Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, December 27, 1856, Image 4
"AID AND COMFORT," To Your Own Mechanics. ISAAC M. W1LKKKSON, Respectfully announce that lie has taken the land lately occupied by George Kenn, where he is prepared to manufacture all kinds of FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. 'T'HE libscribrr respectfully call the attetitiei of the public to hia large nd splendid as sortment of every quality and price ef which cannot fail to reiommend itself toecry anc who will examine it, on account of it durable workmanship ami splendid finish, mad up of the bent atock tube had in the city. No ell'ort i Bpari'd in the manufacture ef ki ware, and the subscriber is determined to keep up with the many improvement which are constantly bring made His stock consist f Mahogany Koran, imentt itl Lomtrm DureRi's, Secretaries Sidebonrdu, rS0FA, BRK.m'ANT All) PIMNfi TABLES and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal te Phi',- rielplii. manufacture. UETSTEATS, of every .attorn and price CITI'KOAROS. WORK ANDCANPLK STANDS, tolLKT TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in this line of bia business. Ho also manufacture all kinds and qualities, CITAIKS, ncluding varieties never before to be had h Sunbury, such as MAiiont.vt, ) Wisi;t in Cvnitn Maplf Iif.ciaw ; ai Wiinsm CHAIRS, ivti Axcr Piavo ."-"root., which are of the latest styles, and warranted be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The suWiibcr is determined thst there shall be no excuse for i-eMors to purclm.-e furniture in the cities, every confidence can be entertained about the quality and finish of tl'.eir war and Chairs. These articles will he disposed of on as goed terms as they ran lie purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce inVcn in pivmcnt for work. tir 1 ' N 1) E ! !T A KINO. Having provided a handsome If r. una, I, is now prepared for Undertaking, mid attending; funerals, in this vi eitiity, or at any convenient distance from this jdice. The Ware Koom is in Fan Street, be ow Waiver's Hotel. is. AC M. WILKINSON. Sunbury, Sept. 13, lSf.6 tf. WnuJ.F.SA It AMD Rf.TAII.. THE subscriber would respect fuly inform the renders of the American, that he has just opened a New REFORMED CLO'HINO STORE. No. 2'J8 MnrV-et Street. (2 door below Ninth, south Bide) .Philadelphia ; where he keeps con stantly on baud ono of the best assortments of Ready Made CI. 'tiling, in the ctty ; alto, a large j assortment of Cloths, Casaimor, Ac. which i will be made to Order, in the best nisnner, and j at the shortest notice; nil of which will be sold ' at the lowest possible Cash prices. Reader will : you plcane give usa call ? DAVID M M L. I 203 MARKET Street. ; K. H. WILLIAM K11AFFNER. will be j pleased to sec his friends at the above Clothing j Store. Oct. !.-,! 85C-w3m3 I PFKNSYLVANIA COMMERCIAL INSTITUTE, LOCATED 1 1ST YORK, PA. I OKKER! youni; men nil the advantages of a ! thorough lusinc:s Educntion. i THE COURSE OK STUDY j Embraces Doul le-Entry Hook-Keeping, as ap-; plied to W holesale, Retail, Commission, Man ufacturing, .Shipping, Stcnm Boating. Individ- unl. Partnership, and Compound Company I Buisineas. I PENMANSHIP I in all the Ancient nnd Modern Hands. Also, ; LECTURES on Commercial Law and Political ' Economy, by Thomas E. Cochran, Esq. I For Circulars, &o., addrrss the undeisigned. I T. K. WHITE. ! York, Pa. September 6, 1850. 6m. ! BEDDING ,t rUKNISHIM) ' BLVINESS j Cabinet Maker's Findings, j The subscritiers respectfully inform their friends i and the public cencrnlly. that Ihry have cornice- j ted with their Redding fc Furnishing business a ! large nnd well assorted stock of Cabinet Milker's I r Hidings, ar their old stand 3 South Second Street, below Chrttnut, l'Iilla;olilila. They have, associnted wilh them V. S. JJ.-own i who has been for ninny Tears engaged in the j piineipal e-l;U'lihmeiit of the kind in this city. The stock of Good now on hand comuri.-r;' every d.s. ripiion of matcr-tals ued ly Cabinet Makers, ronsi-ting in part of the following, viz: Hardware department. Locks, Hinge. Screws Castors. Veil Screws, Chair nnd Kola tpriniji, Collin Hand!.-.. Ac. Cabinet's Materials, Hnir Scatlnj, Curled Kair, Lo;diin Gl:n l'latcs and Prnin. a, Glue, Varnish, Sand P iper, Burlaps, Zflack nnd Pniicy Siik and Worsted (.imp, Sofa and Chair ebbing, 1 wine. Sacking Uotloina, rusewood, i Mulioanv. Y a tint And Maid.- k'n.d.j tit., w ... ii t Lfibiing Ilcpaitmeiit, Hair, II usk. Most, Wool I and Cotton M.ittrcjsra. Ffallier ed. Uolsters 1 and Pillows; Plush, Damasli nnd Moreen Cush ions Comfortable!., t'oni.t.rjnrs, Linen nnd Cotton Sheets, Pillow Ci, ea, Linen and Cotton Towels, Tabln Cloth, Table Linen, Table Cov. ers, Moreen. Denim!; und PIlsIi by the piece, Moss and Husk by the bale or pound. The Hair Seating and Curled Hair i from the Phila. Manufactory of I). 6c J. NoMit. X. H ll.ti-n, stcmn Umii and Ships fui nishej at the shortest nolice. No; Bow.cV oni.rr, So o .ti'i 'in,l St., In 'oic fhentuut. (eu.iv oppoiiite) Bank of i'ciiiinylvuiiia.) Philadelphia, .a igust 9, lfSO ly. 1655. FALL STOCK, XKW GOO JS. lS.-.U. French Merinoe, ull colors, Fashionable Cloak Cloths, Fall Silks Ihe styles Magnificent .New UeLaines, Best Styles Full Calicoes. Very large Stock of New Shawls, Flannels,, Ungliahuml, Cloths. Vciings and all kinds Mens' Wear iiieetings, 2'uble Linens, Towliima, cVc 1VUK A. LAX HELL. 1th ,i ARCH Sis., Philadelphia. Storekeeper are invited lo examine our Xcw Goods. Familit can be well suited in every kind of Dry Good. We niako Ulk. Silka and Shawl leadinu ar ticles f.r Wlioloialting. P. S. JlliiS re.ejvrd daily from Ihe Auction of New V'otk and Phila delphia. ry Trnva Xkt 0s, ept. 6, '56 w3mo Clieiip Wutclics -NJcwciiM flTiriiiriti x. .. ....:. ... ..... o. . I phia Watch and Jewe rv Slur." N.i. nr. I sorui ceconu iMrcet, corner ol Cjuariy, PHILADrLriHA. Hold l ever Wal. 'tes, lull jew. led. In rHn, ,., f.p Ooid Lepiue I-., "r-'l ii'tifnie ilVer r.lwtaeles t '.ft Silver lap. iu'l jew:!.. I. vn.'a. ..I Hm., !Ui, aHl r-nver l.evr, loll j.:v.-. d Vi 1 aOiia- tlld 1'ra. ila, I isl M T.n.; . t, ," Goid I'rns, tvilit Pencil and Rilver Hoi ler, j.,tf, Gold Finger Rings, 37J cents to $R0 ; Watch Glache, plain, IS cents; Patent, Isj; Lunet, 85; other articles in proportion. Ail good war ranted to be what they are sold for. KJ'AUFFEK A HA 15 LEY, On hand, some Gold and Silver Lever and, siill lower than the above price. (Jet. 4, 1850. I y. , etOAR CL'KEU HAM A In just received a4 for st) bf. SEAHHOLrZ V PETRY. Mup- IS, Ittf6. AYER'S Cathartic Pills (SUGAR COATED,) AME MAUK TO CLEAN SS THE HL00O AND CTOS THE SICK. InvnlMi, PnHic-m, Moitirra, rii"lnn rhllAtillirnplti. read thrlr ;flVCUf and JHg of Ihelr Vlrtuit. roH TIIK CI HK OP HenAnchc, Sirk Hf mlnchc.ronl Stomftch. FiiTHWtmws Ma., Mny 1, IWft. Pn. f.C. Artn. Wr: I lvr lin ricm(lty rtirril of tl.e wntwl hi'ivlrirlio miy fcly can hwr hy ft ! nr two nf yun I'ilU. It mm toiisjri,iimf'jiilr'itiii)!rh,.i h tliry rlwwtw At one. If lli-y cm otlivr u fiey iW me, Hit ft It wuuti kiMtwing. Tvnira with (t rtjpt, KIV W. lRrH!,K, 0ri it 9famer Clunm, Blliotit Disorders nnd Ii?r CompUints- I'll'ARTSIE.fT Of THI lTtHir, H Afl!iiniifr. D. C, 7 Fp1., 1H6'.. f fi: T hr WI y-Mir I'iilt ii my arittml nn l lfpitl TM-tii Pttr incr Tun mm I thrm, mwi rnuiii'l ioi!ate to y thv Kif the )Mt c-Htlmrtii' f pruly. llu-ir ittu In'.tne Kctiiit m tSe tr,r fi)iii.K it nil tlci 1 Wl, on-Vfiiifiit If tliry hu' nn htl.iii!! ( rt'titfW fr tlrmtwinviitt f Hint or; mi. Intlnftl, Jmve urMtmi frnitrl m fi b-Uout me to ol-aiitntc tl.nt it tlid not rcattilv yiM to thrm. rrtrnlly yuum, Al.ONZO HAM., M. D.. VijwWaM fftht ifarint JfopttM. Djrspnt-MTi Helm, Rntl Worms. Vwr Ofrirs, i.nrttm, Lit. Co., Mich., Nov. l, rB. Aritn: Your 1'tlln urts tl-.e tfrlortiau if metirine. Ilify livi tK i; my wife iiur puttl tlmn I can tell you. fhc'ltM lii-eti tc nn-1 I'ininc iwiy fi-r niontli. Vit u(T to ! tl.:uiril nt crnt ejtirn-sr, hut ft'H no Isptter. Sfht fir n flt'mfcnT.i tikii:K ..Ui 1'iUit. Ii noin t'uml Iter, hy exllif nrga ttintiititi nt wonni (t?M'l) ft-oni lii. lv. Th.y riet jir 1 cit Iter ami our two rh!Min of li'it.silj- ilywntery. of mir ni(ililrf! Iin1 it I it I. nn1 mv w.t. ui?l hint nl'Ji t-vo tA ymr hi!o rttvun pit ..I fifm ft vp to twenty tjollur doctois' in1, and lint!i tune, wfttntut liiK entirely vtju HiPn. Siich metticirie tv youri, wlilch it cttittlLjr roimI n4 ltHMt, Will be filreil lie. fii:0. J. OKIFFIN, VVmarfer. Intlicsflnn nnd Impurity of the Itloori. fWi Aer. . I ttimrt, i'usior ftf Athtnt Vimrrh, Hhttm. ' Pit, Aver.: I tmve tiKtl yir r.Uiti extinn1iwry mtrtrw ii nty fnniily Hint t)ip 1 uni rjillet to vWt In i1otrc. To rtiiltitf tlieoipufi nf itipratliin nl (unify tlio ll.nt t1iy .ti the very let rtiietly I havo ever kmurn, hwi I cftn oHiftiVntljr iet"omnieiil tlini to my ftleivta. Your, J. V. IMVKS. WaHHW. Wt(vki!iO C v. y. Y.. Ort. 24. Pr r Fill : 1 ) rih; your O'.liwrMi' IMh In toy pntc tle. nml f mt t!;ei.i hi x-tllcMt poi-if,!" to cl'-unsi tlie aivtem and nuvlfy iht fuiiiihtittr f tlie I.i.-m..!. MUX O. MKAOiMM, M. P. Errhiprlns, Mrfofiil i, I'vil, 'ltterf Ttimoii ntul Knit IHierjin. rnwt a F ri' tmHi ff .Vm-htr-il t & . i : b. . I.". Pit. Ati.r: Your I'i'l hip tlt p4n-rMi tf P tn is pfpat in tneilf'jiiie. 'I f y hnvp cuic-l my li:?!e tV.jfitet of uli-eroitit ihh'wi nptn lu-r hsii-'.a a'nl T- oi tl:n" la l pi-i.-ij itu'iira! ie for yean. iir:lt-r li" l .'ri im jtm- vo-,. ly atv!it;e. with liO mil pimpl iii lo-v -kir- a ii her l.etir. After our I w n ctnl. ie n1 - ' -Jt I'ilh, atfl tlK-y have rim.l lt-r. A .-A Mi Ui; K. XtitCHTtit.tiMit, Nruifl;',i:i, hitiI f.nnt, fum the h'er. Dr. iltmkm. nfti. r. ,.,-t 1T1..KI Itctt, P.i?!H. .. 1''. IInjrrarD ?tn. ; 1 aliuul 1 N- tn?:ttt fit! t"i the i-!ift y.uu kill tiM hioiili ii' If I M :.t my tuv t- n. A Cvlil rvtticil ii. hiy Iiml nnt htonulu (ti .fii'.--it.twm BenruU'ii- pain, wiitth ent:.i iti iiti tV tu.ta'i-jti. lotwi(iitaii(lii' I la I tli l?t of p!.vii it.i. l,rtli.. prrw wurae ainl worte. u::tll. y tlie ath ie nf y-nr xcf. lent arrnt in l:n'.t;mivf, I'r. 'a Urojii'. I tih-l ji-nr I'ilin Their t fieri rr 'nw, but H-t. I y ettua lit (h uae of tliim 1 arn ii. ent.iriy w.-ll. PtiNATB CHANIIFS. ItO. N ltoi".. I.M I'". 1. Pr. Aveii: 1 lia- 1.pii e!ii--iy t-uie.l ly your I'ill of Rheumatic Qout a tminful liofe'f lint I.h I ef'i!e : rnr foryeaia. VINCKM' Sl.Ku'l.l.. For l)rop, I'lclhora, vr l.intlirJ om nlnttttii, veiiiiiiiiK nu nctne ptni$r, titty hiv hii "i"5i unt reiiinly. For Coslivriifa or onst tnfirn ph. rt a Utlllier I'lil. they f ie a..-ieeii W t' a.. Fits, Si.pj)rrMot., 1?tnalyi tloik. ami et n lt-i('u , ami rni lle! r.O.f Ii4ii UafP tveii ciued bv ti.e alti-iati-r w 'U u t tl-oe Moat of th In inntket r"-itsiin M -irnry. lij. h vl ttioult a Tttlimlie riiit!r li- Mi I lian'U. 1 limine. .ue in ii (lulitic i-tll, fiom the ih.iiol rt-!vfnh i tint l"ie quently foHw im icruutiou1- uj -. '1 dptr contain ito ater etiiy or mmeral iU1.Hi,t:u- wlmtever. AVER'S CHERRY PECTORAL ron the itAi'iu cire of COl'GIIB,COI,H!,I10.ItSF.KF.SS,lMi-.l'. E.v.t, r.itoM'iit'ris, wuooiMNii cotcii,'P, astilha. cii'iKvr i xi r.irTSisr, sr.,1 f.r t'ne r!uf .-f cuniulnpttv t-c.tiettLM In a.lvsr,cl t:V,M of tlie lUlPhi. rtewl not spik Ifi !!. pnl'!ic of lis irtii' Throughout vfry n'mtt liinio.t il ll.? Aio"ric:in Statr;i, oiS ir.-inl' rft I i t'li'S (T pnlniotiiuy ci m plainti l.n.s ms.K' 11 kin v.n. lly. ft w sir ?!: fai.tilifn in si rivti.eil coiMi'iy nti lliiKtMiu'iiiviit wil;. ul iorne iioiiiil t xiH-i'ii. . ol'iis .-iv..: nti.l f. wit it ilm c.'iiiniiliiilin any wlirr v l.u Ii I..I nol nr.orK tiom some living trophy of its victory e.f r thf ml-lk imd il:n ...ini iliM'asr.n of tin? throat Hint luii. W I. id it H Ihp in.t mt-rfnl Hiiti.ior jet kno'. I" rn.oi for It: F..-iii ilahlf srd .iaissroini t.l ll. piun.-.i-ary oimii-. il irt HiSo the p',Mi.iiict H.l 4ilcl irjitrMy I but nit, ! i n. doy,'d for itirituls nti.l .mins ns..ii. Inielits tl:..M i.ivi. II ill store ur:ii!!t il.f i.s r.-lliy Il :.r .,t,flli, up'nt thrill lltipri . We- ti;.' fil-mit'atit Vlo.llin lo belivr th,- (.m.Knt i't:i ri:L siiwa in.-iv livm l.y Its -m-rtuiipliom ii prcvitts tl. it. iho II cur... I.i-p it l y yon. and piov yu-iir .! It MM!;, th-'y :.r. fur.h. iior .; liH-t tlultl tit. hi no I.ill fan mnitir fh isxnlaldi CKiiker Ihftt, fiKti-in t on tl.1 vi;:t!4. tt yv'.f hi.' avi-.y. Ail know ti.i- dtt-iil'id '- 01 linu i!in.irdi t. nml th-.-y know tin. the im:o ol irnnly. wt? t tut do nioi.1 In ftwiirs Ihi'iii it still roii.U' Ihe it mil t. W par,' no i el, ii(. CS! ,. t:.l N il lo proiici'e it iht prrfi-ct po.; nnil ihns alt-rd tho.; v.l r.dy on It tin. bent amiI tslu.hour kiil can fiu tii.di lot lluir cui. PREPARED BY DR. J. r. AVER, Practical and Anily tical Chemist, Lowell, Haas. ASD SOLD UY A Jlrniier, Sunhury; Ititd & John, Siiainokin I w Wi. tritt, Aorthunihef !iii!l ; J. t-. Ca!.i.r. .Milloo; ; Xl.iys ,- M-C-rniici;, McEwiiisv.lli: and hy all Drugtg.sts j tl.roiurhottt thi counlf . ! August IN, IriO. ijr THE SALAMANDER SAFES OF riiiLtDn.riti a Ao.tiNST Tiir. roi;si. KVAVri .t WATSON, JVo. 20 Snu'h l'ouiti St., rhiliuhljltin. Have ha. I Iht- surrst iletr. antra, lion III the t illowiilt; L crtllicalce, ?? i'--.'..l si...:. thai llicir lliauiiiiicttoe , 52 r.h.-..;','V-l' nn.i.d I l. ii..o)i fully , itfV5?'r (.-,'"f warranted the rprriitati ni 'ii'lrS ''r '. I ; V "i '"' v'''1"'" l'Vt! hem made ol tin m j ('fli-. -j juXvJilr ,c'iderii.t tin midoul.tcd aicaiity ut'aiiial lac eriihc elcmciil : i'n.LiiKi.en., Artl l-ih iv. Mesars Kl-aus .tc W..i?ou l.cul:ll alind. in the hie-ucai fni,f.icti.ei l ai.ue to yon, n it ovvins l i li;r eery l-foieetive .m ii. of tl.r Kl-..iwikrr .f.-a o hich we par."haa.d ol yon a.tne lew inontlir miicc, we a . I:i'e perl on ol oat Jewclty, ILioka. r.iH-re, Ac, i-i.,. ! soil to t,if cn 'triiitiiona l.rc ni Itaust.ait Place, on tUr ul .'ni- me "f tlie I itti iotil j IV.icn vve ri'Hec. liial .in ... Safe were Ji lied in the i lourtii t.iry of liie huil.ltcu. we occupi. ,1. inal Ihe. : fr.l'inetit'v iuf i a hciip ol leirinu.' luim. wiiere tl.e ( vatit eou.-eiitianon o 'aeut canactl the hra.. (.' i!i a .. i.iell, We c;cmn' rcfiaril o-e pi carnal ion of Ihe v.iacil.le coll. ( teata aa in r Conviucii.g pr.Ki. til ihe great accurily litlor 1 i'e.l oy yoar s .i'ca. I We s'lall I ii.e in jci. pleasure in reenlumi m!ni; ll.em I" men ul Inia.tH as M u fcaic icliauce aanil tire. IjiioMoK Y.riMos Jtae. ! ril.!.DP.rru. Aanl Vi l'G j teears. Veaits A W'uls ii I h.n e lo offer ut le. j liniotiy in f-iv'ol ot tlu' cte.l aecuniv ud'oni.-d lo no . lilnc I sl.wk of leti'dry, In k. papeis .Vc, ihnom Inr recent I di-ia'rou c .ntia-jrali'-a in Itaaalead plnec, litan the lacl , thai ihe a in. e w.-rn r.ntiiucd In lv of tlie Sa-inianil. I raica niHiiuotcturcd iiy yon Hav ittjt liilirn iron, ihe 1.1'ih story of the Artira.i Itinl l iii. wheie they woie prcciou.u umt cx.a-d liti v:ii hrat lor n I n nine, the pr.-eervaiion , ( i,c yHU;il,te dejw a.ta ae. tlitd lo evelyoue who Vvitueaaed Ilia opeuiui; and luteuoi exaniiualiou, u matter til prolound uaton.V meat. 'I'.i all who may ie,piire a penect proteeliini from the ravnp. a of fire I rtlinll not hesuaie to rcci-iuuu-ud ihe uae of onr :ti . sa 1 consider they have now -juih-r.iue tlie moat trying leal. N. K. JIusgix, Prill sttlXPlll. April II, IK'At MeMts F.vaiia ft Y:ila oil l.eiilletuiu No (I. mot you will he deeply statiheil lo learn the r. HMleoadili II In wliiel. I ihiei.y. nil inv nook. p. .hey ol inauraiice, c. rial. -ale of ttlir-k.and other vehiiii.le do ui.iri,ts, when on Frtih.y lasl I o iiied tne aale tnaoe hy c"ur fitiu. Willi my kuowclije ol II. Ulclil cxpoaure, l.oll, o l:e ino-UMly ol the heal fr. in si lint n fiie a a I Nat which de a'lMV..,! the Artiu.u H i 1M11 -, tia nl. ir.on the t'. ree of Ihe fall Ironi n. i ,iiut f'rvaled poniiou in tlie lh:rd story. I could cutcil tin hut alemki m.pea piiorto iu nilerior in. sp.vii.tii. Hint liici-onleata uliieli I once so hu-lily jMiicd WouM e.ei he of nny service lo inc. lull as lieu: I'eais are now hamuli rei.oeei, lice! il only due lo auv lo tou tii.'tl f can henceforth the ue of your SalVfc tit all Ah i uriv wn.ll to feel a confidence in the pet fee! ae euniv winch audi liieai.s provides against ao fri:;litl'ul an e!':ieut. rnwARD C! ah ll.l., ll.H.kl in.ler. P'1-stantlyon hand I'.tmt y Constsn'ly en hand Patent Powder and Tnief Pr.tof a,.,,i-,i ..mi ' I't iti.t.y! vaiii; Wire Works. No. 50 Arch St. between Second A Third, (Oppotite Bread Street.) P H I L A 1) K 1. 1 H I A . Sin's, TlidilUs, Sen ens, W'ortn Wire If all Meshes and Wulihs, wilh ail kinds of plain and Fancy Wire Work. 1 IEAVY Twilled Wire fur Spark Catcher; 'Coal. Sand nnd Gravel Screen; Paper Maker' Wire; Cylinder and Dandy Roll, co vered in ihe beat manner; Wiie and Wire Feu ciug. A very superior article of Heavy Founder' Sieve. All kind of Iron Ore W ire and Sieve. BAYLISS. DARBY A LYNN. Kb NEWlCOKFECTIONAHT. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. C. OEARIIART, IAS just received . new and exeellent assort " inent of goods at hia Confectionary and Fruit Store in MARKBT 8TRKKT, S.mburT, where ho nmmifiictun H ai.d keeps on hand, at all times, the most choice Confectionary, &c., Vh(desalc nnd Retail, at Pliih.dclhia jpr'ires. Among hia BlHk of Coiileclioiiarics, may b. found : Frmrh .rpnti. Biinieil Alm'iwJs, Trunn Wlnln, ItrWf. " Vanilla. Cnmninii Sccieta. Liiiuorii-tt, Oum Drops, sll kiii'Js of stent, ltve )rti-s, Mint I r. !, red and whits, Jelly Cnks, Ftutl Drops. flick ('aiulies, ol all artnt. II.K.k Alinoint Candy, FRUIT. tlsnsnas, Prunes, Ilstes. Fins, ('nrriiMts diirit, Citrons, Alinonili, R si mi. ISuts of all kinds LEMON SYKUl' of n superior quality, by the ainile nr doten. A siifierior iinlity of Secars and Tobsrco, and sriety of ( 'onleetimuiries, fruit. Ac. all of which is oll'ind cheap at wholesale or retuil. ICE C REAM. ITe Ima alio opened an 're Cream Rtloon, and will nt nit times he ready to serve his customers with Ire (.'ream. Sunbuiy, May SI, IR.'iS. ly Tatten's New York WIKEOW SHADE & CURTAIN STORE, '203 Cl.tiluut St., n)ijHiie Jonei' lintel, I'ltll.AUKI.I'lIIA. Window Shades, (iilt Coruireii, Uiilf. W hite anil Hollands, llrm'aieller, Satin de I. sines, Worsted Dnniuaks, Uenlro Tassels, (iinp and I.oope, Curtain Uniids, l.aie and Muslin Curtains, green I'ielnri! Cord, , I', .lent liolh is, 'i.rl.iiii I'iiiH and Triin- ll'Iij-s, 1'iei'e .Miislina. Mole. SiesmlrtMt snd I'bnri li shades or Dra- .i iy, l' uL up ni lliu sh.irieat notire. ( i,ri ni, cut. in. de and put up by the most i- itii :iri i b.iii!.. , r.n i N' i Ntif Vomk Sroaa, il3 Chislnut ri . .Mt'l'i.1.' hi Muiii'ins. :l. i.)6. .1. 1.1. .i Justice of the Peace. IvIOUNX CAXlIvIEX,, 2?ortlm::ibeilaaJ County, Penniylvania. All business pininplly attended to. Monica I'ollei'lid and all ordinary wri'iuas done. Mount Csruifl, June 14, l".!6. ly NOTICE. "VOTICR is hereby given that an application will be made to the nest l.eitislature, of Penim Ivsnia. It.r a Charter iiicirjiratitig a avin llnnk, wiih ilisrounting privileges and iiutlmrily to receive mohies on deposit, wilh a l-apiliil of ON K IIUM)i:r.L J'HOI SA.NU Dttl.l.AliS. to be located at iSunburv, Northum IhtIhiiiI county, and called the "Uikcouut and Deposit lisiik of Sunbury." UF.MtV lnNEL, J. V. nUT.INfS, II. 15. MAStsKR. JOHN COOI'KK, . T. CI.KMKNT, E. WII.VEKT. Sunliury, July 5, 1856 fini I'hhvt jsi:ii ;ui:tMi:. f BtHIS Grease is recommended to Ihe notice of Wagoners. I.iverv eitebl" keepers, Ac. ss being St pt: ii ion to anything of the kind ever 111 tioduci'd. As it does not gum upon the axles is much inure durable, slid is not alfeeled by the weather, remaining the anine in auuimer aa in winter, and put up in tin canisters at JiTlaud t2 c uts, for l.v V Al. A. IJKUNLR. J. tic 21, 18i6. " jJOUT MOXAIES, Tooth and Hair 1) rushes all qualilie, and auv qtiauti y, for sale hv ' WM. A. UULNEK. June SI, '.'-6. AT S. IT. Thompson's Store, In J.ower Aniusta tmnmhip, (it the Junction "J li? 't iiliu'liiiclen tint I'lum vretk rr.rjts. r5tlii; subscriber having n turned from the city -a- with a new and extensive assortment ol fuidiiouahle goods, respectfully call the attention of Fanners, Mechanic and others to the same. Sl'HlXG AND SUM M KK GOODS, cousinti'ig iii part of )vy (loods, viz : ClDths.Caffhnins, C'u.iMiKfj, Jeans, J;i7iig. Muslins, I't siin ft, 'J'ueeJs, ami all kinds uf Spriti and Sununer 'eHr LADIES DilESS AND FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Muslin dt Lnins, Lawns, G'ti'vhams, Hrrugts, Ilubes, H'oiilens, Fltmtitls, $c. ClKKl.KHS Sugsr, Teas, Collie, Rice, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Suit, oVc, &c. to a i l uart-, Xuils, Screws, Files, Saw. Knivrs & Fotks, 4c Queens and Glassware, ol varioiia slvies and patterns. BOOXSANI) SKU333. A large assortment of liouts and Shoes, for men, women and children. Hits Cips, c, of various sire and styles. . Uftiilca a large nu.l general assortment of fashionable goods. Call und examine fur your selves. t"? Country produce ol all kind taken in exchange ul the higl.eet market prices. s. X. THOM.PSOX. Lower AiigtiMa, . mo. t, trl.'tti t'Kl Ktt KlIltA, ldenf Ihe rtrin .11 Stevens, II l.iiuiicd A. (.-.,. j 1. . .irovK. liteof the L'liiou Hotel. NATIONAL HOTEL, (tin: wiiitk i'i, Jlucu Sn eit, iilnn e Ti'iird, rtlll.iKl.lil!A. 'I'lIK above w. il known Kst.iblislimert, have- ing been entirely remodel d. cing ail 'be model 11 imptoveuii nl. and also, newly fnr ttishetl lliroiiglniiii. will l.u upcne.l for the recep tioo of (iueets on the FIHST DAY OF SICPTFMHEll. The proprietors, from their determination to devoie their attention to the comfort of their guests Hotter thcmselve with Ihe conviction that they will be able to give satisfaction to their patron. Carriage will always be in readiness lo eon vey pasn-iiuers to and from Steamboat Landings and Railroad Depots. SIDES J,- MTOVEII, Race Street, above '1 bird. Philadelphia, Augiifl till, INoC ly OTK.'F. is hereby given that application wil' Ina.l.; to the licit l.cislalnre of Pennsylva nia, ut the aession of IH57, for the creation of a corporate body wilh banking and diacouMiiig privileges, to be called the "Su imok i Hak," located al Shaniokiiitown Northumberland Co., Pa., with a capital stock of f 1 50,001), with the privilege of increasing the sstno lo $3U0,0ti0 if necessary. Shamokin, June 14, 1H50. fiin Cancer Cured. JNCKi;s, Turner, Men L'lcera, .Scrofula While Swelling &e., cure l without Surgical operation by Dr. Lauiishsrry. Dr. L' I'ainplilct (2nd, 3d..) on the treatment and cure of Cancer, Tumor, Ac, will bo sent to any address (tree) 011 receipt of a postage atamp OlUcc 1IH, WALM'TSI., Philadelphia. Sept. 0, IH5C Uin QHAIN PL'MPS A small numUr of these excellent pump have beea received and ara ofTciaf for aI by II. B. MASSER. A MARVELLOUS REMEDY! I-OIC A niAUVELLiOlS AOCtt HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. TIIK GRAND KXTKUEAl..RKMTnV. Vty Yho aid uf n ntirntsfotlii.. wr r itdllions i fiiittle itpriiiiicsni the surfiirn of out luaiirs. Thmnali i Uiuss ttiisOtiiiinvut, vt hn ruH'ett on Ihe skin, la enrru'd tit tiny orgitit nr inwnr.l pnrt. Uis-nsrs of the dtsotdrrs of Ihs l.ivrr, ndn lions of lh" limit, Infl iiniiMlton of ihs I.unss, Asthmns, lmKhsnnd Okli, ste hv ils mrAns efts tuully fured. Kvsry hnuae-wifa knows that salt passes fterly tlinttiKll Units or finfiit ol nny thickness. This heal iny Onnmr,it far mora rentlily penrtratrs throtiti any ' ...i.J pi "i ill living ISKiy, curing ins most iluiip-erous inwsid coinplaints, that csnnul be irschwl by oilier ineuns. ERYSIl'lXAS, StLT RHEl'.M AND PCOKBLTIC IIUMUit. No rtmtily tins ever don so nnich for ths ears of dl stansiir tlieSikiu whatever form Itiey may itstumr, ns Una Olnlmrnt. No cM of Hkesui. Mem ry. Sors llnn!i, Scrornla on Kr.etprlse, n-t twf withstand if in fluence. Tltt inventtil tins travelled over m.iiiv pury. of Sl'tlw, visiting His piiin-ipal h.ieiitsla, iliipsniii( this llintiiK'nt, giving advicu us lo its application, and lias thus lieen Iks rr.vsns of rrelonng eoumless tiuaihsrs to healtS. SOstK 1.KC9, SORE BREAST. WOUNDS AND l'l.t-r.H!. !otfie of thp raitst anientiltp lurte u annvr rely Bolef on the use of this woi:,rlol Uiulinenl. whsn liaeina to eope wiih the worst casus ol m-s. wound, ulcers, glan dular s-eilin, suit tutuins. Professor Holloway has. hy romiiiatid of the Allied Governments, divan-hed to tlie tioapioiuinf ths Kast, Inrae shipments of ttuelliiit aient, lithe used utsler the direction of ihs Msilical Stag, in the worst rtttea of wounds. It Will cure nny ulcer alanilular swe'lir.g. stigneiMl or conltsclion of the joints, even of tin years' standing. These and other siinilai distressing cotnnlaiiire can t encrtnally fitrtt if the tlintnient l.c well ru'ill over ihs parts nnVrted suit hv otherwise folio, ing lite printed di lectioi.s around each pot. Roth the Ointment nml 1'ills hnu!J It u'ed in thcftillaii ing canes : Piiuious T.umltngo Sore l.eea fve!ted ftlsnos Itaina Mercurinl Sore Mri-nfta Slid Joints Chapped Flanda Kraptions Sore Meads t'lreis Chilhlnius Piles Sore Thf t Venereal Sores Fistulas Ithenmalistti Sores of ull Wounds nf all Uuut Salt liheuin kinds kitula Skin Diseases Sprains Scalds Sold SI the Mni'.ufiict tries of Profcasor HoLt.fiWAT f1 Maidrn l.itne. New York, and ill Strand. l,nuiloM, hy nil reanerrnhle Drncsists nail llealer in Medicine Itirotich tuit the I titled states, and Ihe civilizatl wtiild, 'u lioju-s, ul ri'i emu. o.t cents, and l each. "W There ia a enusidenilile aiving hy tt.kittg Ihe larger sinc . N. H Directions rtr the eaidance of patients in every Hia-irder nre al?ied In r-ich It -a .March !, le.W Ivea T)l!Tand MADERIA WIN E.", ScbieJam Sclinupp. Wild Cherry brandy, lliackberry and l.sveniler brandies for medicinal purposes at May 31, 5. V'M. A. li RUN EH. Citrate of Magnesia on TASTELESS SALTS. 'THIS preparation is recommended aa an ex eelleni laxalive and purgative. It operates mildly, is entirely free from ntw unpleasant taste resembling lemonade in lUvor, prepared and aold by WM. A. URUXER. Sunbury, June 31, lSoli. VAXUABLEIIOPERTT POaTsALE? T JHE subscribers, Executors of the estate of I Henry Masser, dec'.!., olfur nt private sale the following property vix : A large two story frame dwelling house, togethr with about 50 ACHES OF LAND. Situate in Lower Augusta township adjoining lands of Daniel Kaufman and others now in the occupancy or John K. Kaufman as a store and dwelling. The hnuite is new and l!i location a gootl one for business. Also a TRACT OF LIMESTONE LAND, iu said township on the river about fi miles be low .Sniibu.y. adjoining lamia of .1. T. M'Pheraon and others, containing, ahout 90 acres. Th soil i productive and contains limestone oi.d oilier minerals. Also a tract of Land, containing about U5 icreii on the hill, about two miles below Sunbury, adjoining lands of the heiis of the late John Conrad and oilier. There is, on this tract, a small orchard of choice fruit. j For further particulars apply lo the subscribers. I H.U.MASSKK, ) P. U. M ASSEH, J Kvccutor. FKANCIS UUCHKR. ) Sonbiiry. January 19, 1856. if TKE WEf BSANIIIXSURAiE or LOC K MA vi-;r, v Insure Detached Buibliiiiis, Stores, Merchan dise, Farm Propeity and olber Hl.lld.lia, and their contents at moderate rate'. t il'lTAI. $300,000. C II A 11 T E 11 V E It V E T U A L . Di oas. Hon. John J. Pearc. Hun. G.C. Harvev, John U Hall. T. T. A brains, t barles A. Mayer, I). K. Jackmau, Cbarle Ciiat, W. White, Peter Dickinson, Thomas Kitchen. Hon. G. C. HAKVEV, Pies. T. T. A suaks, Vice Pre. Thus. Kitchen, Sec y. II. CIIAS. UI.MAN, General Agent. R F. F E K E N C E : Samuel H. Lloyd, A. A . W'iiif gardner, L. A. Mackey, A. While, .lames (juiggle, .loin. V. Mayuard, Hon. Simon Cameron, Thus. Hiiwman, D. D. Wm. Vsnderbelt, Win. Fe.iron, Dr. J. S. Crafjrd, A. Updegrsll", James Armstrong, Hon. Wm. ltigltr. W. GRAY. Age. t. Sunbury, lune SI, lH.lfi. fiui NEW VllI-lV.ISrO'EI.IEKrX 1 Fresh Arrival nf' DItUOS, rAlNTS,0ILS, kc. rtMiV, undersigned fiaiing taken the store for L inerly kepi by NVeiser and Hruner, is now ready to till ciders and preecriptions at a mo ment not'ee. He I. as a large and well selected stock of fresh and pure EltUGS, CHEMICALS, Pye-st lid's, nil. Paint, Glass, Putty, and ail kinds of Patent Medicine. Fill." IT AND CONFECTIONARY Tobacco nnd Imported Segar of the choicest brands. Fancy Notions' toilet article, and Per fumery of all kinds. Tooth and Hair Unit-lies of every variety. Cumphine nnd Fluid always on hand. I Customers will Itnd hi stock complete, com prising many article it is impossible here lo enu merate, and all sold at moderate prices. Remember the place, next door to E. Y. 13 right's Mammoth Store. WM. A. BRUNER. Sunbury, May 31, 1856. NOTICE. NOTICK is liercliv given tlmt I liavo ro Cfive.1 the ramphl.'t 'Laws for lo.ift. nnd tlmt they nro rondy for tlistrilnitinn tu tlioso It gul I)' entitli'il to riTeivo tho ftanir. JAMI'S II K A Ull Hrnll.V lrotlinnolitec' illt;.... ) lice. ) lri.")lj. J .Sunbury, July 1, MOUNT CAUMEL HOUSE, MOUNT CARMEL, Xnrthuinbtrlnnd County, Fcnmijh anid. f U'SHlS large and commodious Hotel is situa Il ted nearly hall way between Sunbury and i'ottsville. 'J'ba M'cnciy lha salubrity of the atmosphere and the cool mountain breezes, make il one of the most d. lighilul summer retreata in the country. 'J'he Hold, i a new structure, four storio high, fitted up with all the modem coii veniences. Tho puru mountain water i intro duced into every chamber. The place ia easy of access, being but one and a hall hours ride from iSunlmry, over tho Philadelphia and 61111 bury Kail liuad. From 1'oltsville, it ia 17 mile. Lvery attendance will be paid by the proprie tor to make guest comfortable. Charge mode ''" JKiSSBIUCE. ML Carmel, May 34, 16.'fi tf GOLD PENS with and without cases, of a very superior quality, just received. Also fresh cupply of Writing Fluid, for aala t H. H. MAB6ER. Suaitury, tVa 17, Wfr 1855 Special Express Notice. 1866 HOWARD SC GO'S EXPKESS. HA VINO obtnit ed full express privileges over the CATAVYIS8A. tiUNUURY AND EN IK and WTl.l.IAMSPOR'i' &. EI.MIKA R .ll ,f;0.D8, mt 11a now prepared to forward all ascriptions of Express Goods by Pasaangcr Trains, daily, between Philadelphia and Klinira, connecting al Elmiia with all tlie Wsstsru Ex press Compnnias. All goods for Tamaqna, Summit, Cattawissa, Danville, Milton, YVtlUamsport, Lluiira.and also to Notlhutiiberlan.l and Sunbury and all inter mediate places, Uelivt red the aarna t'ay. Each train in charga of our own ftpecial Messenger. Philadelphia Oflk, 93 Chesnut Street. OlTIce Klmira at United States Express Ollice. April t9, loC ly BOOKS! BOOKS!! Walk this way for Bargains- fKl.XU deal runs of disposing of uiy entire 9 stock of Hooks and Stationery, comprising some SO.ObO Volumes of Law, Medical, Reli gious Scientific, lilank, Musical, School and Miscellaneoua llouks. Also, 100 Reams of letter paper and a lot of "'I paper, alrel pens, wafera, vc. I I will dispose of the whole stock at public Rale sale nt my store, opposite the Court House, j commencing on Monday the Tth day uf April, I $56 at I o'clock, P M., and continuing, every afternoon and evening until the whole atock is aold. WM. McCARTT. Tor .IO.-J. H. McCARTY. Sunbury, March 15. 1856. tf New Wholesale Drug Store. INT- EPENCEH THOMAS No. U6 South, Second Street, Philadelphia. SMrCRTEIl, Manufacturer and Dealer, in llrnoa. 1'kcniir.l. A c.l. 1lv el ii Us, l'aiul, Oils, Colors, White Lead, French and Americun White Zinc, Window Glass, Ghsswnres, VnrnUhwr, Brushes. Instruments, Ground Spices, Whole Spice, and all other ar ticle usually kepi by Druggists, including Uo rni. tudifeo, filue, Shellac, Potash, Ac, IfC. All orders by mail or otherwise promptly attended to. Country Merchant are invited to cull and ei amine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. GooiKsent to any of the Wharveaor KailroaJ stations. I 'rices low and goods warranted. March 8, ly JOHNSONJ& BROTHER I CABINET MAKERS, No. ?4 North Second Street, firat door above ! Christ Chinch, Philadelphia. j JJKRSONtt in want of Bureaus, Tables, Sofas, Chans, Bedsteads, and every varietv ot I household furniture, would do well to call, aa i those articles are made up in the best sly lea and sold at the lowest prices. . April Vi, lH.r)t ly ' IIIE subscriber respectfully in'orma the eiti i 1- z.'iis nf Sunbury and the public generally, i that be ha commenced the manufacture uf atl i kinds of j K A UT I IK N" W A R E , i at his manufactory in Whortleberry Street, one I square east of the Kiver. H haa engaged Ihe : srrvicea of Mr. Hike, and you can therefore ! depend on hsiing a good article. The public are respectfully ioviled to call. All orders from a distance will b promptly ' attended U. 1 P. M.SHINDEL. Sunbury, Fb. 3, 1?.'G. tf J03EPH A. NEEDLE3, sivi'rirTisna or WIRE, SILK A HAIR-CLOTH SIEVE. Coarse, medium and fine in mesh ; large, middle size and small in diameter. .llet nlllc loUm nr Hi feti Wire, Of the best qualities, various sire of mesh, from No. I to HO inclusive, and from on to sn feet in width. Tbry are numbered o many apace to a lin al inch, and cut c suit. The sill scrilier also keeps cor stantly on hand SCREENS, For Coal. Sind, tire. Lime, Grain, Gravel, Guano, Sun a . Sonar, Sslt, l.'one, Coffee. Spice, Drugs. Lye S nfls. Ac. Toifflher wilh an as sortment nf bright and annealed Iron Wire. All of the above sold wholesale nr retail, by J. A. NKEDLES, 54 North Front St., Philadelphia. M-y 31. 1U.-.C WHITE HORSE HOTEL. POITsVILLE, PA. IIIE snbsciiber respectfully announce to his A old frieii.! and the public, that he haa taken that old and weli known establishment, ths Yv hite LTorao llotel. At the comer of Centre and Mshantogo sis., in the Borough of Pottsville. The house has re cently been very much enlarged and otherwise improved, rendering it quite as comfortable as any other J I nit I in Schuylkill county while the stables are large, in good condition, and at tend by careful, attentive, prudent hostlers. To travellers and other who may stop at his house, he promises every attention calculated to render them comfortable and satisfied. JOS. M. FKGER. Ajril 5, IS-.' .- If SUNBURY, PA rillfE subscriber respectfully informs the public L that she still continue to keep Ihe above named public house. She has also received a new supply of good liquors und wines, and trust that she will be able to give satisfaction to all who may visit her house. MARIA THOMPSON Sunbury May 31. 1856. if. J. STEWART DEPUY & SONS, Importers and Dealers in Carpetings Mummic Hall, Chestnut St., below Kiyhth, V1TOLT.I) respectfully invite you to call and ' examine their large and well selected stock of Carpets, Oil Cloths, Cocoa and Canton Mat tings, Druggets, Hearth Rugs, Door Mats. Ac, which they will sell to the trade at eucli prices as wi.l make it desirable for those who wish to pur chase, lo call and examine their sunk, before purchasing elsewhere. I'hiladcl) hia, April 13, ia."ifi. ly fishing Tackle. Red Cork, Crass. Cot-- ion and Linen Lines, Out Lines, riea Oras by the yard, JS'iioo.!, Flies, Kirby, Limerick and Carbide Hooks,, &.;., for sale bv May 3 1 . 'ftO. WM. A. URL'NER. KORTIIUMDERLAND, l'A. C. S. BROWN, Propriotor. NorJh'd, June 7, 18A6. 6m. GEORGE SCHALL & CO. Mill Hl't'lRtR or BLASTING POWDER, Ml. Carnul, AurthumUrland County, Fa. May 10, 'pobaOCO and Segars 30,00U Imported -A tiegur of various brand. Eldorado, Fig, Cavendish anJ Hue cut tobacco at WM. A. UnrNER'S. Uiinbury, May SI, 1856, "WAITED. Onfin LABORERS on lha Una of the Union JUJ Canal Wage $ 12 Cash. Ap-p-y to KOCK AFELLOW; KLTP A CO. WlJ, 3. tRediroj P. TO COAL DEALERS. AMMEHMAK, ZUERN St WEITZEL OE8PFCTFUI.LY inform tha public that they have leased the new colliery, called th Lambert colliery, and ara ready to deliver coal of superior quality, and of a variety of aizc prepa red on their new coal cresker. All order prompt attended to by addressing the firm, either at Sunbury or Shamokin. Sunbury, June 30, 1865. Photography ! Daguerreotypes I ! A NEW ERA IN ART I J. R McCLEES, I Successor to McClcesfr Germon,) "IVTOULD call the alteninn of the public, not ' 0(1y t0 it,e auperiority of the Daguerreo types, the Hyalograph, (by aome called Ambro lype,) and Ihe various style of Photography on paper) hut to the fact, that parties at a distance possessing a small daguerreotyie, may, hv send ing it to No. lfiO Chestnut at., have made from it by the means of Photography, and the talent of the best Artists, a portrait ol ait si it, from a small Loeket lo the full aize of life. A mall book containing description, prices, Ac, ckc, will be sent gratia to any person ma king the request. McCLEES' Philadelphia Photograph Establishment, No. 160 Chestnut at., below 7th Thila., July 31, 1855. tf. THE ITNIVERSITYSFAMILT KEMEDIES, IWITED under the Sent, Sanction and Authority of Ihe t'niveraity nf KKKK MKUIC1NK sud poplur kiuiw leilce, Chattered hy the Slate t.f Pennsylvania, April 'all, ISIS, wnhn Cnnital ol (HKi.KSI. niaiulv lor the imriiose of arresting the evils of JSputious and worthless iSoatnnns; I Aiao tor nuppiyiiis; tne i:onimuiuly will, rename Kerne dies wherever n Competent t'liysiciull ennnot ot will not be employed. This Institution has purchased from llr JoUM K. Rowsau, his Celehruted Botvnml's Tonic Itllxture, Known for upwurils .if Iwenty-hve years ns the only stirs and safe cure for FKVKR nud At IT., Ac, and hiti iues lini .hle Reinedy for HI IWKI.CIIM PLAINTS. Itownnd's Conipotiuil Syrup or Hlncklicrry Root, whieli highly ap. proved and popular Remedies, together with The I'nivervity's Remedy for t'lintplainls nf Ihe l.uns; The I'niversily's Remedy fur Dyspepaiaur ItMlitreslion ; The "L'uiversuy's Kemeily forCoanve-HoM'els; Alao, the t'im'ersity'a Al'msitnc maybe he hud, at the Branch lispeuiury,or !$ture of WILLIAM Ori'PIV, Nov. 3, iV,S. Mahanoe 1'. O. CHEAP BOOK3 & STATIONERY. "TJEKRY A ERETY. invite the attention of 4 merchants and others to their large stock of elegantly bound Bibles, Hymn Books, Prayer Books, Albums, and Presentation Books in alt itylej of binding; Standard Theologicai, Medical, Miscellaneous nnd School Books, which they have received from Trade Sale and are selling nt extremely low prices. Also direct from the manufacturers nnd Im porters, even-kind of Plain nnd Fancy Writing, Letter and Note Papers. Envelopes, Gold and Steel Pens, Pencils, Inkstands, Wrapping Pa pers, Ac, &c, at the lowest cash prices. PKRRV & KRKTY. 8. W. Corner, 4th and Race Sts. Philadelphia. September 23, 185S. tf Fashionable Hata and Caps. ASHBY & ROCAP, i'o. 13C Market St., PHILADELPHIA. INFORM their friends and the public generally, that they continue to keep at their old atand, a large and extensive assortment of hats, caps, Ac, got up of the best material and in the lates) and best style of workmanship and finish. Country merchants and others will do well to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. Phila., Nov 10, 1U55. tf. NEW MASONIC HALL, riiii.ADi'i.rniA. AGKNTS W'ANTKD in every town and county in the I'liued Stales, to sell tlis beautiful picture of ths GRAND L0DGK ROOM. In the Ntw Mvomc Halt., I'lnhid-flphm. This Ptaftf ia fllpiir veiy in.-ii!-, rind eiit-iu the uiliniratioii l' nit. f. t the cifr-f'Niti(Wi it ml O'liry with whioii tlir Stati-ahy, Fki-km l)t ilo ami Flrmtcri lire rtprfMi-iiiiil, itiiil the arnslic U'liuiy mid li;intiii)y uf the clir. ol I'hlo, X Price J (to. II lie Writ ;tn(J I'uiure Dtvilrrk wiiliinjr t titkf? nem Ciei for it, will iiluie addicn, t'-r fuithrr inf-Tmaiis ri. JiO?i:NTHAIs, I.ithi 'grai'lier, rtuUdelutua. Ocl'.l.ff 27, lS tf GREAT MASONIC HALL. Til!-- I.-MH.r.-ST PIAC I'ORTK. MF.I.ODKON AND ML'SIO s!' KK J.N LWI TKU tTKi, Vi!l l;e npeupcl (lct'htr in the Ma(J(mc Ut'M.niN, Cheiiuit H'rr-r,:ili.ive Seventh, Phil;tlel(liiii. ltyJOHN SrAHSIJ. thr Stlu Airnt fr!nrtn. fir.i) Cf.'s t-Hciirnt-'d U"lce Ciinpinioi Attsclunt'iit 1'i.Hio Fottr-s, iitid C V. Fiak ft Co' Premium Mel.i-lni-s. Alio, Pi-inn F"trB mid MliMlfiii i( tiilirr dis tiiiKijiMicit iiiak-r-m. J..M. tun ottiiiiifd it Irime t'r sfvfal vo.irs ni the new, mijriifi-t:it mid wrll ktinwn MiHti-ii-r I!ui!iliinx, wh' Tt Im intfiitU kenin-c the la'tst Mock nnd tiK-nrlirif'iit 't Pnno KitrteK, M-rlinlfnM.'i, Muic, nnd .Mu- ifdl lintiuififiitii if eveiy dewription. till ol' which nre r irefullv t-iect-fd hy litmt !f, nnd warranted to give per fcot fcitirnction in everv UHtMiice. Ocfoher aTth. tf THOMAS 3PAMEli co i .11 1 msi 01 anifiAT, No. 35 North WharvM, Pliilailplphia. here Ihe following goods are received and sold on commission : Dried Apples, .Peaches, Tlums, rears, Cher jies.clireen Applss in Uurrels or by the bushel Heans, Sweet Totatoe, Lemons, I'eas, Shell' arks, liaisins. Cranberries, Chestnut, Fics, Onions, Oround Nut, l'rune, Mercer Potatoes, Oranges, (.rapes, Poultry, Eggs, Duller, Cheese. And all kinds uf Foreign and Domestic Pro duce. April 12, 1856. ly msiracTihKRs or TRUNKS, VALISES, &C, 110 Chesnut Street, front of Jones' Hotel, PHILA DELPHIA. HAS on hand the cheapest, and best assortment of TRUNKS & CARPET BAGS, EVER OFFERED TO THE Pl'BLIC. Sole Leather, Solid Riveted, Iron Frame, Iron Hound Travellidg Trunks; Packing do. Valises; Ladies' lionnet Cases; Carpet Bags, fSatclicls, ckc, by the quantity or single article, lower than can lie bought at any other place in the city. July 5, ISSt! JAMES F. CALEItEATH'S I.ADIKS FAN. Y SHOE STORE, Vo. 5'J .orth Eiijhth Street, Ahoie Arch, liast side. PHILADELPHIA, I.adiea from the country, can have shoe made to order in Ihe very 1-est atyle and workmanship on a few day notice. An excellent assortment to select from, alwaya on band. May 10, 1866. It YDROLEL'M PAINTS. These paintsare A miied with water, thereby saving the cost of oil, for aale by May ol, '56. WM. A. BRPNER. FURNITURE POLISH. U. RAE'S Premium Patent Enamel Furniture Polish. This polish is highly valuable for restor, ing the polish on all kinds of Furniture, Glass, Carriage Bodies. Hair Clolh, Ac. Alao, fur re moving apola, hiding scratches, Ac, &c. War ranted to dry immediately and retain it go. j Price SO ct. per bottle. Sold hv WM. A. BRUNER. June 31, 18.SC. "IlTull Paper a plendid lot just receiveJ " and for alo by I. W. TENER & CO. Bunhury, June 21, 18,-)6. NOTIQB. A LI. penon having elaima unsettled, against Bowen Marti & Master, or Bowen Ar Mas. ser, will please bund them to the uhscrilter J. B. MA8dER. FVnTlVry, 6yt. t7, IVSo". tC Shamokin WhittAth Anthracitn C'oaL 1-rom tht "Old Win" in tUGapVvUiery. H. ZIMMERMAN A JNO. P. PI VsT.1 ' cees-M)rs to Kase, Reed A Co., wil. rn'I liuue mining, hippi,1)r ,n,i ,r,ling ronl f,( n, ,,r above well known Colliery. ,Vr tl,r firm f Zimmerman A P,,,.,,. r, , is at the lower wharf i an1mv, ynnhl land county, Pa., where , otlVrg rr rf' r k.ndaof coal, m, Lnmp, B,,. r , and Chestnut Coat will ,e ihankfellJ'Vj and promptly attended r. 7 rereive.i Sunbury, July 14, IS55, L.iS. no nrm oi nnse, Keed C. f atrnrr ,,!t Pursel, would tafc. great plea-nre in ng out ; watomw. and other. M rtie f m . :!::tlq::I5:,o,,c,, KAPE, T.T.T.j) iC'o. SAM ULL sTfeWeR S 0x7" rri):n ). LAMPS, LAXn-RKS, CirANDEtlFB AS'D CAXDT-I.nn.lS, A'o. 152 S. 2d Street, ohm-e Snruce PH ILA DELPHI 4. 1 ' on.X-TruZXnT l"r8" 8' fttrnisliPin" O I cn '?' ",,w ld , I.inndf)ill"m,-, .7il'T ,!,,;"i,,B K,"U Glass Lamp, "y , C 21"? f "'! ' n,,,T"--over auction priS '"f '' Dealer of ,Z oil, Isr ZTv Vi winch will 'Ite f,,rni,be.l .f. A vnl"! lirirc. ll,. . . '" tin s III M .'II ritltarrp ',, j. oimi, IllltKr in i (,' ..... ""p! V I'T !0,V''', mnrUi I'""'-' nre of nil ,l H "I- "nri tun, urt. 14, 1854. BOYD, ROSSER & CO.. "isaHsasusiiiM.Ri,,,,,, IU5 Vd!) 3nt!)varitc e;on. From the Inke Fidlrr Coilierv Addre.-Boyd, Rosser A Co. S,,, r.,, r Sunbury, April 7. 1SS-W r'K,,,,':"- IJARDWARn -Table C,,,, :,. ,.;,., et Knives, Hand saws' i. i .urv Pec. 2. Ig.v, " ' 1 , HAYDOCK &FIDDLEB, JEALERS in Watcbe. n,i t ,' , riencP Im.l. . .1" . "Tu ie 1 1 .. . .. '" "nve "ad ve had in il.o 1 II'. unit U1B laci lltra II... - "-,.., . , ,. , i iiiiura 1 v u th unv otber hand a f,0 assortment of ' ""v "' 't inecirv. 1 on WATJ.-HKS, CLOCKS jnvn -v llver. 1'lnln.t .... -.Ri,l,hbl.l,V Fancy fioods, &e.. Ac ' greatest care '"' "J ' 1'l.ila., April 7, IS.15 if. -- Jr.. jri. OT vVOj WHOLLEA3.:. BOOT hillOK oVTKI.M; v. a '.t.iC,i;' . i"l Arch Sir Uetwcen 'l'hird cV rin, near C111011 Hotel, rib Philadelphia. Carpet Bag, ,- v.l(.,.s ( f (j t'HA KLhN I . 1 KiJUKKI . vi, Philadelphia. .I,,,,. -.' is;,, . WAU' P-PL'I! A U,, assortment f Wail 't,.r. , per, and OH bhades, rrJ,ri, ., Munbury, May 2fi. H.i'i -( IM.. Ill- lvl .V I r AND WARRANT.-The Ticn- U ,K I,,,. r I .l t . . ' ' crib,. v , .' . """ NK Buurcau' c.lcl.r.a. .1 i,,fco "aZ"r7 gre ink fur ale. uliol .y.u .... 1 . .... n .... . . ' -"" "" 'o oonturr IK.'tll M It V tw'i.i; l. ! , e"'. IV'-J''r". '' Hi-.:.- I - . ket. Children Wagons, and Vanke. ust recened and for sale bv ""v fai' "2'r'' ' w- ATTORNEY AT LAW fSCNUI IlV. PA., ' Aided by ome eight years cp-nct,,-, j,, ,p all mailer appertain,,,, t r i,r i , 'ie , his prnte..,,,,,,. (),n,.e wil, c;,,, . ,; Esip, Market street. ctuubiiry fSept. 5 IM.',-,,f SPECTACLES In Gold, Silver, and Elastic Steel i ra-iie. MATHEMATICAL I,, , ;'"'!" "'.. 11"' ler, of iies, Spy (.lassea ul every deM-ript,,,,,, i' point. f, i Lightning dSi A,.1!lic .allt,.riia , scriptural, astronomical and l, 1( tr, ... Maroscope. and Micro.copic objects ti .iwn.i,: Battene. Electrical Machines. isrveyr, Co.iv pase, -surveying fliait. Ac. Ae. McAllister & broth kk. ... ( in 1 !!. I J4 Chestnut Street Philadelphia. Our Priced and Illustrated Catalogue (s4 with ISO illustration, furnished o", a Tl, ? ami sent ,y u;a:' of charge. Phila. Sept. V, Ifio IgftUOTtf, sh,.. Hats, CiTan.i Cum HioeT, Uif just received and lor sale bv I'll. tSS't. tknki; dt:., COLLINS & M'CLEESTER S TYPE FOUNDRY and Printers Furnishing: Warehouse. -Vo. 1 lodijt Alley, lack of new Masonic Hall, Philadelphia. Phila., Jan. IS. lhSS. IJKOWN'H and Hrciniu'' Essence uf Ginger, and Husband' Magnesia al May a I, '5b. 11 H L'. I'.li'S. ilENRY D0XXEL, ATTOIINUV XlT 7jAV7. Ojftce opposite the Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland CotUity Pa. Pmmpt attention to buMuess iu adjoining "otinlie. E-A.O-X.33 HOTEL, Ol'I'OWTK WKST lilt. Wl'll IUNK, WILLIAMSPOilT, l'A., It II. I.I II. II IV. I'roiM i. tor, C. A. Sraisi, Wssisisnt N. B. ri Omuiliiis will run lo and fr.-jo tl.e Pepol and Packet Lauding, la this Iloiri, free of rhirge. h.'jWyi'n IP,