Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, February 07, 1857, Image 4
To Vo . Own JdecUanicc. ISAACS!. WILKEI.SON, Respectfully announc that he hat taken tho tatid lately occupied by George Kctin, where He i prepared to manufacture ail kind of FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of tho moat FuUhtiAib Style. HTHE auWrihor roonnclfliUy calla tha attcntiot of Ihs public ti hi laig ami ep'?r,di J or Intent of every quality an J price of which cannot fail to rfeomnend kslf to ti very anr who xvill eiainina It, on account of it durable workmanship and eptendid finish, made up of !if beat tork tab hd la the rity. No efibrt 1 pared la the nian-ufuctura f hi Ware, and the ubacriber i dclctrainod to keep up with the many Improvements which ara eonvUiully being msde. Ilia stock oonsil of Mahogany Sniats, 1)1 vauit nud Louiiffrs Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, rSCFA, 4M) UlU TABLES and alo VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phil. delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of evory prtttarn and price CUP HOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLftt, In shurt, every article in this line of hie business. - lie . also manufacture all kinde and qualities, f, , CHAIRS, nciuding varictic never before te he hid b , I I a . . . i eunoury, ucn aa hauooasi, iilacs: Whiki't aid CcniKo Math t imi Wmuana CHAIRS, An Ttm-T Puo Stooii, which urt of tho Intent etylo, aud warranted to lo excelled by none tnnntifat-turrd in the Citice or elsewhere The enbicribcr ia ileterinined that tliore ehell bo no excuse for persona to purchase furniture in the cities, g every confidence ran he eutertuincd about the quality and linuh of their ware and Chnirs. These articles will be disposed of on ae good terms aa they can be purchased elsewhere. Ceun try Produce taken, i.i pavmcnt for work. H?" UNDERTAKING". Having provided a handsome Usiais, he ia now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funeral, in thia vi cinity, or at any ceuvenieut distance from thia place. Ci The Ware Koom ie in Fawn Street, be ow Weave j Intel. ISA KC M. WILKINSON, fiunbury, Sept. 13, 1856. tf. CHEAP WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE io 72 North Second Strut, opposite th JJluiiI Ytrnon House.) Philadelphia. OLD I.ever Watches, full jeweled, 18 K, c- ees. 8 : Silver laser do cW Jcl'2. Mil. Tor Lcpine, do., 3 : Quarticr, 5 lo 7 . Cold Spectacles, t j So to 10 ; Silver do., 1 5u; Hilvcr Table Spoon, per eett, $14 to 18; Silver Deaett do., do., 49 to S 1 1 s Silver Tea do., do., 4 75 to $7 fit) ; Col J I'ei.a and Gold Ca sta, :i 35 to 5 ; Gold Pen and Silver do., $1; together with a variety of fine Gold Jewelry, Gold Curb , Guard and Fob Chain, All goods warranted to be aa lepreacnted. Watches and Jewelry, repaired in the best manner. Alao, Ma sonic Murks, Pins, ic, made to order. X. V. All c.rJr-i sent by mail ar otherwiae. will be punctually attended to. Phila., Oct. 4, 1850. lyw. JOHN FAllEIKA, io. 264 Murht Street, clox-t Bth l'tiiiDr.i.riiiA. TMPORTER, Manufacturer and dealer in all Kinds and qualit:ea of fancy fura, for Ladiea end Children. J. '., would call the ettcution of the I.ndie and otham to hi immence aaiort ment, being tho direct Importer and Manufactur er of all my fura. I feel confident in aaying that I tan oll'tr tho graateat indi'ccmenta to tho-;3 in want and nt the aame time will have one o! tbs limrest assortment to aelect from. Storekeeper and the trade will pleaae give me a call before purchasing, aa my wholesale depart ment ia well aupplicd to meet the demand for every articlo in the Fur line, and at the lowcat possible Manulacturera Pricea. JOIIX FARE It A. 281 Starlet Street. Philadelphia, Sept. iO, ll5i. mw, CICTnOO! CLOTHIKQ!! WuuLtBiiit atin Rktiil. 'JHE subscriber would reipectfuly inform the readers of the American, that he baa juat opened a New REFORMED CI.OTIHXG STOnE. No. 29H Market Street. (S doora letow Ninth, eouth wide) Philadelphia , where he keepe con etintly on liknd one of the beet annortmer.ta of Ready Made Clothing, in the city ; alio, a large aforlir.ei,t of (.'lotha, Cavaiinora, it,, which will bo made to Order, in the beat manner, end at the ehorte.t notice ; all of which will be aold at the lowest poub!c Cash pricea. Reader will you please give ua a tall 1 DAVID MAUL, S9H MARKET Street. N. I) WILLIAM KHArFNER, will be pleased to etc hie frienda at the above Clothing Store. Oct. 25, 1856.- w3m3 PENNSYLVANIA COMMERCIAL INSTITUTE, LOCATED IIJ- VORK, PA. ft FKEUS young ,. ,u the advantagea of a VJ Jf thorouKh l)uinrsa Education. THE COI i.'sE OF STI DY Embraces Double-Entry Dook-Keeping, as sp plied to Wholcriale, lt. tail, Commiuion, Man ufaetuniiR, Shipping, Hteam Hoating, Individ unl, Partner hip, and Compound Company liutinese. PENMANSHIP in",''lP Anc'"nt d Modern Hands. AIo, l.ECTl.'RF.S on Comnitreial Law and Political Economy, by Thomas E. Cochran, Esq. For Circulare, &.c, addresa the undesigned. T. K. WHITE, Vork, Pa. September 0, 1S50 Cm. B EDDIXG & F U RMS 1IINU BUSINESS Cabinet Maker's I'indingg, TI.e aubscribcr. respectfully inform their friends and tho public generally, that they have connec ted With their lending & FurnUhing businc a Urge and well assorted etm of Cabinet Makea Ftnd.ngs, at their old stand A6. E3 South Second Street, lcloo Chfftnut, riillarleliihla. riiey have associated with them W.8.jBr0Wn who bus been for many years engaged in the principal establishment of the kind in this ritv I ho atock of Guoda now on hand rn I every description of mater.als used by Cabinet Makers, consisting in part of the following viz Hardwa.o department. Locks, Hinges, Screws Ctsiors iVd I ficrewa. Chair and Sola hprinss, Cofliu Handl.-a, cVe. Cabinet Maker'e Materials, Hair Sealing. CUd hair, Looking Glaaa Plate end Frame.. Glue, Varnish, s.nd Paper, .Burlap, ZJIack and ebbtng.i w.e. Packing Uot.oma, Kosew.d. "eti" "d "PKo Glaaa bedding Department, Hair.,s. Wool and otton Mttre.s. Feather fieds. Bolster, and Ptl ow. ; PJu.h. Dam.,!, and M,ee Culn ion Coinfortah lea. CounterLai.i.. i i i Cottou Bhoo... F.Uow cZVXZn iTuJu t owe,.. Table Cloth.. Tabu' Li,", rab!. Cov er., Moreen. Dema and Pluah by the rect Moe and Husk by the bale or round. 1 ' The Hair Beating and Curled H.j, i, fl0m c Thil. Manufactory of D. ft J. fjoUlit. i 8t"m Bo,u "i Q'P fur- malted at thehorteat noth. w NOflLIT, BaoWN St NOBLlr. fe3 South 2nd St., t)elou Chttttmt i. (,V'V PPiu B" if Pennaylvni'A Pinladelphu, Aagvit 9, 185. ly. , AYER'S OHERHY PECTORAL, IH TKH fiAPID ecu or r.5Tj-rt. If: if' Pwe UU. Vt. J. C. 4Jii I 'v tkt ruMuU to tef r.A Weft r. m7 I Uav r tuivl ftir cvMuitfJUut ;mpMMv -V-i jrmir lay ferft"ti(o auiI taf f.ifttUy tx tU I rtrli tuM for IU trsnut nt tktMt A. ft U l:TI-lf, ti..obm-A, X T vr'toa: t bvi umJ yuvr MtKif aui ia mtf tVruUv rtr mum you IttVuitaJ It, auJ t'vt it th Wt t4iiict it .Urp tTHl Ul OUl. UlA LMt-J I fjllUttitl MKMlar pj tvtui)-4v d'Aj 1114 ft Ws(i tUkH 4 wi4Mut U. m lw njr w.ii-tr 1-vu.aJ)'.1 Cruili?, Whou.ii u Coufk UfliiHit hiilUdriikj., U;m., T, IW. B'tafkK A'l: t cierMl rrir your l.:tT-.xl t Uw 1kt nint'tr w ux-im-m Im tUa cur of r?.o Cb-igy'i. iktitl tU ti.t-jt at 4-wg of rtiiiiii-ii. M i yy.j- frotoi uity In tk 4-vili ft4jir ikt jaur tkUl, aut tAMUMvlibl MMt LsW:.lilel W tlUT ililft. UlkA4 OONKLIH, M. D. A M LV8, TiQ H mi I it. 1 4., rlt, J Jan., 1 : I bii'l Uii'iiu lu4i'iJ!:ift, wliit k ounfiitfxi iu iu Jk.v wit (y mutjjT DiUrlnvj wiUiuut r!iif: kuall nied y ur ra- t -atL t th niivic of our rlnT:-uiATi, 1h Crtt do rl:vtt t!iu ixiim Iu uijt tkretit tatid luiiv; ItM tlian od Lair tLo buttl lua-U iu eoiuu!tlf wuU. Yo'ir aJ-xlioliiH tL clitfMt u wH ft tliwb.! w can Vujr, fttl wo Mtvum yu, Duclw, ftJivl yur riu iLm. iw th ijot tun' fi Willi.1 AkiUmtt jr rbllaUic. nod Drouth Hit Vi itf MiMt HiMM, I'A.. tt. 4. ue. fiii: Tmr 0a.-in:l --t-jkal 1 rf irruitig nuu ti'lluii cup Iu thil wliu. It htM nUivJ fttvui-Al from a,lHrm tm iytiitiui ( cviMaiuiMioD, ini i nuw rutluf t una u!io Flew lrtlxirri uudr n aiTrviiou ul lh lutK Ar Uit UkA Ikuiy ffti-. UNUT L. fAKUft, Mmhaitt. . A. A. RAM'Y. y.I), Moii-n Co.. Iowa. writ, ."ft. C, IU j: Uuiing my imlir of uiny yw-9 I uvo ftMiikd twCiiiig t)iwl lu yii,r C J Knur Pul-tot.&l fu glviiif -mm ftut iltif tv cuuupLiv AtiftuW, or curing U'.-li m r cut .iUJ." W mlglit ii vul!i3i of 'Miw, but tW Bioat Tinciiif iiit-of .f tko vLiIiim uf iLi riuJy i tonal la lla Qvcl (ipoa Uiftl. ContumittioB. Prb,bly oat .v-if-tl.v Ui rjr bn kntwn which erJ j mtiy and twh tUt.f -roui cmmm m this Rom bi ail can n-acb : but vii to tbo? tk Cmar facTQiuL afford r-!iff nl coiuftTt. A htm Uovhi. N.w Y.iil Cur. Varrh ft. IM. Pwio Ati a. Mvill: 1 iVM it a duty ami a pU-v--ir to iuforut you abat your Cmnnr MiCTi.mi. biM ilon fr roy :tf. Sh it I t u fit m-ml'in lnlxirnj; un'ltr tti JaurentiM fyniT'tomaaf Omumptiittt, fnmi whi. h no arl w ixjuid wnsTin aav hr nm-ii rli-f. hh -t'-vliiy ftuliu;. BiUI br. hUnntr. f tiii rity. wim w h-t1 tunic Ito- fttivit-, rv)irriiB4-d a trial of Tnr metlirin. blM biskinduf, a do ytnr kill, 1t h h rnv eioal tr.-ra iLat liy. Mi i nut yt an aiinug u be ukrd to 1), but iej fr;f from her f-uuli. aud mall brHll Hi ll. Tfoart witb ;ratituJa aul rt-yrard, OilLANOO MU.LbY. or 8yniTiu.. O-nmtmftiti, do ml lwiiair till you har tiL'd Arrtt'l OantHT IVT'a. It Is u'l by ciucof th Wt uiMlict rhfniial ia tb worM. and it cue all around n .m-k tit kigk ftur it virtu. fiilfititlphm Ltiytr. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, TH. inr of Cbcailary and Mrdiriiia hav I en tid tht-ir utmot to prvtluc thw lt. tHii rfrrt purgatir whitk I kiiuwa to man. luiiunifrable iirot-f aieahowa that tb Puts bav virtur whic h BurMi ia ic11op th ordiuary ninli'-fuea. and that they win no pclfutrdiy ion th tm if all tun, Ihvy ar Mtfe aud plcaaaiat i take, tut pownrful Ut car. 1hlr r; tratiu rortiM tiiuiilr lb acUTittraof thr lHly, rcmov th oUtnii-ti-jn of ;x , furify th thott ftad x pl diH. They pin &e ut tliv foul tmiuur wtikk trreed auJ grow diitemprr, iiinuUte a!iiKxlb or ditor drd organ into ihwr itittural action, aud iuirt healthy ton with t.ienth to lb w!iu!e yteni. Not only tk tiiy cur th riyUy roniplaiht of every body, but alto furrab'atle aa I tbntrrmi d that ba Itaf'ed th bel of akill. While th-y rKluce Hwrful fferia. ttieyar at tti nie tinte. In diminihrd do. It aafat and bent t)Lj.c that cau l eraplnyed f.r rliildrea. Beinir, (iiitr-eoitd, they aie plfawtut to tak; and Wing purely vegetal., ar fie fiom any rik of harm. Cure Jaav been mad which ur brllef wer they not tib tautiated by luen of tuck einlied i-vtltion and chai n; ter aa to faibid th luapicioa of ui. truth. Many cniineat clergymen and jdiyticiaui bav leut their aaai t certi fy to (he public th relioUii'y of my rtiiMdiri, while oth r hat tent ra the aurant1 of their conviction that my rreptratioi( contribute luiuifiitcly to the relief of my afflicted, Buttering frllnw-mea. Tbs Agent below named i pleaaed to furnish tratii my AiaerU aa Alaianaf:. contiuniM- direr tioi. for tbeir aud ertiflcat of their cure, of tlw f diowiug tt-n.i ;iit:i: rotlveue, rtiU)tui Crmilaintt, hruinnrtu, lr'y, lleftatbura. Hrta -he ai'itiux friim a ful Sttnuch. .au a, ludieation, Mtd'tiid iu'-ti-n of the rV'n ud Kein rising llieiffroiii, I Uiuifnry. Ijmi of ;t''ite. all t Irw ;it and t.kJtnwni lifei'as4 which require an en:-uafit Mediciu. heri.nla w Kiny' Kil. U'bey a'e.) l y ptoiff hig tbe Mood and ftliuiuialing the ytein, cure many vinplaiuti whit k it would iiui le atii'tsel they cuuld reach. iuh a l-ertfuPiw I'artiat Kliudie, NeurHlkia and Nerr.u Iniiability. )r'4it'ii'tut uf the Li-r ntul Kid ftey. Gout. n;J ur kiu iied lajiup'.Kiiitii avinins from a low tate of tbe boiy or oltruci.oi) oi1 it f .iuftit.iii. Do aiat be put off by uitciiiic4ld dealer wltk anm othr jdil they Bake mot pntlt ou. Ak for Ana' Iiuj, and Uk ootbitig . No other they cau giv yu oorurj with tki iu it Intrinsic value or ruratlv powM. Th lick waitt th bit aid Uii ia jUv tbu. aud they ahould kav it. Prepared by Dr. 1. C. AVER, FrielloAl md Analytical Ckmist, Lowall, Vau. Puos A) Ct. ria it. Fin Boiu roa $ 1. 'LD IIY Win. A. Bruner, rlunbury; Bird A J-hu, Slmmokm W Wiemei,; J. K. Calnw, Mitti.n; Hay A MoC wmtck, McEwinavdlt aiul by all Drupgiata throufbout th county. August 1, lej ly THE SALAMANDER SAFES OF PHILADELPHIA A OA I VST THE WOUkD. KVANS rt WATSON, No. 26 Snu:h Fourth St., Philadelphia. hava tM-en mmiv of ttim ic hii uiiiltinMrd sicuritv WvBikW.-di- anaiuatl aaiuat Uie ten mc elriutui : Philadelphia. Anril t-Jih l.iff rl P? S-l Have had the aureal rlemnnMra f;.) J;V' i"'"1. t'r """ "",,e i'"i!"wiiiR Oinhcutis, IfW j.ffrS, ' f IiwikI r Kalra haa :il Iriinlh nt uie reernsfntiuii'Ha Menrs. Keiins Wsitou : Units : It sKiml us iha biphett Kitufiirtioii to stste to you, thiil owine to t)i vrry protective qunlilira of two of the &tluuiamltr rftf ta winch we purrtiasril nf you some few months since, we ativrtt a lire p-rlmn f ,nn Jrweliy, Bshs, filjHTi, k e ., eM. sl to ihee.ilamituous tire iu lisnsicuil i'Ure, on theraoru lue of Hit 1 ith met When we retted Hint thraa Safes were locntnl in the Inurlli tuiry of the liull.lnn we occuiiial, ana that they fell sulovqlieiitly into a heap of hunilug lulus, where Hie vast coiiceiitiatlttii nfheat cuuseil tlte hraM i.'lfllr to melt, we raiiimt hut regard the preservatimi of the valuable i nn. tus as most eriiiviliciiig proof ol the grout security affor ded hy your tafes. Wa shall rake much pleasure in recommending lliem to men of business ss a sate ie!ii.iiee spunst fire. Giosaii W.Sjmoss A Bso. PH:Lroti,ri)H, April 19 18.08 Messrs. Evana tt Vatsf n I have MofTer yiai my tes timony in fuvol nl the great seciiritv afforded to my entire stH-k nf jewelry, lamks, papers. Ac, diirina; the rei'ent disastrous conlUsrHUMn m Rantteud place, Ironi I lie (net that the same were contained in iwo of trie txiuiinniider wiles uianulai-tured ty yuii. Havine (alien from the fifth siory of the Artisan BuiH injr, where tliey were plurihl andeiMnd to a va.l heat for a long time, tlie preservation of the valuable dcpnsiia seemed to eveiyoue who witnessed Hie iipeiiiua; and intiiMt exarainalion, a matter of profound aitoiiah aient. To all who may te'mire a perfect protec'ion from the rnvnp-sof Are, I .hall not hesitate lo ri eniiiineiid ihs use of your Psfus, ss I consider they have now -jinie s ne the imsttiyingtist. N. lJ.A,Ss., Aioil It, 1Kb. Mesis. I'vans tValson ri-mleinen No d ai it yo Wiii ha deeply aisutied tol. arn the e KKlcondlti 'ii in wliieh 1 discovered niv li N'k, n.iiey ol insurance, cert ilicatea of s'.iK'k.and oihor vnluahle dorinni'nis, when on Ktiduy last I opened tiie Sife made hv vour firm. Won my knownlce of itsiricat esnosure. nh (n n,e Intensity nl the beat fr. m s i hot a tiro aa Hint which de. stroyedtiie. Artisan Huililina, us aln Iroui Hie lor.-e ol ihe full from its former elevated p mn.m in the linrd sl-.ry, I could entL'rtniu hut slender uopc prior to it. interior in. spei', that the contents which 1 onee so highly prized would ever he of imy service to ine, hut ns these feais are now happily removed, 1 feel it only due to wiv to vou that I csn heneeforth the ti.e i f your Sales In nil who tnav wifch to feel a conn t-ure iu ihe perfict ae. ciiriiy which sucb means provhlea aciiuit so fruthtiul mi li EuwtSD Gaksii l. nookhinder. Censinntly on tisnd Patent Powtler and Thief Prmf IwHta for liinVs, Stores, lie. Ajiril I-JO ly Clirsip Watilies Jcv cfr liniOI.KSALE a-.d ltftnil. ut the "Pbiladel J ' pliia Watch and Jewelry Hlure," o. 06 North riecond Street, corner of Qusrr), PHZZ.ADSI.FHIA. Cold I.ever Watches, lull jewelol, 1H carat a.ea, t)Mt Guld Lepine Ilk. t .lHl Kme lilver J,,ectu.lea I SO Bnver lp. full isveile.1, 9. Hold Biaceles, 3 ou Silver Ucver, full jswl'd Is 1 whes' Uoki I'eneila, ou eiupeiior tjuarlicia, 7 riilver Tea spoons, set, aun bold Spectacles, 7,0n- Hold i"iia, with Pencil and Silver Holder, ,oo Gold Finger Kings, 37J cent to $80 ; Watch Glaaaea, plaiu, lijcenu; Pateut, 18J; Lunet, i5 ; other article in proportion. All goods war ranted to be what they ara .old for. STAUFPEhVat. HAULEV, On hand, eome Gold aud Bilser Lever and (atpinoa, elill lower than Use abwa pricu. Oct. i, Iea.-ely. WH0IX&A12 AX J) RETAIL, M. C. GEAKIIAltT, i T7AS just received new and encellenl amort- infill of goods at hie Confection-? vnd Fruit Store I.i MARKET HTKEKT.-e'fjtil.urT, where be manufactures ai d keep, on hand, at all time., the moat choice Confectionary, 4c, Whdlraale and Retail, at Philadelphia price. Among hia dock of C'ouleclioinriea, (nay be found t French Ararat, llurneil Almoitda, t'riKm Whits, o lmtisi Rose, " Vauilkt. Comas ni SVeiels. Liqsisics, rfsi Ttmps, all kinds of ssant, tve t'Mtts, It tut Urinis, rl sud wkit, Jellv Pukes, Fiuit Drops, Stick Csiuits, ot ai aswila Bivkt'audy. Aim ud Oaadf, FRUIT. BsmiM, Pranss, Dslra. Firm, Carraats sVisd, Ciutm. Almoisls, Ksisoas, Nuss nfsll kasae LEMON SYKUP of a auperior quality, by the aingl or doeen. A superior quality of Rcgara end Tobacco, anil a variety of Confectioneries, fruit, die. ail of which U ofleraj cheap t wholesale or retail. ICE CREAM. II ha alto opened an 'ce Cream Saloon, and will at all time La rady to serve hi customer with Ice Cream. 8unbury, May S4, lfiSf. ty Patton' New York WINDOW SHADE & CURTAIN STORE, 203 Clictliiut St., Ofjf,oile Jones' llattl, 1'rilLAUr.U'UIA. Window Slisdes, Hrocatelles, Gilt Cornice, Satin de Lainee, bull'. White and graea Worsted lhiuitiske, Hollands, Centre Tasaela, Picture Cord, (Simp and Lonpe, Patent Hollers, Curtain Bands, Curtain Pina aud Trim- Lace and Mu.lia tilings, Curtaiu, Pier Muslin. Store, Steamboat itij Church Shade or Dra per y, got up a the shortest notice. Curtain cut, mad kud put up by th moat experienced hands. PittkV IS aw York 3ruat, 3U3 Chestnut St., Melodeon lluihlinga. May 3, I8f J. II. JA t.Un, Justice of the Peace. MOUNT OAIIMEL, Northuinberlstiid Caunty, Pwumylv8xi. All business ptomptly al'ended to. Monlc collected and all ordinary wri'ins don. .Mount Cruiel,Juue 14, I.ri6. ly i'm:T Ulli:il, f.iu:aSK. f llIIIS Gresae ia recommended to the notice of I Wagofiera. Livery fitabl" keeper, let., as being Hcfknii: to sn) thin; of ihe kind ever in troduced. Ae it dje not gum upon the lr - is much more durable, and i not atfocted by the weather, remaining the iiiii in intniiier in winter, and put up in tin canister at .i7 J and, ie by WM. A. ilKL'iVLK. J ne 5t 1. 18.6. pOHT MtlNUES. Tooth and II sir ltri.sht. ' all qualities, auJ anv quanti y, fr e-ile hv W.M. A. U1U;.EK. June tl, "f.6. GO CD CO 5-3 AT P. W. Thompson's Store, In . r .iuftutta tiiu rutiiji, tit the Junction uj the 'I'ulH-hm-ien and J'lum creek rmidt. JIIE snlr-criUr having returned from the city - with a tiew and vitensive assortment of fuihiohablr giKitla, respectfully calls the attention of Firmer. Mechanics and others to the same. STRING AM) SUMMKK GOODS, cnnsi.img in part of Hi v (iooils, iz : ClnlKs.CatifimrTtg, Cussmeti, J t tint. Drilling, Muslins. (Vs.'iigs, Twiidi, and nil kinds of lliriii and Stiniitier Wttnr, LADIES DIIKSS AND FANCY (JOODS, Culteots. Muslin de :in.t, Lau'ns, 6'instAaini, Hf raises, Ruhrs, H'oolent. Flannels, IfC. Siicsr, Teas, Colli e, Kice, Molassra, Cheese, rSpicea, r-alt, Ac, dec, 4c. Sard ware, Nail, Hcrews, Files. Saws, Kuitcs & Forka, aVe Queens anil Glassware, of various styles and nuttern. IJOOT3 A JNTU SHOJ53. A Urge assortment of limits and tthoes, for men, women and children. lltT t.'ies, Ac, of various sizes and etyle. Ueside a large did general assortment of fashionable goods. Call and eiainin for your selves. flT Country produce ot all kind taken in exchange at the highest market p'ices. 8. N. THOMPSON. Lower Augusta, 6 mn. 34, 18,r6. FLOUR. FEED & GROCERY STORE CHARLES GAKINGEIl, 2P KSPKCTFCI.LY informs the citizen of & & etuubury and the neighboring country that he ha purchased the Grocery Store in Water Irett, in the rear of the wharf, recently kept by Veie V Clement, and that he ha just replen ished hi stock which tie will sell at reasonable prices. He will keep a constant supply of Flour, Groin and Feed, Dread, Fish and Cbee.e, Hams, Hiouldeis and Hs-rring, CnrPe, 8'-gsr and Molasses, 'IVa.t, t!picee and Fruits, Nuts, Curifi't'tiuiiarie of all kinds, Hoot and Mhoes, Lathes tinners, Mis-es and Clnldna)'' Mioes, also ljueeiiswiire, Cedarwure, Hutdwai and Notions, Ac, Ac. Citiiens are requested to send in their order for Flour, Feed and Groceries and h will de liver litem properly. tSunhury, June 14, 1856 tl PKTrrt ante;, srovrit. Lateof the fitm of Stevens, Late or the Union llotsj. llollinraieit ,V Co. NATIONAL HOTEL, (LITE WHITS. SWAM, Race Street, uhmt Third, rilll.ADKI.I'HlA. f I1IIE aboe well-known Kstabbshtnent, have 1 ing been entirely remodeled, introili eing all tbe modern iinprovrtiieni. and also, newly fur nWied tbroiigtiout. will be opened for the reiep lion of Gucrtx on the KJRST DAY OF SETT EM HER. Tbe propiietors. Irom their delnrinination lo devote their attention to the comfott of their guests'i r theuitelvi a with the conviction that they will b able'to give .aiisficliou to their putrotie. Cnrriage will nlmin I t, in n ailln' ss in e vey pawencers lo ami from rtleumboat Lantiing and Knilroad Depots. ' K)i; HTOVKK.r " Itace Hire, t, above 'I bud. Philadelphia, Align,) :G. ly ' Cancer Cured.' riANI.'KI.S. Ttmeia. Men Meet. f?crnfula White 8i I in Ac, uted without hurgical o craiion .j Dr. Lauusherry. ( 4Dr. 1.' I'amp'ih l t-ind. a.i. ) ou the treatment ai d cute ot Cancers, Turn .rs, Ai. wiil he sent io any addrts. (lice) on jeceipi ol a postaite Sin in , Oliice 118 WALNLTttt., PhiUilehhi. ej t. 6. I H.iO 3in "JOI.D PENS with am without cases, of HLM very surior quality, just received. Alao a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, for aal bJ'u , , H. H. MAHHEH. rluuburv. Dec T, ! CILKS for Machinist, carpenter, .Veu, Jrc, , Btlj ' edga tool, plane and iwnch screw - B. Y. likUGUT U SON. . I.T I'l 1 IliHilia l Uti:TIIK. HOI. LOW AY'S TILLS. WHY ARK WE SICKf It la heati th.k4 of the hunms met to a weighed d owa hf disnase and sulTeriiig HOI. LOW Wit PlT.bM sre sneeially sdniaed lo the rehef of Ibr U'H Alt, Ui. NKHvot tt lIKI.ICATr.. and ths IN KIII.VI, of sU clime., sgea, aeiea, siul eiatsmutious. Professor llolio wsy psratnally saiH-riiitends Ihr lusualactHi of bis med icines in the t'liited rotates, snd offers Ihein to fres aist enliflitaned nropte, aa the Itest lemedy the world avar si for th rstMival uf disms. THESE TILLS PLlllFY THE BLOOD. Thre fatinma Pi la ar caprraaly ettlmiail to oparat fin the etimiara, the liver, tho kidney a, tne In up, the ale imm and lb IniwcI, nirrerlius nny dernnat-ment in their func tion., poftfym? the bliKvf, the very fuuuiaiu uf 111, and tliua rurmr; diaeaae hi all ita forma. DYSPEPSIA & L1VEU COMPLAINT Nearly half the human race have taken these Pills, kashren proved in sll parts of th world, that nothing ha Wen nmnri equal to them in cases of disorders of ths liver, dykpspsia, and stomach eomplsinls generally. They spun trivss htslthy lone to tanse srsaiis, howsvsr aacti oeranajej, and when all other means have failed. GKXERAL DElilLirr, ILL 11RALTU. Mitny of the ran-H despotic Onrernmenta hnvt opened tSeir Cutrfn rloueea tn lh inthKluriitm of the Fill. thl they may hreorne Ihe mvdiruie nf t)i mnawa. I.enrti ed Collcaea admit that thia tnedieiti ia lh tet rcmetlir evr kiinwiifoi peiatnia of delitaiv heuhh. nr where th atem hat been iiniired, aa it inviomti;)g properties iieecr ran 10 anoru reiiei. FEMALE COMPLAINTS. Nn femnle, younf or old, bIhwM he without tbi erle brRied nietttcin. It correct and frulatra th monthly eonraea at all nerhitli. artiuv in manv r-naea like a rharin. It inlo the best and nfeat nmliciua thnt ran Ire Riven to Children of ail ne. aim for any coiupUtint; mqueutly uu ratni'y ahuuld be without it. HolloH'ay$ PUh ore th best remedy Inovn in th world for tht following tlifiea; AaHtirr. Fever and A, tie Sinn and Ornvel B welCompTuiiitFnnile CoK;'hii;ta 8t-i.i:rimv Pvmn- Coo ? Sa ijeniiitfurs inwni wenKnen ndit;etuiii l.ivrr CouiptHin1 (het Diaeaata C'laiirencaa Iya;eBia Ihrirlufta Jntl ueiim 1 itiwiiif.i if inrita I 'ia;ifU(ti:iii(tn run Veuerrul Afet.oni Worm, of all kind Uropay PILK3 AND FISTULAS. ilT at lh Mnnufiioltifle of ffvf"ejeof HnLLnwiT M Maideri Ijine, New Vork, and 911 Si-raml. l-Mitl -n. by an reRirecTRTiw pniet lata aui txmiera in Metlicme thh.tijrn. nt thel'mteil rntv, aud Ihe civilized worM, in boxen, at i."i!l rent, aud 91 each. 17" Thereia a euuaiderabla auvinj by taking th btrger .V R Diretinn for the cainnitc of patiaota ia avtry diaorder are aiTiveil to eiK'h boa. M uch M, tf-lyea 0RTn.l MADEKIA WINES, SchirJam Kcliriapp. WiH Ch?rry brnmlv, litacktte-rry nr) I.aenfler br&nuica fur metlirinal mrpora at hUy 31M. V'M. A. UKl'N KR. Citrate of Magnesia TA8TELES8 8ALTS. r jUIW prepar ition is recommended a n ex- cellenl I:, vativc arid purgative. It operate mild v. i entirely ree from arte unpleasant taste resembling lemonade in flavor, prepared and eold by W.M. A. BKCNEK. Sunbury, June tl, VALUABLE PROPERTY F0aTALE7 'J'" HE subscribers, Eiecntors of the estate of I Henry Maer, ilec'd., oiler t pritate rale the following property vii : A Israe Iwo story trsiue dwelling boose, toiteiher wilh about SO ACRKSOF LAND. Hiluate in Lover Augusta township adjoining lands nf Daniel Kaufman and others now in the. vctipsnev nf John K. Kaufman as a store and dwelling. The house t new aud the location a good one for business. Also a TUACT OF LIMlTOF LAND, in said township on tbe rner about A miles low fliiu'iu.y. adjoining lands of .1. 1. M'PUerson and other. coMsining, hout 9(1 acre. Th soil i piniluetiv and contains limestone atd oilier minerals. Also a tract of Laud, containing about 35 eres on the bill, almut two miles Mow fiuuhtiry, adjoining lands of the beiis of l.'.f late John Conrad and others. Tbrre ia, on this tract, a small orchard of choice fruit. For further particulars apply le the subscribers. H.H. MASfKK, ) P. B. MAMMKH, Eecutore. FKANCIft UCCHEn. ) Sunbury. January 19, 1H.16. if THE WEST BRANH YNSUiANYcol r isttt'u iiAvi;7.,rA Insures Detached Buildings, Stores, Merchan dise, Farm ProMrtv aud other liialJ.ngs, ajd their contents at moderate rates. C Al'lTiZ. $300,00O. CHARTER PERPETUAL. DlBKCTO. Hon. John J. Pearce, Hon. G.C. Harvev, John B Hall. T. T. A brains, C h.rles A. Mayer, D. K. Jackman, (.'buries Crist, W. White, Peter Dickinson, Thomas itrhen. Hon. G. C. HARVKY, Pre. T. T. Aikiki, Vic Pree. Thou. Kitchen, See';. 11. CI IAS. L'LM AN, General Agent. K E F E R E N C E : t'amtiel 11. Lloyd, Titos. Kowman, D. D. A.A. Wineaardiier, Win. Vanderlielt, I.. A. Mackey, Wm. Fearon, A. While. Dr. J. 8. Crawfjrd, James tjuiugle, A. UpdegrutT, Join. W. Maynard, James Armstrong, Hon. Hiiiiou Cameron, Hon. Wm. lligler. P. W. GIIAY, Agent, unburv, lune tl, frB. 6 in NEW ArmrVlNJ-OEOVrElM-T I Frtsh Arrival of DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, &c. flNlIE undersigned having taken the store for I inerly kept by eier aud limner, is now ready tii till crder and prescriptions at a mo mi nts notice. He has a large and well eelected atock of fresh and pur , ' DRUGS, CHEMICALS, Ive-stul's, Oil, Paints, Glass,' Putty, and all kinds of Patent Medicines.- FKI IT AND CONFECTIONARY Tobacco and Imported Keuars of the choicest bruiids. Fancy Notions' toilet articles, and Per. fuincry of all, kinds. Tooth and Hair brushes of every variety. Ctimphine and Fluid always on hand. Custainere will tiud his stock complete, com ptisiiig many ariichs it is impossible here to enu merate, and all aold at moderate price. li'eiiiemW.r the place. neO .door lo E. Y. Uright' Mammoth Store. WM. A. BRL'NEK. fcunbuiy, Ma,y 31. 18S6 k MOUNT CAR MEL HOUSE, M0U2J"T CARMEL, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. rniHIS large and rominoJiuus Hotel i situa ft led nearly ball way between Sunbury and i'otiavilie. The scenery ihe .aluhrily of the atmosphere and the rool moitntain breeze, msks it one of the most drlighiftd summer retreats it. Ihe country. Tbe Hotel, is a new structure, four stories high, fitted up with ! the modern con veniences The pure mountain water ia intro duced into every chamber. TI.e place is easy ol accesa, being but one and a hall houra rid from Hunliury, user Ihe Philadelphia and fun bury Rail Road From ia 17 mile. Every attendance will he paid by the proprie tor lo make guest comfortable. I'lia-irea mode rate. JESSE RICE. Mu Carmel. May S4. I86 if A RNOLD tt W R1TINU FLUD aa Adb aiva and lesal si.vaI.ima rn ul. I U. Ik MAwEB. ' J ," ' . .i ' ' -' , ' 1855 Special Erpress Notice. 1050 HOWABD &c GO'S EXPllESS. n A VINO ohtnli .t fulleipren privilege over the CAT A WIS8A, KCNBUKY AND EKIK and WILLIAM8PORT A ELMIRA KAll.r.O.t Dr3, w r now prepared to forward II deacriptlon of Exprea Good by Penger Train, daily, between Philadelphia end Klmire. connecting at Elmira with all the Western Ex press Companies. All goods for Tamaqua, Summit, Cattawisaa, Danville, Millou, Williamsporl, Elmira, and also to Nnrlhumberlaad and Hunbury and all inter mediate place, delivered Ihe aame day. Each train ia charge of our owa Special Messenger. Philadelphia Olfice, ft Cheenut Street. Office F.lmira at United rJtat Eipres Ulfic. April 1 3, l.)S ly BOOKS! BOOKS!! Walk this wty for Baraini- JJlfEINO deairom of disposing of my entire B V tock of Book and stationery, comprising soin 30,UU0 Volume of Law, Medical, Kelt giou Scientific, Blank, Musical, School and Misi llanous Book. Alao, 100 Ream of letter paper and a lot of wall paper, eteel pen, wafera, Ae. I will diapoaa of th whol atock at public ear eale at my atore, oppesit the Court House, comcienclug on Monday the 7th day of April, ibuB at I o clock, r M., and continuing, every afternoon and evening until the whole stock ia aold. WM. McCARTT. Per JOS. H. McCARTY. Sunbury, March 15, 1858. tf Kew Wholesale Drug Store. X?. SPENOER THOMAS. No. 38 South, Kscond Street, Philadelphia. IMPORTER, Manufactnrer and Dealer, in Drugs, Medicinea, Chemical, Aeida, Dye atuns, Faint, Oils, Colors, While Led, French and American V hite Zinc. Window Glass. Gliaawarea, Varuinher, Brushes, Instrument, Ground Spices, Whol Spices, and all other ar tides usually kept hv Druggists, including Bo. rax. Indigo, Glue, Shellac, Potash, Ac, 4;c. All orders by mail or otherwiae promptly attended to. Country Merchant are invited to call end examine our slock before purchasing elsewhere. Goods sent to any of the Wharves or Railrjed elation. I rices low and good warranted. March 8, IS.") ly jonrrsowjis brother, CABINET MAKEB8. Ne. ti North Seeond Street, first guar above Christ Church, Philadelphia. nKKSONS in want nf Bureaus, Tables, Sor.s, Chair. Bedsteads, and every varielv ol household foiniiure, would do well to call, as those article ai made up in Ihe best ty It and old at Ihe lowest price. April H. 1856. ly nPIIE subscriber rerpertfully in'orm the citi 1. lens of Sunbury and ttie publie generally, that he has commenced th manufacture of all kirJs ef EARTHENWAP.E, t hia manufactory in Whortlelwrry Street, one square east of the River. He ha engaged the servicea of Mr. Hsar. and you esn therefore depend on having a good article. The public are respectfully invited le call. All order from a distance will ba promptly attended te. P. M.SIIINDEL. Sunbury, Feb. t, 18Sfi. tf J03EPH A. UEEDLE3, ititarrsCTraia or WIRE, SILK ek HAIU-CLOTH 8IEVE8, Coarse, menium and fine in mesh ; large, middle aiie and email in diameter. SU-iulUc tot:. ar Wtb TFIre, Of the best qualities, varions atsea of mesh, from N'os. I le HO inclusive, tnd fron ou to six feet in width. They are numbered an sany apace te a lineal inch, and rut tc suit. The subscriber alao keep constantly aa hand SCREENS, For Coal, Sn, Ore, Lime, Grain. Gravel, Guano, Sumac. Sugar, Salt. Bone, Cotfee. Spice, Drugs. Dye-Slulia, Ac. Together with an a aortment uf bright and annealed Iron Wire. All ef the above sold whnlessle or letall, by J. A. NEEDLES, 54 North Front St., Philadelphia. May 31, 1S56. WHITE HORSE HOTEL. POTTHVILLE, PA. IE subscriber respectfully announces to hi -a- old i r M ild and the public, that he has taken that old and well known establishment, th White Ilorso Hotel. At Ihe corner of Centre tnd Mahantogo ate., in Ihe Borough of Poltaville. The bouse haa re cently been very much enlarged and otherwise improved, rendering it quite ea comfortable aa any other Hotel in Schuylkill county while the alablesare large, in good condition, and at tend by careful, attentive, prudent hostlers. To travellers and otheia who may stop at hia houae, he promise every attention calculated to render I he in comfortable and satisfied. JOS. M. FEGER Apri.5, 195- If SUNBURY, PA. "IMI E euhecriher respectfully informs the public A that she still continue te keep the above named public house. She haa also received a new aupply ef good liiuor and wines, and trusts that she will he able to give satisfaction lo all who may visit her house. ' MARIA THOMPSON Buubury May tt, 1856, tf. J. STEWART DEPUY & SONS," Importers and Dealers in Carpetings MiiMinif Hall, Chestnut St.. below Eighth, VrOULD respectfully invite you to call and examine their large aud well selected stock of Cariiets, Oil Cloths, Cocoa and Canton Mat tings, Druggets, Hearth Rugs, Door Mats. Ac, which they will sell to the trade at such pricea aa wi.l make it deairable for those who wish to Fur chase, to cell and examine their stock, before purchasing elsewhere. Philadelphia, April It, 1856. ly IT'lBhing Tackle. Red Cork, Grass, Cot. - ton and Linen Line, Out Lines, Sea Glass by Ihe yard, aiiooda, Mies, hirby, Limerick and Carlisle Hook, Rod, Ac fi rsale by May 31, '56. vVM. A. BRUNER. WASinilGTON HOTEL, NORTHUMBERLAND, PA. C. 13. BROWN, Pfopriotor. North'd, June 7, 1856. 6m. GEOROE SCHALL & CO. MVltil'llHtH UP BLA8TINO POWDEB, Mt. Carmel, Northumberland County, Fa. May 10, 1856. TED. Oft OA LABORERS on the line of the Union Canal Wage Si It) Cash. Ap. ply to ROCK A FELLOW; KCPP A CO. July 38. I . . it Reading. Pa. a'obaooo and Segars SO.OOO Imported begare of variou branda. Eldorado, Fig, Cvndih and fin cut tobacco at - TO COAL DEALERS. AMMERM AN, ZUERN & WEITZEL IJESPFCTFUI.LV Inform the public that they have lessed the new colliery, called the Lambert colliery, and are ready lo deliver roal of uperior quality, and of a variety of iw prepa red en their new coal oreaker. All order prompt attended to by addressing the firm, either at 8unbury or Shsmokin. Sunbury, June 30, 1855. Photography I Dag-nerreotypag 1 1 A NEW ERA IN ART I J. E. McCLEES, Successor to McClees ff German,) OUI.D call th attenion nf the public, not Only to the uperiority of Ihe Daguerreo- tvp, the Hyalograph, (by some called Ambro type,) and the variou atylea of Photography on paper ; but to the fact, that parties at a distance possessing email daguerreotype, may, by (end ing it to No. 160 Chestnut St., have made from it by the meant of Photography, and the talent of the beat Artists, a portrait ot ant aiaa, from a imall Leeket to the full i of life. A mall book containing deacription, prices, Ac, Ac, will be taut gratis to any person ma king th request. McCLEES' Philadelphia Photograph Establishment, No. 160 Chestnut at., below 7tb -Phil., July 11, 1855. tf. THE USIVERSITY'S FAMILY REMEDIES, 1W1;F,D andet the Senl, ftinctlon and Authority sf ths University of FKKK MKDICINE snd poplar know, leil.e, Chattered by ths Slats of Pennaylvsnia, April !), IMS, with s Cspitsl nr tlHO.OISI, mainly for the ft irpose nf arregtlng ihs sviis of lisiious and worthless Ntistrunis; Also na- supplying the Community with reliahle Reins dies wherever s Ccr.ipttent Physician eamiot or will niJ bs employed. Tho. Institution hss parchasetl from itt ivus K. RoWASa, his Cslekratcd noTand'M Tonic mixture. Known for apwards of twenty-five years aa the only sure and safe care f. FKVF.R anil Atit'R, 4c., and hia ines tinml.le Remedy for HOWKl. COMPLAINTS, Rovrsnd'e Compound Syrup of lllacltherry Knot, which highly ap proved snd popular Kemeilie., together wilh The Univer.ity's Remedy fin1 1 omplnints of the l.erins ; The t'niversily's Remerly for Dysgwpsiaor InJigeslioti; The University's llemeity for Cosnve-Bowel. ; Also, ths University's Atinsiutc may b Its had, a! the BrsiK-b Dispcnsaryr Svor of WILUAM DKPPIN, Nov. .1, 19M. Mahaiior P. 0. if-"- CHEAP BOOKS tt STATIONERY. PERRY A ERETY, invite the attention of merchant and other to their large atock of elegantly bound Bible, Hymn Book, Prayer Books. Album, and Preseutatiou Book in all ityles of binding; Standard Theological, Medical, Miscellaneous and School Book, which they have received front Trade Salee and are celling at extremely low price. Also direct from Ihe manufacturer and Im porters, everv kind of Plain and Fancy Writing, Letter and Note Paper. Envelope, Gold and Steel Pen, Pencil, Inkstand, Wrapping Pa pers, Ac, Ac, at th lowest cash price. PERRV A ERKTY, S. W. Cornr, 4th and Race St. Philadelphia. September Si, 1855. rf Fashionable Hats and Caps. ASXLBY & ROCAP, No. 136 Marlet St., rniLADELFniA. INFORM their friend and th publie ' generally, that they continu to keep at their old stand, a large and extensive assortment of hats, ca ps, A c, got up of the best material and in the late) and best ttyle of workmanship and finish. Country merchants end other will do well to csi! r.d examine bslore purchasing elsewhere. Phil. Nov 10, 1855. If. NEW MASONIC HALL, . PHILADELPHIA. AGENTS WANTED in every town and enmity ia the United f' ".e, lo sell ths beautiful picture of tha GRAND LODGE ROOM. In ths Naw Mavistc Haix. Philadelphia. This Plate is selling very rapidly, snd elicits the adinirathm of all, for the correctness and fidelity with which the Statcabt, r'Kr.ncn Paiutim,. Ann KuaaiTea are represented, and the artistic heauly unit hnrmony of ths colors. Bizs ol Piste, IN X i. Price I (. liooksellcrs sud I'icturs Dealers wishing to take eu vies for it, will please address, for ftiirfter information. I..N. HOrWNTilAIj, Lithographer, Philadelphia. October 7, IMS. tf GREAT MASOITIC HALL. THE LAHCKST PIANO FORTE, MKLfiPKON AND .MI'SIC STORK IN TtlK UNITK1) STATKS, Will be opened (Vlober Uth tM, in the M.sovrc Dmtaiaa, Chesnut siireer,Btsive Seventh, Phibnlelphia. II) JOHN MARSH, the Mola Aent for Uonrdmnn, tirsy Ic Co.'s ccleiifuted Dolce Canipana Attachment Piano Fortes, and C W. Fi.k A Co's Premium .Vlel, deous. Also, Pisno Fortes and nlelndeons of other dis tiuiruislieil makers. J. M. has ohtsiiml a lease for several years in the new, ni;iginfieent nnd well known Mnsoiiic Buildtng, where he intends keeping the larest stock nud assortment of Ftauo Fortes, Melodeons, Music, nud Mu steal Insttiimeiits of cveiy description, all of which are carefully selected by himself, snd warranted lo give per fect Bittifnctiou ill every instance. Octolarr iTIh, 1S55 tf THOMA8J"lMER COn9II9islON MtntlliAT, No. 35 North Wharves, rhiladelphi.i, Where the following gooda ar received and aold on commission : Dried Apple. Peach, Plums, Pear., Cher jies, 4 c., Green AppI in Barrels or by the bushel Bean, Sweet Potatoes, Lemon, Peas, Shell'-arks, Raisins, Cranberries, Chestnuts. Figs, Onion, Ground Nut, Prune., Mercer Potatoea, Orange. Grape., Poultry, Eggs, Butter, Cheese. And all kinda of Foreign and Domestic Pro duce. April 13, 1856. ly ALi:X. Is. IIICKCY &, SOIVV it AurACTinxRs or TRUNKS, VALISES, &C, 146 Chesnut Street, front of Jones' Jlvttl, PHILADELPHIA. HAS on hand the cheapest, and 1 best assortment of TRUNKS & CARPET BAGS, EVER OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC. Sole Leather, Solid Riveted, Iron Frame, Iron Bound Travellidg Trunks; Packing do, Valises; Ladies' Bonnet Cases; Carpet Bags, Satchels, Ac, by the quantity or single article, loner than can be bought at any other place iu the city. July A, 1856. JA1IE3 F. CALBREATH'S I.APIKS FANCY SHOE STORE, No. 59 AbrtA Eighth Street, Above Arch, East side, PHILADELPHIA, Ladiea from the country, can have shoe made to order in the very best etyle and workmaitahip ou a few day notice. An excellent assortment to aelecl from, alway on hand. May 10, 1856 U nVDROLEL'M PAINTS. These paint. are mixed with water, thereby saving the coat of oil, fur sals by May 31, '66. WM. A. BRUNER. FURNITURE POLISH. 8. RAE'S Premium Patent Enamel Furniture Polish. This polish is highly valuable for restor. ing ihe polish on all kind of Furniture, Glass, Carriage Bodies, Hair Cloth, Ae. Also, fur re moving spots, hiding scratches, Ac, Ac. War ranted lo dry immediately and retain it glow. Price 50 ct. per bottlo. Sold by WM. A. BRUNER. June tl, 1851. Wall Paper -i splendid lot just received and for eale by I. yf. TENER A CO. Banbury, June tl, 1856. II AM, Shoulder. Cheese, Mackerel, Irish "Salmon aod Halt for sale be May 31. '54 K. Y. BRIGHT s SON. irr.tri ci dcii trim a lot r.ra;.j nd tr ssj. by. SEASHOtrZ A I'EIKY. SAM UEL. S. FETriERSON, ' ' tina ti LAMPS, LANTERNS, CI1A NDEL1EBX AND CANDEMRAS, No. 1R2 Hit Street, ethovi Sprue, PHILADELPHIA, ITAVINO enlarged end improued hit More, and having one of the largcal aortmenl of Lamp in Philadelphia, i now prepared U furnish Tine Oil, Camphene, Burning Fluid, Lerd and Oil Lamp, and Lantern of all pattern. Glass Lamp by the pckge, at a (mall advene over auction price. Being a Manufacturer and feeler or'ine Oil, Burning Fluid and Alcohol, wliieh will be furnished to Merchal at luck price that they will find it lo their advantage t buy. Also, Household Glassware of all descrip tions at the lowest market prices. Philadelphia Oct. 14, 1854. BOYD, ROSSER & CO., HINKBS ASD SH1PPZS 0 XUh Slo!) Vntljvadtc oal. Frcm th Lute Fidler Colliery Shamoltin, North'd County, Feana. Address. Boyd, Rosier A Co., Sunbury, Pi.. . m. both. J. H'.k'm, ja. notn. t. ao.ssa. Sunbury, A pril 7, 1855. tf. T ART) WARE. -Table Cutlery, Ratore, Pock x et Knives, Hand saw' Wood saw ia frames, Axes, Chisel, Door Lock, and Hing, Hand Bella, Waiter, A., just received and for lel' I. W. TENER A CO. Sunbury Dec. 8, 1854. Shtmokia Whita. Ash Anthracite Coal From tht "Old Vein" in theGa) Colliery. X II. ZIMMERM A N A JNO. P. PURSEL, " nccssor to Kase, Reed A Co., will con tinu mining, shipping nnd selling coal from tbe above well known Colliery, under the firm of Zimmerman A Pursel. The point of shipment i at th lower wharf in Sunbury, Northumber land county, Pa., where all order for the vrioue kind of coul, vix : Lump, Broken, Egg, Stove, nd Ch.,tnut Coal, will 1 thankfully received and promptly attended to. Sunbury, July 14, 1855, Stuecat, Jcit 9, 1155. The firm of Kase, Reed 4 Co. having aeld their lease in the Gap Colliery and interest in the wharf at Sunbury, to Messrs. Zimmerman & Pursel, vroi.ld take great pleasure in recommend ing our customer and other to the new firm, ae they will b able to eull them prepared coal at th bsst quality, KASSREED A CO. HAYEOCK & FIDDLER, TTJEALERS in Watche and Jewelry, will continue the business at the old sksad ef J a tne B. Fidler, sVo.12 South Sf.c-vid Street, I'Hif.AbU.U'HM, Wher they solicit an examination of their large and varied ock, feeiing assured thatthxp rienca both cf them have had in the business, and the facilities they posses for procuring goods on the most dvnntageou term, will ena ble them to compete favorably with any other establishment in the city. They have new an hand a fine assortment of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, Stiver, Plated and Brittania Ware, Cutlery Fanry Goods, Ac, Ac N. B Repairing of Watches and alt kinds of Jeweliy attended to with promptu aad th greatest cre. , Phila., April 7, 185:.. tf. DAifVILLE H0T2L, JOIilC- DEEN, JR,( Morket Street, DuimUU, pa, TH W is one nf the Inrgral and moat Comno--- dtous.hoti'U in th interior of Pennsylvania, it has hecr. recently lilted Uf., in cjelB M, with all the modern convenience. -Dunville, Sept. 1.2, 1855. TI-XACIiEK'as VODDHO WHOLE3ALK BOOT .SHOE A TRUNK WAREHOUSE, No. 101 Arch Street, xm Stairs, Between Third ct Foutlh Sis., upper aiJo. near Union Hotel, Pialadelpiua, Carpet Bag and Valires of till deseripiion. CHARLES F. TH ACHEK. ROBERT S. WODUKOP. Philadelphia, Jan. i, 185& If Ay ALL PAPER. A' large end .pleaded r assortment of Wall Paper, Window Pa per, and Oil Shades, just received snd for sal b L W. TENER A Co. Sunbury, May S6, J85' J AND WAKRA NTSThe highest price "will be given for Laud Warrnnt by the auks c,i,lt' I'. B MASTER. I NK Bjureau' cciebralf d ink, and alao Coat Ktea il.k for sale. whnlaa-ilA k. Deceraber IkViII. H B MASSE R. JEDARTUB:S, Hor-e Buckets, Painted BaV eta, Meat Tenderers, Corn Broom. Ba-. keU, Children' Wogonu, and Yank Cloak ust received and for sale by May fi, 1855. I. W. TENER I ATT0RSEY AT LAW, SUNBUKV, PA., Aided by some eight year eiporiene in the practice of ihe Law, will attend with fidelity to all matter appertaining to or within the line of his profession. Ortico with Charle J. Bruoer, Esq., Market street. Sunbury Seph !5 1855, tf SPECTlAfJLES In Gold, Silver, and Elastic Steel Jframei, 9 ATI! EM ATICAL Insti utnenU qiarate and in case. Thetmonietcr of varioua sixes, Spy Glasses of every description, Platina poin.sfor Lightiiiug Rods, Magic Lantern with criptural, astronomic tl and temperance design. Microscope nnd Microscopic objects, Culvanie Batteries, Ehtliical Machine., Hurveyer's Com passes, Surveying Chtin Ac. Ac. McALI IKTEK A BKtlTHER. (E.4tullished in 1796.) 194 Chestnut Mreel 1 luladelphia. Our Priced anJ lCutimted Catalogne (84 pag) with ISO illustratii'tis furnished ou application ami cut by a,i,; r;un rliaige. Phila. fc'ept. 8, le'5.r. , UDTS, Shoes, Kats, Caps and Gum Sk, ) just received and for sale by Oct. 7 1854. TENER eCe COLLINS & arCLEESTER'8 TYPE IOUNDRY and Printers Ftirnishing Warehouse, aYo. 1 Lodge Alley, lack of ntwMastnieUaUf Piiiladelphia. Thila., Jan. IS, 156. IROWrt'S and Breinig' Essence of Ginger, aim iinst.sLil s .Magnesia at MiySlSH. BRUNER'H. lENRY DCNNELi ATTORNBISr AT LAW. OJice opposite th Court House,' Sunlnry, Northumberland Couttj Pa. Prompt alleutioa to bnsiaea in adjoining ranli. 1 EAGLE HOTEL, OPPOHi rK WEST BRANCH SANK, WILLIAMSPOHT, PA.., ATILLltM II. 1I4Y. rrvjirUtor. C. A. Stxisi, Assistant. N. B. An Omnibus will mn to snd from the Depot aud Packet Landing, to thi Hotel, fr uf charge. ateptcmber 16, ISO tf WH, A. BRUNER'r). uaaxiry, Kiry 21, 18M, unbwy, ) 10. Hi eft. IS, o. i 3