mat fVts au ,TiuiiTY-Fotni ii ( o.vtuins. Second Srmlofi. Washington, onnnnry 27. Sksatf. Mr. Ilinadlirnd presented tlio meimiriul of Horatio lliibhidl, of rcniisylva riin, ghnwiiiii tlint, in ISi'J, in conjunction wiili Col. J o!i n 11 Shetbuiiie, lie caused to ie presented lo Congrcs u paner showing liow a submarine tcli'jjruli could be comn muted, und nhcre il could curried through He now prays that milling bo done unless i : :..!.. ......i....!,... I... f.lle fiiifiirnil. liV ins rijims us -- -v I. I.n .... .lii-nel nl r.f I ItA ( 'mil. UCllIC inUUC! U llieiliw--. w fumy, or in eonio otner way. n iud passed nway from tlio Senate, the bii was iuid on the table. tin... i.wlUn otiurnnrifltinn bill WHS then ta to., nml. uftor u debate mid several amendments, tlio Senate adjourned. t - i i'..,nr,l,..ll nr Ohio, from tlio jiuiMv. i- i :.. Wn.. ..till Mitnne rnnnrtoil t;oiiuiiiiieu ui . i.j. - amended Tariff Dill, perfecting the lormer r .t.n i.f Ihn fTmniiiittiia llll one so lur us iiiu iu'v""ij tire concerned. Mr. Campbell states that tlio bill reduces 1 r i ...llll..., a .1..1 'tlio minuui revenue iuuu "" ' dol "tIib House discussed the bill giving cntii-o control of its each imiiicu ui vviif,"- - - tincont fin"', without the revision or tlio .! ..til. ...... f tin. 'I'rotimil-V con i Ac- COtllllllir. UUICC'IO "u Mr. Jones ofTenucsscG saw no necessity for kiicIi n law, conceiving ulso that il would , ! ; I ue iiuciiu&i iinu"i'". Mr. Cobb ot Georgia said lie nopeo. mat t 4 i. i i I- l..u na I r rcil'iiQit t1 .1. if 1....1 ..r.t uniil: low ns tore use I c.i: ihium' ii uu iiw.j'iii""- : reverse the action of tlio First Conipliolh r ol l . 1 I....I l.,.,l.,,a Hm Treusitrv, wiio iiuu uiiwinm-u n ..-uu... the House, "not only Tor increaseing the fula rios ol' their officer, but their own salaries. Mr. Jones inquired whether Mr. Cobb had rver hcaid of any ease where the Comptiol-l.-r refused to allow the vouchers or the Clctk dfthis lloiue, when certified by the Commit tee on AecountH. Mr. Cobb i. plied that the Cotilroiler never FO refilM d the evidelico is coliclusivo that thn Coiuiiiittee or Accounts have (inhaiirrd thi'ir Uutits to Iho satisfuction of the Con troller. After further consideration the bill was postponed till to nioi row. Tiio biibinarinu Tulegruph bill, 08 received frum tli tfenaU'. was rui'i-rrcd tolau Couuuit-lo-t of Wajs and Means. Tlic ll.iii-c tin n went into Committee si 11 Whi.b- on Hie 6tat-j or the L'nicn upon the larill'bill. , Mr. Max well defumii'd U.e positions or the Pit-sideiit in bii annual HMaue, and vnn'ii cuted liie principle ol the K-niocratic, party. On motum. tlm House t lien lock a recees iiulil 7 o'elorl;. wli.'ii a session will be held for I he purpose of debate Ofoy. Kinin'i . ::i-n. There were only about n (b'Zeii members pret-ei.l. Mes-siJ. .Scott ami Terry severally indica ted thai t.iey wiheil to review I lie President's Message, ami obtained penmssiou to print ', heir spi'eehes. Tlie House then adjourned. . . riiaM iiivsis-uiv milssagi;. S?s. I.ovis, Jan. 20. The KepuhliVnn liaH nn ailviiiiee copy ol' (Jov. (jean's MetSOge tithe l,ei!!.ilure. In layinir down the principles which an in (.'iiidn his admin. illation, he says a jealous regard for the e!. ' live security ami canetity of the ballot box. with mi iiolicreme In the ilottrino of i j . 1 1 1 : . 1 f ,i.'lei;'!.l v, us cuaiautied ill the art cstiliii-iiin the territory; the pi i ion of tiie currency, l a?ed Oil poll! uiids;iver; IV.e and sate immigration Iroisi oM-ry p.ut of tin; e.einiiy. a detei iiiimitiou to piibmil lo no isiva.-avi of sovereignty of the t-'irit ry, entire ie!ij;lt.;is fievdom. tt free pres-s, free peecli, 1 he riyiil to usenib!e and i.senss ill! questions of public ii:ti'ivl-, trials liv juries impart'al :y -eli cleil, ll:o s.mctiiy of tin) writ i f haheas cm pus, the repeal ol all l.iv.s incoii-i: 'tent i'h tlie (.'en-i ituti jn ol tin; United b'.u'cs u::d l!.e organic net, aie thn idea- ly which li,s policy :li he ti,;i;u-d. His views " of son. a I cr Kovi-reignty are em bodied in the foliowiu passage : Tie' (kii'abiiity and iir.jK'ralive authoiity or the Jilalc Coli.-l'iliilio'l. when the interest J the peuj-le recUir.' a Slato (ju eiiiuiei.t, and the i,rect popular vole neces. :iiy to -ive il tioii and cll'ect, will be a proper nc. ;:.;,.!!. ni ce f..r ul'. I-) deiidu tl.D grave pciitical fpo-st.oiis whieh nioieilie u Well regulated tJeiiiniosnveali h. 'I he ( Jovei nor advincs tiie L gi-latnifl to let Slavery alone, where the Ceiis'iMit'.on places it ; 'o f.-rego leplulion i i reference to il until the State t'.mstitiitir.u is inrineil. He ivdim mends Ihul t::e i riois ami o::os-ii ns in the statute b ml; l e curiW ted ; lie ileiioiinceS tiio tiSI-eil'll alt. and r 'Coinmeiiils its lepiul; be disapproves of the present mode of s-cl.'ciing juries, aid recionitiemlx. tlieir selection liy lot. The a loption of tiio bailot box pian is i.isisicd o:i. He reconimeiiiiM a law requiring a ivm-d- nee jn the tenitory of ninety days, and m c rtain districts Ur ten days. u p-vent illegal vi,ling. lie a ivi.-es a icp-al of the law, wh'eh bevies a tax on ail property f. r the especial proteelieii ol the hlave own ers. The balance of tin) message, which U iin able und ujirieht ilv'.umeijl, is dovotcd to ioviil iitViiiM. S.'.voi LAii ArrixTiox in a boo. Charles llj.e-t'iii, a man well known on the Alabama ;riv-r, Imt lor tiie lad. few years a resident of C iln'orni i, was killed bv the r.loMuti of u . steamboat near San rrancisco a few months since. A noble New-f.iuiidland dog. owned by liJiit-cipod injury, and !ragireil the body .!' Im w iii'f to the khore. The dog was 4!iil k ie tu th mother of the deceased resi iini m Perry county. Alabama. On being nhovn the ilagiiei r.-otypi! of his lost nukler, fie dog ianiiedi ,tely reeogni-cd it und coin inoai eil I ckau it. ami sending up the most pit. -..ii hotels, mice that time he has icfaFcd -ill bull, mi I munis alaiost c-instanl ly. Win n I ist lo'aiil fiiiiii he was in a dying con liiiion, mid is prub.ilily ilead by tins time. Where, in human hit-lory, can be round such 1 1 inst.rice uf develed love, and in t use griel it tiie loss ol a level i i:j. I.ih 'lv. a r in iw iv co'i 'ie ii i r v d ill Farm il t a aj 1 1 He 'I'ae renjnj iiu nl of ihe hi Hey in in. I was .nteiT'ipt"'! niter a day or two bv t ll.l .iioiear tt e of the. Voiing I olv's luth'.'l', wliii l ink f n-.-i i-i.i.-s f Kon of I lie dui'.'ht an. I wis iili.iu'i. to can v her home. The galling him'i! ah. nil. Ii.iw. icr, the ti0 ..leeJ ab ml the ln(el, aa I iu.-i.-.ted 111; muii should have a lie, giving ihefalh er liv'B uiMiutes to surrender her, or they no. ilil t.. lie her out ol t:s bauds. Tho old was obliged i give in, und liie runaway t ouj le weic restnreil tu i nch oli.ei'. aruis in the pivsenen and auml. t '.ho I nf thi crowd. The old gentleman liually. fame roaud, as fathers always do in sin h cases anJ an nu:cub!e atljualiueut uf d,i'.ici:lei oc curred. The I'irsl S.iow Storm in .' t 'it'l in M, xi c An .Vii i'ii.u new-paper of tlio city of Mc.Vco, speaks III Its till m bur ol t lie J I si tilt ot'lhosnow there, thus : "Lust in-lit. at half past pine o'clock, a heavy snow ttorm be gau, which lasted tievcrul hours. Never h.iv we een llns puenuiiienon, sn enuiinou in I.UI tinles higher than ours, in before. It also excited, to a high degree, the curiosity of the iillub Ulils of the capital. . - A man bus declined being a candidate for oflice in one of the new Stale becausa be is riot u ii-jjul cilileu bus never jiaid a tax or any debt owns no property can't read nor w rile is blind ha but c ue leg bus lout four Bnjen frnin his left liaiiJ lias ten cbil Jreo, and can't leave Uomt for fear they will abase their oiotber. MERICAK AGRICULTURALIST. Oil ANfiR Jtltin, J lOt tVntpf Hi, J Tirm On. hnlinf I'ulilliher A l'rcp'r. Now York ( A Vei.r in Ailvanca Vol xvi.,No. t January, tesr. Niw Seric No tao $1.(100 SfiOO 8 200 n YEAR! runners do yonr annual I'Xnciiscs for labor, IARMERS Tciini9 Seed, Manure, Ac, n linnliiiL In nvnn thn umiillfflt nf the ubovo sunisT Would it not then bo frm'l policy to lidd a single dollar more, nnd riceive at the beginninff of every ontli a large woik of twenty four pages, tilled with tho ex perience oTn great number of persons doing the same things as yourself? When you tiro piittina in a crr.n. reuring un i FARMERS animal, planting nn orchard, or doinrr nnv ntn, r,T thi thou. sand things connected with farm work, would pay to know how others begin, nnd carry on the same operations ? It is truly said ; "every one ARMERS can learn something from ev. ery one else even from n fool. It yon consult u jonnuil or I'i months which contains during that limo over five, hundred pARMERS articles, giving plain, prncti- alilo accounts ol what others find to be best nnd most pro litablii crops, nnimnls, fruits, Are. tho best modes ol vuri- 0119 kinds of works, S:c. it is not probable that you w ill get many lutils, cucb wort liuullars to you ? Iho American Agricultur alist is such a journal as this. GARDEX- It is conducted by practical workimr mnn aim Kiipnk nnl from theory but experience. 11 is also one ot the vi iy few perfectly independent journals of the countrv, hav- GARDEN- ling no con n eel ion with nny lvRS linanuftietnrprA of tnanures or impleinents of sellers of ani mals or trees. Having a huge paying circulation, il stands upon its own basis, and can nl- lord to be outopoken on all subjects. It is. und will con- tmiio to be, particular down upon agricultural humbugs OWNERS cauiion in reference to uncer nf IM.nTituiii new lhinp- nnd reailv to a set before its readers the real claims of whatever is proved lo lie good uud usi lnl. J hm page could be Giled kWNERS Fof PLOTS with Blatenicuts bfu tnulli- tuue ol i-!adiiis. ii l o liavu in years past derived their hun dreds of dollars of profits from hints in the pags of Tho Ag riculturalist, und who have iieeu saved by its warnings from the impositions of un scrupulous speculators in liu 111 bug manures, plants, Ac, Gardeners, Fni.'t grower. Stock Raisers, in (hurt, every ue who cultivates a single rod of ground will find it a laying investment, to supply liuiscil' or 'Lei'icU', willi the Agriculturalist. It will cost bui a tlcllur to try it for one year. CHINESE SOUTHERN SUGAR CANE. All v.!d and iew babscl ibers to The Anierican Agiiculluralint, wis!iini( to try tiiis iii.w inl ei-kl ini'. "nil i.rfiiiiiiiiiie SjUGARiUMt , will be supilicd with at - n.-iiri. in- i iiniiuit-u lull i. v in i leei - - - j i - - - - - - Seeds, free of charge, if they rend l prepaid (3 cent) envelope, ready directed, to mail them in. rSf This iitiuibcr of seeds will SUGAHndaut six to ten stiuare rods, and nix i-; ! i i ,. .- ... i , .. - iii'iiiili' uu iii.-eiivniii-i: i.'i M-i-i; 1..1 ! i dozen or twenty acres unytlicr year, shoiiid it be wauled. N. 1!. Full directions for cul ture, treatment. Ac. wil be eiven 6s UG All i ii the Mgriculniralist dming liie jiini linn ouunni. 'I'he publisher has just received i large new supply of lir-t rate pure, fresh Scids iioni France, to ho lidded to his previous huge -tock of American growth. Ho hu now enough to plant over two .undred ucr s. Nonc-ol this ttock s lor sale, but now ail on liutiU ivill be divided among eubcribeis to the .Igricu'turaliit. (LMstnbu l ion from Jan. 'JO to Feb 'J.").) Some 200 or more applications afe received daily, and la.OUO packa ges of about iiUO seeds each are being made up. Tlie .'fgriculluralii-t is generallv Jl!A 1 UtfAR ,JUM yUGAli ackl.owledi'ed to bo tho best iour. - CAN l-.i;ul iii the country, duvotid only !o noil Lultuio iii all its various lepartiiic-nts. It is the 'best," because of its great variety of plain practical, leiiublo iiis-liuctiou. Fo, or.o dollar a veur ou eut a &LGA1!; ur,;e, beautiful, and very valuable '-'CANE volume of two hundred and embtv 'ight large double qujrto pages. I'hU Journal is alone worlli many limes its cost to every one. Those subscribing fur the slgriculturulist jwill thus get the Sugar Cuuo 'Seeds for "less than nothing." NLY I N. B. THE above is an outline on k. J or ONLY ONE Number, und that got up under the excitement and bustle of attending to nearly 15,000 uew s ubscribeii tellers ol inquiry, &o. JJeveu more numbers equally good, and as much bttter as pontile wnl be luruibhed this year j uud tho capital Heeeiuber No. (lb;b) will ba furnished j'ree to 3,OU0 new subscribers for lb57, first re ceived. N. Ii Tho Agriculturalist is located at the Metripolitan City, t.f the country the hi t point Ibr getting the best iufoiuiution from eveiy section. N. U. Tbo Agriculturalist surpassed all other similar journals, in having,' beside its KeMilcnt Conducting Editor, uu Associate Ed. tor at each of points in the Eas tern. Middle uud Western Stulcs. A dozen of thcsM men, w ho are thoroughgoing practi cal Cultivators, Fruit growers, stock raisers, Ac, are Miiigtunlly furnishing to the Agricul turalist their combined experience and obser v.ii.'iis in their eeverul localities. 'I bis ar rangement gives this journal unequaled ad. vantages for diffusing the very best pructicul iuloiiriulioii collected lioui each divisiou of tiie couulry. Every Furnier, Merchant, Mechanic or Piofessioiiu.1 man, who is annually pxpeuding il.OUU. gfiOtr, S200, 81U0, or but iu or j'.O upon his Farm, Oichurd, Gulden or Houce plot, or upon bis BDiinuls, will do well to ex pend a single dollar a year moro iu supplying hansel! with tho Agriculturalist, From its live bundled good ui tides given every yeur, no ouii can fail to derive ul least eouiu bints, that will ha worth to Liui many times the cost TRY it a year It will PAY. AGEICULTUUALIST FC 1 1857 1'act or Comesii: Woik for tho Month A beuutiful, insiruc live article. Calender of operation! for January A Cut ii log ue uf wort to be dona in I ha Field. " Orchard, Garden. Ureuu and hot-il cu Horses Eleck Hawk (illuv.) Horse rull Evil cured. Mauurei, No. 1 The firat c.r a thoroughly practical tunes. Manures N. J Marls Miour6 .Ap uaiua- intr tod justrccUva te.. inter prco cut,: fhowirti linr ewc of the ' Si Ccinl It i ii t fi. 'iitifinnspr. tint f tutor nf tilii journal. The Valen tier lays ant antif Manurea'1 mo "got lip." Milking Machine- Anuising uccoiint of nn nl tempt, lo use. Oyster Plant Hew to cool Pen The Japon. . Peach stone Trent mcnt of. Pief Mince, without apple. Poiuologiciil Society, A merienn Fruits ndopted, Ac. Poitdrctto -Farmei's trial of. Preminms-Agr. jour rials for. Rainy day nimble nt Neighbor Thomns's No 2. Hhubnrh, or pie plant Full chapter on cul ture. Ae, Roses in Pols Direc tion? for growing, with beautiful cut. twit before hun,antl materially aids amfl eiisttmatizcs .is flans. A shea for manuring. Asparagus, full chap ter on culture, per haps the most com plete yet written. Beo Hives -Minute directions for mnk inft cheap, fjli-etin unpatented Hives. Ei cad-making Excel lent. Cabbages Wintering Corn Tho King Phi lip. Cranberries' Pull de tails of a large sue. ccssful grower's ex perience very rooin J'.ggs two goml arti cles on st curing in winter, Ac. Evergreens F loin Sink Prains in Winter Stormy days -Woilt for. Slrawbcrries, No. 1 by n practical grow er. The first of u lull series to be con tinued through the year, without nppro priatc niuntlJi direc tions. Sugar Cane, Chinese More about this in terHslinit new plant. seed. Fencing Fully dis cupped. Cardeii of n Clergy man Interesting chapter ol details. Garden of u Mechanic A latge two column cut, showing nuinnei of laying out ; tin . place offices, plants vecelahles, Ax. A capital thing for nil cultivators of smal plots. (2UD to -100 seeds to bo distributed free to each subscriber tending a icndy di rected stumped en velope. Trees, Hig-ging boles for. Turnips. How raised chi aply. Verbena chapter on Crafting nnd Pudding Excellent plan. Grape Cnlturo! No. The first of n full practical series by an c x p c r i e n ced giowr. Hams, two good pick les for. Horse-Raising Agr. Prrss ou. Ac. Ac. January SI. ls")7. Ac. Ac. FOB IRJSTT. rDIHE torc lioom in Maikct Micct. orcupied J. by J. W. tirny and the dwilhn house ad jcinina. Apply to the executoia of II. .Manser, deceusf d. January, 17, 18.', 7. AUDITOH'S NOTICE, npil E undersigned appointed by the Orphan' Court of JSorthnmhcrlaiul rouoly, tc dis tribute the balance in the blind of David Tni irarl, Esq., acting Adn-.inUtiator of William Mr Cay, deceased, t. and nmnng lhe creditors of siiid dcrrascd, will nttend lo lhe duties of his up. poindneiit. ut bis office in lhe Unions!! of Han tally, on Tuesday the I lib day of IVhrnniy, next, at 111 o'clock A. M.. when thn-c interested ninv attend. JNO. KAY CLEMENT, Auditor. January 17, lS.ri7 3t VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. E, the undersigned owners of a Tract of band, situate in Upper AugiiHla lownliiji, NorlhoTiihei lniul cnuiity. ai'.j ,iniiu; Iniels of In,). W. Kriiinz. iias Wulverlun, Samuel Siividjc, and Jim. W. Teal, will eo.ise tlio Mime lo pub lic sale, at the Cuurl House, iu the horoiih of fvanbtny, on SATURDAY, lite 21.'f doy of FJ.rvr.r'j, at 10 oVloc!;, a. in. The I'ariu contains ITFTV-ACRES and some rrt-rclicp--i h-rul; thirty arica of which nre cleared and i l a good mate of cultivation, un which is erected a two story Lou h t:i.i.i.t; iio''se. A il orchard of hoice fruit, two kj i::i;s nnd a well of ucer laiiin water upon lite premises. IT51" I'.in-e.-Mon wili he i;ien en or hcioic the fust I'ay of Apiil nct. l or further iiiforiualion empiire of in. K. MuilLorlia T. L lcinn,!, faiiiiury, Pa. VM. K. M AT1TZ. M A 11 Y ANN M A RTZ, SOPHIA M ARIZ. y- U S A N I ' 1 E ' F 1 : N I) A FF E R , .f A CO II M ARTZ. Kunbiirv, Jan. I", lb.")7. ts. 1 . I Ait ol' Causes, t?7VOK trial in tho Court of ('oiniuoii Pleas g'C of County, at an adjourn cd Court on the Und Monday of Prhniiiry, lfrjV. I'LAiNi'iris. iii::x.L)A.Ts. John Knottse vs C harles Bohins et al Bilward Auclunuty ct al vs Jeste Auciimnly Ira T. Clement Jacob Vonida Jacob M S.,lida Manillas Heed Chas f leasants Wm Mengia Hughes Bellas Jcstc C liorlon 1 he Slniinokin Steam vs.i. , , . , J mi' Leiat ( -ompaiiy. t Divid Lewis Zeihe Bun A I.. Inijir't Co s Kimher Cleavcrit al vsjohn family T '1'ho Malum. iy iV Sluma- km Improvement Co vs feler D Dentler M Beiilien f nirely vs James lieacham ct ul. JAMBS BBAliD, fioth'iy. Biolhonotary's Oliice i Suuhury, Jan. 10, 1S"'C. J PJiOCLAM ATI ( )N. jvVOTICE is hereby Riven that a Sprcial i (;ourt for the trial of cause in the Coin moil i'Jcas will commence at lh. Court House in Sunluiry on Monday lhe 0th of February b.r one Week. Jurors and others interested ' will attend. (.iven under my hand at Sunhury, the 10th dav ul January iu the year of our Lord ono thousand ei'hl bundled and fifty-seven and the Inde pendence of Ihc Lulled States of America the Hist. GoU save lln Commoiiwealih. liKNBV WElsE, Sheriff. Siitlun's Oifick, i Sunhury, January 17, 1857. J Offlice of the New York an (Twiddle Coal Field Railroad and Coal Co. ruiLAliKUiiiiA, Jan. 13, 16.")". pilli nnnuiil ineetiiif,' of tho Ktnckhcldcrs of this coinpiiny will be held nt their oflice. No. 8H, South 4th street, on Mondav, the '2d duy of 1'Yhruury next, at 11 o'cloi'li, A. M., ut which time and phco un election will be held lot live Diiecims to scive for the ensuing yeur. jos. c corrccK, Jun. 17, 1837. '.). . (Secretary. IPi? TJJP i persons indebted lo lhe milifciiher on Note, i'ook Account or olhtrw ise, are re speclfidly requested to pay ep iii.tnt dialcly. us the accounts will he pUcid in the baj.da of a Justice lur collection. Hi A T. CLKMENT. Sunbury, December St), looB. stationery .A large supply of fancy X faper and Liiveloprn, Mourning, Let te tlir, anil I. an Taper, 1'cns. Ink, cun!, Vc., ut May 81, 'CO. W.M. A. llKL'NKK'H. m'll.MXB Fluid, Campbrne, fluid Wuks and Lamps, for sale bv J. V.&I. F. KLI.NK. Klines Grove, Nov. 8, 1850 if 1JLANK farcbmeiik Paper Deeds and blank Morlgage, llouds, Lueculiom,, t-iiiiiinorii A.C., for sale b H. U. MASSEh. Kuiilmrv Anri S I8f.6 OOsjllKN ClIKfSK Jsat rectivnl and for sale by bKABHOLTZ fCTKY. 8epl. 13, lSfi. ' with many vnlnnble, tnt hut not Iicnf. NEW ARRIVAL O V PALL AND WINTER GOODS! Ira T. Clement A0. I, COn.XKllOF MAHKM SUVA RE, p As just receivoil a larnc mipply of Kail and Li y ini-r (iiHiii. He will enntinue to sell Pry floods onil (iro reiics C'JI 11A I'lOlt linni rver, ns his goods are bought cheap they will be sold chrnn. lie feels conlidt nt" with his cxpciiencc and nl i'h v, ihul be c.n ceinpele with lhe World at large and Suulnry in particular. He would cuiiincrale uriicho if lima and spnrp would permit. It w enough to say that be has everything in Iho lino of Dry Goods, Groceries, A I.hrc Stork i f lieiidj -Mudo CLOTI1INO, HOOTS AM) SHOE?, ,Jc, v.-., that is kept in any other store in town, and Hi tiitimrr is omtie Lrccre. Aiiilltui niiiy it wiiVG O'tT tiiiid n' tiie fren, And lliuli 'ine nfilie Iiravf! While In r Stum unit lit-i Sirifca Suiiit: nut !ikn IIil'uii, Tcllinff nil li.-ilieim Tluit r'rmt.iin'i tu-gun. This is a fire country r.s nm proved by lhe election of I! in h iicin over iho Wonly llinso, therefore it is fu r fur all to dotlnMr lr idun where they can liCY he CHE.M'EisT. .Ml ure invi led to call nnd see. TIIE COUNTRY, as will ni lhe toiu arc rcspcclluily invited, and every pcrsen. lich er poor, hi;u or low, bond or free are invited to o.ill at No. 1 .Markket fSipmre, oppupiii: lhe t'oiirt House. 1', '. He is imt to he undersold by nny man er coml iuaii'iii of men. Io charge lor showing good. All Linus of produce t. in exchanje for giieda. iSunbnrv. Pec. 20, lS.'.G. lt.K 0 A II in It c M II 11 II LA n it, .lanuiiry 1, IS.'i7 ) LIST of Pcprniiors in lhe lJtink of Norihuni herlniul whose actnunis have tneii unelair.-.fd and imcll, illicit for three vears; Wm. II. lhnis. resilience unknown. 3 V0 10 f Kreedmaii, (iialiu Scoll A r, II. 1. Gruvex. V. I,. Maiwcll. Win. ilson. lo d N"t, t I do 2.1 I'd Wilkrs-b'iirrr, UiJiO Lcwishuri;, 10.50 t"nc!ai:nrd rlii idends None. NortTUUMI KHI.ANU CorXlY, SS. l'ersonully a pea red lefotc me a .lustire of tlio Peiirp, in and for lhe (.'ouiily, .1. I!. Priet!ri , Cashier of the linn): of Northumberland, who l eing duly nwnni doth i!"iosc mnl iy, ihn above miii iueiit ii true lo die best of his know ledge und In Ii, f. .1. K. ritlKsTI.r.Y. Cui-hier. Sworn anJ Hiii..l iil.( hefnrc mc, this -d dnj of Jiinuaiy, A. I). I S .', ? . Ji:: C. k r, J. P. January 10, I At A mai.sA 1.!. lc.ii.iis i G'urciii, r.'.!s; tfr iiiul Caiu-y LIQUORS, -Vo. 112 South Front Street, lehw Walnut 1 I 'hi ,!,!: 'phi a gIM'. old Uran.iiei. Wines iUie live. Pour' bou nnd ''..iiiuncaheta Wbikiy. I.ichlv im proved In nc eeiistar.tty on band mid lor sale as above. jy No'cs of li p Lanr.ister Bank received for J.iiju.iis al ;-ir. Prci uiher - 1 I s.'.O - "in yyv,ft-.i'fo y 5i2 "t-i1 "'"5'' -. i'ri;; xj.v.T.'i.;"?. ..-, 351l'l'( Tf I I.I V iiil'oini uiei.d-t, and J' the 1 nblie ccnerallv. iiuu he has jesi ,1 -cciv. cd a New Mock of t.oiS. ill hi.-, m ti.,,,.. a; David Miller's Mi'l, m August.! Town ship, and I bat be is prcj to tell t,m.ds al tin lowest pi in s. II U Stock ron.ii.-.U in part of P A LL A W IX '1 U It C. O O lis. Ci-ocsrio!, G'jcrr.svcre, IL-.i-tUvare. iits., and every vaiiety kept i i a ci.ii.ilr-. Snne. Trcvciton prices paid f..r ail ki"iip ..f j-io.,,cc. Lower Augusts In;., Die. -';'. I,".')'.! if I B hereby javen Ihal i- Hers 'I'! mi j the i slate ot .lai I. (.'n il. late of I ... er A u- i I gustii lowii!.!p, Ni.ill.iiii.!-. i and (uuiiii, de.-'d , ! hint ni en era:. ml t li e m.I ni l r. A pen in h hied lo sai.l cr-laie u i.l j-le-iM! in .1 ' j -ii o.e Wlliiotll ilv.i'.V, iilnl t.i.'ij Iitvl;. cl.,:iii.-. siid cslale v. il! ple-i.-e i res- nl llicui pro tested for sclliemeiit. .11. ny ii t.i;i.'i:'i!-: s;:n.;i!, Adm'r. L. Augusta tap. Dee. vti. i ".-.' tit -rr IJOTICE. IIi i'rs(ii Umiwin i! e.-:ieives il:d. Lie I lo inok at count or otlu-i- wise, are icpierted lo nint.e p m en 1 he fore liie Kith dav i.l lhe Ini-t itmnilis (liMior), IkT.o, er their accounts will he placed in the li.ind.i of a Justice for coiieciion. S. N. 'PIIOMi'SON. L. Augusta Ip. loih ,!;., IVdli 1:10, itj'l. A IEW BOCK ACEXT3. The Life 1 1. tux ; b h of lhe Life .- i.l. A.C.. iVi and Tih-es .1' A i.kx.i.m 1:11 11am-..iiiiiii-I M . Sunn her. A. M.. a. ill. or i.llll it. L'n i l Nn l.ld.lS I. l. Kll;l. I Ills IS I lie 1 11 I.ll '.Lie liil.bll; I. Ill ..S the .11 ,n, nun I.e. graphy of ibi 1:101.1 1u.u1. liiiitu person. il It a 1 ii 1 f W lie l til.. niaii V eioiM. 11 1.1; li s i,i. il. I 'Ibis will, 11 1 'ni is .. I.i.'arv id the tiu.esi and men of tin ii. mlnla n.nnii 11 any i,.i .... M j not beretidoie (livni 111 luMmy. il has ail the clllilllis of run. .nice, alilinh pu r; 111! from the most i- It .ti.- i.ini ,ml., ni.e xa.iei's, illld slll lllil l e In the I ni.ilr ol 1 I A III- I i. uu v. In reVl l-es ll.e el ' i.l nl.d coml ili 11 ol ion Revolution. A sl.i ti l 1 f lit 1:1: in nisi.iiin tl II cl Utl IICCl.Ulil i t I is Ci i- I ..lite 1 llll. Agents wutit. o in 1 v.-iy p. uly f the L'l.i ted .Statei. ti l llh.- and 1 t'ln r vahiiildt ttciUs, to whom the Lira, i" I ci.u.mi-ii.ii- i'i he paid Copies Font be n...,l. ..n h i oij i.C the price, On.. Hollar. " .1- W. Ll; i.l;Y, I'ublisher. No. 4iS N.-iih -till si. I'hilad. Jaiiuiiry 10, l-.-i 'ii EROLHfA!) c rCEiJtXS, j'o. Li."), A'. II. v.,,1, PIIii-AOai.PKIA, JJ.WTTK lhe uiiei.iioo nl rmiiitry men h mi " and otheis. 1,1 i . i 1 1. nf BOOTS &z SKI3;5, iihicb they will ilis-.o-e ul on the mnrt rensou uhle Ii nny. Nov. 5), lfi.',n.- Iv t lAIsLNs. I'lU.. .Ini'.lie )'itl. ;,ni 'n..,, Jelly ''akcn und lii.iu lir.un. for sale l.v, 'fill. i M. A. fl.'LMII!.' I'laUoili, and I oiinii r S,nlrs it sale ly K. J'. ULlOUi' d. mjN. Nov. 29, I8a6.-- ' Cl.NDY. An txcvl lent remedy lor cou-l;,,, cold, for eulr SI tl'l oilier. ti t. 0 Deceiiil.i r 4, IKf.R. MrUUlllll l'4'ittln iVesli ssHorituriit V j 11 recriu'd by June XI, IhM). WM. A. Ui;t,Ll! JOL'NTV OKLLUW. Ci.niii) uide.i lukeu as estb for 0od, and on ncte or hook ac- "t by E. y. CrtlCIHT (1 SON. A. J. CONRAD, HOLLOWING - RUN.. f r.ftl'ECTFPt.I.y Informs the public that bo bis replenished bis .Store Willi an ex cellent nm rtmcnt of New (ion, Is jl(sl received from riiihiilcljihia, which he will m II nn lertna as r. nVumhlu many other Pstiihli,hniFiit. His iisortiTirht colmisls iu pint of CLOTH, fJASSJMKHKH SATTINETT, Winter Wcura for men nnd boys, all m vie and pi ices ffjadirfi IJiTiss finntln Consistirj of lllaek Silks, Merinos, Alparns, lie Lnbirs, Cnlicur, (linbini, Muslins, J'rim miieri, & . Alsiialresh supply of GKOCL'Klt: of ail kimln. HARDWARE fintl GTI.EEIJSWAIIE, C'eihirwiire, 1) rooms, Ac. Alsnabirm1 aisort miMit of lloois and Shoes, sii'tuhle (or Men W ii. men awl Children. lltiU and Cap, bilk Hut, ami nil QOmi uuillv krpl in a t'ounlry More. All toe above li.inie.l Foick of gnmU w ill .u t-ol.l piwilivny nt low prices for rnsb. or. in ex chunze fir country produce, at lhe bihe-il market prire. Ilnlhiwiui! nun, Nov. I!), IP SR. ly Clothier: No. Ml Curcrvi-T C, -.VE I OVPTH, Fini.;.r.n.r'-iiA, Keep cor.fl.mtiy en cl" Ready-made 1-c.iHl it.T.cnt Gc;ODJ Made TO Or.D'R n r; r. Nev.'.'O, IS.10 y pTT A -rvrci jn-r- fe?c V JJ fc3 dC CO S till EAT (i I I' T B O O K KAl.i:. 4.0, stw voiik Fine Void Jewclni f.Vci an on to Purchaser ' ' ., , , ., , .., ' All Book:, wid be sold as low- ns can be had at nlber Mores, many of i,e,M ,,r 0,s T,ew Pooks received daily. A't varj iilir j , -.,,, fiom 2n ccats to -V 1 00, uiven Willi enchtlio.ik at lhe lime it is sold. Having on hand a very l.iri;c sin, k nf new nod v ilu ihle IJoo'v, and m our mo'to is l.nree sales and email c 'in than c:; ii he had rbrubere. Anvlook luil'lishcd in New York or I'liibidi-lpiiia will be promptly sent :ift included, nn receipt nf publisher's price. 1 aili!;iies ol I'onlis anil I re;eiits, eoiitaiuin; full explanations will he scut ficu to all parts of Ine country. The most liberal induce.ivnts are offered to Acents. Any pemon by seinlin lis uu order ror ten hooks, wiih monev inclocd. will he entillnl 1 tu an extra lln.ik and Cill. j A II orders lor hooks, ronlinina; in .nry, (lo I ensmc perfect safely.) should he rer.isiere.l at lhe fusi Ollice where lliev are mai'ed. ami diree- tc I to l.vnu Co., '.I.'J Droadwiiv, New Vo:k. Kclcicufc. M. 'I h, nias ,V Soi.f.. Seinli 4ih slroi l, l'liiliiilel.hi.i ; ,1. B. I.ippinci II t o., i'iiiia.le'phij ; D. Appl-toii A Co, Broadway, New erk ; Derby ) Jackson, Nas.iu street, New Ymk. j t i" ."-BND I'OB A '' at.ilo(;i;k. I IIVANis A- I'll.,' j I'liucipal .'-loic 4l!l) iiroa-le.ay. New Yotk. I Branch ."toil's at I v i Che- tout Klrcct. 'i'iniadei- ! phi. 1 and at Wasiiinclm, I). (. ' ' I)ecem!,t r ill. Ih.' O - I'i.'ia I NNOL Nl'llK to Uu " icinly, l ii ii I he has bury, n-l.o.'e II. .1. W.,lve Wi-iMi i'.n ILilci, wliere ! to aii l.m-.i.i -f v I, I:,.,, in lhe l..:e,t and i.inat im ii'izen; of ."'mibury and .;v'r.ed aii oi'ik-c m .Son-rton'-. njiji i-iile ( in is picpared !o altend ?it'S ll e m:e.-M iu. proi ,d si Ic. Ah work well dm.e and w.inantil. lleeeinl cr I H, I (..'id. foriaeily .-f Berry.-!, 1? S' Klill.'V ,11.., run. lrlTi ll lilll,! s 1.1 tho ci7en: (r Hi , i,,., l.iiMi'.il Mid w lull V , I ll.l I he I I .-. .. I e, Ijcu.ed i.i.n.a if in l..c i.. ove and licit ai r i pern lice of .-iver.ii v s, m i .ii : i i;.'. ! i an l.e.t (.;';. it pi,.csitM., I. i:.i a i.l .-'.l ire of ':: ,i : , i: ... l ut al! li, ins 1 1: loin:.;, nh. li nut -int". -i enir.incd, il lie- Naticii:'! (Weaver'..') Mii.iin.kin, Oct.. he r -.'i, i s.'i!i. Hi. i OYSTICiiS!" OVSTiC!..?! ! Frt'sb f.oni U.iliimTe e-.ei v M .rnin j. vamivki: ami an o::n::k :::, X-nhrod.-r! r,d I'.,., Will fi.mi..h ili'stn.i' ji.i.s a:;J l.iivate flmi-'ic 'orerior I ... . 1 . . i. . Osslel.- V 1. r i al ' an- aii nniers promnliv intend I lo shoiu.t iiti'.i. c. .1 AM IIS V.'MiVH, JDSIIPU VAN I1L LKf. Oct. is. is.'ii;. :f To Euildcra & Ccrpcntcra. The Suiisei il.e's are anciils fur the sale o' Doors, Window blinds. Window Mnitlers, and ., , .,,., ..iiuu, un 01 wiiicii ne oner ill liie. loivesi ,iices. Nov. i3, Vn;. IL V. 1) lUUIIT A sox HAVi; YuU sCiiil'JULLi) in rut osuicpouttm Art Assoetu For the Tnint V, or t ski; Tin: tiAiii: i.vui i i mia is 1 iOil ni-iirii'-. Until i.-ii t: 1:1c j.n-.iMi. i. a.iti .11 111 1,, ik, 1 iu,. c ,i,.,., .,, I c lliifil 1 li'-ii .111 ii.j t ie t-i.i.. seiil" ii. wli.-Si- h: 01 J. .1.11. 11 j . is,;. .1 etii.-li , 1 111 le e-.i. tl. in 11 llll) ,-l. ,1 "IS ) lull- 1 XifllU I 'f. A.H ill on' 'I'il.t ,! u el. 111 Mi.!; . ':! ill lillist .Ii ir.e I'. :ln new ..'III Ui. I.. i.l Si-i -H- ,.l U.e "U 11 11 U N V M r i . Tin- ICe's nl' lhe 'Peie l.rn.l A i.n-i ii-..ii I'l.A V, Ui;il.. I.K . I'.UIUHN. .,,. t C Id II liili... 'M'lil.Vl,.1' it.?. 11 ..- I-AI,.' Alul. A.l Jil.tNA, nl Mail.!,-. In a, ,ttr, I. geda-r Will. I tic l.i I iwiaj 'ir-'U, ami Slaluis 111 Cuiura Alia 1.1. I II v r: iill'i' l',r 1I11 lliinl. V'l'iais 111 tl Aft I ; Pur'.-: Mi.j.-. ilici-t. ; c lu..i .i (..rtsia; una lite 'ii.ia.;!.'' alt l.i.-l .11, ii.ihr. ill IIii.iv.i-. i,l:i a e- 111.-.:. 11 11 . i.ii.l tuii.l.,-,1 l'INi.1,1!. I'A.M'I M.S. liv l.illi.J .',1,1..:, 'i'l.e V. I. it el III..-. 1 ine ,.i U- nt.i : it i.l. , i-i if t . mi. in. n die -.'i'i-i; noi-lti wa- Sf 11111111-1, ait 111 i-.l nl 1 u- inu. I.. I'm tu iim v nt- jam. auv, lear, w l.i 11 ilm V uai :i tan a , .u in l.i- j .ee. Tn.M, eli' Stlti-iiun i .y Bveiy ful.i-.ciil ir i-l' Tlnie pi.;r i 1 11:. I ail r 1 A i'"iy "I dm mint -'til I iiiin.i a...', S.fJ-ir.t .v .N iu ill l-..ij ;i;,, 1.1 llltl l II l leu 'J-i Al tai'illlt-rt lute l ear i i.Js . 11 1 i.-l 1 I tlie An J in.i. u '1 11 Si I ill me L 11 I .1...M..I. 1 1 'I uai. I r 1 v 11 ilaiv .1 it,!!!, j 1..;,'i -.1 ..-..utinti I.1.-.1 ii,.i , r .l.i iiifAi li-ci-ii i-n die A:l J.iuri 1.! 11 U.e Annua. e iii:.l,i. u 1',, i ..I in .1 f All 1 . .1 1 1, i.i.ll : i.'t . my . o'. 1 ul 'ii k, l in ii',i'!l I...I1U-1 tlie tii-..l, ;.j uu, c.i 11 nl'.l u.if . r iL 1: nl St iln.n j III. 1 1 l i-'j, , I 111 Til ..e wii .reler ,lin..:ii..en r.i II .' 1-1 jiiiA a itnl .Viula. ' iti.i'o e liie. . ' lc . !...i-n.(i 11 tl.Oj.t-l'd l:iir izine ; ti' :'.' I .:.! '., II , a I ml M in-i nt!, hi it i-it etiir M:.i;..z:i e, l.l..;:.iti. s . Ill ei.iv -i.l l .uiiiii-', S ullin.i l.l-i.i ,:i i ..-I i .11 n.ii. Siitur . I'i" fl.-e Ml. 11 U II l reklli.'lttl i ii m le flnl... I. klnl s. t l.i. Ui e ei til!. li I'.' I lii-Ai-m in ilikirifai: or : i.) in t zin I'i i .111, in rem 11.1 mini. ,,r 1,1.11,1 ,Tf!,';.. wi ljili.if, icitirtir tin- litlei ill lhe I' m t.lliee. I.. .,-i,. 1 I ; rei'ei;.! . I' will" ll- a c Itilietiif ol All iiitiei.lilii, t..p-.-(iiri whli ihn laittiui i. or Mi-n iziiiodi'.iii it, will lie I. 1 M..ul-,-il I lin 1 ail . 1 Iin- ei'tluliy. I' .r CnilnM 1 aitieut.iia, uie liie Novcmlicr An J uriiul. ill nee en nriiic:iiiiii. I'." C I, DKISIIV, A -lnari r . , Ul- lii.milwi.i, Ne.v V. is, or Wi sirru Clan c. Kii Water utrt e:, bandatky, lil.i (ir at..ii 1 1 JUIIN fj. BiJAKl). II..11 rau Sr. 'y. Doc. ill, l.-.-ll Sanliui y, IN in. a. PORSALE. rPil l; tnilm rilier oilers for sale a Farm iu I'pper .Maliouo) lowiioliip, coouiiiing or acres, J. jeinin; futer llt'isi I and Dr. Mtiiinky. Tlio ini pruieuifi.ts aie a Two iSiory l.nj Ihiux and a Hunk Kara, an nrchsid ol clioi.s irinl. 'J wcPo acres are ineaiLw, 10 ucres woodland ainl the reiiniiiiJer cleared, fonseaaiun given on liia 1st of April, l57. Apply it JACOB BTRAWSETl, Cpptr Msbcmny.licf ember 13, l&ia,-. l CENTRE OF ATTRACTION! LAKOll AlSfSOKTMENT Ol" FALL AND WINTER GOODS. ii ii e-u.:xin(nii:iii iiiWU.i-, 'pHK.Si; qmililies combiiird, the publir will -- (inil by ciillinii nt the Store of B. Y. UKIUHT iV SON. Their assortincht ii lare,i-, and ba" beeii.feleclHil with irreat care, and will be dii posrdnfma small advance. Tlia Will find nrrtong our Pry nond Wool Tlnids, lllaek and Kuncy iil,s, fluid Lnma riannebi, A Ipacca, solid col vn.l nnd' fancy Pchiints,!. .".'celch I'l.iids, l'i?urcd Cnslin.ere , Per sian XimII, Colnirg ('loth, (iiuplinins. Calicos. Ddntie and Ittcgo Eohcs, Fforcuce i'Hh, ll'n-i ll;ds. Opera Caps, and Woolen Cuffs. LA Dir.' and CIIILPKK.N" Vv'OOL TA I.M AS (iuni Belts, licit 1'ihliiiii, Mohair Rod Hressrs,, liiolious, Needle-wuil.ed nml Duijlo I'ollirs, 7'hreiid Laces, f Inuncinii, Iimrliiijr. rRi-n. Muil, Cii'iilirie, Naiiisnok, l.'imily, jrrcd Muslin, iiiihianliiie, and a genera! nnsoilment of v. into tiiioil.4. Wool and (Jolinn Carpet;, Oil Cloth-i. )t f-leiiies. Kockihiio hliukels, Turkish ruiiter)aiies emiinsscd table covers, li.kings, cack Ihinnel, scarfs, kid, silk, Lislo thread and woolen loves. Of every variely, Russia Craih, Ltntri und Cotton liaper. THE GENTLEMEN will find Ilhick, llluo nod Drown Trench Clfltlt, Dneskius, Hlack and l'uiiry Oas-iiiner, liuied .S.itiiipii, Overcoming, Vweed, Velveteen. rsiik, Matin. I'lii.-h and Silk Velvet Voting, .Neck-tics, carld, CnlUrs, Clowa and Wuiks. ErABVIViilEa CLCTBISG. Rats and Caps of nil end prices. OLU liAIIPWAlIB rnihrncrs nil kinds of huildins material, a large stork ol' Carpenter' TnnU of liie hest maiiulac- tine hies ol every desci iii'ion, l icks, eruh I oe, Mason Ii urn mil n. bur iron, steel, nails, naiuts, puny, k:uss ami oils, wimlow eash ol a ll b.;vs, ,-,, ., mors. Ci.e,,l;.fn,,.i Mill S...... ,-, .... i . 6 tei'M!,ware hiock 1 " 7',nl"'c" - l""a Sells, 1 ruit .lislics, , vase j tales, sj'jce diiilies, common plates, enpa Kuucera, loe.clher willi a varied ussnrtuieul ; ol (.Jussuare, taihiaeinij lhe la'.est at vie., I . , . . i ot " KC:l-.l IK ! are fiesh and pure, nmongwiiich may -JC found, j A. tiH, Mackaicl, Shad, Cedlkdi. boxed and ' pickled lli rrins, (ioshen and Saj-e (.'hecse. 'J ho I best of te.ts, nigars, rollce, &c. ! Vc return our thanks to the rmtillc for our ! increasing p.ilronaee, and rctpecrlullv invito an i examination of our slock, as v.e deem it a plea sure to show our lieoits. Ftf Cnuntry produce taken ill exchange at the highest maikel prices. II. V. BTtlGHT & SON. Piinbuiy, Nov. 23 ISoti. Bargains at the Old Gtarnl. ' A b'i; now oppuini; a new and very dcsirahle kjA HocU of fall and Winter Ooods, em hracini; an endles.i variety. Their stock con si its in part uf BInck & Srcsdelolhs & Capftesrcs. N inter Wares lor mi n and hoys, ail stls and prices. DHEj-'S GOODS. Sir.KSFtain and Fiijurcd Marl: An assortment of fluid Snipe nnd Figured Tan ey Dress Silks nl unusually low prices, Mas. De Lains. Dclic'cs Ac, i LNf : 11 A X! f roiii r. J t . renta per vat J. f'ALICOKS " 1) " 12J white t;ooi:-. Cambric. .I.iconclis, Sw-trs, Tarllon, Mull, B .Id. hell, French and Kw !ss Laces, I'li'.'ins. Ac. B' an I l.;e:,ciie l Mu.lina, !!ri!!i:ni). Ticks, t.'Ijecl.s, Toe. Iinys, 'i'ablc Diapers, 4'C. I-IAHDVAliB rxd aCEEST7A32, Cedar-wail', Hollow. '.v ire. Iron, t-tcc!, fi.iste." Salt and f i;h. Al?:i a tte. h seoj lv ..f Pl'.l i.:- '.'.NT' yi'.P'Cl.N'JV'. Thankful ast favors, we hope bv Ftricl ri 1 1 1-1 ; ' , 1 1 and a niv-ire to iileafe, still lo meet with l '. . i ; :;! '-.v.:! i f e:.r .. iecds. s'i"' S'-'iin'rv i-iii.liici: of all tin Is ta'ien nt the I hi : n; t rkei pri.-c burv, Nvv. '.a, IS.' P. lv. ' , ,4 , , . LA .''.'. 1.V-? TO Hi: f. . ft A T 1 V Urr.k 1 k? 1 U!uo J-'iancji cii't'tt, kjiiLiii-j. TTt-'-i' rein,! id . j ell' 'IM m; 1 a splem'.id f lock I GOCL'rf, conn::-:- I y of FALL .114 in (ail if An iish.i Inn i.l of l'l.y Ci.od'1, vis: Merino I 'aV.init it-.-, Lclii::!-', (', W'o.den l'lai..' t-.iiili.inis, olu.iiiii-,, I l.uieel;-, Ac. Trur.niincs in Grca Variety. i! AitOW , ' v V Alii:, i-c. .1 ... . . ..... .... I .SALT and FL" '.1, ( h. e..., ILnsin,, Tobacco' and C'l tai s, I jueeusware. Himty, tSlioes. Hals and , Cap.', a 11J a lar.ciy of (ionls too U'Jioua to men : tiou. j Call and examine my tlock befuie Purr-has- 1 iinr I ?ewhne, A I. 'oualde Uiocoimt will be ,.,1.,, ,rn,r e:o!i .Sales. I ouuiiy prednce taken ijlit st uiaiket piii e. in cMchanrje at the ?. W. GI1AV. S'unht.rv.Nov. lv-, EXECUTOR'S SALE. 'JTItl, i.nde".i;.H-d I,-cent UL l.nde nf the ivt.ite of of the ii i ii L-ii " Jatoh l'ain'er, i'cc'iI., iate I of r-iiul urv. fv urt..e of a power cioitaincd in 1 . the la.-t Hill ni.d II s'.allllenl id'silid diceaseil. ! ' ilo-po-e of i.l fiiia'.e Sale, lhe ijiinw ins'le lift I y.'stitle, vi. : j .-.Livuit.w, loth '.v.: i-Airrs- or tw.! I i.tii'M (.!! i.i:ii Nu. ; I in .Mail. it I'ljunte, in the .'leroucl; oi Snni urv. J li .ml in j; -to leit on Market i-liccl, lei. 13 p:ut j ,.1 lots No and rn which a.e er cti-il 'i'brre I Fiaine lioil.iinns. '1 he dwcllini; ia a lu.i Mnry ; ! t'iiine Hiii!.ti'i;i. with lint ii.-m.l oullmildiiiL'. j j s.aitl..', f:c. br.e the residence ,:( siii J,t i 'I'l.iie is rho on the ;'i,.i,t ,.f Naid, l.vo uvl I si ny frame hnild n.;s. occni ied .n .1 store, shop, j I Ac. with a f.'.'.l W'rU ot water lu foie i!u, i!,..,r ' j Al.Ml;-.'. FAKM (Ut TKAOTdf LAM). I j ciiiiiaiiim.; aliout hid Acres. Miuato lietiiccn tin: ! I r.itl.iivisa and Crc k loads tihont ihree ip.iarter I : iiiilct. from Nunhuiv. 'i'he iuiirnve:iieuts are 11 i t. a me luo-stoiv dwelling llo-.-e, nn-.l h laree ; fa..1; ilain n::il nth. r Tl 1 re ale ' ' sci r.l )i.:e Sinns on il.n icmi.-cs. ei.c rear, j the h.nie, and iil'o a iint.i'.'cr of fiuit trees of - 1 ari-ins kinds. 'I'he terms and conditions ofsile ill he made j kiiowti hy ii'.culun lo the undci 'si.jtie..!, rividiin; ! near Minnuiy. joiix hlvli.'s. ; A lent "nr d'tio. A. Fait, iVis. Sunl urv, Nov S, I1C1O. tf I . W.V WATCH AM. JKWKLIIY STOKE .III 14 .ll't .11'fOlill .tiki, opposite -I'junt Yeioon ) Ihilo-dcl'i'iia. tn JOLl) Lever Walibcs, foil jeweled, IS K, iU. sen, Sc'H ; Silver l ew do do., .ii; si;, vcr Lcpine, do., ,'.1 : lJnrrner. Jj-S lo . 'il' fipeela.lls. S. 1 ill til I U i Niv ' , do., i I .Ml ; .silver '1 aide Knoniis per ku, u u, 1S Stiver pe,e,t Jo., .o.,'.l u f , , . ;M,ler Te jJa, do., J l 75 to .1(7 o'j ; Uuij ,lh, t; ,u ( 4 set, .J So lo ; Clold fens and .Silver Jo.. toaelhcr will, a vatieiy ol fine liolj Jewcbv, (ol'! I'urh , (iuai J and Fob t hums. All goods warranted to bo as epi.cuU'J. Watches auJ Jewelry, repaired in the I est manner. Also. Ma sonic Marks, fin, ic.n.ide lo order. N. IS. All orders scot by mail or utharvnise, will Is punctually attended lo. rtda, Oil. i, U5r,-'yw THE LATEST AHRIVAL . OF FALL ANt WLTf:it UOOB3. J. F. Il I. F. KLIIJr?, ltenprctfully nnnuunee lo ll.rir IrieinU nl ibr pu bbc in peneral that they have rtri ivcJ m tlmr Sil l' ill t ppfr Auensta lonniip, Nerthnuilier lainl eouiity fi., nt K lines ftrovc. 'I In ir I n!! nnd V. 'inlet r,"ci's are rprnc d to i! fall n.rilliulit nf rntrehnridizo Ac. t 'ims.'sliiiR in part of Ololha, h'acV tint fancy t'as'mri7, bnt'li'"'t', Clircka, Krntnrly Jn.ii l.'mlpr Shirts nn;t Drawer and nil l.inils of fall nnd WinlT ConiM. A lot i f ready mailo Cloathinj. consisii- 3 of Coats and Vesls. L".0.-e." Die-Ed Gonrln, Sha".!. Oiehnuis, Oci.igti l!ain, Cnticoc, black Ml!;s ,e. AIo a Irrdi aupidy '.if Diups and, Creceriiis i', c., nf ell l imls. A new i.UM-.i' of ll-.rdwarc. IJueci'.swnrc, woiu'en w are Brccm 1 1', c. Also a hrge es--nri'iicnt if"ontanJ Shoes xuii iLile for men wc:f,en and (hildrrn. HATrt AND CAPH. Also nn nssnilinciit ol School Books, prtatirrio ry, Ilnvelopes, Ink nnd rhe-ip p'jbllc.ilions. Ac. Kilt, Ohiese d r., n'ld all seeds nsunlly kept in a country slore. OoirCnnd ice, Coiuo one, tome n M . (.'hraper lilni lhe 'hr,-ippt. 'Jhankful for past la vera f e hope bv .strict at er.tion lo buiinexa to merit a continuance ol Die same. All of the abuvp named tloclt fcf fioild will b snhl pwiiivrlv nt low price fur rcsli. or in ex cln ie for cou'ilry produce nt the bichcst mar ket pi ice. Klines Orove, fa., Nov. 8, P'3f tf I. 1 1 m OF STTIJ-OSTJIVV, TPVi, rTT( EM'F.CTI'L'LLY mitc their Ir.cnds ami jjj., Ihc pul lic tu inspect lln ir new nock -f 'a-iwter coor-s. just received fun-i I'liilanclphia, In in 5 canviried that llnir 'iilensi it hest iro:m.Ud hy n blricr continuance '.fibril' old plan of "S'l.rilfprofts and qnh-1: friltt.'' they shall still by their i icvious course. Ainoiiest their stock will he found fortiLN' TLi:.MKN, a larno a-sorlmcnl of KBADY .MAlllJ Coats, Vests and f antalooiis ; Clo ts, (.'.ist-imcres. ,'Satir.etts, X'e.'itinn", Cndcr-!; hi ts. Shirt Bosoms, Collars mul CrsvaN I'OK lapw;s. Bhrk nnd colored fiika, De Begc -fioles, Dc .'e.ges I'riii'.h Merinos, L'nshini r-s. Mail inn Cloth, C'ol-urfrs and Alpacas. LVIniue hoth plain nml priuK'il. Cloaks, ?rncha and Woolen Shawls, Tahhv etvel in v.l' tons colors. Quilie.l Skills. Sack ll inncl various cub' j ors Bed and while flannel. ALSO : A general arsurlincnt of Ladies and Oentlcinans BOO'l S, stllOL'sJ &, UAITEKS. Mien's, B.'y' and Cbiidrens' Hats .jtr Capii Hardware, Cucuswiire, tiro'erirs, Ced.irivare stone and Earthenware Pru;rs, faints, Full Salt, Chcitr, Xaiis, Oils, Ac., iVc. A good supply of school l ooks and copy book with printed copies on each pae. Country produce taken in exchange for goods, at liie highest market pi ices I. W. '1T.NEK& Co. Senburv, Nov. 22, !S.r)C. j O.iods for the People ! i liEXJA-MIN JlKFKNElt f 5 IhSPnCTFt'LLY informs thepuiilicin gen ! eral that he has just received and opened a ' splendid slock of i Fall ami YVintf.k CJoons. i at bis New Store, in Lower Aiiju&ta township. ! liis stock consi-tfi in p:it of Ciillts, C&jsinicr., Cas-iiiitfa. ol ail kind.', of !i.:cn, cd'on and worsted, j ALSO: 7i'tumi't inn S;;'.ea and all kinds of Ladies jiress Coeds. (.' iccerlca, Also an a.'.-nrtmef.t of HTsirifV-Tt.'?, ElO! r.::.l Steel. Kail-. Also an excellent assortment r.f aurraswAHs, .r mm-.s anj piulottis. Aleoan aas-n-tment of 2JUi.T A firiOCl. if A'J' .V 'JA f S, a ijood se'cciii.n. f'iilt, Fish. ,('. j And a creat variety of oilier uitiilcs st. h r.s pre j suitable tu the trade, all of which will ex cold at i W t-n,,,t,y Vrci-M9 taken in excbatije a U.e Inrjliest ri;e. 1. Augusta, Nev. E2 HSUailTG 3 SAFE A.iA-N rrz-in ok A.a-r'i?io2ST : mi;; Safe icl.ic.':, it i n :; itutnure, vre- ), il ic iiiiir: ( ""'v h's in i';t Uite A'.i7t ; :'' . Fi. .v. TL 1 .';'. -.'-1,3 J l'inli!i:i;. A;..-d ... , !;f.. r.ur.xi ir-i: .:.'iei,iT 1 M '.;'' V: ::. ':' -' i"j". !'..-.-.i..ii--iii!i.-2 .ile M-.-... ,u M tl ,. !,..., ,, (-,.. . :i.:ni.i!,s ,, . . ,, .... ca. fit;. " 'Uii'- I c ,: - I I'litit-r b iiiii. .1.1J I " .'1 . J Ci . : in t le-!'-', I .:i 1 ..irnii-g -i' ii.-.idi 1' r;v I.. iiW' ""..'.'' 1 - i-r 11. i)K;.r. i-::r. t ,i c : Wl'f-t all.'.ll i , i;, (-'Cl.:. CI ..r-l .rity I ! Ill ni. i IT li'i i'fci::U.r IV.W IC.-.-. II la I liesi' li: l.y .-1 ii-il!i i tif lir.n.'i !r-'? 1 t'i .1 1:.,' mil" eir-:i ' :i '-ir.i .11 !,! te t' tir i .- "Si.tilll'l vie ! !t I'iC 1.1 . ills 1 1 "t to I" i' il.-r: vt'!." . d v: 1 n. t Tl 'r n: le i l '.H Ul - to .1 in. V Unite . Mil ni !. v ,1-s'i ..v- I. : .turn II,.' 1 I it:-.i. tr,,,r.- i'...;t:il Iai V'l'iiont - - ' I's.' 1 eti ev J-o ll..' ,i..i .,, ye.lis III.' ,:,..,' i .'ni' .drill i.ili . Ill' -l;' u I ! - S..le Ii-t '.drill ;t;ir. d il, 'iirriei,-.. i.f a .r.i:;i' 1. W "Mil. Ilii-i-i-,' -a.-, i-a u - w. ni'K Il.n iw:-:i-;ii:-.-nr;-,tii.ii nf i..:t-r. 1' ... t.t t :'.. ..:-,- Tn.-.r. I -:'.tii- i'- ... !. ii. -r.i'.-.'t.-ii I v n I'-i't-i.r i : ! C .- '. ., . ;,t 1 ..'. ...;, i, I-,;,;; 10,) n:)n',- Safe 11. e.v kitnwti. :a i i.val 1.1 r.irro!:4 V. V V i-. tiircis ia tiu S:nto t'f HERanc's r.vrr.NT cmspias safes," "4 Wi.lnut St., FLiladu. ' I! "Kcnm . ':eiu' liii:ir"Vt-:t Sntamj,i,.ri," f. 11 lei s, an.! Si. at ' aIki..." 1 -. a .7! ex s. 01 l-irei : n'eni -ll.-ri i: I'll. 1.1., June i!l, I It I ai ii. l.tea luWea Im nait i' ' ivilllii; font al lofir eitci-s. 5-iy. C"I7IAN"3 .Yo. 21 .Vnrth Thir l St., i.tlo-e Arch, IH"N I'llV .Mer.hain- can snv,. f,o:n (p.) to X J lilieeii ierri-r.;. ly purciia-iiu at i!iea!inxi si. .us. liy iiii,,.ri':, ,-.- cwn ,j,'s. (1,-iyiu hut li'dl- i.-nt, ai , I li-. i,. econoinicailv, il is I nn I can uiider-ell , .,. u;., ,.iir..a. ,iu.;r iiet.d li'.'te, ay b'.'4, rend, and live I ii ji-iiiees. Coiist.iriliy on Itnt da lurse a-.' iilmeiit of Pen au.Ufi.cket Kiiiirs, s. i.-iors dud Ifa.ors, 'J'uhlii Kni es and i-'oiks in ivory, si irj, buffalo, bone iinJ wood haiiilli'i, Carvers nnd Forks. Ac, llnt.hei L. ii.s. llr:;, j'onic Knives, KcvoUiu an.J p u in Pinto!, c. ' Atrfoit I. in.,. tis .tt, ...... i .-.f i... Abe fine tnW, TwU, aini uZ Ae. JOHN M. UOLLMAN. Od. 2... l5o.-ly. Importer. WII,UI:LK AMI lltTUL Crocfiy, Wir.o liquor Store, S. E. cor. H'o' iut and Water Strctts, run. wai'iiiA, lKALKHS mid families will la pronipllj supplied al the lnurtt prices. Oclobcf L IbMi tf XmT:iiicax house. VVJLI.lAMdi'Ci;!. 1'A., .1. i:. Ut l.sOV, Fro?, Utor. Jif. 1'. IIali Ass'L fcept. li 1K0 -tl