Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 03, 1857, Image 3

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From ihe CuliTornift papcri we glean the
folio iK additional Intulligence t
Gwin, Latham and Broderick ore tie Ibrce
candidate! from whom it ii supposed the
United Stiite. Senator will bo chosen.
'Die farmers about Napa, Sonoma, fcacra
mcnto.Marysville. Grus Valley. San Jose
and oilier places, are cultivates the mulber
ry. Tor the purpose of feeding the silk worm,
nil thus producing silk. L. Prevost, or faan
Jonea, l.os already 26,000 mulberry treea.--The
honor bee is likewise being carefully nU
tended to. and numerous hives have been col
lected fit Bnn Jose and other purls of the
tottniry Till recently there was no honey
bee in California, but some hives were intro
duced rrom the east, and gradually new
gwurnis have been thrown off.
The ground Tor the new State Capitol at
Sacramento is beiuy, laid out, and the work
is expected to be immediately commenced.
The contractor has given bonds in $100,000,
for the faithful performance of the work.
Putrid sore throat has prevailed to un n
larming extent about Sonoma and has proved
fatal to children in numerous families. The
K.-V. Dr VerMehr loot by disease rourdangh
ten, who ere aged rrom four to eleven jours.
Matrimony t Mormondom.
The San Francisco Herald publish? the
letter annexed, which tells a curious story of
Mormon matrimony in Utah. Aa to the
tnilli ! of its statements wo have no means
of jmipiiig. The greut number of "members
ol the Council" who are described us "cripple
uml near sighted," will probably make some
pn.j le entertain doubts as to the reliable
i lmi Ji terorihe writer. He dates his epistle
fro.ii -Fillmore city, Utah, September 15th,
lsi'V and says :
A? it may be a matter of interest to the
Ueiil.iu world to know how Tust our people
ure in UtuhTeriitpry, 1 will give you briefly
u list ol the standing among women of the
last Legislature, thut is, their names and the
number of wives, to wit:
Of the nienibere of Council. 13 persons :
ll.-lnr C Kimball. President of Council, 57
Daniel II Well. Councilman, (cross-eyed) 19
A. Currington, (crippled and near-sighted,) '21
Orson Pr ill, (cripple anil near-sighted,) 7
Will'ord Woodruff, (cripple and near-
sihlcd.) 12
John Stoker, (etippla and near sighted,) 7
Lorin Fair, cripple and near-sighted, 3
L.iienzo Snow, cripple and near-sighted 25
L. K. llairington, cripple and near-sighted, 3
Henj. F Joliiiiion, cripplH unci uear siguiea, 4
Isaac Moorley, (72 years old,)
John A ltuy, (from Texas.)
Geo A Smith, (cripple und near-sighted.)
Urnini total, men 13, women,
House of Representatives, 26" members:
J M Grunt, Speaker, has
W. W. Phelps, (printer of Morgan's book)
A 1' Uockwond, (un old man,)
lviwin D Wouly, small man,
J W Cuiiiniings, cripple,
llusca Stout, lawyer Iron) Kentucky 3
S, W. Bichards, young and handsome
Jesse C. "Little, (lawyer, of Boston, Mas-
William Snow, (Vermont laborer,
P. 11. V'uuiig, (older brother of Brigbam
('. V. Spencer, (of Mass., quite small,)
liu but
Ezra S. BeiiBon, (old and homely,)
James C Suow, (ijuito poor,)
Aaron Johnson, (has 3 slaters, and alto
gether) Lorenzo II. Hatch, (wagon maker,)
Jacob Cj. iiigler, (luriner,)
George Peacock, (farmer )
John Ksdridge, (phrenologist two dead,)
Isaac C. lUighl, (coul digger,)
Jtsse N. smith, (lawyer,)
John D. 1'arker, (0I1J ami deaf,)
Jctse. Hot. -oil. (ox teanibter.)
J. C. Wright, (hotel keeper.)
Juines iiiown, lairyrnaii,)
l'Kii ll Hiese. (farmrl',)
W. A. Hickman, (oue of the Datiitcs,)
Total, 157
To which add officer? of the House, to wit:
Thomas Bullock, (Clerk uud, an Euglish-
1111111.) 4
J. (Jrtmshuw, (assistant Clerk, and an
Kngl..-liinuii.) 5
Chiitiiller lU'lbiook, (Foreman and deaf) 4
Jacob F. Hutchinson. (Mcssecgtr,) 2
Jui l 11 Johnson, (ChapUil),) 7
To which add C8 for the number living of
Governor Young's wives, and you have the
wholo number ol I'einu e thus represented by
the nienibcij of the Legislature, officers of
snine, uml h;s Excellency, amountiu to .120;
or. 111 oilier words, 45 men havo 418 wives.
These, Mr. Editor, are sober truths, und in
what they will end is for tlia dark uud doleful
TueSioak Tax. The St. Louis Democrat,
adverting to the proposul of Senator Hous
ton, to suspend the duty on sugar for two
years, states that last year the value of ull
the sugar imported into the country was near
lil'ieeu in ill 114 of dollars; this year it will
greatly exceed thai sum. Thirty per cent.
011 lilieeii Mi llions gives 4,500,000, which
was the amount of tlm sugur tex levied last
year Atconling to thu last census the
whole number of sugar planters in the
United States is 2041. The bud. crops of
the Lit few years, and the want of eaues
siut iiile for plant injf, have considerably re
duced this number, the owners oi many of
the estates Having now substituted the cultl
vuliou of cotton; we suppose, therefore,
thai there cannot be more than two thousand planters at the present time. It would
;b better to give them at ouce u sum equal
to I lie, sugar tax for threu or four veurs, tiiuu
n go on from yeur to year paying a heavy
(ax lor w tut li the country has no occasion
und the presence of which in the treasury
corrupt. our legislation.
ClIXiilHrTlON Of PaFKH in lhk Umtf.d
firAVKs. The consumption of puper in this
country is ennui to that of England and
1' ranee coiiiliiin d. In France, with 35,000,
OHO of inhabitants, only 70,000 tons of paper
4ire produced annually, of which one-seventh
is for exportation. In Great Britain, with
2S, (Kill, OUO of inhabitants, only 00,000 tons
ure produced; while the United States turns
out nearly 2(H), O'lO tons. There are ir. the
LniUU blules nearly eight hundred paper
in. us ill operation, naviiig inreu inousaim en
giues. The ouuNUly of rags required to pro
I'ice the paper amounts to 41)5,0(10,1)1)0 pounds
Tlid great staple article in the manufacture of
paper is rags, but the scurcily ol these has
IeiJ to various experiments to discover some
useful article as u substitute. Dusswood has
bexn tried with ouie success, and grasses of
iliuvreiit KiiiiiK have bueu succcsslully employ.
IltsoROoiMi a Lisa rd. Last week John
Mitchell of the town of Chemung, was taken
with u lit of vomiting and tioally disgorged
from his stomach a lizard near nine niches
long I He bud drui:k several potations ol
whiskey together with three quarts of milk
that duy and 11 is supposed that the lizard
got drunk on milk-punch hence his getting
ii.n a.i t i come out of his lodgments.
I in- I.- ra:ii oseil to Uuve been swallow
i". I sioiih io ir years since us about that time
Mr M.t. i,,-!; uiluled something while, watch
ig t u iiiir i. els" wii lj has caused a slight
il.-i. l :y of the stomach ever siuce. Elmira
. Wuoibials DiaLeii la
foreign, Domestic nnd Fancy.
Ae. 112 South Front Strut, below Walnut
TjM'E old Brandies, Wines, pure Rye, Hour
-- bon and Mohaugahela Whiskey, highly Im'
proved liy age. constantly on hand and lor tale
as above.
1C7" Notes of the Lancasttr Bank received
for Lhpjora at par.
l)ecemtier So, 188. Sm
NN'OUNCESto therllikeni nftunbury and
(irintv.that he hoi opened an office in Sun.
buryAhove H. J. Wolverton's ollice opposite C.
Weevi'i Hotel, where he is prepared to attend
to all kinds of work belonging to the profession,
in tl latest and most improved style. All work
wellVme and warranted.
December 13, 1856.
IS hereby feiven that a Petition has been filed
in ihe Court of Common Pleas of Northum
berland coun'y, for a Charter of Incorporation
of the McthoJist Episcopal Church in Suuhury,
and that theBme will he presented to next
Court for Incorporation.
Prothonotarj'a olTice. )
Suuhury, Dec. . 0. I8f6.
CHAIN PUMPS- A sinarK number of Wiw
excellent pumps have been received and are
offer '1 for sale by
Sunnurv. June 4. 18B6.
Prospectus for 1S67.
Established Augunt Ath, 1821.
rpllE publishers of this old und firmly
' established paper take plenfure in calling
the attention of the public to their pro.
gramme for the coming year. Surfeited with
politics, the cluims of Literature will bo more
than ever appreciated by the reading world.
We have already made arrangements with
the following brilliant list of writers :
William Howitt, (of Enchind.) Alice Cary,
T. S. Arthur, Mrs. Soulhworth, Augustine
Duaanne, Mrs. M. A. Denison, the author of
Zillah," Ac.
We design commencing, in the first number
in January next, the following original
Novlet :
Tallengttta, or the Squatter' Home.
By William Howitt, author of "Kurul Life
in England," "11011168 of tlm Poets," ic.
This is a Story of Australian Life, Mr.
Howitt having visited Australia expressly
with the object of acquainting himself with
the novel and romantic aspects under which
nature and society present themselves in that
singular region.
The following Novelets will thou be given,
though probably uot in the exact order here
mentioned :
The Story of A Country Girt,
By Alice Cary. An original Novelet,
written expressly for the Post.
The Withered lhart.
An original Novelet, written expressly for
the Post, by T S. Arthur.
Lighthvu'ix hlund.
An original Novelet, by. '.to author of "My
Confession," "Zillah, or U ' Id Medium, &c.
The Quaker 1'
An original Novelet, by Mr. Mary m. lAi'lii
son, uuthor of "Mark, the Sexton," Ac.
The Jiaid of liuryundy.
A tolo of the Swiss Cantons. An original
Novelet, by Auguetine Dugunuu, utl.ur (
"The Lost of the Willness," Arc.
We have also the promise of a short and
JVerrlW. by Mr. Southworth,
to run through about six or eight numbers
of the Post.
t!fP In addition to the above list of con
tributions we design continuing the usual
amount of foreign letters, original sketches,
choice selections from ull sources, agricultur
al articles, general news, humorous anec
dotes, view of the produce and stock mar
kets, the Philadelphia retail markets, bank
note list, editorials, sc.. He , our object being
to give a Complete Hecord, lis fur us our
limits will admit of the Greut World.
ENGRAVINGS. In the way of Engra
vings, we generally present two weeKiv one
of an instructive, uud thu other of a humor
ous character.
The postage on the Tost to any part of the
United Stales, puid quarterly or yearly in
advance, at the office where it was received,
is only 2G cents a yeur.
Cash in advance Single copy
$2 a year.
85,00 "
10,00 "
15.00 "
20,00 "
copies, and one to the gutter up
of iho club,
II t 41 II I
il 41 II I. II
Address, always post pnid.
No. 60 South 3d Street.
P H 1 1. A DKt.PlI I A..
B3T SAMPLE NUMBERS sent gratis
to any one when requested.
Dec. 21). lB.'ib. It
By virtue of a certain writ of Pen. Expona
to me directed, will be exposed to public sale
at the Court House in Stinburv. on MON
DAY the 5th day of January, 1857, ut one
o'clock P.M., the following described pro
perty towit : All that certain Tract or Lund
situate in Upper Augusta township. Nor
thumberland county, adjoining land of Henry
Kline on the west, Uilbert Deitz on the east,
Eliza Depeu on the north, and John Derr on
the south ; containing 130 acres more or less,
about 75 ocres of which are cleared, whereon
are erected a two-story frame House, a log
Darn, spring House, Orchard, ic.
Seized taken into execution, and to be sold
us the property of Isaac 1. Fisher.
Hy virtue of a certuin writ of Pen. Expana
to directed, will be exposed to public sale lit
the Court House in Sunbury, on MONDAY
the 5th duy of January, 157, ut 1 o'clock
P. Jl., the billowing properly to wit :
The one equal undivided fourth part as the
property ol Lee W. Dutiingtoii, ol a certuin
tract ot band, situate in Coal and erbe
tuwiihliips. Noi'thiiinberlaud county, surveyed
in the iiiiuie of Matthias Zimmerman, and
adjoining laud surveyed in the names of John
Uoyd. ilbum Wilson, 51 leliaet Kroll und
Frederick Cramer, containing 307 Acres and
OS perches more or less, about one-fourth of
gn acre ol which is cleared, whereon is erected
a small Log House
Seized taken into execution and to be sold
as the property of Dr. Lee W. Uulliugton,
draw er, uud Jacob Loose, iudoriee.
By virtue of a certain writ of Ven. Ex. to
me directed will be exposed to public sale on
Monday the 0th day of Juuuury, ut the Court
House iu Suuhury, the following property to
wit :
A Lot of Ground situate in the trwn of
Trevorlon Northumberland county, bounded
on the East by lot of HoUlioe, on the west
by lot of J. Keiser. und fronting on Shamo-
kin street, being lot No. 4 in Block No
containing 25 feet in front and 150 fuot iu
depth. W hereon are erected a frame House
and small Stable, Ac.
Siezed taken in execution aud sold as the
property ot Duruey Murphy.
By virtue of a certain writ of Ltrnri Fa. to
ma directed will be exposed to public sale on
Monday the th dor of January, at tbe CKWrt
House in Sunbury, at 1 o'clock P. M., the fal
lowing property to wit :
All that certain House and Lot of Groaod
situate in the borough of Sunbury, and coun
ty aforesaid on the side of Fawn street h
aid Borough containing in width on sud
street fifty seven feet, six iochei and extenM.
ing In depth 240 feet, bounded on the North
bv a lot formerlv belonging to John Young.
now George ltenn. on the East by lot of lto-
bind, on the South by lot formerly of Teterl
llileman, now Solomon blroh, and on tne
West by Fawn street aforesaid.
Sieged taken in execution and to be . lolil
as the prbpetty of Elins BroBious. I
also;: I
By virtue of a certain writ of Lev. fa. to
me directed, will be exposed to puMlc sale
At the Court House in Suuhury, ontonduy
the 5th day of January. 1857, at A o'clock
f. 51., the following property to w,
All thut curtain tract t-'.'Uce of Land.
"itimte in the borough of ijanbiiry aforesaid,
adjoining lands Lega iVwart on the uorth,
and east other lands' of Ebnnezur Greeliough
on tlm sotitli, on tl'Z public roud uloug the
river Susquehanns. 0I, vbe west, beiug the
northerly end ot Jbut-lot late the properly of
K. Oreenouuh. jrt, gHj( borough, and bounded
as follows : liejnning at a post in the divi
sion line byf-hfiruby granted, and land or
l,ewi J-'Hrt; theme south ten degrees
west. tdvMig the public road aforesaid 15 1-10
perche-to a post ; thence along land of E.
Greei.iuugh, south 72 degrees east, 28 4-10
perc'ies toa post in the division of lot of said
K 'zer Greenongh and lewis Dewarl ;
thence north 25 degrees east 12 perches to a
post in the division line just above mentioned.;
I he lice north Cb'i degrees west 32 perches to
the place of beginning. Containing 2 acres
and 85 7-10 perches, it being the same piece
conveyed by Deed to Jacob B. Masser by
said h. Greet -ugh.
Seized taken into execution, and to be sold
as the property of J. U. Masser, with uoticu
to H. B. Masser, terra tenant.
By virtue of a certain writ of Lev. Fa. to
mo directed, will be exposed to publio sale,
at the Court House, Sunbury, on Suturituy,
the 3d duy of January, 1857. ot 10 o'clock,
A. M., the following described property to
wit :
All those two certain contiguous lots of
ground in Dewberry street, in the Borough
of Sunbury, nnd numbered iu the general
plan of said town, numbered 140 and 147
bounded on the east by lot No. 145, and on
the weit by lot No. 148, containing each one
quarter of au ucro. mor or less, together
with all and singular the buildings and im
provements. &c.
Seized, taken into execution, and to be
sold as the property of Jucob B. Masser.
By virtue of a certain writ of Fi. Fa. to
me directed, will be exposed to Public Sale
ut the Court House in Sunbury, o- Saturday
the 3d day of January, 1857, at 10 o'clock A.
M.. the following Real Estate, situate in the
comity of Northumberland, to wit:
Out-Lots of t he Borough of Sunbury. ad
joining lands of the Sunbury Canal and Wi.
ter Power Company, on tho east ; west by
roud or lane leading southerly from the Faid
Borough ; north the lands ol George Wciser,
and south bv land of Belli. Hendricks, con
taining Twenty Acres or thereabouts all nu
der cultivation.
Also, a lot of ground in the said Borough,
on th north sidu of Pokeburry street, mini
ber 2G8 in the plan of tho Tow n, adjoining i
lot of H. Simpson, on tho eust and an ulley
he tu:rlU and west sides, on w inch is an old
double !og"l!ouW!'lately the estate of J. P.
Shiiuiel, deceased. " -
Also, Two adjoining lots of f,"pu.!id m the
said borough of Sunbury, numbers 49 and 50,
adjoining tho river road called immuway on
the west, lot ol I nilip Dry mire on mo south.
Cranberry street on the north and an alley
on tho eust.
Also, Haifa lot of ground in the said bo
rong of Sunbury on the north side of Black
berry street, numbered 163 in the plan of the
Town, adjoining the other half nf the lot, on
the eust which is owned by Mrs. Mullen, and
the lot on which E. Y. Bright has a Foundry
on the west, suid street on the south and an
alley on the north, and on which is a log
Also. The eautern half lot No. 14C in the
borough of Sunbury, on the north side of
Dewberry street, ndjoining said street on the
south, and u lot of J ra T. Clement and Dr.
Awl. oil the eust : a 20 feet alley on the south
and the western half of the sume lot on the
west, on which is erected a small brick house
2 stories high.
Also, The western half of lot No. 116 in
the borough of Sunbury, on tho north side of
Dewberry street, adjoining the suid street
on thu south ; the eastern half of said lot on
the cast; lot Nu. 147, on the west and a 20
feet alley on the north, on which is erected a
small frame story-aml-u-liall housu.
Also, n lot of ground No. 147. in 6uid bo
rough of Sunbury on the north sido of Dew
berry street, adjoining said street on the south;
lot No. 140 on the east: and a lot of Geo. W
Smith, on the west, and a 20 feet alley on
the north, ou which is a large 2 story liume
Also, a tract of unseated timber land in
Shauiokin and Coal townships, containing
501 acres, surveyed on u wurruut to John
Teitsworlh, dated in 1794, situato on the
Little Mountain, adjoining land of IVhard
Also, n Tract ofunseotcd land in Shamo
kin township, containing about 79 acres, sur
veyed on a warrant to Jacob 11 Masser. uml
adjoining land surveyed to Jeremiah Jackson.
Also, a tract or unseated land in roint
township, adjoining land of John Wheat ley
and others, known as the John D Metzgar,
I ract. containing buy acres or thereabouts
Also, Three lots of ground in the town of
Shumokin, numbers 238, 239 and 240, on one
or which viz: 238, there is a frame dwelling
Also, The interest of delendant In a Tract
of Iron Ore Lund in ClnltsquiKiue township,
adjoiniiiing lauds of John Parks, lands bought
ol Dennis lluoy uud (Jlulisquaque Greek, con
taming Fifty acres, more or less, on which
are erected a Ing house, with orchard, and the
tract is under good cultivation. It is held
under articles of agreement with Dennis M&
Ghee, for its purchase by debt ut 1,2011, and
8 100 of Ihe money have been paid said Mc
Ghee has possession ou a lease from defen
Also, a tract of Iron Ore Land, in Ohilis
quuuiie township, containing 89 ucres 21 per
ches and ullowauce, , adjoining lands of
Win. Buruhurt, Michael Mughee, thu Calhn
.ic lands and others, on which are erected
smull wooden houses, and a bank barn, with
un orchard held by Deed from Solomon
Dentler and wife, dated, 1st April, 1853.
Also, a tract of Iron Ore Land iu Chilis
quunue township, containing 52 acres 59 per
dies, adjoining lands late of Dennis Magee,
Peter Ciauiplon, Lawrence Boor and others.
on which are a frame hoube, a bunk barn uud
2 orchards.
Also, a tract of woodland in said township,
containing 35 acres 135 perches, adjoining
lauds of late of J. Spring, Ludwig Phlegor
and others, without improvements.
The last two tracts held by Deed from
Dennis Buoy und acknowledged, 1st April,
Also, The interest of defendant io a tract
or lot in Coal township, adjoining the town
or Shamokia, devised by lleury Masser to his
children in equal parts, tho whole coutuiuing
25 acres.
BeizeJ taken into execatian and to be sold
as the property of Jacob B. Masser.
CberifT Office, Sunhury, 1
JS'owtwfot , 1588.
NOTICE ia hereby given that the aeTeral
Courto of Common Pica, General Quarter
Seiwiont of the peace, and Oprhans' Court. Court
of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivary,
in and for the eounty of Northumberland, to
commence at the Court Hi ue, in the borough ot
Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the
5ih day of January next, and will continue
The coroner, Juntlcea of the Peace and consta
bles in and for the county of Northumberland, are
requested to be then and there in their proper per
sons, with their rolls, records, impositions, and
other remembrances, to do those tilings to their
several offices appertaining to be done. And all
witnesses prosecuting In behalf of the Common
wealth against any prisoner are alse requested and
commanded to be then and there attending in their
proper persons to prosecute against him, as shall
be just and not to depart without leave at their
peril. Jurors are requested to lie punctual in their
attendance, at the time appointed agreeable to
their notices.
Given under my hand at Sunbury, the 1st day ut
December in the year of our Lord one thousand
eight hundred and fifty-six and the Inde
pendence of the United States of America the
God save Ihe Commonwealth.
Shihitf's Orrics, )
Sunbury, December 6, 1956. S
List of Causes,
I7,OR trial In the Court of Common Pleas
' of Northumberland County, at January
T., A. D., 1857.
vs G. Morris
va Henry Eckle & son
vs Michael Wertinan
G. Leiscnring
P Donahue
Samuel Hilener
The Presbyterian A Co v W G Kase
Geildes. Marsh & Co vs Wm Caul
Daniel Hnbhin
Jucob Hartman
I. Machan
vs Thus BsrriJ- J Barr
vs Uougle St I.eithenthaler
vs Hegina A Bonnet
vs C. W. Begins et al
vs C W Begins
vs same
vs P. SheafTer
vs Israel Taggart
vs 'I limms Drum
vs 8 R Wood
vs C Bower adm'r
J 1) iSii.iih'sex'rs.
P Dickison
Weil and Dreifur
Isaac Vincent Ex'rs
A butt for Justice
Daniel Zartman
George Adams Ex'rs
Lazarus Meir
Jonathan Hrosious
Wm Mc William!
John llowrn
Jacob Mower Arc
J E I.eit)
vs Ira T Clement
vs Thomas Durr
vs Henry Holmer a
vs John P Summer!
vs J. B Masser '.
vs John P Summer
vs H H Vssiine "
vs Win and K Friely
W'm L Dewart
Samuel Hunter's ex'rs vs sume
,,, .. . Overseen of the Poor ef
min. " Zeibe tovMiship
David Miller vi Christian Bower's tJm'r.i
Ira T Clement vs E Y Bright
Wm McWilliami vs John P Summers
loom Wolf and wife vs Isaac Vincents Ex'ri
Philip Fox vi Henry Kornwalt
J Neiuit vi Sheller and ZVull
Henry Get vi same
Reynolds and McFadcn vs same
Win L Dewart vs H U Master
Harriet Long vs A Oilger'i ex'ra.
The Church Council of
ths Lutheran Church at vs Jscob Mengei See
It. M Frick vs Ahner A Joseph I.-dsn J
JAMES HEARD, Proth'ry.
Protbonotary's Office
Sunbury, Dec. 3, 186. J
The best place to get them is at
Fine Gold Jewelry given an a y to Purchner
of Book.
All Books will lie sold as low as can be hid
at other Stores, many of them for lew New
Books received daily. A dill varying in value
from S6 cant to 100, given wil'j eachtbnok at
the time it is sold. Having on hand a very
large stock of new and valuable Books, and as
our motto is "Large tales and small gains than
ran he had elsewhere. Any look published in
New York or Philadelphia will be promptly sent
gift included, on receipt of publisher's price.
Catalogues of Books and Presents, containing
full explanations will be sent free to all parts of
the country.
The moat liberal inducements are ofTrrfd to
A gen is. Any prison by lending us an order ror
ten books with money inclosed, will Le entitled
to an extra Hook and Gilt.
A II orders for books, containing money, (to
ensure perfect safely.) should be registered at
the 1 otl Ollice where thev are mailed, and direc-
teJ Io Evan & Co., 4U9 Bromhvav. New York.
Reference M. Thomas & Hor.s., Soulh 4ih
street, Philadelphia ; J. B. Lippincntt Cf Co.,
Philadelphia ; D. Applcton & Co, Broadway,
New V0rk ; Derby j- Jjckson, Nassau street.
New York.
Principal Store 409 Broadway, New York.
Branch Stores al Philadelphia and at Washing
ton, D. C.
December 20, 1656 r3m 4
IOTICK is hereby given that the late partner
ship existing under the firm of Sniick Si
Renn, Dentists in the Borough ot'Sunburv, was
dissolved by mutual consent on the 20lh of No
vember last. JOHN E. SMICK.
Suuhury, December 6, 1856. 6t
rpil K undersigned appointed by Ihe Orphan's
Court of Northumberland county, Auditor
in matter of exception! to the account of Calvin
Haughawout, surviving Administrator of Letter!
Ilauchawoul, dee'd., will attend to Ihe duties of
hisippointment, it his ollice in the liorounh of
Sunbury, on Saturday the 3d duy of January,
A. D. 1857, at 10 o'clock A.M. All persons
interested will take notice.
December 6 1850
RESPECTFULLY informs the public that
he has replenished his Store with an e
celleut assortment of New Goods just received
from Philadelphia, which he will sell oil termi
ai reasonable as any other establishment. His
assortment consists in part of
Winter Wean for men and boys, all styles inJ
Ladies Drcs food. .
Consisting of Black Silks, Merinos, Alpacas,
De Lames, Calicoes, Uiugliami, Muslins, Tnuv
mines, Ac.
Also a Iresh supply of GROCERIES of all
Cedarware, Brooms, Ac. AlHoalsrce assort
incut of Boots and rihoes, sutabla fur Men Wo
men and Children. Hats and Cin. Silk Hats,
and all goods usually kept III a Country Store,
All the above named stock of goods will tie
sold positively at low prices for cash, or in ax
change for country produce, at the highest
market price.
Hollowing Run, Nov. 29, 1856 ly
If M. books,i uk, and all complete, just received,
and tor sale by
Sunbury, June 4, 18A3r
BLANKS of every description can be had y
J app Viat altneomca ol ibi Am strait
n AM, Shoulden. Cheek, Mackarcl,
Salmon and Bait for sal ly
Kay 81-1
rTH HIS subscriber offera for sale the follow
ing valuable farm, containing 331 acres,
more or lest, situated in Locust township,
Columbia county, about 8 mile from Mount
Carmel, and about the tame distance from
Shamokintown, on the waters of Roaring
Creek ; upon which are erected good two
story framo house, a bain and out-bouses,
about 90 acre are cleared, with about C acre
ef meadow, all nndcr a tolerable atate of
cultivation. The public road lending from
Bear Gap to Cattawissa passes through the
said farm t there are also two never failing
prings and a thriving young orchard on the
A large portion of 1ho nncleared land is
well timbered with good white pinft nnd oak,
there being also a sufficiency of water power
to drive a saw-mill or other machinery a good
part or the year.
There can be ahont 30 acres of excellent
meadow made on said premises. This prop
erty lying handsomely, the soil of the red shell
oruer. will uot only make lancy, but produc
tive farms. It will be sold in lots or in a bo
dy, to suit purchasers, and if not cold before
tho 1st of the 1st month (January) next, will
thcu be offered for rent apply to
El. IDA JOHN. Agent for
December 6, 185G. 4t.
subscriber offer! for sale a Farm in Upper
- Mnlionoy township, containing 97 acres, ad
joining Peter lleisel and Dr. Sminkv. The im
provements are a J wo Story Log House and a
Bank Ham, an orchard of choice fruit. Twelve
acres are meadow, 16 acres woodland and the
remainder clrareJ. Possession given on Ihe 1st
of April, 1857. Apply to
Upper Mshrmny. Deremlier 13. I BSC 6t
IS hereby given that letters of Ailminintntion
Dk homis mh have been gnnted to the sub
scriber on the estate of George Eckert, late of
the Borough of Milton, Northumberland county,
deceased. All persons imlektud to said elate
will please make payment without delay, and
those having claims against said estate will
please present them properly nttcsieil for settle
ment. JAMES BAKD, Adm'r
Suubary, Daremher 0, 1 850 Gt
ri'HE undersigned Executr of ihe estate of
Jacob Painter, dee'd., late of the Borouch
of Sunbury, by virtue of a power contained in
the laxt will and trslatment of said deceased, will
dispose of at Private Sale, the following valuable
Kesl J?state, vix :
in Market Square, in the .Borough of Sunbury,
fronting 45 leet on JM ark et Street, being parts
of lota No - and on which aie erected Three
Frame Buildings. The dwelling is a two story
frame Building, with the unual outbuildings
stable, Ac, late the residence of suid deceaned.
'1 here is also on the front of asid lot, two two
story frame building, occupied as a store, shops,
Sic, with a good Well of water before the door.
containing about 160 Acres, riiuate between the
Cattawissa and Creek roads about three-quarter
miles from Sunbury. The improvement are a
frame two-story dwelling, and a large
Uank Barn and other outbuildings. There are
several fine Spring! on the promises, one near
the house, and also a number of fruit trees of
various kinds.
The terms and condition! of sale will be made
known by application to the undersigned, residing
near Suuhury.
Agent for Gfo. A. Frick, Ex'rs.
Sunbury, Nov. 8, 18S6. tf
Bargains at the Old Stand.
,4 RE now opening a new and very desirable
stock of Fall and Winter Goods, em
bracing an endless variety. Their slock con
sists in psrt of
Black & Fancy Broadcloths & Cassimeres,
Winter Wares lor men and hoys, all styles snd
SILKS Plain and Figured Black.
An assortment of Plaid Striieand Figured Fan
cy Dress Silks at unusually low price,
Mus. De Lains, Debeges Ac,
GINGHAMS from 6 to 25 cents per yirj.
CALICOES " 3 " 12$ "
Cambric, Jaconetts, Swins, Tarlton, Mull, Bobi-
nelt, French and Swiss Lacei, Edgings, Ac.
Brown and bleached Muslins, Drilling. Ticks,
Checks, 'Fowling!, Table Diapers, dC.
Cedar-wire, Hollow-ware, Iron, Steel, Plaster1,
ball and Fish.
Also a fresh supply of
Thankful fur past favors, we hope by itrict
attention and a desire to please, still to meet with
the approval of our friends.
tV Country produce of all kindi taken at the
highest market price
Sunbury, Nov. 29. 1S5G. ly.
OF every description, suitable for railroads
Ac., for weighing Hsy, Goal, Ore, and
Merchandise generally. Purchasers run no rik
every scale is guaranteed correct, and if after
trial, not found lalislactory can be leturned with
out charge,
Factory at the Ulu Manil, eKtnlmslieil lor more
than twenty years corner of Ninth and Melon
Mreets, Philadelphia.
AUUOZ 1 fit i:u.
Successor! to Ellicott & Ablutt.
Philadelphia, Sept 13, 1650. cJin.
Freeh from Baltimore every Morning.
Xortkumlerland Pa.,
Will furnish Restuarants and private families
Superior Ualtimo e Oysters, (by ihe Can or
Can. All orders promptly attended to on
shortest notice.
Oct. 1, 1856. tf
Formerly of Berryiburg, Dauphin county, Pa.'
nEREiiY announces to the citixcus of Sha
mokin and vicinity, that lie has permanent
ly located himself in the abovo place, and hope
that an experience of several years, in all Ihe
varioui brunches nf bis profession, will insure
him a liberal share of their patronage. He rnav
at all times lie found, when not professionally
engaged, at the National (Weaver's) Hotel.
Sbamokin, October 23, 1850 3m
Stationery. A large supply of fancy Note
Paper and Envelopes, Mourning, Letter,
and Cap Paper, Pens, Ink, Sand, Sir., at
May 91, 6. WM. A. UKINKR'S.
BURNING Fluid, Campheue, fluid Wicks
and Lampi, for sals by
Klines Grove, Nov. 8, 1850 If
11 LES for Michinisls, carpenters, Ac, &e.,
Uestly'l edge tools, planei and bench screws
for tale by E. Y. BRIGHT &. SON.
Nov. S9, 186B.
BLANK Parchment Paper Deedi and blank
Mortgage!, Bonds, Executions, Summon!
ice,, for sale b 11. U. MASSE fv.
Sunbury Apr! SR. 1856
AlSljtS,' Fls. Jujube iaste. Rock Candy
Jelly Cskes and Gora Drops for sale by
MsvBl, '68. WM. A. HRCNER
PRESENT. A very rich assortment of elegant
and useful goods of the newest European Fro
duclltfns. Arch St., above lh Philadelphia.
FRY'S Writing Desks, Papeleriei, Jewell Ca
ses, Work Boxes, Ac, warranted manufactured
In our own work shop, from materials seasoned
to suit tho Climate.
128 Arch Street, above 6th l'hilad'a.
FRY'S Dressing C'asei of wood or leather, for
travelling or home use, are all fitted with snietei
of real utility and warranted Cutlery, the largest
assortment in the city to select from
128 Arch Street, above 6th Philad'a.
FRY'8 Cains, Satchells, Fortmonaiei, Tra
velling Bsg, Eutouis Cases, Scissors in csrm,
Portfolio's, Segsr cises, Ac, as low as similar
goods can be purchased in the United Stales.
128 Arch Mtreet abova Olh, Philadelphia
December 6, 1856. 4t c Oct 4 Sm w
rTUlK ondcrfigned will sell at Private Sule,
between November 20 and Januury 10 1
1Qr,7 fhn fnllntvlnir l?nu1 Hatoln tiltilttlu ii,
18D7, tne lollowinir xtcal ttslale, situule iu
the Borough of Northumberland, und county
of Northumberland,
in said Borough, numbered in Pino of said
Borough Nos. 03, CG, 67 and R8 ; fronting on
King street, containing CO feet front by 240
feet deep.
Also, four contiguous Lots numbered 303,
394, 395 and 3, (routing on Eight street,
containing GO by 240.
Also, two lots Nos. 159 nnd 160 fronting on
Queen street, containing GO by 240, adjoining
Mis. Schuyler.
Also, another lot numbered 377 frO'Mlng
on) King street", containing GO by 240 feet.
Also, another lot fronting on King street,
No. 115; containing CO by 240 feet.
Also, an out-lot, containing 3 Acres arid
31 2 perches, adjoining the loud leading to
Also, ii'l those certain out-lots, situate in
tho said Borough, bounded on N. K. by Innds
or J. C. lloi ton, S. K. by the North East
Branch of Susquehanna, uud S. W. by lands
of J. B. Boyd and others, containing 50 Acres
more or less, on which is a Duelling House,
bank Barn, Orchard, Barrack and a good
pump of water. The lurid is under good cul
tivation, Terms will be mudo easy, and an
indisputable title given by
for the Heirs of Jas. Taooart, dee'd.
Xovctnbur 20, 1S56.
Market Street, Sunbury.
JUST recehed and opened a Bplendid Stork
of FALL c WINTER GOODS, consist-
ing in part of
Black and Fancy Cloths and Cassimeres,
An assortment of Dry Good', vis: Merinos,
Carhmeres, Delains, Calico, Woolen Plaids.
Ginghams, Muslins, Linens, Flannels, See.
Trimmings in Great Variety.
WAIiE, ic.
SALT and FISH, Cheese, Raisins, Tobacco
and Cigars, Queensware, Boots, Shoes. Hals and
Caps, and a variety of Goods too tcdioua to men
tion. Call and examine my Stock before Purchai
ing I Iscwhere, A Reasonable Discount will be
taken oil for all cash Sale.
Country produce taken iu exchange at the
highest market price.
Sunbury, Nov. 2 , 1856. tf
THESE qualities combined, the public will
find by calling; at the Store of B. Y. UKIGHT
if SON. Their assortment U large, and has
been selected with great care, aad will he dis
posed of at a small advance.
Will find among our Dry Goods Wool Plaid,
Clock and Fancy Silks, Plnid Lama Fluuiicls,
Alpacca, solid colored and Fancy Delaines, De
beges, Scotch Plaids, Figured Cashmere, Per
sian Twill, t'oburg Cloth, Ginghams, Calicos,
Delane and Debege Robes,
Florence Silk, Wool Hoods, Opera Cans,
and Woolen CiijI's.
Gum llells. Belt Itilibon, Mohair Hcud Drenkes,,
Ribbons, Neeiilc-vvoiked and Bugle Collars,
Thread Laces, t louncing. Inserting, Swiss, Mull,
Cambric, Nainsook, Dimity, i'arred Muslin.
IJrilliautiiie, and a general assortment of white
Wool and Cotton Carpets, Oil Cloths, Oil
Shades, Rockdale blankets, Turkish counterpanes
embossed table covers, tickings, sack tbinnel,
scarfs, kid, silk, Lisle thread and woolen gloves.
Of every variety, Russia Crash. Linen and
Cottoil Diaper.
will find 11 lack, Ulue and Brown French Cloths,
Doeskins, iiluck and Fancy Cassimer, figured
utmett, Overcoating, Tweed, Velveteen. Silk,
Satin, Plush and Silk Velvet Vesting, Neck-ties,
scarfs, Collars, Gloves and Stocks.
heaey-ivjaee clothing.
Hals and Caps of all ehes and prices.
Embraces all kinds of building material, a Urge
stock of Carjicutcr'i Tools of the best manufac
ture, files of every description, picks, grub hoes,
Musou hammers, bar iron, steel, nails, paints,
putty, glass and oils, window sah of all sizes,
grindstones, Circular and Mill Kaus.
The liicvitsivni'C Motk
is composed ol Stone China Setts, Fruit dishes,
C'aku plates, sauce dishes, common plates, cups
uud saucers, together with a varied assortment
ol Glassware, embracing the latest styles.
out ciiioccuics
are fresh and pure, among which may be found,
G. A. Salt, Mackurel, blind, Cedlish, boxed and
pickled Herring, Goshen and Sage Cheese. The
bent of teas, sugars, collet", Ac.
Wa return our thanks to the public for our
increasing patronage, and rcspecrtullv invite an
examination ol our stock, as we deem it a plea
sure to show our lioods.
IV Country produce taken iu exchange at
the highest market prices.
Huribury.Nov. Cy 1856.
No. 141 Chkjtnut Sr., abovi FovurH,
Phil ADtLPhiA,
Keep conflamly on hjf.d a fplcndid affbrtmcnt
Ready-made Clothing.
Goom made to Ord and Warrant-id
to riT.
Nov.JD, 1856 y
fEDARWARE, Hollow-ware, O'lisi-ware,
and a large itock ef Queensware, embracing
th newer! patterns, for sale bv
Nov. 29, '56. B. V. li RIGHT & SON.
liar Dottles 101 sail uj
Re Goodi for the People !
RES PECTFULLY lnformi the public In gen
eral that he has just received and opened a
splendid Hock of
Faltj Asft ViNTEn Goo6.
it ftis New Store, in Lower Augusta tow'nhip.
His stock consists in pirt of
Cloths, Casiuners, Casslneta.
of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted.
CallcotSi, Gingham, Lntina,
MouaAciltic Ic l,ult
(ful all kind of Ladies Dress Good.
Also ah assortment of itnrdwnt ', Iron
and Steel, Hails, &c.
Also an excellent axsortment of
&UEENSWA&E, of various styles ami
Alio an assortment of HOOTS At SHOES.
Ii ATS & CA FS, a good selection.
Salt, Fish, iNC;
And a great variety of other articles such a arer
suitable, to tho trade, all of which will be sold ar
.1.. i :
movent jjriljvn.
CiT Country produce taken in enhance a
the highest prices.
Lower Augusta, Nev. 23 18u6,
j. r. & 1. r. klinz;,
Respectfully announce to their friends and the
public in general that they have received at their
Store in l.ppcr Augusta township, Northumbir
land county Pa, at Klines Grove. Their Fall
a n'd Winter good Are opened to the public a
fall assrotment of merchandize Sit.
Consisting in part of Cloths, black and fancy
Caaa'nien, Satinetts, Checks, Kentucky Jeans
Under Shirts and Drawers and all kinds of Fall
and Winter Goods. . .
A lot of ready madn Cloaihing, consisting of
CaaM and Vests.
Ladies Eress Goods,
Phfiwls, Ginghams, Berage Delains, Calicoes,
blck Silki 4 c.
Also a fresh supply nf Drugs and Medicines,
Grockrio AC, of all kinds.
A new supply of Hardware, Queensware,
wooden ware Lroiuns 6c.
Also a large assortment of Root! and Sheca
suitable for men women and children.
Also an assoitment ol Schuol Dooka, Statione
ry, Envelopes, Ink and cheap publications, Ac.
Salt, Cheeso dC, and all goods usually
kept in a country store .Curre and ree, Come
one, come all. Cheaper than the Cheapest.
Thankful for past tavcr-j no hope bv strict at
tention to business to uitrit a continuance of the
All of tho above named 6tock of goods will be
sold positively at low prices for cakh, or in ex
change for country produce at the highest mar
ket price.
Klinei Grove, Pa., Nov. 8. 158. If
l7 V. TElTE?r& COT,"
ESPEOTFLLLY invite their friends and.
the public to inspect their new stock of
just received fioln Philadelphia, being convinced
that their interest is best promoted by a strict
continuance of their old plan of
"Small proUs and quick Sale."
they shall still almle by their previous course.
Amongst their stock will be found for GEN
TLEMEN, a large assortment of HEADY
MADE Coats, Yosts and Pantaloons; Cloths.
Ciissimeres, hatinetts, Vestingu, Cuder-Shiits,
Shirt Bosoms, Collars and Cravats
Black and colored Silks, De Bege TJoVs, De French Merinos, Cashmeres, Mudcua
Cloths, Coburgs and Alpacas. DeUlne boih
plain and printed. Keady-Maile Cloaks, 7rocba
und Woolen Miawls, Tabby Vrlvot in vario ui
colors. Quilted Skirts'. Sack flannel various col
ors Red and white Flannel.
A general assortment of Ladies and Gentleman! '
Men's, Boy's and Chi'drens' Hats and Caps.
Hardware, Queensware, Groceries, Cedarware
Stone and Earthenware Drugs, PainU, Fish,
Salt, Cheese, Nails, Oils, Ac, 4 c.
A good supply of bchool books and copy book!
with printed copies on each page.
Country produce taken iu exchange for good,
at the highest market prices
I. W. TENER& Co.
Sunbury, Nov. 22, 1850.
jv York Express lor 18X7
The I'liii c the "WKKKLY KXPIIKSS-' hcMre u wida
circle of leuduis, it will in fuLurc be fiubKlicd upon lite
c;8h system.
V ith ths cush plmi, tru price v!:I Ii-rdleee"! ton ra a
wtucli v,h uuhiuull wli'i v 11I1 10 n'Oiuu it, to doso ut
thr piiieot the vheiiiicst of t!ic v-'tCcI.-uicwjU-ti pi-.pcis
ol New York
The WeelMy Kspleas'' will cn:'.iia in f.'Mnloil to the
imuul political. news. iiiibftHaiiroimtiiiJ ,,ilir:r .1
ii!" UMUcr ol nil lijTreiiL'le lulnliy papei, Hit: Now York
Mmkets, flock una money nmrw-u of tht? C--uulr , uud
tuch foreign markets ts ure of gaietal intvrctt
B'iiii'.c copies f j per annum.
Tnree copies a
Five copies is o
. Tell copies 1J "
Twenty Copies to sildreiif, Si,!. snt sn extri copy tv
the jtrlicr up up 01 the club. 'J'.venty copies .t over ;o
the ailJret-Jiof encli laliscnoer, SI,'.M.
Specimen e-i tree up-'n upplication, t'l uny siiilrris
uirJiis liiuuy cs llluy tie wauti.-d.
'l'o Cle-ity men, die AVeckiy will be sent for Out L-'-jtlsr
pel suiiuiii.
The fenii-Veekle Kxpress' lias been reitueeJ t-i Tares
Dollars per uiiniiiii,Biid will be supplied M Clulis upon
the lullowins lernw
Sinele copirs , tKl per uiir.uill
'Two Copies O.iiO '
Five copies ll,i!4 " 1
The liuily Kxpiess, (Morninr t,r Kveiim F 'it on, st
theseh etton nf the suli.'iilei.)"will lidieainr be sent l"
mail ut six !-'Mars per uiiuiilll Always pavnt.le in U'lvsnee.
Tnenulite nil who prefer In jutle'lhe Kxprcii : u;ou
its inn its for tliemselves. S-ii,icn C-pies will b sent
fi'tc lo si: u,Mre.s uiHn apiilleall'-n ti.
1. It K. UROflKX.
rnrner of Wall suit Viwau stieeis,
NovonVr J, l.iSU. Iwi'l 3 -Ne Vork.
S hereby given that letters 7'etanienlaryhav
been grunted to the undersigned Elect 'airs
01 1 ne estate 01 uavm .11 w in. ami., late ot ha
mokiii townrhip, deceased. All pemons inivbted
to said estate are requested to make payment,
and those having claims present them fcir set de
ment. WM. W. M' WILLIAMS.
Mtamokin twp., Nov. 21), iaft6 61
To Builders it Carprntcrs.
The subscribers ire agents for the sale of
Doors, Window blinds, Window Shutters, and
all siiea of Window Sikh, all of which wi wilier
at the lowest prices.
Nov. 23, 7,6. E. Y. BRIGHT A SON.
-Vu. 135, .V. ol Strut,
INVITE the attention of country merchant
and others, to their stock of
which they villi dispose of on the most reason
able terms.
Nov. 9, I860.- ly
Fairbanks' Platform and Counter Scales foj
sale ty E. Y. URIGHT A SON.
Nov. 29, 1856
WTB7ILEY'S COL'GW ClNDY. sin eicii
lent remedy for coughs, colds. For aula
at this otfice.
December 4.
LTanlllu lleaus A
fresh iimorlDieut
W Ust received by WM. A. URLNLK
June 11, loti.
GOSalEN CHEEUE. Jaat racvivcj 111J for
Sept. 13, I8B6.
aive aai legal enveloaM, for eale by
Bvtnbsrry, Jaa ),