l iiiily on Iimi.iI -ne of tUe heat assnitiuenis of Read;. Made t'lulhtn, in the jity ; also, a Uriie assortment of Cloths, ('hsiuii'M. .Vr., which will he made to Order, in the lie-t uianuer, mid at fie shiniest iioliee; all nfuhiih will le anld at the l.iwesl pcsaihle t'.i-li prices, lieu ler will you plcac give us a call ! I) wit mm; i SOI M KK1-M' Mreel. .N. Tl. WILLIAM Ml.UTNKK. will le ph-acrd lo see his lrienda ut ;he almvc Clothing fctorr. Oct. an. iir.r,.- w:5n,3 COLEMAN'S OUTLEBY STORE, A'o. '11 Sorth Thir-I St., tit-low .itch, rmx.ADEx.paiA. COCNTI1V iMeichuiits i.iu ave from ten to fifteen percent, hy piirclia-in j al lliealaoe sliircs. ly nnportiinf tuv own poo.U pnv iu l.i.t littl rent, Mini liviiin economically, it is I nn i can utuUrJill lluiae who punhiise their tmoils here, pay hih rents nud live like, princes. Coiilauily on lunula large n"siiriiueul ol Pen and Pocket Knives, iSchsnrs di.d Kazur.s Talle Knives snd Corks in ivory, stag, luilahi. h ine and wood handles, Coners nud Fork, c, ISiitclier Knives, Ulrks, i'nuie Knives, Kcvolvin and p.aiti Pistols, Ac. Also a hrfl assortment r.f Aecordeons, .U-. AUofiue English Tnist mid Oerinan l inns. JOHN M. COLEMAN, Oct. 50, le55 ly. Importer. BLUDINUi I'L'l.NISIilM; HI'sINFj-8 Cahintt Kalccr's Findings, Tn ruhsc ritier. res pectfnlly in'orni tln ir friends and tha puhlic generally, lhal they have roin.ic teJ ciih iheir Eei'dinit .v. I'urni.hiiii; hitsiuesa lar(j nnd well assorted sim W of Cahinci Maker's Finuina, u.' their o! I -:'j.;d .Vo. C3 SoutK Second Stnct, Itlnte Chttlnut, a'li:i ..ill, llt.l. Tty itvt as-iiisteil with them W.s. Jrown Wftu has lie; II tor many years i nsgi d in iiir I'-iicrtfil esia-i'isiiiiient ol the kind iu this liu. 'I he itc. k ii huiiU nmv on hand cuiiipiires .very d-.-scription of niatersuls tied I.y Cuhii.ei Wskers, cn sistma in part of iht fnllimii, v.; lidrd'?rsid uvj.artiurnt. LocUs, il uies, c?cr. w -Cs.iois. Biti ecreui. c hair and cota ."spin i.s, Cv'il.n Handles, 4c. t'shii et Miktrs Mateiials. ll..;r Sealinn, Coi.tui iiiiir, !.u.,Ll. ,- tiLes Plates mid I'l'ili. (fine, Varuish. hon.l I'd per, iinlap.. i;,uil.aiid Fancy 6i.it uv.d viurs..,! Unnp,rsi fa anil t.'li..ir We .uluj, X mo, t sckiiig liotionn:. yCo.cw.MMl, )i !,i't;..r v, W u.i.U uud Maple Kimus, Cilus. ticrews, Ac. iiJJniS UapartiDtnt, Hair, IIuU. Mt-. Wool ;d Cotton ''jttu.ses. I'i aiher Is. Unl.u rs and Pillows; i'lu.h, Ua.us.k anj Morean Cnsli (oi.a Comfortui ha, CouuUrji.r., I mm sn i Co'.Uu tUec-Is. Pillow Cu.cs, Limn t noi 'FutU. 'J alie Cloths, TsbU l.i.icn, Tahie Int. ts, Moreen, lviiia.k and l loali l) iic j ien, Mj a ad Husk l ll a hale or pound. T.w H sir tH st.n g si,J Cur ed Iiir it fiuu the I'Ula. Munufuclory of D. &, J. IWiltt. . - . N. JJ. li.nel., f team liusia and bhipa fur uiMiwl at the shrillest noticv. . fVUUT, bKOWN & NOBLir, t-a ftti(a 'mi St., bvloic ChutAut. (Neurit- opposite Bank of iVun.ylvaum-) rhiiakli'hii, ujfust , IbDt ly. " AYER'S GTIERllT PECTORAL, inn tuh nuit CURB Of nTMn'-i.tt, Mam., aoA Doe., 11. tn..l.r. Arm: I (lunoiKettilh"H)r th lwt nrtniT I f- OMll'llini BIIIt-Ma-" r. J ft J C uuht I'ltcr-'Biu I'im!ant f) In Uiv pr.KMifi Aii'i niv ntttiiiy nr xuo nwc ;r un v'r h"M dbowa it lu pmm ntif ri,r virr-iii tor th tnw'm?nl uf t.hM Jv.An1' comi'hint. KBrfN K iatlT. M. U. h. 8. M iUTLKY, lji!..of Unci. N. Y., rtltrt! "T hr iwfi yvr V jT-w.t my'1f ?t'I lu my fniilj srt" r ;iu iinfn! It. n I inIIv It tli bvt utvilidn Hi pm-ft-Mf PTi'l' Jltlt OHt. Wj'h A twitl tl i I llKJ'lill CJOI1BT liy vuiiry flvo d-Pitr f c a IwtiU tluui (4o wlthwut it. or i roiiis VVboopin Cnueh, Inflnenzn .Si'BiNnpiKLi'. Miss,, Kb. 7. 101. TaoTH"K Ar;n; I wIU chwftitly cwiifyunr p-foRAi M Itin iMtMt rotutfdy wit b-jMM fur th euro of f'ioiug f,'tF't ' n mid tho tli it iI)Mmioi or children. V vf fMiu- fru n.i'y in tho f 'iitl njiirv.AtP fuiur ahUI, Rtitl tvtutnt ya luciliclun too ir iuit!i. IIIUA.U CONK LTV, M. D. jIMAS LBK. M'fTEnr. ?., wrlrnn. M Jirt..lK6: "1 Imii fe'lii'iii l!:tlii"iif t, !iiri omthtfHl me tn tltni ek; t'ik nittiy iiiiliv'itti wiMMut rwluT; Hrnllj lri-l Viiur I'U'Tj'iit, tiy t!iy mlvlifi of mir rl?ryiiiHii. Ti;f tSmi dwt ivlivtml tlii mtiftHfiw tn my thimt tttid Initr.; Ivm Ui'in u i!f tli Wttt trn lr uv lamililetHly w,l. Y'iT mMii'in? sro U th)jt:rt as wrll at thetHMt t -an Kii rt't't vtftf'm v u, Iwxt r, ami your reiua-tll-w u'ne i--r ma:i" fr-lt.l,H Awlbmn or rhltiUicf nnd nrnnchiti. U ar Mai, ii-ke. 1'... 4. IW.il, 9ii: YciirCH:nKi I'f--toh t-, fnininjt iiiriiliti t?ui-p in this .vti hi. Tl has la,!;," ! sevaral rmtn atattii lit: iYnp'"iin "f intiiuiniti'i. mn is now eiirmn a man wh liiw UV'l im ier an atl-,-tin of tha mi4 f'r tha butt f .i r.v HhNKT 1.. 1WKK3, Monbaut. A. A. ItAMI'Y. V.P.. A'.rt-Ji. Mn?iRoe C.. low, wri'w Sept. rt, lt.S: Ihiriutr toy tra ti. a of many jimim I hi vp r..ipfl n y.Ulut fc'piitl ""or Cn.-.r.r.T I'ltcTr.AL fr jrivimr oi-h' tiTi l r.i..f to crtrmuipillve patlrnu, or cuiiug t h nro curnU'. We mitrht a.M volume of fvl leiwo, hut the mmt eon viuctiin prvr.)f tlie rii tiii'i of (Ma remtfily Is IvuuJ in Its alfrcti ui.oii Uial. Consiim;)tio. Probably no una i-.mii hro vr hasn knwn wlitcli ciir'l o mn.y anil a,:..l ilattrou pnw a tl, ft 8ma ii9 human Ai t ran mio-h; but aren to thosa tha CaeUT Htooni. att'ttr-l nHpf nn J romfnrt. A-i-.fiR lloi'-c Nt: V r Citt. Marrb ft. Tvroa An R. 1 iwEi.1.! I fw) (t n duty an 1 a pIiAvnra to Inform vou wliat vnur Cn .put I scroll it. Iwt .lone for uiy wife. She ha I l' n five uinth" la'itn; nn-ler tlia dMiiiterou mpt' rii of '",oii'HMiiO, fmrn whirh no aij f rtv( pronuf unve hr miifli ralif. ."-"lta as ftteu'lilf fniliiiK- until tr. S'.ions f ihi . -Iiy, hw w Lure cnia f.r alin'. rrroTr.ao-nit-,1 a UM of .voir aitfliffna. lilow Ink kMuiu!. ai we do your nkitl. for fthr liM rfH-ov fmin that wiy. Mi i not yet a tintnc an he .d to Iw. hut i t'rn from hfr i.mh. ml ntlli Lerat lf well. Ttmra with ernititrtte and rrvd. oKLAMK) IIKl.bY, n? SunmviLLB. Omtvtipthw do tint dwpfilr till yon hnrc ti letl Arsa't CnnHt Fuel oral. It 1 mtt.le by on of the lt mcbral chmitt in the world, and it ciiri all arunl us U'Ftik tht high rueiiii of iu virluan. J'hitad'lphut Ltiytr. Ayer's Caiterlic Pills, flilB ri'U of CJunra ry and .Vedirine have lcn J. taxed Ihdr utiinL tu pi wly. c this leat. most ierfitrt purpfitirc. wldi-h 1b known to num. Innumerable proof IU6 iIikwii tlmt tbesa I'li-L hnve virtuei wbicli tunw in xcplhMice tlm ouliimry niotlkiues and that thry win nu pracedi'Utedly upon th atteem of all uin. Theyaia amfa and pluaMint to take, but Kiweifnl to cm a. I beir p.'ne t rating proiwrtit st iambic the vital atlivitirn of the body, remote the oirui-tioti of Ih orniia. purify tha blood, and vxpel diacAe. 1'hey pureuut thv f ul huiuvri whicii brood nnd fcrow dii tamper, tii.-.u!att' wluffi'h or dir d..i d organs into their iiMi.ntl nt-iioii. and tmptut healthy tone wi;b ntrrn-th to the wind.' ivftiin. Not only do they euro the vry-d.iy n)p!nirtf. of every ln!y but also formi inbl! and diutntu .lif-tw.i thut hive lnll!ed the bet of luiiuiin tkiU. While, they i-r-liK-e p.-wtrful IT. eta Oicy are nt th mine linn, iu iliminilid di-wa. the flfi-st ami !'( phonic th;it ran 1 cm ploy td fjr cblldien. Beimr cupaiHVHtl. th-y are plenwint to telt : aud bri-g purely vi-tjHiibb'. are free tiom any rik of hiJtn. Cuiea have Iweu nuole whiv'h fnuttaan I. Ii,-f were lb y not sub tHiiiiad (y hum! t'f !ii!t f.;i!icd .-itun and tfc.i.KtAr a t,i foibid the F!npii u vf t-t -njth. y.,uy enxlmut flertrynieu and iIiy&ui;ii) htivc lent their mutier to rairi fj to the public tit r'li.il-iiiiy of my itmdie( wh;le oth ik hate w nt to 'ha avtuiumeof their convict ion that my I'repui-fttk'iii eotiti il'Ht' immensely to U f vcliaf of mj att'iirrd, miReriiur fellow-t:t n. The Agnt below tuinifd i plemed to furitiFh gratis my Aiuerirau Alumimr. condijuiUKtlirotioi'S for their ui and cartificutfaj of their cureii of the Mbiwhi coiupbintt : ColivetimM HilioiiJ Comphiinltt, I heunottisiii, Iropiy, Ib-mtlu.ru. lla-lailie flrihliij: li-oiu h foul .wtoniirh. nu wi liidi!tion. 'oi hi.l liiiK-ii.iii ,(' the? M iwclv ii::d Pain aritliif tln-r.-fi in. I'lutuleney til Appe iu. ail Ulcer- ou nud t'ulHiietpiii i'lKit" whirh rr.piire itn evn-.-uaut Medirim'. Cl.ti or Kint' -.til. 'ih-- uleo by purity ins lhe l.ltn-d nud feilmulitMi: th" t..fTe'i., rnttj many eiinpttint whirh ,t vuuid iut be ci..mtl icy coe.ld icath. m:vh s PenNi'M Paiti.il l.liii ltiM. VuurtilKiit nd Nervoi.t 1 n ty. bcru ieu.cut of lite l.iv.M and Kid nyi. iout and wiiii kitidre.l t'o.ni l i ji Hiifiitj: fiooi a low Hate of ihe bniy or ulLrit lion itn fituciiunt. Do not l put f.K by unpriiK-:p:d dean with eom. oflifi pill they unke a:or. pmiii on. Ak t-r At'R'a Pitt, lotd tVio i-thlMK eT.. No oTbtr thy ran nivtj yau r')i)viit with lu it intrinsic value i r ruretiva powtta. The i k wttn t the -et ai l Uivt i. fur thfiu aud they aiiiiuld hae it. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AVER, Practical and Analytical CfesmUt, Lcwsll, Ms. pRicc C. fit. htr. Fivi Iloxu rtA $1. S')LI HY Wm, A. Rruner, ?uubnr'; llid A J "ho, Shmnnkin V Wieinei. NofliuodKTlnnd ; J. F. Cntlow, MtlPM.; Il.iya 9t MrCormick, Mcl.wumv.Hc nud hy all Drutzgnti throin.'h"Ui tlif c"iiiiy. Auuht is, Icj6 ly THE SALAMANDER SAFES or Pltll.ADI.I t'llt, tOIISihT HIK TO 1H. KVANS & WATtfOX. .Vo. 'JC Suu'h Fourth Ut., I'ltilwltlphin. r" ;, "T Have ti.ul the s-trest ilemonctva- d. t ,'.Cri.,i, ivy m lion in tin.- lollowiiii.' Lei i litem - s, jiAc.ii tfji !i.''' "1Ht lit,r,r "ailL.Jc-ll.re -l S.llH- SV ,jl' liiiiml l Miles tins at h-nglb f-ill)- r;:.,iys-jw 's!'' t wanaiiieil Hit: ri-nreseiiUileiis :)IKJ.V-S( wlm-li Have ML tZZ&lkil'M eri.ii L-ri-'-5 "":a i,,e 1 lierit laa.V i.f lil. lti llnlloiltittrd s-euiily lemhc rlciueiil : I'liil.ADM.fUiA. April I-?th iM-t4is Ki'i.nt Ai WftUin-. :-0cnla : It tifT.tidit na the l.iticfil uli?":.-li :i I" knife h y- u. tlmt itip . the very ir.ttcctiv; (ju.tii'icv ol t w "i th 8 iliiuiaudtT SSxtea n im-ii we pur ti;iM-d ! .'u Romr few iii-'nilm tncv. we Uitwd a iorifu iien i -n .if .itn Jt wch j . Ii'h'ks, t :.i-r, Jkt , eii tt ard t tin- r;tli.riiiH"ui. tirr in Uuiifcti-atJ I'lacr, ii the mora t-(f l tlit; I Hh iisst w'Uru we r.-H--''i t!i;it ihene ftii'ea were l-K-nted iu the t unh story f the huiici'ij; wu oci U icti, t.t.( mat tln-y It'll iuliit. qt nt iut it inn hitruitu; luiim. wlu-tt) the vai c il"' iMiiiii u nt"M- i'.uiftnl tne brass vi,iit-i to nirli, Wr rjiini'it but n pi.rd the pr rviil.t.ii of tli- V ihcihle t'oti--etui n in ti c 'ii'URiiiy nrmii uf tlit- grcnt nccurity ult'or iirtl hv your S.ifi We Blcili t;ike nricu pVnunro iu rrcoinmrnding thetn b men ol1 iiUkUt.-Fst ak 11 kint ii-iiinice ui'lnhl fiie (ieokok W.SimoA Pro. Ph tADrLmt, April 12 If-.'tfJ MfJiri, I A-nn V V:it n h.tvv I ..-fTcr y u utv t tlni";i in f.ivoi ot (he rcju M-cuntv ufloldrti in my entire i! . k 'f jt w.-lry, l kt, ,)iiiera At., .h ruift tlt recent dia:i'r iun c lulhiirnitioii tu Ititnuu-ad , iroiu the in.-i ih ii 'lie fe-iiut were o -utainrd in two ol ihe Sxilaiitiiudfr S tl " in nitlin. ihichI hy y.-n, li r.'inir luittit iio.u the tifth it try nf tha Ariiaitn Rml b inf. w'leie tncy ufe .re.'iuuly pliii-iid uud eiMtd t a vt.m h .t f.irnl'iiu lime, the nreif-rv.tiiou ,,f the v.iluabie rle;h nemied l evny 'iie who w itnenitcd ttie oeniii-; .ni;1 it.t-ii 'i ti.imi.i.M;i"it, a uuitcr of irut.uitd a.iMikn llteif, 'I'" all vh miiy iqiiire a perfect prott ctt.m frm the rnvii.'i -.f fire I a nd! not hcu:iie lo n r u ni-ud the tin? tf y ntr S-ift-a. a consider tncy have ii"W indetf ne the m -ai tr it itii. N. K .Morgan. PuiUDri.eii'A. Apil II, ifJl M-it ft ':.tf'in lirillleiilt'U No d tiiit y u t '. he ilfeity pini i tied I'.l. i.rn the hnI fondili n in wiiich di..owrvd inv b 'V. p-.I.rv o( ' iitaiiruiire, crtihVaUi f M.M'k.a .d .i;;.t v.dii'.H. d'M'iiinehU, u lici kii Kruhiy last 1 it l w tAtr. iniiile Uv your fiini. Willi my kit 'vv-'1pc oi it grttitr npogiire, httht-i I l.e iut.-nnMv o ihe he it fr in a i hot a fi r. ua (In) whch He ir vttl i)te Ar'isnn Umi.noir, at nil inun (he f.tfi-e o tne f ill fi.tui i i l' 'rin 'i eirvn'eii p miti m in tht- third nt -ry, I c 'iil.l ct.i' ri.H.i hut klcuder uopc pri r lo itp interior in rpecti hi, that iln-c .uienl which I iic g . hiflily prucd w-'ii'd ever he ol miv ervie. f.j m, tmt lit ihve feaia " il-. w Ijn ipib rem 'Vtd, I fee' i' . u! due tu My to you thru fan lir.teer irih ree- 'Hililfiid the lini of ) ur lafc to !' u h in .v wis r i feel i e vii 1e-ia i'i the p.Mf.t tt--ciriiv wiiich uch iura a pr vi ie. oijainn mu inUful un t'l-meut. r.t'WAHo fiitnTLt,, H vikhiuder. CrtnWtnitly mi hnd Patent powder ajid Thief Proof I. N'lu f -r H.i.iW. St'.r.i, Ac. A alii J6t ly (.'limp N'silclic tj.!cMilr IV Ht'LEiSALi: and Retail, at the -'Philadel. ' pi. is Wauli and Jewelry Mure," Jo. Ufa North i c.'ii-l siiei-l, coiner of iuarry, i-Ut larler 11 ut" lit J, full jt Htlnl, In ,rul ro.rs. It-,'.' ti'Nl'i'lK l"k. it l.i h me ri.l-t nkKii. i.Hi f-.ivei l.r lull jev:ie.l, 'i ti,,;. Hru,'.i,-i., j.ki ill el Mvcr, lull jewl'il ti I! uilii' I, ..J t'snrits. I Is1 f.i--i r iiartiam, 7. (jilvef f Sxis, sot, ..lu ti Sri frta-liu'lrs, T,lsi ijosl Psiis, Willi revicd and pdvsr ILMtf , 1,00 (told Finder Knits 37 J cents to Sb0 ; WaU-b UlasMss, plain, UJc.i.u; Patent, lajj Luuvt, iS ; other articitis lu proporUoo. All good war rented to be what they are solu tor. cVJ AlFFEK& liARLEV, Un hand, some Gold au4 bilvu liovem and I pines, etill lower liud tlie ebce price ' iM. , lUofkrly. 3b NEW CONFECTIONARY. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. 0. GEAltHART; ( nA3 just received a new and rtteellent sssnrt mrnt of pood at his Cnnfertii nary and: Fruit Store in MARKET STKEKT, Sunhurtr. where he mannfactares and keepa on hand, nt all times,- the, m-t choice Confectionary, Ac., Wholesale nnj Retail, al Philadelphia prices. Among his stock of Coiileciionaries, may ke CoLIld : French ?rt-Tsts, ItitrneiJ Aliti.iikls, rrniro White, lm-in lies?, Vnuilla. Comitl-Hl HecietJ. I.iqunrics, Otrni Drops, sit kinds of went, I ove Urooa, Mint Drops, red and white, Jrllv CnkM, Kiuit L'ropa, !tiek t'Kiiiitrs, n( sll scuts ll.rtl Psnrtv. Aim--lid Csndr, FEUIT. Prunes, ' PI'S, Citrons. rtsiisims, Ctirrnnts dried, Alinuuds, Raistitis, Nuts nf sit kmda LKMON SYHUl if a superior quality, hy the sinnle or dozen. A siiieriiir ipmlity of Mccar nnd Tohnceii. and a variety of t'oiifectionsrics, fruit, cVc. all of which is ulTercd ehenp at wholesale or retail. ICE CEAM. lie has ati opened an 'ee I're.im Saloor, and will nt. all times he ready to serve Ilia customers with len f'renm. Wunhury. May 5 1. IHSfi. ly r Tatten'g New York WINDOW SHADE & CURTAIN STORE, "03 Chestnut St.,npjmtte Jones' llntvl, IIIII.AOKI.J'tll A. Window Shades, (iilt Cornice, Uuir. White and Molluiids, IJrocatelles, Htin de I, nines, Worsted 1 him u ska, Centre Tascl, (imp Hiul l.oope, ('urtain Hands, green Picture I lord, I'.ileiit lull lei s, Cuiluiu I'ius and Trim mings, I, .lie and Muslin Curtains, Piece Muslins. Store, Sleuiuhoiit uud Church Slimlcs or Dra pery, It' it up a' the shortest notice. (,'urhiins cut. msde and put up hy the most enperienced hnudi-. l'srrr.'s Mi:w Voiir Stoiik, W. Chestnut St, Melodeoti buildings. May 3, IN.'iti. .1. II. .1 A UI, Justice of the Peace. ayCOTJISTT CAKMEL, Northumberlaiid County, Pennsylvania. All husiness piotnptly ut ended to. Monies collected nnd all ordin.uy wii'iuc done. Mount (.'armel. June 14, 1!S0. ly i win: i, .its.-.. . FlllIIs (irense is recommended lo the nolice of t Wurj-'iiers. Livery sinlile keepers, Ac. us la-ing Si-ei.Hii'iii to onvthinj of the kind ever in 1 1 Oil lie d. As it dues Rot gum upon llicnxha is miH'h more diiral'le. mid is not ull'. cied hy the weiithcr r--mnining the same in summer as in winter, and put up iu tin canisters at :',y ai,d USi cell's, f.n Ml.- I.y WM. A. liltl .M.K. J lie 21.1 8ofi. - j,Oi:i' JKlN MI'-i. I'nolh nnd lliiir Hnifh.s - all iiualilies, uud mi ipi inti y, f. r sile h .ti. a. ti i;i . Li;. June 81, 'filt. AT . N. Thompson's Store, lit I.meer An iusta toin.xniji, at the Junvtion i the 'I'lilpiliockcii unit J'liini crick rumls. npilE suliM-nher haviiiH returned lioin the city I Willi a new and extensive assortment ol fashionable goods, reseetruhy culls the attention ul Farmers, Mechanics and others lo the mine. SriUNU AM) .SUM M Kit (J0016, consisting in pun ul Dry (.iuods, 4 : Cloths. Cassimcret. 1'assincls. Jeans Ih illine. Muslins, I Vs.'in p5, 'J'wecifs. ami nil kinds of !Sii-iiij timl Suiiiiiiei' Wcnr, r.APIES DRESS AND FANCY (JOoDS, Caluots, Muslin de Lninx, Lawns, (linshams, Nrrafitl. Holirs, H'oo'ens. Flannels, tyc. (iitix i:itn.s, fugar. Teas, ( "oll'ee. Rice, Molasses, Cheese, Spices. Salt, c, S.c, tVc. CB :t rdu :i re, Nails, Screws, Files. S.iws, Knives Forks, &r Uueens and Glassware, of various stvles and pnllerns. BOOTS AND SHOH3. A large assortment of limits and Shois, for men, women ami children. Hits Cats, &c... of Hrinu sizes and styles. llesidcii a large and general assortment ol fashiniiahle goodu. Call and esaiiiinc for your selves. tiT Country produce ol all kinds taken in eichnnge at the highest market prices. S. N. 'I IIDMI'SO.N. Lower Aupusta. 5 mo. 24, is.ltj. FLOUR, FEED & GROCERY STORE CHARLES GA151NGEI!, V ft KSPECTFl'LLY itifonns the rilizena of fi.tk Suuhurt and Ihe iieii-hl'oi mc c.-iiiilrv that he has piiuhascd the (Jrocery Siore in Water street, iu gie rear nf tile w h.irf n eently kept lit Wi-ibc & Clt-iiirm, and that he has jiisl replen. iehed his stock which he. will sell at reasniiaUi prices. lie will keep a constant supply ol Flour, tirain ami Feed, II read. Fish nml Chert-. Hams, iiniiMcra mid Merrinrr, 'ollle. M gar and Mola-cs, Teas. tipi,s and Fruits. Nuts, l.'onleclionarics ol sll kinds, Hoots sine Shits, Lailies liaiicr.s, Mis-es nnd Chil.lri-u's Shoes, also tjiici-iihwait, Cedurwaro, Hardware and Notiuiis, Ac.,c. 'ilizens are re.jiieicd to send in their orders fur Flour, Feed in d tiroceriee and he will de liver itiem nroperlv. Sutihiirv, Juin It, tf,rt t Cancer Cured. "IANCKIiS, T. iriers. M,us Fleers. Scroful . Wl.itcSvit l in - Ac, cured without Siirgici-On-raliotis hy Di. L.uiushciry. Dr. L' Puinph!, t (2nd. Idl..) on' ihe trealmelil and cuie of Cancers, 7"uuurs, Ac., will he seui to any addret.a (.del) on receipt ol a poslaui stump Office HSj VA I.N IT St., Philadelphia. iSepl. C, lH.'C om FKiNSYIVANIA COMMERCIAL INSTITUTE. LOCATED IKT "STORK, PA. OFl'LKS young men nil ihe advantages of a llinioiiiih liuiincss Ihlocaii.iii. Tlllv COI K.st: OF rt'JX'HY Embraces Uouble-Kniry !ook-Ki eptng, as a p. phod to Wholesale, lu tail, ( 'ominission, Mat' iifacluiiug, .Shipping, Sitairi lioaiiug, Individ, u ul, Fariner.hip, uud Compound Compan Uusll.l'tk. PENMANSIIU' in all Ihe Anritut uml Modern Hands. Also LEC'I'CHFS on Commercial Law and Politics Economy, I.y 1 houias E. Cochran, F.q For Ctrcwlara, V.., addre.s the uiideisigued T. K. Will I E. York. P. Bepteraher 6, 185(5 8m. GOLD PFNe w '.U and without rases, ol i very auatrior quality, just received. Also Irssh aupplv of Writing Fluid, for sol. i- IL II. M ASHKK. Huiihurv. I'll-. 7, n.6 IjILLS tor Alachiliisla, carpenters, Ac, 4c. Ilsstty's erie tools, plsin s snd Iwuch screw, ior suU) bv E. Y. UK1GI1T A. 6N. Nov. ', 18A8. - - AK.NOLU'B WKITINU ILMU and Adh siv. and legaJ kuvelopua, for m1. by H. B. MAtsktEB. taualej-V, J 10, IMIW JrrmrJJrk A MARVELLOUS REMEDY! I Ok a i titVa.Mtt Ail I! II0LL0WA Y'S OINTMENT. thf. orand r.x ir.nr.Ai. hkmrdv. Hy the aid ol a rncroar.iir. we ace million! of little opeiiiuprn on the aarfiiec of out U'diea. 'J'hrouglt tlu-ao tlimOiuimei t, when rubbed mi Ihe akin, ii curried to any "rem .r iuwnrd part. IMirnapa irf the Kiduea, diaunh ra ot the Idvcr, tifftt-liotii tit" the hrnrt. luflaniiiiHfit.ii n the luitc, AmhtTiftr, OotighRHiid Colt In, are bv its tnc'.ni c(Tcc tuiilly cured. Kvery h .tnae-vrift known that rdt jiafr-eg tieelv through bone or meat m' any Ihickm aa. Thit heal inff iutmeut fnr more readily penetmirn through nry h.ne.ir llehy pnrt ol the livhift l-tlyt runup lite m-at d.iiiyeroua mwurd complaint, thai fa t be t cached by nthar meuiia. BRVSIPIXAS, 8UsT nifFI'M AND SCOKBLTIC No reiriadjr hna ever done an much for the rure of dl-peuf-a nf thekin whatever firm they may nutim, aa Hum Ointment. iNi ihh of SmIi Kat-um, Seui y. H -re lleada. Scrofula on Krjmpeltia, ran nir withaland ita in fliienee. The inveiitoi hits I ravelled oyer inmiv pur la of ixI'Ih-, vtaittiii; the priuci-Hil hotpilala. ttii.nf!iiiv thia Utuiitifut, Rlviusr at I vice n to ita apliritti 11, and hta ttiut hfcn the invent ol realorini- c'Untlt-M8 nuuilvra lo hrnhh. WiBK I.KU9, PORK HR PASTS, WOtNDS AND Stttne nf ihe m t arientifir mirireon an r rely tiley on (tie use of thii wmidcrtitl Oiutinenl. when havine to eupe with the wornt caur- of lorea. wound, nlcem, plan, ibilnr Rwellinp", uud tutmia. Profcaaor llollowny hue. hy fouinmml ol the Alheil G iverninenti, ilispulchod lo the h -apiinln of the Kat, litree ahipuienii of thu Oint nii'iit, to be uied under the direction of the Med tent ShuT, iu Ihe won) ciiei f wound. It will rura any iih er cl.-diiluliir i!wcllinr. mifTucKP or ttuitruction of the joiutt, even of yetira nttiniluu Thi'ne and other similar dialrcmine rnmpbiintp ran be eflec'inl v cured if the tint mailt he well ruhhed over the p.irtB afi.-cietl nud hy otherwise followiu( the printed di lectiout iirotnid each o t. 'Ikdh the Oi'ttmmt am! I'Ws should be used in thp JUttutcirtfj etises : HlimoiiR I.Miiihago 8 ire (eui HweMed ClniHls H'Umb Mercurial Sore Iheasla St ill .b.intR riiapped llando I'T'ijitioiis S tc tteailR l'ireR i hilt.iioiiR I'i'ei Sore 'llir-Hia Venereil Jorea I if utiii lihemufiiiciu S rcn oj a Woiindaof all Oout Sah Ithcliui kind kinds Skin Diseases Sprains Scalds !old tit Ihe Manul'iiet .ne of profewT tlot.t.oWA Y 'i Maub-n aite, .New York, and 2 Sirnml l.nd n. I.y u l rep--iiihle Dnt'.'aistR and Deah if in Medicine t'lroiiL'h- ut the nittsl taiev, and the civilized World, in I Mix.it, tit centii. 6 ct'ntn. nnd l riieh. If' There i it consitleinhle aavmp by taking the larger iZ'a. . II Pireeti-uiR for the enidaiire of patients in every ilis'irdt r me nrTmd to each lnl Maich t2t l-.p)6 lca 8 It T nml .MM)Ri;l, WINKS, SrbirJiim cliiiitpl", VVihl 1'iierrv Itntinlv. ISlackbcrry nml Tsv(iiiltr braiuiios lor tnrificinnl ntriimpH nt Muv 3l.VG. V'M. A HKC.NKK. Citrate of Magnesia on TASTELESS SALTS. 'BillS i repnrilien is recomme ided is un ex- celh nt l.ixativi nnd purnlive. ll operates inild j . is i n'irelv 'ree from nuv im.h-ss iil taste resenihlinc huioiutdein llavor. prepared -u.l sold hv WM. A. UKU.NEI5. Sunhury, June"!. I.-Tifi. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE? 111 K siihseril-ers. Kxecntors of tic eslaie of Henry Masser. de M., oiler t private sBle the following pro-erly n : A lari;o two st ry trmne dwethutt house, ioteiher wnh aluiut SO ACKES OF LAND, Situnle in Lt-wei At.uusi.i i.,,t nsnip adjoii ina Initds of Puliiel Kaiifinan mid others now ill ihr oivupancv of John It. Kuiiluiiui us a st.oe and i'uiIIiih. The I on si- is new uud the loci ion a (rood one for husiness. Also a I li.il i ttr l.l.ill.M ti. r I.A.M, in sanl liivviiship on the i iv tiiuiul ft miles lie. low .s-'iiii' ii y . niljoi.iim; l iiiiU ol .1. T. MThers. n in, I others, i-ontiiitiii-j;. alunit (Ml neres. Tlie -oil is prodiulite ami contains liinestoiie ni.d other miiieiuts. Also a tract of Laud, contaiiiiiii. Hliout :I5 n-iesoii the hill, ahoi.t two miles l-elnvv uiihnrv. i.ij'-iniiej lauds ot the hens of Ihe late John Coi. r id uud olhi-ri. There is, nu ihis tract, -uuill orchard of choice fruit. For further particulars applv to the snhcriher. II. II. M ASrsF.lt, . IV 11. M Vs-Lli. i:ecutois. FKANCIS lU.CilKH. ) Siiiihurv. January 19, IS.'iti. If NEW ARKANOEMENT ! Fitfh Arrirttl of DRUG S, V A 1 N T S , 0 1 L S, & c. 'IIK undersigned natin; taken the store for I tnerlv kept ly eiser and Kroner, is now ready lo till enters and prert riptmus at n inn. iieuts notice, lie has a laro and well selected stock of liesh nnd pure DRUGS, CHEMICALS. Uye-slulTs, till. Paints, (ilass. Fully, and all iiuds of Patent Medicines. FKI I V A N U i:oN FFtri lt IN A li Y Tnhacco and Imported Seunrs of I lie choicci lirnuds. l am v Nolions' loilel articles, and I'i r 'iiinery of all kinds. Tooth and Hair Uiushe f every variely. Citmphine (inl Fluid alirni on hand. Cusloini rs will litid his slock complete, com. .irisinsr many arlieles n is nnpo-il.l(- In-ir tu rim oierale, and all sold at tnish rale prices. I.'ciiieint.ei ihe plate, next door to K. Y "right's Maiumolli Store. WM. a. Ull FN F.lt. Sunhuiy. May 31, IS'iK. MOUNT CAR MEL HOUSE, " MOUNT CARMEL, Northumberland County, I'mntilrania. 9lIH lari;e mid cominodious Hotel is sillla- m led iieurly hull nay lielHeen Sunhury and otlsville. The sceneiy the suluhrily of the Imosphere mid Ihe cool niouulain hreezes, makt l one of ihe must d. liulnlul snuuiicr iclrcaia ii ne country. The Hot, . is a new structure, four loiies hii;li. lilted up with all the modern coi. veiiiei ccs The pure m luntaiil water is inlro luced into every ehuinher. The place is en -I in cess. I., injr ,(I e Hlu , lionn, nile roni Siiiihurv. over the I'hiladelphia and Sun ury I'ail Ihiad From I'oll-ville, il ia 17 miles. F.vr ry mil iidance Mill he pmd hy Ihe proprie or to make guests eomfortuhle. I'lunees m.ule- 'e. JF.SSt; KICK. Ml. Carmel Mav SI, 18..". if IK. I I II kini K, laitof I film ol'Slrvens, jks.s. viovt n. lane of the I'ltion llolrl. II I a,. lisii.au .V C... NATIONAL HOTEL, (llTE WIIITK a W 4 V , Jlace Street, nhore Tuird, Pllll.AUF.I.rillA. J'HE -ihove well-known Establishment, have- ing been entirely remodel d. introd, eiug ull e Inoili rn inipiovemenls. nnd also. lu-vvU fur ished Ibroiighout, will lis opened lor the recep. ion of ti nests on I he FJRST DAY OF BE FT EM F,ER. Toe proprtelors, Imiii 'heir deleriiiinalion tn li'voie Ihiir alleiiiion lo tht coinloit of their guesta latter theiiirelvis with Ihe rouviclinii that lliey ill he ablet. i give satisfaction t,i their psiroii-. Carriages will always la in resdimss to c- n ey pasugera to and truui e-leam'euat Landings ud Katlroad L)i-iots. KlHEs STOVER. ftce 8lre.. almve 'I hird. Philadelphia, A ugn.l M. I s. 6 I y iJAImIN, Kig.. jsjimr ?ur. It,.,, i iu) JelU 'ake. and Vium Itropa for sa'e by MaviH.'fcn. WM. A. Ulil NER. Fairbanks' Platform and I'ounier Be a lea foj ilely t. Y, UIvIOlU' &. r-O.N. Nov. 39. tlr TiLEY'SCOUUa CNDY. An km i kut rvnsouy m cvutus cutd. r or i it Uua MU. i uua otuot. - Issuwalax , it . 1865 Special Express Notice. 1860 1 HOWARD cSc OO'S EXPUKSS. n A VINO ohltiii e i full express privilege oet the CA'IAWISSA. bt'MJlKY AND EKIH and V Il.l.l AMSl'OK'i' 6t ELMIRA KA1I.KOADS, we ire now prepared to forward all descriptions ul Fx press liooda hy Passenger Trauia. daily, hetween I'hiladelphia and Klmira, connecting at Limits with all the Western Ex press Companies, All goods for Tsmsqui, Summit, CattawisM, Danville, Milton, Wiilianasport, Elmira.and also to IV rtliumlicrlmid and Sunliury and all inter mediate places, delivered the same day. Each train in charge of our own Kpecial Messenger. I'hiladcluMa Office, i Chesnut Street. OITice Fdmira al United States Et prase Office. April ia, ib.ju iy BOOKS! ROOKS! I Walk this way for Bargain. jEINli desirous ol disposing nf my entire JBJP stock of Hooks snd Stationery, comprising aoine tifl.tlDO Volumes uf Law, Medical, Kelt gioua Scientific, Illauk, Musical, Stliool and Misrrllaneoua liouks. Also, IUU lleaiua of letter paper and a lot of wall paper, steel pens, wafers, arc. I will dispose ol Ihe whole stock at puhlic sale sale nt my store, opposite tlie Court House rommenciug on Monday the 7th day of April IRofi nt I o'clock, I' AL, and continuing, every afternoon and e vening until the whole slock ia sold. AVAL McCARTV. Per JOS. II. McCARTV. Sunhury, Match IA. I85C If New Wholesale Drug Store. 3M. SPENCEK THOMAS No. 3(i South, Second Street, I'hilsdelphia. M l'CH'I'l'.U, Mauulacturer and Dealer, in Urues. Medicines, (. hemicals, Acids, l)ve slull's, Faiiils. Oils, Colors. White Lead, French and American W hite Zirc, Window Class, (ilissuares, Vsiuishet, lirushes. Instruments Oround Spices, Whole Spices, and all oilier ar ticles usually kept hv Urucgisla, including Ho rax. Indmo, t.tue. Miellac, 1 otaHi, ec, t c. All orders hy mail or otherwise promptly attended to. Country Merchants are invited to cull and examine oi.r stock l elore purchasing elsewhere, (nods sent lo any ol ihe Wharves or Hailruad stations. Prices low and goods warranted. March 8, I85B. ly JOHNSON'S- BROTHER, CABINET MAKERS, No. 'H .North fecund Street, first door shove Christ Chuich, Philadelphia. OERSONS in want of Bureaus, Tahles, 5ofas, - I hairs, lledsteads, and every variety ol household furniture, would do well to call, as those articles ate inade up ill the hest styles and sold at the lowest prices. April IS. 1 S56. ly AT.TH"ESWARE. rilllE sulscriher respectfully in'orms the eili- 7ciis of Sunliury nnd the puhlic generally, that he has commenced the manufacture uf all hiiuU of EARTHENWARE, at his manufactory in Whortleberry Street, one ! sunare east of the lliver. H has engaged ihe servli-es ol ir. jisne. ami vim can incirnn. . .i . i .i -.c depend on hivinu n good article. 'The puli. it- are respectfii Iv invited to cull. All orders from a distance will he promptly attended to. P. M.8HINUEL. Siinh.irv, Peh. C. IRSfi. if JOSEPH A. NEEDLES, H A V t 1'4 CTf UK II OK WITtE, SILK cc HAIK-CLOTII SIEVF.S, Coarse, m -oiuin and fine in mesh ; large, middle size and small ill liatneter. !- alllt lolh-i IT. '(.'.. Wire Of the best qualities, various sixes of mesh, f.-otn Nos. I in NU inclusive, and fruin one lo six feet in vvidlli. They i re n imhered so inaMy spaces lo a liiv .il in- h. and cut le suit. The sul scriher also keens constatitlv on hxnd SCREENS, For Cosl. Sand. Ore. Lime, liiain. flrovel, tiiiano Suina--. Sugar. 'alt. Pane, I'olfee. .'pice, Drmrs. I'.ve S ulfs, Ac. Toeeiher with an as sortment of hriisht and annealed Iron Wire. All e! ihe above sold wholesale or letail. by .1. A. NFK.lil.ES, North Front Si., Philadelphia. May 31. IMSfi. WHITE HOUSE HOTEL. POTTisVILI.E. PA. "JTH E siih.-criber respecllully antmuneea In his old fiiei ds and ihe public, that he has taken tliut old and well known establishment, tho White Ilorse Hotel. At Ihe corner of I cnlre and Mahantogn sts., in the llorough of Potlsville. The house has re cently been very much enlarged and otherwise improved, rendering it quite aa comfortable as nny ol her Hotel in .- liny Iktll county while the stable, are large, iu good coi diiion, and at tend bv earelul, attentive, prudent hostlers. To travellers and olhersuho may stop al his house, he promises every attention calculated to render litem comlorluble ami satisfied. JOS. M. FECiEK. April !S, 185-,- if vuii, 'yj aiJiia yb-b issu I) SUNBURY, PA- 'IVH l" sul scriher respectfully informs the public Unit she still continues lo keep the above named public house. She has also received a new supply of cm id liquors hiiiI wines, and trusts Hint she will be iblc to give satisfaction to ull who may visit her House. M A II I A THOMPSON Sunhury May SI. IWSO. tf. J. STEWART DEPTJY & SONS, Importers and Deulers in Carpctinga Masonic Hall, Chtsluut St.. Uloic Fi'hth, If'Ot'l.ll lespeell'uliy invite vou In call and " v enainii.e llieir lame ami well selected slock of Carpels, Oil t'lolhs. Cocoa un.l Canton Mai- tiiiEs. Llruggels, Hearth lines. Door Mats. Ac , which they will sell to llietradealsu. il prices as wi I make it desirable for those who wish to pur chase, lo call and examine their stock, before purchasing elsewhere. I"liilailel,-hia. April 15. l.,fi. ly lishing Tuckle.- - tun and I .locn Liu lied Cork. Class, Col inea. Out Lines, Sea Class hy t ie yarn, Sounds, Flies, Kirhy, Limerick and Car isle Hooks, liods, ic. for sale hv May ai.'&li. WM. A. U KIN Eli. WASHINGTON HOTEL, NORTHUMI.EKLAND, PA. c. a. jsno-wisr, Proprietor. Nor'h'd, June 7, 1 85. Cm. GEORGE SCHALL & CO. M V.l . 411 tHfcK Of BLA8TINO POWDER, Ml. Cunntl, ,oi lliuthtiti land County, Fa. May 10, Ib-M) 0(( I'AUllKtltS un the line of the Uniou UuU Canal Wage l I.') Cash. Ap ply u RoCKAFtl.LOW; KLPP & CO. July 38. .t Kaading P.. f"ObaooO aa-d SogSiris-dO-000 Importer -A- ewgsis ol various brauov. Ekiorlvs, . fig, CttvuwUistk rui (uncut tobacco t i kkuwUtry, Vay VI. Ifc TO COAL SEALERS AMMEEMAN, ZUfcBN & V XTTZEL JESPFCTrLLLY InfoTtn th pnWic that they have Ici eed the new colliery, called th Lambert colliery, and are ready to deliver cmI ol superior quality, and of a variety of aite prepa red on llieir new coal oreaker. All orders prompt, attended to hy ddreeaing the firm, either at Hunbury or Shamoain. Suubury, June 30, 1545. Photography I Daguerreotype 1 1 A NEW ERA IN ART I 3. E. McCLEES, (Succeitorto AfcCUes i German,) WOULD call th at ten ion of the puhlic, not ouly to tha superiority of Ih. TJsguerreo- tvpra the llyalograph, (by eome railed Amhro- tyite.) anJ tti various styles ot I'll Jtograptiy on paper ; but to the fact, that partie. at t distance possessing a small daguerreotype, may, by send ing it to No. 160 Chestnut at., have made from it by the mean of Photography, and tlie talent of the tiest Artiste, portrait ol ami iti, trom a amall Leekel to the full siie of life. - A email book containing description, prices, Ac, &c, will b. sent (rati to any peraon ma king the request. McCLEES' riiiladelphia Photograph Establishment, No. 160 Chestnut at., bdv 7th Tbila., July 21, 1859. If. THE UKIVERSITY'S FAMILY REMEDIES, fWFsD ondei the IVal. Wanrtfort and Authority f the I University of FKKK MKUIClNK and poplnr kimw lede, Chartered by the State of Pennsylvania. April 29, IH55. with a Capital of IM 00,000. mainly fin- the purretae of arresiiiif the eviis itf Apdiitms and wtrtlUess Nostrums; Also tor supplying the Community with reliable Kerne rlira wherever a Coin net ant I'hjsirinn cannot or will not lie ematnyed. This instiiution hot purchased from Dr loan it. Howard, his Celehrated Rowaiid Tonic Mixture, Known for upwards .f twentv-five yenrs as the oiilv aura and safe cure for FKVI.U atid AGl K, Ac. and his inea titnalile Hemedy for IIOWKI.COM I'LAINTl, Kowaud's Compound Syrup of nink berry Knot, which highly ap. provel and popular Remedies, together with The I'niversity's Kcmtdy for Complaints of the Lung"; The I'niversity's Uemedy for Dysiepiaor lndia;slion ; The t'niveiaity's Keniely for Cost ive-Hnwels; A I,, the l'mversity Almnuae maybe le had, at the nraiK-h Dispeiiwry.or Swra of WILLIAM DKPPIN. Nov. 3. 1S.53. Mahanov V O. CHEAP BOOKS & STATIONERY. FERRY tt EKETY, invite the attention of merchants and others to their large stock of elegantly bound Bibles, Hymn Pooka, Prayer Dooks, Albums, and Presentation Honks in all style of binding; Standard Theological. Medical, Miscellaneous and School Hooks, which I dry have received from Trade Sales and are selling at extremely low prices. Mso direct from the manufacturers nnd Im porters, ever"-kind of Plain and Fancy Writing, Letter and Note Papers. Envelopes, Cold and Steel Pens, Pencils. Inkstands, Wrapping Pa per, &e,, 4c, at the lowest rash prices. PERRY 4 EUETY, S. W. Corner, 4th and Race Sis. Philadelphia. September 2?, 18!.r.. tf Fashionable Hats and Caps. ASHBY & ROCAP, Ao. 13C Market t., PHILADELPHIA. INFORM their frienda and the public g vpnprst I v. tlmt lbiv r.ilitiiiits lo kf.sn nt SNti their old stand, a large and eitensive assortment of hats, caps, dec, got up nf the hest material and in the lates) and best style of workmanship and finish. Country merchant and others will do wall tn call at-d examine before purchasing clsawheie. Phil.. No 10, I MAS. tf. NEW MASONIC HALL, Piill.ADBI.PHIA. AGKNTS WANTED in every town and eonmy in 1k United Suites, to sell Hi beautiful picture of th GRAND LODGE ROOM. In t Nf.w Ma.onic Halt.. Plnlailetpliiu This Pluts is seiliiifiT vr-ry rnpiiliy, snd elicits ihe tiiluiirstion of sll. for the correctness and b.telity with wlncli the tTAT0ar. I-'bkcu PsicTiNasANn Kcrnitcsb are repreienleil, ami llieiirll.tic heuutc unit harmony uf tL cilors rizs ol Plsle. iM X M. I'riee J.t nu. U.s.kseliris ami Picture Oenlers wishiiir tn tske sren cis for il. wiii plssse aJuixss, for furrher infore.i.-iu-tu. I..N. IttiSKNTIIAI., I.ilhograpbcr, Pb:Uide!Lbia. October V, IJSS -tf GREAT MASONIC HALL. THE LARGEST PIANO ToRTF. MIXODK.ON AND MUSIC STORE IN THE UNITED STATES, Will tie opened October 13th 1955, in the Masuvic Umi-Disa. Clii-sinit Slrerl.aluve !iv-eiith, l'hilai!elihis HyJOHN MARSH, Ihe Sole Agent for iksinliima, Gray 4 Co.'s eelcliratrd Dolce dvinpiiiii Attachment l iami Foiiti. nnd C W. Pisk l.'o's I'reiniiim .Vltlo. iteiHis Also, Piano Pnltes unit .le!'.lcoiis of other lbs. tiniiuisheit makers. J M. has obtained a lease for seveial veais in the nev, inagnitjcent ami well known Masonic lluiiiting, where he inleints keeping the larireat stock anil ns.'irtiiieiit of I'ltusi Fortes, .MehHleons, Music, nnd Ma sieul lii.tinnieiils of eveiy (tercriplion, nil of which are carefully selected Iiy hiinstlf, nnd warranted to give per. fret sntifiictioii in every iii.tuuce. Oetolier tlTlh. IK55 If TliOIvIA S 'FAXa'aVT'Sii, C O n 31 1 S I O i M i; It Il 4 S T , No. 35 North Wharves, Philadelphia, Where ihe following good are received and sold on commission : Dried Apple. Peaches, Plums, Pears, Cher jies.jc, Green Applss in Barrels or hy the bushel Beans, Sweet Potatoes, Lemons, Peas, Shell' arks, Raisins, Cranberries, Che.tiiiits. Figs, Onions, (I'roiind Nuts, Frunej, Mercer Potatoes, Oranges, Crapes. Poultry, K"2B, Butter, Cheese. And all kinds of Foreign and Domestic Pro duce. April IS, 1SS6. ly Al.i:. Is. MKItCV JL SUA, M ANl-rACTinkRS OF TRUNKS, VALISES, i0 14C Chesnut Street, front nf Jones' Iluttl, PHILADELPHIA. HAS on hand the cheapest, and best assortment of TRUNKS & CARPET BAGS, EVER OFFERED TO THE PCBLIC. Sole Leather, Solid Riveted, Iron Frame, Iron Bound Travellida Trunk ; Packing do. Valises; Ladies Runiiet Cases; Carpet Bags, Satchels. Ac. by the quantity or single article, lower than can he bought al any other place iu the city. July St, 1S50 JAMES F. CALBREATH'S LA III Kg KA Ni y SHOE STORE, Aa. 59 North Ei'ihth Street, Above Arch, hunt side, PHILADELPHIA, Ladies from the country, can have shoes made to order in the very lest style and workmanship nu a few days notice. An excellent assortment lo select from, always ou hand. May 10, 1850 lv 1 YDKOLELM PAINTS. These paint. .re mixed with water, thereby saving the cost of nil, for sale by May 31, '86. WM. A. BRUNCH. FURNITURE POLISH. S. R AE'S Premium Patent Enamel Furniture Polish. Thia polish is highly valuahl.for restor. ing ih polish on all kinds of Furniture Class, Carriage Bodh.. Hair Cloth, Ac. Also, for re moving spots, biding scratches, Ac, Ac. War ranted to dry immediately and retain iu glo. Price. SO cl per bottle. Sold by WM. A. BRUNEI. Job. SI. 111. Wall Paper a .pl.ndid lot just rivd and for s.1. by Banbury. Jun.tl, 1856, U AM, tkould.rs, Chees... M.cA.r.l, Iraxb .. vsiouMi -4 (taUfotul. May I. 'AS R. Y- SKIOHT i SON. rid Ol'CAB CL'&Eli HAM-A lot fut Skf ta, I8M, SAMUEL 8. FETIlEIlSQN, LAMPS, LAK1T.RN9, atANDtUEItS AKD VANDELBItAS, aVo. Ut. A M .SW, al Srrw. ' HIILADEL1HIA. HAVING enlarged nd improtjed Liaasavre, and bavins- cm of ib l... - Z. of I.ami in riiiladelphia. ia now prepared to Lard and Oil Lamp, and Lanterns f .n Glass Lamp by th package, at email advance over auction price. Ucing a Manulacturer and Uealer of 'me CHI. Burning Fluid and Alcohol, which will 'be furnished to Merchat at auob. price that they will find it to Iheir adv.nt. l. boy. AIo, Household f.laaaware of all deacrio. tiun at the lowest market pric. Philadelhi, Oct. 14, IR6t. Formerly f Berry ahurp, Dauphin county, P. IERE "Y.niiruneetothe riiiteua of Ni. tnokin.nd vi'-iniiy, that he haaiermnen I) located himself in the above place, and hope, that an experience of several years, In all th. various branches nf Ids profession, will insure him a liberal share of their patronage. He may at all time he found, when not profesHi nally engaged, it the National (Weaver's) Hotel, bbainokin, October 55. 1850 3m 1 1 ARDW A RE.-Tshl7 Cutlery, liaror. Pock el Knives. Hand saw1 Wood eawa in frame. Ae. Chisels, Door Locks, nnd IPnge, Hand Bella, Waiter, Ac., just received and for 'el I. W.TENEU & CO: Sunliury Her. S. 1851. Shamokin White" Ash mhrEcit CoaL J row the "Vlil I tin" tn tlaCn) (Wiery H. ZIMMERMAN A JNO. P. PI RsEL ' successors tu Kase, Reed & Co., will con.' liuue mining, ehipidng and aclling coal fruni th. above well known Colliery, under the firm of Zimmerman Ac Pursel. 'J he point of sl.i, m. nt is at the lower wharf in Sunhury, Northumber land county. Pa., where all onlers for the various kiiuhjuf coal, vix: Lump, Broken, Egg. Move, and Chestnut Coal, will I thankfully received and promptly Attended lo. Bunhury, July H, isr.s, L , Si .,i aT. Jrtr 8, ISS. The firm of Knse. Reed 4- Co. having sold their lease in the Cap Cnlliprv m) interest in the wharf at Sunhury. to Messrs. Zimmeiman A Puisel, would take great plea-main reconuiiend ing our customer end others t- the new firm, a they will he able to cll them prepared coal of the best quality, KASE. RFEDdc CO. HAYD0CK & FIDDLER, EALERS in Watche and Jewelry, will continue Ihe business at th. old atari ef Jama B. Fidler, iVo. 12 South Second Strtet, rtiu.AiiKt.rni , Where they solicit an examination of Iheir Isrg. and vatied stock, leelinj assured lhal the expe rience both of them huva hml in the busines, nnd the lacilitics they possess lur procuring goods on the most advantageous, terms, will ena ble them to compete favorably with any other establishment in the city. 'l iiev I,... ..,. ... I hand a tine assortment uf WATCHES. CLOCKS, JEWELRY, Silver, Plated and Urittuma Ware, I ullerv Fancy Caods, Are., Arc. ' ' N. B. Repairing of Watches and aki kinds ef jewiry a'lcmlej te with promptness and the greatest care, Phila., April 7. 1855. if. DANVILLE HOTEL. JOHN DEEN, JR., Market Stmt, Daruille, Fa, II'I-t is one or the largest and must remu diou. hotel, in Uiv. interior of Peniisvlvs,,,. it has been recently fitted up, i Mcelleat sty I., with all the modern conveniences. Danville, Sept. SS. IKS5. THACHER te WODDROP WHOLESALE BOOT SHOE vV 'I'KL'NK WAREHOL'SE. Ao. 101 ,-lrcA Street, up Stuirs, Between Third At Fourth Sis., t-p.-e. side near L'uiou Hotel, ' Philadelphia, Carp.t Bags and Valices of all decripti.,. CHARLES F. Ill At HER. RoLIEIt T ,x. WuDDKUP. Jhiladelphin, .Ian. 1, l5a If 1 y ALL PAPER. A large and spleadrd assortment of all Paper, W indevv Pa per, and Oil Shades, just received and for sake ' L W. TEN KK A Co, Sunhury, Mav IKAi I AND WARRANTS.-The highest pru-e "will b given lor Land Warrants by the sub H. II MAKR. NK Uuureau's celt'liran d ink, and also Cusi gres ink for sale, wholj.ale and relsil by "eeeikber U.,11 ( MAlSNEH. f JLUAKTI BS. Horse Buckets. Painted Back eis. .viral i emlerers. Corn Brooms kels. Children'. Wagons, and Yankee list received and tor sale by Mav SH. IstSS. . -. TF.NFP i lias-. I locks -IP-As.XJT, COPHSTYIT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SLNBL'RY. PA., Aided by some eight years experience in ih. practics ol the Law, will attend with fidelity u all mailer appertaining lo or wit! in the line of his profession. Orlue with Charles J. Bruut, Esq., Market street. Sunhury Sept. 15 Idfifi, tf SPECTACLES In Gold, Silver, and Elastic Steel irames, "11 ATM EM ATIC'A L Instruments separate -1M- and ill cases, '1 lici...oiiielers of various sizes. Spy lilasses of every description, Plain, a poin.slor Lightning Rods, Magic Lantern, with scriptural, astronomical and temperance design., Microscopes and Microscopic objects Cuivanic Batteries, Electrical Machines, Surveyer's Com passes, Surveung I baits Ac. Ac. McAllister a brother. (Established in I7'J6.) 194 Chestnut Street Philadelphia. Our Priced and Illustrated Catalogue (h4 p.gcs", I with ISO illustrations furnished on application ami sent hy I..:' -ee of churgs. Phil. Sept. V, If..;.. B(Jt)T.S, hhoe. Hats, Caps and Hum shnea. jusl received and lor sale by Oct. 7 IK5-L TENER uVCo COLLINS & M CLEESTER'S TYPE FOUNDRY and Printers Furnishing Warehouse, No. I Lodge Allen, back of tuv M atonic Hall, Philadelphia. Phila., Jan. 13. IKS. j.ROW.Vt and Breiuie's Essence of Ginger, and Husband' Magnesia . I May ai66. BRUNF.R'M. JLENRY D0NNEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ujjict oppotitt th Court House, Snnbury, Northumberland County Fa. Pienipl Htlenliuii lu business in adjoining,, otintie. EAGLE HOTEL, UPPOMTE WWtKANt:il BANK, WILLIAM8POHT, PA., 1Ti-L.MkAl U. Ult rroyl.tr C. A. Stiii,'10 ' NlJjarXtiJlut'M !L"'' ? f- .Dept-l nvj f'wet Lwuvjuigs ? tkia li., tfaat,