"AID AND COMFORT," To Your Own Mechanics. ISAAC Al. WILKEHSON, Respectfully announce that he has Ultra the stand lately occupied by licorgo Rcnn, where ho ia prepared to manufacture ell kind of FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most FashionaMo Style. ""PHE u!iSfTilT respectfully nulla I ho etfcntiel of the public to hia large nnd aplcndid es aor (merit of every quality and pric.o f VAlII.VlsT-WAKIS vi lilch cennot fail to rovommend itself to every enc who will examine it, on a mount of it durable workmanship and a;lcudid finish, mado up of the best stock to In) had in tho city. No cllbrt is spared ill the manufacture of hia ware, and the subscriber ia determined to keep up with the ninny improvements which are constantly being made. Hia stock consists of Mahogany ot';, Uiltnn l.oinJS'rs Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, rE6F4, IIRK4KFAST 4M) MSIM. TABLES and also VENETIAN BLI.MIS, equal to Phils- delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price CUPHOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET f ABLKS AND EXTENSION TABLES, In ahort, every at tide in thia line of hia br.aincra. lie alto manufacture ail kinda and qualifier, CHAIRS, ncluding varieties never before te ho hud ir Punbury, aueh aa Mauugast, 11 las k WaisvT ami ('t'KLKD Maflk Unarnir ; uu Wixnsnn CHAIRS, A.vn i'a.nct Pjavo Stools, which are of the latest atylra, and warranted to he excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The rabscriher ia determined that there ahull be no excuse fur persona to purchaso furniture in the cities, as every conlideiiee can be onlertained about the yuulity and finish of their ware and Chairs. These articles will be disposed of on aa (rood terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in payment for work. CT" U-NUEHTAKINU Having provided ft handsome Ilt-usc, ho ia now prepared for rndertuking, and attending funerals, in thia vi cinity, or at any convenient distance from thia place. K""" The Ware Room ia in Tawn Street, bc ow Weaver's Hotel. I -M AC M. WTLXINSOX. Stmbury, Sept. 13, 18DG tf. JOHN FAKE III A, Xo. 221 Market Street, clove Pii., rmr.Ai:r:i.riiiA. TTM PORTER, .Manufacturer and denier In ell Kindt nnd qualities of finey furs, fur Ladies and ChiMreu. J. F., would call the attention of tlie Ladies and others to hi imtuence a-sorl-lucut, being the direct Importer and Manufactur er of all my far. 1 feel confident in sayiug that I can oiler the greatest inducements lo those in want nnd t tha same time will havo one ot the 1 truest assortment to select from. storekeepers and tho trada will please give tne a call before purchasing, aa niy wholesale depart ment is well supplied to meet the demand for every ortk'e in the Fur line, and at tho lowest possible Manufacturer Prices. JOHN' FAHKIIIA. 284 Market Street. Philadelphia, Sept. tO, IH5G. 4mvv, CIOTHISO ! CLOTHING ! ! WlH'I.llUV I.1D RlTAIL. rcMIT tuib.crlber would resperlfulv inform tho readers of the American, that he has just opened a New REFORMED CLOTHING STORE, No. S'JS Market Mica, (5 doors below Ninth, south side) Philadelphia ; where he keens con stantly on hand one of tho bent assortments of heady Made Clothing, in the city ; alto, a lare assortment of (.'lotha, Cassiuiora, &c, which will 1 c made to Ordrr, i:i the bast manner, and at the rhortest notice; all of w hich will be sold at the lowest possible Cash prices. Reader will you please give us a call ? DAVID MAUL, 203 MARKET "Street. K. 15. WILLIAM SHAFFNEH. will be pleased to see his friends at the above Clothing Store. Oct. 25, 19.". 8 w3m3 PPMNSYLVANIA COMMERCIAL IE3TITUTE, LOCATED IN YORK, PA ft fel'TEKS young men all the advantages of tnorouili UusnieJs bduc&tiou. T11U COURSE OF sTC'iY Embrace Double-Entry Rook-Keeping, as ap plied to V.'holciiilc, Retail, Commi: ion. Man ufacturing, Shipping, steam lloaling. Individ ual, Paiinerhip, u::d Compound Company PENMANSHIP in all the Ancient and Modern Hands. Also, LECTlRi'S mi Commercial Lew and Political fcentimnv, by Thomas E. Cochran, Escp For Circulate, Ac., address the undcisigned. T. K. WHITE, York, Pa. September fl, lBort. 6m. ikiiixu & ruiiN'isniNVBu.'ii.xEss Calinet Maker's Fkdinjs, 71ie subseriliera respectful!)- inform their friends and the public generally, that liny huve eoiinec ta.l with their UeiUittit! A: Furnishing business a Urge and weil ass.nud stock of Cabinet Maker's finding, at their uld stund -Vw. f-3 ju:h Second Street, Mow C&vlnut, E'liUaAelpiita. They have associated with them W. S. Brown who has been for many ycurs .moaned in the principal establishment of the kind' in this eitv. i u u aiocu oi uonua now on nana comprises every dercription of materials ucd by Cabinet Makers, consisting in part of the following, vi ; Hardware department, koeka, Hinpts, ScreAs Cantors. Zied herews, Chair and tola Springs, Collin Handles, Ac. Cabinet Maker's Materi.ils, Hair Pelting, Curled Hair, Looking Class Fl;es and Frames, Clue, Varnish, Sand l'aper, iiiriaps, I!ck and Fancy Kill; and Worsted Gimp, Sola and Chair Webbing, Twine, Sacking Uottonia, V-ostwoad, al.aliogauy, Walnut aud Maple Knubs, Glass I5cewj, eie. liedding Department, Hair, Husk, Moss, Wool and Cotton Mattresses, F uther iieds. Holsters and Pillows; Pl.ish, Hamask and Moreen Cusli ions , Comfortables, Counterpanes, Linen sti.l CetUin fchects. Pillow Cases, Linen and Cotton Rowels, 'i'ablo Cloths, 'J'uhle Linen, i'jlils Cov ers, Mor. nn, Deinask and Plush by the piece, Moss and Husk by ihj bale or pound. Tls Hair Seating and Curled Hair is from the Phila. Mauufaetury of 1). & J. Noblit. N. R. HoUlM.i-teain lioats and Ships fur sdshsd at the ahnrtect notice. IS 07; EI?, EiOWN i NOHLIT. S3 Sivl'i 'Iml St., ielom Chestnut. (Nuarly opposite Rani; of Pennsylvania.) fUiiadelphia, AuuH J, 1836 ly. Cheap Watches JiMvelr TCIIfllXSAU: and ReU.il, at tho "Philadel plna Watch an.i Jevv.lty f.ior," Nu, 80 ISorta cccona street, comer of Quarry, Bi.li! Lever kll..:s. lull jtwe:-.1, term ,.,, f -HCO M l.i-ijsa ! .li'i'; l.:'S'iivr:J,..u1.'l.,i' no tT. jwai. r-.:...!i limr, !,..,. i. P:'.V'-r I.C.T, I jI! jcvi'it I'J .ms' t;,. . i-,.;:,. 1 tiO'i inr (uuriiei0. i:v'lV:i7illi,fc.; 5lV.ii 0- M ii.'fU'.-le,. 1 fcjli IViu, wilh Teiiril :irt .:e IIoHit, Gold Fineer I!i:'?s. 3?1 ee-ttsto : Vi ClasM-a, plain, IS ft cents; Patent, lsj; l.uiut, t5; other articles in proportion. All goods wur qiuled to be what they arc sold for. BTAUKKEtt & UAUt.EY, On hand, some (.old and Silver Levers and TVpines, still lower than the above prices. Oct. i, 185(1. ly. 8UOAR CUKEli HAM A lot just recivd and tor aaje by. bE.'HiiHOI.a'Z V PJSTKV. epl. IS, r4. AYEITS Cathartic Pills, (SVG AH COATIUK) ARB MltK lO CLV-AKTE TFB ILOOD ATI CTT3 TIT2 6ICX. Invnlfcta, Fftllirrv Wthr, rhflclnut rUIUatliropInt. rrf.il Ihi-lr KTir( nud Jutln of tHrlr Tlrt. roH tub ct'iue r Kooitrtrfce, gick II rail rh, Fowl PlownrU- In'cri, I.. Mm 1, ibib. pv, J P, Air: I ..n rnimly our nf tit,. bsMtln- l muf tn 1tp ft 'ioe or two U reitr It ntu marte frifli n jm u mif h, hK fc it. j rlMin t i.. 91 V:-y Aill cur etht na thvy (to 'Jot tmt It worth iPj:i;. Clrrk i .Wflumr Chnttn, EIJJoiw aOlftordcrfl nn4 XArt r CoinpUimtr MViJt.TWaTWT 0 lNTKFt. 1 . IIS.; Tfl. P.C.. 7 f V&if ftp: T nf4 y mt Vim in luj (enoial ftihl bivylui pt-'(Vo ? vsj I. It tl;M. o:U lAUtkot l:tliUttO My ihy ftro tl 9 1 f rtl.m:lc vnpX. Tlirir ron wii-in tiHHrti tn tho l-n tr,ui'-k n-l '!, t J, .icfi:i !? i.y u mi tt4inl:Hc rrour!? (br (t'O.i.g. snentJ i iht n. Iti. 1 lrite kiit ttitt I A Chaw of bii.QHI mV ri t.i o:ane H't ft did r.o t iwlMy rloid lo tl.ftn. :mnM jumr9. AI.US7M BALL. M. P., P'i-finmt Vie Marine Il'fpdal. Pytterr, lteliiJi, nnd Wornwi. wt Oticp, IIaiithwp, Lit. C?., M"n., Nor. 16, lft. Tn. Ann: Tour i'illi o.e rtio nrTtVU..n of miMctnf. V-my lt itone my itv ui'TO if-i-U Uiui I rti tilt Tun. tfi:'i.n1 )twn h'l'k Atttl ('iniiijE HtrT for moui S'nt t7 10 lw- drt.nI Kt pvrt i'(i'fP, tut pnt no U-ttT. 8h0 fciifii otiiinu'Brt-tl iokin yxtnr 1MU. which mum cncwl her, bv rXiTMiujt Imp. 'jt.ftiniil- of wjtth ()?!) ftom her ln.tW. 'I t iv f.ri Ti.-.i.i ciijl hr bihI our two chil-hyn i-i l.cU ovtfutviy. (Mif of on;- m'lfel.Njri hid ft ., mid iw v wrt'i fMici hf nmitji ti of yoiir I'll. wltlW oipt f tci:nl ijo iiJ from five to twrit I'cilftr itocrort' l.t, tti-.tt h. ii:cli linw, withctit XHsing nu t I pntircly (.vtttt rfirTi. Ni: !i ft lit ino w yn, wlikli it ct unify r afri fti.U tsontot, Tf ill Is yiz I'f;. tii'.O. J. GKirny, 7Vw.'iVr. Ind (ffci'.lon nnd Impurity of Ihc Uloort. Ae- iiT. J. r. Hitau, ftiHar rf AItnt (nrch, AMi. I.t.Am: I hftra i.ih'd yiir l'lllft Hh cxtmonlir-nry a in my Umiiyftii I suninR tjiofi 1 m mUt-l toviit in d!tivH. T'. I'l-niilftt' rio oreRiii if ilipp'riofi .vrt fin ify t't? hiixxl thiy tle vrry hil iTimly I havt rvir kti.mii, aud 1 cftu fN-infl Jpnily recomincn I th?m to my fiica.ii. T.in, J. V. HIMKf. WTimnci Co.. BT. T.. Oct. 2., 9.'.5. TArJi: 1 asi minx ymir Cathartic Tills tn my jinic tirr, nvi fl n i thtn mi -rncnt mat'vt to rlrM.it tho ?eui and urify tho frjimtftitu of tho hic:. JOHN U. MKAUIAM, M. D. Tt yiipelns, 9crof;iln, Kintr's Evil, Tetter, Tnmors, iitd Knit Hhcui... Frrm Frtttirtii'if Mrrxtttint c St. Lou it, 6. i, 39J0. I a. Ate: Tmir Tilli aro tho jmuucpi, of txU thV It prot in mellr.o. 1hy havo nircl my little i!at;htor of n'-rroni toto nivn her hfwls aii'l fi that ha I prrTM iftfirah'.i for yfai. Hor mother Uu-i 1mhii lo!ig (trie .--I affii'tel wiMi riifi I -truvtica on hcrfkin nnd In )ir tiftlr. After o;ir chil l ni curotl. shi trm yout I'ilJt. auJ ti-'.v nar cimd bor. A3 A MMlUiTtUM.lv'. otr;ntJ(.m, enift!pln, nnd Cntit. F, m W J.ro. 90 Mithrt it Fpi. Lftttrth. Pl'ttMI HiTlI, fATAXTIAH. 0 .l.m. 6. 1Mi". n -'TJtcit S?ir t 1 ohouM bo m-.grarj;il lr the lWUf your fciiti I.jj hHtJKht me if I did Lot iv."i t tr.y viwp to ynu. A c-il l ,?;: J in tuy IItuIi aul rmvlit on iscmiotirg nciiri'fri vsr, hili filled iu rhtonif rhetimatism. Iotvrtiliti:Rhd.i.j: I hai tint irit uf hf.' iar.J. thv ditwo ritw oin a:; i w-.-rflt. until, hy the a lrice uf ynv.r fxrrl Irnt fvyrut in J:altinire, Vv. jlftckei: i.e. 1 tiiil y.-nr I'ilb. Tiitfr rttcctu o;e -.ow. but viro. i'y ii7Ciin'5 in iho uk of ihna I am l w ootsitly wtll. Bkjti Cbi ea, Bat h rtic.c. La.. 5 lec., IV. Xtt. A yes : I havo b eutiioiy cuitd I y y- nr P't'a of r.keun-mrie Oont a l vitful diRn ihut 1 1 rfl'irrt I n.c fr ytwi. VINCLN f Sl.i lKI.fj. Tot Ilrnpfry, VlrdiMn, or Lictli fi oin- f:!nltif, rcquinuj an ft lite fnigo, tl..;. nu-autX"!-tat ttriiif ly. Tor CeKtivrneKn or :n iff MioB, nod n a itiuitvr TiJl, tl ry me ar::v-:' Ir mkI -!'tui;-.t. Titx, Nopprron, I:rirnli Inflrtinrnft tlou, nnd otii Uc.f;ifai. and 1 1 liiiiid- neaa, faa-ie too cmcd hy tie a:t:atno arLioa i f ihtH l'ii. Mtt f.f tn pMI !r. nnrXot oontin MTt tsrv. which, ah tt;oti(t,i a Taiunt H rtnif uy in Wilful hat:-:', i .Hr.Tfr. us in ft .nMl" l ill, from thr drwi ifal cuT.soin.mcte thtt ft, q Usually fi-lU-w i'a incautiotm iih-. 'lhwo ccmlaio nr. mer fury or uiuorai lulMtAuco uLa'ajvtv. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL FOR THE RAPID CCKH OF COVOnS,COLD(, HD.UlSMMCSf.IKFLV K.NZA PllO.t 1!M IB, VV IlOOt JJIO COVC-'H, t'KOl'P, ASTHMA, f. 1 1PJK.T CO.lM it -J for the rllf f i Jiisub.ptivo (-atLenia In aWancod uf tl. durMs. Ho rttd not r fk to tie yuWid rf ! T'rffM. Thi-'.".tphuit fry toftn. i-':d f ,:nt hr-tt Atnoil ait :iU", lift wohun tt:I i-ortu tf t-r.T' F.rv r )n- olTiinti I.avo nsW t vim'y ki..wi!. llv. fi" n.-e ll; f:niiiii'fi in any riullvtn; ami n y ) fcint if muni. s?xitiitriip k'T its ( T. 1!, : t llnpnt lil"Lt Slid frPI ,rt iVt ciii.ii'iunitica A'.y nhtit hkh h not nfr.uiitc; tl:i-m ft :im lil,: trtfiiy of itfi vfc iwy met' the 8tiVt hnd hl-gpi-ouit iifa'-a.Mft of thf throat Bi d Ir.i s. N hito if w iui'"t p-'Wrrfi.l anti i4,t ytt Itm-wj to trf.n ft r t!.t fi.i r.i-dht-ltr and (.porons th-a"- t-f t! (.lh'i.t my v. unr.-t. it h aifo itif iii'H-aiit'tit ai.'l m-.fnt itinr.Jr t'.',i t t.i f pit .i fr iijfrtii's m.d ) .ut;f ifi'cni. avii: H nave it in tr.ur a;jt.iiBt li.- irntiii. t;;tn y tl.Kt tals uj'u tin ri i.eti nr l. V e hn'.e i.:j lr.t icrrd to bt;ve li e C'iir.i:r I'MTK-il. invtn in.Mv Mt t y tho con Bi.n.ptici'f it i-roronti thiti tt.j It ctur-. tiit tt h.v yuu. ai.d euro ' ur "Ida T .! tiy ".io nr , L'r t-'-l't liiciu 1iu:jI iu- tinit.an atil "isi iirt'fr is .ti-t v v raokrr t! Hi. d un U.i i::!. i.Njo,,.i' i.f- w.v. A'.l ktfW tl.ta tlifat l fiita.ry .f t.lii ih-P-id-ra. uod ihtT fcTi'.w uw il.o Tuti.M i it i ii-n '.tlv. wi inl tt lo uu'io ti.a.i to a.ur thi-u it ii ati'l be it taa be. We i a:o-iu iot, ito ca'o. n Si! to !. o it tl ft k.c'. J o: i-. t j .ta-i.Ko. u.u i iln g n .rd thow !. tflyn it tho htut aOsii wiii-. hour ski 11.. 'atiftiritiftii for tl- it cino. PREPARED ET l!S. J. ('. AVER, Praotical and Analytical t'hsmi;t, Lov, U, Mass. a n r,o i. D ft v Win. A. ItruMr, t? Miliary 5 I'iM &. Ji.Vin, Sluimokm V Wiemei, Nrrthun.lierlaml-; J. I'. Caa'.nw, Mi!tni flaya & MrC.innicU, Ab.-nw.imvil'e and by all Drui:giftr thr",.ie1t'i:t ft'iiiilv. August IS, l-v8. ijr TnE LAMANDER SAFES 01 miLADtl PIHA aflAlKST TMK WOf.SII. KVANS & WATsOX, Xo. 20 io.'A i-'our'A l'hil'i'.klihin. H'ivh tn.l tlie surest ileuinnHtni luiii in tiiw r,ilUwiii Cci uli'.-iles, tliut tlii'ir iiiroiufa-iure 'f ri.il i inriiiit r S'llt'a hua .-it I, -lie; !i fully warninU"! tin: ri'r;iiciu.'ituiii8 wtiit-h liuve lrn nin,ltM,f rli.-in UM'.deril'K nil uinltnililfd stcurily UKaiimt lUu tLiiilic clement : 1 .i.HI- V .1: .:.r l"'r 0 rmt-AM i.i niA. Anril f.'ili Hin Mt'Mis Mvims .t ,"its'm : li'-nts It nlinnls 114 the iiicltt'M ntiMacti.ni t slum t,i you, Itu.t ivcmik to the v.-rv pr.'le.tivc qullaicfi of two of ttii' S il.ui.an-l.-r S iVs n lueu we iuin'ti:eieij ytm some few iii"iillis ifitice, we sjvui ti Lir.'e perti.iu uf our JfW'clly, Ij.wks, I'liperi', rx,o. set to the ciiimiituous lire Ul Kuji.teud l'iuce, un till mom. iiil' of the 1 ah ii.vi Vh, ii vve rfl,.et tint tl,ep! S.if;s were 1H-Mr,t in tlie tourtli ftlory if tiie Luil-liiur wo or'ii.!c(l, uud thro tli-y fell sul scinriiMy into a iii'iipof Iturnoir, rniiiH, w!i,.ti! Hie vnul eoife'iUulioii ofjit-jt crji.s.1,! tin' lines pliih-w ri nirll, we imiiii',1 lit reii:ird"lhe itreciTvation i.f ilu' v lUi-il.t,- c,,n. s in, 1st CMtivaica:!: piuul ot tin-iircnt .L'cuiiiV ullor. i!etl hy your t:itVs. ttmll tn!.e much niansure m reeoinmciuunjr them to nidi iif buRMH'M US U SUIU teli..l,r'f 11'rililKI tin:. OUOlllili .ISlMO.NStV tltlO. Pitii.ADEi.rnu, Ajiri! 12, Mrstrs. Kvaus A Wats 11 I have to 1 it. r voii mv l.s- t'.moiiy in I., vol i.f the ;re'it scuri'y ulTor.lfil 11 my -utlre I'h-lt t.f jiMVT'rv, 1,.i')Uf, n;H'rs, .Ve., iturin l!u- rrcciil dtnasiroua eoi.liupra'.ioii in :niFteiid ; lace, Iniiii tl, l.u-t llr.tthe atili.e were e.ail nned iutivuol tlie Nilulliaiulii Sal.'S lit'imifu -lured by you. lin. aiff liiiie.i lomi titc l.nn slory 01 the ArliH-iu rtml I iae, wiiere ihi-y were previously plueil l mi-l expop,;i i-, n vimt heat lor n !..i;it tune, the t,r,;servati, n of the vii!iia!,I drposu. .ei'in,;.! p, t'Vt-ry one wiio wil-it-sed tl.e opina:!? sad iatcri.ir eaaniiimtion. a mutlt-r of piulound u.toii.h ment. lo all who may require a p.-rfeet pfotcetion from the rvng-Bof fire. 1 snail not h-fat:ite to ri e, .mil ,-1 i.l the Usui of your Saf,-. ns 1 coiiSi,!er t!;ey have now n,l rr oar 1 1, m, 1111)11.8 itan. A . I.. ...oio.A.v. riul.AieLl'iMA. April tl, l.jfl. McflTS. F.vses k M'a!, ,ii lH-iil!i':iieii .So d nl.t y!i I 'I l,e deeply eialllied to tetirn thv p e, jitliti .it in vvliieli i!iae,,vrr-.l 11,1' honk, roh.-v of jiifiaranre. ct'H,.:.Um ol .toek.Diid other vatuaole d.H'Uin, lit,, whenii t'n.lay t.,kt 1 optvied the sal made ttV ' ur lirm. Willi Iry kin'Wei'fe i.f 'lis elent exposure. 1, ta to t'.e ir.1ei.nty ol ll, e Ileal fr.,m s i hot n li-e IU llial v.'loi-ll tle-lr,,.-,l l!;e Artisan Ilii,l.ti:'ij, n, tiln , from !he forre i,f Ihe fHll from ii. form'-r etrvaled , muiioii in the third story, f e uh) entrr'.nin l,ut fteader none prior 10 Ha inl.-n'T tn spee'jon, Ui-it the contents vvliieli 1 once- so layh! pu.ed Woulil ever lie of nny service to ine, tint lis tix',. feais arc now h ipplly removed, 1 lee) it only due to sav lo you that I cnn tieueeforl h recommend the use of your S 11'es to all who miy wi.'i 10 feel a eonlnlenee iu the perfeel se ellrily which itlcu tneillia provides llgalnfct ho frightful un e'em-ut. rnvvAnu Uaskii.l, Uooklander. Cor.mantly on liaml Talent powder and Thief Froof t.rck. for li:,iks, ritori-s, Ac. April -X, Ii0. ly I'ciiHMylvaiii't Wire WcrkN. Ko. 60 Arch t'l. I rtween Sieond i. Third, (Opposite liread t-'treet.) Pini,Ai)hi,yiiiA. Sicies, Hiddlcs, Screens, li'oien ll'ire Of all Me.hes and Widths, wilh ull kinds of plaiuund l aucy Wire V. oik. KEAYT Twilled Wiia for Spark falchers; l.'onl, fand uud Gruvcl Screens ; Paper Maker's Wire j Cylinder and Dandy Rolls, co vered iu the best manlier; Wire and Wire Fen cing. A very superior article of Heavy Founders' Sieves. All kinds of Iron Ore W ire and tsiove. UAYUfW. DARBY & LY.NM. ujpist M, Cu. 7. fit XTrj-Vvr.'aOlSTFOETION-AIlJS.. WHOLESALE AND EETALL. M. C. GEAItllAllT, TAS just reccired new and eitcellent assort ment of gooda at hia Confectionary and Fruit Store in MARKET 8TKKET, Sitnlmrv, where he manufactures nrd keeps on hand, at all times, the most choice Confectionary, &c., Wholesale and Retail, at Philadelphia prices. Among his stock of Confectioneries, tiay ts found 1 French Scerris, Cum Drees, all klmla of sssnt, lliimnl Alaxnids, Isnre tiroes, Cream AVlme, Mint Dnps, rsd aiul wkits, " I'eini.n Jelly Takes, ' lt"". Fiuit Drops, " Vinilla, Piiok Caiiritas,o(aII sceuts Common Secrets, Knclc rmnlv, Lnjuorice, Almond Caiutf, TEXJIT. Bananas, Trunes. D'e. fig, Corrsnts ikiert, Ciiroi s, AWnoiHls, Italsons, Nuts of all liniti 1.KM0N SYliUP of a superior quality, ly the ainnle or doien. A superior quality of Sears and Tobacco, and a Variety of Confectioneries, fruit, Ac, all of which is offered cheap at wholesale or retail. ICE CREAM. He lias a!)o opened an fee Cream Saloon, and will at all times he ready to Bervo his customers with lee Cream. Sunhury, May 21, 18SC. ly Patten's New York WIKEOW SHALE &CUP.TAIN STORE, U03 Cl.estnut St., opposite Janet' Hotel, PIllLADtLPJIIA. Window Shades, (Jilt Cornice, llu(T, Whilo and green llollsnds, Picture Cord, latent Kollcrs, Curtain l'ins and Triui- lir.u-niellen, Satin dc I, nines, Worsted Danmsks, Centre TaKsels, Ciitnp and I.onne, Curtain Hnnds, Laeo and Muslin iiiiiis, Curtains, Piece Muslins, Store, Steamboat and Church Shades or Dra pery, got up a. the shortest notice. Curtains cut, made and put up by tho most experienced hnnds. Patten's Nr.w Yohk Stori, 203 Chestnut St., Melodeon lluildiugs. May J, 1 wr6 .v. ii. j.t.Tas:, Justice of the Peace. MOUNT OAKMEL, Korthuiubeilaud County, Pennsylvania. All husinrsa promptly attended to. Monies collected and all ordinary wri'iiiRs done. Mount Carinel, Jmie'lt, ly B'ATEVT TJJ 11.71, fSISKtSK. rtfllilS Crease is recotnincmled to the notice of A Warmers, I.tvery iStahln keepers, Ac, as 1'cini? Si i'Eiiioii loanythins of the kind erer in troduced. As it does not ;nm upon the axles is much nmro durable, and is not affected by the weather, roniu'.,ii!i the s.une in summer as in winter, and put up iu tin c.umtcr at PViand C2i cents, for sale by W.V1. A. UPX-NUK. June SI, 18.'itj. UOHT MO.NAIW, Tooth and Hair Hrushci all nualilics, and any qunnti y, for a.ile by W.M. A. JJ RUNE it. June 21, '68, AT 8. N. Thompson's Store, lit T.otri ri Ay.yurtn tou-iishiu, at the Junrtinn uf tne Ju'jieweken and J 'turn creek roads. rlE sulijcri'ner havina; returned from the city with a new and extensive SMiortmeut of f.!tiouat'l goods, respectfully calls the attention of Farmers, Mechanics and others to the eatno. SL'KINU AND SUMMKP. GOODS, consisting in part of Dry UoimIs, viz : Cloths, Cnssimercs, Cas.tinrts, Jtans. Drilling, Muslins, i'cslings, Tvcnls, and i!l kindi of Spring ami Sunmicr Wear, I.ADIKS DKKSS A NO FANCY GOODS, t'uitcnfs, Muslin dc Lains, Lawns, Uinzhamt, Jleraees, Holies, Woolens. Flannels, SC. t.KO..K!tg -:., Sugar, Tens, Coltte, Kice, Molasses, Chesso, Sjdees, Salt, Ac., Ac, Ac. Ei;irtf wnrr, Nails, Screws, Files, Saws, Knives A Forks, Ac Queens and Glassware, of vitriol). : styles nml patterns. BOOT3 A SID .raC2J3. A large assortment of Itoot and Sboes, for men, women and children. Hatc. Caps, Ac, of various sizes and styles. lleside.i a large and grners.1 assortment of fashionable giiiids. Call and riiimine for our- KI.-lvi'S. 15 Country produce ol ail kinds taker, in ccht.nire at Ihu highest market prices. S. N. THOMPSON. Lower Attgusta, 5 mo. 21, 18,r)6. FLCTJS, FEED & GF.OCZRY STOfiE CI1AKLES GAUINGEIt, ?? ESPKCTFULLY informs the t ilizens of U Suubiiry and the neiK'uliorinx country that he lias purchased the Grocery Store in Water street, iu tlie rear of the wliaif. recently kept by Weise A Clement, and that he has just replen- isiieu lus stock vtlnch lie will cell al reasonable prices. lie will keep a constant supply of Flour, Grain and Feed, liread, Fish and Cheese, llains. Shoulders and Herring, Collie, Sugjr and Molasses, Teas, Unices and Fruits, Nuts, Coiil'eetionaries of all kinds, Hoots and Shoes, Ladies Gaiters, Misses and Ciiildr.f i Mines, also Queensivare, fed trvvure, llardwu'itt and Notions, Ac., Ac. ( itizens are re'iucsled to send in their oiders for Flour, Feed and Gioceriea and ho will de liver lln.ni properly. Suiihury, Juno H, IH56 tf FKirn unit!, J si nvr rt. I.nteof I he Cn 111 of P; evens, Iile af ti e Union Hotel, lit hing.lirntt A I'o. NATIONAL HOTEL, (lite white swan, lUice Stitct, iiiiri T.ird, rini..Dt:i.r:iiA. r5Hbj above well-known I's'.iblishir.ent, have il ini; been entirely rcuuu'.elrd, introducing all the nioderi) improvements, and also, newly fur nished throughout, will bo opened for the recep tion of Guests 011 the FJ KoT DAY OF SKI'TKMHER. The proprietors, from their determination to devote their attention lo the comfoil of their guests lljttcr themselves with the conviction that llu-y will be able tugivo satisfaction Id their patrons. Carriages will always he iu readiness to con vey passengers to and from Sleamhoat Landings and Railroad Depots. SIDES J-lKTOVF.r. 1'ace Street, above '1 hud. Philadelphia, Augiwl oil, 18:C. ly Cancer Cured. rfANCF.Ii'M, Tinners, Mens Fleers, Scrofula White Swcllinj ic.euied without Kurgical operations by Dr. I.auitsherry. Dr. l.'s Pumplilet (Vlntl, 3d..) on the treatment nn J cure of Cancers, Tumors, Ac, will ho sent to nny address (ticc) on receipt of a postage S.UII,I ililice USJ WA I.N L TSf., Philadelphia. Sept. C, lb.'.C 2m PI DI.U PFNS with nud without caea, of a Vi"JJ very superior quality, just received. Also a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, for sale by II. II. MABMUK. Sunhury, Dec 27. 1HJ8- M1ES for Machinists, carpenters, tc, ii., Ueatty's edge tools, planes and bench screws for sale by ii. . UkliUHT & c-ON. Kan. ttf, lH4f 1 MARVELLOUS REMEDY! rou a Miiivrxixus accii IIOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. THK OK AND KXTKREAIPKMl'.DV. . fiy the ai'1 uf n nm-rowt'ilir, we te tniilirina of litt! 'P'inm 011 tlie curfnra nf ur bodies. Thmuirh titt-M tlnRO.iitiiiriit, wlici, ruM'til "n 0i ir,in, if t-arrieii to atiy nrunit or imvnrtl r.nrt. Litiruirt vf tlio KiJitfvi. il.fcinlrri nt t!- Liwr, nJltfiiuiit of ihnlninrt, liifjjinmutian of tha i'uni, APtriina, touginunti i,niui, aie by its mt-ini etlec Ijmli) cuit.t. Kvcry ii miR-wife knuu't Hint '.t putars 1'ieclv through Umo or injt of any tJiicbnvw. 'i'iiii heul ing Oniti.irnt fur ituoi re:i'li!y pc'iutiatn through any b)l!(r tic tii V rftrt t'f tl- llVii.tf IkmIv. rurinsT ll.si niml ttat-grut in ward comlMuilt, tlmt canuut tt laacbtd by i'siivi scans, KRVSII'fcLAS. BALT P1EI'M AND SCORBUTIC No Tmi1y hm evr dona to nwh tot tha curt nr ilU 8rtticat tlie tfkm whntcTur form Uiy iumv uuume, aj tint Ointment. No mte if Putt KUeutu, irk-ut rv. 8ro Ufitut. JSerofula on Krytipciin, ran Jung withmLaiid Hi in flueacf. Tlie invwitoi liua truvr Had ivt-r tnativ uiru of gl'lp, viittini( the principal hoipitalt, rlmpiTiiiitig tliit iiiittinriit, fflving udvi.-e ui 1 1 hi urt'LiosiLion, and htu tfui Ua U n.tai:t ol restoring counUcan uuoiUta lu urn irn. SUHE LEGS, SORE UREA 919. AND UU(rsli. 9u of the taost ft.?iniifl( aurri'ii tMint rely ley n the utss fl" thia wonderful Ointment, whan liuring to ope with the wont rat-jt f aurt-a, woumli. u't-era. gian du'ar tweliii:(jf, and luiiifxa. Jn ftaatr lioliowity hat, by riiTiiniit;-d nt" the Aihe l Governiiieuts, uitapatchad to the li..apita!a of tha Kav. Inrae ihipnien'i of this Oint ment, to )e ur.f l um' .r tlie dii.tuni Iba Mrtlict.il Striff, in the worst t'naet of wouadi. It will i-ura any uU-er tr:aiuljlir tweiiniff. aiiQni'sta or cunlrtu.'tiuu ol" tlia joiuta, evett of ao ycitrh' atuiiding. Theae and other aimilar dirresning cnmplninta cnn ha ruvciuniiy rurru ii tin uiiiinient we wen ruhnati over ti t pent JtlYcctrd and bv i therwiiu following ilia printed di reotiona around e.ich pet. Roth the Ointment nnd Pills should be used in the following cases : Punmna Litmhuito Sore Left Swel'eri RUndt lluint Merriiriiil f -re BrtMjia ttlT J-iinlt rt'ippH Hnn-J-s Ernptiona S(re nula Vieera t'liii:);;une l'ilet Prtre Tiinta Venrenl Sorea KiitnlhB !!irinnutitin iires cf all Vu:ilaof ail Uout Kilt Khrntn kii.di kimla U nt the Miinui'icforlfs of Profiicr Hollowt ''i .lmif"ti 1-nre, ,v .rk, and ail Himml. Ionilin.by n' rapecl,..! lriui;B nud Ivalern n Mc1iftne tlirnni-li. (.'tit the L-i.itH Matrt, and the civiluod world, in bixvs, nt 'J"i ctnt.i.6j centi. anl 91 each. .IV Thc-eia a cuneidertbl? aaving ly taking the larger ii. B. Directions fur th uidnneo of patients io every nis T'lrr nvr ninxeu to eat'n uvx. ASUiiTninl aiAHMviA vl.MJS, elnedam Schnapps, Wild Cherry brsndv, Pluckherry and Lavender braucies for medicinal purposes at May "ilftfi. v'M. A. lil'CNEK. Citrate of Majnesia en TASTELESS SALTS. eliHlr? preparation is rcrommeniletl as an ex celli nt laxative ai d purgative. It operates mildly, is entirely free from any unpleasant taste resembling lemonade in flavor, prepared nnd sold by i M. A. cKUNKK. Siinbnry, June CI, IC.Ifl. V ALU A IE PROPERTY FOB"! ALS. f J'tllE subsctibers, Execntors of the elste of JL Henry Mas' er, dee'd., offer 'it private sa'e the following properly iz : A lor;re two story fiame dwelling house, together wilh about 50 AC I! KM OF LAND. Sr'ituulo in Lower Ai.usta tovvrship adjoining lauds of Daniel Kiiiit'osu and oil, cm no.y in the cecupancy of John K. Kaufman as a store and dwelling, i he oouse is neve and the location a good one for business. AbioaTUACT OF M.MESTO.NK LAND, in R.iid tovniliip on the river ahont 5 inil-. be low 3u:ih'i:y, adj. lining I nuls of .1. T. M'Pherson and olhers, euntaiuing, about ftn acres. The soil ie prndiielivu and contains limestone and oilier minerals. Abo a trtet of Laud, rontaining about '15 acres on the bill, about two miles below 5unbury, adjoining lands of the l.iis of the I! Juhn Conrad and other.,. There ij, on this tract, a fmall orchard of choice fruit. For further particulars apply to the subscribers. 11.11. MASfKIl, ) P. 11. MAriSER, Executors. FRANCIS L'l CHEK. ) Siinbnry, January H, It.'!?. tf the 7sf iiuiif n iNsua a c eco. OV B.WC'H EJAVIIiA, t'A Insures D.-'.ncI.ed liuildiucs, Stores, Merchan di, Farm Propeity and other Uuildings, and their c intents at moderate rates. c.ai-r.iL $3oo,oc.o. C II A 11 T E R V E II P ETUAL. Di Bfcl TOS. Hon. John J. Pearce, John U Hall. Charles A. .Mayer, Cluirles Cri.,t, Hon. C.C Harvey, 'J'. T. A brains, D. K. Jackinai), W. V. l.iie. Thomas Kitchen. Peter Dickinson, Don. O. C. HAKVEY. Pres. T. T. A sua km, Vice Piss. Thus. Kitchen, Sec'y. II. CJ1AS. L'L.MAX, General Agent. I! E FERE N C E : Samuel H. Lloyd, Thos. H iwnian, D. D. A. A. Wincinrdi.er. Win. YanJeibelt, L. A. Mackey, A. White. J.ines tjui'Ie, .l,hr, W. .laynnrd, Hon. hiinon Cameron Hiinbury, Juno 21, Win. Feuion, Dr. J. S. Crawfjrd, A. l.'pdrgralT, James Armtri.g, , Hon. Win, Ilijjler. P. W. CRAY, Agent. IMfl Cm J-hsti Arrival o' D 11 U G S, PA I N T S ,'0 1 L S, &,c. f SlIE iiiidcndKiteJ iiiving tnken the store for i incrly kept by V.'eiser and Itruner, is now rc t ly tu Iiil crders ami presi riplions al a mo. n. . .Hi notice. He has a large and well selected stock of fresh and pure DSUGS, CHEMICALS, Dye-studs, Oil, Puints, (iljss, Putty, and all kinds of l's'ont Medicines. FRl IT AND CONFECTIONARY Tobacco and Imported Segars of the choirest brunds. F'ancy Noiiom' toilet arlicles, and Per fumery of all kinds. Tooth and Hair lliushcs of every variety. Carnitine and Fluid uhrays on hand. Customers will find bis Block complete, com prising many atiieha it is impossible here to enu merate, and all sold at moderate prices. Remember Ihu place, next door to E. Y. Uriel's Mammoth Store. WM. A. BR l.'NEU. fiunhury, Mryr 81, ISriC. iMCUNT CARMEL." Xorti, uinlirUind County, Pennsylvania. llIIS large and commodious Hotel is ritua . ted nearly half way Between Sunhurv and i'ottsville. The 6ceneiy tlie salubrity of the atmosphere and the cool mountain breezes, make it ono of til j most t lightful summer retreata in the country. The Hotel, is a lit w structure, four stories high, fitted up Willi all tho modern con yenienccs. The pure mountain water is inlro duccd into every chamber. Tho place is easy of access, Lcing but one and a half hours rido from Kurbitry, over the Philadelphia, and Sun bury Rail Road. From Potlsville, it is 17 miles. Every attendance will be paid by the proprie tor to make guests comfortable. Charges mode. "e. JE.SsE RICE. Ml. Carinel, May 24. ISail if A RN OLD'S W KITING Fl.l'il) anrl'Adhe sive and legal envelopes, for sale by H. U. MASSER. Sanbury. Jan 10. 18 AO nAM.Shouldera, Chee, Matkarel, Irish Kalunon and Ualt for salo bv u m. 'Aa it. Y. SKkim sm. 1855 Bpocial Express JSTotico. 18BG HOWARD cSs GO'S EXntESS. HAVING obteii e l full express priviVjeg over the CATAWISSA, t.t'NDLHY AND KB IK and W 1I.I.1 AMSPOKT A EI.MIUA Ii A 1 1. ROADS, we rre now prepared to forward nil descriptions of Express Goods by Passenger Trains, daily, between Philadelphia and Kltniro, connecting at Elmiia with all tha Western Ex press Companies. All goods for 1 amnqoa, Summit, Cattawissa, Danville, Milton, Willinmsport, Ehnira,and also tn Nortlniinbcrlaud and Bunhury and all inter mediate pluees, delivered the sumo day. Kadi train iu chargs of our own Spccinl Messenger. Philadelphia Olliee, 02 Chesnul Street. Office Kltnira at United Slates Exprsss (Jllice. April 13, lSoC ly BOOKS! BOOKS!! Walk this way for Bargains. EYEING desirous of disposing of my entire jff stock of Hooks and Stationery, comprising some 20,000 Volumes of Law, Medical, Reli gious Scientific, Ulauk, Musical, School and Miscellaneous Hooks. Also, 1U0 Reams of letter paper and A lot nf wall paper, steel pens, wafers, Ac. . I will dispose of tho whole stock at public sale sale at my store, opposite the Court House, commencing on Monday the 7th day of April, INuu. at 1 o clock, P M., and continuing, every afternoon and evening until tho whole stock is sold. WM. McCARTY. Per JOS. II. McCARTY. Runbury, March 15, 1356. tf Now Wholesalo Drug Store. 1ST. SPENCEK THOMAS. No. 20 South, Second Slreet, Philadelphia. fM PORTER, Manufacturer and Dealer, in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Acids, Dye stuffs, Paints, Oils. Colors, White Lead, French and American Whilo Zinc, Window (thiss, (.il isswares, VnriiUhcr, finishes. Instruments, (round Spices, Whole Spices, and sll other ar ticles usually kept by Druggists, including Bo rax. Indigo, Glue, Shellac, Potash, ore., ij-c. All orders by mail or otherwise promptly ntteudsd to. Country Merchants aie invited to call and examine our slock before purchasing elsi where. tioodsVcut to any of the Wharves or Raiiroud stations, l'riees low and goods wurranled. March 8, 1SG6. ly JOHNSOIfJos BROTHER, CABINET MAKEB3, No. V4 North Second Street, first door above Christ Church, Philadelphia. OKRSONS in want of Bureaus. Tables, 5'ofa. I'huirs, KedaleadH, and every vaiietv ol houx hold futnilure, would do well to call, rs thoe articles are Biada up ia the best styles sud sold at the lowest prices. April 13, lei."i6. ly rjHE subscriber respectfully in'orms ti e citi SL j.ens of Siinbnry and the public generally, that he has commenced the manufacture of all kinds ef EARTH EN WAKE, at hia manufactory in Whortleberry Street, one squaro east of tl.e River. He has engaged the servicea of Mr. Hinr. and you can therefore depend on having n good article. The public are respectfully invited to call. All orders frosu a distance will be promptly attended to. P. M. 8HINDKL. Bunbery, Feb. 5, 1859. tf JOSEPH A. MEEDLES, MASirrTci e WIRE, SILK A HAIRCLOTH SIEVE!?, Coarse, medium and fine in mesh ; large, middle si.,- and small in diameter. MrsSiJ'.lc lltlft!. or "iTi,)en T)'ir, Of the be?t qualities, various ai.-es of mesh, from Nns. 1 to Hi) inclusive, and front ono to six feet in width. They are ninnl ercd so many spaces lo a liar.il ii ff, and cut suit. The subscriber alio keeps constantly en hand SCS.S35.NS, For Coal, Sand, Ore, Lime, ('rain. Gravel, Guano, Sumac, Sugar, Sail, Uone, Cotfee, s'pice, Drugs. Dvc-fc'tufis. A e. 'I'ogeiKer with an as sortment of bright ami nj,ne.i'r,l Iron Wire. AH ef the above sold wlu.lesale or retail, by J. A. NEEDLES. 51 TVorth Front St., Philadelphia. May 31, isr.6. white house hotel. POTTsYILLE, PA. TliIE subscriber respectfully announces lo his -- old friends snd the public, that he hss taken that old and well known establishment, the Wliito iTorso Hotel. At Iho corner of Centre and Mahantogo sts., in tho borough of PolUviHo. 1 he hotoe has re cently been very much enlar'ied und otherwise improved, rendering it quite us comfortable as any other Hotil in Schuylkill cmiiiiy while t!: stablos tre l.irge, in good condition, and ot tend by careful, attentive, piudent hostlers. To truvellers and others who may stop al his house, he promises every attention calculated t.) render Ihetn comfortable nnd satisfied. JOS. M. FECER. April 5, 1S.V.- tf 6TJNBUSY, PA- rjlll E subscriber respectfully informs the public X thai she still continues lo keep the ubove named public house. She has also received a new supply ef good liquors and wines, nnd trusts that alio will he able to give satisfaction to all who may visit her house. MARIA THOMPSON Sunhury May SI, lRSti tf. j. "biewaet ej?puy & sons,"- Importers and Dealers in Carpctings Masonic Hall, Chestnut St., Iclmo Eighth, TOL'LD respectfully invite vou to call and ' examine their large and well selected slock of Carpels, Oil Cloths, Cocoa and Canton Mat lings, DruggeM, Hearth Rugs, Door Mats, Sic, which they w ill sell to Ihe trade at such prices as will miiko it desirable for those who wish to pur chase, to cull and examine their stock, before purchasing elsewhere. Philadelphia, April 12, 1S. ly lishing TuCklO. Red Cork, Gra.w, Cot-A- ton and Linen Lines, Out Lines, Sea Glass by the yard, Snoods, Flies, Kiiby, l.imeri. k and Carlisle Hooks, Rods, iVc, for sale bv May 31, '50. WM. A. DRt'NER. KOltTIIUMBEHLAND, TA. O. S. JBPIO-WIT, Proprietor. Norlh'd, June 7, 1850. 6m. GEOItSE SC1IALL & CO. MA.til'FACTl'Krc.ll or " ELA8TINQ POWDEB, Mt. Curmtl, Xorthumlicrland County, Pa. May 10, IS56 -WA.-1N. TED. " 2000 LABORERS on the line ofthe Knion Canal Wages SI 12J Cash. Ap- ply to KOCKAFELLOW; Kl'PP Sc CO, July 2(1, IHSO. at P.eading. Pa. 'ItobaOCO and Eegars VO.OUU Imported A begais of various brands. Eldorado, Fig, Cavendioh and fine cut tobacco at WM. A. BRVNER'tJ. unbury, )!; SI, 18.0, TO COAL DEALERS. AlrlMEEMAH, EUEEN & "WEITZEL IJESPFCTFLLLY Inform the public that Ihey havo leased the new cellicry, called tho Lambert colliery, and are ready to deliver coal of superior quality, and of a variety of sizes prepa red on their new cool orcaker. All orders pnriipt altcnded to by addressing the firm, either stt Suuhury or Miamokin. Sunbury, Juno 30, 1P55. Photography I Daguerreotypes I ! A HEW ERA IN AliT I J. E. McCLEES, ( Succeiser to McClecs German,) OL'LD call the attenioti of tho public, not only to the superiority of tho Daguerreo types, the Hyalograph, (ly some called Ambro type,) and the various stylus of Photography on paper; but to tho fact, that parties at a distnuco possessing a small daguerreotype, may, bv send ing it to No. 1 tiO Chestnut St., have mado from it by the means of Photography, and the talents ofthe best Artists, a portrait ol Ar size, from a small Locket to tho full aire of life. A small book containing description, prices, Ac, Ac, will bo sent gratis to any person ma king the request. McCLEES' Philadelphia Photograph Establishment, No. Chestnut st., below 7th Phila., July 81, 1855. tf. REMEDIES, 1 PHl'KP uiutcr Hie Peril. Sntictioii rind Anlhority of tlits iiuvcrsity oi nu.lv .wi.iu;i.e; ami poplar know- leilije, t'liiiil.,MKl hy tl'e ! t, - of Pnii'svlviiiiia, A,nl'J!', 1'3.", wilh u Cipital fll'D.uim. niainly tor tlie rnrposc of arrest niic llin evils of f m; i,us null worthless Nnstrmtis; AIlo i'nr rnpplyir tl:c Coirniuntty wilh rrlinUi; lii.uie ilics vvhi'rever li CnuijiL'teiit IMiysiclutl eniulnt or will nt be ciii;i!,,ywl. This In. million" lias purchusctt from Ur oii.n It. Howard, his CLk-lnnted KotTttnd '2'oitlc mixture. Known for upvvnrils of twenty-tiro years ns I lie only sure suit s-ife cure for I-'KVl.ll iniil A OIK, Ac nml Ins inrs tiiiialile livmp'ly for I'.dWI'.I.COMI'I.AI.NTS, Itowaiul's Compoinnl ynip vf lonrlvticrry Hoot, wiiieh liiglilj nil provtJ iieil popular Itrmcdics. toeetlicr Willi The t'llivcrsily's Hi-mcdy for t'ollipliiints nf the I. lines ; The t."nivrr.sity's LU'imsly for llyspepsiaor linl'gittion j Tiie I'nivtTsity's Ueincly forcVptive-llovvels; Also, tlm l.'imersily's Ailnaiiric lull) be lie luul, nt the Bmneli Uispeiisiry, or Store ol wilmam Drcrm, Ni v. 3, ISM. Alahniioy I'. O. CHEAP EOOE3 & STATIONERY. TfTE.'RY & ERETY, invito the attention of ,1 nierchunts and nlhcia lo Iheir hirgn slock cf elegantly hound Uibles, Hymn lino'.s, Prayer Rook.', Albums, and Presentation liooks in alt styles of binding ; Standard Theologirai, .Medical, Miscellaneous nnd School Rooks, which they have received from Trade Sales and are selling at extremely low prices. Also direct from the mnnnfnosXircrs and Im porters', cverv kind of Plain and Fancy Wiitin?, Letter and Note Paper. Envelopes, G!d and Steel Pens, Pencils, Inkstands, Wrap; ing Pa pers, Ac, &c, at tho lowest cash prices. PF.ltRY & LKKTY, S. V. Corner, 4lh and Roce Sts. Philadcljbin. Scplcmher Si, lS'io. tf Faslnonablo Hats and Cupa. ASHBY & P.0CAP, No. 136 JIurM st., faiA.Ac:-:7.!PsiA. HNFORM their friends and the public "vS ppnpriltlv. that lbfv n,,iitimip to l-fi. nt r4 7 J r their old stand, a larj;e and extensive assortment ui oai.i, caps, wc, gin op 01 ine mi niaieriai ami in the lates) and bc.l style of woikmunship and Country merchants and ethers will d.i well to ; call and cvamine bclore pmclmsing elsewhere. I Phila.. Nov 10, lr,5. tf. I rHII.ADKl.l'IIU. AUFNT WAN'I'I'D in rveiy trwn snd ejiinly in lh t'uiled ui'.t s to seii ll.c bfaulilul pxlure of tlie UUAN'D I.OTM'F.KOOM. I In t',e .Masonic 111. r.. riiilaitrl, ti;a. Tiii.Tlale in i t. il'iitf vt-ry lapi iiy. i.,'..l tiu iijihn n.li, oration of n:.. for l1,.-c irieetiiess aii.-l ti.,e!ily vvoli winrli the ?r. rcAl.Y, i i"R-.co I'AicriN'. an'i l-'i'KMruuH io" r-prtst'ut, ,1, an. I j l!i iirlistic hai;lv an i harmony cf tlio colors, sum oi l".?tr, '.'J X IK I'riee a J I II. ilo -k: -Ut-rs mi, I I'e-ti'.re tleal'-rs vvinhine to take nnea , eica lor ll, wol p.ease ua,lesj, tor ni::!ii'r fit.-rinili, n. . N. iio.-sKvrii Ai Lille , ri.:'.a,le'plna. oberST, 151 tf GSEAT MASONIC HALL. Till-: !..!!i;ir I'l.wn t'tiUTi'.. Mr.t.frKii and Ml ;-1iJ r'TDIti: IN Till: LMTi'li !TATI::, ',1! he o.-.eac,.! 'rto!,T .V!i --a'. in ll:f Mv,n;:c Ur'l.in,i, I'Iih.ii'I S;if.''. n! ve rov,"iI,i. I1!: '-i '- :im..i. UyJ'.lli'N MAHSll. i,e S -.'e A ei:t lof ;.,,m,Ii.mm. flray A- l.'o 'fi eu-li l,r.i!,-.l 11 l':iii;,".:ia A:!-i !:i,i'm1 1'iaao i-'oili'K, unl 11 l'ir',l lo.'a rrciai.ini .V'.i-lo-lif-ons. Al.vo. pi.-Miri Toil'-s a,, I .1 1 (',). ti.M , i" oil,, r .In- I tllieni.-.),!'.! llia!i rs. J. At. lias oolaine.i a I'-'atf? lor sev'el il ; v.-ars iii ilu- i.evv. in leal:'.'-. ,,t anil vv. M kii 'e.'n Ma-..,!!.,' ' il'-lllitin-.', w le-rf he inter. hi lo'-pin-r l'ie lao.-.-M sloek a,,i nssorlini-nl ol l'taito Fo,l,-s, Me! :, ,n,, .Via: -e, nn 1 Mil- i t.c-il InlunaenlH of evt-iy rit.-eripl: ai.nli ol" whn-!' are i ear. fnilv S'-iecleJ l.y liiu.e!f, aM,l vvarr.inlc'l liive ptr- , teel salu.u-lioa in i-very Pi.tanee. Oetol-er 'jrih, r.-5.',. If TI-I03Vr.a "P-A-LMER, i CO 53 "3 E HSS :"j JH: li V 53 A "VT, No. So North Wharves, Phil ub Iphin, Where Ihc following goods are received and sold on cnmmi.siini : Diied Apples, .'caches, Plums, Pears, f'ber jies, iVcliiceu Applss in Psru-ls or by tho hurhet Renns, Sweet Potatoes, Lemons, 1 eas, Shed' -ink, Cranberries, Chest, :n's, Onions, ("round Nuts, Mercer Potatoes, Oianges, Poultry, Eg?'. llul'er, l.'ai-ins, Figs, 1 'runes, (jraa-s, Chee-e. And ullkiuda uf Foreign and Domestic l'ro- duie. April 13, IS "!. ly ALBiX. Bs. HEt'KB'.V sTtoVTi, WAJifrACTl'lll'.RS OP TRUNKS, VALISES, kC, 11G Chesnut Street, front of Jones' Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. fiip-W HAS on l.und the cheapest, and III) best assortment of TRUNKS 5- CARPET BAGS, EYER OFFERED TO THE PLUL1C. Sole Leather, Solid Riveted, Iron Frame. Iron Ilounil 1 ravellldg 1 ruuks ; 1 'aching do, uiim'S ; Ladies' Rount't Cases; Carpet Rags, Satchels, Ac., by the quantity or Miiglo article, lower than can bo bought at any other place iu the city. July 5, 1S5G. JAMES F. CALBEEATirS LADlll.S FASCV SHOE STORE, Xo. 59 .ViirfA Eiijhth Street, Above Arclt, Ea.-t tide, PHILADELPHIA, Ladies from the country, can have shoes made to order in the very lest stylo and workmanship on a few days notice. An excellent assortment to select from, always on hand. May 10, ISofi. iv nYDKOLEFM PAINTS. These paintsaie mixed wilh water, thereby suing the cost of nil, for sale by May 31, '60, WM. A. BRUNER. fuenituhe roLisn. 8. RAE'S Premium Patent Enamel Furniture Polish. This polUh is highly valuable for restor, ing the polish on all kinds of Furniture, tilass, Carriage Idodits, Hair Cloth, &c. Also, for re moving spots, hiding scratches, fie., Ac. War ranted to dry immediately and retain its gloss. Price 60 els, per bottle. Sold by WM. A. BRUNER. June 31, 18o. XTTttll Paper a splendid lot just received and for sale hy I. W. TENER & CO. Sunbury, Juno 21, 1S5B. NOTICE. ALL persons having claims unsettled, s;sinst Uowen Marts s Mssr, or liowen 4 Mss ser, will please baud them to the subscriber J. 6. MASaCR Punhury, fftpt. tT, 1806 if SAMUEL S. FETHEKSON, Ini.Ai.on irr LAMPS, LANTERNS, CHANDELIERS AND CANDELDRAS, hnr, tjuce, PIIILALELPL'IA, Iff1I,;f:-C'''',rf:c,1rtt,'J i'rproceJ his a.oro. of Lamps m ; ,Padelrh,a, is prr rf(, , rurnish Pin Oil, Comphene, Burning FIdJ Lard and Oil Lamps, .nd Lantern, of all , ,.,,!,, Mass Lamp, by ,1,. r.rfcllgCi , mj; over anelion p, lee.,. IJein; a Mnnuln, lurer and Dealer or Oil, IJuriiine- Flul,l , A, ? " , p,ce, ,h , wi f , to lli(,.r i. ,'. rn"'' Wr of all ,!'!-. tie 8 nt lie !,-,, 1)iu,kf.t -a "V Philadelphie, Oct. M, 1kC4, wiNPRsAsusHiH ua, er lltb n!) anlSjvacite od. Prom Ihn Lnke Tidier Colliery Shamokin, ITorth'd Countv, 3?cr, Address.-Royd, Rosrer A. Co., 8unblrv v. '...a,t. -as. ,,v. t. Suiibury, April 7, l(?o.-, tf. ARmVAKErTMe Cutlery; rZt. " rt hnivrs. Hand saw.,. Wnr.l j frames, Ajics, CliiJCi, tv, t .i , ij.,,,1 1.,,.,, ,, . . yc"r Locks, and llinre. Sunbury TW. 2, le.v,. ' Shamokin mite Arli 'i-1r?t.ir, c' r From the "Old Vein' in thff:,:,,(;dli, '"' J. WMMEini.VNA-JN.ni., ITIVTI Succe,,ors t KeW, Reed & (;.. v '"HO mining, .hipping ,,, f.,; Mm.? well known Colliery, tinker tl,e f , hind co. , v , PB.,tvUrC all order", r. ., "'i'.'. ''"' "I n-al. viz: Lump. Jj.,c,- P,... cndClic.1, t Coui ; U - and promptly attended lo. ' 'vce-'e'i Sunbury, July 11, tho, ri c c il'",,"-l'T, .ffi.r .'v, 1(155 ihrir leave in the C, r"uia . .V. aV""r. 6u!J vvhaifat suiiM.y.-,,, - uieel.wouKI ,:ik0 ,rf;lt cl,iroi tJ ng ou cuMouiers nnd ot!,t,s to , ,.pw i&cyrc ,0StiI ,"cm i;t- KASE, RFJUicV CO. n ju.ai,r,,..i in v. .....i i .filbS Jjy - V " ;": oiui Jewelry. Will .....uiii.o rue i.u.;iiiess lit ll Jsmye li. Fidlcr, oid Maud ol' Ao. PJ SrvlJi Sec.'ml I'!;:i..'iLr.l,l 1VI .. .1 ..... Street, . i.c.o t.ivy ..ll,ci; e and vu'irii ..t,';. r,.,.i: hiiiii:, iltloll ef tl:el Lrg. : I-" - "v-A t!:at ilit d iu l!,e io. lilTKr both :j:i , ""d 'he lacihiits -J pO-..M f,i,- ai.tagCf.i..-! teiit. goniis on thn nio..t ble ihrni t.i o;i'.o, I 1 l.ivorublv wilh n..v rsbiblishiiie:-.! hand a fine a iu the city. 'J hey bave i.t '.'..incut of , j jj -VA.TC. !!;.-, CLOCKS OTlVK1 v -'ver, I'lule,! m.d l,r,ii:,,,'; V., . ' .'aI1(,, (',, , I N. R pe v. C, u C. ""gol tt .itchea and all tin.Uoi forded lie. tO Willi IOl.,,,...,J ... , greatest l uie. ' r '- Fhiia April 7, IS. ,).. -tf. v,.X't,r:l "'.V.'e'.V , . , ' if.erior i.f f(r.:?y Van::!. . , ' -" ".i ciuiv l.l'.eil l.i wilh ell the tnuderi) Iauviii,. ;..,, o i,.-... . m excellent s;y;, nee.. .IiGI ? '-'. .j .i.' ' EOOTailtUTCK W..REtH.Ii. Xo. It) l Arch Sue,!. V.c,-,-, Ilttivecn Thin! F, near I'nion Hitel, t.pjt.- iiie. n' !".iti',iiiiiis1 t il I l.iIS J'. ,r i;oiu:i;i' s. v uniij-'i . ls.-.Ric Carpt'. linjs hilnde! Y.SU, i..M;;;. . a.sfortiriiui t.( v.,i er, and Oil L'ha.hs, ju ''' I. i Sunbury, .fav ;rj i,,.,- ir,'e and j '.ijer, ii ,!,, ' iv. . I ai:J lur . ti:..-;;i f, NL V. Apf'AN JV I lie hier.i ,.l p. t; .. .r. a. Siv-cii t. i Land V.'a:r:ii,.: i ,v II. i: .M crilei J N Iv IlimieiiiT.. c gres in', tor i :l. , llerir, .r s; rlfl,ra win, I. 'd ink, und :iie ami t.i II 11 M , (.' Iv :h. A 'EDARTl Us, Mors., !' Ii'l ul.. I io.l I... . I ' i-:ercrs, I orn nli H. .. .... . , lil'i'is, IJ: i"a..iJ lo.; I '-oiiiircu s l u :ons. an u.-;t rei eii d nnd ft - Mil,, IV .Hay SI,, is;,:,. r W. Tl'r , . ATrOP.Si'Y AT IAV ' SlNIilKY.i'A., Al.-'.. I l,u . i . iijoi veaia exi "ce io V pr ii oco ol me 1,B1V, will u'. ,:, , ll.i ml mr.t;er iip-erti,i,,ill!f lo or u i,' ;(:,.. his prot. :.,,,.,,. ()ir,,0 ,-.,, L.,l(i j Ltip, .Market street. ' ii V t, lino ol" liiu.tr, Miiiuury Sept. lS.M.tf SPECTAC13S Ia Geld, Silver, aad nastioSd i.v W -V 'Mil . , . ... . "" iT.lt" aihl in I'jsis. ri:rt.:...Tif ;.;: r.iio ! sizes, Spy Classes cf evvty il, of vurious oil liatu.it ., r n, ailu 1i,:jnt.(, J,.;, , Microscopes and M 'era iconic ,i,i, ,, r Ra.tcries, Electrical .Machines, " passes, Surveying Chains AciVc. McAllister & uriiuj lEsl.-il lhe J70,; 134 Chestnut Sircel l'ii,ihi : ' Our Priced and Illustrated Catalog . , with 150 illustialions furnished on,': ''V ' and sent by n;..;' '-,. of clurge. "'''' Phila. l!pt. K, It";..". H"jUOT&", Sbi.es. Ha;.:, Cap, and t ,", US jut receind und for sale 1 v ' :'"l:J. .ISM t(:m,. COLLli'3 & il'dilE-iTLr TYPIj rcu jN'DliY and Printers i'lmiLIik'S' Wnrcfc; -Yo. 1 Lodjc AlKii, l(tvk-,,fi,tic Mai;,j IMlatTsluIiia. ' ' ' VhiU., Jan. 12, lS.'O t CJROU'N" and Ureiniu'e Essence ol.i and Husband's .Magtict-iu al ' M.y-ji.'oo. L'Rr.,r; H.ESRY D0NIVEL, " OJkc oppvsite the Court House, , Sunbnry, Kortlinmljerland County P. Piempt alleiilioii to business in adju'i,: counties. EAGLS IIOTE oi'i'osrru tviijTBit txni hak willia-meport, r. UII.I.lt33 IJ. E2AY, rroyrr. C, A. Sraias, .l-itai.l. N. II. .4n Omnibus will rim lo an ! t.'ie Depot end Packet Luudiu;u, ta this U,'rs of charge.