California $fcfos. AEItlVAL OF THE GEORGE IAW. L AT I 11 t'HOI ( Al.ll Oil MA. Important Judicial Decisions The State debt Unconstitutional Tie Marii.osa Estate to he Sold for Tares Important f ram Oregon nnd JSicarcgua l'tiibvtterism in a tight place. The Stenmsliip George Law nrrircil ot New York yesterday with Culil'ot nia dales to the 'J Oil) ultimo, fehu connected ut ibe lstb nius Willi Uiu Sonorn. Tho Goorgo Law brings upwards of a mil lion nnd n quarter in gold. Tlio steamer Sierra Nuvnda ltTt San Fran cUco on the 2Uth tilt., fur Sun Jinin, with u largo number of recruits for Gen. Walker. An attempt was nude a few days previously to sink this steamer ist Jit r dock. The s'.tuincr Orizaba, from fciiiu Juan, nrri. vod in 1 lie l!)lli ult. Tip .Supremo Court of California lias de clarel the entire State debt unconstitutional ixcitinjf S3UO.O0J. The Court recommends the uloplion of tin; debt by tlio Legislature, und hat Hit' question of repudiation bu sub ii'iUtid to the people. No trnnsliT nt slock !r.' Icon modt! since tlio decision. Tlio peo p! i'o opposed to repudiation. Meetings j,.,V l)i..i..n called in various parts of tho (flute O!. vi' expic-sioti to tlio public opinion. It a iiicfltti", bold 1:1 run jiaucisco u rrs ( 1 ; i ; . 1 1 was passed pKilfiiiiif t lie redemption ,.1' he Ji i'i ly ihe people. The nmouut is .,V4- i-::.iw,(itil. 'he Court li us also sanctioned thu Feizuro of If! Fremont .Marposa graut for taxes, nn the estate, will be told utiles the tuxes are j,:ll. I 'be irciirbai:-, Suecharuni, or Chinese em it?. can.", has I"'1'" cultivated with iiifci S, on !im:.i11 scale, duiii.j: the last season, in Al--.i.u.i county. CITY OF SAN i'r.ANCISCO. j'he great local news of tlie post fortuiplit i4ho exposure id le" stuii'iuloi!s Jjiniiiutour . -lojo i. l-ttmintour claimeil unuur r j 1.1. 1 1 ". il iii cxiciin ni'il . dated l.-4;i, not ,,iy a Urzo tift't id u c c iin: v of Sun Francis- (i.'lic.i. Iiall of tin. city itself. 'J'hu claim, ' tijiiyli regarded by inni-t of the citizens as laii'iu'a T.t. va coulii'iued by I lie late Board f, J. an d (.'omtniosioiii'i . l.niuntour arrived t'lis Citv :i lew ni"iitiis ago with the pur- 1 1 .1 1 . : jie ol nrosecnTjiiff im pivivuueo ciaim, 01 maliiiiC coii.jM'oini.-v Willi pCl'SOnS UljUMIl"; , 1 .. I p"'.ij.el tY wiuiMI liu initi nl the alleged grant - i.'.. 1....I !. t ".'.'! 1 1 v I't'eeiveit nvef s'. ll HI II -rsoi:.- l-iivitig nji hid title. ' ():i Wednesday i ,bu CxpennieiitVov.., it must pro Po" lii'ii.'tli tiiaiid Jury of I So United I dl"'e chanpt in tLe bnsliu-s ol the lei riteiy. Stated were t ailed ti l.y tlm Circuit ri,r tllc quantity of (told beorii. earth and l et.vt. end in an hour alter liie. mpannctineiit r',l'k ls ailmitlml to be inexhaustible, and f-until aiflfi'ilictnutit uii.iiut Liinnntour. for thoro is to Jin fo;- any of macliiuis. nl ti- t'.il-'J papers before ihu Land Coir- i '.,!..;. n. 'On ihe next da v. Ki.iiL; Lctanneur S !, ml'-M se.-;..iarv or amatinens. was la- j i e,i I). t'.n"i the (ira'id Jurv of the- countv. and 1 ,:, - u ll i. t i;o livd -.. tho aileau l I Mei'aii "i.iut. in l5'.VJ,'ut l.i!!)iiitoura"'l'- ' 7 , . . ....... . fl. .mil tit.-"f ins uiieciiiiii. i tie fiupe.'i-i mill It a'i v. h ell i.i iiv-w luu:: upon lis one ol , 1 lie ni'ift aijiliceuis and ar en recotu, mav i 1 hcrefore be regarded lis completely follied. Jl- yesterday a imLi l). to ilay with- aii c'vtilt or honor now licj in iirisuii in de- I !'..u.t ut ;3'i.0!O bad. l-UOM t'iiKGUN A N I WASHINGTON ! TKIMTORY. TV' dates lY'.m 'tieeon are lo (he Ulh of i ,.rs i.'li.-r. 'i'lio Le(;;iiii orutiiued on t:;c J-t i I D.cemhcr. li. II. Ufovor nm elected - jieitki'-r. Ti.e ."-etniiitivy ut ICugcne City was burned en the -i" U nit. A liai'le. was folic',, t i,n the 21 St of Novfm- ber, at l uu'-l Coin: :, ueiween ine Aoitcrn i JmliaiK and tin; CS, steatiier Massachusetts Twenty bevti Ii.i'iia'.is weru Uiileil und '1 wounded. Tli reinuinder iurrounded. Only nue ',' tlio met: "bclui i-jitig to the steamer was );d'l. InnuiiK'vaV.o salt spring are said to cxift ihrnuchout lir.-fon '1 en ituiy. -onm salt sj-rincs at L'inppm uic about to be worked ; as also some- in Polk county. There are gvrii'.'b soni'i twenty miles belnw 1'ortluud, vii;eli mai.e lino salt. There is also rock s..ll in al.'iindtinco in the Cascade) Mountains. rilOM NICAIiAGl'A. Piivate letters state tliut tho Indi.itis r.f On.u: pe had risen a?ainct Walker, ur.d had Uillei'. I.', hiilillitt TS. i.ieiierai Walker with l."0 men, bad nt '.oinp'ed to tetak'j (jnuiada, but hsd been re-(jul.-.-ii. 'I he Bilvicvs fiii.i P.'vr,5 are to December f .'. C.'iier.i! '' ..I'..' !' had arrived within one !e i-'ie Irom Kivas, and was preparing to at ien. Cat' as', who bail six hundred nnd iwent Mr.eii. well supplied with provisions and in 'lulu):- r.f war. A few skirmishes that I. ad ta.Mt place between the two ndvauced Ciiai'Js. (iei.. "'s mou are said to be badly oil Bl.d deiii dailv of ilv.-'diti.TV. ruaTiirt THOU NICARAGUA. jnc i 'jo: Uni ii. aiiinla erere iKilitino t'-l i.e ,irrii:un Afart'i juili 1,'icilf. Nt'.v On; o -, Jan. 1:1th. Tho accounts fioin i!.; !ii ri present the lighting between 1 !.J loi e. -3 ..lei- Gen. llenuiiiSeti und the tjosl i l'.X',: allies us very feveie. and the lb-id hotly . tested ; but altl.cueb tho ene iity out i.utnii il tiio l- lUbusteis four to one, ill.; oiii'S wv defeated nn J driven li.ick with iiiiiiieiisc lot The latter were under com ra i.i I "f Ci Bet'oFD, and their entire loss is p. it iiowni 1 liu). tluiLgh wo think thtto tiiHstVrf holt vi f tako in this. The .Filihus leis nuiebclf about :1tJ0; their sulferings drov them tight with ;reat desperation, out I i;oii' Josias fully 2!0 meu. Bei:i niWncoufjged by their success, Otid Giaa;di;!i nnlit place to cu.aiii in, t! pished on to ltivas, where tbey u.ii'.ed safety and without nny inter :'oriuco thL -'! quitted the city on leaufibcr tl'.iie l-'iiibu;.teis were approach itij, Ail j public documents, military 'st"rV. . Ac.i'o leiuoved iioccessfully from Oi Mmidu, vout any injury whatever. Tho C; "iiicaii troops who lied from HiVas l.tiu'ed bet '.'Jen live) and six liUU dipd, und f tihilcr cuuima'.id of Ceneial Catias. i The iiiit'iove cf tlio Filibusters was nncertaiii"1 Iheir utnitsputeil possessioH f t''' teem to be beyond doubt. Vu!isi'r liearins of tlie capture of tho bi.ut i A''(! t ,s! i Ricatis, iuimediately !arle.J,a,'!iuit- wall a largo force. 'I'lio'1 passenifers fnun t?an Francisco per sic Orizuba, weuld be taker, on board tho Js Ad-cr, at Cieytown, und brought toN"' 0:1 tho return of that vessel froia-iiuwa!l. AVAEK'$CONI.rnOX AND PROS jt'S GLOOMY. niK UATTLK jl RAN A DA. Ui!I.i:ans, Jan. 1G. The advices by jlj.xnicr Texas uro tu the loth iuit. i who so gallantly tiiain position in tho church al Crunudu, jiiforccd on tiie rib, und on tho nine toj day of the siege, succeeded in driving .jtnny beforo him with thu luss of 1400 J Hon. lLnniiisni' 't.- , a i.,. i's loss was 200. and V 'ci og.unst bun was nearly ten to one. iuceeeded iu removing all the military Aorftillery and public documents to Rivabeio ha joiueil Ceo. Walker. The townWacuuUd by the enemy on lesruinj the al(icl of the forces under Walker. 'f i'Viro of the boat on the San Juan baa c u coiuiiiuuicatlon with Walker. TbcreU 3qq recruits waitioif at. Punu ercLU 9rF&rtB,t7 W J3la a.'kar, anil a stenmbotit was repairing to lake, them tip the river. This would require fivn days, HioiirIi tlio woik wus hurried 11s inutli ns possible. The recruits bud determined to start nssoon ns the bout could fret reiniy. A special despatch stales that just as the Tex;is wus nbont to start, a messenger, ar rived from Walker, stilting llint he bud ap prehended something wrong from the delay in the arrivul of the reciuits, und having made a rapid movement, he succeeded in recaptur ing the fort of San Carlos, which had befell tnkmi by the enemy, mid wus toming ilon tho river by forced inarches, scattering nil before him. A number of returned Nlcnragiians have arrived by the Texas. They nive contradic tory, but generully very dlfmal accounts of Walker's condition. The enpturo of tlio bonts on the Sun Juan wus effected by a man named Spencer, formerly matu of one of tho Company's bouts, and the bands, nfsisted by 3(1(1 Costa Ricons. Besides u 11 of tho river, the forts of Ciiftello nnd S.111 Carlos were also token Both of Walker's large lake steamers were likewise captured, leaving Walker only a schooner and a few bnngoes. Suverul officers are also passengers on the Texas. Some say that Walker is a gone case, whilo others nro more hopeful A meeting of Walker's friends, who came in the Texas, is to be held here in a lew days. It is reported that Spencer is in the pay of Mr. Vatiderbilt. The British 11s sistcd him with their gun boats. Three hundred men under dipt. Lockbridgc, at Piinta Arenas, attempted to retake the bouts lying tln-re, but the British commander gave notice that he would not allow it. The above despatch from New Orleans is mostly derived from the purser of the steam er Texas, who being a warm friend of the filibusters, has given credence to uports that have probably no foundation in fact. Nnrs from .s' kxioo, A Wonderful .f.or The (told llcginh f California Out done. The Santa I'e Gaa.'tte announces the arrival of Mr. Idler, the audit gene-ill tli icctnr of the mining company organized some .' ' r ' "' " 1 .,. C ...... 1.'... l W nrtf :i , 1 11 ti if a 1 1 11 1 .Tiiiii .1 1 f . .hi. ..""., - machinist from Norris' engine shop, in Pbibi uelpiiia. und .Mr. Cinippm. a 'aright, ai enyiieeti in the Fame ituMiiess. tins. sa; the (jazette, is a new era in the hi-tnry ol Now ' 51 exico. Two, with crushing apparatus, are soon to lie put in erition ut the Placer mines, and the tpiestiou ,1. I I 10 .nl l.i.l In .. I. ... I- .... ......1 i.l.nii... . ... ""', C, .L.U 117- "l.niin t.-l'l H..1 !! Ill "i"c:ciu ijuuiiMiies xo ,iui :iy i no tost, 01 e.- uacuiia uy mis. uesenption 01 iiiaciiinery. n 11 " ,K " i'--n i!-ai me poin mines 01 i ilcs'c biJ l''lil' 1 'l'iu' olCali- ' r""- A l'Uvr lri"1 "J F to a Caliler- m.i paper gives a romantic accni.nt nf tbeir j " s..'overy. Tlie story goes t hat a Mexican returned from a captivity of eil.t j v. nrj urn, il... ('..,.. i...... i t...r ..r lu ""r "" -"'"i.. "ti i ""'.i ".f.niK ninw. neiumns b "e. sines in iuh repiou liri:iiill"u uy "?. I he wounin sas that in the le- K'u "om wiienco me escaped, mu exiMS in ''Vt'0' quatler on the suiluce. und in preat quantities, and that there was mieUiire lump .1. ..i.l.. a :.. . i. . i . ... i .i . i i -m-o, a ...... uu jeuious.y girded by the tnbe. New Advertisements. T t-t.ue lijelll ill .Matket Clreet, o-r, ,i... I hy 1', W. Cray anJ the dwelling house ad- jaiiuut:. a pply to ttie executors ol il. .VaiM-r, 'jcc(, - J. January, 17, lSf. AUDITOK'S NOTICE. rH 11 undcrninm-J appo'nted by the Oipban'a J Court at .Northiiiulierland eounly, din- tiiliule the balance in the h iinJf.'l' lia i.l Tax-I ...... ..i;,. i.i,,.;,'i.i..i,i, .,r vv in,.,., vi n I Cay, deceased, Ij and anion.; the ere, litem of eau! deceased, will attend to the duties ot his a)i. poiutment, at his oltiee in the H.irounU uf .vuu limy, onTuesday Ihe lliliday of February, next, at 10 o'clock A. HI., when lhoe inlereislej mav attend. JNO. KAY CLEMENT, Auditor. January 17, IPS". '.it OQice of tho New York and Middle Coal Field Eailrc.aiir.nd Coal Co. 1'an.Ai ki.!i::ia, Jan. 13, 1&5T. riHK annual meeting of the Stockholders of this company will be I eld at their dfiicp. No. frf. Smith 4th street, on Mondav. t'ne '.'.I day cf l'ebruary next, ut 11 o'clock, i A. M., at which time Ht.d pi ice an election I will be held lor live 1'iieclots to serve for i the ensuing year. j JOS. C. CAIM'L'CK, I Jan. 17, lv.'iT. 3t. Secretary. , VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. VVrE, ihe unilersiaiied owners of a Tract of Land, situate in I 'pper A ugitt tonhii, Norlhuinlicrland cuunty. adjoiuinat lands of Ino. W. Frilini. SiK Wolvertan, Siiituel Mavidge, and Jno. W. Heal, will expoe the same to pub lic sale, al the Court House, in the borcu'i of Sunbury, on SATLUDA Y, the 21.'f dc.y of lluary, at 10 o'clock, a. in. The Farm contains FIFI'V-CRES and some perehois wf lunj ; thirty acres of which are cleared and in a good state of cultivation, en which is erected a two story FRAME DWELLING HO' f E. An orchard of choice fruit, two sjiringa and a Well of never tailing water upon the premise. Ci ' Possession will be given on or lelore the first day of April next. For further information enquiie of Win. K. Marts or Ira T. Clement, Sunhury, l'a. WM. K. M AR I Z. MARY ANN M ARTZ, fcOrillA MAR1Z, SUS A N HI KFFKNIUFFER, JACOIJ M A RTZ. Sunbury, Jan. 17, 1S5". ts. List of Causes, ,OR lrir.1 in the Court of Common 1'leas of NorthumlH-rlaiid Countv. at ail adjourn- td Court on thu Snd Monday of February, 1857. rLAINTin-. DEFENDANTS. John Knouse vs Cl'.arles Kobina el al Edward Auchuiuty ot al va Jes.e Aiahmuly Ira T. Clement Jacob VoniJa Jacob M Salida Manilla. Keed Chas Pleasanls Win Mrngis Hughea liellas Jesso C Horiou 1 he bhauiukin Mcam 'l'ow lloat Company. David Lewis A; Zctbe ltuu V L. Impr't Co s Kimber Cl at r et ul vajohn Fagely The Mahuiiuy 4- Sfiamo km luiprovemeiit Co v I'eirr D Denller vs Jteulien Fairly va Jamci Uejeb.m et al. JAMES liEAUD, 1'iotb'ry. Prothonolary's Ollice ) funbury, Jan. JO, 1 ei." 6. 3 PROCLAMATION. OTIC l'l is hereby given a Special Cuurt for tbe trial of causes in the Com mon Pleas will commence at Hid Court House in iSunbury on Monday ttia yth of February for one t ecu. Juroia m,U ollicrs interested will attend. Given under my hand at Sunbury, the lftth day til January in lie year of our l.urj on. tl.ousand eight hundred and tifty-eeveu and thu Inde pendence of tke United Estates of America the 1st. God aave the Commonwealth. HENRY W EISE, 6hariff. Saiairr'a Orrici, SuiWy, Jaouarry 17, 1S87. J Disk or NosTBOiKtiir, ) Janimry 1, 1 K57. ) M?T of I)rnsilnr In Ihe Itiiek of Norihum bcrlnlid whnra acciiiinU have been unclaimed anJ iilirlinnged fer three yean 1 Wm. H. Davis, resilience unknown, l Kreediiian. do f!iBfiu f?cntl A c. il" II. I'.Uraves. do V. I.. M unveil, Wilkes-llarre, Win. W'ileiui. .eiliurg, $ IO.t.0 85,41 83,00 31 50 I 10.50 1'nrlaimed dividetide None. NoRTIIflHr.KBI.AND (Joi'NTV, SS. IVreonslly 'ienml I'i fure in a Justice of Ihe Peace, in and for the County, J. K. Trieftlev, Casbierof the Bank of NorlhiimSerland, who I ring duly aivorn dnth depose nnd say, that the above Mnteinrnt lit true lo the bent of bis know ledge and belief. J. R. FRIKSTI.F.Y, Caelum Rworn and nilwcrihed before me, this 2d day of .lanuarv, A. U. 1857. Joitx CR8,J. P. January 10, 1857. -It A NEW BOOK FOB. AGENTS The Life and Times of Alexander Ham iltu.n ; liy Samiii'l M. .Smncker, A. M., iiuthor of the Lifu mid Keign or Nicholas 1. of Rus sia. &c, A c. This is the only complete nnd reliable bio graphy of this gieut num. lie was the inti mate personal friend of Washington, and by many considered his equal. '1 his work includes a histary of the times nnd men of iheBcvoliition.nnd many incidents not herttofoie given in history. Jt bus nil the ibnrins of romance, although prepared from the most reliable and authentic sources, nnd should be in the bands ol every American who revi les the great and good men of our Involution. A sketch of Bi Rii is also given and an account of bis miserable end. Agents wanted in every party of the Uni ted Stute". for this anil other valuable works, to whom the largest commissions will be paid Copies sent by mail, 011 receipt of the price, One Dollar. J. W. BUA1H.KY, Publisher. No. 4$ North 4lh St., Philad. January 10. 18.'i7. 2t C M K U 1 C A N AG HI C U 11 U B A 1. 1 ST. M!F. JFIID. ) I'd Water St. r, Terms One D ltar j I'.t .Usher ft I'r .p'r. J .New Verk A Ve..r i" Advance j V I XVI .N.i. 1 JAM'AItV, N, w Series No IjO Part of Com knts : W'mk for the nmtl'' Horses Black Hawk . beiiiitiful, in.-truc- (iIIuk.) live . rticle. ! Horses Poll Evil Calender i. f operation-; cured. fur Jaiinat ; A cut-, Manures. No. 1 I he alie-iie ol woik to l-e - first or a thnrmttjlly done in the Field.1 practical seriea. Orchard. Garden. Manures N. J Marls Ci i nnd I'.nt. Hen 'Manures An limns- ses, interspersed! with many valuable; hints. T.'iis is a rial feature f ti.' iniT nird instructive ; flit, slll'WIIle; htiw I snine o1' the "Special j Manures'' are "got I juvrwil. Tlie ( Vieii-, tip." iltr lnij. out fj;jf;'. M iikinir Machine ti".'7. hi furt him .ami. A musing account of i(i(ii(iv "0 attempt to iim fistematizet hi Clyster Plant How plana. , to cook. A-hes for tnanuiiiie;. ; Pea The Japan. Asparagus, lull ihap-i Peach stone Treat ter on culture, per-' inetit .'.f. haps the most cum-j Pies Miner, without plele yet written, j apples. Bee Hives Minute Pomt. logical Society, directions for inak- American Fruits injr cheap, rjjieiief adepted, Ac. unpatented Hives. Poudiette Parmer's Bi-ead-uiukiiie Kxctl-i trial of. lent. ' Preiniiiins-Agr. jour- Cabbaires Winterinijl mils for. Corn The Kiuir Phi jBainy day ramble at lip. Neiuhbor Thomas's Cranberries Full de-, No 2. tails of a large sue- Rhubarb, or pie plant ce.-sfui grower's ex-! Pull chapter on ex perience reri tnml tare. Ac. Kiffrs two good arli- Hoses in Pots Dirce eles on securing in tions for growing, winter. &c. 1 with beautiful cut. Kverjii'ocus F loin Sink Hriuns in Winter .Seed. Slonny days Work Fencing Fully dis I'ur. cussed. Strawberries. No. 1 Gulden of a Clergy ! by u practical grow mini interesting chapter of details. Garden of a Mechanic A Ui'iL'tf two col'iiiin; ciit.showini: inaiini i ol lavinir out ; t In ' er. 1 he hrst ol a lull series to be con tinued throiich the year, without appro, pi iate monthly direc tion. place oft ice.-, plants Sugar Cane, Chinese! vegetables, ve. A capital thing lor all cultivators of Miial ' .More al.cnt tins in teresting new plant. f'.'OO lo 4Htl seeds to be distributed flee to each subscriber sending a teudy di rected stamped en velope. Trees. Digging holes for. Turnip?, llow raised cheaply. Verbena chapter on plots. Graft ing and liudditij: l.xceileul plan. Grape Cullutv, No. The fu st of u full practical series by an e X p e r i e u ce . growr. II .tins, two good pick les for. Horse-Raisin"; Agr. I'uss on. .kc. Ac. o NLY N. I!. TIIE above is an outline UNK. I nf ONLY ONK Number, and tint gut up under the excitement and bustle of attending to neatly 1 0,(1111) new subsenbets loiters of impiiiy, Ac. F.leveti more itunibers eipially good, and ai much littler an possible will lie limiti-hed this year; and the capital I eei iuber No. (lf.lfi) will b Inriiished free to It.tbto new subscribers for 1;5T. tirsl re ceived. N. H. At least 200 perfect seeds of the titv Chinese Sugar Cane will lm sent Iree to every old or new subscriber to thu Agriculturalist who furnishes a ready directed (post paid) en velope to mail them in. V H The Agriculturalist is located nt the Metripolitan City, of ihe country Ihe best point for getting the best information from every section. N. II. The Agriculturalist surpassed all other similar journals, n having, beside ils Resident Conducting Editor, uu Associate Editor at each uf suveral points in thu Kas inn. Middle and Western States. A dozen of these men, who are thoroughgoing practi cal Cultivators, Fruit growers, stock uisers, iVC uro couslan'ly lurni.-hing lo thu Agncul liiralisl their combined experience und obser vations iu liieir several localities. This ar rangement vices this journal titiequaled ad vantages lor (Utilising the very best practical inloi'iiiiitinn collected lioiii call tliHiiuii of tho country. livery Fanner. Merchant, Mechanic or Professional limn, who is annually expending e!l,000. Jf.'iUO, 2'10, 100. or but'SoO or S-O, upon his Farm, Orchard, Garden or House plot, or upon iU animals, will do well to ex pend a smglu dollar u year mine, iu supplying liiuisclt with the .Agiirulturulibt, l'loln its i rive hundred good uiticles given every year, no one can fail to derive at least some hints that will bo north to him many tiuies the coat TRY it a year It will I AY. j In thu Tribuiio of November 27, lb.";C, Mr. Gleeley said ."Tho American Agiicu'.tu- I ralitt is a druhlc (pun to, zeaioii-ly and iiitlus liioiisly edited, and is putticulatly savage ou all attempts lo cheat Ihe fanners with lubri cated iiinutircb. Whoever takes this puper will receive bis money's worth." January 10, lc-ll. LL persona indebted tu the aubsciiber on Note, UooV Account or otherwise, ata re spectfully requested lo pay up immediately, as lb account will be placed iu the bands of a Justice for collection. HUT. CLEMENT. Suaaary, prsibe ?t, 1813 1IAVK YOU SUB3CniBEIJ is vfla Cosmopolitan Art ABaooiation br tie Third fKK TI1K HaICE IMDUCJ.MUNTS! The irmnnne. meet hHva II10 nlmvura el' nitieitiueMia tliat ttie eullrrlion ( uf Verkf i.l An ilf,'BiCiinl fur ilittnlttiimil mil. me. th snli 1 rcrilivrM, wliute inline are rctt'ivcU previ'HK M llio Stjlh 11I Jiinuiily, IB.j7, l much largnr mi'l mure ciRtly III. in nn Dnv I'rcvi'iijs vear. Aitianff n teml'iin warkt in lculii- ,u,t' execaU'il 111 clio hum .Marble 1 ilieiiewaml buuu- "V ODD NYMTII ," Tlie tlnma nf llic Tlirre Cnut Aiiicricn Si'atFmitrn, CI.A V, vi;iisi I K CAUItlt.N. Al Ilia iii neo li'cil Hun. "HI'KI.Nli." AI'OI.I.O A Nil DIANA, ill Marble, life eiiw, tnf;Fil:er Willi Hit. f'lll iwine Ureups niitl feuuues hi CHiruru Alai lill .1 ihu Si.npirlr inr the llmrl, Venin nnd Arfle; PrwrWej Mng. ilnlen ; Cliilil nl l, irreu j mill lt l Tituiet? XVill, mi tiiemui w-'iilm in llmnzt-. nnd a clkrlinn of rveeml hlliirirwl KINKOII, I'AI.N TI.Miliy lii'ilmrr Artitla. 'J'he wll"le nf wliifh tire In lie iliBtril.uti:il or nlMtrd flmmig tin- luliM'ribcrs wli'iae nutnti lire received previuut In llio Twt'NTV-KiGirrn of January, issr, Wlien the I'lKtriliiitiuii take plnre. TFhM or f?L'BCHirTI" F.eeiy sul-afinlier if Three Uotlnrn il entitled to A C'i y ol' tlie Mlndiil Steel t'.nfiravieir. ''Iutmlay N iplit'1 r ar..ipyel any nf tlie I'irll.iwmK 9-i Miifti7.iuuM one year (ill i n enpy in' tlie Art Jnunml line yeur, unit a 'J'l'eki t in the LliBlrlhuiieii i.r Virtt . T Art. 'I'hui. f.T every tlitef it .liars paid, n perl a lint only vti 11 Iteiintiltil l.iteriivi.iu i.r Mamizjiti' iaie mr. Iut iilm receives tlie Art Jouruiii eee e:ir, nnd a Tickt-I in ' the Ainiiml llistrit'iitioe, n;ukii'j del. nil V"lth ef iiMilioii inatti'i tii'Riiles the tieki'l, hy which a v-iUialile pnit.tiiitT it pei' e ef t'Uiinry may he received in niltti len. Tll'irte wle' prelcr .M aetiziiic In tl.e KlifllaVinR -Sitlir. diyNijjhi. "can have eaher if the f.-IIeu iiir i-ne V11': Harper'i .Mai;a7Hlc ; limS-v's l,miy:8H i'k, t.iiileil S'ales ,Ma!?a2me. Kuickerli-t'k'-r SlmnziMe, linilmtn'i Miu;uie, tllirkw K.d Mrtjiazilii', S.ailhcm l.ileiliry Alefneapcr. 'i perl -n ih reslncleil tu n Pinjile sii-ire. Til e la!.int( five lntMiilifrihipe. are entitlt-d te ix Knfiravin, ami t-i six ticket! in Ihe tliitnhntioi,, or tiny liveut' the Muga zini s, one jear nnd six tickets IVrsait in rcnettiitjr limds i.f tneiril-crhip, wilt p'easc lexifier the lettct at the I'. t (l;Tlce. In preent t'-M ; en ri-eipt ef" whit h. n e- rtif.eate nf iMernlierihip, lucelher w ilh tint l-ai-raviM!i or Mnjrazine desin d? wih he f.TWard ed t'i nny pail ef the canary. Fer farther particalais, see the Nevemticr Art Jmirnal. I'-al free en nppiieai ien. Ker nieinlH-rthip. nil.lri-sf C 1. IIKItRV. Aetieirv C A .A .1s llr.mdway. New V.Tk, c.r Wistcrii Office. 100 Water street, stniutnvky, (ihei Or tmrlv pi JIJil.N 8. 11KARD. Hinvirnrv Sec'y. Dec. 3.1, ffll. HitiilMiry, Penn'a. l.t!t hni not denst. N K W A B B I V A L O F FALL AND WINTER GOODS ! I r a T. Clement o. i, coni:noi- mm:ki:i fqi:Ai:r., S XT 1ST 33 XT 23,, PA., i f3 A.M inst ri-civpil n Inr.'i. culm v nf Full nu.l I no a Winter (riiiids. ' - J a rrv He will continue lo sell Dry fieojj and (!ro- cciiea Cll L) A t'KK than ever, ai Ins goods are i biuitilit cheap they ivilt he soltl cheap. He feels cenlidenl with hia experience and ability, that ho can compete with the World at largo and Stuibury in particular. He would enumerate articles if time and "puce would permit. It ia enough to say that he has everything in the line of Dry Goods, Groceries, A lrtrje Stock of l.'eady-M jdtf CLOTHING, n00T3 AMJ SHOJiS, Ac, ic, ,' that is J-i'l t in any other store in town, and His bai'eer ii ea the breeze. Aadl'iag I..V i wave O'er tiihd rif ihe free, And Ihe home ef the lirave IVhile tier Stars and her Stl ipes hlnce'.it like the Sua, Telling all nations Tint Krced.'in's heRua. Thin is a fu-e country as was proved by tae election of Ittiihanali over ttie Woely Horse', therefore it is free fur alltu doitieir trading where they can 1ICV ho CilEAI'KsT. All are invi ted to call ont! see. TIIK COUNTRY, an well m the town are respectfully invited, and every person, rich or poor. iih or low. Imnd or tree are luvittd to call at No. 1 Markkel hipjjre, ! (pnisite tlie I. nurt House 1 . . lie is no, ,o be undersa'd by any man 1 or coinl iiiation of men. No charge lor showing giods. All kinJi of produce taken in exchange for good. Sunburv, Dec. 20, I85G. i.Lii'? &WILLXftTCir, WllllLXSXI.X Dul l IS 11 aKoicisii, l'tiiesit2r ;uil I'aiuy LIQUORS, Xo. 112 South Front Sirert, Mnir Walnut J'liiladtl hin Si'l.M. o!il llramhei. V ines. pure Hour" ( t'uu ami .Moiiaugahela Whiskey. im- proeil bv age constantly nn hand, and tor sale us al'ite CT Notes of the Lancaster Hat.k received lor Liquors at liar, December SO, l56. Sin j fKTKJl K j Si:sPF.CTFI'LI.Y inl'ui in his friends, and ihr public generally, that he basjusl rerciv- , ed A New Mock of GOODS, at bis new store, at j David Miller's Mill, in Lower Aucusta Town- j ship, ami that he is pre) ared to tell goods al the lowest prices. His Mock consists in part of F A 1. 1. A. W INTER GOODS. Groceries, Queensware, Hardware, &c, and every variety usually kept in a oounlry More. Trevortun prices paid for all kinds of produce. Lower Augusts, two, Dec. IsifiG tf .toiiii: S hereby given that leticrs Tcslaitu-iitay on the ratate ol Jacub droit, Into ol Lower Au- j gu-t.i tew tisbiji, .Notlliun.l er:aml countv, ilec d., have been granted to the aubtciiUr. All persons indebleil lo aaid estate will please make payment w itbout dela , aid t!i"e huMtiir claims i.triiusl said (state will please (resent them properly at tested for settlement. GEOKGE fcKIL;U, Adm'r. L. Augusta tap., Dec. V!U, I eiijrj Ct IF-iVlJR 3STOTICE. I LL persona knowinrr tbemsclves indebtrj to the subtciiber by note, book account or other wise, are leijueated lo muke papmenl before the Itllli day i f ihe first moiilhs (lanuarv), IS.'fi, nr their account will be placed in the hands of a Justice fur collection. S. N. THOMPSON. I.. Augusta tp , I3ili day, 13tli mo, ls.")'i. I .MAIN'S, Fic, Jujube J'aste. Hock .'andy Jellv Cake, and Cum Drops for sale t'V May 3I.V.6. WM. A. UI1UNEK. Fairbanks' Platform and Counter S alee foi sulely E. Y. UlilGHT cV SON. Nov. 59, 1 85R. w 7ILEY' COLGif CAXDY. An evcel lent remedy for loughi, colda. Fur tale al ollice. Decemlr 4. ISoG. TllllIHa llS'llltn A I'retli assortment I at received liy VV ,vt. A. DlilAtK June 21. Ihn. Stationery. I'aner ulij A large supply of lancv Nole I'aprr and Envelopes, Mourning, Letter, and Cap Paper, I'ens, Ink. aud, Ac, at May 31, 'iu. WM. A. UrU'NEU'S. BL'UNING Fluid, Camphriie, fluid Wicks and Lamps, for sale bv J. & I. r. KLINE. Kline Giove, Nov. 8, 185C if BLANK Parchmen. Paper Deeds and blank Mortgages, Uouds, Execution, Kutninuita 4c, for tale b k H. 11. MAfebEK. Huiibury A pri SB. 1856 COS 11 EN CHEESE Jati reeeived and for. salaly EJJAfcHOLTZ 1'ETRY. BpL IS. itxa. Bargains ftt the Old Stand. FUIiilNG & GRANT All K now opening new and very desirable stock of Fall and Winter (innds, cm bracing an endless variety. Their atoek con aista in part of Black & Fancy Broadcloths & Cassimeres, Winter Wares lor men and boys, all stylea and prices. DKESS GOODS. SII.KS Plain nnd Figured Hlacl: An assortment nf Plaid Stripe and Figured Fan cy llrens Silks nt unusually low prices, Miis. De I.aina, DebeRes Ac, INfill AMS from 6f to 25 rents per yarj. CALICOES " 3 " UJ " WIIITK GOODS, Cambric. Jnconptts, Swiss, 'J'aillon, Mull, Hohi- nett, French nnd Hwisa l.accs, Edtiinga, cVc. Drown nnd Mrarhed Muslins, Drillings, Tick, Chocks, Towling , Table Diapers, 4 c- ruiot i:rif,s, HAELWARE and QATEE1T3'Vt'AE,2, Cedar-ware, Hollow-ware, Iron, Steel, I'laaterJ 8all and Fish. Also a fresh snpplv of DltlOSJ AND MKD1CI.NK9. Thankful for past favors, we bopa by etrirl attention and a desire to please, still lo eneet with the npprovn! of our friends. IV Coitntrv proiluce of all kinds taken at the highest market price Siinbury, Nov. 19, 1856. ly. A. J. CONRAD, II O L li O W I N G 11 U N . ITJ F.Sl'KCTFI.I.LY informs the public that jOiii, he has replenished his ttor with nu ex cellent assortment of New (binds just received from Philadelphia, which he will sell on terms na reasonable, us any other establishment. His nssurltiient consists in part of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES & SATTINF.TT, Winter Wears fur men and buys, allatylca and prices CrRtlies Hire Wood Consisting of Black Silks, Merinos, Alpacas, De l.nines, Calicoes, Ginghams, Muslins, Trim tilings, A e. Also a treah supply of CROCK 11 IE 3 of all kinds. HAHDWAF.E and QUEENSTARE. Ceilarwarp, It rooms, Scc. Alsoalnrac assort ment of IJonts and Shoes, suitable for Men Wo men and Children. Hats and Caps. Silk Huts, and all goods uual!v kept in a Country More. All the above named sunk of goods will he sold positively nt low prices for r.isli, or in et chance for country produce, at the highest market price. Hollowing r.un, Nov. S3, lSofi. lv R. DECOU & CO. Clothiers, No. 141 Chestnut St., above Fourth, I'itlLADlLSHI.',, Keep conihr.tly on a fplendid aflortmcnt of" Ready-made Clothing. CjJOJJ MAPS. TO ODfS to kit. Nov.St, iR5fi.v Af'D AS.M: EVANS SiZ GO'S R E T C F T HOOK S A L E. (i 103 BnomvAY, MEW VORK. Fine" Gold Jewelry firen way to 1'vrvlascr o f Hooks. All liooks will be sold as low as can be had at other Meres, many of them for less New i Hooks received daily. A (ittt var ing in value from So cfits l' I0". gi'en wil'.i eachtbook at .i .'.. : . - .1 I l!-.iM.r Itn.l n trv " .v Z n yAUulc Books, and as I our motio is "l.nrie sales ami small ga'ns than can be had elsewhere. Any look iiuhlishru I" New York or Philadelphia will he promptly sent gift included, on receipt of publisher's price. Catalogue of Hooks nnd Presents, containing full i x ilunations will be aeut free lo all pans of the country. The most liberal -inducements arc effered to Agents. Any ictson by si aiding us an older ror leiijiooks, with money inclosed, will be entitled to an extra Hook and Gilt. All orders for books, containing nionev, (to ensure perfect safely.) should tie registered at i Post Ollice where they are mailed, and dime tej t,j Evan S: Co., 4liJ Eroadwav, N Vurl.. Ilcli retice. M . Thomas cV Sons., t-'ouih 4ih lr.'.l t't,il,.,1.M,.l,t,i t. 11 1 ..,...,11 A Co Philailelphia ; D. Applrloti A: Co, Eroa.lway, New Vork ; Derby Jackson, Nassau street, New York. fif SEND FOI! A CAT1 LOliTE,l4i EVANS A. CO.. I'rinripal Stoie 409 Broadway, New York. Itranch Mores nt CL5 Che-tnut Street, l'bilaiiel- Ina andut Wa.-hiimt in, D. C. December 20, 1 Soli l';im t NNt vici NNOCNCliS to the citizens of Sunburv and inty, that be has opened an oliicein Son- bury, above H, J. Wolverton'a ufliee nppasite (,'. Weaver's Hotel, where be is prepared to attend tu all kinds nf work heloniiijr to the refessioti, iu the latel and most iinprovt J ttyle. All work well Jure nuJ wananted. Deceinlier I tl, I .r)ti. Formerly jf Ilcrrjsburg, Dauphin county, l'a. 7 3 lib' Hi. Y announces to the liitrens of Slia " mokin and viiiuity, thai he baa peiiuauent ly located hiinsdf in the above place, nnd hope, lhat an of Mars, iu all ihe various branches of bis protc son, will iusure hnu a liberal rhaie of patronage, lie may at ail times tie found, when not proicSftouaily cniiageil, it the National (Weaver's) Hotel. Mi.nii iKiti, October 'i't, ioti. tlm OVSTK1JS! OYSTKIIS! ! Fresh from Ualtimorc every MoruiiiR. V ANDY K K AND V AND K N K K K U ,- Norlhuniberland Pa., Will furnish Kestuaranta and piivaie families Superior Uallnno e Ovslera, Uy the Can or bal fan. All orders promptly attended to on the shortest notice. JAMES VAN DYE. JOSEPH VANDENEKEIt, Oct. 1, 1850. tf To Builders Si Carpenters. The subscribers are agents for the ale cf Doors. Window blinds, Window Abutters, and all size uf Window t-asli, ail of which we olhr at the lowest prices. Nuv.S9, AB. E. Y. HKIGHT A SON. rPHE sul.scrilier oilers for sale a Farm in Upper ' Mabonoy township, containing !7 arret, uil jeit.iiir; I'cier llcisel and Dr. Hminky. i'he im- provenieiitt are a J wo Mory i,cg House aim a Hank Ham, an orchard of choica fruit. Twelve acres are meadow, 16 acre woodland and the remainder cleared. 1'oiM'ssion given on the 1st of April, 1607. Apply lo JACOIJ ST RAWS Lit, Upper Mslionny, December 13, 1 856. 61 ERODUEAD & EOBERTS, Ao. loO, .V. Zd Street, rilltADEtPHIA, INVITE Ihe atlenliun of country merchants and olbert, to iheir stock uf BOOTS Sc SHOES, which tbey will dispose of on the most teasvo tide term. Not. ,!- j CENTRE OT ATTRACTION 1 LATiOE ASSORTMENT OX' FALL AND WI& TEU GOODS, r h it P-1 1 A m d a u xi e n v n v 1. 1? , THESE qualities combined, the public will find by calling at the Htore ol K. Y. UK Kill'!' (J- SON. Tbeir aaaortment ia Urge, and has been aclrcled with great care, and will be dis posed of at a small advance. THfl X.ADXUI Will find among our Dry Goods Wool rioid, Illack and Fancy Silks, Plaid Lama Flannels, Alpacrn.solid colored and Fancy Delalnrs, De begea, Scotch Tlaids, Figured Cashrr.fte, Per aian 2'will, Cohurg Clolh, liinghams, Calicos, Delano and Debege Robes, Florence Silk, Wool Ihnxis, 0;era Caps, and IVooeri Ciiffa. LADIES and CHILDREN WOOL TALM AS (ium Bells. Bell Kibbon, Mohair Head Dresses,, T? Nfe.ltp.tvnikrtt mill Tliiffla Collars. rl'l.r.,.l I. nerd V liinnei ntf. Il :rrl illfT . Wis- iss. M lit 1 . I Cambric, Nainsook, Dimity, barred Muslin, liriiliaiitine, and a gcueral assortment uf white Goods. Wool nnd Cotton Carpets, Oil Cloths, Oil Shinies, Hockdale blankets, Turkish ciutiterpaiies embossed table covers, tickings, sack flannel, j scarfs, kid, ailk, Lisle thread and woolen gloves. ! Of every variety, Russia Crash, Linen and Cotton Dioprr. 'J IIK GENTLEMEN will find Illack, Ulue nnd Drown French Cloths, Doeskins, Illack nnd Fancy Cussimer, liiiired alinett, Overcoating, Tweed, Velveteen. Iil , fatin. Flush and Milk Yehet V eating, Neck-tits, vcarfs, Collars, Cloves and Slniks. arET-KAr.a clcthiho. Hats and Caps of all sires and prices. OCR HARD WAKE Embraces nil kinds of building material, a large sunk of Carpenter's Tools of the best manufac ture, files ol every description, picks, grub l.oes, Mason hummers, bar iron, steel, nails, paints, pulty, glass and oils, window sash, ijiiielstones, Circular nnd Mill Saws. The Qnccn'swarc HJoik is coin pored of Stone China Setts, Fruit dishes, Cake plates, sauce dishes, common plates, cups a..J saucers, together with a varied nssurltueiil I ol Glassware, embracing Ihe la'.est styles. i Ol'K ;ROtEKBS3 j nrc fresh and pure, among w hich may 'jc found, I C A. Sail, Mackarel, Shad, Cedlish, boxed ntnl j pickled Herting, Coshen and Sage Cheese. The j best of teas, sugars, colTee, Ac. i We return our thanks to the public for uc.r I increasing patronage, and rcspccrtully invite an examination of our stock, as we Usem it a plea sure to show our Goods. ff Country produce tjken in exchange at the highest market prices. E. V. liKIOHT cV SON. Sunhury, Nov. 29 1830. nAllGAI.XS TO BE HAD AT P.W.GRAY'S STORE,! Market Street, Sunbury. j i T3US '' received and opened u pplrnilid .Stock I of FALL & WINTER CO CDs, consist. iug in partof j j Muck and Fancy Cloths and Casairncrcr, i An !tK...rlinciit nf l).-v ftonils. 'mt Merinrt. ! j Cashmeres, Delains, Calico, Woolen Fluids. Ginghams, Mu.slins, Linens, Flannels, Ac. i Trimmings in Great Variety. 11 AKDW AUK, GHUCEKIES, qL'hKNS WAI1K, Ac. SAM and r imi, Mircsr, Jtuisms, I oti.icco and Cigar, W ueenswarc, Jloots;, Shoes, rials anil Caps, und aariely of Coi.di too tedious to men- ., , c.. I i r n i Cat! nnd examine lay Stock before rurrhns- ing I Isewhcre, A Reasonable Discount will le i taken oil' for all cash Sales. j Country produce taken in exchango at the , highest market puce. ' P. W.fJKAY. Sunbury, Nov. 2 , I85fi. tf j new York Kxpreiasj for I Si7 The place the "WKKKI.V KXPKKSK' helore a w.le ' ' e.r.'le '-f lernlem, ll will lit lalure tie iiablisltcil uj.'-n i:.c j i ins'i s: . ! ! With lliH cash plan, Hs price wei ti-rei.snce4l ton ra.e ' winch Witt cil'ibleull wlio wtsli lo I'l.tant It, to il 'tl ut ' i the prieent llie c.l,eapcst of llie wuttty-eirctilateil I'lips-it ' I ,1 New Verk. i j 'J'ne "'lv r.iprcasM will c iclant in nd.Iuton to the ( usual political, aenerat news. llice:lMS'Uniul "I her icai!- ! iii' mailer ol an le tiinniy, the New York I i M7irkcts. el's k unit la aicy learlii ls nl llie Canary, and j ' such Ivrtisu inarkcll as are ot ireneia! mtervi.t ; i j t Pniite c-pis tf'l per annum. T.'.rcc c 'pi'. S " I Five c.'pa-. H " i j Ten eoi'lcH 1 " ( it y cvpc to n.t'li ess, '3ll, an t nn.x'.m copy to , ; llic V'Ucr lip up el the i !u!i. Twenty c-'plcs 'r ever to! ; llie a,'-sa ,t cull tal'S'Til-er, l.''t. ' alien sent, Irceup.'ii .'lepucatieii. to any n.litreta is iiiaie. na rri.iv I.'' waiCcl ' .'i.i I'C sen: 1-T lint V iar :t,tn"tn i Tiiy fiiii- tv'i'.v K.xrrt?'' lets !wn m'tw ft in Three s ui on . Doll its xr iiuoutii. niul wilt be j;jm'-il Sm;V c iii. ?'l I'O per ninriin Fife 'iiic M " i T'h Duly r.xjT.'cs. (M'Tii'i.? fr Kv.-t.ini; Kilil on, nt tlie S'-'i t;- it ! trie ri! scnl.t'i . vi!l Imt i-r He f-tiT hy itvnl nt aix it ' j'f r aidnnii iilw.n jki) ni.Ie in lulvriwr Titririlil" nil vi'i preiVr tmlfi! t!u i.'l'I' ; tiHtti it tnciiifl t' r ttifinn'-lvi'i', Si;cciii!.-ii .') ii will l0 tent tree l anv addrrn. ii:m.ii ;tiinUr;iii -u t- .! .V K. IlKODKS. C'Tiit of Vii!l uml Nusthi Btrrr's, N.H-snnVr 2J, IV5 IwIM 3 New .rk. EXECUTORS HALE. 'FH1E nndersigiird Execnt'r of the estate of Jacob Painter, tlcc'd., late ef the Dornoch of JSunhtiry, by virtue nf a power contained in the last will and testatment of said deceased, will dispose of at Piivaie Sale, the lollow tnsr valuable Kcnl instate, vti : tEVEKAL Lol'S OR PA TIT OF TWO j Lois OF lilJOLND, in Market Square, in the liOMiicli of Stitibiiry, Irontini' 45 leet on Matki t Street, leiin: paitt nf lots No and on which n'e erected I l.ree Frame lluildinirs. Tl.e dwelliuir Is a two story frame lluildiur. with the tsoal (mil nil lins fable, Ac. late the lesiilenrc f saitl deceased. There is also i ti the fiont of said lot, two two t .ry frame binhl in,'., occupied as a store, shops, Vc., Willi a pood Welt ol 'water before the doer. ALSO; A FA KM Oil TKACTOF LAND, containing about ItiU Acrea, tiluate between the CattawiAsa and Creek roads about Ihree-ijuarter miles from fc'unbury. 'ihu iinprovctueuts area fi Mint- two-story dwelling lliv,c, and a large liai.k llaru and other oulbuildiiigs. There aie several line springs oil the preniiM-s, one near the house, and also a number of fruit In .set various kinds. The terms and conditions of tale will be inmlc known by application to the undersigned, residing near Sunbury. JOHN PL'YEIIS. A;rnt for Gl.u. A. Fun I., F.i'rt. Sunbury, Nov. ti, :6r0. tf 2. ATX 32 . CHEAP WATCH AND JEWEI.llY STOLE j A'o 72 Korlk Scond Sn tet, opposite th t Mount Vernon Jlottrt.) Philadelphia. j C'i OLD Lever Watches, full jeweled, IS K, ca- j aes, i'Sj Silver Lever do,, do., 1S; Sib . er Lepine, do., -f'9 : yuitrtier. t-5 to ; C. ld ' fipeilacles. lel) lo ID i Silver do., ii t ;'i ; ! (Silver Tabic Hpuons 'r (tt, ill to $1', ; Silver Desert do., do , to ?1 I ; Mlver Tea do.. ! do., 4 7S to 7 0 ; Cold Pens and Gold a sis, i 25 to 5 ; Gold Pens and Silver do. .!;! together with a variety of fine Gold Jiwihv. Gold Curb , (iuard and Fob Ch tins. All go..d j warranted lo be a represented. Waiche. ntnl Jewelry, repaired in the best manner. Alto, Ma- ; tonic Marks, 1 ina, Ac, made lo onJer. N". 11. All orders sent by mail or olhei wise, will be punctually attended to. I 'hilt., Oct. 4, 1856. lyw. CSOLNTY ORDEKK County ordera taken 1 sa cash for coods, and on note or hook le eount by E. Y. BRIG HT 0.. Wov. f 9. IM THE LATEST A1UUVAJ. OF FALL AND T INTER WOODS. J. F. Hi. I. T. IZLtTMX. Respectfully annomtce to their fiiertdt and Ihr p nblic in general that they hnvr rccr ived nt tbeir Sfcirc in Cpiirr Atiunta tcwni-liip, Net thuntlvT Innd county l'a., at Klines Grove. Their I -'It ninl Winter goods arc opini d In ll.o ub'.iea fall aarntmcnl of inerchandixii Ac. Co.'i'.isting in part of Clr.ths, black nmt fine Cass rners, Satinrlls, Checks, Kentucky .ttuft Cnder Shirts and Drawers ami rill 1 lij.oi Fell and Winter Corals. A bit of rcr.ily marls Cluitliinr;. cMishtins t f Ct.l Bil.l Vests. Ladies P"?3i Gsotfs, Shawls, tiinghnnn, IJ-raje Uchiin', Caliterj, bl.ti k Silks i e. A i" fifvh s'tpply r.f Brufi and M .', Grjcerios Ac, nf all kin.b. A nrw supply of Marrlrsre,, wooden xsa'o Itieoms A-c. Alio a large rinier! of Toots and hoca suitable for n u wnrneu ar:rl children. HVF3 AND CAIV. Also nn n.a-'itieent nf school Floolts, Plutirinp ry, Envelopes. Ink and eitrnp r ubllcar i'jr.j.. &e. Mb If. ( h?ec iVc, and nil gn(a.'3 I'Mi.iliy kept in a enuntty ature. (.'oive and ec. Come one, rntne all. Cl:r:i fr than Hie (.'.heiir t. 'i'hankft I for past lavors -ve hope I v i'r:ct at tention to business to merit a coMinunn-re of tlio same. All of the nhore r,.n.iod stork of goods -viM be sold po-ii,:ey ut low pries for cash, li.- in ex c'luimo l r foiiut.-y produce nt the;hct mar ket price. Kline Grove, Vm, JTc. 0. Irfi tf 7 wTiSfifo "ci o . , ES PLCTF CI, I. Y invite 'heir IVirr.ds and the public to inspect their new stork ol V7I?!T2- GC0H3. just received f;oni l'liiladelp' i.i, '.a iin; uni'ic i that their interest is best prrr:ii',Ted ty a strict continuance of their old plan cf "Small profit end quick Vi"-.v." they thai! still abide by tlieir j revi.nts CTirnw- will t s f--nd tit riV TI.F.MEN, n large assort n:cnt ef Hr,HV MADE Costs, Vests and I'.ir.ta! ions ; (Jlu'.l . Cttssimeres, Wnliuclls, Veiling i, I'i'.J'. "' tii'i !.-. bhirt, Collars htul Crnvntj FUR LADIAS. DIarU and cc.U.rc! Silks. IV Ectfts j'-tr. IV i'e.gcs Frtir b Merino-', (.'.is'imi r s. .".1; I "iri Cloths, Cnbtt'g ard Alpacas. Df !..;: hor'.i p'.aill and priut"u. lieadv-a'.aiie Cl'.al.s, i'p'l'Ki n lid Woolen Siiawls. Ta'..v Vt'.-e! in nij . clers. lml'.e. ! riUir':. Sa-'i li.ii.l'.el v i's-j-j.: c I ors lied and whi'.e l'l ion, I. ALSO : A general assortment ot Lade!; :td ( : ..lIl n a Hoot, s!io;;.- & M ri;;: ;. McnV, Uoy'a and Childicns" K:'.s iii'-Cat-. Hardware, lueensware, Crorciies. cv.,.ro Stoue and Earllienwiire Dru11, l'ainl.r, I'i,.! SSalt, Cheese, Nails, Oils. iSic, iVn. A gouil supply ol school books and copy b,"'l.j with printed copies on each pnije. (. ouutry produce taken in exenange lorg.icds, at the highest market prices I. W. TI'.NEu & Co, Sunburv, Nov. !M."e. Iicw C'ooc'.i fcr th; P:'..iln ! P ES !' E CTF CLLY i-t tnru.s tl.e pub er.'.l thi'.t he has J' tccov.-d an. s- U i 1 stul' Ol Fall AMI V I NTF. It (iti'" l(( , ,fw i;i . i : u - I st .ik rotis:-ji C,0th'i V" ol all kinus, of i'ltf i r,r :istti's, Ca.Hi:?.3. t eitoii and wot;.u J A !..-(! : Cal!coe.(. f-!:?;iasi". t.nii. ! .a::;c and all kinds of I.a l'es l'i.-ss Also en as"r'inent 'f 55:?I'5Vr".s-s?, Wrot' and Stse!. Hall-. ':?. Also an rseeltont assi.i'ttnctit cT aUmtSWAitl": oi V.-.UOI.S ty : - an-.? J tl !r"! .Also an a rsar Uncut cf B.liT' f 22;si'J HA'J'S St CA '. a s.vJ sclcc'i.a-.. Half, T'i -t'l. t;-'- And a g'e it varic'v of nther al tides socii as nrr suitable to ttie tradr, ai! of be so'J al tl.e lowest prices. lr? Country proouce taken in exchange n the bighe.'t prices. Lt.wrr Aiiusti, Nev. ii lr,r' -- IIZP.3IITG 3 TIIE Ci The .-a f.'.tii- . -s A !! .l:l !;:. I ' t i'.'i It. ''. I ' -ma' li: r--,v. : 'k-i;'V'i;-i i i j'!''. j : ' 111!' r., ,, , . rA p, ,tv II-':'.. an! i s""':' ',':..';;.::.'.:;:: ..pel I n iw t:ii'".v i. j la llics- Hr.f. I hy s..." ive h t'."i p. r e nl. iii.-rc I i ; kii..v.-1-.ic.-.l vi " ! IIIN'l - " .t ! HUV -!.-. .1 If: "M.ll'. !!,:. II. t... I.-." " .it .Tih'i :ii a, i. .11.. la 111 al, 'a . ; III- '. ..' r lli'lS v, S .11 1: II. I -.1 .the ca.-i v li.-i I ei;i tc e-'ll'.. 'I .i Ihe p.l'.le; we '.'"lll't simp. l:'l'l i'O I . ! I 1 1 'S Sill V ll.'lH ' ' ' t'.V l ' "lc',1' ,' i. , . C p':e'l ll'-'lll!', 0', V. : I.'C , ; - an.i. Tir revnta I t'i.t'-ii: IS t .0 l which ia pr. t aince it to .-, '..-.l ,.f M ... l.!y I, ClC'l 1'V ! 1(1 CC ' il:n at any lithe! :n.. : t... I. .own. ' r.rrcH A: Ue: rlnc, i.r tili.' P.S1VCS P.1TCM (".ku iIa -.! tV ;M !!'.,, 'vi; I'l'Jiula. N l -'.'ni'.r- V i'. lei c i'V c-i r. .a p-ii la , J'.l. c I COLF.HAII'S CHEAP CUTLEETETOHE, .V,.. y-rtli V nird ., helve A.h, SV.lvbTIZuriZiZ. f Ol"NTUY Mercliai,'.' c:.i. s.:ve from ten to J titieen per cent, by pnrcbasttn; at tl.e above stoics, liy iupo.'i': : n'.v in'.:: .'.o.' ;. pryiitt? t-Lt btll rent, and livi'i ' 'i.'HTiir.ii.y, ii u ptaiti 1 can undersell ttioe who ptti.liasc then CooJ here, pay bijh rents and live like prinros. Oi'i'-t tuilv n'i bat. I a lure assoite.ieiit of Pen a". I roct.i-t IC . Im .-, TYi-t.'M di il K...'r, 'i'.d ! Knhrs and iV"rk .. t ' . e .1 d tin: I hnt'.'.'.'S. I'arvers and r'ors, . '. r iv'i.ive", lniks, WoW'io hiiivts, FwoUi an.! I' ain l'iu ol., A A!i a larje i- rtK.c.. r. At.ild.( : Ac ,!.-o I'.iiO E:lf t!,t. SH, 1 : 'fivn! iu,.t ti'rn. ti G .ti i; M. tel.' j :MUJ . I i ":ti:i. f.i'U:','! C:oi.iry, ' . i'io y. -'. CfC. II'.'.' :t. D11AI.LPS a-.J ia I"'- ..- I VA. x,l, v.i'.I l pr.-.iuplif s-J ; i.1 thl I.wo; ii sjti. '.I OcJu:icr -1. A'AIKRICAX HOUSE. AVILLIAMril'UUT. l'A., ,f. II. I.LIC.Y, l-rcpiltltol--Js. T. llxi.u Ass t, Sp U lriC if I