Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, February 28, 1857, Image 2

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or readers had a telegraphic annonnce.
it yesterday, tbot the investigating Com
lee hod made their report on "Congrea
al Corruptions" It will be perceived that
Committee report directly against four
nben, Bingulnr to relate, anil demand their
ulsion, to wit : Messrs. Mattcson.
t and Edwards, of New York, and Welch
Connecticut. Served them rigltj but
y ore a small Instalment, of the spoils and
tider league of the House. 1 Inn. He verily
maon testifies that the I' bit Urasmus li.
tteon, or New York, had imformed him
t "there were twenty or thirty memhers of
House xchn were aisncinted and pledged
h tn the other not to tote far any law or re
jtian granting lands or'money. vnlet they
paid for it." On hearing of thii inl'u
u siuto ofthing Mr. John sen confesses
it li is calmer judgment was fur overcome
his indignation that he pronounced this
guo of Mm twenty, thirty, or forty thieves,
d d eut race," which Mr. Matteson te
3nded, nltso with a becoming indignation,
it they were indeed "a set of dumned
Hindrels," but as nothing could be gut
rough without their assistance iho Iks
oines luipruvement Company, (of which
r. Johuson whs the lega counsel.) would
d a hundred thousand dollars or so very
cl'ul for lobby services behulf of their
1!. Thirty or forty members of one branch
Congress bound nnd pledged to end) other
t to vote for nuy bill r resolution granting
nds or money, utiles they are puid lor it 1
'hat a basis for spols and plunder is here !
covers everything, and might be mode to
inputs an extortin ir millions of binds or
oney in a single fill ! We had supposed
at ihis lobby system' wvj'ti!l of rot nipt ion?
-that it involved a money making member
re and there, such as the gentlemen from
.entucky, who said that if re-elected to Con
ress he could "mitke a great deal of money;"
ut wo had no suspicion of this '-open sesumu"
f tho forty thieves.
'flic Committee in their report recommend
he. adoption of the following resolutions:
That Wm. A. Gilbert, nii.,iber of this
lonse, frem New York, did agree with F. F
'. Triplett to procure ihu passage of a re?o
Jlion or bill through the present Congress,
or pmclMse by Congress of certain copies of
he book of said Triplett, on the. Pension nud
fount y Land Laws, in consideration the
aid Triplett should allow him to receive a
ertoin cum of inouey out of the approprin
Idii for the purchase of the book ; that Uil
lert did cast hij vote on the lowu Land bill
lepending heretofore before this Congress,
or u corrupt consideration, consisting of sev
Mi square miles of hind, and some stock given,
ir to be given to him ; that Mr. Gilbert be
.'urthwith gxpelled from the House.
The three special reports of the committee
ire signed by all the members of the coninit
tee, except Mr, Kelsey They embody the
testimony in ouch case, and conclude with tins
rollowiuir resolutions :
That Win. W. Welch did corruptly com
bino with Win. A. Gilbert, u member of this
House, from New York, to procure the pas
sage of a resolution or biii through the House
for the purchase of certain copies ol "Triplett
on Tension and liounty Laws," for ino
uey to bo paid to the said Gilbert, on its pas
sage; that Wm. W, Welch did utteuipt to
procuie money from James U Sweeney, for
reporting favorably on the claim of Hoxami
Kimball, from the Committee cm Invalid
i'ensioiis, tit this Congress; that Win. W.
Welch, u mouiber of this House, from Con
necticut, be forthwith expelled from this
House. i
The Committee in Mr. Edward's case re
port as follows :
Resolved, That Francis S. Edwards, n
member of this Hose from the State ol New
York, did, on the '23d day of December lust.
Uttemt to iudiice Hubert T. Fuine. a member
or this Hou6e fiuin the gtatc of North Caro
lina, to vote contrary to the dictates ol' his
judgment and couscieueo on tho bill making
u grant of lands to aid tho construction of a
railroad in tho Territory of Minnesota, by
holding out u pecuniary consideration to the
said I'aino for his support ol' said bill.
Iiesolved, That the said Francis S. Ed.
wards be, aud he is hereby, expelled from ibis
Tho Committee in tho case of Mr. Mutte
son report ns follows :
it.wnlvpd. That Orsimus 1). Matteson. a
member ol this House from the Stale of New !
York, did incite parties deeply interested in
the piusage of a joint resolution lor securing
the lies Moines grunt, to have here and use
a large sum of money and other valuable con
siderations corruptly, for the purpose or pro
curing the passage of suid joint resolution
through tins House.
U's.lved. That Orsimus B. MuHeson. n
declaring that a Urge number of the mem
bers of this House hud associated themselves
together und pledged themselves each to the
Other uot to vole lor auy w or
granting money or land unless they were
paid for it. has falsely and willfully assailed
and defamed the character of this House, and
has proved himself unworthy to be a member
thereof. .
Resolved, That lion Orsimus H. Matte
son. a member of this House from th btate
of New, and hereby is expelled
the refroin.
H. B. MASSER, Editor and Proprietor.
Te ABVRRTtnm - -The cirrultlon of the Suubnry
Amcriran araiiug the riifl'rrenl towns on the rnriiriiiiiiia
ia nut exceeded irequalled byany paper publisher) in Ninth
nil Pennsylvania.
editor table.
Business stcttcrs,
rinnrcn a"ib Tsoit. Mr. I.. C. Ivea, No. 1S, North
Wharves, Philadelphia, advertiacs larae Msmitnietit t'T
various articles of prndaee and Fruit, at hit elite, which
iaonvcitiniily located for boatmen and others tn proc
tlifir supplies
This ysong and enterprising town, scarcely
six years old, bas been incorporated into a
Dorougb and contains about 2, 500 Inhabitants
It is the centre of one of the finest coal ba
sins in the world. The Mine II ill railroad
extends to this place, leaving a gap of four
miles between Ashland and Mount Cnrimi
without railroad. The - heavy coal trade
from Ashland has prevented the Company
putting on passenger cars, but we were re.
cently informed by Mr. Wilder, the efficient
Huperintendent of the roaJ, that the compa
ny intend to construct another road over the
mountain, with high grades, to avoid planes(
which will be used for passenger travel and
tiliht tonnage. Mr. Wilder, who is an expe
rienced engineer, apprehends uo difficulty in
nuiking it ft successful passenger road. It
will also greatly subserve the interests of the
Company who will require another track, as
their transportation of coal over the planes
last year, amounted to 296.000 tons.
fer liimnHf ami ihe liflta of the Inle tin'ewird Onbin, nlT .
f ir a ila tlie valuable prnperly mi Muriel atreet,
bury, Into the reddenccof Edward Oebin, dee'd.
bnoiixo Clih, Picturi Fbamm, Ac These of
our readrra in want ol ach eiliclea will di well to give
K. Newland A Co., a eali at No. I'.'O, Arcb atreet, Kb ve
Oih, Pliibdrlphia. Ilia wmk it of the beat lljleoml
quality and bia prices reui:nable.
Milmtonk, ,Ve. Mil!cr and otheri are rcfeirad to the
ndvenitement of Samuel Meculcben, No. CI, Quca at.,
AiiHinr s1ais We refer our reade'a to tha Shn'i
riles of real eitatce, to be a ild on the isith of March.
F.M3INS for Sals. Jacob Reed, of Paxitiofl, aalvertiaes
for anle a 20 borae power eiiKine, and lb boileri, neatly
Ai'ditor in tits F.iTATB or Abam Critz Mr. Wm.
Rockefeller, Aadilor.
Piano. Conrad Myer, who ia celebrated for his
superior moke of Piriuos, has removed from his old stand
No. 04, South 4th street, to No. ISO, Aich street, Phila
delphia. PtTPR PnosPAATRor I.iMR Geo. A. Leinau, No. Ill,
S mill 4th sttcet, advertises for tale this excellent fertili
zer. Sal of Mclrs, Boat. Ac See at" . erttaement of
Jacob Srasltoltz
LEATHER Denlers in this article-nre referred tn the
advertisement cf 11. V. Overuuui, No. 0, South 3d at ,
Hrooms.Ac If. Allen A Co , No. 3 A 4, Chest
nut atieet, Philadelphia, advertise an arsoitmeut of
brooms, wooden Wure, Ac.
(From tha Rocketeer Union )
NIA. J'Aree Hundred and Eighiy-'l'hre Ketdlei
Extracted from the t'leih a Lady and
She Still Survive.
The following was sent to us by a friend,
a director of ono of the public schools in
towm-Yiip, as a specimen of oritriuel
oil ion. by one of the pupils. It is
VALrAPLR Dorochh rvKTt vr. cbnrlet Cnhi, creossuble effort. ; . 'ves evidence that the
luburs of th'e eXiiool-uiugtcr are not without
reward :
'inhere it iwt.AOS no 'natiit of which any
can be jT't'lty, that is in itself more disgusting
than that of c hewing and smoking tobacco
vet thia eniversal that there is
'perhups no possib'1'' of ihmS wiln il
This noxious weer".1 is nsp'1 w'll""lt "".V dis
t inct ion to aero " or station In short yon
rw m! ciiKidet r"d a man in the eyes of some
unless you can emuke Spanish cigars and
chew some kind of tobacco. Look at that
little boy! Do you see him? He must be on
lire, for I see him almost surrounded with
smoke. Oh dear no, he is only acting the
purl or a niun. He has a huge cigar in his
mouth. How he puffs and blows as he
struts ulong. Do yon see him t He must he
smoking lit a terrible rate. He thinks him
self u man ! lint there is where he misses il.
When I see a little hoy smoking and puffing
as he struts along the street, I put him down
ns being smurt. What makes his month
soiled and his teeth stained so much ? You
need not wonder! Don't you see what an
enormous ping of tobacco lie has in his
month? No wood, t then thst his teeth are
so filthy. . Who can be so thoughtless as to
give the little urchin that tobacco. 1 sup
pose his daddy or some tobucco vender. Why
tloes not the boy's lather reprove him nnd
break him of this habit ? A h, sad to tell ! lie
himself indulges in the filthy habit. Parents
1 entreat you to teach your suns better by
example which always speaks louder than
words. M. M.
I. W. TuNiri A Co. tall on delinquents to come
O The weather for ten days past has
been unusually warm fur Februury, not a ves
tige of snow is left and spring seems to have
set in suddenly upon us, vegetation has taken
a start and the buds of trees are gradually
swellinc The frost is entirely out of the
ground nnd tho roads, though not perfectly
smooth, are passable. The iSchujlkill canal
will be opened on the 1st of March. The
Pennsylvania canal will be opened, perhaps,
several necks later.
eTTi!B Nkw Taiiifp I5im which has
passed the House of Representatives, and is
now pending in tho Senate, provides simply
for an addition to the Free List, 011 un.l ,.ri
the first of next July, without proposing any
other changes.
In the report of the Postmaster General
there is a table going under separate beads
the receipts from postage and the expenses
of the post offices in the different states and
territeriea. We have classified these as free
and slave states, snd omitting the territories,
we find the expenses and receipts to have
been as follows :
Fiik.e States.
Maine. 8l.i2.7lii 27
New Hampshire, U'J.9(I9 40
US" Tho late freshet in the Susquehanna
passed off without doing much injuiy. The
ice wus very heavy, nnd there were some ap
prehensions for the salVtyofour bridges.
The Juuville bridge was injured so us to
rentier it unsafe to pass over it. 1 ho piers
of tho Northumberland bridge, next to the
borou;;h, have been somewhat shuttered, but
not so Kiueh as to impair the superstructure
or render it unofe. The damage will not
exceed two or three hundred dollars.
GaTThe Directors of the Alleiitown Rail
road, in this State a work indentified with
the interests of New York City are making
an urgeut appeal to the merchants ol thut
city, for the means necessary to prosecute it
to completion Lnlesa the road is com
menced between this and the 13th or March
n-vt the charter will be lost, as it then
M asKBchiisetts,
UlloOe IHiiiHt,
New lorl;,
Nuw .lrrtoV.
M ichigun,
9i;.liM 34
5."7.C59 00
W.ft43 96
un'.yi't yj.
l, )
mt.iiii b.l
Si) 1.21 U 97
1. if..l8'.! 71
149.076 25
333.620 OS
451.706 74
. 171.410 15
117.414 71
2G.V01S .i5
Total, - - 81,940,463 68
rc.rresnonden ef the Public Ledger
Washington, Feb. 23, 1857.
The Postmaster General reported, within
day or two, that the number of letters
uncalled for or dead, is probacy tiuee mil
lions a very largo number aud it would
teem absolutely proper that some measures
hould be adopted ly tho Department to
insure the delivery of these missives ol
fruiudship, business and affection, with great-
r certainty. SJl2U,umi accrue 'V'.
office without their performance or lliu aut j
of delivering the lelurs being all jro paid,
a portion of that sum risked 'with the news
papers Tor larger advertisements, would pro
Lilly the number of letters relumed
to tnmeity for opening anu uuiniup.
tTli. i.wwi.burK Clironicie sas. me
Engineers on the western end ot the L., C.
i buiuce Creek Railroad have completed
their re-survey, aud Cud it considerably more
favorable us to the distance and bridging than
the first survey. The level of the eastern
end is yet to be taken.
i 1 " 1 -Sir
Iron Ork in Rcsii. The Messrs.
Groves, of iho Moutour liom Company, at
Dauville, have, we understand, tuken leases
from a number of our Rush township farmers,
with a view of searching for iron ore, of which
ihere are strong indications. Some heavy
boulders which have been lying on the top of
iI.h ti round for uiunv veurs. on the larm ol
n v .
I'.tui- ll.ia.'hawont. have been found to
cuntuin u large percentage of iron.
Excess of lixpenees,
Slavic States.
Delaware. $19,647 64
Maryland, la7.103 99
I list, of Columbia, 43.730 44
North Carolina,
South Carolina,
21tf.0'.'t 07
71,676 .'.6
91,803 05
140.069 95
20.058 01
190.225 39
74,443 74
fcp.004 63
121.303 43
mm w
141.764 73
27,t32 39
$170,745 16
99.943 30
11JP31 20
3rtf..9S8 63
5 ri 7ft '
175.1bl 52 !
rf3i335 54!
523.795 90
232.837 10 '
170.368 54 :
553.327 28 '
670.994 74
303.t72 35
153.313 51
268.713 86
$5,036,218 90
4,940,563 63
295,655 22
S 19.477 10
2t..470 87
38.161 11
413.992 57
206,067 98
270.436 75
326,405 63
105.895 67
324,b67 57
248.708 01
251,533 52
224.422 52
an i t B3
198,102 t-2
2t7.372 98
234.176 63
The subject was yonng lady, nineteen
years of age, of nervous temperament, very
healthy, and the daughter of a respectable
fanner in iiulteinuts. Ol.-ego county N. Y.
She tirsl came to uiy office April 2blh, 1803,
to have a needle extracted from her left arm,
which she said "got ig accidentally as she has
moving a buudle of carpet rugs." Tins, a
medium sized sewing needle, was soon found
and extracted from the anterior side of the
fore urm, about mioway belweeu the wrist
and elbow. J u less than a week she called
Again, saving she hud another needle in her
urm. tsicjiiiued and found deep in Ihu bend
or the arm, a bard substance, which proved
to be needle similar to the hist, and ac
counted lur in a similar manner. One week
after this the arm was very much swollen,
paiuful and presented the appearance or ma
lignant crysipeleas, which continued about
six days.
A Tier the inflammation and swelling had
subsided, six ueedlea were found deep in thu
flesh, about three inches from the elbow.
May 20th, fourteen were taken out, higher
and more on toe posterior sidu ol the arm
30lh, seventeen were taken from the urm and
shoulders. Some of these were supellicial,
lying just uuder the skin, but most of them
lay deep in the hYli, und u number entirely
uuder the biceps muscle. One, of large size,
lay with two-thirds is length imbedded in the
brachial artery. One large darning-needle
was found lying directly on the bone, tit the
insection of the deltoid muscle ; this caused
some inliammatioii und suppuration, which
led to its detection. June 4lh, twelve were
removed from the left arm, two from the
wrist, eleven from the left, und one from the
riiiht breast, 'i he whole number extracted
during the month of June, was eighty-seven ;
bepleinuer, ten; October, twenty-eigut most
ly from the left breast und left side of the ab
About the last of November, 1853. she
was attacked with violent spasms. These
continued about three weeks, aud subsequent.
ly u large number of needles were fuuud in all
parts of her left side, from the shoulder to
the knee. When apparently asleep she
would converse with bur mother, and tell
where the needles might be fouud, but when
awake she could seldom be induced to speak
ol Ihem. Also when in tins sleeping or sum
liamhulic stute, she was entirely uuconscious
of pain. While cutting through doep muscle
or in the ntosl sensitive purls, we never could
perceive a cnotiou indicative of feeling, (a
number were extracted lu this sleeping state,
on the contrary, when awake, she experieu
ced acute puiu, eveu from the very least iuci
From January 1854, no needles were found
until thu middle ol the lollowing bummer.
when she resorted to pins, culling off the
heads aud lliiustiiig them into the flesh.
Subsequently she used hair pins, eilhe
straightened and put in whole or the broken
halves. They weie fun ml deep in the large
muscles of the thigh. Several pieces or wire
and parts of the lurgest size of knit I ins nee
dies, nearly five inches iu length, fouud lying
directly on the bone ol the llngli on the an
tenor side.
These were put 111 two or three inches abov
thu knee, pthed upward under Ihe tlesh. am
detected by the discharge ot a little multc
at tile ilium ol insert lull. A iew neidles am.
pins were found at iotervul till Dt cenilu
15th, 1855, when 1 extracted six needles am
three pin all ol' which hud lain in the lies
a long time ; some ol tlieitt more than a teur
These were the Inst found, and il is hoped by
all her friends that there will be no recur
rence uC so strung u mania.
1 hn whole number exltactcd was, or sew ing
corse lo the land. TT accuses Gov. .Oeary
of misrepresenting facta, denies thut tho
peace ot Kansas was in tho slighteel degree
perilled by his c.fDcial acts, anil brands as
grossly false the statements that he bad re.
fused to release the Free State men on bail.
He avows t lift lie will conscientiously ois-
Karse his dutv, uncontrolled by the i resi
dent or Gov. Geary.
The Seuate Committee on finance have
greed to report amendments to Ihe Tariff
bill. Mr. Hauler, Chairman of Ihe Commit,
tee. has prepared it bill on bis own responsi
bilily, and will endeavor to procure Ihu con
sideration of the suhject to-morrow.
Movements ol Air. Iluebanan-
Lancaster, Feb. 24.
Tho lion. James Uuchanun, President
led, and suite, escorted by the Lancaster
Fencihles, will leave heie on Monday morn-
.. .. . , . ...I.
itlg. Hi 8 o clock, lor V iianiltgioii, via ora
and Knit inline.
Mr. Uiicbaiiaii will pot receive visitors after
to-dnv. ns be requires time to arrange ins
private uffairs prior to his departure.
Ihe Mew Cabinet.
Washington, Feb. 24.
J. Glancv Jones has received a letter from
Mr. lJuchutiiin. slating that be will nut pro-
bnblv. reach Washington till Moiiduv, and
asking him to reconsider Ins request not to
be idaeed III the Cabinet. Mr. Junes, who
is convalescent (torn his recent illnes. lelt
this afternoon f.r Baltimore.
4. The Governor of retinsylvwilt.
5. Our whole, glorious, undivided Union.
6. "God aud our Native land."
7. The immortal sinners of the Declaration
of Independence.
0. linn. Millard i Ultnore true to bis
native Und.
9. The Common School system.
10. Civil and Religious liberty, now and
" 11. Last but not least, the ladies I
Hy guest
' The rtiiotic Daughtei of America,
-"alt diwr axinft,
Honpe and eriniiline,ad whalebone,
Cords, ant) atioeniinrt, and tuenrer,
Mainslaya, braces, ropea, and pullers
Ail their lackliiigs and Cbetr rif ginga
Par ton numerous to mention."
On motion. Ileiolved, That the procceed
ings be published in the "Suubury American,"
aud -Star of Youth."
On motion, the meeting adjourned.
Signed by the Offietn.
needles, 29i and these id all ki7m-
ninn ' ' r , lies. " '
.I .".;. ' Medics and wi... t, total. 381
lireat edmis were made on the iiari of ti
family to detect her iu the act ol inserting
the needles, but iu vain. Il was ascei tamed
by comiarisuii that must of tln-m weie taken
front a i'.x ol needles winch had lain iu the
house for u long lime. This was removed,
but she contrived to use the same kind, evi-
dently rom a supply secreted ubuut I lie preni.
isea. nuiiisi every means n:is oeer resurted
to. to (nd the reason for so strange a fancy ;
but n thing has yet developed it. She is
firm inher denial ol knowing when, how, or
why SB did it ; simply fiiying "it must be
that Iio il, for I know no one elso dues.''
She isierfectlv suiik on every other subject.
ulthouh the effect upon her general health
l bus ln had, jt during n great share of
' these ;at ol suflering she has perfuriueil
ber ucistoined portion of ihe huusehuld du
ties. All ttlch those needles have been exhibi.
ted tolie pressors ol several mi dical cul
leges, it h full details of the cafe, as Hell us
to a I lie number of physicians in this Stat-,
yet unliable name has hardly been given fur
a disee producing such .'fleets. And when
so mry -duct ui s disagree," 1 shall go no Tur
tber ban In term it a rental kuhle case id
monoutiis. The whole case bai been one
""viety "! mvatei j ln
Oiler. OUCS llllilrr iho ,.ullct .,f',,r pj.
'''" ClIASLKS Sl'MMCK. M. li.
Total. - - $1,000,032 93
$2,184,450 05
Sunn, or the indiirnunt Democratic
.ra vlI.u tirofess creat love for law and
Mr. CaU presented to the Senate to-day j , si.eak iinoroviniily of au assault wilh
the credentials ol' bis successor ,ucl.:iria li ,
.K.,n,n.,r tn 1,5 Senator after the thud ol rotteneggs. wnuii, toe) .
March lor six vear. From the very coo
und easv mannerism of Senator Cars, it would i
hardly be possible to discover that he is ihe t
' adonted" for the future Secretary of islule. j
l. -vinVm. however, that some peculiar
fueling was developed iu ins stone io-ur.1,
when the credent iU of his successor were
read by the Clerk. Latterly, M r. Cuss Us
been in the habit of saying very little in the
c.,n...u. i,( k. iHulwava there, aud always
oservaut of tho business in progress. He is 1 1 justice and right
was comtnitted
on Mr. Mencor, a Democratic menioer irom
York county, who voted for Cen. Cameron
fur IT. S. Senator, while passing on his road
t...o Mr Menrar is said to be a man of
oicellent character, and could better justify
his vole for Cen. Cameron, than some of
il.n.B nolilical iukleis could ihtir vole for
Forney, against their
Excess of Expenses,
It will be observed that in the free States
the Post Office Department is almost eeir sus
taining ; but in the Slav States there is a
.I..R..H r lfti 450 siix ot the free Stales
lirm i "i v . , .
New Hampshire, Massnciiuseus, ivhihib
i.i, ...i c.niiwtiiMit. New ork. and ettn-
svlvunia pay more ill postage than ineir
' .. .. . u t.ll.. fif lltOClilVM
mails Ulld pon Ollivea cum. -hiio .-
States, Delaware Purely meets its expenses,
und tho District of Columbia alone shows any
considerable excess. This excess, too, cut!
scarcely be considered, since the correi-pon-,.f
thu Disirict ia mure with the North
than wilh the South. Thut rebellious and
petulant State of South Carolina, which
,i.h.n mure airainst the North than nil the
others put together, only pays $91,803 iu
. . . ... . 11. .....1 muil curi'iru
postage, anil ner post, iuiti-ea sua
cost 270,436. or nearly three times tho re-
ceipls. Norm Carolina, iuuu...,
Georgia do no better. In Arkansas the ser
vii rusts nearly uine times Ihe receipts; in
Florida five limes; in Texas and Mississippi
..rii. i'..i,r liina. Iii Virciuia. Kentucky,
and Missouri ihe receipts are equal to about
one-half ol the expenses,
Cfltgrapic JIclus.
Telle Outbreak iii Kansas Gar. Geary Aa
( taulled-SeTeral I' Mi.t.
, Loci, IVb. 25. The Jefl'erson City
cctpondeut of the St. Louis Democrat
leu. by passengers from Kmiisub, to-night
tha difliculiy had occurred between Uov.'
Cy and a man named Sherrod.
ot the refusul of the former to uppuini
tblter to the ollice or sherilT. us desired
bie Legislatun., and which lud a ratal
tiuution. Sherrod hud uvovvtd tho jiur
JM killing (Governor (jcury, und, meeliiig
111 the si reel, spat in his fuce.
v. (ieury did not resent the insult, but
liendsgot up an iiidijriiutiuii meetinir on
Tduy. the 19th. Sheriff J. lies, Sherrod.
tilers attempted to interrupt the meet
Mid in the affray. Sherrod shot Mr. she p.
I one ol (Jov. li.'ury'b friends, four times,
wounded two others.
Joues, Uov. Ceur'a Secretary, there
shot Shermd through the head', killing
instuutly. Ureal xciteuient prevailed
-compton. and u geuerul light was antic
d thut lliiiltt. UoV. (lent v'u ri.)u,.u
L'uarded by United Stales troops.
own convictions or
No one but a blackguard
H-JCdl IIV l' ew" J..,
t.lo r n,, :, i.tieri'tlC lecislatue OUtJ
H will doubtless feel himself at home as
Secretary ot Slate.
Jfo!lowny't Pill, auquestionably the most
oCucacions U.u.ej iu the Luion.for Asthma
tu; Complaints und Coug'.is.-The i.un.ber
1 l... ammlnrful I'illfi have C OeClrd
in .11 parts ol lh. Union, more particularly in
cases of asthma pf longsUuding, and coughs.
Cvl no doubt upou the uuud of all who have
ased tbctn. thst tbey surpass any thibg of
"a kind aver mad kuosrn ; by a perseverance
VUo iuu , r.maQT. the sufferer is
I ck I, .ro7ed W beVltb. ih .r, other.
dispate, that there is no Case o. billiou. dls
order, or liver compkiuU. but t
quuilcly yield U powers of thii PH4,tity
Papers fross various quarters of the coun
try, with a lew eaceptous. uoiU iu pronooo
Ciog tba frvit urDrluautjured tlm for.
would assault another for the exercise ot
r ghl, guarantied to htm by tbe constitution
and laws.
i.TMobk, l ei) The r.uuilv of Dr. Katm
accepted the offer nr the Bultnnore and
Railroad Ctmiumiiv ui.l u.ill i.i.. i.:..
'11, n,,, ll IHU ilia
T he uume is cban-J,s uoll, b). ,lt, wu. Wheeiutg and Hub
star The Union Comity Star has been pur
chased at Sheriff sale, aud removed from Mif-
fliubunr to New Berlin. The uume is than.
ced to the ' Union County Sun," and is pu,-re.
Led by F. Smith, who bas our good fjtf Inst
for lis success.
tr-r A Bali, in honor of the birthday of
tt-.thineton was held in the Grand Jury
room, on Monday evening, the 23d inst. The
room was handsomely decorated. 1 ne must.
aud duueing arrangements, under Ihe man-a-tnieat
or Mr. Eckert. were well ci uduct. d
, ..;,-. ..I on. llie relieni.
ana -
meut. were furnished by Mr. covert, o. w
A'ashington House. The company was sum
ciently large for four cotilliuus. all of wbon,
appeared to enjoy
i,.L .! Jom seiio a u.ora cheerful, Uupry.and
w. might add. an assemblage of more band
. r... than were Ptt&eul OH
Some auo preny is ----
tbail wcasw.
lor Dr. Kane,
ilule held a Hieelini to-
lutlons teetilyiiiL' llieir
Th Pevort of the Corruption Jnveitigaiwi
Committee There was a great rattling aniens AsTalia. lkc 1 ai-iO.
Wasiiikgton, Feb, 24.
'ryboneimlvuiirii e,r from jH(,s, LwolpUi (I(lt,.d
l.v the nnerition of the report of ine lorrup. Q
,, Com..... tee. Uelwee, co rru tin ., .,,,, jf M h- (JH ,,, ,
v,,,,,',,7 f i11 l" ""ipiiiiti 10 hiiv ii.immtio.i mi.
Ill riH I1IH ll(,llllLiailB . nr,- ... - -
as roniioriaui
Ll.l.. 1 . i . m . 7
l"",7 ' , ., 1 ' iu tl,ii,a..Uef ills oiuewc 4'F persouii. con-
but Ihe of the people make '''.ftn.less reouesled bv the rrVsiduul to do
nienia . " .r, ,.l 'removed ilisal.usvd Inn. vT Ike fri Icon.
Rockhill & Wilson. Not. 20S aud iOl Cbe M h)t U( M i
nut street, rUiladelphta. Sty against the iuju.lice or centre and
. . uiuatiou without a hearing, which be
Never deepsir. W lew Ood aends cold) not ask to bo rodreesed. Nev bar,
he send, lot of fir to keep it company. Tlt Ihe temptation to CeotribnU to teca
silence au atbles noi to out foul miiiei.-4ncinog to the popolsr spirit bt-fuieilia
Uo came cbance to plea, ail if aotbraciVniauant of Governor Ury. be aboalti
llutborvfioMOffrMil y b lv.i low tU terrUurrw ivtful
' i h:
Fur the Fuabury American.
11. IV Massfk.
Denr Sir : As we live in the asc or fast
travelling mid tall speculations, and feeling a
little proud of our membership wi t lithe 'mimi
I. st destiny" nation, hoasling thut 'no pent
upUtica contracts our powers, lint the whole
boundless continent is ours;" und us it nitty be
necessary to tnlarijt the continent in order to
give "ample ruomauii verge enongii vo poster-
it v. whose wellare we, as Americans, snouui
ever be mindl'til or; hence, 1 am induced In ask
the "privilegu or place in your columns, to
offer some hints to posterity as to the mode
ol' accomplishing the desired object, pruvi
ding Congress dots not donate the public
domain. Kucky muiint.iius and till, bel'ore the
proper time arrives lor prosecuting the enter
To point out the way by which I propose
to enlarge the American continent, il is nec
essary thut I should first explain my theory,
(which by the way, 1 will just whisper in your
ear, is the chieV object 1 have iu view.)
Geographers tell us that the levels or surface
t.r tlie ocean is changing in difftrdiil locali
ties rising or. some shores, and receding
from others, and lam inl'urmeil thit on tlie
const of Delaware Stute u few years ago,
(and perhaps yet remaining.) there wus a
cellar wall hii.I some portion ol the brick of a
house, at all times partially submerged in
water, and at high tide entirely overt!.. wed;
this is evidence that the eastern shore of the
American continent is sinking, and thu level
of the ocean comparatively higher than when
that house was erected.
The question arises, what is the cause or
this tliictttatioll or the level .f the ocetitl as
compared with the dry laud? My answer,
it is owing to a greut extent t the commerce
between nations. The vast amount ol
heavy material, sin h us iron, Dulchmen und
Irishmen transput led from the Kutupeati to
lite American continent, since its lirst dis
covery, must necessunly to soine extent, have
disturbed the equilibrium ofotir lerestial bull
in it rapid whol. und shifted the centre of
gruvil v cot respnndingly. Natures law is 1 hut
of ctiuiiitiri...!. t'i;;;,,.x'c;. ;t;;;-;n,tiur rapid
rututiuli ol' the earth upon it axis, iinpurliug
a powerful centrifugal lurce, causing u flat
tening ol Ihe globe nl the poles, ami uu in
creased diameter through the equator, ihe
surface oT the ocean is equal distant liom the
centre of gravity, tliereloio if we legard the
solid portion ol' the globe ns Moating in the
waters ol the ocean, und the dry land merely
us the muht elevated points of this solid
mailer projecting above its level, and Ihe
globe rapidly revolving upon iu ux.s, it
wutilil maintii'ti il s equilibrium ami the surluce
ul the ocean its tiiiifurm level the
shores ol' the dry land, so long us there was
no displacement or removal of the heavy
matter of one continent lu that ol' another.
Slut suppose the highest mountain of Asia
was removed and deposited on the American
Out it an- ii t ; it is clear thut nature would
Htrti!.'ijle to regain the equilibrium thus de
ilesliuyed. the centre of gravity would shift,
the low land of the American ciuil ineiil would
sink int.. the water, and the Asta'.ic conti
nent riso higher above the level of the ocean
and inure dry land appear.
In the explanation 1 have given of mv
theory 1 have shown w hat would decrease the
size of "our Native Lund," Cul bless lit r.
"may her shallow never grow less," ittul it
will be readily perceived (,t ,iM ,euns
could be employed to increase her men.
Therefore it might be advisable
mend to t ).e consideration or i;oniTeui ..1..
to the sitgit of Whentlaiid, the importance of
reserving a portion ol the public lauds or
creating a sinking fund from the surplus rev
enue derived from imports, to enable acorpu.
rated company to be created when the neces.
sity nrises, to transport all the building stone
of the Jtocky mountains, across the I'ueilic
to the celestial wall builders, and therebv
sink the Asiatic continent a little deeper null
push up some more dry land on litis side t.r
the globe. Congress granting to said corpo
ration, various privileges and immunities nnd
a patent for all the dry laud thus rccov, red.
Yours truly.
SiMMOKi.v, Pa., Feb. 23.1, HJ.iV.
Pursuant to previous notice. Washington
Ciimp No. 19. J. S. of A., held a public
meeting, which was well alleniled, iu the
American hall, Stiiitiury, on Mumiuy. Feb.
23d, ul 3 o'clock, P. M.. lo celebrate tlie
125lb anniversary of Washington's bnihday.
UEUUUK A.SH1SSLFU, Preatdiiilol the
camp, presided.
Alter music, M. L. Shindku. Esq.. being
called upon, delive.ed au ubl wnticn and
eloquent uddress. He beaulll'.lly poilr.iyeil
the character ol the immortal ui-hiugl.-u ;
speaking particularly or those, traits i it Ins
private t harucler which uieso worlhy of imi
tation by the youth ul' America. Mr. Slim
.lei's excellent and appropriate uddress was
finely delivered, und won Hie heart r atinluosu
of his inteliieeut audience.
After music, A.J. JtocKKrrLLKR was called
lo the floor, and delivered un uble und l.i.
queiil off-hund speech c f some length lie
paid u beaiililul tribute lo the life, ihuructcr
und services cf the illustrious Washburnm
Ulll..,. .1... ....I .1 ... I'
. iu. imueui our glorious union
..-..u.,..rv ,...,.luiu(j tt.e gioius id tin
bittory. and concluding wnji an eloquem and
boui-siirni.g appeal loV the pel of
our Uepubbcui. g..eriiu.eiil, aud Ihe pei-l.
uati ol our ,itierlie, our luelilulious, und
our .mlepeiitlence. Mr. H.akelellei was
lialuried ilt wil li marked atlentlou; his rc
tuurks rliciliug eiilhusiustic appluuev.
On u.oiioii i,r S. S. ILiidricks.
lUalt, That the thanks of this meeting
are hereby tnudi-red our speakers for Ibeir
alliv ued eloquent atidresaes.
Tbe following setitimeuts were then offer,
tvd, amid much enthusiasm
1. TIm iassoTlai iwaior)- of George U'aU'
The sires of '76.
3. Tb Preatovtii of tb UciteJ bW.ce.
... 4
Prrnimed Rrealll.-VVbat lady or gen
tleman would remain under the curse of a disa
greeable breath wheby using the"Ualm of a Thou
sand Flower," as a dentrifice would not only ren
der it sweet but leave the teeth white as slabssterl
Manv tiersons do not know their breath it bad,
ami the subject is so delicate their friends will
never mention il. Pour a single drop of 'Balm' on
your loom brush and wash the teeth night and
morning. A filly cent bottle will last a year
A beautiful complexion may easily be acquired
hy using the ' Balm ol a I bousand r lowers."
It wiil remove tan, pimples and freckles from the
kin, leaving it of a soft roseate hue. Wet
towel, pour on two nr three drops, and wash the
lace ingiil and morning.
Wrt your shaving brush in either in wum oi
cold water, pour ran two nr three drops of "Halm
of a Thousand Flower," rub the beard well and
it will make a beautiful soft lather, much facili
tating the operation of shaving. Trice only fifty
cents. For sale by ail Druggists. Beware of
counterfeits. None genuinpuiilf as signed by
W. P. KE'l HI DUE & CO.
Franklin Square, New V'ork.
Sept, 27, 1HS6. 6m
Tbe subscriber will einosa to tinhlin an!
on TUESDAY, the lOih day of MARCH,
iieav, mi me urocery or unsries lieurmger,
in the lioroogb or fcuobury, Fa., tbe follow- .
ing personal property, via t
Three setts of Boat Harness, one Sbawoen
vsnui sjorv auo uatures.
Xerms and conditions of sale will be made
known on the day of sale.
Feb. 28, I85T-r- . -
TOTICE is hereby given that the under.
il signed Auditor spptiintrd by Ihe Orphan's
Court of Northumberland County, to Audit the
eiceplions to Ihe accounts or James McMahsrt
and Emanuel Beck, Eiecutors or Adam Critt,
di erased, to examine the account and mike dii
tribulion, will attend lo Ihe duties of Ida sa.d
appointment at the house of John L Lillvndcr.
far. st the cast end of the Lcwiahurs; bridge in
Chillisqvaipie townahip, Norlhuniberland county
on FRIDAY, the SOlhof March, A. I).la67, of
said day at which time and place all ptraont
interested may attend if they think proper.
Sunbury, Feb. 88, 18S7.
Come and Settle up.
A LL persons knowing themselves indebted to
4- Us either by Note or Hook account, are re
quested to call at our store in Sunbury, and set
tle, as after the first or April we ahull he obliged
to place all unsettle.) accounta in the lioiid- of a
Justice cf the Peace for immrilinte rullectioti.
I. W. TENEKot Ll.
fSunbury, Feb. 59, 1S57.
Can afford to be without Mustang Lini
ment in their house. The many accidents we
are liable to, may render it necessary any
mnuii-nt. nud , 'ithing is capable or perform
ing such u certain cure. (Kxtract.) "In lilt
ing the kettle from the fire it caught and
scalded my h.inea and person very severely
one hand almost to a crisp. The torture
was nn bea ruble. It was an awful sight.
The Mustang Liniment appeared to extract
ihe pain almost immediately. It healed ra
pidly and left no Hcur of acc.Mint. Chus. Fos
ter.42ll Broad street. Philadeldliiu." It is
truly u wonderful article. It will cure any
ease or Swelling, Unrns. Stiff Joints, Erup
tioiiM or HheiimuUsiii. For Horses it should
never he dispensed with. One Dollar's worth
or Miislitng huf frequently saved a valuable
horse. It cures Unlils, Sprains, Ringbone,
Spavin nnd Founders. Beware of imitations.
Sold in all parts or the habitable filobe.
B. K. ES & VARK,
Proprietors, New Yerk.
Jan. 17, 1857.- Im.Ft.
Noa. Saiirl I Cliestant Street, (south siitf, lni..w v'rr,(.
(Tas Oldest WooB-wsaa llorsa in ;bs t'ni )
MANt FACTl rtKIISnn.l Wh..laniedfBl.ri in 1'ati-i t
.Machine made UI(UO.Mr, I'an-ni t,r.s vert C .Cur-
., -re, ttaircmni iiui to PIlllllR, 0,4t m,U N 111 V. . a't
Cunts, Hrilnlim, Ac ,ut Sll dtiiTintKi.i. 1 im,. . . .i
aiamine our stork.
t cbruary 48, Ibo?. y w
stJH ix m. niixx'ri he.
Mill-Wright and Burr Mill Stmt Munvfuc.
hoU Proprietor or .lolinscn'i hichlv
und much improved Smut and Screening M; Improved Iron Concave liruu Uukler,
the Premium Machine for Millers.
l(eideiice : ISo. 64 Uurni 8
... , . . .. - .
nam.; auuieaa Kcusingloii I'ut t Ihce.
fehop : Haydock btreet, beiow Fienl, Fhil.
Cocalico Mill Stones, Mill Irona,,k mutt Machine.
J stent Mill Buah, Portable Mills, btreiched
Helling, Cement and Screen Y iir,
Square .Me.litJ tolling L'lollui.
February Vd. In&7. 3m w5J
On the 14th inst. by tl.e Rev. Mr. Reese,
Mr. C. It I'isiikr, to Miss Li.izahkth
Liirmor, till of Danville,
On the 22.1 inst.. bv Rev. D. Y. Iloiseler,
Ann Sihvkr. all of Snydertown.
In Philadelphia, on Wednesday, the Hth
inst.. by Uov. Mr. Davis, Mr.'L. O. Van
At.i.r.N. of Danville, tn Mis A MRU a
Wi.-uf r.r ii .i leipnia.
At .Mchenvill.'. on the 2,1d lilt., by the
i,ev. weorcu iioin, air. jamks w. JSnvokr.
or TBllilltvide. to Miss Ei.izabktu Hartvian,
oi ieiry, .-Montour county.
On the oth inst.. by the Rev. J. A.Ross,
in Northnmbetlund, Jamits Nksbit, jr., to
.'1I.1M AMI IvlRRV, noin oi l oiut tp.
In Lewisbiire. on the inBt.. MARTIN
A. STOCK, formerly of Cedfgetown, Nor
llitiuiberlaud county.
In Mifflinburg. on the 19th inst., ALEX
ANDER CL'.MMINGS. inn-keeper, aged
iibnut 40 years.
In thin place, on Monday last, MICHAEL
EDWARD, fon of E. and M Wiivert, aged
(i months and 23 days.
In IMIefoMe. nn the 25th inst., JULIA
ANN liUCIIKR. formerly of this place,
aged about 45 years.
Philadelphia Market.
February 26, 1857.
2ix .Whet Hnle of prime new
I eiinsylvauin red ut SI 49. and SI fiOal f.2
Tor good white. Rye Pennsylvania at 82
fenl. Corn Hales id old yellow at US cents
and new yellow at 65c ; new white 63c
Oats is selling ul 47 els per bushel.
Cloverseed Sales of prime at S7Ja7 621
per 04 lbs.
Y lib key sales at 2Cj28 cts
in hhds., ul 25 cents.
in bbls., and
Wheal, .
five, - -I
'urn, . .
Oata. . .
Huil wheal,
KlUKeed, .
t SO Bultei, - . $ 85
7S KgRa, ... )6
f.6 'fallow, ... 12
- 4(1 Lard, ... 2
6'i Pork, ... H
fid Ilerawax, . . 25
1 I Dried Apples, - 1 35
New Advertisements.
'I'HE ui,s. iiiH r will npjte to public sale on
JTKbUAY. the lat day of May, r.eit, at
the C'ouil ijouae, Sunbury, the valuable proper
ly iu Ma.ltet ISuuara, Sunbury. bte the reaidenra
ol tdwaid liohtit, decesd. J'he lol ia 60 from
and ihO teet deep, on which is erected a two
alory Urick Dwelling, S8 feet front, with two
alory l.rick back Huilding. containing Jining
room aud kitchen, 4-c There is alto on '.he nremi.
i a traiue two story Dwellinc. with V.,..
hack building 20 feel front sni Co feel deep
There is a bo on ihe lot a ood frame, utahl. .ml
other necesarv building W1,h an eicelleut well
ol water. I he lot ran l.a
udl parts of 3 fce, achi ,4 ,0 accommod,te
ivu ijiiiuie-.. j ( ,ril,wr(y j4 one 0f the moat
deHirali'.e lucalioiu in the borough, ad is in good
Tbe terms, will be made known on the day
of aale bv
Acting for bimaelf and other beirs of
Edward Culun, deceased.
Sunbury, Feb. , l!S7. ts
'I HIE sutweriher oilers fur sale a tO hoiae
1 pawrr Engine, nearly new, with all lbs
nvceasary fixtures late l ie property of the Pail.
imm Purnace. 'i heta aa three boilers belonging
la Ihe eugtiis, 13 bet lone, each, which have
been only ati weeks in use. The engine is po.
Leather I Leather I Leather I
IMPORTER "f French Call Skins .mil gnu-rul I.ciithfi
Uealer, No. Suuili 'i'miit sutct, prluurli :ua
A (j. aeral ussui uncut ui .. kmus ut Ltuil.r AUr s
4c , Ac. '
Red nud Oak Solo l.enhrr.
February e, 181 d. ! - w
of this Neighborhood, ran supply thrmseivea fcr
their SPiilMj CKOPPS, wall
l.einau'a Pure Done Dust,
" Wupcr Phonphatc of l ime, at $i0. per ten,
" Nitrogenad l'hosplmte of l,ii,,e. nl S0,
' American Kertiluer, at $ib, per ton.
These Pertiliiera ate composed of lelisble
Chemical eleuietila, aboumlinij in l'ot Ah. Jtc;
they have have received the Dilomaa ol four
Matra, to vis : ftew Jersey, elT York, Pcun
Sylvuiiia snd Delaware. AUo, fur sale (if
all kinds, Poudrettc, Ac. Couulrv Prmlute re
ceived iu payment fcr the shove, at mtirUt ratra,
or Drafts on good houses, or Cash registered wuh
orders, promptly attended to.
CEO. A. I.EINAU, Proprietor.
"New Fire Proof ttore," No 19 South Kior.l St.,
Philadelphia l ilv, Pa.
February S8, 1857 4m w"
Leeklag ulassea, I'l. tur. I iames, fcntraviaxs
and PalntiiiKs,
No. I!6 Arch 8lreet, above Sixth,
(Lale of a 18 North eSecud et.)
OiLitans orr.i unr tj viHi ruHa.
Merchants aud others viaiiing t;,e C'iiy whii
may want anyihniK n our line will uo well t i
giie ua a call.
February 28, 1857 Km
OESPECTFL'l.hy iiilorma Lis iriniJs nnd
the public generally, that he ,j removed Ina
From No. 82 South Fuurtli Mr. e.. tu No
Arch bticet, below Eiitiiili, toutb si l'loU.ui
February 28, 1857.
Produce and linil Sloif,
Ao. 15 Aui.'i UViCrcrs, I'hilitdtli-kia.
8hippitif snd Country Oonlera promptly n.iid
on rrt uuail.le oi.!uj.
Farmers and Dialers' Pruduce told on Com
mission. Applea, Btnantis, Pine A pplcs, Ibicil Fruit,
Onions, Oranges. Shell bark, K.-.isina,
beans, Lemons, White Sc Sweet Figs,
Turnips, Cranberries, Potatoes, I'ouitrv,
i'taches, Uruund NnuU, Chcanuu, L'gss, Ac.
Foreign and Domestic Produce and Fruit gen
erally, February S8, 1857 ly
Lklutc of W ILI.I l.U i litlt. tic t'd.
OTICE ia hereby given that letter ot Ad
miuistratioi. upon the estate of V.'illian).
Csrr, late of the boiouh orSunburv. N'
berland county, dee'd., have been graultd to the
undersigned residing in the town. Lip of Kusrf,
county aforesaid. All persona having claims or
demand against the sjij deccdatit aie rei e. eu l
to make the same known to tlie tiej
without delay, and all pernons iudebled aie de.
sued to make immediate pa)inciil.
iT.Il.IP lli;t F, Adtn'r.
of Wiliium Carr, deteastd.
Kuah twp, Feb. 31, ls57.-6t
Distoluticn of PnrtiierBhip-.
'T'HE partnership heretofore existing between
D. M. lioyd, John Koaser, Tiiomas l!u.r
and Jacnea Uoytl, under the f. m came l.'ojii,
Uoser ec Co., wss diwolied by mutual cai,t,rt,v
on the first day of Janua-v, 1857.
The business of the lale firm v ill le tut'.lr.J bv
i. it T. Rotter, who will lonlim.e ti e su-it et
of Mining at the l.uke Fiddler Colltrv, or ly
James Ueyd ss their agent, at Nunuury.
D. . BMVU.
The undaraigaej will coniuiue ihr business t f
vending sud Ctal st Sunburv. whcie
those in wtuVojt tbu celsb.stcd Coal will please
addieu IdB.
Ttb, i. nr.?
tenable terms. A pply to
of Isbauiokiii,
r il. D. MICHAEL, buubury.
rebrusry tl, 1857
A SrCIAL MEETING of the 6tock
A bolder of the Philadelphia & tiunbnry
fisinpsq uompsny will be lie Id at toe nnie
liabedaud built of tse very beat SBaterUla, and ' the compaoy. in the city of fhtladelpl '
is oflered tur 3Ie becttisa U eubaotdaat baa said No. S, Carpenters Court, tm Friday, tbe lJth
w tor tlw saase, of blareb, 1647. at If) oVha-k. A.M.
Faun rVnaos, fsK lSC- t , Feb. , .1631
' : - ..
WM. iiltllLE, tSev'