Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, December 27, 1856, Image 3

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Tim best plnce to get them in it
(1 R E T O IF T I) O O K S A I. E.
Pine Void Jacelry given away to Purchaner
of JJnokn.
All Book will In' sold as low ni ran lie had
at oi)fr Mores, many of litem for less Km
joukit received daily. A (Jill varying in value
from 25 ceils In H 100, given Willi eachll'Ook al
llip 111)1" it is sold. Having on hand a very
larue slock nl new and valuable Hooks, and aa
nut mono i "l.arse sales and small gaina limn
can he hod cbcwheie. Any I ook published in
Nov York or Philadelphia will he promptly sent
gilt iricliulrd. mi receipt of publisher's price.
Catalogues of Hunks anil Presents, containing
full ex; Imialiuns will lie sent free to all parta oi
the country. 1
The inoHt liberal inducements are offered to
Agents. Any priroii by tending ua an orilcr ror
ttii honks, Willi nionrv inclosed, will 0e entitled
to an cilra I'ouk end Gill,
A II ori'.i rs for hooks, conlniiiing money, (to
PirratiTp ppili'ct pnl'ely,) should lie registered 1
ttic Post Olhce white they are muilcil, and direc
teJ to A Co., 4t.U Broadway, New York.
Relcicnce. M . Tl.cniaa A Sons., South 4lh
slrri t, Philadelphia t J. U. Lippincnlt A Co.,
Philadelphia ; 1). Applrtnn At Co, Broadway,
Ai-w v,irki Derby o Jjckaon, Nassau street,
New Ymk.
Prinripil -Store 400 Broadway, New York.
Branch Store nt Philadelphia nnd at Washing
ton, II. O.
Derciiibcr 20, 13.'6 r.'lm A
ALTS P. &WrLLirT01T,
Wlllll ILKA 1.8 Dl.AI.ILlS IX
FcirrlrtM, ftotirrisllc and Fancy
Au. 112 South Pi out Stmt, Mow Walnut
FTIN12 o'd Biandtci, ine. pure Rye, Rour
Ion iiinl .Moiiaurahciu Vt hiskey, .uglily ini"
1'icvf'd dv ngc: n'lii'.iiiitly on linnd and lor sale
us eho,;c.
-"' Notes of the Lancaster Dunk received
fur l.tipnn nt pur.
December SO, IMC 2in
CcsmopoMtnn Art Associotion
F'tr Mr. j'htt J Vitirt
SKI-; TIW H l.DL'(;i.,Ml.:T: The nvmrit-
Ilirn: iniV' l:i -H.MMHV -I It Hi' II liflrtjt mitt t uu c iinriiuti
t H I'l'iR t At' itt H'-'r-:! for I'lVri'llitKMI Utli-rtlf' Ibe Bull
(MTiIk-is, Ii mini.' art. ft-reivi'd feviuii tu the sfrXth
nt .( if v , l-.;rt is H.iu-ii iiiit-i ;tn. iikhc coBilv Itimi on
itnv -1 mk vi-.-ir. Am -i. ; Uuit-nu works in r'ctilp
luic f.u iiir.i ii ii.': ui.i-m MarMc it the new uud beau
tiiiit c..iiut; !-i ;f;t
V )( NY M P
T:it titii'ts i'f" lii'- Tii r ft Orcni Atucricfl.i PlntftKmen,
CI. i Y , Wl.l:t-1 l-.H A- CAI.IHJV.N. in iliu rxjui
iliv liVul Hint, Sl'ltl.G .'
Wi..i.o AM. DIANA, in Mrfililt ,t(c nizc. tiETtlief
-,v ii tic-f..i .viiu Urt -ii;: mill Suit i' 4 in C'uirara Alur
l.'l, lilt!
S. i-i'i'1 "i- ill- lli.'irt, I'hii:. niul A-ple; I'syclc; Mag
ti;t(n; ( in1. 1 't,ii'cit ; inn iit Ii1 Tiitunt f With 1111
mcr":is wuik in (In ... niut 11 (MlUt'tion !' acvaral
lu :vreti ll.K(MI. 1'AI Ti Mi?, Iy It-mliiif Artists.
J' - iv '1 If "t i.ici: iiic ii lir ihitnliutt-d ur ullottH
iiiritin'4 ii,t- inl'H-iil.-.rd v l -Ftr nuimff utv reccivctl reviuiil
tu i: rv-i:!.!rni or jancarv, 1S57,
v!jom llv; liib'nli.iti '!i w'! . p'iire.
Tr.l..M 'r t!t ItlPTtnN.
Kv'.iv t.i'..-- .ii -.r i t Ti : lii'llurn it emitted t6
r , .1 Hi-: tj i'-ii. itii :rt i:i-t;rii in, "Situnlay
, : 1 ' fi .1 i; a . - f tin- r-lt-iwiin Mhiziih
tip - viiii ; - ,t i . iiic Art J-'Unisil ntiti eur, Oixl
4 1 I im il"- t.-!. Ittui-'i! , 1 W . ik t Art.
'1 .i..- I r i'rr I .. i . (- il.tin ;iil, pcrs U H'jt t'lilf
i;i-li . 1 ...::him i:mr I if.' 1 r M:ip:ziti: "tie r, hut
: - ' (I'M t s - ii Ait ni t ur, nnd u Tk ket 111
1- A 1'. (Ill Jj'si 'Mi'i' 1 .1 , iti;,l.ii . t-ui it i id Willll'lr
1 Hi: ii.ti. i I i,t'K't. h which n valuable
p ipiUi.j c ,-iT'ir 'i : t.t luA , he rwrtved 111 ndilriij.
TiMtn w , ; .!:(-.: tit the l-iiiuiiiviit Situr-
''ri , . ... .1." . mii 1 is:. .-. 1 1' 1 he ( ilUtu'iiifr t'ti yt-nr :
ii ... , .; ,.!K. . iitU 'i l.n ly sit k I iitrt-l Sintet
.i 1.;:.: 11:'. I.iir.-.ri i c'.n 1J .it-iiiie, iiridtiiin ia M;f,;im,
I 1 1. ,il.i i.iu . iiKutii l.ileiary .vi tstncr.
. m is r.;;.;r'i':i d tu n ritifle liue. Th"n- lukiiu;
lit l" ;u''!?iiicisli.n. rl.i. :iu- -i tiTlfd ft six l'nrnviiici. nml
I'm tn-:t-iH n i;. tlifcirii.initi.., .r utiy live "l" llie'.Mugn
Z.ut 8. mil' u r aii'l kw ii V t
'-i .) 1.1 iif.iiirirr It t metnl-ert-liip. wi'l plenw
Iir mrr tin- i it il.i" I- i-l ciViff, tu (.revrnt Isb ; on
it-i.'i,.' 1 1 iiti.i. u l ili(K-;i'i' of MiuiV'tbip, tiqi-itier
'Ul tlic I'.tjrti ti, ,- cr ilnc itciiri-(l, Will txj firwiifd
rd t ,imv ii;nt i-l" ilie ruiiiry.
I'- r I' ntli 'i i-;t!iii-', !:-. the Novendivr Art Journal,
-iit tin ''Min.
I'.ir ,ii.-.i-i--;: ,.. 'nMn-'ii C 1,. DI'.ItrtY. Acrmrv V A. A
.il- irr..:t.:-.v;, . .v Y-mU. rr NYtftii Oilicc. iGti VYutcr
U I : A 1 : U, Honorary :
iiu!urv P.
!.. a.i,t-jii
P.-v!r:pccni3 i r 1557.
y.'.ooi'.-; '.' A:ir;nst 4lh. 1H21.
f "HK I'r.'dishiTS of this old nliil firmly
r tn'io vh'iisure iu cullinif
t'ii ill tin I ion
!' tho pubiiij tu their pro-
j-s :.: fur l he ;-iii!iiiiL' y tar. Surfeiti d with
polni 'L". ihe claims of literature will be Hioro
: U ..u rv.'i- .ipr: -i-ciatcd by the reading world.
We h io aiieaily in-.ile iii-nincpxients with
tl-.i' fe'lowin'.' Inieiiim 1 i nt' writers:
V. i'. Ilo-.'.in.' linuland.) Alice Cary,
'! . S. Aith':r. Mis Soul httorlh. Augustine
D'Uaiuii.'. Mrs. M. A. lh-nison, tho uuthor of
il ib." .Ve.
i!: si'.T. (nnii!.nif;i'f,1 in the first number
in .lamiaiy m-., tho following ongitiul
Noclel :
'J'.il.'i iiin 'in. i , ii- Squatter Home.
!y William I ! o'A ill. iialhnr of -Unriil Life
ii) I. '!;! .ilnl," "IJolias i t the I'of'tf," ic.
Tins is a hu iv of A ust luliiiri Life, Mr.
HiiWill l.nXinj; viri!ed A'islialia expressly
w.tii tiie ot.ji it of lu-nuaiiilLi.f himself with
the novel nnd romantic ti-pccu under which
nature an ' soi icly pn si nt lUeuisi.iye ill that
t.n .'mI ir n gio'i.
Tlie fullow ins Novelets will then be given,
thonyli pivbal ly not iu the exact order here
inentioiie.l :
'J l.i .liiry nf A l.'uuntry Girl,
Lv A Cary. An original Novelet,
written t .-.pi'.'sriy lor the i ost.
The With' rul .'curt.
Alt original Novelet, vaitti-n expressly for
the 111, by T S. Arthur.
l.iiltthmise 1J nml.
An original Novelet, by the' author of "My
Coiiiosbion," '-Zilt.ih, or the child Medium, Ac.
'The tluiiLti.i l'roteijc.
An original Xovelet, by Mis. Mary A. Peni
.son, uull.or uf "Mark, the Sexton," kt.
The Paid a) Jiiirtjuudy.
A tale of tho Swiss Cantons. An original
Noveb t, by Augustine liuguiuie, author of
The Lust "of the Vi'illness," ie.
We havd also li.c in.u;ise of a short ud
.mt:!(t. Iiy 'fin. Siuthicorth,
to run through about six or eight numbers
Of 111!' Post.
Iff.-' In addition to tlio above list of con
tributions wo design continuing lliu usual
tiiiioiiiit of foreign h fleis, ojigiuul ski.tches,
choice selections Iioiii nil suai'ues, ugricultur
al uilicle.s, general ne, huinorous unec
ilotes, t iew ol tl.e piodueo uud stock niar
kels, tho I'hihidi ipliia retail markets, bank
li. H i list, ed. loi -iah-, ie., Ac , our objuct being
to give u t'uniih'te Itecoid, us lar us our
limns w II liilmit "I the Creat World.
LNCI'AYl.NijS. In tho uy of l'.ngra
viugs, we generally p:eselit two weekly one
o.l mi nifliueli'.e, urn! li.c older of u humor
ous eliLii j'ler.
The postiigo on tho l'ost to any part of tlie
t." ni : .-il State-, iju u lerly or yearly iu
udv inee. at tiie oil.. .: v,ln ie. il was received,
is ylily -0 tenls a year.
Cash in uilv.inee S,nbi copy
4 coii ,'K. nod olio to lilt) getler up
S2 a year.
or lLo ciub, 55,00 "
8 " ' ' 10.110 "
13 " " 15.00 "
'JO " " " U,0U "
Address, ulwuva post paid,
No. Oti South 3d Street,
SAMPLE NUMnLIlS teut gratis
to miy one when requeatcd,
IeC. 'JO, Io'jC it
Estate of rnlhnrtne SilvcrTood,
7VTOTTCE ii lierohv irireii to all peisona In
terpHU'd thnt tlie nntlernigiiod nppnintftl
Autliinr. to iliMribitto the assets in tlx IiumiIb
f Willinin V. Silverwood, AOmiiiislrtitor ff
Cutnnrine Silvprwoou, (kcM,. nrcoruiny to
law, will nttctul to Hie tin tics of his npponit
mcnl nt his o flice iti tlio horonji'i orSttnburVi
on r ridny inn 2d any or Jatioury next, at 1U
o chick, A.M.
Pec. 13,1856. 8t Auditor.
VNNOl'NCKSto tlieciiixen ofKunliury and
vicintv, Unit lie hnaopencd an nlliceiii fun
Iniry, aliove II, J. W'lilvcrton'a oflice oppsailu C.
Weavpr'a Hotel, wbere lie i prepnred to attend
to nil kinds of work Iwlnnging to tlie pri.fesnion,
in tlie latest nnd most improved style. All work
well done and warranted.
Uecemlier 13, I M.r0.
Kotlco to IIililKe ll'.illdcra.
CM li
KALKD Proposals will bo receiver! by
tlio nndersipr.od on Tn -hdnv, tlifi 30th
mst , bitwi en the hours or 1(1 a. m. nnd 3 r.M.
of suit day. nt the Commissii'iici's (illice in
Ilia boroiiLh of Sunlinrv, Nottluiiiiberlnnil
ronnty, for building a btidgo ncrofs Snow
Creek, nit the 1 nlpchocken road lr-nilinr to
wards Klineerstown, a short dihtance from
KIiikIi'I's tavrniMund in Jordan tr.wn.-hip in
said county, .Specifications will lie exhibited
on the day of letting. I'mimi- !i:nn,
Cham. IIotti.xstink,
1'iiKDKiiii k Haas.
Commissioner's office. ) Cominissioiiers
!?unhuiy, Dec. 10, InIC. J
pAIX rUMTS.. A small number of these
excellent liumps have Iwen received and are
oflerM for sale by
II. It. MASS Ell.
Sunnnrv, June 4,
Tor Noi'thiimberlatii Count v. for tho Jan
uary Term, A. 1). lbo7.
Suuhuni Henry 12 Martin, Jno (J Youac,
J. M. Hostian.
AnilliiiiiilitrlaiirlM I) I'rifslley,
Jklinrare John Mc Kinney,
J.eui.i l'liilp iuip jr. John rtinder, Si
mon Cameron, Jacob Wortnian, Chus Hchall,
D. II. Dreisbach, Samuel (jray.
Lower Auyuxln John Sterner, John Sley.
crs, C!eo. Keyser,
Hush Jacob M illheini.
Cunl Beiij. McCIow, Satnuul Harrison,
I'hilip Stuuibach.
Jncksnn Nicholas IViunhcDor,
J'iriliin Isaac lloim, Duiiiel Swartz,
Lover Mukanoy Isuac Shallcr,
id rbv Jienj. lit ui hurt.
Suuhury Henry S (iobin. John Speete,
I'hilip Clark. Win" A Bniner, 8 li Sickt l
Xtirtliumlierlaud John A Taylor, iS. 15.
Smith. Joseph Unshori', Joa. Mailin.
Mtltmi S. T. 15rown,
JJt Itiuaie -Charles llagcnbuch, John
7.nn'.i fieorgp Slahl, Geo. WyUoff,
Ciilis'pmijKe V in. 1 err,
J'nint Ada ni Yamllinir.
L')xr A a at a J. II Adams, William
L Kuiil li V in. Kremer, Jeremiah Cooper, J,
J I liiL.m),
J.ixrt r Ati'iista J. Fiifludd, (ieo. Savide
Hush U Diitz, Anthony Hull, John De
sha.v, SliamoUn Jesse Kocd, Robert McWi!
lidins, S. Campbell,
( 'mil Win Snyder,
Jiu-lmm John ' lClocli, J Wolf,
Cameron J II Huupl,
Jordan J Daniel,
Vpiicr Muhurwi J. II Adams. Charles
! Slej-il
II usiungtnn J Ri ll., 15 I reon,
Lur jluianoy John Dockcy, sen. John
J.illle MainnayS llmiLclb.'i'gir, J. Hen
syl. Jacob linker,
.ahcVi L Herb, D Uecklcy,
Ml Carmd Thomas Shall, Win Moore.
Sunhun J. Rome, J Weiser. Mar
Uncher, Lazartis.
tin E
Kurthumherland (J. 1 Tuggert, II Rennin
ger, J Siiiiner,
Milton A l.ngnn,
Turhut John HuiTman, J Ilartmnn,
Delaware. J. 1. .diuibl long Clilitlian
Oush, V Carver,
Leu-it II Menges.
t.Vi il it-quay ur. T I 'urdo,
l'int J liulick
L'jijier Aufjmta II. Robins,
Lower Auiustn P. Mallick, Win Hewitt,
iVm rurmuii Samuel ijthriugcr, James Leit
zel, A'ii Ktejih Hnrsh, ,llex. Caaiphell, P.
Huh. A fiultck. J. llasfet,
Shumokia P. llcitliai uiel, 121 ida John,
Cumtrim C IS l!oer,
irij7iiigfji Goul'iied Kebock, L T Prjrn
helhr, Lower Mtihaintjl. Wolf, P ISorrel, J.
Little Mananuy N ISrower.
Ey virtue of a certain writ of I tii. Lrpunas
to ioe directed, will be exposed to public Rule
at t !;e Court House in Suubiirv, on MON
DAY tho Sth day of January, lri'u, ut one
o'clock P.M., the following ti. scribed pro
perty to wit : All that certain Tract of Land
siiiiute in Upper Augusta township, Nor
thumberland county, adjoining land of Henry
Kline on tho .est, Gilbert Deitz on tho east,
Klizik i)e ea on thu north, and John Derr on
the south ; containing LiO acres more or less,
about 73 ucres of which ure cleared!, whereon
uro erected a two-story frame House, a K'g
Bam, Spring House, Orcliard, &e.
Seized luken into execution, and to be sold
a thu property of Isaac D. 1'isher.
Ey virtue of a certain writ of Ten. Exponas
to directed, will bo exposed to public sale nt
the Court House in Sunbury, on MONDAY
the Mb day of January, 1 boT, at 1 o'clock
P. M the following properly to wit
The ono eiiuul undivided fourth part as (he
property of Leo W. Butlington, of a certain
Tract of Land, situate in Coal unil Zerbo
tow nships, Northiiiubi'rland county, surveyed
in tho name of Matthias Zimmerman, and
adjoining land surveyed in thu names of John
ISoyd, William Wilson, Michael Kroll and
Frederick Cramer, containing ;ili" Acres nnd
98 perches mora or less, ub.iut one-fourth of
uu ucre ol which is cleared, whereon is erected
u small Log House
Seized taken into execution nnd to be Sold
as the property of Dr. Leo W. Eullinglon,
drawer, and Jacob Loose, indorsee.
Iiy virtue of a certain w rit of Ven. Kr. to
me directed w ill be exposed to public salo on
Mouday the 6th day ol January, ut tho Court
House iu Suubury, tho following property to
w it :
A Lot of Ground situate in the town of
Trovortou Northumberland county, bounded
on thu East by lot of Holt hoe, on thu west
by lot of J. Keiser. nnd fronting on Shaiiui-
kin street, being lot No. 4 in lilock No.
coiilaiuiui! 25 feet iu front und l.'.O feet in
depth. Whereou uro erected a frame House
and small SlabU., 4c,
Siezed takeu in execution ami sold as the
properly of JJarney Murphy,
Iiy virtu of a certain writ of Levari pa. to
me directed will be exposed to public sule on
Monday tb Mb day of Jamiury, at the Court
House in Sunbury, ntl o'clock P. M., tlio fol
lowing properly to wij:
All tlml certain House nnd Lot of Ground
situate in the borough of Sunbury, and coun-
tv aforesaid on tho side ol J"wu street in
said llnronch. containing in width on said
strocl fifty seven feet, sis inches nnd extend-
nir in dentil ait) leet. Dounneu on tno rsoiin
bv a lot forinevlv belonging to John Young,
now George llenn, on t he J2ast by lot of Ro
bins, on the South by lot formerly of Peter
Hilcninn. now Solomon Stroh, und on the
West by l'MWii street aforesaid.
Siezed taken in execution nnd to be sold
ns thu propel ty of Elius ltrosious.
A 1.SU 1
Flv virtue of a certain w rit of Lev. Pa. in
me direfted. will be exposed to public snle
at thu Court House in Sunbury, on Monday
the 5lh dny of January, 1857, at 1 o'clock
I . .il., the lollowmg property to wu :
All that curtain tract or piece of Land,
situate in tho borough of Hunbnry aforesaid,
adjoining lands of Lewis Dewurt on the north,
and oust other lands of Klmnerer Grecnongh
on tho south, ou the public rood ulong the
river Susiiuehunnii, ou Iho wesl, being the
northerly end of out-lot lutu Iho property of
E. Greenongh, in said borough, and bounded
ns follows: beginning at ft post iu the divi
sion line by lot hereby grunted, und land of
Lewis Dewart; theme south ten degrees
west, ulong tho public road aforesaid 15 1-10
perches to a post ; nlorg land of 12.
Greenonuh, south 721 decrees east. 28 4-10
perches ton post in tlio division of lot of said
Kbetiezer Greenongh nnd Lewis Downrt j
thence north 25 degrees east 12 perches to u
post ill the division line just above mentioned,;
thence north CfS degrees '.vest 32 perches to
thu place of beginning. Containing 2 ncres
and H5 7-10 perches, it being the same piece
conveyed by Deed to Jacob B. Musser by
said 12. Greenough.
Seized taken into execution, nnd to be sold
ns thu property of J. U. Masser, with notice
to II. if. Masser, terra tenant.
Ey virtue of n certain writ of Ltv. Pa. to
me directed, will be exposed to public sale,
nt the Court House, Sunbury, on Sotiirduy.
the . 'Id day of January, 157. ut 10 o'clock,
A. M., the following desc.i'jed property to
wit :
All those two certain contiguous lots of
ground in Dewberry street, in the lJorough
of Sunbury, nnd numbered in the general
plan of said town, nunibend 14u' nnd 1-17'
bounded on Iho east by lot No, 115, und on
the west by lol No. 118, containing each one
epiatter of mi acre, mori or less, together
w ith all uud singular the buildings and im
provements, A;e.
Seized, taken into execution, nnd to be
sold us tlie property id' Jacob 1J. Masser.
I'y virtue of a certain writ of Pi. Pa. to
mn directed, will be exposed to Public Salu
nt thu Court House in Sunbury, in Saltirduy
t!i 3d day of January, lrf;"", ut 10 o'clock A.
M.. the following Ileal Estate, siluato in the
county of Northumberland, to wit :
Out-Lots of thu ISormigh of Sunbury, ad
joining lands of thu .Sunbury Caniil and Wa.
tor Power Company, on the east ; west by
road or lune leading'sontherly fri'in tho said
l'.oriiugh I'north the lands of George Weiser,
and soul h by land of Bcnj. 11 eiulrieks, con
taining Twenty Acres or thereabouts all un
der cultivation.
Also, a lot of ground in the said Borough,
on the ninth side, of Pokeberry street, num
ber 2Ci!i in the plan of tho Town, niljoinini.' a
lot of II. Simpson, on the cast and nil alley
lie north and west fides, on which is an old
double log house lately tho estate of J. P.
Shiodel, (ieceased.
Also, Two adjoining Kits of ground in the
said borough of Sunbury, numbers 4'J nnd 50.
adjoining the river road called Hroadway on
the west, lot of Philip ISrymire on the south.
Cranberry street on the north und un alley
on the east.
Also, Haifa lot of ground in tho said bo
rong of Sunbury on the north side of Black
berry street, numbered 1GH in the plan of the
Town, adjoining thu other half of the lot, on
the east which is owned by Mrs. Mullen, und
tho lot on which 12. Y. Bright has a J'oundry
on the west, said "treet or, the south ami an
alley on the north, uud oil which is a log
Also. The eastern hulf lot No. 14ti in the
borough of Sunbury, on the north side of
Dew berry street, adjoining said street on the
south, and u lot of 1 ra T. Clement mid Dr.
Awl. on tho east : a 20 feet ulley on tlie sonlh
and the western ball' of Cue same lot on the
west, on which is erected a small biie'.i house,
2 (dories high.
Also, The western half of lot No. 1-1C in
the borough of Sunbury, on the north side ol
Dewberry street, udjuiiiiug the said street
mi the south ; the eastern half of said lol on
the east; lot No. 147. on the west and n 20
feet alley on the north, on which is erected a
small name slory-and-u-half house.
Also, a lot of ground No. 1 17. iu said bo
rough of Sunbury on the north side of Dew
berry street, ailjoiningsaid street on the south;
lot No. 140 on thu east : and a lot of Geo. W
Smith, on tho west, and a 20 feet alley on
the not th, on which is a largo 2 story liaine
Also, a tract of unseated timber laud in
Shaniokiii und Coal townships, containing
501 acres, surveyed on u warrant to John
Teitsworth, dated in 1794, situate on the
Little Mountain, adjoining land of EVhurd
Also, a Tract of unseated land in Shamo
lcin township, containing about 7 '.I acres, sur
veyed on a warrant to Jacob 15 Masser, and
adjoining land surveyed to Jeremiah Jackson.
Also, a tract of unseated land in I'oint
township, adjoining laud of John Win-alley
und others, known ns the John D Melzgar,
Tract, containing filly acres or thereabouts.
Also, Three hits of cronnd in tho tow n of
Shamokin, numbers 2HH, 2il'.l anil 'J 10, on one
of which viz : 238, there is a frame, dwelling
Also. The interest of delernlutit lu a Tract
of Iron Ore Land in Chilisipiaipie township,
uiljoininiiig lands of John Purks, lands bought
of Dennis Duoy und Cliilisquuipie Creek, con
tabling Fifty acres, more or less, on which
are erected u log house, with orchard, and thu
tract is under good cultivation. It is held
under articles of agreement with Dennis Mc
Ghee, for its purchase by debt nt $1,20(1, nnd
SlOOoflhe money luivo been paid said Mc.
Ghee has pococioii ou a lease from defen
Also, a tract of Iron Ore Land, in Chilis
quaiiue township, cootaiiunir S'J acres 21 per
ches und allowance. .Ve , adjoining lands of
m. Ibirnhurt, Michael .Magbee, the Catho
lic lands uud others, on which me erected 2
small wooden houses, und a bank barn, with
un orchard held by Deed from Solomon
Dentler undwii'e, dated, 1st April, 1853,
Also, a tract of Iron Ore Lund in Chilis
quaipie tow nship, containing 52 ncres Ml per
ches, adjoining l uuls late of Dennis Magee,
Peter CiuinpUiii, Lawrence ISoor und others,
on which are u frame house, a buul: bum and
2 orchards.
Also, a tract of wood land in said township,
containing .'15 ucrvs Et:i perches, adjoining
lands of laic of J. Spring, Ludwig Pl.leger
and others, without improvements.
Tlio last two tracts held by Deed from
Dennis liuoy uud acknowledged, 1st April,
Also, The interest of defendant in o tract
or lot in Coal township, adjoining the town
of Shamokin, devised by Henry Masstr to his
children in equul parts, tho whole containing
25 acres.
(Seized taken into execution and to be sold
as the property of Jacob li. Masser.
SbnilT'a Office, 5unbury,
November S3, 1916.
TVOT1CE la hereby given lhat llm aeTrirnl
' Courts of Common Picas, General Quarter
rVmion of the tie nee. and Oprlmns I onrt. Court
of Oyer nnd Terminer and General Jnll Delivery,
in nnd for the county of Northumbrrlnnd, to
commence at the Court Htusc, In the boroligh ol
Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the
ftih dnV of January next, and will continue
The coroner, Justices of the Paare and consta
bles in and for the county of Nortlmmlicrlnnd, are
requested to Ik then and there in their proper per
sons, with their rolls, records, impositions, and
other rempmbrnncps, to do those things to their
several oll'irea nppcrlnining to be done. And all
witnesses prosecuting in behalf of the Common
wealth against any prisoner are also requested nnd
commanded to lie then nnd there attending in their
proper persons to prosecute against him, as shall
be just and nol to depart without leave at their
peril. Jurors nre requested to be punctual in their
attendance, nt the time appointed agreeable to
their notices.
tiiven under my hand at Sunbury, the 1st day ol
December ill the year of our Lord one thousand
eight hundred and fifty-si and the Inde- ,
prudence of the United States of America the
God save Ihn Commonwealth.
Snr.nivr's OrricK, )
Sunbury, December 6, 1850. i
List of Causes,
fTOR triul in the Court of Common Tleas
' of Northumberland County, at January
1 ., A. V., lt-57.
G. Leispnring vs G. Morris
P Donahue vs Henry Eckle eV son
.-Niimu l llileuer vs Michael rrtmiin
The Presbyterian A- Co vs W G Kaae
(ied.les. Marsh oi C? vs Wm Csul ,
Daniel lliil.bins
Jnniba Harlinon
vs 'I'll os Uarr iV J ISnrr
vs I tangle Ac I.eilhrnlhaler
vs liegins A Donntd
vs C. VV. liegins et al
vs C W Hegins
vs same
vs P. tthcaffi-r
vs Israel Taggart
vs 'I boons Uruni
vs S U Wood
vs C Ilower adm'r
I. Mai ban
J IS .rr.iih'scx'rj.
P Dickison
Weil nml Dreifur
Lsac Vincent Ex'rs
A holt fir Justice
Daniel Z.ulniun
George Adams Ex'rs
l.azurus Meir
Jonathan llrnsious
W'm McWilliains
John llowcn
.lacol. Mower A-e
.1 K I.eib
vs Ira T Clement
vs I nomas liurr
vs Henry Nohner
vsjohn 1 Summers
vs 1. li Masser
vs John V Summers
vs II 11 Vnsiine
vs Win and 11 Fegely
Wm I. lipwart
Samuel Hunter's ei'rs vs same
Overseprs of the Poor of
Wm Fritz
Zrihe township
David Miller vs Christian Dower's aJm'rn
Ira T Clement vs E Y Dright '
in McWilli'inis vs John P Kin Miners
JoIihj Wolf and wife vs Isaac Vincents Ex'ra
Philip fox vs Henry Kornwalt
J Nesbit vs Shelter nnd Null
Henry Gets vs same
Key uohls and MeFadcn vs smnc
Wm I. Dewart vs II II Masser
Harriet Long vs A Gilger'a ex'rs.
The Church Council of
th? Lutheran Church at vs Jacob Mcngrs &.c
II. M Erick vs Abuer Ar Joseph L.elnnd
JAM Ed 1SEAKD, Proth'ry.
1 rotbonolary s
8.'C. J
Suubiirv, Dec. H, 18
OTICE is hereby given that the Isle partner
ship existing under the firm of fmiek V'
llcun, Dentists in thu Borough of Suirhurv, mis
ili.-s, died by mutual consent on the -0l!i of No
vember U.t. JOHN P.. ti.MICK.
Sunhurv, DrrcmVr C, 1850 (it
rSH 12 undersigned n po uted by the Orphan's
- Cod I of Nunhunilierlmiil county, A oil i lor
ia matter of esci plums In the account Ca'tin
Hnuglinivout, surviving Administrator of Leili rt
Hnuchawout, dei 'd , will attend to the duties of
disappointment, al his office in ihe Llorough uf
Sunbury, on Siitiiidny the 3d day of January.
A. D. 1N57, nt 10 o'clock A.M. Ail persons
interested will take nuliep.
11 EN li V DUNNEI., Auditor.
December 0 IH.'iC
-ft. 3. CONHAD,
fT) ESPECTr'l.'I.I.Y informs the public that
VaV he has replenished bis Store with an ex
cellent assortment of New Goods just rcceivej
from Philadelphia, which be will sell on terms
ns r.-asonsUe as any oilier establishment. J 1 in
assortment coiishIs in pait of
Winter Wears for men and boys, all styles and
Lru!ir EJritj (iooils.
Consisiing of Ulack Silks, Merinos, Alpacas,
De l.nines, Calicoes, Ginghams, Muslins, 'J'rini
uiiiivts, Ac.
Alsoalresh supply of GROCERIES of all
Cedarware, li rooms, Ac. Alsoalurfre assort
ment of Hunts nud Shoes, suitable for Men Wo
men mid Children. Hals nnd Caps. Silk Hats,
and all goods usually kept in a Country More.
All the above named s.ork of goods will be
sold positively at low prices for cash, or in ex
change far country produce, at the highest
mnrkel price.
Hollowing Run, Nov. S9, 1856. T
Bargains at tho Old Stand.
A RE now opening a new and very denirable
slock of Fall and Winter Goods, em
bracing an endless variety. Their stock con
sists in part uf
Black & Fancy Broadcloths & Cassimeres,
Winter Wares lor men and boys, ail styles and
SILKS Plain and Piyureil P.lacl:
An assortment of Plaid Stripe and Figured Fan
cy Dress Silks al unusually low prices,
Mil. Do Lain. Dehegcs Ac,
GINGHAMS from G to 25 cents per yard.
Cambric. Jaronetls, Swiss, Tarltnn, Mull, Uobi-
nelt, French and Swiss Laces, Edgings, Ac.
Ilruwn and bleached Muslins, Drillings, Ticks,
Checks, Towlings, Table Diapers, 4 c-
s-;itot a.iurs.
Crdar-ware, Hollow-ware, Iron, Steel, Plaster
Salt and Fish.
Also a tresh supply of
iMtfoi and Mi:iiei.r.s.
Thankful for past favors, we hope by strict
attention and a desire to please, atill to iiirel with
the approval of our friends.
IV" Country produce of all kinds taken at Ihe
Inchest market price
Sunbury, Nov. x9. 1856. ly.
RAISINS, Figs. Jujube Paste. Rock Candy
Jelly 'Jakes and Gum Dropa for sale by
May 31, 'S6. WM. A. UliUNER.
books,! nk, and all ccB-.plete, just received,
and lor sale by 11. li. MASSER,
Suubury, June 4, 1853..-.
f AM, Shoulders. CI eese, Maekarcl, Iiisli
' Salmon and Salt for sale by
May a I . '50 V- Y. 11 RIGHT 4 SON.
BLANKS or every description can be had Wy
PP V"C l lb "Mfc " Amesicaa
PjMIE snbfcribef offers' for salo tha follow-
lug valuable farm, containing 831 acres,
moro or less, situated in Locust township,
Columbia county, about 8 miles trottf Mount
l armel, nnd nliout tlio same distance from
Shnmokintown, on tho waters or Roaring
Creek j upon which tre erected n good two
story fronio house, n bnm and out-houses,
about 90 acres are cleared, with about 6 acres
ef meadow, nil under a tolerable state of
cultivation. The public rood lending Troni
Hear Gap to Caltawissa passes through the
said farm ) there arc also two never fuiling
springs and a thriving young orchard uu tho
A large portion of tho mtclcared land is
W'oll timbered with pood white pine nnd onk,
there being also n sufficiency ol water power
to drive a saw-mill or other machinery a good
pnrt of the year.
There enn be nbout 30 ncres of excellent
meadow made on said premises. This tiron-
orty lying handsnmaly, the soil of the red shell
order, will not only make fancy, but produc
tive farms. It will be sold in lots or in a bo
dy, to suit purchasers, and if not sold before
the 1st of the 1st month (January) next, will
then be offered for rent ftpply to
Jd.lMA JOHN. Agent Tor
December 6, 185G. 41.
T Pf puisuance of an order of the Orphans' Court
of Northumberland rounty will lie exposed to
public, sale, upon tho premises on Saturday the
iS7th dnv of Deeetnlier, 1S50, the following dr.
scrilwil Rcnl Estate to wit :
A ceitnm piece or parcel of Land, situate
In Shamokin township, Northumberland ccunty,
hounded by lands late the estate of Alexander
Thorp, dee'd., Peter Hhull, John Kurmnu and
Lewis Chamberlain, containing Forty-nine acres
and Iwenly-three pe.-rhe. Late tlie estate of
Alexander Tharp, dee d.
Snle lu commence at (0 o'clock A. M. of said
dav.when the terms will lie made known by
By onb r ot the Court )
C li PL RSEL.CIk. O. C.
Sunbury, Dec. 6, 1856. t
rT,HE subscriber offers for sale a Farm in Upper
" Mahoiioy township, containing 97 acres, ad
joining Peter llcisel and Dr. Sminky. The im
provements are a Two Story Log House and a
Hank ISarn, an orchard of choice fruit. Twelve
acres are meadew, 16 acres woodland and the
remainder cleared. Possession given on the 1st
of April, 1857. Apply to
Upper Mahonny, December 1:1, IHS0. 6t
Juhn W. F riling, 1
vs No C9 August T. 1856
Daniel Droekemillcr )
Notice is hereby i.iven that the undersigned
Auditor appointed by I he Court of Common
Pleas of Northumberland county, to report the
facts in relation to the Jndmrnts against the
defendant iu this case; which have the priority
and lie amount due on each, will attend to the
duties of his said appointment nt hisollire in the
llorouc;li of Sunbury, on Monday the 31tli day
of December A. 1). 1856, at 10" o'clock A.M.,
of said dnv, at which time and place all persons
interested may attend.
Eeccniber 6, 1856 ii Auditor.
Kof ice
TS hereby given thai letters of Administration
lis iio.his Mis hive been granted to the sub-
srriber an the estalo of George Eekrrt, Inte of
1 the Dorough ;f Milton, Northumberland county,
, deceased. A II persons indebted to said estate
will please make payment without delay, and
those having claims against said estate will
please present them prnperlv attrsted for settle
ment. JAMEs'UJiARD, Adm'r
PSutibsry, D.icemlier 6, lt-58 Ct
'j'Hfc niiiltrficned Executor of the estate of I
Jacob Painter, dec d., late of the lioroueh
of Sunbury, by viilue of a power contained in
tiie hint will mid teslutiuent ol said deceased, will
dispose of at Private Sole, the following vuluable
Real Estate, viz
several lots or parts of two
Lots of ground,
in Market Square, iu the lloroucb of Sunbury,
fronting 43 left nn Market Street, being parts
of lots No and on which arc erected '1 luee
Frame Buildings. The dwelling is a two story
framo Building, Willi the usual outbuildings
stable, Ac, lain the residence of snid deceased.
There is also on ihe front of ssid lol, two two
story frame buildair.s, occupied as a store, shops,
Ac, wilh u good Well ol water before the door.
containing about 100 Acres, fituale between the
(,'slliiwisi.a and Creek roads about tbree-tiuiirte r I
miles from Sunbury. The improvement are a
frame two-story dwelling I lo .se, and a large
IJ a nk Ham and other outbuildings. There are
several lii'e Springs on the, cue near
the house, and also a number of fruit tree of
various kinds.
Tlio terms and renditions of sale will be made
known by application to the undersigned, residing
near Sunbury.
Agent for Gf.ii. A. Fiiick, Ex'rs.
fiunburv. Nov. 8, 1856. tf
Af every description, s.iitible for railroads
" Ac, lor weigliing Hay, Coal, Ore, and
Merchandise geiieiallv. Purchasers run no risk
every scale is guaranteed correct, ami if alier
trial, not found satisfactory can be lelururd with
out charge,
Factory at the Old Stand, established for more
than twenty year corner ofN- . and Melon
Streets, biladi Ipbia.
ABuorr & co.
Successors ti Elliott ; Abbott.
Philadelphia, Sept. 13, 1856 clim.
Fresh from Baltimore every Morning.
Aortliutuberland Pa.,
Will furnish Rcstuarunta and private families
Superior bVuimu'e Oysitrs, by Ihe Can or ha!
Can. All orders promptly attended tu on the
shuilrsl notice.
Oct. 18, 1856. tf
Formerly jf llorryaburg, Duuphin county, Pa
IKUKVT announces to the cilizeus of Sh
uiokiu and vieiniiy, thai he has permanent
ly located liimsell in Ihe aliove place, and hope
that an experience of several years, in all ih
various branches of bis profession, will insur
him a liberal share uf their patronage. He may
at all lime be found, when not professionally
engaged, t the National (Weaver) Hotel.
Sluiiiokiii, October 25, li.'iO. 3in
tjjtationery. A large supply of fancy Note
3 Paper and Envelopes, Mourning, Letter,
and Cap Paper, Pens, Ink, Sund, Ac, at
May 31, 6U. WM. A. 11 RUM KIPS.
BURNING Fluid, Camphcne, fluid Wick
and Lamps, for sale by
J. F.&I. F. KLINE.
Klinea Grove, Nov. 8, 1S56. if
- .
III.EH for Machinists, carpenters, Ac, ie.,
- Ueatty' edge tool, planes and bench screws
for sale by E. Y. BRIGHT A SON.
Nov. 29, 1856.
TJT.ANK Parchment Paper Deed and blank
L' Moitgagea, Bonds, Executions, Summons
Ac. for sale b H. B. MASSE,
Suubury ,AprJ 88.156
PRESENT. A very rich assortment of elegant
and useful goods cf (be newest European Pro
ductions. IS8 Arch St., above 6lU Philadelphia.
FRY'S Writing Deska, Papcteries, Jpwell Co
ses, Work Hoses, Ac, Warranted manufactured
in our own work shop, from materials seasoned
16 Suit the climate.
128 Arch Street, above Gih Philud'a.
FRY'S DresMmt Cases of wood or leaher, for
travelling or home Ose, are all fitted with articles
of real utility and warranted Cutlery, the largest
assortment in the city to select from
128 Arch Street, above till Philad'a.
FRY'8 Calms, Setche'iU, rortmonaif s, Tra
velling Bags, Eutouis Cases, Scissors in cases,
Porlfolio's, Segar rases, Ac., as low n similar
goods can be purchased in the United Slntes.
128 Arch street obova fith, Philadelphia
December 6, 1850. 4t c oct 4 3m w
"TTIE undersigned will sell nt Private Pule,
between November 2G and Janunty 10
1857, the following Real Estate, situate in
the Borough of Northumberland, and county
of Northumberland,
in said l'orotigh, numbered in Plan of said
Borough Nos. i5. CO, G7 nnd OS ; fronting on
King street, containing CO fuet front by 210
feet deep.
Also, four contiguous Lets numbered 393,
394, 335 ami 3yt5, renting on Eight street,
containing CO by 240.
Also, two lots Nos. Lit) nnd 1 GO fronting on
Queen street, containing CO by 240, adjoining
MtS. Schuyler.
Also, another lot numbered 377 fronting
on"King street, containing CO by 240 feet.
Also, another lot fronting on King street,
No. lift ; containing CO by 240 feet.
Also, ati out-lot. containing 3 Acre;! nnd
31 2 perches, adjoining tho load leading to
Also, nil those certain out-lots, Bitunto in
the said Borough, bonniWl on N. 12. by lands
of J. C. Hnrton, S. 12. by the North Enst
Branch of Susquehanna, und S. W. by lauds
of J. B. Boyd and others, containing f0 Acres
more or less, on which is a Dwelling Hon.-.e,
bank Barn, Orchard, Barrack nnd a good
pump of water. Tim land is under good cul
tivation. Terms will bo niiidj easy, and an
indisputable title given by
for the Heirs of Jas. Tauu.uit, dct'd.
November 2fi, 18511.--
Market Street, Sunbury.
"5J UST received nnd opened a splendid 6 lock
i) of FALL A WINTER GOODS, cjusist
iug in part of
Jilurk ami Pincy O"o.'7i. niul Casfiinfrfs,
An assortment of Dry Goods, vis: Meriuoi,
Cashmeres, Delaine. Calico, Woiien Plaids,
Ginghmns, Muslins, Linens, Flunuels, Ac.
Trimrnines in Great Vuriety.
HABDWAKK, G110C12KII2S, ll l.l.NS
SALT and FISH, Cheese, Ilai-iiis, Tohacro
and Cigars, Qucunswiire, Boots, Shoes. Hats and
Caps, and a variety uf GuJs too tedious In men
lion. Call and examine my Stock before Purchas
ing I Isewhete, A Riasonablc DUcount will be
taken oil' for all rash Sales.
Country produce taken in exchange at the
highest market price.
Sunbury, Nov. 2 , 185C tf
rpiIEsE qiialilie combiiu d. tiie peblie v ili
find by calling at the Store of E. Y. BRIGHT
A- SON Their ass.irlniriit ii large, and l.r.s
been selected with great care, and will be dis
posed uf at a small advance.
Will find among uur Dry Good-i Wenl Plaids,
Black and Fancy Silks, Plaid Lama Flannels,
A Ipaccn, solid colored and Fancy Delaines. He
beges. Scotch Plaids, Figured Cashmere, Per
sian Twill, Coburg Clolli, Ginghams, Calico.
Delane und Dclcgc P.cbcs,
Plurcnce Silk, Won! Hood a. Opera Cn;.,
ami 11 Wi 'I t 'ujl'.
Gum Belts. Belt liihh.iii, Mohair Head Dresses.,
Ililihons, Needle-wutkid uml Buile Cjllars,
Thread Laces, Fiouiienii!, Iilsi riinij, Swiss. Mud,
Cmnbric, Naiua.ek, Dimity, Aarred Muslin.
Brilliaiitiue, and a general asioi tn.ent of white
Wool and ('ollon Carpels. Oil Cliclu, f'il
Shades, RiH'kdale blankets, Tuikish coimtci panes
embossed table covers, tickings, sack flannel,
scai f, kid, silk, Lisle threat nnd woolen gloved.
Of every variety, Rus ia Craah, Linen and
Cotton Diaper.
will find lilac's, Biue und Brow n Trench Cloths,
Doeskins, Black and fancy Cassinicr, figured
."'alinell, l)eicoatio,:, 'weed. Velveteen. Silk,
Suiiii, Plu.-h and hilk ehel t sling, Neek-tics,
Scarfs, Collars, Gloves and Sir.cks.
r.xt.i:-X:':LT-i clcjuszig.
Hat and Csi'sol all m.cs and prices.
Embraces all kinds o' buildiiig material, a large
stock of Carpenter' Tools of il,e inaiiuf.ic
ture, files ol every de.-ciip!ioii, picks, gruh hots,
Mason hainniers, bar iron, steel, nails, points,
putty, glas and oils, wiudotv ,is!i of all sues,
griiiUslouts, Circi.'.ar and Mi!i Sr.tvi.
The tjusfcissvarc Nicvli
is composed ol Stone China Setts, fruit dulies,
Cake plate, sauce tiishc, common j laics, ,-ups
a..d saucers, together with a varied acquitment
ol Glassware, cmbraeiiig the latest slylcs.
oi u c;;iyci:.:ii:s
arc fresh and pure, among which nuy V fout.d,
G. A. Salt, Mackarel,,, boxed and
pickled Herring, Goshen mi I Sage Clone. The
lie st of leas, suiiais, col), e, Ac.
We return our thanks to tho public, for our
increasing patronage, and rcs ccrfnlly invite an
examination of our stock, a we deem it a plea
sure lo show our (ioods.
It'" Country prudu.-e taken in exchange al
the highest market price.
Sunbury, Nov. 2a IPSO.
No. 141 CHrsiwr .Sr., At-Mt I'iii uh,
Keep conrlar.tly on h;.nd a ij lcn.'id sfT.tinont
Ready-mack Clothing.
to tir.
Nov. 29, 1856 y
EDAKWABE, Hollow-wurc, Class-warp
and a large stock tl IJiieen-wnic, einbn,.',,, J
tha newest paltern, for sale by
Nov. 29, '56. E. Y. BRIGHT A SON.
bar bottles for sale by
punbury, July 19. 18SS.
g'i .'L"jj!j j. m:: . j; l jy.Li t
" ITe w lof(! f tot ' the Tcop! I." ' "
FP ESPECTFVLLY informa the public rn gen.
ernl thnt he huS just received and opened a
slcT:dtd stock of
Fall ani "NVinteh (Jooils.
nt his New Store, in Lower Augusta township.
His slock eon lists in part of
Cloths, Ca33iucrs, Cassinets.
of all kinds, of linen, cot ion nnd worsted.
Cult corn, clliiKhanifl, I.nwrrift,
niou.iMCllice He I. alur
und all kinds of Ladies Die Gm'ds.
Also en assortment of If nrclTrnr,' Irora
and fjr,e?1, Kailn, &C.
AIo an eTicellent assortment of
QUEENS Y ARU, of vntiotn stylus and
Also an BMortment of IDIOTS tu SII9n).
HATS fc CAPS, a good seltelion.
Halt, "Fish, ic.
And .1 grnt variety of other articles rtch as are.
suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold at
the lowest prices.
t TP Country produce taken in exchange n
the highest prices.
l.Hwer Augusta, Ncv. 22 135C.
J. f. &, 1. f. lEtiir-ja,
licspcctful'y nnnounc to ttic ir fi lends and the
public in general that they hnve received a I their
Store in Upper Augusta township, Northumber
land county Fa., at Klines Grove. Their Fall
and Winter goods arp opened to tho public a
fall assrotnient of merrhmdizc Ac
Consisting in part of (Moths, black and fancy
CasR iner?, Satinet's, Checks, Kentucky Jeans
UnderSliirts and Drawers and all kinds of Fall
and Winter Gooib.
A lot of ready n.a'e Cloathing, consisting of
Cwut and Vcs'.s.
Ladiei Brei3 Coods,
Shawls, (iingliouii, Bernge Dclains, Calicoes,
black Silks -
Also a freeb supply of Erugs and Medicines,
Groccrios iVc of ail kinds.
A supply of Hardware, Queensware,
wooden ware llionins ic.
Also a largo assortment of Hoots nnd Shops
suiial.le fur men women nnd children.
Abo nn assortment ol School Books. Slntionc.
ry, Envelnprs, Ink and cheap piilillcalioiis, Ac.
Salt, Cheese iVc, nnd all goods Uiiunliy
kept in a country store. Cotcc und hep, Como
one, come al!.. Cheaper than lhc CheajAt.
Thankful for past favors we hope by wirier at
tention to business to merit a continuance of the
Ail of the nhovp nnmed stock of goods will be
sold positively at low prices f r cash, or in ex
change for country produce nt the highest mar
ket price.
Klines Gr.tve, Pa., Nov. 8, lf.r6. If
or fnxjxjjAxxnir,
PJi EsPECTFULLY invite their friends
Xiiu, the public to inspect t'n-ir new stock of
just received bom Philadelphia, Wing convinreJ
that their interest is best promoted by a stuct
tuuliuuaiicc nf their old plan of
'Small profit.-; and ip-h1; Salts?
they shall still abide by their pisv ious courc.e.
Amongst their etocli will !e found fir GK.V
TLE.MEN, a large tssortmer.t of READY
MADE Coats, Vesta and Pantaloons ; t 'lol lis.
Camnmcrca. Satinetts, Vesting, UiiJer-Sbius,
Sbiit il-j:iauis, Collars ar.u Cravats
Klailt and colored liilUs, lie Brgg iiobcs, De
We.gei l'reie.Ii Merinos, Cashmeres, Madona
Cluti.H, Cohurgs and Alpacas. Delaines boih
plain and primed. ReaJv-Made Cloaks, y'rucba
and Woolen Shawls, Tabby Velvet in vaiious
colors, luiilo.) Skiita. Sad; llanuel various culJ
ors Red nud while Flannel.
A general assortment of Latlits and Gentleman
Men's, Doy'is and ( Wiiidrens' Hata Slid Clips.
Hardware, yueensware, Groceries, Cedarttsic
stone nr.d E.n fhniwarc Dregs, Paint?, l'ib
Sail, Cheese, Nails, Oi!3, Ac, T f.
A good supjily of ,ebuol books and copy bouk
Willi printed copies oti each page.
Counuy produce taken in exchange forgoodj.
at tlie holiest market prices
Sunhu'v, Nov. 22, 1855.
,i'.'vv Xm li blxm'mn ioi'
Tie r'-vce 'he 'VKI'.KI.V KXPltrfts" lMre n wi.lo
'"'' tela, a Will III IJlure ..u'lli-lud ., ,.e
1 :,l- f Kt"'i:. '
'.V:i -h- e nh ;il in. its prev will ! rpil'ienl I., a ra'i
WI11. ti vv I it!,i. l.II who wMi 10 ,,l,, ji, t , ,
IV r.-iv.. "' Hie eluiiiicst of ll,t wiJelv-cireuti-il .-n.-r
ol .N.-w ,rk. ii
i he Wre.Lly 1".r.".:s ' will r e,;.,!,, , a,.;,!,,,,,,, , j
usual . .Mlical.tlc'i'-riCiii-.v-. eiisr-rtl-j,,..,,, ;,il ,.;, ,PJ.
en; ii:nlier ol nil tM-.Ttabl? litiiti: v paji.thp ,w ,
MnikeH, l . 1 1, anil ui'.i.i-y iimiketH ..f i,r C.ttutrv Si"I
luvil I .-rc.n uinihet. in. are oi jit'iK-ial ii,tvrebl
Tint MS:
Soi"',.- c ,p:-..a
'I'i.ri ; copies
Vive Mrn,-M '
per aanuni..
, , 12 11
Fvefnty t. iiLio's to ii.Mrs-s, nr a -
Ill- mni,. ',;,,,,- ,., ciiil,. T,,m ;
tin- u.t ir.-a-ol cu-li niM.-i'ti, s; ' 1 1
!'""" ''"I"" Jll ('.lieriiion, ro any a,!,!rs.3 areiyn-in.,)' be vv.iulnl. ' "
MOMa''"''''' "'" VVcl'l"' -"' f"-" Cut Ho'Lir
1 -Vmi-Wcekly Csfi -W Has,1 , Threo
rZ'e': i-raaaum
Fife e .pies j
Th 1 nlv Kx'..rns (.Voreii - or l-'ceoi,!-; !:.l,t on ,. 1 IK ,.,i,,..r.i., ,) ,..,,, f . .,.' . '.
""V "' "! ' -:" -IW..V, ,u,.-,i.:e it,u.1ia ,i
loe:a... . lo .:,-,. h.h '. .X.rc.. up,,...
lice lo a.iy a.luK'&i, a.n ;ipt:,cali.,n p.
J A i:. UltdOKS,
Coiner ' I 'l!!: n,.-.; Nassau Mi-ri".
Novcmle- SM-.W. Iwl'i :! .,.. -,-,,
; S hereby riven llial letters jVslainentnry have
ti been urHiit-d tu Ihe iiiidersigned F-xeeutors
01 fie e.tate of I M' Williams, late of Sha
liiokin (wiil,i.,i!i',.ia.sed. Ail persons indebted
In said estate are reijueste I to make paernerit,
and tliese Imiuchi nis present them lor scl'lel
ment. WM. V. . M II. 1.1 S
'hmiHikiu Iwp , N'ny. !i0, 1S56. lit
ji'o Ei'ic"crs ti Carpcutcrs.
Ti.e are naenta for the sa'c of
LVxis. Window Hiinis. Wind,. Shutter.',' ae.J
all sue of Wir.d .w Sash, ail of which vre'edVr
at tiie lowest prices.
.n.,v. 29. v;fi. K. v. n Kifinr a son.
UliODHEAD "& r.oiSETS,
y-j. J ."..', A". 3i Street.
NVITE Ihe alicniiuii of country nierchanU
nnd o'her-, to tin ir stock of
winch i!,, v will d.-pasc of on the most reson
a!de terms.
Nov. 0, llk'.fi.- ly
Fail bank Platform and Co,,irr s7al7foI
MV'' 1 ,Br. i;'Y'"'irf4MJ.
A oe. if, lH.lti.
' tei-'ieuv tor couirhs. V... .l
at this etrce. " '
Deceaibe i,
'""'-'c:.-! tfrailS A fre.-b "assorlinent
test reeeivei! I.v M'l t lipevei.
. - ' J " .1. .1. 4JH.,ifcH
rfune xi, lftfi.
I '' "-'IlEN CH E EsKart received" 7j 17r
sale by S12ASHOLT. PETRY.
Sept. 13, 1856.
I RNOLD'S WK ITI Nil FLl 11) Adh.
ive and legal envulope, for aala by
... , H- B- MAbSER.
1 fctraburv, Ja lu. Igr.d