Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 03, 1857, Image 2

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    . ..O .,u..lll CillO- I
liuia,"VuM"tBl-. Columbia, lukeg excep-
tioi) to tho proposition, uml a personal Iriein
of thu Governor, who htis generally apploved i
of his administration, uius .-Air. .....
dissent through the Charleston Courier . I
It is not oulv iinpi ucticsiUU, hut uuuesi
rable. in every" point of view. J I "'";
mid the inlereslt or the South, alike lotAnd
it It would urniv asraiust us the sentiment
of the civilized world ; it would revive, or ul
least extend, tho horrors of the middle ages ;
AC-i.-n iu intestine war to luriiisli
...i.;.. r..r tlm uronosed traltio, mid convert
l.r ir.ln nn aceldamn, u field of blood;
along the street, und when li- y ..pproacueii
hin.rcut one of the parly over the eye and
cheek with his Mr. Frank Wt.pBon
c.,ll..r io1-..ived a cut on the urm. and W m.
Gundrum on hi leg. He has been arreted
VMItU irTC afcXtiOR.
'Pho elec tion for U. S. Senator, on Tuesday,
. i o.i. !..; uttrm-tinir ii uood deal of
me ion. in'... c-
attention. The prominent democratic fundi-
. r ' l..r.n.v Chat. II. liuckiilew
UUlca .," " ----- .
and Henry 1. Foster.
Mr. Forney, it if said.
f w ' i. .,,m.rtv so cheat, as the inside Hack. nuU W. !.
11 WOUU1 ICIHICI ott -.- .- - -
w . .i,i..i. uml iipiIiudk. us worlhleKS , ..,....:...!, ,.,,,,,.,,9 nuiiiiliatioii. Mr. tortty
1(1 UQ flUllUlveai ."- . I .Vic.,.. . ..
. in h duar at unv uluce. Uur slaves u.ui-
V. J . .
tiply in a ratio fUito lupi'l unntiKu ir i
good of the South an importation ot d.o.
OOO (the entire importation into tho Lniou,
us Colonials and us States, Iroin the com
nionccineiit of the slave lr.-l Us ahull
tion iu lbl)S.) has multitudinou.-ly increased
iuto'four millions; uud, we need not Hie aid
;,.irttiiioii to swell tho already
'populous number" or slavery or afresh
u' ..V. ,.t rU ami heathen to buruari7.
UOIUO V. " - "O -I l .1
nnd unchristianize our new c.vil,.,-d. (
and religious peasantry. -
norepaeo to pursue this theme, and must
couclude with the expression ol perlect con-fid-nce
that the uuwiw project w.U scarcely
euhbt a doceut suppoit."
i.- i.,.-,vr.tT,t the celebrated
IVEV. 1'r.. . .. . ..I
African traveller, has returned to,
ufter SBveuUen year' absence. Ho troseu
the ureal Afncuu continent almost in the
centre, from west to east, has been where no
civilised bailig nao. ever uceu
mad uiauy uolaule discovert t of great value,
lie bad croat dilljcaliy in spewing a sen
tence of Kugllsh. Laving disused II SO lul.g
wbil travelling in Al.ica IU had with
him a uuli from th interior or Africa.
This man. when ho got to lb Muurtius. was
a Mc.Ud with the btu...ers ud vairiuua
wonder, of citriliialion that he went mad.
uJ jumped jnU t" a aud a drowuud.
- The Nw Orleani UulUtin atyt that many
ripecUbU ciliteui of lht lace r prapar
log W loir for Nk-nragua.
i a vmtcnt and u favorite 01 Mr. Lutnumi...
Th.s cives him undoubted udvantage over
....mi.etitors. Henry D. Foster, of West
morelaud, i a gentleman of superior talents
.....I .xeelli nl character, and will be backed
l.v thu West. Itulhis whole sliength there,
does not amount to more in in u j
iM i... V. linckulew. of Columbia, is
eeullemau of a superior oust of mind, and
I.:.. ..I.,.:t us many friend us Mr. i oster
The difficalty with Mr. Forney is, that he
..;ii i,v.u i.. intend with a number of im-
.1..p..1i1h enemies iu his own ranks.
Cieueral Camerou, il it supposed, will be
the cundidate of the opposition, ami per
, u .taiU receiviuir no small
ln.ra nf liiuroeratiou und abu6e.
'I'l, r.e,.eiul is. nerhunn. th. best abused
mau iu l,eunsWuiiia. No one pretend to
sav auvthing ugainsl hi personsi cnuracier,
but charge him with political intrigueing.
i-,l.r, thu real difference betweeu him aud
i jmu of those who ure most opposed to him
is, that ha possefses more shrewdness, tuct
and ubility. Venusyivania lias noioneu ueeii
more ably and faithfully represented in the
Senate, than by General Cameron. We make
these remark! without rioreuc i" .ef
tion of U. 8. Senator. Fair play u.
Let every tub eland od ill ow Uttom.
U.. J. Ul..'
proverbiully an uuct.
Christmas ox I hcrpday 1
f the New Jersey Mlar Xew
ring to tho fact thai CuriMiias
on I huriiiiy, tniiiscnnes me iuim
pheey lioin an old poem iouiiu iu -Museum:
If Christmas day on Thursday be,
A windy winter you shall see;
Windy weather in each week.
And hard tenim-cis strong und thick;
The summer shall be cOd and dry,
Coru und beasts shall multiply;
That year is good for lands to till.
Kiiijis uud prince shall die by skill;
If a child boiu that day shall be,
It shall happen light well lor thee;
Of deeds he shall be good and stable,
Wise of speech and reasonable.
Whom that day goes ihiwing about,
lie shall bd punished without doubt;
Aud ifsicknei-a that day betide,
It shall quickly from theo glide."
t Democrat
id cheap
hunters to
ady etery
ne bucks
ai daily
J talent,
:tt Con
the put
ta been
00 now
on of
t its
w of
've it.
ig to
ii the
i to
ial for
f u Mr.
,1y, had ii
ft y times
l h ii ii i ii I)
Ii, uud a-
Perfttmed tlrrath.-What Wiy et gn.
tleman would remain under the curse of a disa
greeable lirenlh wheby uning th"Balm of a Thou
sand Flower," as a dentrilica would not only ren
der it tweet but leaTe the teeth white as alabatterl
Manv persons Ao not know their breath is bad,
and the subject it to rit-licate their friends will
never mention it. Pour a single drop of 'Balm' on
ynur tooth broth and wash the teeth night and
morning. A fifty cent bottle will lost a year.
A beautiful complexion may easily be acquired
hy using the '-Balm nf a Thousand Floweis."
It wiil remove tan, pimples and frepklet from tht
skin, leaving it of a toft roncatn hue. Wet a
towel, pour on two nr three drops, and wtfli the
face night and morning.
Wet your shavinK brush in either in warm or
cold water, pour on two or three dropt of "Ualin
of a Thousand Flowers," rub the beard well and
it will make a beautiful toft lather, much facili
tating the operation of shaving. Price only fifty
cents. Beware of counterfeits. None genuine
unlets signed by
Franklin Square, New Vork.
8ept, 37, 1856. Cm
Iat but not Leant.
On Tuesday, the 23d tilt., hy Iter. P. 15ird,
Mr. II kkrv Crow to Miss Rosetta Scuoll,
ull of Shaniokin.
On Thursday, the 25th till., hy the Rev.
N. W. Coleburn, Mr. Datid Snydf.r, of
Shninnkin, to Miss Mart J. Cammki.l, Of
D e'a'tIIs!"1"
, loconsin
of that
ere snow
or s fro tn
minted for
.lute is to
eeds conic
'; ngaiust
re ore 2-12
mo de-
! Wales,
; in Scnt
all. 2S1
u i it and
ju by
In this plare, on Friday, the l?th innt.,
or consumption, JAMES PI KM KB, aged
23 yenrs.
In Philadelphia, nn Wednesday morning,
thp 21th nf December nit., M AHY. daughter
of .tohn II. and Elizabeth W. Purdy, in tuo
13th year of her age.
It is with sincere regret that wc record the
departure of our youthful friend. Poot
Mary! the earlier half of her brief liTe. was
spent uliiiost under our eyes, and her gentle
features were, to us, as familiar as these of
our own child, whoso earliest playmate nnd
affectionate friend she was. We can truly
sympathize with her bereated pareiits in the
hour of their affliction.
Oh ! what a li'!ow e'er tl.e luarl in flung,
When peals the requiem of the loved ftu1 yum.
At Northumberland, on Tuesday, the 3i"lth
ult., SALL1K II., wile of James Taggurt,
nnd daughter of JoLn U. Cowden, tiged 2G
When mi die whose fulenlt and vi:lneg
have made them distinguished among their
fellows, their requiem is the voice of nmlti-
t mles, and is heard throughout the land.
When icoman dies, no matter how bright her
intellect, nor how beautiful her character,
the weeping of neoroBt friends is the only
sound that heralds her to the tomb. Let it
be so with her, who has just departed ; for
when the voice of multitudes shall bo hush
ed, uud pomp and pageantry forgotten, fond
hearts will still mourn for her, aud flowers
and tears be mingled nnon her an
i, as only cone before. In a few rears the
sorrowing husband and little helpless chil
dren will sleep again by her side, and Death,
the great leveller, will have honied their des
olation. She has gone out in the loveliness
of youth, and in the purity of a gentle and
guiK lcpp poul n lost minister of good upon
earth a gained ussociato of angels in lleav.
cn. I). T.
Ira T. Clement
AS just received a large supply of Fall and
Winter Hoods.
He will continue to sell Dry Goods snd Ciro-
ceries Clili.M'EH than ever, as his guodt are
bought cheap they will he sold cheap.
lie feels confident with his experience and
ability, that ho con compete with the
World at largo and Sunbury in particular.
He would enumerate articles if time and apace
would permit.
It it enough to tay that he hat everything in.
the line of
Dry Goods, Groceries,
A laree Stock nf Renily-Made
BOOTS AND SHOES, frc, jr.,
that it kept in any other store in town, and
Hia banner ia on the breeze.
And long may il wave
O'er kind uf the free,
And the home of the brove
While her Stnra and her Snipes
Fhine out like the Sun,
Telling all n.ilioin
Thnt Freedom's begun.
This ia a free country as was proved by the
election of 13 uchanan over the W'o.ily Horse,
therefore it is free for all to do their tradinij where
they can BUY he CHEAPEST. All are invi
ted to cull and see.
at well at the town are respectfully invited, and
every person, rich or poor, hisil or low, bond or
free ure invited to call at IS'o. 1 Matkket Square,
opposite the Court House.
1'. S. He is not to he undersold by any man
or combination of men. Noeharge for showing
All kinds of produce taken in exchaugo for
Sunbury, Dec. 20, 1SS6.
IP-A-IT XT 3? 1
A T.T. persons indebted to the siihscrihcr on
ISoto, Zfook Account or otherwise, are re
spectfully requested to pay up iimnrdiatelv. as
the will be placed in the li.inJa of a
Justice for collection.
Sunbury, December 20, 1806.
fet III
Philadelphia Market.
December 31, 1S5G.
Grain-. Wheat is dull, but prices are stea
y. Sales of prime new Southern und Penna
:d at SloOal 53. and SllOalC'i for white.
lye comes in slowly; sales of Pennsylvania
. 80 cts. Corn is quite scarce; sales of yel-a-
ut 6ta7U, cents, afloat, und CO cents in
ro. Oats are steady ; sides of prime old
nnsylvauia and Delaware 41 cents per bu-
HIST. 10
i. . 6t
ns. 4i
is. - .13
iion, 60
mm fwi. 10
ta. J5
...... H
. ti
,SIKD. I Ii5
aw. - . -12
riully t Hefen tlie price, l nere is i.o g... -
reason wliy sucll a nuciy
not be treea iroin inxuuon.
Ml-kdkr in St. Loiu. Dr. K. II, Cleave
l.iJ il ir.iveih-r. was liuinlereil at tlie ir
ginia Hotel, in St. koine on unoay mier-
noon lust, unoer him imiiiwiiij; iMvura..n...,
uccordingto the lleiuld of that city :ll-
urrived ut Virginia Hotel on naiumuy ...
compuny with a inuti calling himself Alexan-
tler anil tlie two iohk a ruum i.ifcu.c. ... ...
hirst floor ol the hotel, next tlie reading room.
On Sunday, imiuediut. ly after dinner. Dr.
Cleaveland paid hit bill aud lie and h; com
panion w.-ut to their room ti.gelln r. About
bite, u minute afwar-ls somw one belonging
to the hotel went to the room aud found Dr
('i..,.u..t..,i.l lvinu- iiiuiii tha floor dead stab-
1....I i,, il.u I..h. t uml a lurue bowie knife lying
upon Ins breast. Alexander had disappeared
leuving lui overcoat oeuiuu uiu uuu n
been seen since.
ILkhkomr CoKDi'cT.-Com. Stewart, whose
term of command or the Navy Yard iu this
ii v iiH ubiiut to eioire. wrote to luo Secre.
' ... , I.: ..... PI,
tary ol tne iavy to uniuv ma iuntnu..
1m iter, ia reply, said the Commodore should
bold bis present command at long at u was
ccepuUe to btin.
Amrricas Entebi'iiisk. M r. J. t. Oowon.
of Huston bus received the contract from the
Russian government for raising the yessels
sunk iu the harbor of Sebaslopol. lie bud
ii. nr six cemnetitors. oinong them the tre-
.lit Muliiler of Frunee, and yet tho contract Uf the ekil.
whs awurded to him ut figures ubovo ull his
competitors, from his well known lepulutiotl
und success at Gibraltar, with the Missouri,
lie will commence operations in May next.
.... . . - i
The Moon's Rotation. 1 lie question o
the moon's rotation has been much discussed
fur the past six month in thu Loudon I inn l
and London Mechanics' Mogutinc-growing
r i. .ii. some tinio since by
IXIl ... u ...... ! ..,1
.1... Lnnm B.-troCOIIier lir. r?vuiiMu.."
t,,v ... - - -
Mr S look the positing lliut as me moon ui
wavs nreseiits the same face to the curl h it
cannot h-ive a rotation on its axis, iinu tliul l
the prevailing opinion latigni in siriiiu......
works, tnul it loiiui's v"
duYS exactly, to a second, is wrong, lie hat
. . 1 1 VI. I. ,li. I . i. ,,t,.t..n
Hopkins ami diners, aim w
hat published a pumplet supporting the same
.... .. .1... K'uwlnn'a nm.
views, in wincn neiifin . r.--
....;.; t,.iiv to the moon' rotution baa
Len entiiely niisuiiderslood by his followers lust come out iu defence ol
.i ' ...i ut it hi and Dr. Wbewell r
mr iiiu.pii . .v.w. . - .
paper liefore the late meeting of the HiltisU
Scientific Aataciution.
. --w. , .. iliseuse Y.aj
l.owil Ull OVt ll aui iatoui i" iii i.u,
ereat nniiotiifr n the parents and oii-
i.L All . .U. l.t 1 ..f .1...
lure Ol Ol it! Wio , inn uiuuu oi mo lS
was euuul isle. Atlasl tlie parent.-
tho three uiitu course of llolluwuy's I
meul and I Ikwhich cureil then ull in
spece of nit' t'ii days. Their health
since coiuribaldy improved. These I
dies are wtidifully efheucious in ull diseus
New Advertisements.
Kt'TrM'M.Y informs his friends, and
ul. lie generally, that he has just rcveiv.
1 'tock of OOOUiS, at his iit-w store, at
ler'a Mill, in Lower Auuusta Town
that he is prepared to tail goods at the
.'k consists in part of
ALL cV VV 1 N 'l l:H GOODS,
.oceries, Queensare. Hardware, &c,
Md every variety usuall k'I't n oountry
biore. .
Trrvorton prices paid for all I ""J' ' l".oduce.
Lower Augusta twp, Dee. 27, u
IS hereby given that letters Terlsmentay o7.
the estate of Jacob tirnh, late of Lower Au-
gubla township, Northumlrland county, dee'd.,
Iiave been granted to the suhsrriher. All persons
indelited to aaid estate will please make payment
without delay, and those having clainia tgiinat
said estate will please present ihem properly at
tested for settlement.
tiEORGE KILR Adm" r.
L. Augusta twp., Dec. 20, 1850 Gt
The Mus'un'.iiiiment cures Rheumatism ;
Tho Miitunf .miineiit cures Mill Joints ;
The Mulai Liuimeut cures Duns and
Tho Mittai; .iuitnent cures .Sores and Ul
cers. Tho M let a i l.imeot cures Caked Breasts
aud Hii'. N les j
The Mistai Liniment cures Neuralgia ;
The Slisti Liniment cures Cuius aud
l'he pistol Liniment is .vorta
To til Unld Slates, as the preserver and
restoVr oBaluable llorsetuuu uuttle. Jt
curet all Iprutus, uuius ounus, otin
Joii tcJ .. . .
yl yofcuswer tins qesucn t iju you
evij heurT.f any ordina Sore, Swelling,
Sifn or Itillness, eunef"" man or oeasi.
wti the lustuug Lillian would not cure?
lou t-vlr visit any rpeelable Druggist
iafy puitof Ue worhr-i Europe, Asiu.or
c...i ul Madison couoty Ala.
mho died on the 20tb ult. Iibrated forty slavee
aud left theea a Urge portion of nil ea.ate
art V
, nca whoid notay"il was tho preut-
Uiscoverv of the &. "l J erery where.
ry family ahouU' liavej I 3 '.
Prof ew York.
, 20, 1850.-18). P
hereby given thut the fullowing persons
tiled petitions with the I lerk or the
rt of Quarter Sessions or said County, lor
riise to sell Sniritous. Vinous. Mall and
"Ved Litpiors, under the act of Assembly
P!ld March, 1855 :
Ira (Memer.t.
''y "Vrown,
Wm. lNagie
Win. ier
Robert Vtimore.
Michael Vilvert.
Por Northumheilund County, for the Jun
aary Term, A. 1) 16;'i7.
Sunhvry lleury E Martin, Juo O Youag.
J. M. Hostiuii.
SorlliUmber'and M D Priestley,
DtlciH-uri' ,uhn McK iniiey.
Lewis Philp Roup jr. John Rimler. Si
mon Cameron, ..icob Wort man, Ciias,
1). II. Dreisibach, Samuel Cray.
iotcer .'Ix7'ira John Steru-r, John Mey
ers, lien. Kejser,
Jiufh Jacob Millheim.
Coal U.nj. McClow, SaiTiutl Harrison,
Philip Stainlnicli
Jarksnn Nicholas Drum heller,
Jordan lsuiio ilei.i,, Daniel Swarti,
Lower .fi!itu'i: Luue ShuTui-,
i. i"i t'J. licui hurt.
.VnnJiiry Henry S John Speece,
Philip Clark, Win A Hiuner, S li Sickel
Xi-rO,u)iilti-luml 7ohii A Taj lor, S. Ii.
Smith. y.)jeph li.ishore, Jos. Martin.
MHum S. T. Drown,
Ltlau:are Charles Hagenbtich, John
K riser.
.r:;i..-(,'eorjrp .Stall. Ceo. WvkofT,
( 'huitijvatjtit W r.i. 1 crr,
1'oint Adam Vanillmg.
I'jnfr Angus' u J II Adams, AVilliutn
L StnitliWm. Krenier, Jeremiah Cooper, J.
Lnwtr Antttfln J. PashoU, (it o. i?;ii.lg.)
llufh'J Deitz, Anlliuiiy Hull, Johu
.iiim!.iu .Ti'He Reed, Robert McWil
1,'an,., y. Campbell,
r'o.; Win Snyder.
.(. ..ten John Y Klock, J Wolf,
Vim. ;-on J II llaupt,
Jntihin J Daiiit I,
Upper Mahano'i J. 11 Adams, Charles
H'tit'iinylnn J Reilz. Yt Trecn,
Lvtccr Muhiinoy John Dcckey, sen. Jehu
Little Mohnnoy S Dunkelbarger, J. Hen
svl, JueuU K.ilier,
' Ztrbel L Herb, D Reckley.
Mt Carmtl 'I'liomas Shull, Wm Moore.
Suilury J. Borne, J Weiser, M.irtin K
Dueller, P. Lazarus,
Xorthuthberliind G. 1 Taggcrf, II Reuain
ger, J Siiriner,
Milton A Logan,
'J'tirbut John Huffman, J Hurtman,
Dtlaw'ire. J. P. striutrloug Chiiatian
Gush, p Carver,
Lewis li Mengea.
Cltilitipjaipje T Pardo,
'.;i.t J liulick
L'pper Augusta H. Robins,
Lin' tr Augusta P. Mallick. Wm Dew it t,
Viii Purmaii Sauiuel Gchrii gcr, James Leit
zel. Hush Steph Iltirsh, .-Ilex. Campbell, P.
Huff. A litiliik, J. Husset,
Shumuiiii P. Rolhuniiel, Llida John,
fViFin -roi 0 D Hover,
UWa'.igrou Godfned Rubock.LT Druni
helhr, l.ou-er Muhanoy M. Wolf, P Borrel, J.
Little Mahanoy N R rower.
ia ma
Cosmopolitan Art Association
I'ur the Third Year?
inful huve the ,lcasurc ol' it.iii.u -.c-iiid; llmt tuc c.
ol VVuika ol Art Uesigne.1 fur i!)a.,ibu, uiu-riif lha aub-
fcribcia. wuum miiiea ure reecivtU preiiwus ilia trilt
ol J iiiuury, Irijj, is uiui li lurger uti.l more e 'atly lliati ...a
any rVrY'"ua yeur. A.ii'.iii .lie Itu.l'iur vv..rl.a tu i-auit-ture
exeCe'f.1 m tlie l;:tiat Nlurl-k.-ia ilieucw sua U-uu-tuul
Swiuo ol Hie
The tluata of tlie Tliiee Ameriei.n Slateainon,
CLAY, VI-:USI I'll & l Al.ilUl.V Alan ll. Hui
sua U'eal Mum. SCUIMj ''
Al'Ol.l.O AND 111 A N A, ill Marble, Ufa aiie, tellier
Willi the toll.iwinj lir.'Ui- Suilu.a in Cuilsia .Msl
ble ..I ll.v
Stmjsgle or the tlenrt, Vemia nnit Aim le ; Psyt'-e; Mf
iluleu; ChilJ "I Lie !ti j mitt l.t le T.uuul ! Willi lul
lileroua vvtiika In Unnw. a et.ll..tit.ii l st-vanil
SumlicJ r'I.M;uil. I'AI.M'I.Nuf.l.y l.iitli. jr Art.ra
'Hie wli.'le i wli.t li a.e tn Iw tlimril "r ulK iud
airiniig tlie aul.aeuUer vvneae milii.a aie recuvad .
lo the
when Ilia l)iatiibuiuu will mae piaec.
TaaMt uf B-iuieri.'X
F.vciv auUenUr i.f Mine IH imra ia ruinieu to
A ei-y ul lb" "I1
Dec. 11,:
" Katinf? House.
Trevortou, Store,
Sunbury, Innkeeper.
from th record and certjtied,
JAM HSR' A Tin I'i pric.
c.-t. a -
ouuoury. c, j3. g56
A LI. peraona kowing llutmaelves indeliteJ lo
the sut-sciilieky noie. book arrounl uf oilier,
wiae, ara rrxjuealeila rnaka pa'pment liefore the
10th day fcf tlie fiiaVnonllis (January), IrioS, or
their accounts will plac-ed in tha bands of a
Juticfor colUctiti,
I- AtWita rp.'tli dr, Ittk KM. tM. Ji ct-1 Kntrii mr, "Kit ir .;iy
itf M''i'l any ' me ii imwit K MMjt;n
on your ; ui wi'j (,i j 'uhiui
a 'IVktl in Hie Uiiiil.uti--ii f ViUi f An.
Tliu, t't i-vtrrj time cl illari niJ, u ttu n ho4 only
ert a Venutil jl l.hktr.tviuK (r MK1"- ""c "". tut
hI rccfi.ei il" Aa Jounml t.e Mr. mul u 'l ickftiu
lite Annual liitriinuur( iLnUidg four tfilHi wrili i f
jaM'HMg nuitttii LK.-tlrH the tu ket, by uhicli a valuable
pMintiuft pel ul M:itLury may be rtHtjivctJ tu audi nu.
'J' fit mm wli Drtier Mauuziiu4f to lite Ki piuvn 'tUr
Hay Nilit,"Cain tiuv nilier f the t". IUvsinf i. yur :
H:ifiur'a Mugitiue ; ii.aVv'B Uuiy'aB'M'k Cintrtl tsUiu-
MajMZtite, KiiieWtfUt ker Muijyitite, ur-lmiii a M:iptne,
Uiiu kwiKW. .Muni.lut, iSiuibeui i.iiernry ,tt ffeiFr.
St pra-ii ist re.rtnl i kmik i hivri. Tbi Ukiitc
fiv nttnilsersiii4, tflS, am entiiWd Ui mix Eif ruvuv. huJ
lo an tickeia m Hid tirntut uhi, or au Use ui tha M"ta
Ziiu-ft; Hue eiir latid fix tit-It t
leglwer the tftit-i .tt ii:e i' i t . pti e ii ! i .u
rriji rf wiit'Ji. a o r". --t ,'lici;,,.r!,.1.1'. t of -1 c
ut!i Riig.uvi. a ot M.t.aZ r !,w uvf uviid'
t in v prut of trie ci'i'.j v
Koi tuiihcr i.ii!icaiaia, l- Nvcii.. x Art J. jr.:,
flit llr i'ii 'Hi, t.Ci-'l.'u.
Kor nwmu-.s v. uJ Uv C I. "1 fiT?Y. A w
JO UN ti.aUit'l
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