istrHanara. (ACT KtMM LOWELL. In these dava of tariff discussion, to on wonted interest ii beginning to attach itse.f to mauufactures, ana our exchanges are many of them -busied in poictiug out tlie incredible number- fcflman beings who would be dir ectly aided in getting living, ihonld mnnu ijctures be fully protected aud encourged. in pnrmance of Ibis, let the reader go with us tT a Tew fucta from the Scientific Amtrican relative to Lowell, MsasacbuaeUs t ".Middlesex Company make use, annually, 'or 2.000,000 teazles, 2,000.000 lbs. fiue wool, 50.1100 lbs. glue. $30,000 worth of dye stufls, nd $13,000 worth of soap. .... "In additiou to the above, the Merrimac Uaiiufuituring Co., use 1,000,000 lbs, of mad. der, 380.000 copperas, 60.000 alum, 60,000 eumuo, 40,000 soup, aud 45,000 iudigo, per milium. Thu Lowcl Bleachery uses 40,000 lbs. In Aifo, ami $30,000 worth of other dyeing ma leritil?, per annum." li the reader will turn to his Brando or M'Culloch, and ascertain the amount of lubor it requires to produce glue, soap, dye stuffs, sumac, copperas, and the industry in turn which these branches again involve, if he will again bo pleaded to remember thut what Aini-ricii docs not now manufacture she is taking up more "d more every year, and If In. will remember that these manufactures stimulate the industry of l he entire South unci West, year by year, he will seo reason enough why free labor and manufactures should re ceive all possible encouragement. Lei ii f take a few mure fuels relutive to a city which in not only great iu itself, but whose value iiits made others greut : "In Lowell there ure twelve great e9tnb tilUlimciitH, which liuve aggregate capitul stin k ol fcl3,00.000 i they have 52 mills, in cluding shops : run 394,344 spindles, and 11, fct!) looms. They employ 8,990 females, and 4.3U7 males. They manufacture 2,374,000 yards of cut ton goods per week, 44,000 of woolens, and 20.000 of carpets. They use weekly 765,(100 pounds of cotton, an 91,000 of wool, and consume annually l2,317 gallons i.l oil. uiid 20.000 of lard, 29,750 lolis anthra cite coal, 33 300 bushels ol charcoal, and 1. 649.000 of starch. The average produce of null loom weaving No. 14 yarn is 45 yards per day ; weaving No. 30 yarn 33 yurds per day." The example of Lnwel lias done more for benefiting America than can be conceived by one w ho bus not investigated the supject. it kus been, so ns to speak, a school of industry, and hus shown, thousands how to not only grow rich but to do good "The several manufacturing companies have established a hospital for the convenie nce and comfort of persons employed bytheoi '.-spec-lively w hen sick, w hich is under the su pe of one of the best of surgeons ami physicians. This say some, is sel6shness. Very well, 1 -t it be such. Jt is at leust selGshness of an order which was but little known before New KiicJand established a new and humane rys t.Mii of factory labor. The increase of popu lation in these manufacturing towns and States is ulfo worth studying, as compared with the rate ul winch it drags in the sheep ramus districts of Virginia. The population of Lowell in 1828 was 3,. 532. In l:W0 it was 20,790. In 1850 it was 13,385. Increase in ten ycais, 12,280. Top ululion of Lowell in 18."i(i, 37,553. .Something of the miraculous speed with which woik is douu uppeura from llie follow ing : 'The Lowell Machine Shop, located anioug the above mills, can furnish machinery com plete for a mill of 6,000 spindles in three months." We or Pennsylvania should never fuil to take interest in these questions of inunufiictu r 1 1 1 tr. The day is coming when we shall be colossal in manufacturing wealth, and it would be well to steady aud confirm that tie velopcinent betimes. IMMCIMUI.K AM) FIlC.tDISIl OLTKAGE. On Monday evening lust, as Miss Eliza Wilson, nil accomplished young lady, some seven1. eeii years of age, was on her way home from school, she was followed by a colored man, who seized her person and attempted In mvisli her. In his endeavors to accom plish his foul purpose, and to prevent the young lady from making an alarm, he wound ed her face, nil and mulched her hands, choked her, ami injured her body so thut she was cun.pelled to take her bed. When she attempted to hollow, "l'auin )ou," said the coljr.-il man, "1 will cut your throat if you ni:ike a noise ; you don't know me and you can't tel." ejho describes the darkey us a iiuddltHiiteu .uiiin, yellow color, short wooly hull--, wore u.Ught coat, un.l hud at the time u st.iinliii colar. Our citizens are aroused with indignation, ami several colored indivi du.iU have b.ien .brought In-for thee niugis tr.iie, but .proved to bo the wrong persons. Ciiien me out oi: horseback uiid on foot, and every nigger that at all answer the de scription will be presented to Miss WiUou for i liMitifioiitioii. A i.iwaid of two hundred dollars lias been "fX-rvd I ir his apiirehensiou, nd it is feured tli it '.he w rath of the peuple is enkindled, tli'it'Su.iiild lie he arrested, Judge Lynch will rob Jude UainsiUe of his jurisdiction in the c.ise. Our borough is mlested with Vast of indolent nee roes, stout and hardy 'Wl.o-li ivo no visible means of subsisteeco but -spend their timo in pillaging and coininitting . depredations. This is the second young lady . tliul. has been assaulted by them within a few weeks, and it is time they were brought i to justice. UcllfJO'Ue iVatcim'iit. A very sad case of seduction aud suicide Ms nartated in the Cincinnati papers, us having -developed itself on Saturday afternoon last. 'It appeals that a German named Kaiser, who kept a meat store in llie street, near Alii-1 - son. had married fourteen yours ugo in Ger , iiiany. and recently emigrated to Cincinnati. and commenced u successful business there Ids family consisting nt a wife and one female child. His wife wis known as an apparently - . nodest, quiet, hard working woman, well ,1 -teemed l.y ull who know her. About two ,m iiths ago, Mr. Kaiser being sick, bis wife to. k charge of the shop and Mr, K. coming ,idowu stairs one evening, wub astonished on teettng his wife and a Hiuo DiuiieU Glnssner, who ..kept a liquor store near, in an illicit . amour, lie drove Glossner out, but the se ducer escaped. When Mr. K. returned to his shop hu found it closed and his wife gone, -rihe was never seen alive again, and wss .supposed to be coueeuled somewhere. The .vidian who seduced her, rather gloried in his . cruiie. Kaiser sadly pursued his business, stud applied for a divorce. On Saturday last, when thu ice broke iu the Miami canul. the .d'-ud body of a wonuii was revealed horribly , distigtired. It proved o be that of Mrs .Kaiser. An immense crowd attended the coroner's inquest, and the fact was estab. lishedlfcat on the evening of her crime she .proceeded directly from her husband's store to the canul. where she put an end to her ,jileuoe,. She had on precisely the same clothes, tad the 4teys of the store in her pocket, and the money she had that day taken ir i'hose who knew fwc, believed the offence was her first one, and that having been detect ed, ha at once determined to die rather than Jivm in disgrace. 1 meals or lynching neta made against Glossner, 00 learning the facts t but the do. lica interfered, aod saved the offeuder, to b dealt with by no other Court, perhaps, than that una what offaucaa navcur ail of nunish- (uent, either (a this life ortha VMf.t.--kHitcJk Judge Kowlia of nhaaja.ta bmftitv a J . ft A . ll . . a A A. A Tat Onto dial-Faactic Cask. Bsverat weeks ago a convict in Iba Ohio Penitentiary was tronbled with inflammation of the eyes, ad Fas forced, against his will and protest, to submit to an operation by a physician of the prison, Th result was total blindness of one eye. The physician, not satisfied with the mischief ho had caused, insisted upon operating on the other eye. The man again protested and resisted but be was bound and compelled again to submit, and the con sequence was total blindness of the other eye. What rendered the case more distressing was that the poor fellow had been convicted oil not Very reliable testimony, and his time of service was on the eve of expiring. The mat ter was brought before the Legislature, and referred to a committee, who, after investi gating the facts, made a unanimous report ."accompanied with joint resolutions requiring the Attorney Uenerul to institute criminal proceedings against the Doctor nnd his ubel tors; also to prosecute civilly for damages to the patient ; and finally admitting the un fortunate patient to the Asylum for the Blind." SnORT Skrmons At the South Carolina conference of the Methodist Episcopal church the presiding bishop dicided long sermons, except on very special occasions, to be im proper, contrary ta the discipline, the prac tice of "the Fathers," and, to some extent, subversive of the ends of the Christian minis try. The limit, on ordinarv orcnaiouv. accor ding fo the bishop, should be Irom thirty to forty-five miuutes. Our Savanah exchanges give information relative to the lute duel, near that city. The parties were Daniel Stewart Elliot and Thom as It. Daniel ; the weapons rifles. Mr. Dan iel was killed at Ilia tirst ore. TheScrnnton (Pn.l Herald gavs there nro nbont 810.000,000 invested in coal operations in and about thut town, and that over 40,000 tons of are mined moulhly. Also, that the parties engaged in the bniness pay out monthly from $200,000 to $250,000. A caRe is being tried lil I'itlsbuih, in which M r. McKibben, u very prominent political), and the proprietor of the .Merchants' Hotel, 1 Inludelpliiu, hus sued Mr. Crag for thu se duction of his daughter, laying the damages at $12,000. Miss McK.ilil.en is dear and dumb, and her seducer is her brother-in-law. "Yon ore writing my bill on very rough paper." saiu a client to his attorney "Nevermind." said the lawver. it has to be filed before it comes into cuiirt." A country lecturer, some years since, thus described part of his opparatus : ' Now. gen. tlemen, this here wessel is lull ol air, uiid thai ere wessel is full of wnccuui." Who can smell a rat the quickest the man who knows the most, or the one who hus the most nose ? New Adveitisemcnts. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, and wholesale dealers in Fish, Cheese & Provision No. 47 North Wharves, (below lluec Street) PHILADELPHIA. Havingconstantlv on hand a laree assortment of Fish, Cheese and ProM-imis. which ihey me prepared io sen at ttie lowest passible rules. l.y OHDERs promptly intended to. February SI, 18..7. ilirt w3 J A IVIES BROWNS' G It A M A T I U A L WORKS, rFlIE first hook ol the Rational System ofEng lisli Grammar. 25 els The second book of the Rational system of English Grammar, designed to teach llie process of Analysing the Ennlish Lnnguiiue with sound judgment; and the art of using it with gram matical propriety. rtl c s. These works are now used in the Public Schools in the first School District if PciiiisnI vania. The third book of the Rational System of Eng lish Grammar, designed to enable the learner (o become most thoroughly acquainted will) thu nature and use of the Prepositions, and may lie read by him cither in or out of schoo'. Ml c BROWNS' Grnumliral Header. This U ok sefs aside the old Grammars, ex poses their defects demonstrates the little use of attending to them, anil presents to the teacher the in.crr ne and only way to the Grammar of the English Lau gunge. 37$ els. For sale by Peter Giifl'ee, 118 Arch Street, Philadelphia. February 21, 1857 3m w5 hiiiiiiiioii!t of r.-it'lilion. No. 41. April T. 1857. Alexunder Jordan, vs. William Davis & George F. Lee, ex'trs. of Thomas Davis of l'hiludelphia, dee'd., and also Trustees for the widow and heirs of said deceased Joseph Warner of l'hiludel phia, and William McCurty of ttuubury. Summons in l'ul lllloll. Northumberland County, t. 'J lie Communuculth of i'enutylvatiia to the Sheriff tf Km thumltrlund County, Gukktinu ; IV Alexander Jordan inuke you secure of prosecuting his claim then we cnuiinuud you thut you summons by good summoiiers William Davis unci George F. Lee, Executors of Thomas Davis of Philadelphia, deceased, Olid also trustees for thu widow and heirs ol said dee'd., Joseph Wunierof Philadelphia, and William McCurty, of Sunbiiry, so thut they be and uppear bclore our Justices at Suiibury, ut our County Com t of Common Pleas, there to be held llie Fust Monday if April, nuxi, io snow wuereiore, wiiereus the suid defendants mid thu said plaintiff, to gether uud undivided do hold Eight Lots of Ground in the town ol bhuim.kiu us originally laid out by William McCurty, Thomas Duvn, Josepn i uruer, unu . lcjuiicci- Jordan in the county ol, uud iiinii bered in thu plan ol suid town, numl.ers four hundred und thirteen ; lour hundiud mid thirty-six ; lour bundled uud hlieeii ; tour liuiidretl uud fourteen : four hundred uud twftit y-iiine ; four hundred ai d t'.irlj-seven ; four hundred und tiiiity-riuhl, uud two linn- died uud liftv. Pull, lion whereof between them to bo made uccoidiug to the form of the statutes in such case mudit and pro vided, the said defendants do gainsay, und the same to be dunu do not i.ermil veiy aujastly and contiuiy to the form of the Statute aforesaid, ice. itness the Mono ruble Alexander Jordan, President of our suid Court ut Suuburv, Feb. 17,1857, JAMES BEARD, Proth'ry J'rothonotnrt s unice ounhurv, Jun. 21, IB Ur7. J BOUNTY ORDEKS County order, taken aa cash for aoods, and on note or I. onk ac count by E. V. BKIGHT HO!S. Not. 29, IfSSfl. COOD WORKING MAN with a am-ll family to work on a farm, wlicra cunttaut employ and good wtgaa can ba Ltd from tlie iuuwribar. Anil. lao, good farm for rent the anauing J'. in fekanokut town-hi;. Apply ta - JOHN, Mt Comfort, North amtorUBd coantj. . BLANKS. BLAXKS of mmrf clMitpkw cm ha M Vy VPtiaaf BtSaiaSfcjiofttaa AaWlMu SHERIFF SALES. I?y virtue of a certain writ of Pert. Ex. to me directed, will be exposed to public sale at the Court House InSunbury, on Saturday the 28th day of March next, the following pro perty to wilt All that certain Lot of Ground, lying in Lewis township, Northumberland county. Containing twelve acrea more or less, where on are erected a story and a half Li g House and Log .Stable, joining laniN, west, Michael Hrobstj North, John Weller East, F'ligin ger ) Soulh, Amos J. Diesel. Seised, tuken in execution and to he sold as the property of Daniel Hotbaud Elizabeth Hoth. ALSO. Hy virtue of a certain writ of Ven. Fx. to nin directed will be exposed to public sale, ut the Court Mouse in tiuuhtirv, on Saturday, the 28th dav, or March next, at 10 o'clock A. M., the following property to wit : All that certain tract or piece of an out lot situate in the Horougb of Suiibury, and county of Northumberland, mid marked in the gen eral plan of said Borough No. 8, and descri bed as follows: beginning ut a post at the north east end of an alley which inter sects Cranberry street at the end of Fawn street; thence north C5 degrees, west 25 per ches to a post ut the corner of out lot No. A; thence south 24J degrees west 18 perches and 3-10 to a post; thence south 05$ degrees eust 25 perches to a post on thu west side of said alley; thence alonu said alley north 24 degrees east 18 and 3-10 perches to the place of beginning, containing two acres and 13j perches. ALSO: Upon all that certain tract or piece of land in the Dorongh of Suiibury aforesaid, described us follows: beginning ut the south west corner of out lot No. 2 thence degrees west 18 and 1-10 perches, to a post being the corner of the fence as it now stands in out lot No. 1, ami the adjoining out lot south 05 degrees east 46 and 8-10 perches to a post, in the north 25 east 18 perches to out lot No. 3: thence by said out lot, und out lot No 2 south G5 degrees, west 48 and 7-10 perches, to the place of begiiinng, containing 5 ucres and 5!) perches. AND ALSO : Upon oil that enrtnin lot of ground, situate iu the borough of Sun bury, aforesaid No. 5, bounded und desciibe.l as follows: beginning ut a post on the north side of Cranberry street; thence by out lot No. 8 54 degrees, east 35 and 8-10 perches; thence by out No. 6 north 05 de grees west 21 and 1-10 perches to n post ; and thence by an alley south 2-1 degrees west 35 and 8-10 perches ton post; thence by Cranberry street aforesaid. south (i.'i degrees east 24 and 8 10 perches to the place of be gitiiug, con'uining5 acres iindCO perchesstrict measure, being the same premises which the Siiubtiiy Canul end Water Power Co., pur chased from William McCartv, by deed daled the. 7lh of January A. D. 1852. n'.l ot which said 1'iiid is cleared and upon w hich are erec ted a Sleiini Saw Milll with a Brick Engine House mid Stack n small frame shop, uud part of un inlet lock there is ulso u cunul cut through said land. Seizecd, taken in execution nml to be sold us the property of the Sunbury Cunul und Wuter Power Company. A LSO. At the same time und place, by n certain wiit (T Pen. l'x. to me directed, w ill be expo sed to put-lie sule, the following desciibcd io erty to wit : A certain half lot of Ground situate in the borough of Sunbiiry, Northumberland county bounded on llie soulh by Bhickbery street, in the north l.y un alley, on the east l.y lot ol Jacob U'ciincr, und Ol) the west, by lot ol Eli.nhctl. Mullen. Containing iu width (on Dluckberry street mid I ho alley.) about'30 feet and in length or depth 230 feel, whereon jt erected a two story Log House, weather boarded aud painted while, fronting on Black berry street, some small back buildings, and some fruit trees, being the same premises now occupied by Jacob Cable. Seized taken iu execution und to be sold as the properly Jacob Cable. ALSO At the same time nnd place, by a certain writ of Pen. ICx. to me directed, will be expo sed at public Rale, the following described property to wit : Amonj! other property a certain tract or pitceol Laud, situate in the Borough of Sun bury, und bounded on the north und north east, iiitl south l.y Shainokiu creek, and on the south west, by land of B. n' Hendricks, and on the north west, by land of Jacob II. Masser uud George Weiser, con taining 17 ucres more or less, nil of which is I'leured, uud whereon is erected u huge Saw Mill. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as thu property of the Sunbury Cunul and Wa ter Power Company. ALSO. At the same time und place, by a certain writ of Fit. to me directed, will be expo sed to public sale, the following described property to wit : All that certain two story with llie base menl three story Brick building, intended to bo used us n College by the defendants tnes suuge and tenements, situate in the town of Shumnkin, Cotil township, Northumberland county Pa., being me hundred feet in front by fifty feet in depth. The Hall, or main en trance llieteot being twenty feet in width, and the wings upon either side of the hall, forty feel square, unu erected upon block N 57 us marked und designated in the geu eial plan of said town ofShamokiti bounded by Arch street, Eigth street, uud Chestnut street. Seized, tuken in execution and to be sold iif the property of the Shainokiu Collegi ate Institute. HEXKY WEISE, Sheriff. theiifl s Office, Suol.ury, February SI. IN."7. JHIK aulibcrilivr will sell at uliic Sale, at Ilia resitlruca in llin liorouuli of Murlliuii.brr lunJ. on MO.NDAV, tlie 2.1 Jay of MAUUH, next, a general mm.rtiiieiit of IIOlml llOLI I I HM I t It F, Consisting in part of lle.U ami Ucililing. Sof. U urea im, ThI.U.s, Chairs, Movra, Cnrjieta, Ac Al.o, a full M.ruiii-iil ol Kiichtn utrnsil., Cooking 8tove. & c In aliurt auenerul lot of llouckeei.ra' gnoda. Sale to tiiniiini. e ut It) o'clotk, A. M., on till day, williuui reyuul to weatlirr aa l itre ia liouae-ioom it hlurmy, when tlie term and con ilitiuna will Lc ii. ail i) known- JAM EH TACCiAKT., Felt. 14, Iduii U .oriti; VI. I, ppraona iiulel.tcj lo (ho pstata of Jamr T itfiiart, dee'd , or to .lame. Tagi;art A; Sou or u (iiaiuhaiu 1. Tagigart, aio reapei-ilully re qursied to make payment on or helore the Vinh ol' March, next, or the arcouhla will he placed in the hands ol au'i. Dicer lor collection ti KAN 'I'll AM I TAtiUAKT. Northuniherland, Feb. 14, I8f.7 tOUAHWAUE, Ilnllnw-ware, (.'lan-ware, 1 and a lare slock el Queeti'ware, einhrucmg 11.4 newest pallet us, lor sale hv Nov9, ".. E. V. liUKaiT & BON. FOR ZR-JBISTT. riHE f-lore Doom in Market street, occupied l by 1. W . lira) and the dwelling ad jnii.ii. a. Apply lo the extcwluia of 11. Maer, deceaai d. January, 17, Ik 57. A LI peraona indebted to the aubtcriher on Now. Jook Account or otherwise, era re- apectfully reqaet'd-t pay up iiuiDdiauly. aa in a account will t pla III UM iauC bl JVUC4 fol CollaeiVu- . IRA T. CI.KMS'T. P.tFI R obrtbn for It THE NATION." The m n p ,ulai weekly In Ameilm, Which hat irame diatel). apon lit Imue, ayriing Into aa IMMENSE CIRCULATION. This rapid neeen is anprrredrtrtnl In the hirtnr? at jnimmJIftm, end ran only be eer.nii.ted fur tijr the fact that the Pr -nrieti.ra have employed, without regard tu ta peuar, li.a Star Writers of America. The Nntl.i it the inily naper whirh contains the yVITTV, HUMOIiOL'8 and Side-Splitting Skelciiet of thut Comitnl Oeniun, and TTeTIll V ALtiCD HTTM0CII9T KNIGHT BUSS OCKSIDE, M D. or wMtrti HriMi, m sketch akx-ie ! Worth the whole )tri' ulMK,rittim. THE HATZOHf IS EDITKD I1Y S. 11. HlUlil.OW, AND Mrs. E. D. E. iV. Snulhworih, Whn is wellkiiuwn ai one of the tuot popular wruett in America, la aUdiUuu tutlie stove we huve enjoyed aa roiaribumra, CliiraM, lleniy W.Herbert, Alice Cory. W W. Koallck, Alra. A. F. All. K. 1. Kitet, Bin. CttwlMj Turk ilrnj iiMiii. W. 1. Unuinaii, And numertiui othurt. To the fitir lei v piiriicuhrly coirtmfiid uur thtet Tht-ir dt pitrutieiil will l tdittd with the utiiV'it vaivand imi eipeime nr tutHir iHiied it render the ctuinni devoted In thuir esperinl benefit, uiiusunlly brilliant, iiurnctive. initroctiva and oruuuivu tuJ. The Farmfrs and PUnlirs Cornrr. Will cnittaiii prwtienl rugeHtiom nnd agrirulturol hintu, Coiitiibuted mid culled ln.ui ..urceo tlifi most rtilmble, and Ctiiiiiiniing iiiftirniutlnn winch will pr-ve tu thrm m th iurav t f o single yenr tdtittit incalrubiMe benefit. Tlmt't mr dt'imrintcnta id Uur rfr will receive the attention tliey resncclively denimid, each being eajieeiHlly and corelnlly preuiied to meet the vnrted tua:ea of I lie evetul cltiitict iff its i cud era, A rami g the tie we may mention Oricinnl Stonrn nnd Poem. Kdirorin! HamMiiiKa and tkeichiites, 6iif y City Ntwi, W,itliititiii (inaiip, Mew Yirk Clnt Chut, the l.tit.tM I'nria KuMhioix, i'riK'licul Keeeipin ir the II u-hiid mfj Toilet, "Tlie Utile One's' liepnrtinem, Ueinsfr-m l'roe and I'oetry, Kcuti ei'a Guide, Umtnuiral Sketches, TrunslaUoni, Ac, Ac The NATION is iwued in llunrto Form, (ipld pn(TM ) Bud eiich iiuiiibei will nontMiu at lentT two nngitmi enra vintji, tluia luinisliiiin Julit'i ibers at the end o llie year with a volume containinc; 410 large sizp, brautit'iilly pf iiaed pttgea of uni,itiirmeil Novelltttes, bketchcif, &c. Together with over 100 ORIGINAL ILIXSTKATIONS, The Nation in strut at the fallowing lemnrkahly low 9ubsertition und Clubbrig Terms; invariably iu ndvnure. Single Copies. fr2 (t( per uimum. Two (to one iu'dt) 3 50 Thrre " 5 IK) Six " 9 00 ' Ten 15 00 IT" A ml one ropy free in (fetter up of the Clnb of Te.i. All thoe HfiidnifT u cnliBcriptions from (he Hritinh province, must enclose in urlditiori to the aubscriptiou priee'i2 cent for each subsrrtbiir, as we nre compelled to prepay the United Slates postage. All Iwtr re (--niainihir in tiey hh n'rl be registered, .nd dirt-cled plainly, and they will c-ane ut our i Uk, other wise we are not reap 'iisihh l't iheni. ffl-ei-imen copirs wifl be sent free to post Matters, Apml, und nil who wifth (tet up a ehtb ; to all others, on the receipt ol four cents iu Slumps. The expense t regi&lering a only & cents. Address CHOrt'T & UIOKLOW. f-3 DitvM street, Hhiiadclphia, I 'a. Among the hundreds of complimentary indices, we hnve received Horn newmpera in every section if tlie tiuititry, we miotc llie fdl 'Wing exiract from : ''J'lie Naii in appears in lame clenr Upeon siiw white paper, and is iichly udomed with illustraliotia ' IN. Y. 5"Ult. -It wilt att..iti to n hipn poniti-ai in (he literary world M l'hila. lJuily .News. "It is "lie "f tlie best weeklies lew published, nnd we tike plcuue. in blinking it to llie a hrc of the reitibn pu)tlir.M HarriBburif Herald. 'Tlie talent and energy of tit? pioprieliar. its nngiral und inteteifting C"iileii'M, and (lie br-aaty "i t wcotpliv , cannot fail t nccuie f r it a general" Wil liallf p M iMiIepeiuleiit ti.s Ah a literar und f.miiU j imnl, we hnve no bctitn ti'iit' iu pion.iuuci'ig it the I .r iimitK "i" txo anues We advice the ladies to poH-ute it with ail delay." Ftilt at Republican 'e dislike piifTuig eity emnnations. but in this ense 1 we arc liouud tn give way to merit. Unlike uiauv c-itv li'tem uriillcs. the Nntioi i.runp' ed f n nnd, tuliblau ti I mat nsefn matter, and is not rilled up with mi ver-d-nr if tlinisv, wish'1 waihy sti.ft' Iron the hands of crack lir nneil antln rs " Kiie Cit Dispatch "It lias the most beautiful enirraved head we ever saw, and hscouteiit are deeply inter-sting, truly delicious ai:d a ul absorbing Wi Mmmsbuig, Vh . fiazette "There is nin jut pnch a paper, and it haaseemtd twoastru heads ami hearts in cutrol its column as the litemynnd aicinlwoild holds Wellsboiough Agis tor. "It will soon become a lending paper at the fireside.11 Hottiu ille (Mo.) fibserver. selih.m euil 'rsH a rthnu pnpern. but In this tn stanee we "'e forced lo overt" we i-Hf prejudice, nnd n. mend the "Nali' n1 t' uur readers. Troy, (Arubama.) Hulletin. IsTOTICJB. IS rcl. ;itii tlio .nrtni-ivliip lieri-tnl'nrp ptinti ii in tin MiiTi-riiiti'p hm-iiipa, l.-lwpen Shiu'I 'I Miilmiiii Vli'X. I.Ptt', irnilmu nnili r llr li r 1 1 ul Triiiijmtn, A l.i il', lius lliin ilnj l.pi'ii llil-Mlttl'll l' llll.tlllll I'KI.HI'l.t. TIip clniniK l' ItiP Int.-firm will lip noil til lv Sn mi.c-l Troul ii)n. win. will i'..t.tniiir llie l.usi licsv ut I tic- (.1.1 .-Und sam'i.. ikoi;tman. Al.tX. I.IKII. Jmiunrv, '4. IW- f.l E. ST. BHIGHT cte SOJNT, jfl.AVKjust received Irom J li !: le -1 1 in i.v Kail lioud, aud aie now iciiiiig tlit-ir third supply nf WINTER GOODS. Our assortment is unuaiinlly Ure, and will l.e oil' at llie lowest liurp. 'e respeetlully inviie llie I'ul.lic lo roll and etuiuiiie our St... k, uud remeinlier ilmt "a pi-i.. s.. veil is a prill. v made." IV I he highest lli.irkel prirepnid (i.r Counlrv Produce K. V. ItltlUai'A ttO.. ' Kunhury, JaniKirv 17, I8S7. How Every Family Can Make their Own BROOMS. ONLY CO CENTS. OK fill CKiN T I will fend pruned intriic. - li. his plain na llie lal el un a bi.nle ol medi cine how to mukp t'oru tlroonis Tilt lieressurv iipar.itus run l c made l.y iiny for less than .Ml cenls. hen it l.rooin ta woin out, another can he aliael.ed to the same ll.. lid e in lAiniuutea. I positively Kii.irautie this to he nil eat. ll penny advertisement to fleece I he cred ulous out of their money. Patislaciiou given nr the money reiiiiiinl. If afraid to li-k oil eents. thru spud lwo3iei,t stampa for more informa tion, or refer to the Cost .Mu.ler here. I also give infoi niHiiou as In the hurt mode of raising and curing the corn. Address, P. K. KIHHEK. Selinsprove, Snyder County, Pa. Jan 31. IK57. Uni To Builders Si Carpenters. The suhsrrihe'H are aiieiila for llie sale ol Doors, Window, V indow .Sllutlers. uud all sizes of Window bah, all of which we oiler at llie lowest prices. Nov VU, 'S6. E. V. lllilUHT A SON, DISSCiLTJTION. VO'I'ICK is hereby given that llie late partner ship enisling under Ibe firm nf Smitk A Hilemau. ioturanl keepers in the Boroueh ol Suuburv, was oissolted by in.ilunl consent ri the liOlh of . lain. srv, last. The claims ol l. hue. firm will le settled by (I. W. Ilileinan wt.u will eouliiiue ihe bus'tr.i-M nt the old st-iud. JOHN E SMICK. (i. W HII. EM AN, Sunbury, January M, I S"7 Gt WHOLXaill Ull IISTJIt Grocery, Win and Liquor Store, S. E. cor. Wiihihl and Water Street, ' I'HII.A DK.I.i'HIA, DEALERS and lamiliea will be promptly supplied at ibe lowcrt ricts. (ciolwr 4. . s.'i6. it 3D ElTTlSTiaTr. 'I lit auhaaitlwr rrsjiUull oilers his proV - feastonal seivieo tu nn? ladiesaiul g.nileuien ul Sm.i.orv aud ti niir he is pr, pared to alu iid lu all the varm.ia operations in lieiiiulrv. itiid in provid-d witn (lie latest M., i.nej . rOP.CKLAIN' TKUTII, ' wtrcll will he insrrleil rn pivo'. st ri or gold p'sl. mivf'j. s Well s the nstu nl tV Ail aiiK werisiiieii. OFUCE. iu Mjs kcl iwwvt. 'i rsst ii tli Pot o.Tioo, Sunbury, r. rj r. im7. joa.x a. If Von Want a GOOD A. J. CONRAD, HOLLOWING RUN. RESPECTFULLY Informa thf public that he haa replenished hl Store with an ex cellent aaaortment of New Oooda just received from Philadelphia, which he will aell on term at n-aannable ta any other establishment. Ilia asw.rtment ronita in part of la.OlTH.S, CAS8IMCRE8 A MATT1NETT, '.Vlnler Weara for men and bnya, allatylei anj prirea ..adit Ilrefcs floods Consisting of 1)1 ark Silka, Merinos, Alpaca. Lie l.ainee. Calicoes, Oinghama, Mualina, Trim mings, Ac. Also a tresh supply of GROCERIES of til kinds. HARDWARE and QTJEENSWARE. Cedarwarp, 11 rooms, fee. Alsoalarrf mmrt. inent of Boots and shoea, cuitable for Men Wo men and Children. Hats and Cnpa. Silk Hats, and all goods usually kept in a Country 8torp. All the above named a.ork of Bonds will he old positively at low prices for cash, or in ex chatiue for country produce, at ilia highest mnrkpt price. Hollowing Ron, Nov. S9, 1850. ly Clothiers,. s t-vi r... At Fourth, at a !"tk"mlt.! i1oit:i-.cni l nj;idc Ciotlinor. Nov. 29, iR.ifi y EVANS cSc GO'S G II E T (i I F T BOOK 8 A L E. 409, new vukk. Fine Oold Jewelry given nu n y to Purchaser of linnlf. Ail Hooks will bo sold as low as can be had at oilier Stores, many of Ihrm for less New Hooks received daily. A (Sift varying in value from 25 ce ils to 1 00, given willi enchtbook at llie time it is sold. Hnvinj on hand a very laruP lock of new and vuloahle. Hooks, and as our mm to is 'l.nri;e sales and small gains than can he had elsewhere. Any look published in New York or Philadelphia will be promptly sent gilt included, on receipt of publisher's price. Catalogues of Hooks and Presents, containing full pxhiuations will be sent free lo all parts ot the country. The most liberal inducement are offered to Agents. Any iieiton by sending us an order ror ten books, with money inclosed, w ill be entitled to nn estra Hook aud tiitt. All orders for books, containing money, (to ensure perfect snfeiy.) should he registered at the Post Ollice where they nre mailed, and direc tel to Evan & Co., 4U'J llroadwav, New York. HefeiPiicp. M. Thomas A Sons., Soulh 4ih street, Philadelphia ; .1. H. I.ippiucott iV Co., ! Pliilii.le'pliia ; 1). Appletnn A Co, Hroa.hv.iy. ! New ' .irk ; Derby iV Jackson, Nassau street, .New York. 1?"SENU FOR A EVA.NX ft CO.. Principal .tnre 409 Broadway, New York. Ilr.iii. h ti.ies ul Uf) t 'hesliuit felreet, l'l!ililel phia and at Washiucton, ll. C. December 2(1, I8:,0 lim 4 L:it inl nol L4-nst. N K W A UK I V A I. 0 F FALL AND WINTER GOODS! Ira T. Clement i AY). I. COnXFROF M.UxKLl SQUARE, SUNBUB, PA., j ifi AS just received a largo supply of Falljind 3 W inter Goods. Hp will continue to st-ll Dry Goods and Oro- I ccriea CHEAPER lli'in ever, aa his goods are boi.ght cheap Ihey will he sold cheap. J He (eels confident with his experience and i abi lt, he can compete with the : World at large and Sunbury in particular. I lie would enumerate articles it time and I sj-ucc ; wolIJ permit. It is enough to .iy that lie haa every thing in tic lilleol i Dry Goods, Groceries, A larne Slot k of Ready-Made I CLOTHING, ! HOOTS A.XJ SOES, ,;., i-c, ' that is kept in any oilier siore in town, and I If in tiniini-r is on the breeze. An.l I'.iijj lun it wave O'er Iniiil ol tl'pfree, ; ail the In'iae of the l.rnve J Vhlt' her Stars and her Sti.pM nut like the s'in, Tt'tlinf; all nations , i Tli.-.l Frii-doura iKguu. This is a free country as was proved by the ! election of II iK'h'iiian over the Wooly Horse.' therefore it is free for all to do their trailing where : Ihey can lil'V he CHEAPEST, All are invi ted to call and see. TIIK COUN'iUY. as well at the are respectfully invited, and every peran, rich or poor, hijjn or low, bond or I tree are invited to call at No. 1 Mark ket Square. opposite the Court House. : P. S He is not to be iniderso'd by any man j or comliiii.iiioii of men. No eharge lor slum ing j goods. All kinds of produce taken in exchange for! gooils Sunbury. Dec. 20, ISSti. stationery. A large supply of fancy Xote Paper and Envelopes, Mourning, Letter, an.l Can Paper, Pens. Ink. Sutid. c.c, at May 31. '."Mi. MM. A. DKI MIR'S. iAJC3R, NOTICE," i Ll. persons knowing themselves indebted to llie suhsci ila.'r l.y note, book account or other wise, are leqiieste.l to make papment hefjre the mill dav i.f ibe tirst mouths (January), 1866, nr their account will be placed in the hands of a Justice for collection. 8. N.THOMPSON. L. Augusta tp., 13th dij, I'.'lh mo, 1 Unfi. J TENT BR1TTAMA STOPrEKS fo far noities tor sue t y 11, H M ASsEK. Siinburr. July 19. Inn. TISTBT CiKOiidE ItKNX, N.N'OUNC'KS to the citizens of Smilinry and vicinty, Ilmt he hiisopened an olHceui Ktui- , bury, ul'.'ve II. J. VWuvcuon's ollice opp isile I', ', Weaver' Hotel, wliere he is prepared to intend i to nil kinds of work btlonginiJ lo the pr..fes -ion, ' III the latest and most impri.ttd at,) It. All tvoik ' well dot and warrunted. ' Llect inber 13, IWaG. ! OYSTKHS! OYSSTUliS!! Fresh from Baltimore every Wurning. VANDYKE AMI YANDF.NKKKK, J Xorthumlierlimd 'a,, W ill furnish Kestuarants ami piivnte faqiiliea .Superior BjIimiio a Oysters, fby the Can or hsl Can. All orders promptly attended to tin ti.e ahortesl notice. JAVES VANDVE. JOSEPH VANDENEKER. Oct. I. 18S8. tf Fluid, Camphene, fluid Wuks -V and Laoipa, fur ails ly j. r.&i.r.xuxn CENTRE OP ATTRACTION ! LATIQE -A-SOOriTlwfrfilSTT OF FALL AND WINTKB. GOODS. HEAP-HANDSUie DUnAIILt', THERE qualitie combined, the pobltr t-ill find by calling at the Uiorn ol B. . HK1GHT 4- SON. Their assortment is large, and has been selected Wilh great care, and will be dia poae4 of at t small advance. THE ! AD 1 13 3 Will find among our Dry Goods Wool Plaids, Black and Fancy Hilks, Plaid l.ama Flannels, A Ipacca, solid colored and Fancy Delaines, De beges, HeoU-h Plaids, Figured Casbmerp, Per sian Twill, Coburg Cloth. Ginghams, Calicos. Delano and Debege Robes, llorence Silk; Wool Hnuds, Pcra Caps, and HWen Cir. LADIES and CHILDREN A (lOL TALMAS Gum Bella. Hell Ribbon, Mohair Head Dresses,, Ribbons, Needle-wo.ked nnd Huple Collars, Thread Laces, Flouncing. li.sertitiK, iSnisa. Mull, Cambric, Nainsook, Dimity, barred Muslin, Hrilliantine, and a genentl assoitmeiit of while Goods'. Wool and Cotton Carpels, Oil Cloths. f)il Sliader), Rockdale blankei3. Turkish counterpanes embossed table covers, tickings', sack flannel, scurfs, kid, silk, Lisle thread and woolen gloves. Of every variety, Russia Crash, Linen and Cotton Diaper. Tin: uKNii.fcMEX will find Black, Dim, and Urown French Cloths, Doeskins, Black ar'y 'Fancy CaJimer, figured .S.ituielt, OvercontiiiK, Tweed, Velveteen. cilk, Satin, Plush and Milk Velvet Vesting, Neck-tics, carl's, Collars, Gloves and Slocks. E-DYKA1B ClibTHIKi. Hats and Caps of all sizes and prices. Ul'R HARDWARE Embraces all kinds ol building material, a large slock of Carpenter's Tools of the best manufac ture, files ul every desci ip'ioo, picks, grub . ocs, Mason hammers, bar iron, steel, nails, paints, putty, glass and oils, winnow sasli ol all sizes, grindstones, Circular and .Mill Saws, 'l lie Qitet'Biw:ii-u Mtk is composed ol Stone China Suits, Fruit dishes, Cake plales, aa.jcu dishes, common plates, cups a..d saucers, together Willi u varied assortment ul Glassware, embracing the la'.est styles. out catoiT.uiKH are fresh and pure, among which may 'JC found, G. A. alt, Mackaiel, Shad. Ccdlish, boxed and pickle. 1 Herring, Goshen nnd Saue Cheese, 'J he best of tens, augats. eotlee, &r. We return our thanks to the public for our increasing patronage, and rcsprcrl'uilv invite an examination or our stock, as we deem it a plea sure to show our Goods. tV Country produce taken in exchange at the highest market prices. K. Y. BRIGHT A SON. Sunl.ury, Nov. 29 I Had Bargains ut the Old Stand. FRILING fit GRANT A RE now openinc a new and very desirable slock of Fall and Winter ( em bracing an enillibs variety. Their stock coil sists in part of Black & Fancy Eroadcloths&Cassimeres. W inter Wures for men and hoys, all styles and j prices. ( DHESS GOODS'. ! SII.KSI'lov, , n:rre:t Mark. An assortment t'hu.l f-tripcari.l Figured Fan- i cy Dress Silks iiisunlly low pnre-". ' Mus. De l.ctii". Pi'l'p.u-a i. c, i GIN'fil! AMSin in ft l in :?) .-cuts per yard. t.Al.ll.tfcS " -I " IV? " Yi'iUTK GOO Hi?.- I Cambric, Jaeoueits, Swi.;, I arlmn. Mull. Ilobi- ' l.ptt, and Shs I. a es. cMuim;! A'c. Drown and l-ici -hid Mu-dins, Drillings. Ticks. Cheeks, '!'iivii..iis, Tiild." Ui . per-, J c. j ; :. i i HAKDV.'AHK Cedar-wate. ii Also a I.e.''. : ; In. ' J - .' ThanU-' t. . j .. : attention .. . ! i. : .. i the apprcv..:' i t ..r i re ! l,.'; highest M,.!.' ' - Sin.!, ..iy . ..,v. itIKI ar.i; I': - I . s.l'fl .'t uith it rhe EXFA'Urok S SALE. rpm: . .- .Iu. . I' e: of Soldo i v l-v i the last will .in! dispose ol al l'ii Real Estate, vi?. : SEVC.K I. I.' V' ill Malkel Suuarp ll.p e-ii.'e of the lion. uuh in .lecr.i-ed. iviil cei o . I ii 1 1' ol 1 i.i ..I a) .over rliillnei.l i,t -an! le .i.Ie. ll.e loiloo.i.L! v.tiualilc S OR IMI! Is OF TWO OF i.R I ND in ll.p Horooiil; ol Suiihiirv. fronlinu 4.i eel on .Mali. it Sln-ei. being pints of lots No am! on which a.e creeled I bree F i 'line li uli.liiius. The dnelling is a two story Irnine l! nil, linn, villi Ihe uruiil oiitbiiildings stable. c c, late the riit!i pi e of said drieased. There Is also . n ll.e 1'n.iil of said lol, t.vo two stor y ffn !nP I'll ill ngs. orcui.ted us a store, shops, ice. with a pil '.l VN'pll ul water bel'oie ihe door. ALso;.'. FARM Ol! TRACT 'F LAN D, coi.iaiiiiini about ilitl Acres -bualo between the I'. .11. in iss.t and ( reek roads iibout thrpe-tfiiarter miles from Sunbury. Tin; improvemeuls urea frame livn-sl.nv dwelling, and n large Dank 11 a it ai'd olh.-r oiuhuililiiigs. There are several line Springs on llie premises, one near the house, an.l also a ntiiuher of fruit trees ot kinds. 'i he terms and con.lilioiis of Sale will be made know n hv application lo ll.e undersigned, residing near siiiihmy. JOHN lii;VERN. Aueni tor Gr.n. A. Fhick, Ex'ra. Sunbury, Nov.S, ISSC if BF.0LHEAD & EGBERTS, .V... 135, A. 37 Str,et, ni'.i.ADSi.riuA, ENVITE lie attei ti.m ol country merchants' mill others. In llo ir si n k of BOOTS Sz SHE3, which they wil! dispose ol on Ihe most reason able terms. Nov S), IKf.f..- Iv WllllLKSALK l)llll IN I'iifin. l .tkii'i.!M' atiO riiiiiy LliitJOES, .Vo. 112 Su,h '..i.( .V',i7, lnUiW Wtdniit J'lit'aiit Ipiiit F1 INK old limnilies. 'ine. nre live. Hour un uud .M..iiiiiiu-ibi In Ythiski y. bmlili ir, pmvrd b ci loluritl) on bund and lor as native. fj"- N'oim of (he Lancaster Hunk received for I iipjurs si pi-. Lrnml'er "in. I ''Mj. Oih I'e Tint P. .V. I'lV' I II I.I.S ,:.:. :iM h.s i ,. i.d ll.'l) ill I'1 he 1.1 l.'ll'IV -t n- .1 "i OAI, S ' tiir d N.'H' ..'. a i l'..v,J M .' . -i sblC 911 I I, loivi .31 ;.. I, ;! Stuck F A L I -li.i. r n : MSI i! Ill j. ,1 t ,,t a w I v T r. n coo n . CtoSeriei, flaeenuvrnr Herdv-are. &o . Jt; 1 cvtn vj;.e'y ,:.H!!V , i,i a ,uiitrv '1 rtvciion j.i,c.; ( mi 1 i..r ll kin.. a nt proiluce. Lower Aotjii iaj.. Vie '7, isag. H AIKIMCAN HOUSE, V ILL I A MS I 01! I', FA., .1. m. ii.i.l.TO.i,-ft'rurrttor. J. T- Hall. Asa't. ft p. IX iWrte-tf TllE LATEST ARRIVAL OF FALL AND WINTER GOODfl. J. F. & L F. KLINE, Respectfully announce to their frienda and the) public in general that they have received at their Wlore in L'ppef Augusta (ownahip, Northumber land county Pa.,' at Klinea Grove. Their Fall and Winter good's am opined to the public fall assrotment of merchandize Ac. . Consisting in paft of Cloths, black and fancy Case' mere, fcatinette, Checks, Kentucky Jeans I'n.ler Shirt a and Drawers and all kinds of Fail and Winter Goods. A lot of ready mftdo Cloalhing, consisting nf Caats and tests. ladies tthi Goods, 8hav?lii, (im(liom, Ite'sge Delatus, Caiiowa, black Silks 4 c- Also a fresh supply of Drugs and Medicines Orocerioa 4 " of all kinds. A new supply of Hardware, Quecnsware, wooden ware Urooms 4 c. Also a large assortment of Pools and Shoe suiisl.l- for men women and ebildren. H ATH AND CAi'S. A lad' eh assortment ol School Books. Sfstionn ry, Entslopes, Ink and clieop publlcBtinns, Ac. fait, Ciieeso 4 c, and ail g;wilJ usually kept in a country store. I.'orr and fee, Ccme one, come all. Cheaper than the Uhecpest. Thankful for past tavora we hope by strict at tention to business to merit a contiuuance of the same. All of the above named stock of goods will t-e sold positively at low prices for cash, or in ei change for country produce at the htgh?et mar. ket price. Klines Grove, Ta., Nov. 8. lu56. tf V-. TS1TEP, & CO.) OF STJrJBXXK-V, 3?A., ESPKCI'FL'LLY liiviic their friends and the public to inspect their new stock of WINTER GOODS. juill received ftom Philadelphia, being conviniej that (heir inteien is best promoted by a strict continuants ot their old plan of "Small prnfits anil ri'tc'.' Su'.rn.'' they shall slill abide l.y their provious course. AinoiiKSt their slock will be found for GEN TLEMEN, a largo assortment of KEADV MADEt.'oats, Vests and Pantaloons; Cloths, Cassiineres, Satinells, Veetingi, Cnder-Shiils, Shirt Uosoms, Collars and Cravats FUH LADI'S. Black and colored ciilks, Dc Ucg! K.V e. Do f. ,tos Krfti'Ji Merinos, Cashmeres, Maiiona (lotns, Cobttrgs and Alpacas. Delaines both plain and printed. Rcndy-Made Cloaks, iJrocha and Woolen Stia wis, l'abhv Velvet in various colors. I jnilie 1 skirls. Sack f.annel various col ors lied und white Flannel. ALSO : A general assortment of Ladies and Gentleinana UOOJ'S, SH07i.S & GAITERS, Men'f), Uoy's and Childrens' Hats A Cops. Hardware, tjiieenswnrc, Groceries, Ccdanvnro Sionc and Earlhenware Drugs, Faint, 1 i:U, Salt, Cheese, Nu'iIb, Oils, Ac, cVc. A good supply of school bouks and copy bouka with primed copies on each pago. Country produce taken in txjlii.ngc for goods, at the Inquest nun I. el puces I. . TENEK& Co. Sunbury, Nov. 23, Ho0. HERRINGS SAFii! CHAMPIC:,' I The ti'ittj Safe which t in every intancet pre sercttt tht v' -utirt wnttrnts in t't lute Fstcusirc Fires. sim. t 'I' tho iitirlMIT o 2f)rTtlf"'-(jjl J I!. i. Wines. Apri .'--T -1 1 'bp iKT I'iitK iinriTKT of the Artisan iril inih, :ti..i nr .M.trUet f. .Mtiv lt-i. dt.- si-iibiiw H "I- j-jj'pJprTrfj'M W. SiiiillKtltSI iV tiro.; li..k, tr- i1r'iw iii l-.t!vnrd ieii;ni.t - C.. iUvr r- jl. 'tt;.1.; '1.171- . i r.ure. Ac. i'' cc iie. u:u !r !.-.'. i ' k 1 1! uiiitiUM" exocfeii in H '.' ''iiniii'iT ruin it-r iifiir.y t-nrty ll m, air 'r-pr -vi c-iiflGMvt v u Iiut. c ,i:i i Aikimn ijflSr ii!v:iva i-Iumiv-i! i r tncui, t n tr frcat Hupt:iiT)ty uvcrufi bt-iuritie if iw knoiMt. In Mil-He tir; , the UKR RING'S rA I'll, fiaiifl'ns i 't: U sit'.c iti tli ai' n ?'-e,nsi'(l us lv.iirrf'n'-,i! in .mmiiI ll' -i'f c.W)!. vvrf fe Hmii llfrrinp'S' raire rth tlie vr (.i 'W'tt'up't vicf't ii' t filly (irfHfrvinfl( ll'.ir c"iii--iiv mi - !C fil-in fittiT, l-iit ItcnifT t'K-iin-cIvtx in M.'n :t ti ' I" :i f Hfii :t!',it-f r.nli-al, wftilt tlie 1 oi'eictl 'S: !:ipi:i!.iie fU'C irt ifT iunkr.x .ne hadlv nsul up in every jiis'iiiit e, nmi iu ti un? ruse littti eciiif finilcins ciiijlU'!y tltstrcycn. Tip ih pii'ilic we W'.il ' simply miv, ttutt, i;j:irp lii-11 vers M:i llH-ritip's Sale has heen Iti-i'i-re ittcin. nvtre than two ImiMlrcrt Imve p.8ifl liirouyh uiTiiit'iru.l ti' ' Vi illitut the ticciirieii'-e if u pi'tRle Ihsk. V wmltt. llicrcf'rrf ciuifi'tli pur chart-r .;:' 'r; t'n misreprent'ntiitjini nf intt-ri'Stcfl paitii'. Tli iJerriiif's ralPMt is t1 imi'v l'iH'-priii y-.ttc v.vah- iti Jliis city which in ('Mt.'ctitl' hy n PaieuT I! it: lit, and we wiil pui nnit-f it t 14-iirI iri'Tt 1 1 hi a UcuUt ll.e auK' t f hcit tt ony ultter Safe ii'i.v kiunvn. fS.ue TiLiuT'iiM irrrs in liiis State of -HERRIXIJ'S 1M1EXT S.I FES," 34 Walnut St.. Philuth. S V ''Kvnim V WutPtin's hnitrovcJ Sn!miiiiiiiri,' Oliver 1'. van's, "O.J. iav lers," amt 'ntl Al'.tts.u lrui Clit-MS, (a hrifi-a. fnrt iriViit h.iviifz 1 ecu t:; Wei. in yv.t pnvHieiit nr H"rrnit1p') wiil tie p.IJut I-jw j licts. I'hitti.,.tnne-;i: Iv. New Goods for the People ! HKNJ A311N 1IKFFXEU RESl'l.'C TFl'LLV informs the public in gen entl that helms just received and oneutd a. s.!i't:did stock of Fall ami Winter Goons. at his New Store, in Lower August! township. His stock consists in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Cassiuets. of ull kinds, of linen, cotion and worsted. ALSO: t nlHooN. GtniriiHm, LnwH, nioiiatcliiic Ue U. slats .mil all kinds of Ladies Dress GoOiifc. Cirocertcs, Also ail assorltnent of Slat il'tVarC, Iroa ami Steel, Nails, &c. Also an excellent assortment of QUEEHSWARE, nf various aiylcs aaJ paiti't n. Also un asnortment of ROOTM &. SHOES. II ATS & GA PS, a good selection. Suit. Fish, ise. A, id a great variety of other articles such Da are- suitable to the Irmle, all ol w .iich will be eolii at j il.f finest prices. j t Gotiutry produce tuken iu exchane k tne n.jiiicsi prices. Lmvcf Aupusiu, ,v, jo igrjf,. ISAIIOAIXS 70 DE HAD AT V. W. (iVAYSST01tE Ma-iJtet street, Sunbury. W 1'ST tFrvi ed ami opened a splendid Slock P Y ALL & INTER GO OB. consist "'K '.ii pun of fchtck mi l Fanry Cloths and Centilitres, An assoriii'tnt of Dry Good, vis: Merinos. I'a.liiiiercs, liclains, i'alicn, Voolen PUids. Iiinghuins, Mis in. Likens, F.'jn'"''', Ac. TriiEuiiuus in Great Variety. II AIUiWAUl'., GliOCKKllvi, (iVL)r.N3 WAKK, ic. KVI.T am! Flsll, Chetae, Kutsins, Tobacco and t 'i;.il'. Ijuc. insrc. Uot.U, Shoes, Hats and np. ami a turiely of GooJi too tediuua to men tion i ml ind examine my Slock bt fote Turcbas i v I Isewhe -e, A Keasoiublc DUcount wdi bo Uktn oil' lor all cash Males, Country produce Ukeu in exchanga at the li.Vhrst markrt price, P. W. CRAY. Sunbury, Nov. 9 , 1856. tf )1.ANK Parchment Paper Deed.i and blank MoittfaKea, Bonds, Enecutiona, Summoaa Ac, ttir suieb H. B. MASSES. fs.mbi:r Ain . IHT6 Titilli!y TVanit A fresh issortroent j si nerived by WM. A. BRUNER. Jurni '.'!. IfcMJ. IjO .ilUr C iiEE'jF Jssl receive:! anil tot