. ritQCLAIM. IT T0 ..TUB .riiOl' LL I Ira T. Clement! NO. 1, consult OFMAllKEl SQUAnfi, SAYS rooly, boldly and deliberately, tht li takes the foremost stand mi the (trsnd ratal mile of Dry (tood Merchant of Kunhury. J lie shall rnnlimie to mil I'ry (food and Ciro cerir CHEAPER than ever, s hi goods arc Tbonirjil clirap they trill lie old cheap. He feel confident tvilh hi experience and ability, that he ion coinTlo with tlio World at large and Snubury in particular. He would enumerate article if time end space would permit hut a liny COUNTER-JUMPING NOVICE run do that lie will leave it to the verdant end lininiliuted, it in enough toaay that lie has every thing in the line of Dry Goods, Groceries, hoots asd snoi:s, $-?., that ia kept in any other etore iu town, and Hit banner ia on the brceie. Ami long may ii wave O'er land nf the free, A ml Hie hniie of the hrav While her 9mm and her rJtrifi' Fhine nut like tin- San, Tilling nil nations That Freedom's begun. This is a fire country or at least will he when all ore free, therefore it is free for all to lo thfir trading where they can BUY ho CHEAP EST regardless, of the t russ ami sour looks of old fogv mcrchanta. All are invited to call and see. Tin: COUXTHY, n well aa the town are respectfully invitej, and every person, rich ot poor, high or low, bond or free ore invited to call. Come on come all and atop your s pent, I have K'od ennnth for all in need; The boys themselves are at their posts, And they alone can auaily a host. Over other di-alrra iii'lhe town Tlc-ae mtrff boye luve won renown, I-' or (i lling trie Chepest ami the bent, And arliinf or Uiau all the rest. Hurrah, Hurras : O'er hill and plain, Accept iut than as and call aaain ; Amoiia our ftaortm-nt you'U aiwnya find, G'lcd to 6t and jttrase tti mind. We'v on hand and alwaya wilunff, To aeil oai gords and eiuu a alnlline, to hold your iiuraes and cMue this wy, XVe almll lie sjlaa to era fun si y day nt No. 1 Markket Square, opposite) the Court House, P. S He wishceit distinctly understood, that lie is not to he undersold by any man or combina tion of men. No eharge fur allowing goods. All Linda of product) taken ill eichango fur goods. Bunbury, June 21, I8.1G. TILE SALAMANDER SAFES OK PHILADELPHIA AOAItT TUB XVOUfcl). It VANS WATSON, No. 26 SWA Fourth St., 1'kUuJilphia. Hav aJ ti.e esreet demonatr- iion hi me i.siownia leruuiaiia, trail their uioiuimi turr oi S-ila-maud r Mli baa at lenfiri lully warranted Uie ret-rraeiitationa which have teen uinOe u l hi in leutirriiic an uiaiouuted security aiui uw w-uuit cement ; Punnvi.eafA. Anril i-tli t., Mcesrs Kraiis .t Wilson : Inula: It arloi.1 us Hie hiuhest aat.al'iietioii to aiatte lo on. that iih in to the vrry protective iualittea of two i) thr Silinianilvr Olea whii-li we oiiii'li.n.'d nf you nue few inoulU tmee, we snvrit a Inrue perlion of out Jrweliy, liooks, iMir, Ac., i o sal Hi I lie i' il.imilu iui tuu ui Uanavad i'ueti, on tlieluoin Inn ol tile lllh mat. Vlitn we rrltt-cl that lliese Safes were locili (I In tiie tonrtli siory of Uie Luii.lioir we ociu il, awl n.nt thry fell sulise(iieiil!y iut i l.rup ut bariuiif lulus, where the vast coirfiitiiiuon nfhcai caused the trans flu;.- to melt, We cannot but rririirj Uir preservutiou of rtie vuiusUe e. n teRlsas must '.'oiitfiucotg ytuvt U' Um-rvut svcu.tly ador deil by your Sufis. Wit slinll tube wiiirh pleasure in reeommeiiding them to mcu of buuiucw ss a sue uliui:ce lur-iinfi far,-. OkuMbk W.s.ion i fjt;e. PniLtiri.rmi, A vril Vl.lrM. Messrs. KvimsA Watson I hnvetioir.r y u ui les tiinony in fiivni of the (rent arcurny adordnl lo my (nine stock of jewelry, books, papers, Ac, euruor tiie nv,nt hiislro'is ronlliijfmtiiin in HuuUiMd pUi-e, lr . ni li.e ijel tlmt the. none were e-inluiued 111 two ul lbs bsUiuluuiJer t?:ips inaiiul'iu'tured by you. JlaviiiK inllen Iioin the tifth (I ry nf the Ariimn Ituii.t in, wliere they wore previously pUrif.J und eKmsfil to a viiHt Ileal lor u long time, the reiiervniiiiu i f Hie vnlujUe deposi:n scrined to e-veiyoiir .vii- Wiliused the opening ttjtil uiterioi tiuiuiiuiliou. a luetic! of prolound utiii;ki inent. To nil who iii.iy lerjuire a perfect piotertion from the nvufrvsof lire, 1 ahull not lumiuts to r,viuiuien. ine use fl' your Sines, us J cuiis-iivr tiny havs unw jinlera uie tin most trying tebt. N. i;. .MOJ,ai. Piin.iiici.r'iiiA. April II, 1S.VI. Messra. rvnna A Wnls .u Ueiiilvnien So doubt you 1... .u,.,,l,..,...,.l;...i ...i .i ,, . I'l c,ul u o ii-.i, ii mi- j;. am eouuiuoii ill Willi u i I iliseover.il my b .,-, pobey ol 'insurance. i,-il,hi,s if -"e. ,.ou.o.ic uoi-uiiieiiis, wueuu.i l ri-Jity lust 1 opened the mile lunile by your bnu. With ill V kn nvcile ,. usirieiil exposure, Imlli to the inlcinnv of tl. ,eut from I I hut u hie i.h liml wl.li h ile slroveil Hie A-liK.iu DuiLliiw, ,w u!So irom ihe fores ol the full from itn former elevated poKitloo in tiie thirl stniy, 1 ciinlil eiitettnin but flender uiipei prir to n interior in. speetion, tl.;il tiie emitents wlneli I onee i) hif'lily ined would evr 1m of inn- ierviee to me, l.ut Li tlie.e iVm ore now happily removed. I leel it onlv ilus to ni- to t.,i tiiat I e:in hrneefoith reeoiimii.i.d the li-e of your S.il'cs to all who tiny winh to feel It eoMfiili-ure i:t ttie peifei-t kc curity wlneli tueh ineiuis provides ntuinu to frightful un clement. r.:WAJiri Ca.ilill, U:i.k!iiiider. Constantly on hand Puttnt powder and Thief 1'roof 1icks for Hacks, Stnrep, ie. April SO, ly liEDDINO i l UKXISlllNtJ UUlXK.Sri Cabinet Maker's Findings, Tiie ftibscribcra rcsjicclfully inform their friends and the public generally, that they have connec ted with their lidding purni-lihi!; bunne.-is a largo mid well assorted stock ol Cubinet Maker rinding, at their old stand JVo. S3 i-'outh .Strom .Street, Mow Chftnut, iillan.lihla. 21icy have asvociutcd with tlicm W.S.rrown who has been for many years outraged in the liritn i.al iKtalililiiiicnt of the kind iu Ibis ,-iiy. The stock of Goods now on hand comprise otcry dcscriplion of matcrsala und by Cubiuet Makers, consisting in part of the following, tii; Hardware dcpartmei.t. Locks. Hinge., Screw, Castors, llei Kcroivs, t'hair and feolu. Springs, Coliin Handles, &c. Cahinct Maker' Malerinls, Hair Pealing, Curled Hair, Looking Cilai-s Plates and I'ruines! I'lue, Varnish, Sand I'uper, burlaps, J)m und Poncy tNlk and Worsted tiinip, Kola and Chair Webbing, Twine, bucking Liotionis, ,'osewood, Mahogany, W aliut and Maple Knobs, Gihtsa fcscreus, ic. UcdJing Department, Hair, Hunk, Musi, Wool and ('otton Mattresses. Pt alher ieds. Holsters and Pillows; Plush, Damask and Moreen Cu-'li-ions ,Cumfortables, Counterpanes, Linen and C'otton hh.cls, 1'illow t;ases. Lim n and Cotton I owels, 'Pablo Cloths, Table Linen, TMo Cov era, Moreen, Demusk and Plush by the piece Moss will Husk by tlio bale or pound. ' 2'lie Huir tScatiug and Curled Huir i4 ffom tKe Pbila. Manufactory of D. A- J. Mubht. N. U. Jlouls, (ileum Posts and Ship fUr tlsLsJ at the tLortcst notic. som.ir, Bii'ow.v & Nonur, h3 iuuth 2n,l -St., leluic Vlttsti'ut. (Nearly ojipo.il Hank of Pennsylvania.) rhliudctphiu, August M, lbiC ly. 1E55.FAI.L STOCK, Ni;V 000 J. lgJC. French Meiinoe. ull colors, Pashionablo (;oak Cloths, Pall Kilka tlio alyle Magnificent .New UcLuiiiea, best Styles Pall Calicoes, A ery large Slock of New eihawla. Flannel, Wcl-h, Luglisl, U1,J American, C loth, e.itng and all kinds Mens' W ear bbectuigs, T.ble Linens, rowlinga. Ac. KV iii: A LAXDKLL, 4tU ,i AUC11 kits., Philadelphia, storekeeper are invited to examine our New Good. Fatnilie cun be well suited iu every kind of Dry Good. We make Plk. ciilka and Shawls leading ar licle for Wholeaalcing. P. S. JODs re.eived dully from the Auctions of New York and Phila delphia. tW Tsaats Nt C,h, pt. , ' w3me pvt. tf'-'J t ' AYER'S Cat 1 initio Pills; (6ll0A) coaHJ),) ass iiaic n CtEiTffS THE TIOOD ARB CTJXE THE . Invalids, t ailing, Jllotlici s, Phj slclana, rtllnihrfill. rmt h-lr l;lter, at s" Ki'l' Vti . rm tiik rt i:f! op RM4isrlio, Wt k MesirfuclK-.I-osil Slrimsrli. hin-s. M I. 1st. THi.t r. Aran. ri I nn lij H mt say s-ly in t'T t as T-isii- rills. It .art-ti.wiisffiltimi.-fi.l.tfta rtmmv at in". M .v tll sur li sa Itwy e w, tin- wi la S'iih a una inc.. Twira sHUi ' "I"". . W. M!l:lt.i. frfr i(f SiMitr f.!ir. BtUHMi DiAorslfn anal Iivrr ('ninrlaiisita. rt'T'trf or tut ImtsiiI'SI, Al'tM.l. I). '.. 1 Ml, I'M. ra : 1 har um e.sir Hills in iy rin.i-sI an I KmnIsI pra'. rTS'i- aisi. eiS'b' tltMu, slid isuisit hetllsai my lNy are th Kst islti'ini'' as ssnplot. t'liMr tsa. Isiinf s.-tMrn sn tt lt- aiqitti k stel '! 'l. ni,s.'Si,t ly tu, y ui' an .l1-a!si' .illSy ftr isjiarieSiila i4 tt at eiysu la-ll. I bsve ts-t-i.an f m'l a rr- iA" '..iituM aW. mut se ol-rtlnair timl l d sot rva tily ) -..l to thi m . I'rauvuali) Al.n:.y.) ItALL, M. !, f'yssM ffar Jr.iria AtfltSl. IyntrTV KHat, nd Worms. To" Oreea. Hs'na. Me. Pa, Wira, Nnv. t(l. 1r. An: T-nr Itns an- tWr itwtiHi r4 m.hitrM. Th.T Imvf- dnis. my ai'S axxsl Hsn I ia tell yiai. r'lir' bait Wti si i'n.l pn4ns s.y f.M amain, slsnt iff In b-: dnrtnivd at areal esis-s1. tint e"l swi tsitt. ehs tbu eoiunin't UAinir Vinii- fills. Wb4ii man c a:d Ksv, tit er'N'i laiar ;iia'tlttsi i amsws osdl fni hsr Udy. Tby sfsrasr s- ews-l hsr srtd nwr iwu ctaH-a of l'lmly dvnh.ra-. llae ia imr neil'S-ar hm.i ii Ni.l. n.t hit mile rim1 l.im attli two ii.rn.-m y.iai I'iiM. wtitl otitis sr-sial sj M.I fnn five So tn!y tsdlsis .hs-liaV biils, and bl aineli tiais. illsst brine rars.1 eiotn-ly Mntl'i. .iii.'li a m'1t'-iiie s yiso. a la ii is aclwaal kisd aud aMNft, will Is prirsd l.ri. ur,. i. nKirris, r..hi.ifr. laeMccsrtori und Imaiirity of the Hlood. . Un: J. V. M.vtt, htr s A lesist rtwrt, h"l m. 1M. Aria: I tias mA y.mr IMIs srirh ra!m.'!liiSrT ail xaa in Hiy family an I slnoiH! ttiia. I am calssl an Tiit Id .Lain. To rarii'in-the niyanaof .i;.issi and pmify the IiI.kmI tl-ey an 111 vry lasit ranily I bar war am.wo, aud 1 cam nn.fl.VNIiy rsisanilawrH tta-n Sr. air fi leads. Y..'im, i. V. HIM k. trims, ftiw On.. K. T.. Ort. M. W. JlaiS ia : 1 aai win' yoar Cstbarric TilU In my era-di-a. and r.n I tbam an rt!.tte-nt fuiraila tt, eluas iaa i9'jnn suit lainlV the fotititains S ite l.iix-t. iitUK ti. MKA1IIAM, M. B. EryirH'l Scroftiln, Kini'a Iil, Tetter, Tumors, niisl HhII Khesm. Frim a rTtMiuii f i.A.nrt tt. ia.au. .. 4, ISM. la. Air.a: Yrwir Villa am Hia lanir'ia is all ttai sj fit In iS'N'd'sa. Ibey base niil lay lilts- danahrer ol lllieixnia sort- nmn h.-l sail ! Slid ha-t tbat bsl jirwa.l liiiiosl.l ir yasra. Her in:ber baf ber, b.i.a irrw.awa. ly sfflirld with bb'tcl.a lind M;if -sa mi hai akia s,..l ia brr hair. After rtnr etoM wi eiaad. ahe s'ao f a-t satf 1'llla, aui tbry ba ,r.a bar. A.-A Yi'l;.IMIH'. KbeuM-.iilism, Kenisiltin, r.titl :l. f ern !Ac y.'er. IT. Hj '. ft . J f Afis. t?..eA Y LArat NU, hav iaH. fit.. .'n. , Ilr.a r.M' Ms: I ahunl I ke tusjriaMnl II. e rsiM jear kill bus l.ioaa-M M I did ia'4 m-fi n.y i yoa. A eobl altied Iu ,y Hailw a I k'oioli! e saeiacaaMaf, neuialarb- aotia. sbi.li aai.iad Ii vlnwt.a- rl.awNiaiisai. ISntulTba'Andnif 1 ba.1 Ibe bl i I bw. lata, tbe uaaa aiew Wucaa sihI worn. Htiill. ly ll a li. a M y.air a a. lent saeaii In Hsltiwa.Hr. In. vla.kria. I tie-.t ytm ll. Tneil- alVea wata ;ow. but aula. I'-y 4ia..tai as Ik law ut IbeaU I am a- ajfiialy weH. teitTi Csakks, Via- Fixaie. T.i., t r.. '.'.' ATS : I Imit laa ll aalll.av ( a. ad by y.mr 1!a sf KbeuDiatic 0it S oaiuJU dKa-e ll,IUUt V.it.l firyeai. VIM ,:M M.I lull.. For Preifray. Hethorn, or kindrei t em- ptatnf a, rtuirtua as) a ai J uiv, tin-y air a& si lt nt reuarly. For Costlspiiesa or 'r.tialipntioti, final a a Irlnsirr 1111, t ia S.e a-lrr il k ;ok1 e. a?,i.a... Fits, rnpsirrMo, 1 Hrr.Hl, Isfasasaaw tleta, sad a, in iea4uess, tuA )'irt lsist nsss. bare bafa isms.1 S fcl a..atlva a4iai u i.t ttaa Jills. M,a Of fha rdti Sr. mafia! tan. e,r. ibb. b tlnautl ai,at b- raaiia.i) Ml a4ol.l l.a;i a. A.le.a In a .il.Sk art', fnan . Waa I'al I s. is.i r-a-auea'ly panes lis Huauia sa na 'lliav laaitaia 4u.. a.ar euly u- ajuvrsl awt-isa-a aba svr. AVER'S Clil-IMiV rrtTPHAL ptft lilt !;A!'lti n K or cot c;ii,roiaisio !M ?., i kci - K.M.. HKttAi JH1., kilvfVAfy CUl Un, t'Klil I AM H.A, l. m iw1 nr fr- t'. tiW!" of tt t:h Tt.riitii lurtit v Uin. m.J nlt.u-t rvi i.tii'ir it T!f Aiitoii. mi it wtiit4a.'ihtt itn) it , r,.t-t . tUiiiTu l.mw Hm It aiiatv j a.. n. i tuiilss- in ki t-lx tKi. inu,M ij.ini'tni. n; .' r .i I-ff.lii.. 1Jsssl.srt.iP f. . !' - ;. O'li mtaiittH- mi.j nlmtt i.mr Ts.r f,Mi . l.'r ft-iui Iivh.t (!( r-v in l. ti'i r. t i-'i "' fmtxii J!--- t4 lUr iI.m; m d .... i; .h bjiiii i !! Til Huti tMr ; luti'wj id iMii Pit i it.i da Mr arl .oikvi-h." ii. '- t'.n.'n.a In al-Ht tltr .aHiii.-a.i A i.t k at tt El.jy.. t.-r lw1iit i.d .nn j . lm:-. -f-s- V It tit '..- a, tu.l fit- h . ri aai s-Ti jr -soa-r Um tl.i ati.at.M-' A . al t:tiiai.t !'. u Ulir.r U.t Ca.H -f-: HtH tM f .t t '- LUiiJiIKfi H 1 1 vet.. m iliAh il r- ll m LAI. Mtiil flur y.jiil laslUr- ... sii i ", a i Ideal it.' i i, . l.i.u.a'i nixHl ax'.i u.s.:t iK x . Oal.kfi llI. leV Ult Hi .i A' "!.-. ti de ..Hi' .. All Lll'fW llu liVa li'l.'l iM'sae.lV UlUKsss lH-lr "l.si .-a tl:-y klK-w laJ li r .s(4.m tV Uitxiy. v.t v.m-i a.l BlsAlt ll.ttU U' Meatiii'V ll ill at a aaiail U-at'a ' U. L-a 4. Ur. We aj'i'V uoiAa!, ttu i'iy, w iw v- ; -Vat -ikw ( j.n.l au'1 liit sUt.'J tk v. 1. ii,V' ll Uiw Ua)t ar.)U mUvsU J.iU ' at. lMU'ai' 1. U t.ii cu;j PEL'PIBLD Br UK. J. C. AUK, Praotloal aai Aoalytlcal t'Umist, loweU, kf .i. J.W HOLD NY Win. A. Bruner, tanbijry; rlird tc John, Hlism kiit W XVieniei, NorihuinlarKi.d ; J. K. Caslow, Millon; llae A Mi C irmiek, MoKwn.cvi.ie ai.4 !y ail Druggist tlir.sieboat the eoimty. August 10, lsJ ly A PERFUIilED "T7HAT lady or gentleman would remain un- ' dor the curae of a disnitreeable brcalli when by using the ' It ilin of a '1 lioua iud Flower," as a dentrilict would not only render it sweet but leave the tcclli while a alabaster ? .Many per son do not know their breath is hod, and the subject ia an ib Unite tlnir friends will never mention it. Pour a sitncie drop of "Iliilin" on your tooth hruidi and h Ibe tc th niht and morning. A liiiy cent bottle will ln-l a yeir. A lit auliful compiexi jn limy easily be acqnred by using the "liu.'iu of a '1 uonsand Ploweja." It will lenitive tan, pimples and liccklia from Ik si.in, it m v in ar it of a soli ro-eute hue. Wet a towel, pour on two or three drops, and wuah t!.t fsc night and niorniiiK. . 1 1 A V 1 X U M A 1 i: i: A S Y. Wet your sliavinq brush in either in warm or cold water, pour on two or three drop ol "lltltn of a 'I'houaaud Pbmers," rub the la ard well and it will make a U'aulilul soft lather, much facili tating llie operation of shaving. Price only fifty cents. iVwarr of counterfeit, Xone gfiiuiiic uiilca signed by W. I'. FETKIDUK A CO. Franklin Snjuurc, New V'ork. Sept, S7, 1K58. Km 1ciiiis Ixaitia Wire VoiL. X'o. 66 Arch 8t. between Second & Third, (Opposite Hread Mreet,) I'HILAUKI.i'UIA. .S'iVi-M, lUJilm.S. rt'in.i, II ore-it JPire Of all Mealn s and Width, with all kind of plain and J'aiuy Wire Wotk. 1 jPAYY Twilled Wire for r!j.;,rk Catcher; Coal, rund and Gravel Screens; Puper Maker' Wire ; Cylinder und lljndy liidls, co vered in the beet niannerj ira and Wire Pcn ciiif. si A very superior article of Heavy Foffnilcr' Sieve. All kind of Iron Ore W ire und Sieve. UAYI.ISS, UAHUV & l.V... UBUst23, 18.r,ti. c3m Clicnp Watches JtMii-lri ''''liOl.UiSAI.J' a.id Retail, at the 'P'.il.drl. phi Watch and Jewelry Store," .No. 'J 6 NoitU becond IStrect, corner of tajuarry, a?Hir,aS.DEr4PHiA. Gold l ever an lies, lull jeweled, IM eurul cuses. Jb.lsJ O. ld l.. ..i,e ... l?-.'i .l;-,eSilverS,,Uclc.. I 50 l.e,i. loll jewlb-,1, -!l,!(i!, Hmeelels. U latl r-.iver Uv.r, lull jtv.l'd I -J ! mIi.s' u.,id Iv.ieiU. I ml r-uiieiiortJuiniicia, 7. mIvm Tea siioons, set, .oo 0 ...I lclu.l,a, 7.Un . OoU Pens, wili Peneil and llvr IIol ler, ,00 Gold Finner King, 37J cent to Ij.SO i Watch Glttbsea, plain, P,J cents; Patent, I.unet, SS ; other articles iu proportion. All goods wir runted to be whnt they are sold for. hPALPPEK & HAPLEV, On hand, some Gold and Hilver Lever and Pepine. still lower than the above price. Oct. 4, laid. )y, T1LANK I'urchmeiit Paier Deed and blank Mortgages, bonds, Executions, Mummona Vc, for sale b H. 11. MASsPfc. Kunbury ,Apri J6, Bl'GAB CLUEU HAM A lot just received and for sals by. fcKANHOI.rZ & FJJTkY p. ll, letra. , nbwoonfbotiottaby:! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. C. GEAIUIART. V 1 AS just received a new and eieellent assort "ment of good at his Confectionary and Fruit Store in MARKET HTHEET. where he manufacturra and keep on hand, at all limea, tlio most choice Confectionary, Ac, XX lioleeale and Ketail, at Philadelphia price. Among hi stock of t'ouleclionarbre, may he found i Freia-h frerfft, Harnrd Almoiate, Cream While, JiSiniia) Hisaa, ' VaHtlla, fWsnsn.ai Meersa. lasjaoriee, Cam THop, all linde of aaent, Love llriiisi, Mint lor, reel arat waile, Jelly Tall, Ftart prut, fts-k CswrtraaU aetata Pfk Tandv, Arsaissd Caadf, rnuit. Bsnstraa, Pranaa, Fits, CHIHIiI, Nats of all kteda. j istrs, Carrsnts dtbrd, AltaoiMMt, . Kaisima, LKMON SYUL'P tsf a aupetior anaHiv, try the simile or doten. A auisfrior ajirality of fSgara and Toliaicco, and a variety of Cmifeclnmarie, fruit, ftc, all of wuica as oflcre caveap at arliirfesale or Ktail. ICE CREAM. He haa also otiencsl an five Cream 'alsmn, and will at all'limt a ke ready to serve bis customer a whii ice t;ream. Bunbary, Vay tt, l5;.y -?ttcn' New York WIKD0"v7 SHADE fc CURTAIIf STORE, 203 Ciuttnut ft., ajfMfitr Juntt' Haiti, I'slli.AUI.LI'HIA. Windew fh rea, (ill Ciirtlb ra, Purli White and green Hollands, Picture Cord, Patent Hollers, Curtain Pin and Trim B rovratelte, tSaliii de l.ainea, Wiirstrd Datnsska, Centre Tetacis, Gimp and Loo?, Curtain Bands. Lace and Muslin mings, Piece Muslin Curtaiua, Store, PteaRiboat and Church hado er TJra Jiery, tot up ai the shortest notice. Curtain cut. made and put up by tke most exorieiieed hsnrW. PiTTtn's Nsw Vosa J-'raaa, JUS Ch surrt St., MeMetHi Kuildinga. May 8, lr,.'. Justice of the Peace. IvAOUISXT CABMEL, lfortliumberland Coustj, FeaniflTania. All husirtcsa piomplly attended li. Monk colbvct d and all ordinary wri'inrs dune. Mount Crnirl, June 14, 1h:6. ly (JOTICE is. hereliy tiven that an appliratiiin J-" will be made to U.e Rett Ixyialataire, of Peinisylvanta. for a Charter incorporating a having Bank, wttlt di-cmt.rina; piivibrfc and authority to receive mniiieai im tlpposit, wrth a CapiUl of ONE HUXURBU THOl'HAMJ Dili. LARS, la lac located at 8unhury, NiMlliHsa-Is-rlaad county, stvd eallesl tts "IDaacirUsit ated Lbi-posit Bank of ruWy." HENRY IMIN'NEL, J. W. FRIMN'fJ, H. ii. M ASTER, JOHN CtM)PKK, . T. CLEMENT. E. WILVEKT. 8uubury, July 5, lfr5 fin I'eHEXT nUlTJ, Clll.JLhl.. fxllls Gresee i recimmendi-d t the notice ef Jl Warrnncr. Livery KtaWn kceia'ra, &e., as U-in? Srei.aioa to snylhing of tlse kind ever in Irojuci d. A it does not gum Umti Ike sties ia much more durable-, end is r.t afii ctcd by ihe weather, n maitiiiur ihe a.ime in aumme-r as in winter, and pot up in tin canister al and 02 J cent, for ask Ly WM..A. HUl-'NEit. Jon 'il, lb.r6. P.ORT MON A1ES. Tooth aud Hair Hruahca " ail tjualilitv, aud auv fl'isnli y. fur aab l.v W.Vi. A. WIU.NER. Jne21,'.,6. AT S. N. Thompson's Store, In Li'tt tr Au,u,ta Ifuwiif, jf the Junriitm y the J au';j(aK seN una l'lum freeJ' rouil). rHE subecrils'r having returned from the city wilu a new and ektinstve aasortment of fashionable g.na-la, rt.t'ti'utly calls the attention of Paiux'i, Aiechauic and others to the sain. fcPltlNtJ AND ,SL'.M.1KUJ001S, cwiisisUtig in part of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cafsiturrt, Carsintts, J mm. Drilling. Jluslins, VtsUugi, Tuiiilf, unit ull LutUs of Fjiriii't ami SuuiintT Wtur, LADIES DliES! AND FANCY f.'(K)DS, f'u'tcix, Mii'lin dt L'tint, l.tni-m. CVrioAmina, Nirrtpei, Rnlrit HWriK, 7iinf.a, tyc. GlttKCHICS, 8upr, Teas, Corlie, II ice, Molasses, Cheese, eipicis, Salt, Ac, Ac., Ac. Nails Screwa, Fibs, haws, Kntvta A Potka. Ac Queens and GlR"sr"are, of various stvles and path rn. SOOTB AlJV EiG3J. A large assortment of Hools and Mna s, for nu n, woiiieu ami children. HTa Cars, At., of nations sires and style. Dcsidcs a Isrcc and general assortment of fashionable gHds. Call and examine fur your selves. Ft?" Country produce of all kind taken in exchange at the liigln tt market prices. M. N. THOMPSOX Lower Aticr.st, S mo. !l, IS.'iS JM"TI It MDI IS, Lntsof tbe s in of pirve ns, lb limit l"'l A t'o. jts iivr rt. J.ile uftlie Vniun llxel. NATIONAL HOTEL, (tlTl WHITE SW'SIS, Jljce Stmt, nhmt TiiirJ, rmi.AHLOj'niv rTHF. ubove well-known Ksiablishmrrit, have. I ing la-en entire!) remodeled, intrndi-cine all tiie modern iinprovt inent, atid alao, lowly fur-ni-hid Ihriiugliotit, will be opened for the iccep tion of ('ucau on Ihe FIRST DAY OF KI'TEMIlKJt. 'J'hc proprii tors, from their ilctertiiiiisiion to devote their allciition In ihe cotnlortof llieirguciils fl itter Iheuihtdvea with the conviction that they w ill be able to give satisfaction tu their patrons. Carriagea wiil always be in readiness lo ccn vey paasenger lo and from Steamboat Laudini; and Uailroad Depots. Mlir.-s 4 8ST0VER. Race Ktrerl, above '1 hud. Philadelphia, August HO, 18iti. ly osiH i:. VOTICE is hciel.y given that application wil' ' made lo the next Kuialalure of I'enusylva nia, at the scsmoii of lH.IV, for Ihe creation of a corporate body with banking and discounting privileges, tu be culled the "tSutuoKist Hint," located ut Shaiiiokintowii Northumberland Co., Pa., with a capital Mock of f 150,(100, with the privilege of increasing the aauio lo $300,000 it llCCCraJiy. Shamokiii, June 11, 15G. Gut Cancer Cured. rANOEILS, Tuiiicr, Men Ulcer, Scrofula XVhile Swelling Ac, cured without Kurgicul operations by Ur. Lauusberry. Dr. L'aPumphlet (Und, ad..) on the treatment and cure of Cancer, h umors, Ac, will be sent to any addrcs (tree) on receipt of a postage slump Olhce 118J WALNUT St., Philadelphia. iS'ept. 0, U&6. Jm . pJHAI.V PUMPS A email number of these eieellent puiujia have bee a received and ar oAersri for aal by ': H. B. MASSER. j oVmtsjrv, June i, l?f8 A MARVELLOUS 'REMEDY! FOR A HI4UTi:CI4JI S AEt! HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. THK OR AND KXTKRKAlajBF.XtKtiX'. Bvlbe aid of a mteroscorlic. we see millions of Mill orcninss im tbe rarfnee nf our Isnlies. Thnnisli tbes tlnsOiiiimeiit, wben rnbtitsl on tnr sain, is cnrrirn ro any tirasil ur inward purt. llianises nf lire Kidneys, disorders nf lbs l.ivrr, affrr-finns of tbahrurt, liiltamrrmtion of tba 1-aiMS, Astbssiis. lunshasnrt f'ls, are hy its mesns ellee- tuaily eared. Kvrry b iusr-wlls snows that sail Imsars nrrlv thi mah h.Mir of meat ia any lun snrss. una nrai In Ointment fat saore readily priirliatfa tbnniah any boas or Ursliy part i Ibe livlnsr Issly, carina tba inost dutif ernaa aiwai eosujisaiaits. Haul eaunot b iracks by saber mruns. mvsiri:uAS, ii.t Rurt M aib pcorbitic III NOKS. Xo unmly ass evrr dime so eisrh fs the er of ss arasraof the rkia whatever form Hiry may aaasimr, a tins (Kiaimriit. Mo ease fait Mbram. fVai vy, for Ha,), isrifsai on tysiieas, can baar wrtbatsHd lie in laeMee, Ttie ireTtwtiir has lravrll.4l ov.r tiiiany purls of slohe, VMitiii the principal hiatutais, diapriisnis; tine Ointment, rlviiis: ailvne as to us apjiheitti ou, and bus thna Intu the ausaiat of reabiriiif eosniltcas auuibsra su sOHt' IXCS, SORE ItRRAr, WOl'.NDS AND L'lsllKUn. VMne of the rnnat rientilii nrjert anow rely anb-y mi I tie liar of Una wmnlerfii! llinliissnl. wbra hnvin to ope..wilh rSe worst eaaea id aea. wiiamai. alerra, aian !.r asi rhiiisa, ami tuaiora. Prol'ess.ar Holaiway has. Wy evvmsasinl nf rhe Allied Governments, dispalelird lo rhe aoSffaai id" Hie Host, Isree sbliaienis of Ihia liiut lent, lohr aard aialrr tb direi-tiiai i the Medical ftuff, to Ibe wis?at casra isT wiaiails. It will earn any b er siandnlsr swrlbn. sliirsa of cuntiavtiou ul' ilia ioiuls, even af u years' aUjinksia. These aiad ishrr atihilif diatfaaame e-anrdsHita enn he eira.lly eared If the tiuittiina ta? well rnMa-rt ovrr that parts sll.Yled mat by otherwise foilowuiftT al aa Jaiattsi Sa leetioia, arosaai eai'k pi. k ith tht Oiiitmrnt nmt I'M thnnlj It tf in the futlou ing eautt : Psnuwat liffmtsro lyja starals-d ftlaisla rtwin Mrreunal re rl'ruata f'hi.piHat Rsnsai Krtii4ns a-e riea.la lnlti!ais l'ile P ira Thrai-s Fistalinl Ithiaitmslism ts.,res i' all Gaei rVlY Kbenm kinds Pkln Dissnaefl Sliirslial ft ill Joints t'lrrra VeHrrrst ?! i.ra Woaisls of ail k lints . sVaHs a iM at Ibe Msnnfnrtortes is" I'rufrnsor llm.i.nwav an Maiilrn lanr. New X ork, and 4t fttnd. Iaabw, hv 11 rra(rtatibv Itraeatats aia! lleab'ra mi Mclieiar llirmiafh- ait the l arlril rt?,trs, asul tlte etviliarsl world, lu boai1, at 15 rrtrfa.a-il ernts. and enrSi. rt' Torre a, a au.iieralia; aivn.g by titting Ihe airget ai.. N n rtrartlon r tlia rsi1jie of inlatiiM sa every ens. inter are aflisa,! to Mix b-ai. Match -, Irifl. I yea H')KT and M AIlEUlA W I.N T.H, fch.-Ji. N-lmaiipa, Wild (herrv brandy, Hlai kla rry and l.aveinlrr braiidi.' for medic inal purposa a at May 31, 'C. V-.Xf. A. B hi NEK. Citrate of Magnesia SI TASTELESS SALTS. THI preparation is recommended e an rt A erllint laxative and purgative. It operatra inilJiy, isenlirelv tree fnrm any unpleasant taste r sv'Bibling b tuonade iu Bavm-, prenrcil and sold by WM. A. iiKUNEK. Kunbury, June ai, l.-O. VALUASLS TEOPEliTYrOX SALE. ritHE eubscribera, F.teentora ef ttie estate of i Henry Masaer, eVe'd., offer st private sale Ihe following prirj'crty via : A inrs-e two slity fratae ilwelttng house, tojelher with about 50 ACRES OF LAND, iituate in Lower Augusta township adjuining land nf Daniel Kaufman and otliere now iu the occuiHUicy of Jm'ji H. Kaufman as a store and ... VI .. . dwelimf. 1 lie nouac I uew auu lue locauon coitd He for ttuslnea. AlsoaTPACT OF LIMESTONF LAND, in said towiaflitn on the river slstut z mile Is- low 5 unliUiT.adioinina; lamia of J. T. M'J'herson ami others, rontainins;, alut tail acrea. 'J'he soil ia podiKlive and contains liim-alone and oilier minerals. A Wo a trsct of Land, enntaiiitiif alioiit SS acres oil the hill, almut two miles below .v'unbory. adj.iinitHr, lend of the hen of the late John Conrad and others. There ia, un this tract, a small arrhard of choice fruit. For further partb-ulare apply ts the iubscrilara, H H MASsI R, J P. B. MASSE It, F.xecuws. FRANCIS HUCHER.) fun? fry, January 1, I8.r)h tf THE -WIST B2ANH INS v'FiAXCE CO OV t-OtJIk BAVl;.., I.V In trea Detached UuiMinr. Stores, Merchan dise, Farm Prnia-rtv aud other Uuilaliuiis, and tiieir eoulents al moderate rate. CAl'iTAI, tjrtOtt.OOO. CII A 11 T Ell r E R P ET V A.L Hi a Mix a a. Hon. Jnlin J. Tearce, John 11 Hall, t harles A. Mayer, Charles Crist, Peur Dickinson, Hon. O. H.m.fJ.C. Harvev, T. 'P. A brains, ). K. J ii kman, W. White, Thomas itchsn. HARVEV, Pres. T. T 7"r. Vl'fcA'Si, Sffi'f. A auaha, Vice Pre. JI. CJ1AS. UL.MAN, Gtnrral Agent REFERENCE: Samuel II. Llovd, A. A. Wincgardner, L. A. XIackey, A. Whit. Janus yuiceV, .liihn W. Msyuard, Hou. Simian Cameron, 1' Tims, Kuwmnn, D. 1). XV in. X'ati.lerbclt, X'm. Feamn, Dr. J. S. Crawfjrd, A. lTalcerart', James Arinstrang, Hon. XV m. littler. . XV. OUAV, Acent. Sunbury, Itme SI, lKMi fim 3TEW ARRANGEMENT 1 I'rtth Arrival of D R It G S, TAIN T S, 01 h S, CIHE midersigned fiaving tnkeii ihe store lor J. merl kept by XN'eiser and Bruner. is now ready to till crdcrs and preacriplions at a mo ments notice. He has a large and well selected stock of fresh and pur DRUGS, CHEMICALS. Pye-stulTs, nil. Paints, (ilaas, Putty, and all kinds of Patent Medicines. FRUIT AND CONFECTIONARY Tobacco and Imported Secars of the choiceat brands. 1 am y Noliona' loilet articles, and l er fuuiery uf all kind. Tooth and Hair Brushes of every variety. Cam plane ami Fluid ahrnit on hnml. Customer will find hi tock complete, eom prisinc, many article it is impossible here to enu merate, and all sold at moderate price. Kemember the place, licit door to E. Y. Blight's Mammoth Htorr. XVM. A. BRUNER. Sunbury, May 31, 1S56. EOTICE. Nt)TICK is horoby given that I hnve ro ccivoj the l'aniilint I.ttws for le'iO, ami that tliey are ready tor tlititributicin to thotc legal ly futitled tu recoivo tlio sumo. JAMFS liKAlill. Proth'v. j roiuonotiiry tnnco. Kunbury, July 12, ItjO, -.-,, . . 56. "MOUNT CAH.MEL HOUSE, (MOUNT CARMEL, Sor-'hmiihtrltiuJ Cmoity, l'tnntiylvania. rWHl' larrw and commodious Hotel is sittta JSL ted nearly half way between Kunl'tiry and J'otlsville. The scenety the salubrity of Ihe atmosphere and tlio cool mountain breezes, make it one uf the most !-liu.hiftil summer retreats in the country. 'J'he Hotel, is a new structure, four stories hiyli, lined up with all the modern con. veniences. The puro mountain water is intro duced into every chamber. The place is easy of accesj, being but one and a half hour ride from Sunbury, over the Philadelphia and Sun bury Bail Road. Fium Potuville, it i 17 mile. Every attendance will be paid by the proprie tor to make guests comfortable. Charges mode rate. JF.8SE RICE. Ml. Canncl, May 24, 1856. tf . . . m a GOLD PEN'S with and without case, of a very superior quality, just received. Also fresh supply of Writing Fluid, for ! ' ' "IL H. MAfeJWEK. . Buntury, Gee. IT, IBM' . v .... a- -- f . , : ' 1858 HOW EXi, UAVINO obtait ed full eji, the CATAWISSA. St KR1K and WILLIAMSPOUT . KAILROAD3, we ire now prepared to all description of Ei press Oood by Passenger Train, daily, between Philadelphia and Elinira, connecting at Elmira with all the Western Kx- preasi Coinpanie. All goods fur lamaijiia, Sumniit, Cattawlsna, Danville, Milton, Wllliamsport, Eltnira, and also lo Northumberland and Munbury and all inter mediate places, delivered tbe sain day. Each train in charge of our own 8jiecial Messenger. Philadelphia Office, 9J Cheanut Street. Office Elmira at United State Einrea Olhc. April ii, 1056 ly BOOKS! BOOKS!! Walk tMi way for Bargains- BEINtl desirous of disposing of my entire aliM-k of UiMksaiid blationrry, couipriaina sum .0,1)00 Volume of Law, Medical, lieli- IKiou piciriitiflc, Ulaiik, Muaical, Bchool and .Miscellaneous Book. Also, loo Reaina of letter paper ant) a lot of wall paper, ateel pena, water, Ac. I will dispose uf Ihe whole stock at public tale rale at my store, opposite tbe Court House, commencing un Monday the 7th day of April, 1N56, at I o'clock, P M., and continuing, every afternoon and evening until the whole atock ia old. wm. McCAirrr. Per JO. H. McCARTV. Sunbury, March It, lbSC. tf Kew Wholesale Drug Store. 3Sr. BPENCEH THOMAS. No. 80 (South, Second btreet, Philadelphia I XI I t in Kit, Miiufcturer and Dealer, In Droits, Medicine, Chemicals, Acids, live stuffs, Paints, Oils, Colors, White Lead, French and Ameriean White Zinc, WinJow Glass, OUaswarea, Varni,her, llrushea, Instruments, (round Kpicea, Whole Sjiice, and all other ar tit les usually kept by Druggists, including Bo rer.. Indigo, t ilue, Shellac, l'olash, Ac, 4 c All orders by mail or otherwise prouiitly attended to. Country Merchants are invited lo call aud eiamtne our stock before purchasing elsewhere. (iiHsl.'sent lo any uf the Wharves ur Railroad stations. Prices low and goods warrantsd. March M, laiti. ly aTOnWSOKJic BROTHER, CABINET MAKERS, N'. tt North raecund PUreel, fiiat di or alove Christ Church, Philadelphia. T 1F.R.0N'S in want of Bureaus, Tables, .'"fas, Chair, lledsteads, and every varretv ot honsehold finiiiture, woulaf do well lo call, as those article are made up in the tsrst style aud aolj at the lowest price. April 11, 183H. 1 7 rSARTBEBWABE- r'lHE sul scril-ef respectfully kn'ia-m the citi-J- aen of Sunbury aud the put.He generally, thai be ha Ctauimtnced tb luaulfactur uf all kind J f ' KARTHKNWAHK, at hi manufactory in Xr hortlekerry Ulreel, cne sitiare east of the River. IU bsa engaied Ike eeivice uf Mr. Hi nr. anil you ran therefore depend on slaving a good arlprU The public are reapertfully invited In call. All orders from a distaace will V promptly attended tat. r. M.SHYND!:!.. Sunbury, Feb. t, !:,. tf JUSIPH A. UEEDLES, araarrirTraea or XXIRE, SILK A HAIRCLOTH 6IEVE8, Coarse, medium and fine in mesh ;lare, midJIe sirs and small iu disuiel;. .lIctHlllc Clc.aa or IFoven Tlre, Of the best sjnalitiea, varion sites of rb, ftom No. I l l HO iucluaive, and from one to ail feet iu width. Tliey are nnmbereJ so many apaeea te a lineal inch, and cat tc ami. Tbe aubacrilier also keeps constant!, ea hand .cn.r.HNr5, For Coal, Hand, Ore, Lime, tirain, Oravel, (uano, Huma.-, t'ugar, ifalt. Bone, Coffer. pice, Drura. Eye-Siurta, tVe. 'Pocelher with an as sortment nf bright end anneale,) Iron XVire. Ail ef the tlmvi aold wholci-ale or retail, by J. A. NEEDLES, 54 North Front Philadelphia. May SI, 1.MX. WU1TE HOUSE HOTEL. POTTS VILLE, PA. rn H E suWriber resctfiilly announce t his - obi Ii win's and Ihe poblic, that he has taken thai old and well known establishment, Ihe WhitcJ Ilortse Hotel. At the corner of Centre and Mahantogo eta., in the Borough of ISittsville. The houe has re cently been vrry much enlarged and otherwise improved, rendering it unite as comfortable as any other Hotel in Schuylkill county while the stables are large, in good condition, and at tend by careful, attentive, prudent hostler. To travellers aud others who may atop at his house, he pn ini-e every attention calculated to rt-udcr thciu comfortable and mi-rieil. JOS. M. FFfiER. April S, 1S.V.- If 8UNBUSY, PA- rTHIIE eubwrilier respeclfully inform the public X that she still continue tu keep the above named public house. She lias also received a new supply ef good liduors and wines, and trusts that she will be able to give aatUfaclioii to all who may visit her house. MARIA THOMPSO.t "jU Sunbury May 31, 1858. tf. J. STEWART DEPUY & SOUS, Importers anil Dealers in Carpotings Masonic Hull, Chcrtnut St., lelnw Liijhth, llf OUI.I) respectfully invite you to call and examine their large and well selected stock of Cartiets, Oil Cloth, Cocoa and Cunton Mat ting, Druggets, Hearth Rugs, Door Mats, Ac, which they will sell to Ihe trade at audi prices ns wiil make it desirable for those who wlti to pur chase, to call and examine their atock, before purchasing elsewhere. Philadelphia, April 12, l..,fi. ly I fishing Tackle. Red i ton and Linen Lines, Ou Cork, Grass, Cot Out Lines, t?ea Grass by the yard, Snoods, r lies, Kirby, Limerick and Carlisle Hooks, Rods, Ac, for sale by May 3156. XV. M. A. BRUNER. WASHINGTON HOTEL, K011TI1UMBEKLAND, VA. C. S. BROWN, Proprietor. NorthM, June 7. 1856. fim. GEORGE SCHALL & CO. MAM At I lKtlt or BLASTING POWDER, Mt. Carmcl, Surthumlcrland County, J'a. May 10, 1856. 'pobaoco aud Segars 20,000 imported A fciegara of various brand. Eldorado, Fig, Cavendish aud flue cut tobacco at XVM. A. BRl'NER'S. ' Sunbury, May 811856, "W"A.-LS TED. Ofififi LABORERS on the line of the I'nion aUUU (Taxal Y .... Si 11 f'o.l, 1 .. ply la ROCKAFELLOXA'i KUPP A CO. j JntyVS, IRS. at Rending, Fa. . Thou. A JXlit. T. K. McCL.r ISucctsiorto McClctt 'fr d, "1'17'OULl) call the attenion of the pu. " only to the auperinrity of the Dngucru type, the Hyalogmph, (by omc called Ambro- , .. ..a V aojl l.a n..;n... .1.1.. - C 1,1. I. vi-i .......ua ..Jin ui i noiogninij uii paper; but to the fact, that ptutie at a distance possessing a amall daguerreotype, mny, by send- ing it to No. 160 Chestnut st., have made from it by the means of Photography, and the talent of the bet Artist, a portrait ot Aiar ana, from a small I.eeket to the full size of life. ' A amall book containing description, price, Ac., Ac, will be sent gratis to any person ma king the request. MeCLEES Philadelphia Photograph Establishment, No. 100 Chestnut at., below 7tb Phila., July at, 1855. tf. i THE UNIVERSITY'S FAMILY REMEDIES, IsWKD undai the rrnl, fnni-tlon nnd Aittliority of Iris a . iripii; ,n I ,,,.e, .11 r.oii.i e. 'linn popinr snow. leilce, Chattered by the rliile i.f I'ennS) Iviiiiin, April -in, 1S,"i5. W illi II 1:hiiiI:i1 ol" ! I IM ISSI neiinlv f.,r Ik. ..... arrrstnie the eviis of Siiliious nnd wortlileaa Nostrunis; Also lor supplying tiie Untntnunlty with relml.le Heine dies wlierevrr u Competent I'iiyaiemti enintot nr will not lie employed. This Institution Ima purehused from lir Joas K. Howa.nd, hia Celelirnted noxvitiMl'ia Tonic nilxfurc. Known for upwurila of twenty-live venrs ua the only aur and Site cure for FIlYKIt nnd Afil'K, Ac, unit hia in.n. tiiiinl.le Keinedyfor IIHWKI.COMI'LAIM:. Itnvviiiid' Coinpouial !yrup of Ml ii slwrry H.ait, whieli lilr!ily on. proved nnd populnr Remciliea, together with 'I he I'nivaraily's llei ly for t'oniphnnta of the l.llinra; Tli rniveraity's Brnieilv for ln-ap. pi:uir ln.liiesiiou : Tlia I'lltvetaily's Ueiiie.lv fori" istiye-llowelii; Also, the I'niversitv'a Ainiiiime limy bo lio hud nt tlis Branch Diajienaiiry.or Storo of WILIJAM DKI'PIN, Nov 4, 1PM. Malianoy P. O. CHEAP BOOKS Si STATIONERY. OEKllY A EKETV, invite the attention of 1 merchants and others lo their large stock of elevstillv bound Bibles, Hymn Books, Prayer Books. Albums, and Presentation Hooka in nil -ityles of binding ; tstandnrd ThenloRiciii. Medical, Miscellaneous and School Books, which they have received from Trade Sale and are acllinj; at eitremely low prices. Also direct from the manufacturers nnd Im porteM, everv kiinlol" I'lnin and Fuucy Writing, Letter and Note Papers, Envelopes, Oold aud Steel Pens, Pencils, InkatniulH, Wrapping Pa per, Ac., Ac, al the lowest cash prices. PKRKY A; KKKI'V, S. XV. Corner, 4tli and Kace Hia. i'hiludelphia. Heptember SS, 1 8.rS. tf Fashionable Hats and Caps. A SHUT & ROCAP, So. 1.16 Market f., PHILADELFHIA. INFORM their friend and the publie generally, that thev continue to keen nt their old tnnd. a larg and extensive assortment of hate. cap. Ac, Rot up of tbe best material and i the Intesi and best t)le of workmanship and fluiah. Country merchants and others will da we!l to call and examine belorc purchasing elsewhere. J'hila.. Nov 10, :S35 tf. KEW MASONIC HALL, rfiii.ADKi.piirA. Ar,FTK WAN ri'.r) in even- town Bud riimtv Is I'. t I lilted Slates, to sell Die baa nl if ill picture of Ilia ' f'KAXn LODGE ItOOM. In tha Ntw Maanatc llai.r., I'liilndelphui. This PMa ia selim very lapully, nml elicits tha iidinirntioil of a'l f..r tlia orreiiesa nnd lulelity w ith which Ilia HrATir.aT. t sim. i Tan riNja an l-'cBMruka ur rsprnii..-iile.i nvl llw arliar.it ' l.ntv ini.l li.irm. .iy of the colora U.a of Plsle, al X !(;. I'rir e St.) im. rlo..k..ier and fieture J)e.ilers wishing to Uk nsen ...I In! I u-ltl .... .. I I. r ... . . a .-. uuuitM. i..r iinuier l:.or:n,,ti .n. Hllr-l;TIUI,, Oelbar K, lSVS.-lf L"'"'Sr"l,'"!r. t'W- GREAT MASONIC HALL. THK ,H(ii:s r IMAXO n.RTK. MKI.fitiKN AND f-Tt.Ri: IN TIC. tMTKl) STA IKS? neo f '.Tn'A ".:b in i'.e Ma.oitc Hi li.iiisv. I hramir r-i .-ret, u'i -ve r.elil lnil-..l.-i,. HyJoK MAHr-ll, ; SolAnt' l! Tn, i.rav ft ,., 'a cele' mfe.l I)ce Cnmpunn Altarhtneni I'liiliotile,,:,,,,! C lV.r,.U Co', l-reniium .Ylclo. deoiia .Vi. I'nino t-'oitesand .vie! .!. ,,f oilier .Ii,. tinetiialn-anker,. J M o.,:,ie, ,. le:e for ,e.r,Il yr.-,ta i in tlnew, tu .ipniriccnt mid well known Musji.ie ll'lliOllig. Ili-re he nite.iii'a keeinne ll:e lureeat aloek anil rrXl"'"U,,( r,,y ;l'-"'"!"'-n. nil of wteh ar. carr.ii l ,y Inmaeif, nnd warranted to an ear- fe,-l kiii!:!.,,i in every iii-liince. r October ll,, ?j3.tf n at SS.L. . . . . --", a , v " -'issto.x n i-ii 1 11 k t , No. lXorth XVharves, i'hiladelphia, X her V following good are receiv ed and avoid on coij.ssj;,n : Dried A M. JVaches, Plums, Pears, f'l.er--ties, Vc, 1.1,, AppU in Barrels or by the bushel Deans, I Sweet Potatoes, Lemons, 1 CIS. Si I ... 1 1 1. .. .1 -.in.aiaa, nillMllS, v """a neainuls. Fin. Otiions. Ground Nuts, Oranges, . U.oi.. I'rune, d rapes, Mercer Fotal 1'uultrv, Cheese. A,!il n 1 klol .r r . a. ... . I -i ' M.-ei , duce. April 15, H. Jy ALEX. IHICKL Y A 'OX, t rcTuHiR or TRUNK VALISES, kC. HO t lietnmtct, front of .ones' Hfitel, 'HILADELl'HIA. JP On ll'lllll l).m f'laftr.B.alatt TRUNKS CARPET BAGS, EVER OFlfcEL) TO THE PUBLIC. 8ole Lealher. H Riveted. Iron F mm, froo Bound Trnvcllii riinks; Packinif do, Valises; , ,. , I -i.i.ooiik 1111, iniiM-s; Ladies Ifoillictses : Cnrnnt K K..I..I..I. Ac, by the quaL- or single uiticle, lower than can iic nuuiiiii niy omcr place in the citr li.l. n 1 ate.t I - uuij 1 -u JAME CALBREATHS SHCfe STORE, Sa. 5'J North 'hth Street, Above Arch, fii.vf title. riAuELPiiix. Ladies from tlVnlrv, can hnve shoes made to order iu the v.lsl Bive anj workmanship on a few day tins An eieellent as.orttaent to seieci irom, atnan band. May 10, 1856. 1 lYDKOLEl'M IJX'Tk". These nninlsare mixed with of oil, fur sale by -, tncreliy aaving the cost May SI, '5. XVM. A. BKUXEH. TURIII E POLISH. . RAE'S Preii Tolish. This Doli 'atent Enamel Furniture iiltly valuable for ing the polish on ui Carriage Bodice, 111 ilj ol' Furnilnre. I; ..I. 1.- A. . ' . o- ' " --Hill, IXC. Also, Ir re. niovinp, spots, hidinAtpi,, 4c.t iCi w rai.tcu ,0 ury imtnc, UI1j rctuin ju ,,- Price 50 eta. per hot j ki'd by M. A. BRUXER. June 21, 1856. ll'nll I'aner. T.miJid lot juit received VTENER & CO. . and for sale I Sunbury, June LL persons l i claim unetlaj, againat It.iiiiAn Vf aal V( lASIB r a. 1j ... , uuiaen tr Aiaa aer, will please lJeni to the ubcrilier . I.e.. J-B-MAMEB, onnuury, ocs iav-jj i t . I i . ' . , nig our custon.o,- they will bo able to sen tlio beat nnalii,. ' KASE. i:k. "samuel's. i-toieo.,, , . "tALra ut i UCAXjjjaiillAS, . No. 152 S. 2,1 Street, ohnre Syruce I'lULAJJELl'lUA, 1 ' and b,.v;., T. . .- ""rrottcu Ins store. of Lnmpa i h .'r i 'rBCSt a'K"rl- nis fnrniKl, 1'i t i OU Cn , ?' ".T '" " L.rl andOil l,nn ,;I'e'T- ""l"'"' '''"iJ' Glasa Lani, s b. , ,.' "ml,I",n,Pr,", "f "!l I tfcr.i-.-. over au. ,;r,! i V," Dealer of 'j, c i,n ,. ' ,1? "Mnntilaci.r,, u, Fhilndclp!u,t, Ort. h, ,s4 BO YD, ifcssiIR &Tco. l0 3uil)va(ilc I rom lb A,l,re,,.!)vj . r.Tin. Anbury, ATud"' T' "u I IAWAKE.r:lMM'fle;v, tl-;r; -- " et Kmves, Hand suw U I ' k frames, Axes, Chisels Door 1 t " HW, in onl,ryDec. 3. lJ U ' 1 vk O. HAYDOCK 4 t A 1 . Ub'1,'Llis " Watches ami continue the buaines at i' Jama B. Fidler. I Jcwelrv. l' I :i old ai.io.i ,.r aV. V Sua S,,-n,dSl,e't l'iiii.Ai)i:i..11Vi'k"t?' W here they solicit an e,n,imitin f , .. and varied stock, leelinir ,sUrt.a i,,, C 'i" rience both of them h .,.. I , !" "'vi '- -d th .acii,,1e;!:;;tIJ:;:irt ',-i!-' hie ir,n lo .,,,, f,vorill " ratal. bnhio.o.i !,,.i.. .. J n-y 1'il.tr , , "' ",r ciiv. J hey p., hand a tine asuri,t.i J. ' '"' e nu-A u "vVATl lli;,s Vi OCK-' T'Ti-i .... . B. Kepjiri,,,,, Jew rv oil..., li. ail kin, ...... ,,,,,-u w vvti i pro,-, Srealeat care, 1 ' I'bila., Ap,i 7i tu- I..'-, on: jo HOTS!. 1'iinviilc, frpi, aa irl,ri r- n ii re wnoi . ..not ,v j ki .k Vi AKt;f S". 1 1)1 An). V . '. F, Bcla-wm 'J'l.jrj 4. er t.i.ijti Huiel, 'lit j, trie; arprt .g and V.j,. u, ,, , t'H AI.'LEsF. 1 H M s j vv-vu- KxFER..r ..;,;;"., ....... aa,.,rt,,.t ol U M j. . r-T. ...d Oil .SUades, ju "s..i w ... . TK.:.k X t - , .viay .), iS5-, 1 A.Nfc WAKRV.V'lxlThe "ivill I... ,.. .. . 1 . , ' hiirliv.-t inir.i crib,., airar.la l i l.e .011. h. -fl ,, , "iioi.-a.tie ami rni ,. C'AmJS'!''-':i'-:'-. -!.,.! F.tk -ts, Children X eBna. uuiLVV ( 7 U" . received and for s!c bv Zly l":.'j'-V',l ' "'-TE.-VFH . , ATTORNEY AT LAV S' -Mii i:v, .. Allied lv o.-i,,. .... .. prac.ic. of, ,e I,,,,, " ' V'"",'" all matter -ri..:.i,;i,. JCw -uV m " ' Ins profcision. 1 in- ...... ,t"' l-" "I E.i.. M,.,L. ...... " ' J- Br Mrui.er, 1 ' . , 1 ,-ri. unllllrv Sept. i.',-,,,r r ftpECTAt5LEs' V . r? vl,'11' Rni Mastic SJeeUi.iT3 .izes, m,v Giass of . -cnplural, as.ronomieal 11( lempern e 1 s" urveyinff Cb Z"'" ' AICALI.ISJ UK A IJHtvPHER. mi cm . (''"I'li-I.cil in ITtlfi.i Our Prii9,V,teH i''.Pl.i. i.h 150 ii-.:.;" .-rv" vw arn.by::ir.y-- -w.uc.,iU. OOT, bhota. 11 ju. Caps ,nd liumVfc a just received and for .,1- 1... ' JllLl85;1' TK.NER4-0. COLLINS & M'CLEZSTER S " and Trinterj Furnishing- Wavehoaso, A. 1 1.0,'re A'ley, b-.irf: ,f ntie Musoi.ie Hull, Fhilatleiphia. Phila., Jan. 12, ls'S II liOXVys and BreiuicVLrV',n7of"(ii,,a,7. "d liucbaiid' .Xlagncsia al May 31, 'SO. B I! U. E ft s. ilENRY BONN FT. ATTORNBIT AT LAW. 1 .71... .1 . .1 ... .U"-' r'7'OSIie Hit LOt'f House, Simbiiry, Northjnberlaritl County Pa. Pietnpt aitenlicn to rnaine in adininino titinlie. ' EAGLE HOTEL, OPPOSITK IVKST BBAXril BANK, WILLIAMSPOUT, PA., tt 11. 1.1191 11. 1111. I'luni l. tar. C. A. fSmiNr, sslslant. IX. B. .4n Omnibua will run lo and fnua the Depot and Packet Laiulinira. In Ihia tin,.. I t . - - a -1 a.v.&i, 1 w nf ' lorwii. ' . ieibcr 13, JgiJ. tf